JJ and Mikey’s EPIC Momo and MINIONS.EXE Hideout! 😱

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What a beautiful day it is today it’s good that we decided to walk outside to unwind I’m already tired of sitting at home look it’s a monster it seems to be chasing us let’s run away from it maybe this is Momo what is she doing here we

Need to hide from her because she might just eat us it’s good that she decided to run past us and not pursue us yeah we were lucky in this regard we can almost go to that building and see what’s in the yellow box the building looks like

An abandoned Factory that’s sad news for us please give me the pickaxe and I can break this yellow barrier to see what’s inside thank you very much for giving it to me I’m very grateful to you it seems there’s some yellow minion inside another monster we need to run away from

It or we’ll also be eaten let’s hide where we hid last time yeah let’s hide there it’s very scary fortunately it can’t see us and its eyes only look straight it can’t turn them we just have to wait for a few waves and we’ll be free great the minion also passed us let

Me show you something I prepared specifically for such cases it looks like a zombie apocalypse is starting now because the number of monsters in our universe has multiplied many times this is very bad show me I’m very interested to see your sudden idea very interesting why did you build these bunkers and what

Can’t be here it’s very dangerous maybe you’ll tell me the truth that you’ve been hiding from me all these years okay I’ll tell you everything listen carefully it’s a very interesting story I deliberately built this building for a very long time since I was five I collected minions of different colors I

Have not only yellow but also red and green Minions even some unknown character I’ll show it later next we’ll have to wait for the parkour because I don’t want just anyone to get in here I won’t let anyone in except us remember there’s only one thing I can tell you we

Won’t go outside anymore because the zombie apocalypse has begun but we’ll see that a little later what is this why is it different from others and what is a zombie apocalypse why will it happen if there were no zombies here I heard an ancient legend that when the yellow

Minion arrives and scares us it will release a very complex evil into the world that will pursue everyone it can reach and one so my bunker came in handy it releases Evil zombies that will eat us look this little room was made specifically to distract everyone who

Comes here this is something like a control center that can manage the entire complex that I built this is a very cool place I spent a lot of money please don’t ruin it I’ll tell you how to use it a little later please be careful as it may take some time why did

You build such a huge Parkour in this world it’s impossible I’m sorry I just wanted to protect myself from a crowd of zombies that could get in here in fact this whole building is a model my bunker is in a slightly different place we need to go through all these trials to find

Out the truth don’t be afraid because I’m ready to help you You’re great don’t be upset I believe in you your parkour is not as difficult but zombies won’t come here for sure especially if there’s lava underneath thank you very much for your support you are my great friend I love

You very much and I want us to continue to look for new adventures I tried very hard and I I want to tell you one thing you’re my best friend and I’ll never let you go thank you for that when will we go to the second floor to find out what’s

There I’m very interested since I’ve never been there and it’s completely new to me I have a ladder now I will put it up and we will go up to the second floor this way we can fall asleep what is there look there are Fighters here I

Especially hit it here to be able to undermine it later but it seems it can’t fly since I assembled it I should have assembled it at the airport dismantling my deer so I’ll give you Dynamite now and you’ll blow it up it’s a very ingenious step on your part but I didn’t

Expect you to be like that maybe we shouldn’t blow it up because Dynamite will create a jealous shock wave that will destroy part of your bunker I wouldn’t want that especially since you say there will be a zombie apocalypse and it could jeopardize our safety I wouldn’t want to risk my safety

Especially from my best friend you’re the best friend in the world let’s go faster we’re almost at my bunker by the way this is a bus I thought I would ride it here but it turns out I can’t leave this place because there’s no Road it’s

A brilliant move on your part but I think it’s wrong why go through so many trials on the way to the bunker if you won’t make it there yourself zombies will attack sooner and I’m not much faster than you zombies have a develop structure that helps them do you

Understand what I’m saying don’t worry we’ve already reached my bunker look there’s everything we need to live for many years two beds a computer the internet light and our own generator I’ll tell you one thing I want to show you the external cameras please take a look because that’s what trippy wanted

To see right now and find out the truth about what’s happening in the world if you’re trying to tell me that the zombie apocalypse has already happened I’ll never believe it but it seems I have to because your ability to predict the future doesn’t bring me much joy I

Hope there’s something worthwhile out there just take a look at this computer because everything is happening in real time now let’s see what’s happening outside our world it’s very interesting to know it seems you’re right the minion is releasing evil into the world these zombie hordes will just attack us I hope

You have some way to counter these zombies I wouldn’t want them to come to our bunker along with other unknown monsters I’m very scared of them minions are very dangerous creatures and I’ll tell you only one thing we may not succeed because we may not have the

Strength to fight all this evil I don’t want to offend you but it seems that’s what will happen we’ll all have to live in this bunker for many years to come to save ourselves we need to live frugally I don’t want to upset you but it seems

We have no other way this is what awaits in the future this is terrible what do we do now maybe there will be some other option for all of this or do we need to take some action I feel like you have some backup plan tell me please yes

Indeed I have a backup plan orbital Cannon I specially prepared it for these cases I can use it at any moment you just need to go to the computer and control it it’s specifically linked to my own satellite flying in the Galaxy on any request it will fly to Earth and be

Controlled like a camera I didn’t didn’t expect this from you well let’s try now I’ll sit down at the computer again and try to destroy all the zombie orbital guns that you will prepare for us it’s incredibly real controlling a satellite I wonder if it can shoot I have to

Destroy all these zombies look a beam is accumulating that shoots and destroys blocks this is incredible this is an orbital Cannon tell me how much did you spend on inventing this cannon I wouldn’t want to reveal my secrets but I’ll say for sure that it’s more than $3

Billion because it’s very expensive and every shot of yours is another $2 million from my pocket so please let’s save the shots tell me what’s happening there I can only tell him one thing the zombie apocalypse has come and I won’t be able to save your shots from the

Orbital Cannon I’ll have to spend your millions for each shot unfortunately something terrible happens and all we have left is this gun okay I understand you it’s okay everything will be fine what is this this can’t be what did you find there come closer please it’s very interesting to find out it looks

Incredibly similar it’s some kind of portal or the center of these minions it seems that through it we can neutralize them can you make a portal nearby to teleport there and then destroy everything I am returning the satellite to its place now we will go there through the portal that I created

