JJ Maizen Investigates Mikey’s Death – Minecraft

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H oh Mikey big news JJ big terrible news what is it there’s been a robbery come I’ll show you no look H this house belongs to the richest man in town and last night he was broken into wao no kidding that’s not all everything in the safe was stolen you’re right it’s completely

Empty the poor man was robbed isn’t it awful oh he’s still passed out H let’s talk to the policeman officer how was the investigation going what you haven’t caught the culprit yet JJ it’s worse than that they don’t know who did it like they have no idea not a single lead they haven’t

Found any clues huh huh oh hang on huh what’s up wait a sec of course that’s it what is there a clue this house yeah is covered in cameras you’re right that means if we hack into the security feed we can watch the footage from last night I’ll get the computer set

Up okay do it all right focus Focus I’m in I found last night’s footage awesome but is the richest man in town just staring into space I guess I wonder what’s going to happen weird H wait H look by the door there’s someone there or something is it the culprit he’s coming in you think he’s already

Inside and the richest man in the village hasn’t even noticed really no what oh oh he attacked him for no reason that’s so mean yeah seriously too bad the video quality is so bad we can’t see the culprit face now he’s trying to steal his things no Way did he just break into the safe wao if he opened the safe then he must be the one who stole the treasure at least that’s my Guess I was right he’s the robber look what’s he doing now is he leaving yeah he ran off well follow him I switched to a different camera where does he think he’s going with the million A’s precious possessions huh into the garage he wouldn’t unbelievable really he’s stealing the expensive sports car

Wow he’s gone does that means he took the car too yep that’s what happened but the resolution was too too poor to see the cprit’s face oh how are we supposed to catch him if we don’t know what he looks like it’s impossible well we can’t give up Mikey

We’ll just have to come up with another way to find him we should start brainstorming then h ah let’s see oh I know I’ve got a plan yeah there we’re ready to roll here’s what we’re going to do break it down for me first we’ll get this police dog to

Learn the smell of the car come on here boy are you picking up the scent keep trying uh so what’s next then we follow the dog he’ll lead the way seriously is that actually going to work I think so oh he found the scent all right we got a lead let’s go NAB

This bad guy Mikey I’m coming if we stick with the dog we should bump right into him huh here I doubt we’ll find the robber in this old rundown Place well this is where the trail leads uhhuh according to this trained police dog our bad guy is running inside you

Think so I don’t know this Shack does look abandoned but don’t let your guard down proceed with caution okay sure here we go open well H see I told you this isn’t a hideout our bad guy is definitely laying low somewhere but not here this is just an

Old dump yeah you’re right Mikey hang on why is that lever up there I wonder what it does I’m pulling It wao no way wow H what is it it looks like a secret entrance wait Mikey the robber must be nearby after all why would this be here right he must be a very careful criminal yeah keep your eyes peeled for traps okay we’ll do now come on let’s NAB this

Guy moving out what’s that a security camera to stay out of view pH yes I don’t think it’s saw us ready yep let’s find out what’s through this door what is this place h a lava pit this bad guy doesn’t take any chances he set up this trap for us

Falling in would not turn out well for us that’s for sure let’s be careful we’ll move slowly one block at a time nice just like that make sure you don’t fall in okay got it hot that’s hot Mikey make get stop oh no oh slowly let’s go coming if we’re prudent

Enough we’ll definitely be able to get to this criminal I really want to catch him there we go yes I made it up good work nice now we don’t know what other traps he set up so let’s be extra careful going forward extra extra careful hang on H there’s a door over

There let’s go sure come on JJ huh bad news really bad wao what’s the matter Mikey it’s terrible these posters are all over town look wo hang on a second that’s a wanted poster let’s see here Dead or Alive reward of $1 million what’s going on here hey that’s

Me I don’t understand what am I wanting for I didn’t do anything wrong you must have been framed if you don’t make a run for it you’ll be arrested for a crime you didn’t commit seriously that would be terrible thank you Mikey let’s go take a look outside uh let’s get out of

