Jeffy’s INSANE Minecraft FAN GIRL Family Drama!

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All right everyone get nice and close and look beautiful for the camera I can’t believe we’re taking our first family photo isn’t it so much fun Sky uh this better not be a family photo I’m only here to make Tik toks well Sky you can make Tik toks after this family

Photo all right we better because I’m going to use this little brat to get some views hey don’t call our son a brat um this is not my son this is yours well you’re his mommy so he is your son well let’s get this over with so I can go

Back to getting more views all right everyone look at my daddy all right everyone look at the camera I’m going to take a photo in three two okay why is baby Jeffy not looking at the camera how about because you’re bald head Marty uh my name is not Marty it’s Marvin uh and

Jeffy can you move in a little bit Daddy I think our baby’s just camera shy well I need everyone to move to the left two steps one two is this better daddy oh no wrong way I meant the right oh my goodness really all right let me check

My light real quick U yep it’s working let me see my camera uh all right all right everyone look at the camera and say cheese on the counter three actually I’m vegan so I don’t eat cheese and we’re not saying that word either oh my goodness then what word can we say Skye

How about we say avocado okay fine we can say avocado Daddy just take this stupid photo have to say avocado no daddy you don’t have to say avocado you’re not in the photo uh everyone say cheese SL avocado on the cat of three 1 2 3

Avado all right uh did you get it Daddy uh I didn’t get it wait what why Marty how incompetent are you just take the photo my name is not Marty daddy am I going to need baby Jeffy to take the photo Jeffy no he can’t even like write

Well Daddy you clearly don’t know how to use a camera you know what Jeffy you’re right I don’t know how to use a camera I’m a boomer um Jeffy who is that oh over there that’s my friend Daisy she’s just picking some flowers hey Jeffy what’s going on over here oh hey Daisy

We’re just taking some family photos outside since it’s such a beautiful day wait Family Photos you had a baby I said I wanted to be the mommy well the thing is um me and Skye had a baby um yeah loser I’m the mom Jeffy how could you do

This to me I wanted to be the mommy well Skye thought it would be a good idea to get views we’re going to get paper but that’s not how you take care of a baby a baby needs a real mommy like me you think you can be a better mother than I

Can well yeah I’m just not going to use a baby for views okay guys stop arguing Skye is the mother and that’s it Daisy okay you need to get over it well I can’t get over it I bet I could be a way better mommy than she can all right

Daisy then why don’t you prove yourself fine let’s have a mommy challenge wait what a mommy challenge what the heck is a mommy challenge well Jeffy she thinks she can be better better than me so let’s just set up some challenges oh gosh I don’t know Daddy what do you

Think of this challenge idea I don’t know Jeffy as Grandpa Marty this is a great idea we can see which mom’s actually better wait since when is your name Marty uh well Sky keeps calling me Marty so it just slipped okay well okay Marty that sounds good all right guys

Well for the first challenge everyone follow me you guys have two rooms to decorate and whoever decorates the best room for my baby will win bab Jeffy needs the best room ever to grow up in ooh I’m calling my personal designer right now what no no no no personal

Designer you need to be the one to build it okay Skye whatever oh I’m going to make this room so cute lots of toys and lots of yellow well you guys have 10 minutes to build the best rooms upstairs and downstairs are you guys ready to

Battle yeah all right three 2 one go go go start building all right baby Jeffy you sit right here wait um daddy did you just change your name uh no no I’ve always been named Marty daddy you were not named Marty well this the name I’m taking on now oh my goodness whatever

Daddy well who do you think’s going to win sky or Daisy oo I don’t know Daisy’s always good at doing Furniture in houses but I don’t know what Sky’s got up her sleeve well it looks like she’s placing down blue beds everyone knows that baby jeffy’s favorite color is yellow I know

And Daisy’s already putting down yellow stuff so I think she’s winning so far oh my goodness she has a yellow couch and wait is that a trampoline daddy she has a trampoline inside I don’t know but the color of it’s blue uh-oh oh Daisy your room’s coming out pretty good but um I

Think your trampolines the wrong color well they don’t make yellow trampolines oh I didn’t even know that well everything else is yellow so you’re doing pretty good in here well I’m happy you like it I know your favorite color is yellow so your baby’s favorite color

Has to be yellow wait what’s going to be be upstairs well it’s going to be a bedroom and you can even use the trampoline to jump to the top wo this is actually awesome wao wo I’m about to make it up to the top ah yeah that was so cool come

On Daddy it’s like an elevator all right well we’ll let you continue building and go check in on Sky oh Sky what are you doing in here obviously I’m building a bedroom well um why is the bedroom blue um because blue is the best color in the world

Well what if baby Jeffrey doesn’t like blue and likes yellow who said I was building a bedroom for the baby wait what no way Sky that’s the whole point of the challenge exactly well if you want me to mother this thing then I’m going to need a place to sleep so you’re

Actually building rooms for yourself not my baby um there’s the upstairs isn’t there all right I guess you can make the whole upstairs jeffy’s room and down here I guess could be your room um you want the whole upstairs to be the baby’s room um I mean I thought that’s what you

Said um no I said I could put a bed up there for the baby but I need a big closet oh my goodness my gosh well Sky I don’t think you’re going to win this if you don’t make it for baby Jeffy so you better be thinking of some better ideas

Whatever all my ideas are good all right we’ll let you continue building come on baby Jeffy come over here all right you guys have 5 minutes remaining you better hurry up it looks like Daisy’s already working on the second floor ooh there’s a lot of presents up there a lot of cake

There’s a lot of presents a lot of cake some yellow batterers it’s coming out really really good yeah I think Daisy might win this Daddy what do you think I don’t know it depends on what sky does in that top room baby Jeffy which one are you liking so far Daddy he didn’t

