JAVA CRAWLING ADDED & HUGE PARITY! Minecraft Bedrock Edition Beta Review!

Video Information

Guys Mojang have just added the Minecraft Java Edition crawling to Minecraft Bedrock Edition they’ve also removed some exclusive features one of which I literally showed you in a video yesterday anyway check this out so if we go up to this right and we flick this we now enter what is considered the

Crawling animation wait one second if we go to Game Mode creative put this on here and get inside of this oh oh it works but but I’m actually stuck you can actually trap players now well hold on the official Echo Soldier plushie will be available and on sale

Tomorrow it will be available for 30 days only once it’s gone it is never coming back you can always make more money but you’ll never be able to get one of these again the link is down below um so your hands and holding items is kinda broken in this week’s beta slash

Preview this was previously only broken in RTX it’s broken this week what I would like to tell you is Minecraft 1.20 for Bedrock is complete now all of these versions here will contain all of the 1.20 features it is highly likely what I am showing you today will not make it in

The 1.20 for release which gives us another indication that 1.20 might actually release next Tuesday let’s get right into this we are starting with features and book fixes starting off with with accessibility features they improved Xbox on-screen keyboard experience including better positioning updating Fields with typed inputs and no

More screen dimming while on-screen keyboard is open we have a bug report this has been a reported issue for quite some time for Xbox players and if you’ve been experiencing this and you’re currently in the latest beta and preview on Xbox let me know in the comments

Section how this updated change is it should be so much better for you and so much easier to use moving on to sneak and experimental it says added the ability to crawl behind the short sneaking and crawling experimental toggle with this little guy reading the signs then anyway let me explain how you

Can turn this on when you go to a brand new world create new world what you do want to do is go down to experiments in order to to access the new sneaking and crawling ability this needs to be turned on or it is not going to work and this

Is what it says created a new player crawling animation players will now begin crawling when in a one block Gap similar to sneaking so this is kind of impossible for Minecraft Bedrock Edition but previously you had to use a bucket of water you had to start swimming it

Was a big pain now you place this down you go inside of it and you tap it now the animation is a little bit slower currently than Minecraft Java Edition but it is finally here we now have a crawling animation on Minecraft Bedrock Edition I’m so happy that yo yeah this

Guy’s happy to relax all right you don’t need to stand on me now anyway like it’s such a cool feature it’s so cool so now you can go mining and just enjoy your journey and we’ll have a little look at this in like the third person behind

Perspective it does kind of look like you’re swimming but this is officially classed classed as crawling we have The Crawling ability in Minecraft Bedrock Edition there’s a few things that you need to learn about this it does say crawling is the same speed as sneaking I am currently sneaking so you are gonna

Move in in this kind of speed right so if we activate this one more time I show you guys it is the same speed although I’ll be honest it does look like you move a little bit faster when you are crawling It also says players will automatically stand up or begin sneaking

If they leave the one block Gap and I can show you this here so if we go in here we activate this just gonna go through this very very slowly so as soon as we get out of here you will then automatically stand up now there’s one

More thing I do want to tell you it does say players will begin swimming if they my guy just my guy just went in there he’s in there anyway it says players will begin swimming if they enter water while crawling or vice versa so if we get

Inside of here we activate it with that that activated straight away actually hold on so we stand on this and activate it oh wow okay so wow it actually automatically enabled it there sorry I’m still learning this it’s pretty cool so if we go down now I’m just gonna crawl

In the third person perspective from behind here and show you guys what happens when you do enter water you’ll see here how you do begin swimming now I’ve been experiencing a little bit of a bug here when the water isn’t kind of full you can kind of glitch out a little bit here

Um but like I I’m actually stuck basically you you can get stuck in this in this area and this happened to me a couple of times again this is experimental so these kind of things are expected to happen well anyway again you will enter the swimming States and then

You’ll stand up automatically so if you do experience that issue you’re not alone but like I showed you like if you go inside of here and you activate this like your stuff you cannot open it there now if I got a forward slash game mode survival real quick and try and do it

You cannot do it I mean you can break your way out that’s the only way at this moment in time so you might need some kind of assistance yeah so anyway I’m pretty sure you guys will find some really cool things to do with this we must move on players model is now

Centered around their hitbox when swimming players are no longer able to sneak while riding we have a book report like it is able to crouch while riding a camel so if we just access this here you’ll see this automatically pushes the person down into a crouching animation

