Jangro – Let’s Try PROMINENCE II FABRIC Mod Pack – Getting Started & First Look! | Minecraft 1.20.1

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What is it how can I help you what you want to know more about prominence 2 you came to the right place hi guys janger here trapped in this menu screen apparently thanks for joining me on a first look at the prominence 2 mod pack

My goal of these first look videos is to help you understand what’s in this pack and whether you want to play it there’s some pretty cool stuff in here you in all right let’s go okay here we are brand new world let’s get our bearings we’ve got a sword

Some bread a quest book Let’s punch a tree and talk about what we’ve got going on here first of all there’s shaders in this pack as you can see I’m using complimentary reimagined which comes built in there’s a couple others you should check them out complimentary reimagined is my favorite there’s a

Quest book let’s take a look at the quest book pretty early in this pack and having looked through the mod list there’s a lot of mods missing but we’ve got some notable ones here add Astra plat energistics 2 Power Industrial Revolution but there’s many many more and there’s a bunch of Nethers to

Nethers and there’s a bunch of Dimensions to explore at asra takes us into outer space which is how we get to all these things but check this out here’s what I’m excited about right here there’s a story line click on this thing there’s a Creator named scalac and they

Maintain balance through all the dimensions and has fought countless battles to keep the world going but they’re getting weak let’s let’s get this reward here and we got some fried rice a new threat but they’re getting weak from all these battles and need our help of course there’s a

World-ending force called the void who’s planning an invasion of all the dimensions they’re corrupting what were once peaceful creatures and turning them into deadly foes chapter one so the void has corrupted peaceful creatures and we need to defeat them to save the world and here we go so there are a number of

Quests that take us through the different dimensions first a lich which was once the protective king of choria in the Overworld so we got to defeat the night Lich and then we have to defeat The Gauntlet who was once a peaceful Watcher of the Nether and then the End

Dragon whose name was apparently Jane and then it goes on into different dimensions mostly the end the Overworld and back to the Nether Again the prison we’ll see this later this is M cells mod and then finally kill the void shadow in what I assume is in the void Dimension

Which is I think from the adventure Zod I love a story that ties all the dimensions together this sounds amazing the mod pack devs have promised new content every month so this looks very cool of course we should look at the advancements there’s a bunch of mods in

Here and more will appear as we progress and and kind of trigger the initial um advancement screens for different mods but we got better and better nether regions unexplored things Mythic mobs all the young stuff I think is in here ferer light so there’s all kinds of tech mods magic mods in

Here countless structures and all kinds of mobs check this out okay I want you to stick around so let me tell you what to expect from here in order to get going on the tech mods we’ll need a base and lots of resources there are many mods in here

That’ll make mining easier and help us get more out of our efforts with or doubling and other automation that means I’ve got hours of Exploration and resource Gathering to do and I’ll distill that down to like the next 10 minutes or so where you can get a good

Feel for what this pack is all about what it has for exploration and after that I’ll show you some of the tech setups because I love me some tech mods and finally I’ll give you my own hot take of sorts on this mod pack got these guys are you friendly looks like they

Are these are Drakes I don’t know maybe we we can tame these guys that’d be pretty cool to have as a pet a chest under here let’s grab these and see what we got later well I don’t think it’s better than a stone sword we’ll take it speaking of Swords it’s

This has better combat in it which we take a look at our third person view here pretty neat all right these guys here on the house booat got a couple friends here it’s Britney althia more chest we we don’t need tropical fish oh we’ve got a couple of fishing rods here lucky the

See one two all right thanks guys for the fish all right bye guys uh no it is getting dark we need to go get a bed quick all right here’s a sheep there’s some more sheep down there okay we should be okay all right we only have two white wool we need one

More it’s your lucky day guys yikes all right I see some sheep AKA a bed oh boy skeleton creeper oh what happened oh I need some wood okay it’s a creeper crafting table and can we make sleeping bags we can this has the Comforts mod in