Say anything Jeffy he can’t talk he’s a little baby G gong G okay Jeffy that doesn’t work well Daddy I thought I would try Okay ooh look what Sky’s building on the second floor Jeffy it looks like there’s another room uh-oh is that a bathroom or oh God it’s probably

Like a walk-in closet for herself oh oh no I think you’re right and look Daisy’s making the whole floor yellow oh my goodness it kind of looks a little plain in there yeah she needs some extra stuff in this corner it looks like she got a little kitchen look she’s adding a bunch

Of picture frames on the wall kind of weird daddy if you had to make a room for my baby what would you add in it oh I have to add a lot of stuff because Jeffy likes a lot of cool things like chocolate cake he needs like a station

For his dapy uh-huh he needs a like a double bed double yellow bed Daddy I think I want you to make my room for baby Jeffy I easily could do that but you also like your computers oh exactly Daddy I got to raise my kid right so

He’s the best fortnite player in the world oh and you also like an extra toilet in your bathroom oh yeah just in case the first one gets clogged exactly you just hop to the second one hey let’s see what they’ve been adding wa look at Sky’s house ooh it looks like she has

Like a little content area to make videos there’s a lot of green screens there’s a camera wao is this a big mirror oh my my goodness but Jeffy there’s no yellow yep dadd there’s no yellow yet just a lot of blue a lot a lot of blue let’s see what Daisy’s doing

Oh my goodness Daisy’s adding so much yellow and she’s adding flowers that’s typical Daisy right there yep and they’re yellow that’s your favorite color Jeffy well I don’t like flowers they smell too pretty yeah I know I know I get that but at least she’s using yellow and look’s let’s look upstairs

Ooh she’s got like diamonds some gold what the heck diamonds and gold for my baby kind of weird oh wait Jeffy look it’s a computer wa Daisy did you add a computer for my baby yeah Jeffy it’s a super expensive gold and diamond gaming computer wao oh my goodness this

Probably cost hundreds of thousands of dollars yeah only the best for baby Jeffy wo and what’s in these presents right here I want to open one Jeffy there’re a bunch of toys for your baby you can’t open them a well I thought they were for me and what’s in this room

Wo it looks like a little bathroom well yeah your baby needs a personal toilet in in case he needs to poop in the middle of the night well this room is coming out amazing you guys only have two more minutes two more minutes and then the time is up and there’s no more

Building whoo Sky’s adding some chairs okay she making a Tik Tok oh my goodness Skye why are you recording a Tik Tok right now um I have to talk to my followers you cannot talk to them for like 5 minutes while you build this do

You want me to fall off um uh what do you mean by fall off not hit the for you page hello how old are you Marty dang it I’m not cool yeah Daddy you don’t hit the for you page like me and Sky do isn’t that right Sky um when are you on

The for you page what like every day you wish I’m the face of the for you page it should be called the for Jeffy page actually it’s a for Skye page and not the for Jeffy page no one even knows you what everyone knows me I’m popular right

Daddy you know me oh yeah I do know you yeah you’re my son see there’s one follower right there Skye whatever let me finish my content room well you have 2 minutes remaining now is the time to add the final details to my baby’s room

Daddy who do you think has this oh this is a tough one Jeffy I really like Sky’s arrangement of stuff but Daisy’s got the colors down yeah Daddy and she’s got a bunch of presents for my baby this is going to be a close one is that loser

Daisy finish yet she’s taking forever I’ve been done for so long all right Daisy Sky’s done are you almost done yeah I’m finished all right guys it is time to review your rooms for my baby Jeffy all right so let’s review Sky’s room first wow okay wao it’s just a

Bunch of mirrors oh my God I see myself yeah I have to the look at myself all right you have a mirror wall you have blue beds blue lamps very blue this looks like a blue couch um yeah everything has to be blue it’s my favorite color all right so this room is

Terrible for my baby this chair is falling AP apart look how easy it breaks uh oh that’s not safe for my baby sky are you trying to hurt my baby um no that’s called Couture something Daisy doesn’t know about all right well let’s check the upstairs and see if it’s any

Better than down here all right everyone follow me go through these doors okay this looks pretty cool wait what does it say on the floor hey Queens um yeah that’s what I call my followers hey Queens all right so you have that in the floor some green screens here okay the

Tik Tock room where you record your Tik toks okay what’s this room um this is the baby’s room what wait what oh I got to get out of here okay what is this color bed Sky well babies poop themselves so that color will let it blend in oh my goodness I wanted yellow

Beds and everything to be yellow not green and wait why is there a sponge in here um in case it has to pee oh my goodness this is disgusting get me out of there Skye I don’t think you made room suitable for my baby you made it suitable for yourself well that’s the

Whole point you have to take care of the mother Jeffy this is awful for a child let’s just go check out the room that I made yeah you’re right everyone let’s go to Daisy’s room all right let’s start by checking out the downstairs oh yeah this is more like it

We got yellow everywhere wow is this a shower yeah ooh don’t look okay oh we got a little TV right here that’s kind of cool you can watch it while jumping on the trampoline oh my goodness that is actually so awesome very fun I like it all right everyone

Let’s jump up to the top floor um I am not exercising right now Skye come on it’s the best way to get to the top I’ll take the stairs nice that was fun wo check this top room out there’s so much to look at we have cake over here you added a

Christmas tree yeah so it can be Christmas every day ooh that’s a genius idea ooh and Jeffy look in the chest there’s a surprise for baby Jeffy on the inside wait what oh my goodness it’s a cookie and cake Christmas tree so when he’s gaming he can have some snacks wow

Yes Scot you didn’t even add a computer for my baby what were you thinking um people don’t watch Tik Tok on computers so why would I have one well I watch Tik Tok on your computer well you’re a psychopath all right well let’s check what’s in here oh yeah and then we have

A bathroom Sky you didn’t even have a toilet in your room where is my baby supposed to go to the bathroom um outside what Skye baby JY is not a dog yeah he’s not a dog he doesn’t go roof roof he looks like one hey don’t say

