Insanely OP Gift in Minecraft PvP Series!

Video Information

I want to command black screw you for not giving it to me huh what what what alright what’s going on everybody I’m back blends more Opie crafts on my Opie PvP series so we got a lot of Opie stuff this episode that I have in store for

You guys today I’m going to just cut to a few clips I figured I would just do the intro real quick and I’ll see you guys in a second all right so we’re tp’ing to chaotic 56 he actually gave me a huge gift which

I’m going to show you guys in a second I actually have a clip of that too which I’ll show also but we’re gonna check out it he said it was a better gift than last time which I’m not I’ll probably show before just you know what it is but

This is going to be pretty insane let’s see what’s going on in here ooh okay so we got a bunch of prot 38 over that that’s actually crazy and I can dupe that too which is crazy oh my gosh Gast ender dragon spawner are you are you

Serious this is and some of these like Opie books are you kidding me this is crazy weed I actually I saw some that before and the other one white sponge what is this what what is it like a some what even is that do they like hack a creeper egg or

Something but what this is crazy stuff Opie shield what is this stuff I don’t even know it’s all um oh my gosh arp 4d is that even possible I thought it’s sharp 30 it was the highest and this is the no I thought that was the owners

Head but I don’t think that is um why was pride 30 everything’s prot 38 but that’s actually prop for ero I’m sharp 40 which I didn’t think was possible I was some of these blades right that’s cool I didn’t get a bunch of this junk

So I mean not junk but that’s what I say for cool stuff but anyway so I’m going to PB 14s full PV 13 no oh this is half full so we can put some stuff in here but oh my gosh I’m filling up so many of my Peavey’s now like it’s crazy that

This is one’s gonna be falling I have to go down another one by the way to get these worked out and I’m gonna I’m going to save those for later but I put those on my PB 15 because that’s where I’m storing all of them but we

Have lit we have a bunch of ones now so I’m going to show you guys the entire thing that I got in a second but um PVE way no it was PV no actually I think I need to put more stuff in PV 12 because that filled up wait no maybe

Not okay did fill up I just wasted time of my life that’s like three seconds I just wasted that’s terrible okay so let’s actually go through all this like going through an Opie vault or something that I’ve got going but it’s actually like these player vaults that I’m using

Anyway so it’s starting up involved 15 actually no that’s that’s we’re going to put all of our spawns I can have to take that on a second but yeah so let’s take out the village responders which we have now let me just I’m in survival mode

Right now it’s okay but yes we’ve got a ton of prot 438 armor we’ve got yellow angle which is I’m gonna actually take these out because these are spawn eggs which are kind of the same thing as monster spawner is kind of so I’m going

To take those out any way we might store some of those as well like the Cookie Monster spawner thing too but which will show you guys in a second if you don’t actually know what that is and then we have I have to move this into an Opie

Like so that I can use this all the time because this is prot 38 armor which i can do using that technique I found well now that I’m not interrupted anymore we’ve got some I don’t know I wonder actually if you threw those would it give like the fire aspect 38 would that

Actually set people on fire I don’t even know but but we got the the pvp family I don’t know what that is but we’ve got a ho that has sharp 30 and stuff on it Oh peace scissors all this crazy stuff and this is all stuff I can do when I’m in

Survive creative which I’m going to do in a second but you know all this crazy stuff like I don’t even know where to start with some of this yeah prop 38 and then I had like the thousand at the end of it umm let me do a /gm one so that see now

What I can actually do is what we do oh no it’s this weird thing where it keeps putting it in there I’m actually really nervous because what will happen is if I’m holding in my inventory or if I I’ll do like this no it’s actually yeah see I

Just do it what is going on I’m actually really nervous I’m going to lose something to that but um as you can see if I do this it all goes into my inventory slot but anyway let me go ahead and put this in PV 16 this will

Be PV 16 will be like my Opie armor so we got the villager spawner ender dragon spawners now we’ve got ender dragon eggs which I don’t know I don’t think you can do anything with that but that’s pretty cool I’ll just keep that just in case there’s something to do with it

Opie arrows look at all this stuff this is a ridiculous I want to see what these creeper things do because I didn’t I don’t know about that we got some weed over here this is two different types of it actually I put that back white sponge

I don’t know what to do with any of this is just all like this Opie stuff I can use if I want I guess it’s crazy though but um we got Opie shield Opie fireworks don’t know what that is but assuming it’s pretty cool I have to try out some

