JJ becomes SUPERMAN and SAVES Mikey in Minecraft!

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Look what I have this item can reverse time if something bad happens I can turn back time and fix what happened I’m planning on using it all day whoa huh and what was that something exploded oh no Mikey’s house is what exploded what just Happened oh that’s Mikey Mikey talk to me oh no Mikey’s dead oh this is terrible but it’ll be okay today I have a special item that lets me turn back time no use waiting Click huh what happened where’s huh it’s Mikey’s house before the explosion it looks like I really have Turn Back Time hey Mikey oh there he is hooray Mike’s alive he’s just sleeping more importantly why did this house explode H I need to find the source of the explosion so I can stop it

From happening I wonder what exploded huh hold up there’s a secret lever here oh a secret entrance let’s take a look what’s this room for no hang on there’s a fire and it’s right by that TNT it better not spread let me grab a bucket of water so I can put out the

Fire there we go pH close call that’s much better I think the fire is extinguished I managed to stop the explosion before it happened hey wake up Mikey huh oh JJ what are you doing in my house well Mikey your house was just about to

Catch on fire huh what do you mean what are you talking about JJ look there’s no fire I turned back time but I wasn’t able to explain to Mikey what I did I’m just glad Mikey wasn’t hurt H oh great JJ I just remembered an errand I need to

Run so I’m going out oh well be careful yep be right back I’ll see you Later it’s been 3 hours but Mikey still hasn’t come home I’m getting worried I better check up on him huh is that Mikey it is isn’t it oh no he’s dead what could have happened to him but it’s going to be okay I still have the power to turn back time I’ll

Use my device to investigate what happened to Mikey and then save him first I’ll go back far enough to give Mikey weapons and armor for protection huh what oh all right I’ve gone back in time hey Mikey huh what’s wrong JJ oh that’s right I have an [Applause] errand

No wait Mikey huh why well it’s dangerous out there you should arm yourself before you go what arm myself there’s no need for that even if someone tried to attack me I’d beat them with one punch just hold on a sec what Mikey I’m preparing some equipment for you huh

I think I’ll give Mikey a suit of diamond armor and I should probably throw in a laser rifle to take with him all right this equipment is for you Oho put it on what’s all this huh a full set of diamond armor huh and a laser rifle

Wo JJ I don’t need any of this look around we live in a super safe Village well that’s true Mikey but I’m begging you take this with you I don’t really need it though huh I guess I have to you’re such a worry word JJ okay I’m

Heading out I’ll be back soon be careful Mikey see you later phew I finally got Mikey equipped before he left but I’m still worried though so I’m going to follow him something happened to Mikey somewhere around here okay stay focused oh there he is huh what’s going to happen

Next y someone’s here oh hello H Huh what you’re robbing me hey oh no wait what I’m being robbed no I don’t want to die so it was robbers somebody help fight back my te hey now that I think about it I’ve been armed this whole time bad guys I’m taking You Down

Bam the robbers are falling one by one check it out I’m so strong yay nice hooray he beat them all I’m strong I’m glad Mikey isn’t hurt oh JJ wait what are you doing in a place like this H that was a close one you could have been in real danger if I

Wasn’t here I think the robbers might have attacked you how horrifying it’s a good thing I saved your life JJ H uh well sure Mikey thanks no worries anytime H yay H I don’t think he realizes I’m the one who saved his life there’s no use trying to explain it I’m

Just glad he’s okay JJ JJ there’s something amazing in this room come with me hurry H what could it be huh what is it there’s two buttons yep check it out JJ dirt or diamonds it looks like we have to guess which one is the right answer if we guess the correct

One I bet we’ll get something really good but if we guess wrong I think something terrible will happen hm oh well that sounds like fun Mikey which one should I choose I think the diamond on the right is the correct choice just think about it Diamond must be right ready 3 2 1

Click hey lava Diamond was the wrong answer save me I fell into the lava I don’t want to die why didn’t I choose a dirt button h time to turn back time to save Mikey 3 2 1 go time has been reversed I think the diamond on the right is the correct

Choice just think about it Diamond must be right ready wait wait 3 2 Mikey huh Mikey stop you have to choose dirt huh there’s no way dirt is the right one no matter what you think it’s got to be Diamond no no Mikey believe me dirt is definitely the answer please believe me

Huh well I guess if you say so you seem to want dirt really badly so I’ll choose dirt I still think dirt is the wrong choice but if you feel that strongly about it I’ll go along with it even though it’s probably a mistake ready 3 2 1

Go wow Mikey huh wow I landed in water come on down JJ come on wo pH there’s an entire room made of diamond oh look Mikey do you see those chests oh no way let’s Go W fireworks wo wow there must be something amazing inside these chests yeah what’s inside Mikey oh oh cool wow it’s full of golden apples wo awesome and this one look Mikey this one’s full of diamonds so many diamonds wow dirt was the right choice after all

We guess it on our first try yay I’m incredible woohoo right I’m happy for you me too hoay well it’s really all thanks to me but no use trying to explain I’m just happy that Mikey’s happy H I don’t know what it is about today but I feel like

You’ve been saving me this whole time you can keep these as my things here diamonds H oh are you sure and golden apples wow thank you you can have half I appreciate it here more diamonds wo golden apples these things are delicious yeah I’m glad it all all went Well wake up wake up it’s no use this villager just won’t wake up oh H something’s wrong what about the others are they the same duh this villager is still asleep too this is bad oh H but why what is this it’s like we’re the only ones in the

Village who can wake up why there must be a reason yeah for now let’s investigate Mikey sounds good JJ we’re Home now if we’re going to find the cause of this look in here Mikey it’s where I keep all of my security items look W security cameras we can watch the entire village with these yeah mm got it let’s investigate okay and find out what happened the security cameras are in

Place nobody woke up at all today nope and it’s already night so they slept the entire day without moving I wonder what could be causing it Well for now Mikey yeah let’s check the security camera before bed okay all right yeah into the house let’s look let’s see what the

Security cameras show us H we can see the villagers with these this one’s still asleep and Yep this one’s asleep too everyone’s asleep this villager sleeping too everyone’s sleeping H H let’s check the security camera looking over the village what’s going on M everyone’s sleeping everybody huh seems normal nothing’s