That my baby looks like a dog unless it’s a really cute dog it looks like a dog who hasn’t been groomed in 4 years hey I’ll have you know that he’s been groomed last week I love puppies yeah me too three all right well after reviewing both rooms I think there’s a clear

Decision here um yeah I won Jeffy I don’t know how we’re going to tell her she did not win yeah scy you didn’t win uh what sky you literally just built that house for yourself you weren’t even thinking of my baby and that was the whole point this is ridiculous I’m going

To sue you all right Su me all you want with the first point goes to Daisy W let’s go won how did the loser win this is not acceptable Sky don’t worry we still have other challenges that you and Daisy need to complete so everyone follow me all right guys for the next

Challenge you’re going to be fighting for your lives um excuse me if you guys can’t protect yourself then there’s no way that you could protect my baby so we’re going to give you armor and swords and you need to fight some monsters seie

I am not doing this if I I die I’m going to let down my millions of fans well Skye do you want to be my baby’s mommy or not fine anything to be Daisy all right well who wants to go first me me me I’ll fight the monsters all right

Well come over here Daddy give her some armor and some swords okay I got some good stuff ooh that looks really fancy this armor is so cool I look like a princess all right Daisy we’ll get in the arena get in there all right here we go first round of mon are

Frankenstein oh god wow you’re shooting them into the air I think it’s a sword you gave me oh my goodness that’s overpowered one more remaining oh I can kill him he did it all right the next wave of monsters are the minur bring it oh gosh wait they’re charging up no no

No no no I got to kill them is he behind you they’re not behind me if I just walk to the side they can’t even hit me yeah they keep charging up but they have so much health oh my gosh oh they’re in there all right two more remaining come

On good job Daisy let’s go all right the next round is going to get harder you’re going to be fighting winter wolves wait they’re doggies oh God they do not like you though they’re not nice doggies oh God they’re hunting you in a pack Daisy

I would keep running if I were you but they’re so fluffy I want to pet them what no you’re not going to pet the doggies okay keep on we two more um I don’t know what you’re talking about there’s actually four more wait Jeffy

Why’ you place more I need to see if you could actually defend yourself that’s why Daisy you know I can defend myself we played build to survive all the time all right then how about this take these pyramid heads what the heck is that oh

My gosh Daisy I would not go near my goodness Daisy Daisy you just got one shotted Jeffy that wasn’t fair I want another turn all right fine wait wait wait sh she died so her turn is over it’s my turn now all right I guess that makes sense Daisy pass over your armor

To Sky okay wait I have armor for her I got new stuff wait you have new armor yeah Sky come over here good I don’t want to wear her loser armor anyway all right here you go um what is this well Sky stop complaining and just

Get in the arena get in there ow all right are you ready to fight your first round whatever all right here we go time to fight some maze slimes um what the heck are those ew oh oh my gosh oh God they’re super sticky e get them away

From me Daddy what sword did you give her it’s a lightning sword oh my goodness Where is My Bodyguard these things are disgusting what bodyguard Sky you have no bodyguard it’s only you in there um I have to have my bodyguard all right well you did it you defeated them

Now time for the next round since Daisy had a fight some winter wolves you’re going to fight Misty wolves um I hate dogs get away from me wait what these dogs are going after daisy as they should guys there’s literally someone in here they probably can smell the loser

Oh my goodness sky you are messing these monsters up obviously I’m way better all right time for the next round which is going to be wild boore Jeff I don’t think these things do anything um I thought they were going to be scary and wild daddy it looked like dumb pigs all

Right daddy clear them clear them doesn’t count doesn’t count all right here we go Sky ah cave trolls ew they’re so ugly look at them oh God they’re really scary though so you better kill them um they’re not that scary look behind you Skye these things are pathetic oh my goodness you’re messing

Them up two more Skye this is going to be so easy oh she did it told you wo you killed them all right are you ready for the last round obviously time to fight Penny wise the clown oh go I hate clowns oh my God they’re going to kill you Skye

Um no they’re not these things are pathetic they look so terrifying and they have a lot of Health oh you killed one you killed another one W easy well Sky it looks like you defeated more rounds than Daisy told you I could loser that means that Sky gets a

Point so the score is 1 are we ready for the next challenge oh me me me all right guys everyone follow me come on baby Jeffy all right guys for this next round what you guys need to do is build something super fun for my baby um I’m definitely building a water slide

Because water is blue and blue is my favorite color all right that sounds pretty fun Daisy what are you going to build o i can build a roller coaster and make it Pink cuz Pink’s my favorite color ooh that’s going to be super awesome all right you guys have 10

Minutes to make your build so start now mayy Jeffy what are you doing you’re looking at nothing come over here I think he doesn’t want to watch he wants to be surprised no Daddy’s going to watch him there we go so Jeffy who do you think has the better idea H well I

Really like water slides but I think I like roller coasters better to be honest it depends if there’s big drops or not because I love big drops Oh Daddy I especially like the roller coasters where you go the tracks yeah those are my favorite that’s a broken roller

Coaster you don’t want to go on those but daddy I love those roller coasters okay okay fine fine let’s see if they make it but I also like loop-de-loops a loop-de-loop would be crazy but Daddy I don’t think baby jeffy’s going to like a loop-de-loop he might fall out of the

Roller coaster then or even throw up or poop himself ew baby Jeffy you are not going to be pooping yourself on this roller coaster all right ooh let’s see what they’re doing ooh Daisy’s starting to go up a little bit with the roller coaster okay ooh I think that’s where we

Start and I think think Sky’s making a giant Tower to start her water slide oh you’re right hopefully it’s a really tall one um daddy why is she making it blue oh you’re right it should be yellow well Daddy to be fair Daisy’s making her pink so it doesn’t really matter yeah

