Johnny Vindicator Passive Mob Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Let’s Play)[Part 245]

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Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide hope you guys are having a good day today we have ourselves a visitor in here we have the Vindicator soon-to-be named Johnny who is going to be farming animals for us so we can trade with a

Few villagers in my big old trading hall here and I still need to do a little bit of cleanup from the last episode been busy been away on a couple of trips this week and you’ll be seeing at the product of the first of those trips this weekend

I’m very excited to show you this video it’s been kind of an interesting couple of days we will save that much and know more but we should have a fresh video out for you on Sunday which will make up for the fact that this week if you’re watching these videos live I’ve only

Been able to make a couple of videos because I’ve been traveling but I need to put some of this stuff away and unfortunately it seems like I have left my redstone box on the nether roof so we’re going to have to go and rescue that there we go put some of this stuff

Away thank goodness it wasn’t all the way over at the woodland mansion portal because yeah that was gonna be a bit of a trek to go and get that back no worries you can pop the dispensers and stuff in here as well and yeah time to bring this stuff back to the overworld

There we go there we go getting everything tidied up and now we need to work on getting some butchers into our trading hall and for that we will need the butchers work station which I’m fairly certain is a smoker though I haven’t really spent much time around

Butchers lately so I don’t know that for certain I can’t think of what else it could be though so I’m gonna go with the smoker for now and I’m pretty sure leatherworker as a cauldron fisherman is a barrel yes so I guess the smoker is probably going to be the butcher’s work

Station we’re gonna get ourselves four butchers before the trading hall and hopefully that should run the complete set of trades that we are going to need from the butchers so probably raw meat of various kinds raw chicken we’re all rabbits maybe I haven’t considered rabbits in this equation actually that’s

Gonna be an interesting challenge but first of course we need to get ourselves a butcher or two and of course I’m out of minecarts somehow this whole system which is meant to be relatively renewable is leaving me short on minecarts quite frequently but thankfully I do have a couple of the

Other ingredients in here I have a couple of splash potions of weakness and some go apples so let’s cure this guy and turn him into a butcher which if we pop a smoker down there he should arrive up this disembarking a ramp end up in there and turn into a butcher who should

Hopefully have some pretty decent traits and I tell you what I have been sleeping on how good these butcher trades are we have three butchers here I still need to finish up the stall for this one I kind of ran out of the spruce wood here but these guys have some pretty decent

Trades under their belts for a start raw rabbits raw chicken raw pork chops raw mutton raw beef all of those one per emerald after a couple of curing I think that got down to two raw chicken per emerald but a couple of trades later they are

Now trading it for one emerald and I have a couple who trade that because that’s a pretty good deal considering especially that chicken is probably one of the easiest meats to acquire in any form automatically because you can just get chickens to reproduce over and over again by firing out eggs waiting until

The chickens grow up and then having them get killed pork chops as well mutton beef that’s all of the stuff that our Vindicator is going to be farming for us these guys will also trade you an emerald for a single dried kelp block which is a bit

Of a tall order considering it’s a really useful fuel source but also sweet berries are their master trait this is the one that unlocks last of all in any butcher’s trade set and that is a great excuse to get some foxes and start a sweet berry farm so we’re going to be

Doing that in a future episode and that’s going to be an absolute goldmine for us in terms of emeralds well it’s I suppose I suppose it’s gonna be an emerald mine really but now that I come to think of it there are also some interesting trades here for emeralds

Including rabbits too one of the more complicated food sources to make now available to us by the chestful any time we’ve got a spare pocket of emeralds the only problem of course being that it doesn’t stack but rabbit stew is a really really good foodstuff it cures

All of your hunger basically I mean it fills up maybe six shanks of hunger it’s the most hunger there’s refilled by any food item and the saturation on it is not bad either so you could almost use that as a pretty decent fuel source but for the fact that it doesn’t stack and

That’s very unfortunate because I really wish it did that would be a really really useful food to have in the tool belt as it were but Opie though the butcher’s trades are I feel like we are probably going to call it at three butchers I feel like we don’t really