I hope you can overcome everything that you have of course I can it’s not a problem for me I’ve already done everything you just need to enter this portal with me I’ll give you everything you need to participate in the battle on equal terms I think blowing up dynamite

Will be enough let’s try to do it we’ll go outside now please be careful be we’re on the roof of the building look this is the exact place where I observed everything from the orbital Cannon look there are broken Fighters and many zombies it seems the military

Tried to do something but they failed because they’re not strong enough to participate in these battles please don’t do this I’m very afraid and honestly don’t know what to do I wasn’t prepared for this I thought we’d sit in a bunker and wait out the zombie apocalypse and then rebuild it I’m sorry

But it seems we won’t be able to do anything here it seems we lost this battle and we’ll have to live in the still I’ll try and give you everything you need to neutralize this portal that controls the minions and zombies destroying this world take a little it

Will help you in the future I think you can use it and become a superhero thank you so much for supporting me right now good luck to you I hope everything works out for you and with the help of this radiant Diamond I am turning into a cool

Superhero so let’s start friends now I’ll forget about turning into a superhero with the help of this rainbow diamond and be able to fly surely I’ll be able to not only fly but also travel through time I need to destroy this portal so that no one else can get

Caught in it now I’ll winterize it and with the help of dynamite I’ll blow it up I hope I can destroy all of this it’s good that I still have a weapon that doesn’t require much strength and skill I’ll set up a lot of dynamite now which

I’ll later ignite and with its help I’ll be able to destroy all the evil on this planet I hope I can make it because I’m trying very hard to save this world of Illusions in this big basement look indeed I destroyed this portal now I can

Go back home and see what my friend will say about it now I’m turning back perfectly I’m doing well what have you done you destroyed the portal and now all the zombies have come to us destroy them immediately I’ll wait for you in another room of my bunker what have I

Done now a bunch of zombies are in our bunker they can break vital systems of this bunker after that we definitely won’t survive because the generator or something else might break what do we do now can we escape from here or not it’s good that I have blocks to build

Everything I hope everything will be fine and I haven’t done anything wrong I really want to believe that everything will be okay in the future what have you done now we’ll stay here forever you destroyed the portal and these zombies broke all the communication in this bunker we can live here without problems

But we won’t be able to get back I’m really upset about this we’ll have to spend all the remaining time in this bunker don’t cry please everything will be fine we’re together and we’ll find a way out of this don’t worry yes you’re right it seems like I overreacted let’s

Sleep and then we’ll see what awaits us in the future don’t worry great idea sleep always helps because if we’re well rested we can achieve more than when we’re tired 2 hours hours later I remember that it was fun then hello guys discount only today the latest phone at

A very low price buy it soon yes I’ll take it I just don’t have a normal phone wow now I’m cool this is the latest brand he’s very beautiful okay cool hey what are a bunch of cops doing here we know that you stole the phone why did

You do it my friend just bought it well stop lying we’ll have to arrest you there was no need to steal phones well why did you give the phone to that Resident who is he anyway why are there so many guards near him don’t worry I think we’ll sort this out somehow it’s

Illegal to imprison us just like that after all we didn’t steal the phone well really this is some kind of chaos if he’s a rich dude it doesn’t mean that he can do everything and take away my phone what’s going on it seems like a wheel has fallen off

The car sit here I need to fix it oh we still lack this here I have a brilliant plan just be quiet I understand what you mean I’m quietly going to to change seats then you take my place I drive and we accelerate the main thing is that he

Doesn’t suspect and supposedly takes longer to repair his car a little more and we’ll leave here imagine how the cop will go nuts hooray we did it he fixed it and we left only I don’t know where to go well let’s just drive when we see some buildings or houses there and stop

This is exactly where we can probably stop well why do we need to go for scrap metal are you planning to drive around the city in a police car firstly this way they will find us faster secondly it’s illegal well I don’t even know I don’t think we’ll be able to sell it

Easily why is this don’t you think there will be many questions about this being a police car well now we’ll find out is anyone there open the doors we’ve come to sell the car for scrap metal hello guys show me what kind of car you want to return let’s go there I

Parked it a little further that’s actually our swallow strange question number one where did you get the police car where are you cops too do you have an ID well it was as if a friend gave it to us and he is a policeman and told us

To start it for scrap metal yes but it’s really true why it doesn’t suit you it’s in perfect condition read the rules how can I take your car if the rules say you can’t and question number two why are you renting it out we are renting it out

Because a friend no longer wanted to drive it but wants a new one well I don’t even know I need to think take it soon the car is perfect at least take it for yourself oh I don’t know I don’t know I decided no everyone leave me

Alone damn how he pisses me off disgusting guy why did didn’t he like this car I can’t stand it I’m leaving well no let’s somehow solve this issue I just don’t know what to do anymore there is always a way out okay let’s just go to him directly and let’s take away

Those signs with the rules yes rules are made to be broken H let’s go he won’t have a choice later he’ll have to pick up this car okay let’s go quickly I want to get away from here quickly so first of all let’s destroy the rules now they

Don’t exist and police cars can also be rented out now let’s go to this guy if he doesn’t open it himself I’ll really take take the door down he’s in trouble open it now you have to serve all the customers damn you come on open it or

You won’t have a door in the house well what do you need the rules state that police cars are not allowed should I show you again well where I don’t see such rules now you are obliged to pick up our car we are your clients and there

Are no arguments to refuse us okay let’s take a look again and then I’ll tell you how much money hey do you want to run away you decided to fool us no take your money and leave this car hoay we did it but you have some very mky story I can’t

Believe that this is your friend’s car stole and decided to sell it to me no what give us the money quickly and we’ll go so as not to argue with you oh thanks okay we ran we have a lot to do huray we did it but we are still wanted we got

Rid of the car but outwardly they recognize us look this is a surgery center they can change our appearance there yes exactly then we won’t look like ourselves and accordingly the cops won’t find us yes this is what we need now so let’s go quickly oh I also want

Them to change my eye color do they do this it’s probably very dangerous well or I’ll just buy some lenses for myself look how beautiful it is here to be honest it’s like being in some kind of Temple yeah well where can we find doctors here without doctors the

Operation will not work I understand but where to look for them hello we need to radically change our appearance who can help us with this hello we welcome you to our Surgery Clinic here we perform various surgeries to enhance your aeal appearance Now give me some money

