Intense Minecraft Lockout with PRO SPEEDRUNNERS!

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I went into a server with with a bunch of really good Minecraft streamers and I said hey react to this if you want to play lockout I’m looking for a 2v2 I’m looking for to do a 2v2 with some people and and eight people reacted so um I said how about we just do a 4v4 instead and everyone was like oh hell yeah so we have eight people in a call and they all have the mod they’re all very good and we’re gonna we’re gonna play with them foreign people who did you throw out well okay well eight people reacted and then two people canceled last minute and then we got two other people to join or something AP including me eight people oh okay surely you will not be in a team with fine for insta win I don’t know I work I don’t know who the two best people are here and then we’re probably gonna have like team captains and do like schoolyard pick but I haven’t played Minecraft in like in like a month so I am kind of out of it right now uh ryzu thank you for the sub I appreciate it but let’s let’s just start talking to them let’s see if everyone is here um what if I just go kill at a I just wanted to see everyone respawning hey hey one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven seven foreign okay hello yo hey hello afternoon good afternoon oh um you guys ready to do some lockout stuff I’ve never been more ready in my life okay let’s see how’s your guys’s frame rate is it is it all right I don’t know it’s good yeah okay it’s not great but yeah mine’s a little framey but I think it’ll be fine no one will notice oh yeah Discord overlay wait oh is that did you we can’t probably stay all in the same chat so we’ll probably have to join teams one and two voice chat is is there a thing for that or well yo yeah could you set that up because I actually have never set that up ever did you get optified yes I have OptiFine at sign but it’s it’s 1.19 it’s inevitably gonna be bad yeah so this is 1.19 um and so it has been updated to 119. uh I guess I could explain it for everyone if if so we’re all on the same page um so uh lockout will get a board of 25 random objectives it’ll be in the top right for me um we’ll be in we’ll just be separated into two teams and the Dodge you have to complete the objectives as quickly as possible if um one team completes the goal the other team can no longer complete it and the first team to get 13 goals wins um we also have a few additional things where or one additional thing where we will always have a compass that can point to any individual player you want um I think if you right click with it on a block it’ll it’ll cycle through who you’re tracking um and I think that’s that’s the whole thing right that’s that’s yeah pretty much I don’t think I missed anything there are various objectives you’ll see they’re they’re pretty varied but uh I I guess to start this we we kind of need to figure out who the best two people are so we can do like a is a schoolyard pick or whatever it’s called so who do we think are the two best is there like uh yeah who are the two captains who I don’t know I’m I’m gonna be honest I whenever I see Feinberg do it I think he he’s definitely a 100 at least top two but I I haven’t already done maybe you find in silver I think yeah because I haven’t actually done you probably a lot of the hbg fellas have done a lot more uh lockouts than I have I’ve not played since you and I last played yeah same actually cranios it’s been it’s been a good minute so yeah so I I haven’t done a lockout in a couple months I haven’t played Minecraft in a month so I I uh I think silver and Feinberg are probably the most balanced um I’m down for that and then yeah okay okay let’s all get in a little group the captain where where’s the captain’s stand oh it’s it’s it’s like dodgeball yeah yeah dodgeball exactly against the wall oh no okay [Music] okay uh here I’ll flip a coin and see who gets to pick first coin flip it does heads Feinberg tail silver I know flipping Tails uh silver gets a pick all right um Emerald okay switch all right okay um probably thyroid oh God no they’re gonna pick me last Patrol has tough choice fake out wait wait who who wait who okay okay okay okay my mouth okay oh my God they’re sleeping on perennials I am getting picked okay oh we’ve seen one or two uh uh uh silver you were picked first so your team won will be team two um well so I I guess we’ll jump into those chats once it starts so we can like talk but we’d have to do like a boo team one sucks okay wait uh so we need to make teams oh God uh I can do that if no you have the okay yeah there you go Feinberg types faster than I can he’s the captain I need to like look at them just so I can have the usernames yeah all right we got a pretty solid team credios and I have some good teamwork Feinberg is crazy good switch is also we’ve done lockouts together I’m I’m surprised the corneos got picked last I think they’re sleeping on cranios by a long shot yeah oh wait we need music we need background music uh uh um we’ll do uh no Blue’s gonna be weird Pokemon Hype music as as it always has been oh my God that’s so loud how’s that for volume is that good oh my God we got nice ever sweet all right all right okay this sounds good um uh yeah I mean I’m I’m fine starting whenever and then we’ll just hop into our individual chats once once says go okay I’ll hit the enter and like I’ll do a countdown and then the board’s on for like a minute is what I set it to yeah okay so we get to see it for a minute sounds good okay okay good luck go [ __ ] it up all right we’re gonna see the board B all right B okay um no jumping and no taking fall damage first thing don’t jump or take fall damage okay either hit me tough okay okay are there any easy tools use the composter is a relatively easy one were there any trees nearby we could try and do that at least someone pick up all the flowers maybe I’m gonna die by Cactus real fast is there a cactus nearby I can try and find one I’ll just go try and die immediately okay yeah you can you can explore for cactus cranials that sounds good yeah also getting out of the water counts as jumping yeah so just be careful if you’re gonna be getting into water um craft a boat maybe and use boats to get out of water you can leave it off only I just won’t reach out too much today are we near uh is this an island okay yeah this is an island so it’ll be difficult um snowy is right next to us here we go make sure not to jump no jumping guys not holding but we’ll we’ll get some trees I’m gonna I’m gonna get the flowers uh [Music] it looks like they haven’t jumped they’re getting trees but they I don’t know I don’t know what to do there’s like no cheese yeah it’s tough I think we’re just gonna have to get in boats and and try and Escape all right maker compost and I’ll use it you’re good uh how to make composter again uh it’s slabs and a u-shape you shake all right I have like 20 or 20 flowers so if you just place it I’ll go crazy with that stuck all right and we got it good nice nice all right let’s get boats from everyone so we can escape yeah I’m gonna make a boat right now I’m a little bit stuck they’re stuck are you stuck in a hole oh no not a hole but in water no someone gets a boat in places uh here do you can you reach uh this nice there we go okay cool okay cool all right all right I’m gonna head this way to find uh desert okay uh I’m gonna make I’m gonna try and make a boat does anyone have any spare planks I have three boats so I’m just gonna Chuck one boat for everybody not this way goodbye goodbye everyone no I don’t okay here’s the boat uh Feinberg here’s a boat yep foreign did they no one of us jumped that could have been me okay that’s all right we can jump now so let’s go we can all jump let’s uh let’s get out of here all right wasn’t me I was on the boat racing water I didn’t get out but that might that might have done it I thought it was only when you got audible did it no okay yeah okay that’s all right yeah it’s pressing spacebar I think just cancels it as a jump it’s a weird little thing um yeah so if we find a village we can get the rabbit stew uh breeding cows actually uh isn’t too bad either if you see two cows just like composter to get wheat a monument uh is there any kill Guardian there is a killer Guardian I see a monument I just have like nothing you want to go to that shipwreck and kill the guardian still yeah no fall damage remember guys oh yeah here I’m gonna get the map here and go for the map oh yeah yeah oh they got the poisonous potato yeah yeah that’s all right we’ll just ignore that the team that we’re on is always uh uh blue so I am blue orange now here here if you see a uh uh a ruined portal gold for gold tools is always good too yeah one gold blocks uh I see I see one I don’t think I see a chess at it though it looks like a beach um there’s a buried treasure on this island that we’re that you’re on clearance I’ll just get it okay yeah and there’s a monument right next to it too yeah I can kill the guardian too yes you’ll probably be the fastest with that it would take me like 10 minutes to do it oh yeah the team you’re watching is always blue it’s very large Beach imagine it comes down to fall damage oh my God true the cactus there by any chance not always I don’t see one okay do you see a lot of land here soon all right nowhere 99 is something oh okay all right good nice fine nice I didn’t even notice that goal oh yeah I’ll be honest uh there’s a there’s a mine on mob spawner if you can find one in like another maybe like a Fortress Yeah Fortress even faster somewhere else in the world yeah yeah I mean you can just throw like a dungeon too um I think there’s like there’s a field here Guardians yeah you get the Guardians I’m gonna greet cows if someone wants to start working towards the nether there is just find another thing so yeah um now we’re good to go towards you yeah if someone sees another entry go for it Emerald on this island hey switch do you see any cows two cows okay if you see cows if you see cows we should uh because it’s just wheat right yeah yeah how are they gonna get the end frame no let’s just make it to the End chat imagine all right I’m gonna try and make tools as quickly as possible to to do that how do you get wheat is it just like you compost or something oh silver got the yeah I figured I saw they were gone I I See Fire huh you can come over yeah and then you can get bone meal yeah I have some bone meals uh but not enough I’m gonna go for the nether actually that seems like it sounds good yeah I’ll do that go especially with uh because I could knock out a lot of things on first um where are those two cows that you saw uh switch up they’re right on me all right I just remember no fall damage boys yeah I’m about to do that yeah don’t don’t think fall damage yeah it’s so easy to forget [Music] um rabbits do we can’t really do rabbit stew is just not convenient all right but yeah we ended up changing to a 4v4 today oh yeah pumpkins are actually really insane for uh composters okay I found two cows I’ll try and do the all the stuff that we need okay okay see it’s good she’s trying to hire a lava pool I do not want to dig down yeah it’s just not fun in this version I’m still looking for a cactus yeah if you if you chill in the ocean too like there should be a mushroom Island within like the one yeah within 1500 yeah yeah On the Border Fulham is oh damn it I need one more uh uh do you have a couple flowers over here do you have anything could you put put your carrots in in the thing really quick yeah yeah because I need it like right now I don’t know oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay uh that was enough got it I found the abandoned portal it might be completable okay two cows I can’t run get over here cow uh it isn’t it it’s over here not come on you stupid cows screw okay okay I’m breeding a cow I think we got this nice nice nice all right we got that that’s good three three chain armor is gonna be annoying oh love a pool maybe oh I See Fire surely that means there’s a lava pool right in the forest surely yeah yeah super happy oh maybe maybe one of them could have uh uh yeah can we have teams of the title okay okay oh my God yeah yeah he has some Server Like A lot of people exploring you have iron for another uh I have bucket in Flint yeah I’m good I’m good like I just need to roll up and I’ll be in all right no no I see where the trees are just burning Compass chords too I’m good I’m gonna explore the Overworld for the village for um this potential stew and some other things yeah you could like no life the village for a day and get chain armor yeah yeah I mean rabbits do as well it’s it’s [Music] nice okay uh read another brick stairs oh I tried to place a boat my bad that’s okay that ghost no problem yeah I’m just gonna run to see if I can find a village if anyone sees a village definitely call it out I think uh cranios you’re exploring for the cactus yeah I’m looking also I’m also looking at shipwreck right now so all right give me a moment uh no biomes the igloos they can have cactuses in them uh snow biome okay uh oh you’re right yeah yeah so if you’re gonna snow by them I was gonna talk about them both for a snowball nearby spawn I believe like the snow on the ground oh you’re right that could be a snow biome we should probably get back to that because then we can get stray oh yeah straight uh if you you can create a stray as well with uh powdered snow if you find one of those yeah if you just drown it in powdered snow it turns into a stray I did not know that oh serverless is someone going to the nether yeah okay Mine Diamond R okay oh my God oh they got the uh The Village you think I got The Village they might have just got a rabbit oh maybe because I haven’t traded for it they didn’t get the trading advancement yeah all right nice nice good Fortress uh read another brick stairs it’s probably the best thing to do you’ll have to smell some Nether Bricks but yeah with the uh stuff do you have enough for a stone cutter oh no I was about though okay I found an ice box bomb I might be in your snow bun oh yeah yeah definitely the uh the igloos will have cactuses in the basement if there’s a basement they’re in the pot yeah make sure to bring a piece of sand I’m still looking for the video yeah I I have on there sweet wait did they get the trading advancement they did they did good trading events they found a village they’re probably going for chain armor how long does it take to do I found a village um it takes a few minutes if you’re like it depends on how lucky you get but maybe I’ll try because I just found a village as well um see it was the best way to do this [Music] Fletcher or if you have like hello yeah yeah I have a ton of wood all right yeah if you bring wood I’ll probably do Fletcher Fletcher strats okay I’m just gonna start hauling wood and uh get all the hay bales did you uh spawn her by the way got a fine Bird yeah I the spawner will happen on a bed there’s a bit of issues before oh yeah fair enough I have like no frames in this ice Spike spot for some reason oh just it just dips to like 20. spawn these bombs or just uh just regular snow biomes uh oh straight skin spawn in ice bikes I think right think so yeah I think I’ll I’ll look for a little bit you might not you might have to wait a little bit to get a spawn because Feinberg has a ton of mobs in the forecast what the hell oh yeah okay I don’t see any villagers in this okay there we go but if there’s no nether Ward I just can’t do the stairs right right you just can’t okay that’s actually awesome um I’m looking do you have a we have a stone cutter at the village yeah it just doesn’t matter I don’t have like a any insight to the sport so oh you can do play you can trade the clay for the some kind of guy for emeralds yeah yeah I’m uh I’m just doing Fletcher stuff right now fighting these guys on lag is so scary yeah it is it is kind of bad I have a bunch of what do I do okay yeah trade with okay thank you moms are spawning very slowly so hopefully I can get a stray I think you should be able to get one all right uh can you uh oh my God oh my God they’re just going right yeah they are going to ham mer they might use clay glitch for diamonds chat that was like a year ago that that worked oh they actually there is a uh uh Blast Furnace here it’s a blast furnace right for a chain armor uh I believe so yeah yeah yeah it is okay cool okay oh they got the straight they got the Stray don’t don’t hang up oh okay yeah yeah yeah oh it’s lag oh my God yeah sheesh this is on uh 24 gigabytes of RAM on the server by the way I’m lucky I just don’t like I can’t open a check yeah it’s still lagging I think someone else might have gone to the nether I’m underwater a little drowned nice fine good one I have eight emeralds eight okay uh just feed them to me right here I’m actually right 20 CPU is a limiter yeah where the hell 119 is the limiter okay I wonder how many items I’ve smelted nine oh my God um slow okay I’m gonna go try and find some more villagers to convert oh is that an enemy here is that you okay oh you’re doing the play okay where the Villager it is so laggy like I right clicked on a villager so long ago yeah oh whoa teleporting okay maybe we ought to try your guys’s server next time yeah next time it’s all good oh my God he’s opening Matt that’s what’s doing it okay did I break the one spawner on this Fortress that’d be funny that would be funny but unfortunate surely even though there’s another one uh there’s six point emeralds outside this house I’m like three hearts and there’s two skeletons right there there’s a bed you can just right click nearby it I’m just trying to get uh boots trade yeah that’s fine I’m also exploring chunks it could be why it’s vlogging a bit yeah surprise nobody has died all right uh we’ll need another uh 40 emeralds at least average villager economy yeah I’m stuck in the bed it’s lagging again okay this leg is bad happens we can try switching soon Snapchat supports the world to generate uh oh Mr emeralds you guys get timed out or is that just me I think I I haven’t got timed out yet I have not got timed out yet it’s all good oh it’s just Frozen for me couldn’t run next to the eight months oh hey don’t fix itself geez oh never mind we did the server crash I was opening a chest and I heard like 50 chest opening sounds once the once it caught up I think a server crashed uh uh yep yeah just crashed okay did the service shut down yeah it crashed I think it’s been restarted yeah I’m restarting it maybe a bit of a reboot this mom’s typing in the sport resetting stuff happens yeah hey I’m just I’m restarting the server it crashed uh I don’t know why it wasn’t related to lockout I think it was just there was so much stuff going on like so many chunks yeah yeah we’ll probably try uh the hbg server next yeah you can also maybe like reduce the server render that might help reduce the server render I can try that it’s I’ll cut it down to 10 yeah oh wait we looked I’m locked back in I’m back oh wait did you try and rejoin before yeah yeah it seems to be yeah all right so I need to do a restart command so don’t start moving it okay so it won’t work okay again all right we’re gonna have to use a lockup resume command once everyone’s back in it’s good yeah this is definitely not a uh an impossible thing to come back from uh there’s actually a penguin to start a piglet with gold gold huh yeah I can do that at some point I can try and get Battlement do we have to do slash lock our Zoomies head uh yes once everyone is back in yes I think everyone is backhand all right [Music] you have to I have to put the teams in um is everyone still on the same team sorry set yeah everyone’s on the team now you just lock up with them and or you might have to do teams I’m not sure let me let me double check oh okay yeah it seems like it works yeah we’re good we’re good yeah there we go [Music] oh my God my villager that was a guy moved where the hell did you go no the armor villager he disappeared what the hell yeah he’s gone he’s not in the house anymore maybe he’s running around I don’t know he’s he’s gone oh really surely he’s just wandering around probably yeah only he would do spawn like this somehow just escaped I guess I’ll just be something weird with the like server reloading too yeah it’s like not entirely impossible that it