Happening H hold on something’s happening huh H what huh what is that duh what wait huh something what went inside that House someone’s there isn’t that a Reaper this is bad a Reaper put a curse on the villagers this is really d where’s it going it went outside huh what it’s coming for our house turn the security system on Mikey hurry got it pH that was close just in time

Wowm that was a close call too close so a Reaper put a curse on the villagers we can’t let this continue nope grab your equipment Mikey right okay and your sword okay we’ve got our weapons and armor all right Mikey okay now yeah let’s go slay the reaper yeah let’s slay

It okay let’s go oh got to turn off the security system first okay let’s go all right where to go go let’s slay it huh where’s the reaper there it’s not here is it over there it’s not in this house H H it’s not in this house either huh h

Huh there’s no one here if I were to take a guess I think the reaper got away from us a if we don’t do something the villagers will sleep forever let’s save them let’s save them Mikey huh if the reaper can’t enter the village yeah then everything might

Be okay oh what can we do well if that’s the case h if that’s the case yeah taada huh look oh check it out oh lasers wow these are security lasers let’s surround the village with security lasers okay then the reaper won’t be able to enter the

Village good idea do you have your lasers yep okay let’s surround the entire Village surround it with these lasers the reaper won’t even be able to enter the village in the first place mhm yeah all right then the village will be nice and safe it can’t do anything if it

Can’t enter the village true good oh nice work Mikey well let’s get started check this out taada today we’re playing Spider-Man speedrunner versus Hunter if I can slay the Ender Dragon I win that’s so cool by the way Mikey I can use Spider-Man’s Powers isn’t that amazing

Wo really I’m going to chase you with superpowers too huh look wo I’m really strong yeah no kidding well Mikey you know what I’m going to say let’s get started yes I need to slay the Ender Dragon without dying yep Ready okay start I’ll get you

JJ oh I can grab grapple around like this y me too huh what here I come wo you’re fast watch out I didn’t know you could move that fast where’ you go ouch that hurt I took more damage than I thought I lost you let’s huh

Go where are you all right that’s better I thought I could keep up with you man yes did I finally lose Mikey nice woohoo whoo he caught up with me already I found you where is he huh uh-oh that’s not good I’m hunting you no all right I need

To get away nope I just need to run yeah huh nope yes okay I think I lost Mikey finally Mikey is strong today I’m going to put some distance between us like this wa time to look for a Village wao huh wait hang on hang on check it out wow this is perfect it’s a village yes woohoo where there’s a village there’s bound to be lots of food I’ll stock up as much as I can while I’m here I need lots of Food any more over here oh look another Farm nice yes okay I’ll make some bread perfect oh look there’s a pizza yummy wo what’s that okay let’s check this chest over here there’s all sorts of useful stuff inside sweet what a good find not too bad for a random Village who’ have

Expected that h Huh wait is that no it’s Mikey huh how’d he get here this is bad I need to hide but where I need to find a spot um H I have an idea I’ll hide here I’ll just shoot some webbing and hang from there see how I can hang like this just watch H I don’t think he’ll see me if I’m hanging here like this let’s see where’s JJ I doubt he’d think to

Check up here I’ll hide quietly for a while okay I know you’re in this Village I’m definitely going to find you where is he not over here where he has to be here somewhere huh maybe this way or over here oh Mikey where’s JJ H oh he’s coming this way

Nope not there where could he be well maybe he’s not here is Mikey going to leave I’ll check this other Village M pH that was close but I made it all right let’s drop down W somehow I wasn’t spotted now I can finally go to the nether but I’ll

Need to gather a few things First awesome I have everything I need to enter the Nether and now let’s build the portal okay the portal is built all that’s left is to light it sweet to the nether I need to collect blaze rods to be able to slay the Ender Dragon and win here we

Go all right I made it to the nether huh where should I start looking blaze rods are hard to find so woohoo I can sling my way around while I search this is awesome no I need to be careful of the lava if I fall in it’s all over for me I’d Lose where are the Blazes no ow oh I fell in that was Danger ow ow ow it almost killed me well back to searching I can’t seem to find any this is tough I don’t think this has ever happened before huh huh yes I got you he wait take risks

Ouch this is bad Mikey’s got me ow hey you’re mine he keeps hitting me with his attacks I win I have a secret weapon it’s time to use it take that what Watch Out w that was dangerous I attacked him with my webs but that was way too close oh no he’s

Coming you’re not getting away I’m catching up to you Oh I got to run oh Mikey found me again you’re not getting away all I can do now is run but he’s so fast here I come I’ll Dr you yeah no I fell in no way that was way too close for comfort I froze up when Mikey grabbed me

I didn’t know he could attack me like that I was almost done for well I’ve gotten rid of Mikey for now so now I’m going to go look for those blaze rods where are they all right oh wait hang on is that that looks like a nether fortress there

Have to be blaze rods somewhere inside if that’s the case I need to find my way in all right let’s break in okay so H oh there they are I found them those are blazes let’s Fight they should drop blaze rods yes Nice this is it this this is what I want I still need nine more so I’ll keep going until I have enough yes sweet awesome okay that makes 10 I gathered all the blaze rods I need now let’s go Back all right now that I have 10 blaze rods I can combine them to make an item called an Eye of Ender let’s see nice I have a bunch I can toss the Eye of Ender into the air and okay that way let’s go oh it

Shattered if I follow where it goes it will lead me to the Ender Dragon so let’s keep throwing them like this okay off we go watch this I’m going to toss this eye ofender into the air and see that it’s shot into the ground which means the way

To the Ender Dragon is right below me I have to dig and find it just keep digging will I find the Ender Dragon like this y huh no way what ow I’m already in the portal room well that’s incredible I can’t believe this this is amazing wow my first room is the

End portal room I just need to fill these slots with Eyes of Ender like This okay TAA if I jump in I’ll be in the end wow I’m going to fight the Ender Dragon way sooner than I thought huh H right there I’ve got you now you’re cornered Mikey oh no oh JJ I’ll blind you with this run okay straight into battle I’ll

Ignore Mikey and focus on the Ender Dragon I have to slay the dragon before Mikey recovers now the first thing I need to do to win is get rid of the end crystals these end crystals are like weird bombs you need to destroy otherwise the dragon can heal itself and

