JeromeASF – Exploding Custom TNT In Minecraft TNT Wars

Video Information

Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome here along with the buddies and welcome to an awesome live stream today we have TNT wars to start things off then after that is Minecraft Monopoly and then last but not least we will be editing things off with a little bit of under block

Playing with on our sponsored server with fans like yourself just having a fun time and enjoying ourselves and that is pretty much it for the day now we are down dropsy all week long sadly she decided she hates us for an entire week Cappy is also gonna probably be running

Late he might get here uh in time for Monopoly um but yes I think I’ll be here for Monopoly probably that’s probably where things are are headed other than that though guys we have an amazing day planned and we’re so excited for you all so the way that we play modded TNT wars

For those that have never seen us play before we don’t play the traditional way we use gravity guns in order to send TNT at each other and try and blow each other up we also have tons of modded TNTs to choose from now the fans can’t affect things by giving us access to

Even more powerful TNTs and dynamite um but otherwise yeah that’s pretty much the main thing of it we also do first to five wins on the board it’s gonna be Steve and I which I really hope I don’t regret this uh and uh you know uh instead and I feel like you’re gonna

I feel like you’re gonna regret it I know bro you’re gonna regret it flies cookie with a five pound stream tip said how are the buddies and peanut Peanut’s doing great I’m doing great are the Buddies doing great I’m doing good I’m doing pretty good nice fantastic we’re

Doing some good things and then we got ripped out of the five dollar streaming episode blast Bop oh hey Willy’s here for once what’s up Willie I haven’t seen you in a few days I wonder what that’s all it’s been a minute yeah yeah that’s a show up anymore well if you guys

Are all ready we could probably take this in we have all the TNTs that we need right everyone’s good everyone’s prepared everyone’s good yep players with the gravity gun no grabbing players you can you can Kabul you can you could you you could do that but you can’t grab

All right I’m good hi Captain oh Jesus said oh Friendly Fires instead of almost killed you wouldn’t want to build a TNT cannon with these trust me buddy trust me all right three two one banana that’s it okay oh banana that means go of course it means go what else would

Banana mean what do you think it means uh I think it means what the heck were they doing here trying to ease drop on us Steve all right they must have been they thought dude they did they did think they were thinking did you say we gotta strategize

Because you think there’s strategy to this game there’s a 100 strategy to TNT wars dude what strategy is there TNT no like you can strategize like one of us using a super TNT on some rounds or if we both do the same time or you know

I mean I guess Steve what are you talking about your guests of strategy all right here we go you ready what happened Steve hey Steve times 20 are right Autumn yes and that is how you strategy you started my times 20. I’ll distract him with an animal Found them Steve what it’s okay it’s okay Jerome it’s okay it’s all right everything’s fine you just throw a horse at my head that’s like a heart of damage bruh well did you try getting good the Riders throw farm animals oh tacos made with a 50 dream tip let’s go love

Yourself can you wish me a happy birthday yeah happy birthday otaku fan and that is a chemical Dynamite for me and stew oh my God that was such close oh true geez enter I need I need that chemical Dynamite stat internet please please return man enter man

I don’t think he cares about us anymore he eats a strong hero yay dude oh I almost got milk with that dude their side has a huge hole now though their side is a humongous hole in it thank you otaku fan here are your sides about to have a

Humongous mob problem I’m gonna distract them with Commerce I sent to villager over there yeah that’ll that’ll do great things Jerome great things they know I’m up here by the way uh okay I’m gonna try and bless the bigger hole in the wall to the side over here okay

Okay sounds good I’m just hammering down oh there’s a blaze up here well well tell him to go home down again I genuinely wish I could because he is going to ignite my TNT oh geez okay and that’s no good don’t do that Steve is it me or these walls really close uh

Oh hey what up I just shot one off yes sir it was the monk man oh and it’s just that stuff is so close I almost took him out oh but this is 20 straight buddy appreciate you and agreed 100 I think anyone I think anyone who disagrees with you is just wrong

I’m coming home Jerome okay okay I’m taking a look stead is pretty much back at their spawn area a little bit of the walls in the way though I want to try and blast through that okay okay sounds good I’m gonna send you over there okay please don’t Steve please

Don’t no steep Steve Steve get him Jerome get him good Steve you have sent me to my Doom the editor’s realm oh my God come on you got it buddy I believe in you get away from here rain okay where is it where is it there is

He don’t know how to fight oh oh oh my God wait wait it’s expensive oh you are basic I told you I did it Steve I did it you just had to believe in yourself I can’t believe we did it let’s get some ggs in chat that

Is one to zero one zero a Spanish Channel Spanish Channel spam chat there we go just let him know just let them know get them good get them good JG so that is the end of round one we’re getting ready for round two like we said

It’s the first team to five total wins and we’re already killing it right meow by the way thank you guys we have 300 people watching that number will go up and up and up as more people get out of school I want to thank you all so much

For your love and support everyone uh for real for those of you that are watching it does mean the world of us to have that support especially as kids go back to school uh you know with it being September and even late August people really start to flow back and in high

Numbers and so having that added love and support having uh people who stream tip like like otaku fan everything like that does make a huge difference and allows us to continue doing what we do uh even while people get back into Swig of things of school so just thank you

From the bottom of my heart thanks for being here let’s have a little bit of fun so this round things get spicier we also get an edition of fire TNT with all the other TNTs that we had already been using so let’s go and get those settled

Did you use the chemical TNT last round I did I I used it decently well good it was right it was okay it was an okay use it was all right I mean I didn’t notice it so I mean I guess I guess it was that makes a good point yeah clear water

Yeah Elite you got to clear the water because otherwise the water just ruins half of these yeah it makes it so that like you know people can use the waterfall trick and germ the water still here I thought it was all coming from the source block of the top there we got it

Ready no that’s reefie reefie all right the reefy as well let’s do this thing rest in front of beat him we’re in a 2-0 we’re gonna 2-0 in here easy they’re Chomp chump change chump work here I don’t jump Steve are you what do you

What are you what are you what are you what are you talking about what are you what are you Jerome uh I don’t know I I think I think honestly part New Jersey in but part of me wonders sometimes if maybe I’m actually Pennsylvanian I don’t really know don’t say that

Otaku family the 20 stream tip yes of an arrow TNT can spawn on everyone I don’t know if the intern has a command to set off a lit Arrow tntr I don’t think that’s a thing I am unsure actually yeah I don’t know if there’s a command that would do that Mr intern

And so they just throw a block at us uh probably they’ve been throwing cows and stuff at me Steve they’re throwing little farm animals so the intern is here no no no no no no no you get out of here you get out of here in turn bruh

I just launched it up into the air oh that’s gonna cause some serious lag hit the deck oh geez squeeze man scared me hey Steve oh monkeys in the middle section well I just hit a 20 right on stead oh that’s why I’m lagging he has

To be so hurt I’m telling you stead is probably extremely hurt emotionally especially if you hit it all right times 20. as well get ready Jerome he missed he missed the whole map he hit underneath of us oh my gosh dude all that shirt that’s hilarious also

Where is oh is that stead on fire incoming fire oh yeah did he just miss a get monkey monkey get glasses please dude what dude he keeps missing all the most important TNT I have some the recalibrate them dude I just instead with another fire

TNT he said I have him I’m just not wearing them oh it shows it shows buddy dude stead is hurting he’s gotta be bro I forgot to send hit the deck Steve race pulling it over to him the guy just hit you with a magma slime I’m not entirely sure yet there’s

Another Blaze on our Island who is there now all right I got him there you go we’re good to go we’re in the clear okay okay Steve we can do this we can do this we can do this oh oh they’re building houses Jerome we gotta tear down those walls I gotta time

It perfectly it’s usually like a five second timer so you gotta time it perfectly and send it right at the house just to destroy it oh I mean I just yeah I just hit the wall with it and hope for the best usually it works out in my favor

There we go do they have nothing left on their side it’s just flat we have no houses oh my god dude I’m in a very precarious location uh you’re fine I was on the edge of glory oh you’re fine you want to go on top to

Map there’s not much uh uh to really stop our shot Blaze Adam there we go okay you do that I’m going up they’re sending pigment at us why I don’t know as long as they’re gonna be angry I did throw a blaze on him oh good luck up there Steve oh Blaze yeah

All right there’s two blazes in the middle Steve we gotta be careful ow let’s pick ice you know I stand corrected the pigment actually started to bite me what yeah that was weird he didn’t really do anything they’re in the house Jerome oh the house is gone I lied

Oh there we go oh I blew up one right on Stead he has to be hurt dude he has to be hurting I think I’m getting monkey with this one second right on said dude instead has to be low healthy that’s two in a row he’s hanging out towards the back I just

Landed one on him too no I just landed another on him how is he alive still I don’t know he is he’s hurting we know that much I literally just keep donking him in the head with these I just hit him again uh monkey is building out hold on see if

You can hit him with a brick to hit him off hit him with a brick at him dude I did just try and throw some bricks at his head let’s go we just hit 400 people watching keep it going more hey dude he’s here what’s up dude with a

75 stream Jimmy said hot sauce oh my and then immediately arctic wolf hot sauce immediately arctic wolf of the 75 bro bro at me Tony you’re bad luck don’t even a 75 directive and Arctic Wolf of the 75 stream tip don’t monk just got heated all right that’ll give

Me a chance here while while they’re down one player Steve this is up to you I gotta take this hot sauce first for Mr too now the second for Arctic Wolf here we go number one jalapeno hot sauce call him Tootie mcbooty no I wouldn’t why would I call him Tooty mcbooty dude

So if you gotta get your ears protected yeah like monkey’s got to get his eyesight checked oh no no that’s verifiable there’s nothing to check besides he just needs to get them replaced all right here we go hot sauce number one guys and then Ace of 50 stream tip once a he

Said I don’t know I don’t know when the next time we’ll do crazy craft is it’ll probably happen at some point but you know because we always do it we always come back to Crazy Craft well there’s no plan for it dude I have sent so much TNT instead I’m running out

An ace wants a chemical Dynamite for monkey next round so they are gonna have a little bit of an advantage here is hot sauce I spilled the hot sauce did I did you spill at your room oh I don’t think I did but all right I

Better not have I really don’t think I did come on jerem I could use the back up steads uh I’m trying dude I’ve been holding together flirting in the back hey I can’t seem to hit Steve I have all three of our team’s kills between the first two rounds

Okay what am I chopped liver yes yes no no okay you can’t say I did not help there now you helped you killed I can literally threw you into battle Jerome that didn’t help yeah dude you gotta kill all of it also stud’s dead here’s hot sauce number two from Arctic

Wolf now keep in mind see this next round is 2-0 now but the problem is they now start with a chemical Dynamite this is habanero by the way number two guys schmal banero um Steve are you launching tntv no I would never I would never do that Jerome

Save I’m seeing I’m watching you do it see if I can okay all right time for the trash talk the best part of any game um here we go chat spam 2-0 2-0 I got some tunos in chat two and oh two two

Two no two no two no two no two no two no two wait wait instead what’s the score dude I don’t know why they’re not answering and same with the score is maybe no one knows dude where dude I don’t know I can’t count dude

Uh do you want to tell the stream about the uh the incident before the stream no because it infuriates me dude I was no one in this company knows how to count and that’s all that’s all thank you to the 440 people watching the number keeps going up let’s

Go everyone like I said I can’t express enough how much I appreciate the love and support especially during the school year it gets harder and harder for Content creators like myself like Steve here like Tootie uh everyone as people start going back to school it gets

Harder or harder so having that love and support from you all means the world to me so thank you for being the best fan base anyone could ever ask for thank you for being awesome don’t listen to Blade on my account telling everyone I have small hands and small toes he’s rude

And he has small hands and he’s just compensating so that’s what’s going on here all right this round we now have a drill one drill TNT gotta get him good Jerome we’re gonna get him good fire TNT drill TNT I’m worried about this chemical Dynamite though that bunk has yeah you should yeah

Um okay and then I got a TNT times 20. all right so that is the breakdown for this one here remember guys that because of Ace they do have a chemical Dynamite on monkey but it is 2-0 score’s not looking good for them Square’s not looking good

All right let’s get this dub Steve here we go come on would you just look at it would you just look at it Jerome you said I didn’t have any kills I mean what do you have to say about this at the time you didn’t I’m not good

Just because you’re threatening my life you’re not gonna make me a liar I’ll die with dignity you didn’t have any kills at the time Steve I hope you get the initial kills I’d rather die with dignity than deal with your trash no dignity you take that back you lost your dignity years ago

Oh oh geez Steve you have to put me on blast like Batman I’m sorry it’s just a game bro it’s just a game you don’t gotta put me on uh Monk’s on the ceiling Durham watch out oh my God that’s okay Steve I’m alive it’s okay you can carry the team oh you

Were dying I thought you were like saying Jerome because I was dying no no that was me falling out of the map oh god there but they made me the times 20. Well Ace your chemical Dynamite you gave them killed Steve you murdered Steve I hope you’re proud of yourself you got me