Need more than that we have all of the raw meats unlocked to trade so I’m gonna take down this whole farm this Corus fruit farm that we had growing here it can get trashed and we are going to probably find ourselves a few animals from the local country site to start up

A passive mob farm and the thing about the passive mob farm here is that it’s not quite going to be the best design you could have for a Vindicator powered farm in fact some people will be asking why aren’t you doing this with entity cramming why aren’t you doing this a

Certain way why can’t you just farm these animals manually looting and you potentially get more raw meat drops that way and you’ve all got a very good point the fact is we’re doing this with a Vindicator because it’s kind of a fun mechanic to do it this way it’s the fact

That we can bring a Vindicator over name tag him a certain way and he becomes the butcher for us I guess but the fact is this is not gonna be the most efficient way of setting up a passive mob farm even one that uses a Vindicator

Because if you set up an area say out in an ocean biome or somewhere where there is an area of land that it’s the only place that passive mobs could spawn naturally you could actually build a passive mob farm at the bottom of the world where the spawn rates are going to

Be best and you would end up having all of those killed by a Vindicator and having basically automatic continuous mobs spawning fully automated as opposed to player fed mobs which is what we’re gonna have to do for an area that’s in close proximity to our trading halt but

Proximity there’s a trading called is kind of the selling point of this farm in particular just having an automated farm that we can automate the killing of these animals so that we can have this guy do that for us in that way it’s gonna be nice to have that farm around

Here by the trading hall so that we can just walk straight in with all of the meat we’ve collected from that and trade with the butchers the first thing I’m going to do though is get rid of all these water sources because they are

Going to be a bit of a pain while we’re building here otherwise so just need to get rid of all of these with the trap doors we can reclaim the trap tools and use them parlour things and this Corus fruit farm is not a terrible one we could probably rebuild

It somewhere if we wanted to work with purple blocks a lot I really don’t use purple for all that much alright I’ll clean up this whole area I’ve got a little glass case here that there’s gonna be the new home for our Vindicator I just need to make sure he

Can get in there okay and this is kind of the easy part really we just need to get a ramp going up here with the rails can have him dropped into the top there and hopefully that’s where he will stay for the foreseeable future how you doing in there buddy here okay

I have kind of imprisoned you an obsidian box for a few days hope you’re doing all right he seems to be fine he’s raised the axe of ID no acceptance that’s that’s what this axe is right let’s put a rail in there and I guess we should probably make that a powered rail

If you wanted to go anywhere oh no he’s definitely going somewhere all right oh dear oh dear I’ve made a terrible mistake I’ve made a terrible mistake I wonder if I can get him to come into this glass box maybe if I break this open and maybe

He’ll climb up into there oh yes yeah maybe he’s in here now okay okay that kind of works I guess I can probably close this off from down here wonderful okay well that was not exactly the way I intended that to go but he’s in now so I

Guess that’ll do the last thing I would like to do is just pop in that last piece of blue carpet there we go lovely his cushy new accommodations and this glass tank is where we’re going to be throwing in all of the animals that end up getting produced by this farm all

Of the cows sheep and whatnot are all going to end up in here we’ve got four hoppers underneath here that’s just gonna transfer all of the output to this chest so we can collect that and go trade anytime we want to and a small amount of time later I have attached a

Smaller glass tube to the Vindicator zat glass tube and this right here is the area where we’re going to be bringing up all of the mobs that have grown up and putting them in the cell with the Vindicator because the thing about mobs is that they will not drop any items if

They are still baby animals so what we want to do is make sure that any of the babies that we breed as a result of feeding animals up here on the surface are gonna go down into an area where they can wait until they grow up to be

Fed into this system and get killed by The Vindicator so we’re gonna do that with a couple of clever tricks using mob hitboxes and water which I will explain in more detail in a moment first of all though I’ve made it myself a bit of scaffolding again finally it

Feels like ages since I’ve used holding seeing as I spent a lot of that on the roller coaster that I built a few episodes ago and up here we’re gonna place it in some fence gates just to make sure that our water streams coming from over here are gonna get cut off and