That doesn’t happen anymore so he was also using a camel if we get on this camel real quick I’m just gonna end up going through here you’ll notice that it doesn’t push me down anymore I mean you kinda visibly glitch out through it I’ll be totally honest with you

Um but you’re not forced into this so-called crouching animation players will now always spawn projectiles from the camera position when sneaking swimming or gliding so this has been something they’ve been working on since like 1.17 18 19 and now 1.20 so basically when you used to throw these especially gliding they would spawn

Above your head now you can see here I’m just throwing it here and you can see it’s spawning it from the perfect straight on camera perspective if I crouch it stays the same as well if I go back up my little guy died my little guy actually just suffocated

Poor dude dude I don’t know what maybe he grew up maybe he did grow up and he suffocated anyway he’s taking the Limelight from today’s video um what’s I don’t know yeah I forgot that they could do that anyway distracted so yeah the camera will always now be following you again harder

To explain but uh it’s always gonna be from like the center rather than above your head same with gliding and same with other projectiles It also says players will now spawn particle effects when eating in the correct position if they are sneaking swimming or gliding so

Again very similar to that one if we are standing you can see the particle effects when we eat are basically from the mouth if we Crouch you can see there again focusing on the mouth situation as well so yeah very similar to that it’s the same for particles when eating and

One more of these changes loyalty tridents will always return to the player’s camera so if I’m standing here and I’m throwing this it’s going to come back straight towards my face like previously this is the same if you are crouching again or related to gliding Etc apparently players will no longer

Suffocate when short sneaking in certain scenarios players will no longer get pushed slightly when short sneaking is enabled we have a book report so the block will push the player which will automatically initiate sneaking which will actually move the player so if we play this a little bit here we’ve seen

This before very similar Pistons pushing a player moves them slightly that should not happen let’s give this a try if we stand underneath this and we activate this you can see here it does automatically initiate the short crouching but this time I ain’t moving fixed many interactions we’re being

Forced into sneaking acted the same as holding the sneak button moving on to World Generation polished bath salts and chiseled deep slate can no longer be replaced by skook during World Generation so these are now safe from their this have you ever seen in a Minecraft world before that there’s

Polished Basalt Towers were replaced with all of these yeah that is no longer going to happen however polished deep slate can now be replaced by skulk during World Generation we have a bug report so this has been an issue for quite some time and you can see here the

Skulk will not replace certain blocks but it will going forward in this version moving on to Villages farmer villages will now interact with torch flower seeds and pitcher pods they can pick up the seeds and plant them but they will not harvest the torch flower

Or the pitcher crop so if we just place down some Villages over here as an example and place these down I’m gonna throw all these on the floor hopefully some of these guys will change into the dudes that we need them to be or they’ll make me look stupid on

The internet and we’ll have to place down some more um oh I know the problem here we haven’t got any beds down okay let’s change this hold on if we place down a few beds there you go it’s I’ve been playing a lot of java recently and Java you don’t

Technically need the bed anyway you can see here um oh this has been one of those videos you can see here that these guys will actually pick these up and hopefully they’ll begin to plant them rather than putting them inside of the composter a few moments later here we go okay I don’t

Look stupid yes these guys started planting down these seeds anyway when they do fully grow these guys will not steal your crops and this is going to be the same for the picture pod as well we do have an archeology change decorated pots crafted with at least one shirt now

Have a hover tool tip displaying the shed and brick ingredients the most interesting thing here is they’re calling them shirts if you type in sheds they’re not shares they’re still shards on Minecraft’s Bedrock Edition that hasn’t been changed anyway they’re such a pretty cool change here so I’ll grab

All of these and I’ll show you guys so if we put this inside of here and we make this for example see here it says heartbreak Pottery Shard Etc so if we were to do one of these one of these one of these one of these it’s going to show

You all the type of shares that you have available and this is definitely something I always like on Minecraft Bedrock Edition so yeah anyway pretty good change slight changes with audio camera position is now used for audio system listening and ambient sounds previously the player position and rotation were sometimes used for audio

Listening this effectively flips audio panning when using third person front camera perspective we must move on to the blocks it says players without permission to open slash close containers can no longer interact with chiseld’s bookshelves so people were actually able to steal your books if this was uh still enabled basically if

You had someone visiting your world they could still steal these if you had a really cool design going on uh yeah you’d have to redo it but that’s been fixed as of today pauldron water texture is now the correct version we have a bug report and what says put inside of The

Cauldron the water looks like lava bro I actually really like this but yeah this was fixed today and I can confirm if we put this down fill it up it’s no longer this lavish water no it’s block on top of Soul soil now produces the harp sound