That’s true wao it looks like Daisy’s testing out a roller coaster Daisy um I have a question for you what’s up Jeffy how high are you going to make your roller coaster really really really really really high oh my goodness and wait is this going to be a jump um maybe

Daddy see I told you I like the roller coasters that go off the tracks like that oh my God and it works that is actually super awesome Daisy thanks Jeffy I can’t wait to beat Skye well let’s go see what Sky’s working on wao Sky what is this obviously I’m building

A blue water slide oh my goodness this is looking so awesome kind of small yeah are you going to make it any taller than this guy um maybe well Sky baby Jeffy likes really intense rides so if I were you I’d make this way taller don’t tell

Me what to do poor boy all right fine I’ll just let you build all right Skye thank you so daddy why did you change your name again oh my goodness Jeffy okay I’m going to give you the rundown so Sky accidentally called me Marty I kind of like Marty cuz she’s the popular

Girl so I’m going to keep the name so Daddy you think you’re going to get more popular with this new name obviously cuz she said it well Daddy I think I’m going to change my name too then what are you going to name it to huh I don’t know yet

I’m trying to think well how about this everyone right now comment down below what my new popular name should be I’ll comment back to the best names oh Jeffy I have a name for you really stupid boy hey Daddy that was mean stupid boy stupid boy also Daddy stop cussing in

Front of my baby he’s not allowed to hear all these bad words sorry I’ll just say a lot lower stupid boy stupid boy Daddy stop it oh sorry sorry sorry I didn’t know I was that loud is this how you raised me Daddy yeah and you came

Out perfect you know what Jeffy let’s check in on sky and Daisy and see who’s doing better ooh Daddy good idea whoa Daisy you’re roller coaster is coming out awesome but it’s not really high I’m still working on it Jeffy just wait wait what the heck is this it’s supposed to

Be an extreme roller coaster so I put lava everywhere wait a minute Daisy did you make sure to put fake lava everywhere because you know that could hurt my baby right obviously Jeffy all right good because even though this is supposed to be an EXT dream roller

Coaster it still needs to be safe or you would be a bad mother I would never hurt our baby all right well good I’m going to go check in and see what Sky’s doing whoa Sky what the heck are you adding over here um obviously it’s a pool a

Pool wow this looks like a really big pool and a bunch of seats too so I could watch baby Jeffy swim um actually it’s for all of my fans so we can have a party so get off of those seats because you didn’t pay for it a so this pool’s

Not even for my baby um no the little one over there is wo but this is still pretty awesome daddy I’m going to test it out oh no Jeffy don’t do it Daddy catch me oh my gosh Jeffy oh my goodness daddy this pool is not deep enough I

Just hit my head well thank God you got a helmet on Skye that was really dangerous you need to make this pool deeper um yeah that’s actually not the pool for your baby what wait what um this one is is he you just made that you

Broke this and put water in it exactly not fun in here sky this is the worst pool in the world this is not fair Marty likes it his name is not Marty um yes it is iy my name is Marty I’m popular you’re not freaking popular get out of

There okay fine fine fine this what I think you’re a pool Sky well I don’t think your baby wanted to swim anyways well Sky if you don’t allow my baby to swim in all these other pools you built then you’re going to be a big owl you

Know what stands for loser it’s going to be Sky the loser um excuse me I will never be a loser okay I only hold W’s so if me being a Winner Takes your baby swimming in my pool then fine all right good it looks like we made an agreement

Then you guys have five more minutes to build so I’ll let you do your thing all right Skye thank you all right we’ll be back soon waa daddy look at Daisy’s build this thing is huge this thing’s coming insane I don’t know Daddy I think

It’s a little too tall for baby Jeffy to ride there’s a lot of spins I think I think he’s going to throw up oh my goodness um Daisy are you sure this is safe yes Jeffy I promise wa you’re going up you’re going up oh my goodness this looked actually really dangerous it’s

Not dangerous at all all right I’ll take your word for it Daisy you have five more minutes so you better hurry up well Jeffy I’m almost done well you still need to connect this part of the roller coaster back to the beginning I’m working on it it’s not too far all right

Baby Jeffy which build do you think is better the water slide or the roller coaster Daddy he didn’t say anything again Jeffy doesn’t want to talk to you he only talks to me all right fine Daddy then talk to him you need to take a few

Steps back wait what why this is very personal very private conversation all right baby Jeffy hey who thinks winning this uhhuh oh no way okay I’ll tell him all right Jeffy May Jeffy just told me that he pooped his diaper and he needs a what Daddy did you even ask him the

Question of which one was better oh yeah he said he doesn’t know yet Daddy I don’t think you were actually talking to my baby you were just making it up Jeffy you know I speak baby yeah Daddy cuz you look like one oh my God I can’t believe

You just said that to my face that’s embarrassing howy you have no hair like a baby okay you know what I’m getting hair transplant it’s happening why daddy she could be more popular and be friends with Sky you know what yes exactly my point well Daddy Sky’s my friend and not

Yours cuz she doesn’t like to be friends with with Boomers like you isn’t that right Baby Jeffy well Jeffy you know what she gave me the name Marty and Marty’s cool whatever daddy maybe in your dreams whoa Daisy’s adding another big spiral Loop to her roller coaster

This is getting out of hand yeah this is looking super extreme all right let’s see what sky added um daddy I don’t know what sky added I don’t think she added anything she’s probably making another Tik Tok right now oh my God you’re probably right guys you have two more

Minutes two more minutes to complete your builds and then we’re going to come check them out I’ve been done for so long that loser over there in the pink is taking forever well you still need to wait 2 minutes so she could finish okay Skye fine you need to learn to be

Patient no I have money people with money don’t need patience wait Skye I have I have an idea do you want to make a a Tik Tok with me get me some more followers no Marty dang it Daddy I told you she doesn’t want to be your friend