It and we can make a sleeping bag which means we can sleep anywhere without setting our spawn point let’s make a quick axe we get whole tree cutting with an axe so that’s kind of op it does use up yeah it uses up the entire axes durability though so it’s not that op

Let’s continue South look at this world gen over here this is really neat Ducks all right and some some Stone it’s a thunderstorm what was that what is that sound okay this liite coal ore from Modern industrialization see if we can make some torches with this yes we can

Hoping for some iron there’s none sleep through this thunderstorm we’ve got some surface iron and some regular coal burglass ore I can’t break that without iron let’s continue on what is this right here oh no uh-oh what is he throwing what is this this thing throwing explosions prisoners quarters oh this is

From the M cells mod looks ominous you know what let’s make a bed and set a spawn point cuz of course we have to explore this okay we’ve got a bed set our spawn point we’re cooking some mutton okay let’s go in wow this is really cool just grab

Everything sort it out later look at the map that is there’s a lot to explore in here okay so you see that orange these orange boxes that are floating around those are mobs that are going to appear let’s see yep all right we’re going to see what

Happens when you die so we’ve got a compass points to our grave let’s see what our grave looks like okay here it is I think we just break it yeah okay we got all our stuff back leap leaping zombie oh there’s two of these hoping for a new weapon here a nutcracker okay

Let’s continue looting this place robowar deals critical damage after breaking a door a broadsword nice hey first diamond a rare Ember blade shoots a fireball nice an epic hatori Katana this place is loaded whoa oh we got his monsterous eye eat this thing look at all

That okay I just got a new skill point press K to open the skill tree and we can use use this point somewhere movement speed maximum health let’s Okay so I use this point here and I guess this is like down the health tree plus 10% maximum health got to get behind this

Guy let’s head out we’ve got full inventory check out this sword now that we’ve got some iron we can make a forge Hammer which is the first way to double some ores if we had actual iron ore we could put it right here and double it and with

The hammer we could triple it to get ore uh we can use a drill lots of different drills in here but this steam mining drill from Modern industrialization is pretty easy to make I’ve got diamonds from from the prisoners quarters uh we just make need to make some of these

Iron plates which is Hammer this hammer Hammer is easier to make than that other Hammer so let’s make and with this we can make four iron plates and with these four iron plates we can make a iron large plate we need two of those there we go furnaces buckets easy

And copper drill head so we need to make all these things copper gears tons of copper so we need to go find a ton of copper what there’s that guy again sounds like a looney character it is a Looney Tunes what is the heck what even was that thing it was a

Rabbit we need a ton of copper so I’m going to head off and mine a bunch of copper what even are these guys they climb waterfalls oh they can uh-oh I’m going to take that grindstone El well I guess I’m a grav Digger now

What is this thing oh I take it on let’s do it oh jeez maybe not here is a an Ad Astra meteorite there’s two meteorites in this game one for Applied energistics one for Ad Astra I did use up some diamonds that I got from the prisoners Quarters on a

Pickaxe this is good so we can get some obsidian go to the end in the middle of this thing could be a chest or something here it is even if you’re not going to start in on at Astra definitely worth digging into one of these meteorites what is

This treat I need to go check that out that’s a guy hanging there oh that’s awful got some villagers down here let’s see what they’ve got going on sneak up on this guy hello okay it’s a little illager camp or we loot that that’s that it oh oh

Indicator okay I do have some more skill points to use up here I think let’s use them on movement speed huh oh I can’t oh I need to oh I chose apparently I chose the health route so I have to use I can’t use them on these so I’m going to

Use them okay I’ve got a lot of points one more left oh maybe I can work my way over to here yes that’s how you get these other ones so initially you choose and then you got to make your way around from there all right I see some

Structures up ahead on the map see what this is what is that um what is this thing dangerous oh what is he doing is he looking for me to pet him or is he just going to light me up oh okay he hit me all right well I