just messed it up yeah he just doesn’t have that roll we’ll see I’ll run around and look for him [Music] um I’m looking [Music] I don’t see him anywhere is this this is the Fletcher yeah well we’ll do Fletcher right now four switch you got more empty guys chilling yeah well I don’t know where the emeralds thank you 14 nice we’re close I need to find where he is I don’t know where his where he went he’s probably hiding in a house somewhere can you trade pumpkins or do you trade four pumpkins I don’t remember I can’t remember oh yeah we have to restart the server like killed the guy um you you can trade pumpkins but it’s like level two I think yeah the uh the blast furnace guide is gone so we have to restart the trading so we’ll need 40 emeralds which is another 26 more but you can trade the pumpkins the best way to get emeralds would be trade all the hay bales in the village and then when that runs out do either like [Music] um he might get cheaper if I do them one at a time yep you like sticks or play yeah I’ve been doing clay found a snow biome nice they already have a stray uh the cactus though yeah but for the cactus you might be able to get it if I was just in the Nether and I missed that well that’s so lucky that he’s got the penguin thing okay um where’d the Fletcher go I hear him where is he okay there we go oh they are going fast my God [Music] okay um where’s the farmer I’ll trade with the farmer this is not very good yeah they gotta they they got all the right directions it’s not villagers not gonna work you nope you come on here we go okay 11 more awesome you can’t drop the strip logs but this will be faster where’d he go where did actually go where did he go he’s just here he knows that we’re here where do you go who is hey Emerald’s here he is he just went through the village yeah I don’t know if he knows that we’re here interesting oh yeah look at that we can kill the movie we need to I’m I’m almost at the the I’m almost done with the trading it’s just I don’t know where he went he just escaped the wait did Emerald come in yeah the the blast furnace dude I don’t know where he went he’s just gone I’m gonna kill them oh my no I there’s no way yeah I mean I was right beside him there’s no way he came through there’s a villager in the house like was right by the uh right by the bearing stand house this is where the hell did that villager go he just either huh like I heard did he sneak in behind us and kill the there’s no way but I mean really not all right no way he is just maybe he ran all the way down this bridge that is around here I I think he I think he might have killed him weren’t we paused though and uh that would have happened no no like he just ran through right now oh that’s not good no I’m gonna try and find mushrooms and how I have enough emeralds to finish it too oh that’s confusing to me that’s he would have had to sneak in right behind us if he was going to do that that’s the crazy part like [Music] um this I don’t think there’s any more neutral villagers as the fight so we can’t even get it anymore you can get the uh what is it there’s a cleric if you break I did it didn’t it didn’t get rid of the job yeah wait this person might be neutral I forgot I need like more blaze rods for like the potions and uh you only need one for potion you need one blaze powder for potions um you can probably leave on like nine like eight or nine okay nice that those two just dropped yeah well I’m on one heart no Sprints oh Ira just rocked up and I thought I was getting decked and then he just died so I don’t all right you don’t have food I don’t know I didn’t have any food either but I guess you had less food than zero all right I thought I would color you everyone is blue on their own team they’re blue I think we’re screwed though yeah it’ll be really tough because they can’t get literally we Everything Is Lost Island and desert before them otherwise it’s like it’s doomed it’s doable but yeah tough I’m doing my best to try and find this desert guys uh and like I have the I have the upper hand on the nether exploration but if I could breathe down the wrong way it’s over so like I would not be if you stub your toe it’s all done literally on my knife oh my God okay I’ll not be very uh and now don’t think fall damage optimistic with the with that stuff especially if I start to get chased by while I’m here okay I’ve converted a villager he is he’s at like literally he’s two the boots are so goddamn cheap now but he’s just so close okay oh he’s leveling up he has a chance to give me chain boots for one come on done geez that sucked we had to go through three different guys but we’re done all right uh I’m leaving the village and I’m not sure what we’re doing I’m fine I’m not sure yeah I’m I’m gonna just go try and find Cactus I guess yeah I think I’m having bad luck here yeah I could take like another person in the nether to just like because I can do basically like the end stuff I think Yep this all hinges on me taking zero damage finding food finding a Bastion but I have the rods and I’m like making my way away from them do you have ingredients for swiftness I don’t okay I’ll bring I’ll try and deliver that to you yeah that doesn’t happen at some point it’s just it’s just like sugar and yes well the thing is the Fort didn’t even have Nether wart oh that’s so bad there’s no inside at all so I couldn’t do the stairs or um the right bastard another Fortress Fulham is trying to kill me what I don’t have anything for them I have an outpost there’s an old guy um yeah you might need each other for a while just because mob cop stuff like a pillow drop post yeah okay yeah might need a little bit I have a couple food it takes a bit if there’s a lot of players I didn’t die in the village oh my God okay Fulham got all my food and that’s about it nah you’re good don’t worry whatever waste of his time I guess because it was definitely a bash yeah I should have voted I didn’t see the boat surely it’s not on hard right uh yeah it’s always on easy buddy yeah yeah I suck at PVP and he already had the jump on me so I was [ __ ] oh my God I’m lagging inside the pillow job post I might just be dead wait uh what what so you’re who’s talking right now switch okay I’m getting the direction get your cords and yeah I have 638 okay 638 14 50 good Blaze crackles that’s not good you gotta have faith come on I just don’t even know how my God I haven’t I haven’t seen an alley yet that was the first time I’ve seen one of them right they exist I forgot yeah they existed all right that’s not so touch mushrooms yeah they spawn extra output oh that’s uh let’s find a mushroom biome like a little cage where the iron bomb spawns sometimes oh yeah yeah they’re at least one there oh okay okay foreign help save this game for us maybe this chess can this just have anything that I need not really but maybe it has like an ax I can speed up something better than nothing I suppose are we able to make an ax okay [Music] maybe my ceiling box would be clear in the Minecraft advancement this is am I getting a phone call oh my God I’m the moving company just called me back from my chair I finally got a call back did they send me an email I was like where’s my pocket vibrating so I couldn’t make any boats so we’re just swimming I imagine I imagine one of them is probably exploring from Mushroom Island which is kind of scary yeah I was doing that and I found this pojo out first I’m kind of stuck here yeah the borders of this area and I’m trying to bedding thanks to the 14. there’s a lot of ocean unfortunately yeah big Ocean Seed yep yeah I’m just swimming through the ocean right now as well there’s no wood that spawned left I’m just hoping to see land I know I’m playing as a plane come on guys what’s up you can you can give me a care package please yo lava pool here nice give me food nice ubereats guys I’ve heard in like literally a month the amount of troubles I’m going through right now you have no idea oh I was hoping he wouldn’t be a map one but it was if I’m dead I’m dead the Journey’s been fun you’ll make it fun you just have to hope the lag is in her favor right now maybe he can prevent it to your game Crash yeah oh you’re alive you’re alive you’re good you’re good yeah hopefully there’s no Blaze when you come back you’ll be fine I’m good I’m good let’s go no no no no it’s only other server crashes okay oh my God I killed the Iron Golem so I have enough for a bucket too I have like negative food though all right come on where is this desert yeah I’m just trying to find I’m exploring as well because really that’s the only thing is like nether stuff that that fine can do and exploring yeah I’m pretty much that’s all I could do right now for the most part yeah and I don’t think there’s any chance we reflect a gas Fireball back so we just have to shoot it for the end Crystal and crystals don’t require any obsidian right it’s just glass uh tear and I right I think so yeah seven glasses yeah I found a drama that might be an extra desert we’ll see next shipwreck I’ll make a uh yeah actually that’s a good idea Okay Tiger spawn thanks for the prime I’m going through it a little bit oh my God is this land I think I might be seeing land oh who wants some scaffolding hmm nice fine nice nice good stuff no here we go Journey continues all right finally 7-Eleven guys it’s all good Slurpees this is an issue I’m getting kind of demolished by moms don’t just simply don’t fun fact oh my God they’re fighting the Pillager it’s not enough for an ax you’ve got to be kidding me dude okay okay I’m not gonna open up the chest on the right it’s not worth it okay here we go boom we’ll do if I could pick these up oh my god oh like you just got a [ __ ] bash and oh damn it I found a pillow drop us oh nice I think I see you or one of you really I think I see you so much yeah I think I found you it’ll if your spawn rates right if you’re both there oh I see you yeah yeah I’m in the ocean I can’t actually tell I’m a little worried uh I’m guessing it’s the same one Shields oh no that’s not good apparently that’s you okay with another I got nervous but I couldn’t tell if it was you or not yeah you’re fine you’re fine that quicker to gaster here but the server’s laggy so I could just die too yeah it is yeah you’re gonna have to shoot it with an arrow or something seems like the only way golden cards are the best food in the game chat that’s why I made golden carrots they basically healed like half of your health when you eat one the saturation they have is insane I can just rip it okay we found land what yeah I’ll make the airplane yeah yeah I don’t think that’s the right move the amount that it’s lagging oh God I’ll be good I’ll be good okay little baby zombie after me make some new version terrifying I can help you I can help you what happened they found mushroom damn oh my God they need one more goal but all of the goals I think were we like you can you know where a Bastion is now because someone found a Bastion right nice that was dear yeah yeah yeah okay okay I’m gonna attempt to deliver the care package we can bring it yeah also here and try and get it oh my God I found a red mushroom I might actually cry oh my God 100 we could bring this back because we have we have the uh the bad Omen we can if we just get to the end and get those potions done we just need to make sure they don’t get a cactus yeah can you believe Rick I just want yeah I’m looking uh for the cactus where’s this Banner guy because that’s the easiest thing for them to do a Time acrylic hidden somewhere that I can’t find it um I don’t think so I think multiple can spawn yeah I still I like I know Emerald got a Bastion but I kind of just have to like do my own thing and beat him yeah yeah okay I do I have a bunch of ingots or a bunch of nuggets they’re just turned all my [ __ ] okay my goal is to find it anymore no no I just I just okay and water is closest I’m gonna try and orbit around the 1500 range that’s my goal [Music] where are these guys I should eat this just in case we get into combat okay do you think it’s a lot slower in this okay well okay bees can’t really be near here because it’s a cold biome so we gotta get out of here well like I said in Igloo you can get um if you find one igloo igloos have cactus all right um oh it actually didn’t like that much that means I’m at like 70 to 30. oh my God 230 positive yes pause 70 plus 230. you’re gonna have to get the compass well you might switch if you have food and stuff you might just be better off going to try to kill Emerald there’s no way he’s gonna expect it because it’s so hard to track people on this game like because there’s so many people you can just Compass the emerald and just try to kill him I know he might be kind of far though he’s pretty close yeah the brewing stand stuff they might be going for but I don’t know if they found me I think he just left they need yeah find this guy not spawning no it looked like he just left them now maybe I’d cycled through just need to find one desert man why are they so rare I had three wool for a bed and now I don’t a bit of an issue there’s will back here if you still need it hmm I’m pretty far in the nether I’ll probably just uh just cutting onions okay figure something out looks like that yeah Emerald just started trading then I see a fortress they can trade for bottles of water Maybe oh they can they might they might have sugar and if they’re going for that would be a little concerning Emerald is like wart though no before that’s World War II so they would have to find the fort that I found okay did you get all the work that you could see okay I didn’t like oh I found a guy found a banner guy nice yes nice yes there we go all right all right no spread out for cactus yep going out no bring this back wait oh wait maybe not I gotta shoes I think I found the uh Fortress at Feinberg found [Music] um all right oh my God yeah so Chad right now we’re just looking for that cactus can’t believe from the mushroom blind that’s crazy yeah it happens yeah it happened I went on like almost the entire map at this point wait so someone might someone on our team both jumped and someone on our team took fall damage damn that’s free two points for them there’s the characters guarantee a death bomb or just at least like a negloo I think it guarantees a cactus by him is this just not even work I don’t think I can break my boat man no you might not be able to the the fall damage stuff still works with boats it literally just happened to me you can drop your boat from 13 blocks off and then it will break okay that would work then come on guys this is actually terrible um I’m looking no Cactus inside three blocks is it 11 13. oh I literally found Emerald okay yeah do you have a bet on you you could just suicide too no I don’t I don’t know oh he purled okay now the team you’re watching is always blue chat just a reminder I should put that on screen so many people are asking there’s so much fun at beach I get danger baited thinking it’s a desert biome so from their perspective they’re blue oh I found lava pools but I don’t have any maybe I should I don’t have any iron though if I if I had iron I would go in for sure because then uh you know all you need is one little one little Fortress kill two blazes and uh get some more is there any iron down here actually there is okay I’ll get it I’m gonna enter just real quick just to see there could be a fortress nearby we’re pretty far out oh Emerald is doing that um no wooden mansion can there be anything in there that we need uh I don’t think so again damn all right so that’s rough dude I was so stunmarked in the nether yeah so long also the uh the jump and fall damage one is is tough that we also lack of desert biomes anywhere yeah that’s all right that’s all right eight to 13 actually isn’t that bad considering how far behind we were yeah not a bad yeah a bad loss all right let’s jump into the main Pole ah we’ll run it back do you want me to try and get our server up yeah yeah that was pretty bad you should try yeah you should try your server for sure guys hey I found a wooden mansion just now wow no map just found it okay it’s not possible if only it was a desert oh [ __ ] I knew there was one of the moving company people one second one sec chat I gotta respond to the movie company foreign foreign foreign died in the middle of a call you’ve got to be kidding me thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] holy is it an island uh yeah it’s a it’s a one eye oh um yeah I’m whipping up a server so I might need a few minutes be from minor Moss one I should have went to the stronghold genius oh apparently there’s a guaranteed desert for cactus check there’s a new version of The Mod if everyone wants to drop it in oh it looks like that was maybe forgotten potentially apparently it was something that was forgot uh that’s okay [Music] there’s so many times where I could have found a desert like there’s no way there’s no it is one in between the the spawn area there’s no way oh my God that’s so funny like now I’m gonna win every lockout from now on okay I’m just gonna drop it in the uh in the channel here the new the updated one that is so funny every time I play lockout I explore like I go I look for biomes so it’s like that’s that’s a buff for me that’s really funny um okay I’ll have to serve up in a couple minutes that I just like they were so fast responding on my ticket and their Discord nice making a region all right that was quick that was actually really quick too that was like a good good little quick Mash fun yeah yeah good warm-up yeah that’s that’s all we really needed oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah our team we’re slow to start but once we get moving we’re like uh we’re Unstoppable you know you see those like trains with the snow plows on them or they just yeah like that we’re like a train with a snow plow we’re like a car that goes really slow but then really fast later on yeah yeah we yeah it’s just the acceleration is bad but the top speed is is crazy or like a rolling snowball wait Emerald Emerald did you roll through my Village and kill my armor guy yeah you did oh my god oh I turned around I was like where did he go kill the Villager and just left yeah I I was getting some wood to trade with a Fletcher I turned around and he was gone I was like what the heck happened here’s the thing I traded with one and the server reset he disappeared I was almost done I tried it with another one I was almost done you killed him I had to trade with three villagers I had like one trade left it was crazy you were turning sticks yeah well switch was getting emeralds for me and I was getting emotes and and I did like the optimal trading thing to make them cheaper so like like the the trades cheaper so I could have emeralds go further yeah I’ll write the to one put 1.1 so because yeah that’s so funny that there was no Cactus check no you would always end up in our games finding the cactus in a during the lockout is it only I like can it be just a desert or could does it have to include both yeah it can be either I think dude Igloo basement is so we were running through where else can we find it oh you can find it in a desert village and we’re like well oh yeah if you’re in a desert village I’m gonna be in a desert like hello yeah you can find them in the Little Flower Pots like chilling outside the houses but oh my God hmm what is oh what is the there’s a flower outside of the Fletcher house uh in Plains Villages what is that flower it would be really funny if it was no it’s it’s in the basement of igloos and in desert Villages and that’s it deserts obviously I wonder if they’re in a in the in a mansion maybe it’s not sitting here I don’t think so I think I checked all the places why do I keep getting phone calls today hello hello uh sorry hold it isn’t here you have the wrong number no uh Hoda keeps giving people my phone number for some reason all right would be kind of intuitive oh it is okay this is wait what is it let’s elaborate Deez Nuts joke that someone is playing on me oh okay oh what that’s juice yeah it’s sick that’s so cool actually what does the Fletcher’s house look like it’s a dandelion how’s it going ah unlucky can place infinite villages you guys know I’m uh the victim of the world’s most elaborate Deez Nuts joke at the moment really yeah there is someone whose name is Hoda and he’s given his phone number to probably half the population of Canada and so about it’s it for a while it was like once or twice a day I’d get a call being like hey is Hoda there and one of these days I’m gonna fall for and be like who’s Hoda and they’re gonna get me and I I’m just every single time I’m like no I’m really wrecking my brain to try and think of what the what the punchline is oh it’s like hold it holding these nuts hold hold on to these nuts or something like that I mean it’s Gotta Be the thing is it’s yeah it’s ridiculous it oh my God you can place an end City the worst part is that I can’t call them because I don’t know his phone number yeah well it’s good because you were a Hoda yeah apparently maybe this is like a like a Fight Club situation getting the server running as we speak okay sweet these guys are crazy I like linked my Discord to their panel thing and I’m like watching this guy like interact with a panel I actually spectator this is cool these guys have always been very nice sweet grab grab a hold of these nuts there we go Chad comes through again that was good yeah they always know you can place in cities that’s cool one of you in chat is Hoda like you can’t hide oh man oh you can spawn like individual Like Houses too wait really I am bald yes I am bald that is correct chat I am 100 bald I have like a structure block stuff or something it’s uh slush place oh my God I made a fashion on accident no I gotta show you guys the crazy stuff where are you in that world somewhere not in the not on the server you click CDs so many yes oh yeah yeah we’re in the middle of it we’re mid in the middle because it was super laggy so yeah that’s a little bit crazy with the village full time I don’t know yeah recently my phone died again oh yeah mine shaft above the my shop in yoga world wait I mean above ground not in the Overworld Clueless wait is it just spawn it underground automatically how did it even did imagine if we could have water flowing through bastions I mean there’s a way you can do it in 119. 