That’s no good oh wait I can see the Ender Dragon I’m going to catch you I won’t let you win that sounds like Mikey W he’s around here somewhere oh there he is where are you you’re fast oh man I need to fight while running away from Mikey let’s do

This the Ender Dragon and Mikey to where are you look at Mikey go I’m out I got to keep moving Mikey went past me okay you’re too fast I can’t keep B go he’s getting close W you need to destroy all the end crystals Mikey is around

Here somewhere okay what now think I got them all now I just need to bite the Ender Dragon with my web shocks here it comes yes I just need to focus on defeating the Ender Dragon I’ll keep an eye out for Mikey and attack him when I can yeah

Get ow oh no man oh ow it’s working no there’s Mikey run stop it you’re too fast come on the Ender Dragon is almost done so close no almost wao yeah wow I did it you even grabb me it was so close but I did it oh man I won I lost speedrunner

Versus Hunter was fun [Applause] yeah wake up wake up it’s no use this villager just won’t wake up oh H something’s wrong what about the others are they the same this villager is still asleep too this is bad oh H but why what is this it’s like we’re the only ones in the

Village who can wake up why there must be a reason yeah for now let’s investigate Mikey sounds good JJ we’re home now now if we’re going to find the cause of this look in here Mikey it’s where I keep all of my security items look W security cameras we can

Watch the entire village with these yeah mm got it let’s investigate okay and find out what Happened the security cameras are in place nobody woke up at all today nope and it’s already night so they slept the entire day without moving I wonder what could be causing it Well for now Mikey yeah let’s check the security cameras before bed okay all right yeah into the house let’s look

Let’s see what the security cameras show Us H oh Mikey big news JJ big terrible news what what is it there’s been a robbery come I’ll show you no look H this house belongs to the richest man in town and last night he was broken Into wo no kidding that’s not all everything in the safe was stolen you’re right it’s completely empty the poor man was robbed isn’t it awful huh he’s still passed out H let’s talk to the policeman officer how is the investigation going what you haven’t caught the

Culprit yet JJ it’s worse than that they don’t know who did it like they have no idea not a single lead they haven’t found any clues huh huh oh hang on huh what’s up wait a sec of course that’s it what is there a clue this house yeah is covered in

Cameras you’re right that means if we hack into the security feed we can watch the footage from last night I’ll get the computer set up hm okay do it all right focus Focus I’m in I found last night’s footage awesome but is the richest man in town just staring into space I guess I wonder what’s going to happen weird H H wait H look by the door there’s someone there or something is it the culprit or he’s coming in you think he’s already

Inside and the richest man in the village hasn’t even noticed really nope what oh he attacked him for no reason that’s so mean yeah seriously too bad the video quality is so bad we can’t see the cprit’s face now he’s trying to steal his things no Way did he just break into the safe wao if he opened the safe then he must be the one who stole the treasure at least that’s my Guess h I was right he’s the robber look what’s he doing now is he leaving yeah he ran off well follow him I switched to a different camera where does he think he’s going with the Millionaire’s precious possessions huh into the Garage he would wouldn’t unbelievable really he’s stealing the expensive sports car wow huh he’s gone does that mean he took the car too yep that’s what happened but the resolution was too poor to see the cprit’s face oh how are we supposed to catch him if we don’t know

What he looks like it’s impossible well we can’t give up Mikey we’ll just have to come up with another way to find him we should start brainstorming then h ah let’s see oh I know I’ve got a plan Yeah there we’re ready to roll here’s what we’re going to do break it down for me first we’ll get this police dog to learn the smell of the car come on here boy W are are you picking up the scent keep trying uh so what’s next then we

Follow the dog he’ll lead the way seriously is that actually going to work I think so oh he found the scent all right we got a lead let’s go NAB this bad guy Mikey I’m coming if we stick with the dog we should bump right into him Huh here I doubt we’ll find the robber in this old rundown Place H well this is where the trail leads uhhuh according to this trained police dog our bad guy is right inside you think so I don’t know this Shack does look abandoned but don’t let your guard down proceed with caution okay

Sure you’re here we go Open well H see I told you this isn’t a hideout our bad guy is definitely laying low somewhere but not here this is just an old dump yeah you’re right Mikey hang on why is that lever up there huh I wonder what it does I’m pulling it woah h no way wow

H what is it it looks like a secret entrance wait Mikey the robber must be nearby after all why would this be here right he must be a very careful criminal yeah keep your eyes peeled for traps okay we’ll do now come on let’s NAB this guy moving out what’s that a security

Camera stay out of view phew yes I don’t think it saw us ready yep let’s find out what’s through this door what is this place h a lava pit this bad guy doesn’t take any chances he set up this trap for us falling in would not turn out well for

Us that’s for sure let’s be careful we’ll move slowly one block Lo at a time nice just like that make sure you don’t fall in okay got it hot that’s hot Mikey make get stop oh no oh slowly let’s go coming if we’re prudent enough we’ll definitely be able to get

To this criminal I really want to catch him there we go yes I made it up good work Work nice now we don’t know what other traps he set up so let’s be extra careful going forward extra extra careful hang on H there’s a door over there let’s go sure come on what just happened we triggered a pitball trap they got us but at least we’re safe now

Where are we look out alligator attack we got a bounce look for it get away from these pesky alligators there are so many just keep running we’re totally outnumbered we’ll never beat them stay close and don’t stop moving forward are we safe yet that got really

Hairy I had no idea there were criminals who took these kinds of precautions he’s one prudent crook so we better be on our toes oh right through the escape hatch stay alert move out okay here we go H where are we oh lasers in a place like

This he’s crafty we’ll have to proceed with caution I mean getting by the security measure isn’t a big deal but ow you okay yeah I’m fine be careful let’s get going through here there made it made it without touching any of the beams I bet you that door

Leads straight to our robber all we have to do now is catch him this is going well huh don’t let your guard down oh my guard’s way up huh away what run back wait the way we came from also got blocked off are we trapped in here come check out this shutter

Quick it’s so sturdy never be able to get out we can’t turn back or push forward to catch the culprit this Wall’s unbreakable we’re trapped forever hold on Mikey listen to me what’s the point I brought something H I wasn’t sure what to expect so I packed

Some dynamites that is so perfect good thinking this should be able to blast through yeah we’ve been dealing with a super cautious criminal but now this Rook is about to get caught on your toes all right we’re in let’s NAB our guy security cameras this