Of this stuff later it’s going to be interesting like pvping with random weird things the mutant mutant boots mutant pants we guys see look at all this oh but like I can dupe all this stuff – it’s crazy I’ve got like infinite armor now now let’s go to PB 13 anyway I have

Nevermind PB 12 here’s our gas spawner cool cool so we’ve got everything now not everything we got those are the three ones we got some of these things which I don’t think you can do anything with but um like I don’t know what I’m going to do with that but it’s crazy and

Then a bunch of prop 38 stuff which is also awesome the only thing is it’s not stacked so it’s not like the other one that I had that I can dupe is a little bit better because I can just keep getting more stacks with them like this

So this is going to be really OPC see what I mean I’m really nervous about that I feel like it’s going to get rid of some of my stuff which I’m not happy about because I was messing with my inventory earlier alright so we’re at my

Home that I had that I said is still it’s never going to get raided because it’s so far out it’s like over a hundred thousand blocks out in every direction so it’s it’s pretty crazy but um there’s nothing in here anyway like if someone raided it they’d be so disappointed

Because there’s literally nothing in here it’s just like the area I hang out sometimes I stuffed some beacons here which I I don’t know why I did that but it’s kind of annoying now but I want to test out what this does okay just sponza a creeper named waffle creeper I just

Realized that I’m in Korea Motz it’s not going to attack me but um I don’t really see what the purpose is on that I can kill it with this I think yeah there we go and it gives you a ton of em I’m actually in-game what once I

Can’t pick up stuff unfortunately oh and this gives me a yellow a it’s actually named I love how they named it that I don’t know how you’d even do that but that’s kind of cool and then I think you should be able to just instant kill this

And you can get a bunch of blaze rods I guess kind of cool stuff like I know with the Enderman you get a bunch of ender pearls and if I go into game-mode 0 so I can pick this stuff up then ya see yeah you get like well this is

Actually not a very good one but I know you can um get a lot more from it like that this is gonna be like yeah it was over a stack that I got so crazy stuff is it I really like it it’s um add some cool stuff to the game but yeah it’s

Just it’s insane all this crazy stuff so we’ve got four spawners now last episode we had one spawner which means who knows we’ll get next up so that I don’t know how many there are but I’m assuming there’s quite a bit what okay okay please tell me that’s some kind of

Glitch no no no what just happened why do they leave PV please please come back what okay let me disconnect I swear oh P craft if I lost that stuff I’m suing you I’m suing I’m suing them all what did it what what what what no no it just

Deleted the stuff straight out of my image that was my opieop o P craft you got to get this fixed son they don’t even watch my videos I don’t think screw silver is cool I don’t know this is they’re all like on this stream like hey let’s wat let’s watch this guy

Stream and they’re not fixing this stuff look at what look at what is happening Opie crafts added it bad I just lost look at this I can’t it was the age to open up my vault and then it just deleted it for my inventory over here I

Was trying to put it in the vault so that I could put it back over your itch deletes it for me like what what what screw you screw you okay I’ve got these but this is like the only thing I have left now I swear I’m not

Happy right now just gets rid of it for no reason screw you Opie Kraft screw you not happy anymore you can tell because I said it five thousand times now what helmet I gonna wear thanks thanks Wow well I could be like you guys are all on this number meanwhile I’m

Dying here of starvation because I can’t get my armor screw you guys least I have my gamers sword this doesn’t have a stupid name on it Leo Liang thanks Lee ugh oh okay you know what we’ve got a helmet I’m gonna go ahead and um eight thirteen pg-13 uh I want to

Command black screw you for not giving it to me huh what what what where did it go whoa where did my sword go you know I don’t trust the server anymore I’m bringing three swords what date I coulda sworn these were not all anonymous lustre swords whatever though I wish I

Should put that in my PB 15 there we go looks a little weird these are I wish they didn’t look like that but okay whatever where did my potions go where did my potion anonymous You cheeky bugger that’s why that’s whose sword I’m using anonymous what a cheeky bugger he

Is a god rank okay let’s set my inventory I hope this is just a creative glitch it probably is and it’s probably just because like dude you’re not supposed to be using creative I want that command block ah give it to me sixty-four gasps tears how much days

It’s only like two hundred that I could easily by that I mean I have infinite money all I have to do is just like what would I do is I just sell a bunch of bedrock I just line into my inventory and then sell it and it sells for like 100 each or

Something so it’s pretty decent money but you know I can have to see if I can get one is because apparently those are like unreadable or something when you use when you make a base out of that and I don’t know what are they doing with