Back up the police are already here let me take another look uh wao you you weren’t kidding Mikey there’s a poster on every building and cops everywhere right this is really bad they’re over there too what about this side du more police what do I do there’s

No way you can leave the house how are we going to escape you’re right we can’t leave with the police out there huh unless oh Mikey I have a crazy idea really what is it just hear me out I have some pretty strong TNT here that’s going to

Come in handy uhhuh I also have a toilet right the toilet is connected to a sewer okay if I put the TNT here and use it to blow up the toilet oh we should be able to make an escape through the sewers here goes nothing wow all set there’s no

Time to waste let’s get out of here m w how’s it look wow nice I knew it all right let’s go H nice oh perfect hop in oh are you ready Let’s Escape this Village right away let’s go yeah pH you know I still have no clue what I’m wanted for huh oh

Maybe we go this way check it out there’s a manhole up there let’s go yeah let’s get out of here out of here and out of this Village as fast as we can then we’ll find out why I’m wanted and prove my innocence all right then open

Up awesome we made it out perfect huh where did that manhole take us we’re on the mountain behind the village oh we should be able to leave the village if we go this way I see uh let’s move it hang on Mikey does something look different different to you what look

Something’s up with the village since when was all this lava here no way what the village is completely surrounded by lava no you’re right the police must have done this to keep you from escaping that must be it we can’t escape from the village like this we’ll never get across

The lava what are we going to do now there has to be a way let’s go search The Village well I don’t know I am still a wanted man if the police see me they’ll arrest me for sure you’re right maybe we can come up with a plan H

Oh I know huh over there I found something good follow me oh this should work okay we’re here what did you find it’s in that building up ahead let’s sneak over to it okay careful there’s a cop where right up ahead please don’t look this way okay let’s go right behind you hurry

Mikey okay made it nice huh all right where are we take a look around this place is a clothing store oh but why if I change my outfit and disguise myself maybe the police who are looking for for me won’t know it’s me oh that’s genius H

These all look pretty heavy wearing them will be really hot true but that’s better than being caught I’ll take these oh you’re changing clothes too yeah why not you look very fashionable I guess I’ll wear these ones nice taada not bad oh it’s perfect because it hides your face no no one

Will know it’s you as long as you don’t talk well I guess I’ll need to change the way I talk then all righty I reckon I should talk like this y’all huh them fellas won’t have a clue who I am wo nobody will recognize you if you talk

Like that even I wouldn’t have a clue who you are well thanks partner this get up is mighty hot though huh son’s got me sweating like nobody’s business let’s just get this over with so far are so Good by golly yeah it’s really hot I may be roasting in here but my disguise

Works I can stroll right by them without them noticing wo you’re right yep I look nothing like them posters I ought to be safe yes sir let’s get to searching for the things that’ll help us Escape M yeeha I’m hotter than blue blazes me Too there’s nothing here let’s keep looking Mikey yeah I reckon my chicken is cooked can we take a break good idea these clothes are just so hot yeah this is brutal let’s go rest in that house that sounds right as rain let’s go okay we’ll rest in here uhuh it’s so hot

I need to take this thing off and then yeah let’s close this place up like a barn and winter just like that after all there’s police outside and we don’t want them to catch a glimpse of us nice there get all those closed up good job H okay

I think that’s all the blinds closed we’re good yep well the door has Windows in it so we should stay over here okay and now we can get these outfits off finally what a relief I feel better already that’s cool pH perfect hey check out these refrigerators let’s look inside there’s

A watermelon perfect there’s water too bottles of water no one’s going to find us here so let’s Chow Down on this melon that beat nearly killed us yummy mhm this will keep us hydrated and now to wash it down with some water that was exactly what I needed I’m

So hydrated now and we’re safe in here I actually feel alive again yay okay let’s find a way to escape this Village before someone catches on to me yeah they haven’t found me yet but huh hang on Mikey what what up no huh over there a security camera oh no the police are