7 Overworld or you can just build one by hand man oh yeah yeah just build the whole thing yourself yep I think done it man it’s easy Mangrove hard all right charge your phone great use of my time you can place an ancient city well it’s fun above ground no it’s probably underground for me oh they almost got the server ready small I have the challenges there should be a goal to get killed by award I already answered your question it looks like it’s fun Underground right server is potentially booting up yo okay let’s go errors cool orange is just like there’s so much more going on than vanilla like the console has just so many lines that I have no idea what is happening we did one round we’re doing another one it was really it was too laggy very possible that this will just work someone asked a question that I want to go did I get pranked by a tick tock bro um huh dude in my support ticket just said oh boy a broken mind oh you think he knows someone’s gonna ask [Music] did he play his emotes usually Tuesday there’s a question I can’t what was it I was gonna answer it was a good oh Squad stream right there’s no Squad stream today because Squad stream only supports eight people or it’s only supports four people and there’s eight people and I don’t think everyone on my team is part wait is everyone on my team wait we might wait is everyone on my team partnered live stream oh I’m not live right now oh never mind I forgot all four of us live just switch out me and corneos for the you’re not are you partner next round yeah yeah all right I’m gonna invite you guys wait are we are who are we switching if you switch Cornelius okay holy surely I was the good luck for that too it was so funny that he just said oh boy as soon as I started is that just like a lot of stuff getting set up or wait uh yeah no apparently like when I did the installation of like the server I did it on 119 2 instead of 190. I don’t know oh the way that like I I looked it up apparently like to do Forge you have to do it through like server things because it they change the way Forge works and then I try to set it up but the way that this dashboard works all right didn’t like automatically change the Java so that I don’t really know but I think he’s figuring it out all right well in the meantime I sent Feinberg Fulham and switch Squad invites if you guys want to join invites accept dude I think I accepted uh if you clicked it through the notification thing it doesn’t work you have to go into the dashboard I did it through the notification yeah it’s annoying so I just received Feinberg right now what’s the name of Phineas and Ferb sister never played or never played never I don’t know what that is all right cool we got a squad stream going up sweet sir that’s a cool feature Squad streaming yeah they’re just setting up a server so it’s better Francia report mcboyian make sure the subs popular Disney cartoons but it was at Deez Nuts joke oh Candice is the name of course yeah good one yeah you’re very good spawn naturally I don’t think so yeah I don’t think so ah so we’re doing the the third quarter of breath of the wild 100 tomorrow I haven’t prepped at all naturally nowhere I’ve been doing dealing with a lot of IRL stuff so I haven’t had time to do any breath of the wild practice off Stream So I think I think it’s finally good drop the IP there was no oh boy because this awarded himself so I couldn’t mess anything up I think what I just put in oh I didn’t put that in spoiler text I guess all right no leaks surely no one leaks it oh [ __ ] wait there’s a mod I’m missing did you update to the 1.1 yeah no that could be just me like uninstall installing it wrong all right I’m in oh okay install these monster join us so that it challenges it shall not tick yeah that’s my bad as well you’re in the old servers man what okay you log into the old server you’re in the old server yeah and you’re just gonna delete that mod it said it was like a Junior like I don’t know if Forge Works guys let’s be honest I thought it was just gonna be a good performance come on apparently you have to have it on your client also oh you’re right I did so that’s my bad I’m just starting it that will be good apparently I pasted the wrong thing all right my bad servers there we go there we go all right if it says old that’s very fun okay come on okay I mean who was trying to join stop me wasn’t me still working okay I’m gonna do the first one in working oh oh it’s right before you no it’s time okay I should I shut up myself with the console so I can do the yeah no more lag let’s go okay uh I guess we’ll have to assign teams again right so I know the streaming for versus non-streaming for them squatters well that’s like three of the same people then yeah I think we already have the squad so I think so yeah that works who’s not streaming I don’t know um I believe you for so there’s a non-stream and then a streaming game okay so you can’t even see their perspective exactly what everyone blur your Minecrafts and this should be a better um performance hopefully yeah the CPU is probably better uh yeah and then the max render is 12 by the way just because there’s eight of us yeah so that sounds good actually I mean if you put it over maybe it keeps the whatever um are you guys ready or other teams are set up already yeah uh spirit on it all right yep uh sure yeah just reset your hunger when we’re doing it it’ll reset everything it’ll reset everything well that’s not good um gray bar on the right side of the screen because the board didn’t get up yet yeah that makes sense surely that works three two one yeah there you go okay all right all right back into the all right uh sweet okay no fall damage again wooden tools I’m literally standing right in front of a tree I’m also standing right in front of a tree so small ant let’s get switch the wooden tools I’m just gonna start punching them out so they can’t craft them okay okay sounds good hold on we’re gonna start punching them out they’re gonna work together on the wooden tools okay yeah make sure and then we’ll just go from there uh there is absorption so if you see a rune portal Golden Apple uh yes eggs as well um eggs sustu uh eggs don’t happen until five minutes so yeah Mossy Mossy stone brick wall is really easy if you find a rune portal as well ocean uh any silk touch tools as well for the mushroom stem you can grow a mushroom all right here we go I’m punching silver office tree nice nice good I got I got his log I got his log okay I’m getting punched I’m getting punched I’ll keep them off for you snap good I have an ax keep going keep him away from snack keep him away from snap nope they’re punching smart I I’m almost done I have I just need to make a sword I’m trying to keep him away yes I got him I got him it’s all you all you buddy nice tomorrow just jumped off my tree also no we got it I have we don’t have one on the way I’m on the way what do you need I can craft it for you I got it done done nice nice oh [ __ ] sorry no no that’s good that’s good beautiful all right two of up already nice ow let’s see if I can find an ocean all right yeah uh let’s see ruin portal seems to be good but yeah 2-0 that’s solid start Good Start good start is that a silverfish that bottom bottom left creature uh yeah yeah let’s kill a silverfish so a few options I’m gonna look at some Minecart okay yeah it’s just uh you have to place minecart on a rail yes you do I can do that like hopefully everyone’s just trying to book it for uh the ocean yeah wait they’ve taken full damage right yes yeah yeah so several respawn and jumped off a tree and just complete brain lag like there’s no way I meant to do perfect it’s just funny no dude oh there’s a lot there’s like old iron armor dyed to end so many iron goals yeah wow so there’s there’s an argument to just mine yeah um I’m gonna get I’m gonna book it for the um someone could do bookshelf I did see some can that I didn’t oh yeah there’s a there’s a bunch of sugarcane I didn’t even notice bookshelf uh we wanted towels though right yeah yeah there should be some in the planes there you can Mark a horse yeah I have enough uh I I have enough for it so enough can you know yeah nice I’m gonna just make tools you might have found ocean but someone else definitely could have found this ocean all right I have enough for books now I think because it’s just uh wait how much paper is it nine yeah yeah three books yeah I’ll have enough I just need to find a cow now nice oh looked up Tyler’s going for her bookshelf as well it looks like all right I’ll uh no way I clicked on his boat but it didn’t let me in I have like four like I have six chickens in a hole I’m gonna do that all right perfect yeah you just Camp around there it’ll take at least five minutes though so yeah that’s fine I’ll just I’ll be able to stay here that’s all good we get leather okay funky gold bro wait is that get a chicken from an egg yes yeah yeah yeah you actually need to pyro the one in four right one is 16. 1 and 16. yep that’s the fun part too I believe I don’t know if this happened to me during my during one of my mock-outs but oh they got it already what I didn’t find any leather yeah if you if you like pop an egg on the same tick a chicken spawns then you’ll also just get the advancement oh like a good bug I’m pretty sure that happens interesting number 10 iron I’m just smelling wait could I can iron it okay yeah this Mossy Cobble no no you can’t nope if it’s already Mossy Cobble you can’t you have to uh smooth Cobble it cool I’m gonna look for an ocean just to get some iron because iron is a huge yeah I sound like a lake that just went down to a cave and I was like oh okay um there is a goal for um Emerald so keep an eye out for that for those biomes yep yeah what are they mountains surely it was on purpose that’s kind of bad bro all right hmm just chilling with these chickens so silly um is also a thing yeah glow Squid on a crimson sign specifically yeah oh that is so specific seven yeah if you’re not doing much like mining for iron really isn’t bad yeah nobody has mine cart yeah I’m literally on it okay sweet just gotta wait for the um stuff to smell oh yeah you pick it for the 11 hour you’re smoking it okay um get a wither skeleton Squad right that one’s always fun yeah if I find red mushrooms I can do this suspicious too looking for it though oh nice one iron away and then we got it okay no they found a golden apple so that means they’re in an ocean or just found it like nice okay keep it ahead sweet um please tell me this is the notion uh awful I’m gonna go for what’s cheaper 27 for lion right 24. the full iron armor is better for sure yeah they have emeralds can spawning Groves right yes you may have one all right here we go let’s go for iron pick first just because it’s gonna speed me up a ton dude I’m not gonna lie yeah of course oh okay I found a red mushroom I’m about to eat this too I just gotta get to it nice nice I have snowy slopes I don’t know if they’ll spawn up here oh I found a ghost squid nice okay nice nice okay yeah don’t have any flowers what are your chords for them um 134 minus 204. okay we’re pretty far you might just do that yourself at some point snowy slopes and frozen peas can Emerald spawn in those the mushrooms but no flour what the heck okay I found a flower thank God rose bushes don’t count no you need a one tool oh my God use a use a compost I get by mail maybe I know it’s a bit convoluted but oh you know what that’s true yeah you’re smart you’re smart I really should have um got some food before coming down here I’m on three and a half a Hunger Games good nice well I’m zero for one on eggs damn sorry I can’t swim okay I’m gonna have a hunger reset I think oh I’m gonna try not to hunger reset for level 15. oh that’s smart have you found a village you get that free oh yeah I also might be able to get to the nether if this is a lava pool and then like do the level 15 put the chickens on hold yeah I do have a lava pool I might do that yeah go for it sounds good good idea uh oh my God is this an ocean finally maybe it looks G okay oh I can eat I think I found an ocean I’ll do one of the iron goals if I can yeah sure cool I’m just looking for a shot for the full line if I can yeah um but just because I’m smelting some already yeah yeah you’ll do one of them and I’ll probably do the other one silverfish what just infested blocking them yeah damn that’s Emerald as well that’s Emerald yeah he’s probably looking for emeralds I am I am in a this is a river wait what wait uh get some Crimson if you can uh fine yeah yeah yeah bring it back okay how long we’ve been going on for it uh 10 minutes maybe chickens are getting so stingy nice nice well uh it it bugged I guess but I got it like I just do that nothing it didn’t spawn but I got the thing ah whatever uh you need to make a wall but yeah I need to make a wall out of it no just a stone cutter though oh stone color Yes Stone cut ters I might be able to get six we’ll see restarting an iron yep oh there is six here yeah there is six I have a village on me nice nice level 15. yeah if you if they’re not gonna trade because it’s nighttime I can easily do the 15 if there’s quartz and another don’t worry about it yeah okay good they should be trading now they might not restock but you see where’s the sixth one there it is 14 17 iron at the moment okay plus nine more in there oh yeah I’ve got enough I’m just waiting for smelting okay uh I’m in an ocean so I’ll okay yeah as expected okay no that’s fine I’m expecting that yeah silverfish come on that’s crazy I forgot that those infested blocks spawn in like mountain bikes and like all the slopes as well that’s crazy okay I see uh oh damn okay uh I have a I have a back ship nice so uh what is the other iron goal for that died anvil yeah yeah all right 31. I may as well still mine right like yeah it’ll depend on how much I get here okay uh I got 16 iron really lagged that don’t worry about it I got 69. sorry it’s gonna lag because of the treasure map 69 plus so how many more do we need 11. 21 no we need 31 right I’m pretty far away I’m I’m like 1K out I’ll get him uh what should I do then um average lag sorry about that no no they’re good it’s never anyone’s fault it’s just Minecraft being Minecraft average Minecraft dude is there anything to do with diamonds because this cave goes hella deep um yeah I’m pretty sure I got a potato from a zombie oh server just said hearts okay yeah he’s probably going then okay uh these guys do not look like they wanna we didn’t set any rules on bad explosions no bed explosions will probably happen oh for real no I think I think we said on the last team like let’s not do that oh I think it’s I think it’s good funnier bro and you gotta gotta be good to not die as well during combat exactly whenever I do it there’s like a 50 50 chance I die all right I’ve got shields for line and full line tools like that’s just uh you’re in the village uh rabbits do trade as quickly as you can see that oh I have 25 iron let’s do here wait if I just I just try and Target cranios yeah I don’t know if I’m anywhere near I’m just trying to like find the new um I might as well just book it to them because like I’m not currently doing anything are you guys close going for it I’m not close now I’m only a level five okay I can I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it okay sweet I just completely forgot about chords I have 59 hay bales is there is that a magical at all because I have a witch here a good amount of food oh no I’ll see if I can get um Rapid City trade if we got the sign by the way fine yeah I just haven’t had Crimson rabbit suit I can’t remember it’s it’s smooth butcher yeah all right yes what can I do that’s useful enter ending kill Ender Dragon are both like the same thing right like yeah it’s not pretty much it just takes a little longer wait did they change the coordinates so you can’t see her yeah they changed where the chunk is yeah because in um that’s its own line okay they need to fix that in the future I guess it’s not the same as it is in vanilla yeah all right yeah I found their enter should I just go I’m getting like yeah Silver’s chasing me I’m gonna get I’m putting the levels on hold I can try and go for him sober’s in here you entered at the same spot as yeah I did I did I literally see him right there I’ve got the line and everything like I should win this fight as soon as I get the bed no I don’t just be careful he might all right I can make a I can make an anvil I think I can make an anvil I’m just gonna die and lose it oh [ __ ] oh that’s rough well I’ll just do full iron then no I have the following dude I think nothing better to do yeah I was I was looking for the treasure chest because I couldn’t find 99. um you can use your compass dude yeah I was I still like it won’t be that way I just saw him there’s a second nether portal did he leave and that was another idea how close are you to 15 uh 12. okay there’s just like a couple of things I can do with another one yeah that’s her it seems like there’s almost no one in the Overworld because there is a lot of mobs oh he’s definitely just seen me I’ve just seen him shift I think um what can I do now a lot of nether goals oh another gas man not a server yep ah he love a bucket in me dude there are so many witches oh no way okay well that was nuts did I die recently no I have not died I’m level nine right now um three two zero okay oh shots I’m blaming that on EU ping wholeheartedly even though it was nothing to do with the EU ping and I just sucked which there that was just nice dude that was just nice there all right I have a fourth too so I was just trying to balance like everything I don’t think I’ll do the fourth though like I think I’ll just step in it for the advancement yeah that’s the square and then maybe kill a wither skeleton or two see if you get lucky maybe kill a wither skeleton or two Get Lucky oh you have to get her with a skull if there’s anything there yeah I found a crimson I’m gonna do that first I think I can do it oh my God silver just got it as well nice oh my God does anyone know how to do a uh that’s good timing I’m gonna do a soul Lantern uh yeah it’s uh iron nuggets soul and a sold uh yeah iron nuggets and soul torch which is just torch Soul Sand or it’s so awesome you can get coal from a wither skeleton yeah let me do this uh and you can get iron oh that’s amazing my my last biome is the hot