Far in what a pro shall we yeah I’m ready let’s bust this door open we’ve got this 3 2 1 open the robber let’s get him there’s the CI store he has a knife right be careful you too Mikey it’s sharp ow ow ow that hurt enough we have to take him

Out he’s tough surrender really really tough but we’ll defeat him I know it pH we did it we defeated the bad guy yay sweet Plus look Mikey we retrieved the expensive sports car H I wonder if the other stolen goods are around here too oh wao Mikey look inside this

Chest here it is the stolen gold from the millionaire safe amazing yeah okay let’s call the police so they can come arrest the culprit good idea ring them up let’s go Huh a series of random kidnappings everyone should be on the lookout I can’t believe it wow a massive kidnapping spree that is not good news wait now that I think of it I haven’t heard from Mikey since yesterday is he okay I better head over to his house and check up on

Him let’s go take a Look this is his house h i saw Mikey last night but not since I hope he’s feeling all Right Mikey it’s me JJ open Up are you in there h no answer should I just let myself in that should be okay I mean we’re friends after all I’m doing it huh look where did Mikey go he’s not here not only that but his house is a wreck what happened in here oh what’s this

It’s a notebook let’s see what it says we have taken Mikey you have until sunset to bring 1 million diamonds to these coordinates or Else oh no this is bad Mikey has been kidnapped and they’ve set a ransom of 1 million diamonds how am I supposed to gather that many up by the end of the day what am I going to do do I do I even have a million diamonds

Saved up I better start by counting how many I have who knows maybe I have enough I’ll check the safe and find out let’s see where’s that key oh that’s right I HIIT it here now that I have it I can pull this lever open up this secret underground passageway and head on

Down this is it the chest where I keep all my savings but 1 million diamonds how could I possibly have saved up that many I mean that’s a lot of diamonds only one way to find out if I had enough I’ll be able to get Mikey back safely here goes nothing 3 2 One what I only have 10 are you kidding me that’s nowhere near enough how am I supposed to get my hands on another night 999,999 diamonds Before Sunset oh I have an idea I know exactly what to do I’m going to need these this is the only thing I can think

Of that even stands a chance of saving Mikey I’ll put these in here and now I’ve got myself one of these next I’ll fill up these slots and there done I’ll never be able to gather a million diamonds in time there’s no Way all right Mikey’s in a cell and ready to go I’m going to have Mikey attempt to break out yeah I’ll break out in 5 minutes tops oh really is that so what’s your plan now I know what to do there will be something in this room that will help me

Escape I’m going to find it oh you’re looking pretty confident I wonder will Mikey be able to escape his cell I know oh huh oh it must be around here with all this stuff crafting table enchantment table even furnaces it’s suspicious H interesting huh oh huh

H well I’ve looked it all over and it seems normal maybe over here no [Applause] nothing ah it’s just a toilet it doesn’t lead anywhere now what I don’t see any way out of here it’s hopeless and any hints H let’s see okay listen up your hint is yeah the enchantment

Table huh but I just looked through all this stuff really well and there was nothing there H Mikey was there anything behind the enchantment table like gaps or anything wo no way now that I look again there’s a secret lever of course something seemed off about

This area I know what to do if I pull the lever the exit will open up let’s see ah H Mikey huh oh the vent it’s open now see good job finding the lever and opening up the entrance to the ventilation system go ahead and Escape through there oh I wonder where this

Leads what’s up ah it’s amazze good luck oh try not to get lost it’s dangerous it splits which Way okay this way wo that was close wo be careful not to touch those you could have warned me huh this way has lasers too what now hm I guess I could sneak through the laser this way yep be careful got it w yes I’m on a roll what’s over here a

Door let’s go 3 2 1 what’s this place I hope you’re ready what is this place there’s water and lava but why you have to choose between a pit of water or a pit of lava lava and dive into one one is the right choice and the other is

Wrong what it’s a choice H water or lava I know H I choose water why well JJ I would burn up if I chose lava no matter how I think of it water is the answer it’s obvious the choice is simple water so here I go no huh huh there’s cobwebs no there’s

Creepers too uh-oh poor Mikey seriously I’m sorry to say JJ water no was the wrong choice really that’s a slow fall man too bad no these creepers can I get away there’s no way Out nope Mikey a that means lava is the way to go is it really safe to just dive in if it makes you feel better I promise you’ll be fine if you jump in really I don’t have any other choice what huh I’m fine check it out there’s a layer of

Water right underne so that’s how it works even your fall damage was taken care of by these slime blocks let’s move on to the next area wo is this lava parkour yep and there’s no water under this lava so be very careful on the course all right good luck

Mikey I’m nervous it’s okay ouch it burns I was so sh I could do it you got this yeah I’ll make it this time nice that was Awesome good job what’s next Mikey do you see a button it should be there I get it now okay yeah push the button to launch into the air I made it you have to walk across the pipe without falling in to open the door good work Mikey thanks H

There are two doors in here weird oh on the right you have the cat door on the left the pumpkin door huh you have to choose which one to go into it’s a tough choice the pumpkins have a scary face on them there might be a creepy ghost inside but on the other

Hand yeah the cats are adorable I choose the cute kitty door yeah this must be the right choice interesting choice I hope there’s kittens inside 3 2 1 huh that’s no cat it’s a tune stay away ouch help me is that not the cat you were hoping

For that was awful Tunes are bad I’m sorry there was a kitty behind the cat door but it was a super dangerous one then that means the pumpkin door is the right one but it’s scary trust me it’s okay I hope you’re right 3 2 1 oh Snow

Golems yep behind the pumpkin door is a bunch of snowmen with pumpkins for heads well snow G BS are really nice that’s so cute totally all right Mikey let’s keep moving you’re getting very close to breaking out oh I see something stairs ah the exit must be at the top of

These stairs I can do this sharp thinking Mikey good luck so many stairs what’s up here is that what’s up the exit but yeah there’s a big monster right next to it is that a mutant zombie how scary you’re right about it being the exit you’re so

Close there’s no way to open it oh no it looks like you need the key to open the door if you put that on the gold block then the door will open oh I see take a look over here there are three chests hm one of these has the key to open the

Door I get it now but two of the chests are trapped I definitely don’t want to open a trapped chest I mean if I do then the mutant zombie will escape from his cage won’t he maybe which one don’t think too much just go with your gut which chest looks