Going to know where we are oh no we’re too late no All right let’s get started we’re seeing what prison life is like as inmates I bet it’s way more fun than you’d think let’s go to our cells wo la la so this is my cell oh there’s even a bed and bookshelves in here and a toilets it’s actually really roomy plus

There’s a big window uh how’s yours Mikey well myel is way too small a oh there are cobwebs everywhere and no bed either why is my cell so run down you’re kidding well at least this isn’t something I’d experience otherwise so I guess it’s fun for what it is

Yay well then let’s start living the prison life huh oh I guess it’s meal time let’s go Mikey oh sweet I’m so hungry I could eat anything I just hope it tastes good me too nice my meal is bread and an apple simple but yummy lucky you h this is all they gave

Me wait is that grass Mikey seriously yeah they said it’s cuz I’m a turtle and Turtles only eat grass but on the bright side I love eating grass well dig in but Mikey won’t you be hungry after this yeah probably I have an idea wait right here JJ huh Mikey one sec

Uh what you can’t go in there what are you doing no one is here right now so they’ll never know here I found them yes Mikey be careful it’s fine I did it yes y g look I stuck some cookies I’ll have them for Dinner okay it’s time to shoot some hoops huh oh Mikey huh JJ let’s play some basketball oh I was told I need to run laps around the court huh so tired H what is it huh no slacking I was just taking a break hey hey sh off the guards have their eye on

Miky oh stop it well it’s time to sleep woohoo first I’m eating the cookies I stole from the kitchen then I’m going right to sleep okay Mikey H wait he’s here to search us oh that’s going to be a problem hey St he knows about the cookies ow I’m sorry I couldn’t

Help just cookies I’m sorry he confiscated the cookies Wow I didn’t realize we’d be searched oh those cookies I snuck he took them all A oh morning already oh hi Mikey morning I couldn’t sleep at all on this hard floor but don’t worry I’m still going to keep trying my best with prison life prison life isn’t easy but it might still be Fun okay Mikey time for prison labor we’re Gathering coal right there’s so much mhm this is super hard I mean it’s pretty dangerous working this close to Lava oo coal mining can be pretty tough now I’m going over to this chest where I’ll take out a pickaxe and

TNT and I’ll use them efficiently to mine for coal I’ll place the TNT here and light it there we go now I can gather more coal even faster W that was awesome I’ll keep blowing up this TNT so I can collect as much coal as Possible all right that should do it JJ I’m tired from not being able to sleep last night all right I think I’ll take a little break a break where are you going to do that there’s a bench over over there it’s still labor time yeah I’ll be quick well don’t let the

Guard catch you it’s I I’m so Tired huh what no breaks during work ouch not again I’m sorry I’m sorry Mike’s in trouble I’m going to steal some TNT while the guard ISM I’ll just get a little bit great I’ve got a plan for when I get back to myself cell I’m sorry cut it

Out I’m sorry I ever tried prison life I didn’t think it was going to be this hard I feel the same way Mikey that’s why we’re escaping that’ll be impossible how are we supposed to leave ourselves [Applause] JJ huh look what I stole we can use it

To blast open the walls of our cells and Escape now you’re talking JJ let’s get out of this place right away I never want to deal with prison life again okay I’ll use this TNT to destroy the door sweet all right 3 2 1 go yes stand back

Okay yes yay the door was destroyed nice hurry let’s jump off and Escape come on Mikey I’m coming nice run for it let’s get out of here if the guards get us they’ll drag us back to prison we have to escape before they catch on I can’t

Go back there don’t get caught I’m definitely getting out of here just a bit farther okay turn here we’re almost free woohoo yes all right hang on huh wait a second this is a dead end oh that’s no problem huh I still have some TNT we can blast our way

Through yes it blew up hurry Mikey huh hang on DJ the guards are coming what now get out run away run for your life Mikey they’ve spotted us trying to escape it’s okay up the stairs okay keep going they’re gaining on us I don’t want