Stop being weird I’m trying to get more followers well Daddy have a you follow my foot up your butt how about that okay Jeff you got to go with timeout well Daddy if you don’t stop being weird and asking for followers then that’s what’s going to happen to you okay fine I’ll

Knock it off all right Daisy are you almost done with your build over here yeah Jeffy I just finished perfect and Sky finished too I think we should go on the roller coaster first yeah all right come on let’s try to get baby Jeffy on the roller coaster all right come up

Here baby Jeffy give your little pain in the butt I think he likes pink yes we got him in all right baby Jeffy are you ready to go up the roller coaster I think he’s ready Jeffy all right here we go daddy you might need to give him a

Little push all right three two 1 go go go wow oh okay we had a massive fail Daisy oh no okay we can save it there we go he’s going he’s going all right he’s going up the spiral I think he’s having a good time I don’t know I think he

Might have broke his neck wa is he okay okay oh my goodness oh my goodness those were a lot of jumps I think he’s liking it wo it’s going super fast now he’s going up again wait what is this part wait wait wait oh what a drop baby Jeffy did you like

It it’s dancing oh that’s a good sign I told you he’d like it Daisy I think this roller coaster was perfect for baby Jeffy he seemed to really like it I knew he would that was the lamest roller coaster I’ve ever seen guys stop making fun of everything Daisy builds it’s time

To test out what you built all right come on baby Jeffy come by me all right so first off we have this big pool um excuse me losers get off of the diving board it’s for baby Jeffy and no one else so I can win this thing I don’t

Know sky this diving board seems a little unsafe I think baby Jeffy might break his neck um fine ow all right come on baby Jeffy get in there yay he’s swimming he’s drowning oh my gosh he’s not coming up get him up get him up got to get him up how does

Your loser child not even know how to swim oh yes Daisy good idea with the lead I had to protect him Sky you almost got my baby killed Where was the inflatable floaties um that is not my responsibility yes it is you should have made this water park safe for my baby to

Swimming and you should have taught your baby how to swim well I don’t even know how to swim so how was I supposed to teach my kid Jeffy I told you how to swim no you didn’t daddy wait Marty you didn’t teach your own kid how to swim

How embarrassing Skye trust me I did teach Jeffy how to swim Jeffy get in the pool right now and swim you’re embarrassing me no daddy I’m going to drown Daddy I don’t want to go in there Jeffy get in the pool all right daddy here I

Go see he’s having so much fun swimming in the pool um Marty I think he’s drowning no he’s not he’s he’s fine wait Jeffy I can save you oh my goodness Elma just died in there daddy Jeffy stop embarrassing me in front of the popular girl I’m going to

Start losing followers how about you take your dog on the water slide next hey Skye he’s not a dog he’s a human just like you um okay whatever that thing is take it on the water slide okay all right come on Jeffy baby Jeffy let’s

Just go up here oh we got a ladder right here all right baby Jeffy we made it to the top are you ready to go down the water slide d you ready to catch us I’m ready all right I’m going to push baby Jeffy down first go in the water slide here he

Comes oh he’s having fun uh-oh um he’s drowning again oh my goodness Daisy we need your help save them I’m hurrying come on get him get him get him finally that thing hopped in some water it definitely needed a bath all right well it’s my turn to go down

To water slide all right here we go I’m going to do a sick flip again Daddy are you ready I’m ready don’t hit your head oh yeah wo Jeffy that was really cool let’s go that was so much fun told you you losers it would be but I don’t know

Was it as fun as the roller coaster I don’t know Jeffy but Jeffy your baby almost drown two times and so did you yeah I don’t know if this water park’s safe but you did have lava in your roller coaster and it did a lot of spins

Tff it was fake lava I told you that all right fine I think Daisy wins this competition sorry Sky um that’s so pathetic well Sky we have one more competition left it’s either Daisy takes it all or you tie it with Daisy because right now the score is 2 to one well

Daisy you ler you’re going down all right everyone follow me come on baby Jeffy all right guys for this next challenge what I need you guys to do is just relax oh my gosh we’re having a spa day um not quite all right Daisy Sky

Come in here um what is this Sky you go to the left and Daisy you go to the right wait this is so cool all right let me just trap you guys in there real quick um no way you’re locking me in here with a loser well guys we need some

Time to create the next challenge so what I want you guys to do is sit in this box and become friends um I could never be friends with her Jeffy she’s just going to bully me she’s not going to bully you you guys need to work out

Your problems in here all right um you know what let me just build this wall really quick what okay yeah this is a lot better well you guys need to give us 15 minutes we’ll be back soon all right whatever all right Daddy for this next challenge we’re going to make a parkour

Map that both sky and Daisy need to complete to save my baby oh this is going to be so much fun all right daddy well let’s start by making the floor lava wait what are you doing hold on let me just do something like this you can’t

You can’t use lava and boom Oh My Gosh lava this is so scary yeah Daddy this is going to be terrifying all right Jeffy where should we start this parkour um start it right here okay that’s easy that’s easy started there we go all right now let’s just continue it this

Way okay I like it and now we’re going to go up another Block in this direction ooh nice oh yeah Daddy this is looking really difficult H you think it’s hard enough yet no Daddy we need a lot more jumps okay okay okay all right there we

Go this is looking pretty good we need to step it up a little bit though well Daddy what are you thinking we’re going to start using ice wa oh my goodness Daddy this is going to be so slippery all right Jeffy I think this is enough

Ice parkour for the time being so I’m going to start going back with the yellow o daddy maybe next we do some slime parkour o I love slime parkour it’s so difficult to do all right let’s just go all the way down daddy we should go all the way down

To the lava oh I like that I like that they might miss Jump Right In the lava and die exactly all right let’s see how high we bounce we ooh that’s super high okay that’s pretty good now where do you jump from here oh we should go over here

All right let’s go in that direction hey this is too easy make it one more back okay fine fine all right let’s see if it’s possible there we go all right let’s keep going we should start doing one block jumps oh my goodness daddy we should now we go over here maybe over