Good all right now how you know what I have an idea the drill TNT right here on monkey ready no I missed completely I’m I monkeyed it I got it wrong dude Steve this isn’t looking good your toast yeah I know I can hear all the fire going around me whatever you do

Don’t look back oh please tell me fire spreads on because if it is dude I’m about to burn down stead’s whole houses over there uh it is I steved it Durham Jerome I can’t believe you just did that anyway uh looks like we’re going on to

The fourth round here guys you guys I didn’t even use my TNT I used four total TNT that round would you look at that guys looks like we got ready for the next round I don’t know what uh must have been some extreme lag there right guys I don’t crazy

Hey Jerome what’s the score uh two to one two one two one I can’t believe it is Steve that Chronos no monkey destroyed me I saw I thought he was looking at you and I think I was just an unfortunate circumstance Cookie’s right I blame the

Intern for the loss get out of here intern all right Kronos 50 gaming with a 75 stream tip it’s always scary whenever he shows up things turn bad quick he said TNT Awards get a ramp TT every few seconds like in missile wars I’m totally downed because that means it would be so

Cool and I like it a lot because it means that blade and the intern have to put in extra work so we should do that next time um number three here we go habanero pepper and habanero powder Kronos whenever he comes it’s always a bad time dude that would actually be so cool

Though it would be sick would it guys let’s all talk about it a bunch more so that they get pressured into having to do it there we go um next hot sauce is ghost pepper and that’s for everything including my life goes downhill don’t say it Steve it already has gone

Downhill I know I wasn’t gonna say that oh my God yeah that’s actually let’s say it’s gonna be a bad day I can tell because number three is hot and shouldn’t be hot your tolerance has gone down recently hasn’t it yeah I think we haven’t been

Hitting you with enough hot sauce I can barely tolerate you guys you’re right animal got him got him got him got him got him got him got him got it anyway this was anal TNT fire TNT and arrow TNT yeah I’ll be honest I don’t know how you

Deal with me on a daily basis I don’t know how I deal with me on a daily basis that’s reasonable as well I barely deal with myself on a daily basis guys we just hit 500 people watching the stream let’s go clap it up let’s go guys with 500s in

The chat 500 500 500 there we go 500. 500 500 500 500 500 look down to him look down I’m looking now I’m looking down what could I be he lives with us now no he lives here glub glub I’m with the glove glove we’re ready right let’s do this let’s do this

Oh you know at least the intern can count today no Kronos 50 games celebrating the 5 5 bite hated me with a 75 straight before the hot sauce that’s ghost pepper sauce Steve cover me cover me Steve I’m doing something Reckless here doing it

Right now do it in the middle of the TNT middle GG boom drop it drop it like it’s hot watch it out watch out watch out boom I’ve been hit Jerome I need the backup uh nope can’t hear you oh my God said you’re not protecting me I’m in

Creative mode anyway LOL anyway I set their building on fire I set everything on fire Jerome it’s all on fire I also could really use the backup Jerome I could use some milk oh my God uh times 20 Jerome hit the deck wait a minute where oh God oh my goodness

Steve I turn my back for one second to take that oh yes imagine you made it a 2V1 situation imagine one second look this I leave Steven charge for one second and look at this oh look at this it’s terrible Steve oh geez Durham I’m not surviving this well then

And you wonder why I don’t have as many kills as you why don’t you add that one onto the kill list buddy to reveal himself I’m gonna drop a times 20 right on the mid there good luck yeah ready you’re gonna take yourself out it’s

Worth it oh my God how did that not kill him what dude get him Jerome keep throwing blocks at his head oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait whoa whoa in the head call him a blockhead hey dude I keep hitting him you ready Steve wait for him to come

Around here Jerome Steve he came around he oh no is he I think he got away from it no he didn’t the plan the stretch dude here here say GG say GG so stead thinks I died just say GG good around guys now he sees you he actually sees you um did he

Did or GG and he just look bro I thought we had the scam the ruse going no he saw you the whole time he knew oh dude Edwards glasses unlike monkey yeah true to two Brandon Kester thank you for coming back hilarious last name as always he said

Hey drum has a stream and why who let this Willy guy back dude that’s what I’m saying I can’t believe no one’s banned him yet but he’s here it’s alive and well to be fair he hasn’t been showing up lately so you know it’s nice to have

Him around for a little bit here a little bit um are we back at the original arenas all right by the way shout out to the 550 people watching we’re going up up up let’s go we’re gonna get to 600 and we’re gonna get more than that we’re still getting to 607.

2 900. did I hear twenty nine hundred nope or this round is lightning Arrow fire animal oh geez there’s a lot of them fire arrow animal lightning oh my goodness this is a lot what just too many for my hot bar uh dude I must hit some weird hotkey it deleted my

Stake and one of my first things with TNT and put coal there that’s a weird hotkey yeah I don’t I actually have no idea so what am I missing then let’s start from scratch then uh TNT times 20 okay so we need one of those

I gotta go grab her but oh what a what Steve you’re at home at home why don’t you save the sea turtles and just get a glass of water this guy hates sea turtles shrimp Steve hates sea turtles hashtag Steve HC Turtles get it going get it going Jonas

With a five-year-old streaming stuck at work thanks for the entertainment buddies hey I hope work is going as well as it could Jonas hopefully you get out soon and um hopefully the rest of your day’s been good sorry Steve has to ruin the rest of your day by killing a sea turtle alrighty

Let’s see uh there’s the hashtags going there they’re going they’re going why are you Turtles you said you’re getting a bottle of water yeah do you hate sea turtles yeah no I got a glass of water good okay good good he still has sea turtles I do not you cut that out

It’s gonna be two things T-Pain sea turtles I love sea turtles together I do they’re amazing they just float and swim and Float all right Steve I don’t believe you but it’s fine take it back it’s take it back hot sauce the chatter it did I’ve already had four of them

Steve we’re tied up here buddy we can’t okay I kill you for that is well okay let’s go Steve we gotta work together okay let’s be friends sorry yeah friends friend what’s what’s that word mean um I think it’s kind of like someone that you don’t want to kill all the time

But only some of the times yes okay but other times they get mac and cheese with you I could go for some mac and cheese specifically with you so does that mean we’re friends I think so okay cool it’s on mac and cheese oh dude we’re almost through already

Yeah but at what cost it’s not a very good spot food from I did a little bit of damage there Wyatt wants a 20 straight to fora oh an old-fashioned slurp oh my God that made the hot sauce in the back of my throat there you go white appreciate you

For being a long time fan love you buddy for real love always did you shoot your lightning over Adam and the new fans alike yeah of course oh no new Challengers approach what just happened bro bro what there’s new Challengers what why are two what I don’t know why they’re here but I’m

Happy to hear that I have to say bro actually God dang it I love those too those two are amazing they are amazing that blew up let’s go I got him with the lightning TNT I said his times 20 back at him dude oh my god Chronos 50 game with a 75

Dollars three defense hot sauce number five Steve you gotta cover me you gotta cover me buddy I’m going to the backfield take this hot sauce what more can I do get two of them all right here we go I got two of them Jerome hot sauce number five here guys

Boom this one is ghost pepper and ghost pepper powder wait monkeys that we won yeah they’ve been put on teams He’s here to be fair at least we have 2D That’s awesome number five he’s here now he’s watching us menacingly why’d you watching us menacingly what is he doing no I’m scared also that’s hot oh my God nope today’s not the day I have a hot sauce friends today is not the day throughout sauce rip guy digs a five

Dollars I’ll take a look at that after the stream buddy that’s awesome I just see Tootie standing here with uh flint and steel is it is he oh my God uh all right this one is oh God what is that what is that what is that what is

That what is that what is that one what do you do he literally Jerome that was the entire map oh no wait did you see the meteor fall from the sky oh what was that nothing it was a Nunya TNT got him got him got him guys we got 600

People watching the live stream we had 600 to the chat 600. there we go 600 600 there we go spam it spam it spam it up 600 600. we’re not stop until we get over a thousand I don’t care that people are back in school we’re getting to a

Thousand or my name is an Orville ready bunker that’s not your name but okay all right this round of the TNT this round of the TNT hype it is now well I’m typing this here for rest of rounds there boom so now we’re stabilized at

These sets of TNT here so let me just go ahead and get all these we got 64. times five we got 64 Woodhouse we got the TNT times 20 years there we got the animal TNT the fire TNT the arrow TNT now we need to get the lightning TNT looking oh

Instead of TNT times 20. oh geez don’t do that don’t do that all right is I think he’s begun city is what 2DS be gone what I told him all right there’s an RFP oh they didn’t say go Steve all right buddy all right my sword’s been transformed into grass blocks

All right here we go um do you see what Elon just said he’s gonna poop on my bed and said oops that wasn’t supposed to be public I mean why not though amazing bro what is happening over the top Jerome I don’t think he heard us I think they just oh okay you

Know what I’m gonna go for I’m gonna go crazy you ready uh what are you going crazy I just thought of times 20 straight up oh boy yeah it blew up way too high up monkey’s dead already basically what’s the basic are you sure the times 20 didn’t go over to their side

Um maybe it did I don’t think so though one thing you might have blown up in mid-air oh yo what happened Tony just needed me dude oh my goodness that’s almost he just oopsied you bro how you’s gonna oopsie cookie said 600 600 600 and also show Mr

Peanut is not downstairs today he’s upstairs what have they said a nuke they sent a nuke run what do you mean when are they gonna nuke from I don’t know uh well I don’t think the server’s responding I’m alive uh I’m dead who do you save her have been here for one round

They’ve been here for one for one right for one for one right bro one round what is happening bro Sean Reynolds and give drum five stacks of nukes do you see what happened with one nuke Sean red team wins sure they’ve been here for one round and

They’ve destroyed three Maps bruh it is three to three now drum TP to a met bro I’m gonna regret this I’m going to regret this it’s not a it’s not a magic trick Tootie that’s a new that’s a nuke it’s not Magic that’s a nuclear device oh no not another one

Jerome we gotta get him out of here they’re gonna break the server oh my face what have they done my boy all right let’s go over to this one here oh move on a little bit this track here it is three to three it’s first to five first to five wins

Bruh Tony you’re supposed to be on my team you’ve murdered me you destroyed two maps hit me with a 75 dollar stream did for another hot sauce Tony you’re supposed to be my friend not food you know I’m hearing a lot of complaining Jerome but I’m not seeing

You get a lot of kills Steve I’m about five seconds from pooping where you sleep now real number six good luck that is number six that is scorpion pepper scorpion pepper I’m not how I wanted my day to go this is early on no I gotta start using the bigger chips

You do oh that’s hot that’s hot I gotta start using the bigger chips for that oh my God oh my God it’s hot oh there we go times 20. that’s getting hard to stop 64 what else animal TNT Arrow TNT we need a fire TNT and then we

Need a lightning TNT as well we hadn’t anything special Mr mcbooty someone can I use it sure did you interested in with the shore do you even know what he’s gonna use I have no idea what he’s gonna use Steve I don’t I’ve given up I’ve given up try to control these people

This is descended into utter chaos complete and utter chaos okay Steve I’ve lost control over this stream I don’t know what’s happening anymore my face hurts all right here we go sir because of the hot sauce Steve that’s why my face I didn’t realize you were that weak drum set me over

All right I will we’ll do we got we got women they’re ready Tony bro watch some dream videos or something my God man he said it was such confidence too just like throw people at the water bucket dude I was like all right this guy’s been watching some dream videos he knows

What’s up he knows what that thing is all he needed to do was like have a block in the gravity gun buy another server that doesn’t lag at blade I believe that blade that blade that blade imagine I just heard that his room what what happened I got it well you see that

Wasn’t me that wasn’t me dude um I just shot the perfect times 20. I dunked it off the top of the wall head I hit him with it dude oh my goodness Steve I dunked it on there oh dude stonks I don’t know where 2D got the revolution TNT but I’m doing it

He said wee-wee oh my goodness why is everything blowing up here all right so what do you what what did he have awesome Revolution TNT okay I got a vantage point I gotta get a vantage point you ready you ready ready do it hit him with it I don’t know where

He got why is it flying away Jerome Jerome [Applause] Tutti you have sabotaged this team two rounds now Tootie you’ve sabotaged this team on two rounds Tootie and is that three to four before they were here we were winning we are now down three to four

He said it’s all good we got him right they win they win the next one but it’s over what are you coming up in their oops Jerome got a case labor we got him on the ropes oh my God oh my God what is monkey saying now aren’t we live

We’re live we’re just getting crushed out here bro oh my god dude oh yeah yeah yeah oh my God I can only imagine what Tootie’s got in store for us this time tooty what’s the plan get your times 22 and T’s ready Steve win that’s not a good play we’re not

Three to four all right Jerome we got this buddy oh I’m scared I’m scared out here are you ready yeah I’m ready you know what would really help us winning some chemical TNT or dynamite oh my God wait not reefie not reefy Kingpin over the 75 dollar stream tip for hot sauce