Instead of the snar sound but this is the sounds it now makes troubles can no longer mine packed mud as fast as a pickaxe and we can do a test here if we go to forward slash game mode s here so if we begin to mine this it’s quite slow

Right but if we do it with the pickaxe the pickaxe is now still the fastest fastest method placing blocks on top snow and Tall Grass while moving side to side no longer causes them to stack up continuously we have a book report this has been an all-round annoying issue and

We do have a video here and I am going to show you what this person is talking about so when you’re placing a block and this used to happen a lot up to me all the time they would like double stack on top of each other see what I mean even

Though like you were nowhere near them they would actually double stack and it was super weird super annoying if you play creative and you’ve experienced this you know how annoying it can be it was fixed moving on to graphical changes slash fixes fixed issue with highlighted blocks and MOB Shadows appearing through

The pumpkin head overlay on Nintendo switch rendering of snow or rain is now based on camera position instead of player position Shields no longer flicker when held in both hands on RTX fixed sleep and Camera fade effect not covering the screen until after first person rendering moving on to Maps fixed

Black pixels being generated on maps when client-side chunk generating Air Generation is enabled mobs The Sounds played when a camel is Dashing is no longer played repeatedly so many people have been waiting for this fix because it’s super annoying fixed issue with jump boost effect not affecting magma

Cubes changes with user interface added local to all platforms enabling extra large GUI scaling beyond what the GUI slider allows okay so settings go to your I think it’s video video and then you want to scroll down inside of here we have the GUI scale which again you

Can change this in size right but we have this one now extra large GUI scaling it says enables an extra large version of the menu interface as an additional accessibility option this setting might cause visual glitches to appear in some menu screens so I think this is because a lot of people have

Different size screens and I think it’s just going to adjust to your one I like to keep mine on zero rather than on the negative one change the pause menu disconnection text to be platform agnostic I think that is fixed an issue that caused the inventory to get locked

Up after Auto placing we have a book report all this has been an ongoing issue since 2019 and we do a video here and I imagine a lot of people have also experienced this at some point in your Minecraft world when you’re crafting multiple of the same thing it just stops

Working for you and you have to back out and go back in um yeah that was fixed today imported worlds now get their last play date modified to the time they were imported Vanilla Java parity some good changes but also some bad changes anyway items dropped by storage entities are now

Centered inside the nearest block good change shovels has been removed from boat recipe the bamboo raft recipe has not been updated yet though okay so for the longest time on Minecraft Bedrock Edition and this was something that the developers introduced on Java and then removed it you have to make a boat like

This now you no longer gonna need the shovel for a long time it’s taken them that long to remove this anyway it’s now back to being made that way also Barrel recipe has been modified to use planks instead of sticks now I don’t like this change but I can totally

Understand why they’ve done it personally I don’t think it should be with sticks and it should definitely be with planks so this is a power to change I’m gonna say that I agree with but previously on Minecraft’s Bedrock edition if you wanted to make a barrel

It would be one and two up there and one uh two three down that size three down that side and that’ll make that wait what it’s still doable wait does that mean both of them are doable at this moment all they are okay well expect the

Stick one to be removed anyway so yeah that was a change that was updated bro I literally made a video on this yesterday as a Minecraft Bedrock exclusive but as of today the cobweb tostring recipe has been removed so you can’t put this inside of here have to get string why do

They always think that Java is the right way bro I can accept this one I can accept this one but I’m not accepting this one why why you gotta remove it I thought it was a pretty good feature I mean I know I’m like blowing this out of

Proportion and it’s not a big deal but why do they always have to correct it to Java Bedrock has some pretty cool exclusives just give them to Java Edition they also fixed a bug where zombie villagers did not drop given item after curing Wild Horses mules and

Donkeys can now be tempted using a golden apple carrot or Enchanted Apple llamas will be tempted by a player holding a hay bale we have a bug report only shown you guys the bug reports because this has been an ongoing issue anyway it was fixed today I mean it’s

Not really an ongoing issue it is in fact like a parity change but if you had a horse you can now tempt it with if you had a horse you can now tempt it tempt it are you classed as a wild horse like a donkey or a horse and where’s the

You guys like want to follow these apple or an apple I mean you’ll eat them but they’re not like really tempted I wouldn’t really say they’re temptable llama llama tempted by hay bales am I missing something am I invisible if I read this wrong hold on a second