Good my gut says the one on the right it’s the furthest from the zombie if it’s not the worst option I’m happy 3 2 one huh it’s empty but the zombie is still in his cage oh this is weird wa what’s happening this is a pitfall into the

Void yep the one on the right was a pitfall trap oh man I have awful luck that was as horrible a choice as the mutant zombie that’s true but don’t let it get you down now it’s a 50/50 chance find the key and Escape H okay wait no the one on the left

Yep uh-oh it’s a 50% chance and I feel good that this one isn’t the zombie so I choose the left okay JJ maybe I should choose the middle after all make up your mind already I’m going with my intuition this one on the left no more second guessing here it

Goes 3 2 1 please be good huh no why me you chose the zombie seriously oh man it was the middle one hang in there good luck light ow come on don’t fall the mutant Zombie is slow so oh I got the lever W good thinking grabbing the key ouch that

Hurt now all you have to do is pull that lever no Mikey I fell again oh oh Mikey why go this is the chest it seemed obvious now’s my chance come on yes yes I’m out woo yay I’m free I did it amazing that was a successful

Prison Break good job thank you that was fun Yeah all right let’s get started we’re seeing what prison life is like as inmates I bet it’s way more fun than you’d think let’s go to our cells wo H la la so this is my cell oh there’s even a bed and bookshelves in here and a toilet it’s actually really roomy plus

There’s a big window uh how’s yours Mikey well my cell is way too small a oh there are cobwebs everywhere and no bed either why is my cell so run down you’re kidding well at least this isn’t something I’d experience otherwise so I guess it’s fun for what it is

Yay well then let’s start living the prison life Huh oh I guess it’s meal time let’s go Mikey oh sweet I’m so hungry I could eat anything I just hope it tastes good me Too nice my meal is bread and an apple simple but yummy lucky you oh this is all they gave me a wait is that grass Mikey seriously yeah they said it’s cuz I’m a turtle and Turtles only eat grass but on the bright side I love eating grass well dig

In but Mikey won’t you be hungry after this yeah probably I have an idea wait right here JJ huh H my a here one sec uh what you can’t go in there what are you doing no one is here right now so they’ll never know here I found him yes

Mikey H be careful it’s Fine I did it yes you JJ look I snuck some cookies I’ll have them for Dinner okay it’s time to shoot some Hoops huh oh Mikey H JJ let’s play some basketball oh I was told I need to run laps around the court huh so tired huh huh what is it huh no slacking I was just taking a break hey hey the guards have their eye on my shop It well it’s time to sleep woohoo first I’m eating the cookies I stole from the kitchen then I’m going right to sleep okay Mikey huh Huh wait he’s here to search us

This video, titled ‘How JJ became SUPERMAN and SAVED Mikey in Minecraft ! Best of Maizen – Compilation’, was uploaded by Perfect Maizen on 2023-12-22 23:56:45. It has garnered 23021 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:46 or 3646 seconds.

How JJ became SUPERMAN and SAVED Mikey in Minecraft ! Best of Maizen – Compilation

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

  • Block by Block: Minecraft’s Realistic Encore

    Block by Block: Minecraft's Realistic Encore In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, One block stands out, like a dream within a dream. It’s realistic, it’s unique, it’s a sight to behold, With textures so lifelike, it never gets old. Adispot takes on the challenge, with humor and flair, Exploring this block, with a sense of care. From mining to building, the possibilities are vast, With each new discovery, the excitement will last. So join in the fun, with Adispot by your side, As they navigate Minecraft, with creativity as their guide. With rhymes and jokes, they’ll keep you entertained, In the world… Read More

  • Speedrun: Beating Friend in Minecraft Java in 5 Min

    Speedrun: Beating Friend in Minecraft Java in 5 Min Beating My Friend Challenge in Minecraft Java in Under 5 Minutes Embark on an exciting journey as we delve into the thrilling world of Minecraft Java Edition. In this challenge, players are tasked with creating a Nether portal in under 5 minutes to beat their friends. Let’s explore the intricacies of this intense challenge and see how players can emerge victorious! The Challenge Begins As the clock starts ticking, players must quickly gather the necessary resources to construct a Nether portal. With limited time on their hands, every second counts in this adrenaline-pumping challenge. Efficiency and speed are key… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Wild Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Wild Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft Nhưng Bọn Tôi Là Động Vật…Có Súng ?!?” which showcases a unique twist on the classic game we all know and love. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await players on Minewind Minecraft Server. With its PvP City setting and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Join us on Minewind today and embark on your own adventure in a world where… Read More

  • Mushroom Mayhem: 100 Days of Hardcore Survival

    Mushroom Mayhem: 100 Days of Hardcore Survival Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. In the Mushroom World, we survived a hundred days, In Minecraft Hardcore, where the truth always stays. Metoben by my side, we conquered the land, With Ender Pearls in hand, we made our… Read More

  • Sakura Dynasty Support Invite in Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 6

    Sakura Dynasty Support Invite in Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 6 KRESH VÀ LỜI MỜI HỖ TRỢ VƯƠNG TRIỀU SAKURA !! l MON TƠ MINECRAFT MEGA SMP TẬP 6 In the latest episode of the Minecraft Mega SMP series, Kresh receives an invitation to join forces with the Sakura Dynasty. This exciting development promises new adventures and collaborations in the vast Minecraft world. Joining Forces with the Sakura Dynasty Kresh’s journey takes an unexpected turn as he is offered support by the powerful Sakura Dynasty. This alliance opens up a world of possibilities, from shared resources to coordinated missions. The collaboration between Kresh and the Sakura Dynasty is sure to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where New Members Thrive!

    Join Minewind: Where New Members Thrive! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of the game and looking for a new server to join, look no further than Minewind. With its unique gameplay features and active community, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Imagine exploring a vast, open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or fighter, Minewind has something for everyone. From challenging dungeons to epic PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this server. But what sets Minewind apart from the rest? It’s the sense of camaraderie and adventure that you’ll find here. Join… Read More

  • Top 10 Tricky Minecraft 1.21 Seeds!