Number seven I need a second here before we start this round this round’s the most important one you just shot fire TNT and I don’t know what he shot oh my God why but the fact that I took it Arctic World for the 25 Tootie booty Tootie

What what did you just do what did we do it’s not us Tony’s a maniac there’s an explosions that just did they knew because that we got kicked for patches I just looked at Jerome and I was like I just saw 2D shoot off oh my God it’s gone dude

And then we have Momo with a 75 dollar stream tip for a hot shot Momo’s at you go back to Pixelmon what do you get out of here scratch go back to Pixelmon I’m gonna start promoting your competitor oh my God number eight scorpion pepper is that Tootie

All I did was shoot a times 100 bro I didn’t crash dude where’s your server oh my God there we go wait we need better servers hot sauce and Carolina Reaper pepper dude I gotta see this this is gonna give me a lot of joy never told you that the way you eat

Chips is amazing he’s playing silent bro oh it’s kind of scary yeah scorpion pepper do you understand oh my God arctic wolf of the 25 stream to fish bomb Tootie Momo with a hundred and fifty dollars three times at two times hot sauce on about the competitor dude I’m calling Frank right now

Do you want to see what your what Your bathroom’s gonna be after all these hot sauces sure Tootie I would love to see is that is that radioactive that’s nuclear that’s nuclear yeah I was thinking this one is that the football game with a chat where’s my hot sauce and all

Caps and then night pot took them out bodied by nightbot oh my God and 75 for different Chronos that’s hot sauce is 9 10 and 11 now he said Pete and Repeat went down to the lake Pete fell in who’s left dude what’s with all this fish homie

It’s a fish Bob yeah it’s usually a lot worse yeah what is this what’s this bomb can I use it why is it in my inventory I don’t know and then number 13 the last one spontaneous combustion with a million Scoville extracts the first time around Momo I’m gonna call Frank

Don’t make me call him don’t make me call Frank oh my God oh my god oh dude this is hot oh my god dude oh my god dude mm-hmm repeat we got more hot sauce oh dude Ryan you and I need to get some armor on bro

Oh no wonder we keep getting slapped you want some more fish and look at some armor flavor but you just kind of ignored him oh there was armor that’s okay I got some armor on we’re gonna leave no it’s not doing nothing what do you mean

What are you talking about hey Steve can we that is hot sauce number one now around the horn so I have to do 11 12 13. and then back to number one oh is this how we make rockets boys oh my god dude we’re running out of islands here apparently apparently yeah okay

Just a few more bro that is hot hot you gonna be okay over there true dude he’s dying oh he’s got a gun I respect that though yeah and the best part is those chips are stale they always are not only that but he eats hot sauce with spicy chips

Hey I don’t judge you for how you live yes you do that sounds amazing though oh my God I’m surprised you’re still doing okay are you gonna go join them for one of these yeah you know I’ll think about it I’ll think most likely not but I’ll think about it

There’s a chemical Dynamite for you for the next round thank you I will definitely use that wisely just don’t use it on us I’ll try not to Monk and here’s the million oh my god dude I’m dying so glad we joined the call for this and here’s number one dude I’m sweating

I’m actually here just imagine how your toilet’s gonna be later tonight no oh oh just no just flat out he might have to bail look at my face out in the yard with his dog look at that sweat on my face she’s gonna get kicked out of the house tonight [Laughter]

Is this the first go through or is this is the best part of our day in case you guys couldn’t tell well some of our day I think you need hot or hot sauce I think you’ve become immunity this isn’t hotter I think you need to go

Back in a dark room for 48 hours oh God I got kid I gotta oh my God oh my goodness he just hit you with the go back to the dark room dude maybe I just give him some more hot sauce I think you should at this point yeah while he’s gone too let’s see how

Many hot sauces we can stack up all the way stack them while he’s gone Chad this right here this is Jerome’s butthole afterward right here this is wait can you guys see it yeah there you go there it is Chad the thing yeah the nuclear yeah I got him good dude Burns

Thanks for the donation Bigfoot we appreciate it and Jerome appreciates it he’s just a little dead right now at the moment but it is appreciated he’s just out of this reality you know he’s just in a different he’s in a different dimension right now all right so now we

Surround Jerome in nuclear TNT so when he comes back kaboom foreign all right here you go Ryan you ready yeah yeah oh God for you bro hey yo what’s up oh my God oh my God don’t go on him stack some more oh my god dude Now’s the Time two times

That’s four hot sauces yep yeah that’s four hot sauce can you bring me down some milk please yes duties and also uh Arctic wolves too no no Judy Judy you’re taking blade for this I just like the whose fault is this arctic wolf the three hundred dollars

Oh my God as hot sauce is too through yo I’m dying out here and we should put a 500 stream tip in there for denying milk we should can’t have anything for spoiled milk number two this is habanero I love how all of their own streams have just evolved into him just

Sitting here taking shots that’s it like that’s all with Minecraft in between saber are you having fun there tearing down though there’s just something about the having the power of just breaking blocks apart with this gun is just so great isn’t it glorious here we go number three habanero oh

My God I’m just gonna try and truck through these before I die oh my god did he did he slowed down dude he’s he’s roughing it right now he still has to win two games I don’t know if you had you might be seeing ghost pepper and number five is Ghost Pepper powder oh my God it doesn’t even been an hour yet it will be what happened to good old days when we used to ban Willie instead for stream tips wasn’t that yesterday

No that was Friday yeah it was Friday right oh my God but uh drum is this the now second or third so who is this the second go through or third go through uh this is Joe let’s go through okay okay here’s number five here we go number five

Oh hit him with another drones in so much pain I don’t even know if I could do it to him in good faith oh my god oh two days well you said good faith oh my God all right well I’m kind of yeah it’s from Jerome to Jerome could you imagine Steve yes

See him doing it I can see him doing it he’s so funny he’d be so upset you should do it from the ace account Steve just make it funnier oh my God to make it even funnier what are you doing I’m my best that’s all we could ask for

That’s all we can ask for hey you want to get in this hole with me Ryan I’m down yeah oh yo yo let’s go hot sauce oh my God yeah I mean that one actually is 2D’s fault yeah I love you too Jeremy things are the beautiful donation

Dude is drum gone again oh my God yeah he actually died coming back man like I low-key make them have some more you know but like that’d be so evil I would love to see that I mean oh dude oh you should oh welcome back Jeremy C Vlogs why

Oh man oh my God this is mental fortitude to make it worse I had an eyelash poked and I got a little pepper in there oh that’s good oh Jesus Trump number six now did Jerome do hot sauce 12 and 13 before we went to get paper

That’s true maybe I did no I did you you hush your mouth king Panda this is ghost pepper and Scorpion pepper number six this is just the ball the stream is yeah I think I know why Jerome says I think I think I started to connect

Them do you like the dots oh my God what do you do let’s finish this last round please before it gets worse the love of God who said this was the last round Luke don’t you dare oh true if we win we win too

It’s over yeah we got oh my God I got your back look at the rabbits Luke are we using this sorry dude I don’t think we can use this map yeah I don’t think oh my God Luke dude it’s like before we can even start the round someone knows all right he’s

About to start it let’s let’s do it again today with a 75 pound stream tip hot sauce number seven something it’ll be before Jerome takes it off completely like there’s like he’s like I can’t do it anymore dude they’ve had me do three go arounds and I had diarrhea for days

Wasn’t that before you had number 13 yeah dude so now it’s even worse honest question though Jerome did it come out as hot as it went oh he’s taking the shot it doesn’t matter Elon hotter dude over here oh I’m on the wrong side oh dude there’s

So much XP on the ground this is all mine I didn’t kill him but someone dude he dropped a TNT in them like you’re sick yeah you dropped a TNT in the middle of the cage and just let it explode on all oh my God there’s so many rabbits all

Right we got it as soon as we gotta go before this gets worse can you all righty can you we’re in the wrong side saber oh the TNT oh yeah here we go yeah oh I’m dying here let’s go let’s do this guys do we need

What what TNT’s do we need uh Joe yeah who’s Joe all right you just ask you jealous yeah who’s Jim um Joe is my friend from Kenya laughs all right are we ready to do this yeah let’s do it uh what’s the score it’s three to four

Yep three four let’s do it guys we got this oh all right Jerome I’m dying dude I’ve had so much hot sauce get 700 to the chat 700 700 700 spam 700. let’s go under seven reviewers hit us with it let’s go I’m lobbing TNT over on them right now

Let’s go oh wait we got it we got an entrance we got it I’m gonna do it times 20 underneath there you ready this was going right backfired I’m sorry let’s go run for Elon oh dude I think I got him good there I I also sent over times 100 but I don’t

Oh there it went oh that I just took out two of them sweep we just got him boys Big Steve where’s the last one he’s climbing the wall no there’s no they’re all right three of them one’s climbing the wall oh we gotta get him

Where is he where is he where is he oh I see him he’s left on top of the wall yeah yeah oh get back what did he get back what happened no I don’t know oh my goodness I got annihilated it’s up to you boys all

Right don’t worry it’s up to you boys wait where is he what are you doing yay wait what I don’t have a sword Jerome so this is all on you oh basic let’s go nice easy we got a hundred dollar straight from Josh Burley for a

Hot sauce and a steak bum lay the steak bombing on me oh here’s hot sauce number eight now scorpion pepper Carolina Reaper pepper ghost pepper just straight death really guys you’re trying to put me in the grave today is that what’s Happening Here Street death oh there it is I’ve dead inside

Oh my god dude I blame Judy so uh what hot sauce did you just do I was number eight that’s it Steve yeah no so it’s way it’s a four it’s a 4v4 now or a four vert four to four now yeah winner of this round wins it all nice very nice

Alrighty uh um let’s do this you ready Jerome um no let’s do it all right am I in the right one wait where am I I feel like I’m lost oh uh TP I am here okay dude I can’t think straight right now because of all the hot sauce

It literally messes with your brain after a while I bet uh we have a bunch of people here that should not be here uh what do you mean uh we have a bunch of we’ve got a bunch of red team over here all right I’m good Jerome I’m ready

Oh I’m ready as well too I’m ready too wait where’s I feel like I’m losing some I need some damnity like times 20 TNT that I could have yeah I got you someone just gave me a nuclear Dynamite okay the intern gave me nuclear Dynamite

Wait no no no it’s the last round is there Integrity isn’t there honor decency what is integrity we don’t know that what okay okay all right here’s the here’s the plan are they here I’m gonna sneak around to him I got I got no 2D cookie wants to block the hot sauce

I appreciate you looking out for me grab me with your gravity gun I got it like can we fly over I’m I’m curious I think we might be able to come on that’s too risky it’s too risky guys hold on a second here hot sauce is nine and ten thanks to

Peasman this is the strong number nine and ten though here we go oh my God guys I lost you guys you guys are gonna have to carry the team here you expect too much of us uh I got a plan this time okay I’m sneaking around this side okay someone banned Willie please

What’s up that’s so good poor Willy oh my God and here comes hot sauce number 10. dude oh here we go hot sauce hot sauce hot sauce I’m genuinely give us more sauce so I have one of those aura rings that tracks like like a similar to a Fitbit I

Want to see if it’s tracking my heart rate I mean yeah definitely it probably is it’s like bro like what is happening right now no it hasn’t updated yet I think it updates every like hour or something well it’s just gonna be off the charts dude all right let’s start this please let’s

Start it okay I’m dying you guys got to do this for us I got you Jerome dude he’s got you Jerome because I surely don’t thanks Dave let’s do it Jerome I’m sneaking over it’s already on top cheated you want to talk about integrity germ that’s gonna hit us it’s just

Oh that’s perfect the placement you’re saying Steve you were saying look at that kill your basically Grim times 20 of them send it oh a bird in the net they got me they got me too Duty it’s literally up to you dude oh no oh no oh no

I’m scared Jerome where are you going are you off to the side tutor you got this buddy for the fate of the entire video you have this 2D I got this gotta get somebody just use a nuke oh my God while you’re doing that piece been with 150 dollars three different

For me to do the 11 to 12 hot sauces and then there’s spontaneous combustion after that Tootie hey oh that’s a times 20 dude hit the deck I’m moving I’m moving I’m moving I’m moving oh I’ve had it I pushed someone off I got one you got a link he didn’t yeah

No chance oh there’s only one thing you can do at a time like this you gotta keep moving you gotta keep moving blatantly cheat yes no I have to win honorably well let me honorably place this oh my good oh my God that’s it that’s it

That’s it no how many times 20 do they have oh my God okay come on I’m waiting I fired it you missed it pees me with a 75 stream tip I have to do 12 and now 13 that means bro dude you gotta win this I’m suffering here

Oh it’s closer oh man Tootie you are on the tiniest sliver of an island that’s good dude I can barely talk you gotta win this for everybody I can’t see wait no no uh lagged and I die GG you did your best buddy you did your best And then Mason black of the 75 stream dip I gotta go all the way back around to do jalapeno oh um there may be Pompeii flying through the air bro now back to hot sauce number one oh my God you guys got messed up bro I don’t