Their pvping in the non PvP zone are you see are you kidding me are you all right for real right now are you for real right now are you for real right now okay someone’s just wrecking me someone’s whoa-oh-oh-oh this guy I can’t hit this guy

You see lay you know what I don’t like how that looks in one point the hearts are too weird okay thank you so much server thank you I love Opie crafts so much okay good thing in what put that stuff back on me right now thank you thank you server wow this

Server the guts of this server I just got a thousand coins again I swear mr. IC whatever your name is I’m gonna I’m gonna sue you for you know I just realized I think wait let me to like P V 30 so I don’t lose anything

I just dupe that like what if I go back to me V 30 yeah I just literally dupe that in some weird way something with creative I don’t get it but you know whatever this guy’s gonna die thanks for the thousand coins son um oh okay he’s pvping wit that’s yeah

That’s right he’s pvping with a spawner oh hello no you can’t attack him too bad can you check this dude this fresh dude I don’t know what I just said there alright um got some opieop was from blitz my buddy blitz he gave him to me personally cuz I

Know who this guy is totally huh blitz is my friend he’s my um he’s my BAE oh oh who’s getting Rex you’re getting rekt oh you’re getting rekt was this guy I can’t like even attack him are you supposed to like this like not let you

Detect it what why can’t I attack him what is going on I’m leaving this guy he’s got some kind of sketchy hacks on or something I don’t know I’m not attacking him screw that I’m gonna go for this guy who okay wait a minute this is the guy who’s attacking

What you must have like it must be like sharp 50000 or something cuz that’s about I don’t think that’s the thing on this server like you I’m pretty sure you can’t get higher than like sharp 40 but the except for those books cuz I don’t get how those books okay okay this guy

This guy’s wrecking me this guy’s wrecking me I don’t know how he’s doing it but I want it and if I can kill him then I can get one of whatever he’s doing that with unless it’s probably like it’s probably like sharp 38 and you’re just hacking or something so I

Don’t know if I want to attack this guy I kind of do but then I kind of don’t so it’s like it’s one of those things you know you know what I’m talking about um drink another one of these probably to die before I get rid of any of them

Anyway hello hello once again let me kill you okay you know what no I’m done I’m done I’m done please tell me right right now you got just tell me I’m not going for that guy anymore just make sure you let me know it because oh jake al it’s like

Spongebob don’t you guys remember that episode JKL he was like they wanted to surf or something you know they were like they’re on the island and they couldn’t get off and they went to surf to get off or something the big one I know you know what I’m talking about don’t act like

You don’t all of you’ve watched that okay I’m not attacking this guy either you just can’t even you can’t even kill him you just you for some reason I don’t know Jake al he’s got too much swag for me this guy doesn’t have enough swag nice he’s in game mode 1 or something

Can you get attack him no I’m going for this guy I’m going I’m going for someone who isn’t totally hacking and probably isn’t okay you know what this pretty okay no never mind their health cut down for a second oh my got health got down for a second – I

Drink another one of these there we go alright this person whoa they’re at like 30 health for a second that was kind of sketchy business okay where there just a health just like left seat okay wait a minute wait a minute don’t attack me not yet

Okay now they have a hundred health but you can’t see it sometimes oh oh oh that was actually really close that was close to killing them oh we can do this probably we can do this I think it’s look okay the lag okay I actually the owner was on one of my

Videos when time he’s like there’s no lag on this server and like here you go as proof there’s lag on this server a lot of lag and it’s not it’s not for me I have inner that’s not too amazing but um you know I can connect to servers

It’s not and I’ve never had a server like this before except one opie server to just it so P servers let’s be honest oh oh good rekt he got rekt oh oh okay I need to get out of here with this I need to get out of

Here with this while I have the chance okay okay there’s there’s one thing I can do and it’s escaped here alive I can do it I can do it I’m just gonna run I’m still run forever screw you yeah he’s not gonna catch up to me because he’s on swiftness on like me

Like a boss the boss Joey I’m just going to game-mode one then as soon as I kick it out and then I’ll fly away like a bird maybe I won’t I don’t know I feel good I get bad for that or something because I see breeze is like whatever

His name is he’s like you know what I hate you hate you he’s probably gonna watch this video and be like banned son spreading lies got my server alright spawn yeah that’s right what do we get I just rate what rainbow armor what even spawner is this okay game-mode one lets