    Top 10 Tricky Minecraft 1.21 Seeds! Exploring the Top 10 Minecraft 1.21 Trial Chamber Seeds! Embark on a thrilling adventure with the top 10 best new trial chamber seeds for Minecraft 1.21 in both Java and Bedrock editions. The Tricky Trials Update introduces exciting trial chambers at spawn, offering players a unique and challenging gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover these captivating seeds! Seed 10: Cliff Mansion Seed Seed ID: 8823677569925680079 Begin your journey with the Cliff Mansion Seed, where you’ll encounter a majestic mansion perched atop a cliff. Explore the intricate chambers within the mansion and uncover hidden treasures… Read More

  • Lost World: Minecraft 30 Day Challenge

    Lost World: Minecraft 30 Day Challenge The Thrilling World of Minecraft Mining Embark on a journey into the depths of Minecraft with RareGamingBoy as he delves into the world of mining in his 30 Days Challenge. In this exciting episode, he faces the possibility of losing his meticulously crafted world but manages to save it just in time, evoking a mix of relief and joy among his followers. Let’s explore the highlights of this thrilling Minecraft adventure! Exploring the Mines Join RareGamingBoy as he navigates through the intricate network of mines in search of valuable resources. Witness the excitement as he uncovers hidden treasures and… Read More

  • Unveiling the 1bitCPU CRED VII v10!

    Unveiling the 1bitCPU CRED VII v10! The Smallest Akaishi CPU: CRED VII (Version 10) Miniaturization at its Finest The CRED VII (Version 10) is a marvel in the world of Minecraft Redstone creations. This CPU, designed by Mr. Mizuchi, is the smallest Akaishi CPU ever produced, fitting within a compact 16 x 16 x 11 space, occupying just one chunk. The challenge of achieving this size was significant, with the base blocks contributing to the height of 11. 1-Bit Ingenuity What sets the CRED VII apart is its utilization of 1-bit ALU and registers, which are expanded to pseudo-4 bits through serial communication. This innovative… Read More

  • 4 Guys, 1 Chamber Challenge

    4 Guys, 1 Chamber Challenge Breaking Down Minecraft’s 1.21 Update: 4 Guys 1 Trial Chamber With the release of Minecraft’s 1.21 update, players around the world are diving into new adventures and challenges. In a recent video featuring popular Minecraft content creators JayMoji, failboat, and Branzy, the game’s boundaries were pushed to the limit in a unique trial chamber experience. Let’s delve into the exciting world of Minecraft and explore the highlights of this groundbreaking update. Exploring the Trial Chamber The trial chamber featured in the video provided a thrilling challenge for the players involved. With puzzles to solve, obstacles to overcome, and teamwork… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tower Challenge + Shizo Twist! 💥🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Tower Challenge + Shizo Twist! 💥🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cobblestone tower 🗼 Of Alphabet L #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Thali Gamer on 2024-05-26 01:30:11. It has garnered 140 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. minecraft tower tutorial,minecraft tower,how to build a tower in minecraft,minecraft build,how to build a medieval tower in minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft tutorial,how to build,minecraft mage tower,stable minecraft,minecraft ship,minecraft wizard tower,how to build a wizard tower in minecraft,how to build a fantasy tower in minecraft,minecraft ship tutorial,how to build a small medieval tower in minecraft,team minecraft buildminecraft tower at different times,minecraft,minecraft at different… Read More

  • The Hive Shenanigans LIVE

    The Hive Shenanigans LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on The Hive – Minecraft Bedrock LIVE’, was uploaded by Jonathan GF97 on 2024-03-22 20:50:25. It has garnered 140 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:10 or 11530 seconds. I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you want more hit like and sub to the channel so I know you want more and don’t forget to hit the bell so you know when more videos come out. Stream RULES 1.Be nice to other viewers. Don’t spam or troll. 2.If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report,… Read More

  • Unbelievable MALAYALAM LIVE MINECRAFT Gameplay with Prins!

    Unbelievable MALAYALAM LIVE MINECRAFT Gameplay with Prins!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT malayalam live!!!’, was uploaded by PRINS YT on 2024-05-03 03:11:00. It has garnered 181 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:15 or 1155 seconds. Ꮇ𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭 Join Now.. 𝗕𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗧 𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗛𝗬 __ 𝗕𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗠𝗔 𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗛 __ [Java]ip in1.nexnodes.tech:25574[ʙᴇᴅʀᴏᴄᴋ ip in1.nexnodes.tech Port : 25574 BEAST ANARCHY DISCORD LINK Must join in discord DISCORD LINK https://discord.com/invite/WkBnGxCxvw Server owner →PRINS YT →MSLPRO Tags #minecraftmalayalam #minecraftanarchy #howtojoinserver #KGFANRCHY #beastanarchy #bishmaanarchy #malayaleescraft#minecraftmalayalam #minecraftmalayalam #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftanarchy #minecraftanarchyserver Read More

  • INSANE!! Exploring SteamPunk LPS modpack: Koala Adventure

    INSANE!! Exploring SteamPunk LPS modpack: Koala AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘SteamPunk LPS modpack EP3 Exploring’, was uploaded by Koala on 2024-04-14 14:42:51. It has garnered 41 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:15 or 3075 seconds. Welcome to SteamPunk, an immersive Minecraft modpack experience meticulously crafted to transport you into a realm where innovation meets adventure. Embark on a journey through a captivating world brimming with new biomes, awe-inspiring structures, and labyrinthine dungeons begging to be explored. Within this meticulously designed landscape lie fortified strongholds ripe for conquest, beckoning adventurers to test their mettle against formidable challenges. Prepare to encounter an… Read More


    INSANE NEW UPDATE: SUN AND MOON IN MINECRAFT FNAF RPGVideo Information This video, titled ‘SUN AND MOON ARE HERE | Minecraft FNAF Security Breach RP’, was uploaded by TheRepublicGamer on 2024-03-09 16:30:26. It has garnered 261 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:21 or 1161 seconds. #fnaf #fnafroleplay #minecraft #minecraftroleplays Hello everybody, TheRepublicGamer here and in todays EP Sun and Moon will be arriving at the pizzaplex to meet the Glamrocks… Anyways enjoy the video… Join My Discord Community Server TODAY! ➤ https://discord.gg/AxfjZj2ExJ ➤SUBSCRIBE! Today if you haven’t yet and or if your new and interested to the channel… ➤LIKE! the video for more videos… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Hidden Villages In Naruto Mod?! | Ep. 3