To go back to prison if they catch us this will all have been for nothing no way they’re closing in uh-oh don’t get caught Mikey I definitely won’t hurry we’re going to be fine once we climb these stairs we’ll be up to the roof will it be safe up

There this is how we escape almost there yes we made it miky yay hang on are we okay we’re on the roof almost free we’ve come so far run awesome huh what was that oh the guard is shooting at us no the guard Mikey I can’t believe it after all that

Uh yikes shoot they’re still after me uh-oh well it may have taken Mikey down but I can still Escape I got to hurry Now’s the Time to jump yes I managed to escape safely but the guards still have Mikey hi everybody I’m Mikey nice to meet you anybody have a

Cookie JJ if you can hear this save me this is terrible oh Mikey I heard you were in an accident are you okay here an apple a day oh and flowers oh I tripped and hurt myself and I can’t walk weird huh what you can’t walk really yeah but I’ll be fine after

Surgery that’ll fix me up uh Mikey the thing is H surgery is expensive oh the cost is $3 million huh no way I don’t have that money what am I going to do oh wait I have an idea really mhm you do mhm what is it what are you doing on the

Computer well hm have you ever heard of crowdfunding what’s that it’s when you collect donations online that’s how I’ll get the money you’re going to use crowdfunding for that it’s that easy it’s easy to raise money like this I’ll just mess around on my phone while I wait Oh Mikey oh I’m here to visit you a thanks I love having my phone oh hey how is your crowdfunding great I should check do I have 3 million yet let’s [Applause] see well H oh h Huh what no what a how much that’s weird I didn’t even raise a penny

Seriously I’m doomed $3 million is impossible oh you didn’t raise any money well you can’t give up huh you have to walk again Mikey I’ll look for a part-time job I’ll work for you thank you all right mining is the highest paying job around so that’s what I’ll do

Hm rare ores oh there’s one I’ll mine as many as I can if I find enough of these I’ll get a bonus all right rear ores are more common the deeper you go wo oh oh no way it’s a diamond ore wo oh that’s great nice I’ve already found

Diamonds an iron I think I’ll try going even deeper down there might be more rare ores down there I’ll just have to be careful not to fall into the Lava huh let’s see wonder if there’s something around here wow looks like no one is mind Beyond this point they handed out Dynamite so I’ll lay out a good amount of TNT a really good amount and then and light it run away run away run away wao now any rare ores down there

What huh what really emeralds and diamonds there’s even a lot of gold W this is amazing look there’s even Some Coal too this is unbelievable yes it was pure luck but I found so much look how much I found here I’m going to get a crazy huge bonus this

Job is so easy W all right well then let’s get started all right then I worked hard at my part-time job for one whole week it was tough it was difficult but I searched and found plenty of rare ores it’s time to collect my K okay oh that’s

The place I should be able to get paid There you like building a village here yeah with this house as the start of a new Village we can live in peace fantastic hang on what’s that sound uh there’s an emergency news alert on the TV let’s check it out it’s about to start what could it be let’s

See what’s going on huh Huh what this is bad Mikey what a mysterious wle monster just attacked a village nearby uh-oh and according to the reporter that monster is headed this way next what after we finished building our peaceful home what do we do H well Mikey we should have at least

6 hours before the wle monster reaches us we have until then to build some security let’s fight off the wle monster yeah let’s fight it let’s go what kind of Security will we build the wle monster is huge yeah it’s so big we need to build a wall big enough to surround

The entire house of course yep let’s do it so let’s build a gigantic wall wo look at that wall it’s massive that’s just one section it’s huge our walls need to be quite thick it’s thick I think it’s five actually six blocks wide so it’s pretty solid and it’s also about

10 blocks tall at that height it should be tall enough and thick enough I think we have a pretty good wall no way the wle monster can break through this wall it’s the strongest wall ever yeah wao now we have to build off what we have so far Okay all right woohoo wow check it out it took us a while but we did it yeah the house is completely surrounded by large sturdy walls that took a whole hour to make but now we should be safe and sound Behind These Walls right nobody can get through well Mikey sure