Don’t know know it still seems like maybe he’s table up in the sky is a floating village of sorts I think I want to get up there let’s see can we feed this guy raw meat no no he’s just not friendly okay let’s head up hopefully that Dragon

Doesn’t want to protect that Village up there okay this is pretty far up this took all the blocks that I had including my crafting table let’s hope it’s worth it we seem to have broken into somebody’s house oh I hear a villager okay guys Merlin Marlin all

Right well this is some sort of sky village I really just want to find an anvil this is some sort of Throne Room automaton I think this replaces Golems flying Mount from Mythic mobs I forget what that’s called it’s just regular Village stuff though oh a gray toy shark

Of course we have to take that okay now we’re finding some stuff a saddle barel claws which where they go right into the slot it disappeared well that stinks don’t want to mess with that guy oh an anvil this is what we were looking for oh that was a good game get right

There all right let’s get out of here okay back down from Once We Came crafting table and obsidian this is just going to take forever all right it would definitely have been faster to break all the dirt go get more fight the dragon build ladders then breaking this

Obsidian going down I do have regrets okay we got through the obsidian oh and wood with no axe another good move we made it to dirt it was all worth it for an anvil cuz we have a million enchanting books from the prisoners quarters what is this thing are we going

To get a mob coming out of this I think it must want me to put something on it oh I can craft in it I don’t really have anything useful for crafting here I wonder what I can put in the uary we’ll have to find out later all right here is

Another meteorite and this one is from appli energistics 2 another good thing about meteorites is sometimes it gives you exposes a bunch of iron I think I see some down here yes uh iron okay let’s break into this meteorite in the middle of this should be some ceris quartz let’s kind

Of clear this out a little bit and let’s talk about platics 2 and what to do when you find one of these meteorites okay so here we have this ctis quartz block we can just break this and get some ctis quartz these budding ones grow ctis quartz buds on them and and this

Mysterious Cube has inscriber presses calculation press silicon press engineering press and logic press and these are the four presses you need to get started in applied energistics 2 so appli energistics 2 is a full storage and autocrafting system one of my favorite mods let’s see and finally if

We break one of these full certis quartz blocks we get a certis quartz block so you can’t break these budding blocks or they’ll just become I think regular s quartz so we have to figure out there might be a way to move them or we’re just going to have to come

Back here to get the to grow some surus quartz let’s head back to the base and we’re back at the base as you can see I did some work around here off camera I decided to settle here since prisoners quarters are here and there’s so much more to explore in there there’s

Actually a whole dimension in there loaded with loot that I found I won’t spoil for you though and I’ve got this unfinished house I guess I guess that makes me the prison Warden I made a path to the water where I want to make a

Fishing dock I do need to go find some Spruce for accents get a bunch more Stone glass and some decorations and I plan to have that all finished by the end of the video we’re still horribly short on iron and copper which I need before I can progress into a few of the

Tech mods that I want to show you like modern industrialization I really want to get that steam power drill so we can have 3×3 silk touch mining which gives us much better or production if we can start from the ores using this Forge Hammer right here but in the meantime let’s enchant our

Current tools to bridge the gap for Gathering resources and we’ve got a bunch of spell books here efficiency 3 Unbreaking 3 not sure about vein mining let’s put vein mining on a sapphire pickaxe just so we can see what that looks like I’ve got the Anvil right here let’s just put this

Down and we’ll enchant pickaxe with Unbreaking efficiency it’s getting expensive and let’s make a couple of I need some I need some sticks I got this trophy for looting 100 chests oh and we have a copper chest here I didn’t mention that either you can craft a uh an upgrade and

It adds a row of row of inventory Sapphire pickaxe and a sapphire axe the durability on these things are pretty good so let’s put vein mining on this and Unbreaking let’s go watch this vein mining work all right does it work on Stone oh yes it does that just exposed a