So when the water flows down here it’s going to stop at these fence gates and the mobs are going to be carried over into the cell with a Vindicator where he’s gonna chop them up into nice tasty chops that we can sell to butchers the

Next step is to dig down here a little bit making sure that we have plenty of space down here for our baby mobs to end up in fact in the interest of symmetry I might expand this by one block just so it’s out here instead and it’s a 2 by 2

Water stream that they come up instead of a 1 by 2 just because there’s gotta be multiple types of animals feeding into this central section at the farms so I feel like we probably want a little bit of space here at the bottom of this 2×2 area which I have just walled with

Stone brick to make sure that it is recognizable from the outside so we don’t dig into this by mistake or anything we’re going to carve outs and 2×2 passageways that lead in different directions and each of these passageways is going to channel our mobs into this

Area specifically now I do need to go and grab a couple more supplies we need some trapdoors we need some signs and I brought a bunch of ice with me and a few buckets because we’re going to need a fair amount of water for this okay so

Our four groups of animals are gonna be coming in from this side this side this side and this side and they’re gonna be collecting over four trapdoors in the middle here and these are gonna be here just to raise up the animals hitboxes a little bit we’re gonna be putting signs

Around the entrances on all four sides here at eye level for us right now so one block off the ground like that that one’s just gotten letter A on it I guess for the moment so eventually each of these tunnels is going to be connected to one of the four animal farms we’re

Going to have on the surface for cows sheep pigs and presumably rabbits I’m not quite sure if the rabbit one is going to work quite as well and chickens are going to be nice and easy because we can just throw eggs in and do the same

Sort of thing that we did with the automatic chicken cooker a while ago but basically each time a water stream intersects with this the mobs the baby mobs are going to Bob their way into here and then they’re going to come to rest on these trap doors where they will

Stay for the most part however we are going to have some water streams built up above this let me get some ender pearls so I can hop up here real fast as long as I don’t suffocate myself in the wall and each of these ice blocks here if I can all can I

Do this oh I can okay great yeah each of these ice blocks is going to be turned into a water source and suspended up here in this kind of elevator shaft that’s gonna be here and once the mobs grow up once they are done chillin at

The bottom here and they decided to grow it naturally they will float upwards thanks to the natural buoyancy of passive mobs and they will float up to the surface so this is effectively a system that allows them to chill down here as baby mobs they’ll obviously be

Pushed into the water streams from the site here these trapdoors won’t be quite tall enough to push them up into the water stream but once they’ve grown up it’ll be nice and easy for them to make their way up into this water stream be carried along into the tank with a Vindicator

And of indicators going to chop them with the ax at the top here we need to treat the water stream slightly differently I will need to block this off for a second so we can encourage the water stream to run over the top of these blocks and over to the fence gates

Then I can take these two blocks out replace those two with water sources and that should now be fine so any mobs that come up here you’ll find that there is no falling water the entire time and once they get up into here they get propelled along in the water stream and

They end up in the tank with The Vindicator now in the interests of me not ending up in the tank with the Vindicator I’m going to end up Earl over here and go get some sleep now around the outside of the Vindicator x’ cell here we’re going to have four dispensers one there

One there we’ll move over to the other side and we’ll have the other ones here and here is that equidistant from each side of the farm yeah that’s looking symmetrical to me okay so we’ll have Cara’s here sheep here pigs here and then I guess rabbits here like I said

Not quite sure about the rabbits yet but around the outside of here we need to make ourselves some stone brick and that these animals are each gonna be contained in a one by one space I think we’re gonna color code these so we’ll do some pink terracotta for the pigs we’ll

Do some brown terracotta for the cows I guess the sheep can probably just be white concrete or something like that yeah let’s actually take out the stone brick and use these colors because I think those will be kind of nice to color code this whole thing maybe with a

Pane of glass in front like so or a block of glass and rather in front and yeah I’m gonna need to get some white Kahn and stuff for the other two but we’ll start with these two cows and pigs seem like a great place to start here the

Reason each of these dispensers are here is that we’re actually going to have a retractable water source which I’ve just made using the bucket like so there we go and we’ve got buckets of water in those two dispensers and those are going to be they’re forcing the mobs in here