tourist destination what is that nice wait how did you have the how did you have the glow stick the globe ink I just found one bro I must have been My Dead Body no no no no no like I had a like okay well this villager is actually the most useless thing I’ve ever seen I’ve been waiting for like five minutes to try and get a freaking rabbit stew and I can read a hard one if I find two of those that would just be a little bit I’m home oh bro okay like that okay here we go uh I’m gonna I think I’m gonna try and get silk touch for the uh this mushroom stem just look around a little bit yeah or actually I have a way into the nether right now I’m maybe I’ll check it out just to see it’ll be worth because I’m pretty far out oh nice one eleven five we just need two more what’s the best things that we can do right now obviously I have I have this thing right now I’ll rip the skull give me a sec dude breed hogland yeah well they’re not spawning yeah you gotta get two of them it’s just hoaglands and it’s the the red one the red mushroom is it yeah red mushroom s too I’m just getting hungry down nice sweet or we can go for Lee pink oh no we can’t go for leaping can we rub it first we uh I am in a snow bottle there might be rabbits nearby actually now I’m getting the skull guys just relax I see a rabbit flying bike log oh I mean go for it I think we get that like one has a fine has a I got the foot yeah Rod right oh no way I have rods all right I also have I also have a water bottle so we’re good I just gotta get all the way back to them oh you’re gonna do it in the nether nice yeah okay get 100 glaze rates never mind yeah as soon as I speak man all right another oh I got I got two guys on it I had two two heartlands just spawn I find what’s your chords uh you can Encompass me it’s 200 negative 150 of the hoglands though all right assuming this guy okay hello all right I’m on my way fine with the rabbit’s foot hi Skye come from he’s stuck in like the non-breeding mode I think they’re like scared of a thing or something [Music] oh Silva’s dad I shove they’re scared of like a warped mushroom that has to be like through the wall oh that’s so annoying all right I am on my way none of them are in another yeah none okay then we got it I can see it where oh what the heck no you said you have a glass bottle oh my God it’s just got so much speed there’s a guy down here oh that’s one hey what’s up let’s go [Applause] finally broke the shroom and a Hogan just walks off the world all right corner we gotta win let’s go let’s eat five I’ll just sweep yeah that was we can join the car we can maybe swap out teams a lot too yeah GGA oh yeah that was a hamburger you beat me to Soul torch and Fortress by literally 10 seconds I’m not even joking and you can see the Fortress or something yeah yeah yeah I just had another one that I saw and I was like I know stuff I know you killed full of them so I just like I got so overwhelmed Crimson sign breed hogland Fortress Yeah there’s so much fun to do so I just had no idea what to do okay it’s so stupidly dude like I was just like oh yeah he doesn’t realize I’m here and then suddenly you started shifting it was like ah [ __ ] now he knows that I’m here regenerating the world okay yeah I’ll make a new world yeah that was not laggy at all that was so much better that was good to be fair all of this stuff was either like mostly nether or very close procs so still though what was the what was the render distance on that server well the runners on 12 of the simulations I need I think I think it’s probably just a better CPU and these uh I put Starlight apparently it’s a forge mod who knew that they poured it up really or something that’s crazy yeah our team was just warmed up like we said yeah I did not get a world record for iron in a chest I know I got 25 but that was from two chess chat I think the most in mcsr someone’s gone is probably like 30 or 31. it depends if you count the Nuggets too or just the ingots okay I think the cap on ingots is either like 30 or 36 but like that’s like same at the cap in a Village Blacksmith is like a stack like it’s never actually gonna happen yeah um but yet they’re really quick like I don’t know how long it was if anyone had a timer but that was that was like half an hour less than half an hour yeah they go they go really fast with just some of the amount of people yeah it’s it’s cool they lost their early ones and it was just I guess you were up after that I think it’s fun because you could make one that’s longer and have like goals of like like ancient city maybe but then it could get like really boring at the end if like no one finds anything or like people die and like lose their stuff like so it they’re fast but it’s still really fun all right what’s up no I think it’s good I think it’s a good one yep thanks spawn bro I mean it’s there’s a lot going on all right there better be a cactus objective I mean there’s a lot going did I say any glue come on let there be a cactus one uh where’s the igloo guys I’m blind oh there’s like wow it’s gonna be like six in this Village a blood bath all right wait do we have to make teams again or join teams yeah yeah okay yeah okay all right do we want to switch up the teams at all or no whatever we can try one more time and see if it’s a sweep I think we just had like a pretty good luck on that one yeah why not we’ll do yeah all the objectives again yeah because we just happened to get a lot of the early ones all right I’m gonna do the other day they only take like 25 minutes anyway like we can probably run like three more yeah it’s quick you just got like I’m getting a game it’s right before we got them I think we rapid stooter about to get um I just found a juicy cave I lucked out on that one damn I found a few shipwrecks and I I was like seconds away from dying to an anvil I was like do I get a bed or not and then I died or then you got the goal actually they’re all good yeah I think uh yeah but oh [ __ ] don’t worry guys I’ll sell this one be on my own pain just just screw it sorry I have to do everything individually it’s so hard yeah they’re just like easy to forget something I guess all right here we go all right good luck everybody good luck good luck starting it it’ll live for a bit before it starts all right all right here we go oh okay breed chicken those are just seeds other chickens in this biome also Spanish chicken with an egg there is obtain a bell can you punch a bell out in a village is that possible um okay so we’ll uh I’m gonna I’m gonna book it to the trees and go for a couple no wait there’ll be composters in the village yeah yeah I see the bomb I’m just gonna rip I’m gonna rip something on the white oh yeah yeah I’m just gonna get that I’ll team with you straight away I’ll team with you fill them and try and push them off you yeah that’s amazing there’s a stoop for a jump boost I don’t remember it’s blue blue flower oh courteous [Music] wait did he jump into here [Music] yes um light blue glazed terracotta that’s crazy Dad okay here we go two one go oh everybody’s going to the Village no obsidian by the way oh my God holy crap what what you have to fill it made it yeah you have to go all the way I got it okay oh my God what the heck is going on okay I’m knocking silver off I’m knocking silver off [Music] everybody Focus Bell yeah I’m push them yeah there’s no one on here okay I didn’t see the second one you’re safe for the Bell yourself you’re like oh I got it got it got it yeah just one second got it good nice okay okay okay and together I’m gonna get some stone tools okay uh zombie villager zombie villager yeah it’s a 50 50. not real no I don’t think real ones well maybe actually yeah there’s full gold as well as Silver Moon portals are valuable silver might be trying to go for that because he went all the way into the land yeah there is just an ocean at the back so you can go for the you can go for something I was already gone yeah so okay they’re exploring I’m going for it yeah Silver’s at the ocean as well 11 iron for the rail um oh is it Minecart again and use Anvil not die to anvil [Music] there’s the Ravine I might be able to get 11 in there yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna flood it with water back out all right blue glazed territory that’s okay it wasn’t there all right is there any in here uh I got a little bit of iron all right you start mining it uh there’s a furnace right here for us oh brilliant I got one on the ground I’m gonna go down this cave yeah that’s there’s some more down here glazed terracotta is really easy if we can find it if blue flower gives us both a jump boost and um both jump boost and the light blue terracotta you can craft it light blue or dark blue from uh a house I think it’s a desert I think it’s a village house yeah you can just make it faster with a blue flower and yeah let’s go find a village tool Smith switch to screw up all right that’s a real excuse me I have I have seven iron uh do you have four I have four yeah okay okay start smelting it and we’ll lay you up are you up again I kind of no I’m I’m at the phone I’m at the furnace down here okay yeah I swam a bit further down all right I’ll start smelling it okay I’ve got I’ve smelt in my pool okay I’m grabbing a little bit more yeah uh I have sticks so you just come up and I’ll be ready I’m lucky I found an egg yes we’re good yeah it’s all right so I’m lucky okay oh breed chicken is very easy if someone ever yeah there’s no chickens in this box we need honey as well I’m pretty sure my clothes probably done now all right uh three I’m just waiting on one more yeah I’m at uh I should have probably got that out of the thing before being ready I think I found it already yeah silver pharaoh and opposite direction they’re not going south they all spread out okay yeah just across this giant president River I should have done this one first whatever all right yeah or not I probably did he’s here right done that nice good job all right let’s get out of here I think we should explore all right sweet the only other iron thing is and value stream 31. yeah okay because uh have you got any sticks smaller can you just throw them down I’ll throw them down okay that’s fine all right sticks beautiful I can’t get Obby though okay don’t yeah don’t yeah don’t come on I’m on Emerald but he probably wins the fight if he decides to fight here where I don’t have any oh okay oh my God I’ll probably just have to boat around oh flag yeah gold stuff yeah I got a room portal goal I don’t I think Pharaoh’s been here but I’m gonna kill him okay he’s going to a village um it’s gonna be easier for me to use an iron pick to do this oh my God I’m so stupid whatever he knows I’m here now okay this is looted gotta go I’m in his boat all right free chicken’s already done I don’t see anything yeah we’re just gonna go bow drifting until I see something that can give me food because it’s the fastest way to move really blue terracotta is just a blue it’s just a blue flower that’s all it is yeah I just get ambula not gonna lie there’s so much eye in here I’ll get Amber sounds good yeah and it’s super easy or for real yeah cause you got buried treasure I wasn’t able to kill him I mean he he’s not getting 31 from buried treasure as well um yeah still he might have a chance here I think I’ve got like 16 smelting and I’m just combining the only thing I really need to do in a village something around here uh not really there’s a b here where does this B come from I could do honey yeah there is honey I have two bees I’ve won I think they’re lost though yeah I can I can I can I can do it I can do it I can do it I can do it I I have three b’s and a beehive uh that’ll work negative 154 negative two literally right it’s one if you want to I mean I can do it also if you’re doing other stuff let me just I’m not I’m not doing anything I’m not doing anything that’s on purpose I don’t think this one has that definitely saved time no or not all right you got snacks I’m still looking for I’m just looking for blue flowers or something to blue dye for the Terracotta yeah I can I can do that I can do that oh you have that I should find clay okay how much Clay is it like Rivers yeah so you’ll probably blocked clay turned into terracotta diver terracotta and then so yeah you get eight clay blocks turn the clay blocks into terracotta but with my smiles and then you dye the Terracotta with the light blue and then you smelt it again fire just died he just hasn’t he has nothing oh okay okay no all right he’s just in the cave next to me I’m I’m booking it he’s got nothing Roger come on I also have nothing except I have like half HP um she doesn’t expect it though how do I get oh is there just blue they’re not light yeah so you only do use a composter to get a bone meal to turn into white diamonds so genius I was like these flowers just do light gray but that makes a lot of sense yeah knowledge Camp it’s illegal Nintendo owns Looper I got enough yeah I got away enough oh sheesh that’s fine there’s a lot of nether goals it’s scary I can Mark him he might have free toggle in potentially depends on where he spawns he or he had 100 has saw uh the soul Lantern though mm-hmm I’m just looking for anything that’s not the snow biome this thing has honey level zero nice one nice all right what’s going on with that one percentage I don’t know time them out which person how do you glaze this terracotta you just smelled that right smelt it again yeah smell the colored terracotta yeah no way out of this stupid area oh I don’t know you can get over nice nice and then yeah um now you just need the two mushrooms for the blue stew you kept a spare mushroom oh no I had no mushrooms oh sorry you kept a spare flower haven’t yeah I got the flowers cool if you go to the nether I guess that’s free yeah it’s the corn flour as the jumpers yeah the blue one yeah blue Cornflower yeah um no one has gold yet Silver’s probably about to get it but might be able to snipe that with a rune portal oh it’s lagging be careful somebody somebody like the entry I might be that you’re going that would be terrible I think it’ll be fine as soon as I hit the goal and they just started lagging oh my God damn well finally okay took me like a year and a half to get Flint Steel okay we are looking oh yeah bro nice nice combo right there like a minute ago he must have just made an iron pick two um okay I just like smelt it yeah storm kind of near me I mean diamonds means nothing right yeah yeah basically it doesn’t mean uh I can get a gold helmet from here at least I’ll get a gold helmet from this little zombie house I guess a little shipwreck okay all right um okay cool can I come back I’m like 10 minutes and we check we need glow squid and Crimson they can get that but sure are you like are you actually doing the bees yeah yeah okay I have I have the Beast set up I have three V’s I literally made the setup around this tree and so they’re gonna be done like five minutes okay okay I’m sure it’s hiking boss I don’t know why I think lap chests Maybe oh weird I think I act I accidentally destroyed a map Jess I didn’t realize I had a map in it it’s over breed hogman wow all right that was on purpose put this surely it was it was I swear right sorry about that I totally just didn’t miss a block clutch I will yeah okay I have the corn flour so I have to get mushrooms yeah another is probably the easiest place for that I guess yeah I’m leaving the bees up to switch I think I’m just gonna join the nether gang okay I’m gonna try and enter the Netherlands let’s see if I can find I’ll see if I can find a uh rabbit for rabbit’s foot as well oh true yeah yeah do you need jump boost and you also need to brew the leaping pot yeah but it’s probably best to get the the drum boost first separate yeah boy I don’t know what I just said hit I hit f3v I’m gonna look for um and I think my game crash oh no gold almost done gold armor is done well just those are the guys yeah that’s true all right I guess wear one piece of netherrite uh egg chicken okay can you get those in shipwrecks no uh I’m ocean you can get them in the trees oh yeah oh I still set up switch oh no that’s one yeah oh no that is yeah yeah the bees yeah okay yeah yeah they’ll get done during the daytime okay this is tough flippies surely he’s just picks up Abby if he does any trades at all yeah unless he does a hopper filter where you just put all the trades into a hopper First You’re Gonna trade that’s the way to do it um I’m not sure if I got a foot I got ta don’t don’t understand I think that’s that’s kind of cheating I think that might have been patched I’m not sure the is the the holding things in the offhand patched outside for this version or you can like hold the graphing table in your oven the hungry song I’ve respawned and there’s so many mobs buy all my stuff I’m a little worried I’ll be fine but I think it may be patched okay yeah offhand I think anyways yeah I just remember somebody bringing that up earlier foreign yeah they’re in the nether right now yeah we should get another one for this time that was easy so we can’t we just can’t do anything in the other world that’s gonna stop them yeah there’s not much left to do in the nether that’s the thing like I can there’s not none of these goals are really like beat the game there’s like a Ender Chest will be done with obsidian so oh my God they go collaborate too oh my God so we so we have access to honey and leap and jump boost so that will put it at six nine is that amethyst geode what I’m sorry you didn’t need that yeah yeah I see the amethyst geode do you have a um what do I need copper copper yeah and then what do I need to look at I got a gas to repair it or Ender Dragon yeah oh it’s a mine shaft ah that was wild oh dude you could have had the globery yeah so lucky you know I come to wear a cave and there was no like dirt in the center room so like freaked me out what do I need just the crystals right how do I get those literally just the crystals silver picked up obsidian there you go I will try to I mean I guess like I’ll just try to kill it yeah you need the charge that’s it you don’t need the actual block awesome why are there I see I’ve got glow squid as well if anyone can get into The Nether okay dude this game’s Wild I’m gonna kill all of these glow squids so they can’t get them it sounds good I have a emerald kind of thing I have a thing in a thing oh my god oh that’s so good yeah someone used to they have another right armor right well but you need more armor yeah have you got another enter depends on what they found yeah I might have to make a hero play uh location of the netherball negative 500 1800. oh I can actually follow you okay you’re a little bit far away I’m about to go into the Netherlands what is this oh that’s you me bro I love that I had hitboxes turned on and everything EMS oops oh this is so scary I’m just trying to focus and not lose there’s so many good people that are doing so many things see the chunks that Emerald’s like loading timer oh I didn’t press the timer but I’m sorry like I have to go this way so focused on the game didn’t even notice uh if you just get Crimson you can oh you’re good so guys shut this guy’s shot here we go oh geez yeah I’ll I’ll pull it from the outside um okay let’s see um okay I have both cups and mushrooms all right uh so I’m gonna try and get the jump boost I try to even look for that I don’t have either but I can look for that too yeah are you guys doing the mushrooms you need Redwood uh I think I saw Redwood Redwood because I have the gloves glow sorry one of the glow sacks let’s see glow Bros is that a red biome yeah thank you yeah skeleton shot to my chicken I see a red biome I’m oh I see a Bastion too uh probably is just a passion that they got by the way yeah yeah actually I could also just be there there’s a good chance they are I’m just gonna try and rush in to get uh I need to get the Redwood and leave yeah do you have a glow squid no I don’t I I’m just gonna addiction I’m gonna go in and out go through and uh whereabouts with your portal do you remember it’s far you’re not gonna be able to get to it I’m going back for bees so this should be done by the time yeah for sure again actually uh I didn’t realize your furnace was melting the glass I was like oh shoot I don’t know what to do with this oh I uh I just put a chest next to it that’s how you put it in a chest yeah all right I I got uh Redwood so I’m