But we built our perfect house together and I don’t want to see anything happen to it and since I don’t want it getting smashed just in case yeah we should build some more anti- wle Monster security oh for starters let’s see here you’ll need this and that uh start with the

H is that right yep how’s it look what’s this what are you doing and Tada let’s build some Iron Golems of course Iron Golems are the toughest troops around maybe the Iron Golems will defeat the regle monster for us they can take it no problem yeah W Iron Golems

Are the strongest soldiers out there they’re the Ultimate Security Force they’ll probably beat the rle monster for us they’ll protect our walls amazing there’s something else I want to build follow me what is it don’t you think we have enough protection already no Mikey it’s not enough we need to be ready for

Anything we don’t want our perfect home getting wrecked sh so Mikey yeah while the Iron Golems are fighting for us yeah we’ll provide them with support fire from our bows like this good plan yep we need a smart approach that’s exactly right we’ll help the Iron Golems from up

A top the walls but at first it’s pretty hard to scale the walls as they are now so in order to climb to the top I’m thinking about making a secret passage sure first we need a location how does this spot look good I’ll have it right about

Here oh that should be far enough now for the next Part okay the sticky piston should go something like this sure and fill that in with stone Now I’m increasing the space we have to work with like so okay and here uhhuh how’s this and then something like This okay that should work then up here a couple of repeaters and then hook these up with Redstone Dust yep and then put a redstone torch right here done that’s the secret entrance this lever opens and closes it so you’re done actually the secret entrance may be

Finished but we’re not done yet we still need a ladder to reach the top of the wall right great let’s make that next up I’m going to clear a path in this direction okay how’s that n dig hole up and out the wall now Mikey we need a ladder can

You do that I can do it hang on I’m on it oh good job awesome perfect now we can sneak in go through the pad up the ladder and climb on top of the wall that’s amazing now it’s perfect actually Mikey we only finished up to the ladder but we’re still missing

Something we have to provide support to the Iron Golems once we’re on the walls but we still need weapons and armor to be able to do that so in this narrow hallway I’ll build a device that automatically equips weapons and armor wo that sounds cool H the ceiling

Needs to be higher there like this first I need to set up the dispensers I think six should be enough now in each dispenser yeah just like this yeah I’m putting armor in each one it’ll be a full set of diamond armor like so next boots leggings yeah leggings

Right I mean leggings now the boots okay boots in each there okay in the next one I want to put some bows I’ll put in some special bows special bows yep bows with the infinity enchantment okay by doing that oh the bows can fire endlessly wow

Boza can fire forever it’s full of bows with the most powerful enchantment wo and here I’ll put some arrows just to be safe W that’s it I should do this we’re done yep like so next what’s that a row of pressure plates that looks impressive watch this just walk through see that’s

Amazing check me out I’m fully geared up yum yeah this pig is good yummy my te stop and listen it’s a news alert oh what could it be huh sit down all right let’s see well it’s breaking news what is that weird that’s not good what it’s

Really bad oh know Mikey what’s wrong a giant demon is is on the Rampage and it’s heading towards us oh no what do we do Mikey we have until tonight to protect our home with anti-demon security okay let’s build a super tough security system yeah let’s start building our

Security system we only have until night falls then the demon shows up I already have a plan for our first security measure it’ll go here see these doors they’re made of wood yep doors are the first line of protection to our house but wood is weak right true okay done let’s

See now when you push the button both doors open oh let’s go inside now I’ll set up another button nice and easy good idea these iron doors are super tough maybe they’re even tough enough to hold off a demon I hope so that’s our first upgrade it’s a strong start all right our

Entrance is safe now I’m thinking of setting up a weapon to attack the demon wi really yeah what kind of weapon to build it we’re going to need dispensers and TNT and some water also a slab and some Stone okay Mikey we’re building a TNT cannon wow really all right yeah let’s

Get started so once this thing is built we might be able to blow up the Denon okay another dispenser here we line these up then we fill them up with TNT yeah the slab in the water goes here oh I see now along the top we connect the Redstone circuit at a