Otherwise I don’t have it I understand that you need to be completely changed yes exactly so that we won’t be recognized if possible as soon as possible I don’t know what about sooner the operation lasts 2 hours and the wait for the doctor is unknown I give you a

Receipt and you sit down in the waiting area the doctor will come and take you one by one for the operation super this is great please check with your doctor for any changes in appearance okay thanks again we are waiting for the doctor have you ever had such operations

No what about you no I’m very scared come on you go first please Mikey please follow me to the operation to change your appearance well why am I the first I’m scared good luck to you friend well what should I do for such a long time 2

Hours later oh it seems mine is coming God what a crazy person you are well now you follow me please come in and let your friend wait oh God I didn’t think it would be so scary just walking into the office we just radically change our appearance like a friend one eternity

Later oh where am I what’s happening to me hey let me go nothing you were at the operation and are now recovering from anesthesia everything is fine don’t worry go to your friend he’s waiting for you there but I think you’re even funnier with that hair what kind of hair do I

Have you have blue hair friend oh to hell with this the main thing is that we have changed yes but now there is a problem our passport data with our old appearance oh really if they ask us for a passport and say that it’s not us in

The photo this is the passport office I was talking about we’ll just go there saying that we lost our documents and we’ll quickly make new ones for ourselves brilliant I hope they believe that you and I lost our documents at the same time hello resident my friend and I

Lost our documents and we urgently need new ones okay please deposit the amount and your documents will be ready how fast if you don’t disturb me then in a couple of seconds do you hear don’t disturb the person and you just stand there and do nothing I always negotiate

For everything and cry Y Man here’s your pass oh thank you very much give some more to my friend and again I’m paying for him you’re a I could have paid myself well why didn’t you pay people let’s not start a scandal here you need to quarrel please leave our

Passport office we don’t need screaming here okay please forgive us we won’t do that here’s your second passport I have never had such disgusting clients thank you you also insulted me nice let’s get out of here everyone here is kind of toxic they don’t understand jokes damn

Um what are you doing here well that’s it guys so you got caught we’ve been looking for you for a very long time you think we won’t recognize you when did you have surgical operations on yourself we were watching you and we have all the evidence that it was definitely you and

Now you won’t be able to escape anywhere you will serve time for stealing a phone a police car and generally running away here we go again what kind of nonsense are you talking about everything is closed you don’t have any say in this and we’re the only ones talking I’ll

Repeat it again you’re sitting here for a reason but we didn’t violate anything we have all the video evidence where you sell our car and change your appearance you can’t escape from prison and the police so easily come into the office we’ll show you everything hello take a

Seat now we’ll play all the recordings from the cameras for you you didn’t Rebel and say you were innocent blah blah blah I don’t even want to listen to all this it’s all photo shop so who is it that’s selling our police car for scrap metal shame on you well it’s not

Us look I have blue hair and there are some dark ones there that means it’s not me well then after you handed over our car you went to the Surgery Center where you changed your previous appearance to this one I hope I explained everything clearly to you and now there will be no

Screams or questions follow me I’m forced to put you in jail into the camera Mikey just speak quietly it’s us in the video well what should we do about it I have no more ideas I honestly don’t know how we can get out of this situation why are you Whispering there

More than two are talking out loud quickly told everything Well you certainly don’t have the right to do that we can talk to each other talked a lot more sitting in this same cell for several months and maybe years what do you mean you’re seriously going to leave

Us in jail well it’s not fair we didn’t kill anyone well and it’s good that they didn’t kill me I’m all gone why are you guys here aren’t you bored I have good news for you that rich resident who took your phone back at the beginning wants

To Ransom you but in return you will work on his site of course we agree just let us out of here why did he suddenly decide to have mercy on us oh I don’t know I don’t give a damn anymore the main thing is that we’ll be free hello

Thanks for letting us out of jail nothing would have happened without the police and I didn’t let you out quit proquo I hope you get out and you will help me work on my side yes no problem you know how many such plots we removed and built how many houses well here is

My little house wow little one this is a huge house stupid my jaw just dropped how are we going to clean up here in general it’s not difficult here to plant something water something snort something I think you can handle it if you need help please contact me well I’m

Shocked where where do they get the money to buy such dominas can I see the weapon yes only Ben put it in place wow this is a powerful weapon I’ve always dreamed of holding one in my hands we can shoot quietly while they’re all gone yes let’s do it imagine what a great

Life he has such a huge house a lot of cars his own security well I think I saw someone there well you killed her let’s not go far from home we need to work he got us out of prison so we need to pay

Back with help it seems to me or we were in prison where we didn’t have to do anything and ended up in prison where we had to clean the garden every day well like damn are we going to plow here every day now unclear how old I don’t

Know how I think it’s better than sitting in some kind of stone Booth not seeing sunlight I’m already tired of cleaning this up and to be honest it’s all starting to irritate me are we some kind of slaves God why are you so wound up I want to escape from here you’re

Doing a good good job and I like you I don’t want to lose you and if you try to leave on your own then my guards will find you in any case and then you will have a hard life sounds like a threat but we don’t plan to avoid it we like it

Here it’s great that you are happy with everything here I selected the most comfortable conditions so now I’ll show you something um are you serious right now and you’re saying that we need to remove all this yes and this mountain must be removed by tomorrow morning or

You will be punished well this can’t be done overnight we’ll die right here Mikey I told you so this is a bad idea I’m even afraid to imagine what they will do to us if we don’t make it in time they are cruel they don’t feel

Sorry for us they think that we are simple slaves indeed but we won’t just run away need a little Revenge oh yeah I like this Mikey better ha we’ll Rob them first they already have a lot of money which means there will be a lot of gold

And something expensive yes but the main thing is that they don’t set us on fire he scared me a little with his phrase that the guards will find us and it will be hard for us don’t worry it’s just intimidation his guards won’t be able to do anything it’s better to concentrate

And find something valuable God I found a whole box of money I’m taking every penny wow maybe now we can have a better life yes Mikey everything will be fine oh look I found your phone you bought it and this major resident took him away wow you’re the best I’ve dreamed of this

Since childhood when I bought it I was happy like a child and then I was disappointed ah but we can’t leave here without taking something else 100% we need to clean out this house completely we won’t leave anything valuable here look at some kind of iron door there’s probably something very