Game a womanís um okay you know we actually this isn’t a spawner I don’t know what it is but it’s not a spawner it’s just okay please don’t get rid of it please do this one do this one thing from your server just don’t get rid of

This because I want to see what it is I’m going to put it over here because it looks like it is a spawner and then if I do pv 15 okay it’s still there okay I’m just going to go ahead and do PB 20 now

We’re going to put a couple in here okay don’t do anything it’s obviously something to catch stack but I don’t know what it is they go home base I want to check out what this is because I don’t know like what it could be something really Opie Sonic’s armor and

No Sonic wore armor learned stuff every day okay can’t place that down over here can’t place you can’t place it down was it like okay wait oh no okay I hope I don’t lose that over now it’s a chestplate okay um that’s that’s legit I not really but

Okay don’t know why it has this little like okay I’m cool with it I guess someone was wait we got a high Hale pvp sword the last we don’t get anything good though we got some like 38 armor but it’s not like anything I don’t have because I mean it’s not stacked

Unfortunately I don’t like it when it’s not stacked annoying because you know it’s just not Opie enough for me prop 38 armor not o P price 30 armor that’s stacked that’s okay Oh hug Hugh Hughes whatever just donated crazy crazy span the entire chat oh wow

Cuz we all care anyway hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do feel like um subscribe and I will see you guys next you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: OP PvP Series – Part 22 – INSANELY OP GIFT!’, was uploaded by Joeycfilmsgames on 2014-11-09 01:32:30. It has garnered 89515 views and 519 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:03 or 1143 seconds.

Thanks for watching! Be sure to sue op craft when you get a chance 😀 … err no… pretend I didn’t say that…

———————————————————————- IP: My Server IP: Username: Joeyissexy Twitch (livestream): Twitter: Trolling Channel: ———————————————————————- Intro by TehGashMan Music by Laszlo: Supplied by NoCopyrightSounds:

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    Insane Minecraft Hero Trap by Vezalius BandageVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Heroes】Building a trap for heroes・ヒーローを引き寄せる罠を作る!【NIJISANJI EN | Vezalius Bandage】’, was uploaded by Vezalius Bandage 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 18:39:56. It has garnered 15784 views and 1204 likes. The duration of the video is 05:20:24 or 19224 seconds. It’s time to execute my evil plan to lure heroes into my trap hehehehhe 😈 【Streamlabs Donations】 【June Bride Voice Pack】available until June 30th JST ✦✧✦ ✦Thumbnail art: ✧Thumbnail logo: ✦✧✦ 【Chat Guidelines】 ✦ Don’t spam or troll. ✧ Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. ✦ Keep the comments… Read More

  • World Craft Domination

    World Craft Domination[Survival] [PvP] [RolePlay] [Vanilla] [Towny] [Economy] [Player Shop] [Geopolitical] – World Craft: Domination is a survival based server with nations, towns, trading & politics. Who can be the most powerful nation? Grow your empire, ally with others and even declare war on other nations! Read More

  • Alberram – Fantasy Roleplay Server SMP Whitelist

    Alberram Fantasy Medieval Roleplay Server Details: Java | Vanilla | Version 1.20.2 | 16+ Join Us: Discord Invite Link About Us: Alberram is a fantasy medieval roleplay server that offers creative freedom with a simple lore that sparks imagination. Key Features: Completely Free: No donations or subscriptions for unfair advantages Caring Staff Team: Transparent, honest, and responsive staff members Dedicated Playerbase: Active community ready to create unique characters and stories Whitelist Process: Quick review of character sheets to ensure fairness and lore compliance Unique Plugins: Enhancing races, towns, cities, and geopolitical roleplay Lore Snippet: The world of Alberram is a… Read More

  • RoyaltyRealms SMP

    RoyaltyRealms SMPRoyaltyRealmsRoyaltyRealms is a semi-vanilla Minecraft vanilla server. We always strive to be on the latest version of Minecraft so that our players can enjoy new Minecraft updates. We offer custom textures, models, and UIs to make our server different. All artwork and 3d models are custom and specifically for this server. RoyaltyRealms gives players the ability to decorate their homes/builds with furniture models. Players may also customize their Minecraft character with cosmetic items. Join us for a fun adventure on RoyaltyRealms.Connect at: play.royaltyrealms.comJoin our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty flexin’

    Well, looks like this meme is really flexing its score on us! Great job, meme, we’re all very impressed with your high score. Read More

  • Minecraft Escape Room: Epic Fail or Genius Plot?