    UNBELIEVABLE: Hidden Villages In Naruto Mod?! | Ep. 3Video Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGES ARE LITERALLY HIDDEN FROM ME! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 3’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-06-04 22:00:19. It has garnered 4122 views and 209 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:14 or 1994 seconds. Minecraft Naruto (Ninshu Origins) Mod – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4fSPLCtse8 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs VILLAGES ARE LITERALLY HIDDEN FROM ME! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 3 #NARUTO #Minecraft #ModReview Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Building Hawkins Library in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide to Building Hawkins Library in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Behind the Build: Hawkins Library from Stranger Things!!’, was uploaded by Wheelassassin Guides on 2024-06-12 08:01:22. It has garnered 170 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:16 or 6556 seconds. Hello Assassins!! Here’s a chill build stream for behind the build of my Hawkins Square from Stranger Things!! I’m just here finishing up the Hawkins Library before completing up the street near the cinema!! I hope you can come and say hi!! 😀 —————————————————————————————————————————————— If you build this tutorial or any of my tutorials for a video on your own… Read More

  • INSANE: Our Plane POSSESSED in Minecraft!

    INSANE: Our Plane POSSESSED in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Our PLANE Got POSSESSED in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-05-08 13:00:19. It has garnered 253314 views and 3227 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:20 or 2540 seconds. Our PLANE Got POSSESSED in Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam hop on a plane for their vacation! But suddenly the power goes out, and strange things start happening… Will their plane land safely? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • 🔥FREE FIRE VIRAL VIDEO Revealed by Mr.Ansh!🔥

    🔥FREE FIRE VIRAL VIDEO Revealed by Mr.Ansh!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Free Fire New Viral Short Video #freefire #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-02-29 15:51:58. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Free Fire New Viral Short Video #freefire #viral #shorts Free Fire Viral Loop Short | #minecraft #viral #shorts Free Fire Rank Match Reward | #freefire Free Fire Zombie Hunt Mode Special Wining Trick | #freefire #ajjubhai #gaming Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment,… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet | Vanilla 1.20.2 | Whitelist | Age 25+ | No Claims | Smaller Community | Max Render Distance | 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! My wife and I have been playing Minecraft for over a decade and have built a great community to play with. If you’re 25+ and looking to join us, please use the link below to join our Discord. We aim to provide a vanilla experience with a few exceptions listed below. Our world border is currently at 10k blocks in every direction, but will expand in the future. Community Guidelines: No kids or annoying players No ranks or moderator positions No area claim plugins Maximum 32 Chunks render view distance Hard difficulty Additional Information: New… Read More

  • Wild Jail Breakers

    A mix of Prison and Survival Minecraft Version 1.19.4Server in Beta StagesThe server is now playable!!!Looking for members to promote to staff Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: What the hell?!

    It’s like Minecraft is trying to flex its meme popularity on us, but we’re just here like “nice try, blockhead.” Read More

  • Crafty Evil Cheater: Trapped in Minecraft Hole! #ShortSV

    Crafty Evil Cheater: Trapped in Minecraft Hole! #ShortSV In Minecraft, a friend turned foe, Locked me in a hole, oh no! Cheater’s tricks, a funny meme, Watch me struggle, in this scene. But fear not, I’ll find a way, To escape and live another day. Minecraft adventures, full of surprises, In this world, where creativity rises. So join me in this virtual land, Where blocks and mobs, go hand in hand. Let’s craft, build, and explore, In Minecraft, we’ll never be bored. Stay tuned for more, in every rhyme, As we journey through this pixelated time. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Laughs Guaranteed! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Laughs Guaranteed! 🔥😂 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Crafting an Indigo Park Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting an Indigo Park Portal in Minecraft Minecraft’s Indigo Park Portal: A Gateway to Adventure Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new and exciting features to explore in the game. One such feature that has caught the attention of players is the Indigo Park Portal. This mystical portal offers a gateway to a whole new world of adventure and challenges. Discovering the Indigo Park Portal The Indigo Park Portal is a hidden gem in the vast world of Minecraft. Players must embark on a quest to uncover the portal’s location and unlock its secrets. Once found, the portal opens up a portal to Indigo… Read More

  • Raiding Farms in Minecraft with Shader Mods

    Raiding Farms in Minecraft with Shader Mods Farming and Raids – Minecraft Episode 56 German: With Shader, Mods The paths are long, the world is endless. Starting in a beautiful Minecraft world in Survival Mode on Hard, let’s see where our journey takes us. Why Watch? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there are valuable tips and tricks to learn here. Engage with other Minecraft fans in the comments and enjoy the stunning visuals of Minecraft with shaders. Don’t Miss Out! Subscribe to the channel and hit the bell icon to stay updated. Have fun watching! Leave a like if you enjoy the video… Read More

  • Unbelievable Phoenix Flare in Minecraft! 🔥

    Unbelievable Phoenix Flare in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Phoenix Flare on 2024-06-02 02:53:56. It has garnered 81 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:22 or 11002 seconds. Minecraft minecraft minecraft ——————————————————— Twitter: https://twitter.com/phoenix_flare69 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phoenixflare69/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D Discord Server: https://discord.gg/TPnjmRm9MF Profile, banner, and PNG Tuber made by @astrogummi8610 : https://agummi.carrd.co/ Streaming Loading Image by mondobutter_ on discord Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Makes BocaJ Go Crazy

    Minecraft Mod Makes BocaJ Go CrazyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Scary Mod’, was uploaded by bocaJ on 2024-04-05 16:00:26. It has garnered 41 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:40 or 1900 seconds. Truly was terrifying. Check Out Friends In The Video Here: @lhoenpedia7901 Read More

  • Dunners Duke Hunts Epic Griefed Stash in 1.20 Minecraft!