Expensive there how can we open it oh I don’t even know whether to knock it out or something damn what if there are keys to some Villa or just a pile of gold wow if there are piles of gold this is Trivial for you I’m just in shock holy

look at what bed this major is sleeping on didn’t he get too drunk by any chance there’s some kind of map here let’s better look for something more valuable don’t you understand this is the key to this iron door what’s serious wow I didn’t even think of that you’re

The head there might be someone there be careful again well look what’s behind the door I’m about to cry with happiness I want this gold that’s it please at least open this door hooray we made it now we can safely heat all the gold so Mikey where would you spend that money I

Would buy myself many many houses and many many cars it’s okay we’ll buy everything even with this gold you can buy it although there is not much of it here oh I already want to go change it for real money well everyone let’s go out the main thing is that we don’t get

Spotted yes let’s be careful so as not to meet this owner major we are all free now we can run wherever we want hooray we did it there’s still a way out here let’s go one day later Mikey wake up we’ve got stuff to do today M 5 more

Minutes please come on man we can’t afford to ler around rise and shine Mikey it’s time to get up today’s the last day of the year and we should Make It Count let’s go outside and do something memorable can’t we just celebrate from the comfort of my bed

Nope we’ve got to Bid Farewell to this year properly get dressed we’re hitting the streets all right all right I’m up Lead the Way New Year’s Enthusiast that’s the spirit you won’t regret it the air is filled with anticipation maybe not a mountain but we can climb a

Metaphorical Hill of memories come on it’ll be fun well first things first let’s grab some coffee to Kickstart the day then we’ll see where the city takes us look at that snowfall it’s like the world’s getting a fresh start for the new year absolutely beautiful isn’t it

Each snowflake is like a little piece of magic falling from the sky I never thought I’d say this but maybe getting out of bed was worth it for this see I told you sometimes Nature has its way of making us appreciate the simple things hey JJ do you mind clearing the pathway

From the snow it’s getting a bit too thick out there well someone’s got to do it and I’m feeling the call of the bed seriously I thought we were going to enjoy the beauty of the snow not become its servant of course the chosen one for

The snow Duty it’s like I signed up to be the official winter caretaker must be nice Mikey catching some while I’m out here in the frozen tundra one small step for snow removal one giant leap for well not having a snowy pathway at least the sky is clear maybe there’s hope for a

Less snowy year ahead wake up Sleeping Beauty the snow Warrior has returned is the snow defeated partially I’ve earned a temporary ceasefire but seriously you owe me big time tomorrow is the new year and you’re still in hibernation mode is it already New Year’s Eve feels like I

Just closed my eyes for a second okay I’m going to bed too one eternity later Mikey guess what we slept through the old year and now it’s officially the new year wait what did I miss the countdown or something yeah you were in deep Slumber mode but hey no worries we can

Still make the first day of the year memorable Mikey let’s go check out what Santa left for us under the tree it’s gift time finally something to wake me up I wonder what he brought uh Mikey did Santa get lost on his way here where are the presents did we make the naughty

List either that or Santa’s slle took a detour Mikey buddy what’s wrong why are you crying it’s just there are no presents no gifts from Santa it’s like the holiday magic is gone hey hey it’s okay maybe Santa had some logistical issues this year it doesn’t mean the

Magic is gone I just wanted something special you know a little surprised to start the year on a high note Mikey I’ve got an idea how about we embark on an expedition to uncover the mystery of why Santa didn’t show up with the presents an expedition like detectives on a

Mission exactly we’ll be the festive detectives of the day there has to be a reason and we’re going to find it Mikey it’s time to gear up for our Expedition I’ve got leather armor a stone sword and some snacks packed we’re ready for anything a stone sword really we’re not

Fighting dragons you know you never know what we might encounter on this Santa investigation better to be prepared onward my festive companion the trail of soot leads us to Adventure and we shall follow it wherever it may go and fear not for I shall defend us against any

Holiday themed villains that dare cross our path keep an eye out for anything unusual Santa must have left some Clues look at this Mikey a frozen lake I bet there’s some magic in this icy water Santa’s been here you think he took a shortcut across the Lake Mikey look we’ve stumbled upon Santa City this is where the magic happens it’s like a winter wonderland but where is everyone it’s like a Christmas ghost town where did everybody go let’s see if there are any clues maybe there’s a note or something explaining the empty Workshop this is strange the gift

Factory is supposed to be bustling with activity not this eerie silence it’s like they all disappeared where did Santa and the elves go let’s check that door over there maybe there’s a clue inside Mikey we’ve reached the reindeer stable the reindeer are here but where is Santa they seem calm not like they’re

Missing Santa what’s going on so Santa’s on a mission of spreading Joy beyond our city we’ve got reindeer Duty it seems Mikey let’s head to Santa’s Cottage maybe there’s a message or clue there explaining more about their grand Adventure Santa are you in there we’ve got questions dear honorary helpers

We’re off on a magical journey to share joy in new lands the presents are in the city the reindeer are ready what is this what is this passage Mikey let’s go see what it could be you can go there first and we will find out what is inside this

Passage in the fireplace secret passage this can’t be let’s see well we can’t let the holiday spirit vanish with everyone else Mikey check this out there’s a secret passage in the fireplace it’s like something out of a holiday adventure story a secret passage message maybe it leads to the heart of

The holiday magic let’s go explore this is amazing it’s like Santa’s Secret chamber ready for an adventure beyond our wildest holiday dreams absolutely let’s make this the most magical journey ever now we will undergo tests it looks like they will be difficult Mikey this is incredible it’s like a memory portal

Look at this it’s the time when I saved you ah I remember that I was stuck in the snow and you pulled me out good times it’s our test of kindness we’ve got to carry that same Spirit on our journey Mikey this memory is pure goodness look at us friends helping each

Other out in the snowy Wilderness it’s a reminder that kindness is at the heart of the holiday spirit hold on JJ look at this memory it’s the time when I saved you well I couldn’t just let you face plan in the snow teamwork my friend it’s amazing how the past moments of kindness

Weave into our journey this adventure is turning into a celebration of the bonds we share Mikey look at this another memory and it’s about your bravery and saving me our journey is filled with kindness well someone had to rescue you from that icy situation I couldn’t let

You turn into a snowman JJ wait a moment this memory seems a bit different it’s when you were upset and I got hurt oh I remember this it was that time with the sleigh and I thought I messed everything up you were blaming yourself but hey I’ve got a tough Spirit JJ brace