Here and then one more right there wait this might not be possible now Daddy it’s possible I just did it okay we did this oh dang it oh gosh wait I want to try okay I got the first jump second jump third jump nope this this one’s

Impossible Daddy this is your fault you messed it up I didn’t mess anything up you messed it all up there we go that’s a lot better now now I have something you’re not even expecting all right what is it daddy we’re going to do something different we’re going to do boat jumps

Wao they got to jump on a boat exactly oh my goodness Dad this is really difficult how are the boats not going on fire they’re made out of wood cuz I’m placing a block underneath it wao this is actually awesome but you could just go inside the boats too yeah there’s two

Ways of doing it that’s why it’s fun all right there we go all right Daddy but look we have all this space right here so let’s come back this way all right Jeffy we’re going to do something totally different never done before in Minecraft wait what it D you know those

Weird looking creatures in the nether that like walk on lava no what you never seen them before no Daddy all right now I got now I got spawn it in all right Daddy I have a perfect idea let me just get this let me get this all right daddy

Check this out I’m gonna put a chest here with lingering potion of fire resistance no way but where are we going to go where where are we going to have them go so they need to go into the lava like this and they need to swim across

Okay I’m going to put it like right there all right that’s pretty good then we should put another one well Daddy they’re still going to have fire resistance we got to go all the way over here and then we’ll have one more right here now Jeffy what we have not done yet

Is used ladders we should do ladder parkour cuz it’s the hardest Parkour in the game yes daddy this will prove if they’re the best mother in the world world all right we’re going to go super high with this all right following you Daddy do something like that we’re going

To start it off now we jump over here ah daddy that’s impossible okay let’s make it a little possible now try it a yes did it okay now we’re going to go this way oo we’re going to keep it really difficult all right I could do this easy

And then we’re going to go this way daddy there’s no way that they’re going to be able to do this parkour it’s too impossible Jeffy anything’s possible now we’re going to make the biggest one yet oh my goodness Daddy this is not possible yes it is there we go wait what

Happened in the ladders oh my goodness we need to jump around all right and now where we going to put baby Jeffy wait daddy we’re putting baby Jeffy up here well yeah isn’t that the whole point they need to rescue the kid oh my goodness I didn’t

Even think about that wait daddy we should put him in a cage yeah we should make it really scary looking so they think that they have to actually really do this all right let me get some iron let me get some Stone all right daddy I’m going to start making the cage right

Here oh yeah I’m going to add a little bit more parkour there we go all right baby Jeffy come over here follow me but do not fall and die baby Jeffy do not worry this is not for real this is just for a challenge to see who your mommy’s

Going to be so just get in the cage come on there we go all right daddy the cage is done you like the little parkour I Ed yeah oh my goodness daddy Cactus parkour really it’s going to make it really difficult for them wait but Daddy how

Are they going to get inside this cage I think they just need to make it up here no daddy that’s too boring what they need to do more parkour to get a chest with a pickaxe in it okay I like that to like Jump Around the cage exactly daddy

Wait daddy look at this no way oh my God how impossible this parkour is going to be that’s hard all right we’ll put it right here and then we’ll put the pickaxe inside all right Daddy I think the parkour is completed it’s time to see what Daisy and Sky been up to let’s

Do it oh Daisy Sky have you guys became friends yet no Skye hasn’t even talk to me what sky I am not talking to a loser uh-uh I’ll sit on this couch for the rest of my life before I even talk to her oh my goodness well guys break this

Stupid wall the parkour is now completed so everyone come outside Follow Me This Way um what the heck is this it’s the parkour that me and my daddy built yep and at the top of the parkour is my baby look at him up there he’s really scared

And he wants to be saved so you guys need to save him oh my gosh Jeffy I’ll go save him all right Daisy you can go first all right Sky you stay right here okay yay all right Daisy are you ready to do this yeah let’s do it all right go

Go go uh here I go uh oh you have some ice don’t slip oh no there’s lava under here yeah you’re going to die no I got this I have to save baby Jeffy all right you’re almost done with the ice come on

Oh do it one more I got it yes all right now you have to do some slime parkour uh-oh no oh no I slipped well you have two more lives I forgot to mention that you guys only get three lives wait what yep three lives to save baby Jeffy but I’m

Not good at parkour come on Daisy you need to do this okay I guess I’ll jump oh okay there we go there we go W you did it let’s go all right now for this next part you need to do boat parkour what is boat parkour you need to jump on

The boat what if I slip you’re not going to slip Daisy you’re not going to slip all right jump oh my goodness you are so close to Lava right now oh no I don’t want to burn here we go here we go yeah you did it okay now where do I go all

Right you just got to swim over here in the lava what how am I supposed to do that Jeffy oh I forgot to tell you look in this chest there’s lingering potion of fire resistance Jeffy I’m still going to burn no you’re not you’re going to have fire resistance just place it okay

Yay I’ll try all right there you go oh my gosh you’re on fire right now but you’re taking no damage yeah but I still feel like I’m burning you’re not burning you have fire resistance I have to go so fast you’re almost there you’re going

Daisy oh so close yes you did it all right now next up you have ladder parkour and you still have two more lives Jeffy I’m horrible at ladder parkour you got this don’t worry all right um Daisy you’re uh you’re still on fire I know you made me swim in lava all

Right wait stay right there oh never mind I was going to put water on you you want have push me into the lava no I wasn’t just continue doing the ladder parkour come on okay uh-oh don’t slip and fall don’t jinx me okay there we go

You’re doing good so far only a few more jumps until you’re at the top I got this easy uh-oh this is the hardest Parkour in the world wait what oh all right one more ladder no no oh Daisy I slipped now you have to start all the way from the beginning well this

Sucks you have one more life don’t mess it up all right Daisy come on you’re so close to where you died last time I know I’m not going to die this time I promise all right you got to go around the ladder there you go this your last life