    Minecraft Escape Room: Epic Fail or Genius Plot? In the worst Minecraft escape room, I did play, But it was so bad, I escaped in a day. With failed puzzles and obvious solutions in sight, I crafted my way out, with all my might. In a Bedrock turret, I began my quest, Using F5 to see, I gave it my best. Threw an ender pearl, to the next room I flew, Crafted a boat, and sailed through. In the next room, a two-block jump I faced, With stairs, lava, and a fishing pole to embrace. I crafted my way out, with planks and sticks, Using my wits,… Read More

  • “Hot diggity Minecraft memes!” #minecraft #memes #shorts

    "Hot diggity Minecraft memes!" #minecraft #memes #shorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #shorts Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Food Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Food Mods! Minecraft Food Mods: Enhancing Your Gaming Experience! Hey everyone, it’s Rakkooii! Most of you that play modded Minecraft are aware of the vast variety of mods that make up a pack. Within this assortment is a genre of mod that is very popular within the cozy gaming community. Food enhancement mods! But, what really are these mods, and why are they so popular? Let’s dive in and explore the world of Minecraft food mods! Understanding Minecraft Terminology Before we begin, let’s cover some basic terminologies: Minecraft: A 3D sandbox game that allows players to craft their own unique experiences…. Read More

  • Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21

    Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21 The Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Netherite Mining Guide Mining for Netherite in Minecraft can be a challenging task, but fear not! The ultimate Minecraft Netherite mining guide for 1.21 is here to help you navigate through the process. With detailed methods, tips, and strategies, you’ll be on your way to acquiring this valuable resource in no time. Understanding Ancient Debris Netherite, also known as Ancient Debris in its raw form, is a precious item found underground in the Nether dimension. It typically appears in chunks of 1 to 3 and can only be mined with a diamond or Netherite pickaxe…. Read More

  • JJ & Mikey: Tragic Maizen, Alone in Minecraft

    JJ & Mikey: Tragic Maizen, Alone in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] ah good morning everyone how are you doing oh there’s no JJ here I guess he’s on the first floor let’s see the weather looks so nice today I’m so happy and let’s go to the kitchen maybe JJ is cooking something ha oh no where can he be he’s not in the kitchen he can’t be where’s he gone let’s go outside and see what’s going on there’s no telling what could be going on oh my God what are we going to do now it’s going to be bad for us with without JJ how… Read More

  • Minecraft PrinceMJ Live Let’s Play

    Minecraft PrinceMJ Live Let's PlayVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo hello everybody what’s up what’s up wait a minute wait a minute you guys before we get straight into the game play wait a sec wait a sec my do do you know okay hello foxy Zer we have uh kuna we have light flamish here let’s [Music] go all right I don’t know if you guys will say the same to Minecraft Legends in the future I I don’t even know maybe let’s just see if Minecraft dungeons back then were was kind of look like was kind of look like as… Read More

  • INSANE Bedwars Combo – MUST SEE!! 🤯 #trending

    INSANE Bedwars Combo - MUST SEE!! 🤯 #trendingVideo Information I This video, titled ‘Combo Edit 🔥 | DVRST – Close Eyes | #bedwars #minecraft #trending #hypixel #shorts #entertainment’, was uploaded by RaahimClips on 2024-05-08 13:36:04. It has garnered 510 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020, fps boost 2021, hypixel, cheating on hypixel, hypixel hack, minemen club,… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of the Jungle Temple Lever Puzzle! #minecraft

    Uncover the Secrets of the Jungle Temple Lever Puzzle! #minecraftVideo Information here’s how to do the lever puzzle in the jungle temple go into the basement and inflict these two levers and then flip them back up next go up the stairs and drop down the pit and open the chest mine had three diamonds This video, titled ‘How to do JUNGLE TEMPLE LEVER PUZZLE #minecraft #viral #minecraftshorts #mincraft #jungletemple’, was uploaded by 35th Street Productions Shorts on 2024-03-14 01:04:00. It has garnered 4325 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Guruji EXPLODES with Zennith Life Steal on Public Server!! 🔥