Yourself the next memory seems to be a bit Whimsical it’s it’s the time you decided to wear an aquarium on your head oh that one I thought it would be a fun experiment spoiler it wasn’t very practical those were the days of aquarium fashion classic JJ JJ get ready

For a memory that’s all about speed and competition it’s the time we participated in those wild races ah the holiday races I remember the adrenaline and the friendly rivalry JJ looks like the next memory is a special one it’s when we were with our wives ah the holiday double date I remember the

Warmth and joy of that evening the presence of loved ones weaves an enduring tapestry of Happiness into the journey JJ check this out looks like the next segment of our journey is a bit of holiday parkour should be a breeze for us right absolutely we faced icy slopes

And Tangled tinsel a bit of Parkour won’t stop Us JJ my agile friend parkour is like a dance you just have to feel the rhythm of the jumps well Mikey my dance moves might need a bit of refinement but hey let’s see how we fare in the next part of this adventure not

Bad my friend the heights can be intimidating but you conquered them like a champ it’s all in a day’s Adventure what’s next on our journey fantastic huh I’ll take your word for it JJ look over there it’s a cage and wait is that Santa Santa’s in a cage what in the world is

Going on Santa what happened why are you in a cage ho ho ho well it seems I got caught in a mischievous trap while spreading joy in these lands those Rascals who would dare trap Santa and where are the elves Santa we’re on it what could be the password though it’s a

Holiday themed puzzle think of something festive and joyous how about jingle all the way jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a oneor open sleigh well it seems Jingle All The Way wasn’t the magical key let’s try a little improvisation well what do

You know Deck the Halls was the magic phrase JJ we’ve tried every festive password we could think of and this stubborn door won’t budge I guess we’re stumped don’t worry my friends these Enchanted doors can be quite tricky oh we’ve been focusing on words but what if it’s a number let’s try something

Festive how about 1225 for Christmas day brilliant Mikey who would have thought of a numeric code well done my friends sometimes the simplest Solutions are the key to enchanting doors ho ho ho my dear friends I am forever grateful for your help now I have a humble request would

You mind lending a hand in spread The Joy by assisting me with the gift deliveries Santa it would be an honor one eternity later my friends as much as I appreciate your help with the gift deliveries I have another urgent matter to attend to my Village is under siege

By malevolent monsters and I must entrust you with a crucial task monsters in the North Pole that’s not very festive Santa you can count on us what do you need us to do before you embark on this this perilous Journey my dear friends take these Enchanted gifts they

Hold a bit of the North Pole Magic deliver them to the homes of the children and let the warmth of the Season be your Shield thank you Santa we’ll make sure every child receives their present and that your village is safe nothing can stop the holiday spirit

When we’re around I have utmost faith in you Mikey and JJ May the magic of these gifts accompany you on your journey now go and save Christmas to Aid you on your Quest my friends I present to you this trusty Reindeer and the attire of Santa himself the reindeer will guide you

Swiftly and the Santa suits will protect you in the chill of the North Pole this suit is Coy and meet our new reindeer companion what’s your name buddy his name is Rudolph At Your Service looks like we’re the dynamic Santa Duo let’s save Christmas Rudolph ho ho ho Rudolph

To the skies JJ can you believe we’re flying over the City delivering gifts it’s like a holiday dream come true I never thought I’d be wearing a Santa suit and spreading Joy from the skies but hey it’s pretty awesome a few moments later look at those happy faces down there we’re

Making a difference my friend who needs Santa when we’ve got Mikey and JJ all right JJ let’s be as quiet as reindeer hoves we don’t want to wake anyone up before the big surprise got it Mikey stealth mode activated look at these decorations each house is like a festive

Masterpiece the holiday spirit is Alive and Well in this town let’s make sure every child wakes up to a magical Christmas this reminds me of when I used to sneak downstairs to see if Santa had come now we’re the ones making sure Santa’s magic is felt JJ do you ever

Wonder if Santa ever had backup like this if he didn’t he missed out we’re the dynamic duo of holiday cheer Sho that was quite the adventure a moment by the fire sounds like just the thing agreed there’s something about a crackling fire that’s so comforting well JJ our mission to save Christmas has

Been a success time to head back to the North Pole agreed Rudolph ready for one more flight

This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE From Momo and MINIONS.EXE in Secret Bunker in Minecraft Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-01-15 12:00:44. It has garnered 1940 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:06 or 2226 seconds.

JJ and Mikey HIDE From Momo and MINIONS.EXE in Secret Bunker in Minecraft (Maizen Mizen Mazien) Parody

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody!

Maizen channel: @maizenofficial

  • Digging Deep: Hardcore World Mapping Madness!

    Digging Deep: Hardcore World Mapping Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m mapping my hardcore world, living the dream. Exploring caves, mining for ore, Building my empire, always wanting more. With each step I take, a new adventure unfolds, In this pixelated world, where creativity molds. From sunrise to sunset, I craft and I mine, In this hardcore world, where danger is fine. So join me on this journey, as we explore and we play, In this world of Minecraft, where we’ll always stay. Leave a comment below, share your thoughts and your views, And together we’ll conquer, in this world… Read More

  • Spot the Block: Minecraft Quiz Challenge!

    Spot the Block: Minecraft Quiz Challenge! In the world of Minecraft, a quiz is set, Can you spot the changes, can you bet? Watch closely, observe with care, One small detail, different, beware. Aha! Moment, brain training in play, Spot the difference, in a Minecraft way. For those seeking answers, a challenge awaits, In the world of blocks, where creativity creates. Explore new ideas, in the Minecraft land, From reproducing maps, to elevators grand. Learn to use barrier blocks, with skill and might, Ride an Ender Dragon, take flight in the night. Create PVP battles, Splatoon-style fun, With command blocks, victory can be won. So… Read More

  • Ultimate Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE!

    Ultimate Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE! The Exciting World of Minecraft Furniture Mods Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spruce up your virtual world with some stylish furniture? Look no further! The Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE Malayalam is here to take your gameplay to the next level. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting mod and how it can enhance your Minecraft experience. What Does the Furniture Mod Offer? The Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE and Bedrock Edition brings a wide range of furniture options to your game. From modern sofas and elegant tables to cozy beds and decorative lamps, this mod… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP Loophole Exposed!