Button if we push it it launches the TNT oh that’s amazing hey should we try it out all right yeah are you ready 3 2 1 well awesome wa that will get the demon for sure you think so just look that’s impressive it packs quite a bunch

Definitely but is it enough for a demon absolutely no doubt nice our second security measure is finished hey JJ what’s up I’ve got a good idea for the next one you have a security measure in mind can I build it what kind of idea is

It okay watch this sure yeah I see that you’re digging something what is it okay I dug a trench yeah ready for the next step OU put lava you’re on fire be careful I’m okay bit more oh I get it now Mikey it’s security lava the Ultimate Security

Measure let’s keep going oh I’ll help thank you it’s a lava mode around the house exactly I see and along this side nice so far so good all right I think that should do it for the house all done sweet JJ even if the demon comes here he’ll never make it

Across the lava we work so hard already I think the mode is all we need nothing can get across this no way y Totally I wonder what will catch h Huh hang on huh what huh what’s wrong there’s something over there and whatever it is it keeps running back and forth what is that huh I don’t see anything come on JJ let’s focus on fishing I guess but I’m sure there’s something There are the fish done yet oh they’re done M oo M yum yum yum that’s yummy these are good fish but like I can’t stop thinking about what I saw this afternoon oh anyways I’m still a little hungry so I’ll have seconds I’ll just cook one more you overthink things

JJ you were just imagining it I didn’t see anything I wonder why you couldn’t see it oh well huh these fish are don’t Mikey Mikey behind you look behind you H Mikey that’s it that’s the person I I saw this afternoon no way I knew it I wasn’t

Imagining things I’m scared the way it moves is so creepy it can’t get inside the house right oh no Mikey this is bad huh we left the door unlocked hurry we got to lock it oh no hurry got to hurry lock the door before it gets inside uh

One padlock this should be okay nice job pH that’s better is that person still out there huh it looks like that weirdo left I wonder where it went at least the door is locked it can’t get inside our house now right well I hope you’re right about that huh what’s that Noise the glass windows all shattered oh no Mikey this is bad the windows are all broken quickly we need to block them all off before it gets inside hey Mikey grab some wood use the wood to fill in the windows lock them off hurry

Up oh nice pH is this enough H I think we should be okay now they’re all blocked up I’m scared it didn’t get inside the house right all clear Mikey that person definitely intends to attack us I’m scared let’s stay put we can keep

Quiet for now let’s make a run for it in the morning M sounds like a plan h Huh what’s that noise There’s a hole in the wall what do we do we got to get away from Here hey Mikey why were you Screaming hang on this is bad this is bad what do I do what do I do oh it’s pounding on the door I got to find a place to hide a place to hide uh no not there or there oh that’s right I put a secret door here okay

PH what Mikey’s house has been robbed uh-huh that’s right even though I’m sure I had the door locked shouldn’t my iron door have been secure enough oh all my precious Treasures were stolen even my flowers oh even all the food in my fridge all the treasure I worked so hard

To collect was stolen oh yeah there doesn’t seem to be any sign of the thief getting in by forcing the door that’s because the thief couldn’t have used the door I’m sure the door was locked oh uh-oh this section is flooding wo oh huh no kidding oh H why me what’s this huh

What Mikey huh Mikey does your house have a basement huh I don’t have a basement what are you talking about yeah but look here Mikey huh right by the toilet see there’s a passage that leads underground what for real but my house isn’t supposed to have a basement

There’s the possibility that the thief may have entered your house through this underground passage H should we try going down there it could be dangerous H it is pretty scary but we have to go let’s catch the thief JJ yeah let’s check it out what could be down there H be

Careful all right we’re going underground wao cautiously proceed with caution it’s pretty narrow looks like a tunnel what’s inside uh wow what it’s dangerous here Mikey that’s security lava huh the thief rigged the tunnel with security yikes Let’s cross carefully okay we have to move