    Dunners Duke Hunts Epic Griefed Stash in 1.20 Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t updated to Minecraft 1.20. Griefed Base & Stash Hunting.’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-04-19 21:07:17. It has garnered 134 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:10 or 7750 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Shorts Going Viral! 🎮💥

    Unbelievable Minecraft Shorts Going Viral! 🎮💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft most viewed shorts🔥🎯🔥//#dsgamingyt #4 on trending #animalmoviesong #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by DaRk ShAdOw GAMMING YT on 2023-12-18 05:55:00. It has garnered 2771 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #shorts #live #youtube #funnyshorts #memes #alpha #newvideo #tiktok #gameplay #explore #subscribe #sub #youtubeguru #youtubeislife #shortsfunny #shortsbgm #shortstiktok #shortscomedy #shortsbts #shortsasmr #shortsadoptme #shortsanity #shortsbeta #shortsart #shortscooking #shortschallenge #youtuberlikes #playstation3 #rainbowxsix #gta #playstation4 #ps2 #playstation1 #consolegamer #ps4 #love #ps5 #fortnite #playstationvr #ps1 #ps3 #like #playstation5 #rdr2 #reddeadredemption #psvr #grandtheftauto #controller #playstation #consolegaming #playstation2 #console #granturismo #photooftheday #xbox #fortnitecommunity #season 12… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Server RebuiltBuck

    The Ultimate Minecraft Server RebuiltBuckVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft Server Ever’, was uploaded by RebuiltBuck on 2024-05-24 02:34:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hey, what’s up. Say hi in chat and let me know how your day went. First time here? Check out the other videos on the channel to … Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Cave World! CRAZY Minecraft Challenge!

    Surviving 100 Days in Cave World! CRAZY Minecraft Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in a CAVE ONLY WORLD in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2024-04-23 19:09:22. It has garnered 459319 views and 10279 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:29 or 4589 seconds. I set my hardcore Minecraft world to CAVE ONLY but added a tonne of great mods! ⭐ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/SrXZUKTqVb (I POSTED THE MODPACK HERE) ⭐WANT A MINECRAFT SERVER?⭐ Visit: https://wisehosting.com/cfg Use code “CFG” to save 25%! Minecraft Hosting for Bedrock and Java with Worldwide Server Locations! Huge shoutout to Suev for making the modpack! His cave only video… Read More

  • Insane Noob Server w/ Eli, Monte, Sidney & Co. Must See! 😱

    Insane Noob Server w/ Eli, Monte, Sidney & Co. Must See! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘😂😱GEILER Noob SERVER mit Eli, Monte, Sidney, Willy & Co. Neuer Minecraft Server ist Fantastisch!’, was uploaded by Trymacs on 2024-01-05 11:15:05. It has garnered 192685 views and 11667 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:52 or 832 seconds. The new Minecraft server with Monte, Eli, Abu, Willy, Sidney & Co. is fantastic! ► The new Sony #INZONE headphones: https://shorturl.at/rvT57, H9: https://shorturl.at/pyX36, H5: https://shorturl.at/hwO34 and INZONE Buds: https://shorturl.at/ktG59 #advertisement ► LevlUp discount with code “Trymacs” https://bit.ly/38kgCjk * ► ESN discount with code “Trymacs”: https://cutt.ly/9woa0zac * ► Podcast with UnsympathischTV + Varion https://spotify.com/offline+ehrlich ► AMA… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Minecraft Armor Hack Revealed!

    🔥Ultimate Minecraft Armor Hack Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft armar build hack/Minecraft armar build hack Explained’, was uploaded by Tofikpathan-123 on 2024-03-07 07:45:02. It has garnered 491 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. The Beginner’s Guide to Minecraft armar build hack Minecraft armar build hack Explained Minecraft armar build hack Theory: Behind the Scenes A Chat About Minecraft armar build hack How to Master Minecraft armar build hack The Insane Story Behind Minecraft armar build hack The Insane Story Behind Minecraft armar build hack Minecraft first water bucket clutch@PAYALGAMING @Gamerfleet_yt #shorts MythoForgeYT @NoTRustyxD #Application #video… Read More

  • ResterMC Mystery: They burned, caught… No spoilers!

    ResterMC Mystery: They burned, caught... No spoilers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Спалили, словили и… Лучше вам не знать) Майнкрафт анимация #minecraft #resterplay #animation’, was uploaded by ResterMC on 2024-04-13 11:04:55. It has garnered 495 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. They burned, caught and… It’s better for you not to know) Minecraft animation Original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPwp2jPlaTA #minecraft #resterplay #funny #shorts #animation #minecraft #funnyvideos #animation #rester #rester #suddenly got rich #grandfather #nostalgia minecraft, minecraft, minecraft animation, animation, animation, minecraft animation, minecraft but, in minecraft, shorts, fixplay, monster school, creeper, tiktok, monster school minecraft, stupid guy, creeper, alex, steve, yuni, minecraft… Read More

  • The After Effect

    Welcome to The After Effect Minecraft server! This is a difficult survival pvp server in a world which is a wasteland. There is no grass, no animals, limited food, and dead trees. The nether is disabled. This provides an incentive for PVP and battles since certain resources are so scarce. Join for a fun time in a journey to survive the wasteland with your friends on The After Effect Minecraft Server! mc.theaftereffect.org Read More

  • Reunion SMP 1.20.X Chill No-Reset

    Server Information: IP: reunionsmp.com Discord: Join Discord Origins: This server is the sequel to Union SMP. It was created after the original Union SMP was shut down right before the 1.20 update. Union SMP was known for being promoted by Youtuber Salc1. Features: Community Decided Features Robust Claim System Homes Paid Cosmetics Graves Discord Connectivity Vanilla Tweaks Player Economy Market: The only item sellable to the server are diamonds ($100 each). Players can set up shops at spawn and use the money earned for transactions. An auction house is available for one-time sales. Ranks: Various ranks are available on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Farm complete, need pro tips?

    Wow, that’s a high score for a meme about asking for farming tips in Minecraft. Maybe the secret to meme success is cultivating a good sense of humor! Read More

  • Kerem’s Mafia Mishap: A Minecraft Mayhem Tale

    Kerem's Mafia Mishap: A Minecraft Mayhem Tale In the world of Minecraft, Kerem falls from on high, With the evil mafia, they take to the sky. An action-packed episode, full of thrill and surprise, Watch until the end, don’t believe the lies. Subscribe to the channel, for more tales to unfold, Join the Discord, where stories are told. All in good fun, with characters so grand, Imaginary worlds, created by hand. Using Blockbuster mode, for a cinematic flair, With music by Kevin MacLeod, in the air. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news, shining bright in the light. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness 🔥 #viralLaughs

    Minecraft Meme Madness 🔥 #viralLaughs Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boomtastic Read More