To jump up and down whilst simultaneously propelling any of the baby mobs out of the back of this and into the water streams that lead down into this tank here so while our breeding cows are gonna be standing in this space here the baby cows are

Actually going to fall out of the back here and I guess we can probably build this up a little bit and make sure they fall down this gap here in the bank so once the baby carries a full down here they’re gonna fall into this water source and that’s gonna take them around

The corner to our gosh okay that’s only here it’s only a one block wrong let’s see if we can rectify that real fast okay if I place a water source there that should hopefully flood that okay to perfection good okay now they’ll they’ll drop into this water stream here and the pigs on

The opposite side are gonna come out of this section which should not need that in fact it might be a little bit too long so we’ll have to have another fence gate at the end here so that the pigs can fall into the same water stream and

So both of those from this side are going to end up in this water stream where they’ll flow into the center fly up through here yep you know the rest okay let’s see if we can get the other two on the other side hooked up to here

I guess we won’t need this one at the bank after all in that case so to briefly recap when we have two adult cows standing here I’m going to be able to press this button and the cows are just gonna be able to jump up and down

In the water source but they won’t be able to leave this area and what we end up doing is spamming them with wheat until they produce a child the child will immediately end up flowing down this water stream into the into the collection area down there once it grows

Up it’s going to flow up this water stream and into the cell whether Vindicator is going to kill it we still need to name tags I’ve indicated by the way don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about that turns out I have no white concrete anywhere so I’m just gonna have

To make do with white terracotta for the sheep side for now but I think this will probably do oh and look you just turned up with his llamas Oh what have you got today slime balls there we go and gunpowder okay interesting I’m not gonna bother

With you today of course I wonder if we can convince these guys to walk into the hole and see if we can use them as bait for The Vindicator I’m pretty sure the Vindicator would just take out the wandering trader but I don’t think he would touch the llamas

Until the llamas inevitably spit at him I kind of want to give it a try but I don’t know quite how I would lure them down this hole in the first place just use stone brick for this last one since like I keep saying I’m not quite sure if

We’re gonna have rabbits or not but that is all working we have all four dispensers hooked up with water buckets and all we need to do now is bring in the animals and give this whole thing a test of course the good news is we have

A number of animal farms set up over here already and with there’s no reason we can’t bring more than two cows in fact we should be able to fit up to 24 of them in the same area before they start to entity cram and that means

They’re going to be able to produce more babies that are going to just end up in the tank with The Vindicator over and over again so let’s try and keep all of these on the lead as we go let’s bring them across the bridge and try and

Install them in their new home so far one cow has made it in one has come completely detached from the lead and the others are slowly making their way over here they can get up that scaffolding on the other side so hopefully yes okay a second one has

Walked in and that in theory is all we need it would be nice to get these other two in as well but of course I can just bring some wheat over here and we can breed those two together they’ll produce a baby while they’re in there and we

Don’t have to worry too much about setting the water stream going until we have a bigger population of cows in there in fact I can even block off the back part here until we are ready to have them shoot down there into the water streams kara number three is in

All we need to do is get cow number four to wander into the hole and hopefully if I can drag it up the scaffold like so I think the bamboo you might be getting in the way decided to grow something around the outside here just for a little bit

Of decor a little bit of fun and we’re probably gonna be dressing this up a little bit nicer in a future episode or on a stream or something like that for now let’s try and yeah I don’t think this one is gonna be convinced to get in

There somehow or is it I think we might be able to do it if we can get the cow up here in the first place just a couple of quick nudges into the pan and no no no no no don’t go out yes okay we got it

Finally okay now all I need to do is run away until the leads break which hopefully should not remove the cows from their new cell perfect okay great now I should be able to pick the leads up from one of these corners there we go good all four of our

Leads back and as you’ll see if I press this button here the cows will float on the surface after a little bit of a lag spike the cows will float here on the surface and we can feed them wheat to their heart’s content but they won’t be

Able to get out of the top here in any way and then once we press that again they all float back down there are four cows safely nestled inside of there and eventually once we start producing babies from these the babies will end up in the system here is a quick