going back to the Overworld nice okay I got red wooden mushrooms so I just need blue flowers or there’s a bunch of blue flowers by me at the spawn yeah I’m nowhere close to that what are your cords um I’m getting back to the overall one second okay it’s raining that’s actually really annoying it’s bad for the bees yeah oh yeah I can do the uh I can do the mushrooms too right now don’t worry about it okay I will just dig straight down to look for um the what’s it called yeah we’re catching up here all right yeah uh I’ll tell you in a second it’s negative 800 or sorry negative 600 negative two thousand so I’m far out okay yeah all right I feel like I’m just doing nothing right now um uh does anyone have the uh I need to get in another I need to get another okay does anyone have their swag glass yeah I just have it but I have no I have shards okay yeah he’s just trying to get copper and then pop in here to get a gas they already got the glue berries uh I can’t remember how much it is I don’t think it’s a lot it’s like two what no one saw this what’s the inner chest one get another chance oh yeah people can do an exercise now that’s true [Music] okay here’s a cave how do you make the sparkle I got it uh I just tried the orientations in some way and it worked yeah yeah do you not use a search craft thing no I did I don’t have botoxin right now so what a collage holy [ __ ] he’s good uh wait is that a Geo if it’s a geodes one out um that’s gonna be the easiest way to do it right I have a lava pool I don’t know where you are you got it close to me whereabouts got the glowing stuff negative negative 500 um it’s like negative 500 probably negative 10 negative 20. I’m moving towards it right now I got the glowing button um yeah I just happened to find it off this map it’s negative 575 negative 18. okay sweets all right there’s a village right behind it but I’m gonna go oh I’ve got an egg come on I roll gave me the goal I did put some chickens in a hole earlier to like come back to but I just found an egg on the way oh my God I might be able to do a goal here though [ __ ] clutch let’s go I I like walk up to Emerald he’s in full iron I have like nothing I need to see Pearl away from me but I think we might have the biggest clutch ever in the history scene that made sense if this treasure Bastion has um if this treasure Boston has another right in the bottom oh yeah because we oh sheesh true this is gonna be really close this one might actually be a lot longer because we might have to go for like a lot more deciding factor or something yeah exactly as soon as I get to this love I’m just getting food sorted out I can basically get the Spyglass ones so we should be pretty much even sweet oh he got hidden in the depths firearm it’s not soup really I’m gonna try and get a spy glass you still need the diamonds have you got a diamond have you got a bit of diamond armor yeah but you just rip that too like what’s wrong okay just rip both okay this water stream has been the worst I mean Android makes sense to go to end crystal in between um emeralds emeralds in the Bastion with me I got arrows I want a bow you need to call another spider though because I have two arrows that’s enough to kill a ghost everything kind of needs and our eyes right Android needs under eyes and the chest needs under eyes and Crystal needs under eyes yeah lots of stuff so yeah just kind of like finished like yeah I’m like 100 bucks away right now picking up a you’ll probably see trees burning and stuff I’m picking up a buried treasure my reaction time was god-like and it still didn’t still didn’t do anything more than negative 575 minus 20. oh my God that’s ginormous that’s insane biggest planet history ever as they say cheese that’s a play right there all right The Comeback is real that I think I go back to the surface here yeah I would like to surface here and uh I’m just gonna look for my chats that I was shaking like no [ __ ] I need some amethyst bottom treasure this dude’s like three times as stacked as me oh here we go he said behind the chat but he’s got The High Ground Advantage the fire’s Advantage the pro advantage all right good that’s just massive like that we’re leaving now where was the hole I got dude I got a smithing table from our like spawn Village and I held it the entire time oh my gosh that’s huge wait switch where’s the where’s the bucket uh not the bucket the honey where’s the hole I can’t do it because I it’s raining oh sheesh yeah I need a way out I keep saying sheesh shut up I saw the whole where the hell did I come from I need to dig I’ll just dig up whatever there’s an ocean and there’s a lot of GEOS there yeah I’m literally about the building there we go we have a really perfect geode I’ll pop in with you then no geodes I don’t have a wolf or bad geode try and grab dude grab one from the yeah from the village whatever go up I don’t think we saw a jungle around it’s nine nine okay I’ll wait till you’re back grab some more wood while I’m waiting just get blocked right now yeah oops all right come on do you want a bit of gold armor um do you have some emeralds I think I’m gonna make a helmet all right okay sure Emerald or I’m gonna probably look through the Overworld for emeraldor because I’m not anything for anything no yeah it’s honey uh and yeah just the Fortress right now because of rain once it stops raining I’ll be able to do it but I’ll I’ll walk into another for suicide mission yeah I need to just get Five Guys you need to protect me while I get spy gloss yeah yeah it’s cool I’m back ocean I might be able to make a spy glass and I think there was a gas around you’re in the nether I’m I’m waiting for Smith to come back yeah okay I need a personalized bodyguard I don’t know I might do it anyways because there was a gas there and people were around someone over here despawn there’s geodes all around here don’t yell at me please if I find a geode I just turn around all right nevermind I got it okay it’s one pig as well like a million pigs uh yeah we need to look for a mountain now who are we on for for the uh ghost challenge yeah yeah it’s gas you have a boat uh I do have a boat yeah and if you see the guest if you have like a bone arrow or something to kill it nice nice kill it for the eye because you still need the or the tier yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh have you got any gravel have you got any gravel no but there’s some around okay I have feathers I have sticks I have strings oh you can then Vines does anyone have a rabbit’s foot and me I do I do okay cool I’m basically that’s fine I’m falling through the world yeah Mega luck right now a little bit of light there um ah it’s my time The Goth died in lava oh my God ah whatever I might be able to get some obsidian and bring it to you guys because I have a diamond pickaxe for the Ender Chest but I got the rates got boosted bro yeah yeah I I just got 30 pearls almost from these things that I actually just like that the biggest Double Take in my life yeah these are these are regular rates for uh whatever 115 or whatever it is were you uh just right where that glass was okay this could be a mountain this could be the mountain we’re looking for oh it’s shooting it is the mountain we’re looking for then nice all the money for emeralds no no looks like it could be what do we need um because I am going shooting on a mission oh Emerald or spotted sheesh Emerald oh that’s crazy literally I’m building to it um okay I’m good yeah take some armor oh if you’re on a okay I guess not it’s fine it’s fine nice one sweet all right uh I think I guess I’ll join another with you guys I’ll bring obsidian well now while I’m there we’re on the way there because I have a diamond pick sounds good because there’s nothing else to do here is lava I might just have to dig down what do I need um honey bottle is possible we need the guys for the tier for the crystal oh I got gunpowder okay oh my God no he’s asking you to sleep because he’s also doing bees right yeah I know but you think you have it faster I think I have it faster if I if I worst case scenario because I know it’s a spawn too okay so worst case scenario if I think he’s gonna get her so Crystal is under chest okay I have bottles in a chest that spawn see a Bastion I mean it’s 99 already done but um I’m under I also see an Enderman Which is far more important naturally yeah there’s a blue line here I’m out of blue line for him we need to get a uh right on the seam dude oh my God that’s all right have they ever get one I don’t think they ever I’m gonna try and go into the Bastion and get some obsidian that’s really all I can do right now this is a really Fringe because now I’m in the middle because I’m not getting that stuff back Clifton caves everything straight down I had water actually it’s gonna be bridging over love is a good idea on EU thing really sounds fun I had water but didn’t uh Fashions are crazy dude 44 golden carrots wow oh my God oh my God I think I crafted maybe half of those or like a third but just still mental this is just an unlooted house looted all right we’re going into The Nether I’ll have a bunch of stuff in the nether I had a safety measure I thought it was fine see another bash and I don’t know if they might be at that one or not it’s a bridge oh in a month that was last Oh shoot no no no no no no do not kill me Bert okay yeah there’s no need for me to be here I do not need to go to Sebastian I’m not going yeah more than another I need to go to the Bastion to get stuff that’s the only way I think yeah it’s just like Fort challenge Fortress plus the like Obby have you got Obby for Ender Chest probably right um yeah I have 20 Abby oh [Music] um we have to rush him right all right I’ll try and go to him too I have two stacks of pearls three beds that’s really all you need I have a dream we will come out on top all right all right I think I’m gonna try and find a red mushroom over here and then I’m gonna enter this area I kind of have to there’s red mushrooms that way I’m gonna hope no one looted this Bastion it looked like it wasn’t looted somehow in the lead uh oh why did I say that why did I even say anything why did I say anything then let’s see I don’t have any lava buckets so I just got to bait them away a little a little ways away oh they traded uh-huh they did trade okay yep it’s fine it’s okay it’s okay so I need to freak out there might be stuff in the chest that they left I don’t know dude could shut up okay definitely can’t see me what the hell come here oh I see the bridge as well I need that brute to see me because he can’t oh God you’re behind me then yep I think okay there again no gossip okay we got food that’s what I was going for let’s check the rest of the chest this guy is not moving and I’m curling towards him how far is the Fort man it’s it’s pretty far he found that Bastion really all right you think he’s like 1K out or something there were three things left and we need two of them oh sorry yeah for the honey bottle it was raining they couldn’t pause 270 negative 500. further than you negative Z I’m negative 220. uh 820. I’m still going there’s no Fortress in sight so maybe we just find a different one I’m not gonna lie yeah no I’m going for silver you go for that yeah yeah that makes sense but like for me I’m behind both of you and it’s already yeah third I don’t know Feinberg can probably overtake me because he has pearls though I feel useful yeah yeah there’s no point in this being like step s there though we just need like shut it they’re gonna try and go through glasses cool I don’t know if that’s silver I See Fire oh he could have a ghost here that’s really important he just got the pretend to send her okay yeah yeah yeah I got my obsidian or silver I got I found pyro yeah okay this gas is shooting at me bro location no I fell in love her no okay I’m going back to the other world and going for the beach because I’m a bit scared oh that’s juice we just need someone at the right we just need an Ender eye though and then honey and we went yeah with the glass switch on you oh but there’s a furnace right by bees but then we have to get back there you know what I mean yeah if we need it I have another wart yeah because you can Brew the leaping right uh I don’t have the the stand I have a stand I have a stand what’s your chords have we got one uh yes yes oh let’s let’s go then because I have a stand from a village okay meet me in the nether I’m at negative 170 negative 160. okay I’m grabbing this time from this Village and coming back do you need any hospitals or anything I’ll need bottles yeah okay bring on every ingredient except uh do you need water yeah every every ingredient okay you have the Ablaze powder for fuel uh I forgot Blaze powders I’m just facing um ah I also have a rabbit’s foot I could have done it in the Overworld if I’d yeah we just need blaze powder all right would you say the chords were negative 334 negative one thousand two okay I don’t know if you’re gonna silver went to jail or this sport possible just did not want to get attacked by anybody I guess where the this guy Pearl there’s no way all right I’m gonna try and get out of here now Silver’s out of the nether by the way yeah I know I was I was like I still have the line kind of but I just is anyone still camping the honey no I’m about to go back to it that was why I was grabbing yeah it’s not raining anymore I might just suey just go back suey uh I’m smelting up glass for uh bottles okay are you watching my stream literally I see you oh okay uh um you’ll see my name tag on it I’m just gonna guide you to it man this is tough didn’t use dandelions I don’t have any oh I do everything I thought I used them already Crystal um and then like a couple of beds that’s for sure um that’s not really not cutting honey yet okay I’m gonna try to go in a different direction and maybe maybe I can find a fortress before them because I have 10 Hobby do I have an iron I don’t have iron okay if you guys do the bees we’ll just need one just need one blaze powder yeah yeah and then you to get out because I have I have the rabbit’s foot I have the water bottles and I have the burning stand on me all right yeah get Focus the honey make sure there’s always someone on that honey do we have it right now all right you got them jammed up in like a one by one hole that they can only pop out of and stuff okay I made the the whole setup and everything cool I did I gotta asked over where this fort was man And subscribe we can do this I don’t know how far this guy wins what would be useful for me today right now oh fire was my favorite I mean we need to find a fortress that’s really the only way or we can kill the person that is right fine no we’re gonna fall no that’s oh no no one’s in a fortune because I can catch up to this [ __ ] now just look for the I’ll look first I’m just like I’m just like running out of everything like two stacks of pearls is now eight four five rest is now zero of it’s rough they did go to multiple bastions so yeah yeah I found a Bastion that they uh they got uh stables and they got a bridge yeah like this dude straight up went 2K out of them Stables I they were also at housing yeah they were the housing I saw the housing yeah um three okay I got another word from housing which is why I had it oh [ __ ] yeah yeah um but yeah I should have knees done by the end of this day cycle I think oh my God portals everywhere I think I’m just gonna go through one they’re definitely going for stronghold like I mean yeah they basically have to Silver has everything for stronghold so we need to like get them but I mean they should have everything for leaping as well like that’s what I’m worried about like how do they not I don’t know maybe rabbit foot probably they might not have rabbit foot it’s got to be rabbit foot I mean it also has to be ghost here right for them honey you have honey nice I’m already on four so it’ll be done in like a minute or two okay yeah beautiful blue potion is jump boost okay throw back in now I just feel click wait do I have to have a campfire no no no no no it needs to be in your inventory I’m pretty sure the advancement you need to have a campfire yeah it’s not an advancement it’s just get a honey bottle this is tough someone found a village with a lava pool next door wow yeah I I when I came back out of vanilla I went to a village where they um what’s it called uh very important right next to it but someone left the gold Block in the room portal which was a bit weird yeah I mean fire about dinner and pick at the time oh the moon portal this must have been me yours then because I think there was someone smelting with two furnaces trying my absolute offer okay so slight issue I don’t think I’m Gonna Get It On this day cycle because it is turning at night time oh all right well that means they can get it it means the moment just unless they just rip it now because I they’re the bees are pollinated and they’re in the Beehive yeah the moment the next day starts just be waiting and right clicking and you’ll get it first like there’s literally no way they can get it if you just Spam right click on it because the moment the day starts they’ll leave all right then I don’t know what to do here I need a little more wood actually before I go in okay here we go yeah I’m just looking for thought but sadly I think it is just nothing for you you have to just do nothing yeah the most optimal thing you could do is wait hpg incarnate hvg incarnate just like I found a zombie villager the [ __ ] he just showed up what would do some stone for tools you should probably try and hide it as best as possible and like Crouch so I can’t find you I guess that’s probably not it’s like it’s like off of Spawn it’s not directly on spawn I think I found the Fortress nice okay um oh my God I see two of them working together oh that’s why you have beds [Music] come on this is just weird I don’t I just you’re if you get the honey I just need to get a rod and get out yeah you don’t need to interact I have honey I have honey like I will get honey all right I should have left my [ __ ] in the overwheld dude there’s actually zero way like Cornelius gets honeymoon first day one first we won second and this is the third match like an awkward amount of distance for me to go back yeah that’s why I just took the bed I was like whatever dude I know I’m going in just maybe I’ll be able to distract him like like [ __ ] someone up yeah we don’t even agent debris anymore because someone already has to do another right okay this way yeah I just saw them make a second portal I was trying to snipe them dude um I mean you you just need the the the stuff right one rod or two rods I guess for the Brewing we got this I’m just gonna go to rabbit’s foot you guys like I can just make the gas yeah yeah I know I know I know I was just saying like that’s gonna be difficult for us to get to each other because I obviously went a different direction plus he doesn’t have any pearls and fires anymore I could probably find a portal if you want to try and make your way back I can find another portal I found a portal just a random portal it might be easier for me to just travel in the other world yeah they’re kind of everywhere like 300 blocks out okay Feinberg nice come on we got this if they have struggled it’s just one goal that we don’t need yeah no kidding yeah we’re we’re fine we’re as long as we like we have the honey we just need one more goal and they if I think I have to throw like very badly Yeah okay or I have to throw like mediocreally yeah you just make sure you’re like ready and waiting during because they’ll pop out first frame of day are you just gonna go for the what are you going for fine um the uh Crystal oh you’re gonna go for Crystal rather than yeah yeah yeah okay that makes a lot more sense here don’t you yeah I know I just hope I have to Blind on [ __ ] glass yes yeah that was me I am making new chunks apparently you’ll find on a beach this was lagged that was the worst time to enter Pearl over lava oh [ __ ] I might just like time out this shit’s funny yeah this is kind of why negative 1400 negative 1500. there we go where am I okay wait my Pearl hit this that’s so funny all right Chad I don’t need bottles I need sand for glass my Pearl did not go in the right direction not just like where the [ __ ] do I find sand do I have any wood left in like any like any I’m on a swamp yeah yeah that’ll