Don’t mess it up Daisy I can’t mess this up here we go oh you did it let’s go all right now you got to do some Cactus part parkour I hate Cactus parkour but you’re so close to Baby Jeffy I know I just got

To go here we go ow oh my gosh no Daisy Jeffy you pushed me off Daisy I did not push you off I was nowhere near you all right Daisy you were not able to complete the parkour so come back to the beginning that sucks I just wanted to

Save baby Jeffy well the score is still 2 to one so Sky if you cannot complete this parkour then you lose lose um I’m the queen I never lose all right well it’s your turn to do it so come over here all right Sky your time starts now

Go go go you know what this lava has nothing on me all right you got past the first jump oh you’re doing good Sky good job obviously I’m doing good ooh now you have some ice parkour be careful not to slip um I don’t slip oh my gosh oh my

Gosh what sky that was embarrassing that is so stupid looks like you lost your first life Skye only two more remaining I’m the queen I have infinite lives um not on this parkour challenge you don’t yes I do oh she got snippy um no you don’t all right Skye here we go let’s

See if you mess up on the ice again um I don’t mess up you mess up all right then prove me wrong here we go uh-oh do you remember this part Sky obviously Sky you guys are horrible at making parkour um I think you’re just horrible at parkour um no I’m not I’m

The queen well guess what sky this is your last and final life and if you don’t get to all Way to the Top where baby Jeffy is then Daisy wins and you go home as a loser I will never be a loser the only loser here is Daisy because

Only a loser wants to take care of your kid hey don’t say that about my kid ow did you just punch me what no Sky it was an accident uh just keep doing the parkour all right sky here we go back to the ice if I mess up on this one more

Time it’s Marty’s fault what what Marty it’s not my fault sky that you’re bad at parkour it’s your fault for being bad at making it excuse me stop hating the game and hate the player Sky yeah oh my goodness this is the furthest you’ve been only a couple more jumps oh one

More WAOW you did it Skye I told you I could do it but you still have a lot more jumps to get to Baby Jeffy so the next one up is some slime jumps I can’t believe you guys want me to touch slime that is so gross I love slime what Skye

What the heck Sky you totally just missed and you died and that was your last life obviously I would rather touch the lava than the gross slime that you placed what that is weird haha Skye I’m the winner and it looks like I get to be

The mommy of jeffy’s baby yep Daisy is the official winner she got the W and that means we get to get married too wait what no Daisy we did not agree on that fine whatever but thank you guys for wasting my day I could have been making Tik toks this whole time

Goodbye bye Skye no my followers come back please daddy where are you going oh whatever come on Daisy let’s go get baby Jeffy out of this cage yeah I can’t believe you put him above lava well I had to do it for the parkour map yeah but that’s still so dangerous you know

What Daisy I think you’re going to be a really good mommy and I should have just picked you from the beginning I told you Jeffy I’ll do anything to protect your baby wait baby Jeffy where are you going uh Jeffy I think you need to grab your baby come here baby Jeffy oh

No no baby Jeffy died uh Jeffy I think you’re going to have to poop out a new baby oh God I better get the poop in then if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye

This video, titled ‘Having a POPULAR FAN GIRL Family WITHOUT DAISY In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft on 2023-12-31 22:33:35. It has garnered 396324 views and 7479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:30 or 2790 seconds.

Today, Daisy has to compete in a CHALLENGES against Skye the POPULAR FAN GIRL! The winner gets to be the mommy of Jeffy’s new baby! Will Daisy be able to BEAT Skye?!? Or will Skye win and run away with Jeffy’s baby! Watch to find out!

#jeffy #minecraft #minecraftmod

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    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP where you can create your own culture, nation, story, and impact! We don’t have a specific build theme, so you can create places of any era, genre, or style to be unique and encourage story-building and roleplay! While you can create your own religions and cultures, feel free to join others as well! We host fun events, from lore-related to in-game activities, and you can even host your own events! Discord Info: Join our Discord and fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community… Read More

  • LuminaryMC

    LuminaryMCWelcome to LuminaryMC!๐ŸŒ Explore a New World: Dive into an expansive survival experience like no other. LuminaryMC blends the classic Minecraft survival mode with a rich MMORPG feel, offering you endless adventure and excitement!๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Custom Items: Discover and craft a wide array of custom items designed to enhance your gameplay. From powerful weapons to unique tools, there’s always something new to find and create.๐Ÿฐ Epic Dungeons: Test your skills and bravery in our meticulously designed dungeons. Each one is filled with challenging mobs, hidden treasures, and mind-bending puzzles. Will you conquer them all?๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ Engaging Quests: Immerse yourself in a world… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Why the Heck Did I Build This?”

    Minecraft Memes - "Why the Heck Did I Build This?"Well, clearly this meme has some serious clout in the Minecraft community – I guess you could say it’s got a “mining” of its own! Read More

  • Hell Island Escape: Crafty Minecraft Score

    Hell Island Escape: Crafty Minecraft Score In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Hell Island, where fear takes hold. A baby boy trapped, in a cage so tight, But with a secret map, he’ll escape the night. Through Zombie Zoo and Jailbreak too, He’ll face the challenges, all brand new. With a grin and a spin, he’ll find his way, In this ultimate escape, come what may. So join the adventure, in this Minecraft land, With Baby Boy Channel, take a stand. Watch the drama unfold, in every rhyme, And escape Hell Island, just in time. Read More

  • Herobrine’s spicy Minecraft antics! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Herobrine's spicy Minecraft antics! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Why does Herobrine always carry a torch in Minecraft? Because he’s afraid of the dark… and also because he’s trying to set the mood for a romantic evening with Steve. #minecraftlove #herobrineandsteve #torchlitdinner Read More

  • Dad vs. Mom: Waking Up Kids in Minecraft

    Dad vs. Mom: Waking Up Kids in Minecraft Minecraft: The Difference Between Boys and Girls Calling Dad to Wake Upใ€My World Block Pavilionใ€‘ Welcome to the Block Pavilion channel, dedicated to providing child-friendly content and avoiding any elements that may impact their health and safety. The channel’s creator, Block Pavilion, is known for creating original Minecraft animations that are humorous and entertaining, spreading joy to viewers. Block Pavilion’s channel is the only official channel, and any videos related to him on other channels are unauthorized copies. Be sure to subscribe for daily original and exciting content to brighten your day and spread happiness! Content Categories: MC Funny… Read More

  • Mega Diamond Haul! Join Chris for Chaotic Mining in Minecraft 1.20!