Mean to brag but that was pure skills 20 d d did you have a stack yeah might as well do it right yeah I guess that’s that uh how many did you have Ryan a stack seven so then it was even the only difference is that you had

Diamond armor had a leather helmet on super weird because your your TNT landed exactly on mine so I couldn’t interact with either of them and it just like dude dude one of your TNT landed right in front of me and I just picked it back

Up and threw it back at it that’s what I’m trying to do to yours yeah GG dude GG I can’t believe that you and I are the Highlight right now you know it came down to you and me you guys crushed it but oh I’m dying they won’t stop hitting me

With the hot sauces I was laughing about that throws around I kept seeing the stream chips flowing in oh well now we get to load up Minecraft Monopoly oh wow Monopoly all right guys hanging out with you boys yeah I’ll see you guys later peace out thank you 2DS

Anytime Jerome thank you guys all righty hey Jerome um it’s fine so I don’t think it’s gonna I don’t think there’s anything we can do sadly we’ll figure something it was just a thought is this the same is this the same pack that we have used

In the past or it should just be called Monopoly it’s probably called the same thing but the maps or something oh are you doing all right bud dying at an alarming rate yeah it’s uh something oh it has been something it has been something oh room has been

Stream you have ruined me today you’ve utterly ruined me today Arctic Wolf Theater the 10 stream tip no I did not do the last dab last uh stream oh that’s hot all righty on to Monopoly oh also drama how dare you call me out on the glasses

I was supposed to be wearing the entire time we were playing I didn’t even know that but yeah you totally needed food man the physics on that were just wonky I don’t that was it yeah you need glasses I do not for that and need is a strong word interesting map oh

Monkeys already going for a swim of course I am I just feel like dad’s kind of kind of remiss right now there’s not much to burn I think that was the point Monk well if that was the point they wouldn’t have made so what was here out of wood just saying

There you go Jerome if you want to tear the description apart all right we’re moving on pays with a five dollar script said you’ll be fine during them we only donate because we love you dude I love you guys too like I said during the school year it gets harder

And harder to do what we do especially as the you know the school year progresses you know late August into September and October so especially September and October we need all love and support we can get and you guys always give us the most love and support

So thank you truly thank you in the form of hot sauce yeah all righty by the way guys I linked uh on the live chat there I linked the thing to my eBay page if anyone’s interested that’s my Mr rhyme I pulled yesterday there he is in all of his glory

I want to get someone to make a Mr pincer card for me and give it to you as a gift no I think it’s haunted all right let’s see the description Willie said the description looks great why does it not have ban Willie in there that’s exactly why it looks great all righty

Oh I just did a bunch of pieces of paper called numbers here we go man Willie add that and one of those player gives a player of their choice okay hundred yeah you got most of the stuff in there you know what actually for bankrupt buddy we can keep that we can actually

Say it’s Jerome included because in this one it’s not like I can’t do anything right it’s not band a player it’s bankrupt the Buddy you realize that as soon as we start the resource bag is not working Luke I’m gonna go refill my water oh yeah I

Think I need to re download the new um yeah thing yeah said instead we’re having a fantastic time we had up to 70 degrees hopefully we get more than that for this Minecraft Monopoly hopefully it’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be good times it was going to jail first who’s

Got I think it’s dead always said gotta be stabbed no I’m here I’m gonna place my BET’s on Jerome he’s been having one of those days I have worse luck than any of you that’s why chaos is the only choice everybody got six thousand dollars butcher boy you’re starting with a disadvantage oh

Yeah do we want to just disable the data pack or is it does it not work what do we want to do it works is the resource pack working well the data pack saying six what do you mean it’s working it says I have to remove that yeah

Okay that’s not accurate to what you actually have in your inventory total there you go uh will we get money when we start or should I already have money server you would have gotten money well Luke somebody’s got to set up the live stream before getting on the server how

About that yeah it’s dead yeah so uh can I have my money nope all right Steve I’ll share me and Rain are one there you go dollar bill no he just took your paycheck I don’t know what to say about that all right that’s where the money drum stole for my paycheck when

Um rain needs his who turns view bobbing off yeah turn the bobbing on if you haven’t I never really notice it until someone says something well you have it on all the time that’s why you always just looks ever so slightly wrong yeah and then I realized what it is

Where’s that selling even at uh 30 Players let’s go guys let’s get it back up to 700 come on let’s see middle right of video settings I do still need my starting money yes okay can everybody just uh Slash clear slash clear all right you’re such a thing

Let me know when you’re ready cleared yeah claired player oh bumps and tells me stud wasn’t ready yet no I was it just I just had massive legs okay and clear my 500 bills man all right I have hit start recording I have started recording I am I started all right

Let’s see okay yeah I’m fine hi Stephen pop instead oh it’s weird monkey Bob rain that does feel weird but yeah it’s weird that I’m feeling so outnumbered my men in speed all right Muscle Beach you should get one all right and you guys all know the command yeah

All right here we go three oh chop up chatbot chat pops more well they’re not Willy pops we’re put we’re putting Willie to tie about some abandoned man oh dude somebody get more hot sauce around here and a reminder again guys I want to thank you so much for your

Tremendously generous love and support that you’ve done that TNT Awards was wild guys we’ve never had a segment I think a TNT war segment like that so just thank you you really help us do what we do every single day um which is harder to do in September

And October so thank you and I want to excite you all again in one week’s time big changes coming to the channel we’re very excited to show you guys live streaming will stay the same so don’t worry about that if this is your jam this is your jam but we got Big video

Changes and I want each and every one of you to show your love and support on those videos when they come out anyway here we go three two one and rolling all right I gotta oh bruh so I get nothing turn one all right that’s magic

All right let’s go a six one two three four five six wait a minute wait guys guys we’re on are we on the wrong this says go to jail no but that’s inverse is it inverse why what do we do wait a minute wait a minute [Laughter] what happened somebody forgot to look at the the Monopoly boy that fundamentally changes the game okay well um we’ll play the way I guess uh or should we just quickly move the jails oh you can’t move the jail I thought you could just like cut and paste it so you

Can copy and paste the jail but it’s and then just swap the notes around can’t you all right let’s just keep going the god kick with the ten dollar Sherman said for now on you should call it a willy Bop 100 Luke Luke here’s a hundred dollars Star Wars

All right sweet 12. one two three four five six seven nine ten and editor is realm yeah might as well buy it stay away from my help you might as well buy his own six one two three I mean it’s free five six ah Steve isn’t here how can we thank you

You owe me money that’s crazy I don’t know you got scammed though 150 Luke it’s 150. well you should put it down on the properties dude ow that was my face I got eight one two one bit to go in rain I get the anti said drive and he said

Drive wow that’s just rude what about Uncle stead Drive uh you know I think that’s DLC I think we have to buy that all right my turn to Dick him separately four wait aren’t you in jail Steve I swear all right scream place I will purchase this for 160 whole dollars

Um let me put myself in survival germ you missed out if I were you I would have gone to jail paid the 50 to get out gone and bought boardwalk and then got collected by 200 for pass and go I I thought I was the only one thinking it

He would have gone to jail all right I won’t get with going to jail first I rolled doubles by the way so I have a 10 now a likely story three four five six seven eight nine ten step feet games I’m gonna buy stead feet games you don’t

Want that one go for it um let’s see that’s 100 that’s 200 that’s 240. I want to be clear it’s through no one’s fault but my own I absolutely rolled double spit it’s okay we’ve already moved on yeah we’re well past your turn all right seven

One two three four five six seven I’ll take it short Street uh 140 dollar reduce Merry Christmas this is mine all right that’s it for me in turn uh who’s next stead stud mobs yeah I guess so it’s yeah this order feels so rich yeah it’s weird so weird so wrong

Your Speedo is looking great stead thanks use this too that’s seven eight by the way guys we got over 600 people come on guys 600 600 in the chat 600 in the chat 600 I’m just double check six in the chat instead forgot how to count how many did

You go instead it was relatable okay it was here all right we’re good yeah I’m on free parking okay bam six again one two three four five six come on I don’t know what rent is because do I roll again or is it also a reminder

Guys I do have my eBay linked to the top of the live chat there I do sign them if people want I sign the sleeve usually of the card but sometimes if someone asks me to I’ll sign the card to um so if anyone’s interested in that we

Did pull that one on yesterday’s live stream which is pretty cool please thank you all right Luke doesn’t instead yes oh oh you took like your ten you took out your ten you cheated you cheated thank you oh wait hold on the 10 was not meant to be can you guys stop

Doing you give me one deals on my property yeah stop being on your property I’d touch you one I don’t know what happened to it yeah I got it okay get off your property chump we got pizza This Is Our Land now sorry Steve this is kind of theirs though

Yeah but I own Short Street it’s my street you thought you owned Short Street yeah whose turn is it by the way drums my turn already when did you go during that oh shampoo works said you you own the editor’s room I sure hope it does yeah I

Do how much would you want for the editors around wow Luke I’m in uh for it okay what it’s the only thing I got so I don’t really care okay please you know Mondays are weird how are you gonna be like he’s gonna be like hey uh

What do you want for it yeah I mean what I paid for it I don’t need any uh return on investment make the trade yeah Luke you gotta give him a minute ow that’s the end of my turn wow because I arguably the worst trade I’ve ever

Seen you do don’t worry about it it’s fine it’s fine it’s four five six seven eight nine ten eleven Jerome I owe you twenty dollar redues whoa accidentally threw six twenty dollar bills down and I know I wouldn’t get that money back not a chance not a

Chance you were getting that money back all right that’s it for me all right six one two three four five and six uh explosion Gardens sure how much is that 260. you don’t need that one instead you know you don’t need that one there you go what

I just said hi sure what do you will uh not your room uh stead what are you willing to trade for that four dollars give them four dollars I’ll give you a five dollar bill I’d love to talk to you sorry I got five dollars 350. all I got is five come on

Ew why yeah and yeah are you guys gonna go are you sorry Luke was punching me he won one I mean to be fair this is the weirdest order we’ve had is this yeah all right two hundred dollars William bam I got beef drive two three four five six seven

All right Customs Avenue nice I’ll give you my head for that property no and I have not enough wow that’s crazy all right my turn yes good y’all basic seven I hope you roll it ready for this oh I actually just rolled a seven which should put me right on

Marty’s railroad yeah that’s the first railroad one two getting all sorts of things got two utilities and I got the railroads dude that can be my strategy all right well that’s my end of my turn in turn I have 200 on the ground for you whenever you’re ready and uh

Someone else can go I rolled an eight one two three four five six seven and eight that’s another place uh and I will buy it I need two hundred dollars back thank you Jerome yes it’s urgent that you come it’s just me and Monday night why is it

Urgent that I come assist you in Monkey what happened four five six seven eight nine you almost made me miss the money from stead stay give me that twenty five dollars I got you bud there you go this has Drool on it that’s Steve’s what did he give you a drool covered 25

Billion I have not given him a 20 bill so you know what that’s not mine Steve don’t let him lie to you it’s not necessarily your bill just your drool did I steal his money Drool on it and put it back in his wallet I mean by the

Sounds of it yes yeah I got 10. I don’t know why I’m sick of you you say it’s my turn right no no it’s monkey nine ten Builder Lane uh 280. Luke waiting yeah all right I got Builder Lane and I got doubles so I’m gonna go

We got seven one yeah don’t Crouch at me it’s still his turn seven right and well bam collect 200 let’s go you Advanced to go three whole spaces one past the two good oh I got a 2 a 2AM I’m good with it I have bone Street uh how much is 220

Ignore the 50 give me that back 20. uh how much money do you have about like like a little like 6 30. okay never mind it’s seven seven fifty sorry 750. if you had a thousand I would give you both Reds for a thousand will you take 700 for the one red that

You have um do you have a pen I just told you I value them at 500 each do you have a pink no no that’s Steve and no one uh all right I’ll do 700. all right wow we got a monopoly on the board it’s a hard one to pass 700 bucks 700

Bucks yeah is that a monopoly though I’m making it yeah is it all right yep oh my goodness I don’t know how many times I have to say yes to make it believable but yes no one’s anywhere near here so I’m not gonna bother with houses so uh I got

Doubles so I get the roll again Ryan Richardson tip said on God all right I’m not sure what you mean about what uh yeah all right I’m in jail yeah but jail is supposed to be over there yeah Jail’s over there rain he’s got to go all the way you’re

Just busy well no he’s just visiting right here yeah you’re just visiting no that is the normal go to jail space the bankrupt you oh all right well I guess get in right wow okay whose turn is it I don’t know I got doubles it’s an eight one two three

Five out six seven eight um can I have my two hundred dollars make it and then here is 60 and I will buy your left toe Luke can you do that my turn again one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and it’s my place

Hey Steve how much do you want for a short Street nothing at the moment all right I’m Gonna Roll nine one two three four eight nine hey I’ll take it Luke’s right toe sixty dollars to give you an extra 100. I gave you an extra hundred not that that’s what he