Wild Horses Mills donkeys can be tempted using golden apples well like maybe because they’re not classed as wild maybe maybe I gotta go find a natural wild one yeah I found I found I found them they just spawned in it literally just spawned in these guys are not interested I’m not convinced

It’s def it’s definitely not been fixed it’s definitely not been fixed vibrations let’s read the change log Minecraft Bedrock vibrations received a massive update today there’s so many changes it was kind of pointless me putting them all on signs but for example harvesting sweet berries now emits vibration adding or removing music

Discs now emits vibrations and tons more I’ll show you guys a few of them just to give you an idea so if we put this down place that on there had to ruin the video didn’t you anyway if we what nope if we put this on there it now makes the

Vibration changing this now makes the vibration harvesting them again there’s tons of other ones there was a sheep here it was him it was you hold on hold on because also dying sheep also makes a noise now come on get over there get over there so we do it come on again

He’s too busy moving again ready there you go finally got it and you made this video difficult for me don’t you don’t you turn away from me last but not least technical updates let’s read the change log huge amounts of technical updates for Minecraft Bedrock Edition today including add-on unscripts blocks

Commands components edit mode items and so much more if there’s anything important in there I will do a separate video on it there’s also some changes to the camera command but yeah lots of technical things happening in Minecraft if you made it this far in today’s video

Leave a comment down below and say hey Echo that sheep was really stubborn but again guys remember everything I’m showing you here will highly likely not be in 1.24 release it will be in 1.20.10 most likely so bear that in mind but these will eventually be available

On Minecraft Bedrock go and buy my plushie well it starts tomorrow or today depending on what you when you’re watching this video have a wonderful day okay and I’ll see you all in the next one

This video, titled ‘JAVA CRAWLING ADDED & HUGE PARITY! Minecraft Bedrock Edition Beta Review!’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2023-05-25 20:53:45. It has garnered 43529 views and 2131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:54 or 1314 seconds.

Mojang just added crawling ability to Minecraft Bedrock Edition and other Java Parity features.


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00:00 intro 1:15 Important to know 1:39 Features & Bug fixes 2:20 Crawling Ability 6:09 sneaking Changes 9:12 World Generation 9:49 Villager Changes 11:06 Archaeology 11:54 Audio Changes 12:14 Block Changes 14:00 Graphical Fixes 14:29 Map Fixes 14:38 Mobs Fixes 14:54 User Interface 14:24 Java Parity Features 19:56 Vibrations Updated

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    Insane Kaiju Overexposed in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Entojin SMP (S1:Ep1):A Whole New Beginning!’, was uploaded by OverExposedKaiju on 2024-04-23 07:15:41. It has garnered 45 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:39 or 9939 seconds. Hello I am The Prince of the Dark Abyss,TheLivingNightTerror, and The future Inevitable Emperor of the world OverExposedKaiju welcome to my channel in todays Form of Entertainment we’ll be beginning our journey on the modded SMP Entojin Season 1! if you enjoyed watching consider leaving a like & subscribe to join my Satire Mob! #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberstream #minecraft #moddedminecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftvtuber #funnygameplay #satirecomedy… Read More

  • Fastest World Record Blocking in GodBage

    Fastest World Record Blocking in GodBageVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Fastest Blockin(World Record)’, was uploaded by GodBage on 2024-01-14 15:45:47. It has garnered 7632 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. ================================= LOoOOL ►Pack: ask in comments ►Music: non ►minecraft client: BLC ►Discord Server: =============================== #GodBage#Bedwars#Hypixel#Edit#PvP#Minecraft#遊戲#床戰#shorts#blockin Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight while buckybarr hosts buckytour… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT GAMERS LIVE NOW India - JOIN US!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINIGAMES BEDWARS | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-03-22 05:38:35. It has garnered 115 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:02 or 7142 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINIGAMES BEDWARS | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India insta :- To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The Ultimate SMP… Read More

  • 🔥 FRIO – Découvrez les types de joueurs les plus fous dans les villages #minecraftshorts

    🔥  FRIO - Découvrez les types de joueurs les plus fous dans les villages #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Les différents types de joueurs dans les villages #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FRIO on 2024-01-10 19:34:38. It has garnered 2544 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Builds Compilation 2023 🏰 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Builds Compilation 2023 🏰 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: My biggest 5 builds i’ve build in 2023! | #builds #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by MOX – CREATE on 2024-03-02 05:13:41. It has garnered 4710 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft: My biggest 5 builds i’ve build in 2023! | #builds #minecraft #shorts Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater… Read More