Whole can of worms all right from here I’ve spent many hours in the game so I can get enough resources just to show you some of the tech mods I like to do this in survival so I know that I’m not skipping some major grinding like needing hundreds of copper

Ingots or a trip to the nether while mining I found a dungeon of sorts right here loaded with loot it’s up here loaded with loot I was saying and pillagers so I doubled my diamonds back at the base I finished up the house myself some pet donkeys from

The binary mod started a fishing dock and we went into the nether I didn’t do much in the nether I just needed some quartz interestingly though check this out oral in here is like in a nether dungeon I don’t know what mod adds this but probably a young better dungeon this

Is just a zombie piglin spawner so that could be worse pretty cool though that should come in handy as a an XP farm or gold Farm yeah I explored in here just enough to get just enough to get some quartz the quartz I needed for Tom’s simple storage and let’s take a quick

Look at this the inventory connector you know it’s pretty pricey you need a redstone comparator and oh while I was in the nether I also traded with some pig long enough to get the uh get myself a couple of Ender Pearls so I can make this connector and then the terminal

Also just need some stuff from the from the nether for that I actually upgraded it to a crafting terminal because I had a bunch of diamonds and that’s it that’s all you need for Tom simple storage you just put a an inventory connector down you you’re

Noisy and it will show you the inventory in any adjacent chests and any chests that are connected to those so all of these chests here are part of this inventory right here I just right click on here you see it says 178 free and 577 slots that’s cuz it’s treating all of

These chests as inventory and I right click on the crafting terminal I have access to everything how cool is that definitely a great early game start applied energistics to will replace Tom’s stle storage and as you can see here in my hand I’ve got a steam power drill so I

Went through all of the if you recall earlier this drill this copper drill head right here required all of these gears and plates these gears require bolts and rings and all these things um are just you know a bunch of grinding just putting copper in this Forge hammer

And crafting all this stuff but in the end worth it it needs some some sort of fuel just right click on there to put that inside it and you right click on any kind of water source and it’ll fill up with water it gives you 3×3 Mining and silk

Touch and you can see I cleared out this this whole thing so if we just hit this thing right here we can silk touch on all this stuff whoa then once you have silk touched ores you can really start to double ores with the forge hammer and an iron Hammer

From Modern industrialization so without the hammer you can get two coal crushed dust with the hammer you get three so for tin for example we can get either tin dust or raw tin so we get three raw tin for this one tin ore we basically have ore quadrupling for tin copper it’s

Even more so each different ores give you different uh production levels with the forge Hammer so the forge Hammer gets pretty tedious to use so next I progressed into modern industrialization with steam power which is right here we just need to make a bronze boiler we fill that with water just like

This it holds up to eight buckets of water and some fuel it’s really efficient it makes the Steam and Powers adjacent machines the steam so now with this massat so iron ore for example and let’s look at copper ore too so if we put this one piece of copper

Ore in the murator gives us eight raw copper as opposed to one raw copper if we just Min that right and now we put the raw copper back in here and it’s for each of those eight it’s going to give us I think 2 and A2 one and

A2 here we go we got 11 this time so for one copper ore we got 11 copper dust which we can then to the furnace and get the 11 ingots likewise for iron one iron ore is going to give us three raw iron those three raw iron in the murator

Are going to to give us multiples as well might be like one and a half that’s time we got two first time we got one so we got four times on the iron ore by running that through here twice so that is going to help us out

Quite a bit finally we got this compressor which if we take like this copper we can turn copper into copper sheets which is so much easier than dealing with those in the forge hammer in fact it would take two copper ingots to get a copper plate in here

Unless we put a hammer in here and then we get one for one but it uses up this very expensive iron Hammer to do it in the Forge Hammer plus it’s manual so modern industrialization is definitely worthwhile to progress into from here there’s Industrial Revolution Tech

Reborn these Tech mods have a lot of overlap so you may want to just choose one to start with Industrial Revolution does have a lot of machines that automate things like farming harvesting tree cutting and even fishing like a Fisher put that in the water and that’s going to do