Demonstration I’m just going to give these cows a little bit of wheat that should produce a couple of babies we should get a little bit of experience from there indicating that babies have in fact have been born but now when we send those down there oh we hit do you

Have we do have a baby down there I wonder if maybe we can convince that baby to pop down into the water stream a little well in the meantime it’s not such a big deal if the babies hang out at the top there because ultimately the

Babies are going to end up growing up into regular full size cows and that’s going to mean a bigger breeding population and then collision will start to take hold and the mobs will actually push themselves down into the water stream so we can always widen that out

If we need to I wonder if one of the baby cows ended up at the bottom of here yet though yeah it looks like it did okay and the baby cow is currently resisting in the water stream and there is a good reason for that because babies

Do still try and paths find to their mothers so you’ll find that this baby cow isn’t actually super keen on standing on the set of trap doors in the middle however when the cow eventually grows up which we can kind of help it along with artificially by feeding it a

Little bit of wheat here it’s gonna grow into a full-sized cow it’s no longer going to have that dependency and look for the parents and the cow is going to end up just getting caught up in the water streams and floating to the top here so if we wait around for a couple

Of minutes here we should see it grow into a full-sized cow and we can get the first taste of our farm in action now of course all we have to do before that is make sure that the Vindicator is named Johnny so that he can actually acts murder anything that comes into his

Range I’m gonna take this name tag that we reserved for another dolphin in the event that we needed one for the how did we get here advancement and I think this one is probably one we can johnny has to be with an H like so and

That should be fine so now this guy once we name tag in with that should be quite keen on taking care of anything that comes into the glass tank with him and I’m just gonna bust this open in the interests of a name tagging this guy

Here and now there we go and now he should be quite keen to ex murder some stuff and now all we got to do is wait for that count to rise up in the system and the cow should be taken care of by our friend Johnny the butcher while

We’re waiting for that to happen though I am gonna put a lid on this guy because I really don’t want to accidentally enderpearl into the tank with him so I think up here is probably where we’re gonna have to put it to make sure that the cows don’t end up bobbing up and

Down and getting caught on this at all but there we go that should hopefully mean we don’t end up ender purling into this area with him we can always add another section of roof to the top here if we want to in fact yeah let’s do that

Now for the interest of neatness let’s go and grab a few more dark oak slabs and here it goes the cow is now all grown up and is making its way into the killing chamber where Johnny The Vindicator immediately takes care of him fantastic and now we open this up we got

Ourselves two raw beef and some leather unfortunately we cannot give him an axe that has looting because looting is a enchantment that is exclusive to swords and unfortunately axes cannot be enchanted with it we could give him a diamond axe I think if you enchant a diamond axe I’m pretty sure of

Indicators we’ll pick it out but yeah unfortunately there is real no really no benefit to that like all of the animals that we end up putting in the pen with him are going to die in one hit anyway so yeah we’re just gonna get a smaller

Amount than we would with a looting sort but that’s fine because The Vindicator now works for us and I like having one of these guys on the payroll but this farm is now almost complete all we need to do is go get some pigs and some sheep

Maybe breed up a few more cows and I’m gonna take a little bit of time in between episodes to decide what we want to go in here and how we are going to handle the rabbits situation because something tells me that’s going to require a little bit more care maybe we

Could do something with llamas but then llamas are kind of expensive to breed since they eat hay bales and not regular wheat so maybe we’ll keep that fourth one there for the wandering trailer in case he messes with me or something I’m not sure but I kind of like how this

Farm is coming together I like the terracotta and bamboo thing maybe when we finally decorate this and turn it into something more like a building we can work with that as a theme who knows but I’m going to spend a bit of more time off-camera getting some animals installed in here

And I’ll be back once I’ve done that see you guys in a minute well it took a little bit of time and there were a couple of mishaps along the way but we did end up getting three types of animals in here we got the cows

The pigs and of course the Sheep the pigs were the mishap though one thing I will point out is that you can’t see it now you can sort of see the corner of it there I had to place them on a trapdoor because a pig unlike the cows and the Sheep is