work yeah under every water is I think we got it then as long as you’re ready with that honey we got this come on get the freaking Crystal already ah we’re so close fill tense though like yeah I mean if they get the crystal before us then we’re in a a sticky situation Do you have a uh do you have wart I still have to oh yes I’m gonna be I’m gonna beat all of you through it it’s fine I found the fourth all right I have all of the things I need for uh to make like a yeah the potion oh sweet yeah so I mean we’re we have we’re waiting on like three goals right now all of us we have four minutes until these all right I don’t get bonked by like a wither skeleton or something right can I make a uh Shield real quick oh I’m so smart did I get a tear from that I’m stretch I think no tear yeah I think we got this chat there’s three goals left that’s so freaking tense yeah this is so close I know there’s four what oh yeah the like boxing on the gas tank yeah it makes it look weird no wood [Music] um probably all right nice four and a half and then we’ll get the potion I guess once you’re ready yeah you’ll probably get the potion before one second off no way oh my God it’s cool I’m just trying to find a blaze ow bro two two ghosts while I’m waiting at the spawner like I can’t five ID this is the most open Fortress sir the only Strays I’m ripping up gas dude oh I mean it’s either interesting at the bees I guess there’s no shot they got both it’s either I get bees shooting at me does this Flint exist Henry do you want to help me wait for beef hatched cheese there’s three ghosts three were the skeletons Blaze to the right dude foreign Maybe yeah but do you need to get oh wait it doesn’t matter whoever gets it first yo okay I get it first all right come on it’s just a matter of time clearly uh it’s netherwort first and then rabbit’s foot right uh yeah another wart on the water bottle rarely have honey before you have no way no way I don’t know I’m lagging as well I think I’m gonna die wait we’re lagging I’m that may have been me don’t tell them this one lagged way more because we went to like Z negative 84. yeah like four of us it may have been me the last one was over on like spawn chunks it felt like wait oh yeah okay I’m dropping okay it’s just like I think I’ll die and support you with spawn I think that’s really the only thing I can do a water bottle [Music] good potion yeah just a matter of time from a distance here may be Invincible no I clicked it out too early I lagged still okay who is the is this [Applause] yo 14 to 10. [Music] oh ggs uh oh my God it was a second before foreign oh my God all right did you see cranios with the bees yo what the [ __ ] how corinios was his second light on the bees he wasn’t spam clicking oh no you can just hold it down I was just holding it down oh [ __ ] on it could there just be a ping death oh it’s so rough it’s over do not tell me that was the fort you found for your rods yes that was dude it’s ridiculous A Thousand Miles Away went through two stacks of pearls and like I had two pearls and four one two carrots I didn’t find you at all and then as soon as I found you guys I was like you’re going to the second here dude I had got a looting three sword from a Bastion I just couldn’t use it because I couldn’t find it oh what we’re like we’re like 100 bucks off the stronghold but I just can’t find rabbits I killed two rabbits in like 20 minutes and then well I don’t know how you guys won by one second on both advancements yeah the bees are probably the bees are probably ping if we’re just all holding it as soon as they come out of daytime yeah you were holding it oh yeah wait maybe how did you even get these remember [Music] I didn’t have anything else to do once I crafted the end like the crystal I wasn’t gonna follow you guys because you were so funny how did you get Crystal did you already switch gave me a guess here I got the rod and then I blinded out to smoke Santa yeah the Fortress was like I was trying to chase you and kill you so yeah yeah I saw you you were so far away yeah I saw you guys like an OptiFine render and I was like dude should I hit one of these guys for like 250 away I got there too late you were just so far I burned like 20 gold picks and like all my pearls ah it was so dumb wait am I the only guys I think only when he’s taking L’s the entire time I’ve taken L’s all three rounds yeah I I’m kind of I’ve kind of won every single one I mean what did I do that is that was so close that was actually the best I blinded and I was just trying to get sand it took me like two minutes yeah we had to we blinded on that second quarter right and then okay let’s just dig up like 100 okay that’s just fun I contributed yeah and switch up the teams a little bit um thanks for the gift sub by the way I’m sorry crafty boss I was like yeah I saw you in the housing I was trying to kill you in the housing that was that was a pretty cool round watching all the perspectives don’t scare me at the top of that I was like oh [ __ ] I’m gonna die I’m not a drop TNT on you but then you left yeah that was such a misplay because then you just straight after the other thing I was so bad I I high rolled out of that chest I had I have the smithing table from the spawn Village which I mean doesn’t matter at all because you just craft one but I got a two ingots and diamond boots from the bottom this is a pretty high roll yeah I am doing the server again it was lagging a little bit I think it’s just because we were all um I need to sign some paperwork chat um to get some stuff shipped to me they said they need both documents signed but there’s no signing place for this one document oh and they sent me a dot doc but I can’t open it because I don’t have any things that oh look at what programs that are free that I can download open doc doc documents with because I it’s not I don’t have anything that opens doc free Google Docs all right Libra office just give me a sec what did that download to what the hell why this is the most frustrating thing my downloads folder doesn’t show me the downloads in order of downloaded no matter even if I hit the the button of ordered of it it doesn’t work save to okay save that to desktop just give me a sec Minecraft because sometimes it flashes and shows it just give me a sec we’re gonna store let me just minimize this um I wonder if I can open with like Adobe Acrobat nope never mind okay file is there like an upload button oh there is an upload button okay Bang you need to sign this thing apparently upload it to drive true here we go uh let me read through this delivery date is the 13th to the 15th Yoho uh all right can I save this as like a freaking EF you know that’s better new chair I’m actually getting my chair now all right I’m I gotta get to sign some documents now um edit put a little add a little sign there [Music] um [Music] all right next signed let’s go all right now the next one where is it you got rated low carbs thanks to the raid I’m signing some documents right now we’re in the middle of a Minecraft lockout uh welcome to the stream everybody I am uh very quickly citing some documents just to make sure that it is all good uh because I’m I need to get my gaming chair I’ve been sitting in a crappy little uh I’m assuming at a crappy little chair for the longest time and now I finally can get the other one shipped to me foreign [Music] all right we’re almost almost back oh apparently oh no did I watched um I watched G2 Navi earlier this morning yeah yeah yeah embarrassing eleven one half bro oh my God is this from illegal CS oh Val okay I know I think rlcs is going on right now as well yeah or let’s just post crazy numbers too I think those are a little inflated though because you could like get like drops and stuff so they were playing like a hundred times fake news unless you’re cheating you have items in your inventory not anymore I don’t [Laughter] boom where are you I got a new dropper jump for you oh no way the first tree this tree into the lake good luck what I couldn’t even get on the tree dude what do you mean oh it’s easy yeah I didn’t see the way up all right it’s all signed good job oh yeah no I just I fluffed that major anywhere in the lake yeah there we go oh my God some clothes that was not close where is the damn tree dude all right wait so we’re switching up teams [Music] I didn’t die oh is this the new world I’m finally back by the way yeah we got we got new Team all right all right wait did we pick the teams or are we picking up uh Weinberg silver for them and me okay and then switch Spyro emerald and small land okay sounds good um can you say that one more time so I can update my info uh your team is switch firo emerald in you switch firo okay sounds good uh we’ll see Team two then uh yeah yeah everybody on my team all right a little bit all right I mean I guess I guess we’re ready to go then no all right let’s go good luck all right okay here we go good luck everyone is she gonna like type the commands they’re gonna be like five seconds all right all right we’re good here we go chat let’s do it do Squad no no they’re not just reaping I’m not changing the squad stream it’s too much work unfunny business I should probably get off of this tree huh clearly we won’t have to do yeah if someone if someone’s like it sounds like on a tree no fall damage oh I timed out I did start about this lagging oh oh yeah oh all right empty hunger bars one oh still tools oh yeah stone tools okay do we want to bully people to get snow tools he says wait yeah yeah yeah I can just immediately dip and try to get stone tools yeah we might we might refresh there’s a chance that we refresh yeah get levitation there you go good [ __ ] all right I’ll I’ll feed you wood if you’re going to the cave do you see that cave um I don’t see a k no okay never mind I got stoned I can you can feel me oh [ __ ] well there we go doesn’t matter you already have it furnace is probably on me it’s fine I’ll catch yeah I’m doing it all right oh I’m [ __ ] dead dude four five six I’m a stone damn where are you guys where am I mine’s already got it um yeah I just got a full set just seconds later leather yeah leather isn’t too bad all right at least I got tools now powdered snow could be yeah it’s nearby what am I doing here all right let’s give me some wood decide to a b ite to a b isn’t that bad if we can find one oh yeah I can go for that I think is it yeah they only take damage did anyone take damage I’m gonna go for leather armor all right you go for leather armor um um I’m had a Southeast I’ll pause snow there’s literally uh yeah there’s a there’s a slope biome up here okay that is powdered snow on it I might yeah I’m up there it’s pause pause okay I think I might see some iron already it’s a bucket he’s doing at the younger bar kill him then come on yeah just kill him as much all right nice oh there’s a cave there’s Oh there’s uh there’s I see chickens oh yeah breeding them can you get um whoa there’s a crazy key yeah I think so yes you can oh my God oh my God yeah you can’t get seeds off the phone are there any crazy iron goals let’s go nice nice all right I have iron I’m gonna go to the esetos plus there’s an insane cave over here it’s like you said it was pause pods for the uh the snow yeah yeah all right it was a deep dark over here did we need that is that useful yeah this is like insane yeah is there is it ancient city or just deep dark deep dark oh wait there’s a mine shop I probably should have mention that mine chat my chef uh mine shop for the spawner oh I’m gonna get knocked off this bridge also if you see a witch uh damage it and then kill it and you might be able to get a healing potion uh you don’t you need to pull it out of a brewing stand though so if you see a village with a thing um make sure to grab the brewing stand in a village because you’ll need to take it out of one that attack holy yeah crazy oh yeah uh I don’t think there’s any goals related to that out there um did you say anything about a horse armor uh full horse armor is one um yeah I don’t really get anything there yeah I think it’s just like Fortress related probably how far pause pause was the the slopes it’s not that far it’s like that far it’s not that far okay you go straight south from Spawn oh not okay not pause pause got it oh I see it yeah I see it okay yeah sorry yeah it’s okay I have the I have the iron or I’m about to have you on the thing is I’m doing hunger bar I can do Hunger yeah I’m unintentionally get through it right now yeah I’m at the wrong three and a half if someone’s trying they might be there yeah pull up might come back to kill me I don’t know because I was pretty I’m probably still pretty close to spawn they’re getting acquired Hardware Monster Hunter I hope they don’t get the stuff they’re saying positive positive we’re doing it too pumpkin pie wait uh how are you dude I just ate okay I didn’t see any pumpkins or eggs or anything how’d they get eggs already must be a village eat a cake that’s this is slow man I’m just gonna get the bucket and go I can probably do full set of diamond tools to be honest if you’re in a good cave I’m probably gonna camp out near the um or I’m gonna use the bucket of powdered snow to make a stray and kill it once I get that oh you can do that yeah yeah dude I didn’t know that that’s a crazy attack that’s insane wow all right so I’ll be able to get channels here uh three bucks right oh this [ __ ] right here oh cranios got empty under bar yeah yeah because you guys have like a ton of cows around you anywhere I’m going for a full leather right now I already have like nine yeah I don’t have any so you keep going for that I tried because I saw a group of cows but didn’t get anything out of it oh my pack I’m just cheating yeah keep shooting good job good job yeah yeah perfect that’s the way to win this is just Thai go there we go okay I fell into it immediately after we got that so I’ll wait until night and then get that sorted out how much wheat do you need for okay uh two or three I think it’s three I think it’s I one egg three that’s two sugar two sugars sorry okay actually it’s not okay has anyone found an ocean yet for uh the enchant bottle of enchanting oh I have an ocean it’s if you keep going pause pause there’s one okay I’ll go there yeah it’s like 400 uh 300 all right sweet I’m almost there I’m gonna explore until night time and then I’ll convert one all right hello what the heck oh another it’s fine I hit the fattest rubber band ever that’s stupid damn uh there is the I died intentionally but like yeah that’s just fine I just have a toy so it’s like holy [ __ ] I’m gonna get the stuff for a spy glass early all right uh just in case we’ll need it it’s probably almost night time scene like mine shaft deep dark Lush caves like I see everything uh how do I there’s a village kicking a villager um I don’t think yeah villagers don’t have to get deep right [ __ ] they don’t have it anymore nope no that looks like old no they should I no they still definitely do it’s just like I don’t think they do I don’t know I could be wrong I did it for all items I can look at the in the wiki really quick there’s got to be a bee nearby here foreign especially with this I found a village is there anything that I can do in a village that anyone can think of um leather arm there’s a leather worker here I’m doing I’m doing leather okay I’ll see if there’s a leather guy is it oh is it like fine if you trade this leather guy yeah I think so yeah it’s just really expensive to me yeah yeah I see a beehive I’m gonna I see a beehive I’m gonna go daddy Beast oh I do too wait are you at the same Village as me I can just set spawn right here and just do it you want me to no I got it you work on your stuff okay uh I’m 500 minus two 150. nice oh I see a b singular yeah I’m almost gonna have a heart you need to be on half a heart or else it won’t kill definitely hit once are you atmosphere life I’m just killing myself with powdered Stone mail ‘s right on me the hell I’m being I’m trolling died good nice all right that’s another beehive yeah I’m gonna oh yeah okay we’re different ones I I have a two beehives side by side so it’ll it’ll be the one that I just destroyed will get full and I’ll just camp near it um so we’ll be able to get the honey um or forced uh chainmail armor is a thing I could probably try and get chainmail because I need to be near this anyways I’m gonna I’m going for change I’m not I’m not yet healing pots out of ancient cities I don’t see a nation’s Seas I don’t know the deep dark no I know but if we end up finding like uh okay like one of these there’s there’s a honey level it’s it’s gonna be a honey level five by the morning so we should have honey by the morning I think hit this beehive uh small and I’m going for China right now you are uh how far are you destroys spawn on top of mountains yeah on snow any snow biomes wait what are your coordinates I’m at the Village I think where fire was at yeah 500 what about small amp uh I’m at uh 600 150. 600 positive 150 yes pause okay we should we should pool our resources together then 200. we should also go you should also go back up here oh I found a skeleton I’m gonna go try and turn it into a three all right nice what’s up all right did you come to this Village uh yeah I’m I’m here I didn’t see you I mean did you come to this Village before I I’ve not explored it I was focused on other stuff there’s two black slips here hey I’m coming I have four emeralds God damn this [ __ ] skeleton bro I’m trying to get him to you can put them in a boat I think yeah powdered snow put a block next to it it’ll suffocate him I have a boat I’m I’m trying to get him into a boat yeah all right [Music] um I think if you just like put like plop that yeah the accuracy of that mother God damn it I don’t have any food so you you do you ice them okay well okay switch you and me were getting smacked did you ice them all right all right I got it I don’t know if this counts I don’t know I don’t know the mechanics I don’t know how that works yeah me either powdered snow in their head yeah there’s powder snow on the mountain on their heads specifically I think oh where’s the bucket I have it I have it hey he turned he turned I think yeah he turned I’m gonna try and kill him yeah I got I got I got it nice nice okay here’s here’s uh four M’s [Music] you want me to get leather horse armor right now yeah I mean you can just keep the leather yeah okay I have I have seven leather right now yeah we can split food here yeah okay um so who is who is uh who’s going for uh chainmail we can all we cannot just pull our resources together all right uh a trade one at a time close the menu it’ll be cheaper every time yeah I know I know all right just making sure because I actually do fourth and two there’s a dude on me I got a golden hole from this room portal dude this is so sick all right I am going to get a bunch of wood for the Fletcher if someone wants to make a Fletching table yep I can do that right now I’m still trying to kill Fulham probably is like irons okay I beat up that guy for real okay for real for real oh yes and he’s naked I just took so much damage it’s naked is there a blast furnace in here in this Village um let me pie chart nope it is normal furnaces okay uh you want to convert you convert into a blast dude I just took like I couldn’t do that if you want okay here’s here’s two flint all right uh yeah I’ll do the Fletcher the villagers like actually function at night time uh sometimes wants those diamonds dude those diamonds right there you know I’m so sad I didn’t rip any diamonds out of the oh my God the farmers okay okay um five iron right grab the Shipwreck yeah five iron oh you should grab you should grab the ship get five iron for us I have five iron in my inventory okay can you give me it then when you’re when you’re back yeah those are three emeralds all right I’m in I’m in the double house okay I’m opening the mattress sorry I have no food down here dude this sucks my job you coward this thing is far holy I’m gonna end up going south anyways so it’s fine right you gotta convert these guns surely it’ll work okay [Music] hearing all the jobs hopefully one of them takes the Fletcher uh fire what’d you say you need uh how much iron did you get I have 11. okay we should also get milk buckets for the cake true yeah we have stuff here yeah there’s there’s a cow in there there’s a cow in this house for