  • 🌙 Moonwalker Live: Crazy Phasmo Hunt at 789 Subs! 🔥

    🌙 Moonwalker Live: Crazy Phasmo Hunt at 789 Subs! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: time for phasmo and were back at 789 subs’, was uploaded by Moonwalker on 2024-05-26 02:38:16. It has garnered 301 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:54 or 15414 seconds. thanks for stopping in if you enjoy like and Subscribe also give me some tips #minecraft #hardcore #shorts #subscribe #like #funny Read More

  • Unbelievable Ore Generator Trick | Minecraft Skyblock Ep.11 (Server IP)

    Unbelievable Ore Generator Trick | Minecraft Skyblock Ep.11 (Server IP)Video Information This video, titled ‘Auto Ore Generator | Minecraft Skyblock Episode 11 (Bedrock/Java Server IP)’, was uploaded by TheNeoCubest on 2024-01-07 15:00:40. It has garnered 8669 views and 396 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:09 or 1929 seconds. Play with me! Java IP: | Bedrock IP: Port: 19132 | Let’s Play Minecraft Skyblock on NeoNetwork is surely going to be a great episode 1, episode 2, etc style of series on Minecraft Java and Bedrock. Server/servers IP address works for both versions of Minecraft on MCPE/Xbox/Switch/PS4/PC! I am excited to finally do a Skyblock series… Read More

  • Insane MCgamer speedruns extreme Minecraft parkour! #shorts

    Insane MCgamer speedruns extreme Minecraft parkour! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft parkour guanlet TAS #shorts’, was uploaded by Extreem MCgamer on 2024-05-04 21:00:23. It has garnered 10227 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Welcome to the Extreem MCgamer channel, dedicated to Minecraft! I’m Extreem, and I’m excited to share amazing Minecraft shorts with you. Join me as we explore the blocky world, go on thrilling adventures, and witness incredible creations. From awesome builds to cool redstone contraptions, we’ll dive deep into Minecraft together. Whether you’re an experienced player or new to the game, there’s something here for… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎’, was uploaded by Karan tech kvp on 2024-05-05 08:04:44. It has garnered 7259 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎 minecraft sand art mod | minecraft sand art mr beast |minecraft sand art 123 Minecraft send art😱😱😱😱 gaming minecraft sand art minecraft sand art b minecraftsand art minecraft b minecraft banner fan art minecraft g minecraft banner h minecraft is minecraft sad is minecraft a… Read More

  • Airheadmc

    AirheadmcWelcome to airheadmc’s voting page. Where you can earn rewards from voting for us. We’re a supporting and loving server wanting to boost our player count! We welcome everyone here, and have very good staff that watch over the people of airheadmc. Read More

  • Minecraft StreetCat SMP Java 1.20.6

    Join our Minecraft SMP Server! Experience Day 8 of our server where you can become your own character and create your own civilization. Roleplay and engage in conflict with other players to see how civilization unfolds. Version 1.20.6. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Failed to keep it short, here’s the spicy meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Failed to keep it short, here's the spicy meme!Looks like even in the world of Minecraft, some things just don’t add up! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz

    Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz “I watched an interesting Minecraft video and now I can’t stop trying to punch trees in real life to collect wood. Send help.” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine exploring vast sewers and building dark altars, just like in the video you watched. Minewind allows you to unleash your creativity and build your own unique world within the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part… Read More

  • Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve!

    Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Steve Step into the blocky world of Minecraft and join Steve on his adventures! From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players like Steve can unleash their creativity by building anything they can imagine using various blocks and materials. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a hidden underground lair, the only limit is your imagination. Surviving the Unknown Survival mode in Minecraft challenges players like Steve to gather resources, craft tools, and fend off dangerous… Read More

  • Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!

    Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel & Mining dead (w/DuRhone) A deal has been made! My SECOND Hyperion!’, was uploaded by The 3 Kings on 2024-05-19 02:53:29. It has garnered 80 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. #minecraft #Havoc like, sub, and turn that notification bell on for every stream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Discord: Server IP: Read More

  • OmzBlox: NOOB vs PRO House Build Challenge!

    OmzBlox: NOOB vs PRO House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: PRIME House Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by OmzBlox on 2024-05-27 20:29:57. It has garnered 138729 views and 5483 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:49 or 10669 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Alexa Luke and Heather are doing a PRIME DRINK HOUSE BUILD BATTLE! Read More

JAVA CRAWLING ADDED & HUGE PARITY! Minecraft Bedrock Edition Beta Review!