H phew I made it across no turning back good luck careful I needed a cross okay next up H hold on huh so what could be in there there appears to be a door let’s be careful there might be more security inside I’ll go first thanks Mikey

Carefully go with caution all right what could be inside okay I’m opening it ouch huh yeah what you okay Mikey here oh it’s secured with arrows that fly out whenever the door is open oh hi ouch ouch ouch wo oh I see it’s dangerous let’s be careful M let’s go

Mikey go go go I don’t think any more arrows will shoot let’s catch the thief what does a thief need this much security for what’s that a ladder uhuh there’s a ladder H wo H I don’t know what’s up there but let’s proceed with caution Mikey M with caution up we

Go let’s go will it be safe if we open the hatch I’m opening it what could be out there huh huh is a thief up there be careful no nobody’s home but huh Mikey is this The thief’s Hideout oh it must be look those are my treasures and my

Flowers so this was yours it’s all mine this is all yours oh even the food in the fridge wo my food okay so this must be The thief’s Hideout fortunately the thief isn’t home I still want to catch the thief JJ no matter what definitely the thief isn’t

Home right now so let’s make a device to catch the thief while we still have time let’s do it we’ll definitely catch the thief on that note where is this place where could it be let’s take a look outside how far did we come where are we

H we’re above ground actually hang on huh now that I’m looking our houses are right over there look there was a house by the trees this whole time seriously it looks like the thief moved in right next to us I’m kind of scared we definitely have to catch that Thief let’s catch

Them all right then we’ve taken back all of Mikey’s treasure first things first let’s put Mikey’s treasure back where it belongs like this then we’ll put the flowers back too yeah ah and then let’s put all of Mikey’s items back where they belong H just like that so I predict the thief

Will likely try to break back into Mikey’s house mm again so let’s catch him on security camera let’s put the security camera right here oh there okay then next up about your food Mikey yeah the thief will probably take my food again h that’s probably right let’s try to

Predict what the thief will do look what I have what this potion is a sleep potion let me borrow your crafting table for a moment sure I’ll take these apples mhm and mix in the Sleep potion oh H just mix in the Sleep potion uhhuh okay look now I’m holding sleep potion apples

Incredible even a single bite of one of these apples should knock out anyone now we’ll take these sleep potion apples and put them in the refrigerator wow we can catch the thief once they pass out H still Mikey just in case the thief steals the sleeping apples eats them and

Doesn’t pass out let’s build the device to trap them in their own Hideout Woo all right we’re back at the thief’s Hideous H we’ll build the thief capturing trap here what kind of trap we want to be sure to capture the thief so we need to aim for the moment when the thief’s guard is at their lowest when the thief’s guard is at their lowest

Sure when is that when the thief is asleep oh let’s try to capture the thief when they’re sleeping good idea mhm huh let’s dig a hole around here we’ll start by digging here then under here too okay watch H if we leave it like this oh we

Can hide under the thief’s bed wow impressive right wo so what we’ll do first is hide under the bed and then we’ll build a cage under here to catch the thief in so come on down Mikey come on in okay oh so now do it like

This um uh-huh we’re going to make a very deep hole like this just keep digging and digging like This a little Deeper about like This next up directly under the bed oh let’s section it off like this woo now let’s build the cage uh-huh let’s widen out the sides then what we can do after that is oh first we’ll have to climb up like this yes we’ll climb up this narrow section on the side

Okay now we’re almost done oh wow looking good okay Mikey we’ll be waiting here yes amazing and I’ll tell you what we’re going to do when the thief comes back uhhuh first we’ll Place some TNT here and once the thief falls asleep in their bed oo then we’ll light it once we

Do uhhuh we’ll blow up the bed and the thief should fall right down there into the cage we built below the bed that’s our Thief capturing device I think it’ll work mhm nice idea mm this will absolutely catch the thief mhm let’s wait for them to come back okay we’ll be

Waiting here under the bed for the thief let’s Wait are they coming we’ve been waiting for quite a while I wonder what kind of person they are huh oh the trap door open oh the thief is coming they are huh huh that’s the thief that’s what he looks like huh that’s the thief wow that’s him