three buckets I think all right you’re not taking that I love it you can kill you kill him as well yeah yeah um do we have sugar good luck bro do we have sugar sugar there’s some right around the side yeah okay yeah I got I got the sugar oh never mind oh he already got it we don’t need it [ __ ] dude that’s okay hmm I I have the blast furnace all right thank you put it just put it in that house they’ll lose their jobs just leave it in there like place it I’m gonna destroy all the other jobs so they can’t take anything and uh it’ll be a lot easier to get through that are there any natural Fletchers already do we need soap touch at all do we need some touch or anything no okay uh is there uh zombie house underground at all we can turn that into uh walls on the house yeah the the underwater zombie house the flooded houses you uh uh do you mean like the ocean ruins ocean runes yeah uh I’ll look around for one there’s gotta be one nearby but you just like died right in front of me just like fell off The Mineshaft and died in front of me foreign actually I’m gonna get a glass bottle because the bees will be ready anyone keeping track of the scoreboard it’s literally on screen what the heck is he doing oh my God I almost have full uh what’s it called crazy um leg I’m loading chunks that might be why yeah I’m trying to destroy a singular boat foreign I found a thing I have like infinite Dolphins Grace right now oh the server might have yeah I think the server crashed because nothing is happening how many how many blocks yeah okay I have it I have it yeah nice it’s just me no I’m DC yeah I’m talking about the timeout I think oh I might just disconnect and reconnect manually I’m disconnecting and reconnecting I’m stuck on encrypting um how many times the other team won uh we’ve been mixing up the teams I’ve had one win and yeah I’ve had two wins and one last myself average Minecraft experience yeah yeah resetting yeah it looks like they’re resetting oh a few people open a map chest is that why what what uh what would win a 400 a month Minecraft server or a single map oh tickets back yep yeah we’ll just wait though oh my what the hell I’m back yeah do we just go I guess yeah I guess all right I’m back at the village yeah me too um okay well I guess that gives me time to not screw around as much I’m like a couple oh I’m gonna make a phone yes oh okay okay go it’ll it’ll probably open it up again we’ll see it opened it up already oh [ __ ] I set it to daytime oh that’s so bad I’m not ready for that ah I think our rendered this into a lot shorter too okay the bees might be unloaded then ah cause I’m trying to get the the bottle okay that means it’ll be in the double house okay uh I got the chain armor and the bees if you guys want to explore I think that’d be better yeah yeah because I have to stay around here anyways yeah on the way okay I might go for diamond tools I’ve been doing that but I’ll I’ll get it eventually yeah hopefully I get it before loud okay okay switch nice so yes sir all right I’m gonna go over to the bees they are not [ __ ] yeah he’s told me the bees are gonna pop out instantly here I don’t know how changing it today if it affects it didn’t know this is like this is like five dude um okay um I guess I’ll have to come back since it was manually set to daytime it uh mess with the it messed with the bees yeah they didn’t pop out you have to wait another day cycle or they might they’ll pop out over the course of the day I just got to keep them loaded but I’ll see one more Diamond dude I got a shell yeah the start of our all advances Rod yeah true okay we’re gonna do some trades really quick um Fletcher time five to ten all advancements all right oh my gosh that’d be fun though lockout area say okay see one more diamond oh I see it oh I just remembered these nine I think we need is it 40 emeralds for this why was it today when the lockout restarts it sets it today I just want my diamond I have 18 iron out of one ship like chest wow I think the bees are still loaded it’ll be close okay that’s so sick I have a Pillager Outpost I might be able to get experience bottle here yeah yeah that’s almost I’m gonna pop out walk of raw iron okay should I just head nether now or something like uh like try to get hoggling yeah you can if you can snag hogwan do you have this thing the spyglass I I can get it I haven’t I see it I saw an amethyst Shield yeah go for it if you can get let’s be on YouTube I don’t know I don’t know honestly come on one of you to want this job don’t you apparently there’s a thing in here right oh nice nice tied back up you made me so scared oh there’s like no Warden twenty dude I saw the goat horn and I didn’t see the bottle of enchanting I was like dude there’s no way there’s only a gopherd give me a deal idiot nice okay a little bit more wood oh I I hate this game okay I almost have the uh the chainmail I just gotta get a few more emeralds lag yep oh I see a creeper like behind me if I rubber band it’s over oh my God stop someone’s opening map chests map just not allowed wasn’t me this time [Laughter] what when you first buy glass copper it’s like two copper and an amethyst it’s really cheap all right um well I found amethyst I think you can get a Gmail from crafting chat is it the way that the way that 19 displays Maps right the way that 119 displays your chunk coordinates is weird because it’s on the same line as your actual coordinates yeah it’s weird oh is it yeah so I think the mod might remove that Holy what the hell this is about to get world record in just regular Minecraft Jesus Christ now we can make this back we have like honey in general in the back yeah 100 we have some it’s just it’s getting him getting that is a little funny I know yeah I think like I think like the um Stop opening portals is gonna be like another get ceiling potion whoever gets healing potion wins okay I need copper this copper copper response higher up right glass what can I get asked what the [ __ ] we’re small do you know if there’s like a bat one for a bat for what a spyglass uh no it’s a parrot a dragon oh [ __ ] he’s about to get dragon dragons oh yes he must not if he did he would have already gotten that all right we’re two emeralds away from uh from chain let’s go dude I’m so poor but I’m like a little ways away and then we’ll get honey in a second as well I’m just focusing chain oh my God I had a heart attack like none of my items were loading he’s gonna go to outer end and get levitation yeah yeah we need to get healing potion fast then I don’t know how though we’ve seen like Bank on a witch right yeah but I just I can run around this cake looking for a witch yeah hang on I’m gonna go nether I have like a really big cave I’m gonna get spy glass actually I can get one more achievement and then [Music] yeah I already have one okay all right there’s chainmail nice nice I’m gonna go get the honey knocker okay hopefully you don’t miss my second ah War Forest here’s the best thing here sorry lag all right that’s what we do okay big this is like so much teamwork it’s crazy I think I don’t have any food they took all of it but not that I really needed it yeah there’s the honey it’s ready all right Honey’s ready we’re about 10 seconds out okay I’m gonna try and find a place to enter all right we got honey I’m gonna hop in another excuse like at this uh Spyglass yeah does anyone have listening melon because at all wait he didn’t kill the dragon no oh my God I’ll be um oh my God no he got the advancement he got the advancement oh he killed it oh that’s weird okay yeah yeah it was funny wait what’s the goal just kill him yeah okay yeah that’s weird that he didn’t give him okay fair enough damn I was like we had this oh that answered another here yeah if he messed that up and bad did it one day that’d be funny as hell tragic can we like reload it can we like relog abuse to spawn guests Maybe Maybe Oh I thought you were arguing another no I I couldn’t find Copper all right you guys are going deeper what can I do in the over world to help really nothing we kind of cleared this board fast yeah which all right I’m gonna try and get to the Netherland and uh see if I can get um does anyone saw that brewing stand I do okay I’m trying to go into that other though manually right here yeah it’s a it’s the Stables right you’re looking at yep okay I’m trying to find a crimson I can’t only the salt around me and it looks like gas not spun in war for us no it’s just I think it’s just Soul Sand valleys yeah yeah well I only I see the forts it’s crazy another that’s probably how we got so fast yeah it’s like another really good another okay yeah it’s just like you can see both off spawn with no fog sick what’s he got oh yo look at it it’s like behind all the trees you can you might be able to look through the trees if you can see it what’s the achievement your spyglasses discover is here you look at it with the swag glass it’s in the way it’s not registering damn nice nice all right this is a close one yeah this is wow okay sweet all right um well they’re gonna get levitation we need I guess we just need to find how to breed the hoglands and then it is gonna come down to potion oh but he’s gonna be able to get the potion at the entities yeah someone’s chasing me it’s in a lava looking man I have no I have no food dude you have anything important on you I’m gonna wait for it I’m gonna look for a rune portal for a glistening melon if you really need to just oh wait we need a crystal yeah oh Crystal he brought Crystal yeah we could get a crystal still uh all we need is a guest here yeah and he might kill me honestly because it’s close right we have steak yeah if you have like nothing like my dad in terms of oh my God that was full diamond on it okay yeah if if someone is able to get uh get um I’ll be bringing seven glasses of another for the crystal if someone can get a gas here okay yeah um okay I don’t even know what to do now it’s just like we get a whole leather he killed me the only thing we can do is nether yeah we have to go another let’s go forward again we just gotta Mount the tank it back yeah I mean we’re literally ahead so and there might not be an entity nearby so yeah let’s do it yeah there’s probably isn’t an entity otherwise he would have found it by now yeah that sucks I mean lava I just burned forever and I died yeah it happens he’ll set it yeah period there’s every biome I can see butt Crimson damn like so sick like it’s all my render distance too late he didn’t see it a little silly oh there might not be a ship there might not be a ship yeah yeah oh yeah for health potion yeah yeah if there is they win if there isn’t we have a chance we just keep going as if there isn’t is anyone and they’re getting and Crystal I’m bringing glasses I’m just trying to get some glass ready all right let’s grab a bunch of food and try to look for Crimson I guess I’m trying to get it yeah I have a ton of food uh going into another right now okay we actually have no idea how to answer though I didn’t have a flint steel I didn’t have iron all right I have seven glass I can go into The Nether Avenue tree okay okay then on the other side oh yeah the good thing is the workforce is like 50 trillion under men you can literally just get a per left spot if you want all right and the Fortress is um North if you want to get your Blaze Rod there North yeah North off of the Bastion which you’ll probably see really soon all right I’m going to another here we go [Music] all right good luck the final round all right by accident yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah North from there okay cool you said north from the Bastion yeah what nothing something weird just happened it’s fine [Music] I have a seven I have seven glass and a water bottle for the potion if you see a rune portal make sure to check it for glistening melon uh yeah but we need a jungle which we don’t uh I don’t think anyone see Venus Village though oh my God if I get this see everything holy I need to get this gas so bad oh foam died where did I answer I’m so lost I’m gonna put a door here I got a gas but it’s flying above lava uh okay I see okay North well which direction did you go uh I’m going north from the Bastion I’m in the Bastion right now I’ll go south from the national land I don’t know where I’ll go east whichever wherever I find like Terrain yeah I’m just gonna try and get an ender pearl and then uh because I spawned on the Bastion actually my portals surroundings and I stepped in lava put my pinky toe in there bro yeah you’re on fire for the rest of your life Chad’s become yourself aware oh no what are you what have you been aware of I wish I had a bow so bad it’s literally impossible to hit Fireballs back yeah you can kill Striders for uh oh true I have arrows dude your cars are crazy I’m back in another what direction did you go um for what I’m doing I went positive X straight negative wait it was a stables Bastion yes there’s there’s [Music] a mushroom right yeah do you have the mushrooms I have I have one mushroom I’m looking forward you picked up another okay I’ll pick one yeah I got one I got one I’m going oh my God I’m right next to you I’m right next to you we’re so stupid we’re actually so stupid all right uh it’s Sebastian right off Swan right yeah it’s right off Swan I have a crimson pointers [Music] okay I don’t see any hoglands they’ll probably be in the in the C1 as Tijuana yeah I just beat them over I have a red one so I’m going over there too [Music] just be careful yeah yo it’s so funny no no one thought of that that’s so funny I know I have a hog on me but yo what’s up dude I got 36 Soul Sand just from fighting that gas okay you got one hogland do we have another one uh there’s got to be another one here oh who’s that that’s silver you idiot hoglin oh did he kill himself he just killed himself ah wait film’s here no they’re both on me oh there’s another rational probably yes fulham’s in here uh are you sent to the bachelor’s I don’t know okay I’ll check [ __ ] uh Fulham is not yes he’s behind us um oh my God it’s over it’s over and Fulham are going for end Crystal they have two gas in them right now so we better be fast about that it’s alive oh no never mind where you going homie later oh my God oh my God all right um no red forests I guess we just gotta look for a red Forest now the dog really yeah down here at the bottom there’s one uh baby hoglin it might grow up I mean it’ll be faster than like if you get them in the same room it’ll be faster than exploring probably right how like how long does it take like I don’t know a little bit because people have been here for a really long time like from the start like feinbergs that are coming out three that are coming out yeah this guy down here they really don’t have another Heartland oh right here I think no I guess no it’s not necessarily a game because they still need to breed yeah I mean he has an elytra so I don’t know but I mean no no it is not over they might not get a gassed true they have they have two gas on them right now as far as I know yeah what’s it called Sebastian I’m gonna run the forecast that’s really all I can do um I don’t have a yeah nothing I saw the mushrooms okay well I need the Pearl still oh where’s my bow oh [ __ ] is do we have a red Forest no no one’s seen any mine’s just gonna get stacked at this point where’s my boat what the hell I’ve killed four Enderman zero pearls yeah we can still win this for sure uh bro okay they need one wait is that a wait a minute I have a red Forest okay that’s nice okay uh we need the gas here then if we yeah okay I mean the Soul Sand Valley I think yeah you’re probably already there right yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s past the Soul Sand Valley it’s north you have a bow in this [ __ ] right nope okay fine my God no the Enderman didn’t get in the [ __ ] boat no dude um where was I I’ll get i’ll get sand yeah I have any overrun I can just quickly grab sand and which direction did I go uh find something if you go Northwest just follow if outs out of the Bastion there’s like I’ll just follow that line all of my glasses in the open oh really yes I died because I had seven glass I was I was like kind of on the edge and I was just trying to get another ender pearl to make it there for a faster you know I have no food it sucks there’s 30 food there if you can make it 30 bread oh wow we have one hoglin big ass for Narnia all right I’m gonna try and make it happen again anyway you can take your time fridge why are you scared of ozone oh my God this is so tense one two three four five six oh mine just to build a portal there he’s probably like flying around now I was probably gonna [ __ ] come for me yeah which is why I’m trying to do this fast it’s gonna happen okay don’t go into the lava okay so the guy despawned what okay I was about to say bro oh my God [Music] I got it God that was close yeah that was a good game I just got this too rap man damn I’m lucky I mean we weren’t close to the crystal though yeah no no we we needed the uh the ice or the tear ah oh but you got the hogland okay 12 to 13. we just had it wow wow yeah that’s sick full board wow it’s crazy that’s so sick all right back to General I guess wow that was so close my goodness yeah that was too close no Crimson anywhere I know [Music] I went to there was a crimson at like 300 or negative 300. you know what the best part is though the the red mushrooms right beside the Bastion and it was Stables they’re hoglands inside oh oh wow yeah the hoglands ended up dying while we were trying to Corral them in it’s funny oh I just said it’s crazy into the Bastion basically looting three at the top so I actually beat the game in like 30 minutes you were done in like 20 yeah average Feinberg run yeah yeah I did and then I took two Fortress that just spawns on me right now fighting for these gas dude oh I should have bought you Emerald uh perennials came into another with a spy glass I was looking for a desk and then you just walked like right next I’m like huh everyone’s very nice to me I’m trying to kill this gas and you just like look through the spine I just get it like oh okay did you actually destroyed me in that fight dude that lava lasted so long I didn’t realize you were gonna die I just like I was like I didn’t have to do it again and then and then you Spanish well I was just too okay that was my last one but I’ll give someone the server info if they want to like it’s super easy they just delete the world and restart it yeah I think that was my last one too actually I think I’m done yeah I’m done yeah it’s a bit light all right thanks for playing everybody this was really fun yeah they’re a really good time all right bye everybody that was good um I didn’t read chat as much as I usually wouldn’t a lot of it is coordinating with other people but uh we can’t edit in two two well we’ve shifted up teams so it didn’t not everyone went to to I went two two though you know new YouTube soon I really should upload a YouTube video I’ve had sort of what’s the term where you can’t do anything and you put your Executives function I’ve had a lot of that recently where I haven’t really done anything productive but um whatever you know it’ll get the one it gets done not burnout no I’m not burned out um it’s like an ADHD thing where you like you want to do stuff but you just can’t do chair 15 to 18 yes I will your AFK smart win no it’s 12 13 they managed to win it was super sick uh but I’ll be back tomorrow we’re doing the breath of the wild hundo stuff uh it’ll be the third quarter I don’t know how it’s gonna go we’ll see um but yeah I’m gonna probably call it a day because I am talking to other people is exhausting and focusing on Minecraft something that I haven’t played recently a lot it’s tough so we’re gonna rate somebody uh who are we rating that’s a that’s a good question I don’t know who are we gonna rate who who is there’s like 30 people live that I follow right now wait no my followers list is shuffled in with random people did twitch change their layout so there’s no line in between your followers or your following list and random people uh we’re gonna rate CJ yeah yeah CJ four for under defeated dang wait really that’s happened for me weird maybe it’s like a zoom thing no never mind it fixed itself okay it was just when it was half all right thanks for watching Everybody I’ll see you tomorrow bye it’s fun it’s good