Actually one block tall so they will still be able to get out of the back part of this little pen that we have them cooped up in here and if you put a trapdoor underneath them the dispenser will waterlog that trapdoor when it pushes out the water and that will still

Allow the baby pigs to be flushed down into the system while leaving the adult pigs up here on the surface being able to bounce around like this so that’s perfectly fine and bouncing around like that is what helps separate them out so that you can feed them the carrots or in

The case of the cows and sheep some wheat I’ve actually managed to get a ton of carrots now out of the carrot farm that’s up there there’s still several stacks up there that we can bring down here and use it just was a matter of making sure I was within proximity of

That and the Wieters all come from the wheat field outside the farmhouse so all in all this farm is doing pretty well and sooner or later once we’ve bred up with the populations of animals in here we should get a few more in here as you

Can see a couple of pigs have made their way into the system a little prematurely because I was having trouble making sure that they couldn’t escape for this early kind of section up here but that’s totally fine and I think we’re probably going to leave it there for today’s

Episode I think we are all done here with the design of this farm at least we’re probably going to work on actually dressing the whole thing up and turning it into a building and stuff later but the farm itself is set up and looking pretty good and that’s going to be here

For this episode thank you so much for watching the Minecraft Survival Guide my name is Ben pixel rifts don’t forget to leave a like on this episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Johnny Vindicator Passive Mob Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Let’s Play)[Part 245]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-10-25 10:00:05. It has garnered 253847 views and 6287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:55 or 1495 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you how a Vindicator nametagged ‘Johnny’ can be used to farm passive mobs for you! We set up a farm to get easy drops from cows, pigs, and sheep. Is this Minecraft’s most useful easter egg?

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

Catch up with the Minecraft Survival Guide using the playlist:

World Seed (Java Edition): 7574084833700264939

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    Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch In the world of Minecraft, Ellie Finch takes the lead, Using the game for therapy, fulfilling a need. With creativity and adventure, she helps young minds, Building safe spaces, unlocking what they hide behind. Minecraft as a tool, like a digital sand tray, Helping kids express, in a unique way. From castles to caves, the possibilities are vast, Bridging the gap, making therapy last. For those who struggle with traditional talk, Minecraft offers a new way to walk. Through grief and challenges, Ellie guides the way, Training others to use Minecraft, every day. From hospices to schools, the impact… Read More

  • Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary

    Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary Welcome to CasualEnjoyer’s Minecraft Adventure! Introduction CasualEnjoyer, a 17-year-old YouTuber, embarks on his first Minecraft commentary video. Despite facing challenges like a loud game volume and a quiet mic, he dives into the world of Minecraft with enthusiasm. Exploring a New World CasualEnjoyer starts by creating a new world, encountering crashes whenever he dies or tries to sleep. Undeterred, he sets out to gather resources, dig for stone, and build a base. Future Plans In his commentary, CasualEnjoyer shares his plans to play classic games like the Fallout series and System Shock. He seeks viewer input on game choices… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Family Feud Frenzy!

    Minecraft Mayhem: Family Feud Frenzy! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We bring you news that’s more than just a dream. Family Feud, but in Minecraft’s domain, AquaVerse Redux brings the game to fame. Join the fun, watch the battles unfold, As families clash in a world so bold. With wits and skills put to the test, Who will emerge as the very best? Subscribe to AquaVerse, don’t miss a beat, For gaming content that’s oh so sweet. Follow on Discord, YouTube, and more, For updates and laughs galore. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Century: Super Dog vs Zoglin!

    Minecraft Battle of the Century: Super Dog vs Zoglin! Why is there even a debate between a super dog and a Zoglin in Minecraft? I mean, one is a cute and loyal companion while the other is just a creepy, ugly mob. It’s like comparing a fluffy puppy to a monster from a horror movie! Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft: How to Open a Door Like This!