Needs thank you not gonna have my 200 for passing go yeah I think that was what he was just giving you well I mean we were doing two transactions at the same time then okay listen to business business numbers third Stern all right ten Jeremy forgot to put your

Head on the brown property or oh no what will he ever do Rose sure fancy seeing you over here just keep my 200. uh how much you want for that instead I’ll give you 220. that’s good but how much you want for 400. how about 350. not sure

Steve why don’t you want me to have happiness because you just got 700 a second I guess and I gave him Monopoly are you saying that that was a bad term no no no no no I’m not saying six with doubles but I’m just saying he could have squeezed you for

The 400 you’re not hurt come on all right what’s up oh that’s me wait where’d the five go did you get the guy okay I got it I got it okay all right and with doubles do it again eight one two three four five six seven eight oh come on

All right drum yeah lit I do that was my turn I’m buying up the place most unwelcome is it my turn I’m not scaring me I don’t know whose turn it I would like to be out of jail now thank you no no photos yeah I agree

Also Jerome you’re missing uh your hat on rail uh railroads railroad two three oh yeah you’re welcome right man had I given you that tree drone you would be wrong with a dollar back no I wouldn’t Steve no one owns the other thing no I’m sorry it’s being proactive that’s

Why when you said no soul brothers all right I thought you owned the other one I thought that was gonna be a monopoly I was like no I’m good no I own one property I’m sorry I didn’t know can I have one dollar back sure just for you pal it’s kind of

Important to me I don’t have much my turn right eight one two three four it was your first stop hey oh chance advance to go I’m downtown Jerome an investment so Steve now that you know how much do you want for the pink I’ll trade you pink for a brown oh that gives you Monopoly I will get a monopoly out of it but you get the better property it’s up to you nah I’ll

Hold off for now because with your luck you’re gonna land on the other pink and then it’s gonna be a problem okay Crown in 200. oh all right I’m gonna go ahead and roll I got a five one two three just got denied uh that’s that’s gonna be the end of my turn

Oh yeah it’s much wait Luke you just said I’m his lawyer talking like you’re my lawyer but you reverse negotiated Steve only wanted the brown no I think he upped my bid from brown to Brown in 200s land on your own thing instead no I didn’t know I was putting in replace his

Luke knows who who works for oh no over here oh okay did someone land on it so seven yes that did yes so you owe him seventy dollars already half of what he paid for you for it thank you sir yeah I got you now this is just uh laundry money what

Do you mean you don’t admit that out loud Sten 12. lawyer he meant to say allegedly yeah exactly 12. oh God come on instead can you come over here yeah I got you I have to because I gotta here I’ll drop this for you and then I gotta roll again because I

Got 12. now I got 10. just remember Jerome the offer might change Brown for pink and if you get that done advance to go again why are you guys hey intern can you go click that chest again all right that’s the that’s three out of three that is three out of three

That have been go to go to go click it otherwise I’ll do it you have to be on the other way oh hold on maybe he actually can’t click it get out of jail okay see just on a coincidence wasn’t there like three or four in a row

Last time six seven I landed on my own property uh how much the houses on here cost are they 100 150 I think it’s 150 for you on red 350. oh I’m risking everything I would like one house sir thank you I’m risking everything to get one house thank you

My turn yeah yeah I own 24. five that’s another railroad I’ll buy roro’s railroad geez two hundred dollars you’re stacking up on the railroads Mike also it’s gone in the loose inventory oh wait Aurora was right wait can I have the 200 back I just

Realized I think that this is one that I bought off stead a while ago I already know you mean beginning of a hit last turn yes okay so I have the card yeah so we’re good okay and I have the two hundred dollars yeah can I have Jerome’s 200 all right let me

Go ahead and roll ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Utah Drive 180 I love Utah 50 60 70. 80. I genuinely I I really enjoy Utah Utah was cool that’s it for me I have a gummy worm six one two three four five and six

Cardinal put the money in the Chester I’ll do it do what uh Luke Luke star he is being held up quite literally all right Ohio is better As an ohioan no instead put your head down oh my goodness it’s not gonna work now yeah it’s fine even the server it creeps all right all right let’s do it three one two three okay Jerome yeah one dollar there you go thank you would you land on man

Luke’s left toe ah the left toe the most prized Jewel no where I needed to go Luke I also need to retype in the command because he kicked me all right three four oh this is a railroad but I can’t buy it so auction yeah oh Wow that’s uh rain that’s something all right yeah it’s funnier than 24. 25 I’ll start debating in 200. Luke pull that across I’ll start the bidding at two hundred dollars 200. okay uh has anyone 250 300 dollars dollars 450. that’s all I’m doing anybody have any objections yeah so 400.

You don’t have any that’s why we’re here you don’t have that get out of here there you go here’s I mean 50 bucks sold the fuzzy one there you go press you paid 450. I mean one so that’s all right yeah he’ll be getting a hundred dollars

Per uh land per land yeah but still all right I’ll buy it oh man isn’t that a shame that you didn’t do the deal with me beforehand 140. Steve there’s no reasonable way to do business with you I don’t know I offered a pretty reasonable thing a brown for a pink and

You were getting the better deal out of it how you were giving me I was giving you a monopoly and you were giving me one of a three-part set that I might not get how is that a good deal at all well you see you would have had a

Monopoly now Steve that you can’t recite I was getting worse Monopoly in the game and Jerome was again the server agrees with Steve and that’s all that how much do you want for it hey what’s up bud um what uh oh I give you the brown again and some cash

The brown and 400. it’s too much because then I can’t buy any houses the brown and 300 250 300 I’m sticking firm to it I don’t know that’s like a brown 250 in your head you want my head fine all right hey monk can I give you this for 200

Um what is it don’t you don’t you try to walk away without giving me the head I’m also broken begging for sure thank you Mr lawyer man on my turn then we can we have lawyers here I never thought I’d see the side of shirtless buff giraffes asked me in the

Speedo on the beach um okay don’t 100 per right for these ones yeah all right uh uh uh uh uh all right Luke I’m ready to make a decision here you go and so I have two houses on each thank you and now I have 17 dollars

I have more money than you that’s my turn now yep as anime Mr intern man take this 500 bill can I have hotels on each logged log out log out yeah rainbow rainbow sweet thank you since we’ve got to do that thank you for real rainbow sweet ah nothing makes me

Happier than running Blade’s day all right Willie is a Time old classic too um rain I owe you forty dollars that is more than double my net worth all right and I rolled doubles so I’m going again three four five six seven eight nine ten grumpy Palace I’ll take it there you go

320. all righty let’s do it dude quick now things are starting to heat up all right who’s next uh instead instead who was running across the board without commentating anything no I was just saying numbers but I landed my on my own property so it doesn’t really matter okay

So is it your turn smoke man’s turn yeah that’s your turn 11. one three four five six seven eight and ten eleven dang it drum oof oh that’s Heaven two houses 180. oh give me a 20. I have 17 dude I literally I can’t all right okay okay we’ll do this more complicated

Way all right here we go 100. oh good we got 150. I got one 70 you got 180. there we go oh okay you had to change I did I just figured that it would be simply to ask for 20 because I didn’t know you didn’t have that no dude

Okay struggling out here okay four five six Boomer Drive I don’t have enough money did you still want to make it I’ll start the auction at a hundred dollars Steve does have both of these by the way so someone should do something don’t have the ability to 150. 250. 300.

I don’t have that much money there you go I guess it’s monks geez you didn’t even three two one you were just like all right that’s it well yeah because you’re broke no one else wants it I can mortgage um this guy I’ll mortgage my orange for 90 and take it up to

What is this 250 uh it’s 340. 340. all right 345 I guess [Laughter] oranges 350. okay I mean you probably don’t need to do anything with it yeah so go ahead you can easily have it now okay Luke can I have my ninety dollars for mortgages

Huh thank you by the way where did you get that last ten dollars we have a five out of five ship here from Eric Larson you should really change your YouTube password so blade can’t use it also Steve’s a punk 100. agreed and agreed you know what Eric means we’d get along

If We Ever Meet In One Life Willie with a 75 stream he said I could get my revenge now chat hit him with more salt Willie you’re a terrible person this is the third time around and this is hot sauce number two Willie oh my God you have no honor

That’s all I got what number is this just number two luckily it was the third time around Willy dang two days in a row two dude two days in a row just Mayhem um one second I ask I don’t know what were you guys I was really gonna enjoy in

Real uh yeah my turn master stream the third time number two comes around after the hot sauce I love a good time I got card opener way you said I owe you four fourteen dollars oh sweet there you go thank you oh that’s not too bad

All right it’s my turn that hot sauce I would like a house please wouldn’t we all on this thank you okay we’re good all right I rolled a seven which means I get two hundo for passing go and I owe myself 250. so I have to mark no

I’d like to Pasco at some point this game speaking of stead you’re up oh yeah Didn’t I thought Steve was still going no no worries one two three and four instead you’re going to jail go to jail yeah oh okay remember that’s normally the go to jail spot

So you got to come over to this side of the map when he gets out if he will right now he’s snagging enough all right four one two three four hello drum oh wait do I have to pay stead if he’s in jail yes yeah dang it LOL

Hey hey hey did you roll doubles or three into one no three and one wait but uh wait stead’s in jail yeah yeah keep in mind jail is not where the jail is he should be yeah okay yeah that’s what I was saying but but instead just remember when you come back

Out you start here on the other end of the board oh okay uh how much do I owe him again release dude you’re not released 14. okay three turns or pay fifty dollars no way no Gwendolyn with a 50 stream tip release all players from jail that’s all

Right all right okay thank you all right assistant yeah all right I got the chance I swear if I’m the only one you decided to save stead like that thank you oh 150 bucks Ryan that’s pretty good that’s arguably just as good because now in a minute that’s that’s

Better in my opinion you still get to pass go can I can I have my hundred fifty dollars okay go get a pass go and then he’ll land right on the tax es okay okay oh two points sorry to Gryffindor or I was playing basketball anyway one two

Three it’s time for an archery contest uh explosions I hosted 22 dollars if The Most Dangerous Game thank you sir all right are you done with your turn okay I rolled a nine which makes me just visiting jail oh hello stead hello wait let’s just go to jail

Instead how many times are we gonna say it the maps backwards this is where where jail is it’s not to go to jail it’s fine I’m not gonna register laughs I’m done with my turn but why are you online there we go now it says this is worse than the Knight of

Lures that is well I mean no uh instead it is now your turn buddy Knight of War has a basic beard so one two three wow that’s true five six and seven minutes ago that would have been helpful uh my turn’s done all right let’s see two one two day off

Let’s go four one two three four come on forty dollars yeah mile ran forty dollars where you at bud all righty all right that’s it now rain go visit my property right you might be muted I think we’re just dead unfortunately I did hit can I can I just not

Which one are you roll the four I rolled the four guys yeah I didn’t roll a five or anything oh yeah 250 dollars man I need my go money or I don’t have that intern I have my throat can you throw my 200 on Steve

Can I have this we’re in the option it’s still there if you want to sell me the blue I’ll still take the deal for the blue if you need it rain extending a lifeline actually yeah we’ll do that two hundred dollars all right where are you ready there you go

I’m uh before it storms turn I’m gonna immediately give you this 300 intern and get houses on my other two Reds hoping that monkey lands on it now that he’s giving me money yay eight one two it was an entirely predictable twist of fate and Steve oh you own the whole green

Line here so oh yeah yeah 56. that’s most of my money that’s actually considerable that’s good money right there I need four dollars please I am now worth five dollars wow I’m gonna go to the bathroom but that is my turn all right my turn I will go ahead and

Roll the dice a six one two three four five six that’s Utah Drive Mr intern man turn Mountain mine don’t say that wow can I have one house she’s just on this one yeah yeah pick up kill him and then one house on this one right I forgot I did that my

Bad thank you uh that will be the end of my turn how much do you want for a beef Drive but if Drive I don’t know what it is gonna be a monopoly or no no it would just be my second one I’d have to get

The third one from Steve okay I I bought it for 180 so I’ll go You got 200 and change you’re not yes yes I do all right thanks bud all right thank you good sir oh uh right okay there you go buddy thank you all right uh all right my turn seven one two three four five six seven

Oh the one I didn’t put a house on let’s go fifty two dollars I can uh did you get the ones I did ones just kind of faded out hey Luke uh can you break this down for me please well he does that all roll six one two uh five hundred four five

Six chance I get another hundred and fifty dollars that’s the same one again I’m gonna do this for now I mean have other people yeah thanks bud there you go now we wait much love intern can I get another house Luke can I get Rain’s house

Oh he used to he used his name it’s personal I am not pink I am red oh who killed me I it’s crazy who do you think it’s crazy yeah that’s the most expensive the most expensive ones Willie had a five dollar stream tip that

Said chat drum is worth it will it will it put user in time now get him out of here oh Donovan Adams sorry I missed your 25 stream to mess my application gone through the council now I reached the interview stage I’ve given a sack of potatoes steak bomb on Steve