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lockout with PRO SPEEDRUNNERS is intense…’, was uploaded by SmallAnt VODS on 2024-02-14 11:49:08. It has garnered 238060 views and 2722 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:38 or 13478 seconds.

I did more Minecraft Lockouts BUT we are 4 against 4

Originally streamed Augest 11th, 2022 at:

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    Unbelievable Redstone Puzzle by Oyo Jodha Gamerz! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How i make redstone puzzle #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #music’, was uploaded by Oyo Jodha Gamerz on 2024-05-29 01:30:02. It has garnered 8160 views and 399 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE: JOIN NOW! Minecraft PE Official Server 1.20

    INSANE: JOIN NOW! Minecraft PE Official Server 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Open Member Server Minecraft PE Official Versi 1.20 Zephyr Smp Npc Susano And On 24 Jm Senjata Legen’, was uploaded by AFKEWERRRR on 2024-02-27 01:16:28. It has garnered 1868 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:04 or 844 seconds. 💫 ZephyrSMP – Server Indonesia 💫 ➦ MCBE/PE:————————————— | ➢ | ➢ 25581 | ➢ 1.20.60-62 | | LINK ALTERNATIF JOIN | ➢ ➥————————————————————— ✨️ WhastApp ➜ ✨️ Discord ➜ ✨️ Vote ➜ ————————————————————————————————————————— 💫 Server Rules – ZephyrSMP 💫 SERVER RULES 1. Avoid Using Cheats/Hacking 2…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Logic EXPOSED! 😱 #shorts #trolling

    Insane Minecraft Logic EXPOSED! 😱 #shorts #trollingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LOGIC (Troll Face memes) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Krrish solanki on 2024-03-28 16:25:00. It has garnered 547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks shorts bhoot mami free fire minecraft shorts yes… Read More

  • JJ HEROICALLY RESCUES Mikey from Minecraft Maizen!

    JJ HEROICALLY RESCUES Mikey from Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ SAVES Mikey from DEATH in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Pepper – Minecraft on 2024-01-08 20:30:05. It has garnered 66 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:26 or 1166 seconds. JJ SAVES Mikey from DEATH in Minecraft Maizen NOOB FROGGY present a funny minecraft Machinima Noob vs Pro challenge. #minecraft #NoobVsPro #noob #pro #hacker #animation #huggywuggy #poppyplaytime Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Series Live EP-1!! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival Series Live EP-1!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I started A Survival Series In Minecraft|| LIVE|| EP-1 #shorts#minecraftshorts#trending’, was uploaded by MrDamN on 2024-03-21 23:16:44. It has garnered 8 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:39 or 3159 seconds. I started A Survival Series In Minecraft|| LIVE|| EP-1 #shorts#minecraftshorts#trendingshorts 🎮 Welcome, fellow gamers! It’s time for an epic Minecraft adventure in our SMP Live session! Join me for a stream filled with laughter, excitement, and all-around good vibes. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just love a good chill stream, this is the place to be! Hop into… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Chipi Chipi Papa with Crazy Sounds! 🤯

    Minecraft Madness: Chipi Chipi Papa with Crazy Sounds! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘CHIPI CHIPI CHAPA CHAPA 🤣 With Minecraft Sounds🤯 #minecraft #shorts @DZking980’, was uploaded by DZ KING 980 on 2024-03-28 17:52:16. It has garnered 27198 views and 994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. CHIPI CHIPI CHAPA CHAPA 🤣 With Minecraft Sounds😂 #minecraft #shorts #dzking980 @DZking980 #yt #youtubeshorts #youtubeshorts #youtubevideos #youtube #ytshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #ytshort #youtubechannel #gaming #gamer #gamingvideos #gameplay #games #game #gta #totalgaming #gaming #tranding #trending #trendingshorts #tiktok #trend #trendingvideo #trendingvideo #shortsviral #shortvideo #share #shorts #short #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #status #song #viral #videos #viralvideo #video #vlog #vlog #viralshort #viralvideos #dzking980… Read More

  • Spork SMP – 1.20.4 – Semi-vanilla – Whitelist – Modded terrain

    Datapack Driven Custom Weapons & Modded Terrain Generations Our server features several server-side terrain generation mods including: Tectonic Yung’s Better Minecraft These mods are server-side only, allowing you to join with a vanilla launcher. The datapacks, in combination with the resource pack, introduce custom combat features and weapons of varying rarity and powers inspired by other games and media. Discord: Join our Discord server Read More

  • NZNetwork Minecraft – Online for more than 13 years.

    NZNetwork Minecraft - Online for more than 13 years.NZnetwork MinecraftWe are now open GLOBALLY to all players around the world! – All you old players who have moved overseas can now join with no VPN!Come join one of the worlds longest running Minecraft servers (Since 2010!)Low Ping for NZ/AUS Players ✔–> Some screenshots on this server advertisement are built by the user Come watch Kim do some epic builds on it’s well worth it! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – u/EntrepreneurUnusual6 predicted it: Epic meme material!

    Looks like this meme is really mining for laughs with that score of 66! Keep digging for more humor! Read More


    TENGE TENGE vs GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO: SPAWN SHOWDOWN! 🔥 #shorts #minecraft #meme When you can’t decide between fighting ALL TENGE TENGE or GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO SPAWN, just remember: it’s all fun and games until someone gets a block to the face in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft #meme #scary #tengetenge Read More

  • EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft!

    EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft! Exciting Minecraft Adventure: Lucky Block Tower Race! Join Sand and KAYDNN in an exhilarating lucky block tower race in the world of Minecraft! The duo will be breaking random lucky blocks on their towers, with each block holding the potential for amazing treasures or unexpected challenges. The stakes are high as they compete to gather the best gear for an epic battle at the bottom of the tower. Who will emerge victorious – KAYDNN or Sand? The excitement is palpable as they dive into this thrilling Minecraft challenge! The Lucky Block Tower Race As the players take turns breaking… Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft PvP Truths

    Exposed: Minecraft PvP Truths The Intricacies of Minecraft PvP A Brief History Minecraft PvP has evolved significantly over the years, with various updates and changes shaping the way players engage in combat within the game. From the early days of simple sword fights to the more complex mechanics introduced in recent updates, the world of Minecraft PvP is as diverse as it is challenging. Reach and Schooling One key aspect of Minecraft PvP is the concept of “reach,” which determines the distance at which players can strike their opponents. Interestingly, schooling can actually make you better at PvP, as it hones your reflexes… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft FUN: Pizza n’ Goat – DO NOT SAY STAL 3 TIMES!

    EPIC Minecraft FUN: Pizza n' Goat - DO NOT SAY STAL 3 TIMES!Video Information This video, titled ‘DON’T SAY STAL 3 TIMES IN A ROW! #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Pizza n’ Goat on 2024-06-02 00:18:23. It has garnered 470 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. A funny snip-it of @PizzaNGoat dying in Vex’s SpellBound Caves map. COINCIDENCE, I THINK NOT! You can watch the full video; as well as, our whole let’s play on our channel. Read More

  • I Played Minecraft with Jake Webber

    I Played Minecraft with Jake WebberVideo Information This video, titled ‘I played Minecraft with Jake Webber | VOD’, was uploaded by HansumFella VODS on 2024-02-14 20:00:02. It has garnered 219343 views and 4351 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:37 or 6397 seconds. This VOD is HansumFella playing minecraft with Jake Webber! Twitch: This is the full VOD, not cut up into funny moments however sure does include a lot of them, as seen on tiktok for funny moments and the full youtube video “I need your help (ft Jake Webber)” on the HansumFella channel! #HansumFella #Minecraft #Livestream Read More

  • “Nabi Gaming – Mind-Blowing Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090!” #wow

    "Nabi Gaming - Mind-Blowing Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090!" #wowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Extremely Realistic Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-18 18:07:20. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Redstone Door WOW 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Redstone Door WOW 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by xperia_minecraft on 2024-04-09 16:00:43. It has garnered 1083622 views and 29192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON’T Believe!! #minecraftparody

    INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON'T Believe!! #minecraftparodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mine craft Funny Shorts #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftmeme #minecraftparody #meme #craft’, was uploaded by DRK FLAME on 2024-01-09 11:26:33. It has garnered 2444 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!

    Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!Video Information This video, titled ‘You Won’t Believe These Hilarious Mind-Bending AI Meme Transformations #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Gav on 2024-02-17 17:50:08. It has garnered 479 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #memes #music #fortnite #funnyanimals #comedy #minecraft #animals #cats #landscape #nature cats, slow mo video, funny animals, manchester united, man city, shorts, roblox, slow motion, the last of us, fortnite, the last of us reaction, family guy full episodes, cats, elden ring, velma, minecraft, world cup, slow mo, funny videos, funny video, funny animal videos, besharam rang song, overwatch… Read More

  • BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀

    BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘I became SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🗿’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-29 11:18:15. It has garnered 222057 views and 4150 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Roblox NEED MORE MEWING | SIGMA MALE in Roblox (FULL GAME) | ALL ENDING 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel: @AyushMoreReacts ➤ 🎥 WATCH FULL SERIES here:- MINECRAFT STORY Series ▶️ ➤… Read More


    🔴EPIC MINECRAFT GIVEAWAYS - LET'S CELEBRATE 15 YEARS ON STUNNING SERVERS!🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT CUMPLE 15 AÑOS Y REGALA COSAS !! VAMOS A JUGAR EN SERVIDORES GUAPOS !!🔴’, was uploaded by HandroH HH on 2024-05-19 06:12:18. It has garnered 1406 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:04 or 6844 seconds. Hello, I’m Handro and I bring you a new video, I hope you like it!!! Comment and Share This Video if you liked it and comment on how I can improve and what game you would like me to play. ^^ ======================================== ►VALUE MY EFFORT BY LEAVING YOUR “LIKE” ” 💚​ ►SHARE IT WITH… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!

    Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hololive Hardcore Minecraft 2024 Clips Reaction Stream (Pekora, Marine, Miko, Kaela, Subaru, Nene..)’, was uploaded by ExoticBankai Reaction on 2024-05-30 12:34:48. It has garnered 214 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:41 or 12881 seconds. Support me monthly and get access to blocked reaction and more: Donate and request a video reaction: 00:00 Start 6:35 Nene’s Adventure After She Become The First Person Who Dead In Hardcore Server 19:20 Shy Ina doesn’t realize that Pekora-Senpai can hear her desperate voice 29:35 No One Save From Uncle Marine… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.20.2 Whitelist – Age 25+ – No Claims – Smaller Community – Max Render Distance – 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ years old and looking for a vanilla Minecraft experience with a mature community, you’re in the right place! We started a new world on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. Here are some key details about our server: No ranks or moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 10k blocks from spawn Average of 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty setting Maximum render view distance of 32 Chunks To join us, please introduce yourself on our Discord server before we whitelist you. We aim… Read More

  • Daddeln MC

    Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Server!Immerse yourself in a world full of unlimited possibilities and experience Minecraft in all its diversity. Our server offers you a variety of features and game modes that leave nothing to be desired. Whether you are a creative builder, a passionate fighter or a skilled trader – with us you will find exactly what you are looking for!Freebuild + FarmweltExperience the freedom of building in our freebuild world! Here you can let your creativity run wild and build impressive structures. If you need resources, our farm world is at your disposal, where you can collect… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My first meme – hope u like it! 🔥

    Wow, looks like this meme is really mining for some laughs! Read More

  • Crafting Laughs: Minecraft’s Best Timing

    Crafting Laughs: Minecraft's Best Timing In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, Inventory depleting, lightning striking all around. Trying to keep up with the chaos and the fun, But sometimes the unexpected can leave you on the run. With comedic timing, you faced each twist, Turning mishaps into moments that can’t be missed. But in the end, it’s all about the joy you bring, To your audience, who loves to hear you sing. So keep on crafting rhymes and sharing your game, Your unique style and humor will always be the same. And as you navigate through challenges galore, Your fans will be cheering,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More