Fishing fishing for you in exchange for power so that’s really useful and don’t forget you can go into space with the ad astrom mod it’s actually not that expensive just need deal lots of it so there you have it all about prominence 2 I’m going to give it a thumbs up for me

I enjoyed my early game play through and I look forward to seeing how they add more to the storyline and hey I hope you found this useful if you did please like the video subscribe to the channel for more modded Minecraft content leave a comment let me know what you think did

You play this mod pack I want to hear about it thanks for watching we’ll see you next time I appreciate you

This video, titled ‘Let’s Try PROMINENCE II FABRIC Mod Pack – Getting Started & First Look! | Minecraft 1.20.1’, was uploaded by Jangro on 2023-09-30 20:45:12. It has garnered 15647 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:51 or 1611 seconds.

** Try a Prominence II Fabric Server Today for Free! https://bit.ly/prominence-2-fabric and get 20% off forever ** Let’s try Prominence II! Join me in a first look at the latest Fabric 1.20.1 version of this popular modpack! It’s got a story line! Tons of adventure content, mobs, structures, tech & magic mods. If you like exploring, finding many structures, and getting into fights, automating with tech, this could be just what you’re looking for!

Try it yourself! Download Prominence II Fabric on CurseForge https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/prominence-2-fabric

Want to play with Friends? Get a server on StickyPiston for 20% off forever! https://stickypiston.co/jangro

Don’t miss an episode. Please subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWewCWW7ajPJr9LS5LOZAUw?sub_confirmation=1

== About this series == This Let’s Try…First Look series is meant to give an initial look at a mod pack through gameplay to give you an idea of what it’s like to play, so you can see if you are interested in playing yourself, or with friends.

What’s next? Subscribe to be notified of new episodes.

Minecraft version: 1.20.1 Prominence II Fabric 1.3.1

== Follow Me == Got feedback, questions? Drop a comment here and join the Jangro Discord server: https://discord.gg/jangro https://twitter.com/jangro https://twitch.tv/jangro

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    Becoming President of Paradise Island - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Adventures Embark on thrilling escapades, heart-pounding challenges, and mysterious quests in the enchanting realm of Minecraft. Join EmirhanCTN and his friends as they navigate through a world filled with excitement, suspense, and camaraderie. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Explore the boundless possibilities of Minecraft as you immerse yourself in a world where your imagination knows no limits. Build awe-inspiring structures, craft intricate tools, and embark on epic adventures in a universe that is yours to shape and mold. Join the Adventure Experience the thrill of the unknown as you delve into the depths of… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: NOOB vs HACKER – Louie and Pip Build Challenge

    Unleashing Chaos: NOOB vs HACKER - Louie and Pip Build ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ & Mikey Build Challenge: NOOB vs HACKER’, was uploaded by Louie and Pip on 2024-03-26 15:00:30. It has garnered 100170 views and 1578 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:32 or 3932 seconds. JJ & Mikey Build Challenge: NOOB vs HACKER Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie and Pip are playing Minecraft. Follow My Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDMytuc0y4TF5V3rUZVT6GA?sub_confirmation=1 We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like and don’t forget to subscribe! #Minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Origins: The Complete Story

    Minecraft Origins: The Complete StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Origens do começo ao fim (e pq acabou)’, was uploaded by Ablau on 2024-03-25 14:00:06. It has garnered 104 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:26 or 1526 seconds. [CC✔️– 🇧🇷 🇪🇸 🇬🇧 🇮🇹 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇯🇵] Let’s remember the entire history of the Minecraft Origins kingdom and try to find out why the series never came back. CHECK OUT AND SARAIVA LIKE! 🔗Links mentioned_______ 🐦🧶Jazzghost thread 🔗👉https://x.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296111562646786049?s=20 🎥✂️Full excerpt from Jazzghost about the disappearance of Minecraft Origins 🔗👉https://youtu.be/OgE8I-rU9-w?si=5mDpm0QR59DAtlEL&t=29 📜🐦🧶Wayback Machine da Thread pt.1/4: https://web.archive.org/web/20240321174538/https://twitter.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296111562646786049?s=20 pt.2/4: https://web.archive.org/web/20240321175320/https://twitter.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296111894328217602?s=20 pt.3/4: https://web.archive.org/web/20240321175357/https://twitter.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296112514908987392?s=20 pt.4/4:… Read More