Um uh yeah there’s so much the council needs I think they said another week to deliberate is that true is that right guys I think so right yep yeah yeah I believe it is yay hey one two three four five six seven eight Community chest oh swerved right in

Between you sorry Steve I got you are assessed for Street repairs forty dollars per house kill me I saw that man oh no that’s that bad dude this is the worst thing you did yeah oh it’s not oh you don’t get it per house it’s you have this yeah okay yeah she got

Seven houses at least seven houses are you gonna go broke from that one enjoy so keep that so that’s now what is that yes I owe you 80 bucks here’s five dollars so I have zero dollars so that means it’s 75 and now I can I’ll just I’ll mortgage um

A mortgage the the one over here what is this that’s uh shampoo works and that gives me exactly 75 so you are I have zero dollars and zero cents and we’re even and you’re still living yep somehow I’m gonna mark this as mortgaged by just putting

There I think I did I did a uh an X with my heads I’ll do the same for my mortgage property all right my turn yay alrighty I rolled it ten two three four five dude I just realized I have rolled five and three three turns

In a row five thirty five three five three I just keep that owe you twenty two dollars oh sweet where you at right here Kronos I gotta roll again I got doubles another ten thank you for a 75 stream tip Kronos appreciate you buddy seven that is hot

Sauce number three habanero let’s do it Hey Oh yay there’s joy for saying come on pal pay up why you do this thank you all right instead I’m a ninja roll of four Luke but it’s not singularly instead just went on without getting his fifty dollars so I’m just not paying him

I mean I I thought you were done and I’m over here on my side near you so I can grab it no you’re not getting your fifty dollars now you went ahead and you played out your turn after I was like did everybody get their 50 and you just kept going but

Yeah oh thanks Luke well no it doesn’t count if Steve doesn’t pay him has to be Steve’s money well no I just got 50 from the bank so take Steve’s awesome how much uh Luke are you oh my god rainbow sweet I thought you were on my side you did a

300 stream didn’t blow up a server I’m like all right all right another person wants to do I don’t know go after blade but then I hit a 75 I don’t have this for hot sauce ghost pepper oh rainbow sweet and that’s so sweet just spicy Luke ones was

Neither lord said Jerome V Smith and I just noticed I’m not modded in the discords uh it’s probably because your Beard’s not good enough there’s a rule it has to yeah sorry buddy gotta have a better beard I think is how it works and you’re telling

Me we let Willy be a model on the Discord well he’s got a great really really has a really nice beard to be fair what do you mean well then Steve tries to have one joke like dude I know right everybody dogs on me too man four I got it it won’t insult

Willie anymore only Jerome can do that okay 250. give me about 250 Punk Steve just got his money back there you go six one two three four five six seven Advanced to nearest utility oh this if own pay personally that just says Advanced to nearest utility

Well yes but we know what it is do I have to roll again or do it is it rainbow sweet because I said I’m on no side oh sorry I’m not done yet ah he’s swimming away all right who put all that kelp out there for him

How much do I pay him for an 11 weeks it’s 11 times four because Jerome I think we need to back away while we can immediate it I think someone’s gonna bankrupt Steve is what I think uh drum I think I owe you 88 good real money uh I guess deducted from your

Next check no you already tried to take money from my last paycheck because I sent you a heart yeah minus one dollar yeah I need twelve dollars back oh so you guys are seeing each other move Jerome yeah I don’t know okay I guess you’re no one’s moving right now

Yeah no one’s moving we weren’t supposed to break the server yet guys how did the server break what that’s what I want to know what I was standing still doing nothing yeah no I ever broke I was just jumping around I was running over to Jerome to get to give him money yeah

There’s Steve how much kelp did you mine Steve I didn’t mind no I didn’t mind nothing all right are we back I’m on I’m good it was Steve it was not I didn’t touch any kelp wait why did you give me a hundred dollars yeah because I owe you 88

For uh for landing on your utility with the chance card um they really just pulled out a 50 Bill like I have nothing smaller you’re just too rich I’ll go ahead and roll while the intern figures that out yeah oh can I have like uh

Can I have 32 dollars to get he have 18. I guess I’ll I’ll wait bro oh wait because that’s not good he just ah you go buddy yeah can you come can you come here you’re terrible can you count four spaces from where I am um oh

Did you just roll this wait a minute rain that’s a hundred fifty dollars 150 100 150 100 fifty hundred thirty hundred fifty hundred hundred hundred thirty hundred hundred fifty I have four dollars um my turn now it rains so 50. buy yourself 70 bud 75. this is doubled my network one two three

Eighty three dollars is the amount needed to unmortgage my property cheers I’ll be honest I thought I was going out there I didn’t realize it was that little that’s why I made a big deal of it ah yeah I just it’s when you get the third house that’s right when it goes downhill

All right slash roll uh I hope you roll a one that’s mine hey Lorraine look we can share a bunk buddy oh it just thanks I kind of need a roommate so I mean his rent’s half off don’t push it don’t push it all right um that’s the end of my turn

Alrighty four one two three and four can I have two hundred dollars for passing go nope and that’ll be it for my turn instead all right said Bob come on downtown roll a 12. deuce hold on I forgot I had to retype in the command awesome a two

Steve I owe you 26 no you don’t you owe me more than that oh do you own all three all right so 50 said you’re excited that you didn’t land on the ones with the houses yeah yeah 52. okay you’re just like oh you own all three and it’s like yeah you

You were celebrating I didn’t realize you owned all three alrighty thank you for the payment yep the sad thing is I was like should I put house on that one no not yet all right eight one two three four five six seven eight day off all right that’s my turn all right

I’m going again oh oh I think I’m fine actually hold on one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven chance laughs Advanced to steadfast game that’s hmm oh games the Reds oh that’s good I own Reds I sold that to you yeah that’s right yeah so you’re fine so I

Advanced two spaces I would have really liked to Pasco you’re not allowed are we good yeah maybe I have no money to do anything with everyone look at Steven’s shame as it my turn cash shame on him wait is it my turn shame Shame Shame Shame all right wait sure you went

What oh I didn’t go yeah it would have been your turn yeah why are you shaming me it’s your turn one two three four five six seven keep Landing a card opener way all right instead I owe you fourteen dollars oh um and I rolled an eight so I’m gonna go

Ahead and start moving two three six seven eight monk I owe you six dollars six hold dollars and Luke I’m gonna give you um over on the light blue I’m gonna give you this two hundred dollars it’s Luke’s got it he picked it up can you put the the last house on the

Green I’m hoping that pays off all right that’s it for me all right seven one two three four five six and seven attacks that’s that’s painful all right welcome I need you to roll exactly a four exactly four exactly that’s so I’m gonna need you to roll

Exactly at five ah man that’s real unfortunate I got a six with doubles that is unfortunate five six Oh I thought you wait why did you want a five well because I you went backwards so I thought you were over there all right well I I oh stead uh 22 bucks

Oh yeah dang I’m making bank today most profits said had in years actually 20 22. and then doubles eight one two three four five six seven eight come on man fifty 100 do you have a 50 I do okay let me just give you that thank you all right and that’s my turn

Roll oh come back over here oh no one two three four five six seven eight nine two grand I need another hundred and fifty dollars please don’t give him that don’t give a minute it’s a trap uh you’ll never send money again that’s all I got those are painted eyes they’re not even

Real so are you bankrupting to me oh yes yes Ray stream bankrupt Steve bankrupt Steve yeah please please dude I’m really hoping to see if gets the big Bank robberino yeah I’m hoping so too all right well Jerome my turn my turn my turn my turn yeah it

Rains out ten oh lands on it now okay so I got to roll twice so that brings me all the way around to shampoo works such as mine rolling again which is two which is jail oof oh it could be worse I shouldn’t be fair uh if I’m gonna be in jail

Um um um um can you put a third house on the second property thank you can’t do that from jail sorry uh yes you can you can do whatever you want to do that from jail Jail’s awesome sorry I don’t think that’s the impression we’re supposed to be leaving Trump

Um stud you want to buy the last orange that you need yeah how much you want to sell it to me for um 350 350. fine and then that’s 50. okay and then I will go ahead and intern man man take that hundred dollars that did drop yeah I can’t see it okay

All right and it is now unmortgaged and here you go stud that was kind enough reloading Luke unmortgage you thank you Jerry did you buy one or two houses one house I gave you a hundred dollars and Luke there’s a hundred dollars over here waiting for you

Um just TP to me light blue stream should I lick the cobweb yes or no yes should be a hundred dollars over here somewhere I don’t have it anymore and I can’t see it I can pick it up and turn wait it was like right here in

Front of us I don’t have it anymore so that’s oh you got it going in all right okay there’s also something else in there drumances oh PPG warrior with a 75 dollar stream tip for a hot sauce that’s number five oh I’m gonna go ahead and roll my dice now

That I made that trade seven one two three four five six seven oh hey would you look at that railroad 200 I’ll take it hey Jeremy you want this last Railroad I do but if you ask for cash I’m very broke what do you have other than cash

Shampoo works and editor’s Realm yeah no I’m okay I I already just being honest with you I got nothing that you’d want yeah no I I appreciate the honesty um PPG why dude I feel like I just start to calm down though like another with my last uh dying breath uh dying

Breath are you okay Steve yeah you good Luke or Luke Luke these are 150 a piece so here’s 300 can I get one on each of these to put them all up to two thank you that’s it for me watching Dragneel the five dollar stream tip I’m

Out of school finally let’s go and glad you can make it yeah it’s like I always say it’s harder it gets harder harder I’m gonna beat up while they’re playing uh it gets harder harder to do what we do during you know late August September and October as people start to go back

To school it makes it very difficult and so having fans like yourself that come out immediately after school for the day um fans that have the ability to stream tip that do that as well all these things help out tremendously and I just wanted to genuinely say thank you for

The bottom of my heart uh for people who help support us doing what we do without you we couldn’t do it and uh so just thank you for the bottom of my heart thank you so much am I right can I get that in hundreds dude somebody finally landed on it Luke

I said hundreds not ones I specifically avoided saying ones so you couldn’t argue punctuation all right that’s my turn I wouldn’t use any fire or Redstone that’s your turn oh my God right rain what did you I rolled it oh no I’m stuck in jail again oh no rain that’s

The end of my turn I rolled 11. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven instead I owe you twenty two dollars dude this property is making a bank for you yeah it is shocked thank you good sir uh that’s it for my turn um

One two three card Slayer the twenty five dollars he said Bonbon on steadfast okay with a 25 stripping said here’s some love from your favorite problem causer so is that a steak bomb on me then oh oh so instead gets a bone bomb I get a steak bomb mmm prison steak

And I said do you want to buy the last light blue property I might buy the last Light but blue yeah interesting which way you would look I don’t know how much it is because I couldn’t really look at it before my inventory 120 I think 120 sure yeah

Um no yes 120. yes 120. so now it’s a battle of who was willing to pay more uh Joe probably was willing to pay the most it’s probably Joe who’s Joe Jerome or yeah chat Chad he just asked who Joe was anyone Owen uh chat is it my turn

Yeah I think so okay nice there we go and no I actually did so that that does free me internet man can I leave I got uh I got doubles which was five five and five so I’m at Luke free parking I don’t roll again if I double to get out of prison

No right okay you don’t pay your 50. whatever you rolled and then that’s your turn all right cool alrighty seven one two three four five six seven Community chest collect ten dollars from all players no wow uh Steve I I think I’m good can I read the card yeah sure let me see

I want to verify that before I just hand over ten dollars this is a fake Jerome because a real one can’t read hey guys I have a card here that says it’s my birthday I collect ten dollars from everyone oh yeah I got you dude there you go thank you buddy yeah just

Lay it on thank you thank you thank you hey the man for me Steve yeah Steve Steve you got this right you’re covering the ten dollars ten dollars give me my ten dollars man there sure are a lot of drones around here lately yeah I’ll give you some uh I’ll give you

Some tens and no I gave you once actually huh if you did give me once yeah all right that’s it for myself oh Willy don’t start this it’s not actually my birthday don’t you dare happy birthday Jerome birthday I mean you did admit it on stream happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday

Birthday to you Willie thanks a five dollar stream to chat you heard Jerome he said it it’s not my birthday uh instead I think it’s your turn oh is it okay I sent you a message Steve you got like real up close and personal

With your mic 35 6 7. uh Steve D on you Todd no I own he does own you you do you do no I do I do yeah I can’t really I mean how much is the first house I think we need a bankruptcy I agree um I can cook why are all the trees bombed yeah I don’t know that’s great oh wait till next he’s been oddly silent oh it’s raining you said not two but I’ve been so

Tempted to light these trees yeah I know but also Luke said we didn’t have a back yeah so the game really ends yeah so do you do your intro before you blew up the server or of course it works of course I said Happy Birthday Jerome it’s not my

Birthday happy birthday yeah I’m just making sure oh my God Ange with a 75 stream pip said happy birthday it’s not my birthday but that is a hot sauce number six which is Scorpion pepper it’s the third time today again Oh my God bro is it my turn you’re ruined uh I don’t think so and if stead just finished I’m done yeah I landed in my town I’ll try to go four doubles one two three four on Steve’s gonna have my 250. all right uh Luke I need the 200 please