What’s he doing ohuh ji do you see him I see it but I can’t believe it Oh hey he’s taking your items Mikey huh what no way are you k kidding me he’s stealing them no he’s definitely stealing them wao no way he’s taking my items no a huh wait those are my treasures they belong to you to you Mikey he stole your

Gold your diamond even your Emerald are you kidding me wow oh oh he’s taking everything huh what now now he’s looking at your refrigerator huh oh he’s going to open your fridge nice the Sleep potion apples are in there they have a powerful sleeping effect so if he takes even one bite he

Should fall asleep yes oh it’s strong enough to make him sleep right he ate one now we can catch him yes good good good he’s eating so many all them W huh huh but it doesn’t look like it’s working at all he’s not sleeping he doesn’t look

Very sleepy at all huh uh huh it looks like eating those apples might have given him a stomach ache what but he’s not sleepy I don’t want him to use my toilet wo seriously the sleeping potion didn’t make him sleepy but gave him a stomach ache that doesn’t help us a

A oh he’s going back down he’s coming Back oh down he went he ran away there oh there he is there oh I think he’s coming back to his Hideout MH no huh huh was there always a button there huh we could have just pushed the button huh oh that’s the part with the security arrows

Huh oh he dodged it so easily oh shoot he’s coming this way he’s coming to us can we catch him I think he’s coming he’s here he’s here he’s pretty scary from up close yeah scary yikes oh Mikey stay quiet W our plan will fail if

He realizes we’re under his bed we can’t let him find us here hang on Mikey let’s wait for him to fall asleep okay without being seen oh I think the thief is starting starting to get sleepy he looks sleepy NOP he’s right above us yes he’s asleep Mikey this is our

Chance we’ll blow up the bedm and drop the thief into the cage yeah drop it in ready here we go first I’ll set the TNT M here and yes yes yes we’ll catch him we’re doing it Mikey once I light it run that way okay here we go yes we’re

Catching the Thief 3 2 1 ignite yes run for it I hope it works oh hey it worked oh we did it we caught the be Woohoo huh a prisoner broke out of a nearby jail and he’s considered to be extremely dangerous W what if that escaped convict is hiding out here in the neighborhood that’s scary to think about hang on who’s there hey JJ Mikey what’s wrong something strange is happening at my house what do you

Mean well my stuff keeps disappearing there’s things I haven’t touched and I have no idea where they’re ending up that is weird take me to your house I’ll come take a look is this it yep H looks normal so far can I go in of course so what exactly is disappearing

Can you give me an example sure this morning I went to take some apples out of the fridge but they were gone I had nothing to eat for breakfast huh how did that happen it’s strange because everything looks to be perfectly normal with everything in its Place huh a series of random kidnappings everyone should be on the lookout I can’t believe it wow

This video, titled ‘Who Killed Mikey FAMILY ? JJ Became POLICE and Start INVESTIGATION ! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2023-12-28 17:00:07. It has garnered 88361 views and 415 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:19 or 3739 seconds.

Who Killed Mikey FAMILY ? JJ Became POLICE and Start INVESTIGATION ! – Minecraft (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

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  • PrestonPlayz: Exposing REAL Minecraft Myths!

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    UNBELIEVABLE! My FIRST GOD POKEMON MAX EVOLUTION! Minecraft PixelmonVideo Information This video, titled ‘MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON!! | Minecraft Pixelmon | Minecadia’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-03-31 19:00:20. It has garnered 2583 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:11 or 1571 seconds. MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON! ———————————————————————————————– Server | Royal.Minecadia.com (Pixelmon Diamond!) ———————————————————————————————– Mod Pack Tutorial: https://minecadia.com/pixelmon-modpack ———————————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Pixelmon! ———————————————————————————————- Community Discord : https://discord.gg/kWZCNx5 ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – http://www.twitch.tv/royal_k91 Twitter – https://twitter.com/R0yalMC Read More

  • Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustsee

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  • EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰

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