    Minecraft SMP Loophole Exposed! Buster Buckets Explores a Loophole in the Devise SMP Minecraft Server Join Buster Buckets on an exciting adventure as he navigates the Devise SMP, a non-PvP Minecraft server, and discovers a loophole that saves him from potential banishment. Known for his love of building, Buster Buckets showcases his skills by constructing a stunning building that outshines all others in the server. Inspiration from Hermitcraft With inspiration drawn from popular Minecraft content creators like Grian, ThatMumboJumbo, and SmallishBeans, Buster Buckets dives into the world of the Devise SMP with creativity and determination. His goal is to leave a lasting impression… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the perfect start in Minecraft 1.20. But first, let’s take a look at this exciting new YouTube video titled “THE PERFECT START! Lets Play Minecraft 1.20 – #1 MALAYALAM.” In this video, the creator explores a brand new Minecraft world in Java Edition 1.20 for the first time. They promise fun activities, challenges, and more in their upcoming episodes. While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does showcase the endless possibilities… Read More

  • Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure!

    Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure! The Evolution of Minecraft: A Look Back at 15 Years of Creativity and Innovation Delivering Updates and Managing Community Expectations In the world of Minecraft, the pressure of delivering updates is a constant challenge for Mojang Studios. With a dedicated community always hungry for new content, the developers must carefully balance innovation with maintaining the core essence of the game. The team’s ability to manage these expectations has been crucial in keeping players engaged and excited about the future of Minecraft. One key aspect of this delicate balance is the regular release of updates that not only fix bugs… Read More

  • The Monster’s Arrest in EcoSMP

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  • Zoom through Minecraft with Minebikes Mod – Ride in Style!

    Zoom through Minecraft with Minebikes Mod - Ride in Style! In the world of Minecraft, a new mod takes flight, Introducing Minebikes, motorcycles so bright. Craft them with care, fuel them up right, And ride through the pixelated night. To start your journey, craft a table so fine, With categories to browse, items to combine. Gasoline is key, for your engine to ignite, Refine it with coal, water, and might. Don’t forget the spark plug, to start your machine, Choose wisely, for different types are seen. Repair with a wrench, iron ingots in sight, Keep your bike running, in the day or the night. Paint your ride, with colors… Read More

  • Market Shenanigans: 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft

    Market Shenanigans: 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft Day 16 – A Little Market – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Building a Market Square On Day 16 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid player decided to expand the village by constructing a small market square next to the main square where the villagers gather. The goal was to create a vibrant area where villagers could find more job opportunities and engage in trade. Materials Used: Guard Spawn Egg Tiled Deepslate Flat Raw Gold Block Tiles Small Gilded Blackstone Bricks Polished Deepslate Botanist Workbench Carpenter’s Table Loom Table Mason Table Tinkering Table Alchemy… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce!

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Burst Player Bounce! Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 3: Wind Burst Player Bounce Change Wind Burst Enchantment The latest Minecraft Pre-release 3 update brings exciting changes to the Wind Burst enchantment. This enchantment now allows players to bounce 7 blocks up per enchantment level. However, at level 3, players will bounce a whopping 21 blocks up, posing a risk of fall damage upon landing. Players are advised to have a target locked in or other means to mitigate the fall damage before hitting the ground again. Data Pack Version 48 Update In addition to the Wind Burst enchantment changes, the data pack version 48… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Aladderin’ it up

    Minecraft Memes - Aladderin' it upLooks like this meme didn’t need a magic carpet ride to soar to the top with a score of 21! Read More

  • Sheep MLG Showdown: Minecraft Madness

    Sheep MLG Showdown: Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where sheep roam free, I must MLG whenever one I see. Jumping off cliffs, landing with grace, In this game, I always keep up the pace. My Instagram’s lit, with updates galore, Follow me there for even more. Donations are welcome, on Saweria and Trakteer, Support my channel, let’s spread the cheer. Join my Discord, for a chat and a laugh, We’ll talk Minecraft, and maybe even craft. Shorts on YouTube, for quick entertainment, In the world of gaming, I’m a true statement. So come along, join the fun, In Minecraft world, we’ll always… Read More

  • Minecraft lava tower: spicy hack! 🔥

    Minecraft lava tower: spicy hack! 🔥 “When you try to build a lava cast tower in Minecraft but end up creating a hot mess instead #fail #minecraftprobs” Read More

  • Pup vs. Samurai: Cave Chaos | Minecraft Opus 2

    Pup vs. Samurai: Cave Chaos | Minecraft Opus 2 The Wood Debate and Cave Adventure in Minecraft Introduction The Minecraft community was abuzz on May 30, 2024, as Chu and Samariyuu delved into the world of Miney Crafta Opus 2 in G Major. The stream promised a Wood Debate and a thrilling cave adventure, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Wood Debate with @samariyuu The stream kicked off with an intense Wood Debate between Chu and Samariyuu. Both players showcased their building skills and creativity as they discussed the best use of wood in Minecraft. From crafting tools to building structures, the debate was a showcase… Read More

  • Unbelievable Feat in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Feat in Minecraft The Impossible Achieved in Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player has managed to achieve the impossible. Through meticulous planning and skillful execution, they have accomplished a feat that seemed unattainable. Let’s delve into the details of this remarkable accomplishment. Preparation The journey begins with thorough preparation. The player meticulously plans each step, ensuring they are well-equipped for the challenges ahead. From gathering resources to strategizing their approach, every detail is carefully considered. Step 1: Setting the Aim The first crucial step is setting a clear aim. With a specific goal… Read More

  • Exploring Haunted Toilets in Mintoon Craft 🚽👻

    Exploring Haunted Toilets in Mintoon Craft 🚽👻Video Information This video, titled ‘COMPILATION MINECRAFT: CHASING THE MYSTERY OF THE TOILET HAUNTED 👻 – MINTOON CRAFT’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-04-08 20:00:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. COMPILATION MINECRAFT: CHASING THE MYSTERY OF THE TOILET HAUNTED – MINTOON CRAFT #MONSTERSCHOOL … Read More

  • "Encountering STEAVE in Minecraft!!"