That’s bad Luke that’s hot I got oh God I got six with doubles one two oh no four five six uh the nearest railroad one all right we’re going to the nearest Railroad uh Steve owns Reigns railroad apparently 25 25 where you at all right man you’re just paying us that right

And then the doubles from six and I got another six but this one wasn’t that was one two three four five six okay who did rain bankrupt no that’s me yeah you just paid me a lot of money thank you very much still like I think I just made Steve the richest

Player on the server you probably did can you come pay me some money oh thank God I rolled a two Snake Eyes Steve sorry I missed you all right fake pays me dividend of 50 hold dollars wow that’s pretty good oh my God yes this one’s clear

There’s a lot of houses up so I think it should go to auction with the houses I think you’re basic and you’re banking I think you should have a better hold your finances Steve I I think if it has houses then the houses have to be yeah I

Think houses have to go because I’m gonna go ahead and give you all my properties I didn’t know it was your birthday it was wait the day after oh happy late birthday and it’s not my birthday it’s hot sauce number seven if you guys maybe do a whole other lap of this I’m

Going to punch dead it doesn’t specify who I bankrupt to just choose someone to get everything no no that’s ridiculous no that’s not that’s not right no no I think just give it all to the intern we break the houses and we auction the properties I don’t even know if we

Should auction I think we just I think the correct choices it just goes back to like when we started oh okay so you guys can buy them again okay which is just replacing the uh signs and whatnot well you guys are going to be here for a while yep

Oh my God doubles again jeez oh no I landed on what used to be Steve’s green property You guys are gonna be here for a while so I’m gonna step out for a minute I just got exactly triple doubles I’m in jail I guess it’s my turn uh seven real questions oh my God it’s hot but also real quick uh I’m not done oh I’m not

Done yet give me one second yeah you’re not done now uh where where was I with the whole Steve getting my message yeah I’m sorry you really look you can just give me bumps I’ll pay you for it gotcha that was Steve’s message there you go good dude

Stay Willy for the five dollar screen tip as long as I ain’t getting punished fine by me dude my mouth’s on fire I need to fill his water up there’s like a sip left dude good luck good sir until someone gets annoyed enough to ignite

Oh it’s not going on for a while I’m gonna win who stars it now uh that’s how you were refilling your water it’s mine I think instead just doing yeah I just wanted people yeah so it’s monster you can just give me that one look one two blue sure you you honestly think

This game is going to be over soon I don’t drive okay how much is this 260. hey sorry we’ll do it Luke Luke like I said I’m going to the bathroom I’ll be back all right there you go all right I need 40 bucks dang poor favor thank you come again

All right that’s my turn uh it’s me now right yeah because that yeah yes oh dang darn good scarce I didn’t you still aren’t in jail bud two three five six seven eight nine four oh another Palace I’m good I don’t have the money to uh upper decker and Steve’s toilet

One two three four five six seven don’t have the money for this nice nice so we can we auction grumpy Palace oh I didn’t have the money for this either I don’t I don’t know from in jail well I don’t think you have to auction

Them yeah I was gonna say I’m in jail do you want me to auction for oh uh I can do anything you want to in this version okay in this version Jerome runs the underground mob I can do anything in here anyways uh actually just save time we can probably

Do anything do you want to auction oh technically I should have auctioned one I forgot about that rule yeah like I think we all did because we all landed angry dude I I don’t want that so do you just want to afford to go auctioning yeah let’s let’s just for go okay ignore

It because no one yes if we can buy it we can buy it yeah all right that’s my turn then Alan guo though making my day dude amazing yeah just that was insane Instant Karma wow loved it Jerry turn yeah oh geez dang darn gorse I’m stuck

In jail you start your jail all right I got you oh geez I might get stuck in jail with you bud six one two three four five oh Jesus now what do you have to pay me I had to pay 12. 12 whole dollars yep twelve dollars that was my 200.

No Lou just kind of tossed out the floor in front of me while I was trying to get your money ready I mean hey I’m not gonna complain it’s not my fault all right is that your turn bud yeah that’s mine all right let’s do it six

One two three four five six go collect 200 Luke a good man if you please Luke 100. not two two thousand not two in one 201s all right uh Jerry man you’re up all right um this is my third one so what like I’ve do I automatically oh then you yeah

You just roll on whatever you get if it’s not done yeah you still you know get out and yeah but he’s got to pay the 50. okay yeah and then you all right so I’m right over here no matter what um oh here we go

Ah there’s five um so I owe you 50 bucks and that puts me at the final round Road so now on every railroad I’ll take it but I need to mortgage something um shampoo works I’m gonna mortgage so that’s 75 so keep the 75 and here is the

Others that’s 100 and here’s 200. and now I own every railroad guys and then over there uh you got it Luke thank you okay did you see what the time I guess blade said because it’s coming from the server no one ever wins with railroads I guess we’ll see

I think we’ve had multiple wins on railroads yep oh yeah it’s my turn this is the weirdest out of order Day Ever one two or five six seven eight nine it’s my birthday happy birthday where are you ten dollars from all blit thank you thank you my turn my turn

My turn my turn no I have ten dollars I don’t want to pay him ten dollars well you got it to be you then anyways pay him ten dollars all right now it’s my turn did you get doubles uh no three in a second two three four

Six seven eight my own light blue okay that’s uh that’s my turn all right now it’s your turn oh too bad was Steve’s but it’s not anymore what a shame what a shame I can’t afford it so GG get good Bob me boy eight one two three four five six seven

Oh how much do I owe you a drum you have all four right yeah for real or is this 200. oh man there you go oh you picked up the the extra railroad that I had yeah you had to you guys allowed that yeah what are we supposed to do about it yeah

I can’t believe you guys allowed that to happen well I mean we had no choice he’s the one that landed on it the instead is that your turn yeah I won all right seven one two three I can’t believe I got five dropped out seven that is so

Railroad all right then Mr Allen that’s another railroad yep it’s 200. I think he’s gonna win just despite blade um uh Luke can I have 17 back because it’s 83 dollars to unmortgage that’s very good try throwing very good possibility didn’t even do half a heart one two

Three four five six seven all right there it is my turn you know what’s crazy Jerome the greens actually made a difference this time yeah right nobody ever goes for greens nah because they’re bad I mean they made a difference yeah I’m doing something but they’re not it’s not a good one

Oh that doesn’t matter I don’t have houses you got lucky this is Steve I don’t know about that it’s Monopoly it’s pretty much all luck based on where people land wow two one two I’m gonna use a chest yeah I collect 200. now Luke you’re not even doing a half hard

Still didn’t do anything anyways six one two three four five six on bone Street where’s dead where is he there is does that even know where he’s dead no way yeah all right my turn what he said how much do I own yeah give him a 20.

Luke missed oh I guess he owes me now all right my turn nine one two three four five six seven eight nine oh drums forehead 35 bucks it’s actually let’s go okay amount instead is not here get out of here so this message by steadfast O’s

Luke have you ever what do they do oh I said you owe me two bucks wow I I thought they just you know stud we’re a knockoff blastomos what’s that uh I don’t know just however much Jerome paid me oh it’s my turn he he gave me a 10.

Uh wait no he gave me a 10. for the for the 35. good enough said you owe me two bucks by the way six I paid you 20. uh two dollars one for 18 rent thank you really got a nickel and dime instead that’s the only way

Must be made of titanium or something dude they’re just bouncing right off look at this they’re not even touching him yet yeah I did oh I’ve been waiting for you okay one well no it’s fine I guess five six I didn’t know you were done so uh now I’m done

It was on my own place all right four one two three four I’ll buy Luke’s right toe so can you just give me 140 bucks for passing go Luke you gotta keep your toes intact come on man thanks for your toes keep track of your toes pal uh and that’s my turn

All right one two three four five six seven that’s not too bad oh it’s only 150 wow it’s gonna say it could be way worse all right is that your turn instead there you go good sir yeah that was my turn bam nine one two three four five six seven eight

Nine ah come on you’ll attacks oh that’s rough uh all right it’s money going to the government my turn yeah that’s steads so you get eight whole dollar instead can I have 12 back Willy with a five dollar Sherman said I don’t know why Chad thinks it’s my birthday my birthday isn’t until

Bro you just gotta keep inventory Luke I need I need uh ones please it’s right in front of me once please thank you all right Jerome uh wait so is that your turn um and I before I end it I’m going to put into interns running away um yeah he does that so

Can you put four houses on actually four houses this one for us on that one in a hotel on this one yep making them pretty bad and then I agree my things good stuff you missed Luke yeah is it isn’t it stead’s Turners no oh yeah Jerome’s just ended up okay

I got you one sec I’ll uh uh five one two three there you go you’re now immune to The Intern okay I learned my own property so monk your turn all right three one two three Luke I need uh drum I owe you two bucks let’s go let’s

Go big money thank you my turn no it’s my turn no my turn no such turn yeah yeah it’s your turn your turn your turn your turn now all right my God dropped I’m at free parking Zone one two three four six seven and eight and I do not have

The money to afford that and it was double so I roll again another eight one two three four five six seven eight can’t afford it all right relatable all right nine one two three four five six seven eight nine visit jail so that’s uh that’s my turn Jerry man all right

Ten that sends me to jail whoa yay all right dude I keep going to jail all of a sudden lock me that’s good for you though there’s no if I land on any of the paintings I just instantly bankrupt don’t lose anything I think that’s gonna be me too here next turn

That was double so I had to roll again five one I just destroyed the economy Luke can I get you my economy and you destroyed my economy for destroying your economy monk you’re destroying my economy your attorney you’ve destroyed my hopes and dreams anyways 12. one

All right and 12 and with the get out of jail free nice that’s not super helpful three one two three IO drum two hundred dollars again send it through the window well there is a window there should be look at that is it my turn it might be I mean yeah yeah

Luke here’s 200 turn them into hotels please joint s I’m dead almost I almost got him one two three four five six seven eight oh nine I said you sell it he’s gonna be selling the needle what happened where’d you land hold on I’m gonna go let him out [Laughter] [Laughter] what did you roll though I rolled uh I rolled a nine oh still over 90 bucks at least so that’s unfortunate though it’s something but you got a ton do you just carry an infinite amount of ones the intern pay me in 50 something ones earlier and I’ve just been trying

To get rid of them I just want to say I took 32 ones out of the economy as well great thanks so much all right let’s see what are we gonna get a seven two three four five six seven it’s a green nobody cares anyways my turn is done oh that was easy

Yeah I’m kind of in the part where there’s not much going on over here I’m with you anyways uh you’re up Mr Mr Man yeah I have oh no sorry I’m still in jail LOL you’re stuck you imagine bro one or eight all right I got a day off boys

I’ll be enjoying it come on it’s your turn six one two three four five six you’ll attacks again you did it yay all right my turn that’s it for me five all right I I think I have to get one out here’s 50 bucks it goes right back to jail

And railroad all right that’s my turn 11. one two Bob storm I hope you guys have had a fantastic day so far thanks for being here it’s a green no one cares all right this game this game is essentially just nickel and dimestead and I I got a six yeah two

Three four five six and I’m on Mojang tax hooray yay anyways that’s my turn like I was saying nickel and dime stead and I until one of us is unfortunate enough to land on the pink Luke come on dude it’s just come on man he threw out the 200 ago

Like I could get it oh my God I’m not picking it up just to pay you all right all right my turn oh yeah that’s your turn three one two three I have landed on stead’s card opener way so many times yeah thanks man yeah

Yeah you can have it on the ones you gave me all right that’s my turn oh buddy nine one are any of you even close to bankruptcy oh God a hundred bucks wait in small businesses come from uh before uh or right after jail oh you

Were running after jail yeah she got a nine that should be you landed on go yeah oh it’s on go okay yeah right here okay yeah okay so I just missed out I was gonna be so upset if I landed on drugs nose and I couldn’t

All right yeah so you turn Bud yep that’s it seven one two three four five six seven that’s it I’m out I’ve bankrupted to the Jerry man I landed on one of his pinks really yep ah you bro broke someone give it to Stead no dude

To bankrupt me for stead I would I wouldn’t be that upset I mean it is dead I you know yeah honestly like it’s it’s a stead Victory you can’t ask for much more in the Buddies all right I’m rolling five one two three four five stands you own the most random

Properties and it’s infuriating yeah I know that was the point where are you right here what one was it it was oh it was explosion Gardens wasn’t it no I was bones Drive I think oh Street yeah of course that owns that one uh eight one fitting at least

Six seven it’s at least fitting uh we’re good are you just staying yeah I landed on uh your uh anti-stud Drive okay um all right my turn Dan five one two Jesse doesn’t want his money Luke oh oh wait do I own that one dude yeah I think you do it’s 12 right

There you go oh six well oh okay yeah I have no idea what’s happening right now okay I had five uh and I was on bone street so one two three four okay back over here all right that’s my turn cap eight three four five six seven 25 just making more money