    Guruji EXPLODES with Zennith Life Steal on Public Server!! 🔥Video Information द स्टर्स अ नाइट लाइक दिस कनवर रिवाइंड कैन यू र द वल्फ क्र आउ टू द ला अ नाइट लाइक दिस शाइन सो ब्र सो टेक कपल स्टेप्स बैक एज यू यर मी स्टार्ट टू ह टेक अ कपल स्टेप्स बैक व लूज अ कंट्रोल वट इट एंड आ विल ट द बक ों य ट स्टप मी दिस इ द हो ऑ द प् [संगीत] सो टेक कपल स्प्स बैक एस यू र मी स्टार्ट टू हल टेक अ कपल स्टेप्स बैक वन आई लूज अ कंट्रोल वाच मी टन इ टू अ एंड आ विल… Read More

  • Uncover spine-chilling creature in MINE KRISH 😱

    Uncover spine-chilling creature in MINE KRISH 😱Video Information ली सीरियसली ब्रो हमें जेल में बंद कर दिया एलेक्स कहां है ब्रो एलेक्स कहां है एलेक्स को कहां बंद किया बताओ यार एलेक्स कहां चला गया यार सीरियसली भाई जेल में बंद कर दिया गाइस हमें बताओ यार हम आराम से इतना हम किसी का कुछ बिगाड़ा भी नहीं था हाय एलेक्स देख भाई हम दोनों कहां पे बंद हो गए और और और इतनी गहरी नींद में सो जाए जिसे पता भी नहीं चले कोई भी उठा के ले जाएगा ओ यार ी दो दो वाला जो बंदा है य भाई ये बंदा भी नहीं है… Read More

  • 3 CRAZY WAYS to PASS exam NOT WORKING?! 😱 #minecraft

    3 CRAZY WAYS to PASS exam NOT WORKING?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information [संगीत] भाई मुझे गवर्नमेंट जॉब नहीं करनी क्यों नहीं करनी गवर्नमेंट जॉब मुझे अपना बिजनेस पेपर ही क्लियर नहीं हो रहा This video, titled ‘Govt job exam ❌ business ✔️ #minecraft’, was uploaded by AHSRAV GAMER on 2024-05-05 01:45:00. It has garnered 809 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Facebook page link:- Instagram link:-… Youtube channel link:-… Email📧:- [email protected] #freefire #freefireindia #freefiremax #impossible #ahsravgamer #gamer Ignore tags:- Let’s Play Gameplay Walkthrough Playthrough Gaming Commentary Game Reviews Gaming Tips Strategy Guides Game Highlights Multiplayer Games Single-player Games Game… Read More


    INSANE SOTW on NEW PRISON SERVER as a DEFAULT!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on the brand new season of op Legends prisons guys this server just reset literally not even a full 24 hours ago by the time you guys are seeing this video so if you guys want to come check out the server hop on and use my custom IP royal. op the server is bedrock and Java compatible so it doesn’t matter what version of Minecraft you guys are on you can still hop on and play the same exact server now guys we are doing… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Fully-functioning Super Car in Minecraft?! 🚗 #herobrine #bones

    Unbelievable: Fully-functioning Super Car in Minecraft?! 🚗 #herobrine #bonesVideo Information तो हे एवरीवन तो क्या हाल चाल तो इस ग में इस कार की सेम पेंटिंग बनाना है तो टेक के बारी आ चु देखते हैं कौन सबसे ज्यादा अच्छी बनाता है जो सबसे ज्यादा अच्छी बनाएगा तो गाइस उसे लाइक कर देना और चैनल को भी सब्सक्राइब भी कर देना गाइस तो देखते हैं कौन अच्छा बना चल टेक गेमर तेरी बारी आ चुकी अब तू दिखा ओ चल तू भी अच्छा ही बना है गाइ तो चल नॉट के म तेरी बारी आ चुकी तू दिखाओ ओ भाई साहब चल तू भी अच्छा बना है फ्लाइड… Read More

  • Kurisaba

    Kurisabaくり鯖!は日本にあるサーバーです! いろんな要素がありアスレチック・PvP・PvE などなどがあります! よければ参加してみてください!! Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet If you enjoy worldbuilding through roleplay, creating nations, and engaging in conflicts, then this server is for you. Join our friendly community and make history together. Build connections between nations and characters, interact with other towns and nations, and develop your character through roleplay. We aim to create an enjoyable server experience for everyone. Our community is welcoming to all except meanies, and we host in-game events for everyone to enjoy. To join, simply go through our easy application process and share your plans for interaction and lore on the server. We look forward to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Me building in Minecraft: Am I God?”

    Minecraft Memes - "Me building in Minecraft: Am I God?"Well, at least someone is finally giving God the recognition they deserve in the world of Minecraft! Looks like their building skills are truly divine. Read More