    Mega Diamond Haul! Join Chris for Chaotic Mining in Minecraft 1.20!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill Mining Stream | Chaos SMP | Minecraft 1.20 Survival’, was uploaded by ChrisPlaysOn on 2024-04-07 12:15:17. It has garnered 10 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:54 or 9414 seconds. Follow ChrisPlaysOn: Donos: Twitch: Twitter: Discord: Read More

  • The Mysterious PenguinMan Mystery

    The Mysterious PenguinMan MysteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft What Wait Meme part 1 (Scary Nextbot)’, was uploaded by PenguinMan on 2024-03-15 15:11:38. It has garnered 1279 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:21 or 261 seconds. Minecraft What Wait Meme part 1 (Scary Nextbot) The most cursed Minecraft series… Subscribe and like or it will come to you at night..) #wait #What #nextbot Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Warden Battles Dragon & Enderman (Minecraft Animation)

    Ultimate Showdown: Warden Battles Dragon & Enderman (Minecraft Animation)Video Information This video, titled ‘Warden vs Ender Dragon and Enderman of the End Kingdoms (Minecraft Animation Movie)’, was uploaded by hubi game on 2024-03-04 05:18:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Warden vs Ender Dragon and Enderman of the End Kingdoms (Minecraft Animation Movie) Welcome to Youtube channel: Alex … Read More

  • INSANE Sky House Build!! Minecraft Ep.1 #shaniplayz

    INSANE Sky House Build!! Minecraft Ep.1 #shaniplayzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building House In Sky || MineCraft Series Ep.1 || #shaniplayz’, was uploaded by SHANI PLAYZ on 2024-04-26 10:53:03. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:59 or 2219 seconds. Welcome to #ShaniPlayz Minecraft Series! ๐ŸŽฎ In this thrilling episode, we’re diving into the world of #Minecraft to embark on an epic journey of creativity and adventure! Join us as we defy gravity and build our dream house high above the clouds! ๐Ÿ โ˜๏ธ From floating islands to towering structures, we’ll explore different building techniques and strategies to create a… Read More

  • ANMOL GOES CRAZY – Insane Minecraft Adventure!

    ANMOL GOES CRAZY - Insane Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live with Friends’, was uploaded by PSYCHO ANMOL on 2024-03-09 22:13:28. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:55 or 1795 seconds. HAR HAR MAHADEV ๐Ÿ”ฑ Social Media Instagram~~ Twitter~~–BIf_XxWhdqOW7qA&s=09 Read More

  • DARK DEVIL YT 1M – MLG Master! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ #shorts

    DARK DEVIL YT 1M - MLG Master! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Next Level MLG..๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘‘..(infinity)#shorts #mlg’, was uploaded by DARK DEVIL YT 1M on 2024-05-08 12:06:26. It has garnered 8068 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #minecraft #viral #trendingshorts #minecraftbuilds trending,trending songs,trending music,trending songs 2024,trending music 2024,tiktok trending music,tiktok trending songs,#trending,trending now,dei v trending,trending band,trending remix,dei v trending song,dei v trending letra,trending freestyle,trending new medley,trending music video,dei v trending lyrics,trending acoustic band,ralo trending freestyle,trending freestyle ralo,trending music band srilanka,trending freestyle music videominecraft,minecraft viral,minecraft viral hacks,trying viral minecraft hacks,testing viral minecraft hacks that are real,viral minecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft hacks,minecraft shorts,viral,minecraft phone,real… Read More

  • oChai_ Exposes Why HYPIXEL Rules All #HYPiXEL #MinecraftIsLife

    oChai_ Exposes Why HYPIXEL Rules All #HYPiXEL #MinecraftIsLifeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Proof HYPIXEL is the best server #shorts #hypixel #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by oChai_ on 2024-02-24 06:30:21. It has garnered 529 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Proof HYPIXEL is the best server #shorts #hypixel #bedwars #shorts #viral #viralshorts Texture pack – Venom 16x #bedwars #herobrine #hypixel #hypixelbedwars #Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs #Premium #ranked bedwars #montage,ranked #bedwars #texture pack #bedwars #ranked bedwars #ranked #bedwars#tournament #bedwars tournament,#ranked… Read More

  • Pacifiky transforms Minecraft into Valorant!

    Pacifiky transforms Minecraft into Valorant!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But it’s a Valorant Game…’, was uploaded by Pacifiky on 2024-05-04 19:00:04. It has garnered 34 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:31 or 391 seconds. —– Get Buff Here!: —– โš DONT CLICK!โš  ——————————— ——————————— Questions, Comments, Concerns, Requests? Go take this survey! ——————————— Tik tok: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: Merch: Discord: Patreon:โ€‹โ€‹ Tags: #Pacifiky #gaming Some Tags (Don’t hate me pls) Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is… Read More

  • “Minecraft XD – Shocking Slime Girl Repayment!” ๐Ÿคฏ#viral

    "Minecraft XD - Shocking Slime Girl Repayment!" ๐Ÿคฏ#viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘slime girl repayment ๐Ÿ˜ณ| #minecraft #animation #anime #viral #monster #school #mosters #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr. Minecraft XD on 2024-05-17 03:43:31. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More