Thank you my turn yep yep eight one two three four five six seven eight chance uh fifty dollars he’s gonna pay you 50 ones oh my God it’s hot one two three four five six seven nine ten uh 22 I owe Jerome yay Fork it over

This game has been who can nickel and dime the other person the most yeah no seriously yeah yeah it’s it’s a monopoly for you drum did you not want your ones what do you do yeah I thought you I tossed them out you just didn’t pick them up okay there we go Ted

So that’ll be one after the railroad and I had doubles so then I have to go again one two three four five all right that’s my turn all right six two three five six oh I have 200 go to jail I also have 200 for passing go internet well wait

Who’s who’s going to jail no just give me two 100 bills I’m not taking them in one oh no hold on just dead Luke I want to redeem my card you redeemed the next one instead okay ten eleven in the Slime back on bone street so here’s your eighteen dollars

One two three one why am I not dropping anything I don’t um the wrong person I caught I picked up like a five I think there you go all right cool you all right give me that too this is essentially a game of waiting to see how long stead

Can keep a voice oh dad keep in mind your no said you’re oh yeah you start over here on day off okay so I’ll just go down there okay my turn yep five one two three four five all right that’s my turn 11. I’m guessing that’s just right after still for sale

Right 300 that’s one two three four five six all right that’s my turn I’m still waiting on instead just to bankrupt already I know I am how much money do you make I have like four hundred dollars okay so if you hit my picks you’re done yeah you’re cooked that’s

What I’m waiting for is instead you could have put houses on your oranges and then had at least some sort of chance oh yeah well I did and then I kept getting like ruined so I kept having to keep my money climbing back up so I will once we get closer to there

Okay I just didn’t have the money at the time also it’s your turn I landed right next to you hi okay one two three four and then it’s one after remember um uh you know what can you just give me 100 for passing go and I’m gonna buy this

Instead how much do you do you want to trade at all for banana ever no I mean not really all right I mean it’s not much of a help to either one of us at this point it’d be a helpful give me a monopoly yeah exactly um all right that’s my turn

All right uh Luke I want to put some houses down since Jerome’s over there let’s see one house that’s 150. living life on the edge he’s Living Like Larry there you go 200 one on all three how much money did you give him 200. aren’t those 100 a piece no the

Says 70 or it says 80 70 and then 28. oh no that’s the houses how much is it with for the houses it’s a it’s a hundred per okay there you go Jerry man my turn five one two three four five I landed on part opener way for the 8

000th time ah thanks bud I knew that run was the only company payoff yeah like honestly that was beautiful thank you all right your turn all right I have to go back over here to roll four one two three we’re still actually come back bankrupt and it’ll all be ogre I can’t

Afford that can’t afford that uh oh okay your nose your nose is so expensive Jerome I just can’t afford it dance Advanced to stead feet games and I also rolled down again which one’s deadbeat games this one I have no it’s literally roll okay so I moved too old dead feet um

All right whatever I don’t need it six oh my God if that’s jail that is jail is that jail oh my God that’s dude this is drum the first one to go into jail I’ve been in jail countless times well yeah I know I’m just asking if you’re the first

Person jailed no I was just all right all right instead you’re up buddy is that oh I accidentally hit my mute button uh I’m on your railroads oh 200 bucks yep so um How’s it going in there do you need a spoon to get yourself out or are you good file cake or Fork preferred Fork I all right I I’ll try to get you up for it all right my turn um five so I’m stuck in jail instead you’re up buddy uh

All right it’s on the house six one two three four five and six it’s been done Jerome you win you landed on the picks yep come on out g g freedom there it is everyone so now it’s time for my favorite part of every live stream the pot well we blow up

Lesser rare but you know what I’m thinking Luke I’m thinking we do something a little drum yeah where are you what’s wrong I got something for you uh yeah instead I won’t need a fork where I’m going oh God oh this is a newer version of Minecraft

I can’t do the fireball command yeah okay so we’re gonna have to have fun the old-fashioned way so TNT well yes but through these or are you just making the giant thing of it yes don’t you worry stead I got the perfect thing and they thought the map was sick

And they thought everything would be fine oh my god dude you gotta stack at least four of them oh maybe five oh and I’m going big don’t you worry hmm that one’s not connected hold up that’ll be fine they’re gonna hit each other instead with that many people

Around this just gotta make sure just gotta make sure you know connect to the oh someone lit one guys the server it’s all going down and down the server goes High Minecraft’s crashing yeah yeah I didn’t actually crash yet that’s good I guess we got oh wait it’s still going yeah

We gotta just make sure oh rage beef up the servers oh don’t worry don’t worry we just need a little bit more in there oh that was starting to oh my now it’s starting to like oh there we go uh GG so that’s gonna do it for the

Livestream everyone We’re not gonna have to talk to the third segment today but that’s all right we’ll be back tomorrow for some more fun times thank you for joining us I hope you all had a great one and of course like I said I’ll see you tomorrow take care bye bye

Have a nice evening

This video, titled ‘Exploding Custom TNT In Minecraft TNT Wars’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-09-11 21:44:11. It has garnered 21208 views and 921 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:44 or 11324 seconds.

Exploding Custom TNT In Minecraft TNT Wars Server IP: Bedrock: (Port 19132) Discord: Sponsored by UnderBlock ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me on Twitter: 📷 Follow My Instagram: 👍 Like me on Facebook: 📱 Check out my Snapchat: JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Friends @sitemusic88 @Dropsy @CaptainBlastem @SteadfastGamesYT @Monkey1n2 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Production Music courtesy of

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  • EPIC Minecraft Map: CaptainSparklez’s Ultimate Adventure

    EPIC Minecraft Map: CaptainSparklez's Ultimate AdventureVideo Information you know how the sign of a really good movie is when you think about it throughout the following day I think this is the first time that’s ever happened to me with a Minecraft map this is kacha Labs 3 and after thinking about it the last day I pretty firmly believe it’s the best Minecraft map ever made obviously that’s a pretty bold claim and we played Maps like diversity 3 Canadians escape map on the main Channel and even that recent box pushing puzzle map this channel but in terms of an overall experience story… Read More

  • INSANE ARMORED CARS in Minecraft!!

    INSANE ARMORED CARS in Minecraft!!Video Information [Music] e [Music] d [Music] o [Music] o oh [Music] a [Music] This video, titled ‘British Armored Cars (1) – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Vitiv on 2024-04-23 16:00:32. It has garnered 76 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:06 or 246 seconds. How to build British armored cars in Minecraft. – CHARACTERISTICS – ⊳ Type: Armored car ⊳ Nation: United Kingdom – VEHICLES IN THIS VIDEO – From left to right: ⊳ Morris Light Reconnaissance Car ⊳ Humber Scout Car ⊳ Humber Light Reconnaissance Car ⊳ Humber Armoured Car ⊳ Daimler Dingo ⊳ Daimler… Read More

  • Join HearthCraft SMP – Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft SMP Server About: HearthCraft is an economy-based SMP server that has been providing a griefer-free experience since October 2018. Key Features: No server resets, world dates back to July 2019 No pay-to-win perks Monthly resource world resets Live map available at Active economy system with player shops, warps, and auctions Technical Information: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect and inventory rollback Additional Details: Website: Discord: Rules: IP: Statistics: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Torching Minecraft memes!.

    That’s more points than I’ll ever get in a game of Minecraft! Read More

  • Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore!

    Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore! In the world of Minecraft, a celebration is near, With capes and discounts, there’s much to cheer. Twitch and TikTok capes, brand new and bright, For Bedrock Edition, a colorful sight. To get the Twitch cape, watch a streamer live, Wait for a code, then redeem and thrive. For TikTok cape, watch a stream on the app, Get a code, redeem it, no need to clap. Minecraft’s 15th birthday, a special treat, Discounts and freebies, all so sweet. Don’t miss out on the fun, watch till the end, For Minecraft news, I’m your rhyming friend. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Trading: The Ultimate Hot Mess!

    Minecraft Villager Trading: The Ultimate Hot Mess! “When you accidentally trade your diamond sword for a piece of dirt in Minecraft, and suddenly realize you’ve made a grave mistake. RIP to your weapon of mass destruction.” Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Minecraft with Dwellers: EP1

    100 Days Surviving Minecraft with Dwellers: EP1 Sobreviviendo 100 Días en Minecraft con Dwellers: Night Dweller EP1 En este emocionante video de Minecraft, cada 2 días aparece un nuevo dweller, lo que promete desafíos y momentos inolvidables en el juego. ¡Prepárate para una aventura llena de acción y suspenso gracias al mod From The Fog! Explorando y Sobreviviendo El protagonista se embarca en una misión para sobrevivir 100 días en un mundo lleno de peligros y sorpresas. Desde la construcción de herramientas básicas hasta la búsqueda de refugio seguro, cada paso es crucial para garantizar la supervivencia. Con la aparición de nuevos dwellers cada pocos días,… Read More

  • Doctor Gone Mad! Minecraft Psychward SMP

    Doctor Gone Mad! Minecraft Psychward SMPVideo Information it’s happened it’s happening we were all quiet to make sure that going live was easy for you thank you I need I need the help uh make sure to add your tags I am I’m doing it right now Minecraft I know I know gambling new V New Vegas I did I I already copy pasted all the tags from the last one you know what put that one game with the raccoon in it for fun Indigo Park did you listen to the song that I sent you it goes too hard it has no way… Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who’s to Blame?!

    Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who's to Blame?!Video Information This video, titled ‘did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts #notsparky’, was uploaded by NOT SPARKY on 2024-03-15 03:30:13. It has garnered 10351 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshorts

    INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funny Minecraft😊|| CRAFTY || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by CRAFTY on 2024-03-26 07:58:38. It has garnered 9489 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. ALLAH MUHAMMAD Funny Minecraft😊|| PIXEL PLAYZ || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts minecraft , minecraft funny , minecraft animation , funny minecraft , funny , funniest minecraft clips , minecraft funny moments , funny minecraft animation , funny minecraft memes , cash minecraft , craziest minecraft clips , minecraft shorts , minecraft pe , the funniest minecraft clips of 2023 , minecraft 2023 , minecraft… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!

    Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!Video Information This video, titled ‘999 iq prank’, was uploaded by Krrish solanki on 2024-03-12 04:25:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mems #meme #minecraft 999 iq prank @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2@minecraft @PewDiePie @dream … Read More

  • Johny’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shocking

    Johny's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shockingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Johny on 2024-03-25 19:22:02. It has garnered 11100 views and 367 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • “Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!” #minecraft #shorts

    "Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information [Musik] than This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 08:30:12. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook:… Read More

  • Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!

    Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!Video Information This video, titled ‘PVP with Herobrine “TOP 3 Youtubers”‘, was uploaded by Not Deadliest Gaming on 2024-03-27 11:44:22. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:47 or 287 seconds. “I’m just your average gamer. I love to play, but it’s even better when I get to share my passion for gaming with others.” 2. The “General” Gaming Channel Description “I love playing games of all types and genres! From FPS to MMOs, RPGs to RTS, if you can punch in a controller,… Read More

  • Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!

    Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server W/ my Daughter || Underwater End Portal Build || Pt. 1’, was uploaded by TheWrightFather on 2024-05-08 10:30:01. It has garnered 75 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:37 or 2797 seconds. My daughter asked me to build something we could put the end portal in. (I found out our end portal in our world was destroyed when spawned in) Read More

  • Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine – Surprising Results!

    Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine - Surprising Results!Video Information e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he a [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I get [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘which tools minecraft is faster experiment?’, was uploaded by DarkMine on 2024-05-25 17:00:22. It has garnered 283 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. which tools minecraft is faster… Read More

  • 1ifeStealerz

    1ifeStealerzBest Fair Life Steal Server ACTIVE STAFF AND HIRING MORE 24/7 online New Players Always Welcome And If Any Help Is Needed We Respond To Tickets And Chats Fast. Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Map Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong discord community and active players. No hacking/duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ What escaping spawn looks like: Watch video Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️

    Minecraft Memes - RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️I guess that villager really needs to rethink his commute strategy – maybe invest in a Minecart or something! Read More

  • Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch

    Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch In the world of Minecraft, Ellie Finch takes the lead, Using the game for therapy, fulfilling a need. With creativity and adventure, she helps young minds, Building safe spaces, unlocking what they hide behind. Minecraft as a tool, like a digital sand tray, Helping kids express, in a unique way. From castles to caves, the possibilities are vast, Bridging the gap, making therapy last. For those who struggle with traditional talk, Minecraft offers a new way to walk. Through grief and challenges, Ellie guides the way, Training others to use Minecraft, every day. From hospices to schools, the impact… Read More

  • Starman’s Minecraft Mixtape: Out of this World!

    Starman's Minecraft Mixtape: Out of this World! Why did the Starman bring a pickaxe to Minecraft? Because he heard there were diamonds in the sky! #miningforlaughs #starman #minecraftmemes Read More

JeromeASF – Exploding Custom TNT In Minecraft TNT Wars