    INSANE ARROW DODGE CHALLENGE! Herobrine vs ZombieVideo Information This video, titled ‘DON’T GET AN ARROW CHALLENGE! #2 Herobrine vs. Mutant Zombie – funny minecraft animation #cartoon’, was uploaded by toonz CRAFT on 2024-01-15 23:12:28. It has garnered 30643864 views and 2654050 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Herobrine vs. Mutant Zombie – Bow Challenge! #minecraft #animation #challenge #cartoon Read More

  • Diving Into Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft World!

    Diving Into Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft Universe :Full Review ! || Techno Gamerz minecraft world’, was uploaded by Souza Gamerz on 2024-04-12 21:30:03. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Exploring Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft Universe :Full Review ! || Techno Gamerz minecraft world #technogamerz #minecraft #gaming Instagram : souza_Gamerz8 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Follow Us On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/souza_gamerz8/ Shorts Channel : https://youtube.com/c/ThundromeGamerzShorts About This Channel This Channel Is Full Of Indian Gaming , commentary,gaming related tips and tricks and gaming techs etc etc etc. You Can enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Court Drama with SideArms4Reason! Who wins?!

    EPIC Court Drama with SideArms4Reason! Who wins?!Video Information This video, titled ‘COURT EVENT DAY | Cobblemon SMP (ep6)’, was uploaded by SideArms4Reason on 2024-05-30 05:03:33. It has garnered 4301 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:15 or 16275 seconds. The best Minecraft Pokemon Mod is here – Cobblemon SMP I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get cool emotes and a chat badge, become a member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2LzOtzFiggxpLY80IUXhFw/join Tip here – https://twitch.streamlabs.com/sidearms4reason Download the Cobblemon modpack here & play on the public server https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get FocusFuel here – https://thefocusfuel.com/side Use code… Read More


    I BECAME CHAINSAW MAN in Minecraft?! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became CHAINSAW MAN In Minecraft (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by KanesAce on 2024-04-11 17:25:18. It has garnered 196259 views and 3338 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:06 or 2406 seconds. I added chainsaw man into Minecraft.. ANIMATIONS BY – @reflectedwastaken 8 BIT CHAINSAW MAN OPENING KICK BACK COVER – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgmfkIAXHjg&pp=ygUVOCBCSVQgS0lDSyBCQUNLIENPVkVS KICKBACK ELEVATOR MUSIC – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK7_v2wd44A&pp=ygUYS0lDSyBCQUNLIENPVkVSIE1BUklPIDY0 MAIN MAP USED – https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/sayama-city–japanese-modern-city-world-/ ZOMBIE DEVIL MAP AND ENEMIES – https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/chainsaw-craft-chainsaw-man-in-minecraft-vanilla/ (other builds were handmade so not available) MODS USED – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chainsaw-man-csm https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/craft-devils-mod #chainsawman #mod #Minecraft Read More

  • VR Gaming Magic: Eye-Testing Art at Eye Level

    VR Gaming Magic: Eye-Testing Art at Eye LevelVideo Information This video, titled ‘#eyetesting #magic #eyelevel #art #eyegame #duet #mindboggling #smallbusiness #eyesgame’, was uploaded by vr gaming 143k on 2024-04-22 01:24:04. It has garnered 301 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #shorts #tages #minecrafthelp #helpshorts #emozgaming #emozgamingshorts #trendingshorts #trend #emozshorts #minecraftgamingshorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftalwayshelp #alwayshelp #helpingshorts #helpingdog #minecrafttrend #minecraftshorts #minecrafttiktok #minecrafttrendingshorts #ytshorts #minecraftsad #minecraftsadshorts #storyshorts #minecraftstory#Minecraft gaming ki link #minecraft kese khele #minecraft download #minecraft video #minecraft long video# #gaming ketigty me sascirab kese badaye #long videos viral karne ki tirk #1000 sascirabar kese pura kake #1ksascirbar kese… Read More