    <p>"Encountering <em>STEAVE</em> in Minecraft!!"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘I FOUND SCARY *STEAVE* IN MINECRAFT #shorts #minecraft #horrorgaming #skibiditoilet’, was uploaded by smaty boy19 on 2024-03-31 09:32:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I FOUND SCARY *STEAVE* IN MINECRAFT #shorts #minecraft #horrorgaming #skibiditoilet Minecraft horror myths ny gamer … Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE!! Surviving 100 Days in Jungle Only World in Minecraft Hardcore! 🌴🔥

    🔥 INSANE!! Surviving 100 Days in Jungle Only World in Minecraft Hardcore! 🌴🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days on jungle only world || Minecraft Survival Hardcore In Hindi’, was uploaded by Snocat on 2024-01-14 12:33:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. [IGNORE] minecraft, minecraft hindi, hindi survival series, minecraft hardcore series, hardcore minecraft hindi,minecraft hardcore, … Read More

  • Fear SenpaiSpider in Minecraft?! 🕷️🎮 #minecraft

    Fear SenpaiSpider in Minecraft?! 🕷️🎮 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SENPAISPIDER FEAR IN MINECRAFT#minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by AKJPlayz on 2024-01-13 01:05:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1.”Exploring the vast and immersive world of Minecraft – uncovering secrets and hidden treasures!” 2. “Building epic structures … Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SMP DAY 4: GUAVACADO RISESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day #0004 – Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by guavacado on 2024-04-07 06:26:53. It has garnered 135 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. Next episode we will finish the town hall and gear up for our next creation ! join the server: #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #smp #letsplay #roleplay #gaming #chill #minecraftmarketplace #server #series #casual #join #whitelist #nostalgia #multiplayer #javaedition #theboys #playtogether Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft SMP with ModeTrevor at Night! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft SMP with ModeTrevor at Night! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Late Night Minecraft SMP!!!’, was uploaded by ModeTrevor on 2024-04-10 09:47:59. It has garnered 67 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:42 or 3642 seconds. / https://www.youtube.com/@trevormode – Main Channel https://www.instagram.com/modetrevor/ – Instagram https://www.tiktok.com/@modetrevor – Tiktok https://discord.gg/HNq6VKTDKz – Discordt Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SURVIVAL Battle: Neopolis VS Yugudorashiru!!

    EPIC Minecraft SURVIVAL Battle: Neopolis VS Yugudorashiru!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】🚨 #ネオポリスVSゆぐどらしる 🚿マイクラDEサバゲー対決⚔️【ぶいすぽ/神成きゅぴ】’, was uploaded by 神成きゅぴ / Kaminari Qpi on 2024-02-29 15:07:45. It has garnered 29725 views and likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:08 or 9848 seconds. Thumbnail illustration →https://twitter.com/kv7c9t 🌩 Yugudorashiru @radaooo @peintooon @FuwaMinato @gutitubo @ShishidoAkari @itoitoi_Q @Francisco_T @kurotansan @LaurenIroas ​​@KaminariQpi Neopolis @AkiRosenthal @ExAlbio @Shirayuki_Reid @Ran_Hinokuma @ShibuyaHAL @tototmix @MOTHER3rd @Syusetu_kohaku @akagaminotomo 🖤I posted a cover of singing Delicate Lips🖤 Please listen to it a lot~~~~~~~~~💄https://youtu.be/wEi5sMGKrL8?si=CemXK6NxRMOZrDIl ˗ˋˏ Register for membership here ˎˊ˗https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMp55EbT_ZlqiMS3lCj01BQ/join (Bonus: Member badge & stamp / Members only distribution /???♡) ˗ˋˏ Merchandise & voice on sale ˎˊ˗ Acrylic key chain:https://store.vspo.jp/products/keyring-vol1?variant=44623903817915… Read More


    EPIC SHOWDOWN: NOOB VS PRO! POMNI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE! 🏠🔥 | Minecraft (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB VS PRO: POMNI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE | Minecraft (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Esoni TV on 2024-02-17 01:59:26. It has garnered 294052 views and 8120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:44 or 1724 seconds. Play Honkai: Star Rail with me: https://hoyo.link/5GRgFOAL Try Star Rail Simulator with me: https://www.roblox.com/games/15840422464/Star-Rail-Simulator #StarrailSimulator #Honkaistarrail Pomni Build Battle! Shame vs Shame Noob Maizen, Nico and Cash Parody! Aphmau e like your vid if your build is good!! Build credits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cbCcOS5jCw&t=196s Panuorin nyo din sila: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, SheyyynPlayz, Ar Ar Plays, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_,… Read More

  • INSANE HACKER ATTACKS SmallPotato95 in SUMO! 💥

    INSANE HACKER ATTACKS SmallPotato95 in SUMO! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Sumo until I get hacked on’, was uploaded by SmallPotato95 on 2024-03-25 19:04:33. It has garnered 60 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. hehe silly video TAGS: minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing… Read More

  • HorizonGate

    HorizonGate_-_-_-_-_-_-_**Hey!** -_-_-_-_-_- > **Horiziongate** > Do you want a Minecraft server with interesting gameplay? > *Then this is the perfect place for you* > **============/Features/============** > | – We offer support > | – Friendly members > | – Helpful staff > | – Exciting gamemodes > | – Beginner friendly > | – Weekly events > | – Fair rules > *We hope to see you in game* **==================================**> > 《 Discord: 》 https://discord.gg/5uswAwvBqP projectsurvive.nl Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.20.4 Discord DiscordSRV Dynmap Voice Plugin No Whitelist Coreprotect Age 16+ Crossplay

    Welcome to our Long-Lasting SMP Community! If you’re tired of SMPs dying off, look no further! Our community has been thriving for the past few years, centered around Minecraft and other games. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow players and participate in major build projects. We are welcoming new members who share our interests and values. While we have few rules, we do not tolerate disruptive behavior. No hackers or griefers allowed. Respect your fellow players and enjoy a friendly and mature community atmosphere. All members must join our Discord to access the Minecraft server. Click here to… Read More

  • Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Version

    Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Versionmorefun.apexmc.co has focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay though we also incorporate a few lightweight plugins to make playing with friends easy, such as with basic teleport commands and /sethome /day /night /weather /pay /godmode /heal /feed /lightning /fireball. Our kind community sets us apart and we are super welcoming to new players! We do have a mature player base with older players, though anyone is encouraged to join.Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family!Join our Discord to participate with the community: DiscordRules:1. No cheats/exploits2. No griefing / stealing3. Respect fellow players4. No spam or… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Java HQ: The Superior Minecraft Edition