  • Join LIVE Server Gaming Event NOW! Play Custom Games With Viewers

    Join LIVE Server Gaming Event NOW! Play Custom Games With ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS (Customs With YOU)’, was uploaded by Server Gaming on 2024-04-20 02:44:46. It has garnered 555 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:34 or 9574 seconds. Hive Minecraft With Viewers | Customs And Parties | Minecraft Bedrock!! 2k Texture Pack!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e8OznbGQm4&t=154s thumbnail made by @ItsBluesYT • memberships – https://www.youtube.com/@ServerGaming/join • join the discord – https://discord.gg/5kyzAMYVWB • follow my kick – https://kick.com/servergaming • follow my twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/itzserver • my second channel – @ServerExtras Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS The Hive Live With Viewers! I’m a hive content creator and… Read More

  • INSANE Realistic Travel in Minecraft #2!!!

    INSANE Realistic Travel in Minecraft #2!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Travel – Minecraft #2’, was uploaded by PROT31Nn on 2024-05-14 15:14:28. It has garnered 8841 views and 421 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmod #survival #minecraftmods #challenge #beatingminecraft #diamonds #minecraftrealistic #minecraftsurvival #camman18 #minecraftspeedrunner #camman18shorts #minecraftbutchallenge #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftmanhunt #camman18minecraft #minecraftbuticanttouchgrass #cavesandcliffsupdate #cavesandcliffs #howtosurvive #newminecraftchannel #grian #fastestdiamonds #enderdragon #minecraftupdate #craftinginminecraft #craft #craftee #newminecraft #crafter #crafty #craftingrecipe #crafting #custom #diamond #familyfriendly #customitem #customitems #emeralds #tiktokcamman18 #camman18tiktok #camman18twitch #camman18clips #minecraftbutyoucanttouchthecolor #gaming #minecrafthitmen #custommobs #custommob #minecraftearth #minecraftbutrealistic #speedrunnervs #mods #camman18minecraftyoutube #minecraft117 #realisticminecraft #tutorial #mumbo #minecraftanimation #minecraftfacts #building #asianhalfsquat #howto #minecraftfunny… Read More

  • Mistik Iridyum

    Mistik IridyumMistik Iridyum sunucusu bir avuç arkadaş topluluğunun kendilerine basit bir aternos sunucusu açmak yerine Devasa bir OP Skyblock sunucusu açmaya çalışmaları ile çıktı. Samimi arkadaş ortamı, sürekli güncellemeler ve bol eklentiler ile bize katıl! Java: game4.falixserver.net:58222 or (ya da) iridyum.falix.gg:58222 1.8 – 1.20 Bedrock: game4.falixserver.net or (ya da) iridyum.falix.gg 58222 1.20.x iridyum.falix.gg:58222 Read More

  • Team BaerCraft’s Modded SMP Servers

    Creators & Community Creators & Community A warm, diverse, and open Discord & Minecraft community that welcomes everyone and is the home of the Minecraft modpacks BaerCraft, Trash Panda Craft, and PokeASub plus their official multiplayer servers. We host additional Minecraft servers, such as a rotational server that rotates community-voted modpacks every 3 months. In total, we usually run about 4 servers with more to come in the future. Our community also talks about a lot of other games and topics! Both developers are experienced and active in development by creating new content for players. Our staff is knowledgeable, fast,… Read More


    TIPPER SMPWelcome to VIPPER SMP, a premier survival Minecraft server based in the United States! Join our vibrant community of players as you embark on epic adventures, build incredible creations, and forge lasting friendships. With our verified server status, you can trust in a secure and enjoyable gaming experience. Dive into the ultimate survival challenge and explore boundless possibilities in VIPPER SMP today Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Technoblade’s Birthday Bonanza!