    Looks like even in the world of Minecraft, Java is still the headquarters for all the coding wizards! Score of 33, must be some serious programming going on in there! Read More

  • Mine Rhymes in Episode 611: Crafting Lands of Fun

    Mine Rhymes in Episode 611: Crafting Lands of Fun Welcome to Minecraft Lands, Episode 611, Where the adventures never end, always so much fun. Lo Do Vo here, your guide through the game, Bringing you updates, never the same. In this blocky world, where creativity thrives, We build, we mine, in our virtual lives. From crafting tools to battling mobs, We conquer challenges, no time for sobs. So join me now, as we explore and play, In Minecraft Lands, where we’ll stay. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share, Let’s spread the joy, everywhere.🎮🌟 Thank you for watching, until next time, Keep on gaming, in rhythm and rhyme. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe & Like!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe & Like! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #shorts #subscribe #like Read More

  • Herobrine Pranks in Minecraft

    Herobrine Pranks in Minecraft The Mysterious Herobrine in Minecraft One of the most intriguing and debated characters in the world of Minecraft is Herobrine. This mysterious figure has captured the imagination of players worldwide, with many claiming to have encountered him in the game. Let’s delve into the enigmatic world of Herobrine and explore the myths and legends surrounding this iconic character. The Legend of Herobrine Herobrine is often described as a ghostly figure with glowing white eyes, haunting players in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. While some believe him to be a hostile entity that seeks to harm players, others see him… Read More

  • Furi Ferntail: HARASSING 60 NERDS in Minecraft!? Cross the Void!

    Furi Ferntail: HARASSING 60 NERDS in Minecraft!? Cross the Void!Video Information This video, titled ‘HARASSING 60 NERDS IN MINECRAFT – Can you cross the Void?’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-09 22:20:22. It has garnered 1738 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:37 or 9997 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣… Read More

  • Kingdom of Madness Rises Pt. 2: PrinceZam VOD

    Kingdom of Madness Rises Pt. 2: PrinceZam VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Kingdom Of Madness Rises 2/2 | PrinceZam FULL VOD’, was uploaded by PrinceZamVODs on 2024-05-18 16:30:11. It has garnered 251 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:52 or 20692 seconds. PrinceZam streams Minecraft VOD TITLE: I’m Going To Kill Tyrad | Originally Streamed on 01/28/2024 Follow Me: Twitch – https://twitch.tv/PrinceZamLive Twitter – https://twitter.com/PrinceZamLive Discord – https://discord.gg/FXZnFRuTBq Subscribe to my Channels: Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PrinceZam 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PrinceZamLive #PrinceZam #Minecraft #Lifesteal Read More

  • Insane 100-Day Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!

    Insane 100-Day Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘ERSTES MAL 100 Tage Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by relativCharlie on 2024-01-16 15:00:29. It has garnered 2451 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Hello there, I want to play 100 days in Minecraft Hardcore for the first time. Charlie is going on a journey for the first time in his life to spend 100 days in a single hardcore world. The thing is, he only has one attempt, one life, one chance. In doing so, he learns more about himself and the question of whether normal Minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Armor Stand Dance! 😱 #ViralHacks

    EPIC Minecraft Armor Stand Dance! 😱 #ViralHacksVideo Information This video, titled ‘dancing armor stand 😅 ll #Minecraft #Minecraft hacks #Minecraft viral hacks’, was uploaded by A.Rgeming_543 on 2024-01-05 09:35:00. It has garnered 2512 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. dancing armor stand 😅 ll #Minecraft #Minecraft hacks #Minecraft viral hacks #Minecraft shorts Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! My CRAZY Adventure in Minecraft Treasure Hunt

    UNBELIEVABLE! My CRAZY Adventure in Minecraft Treasure HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Participated In Treasure Hunt On a Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by MR EKAM on 2024-04-06 04:49:56. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:55 or 535 seconds. DISCORD JOIN :- https://discord.gg/ck4eWds8 minecraft public smp minecraft public smps minecraft public smp servers best minecraft public smp cracked minecraft public smp servers minecraft public smp ip minecraft public smp thumbnail minecraft public smp live thumbnail minecraft public smp logo minecraft public smp ip and port minecraft public smp live minecraft public smp pe how to make a public smp… Read More

  • Casco – The Scariest Minecraft Horror Mod!

    Casco - The Scariest Minecraft Horror Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Is Minecraft Most Terrifying Mod…(Minecraft Horror Mods)’, was uploaded by Casco on 2024-04-09 14:47:00. It has garnered 689 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE: Jeffy Transforms Into a Minecraft Ninja!

    INSANE: Jeffy Transforms Into a Minecraft Ninja!Video Information This video, titled ‘Jeffy Becomes A NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Marvin Minecraft on 2024-01-14 17:00:24. It has garnered 115601 views and 1215 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:21 or 621 seconds. Jeffy Becomes A NINJA in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Nico, Cash, GEVidsTV, Jeffy Minecraft, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, and Omziscool! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! SUB TO @heresmarvin ! ►► SUBSCRIBE to Here’s Marvin for videos inspired by SML! Including Marvin gaming, Marvin reacts, SML Movie & more! If you don’t like and subscribe, Marvin will BEAT JEFFY! #minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Horse PEE Fail! 😂

    EPIC Minecraft Horse PEE Fail! 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Prominence Ep. 19 – Horse Pee’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-03-19 17:00:01. It has garnered 17546 views and 719 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:47 or 5927 seconds. In Prominence II: Void’s Invasion, we must defend the world from the void because an old dude got a bit too old and can’t do it anymore. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Prominence Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZxI3UfnUfgE-uizeScOO-Yx My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● Servers (code… Read More

  • Surviving Every Country in Minecraft?! | Adventure Craft Parody

    Surviving Every Country in Minecraft?! | Adventure Craft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive In All COUNTRIES In Minecraft – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-03-24 08:41:55. It has garnered 7576 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:01 or 1441 seconds. In this hilarious Minecraft parody video, JJ and Mikey take on the ultimate challenge of surviving in all different countries within the game. From navigating through the bustling streets of Tokyo to exploring the snowy landscapes of Russia, the dynamic duo must use their wit and creativity to overcome various obstacles and dangers. With their… Read More