    It seems like King’s reign in the meme world will never be forgotten, with a score of 400 to prove it! Long live the King (of memes)! Read More

  • Survived 100 Days: Wasteland Convoy Minecraft Hardcore

    Survived 100 Days: Wasteland Convoy Minecraft Hardcore In a wasteland convoy, we dared to roam, Through a city of ruin, far from home. Bandits lurked, seeking to steal our loot, But we pressed on, resolute and astute. With water dried up, and no loot in sight, We journeyed west, into the fading light. Building a base, exploring the unknown, Unraveling the mystery, seeds of truth sown. Inspired by legends, we braved the test, Surviving 100 days, we gave it our best. In a hardcore world, where danger looms, We faced the challenge, defying all dooms. So join us on this epic quest, As we strive to… Read More

  • Spidey Spidey, Burning Bright!

    Spidey Spidey, Burning Bright! Why did Spider-Man start playing Minecraft? Because he heard there were some great webs to swing from! #spiderman #minecraft #webbedwonder Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server

    Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of hardcore survival gameplay in Minecraft? Do you enjoy exploring secret bases and uncovering hidden treasures? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a thriving community of players and a wide range of unique features, Minewind offers an exciting and challenging gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your own epic adventure. Build, explore, and survive in a world full of surprises and mysteries waiting to… Read More

  • 49 Min of Minecraft: Story Mode on Scratched Xbox Disk

    49 Min of Minecraft: Story Mode on Scratched Xbox Disk The Epic Journey of Minecraft: Story Mode Introduction Embark on a thrilling adventure through the world of Minecraft with “Minecraft: Story Mode.” Join Jesse and his friends as they set out on a quest to save their world from destruction. Episodes Overview Episode 1: The Order of the Stone Witness the beginning of Jesse’s journey as they team up with a group of legendary heroes known as The Order of the Stone to defeat the Wither Storm. Episode 2: Assembly Required Face new challenges as Jesse and the gang must gather resources to build a new weapon to defeat… Read More

  • Unbelievable! 13 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods (1.20.1)

    Unbelievable! 13 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods (1.20.1)Video Information This video, titled ’13 Awesome New/Updated Minecraft Mods (1.20.1)’, was uploaded by Leonxkingx on 2024-06-02 23:56:23. It has garnered 1824 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:28 or 568 seconds. #minecraft #mods 13 New/updated Minecraft Mods for 1.20.1, mainly for Forge. I’m trying to show the latest/updated best Minecraft Forge (sometimes the mods also have a fabric version) Mods for 1.20 of the week, if you want me to showcase a mod or maybe even your mod, let me know. Mods in this video: 0:00 Illusion Onslaught https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/illusion-onslaught 1:48 Flower Pots Plus https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/flower-pots-plus 2:17… Read More

  • ShrooMoo’s Wild GTNH Stargate Run Stream!

    ShrooMoo's Wild GTNH Stargate Run Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vtuber Solos GTNH – The Stargate Run Stream 7 – (LV-MV) – Unedited VOD #GTNH #Vtuber #minecraft’, was uploaded by ShrooMoo on 2024-03-30 21:32:08. It has garnered 110 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 08:34:08 or 30848 seconds. This stream is best experienced on TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/shroomoooo We hit MV :3 Read More

  • Minecraft Trending Song Revealed! 🤯🎮 #viralvideo

    Minecraft Trending Song Revealed! 🤯🎮 #viralvideoVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft trending song is cbse upse #shortfeed #viral #minecraft #viralvideo #subscribe’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-02 05:22:05. It has garnered 763 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft… Read More