    Real Life Minecraft: How to Open a Door Like This! Minecraft: Exploring the Real-Life Door Opening Experience When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new and exciting features that keep them coming back for more. One such feature that has caught the attention of many is the real-life door opening experience. Let’s dive into how this unique element adds a touch of realism to the game. The Real-Life Door Opening Experience In Minecraft, players have the ability to interact with various objects and structures, including doors. The real-life door opening experience takes this interaction to a whole new level by simulating the process of… Read More

  • Ultimate Chicken Egg Farming Guide

    Ultimate Chicken Egg Farming Guide Revamp Your Egg Supply with this Easy Chicken Egg Farm in Minecraft (1.20) 🐔🥚 Are you tired of constantly running out of eggs in Minecraft? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll explore an easy and efficient chicken egg farm setup that has stood the test of time. Let’s dive in and revamp your egg supply! Why Choose This Egg Farm? Efficiency: This chicken egg farm is simple and efficient, making it perfect for small-scale bases where space is limited. Sustainability: Whether you’re a survivalist looking to ensure a steady food supply or simply a poultry enthusiast, this farm… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SpliceFur Reacts Live on Wcue!

    Insane Minecraft SpliceFur Reacts Live on Wcue!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live! || Vanilla Bedrock! || on Wcue Now!’, was uploaded by SpliceFur on 2024-03-08 13:30:33. It has garnered 1033 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:06 or 13926 seconds. Hello everybody! Stay and chat with me! This Server Is For Mod’s & Friend’s Only! (Sorry Can’t Trust Just Everyone) Had to remove the music, cause it “claimed” it was non-copyright, but they weren’t! [Tags] #minecraft #gaming #streaming #warriorcats Read More

  • Exploring Lush Cave on Ch64 SMP

    Exploring Lush Cave on Ch64 SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lush Cave Lovin’! It’s Ch64 Stream Day! | Channel 64 SMP | Minecraft 1.20 Let’s Play’, was uploaded by Aerington on 2024-02-24 17:10:31. It has garnered 75 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:49 or 7369 seconds. We’re off on an adventure! To stock up our shops! and who knows what else!? or who might show up!? Isn’t Life just a wonderful mystery 😛 Come hang out with the Cast and other Community Members on the Channel 64 Community Discord! Be sure to keep an eye on the Channel 64… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT HACK CLIENT: Horion!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.20.72 Hack Client: Horion’, was uploaded by Well Dan on 2024-03-27 20:26:27. It has garnered 1510 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:56 or 356 seconds. In this video, we will be looking at Horion, the minecraft hack client that offers many features, such as killaura and scaffold. This minecraft mod menu offers minecraft bedrock hacks that can be used on minecraft bedrock anarchy servers, such as 2b2tpe and 2b2e. I will also explain how to use this minecraft bedrock hacked client, which supports the latest minecraft version,… Read More

  • Lucia’s Insane Minecraft Drawing Contest Win!

    Lucia's Insane Minecraft Drawing Contest Win!Video Information This video, titled ‘Am CASTIGAT un Concurs de *DESENAT* in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Lucia on 2024-03-25 10:30:15. It has garnered 3884 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:05 or 1385 seconds. I think that out of everyone in town, I drew the best. Voic is what you say?? Read More

  • Discover the Shocking Truth Behind Snucoedik

    Discover the Shocking Truth Behind SnucoedikVideo Information This video, titled ‘snucoedik | Unidxntified’, was uploaded by optimizer420 on 2024-02-28 18:13:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. dexland #mineblaze #combotage Minecraft, Combotage, DexLand, MineBlaze, KitPvP, SoupPvP, Rape Series, NoDebuff, … Read More

  • Insane Mining Chat: Stephanie finds DIAMONDS!

    Insane Mining Chat: Stephanie finds DIAMONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Ngobrol sambil nambang, otw bikin Beacon full diamond’, was uploaded by Stephany Partisha on 2024-02-01 06:26:50. It has garnered 359 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:21 or 11781 seconds. #StephanyPartisha #NontonSteph #vtuberindonesia ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Donation ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ Trakteer: ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Social ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Affiliate ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ Top Up Game diskon up to 20% Kode Promo: STEPH ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Rules ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ It is prohibited to discuss politics, ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup (SARA). ✧ Avoid controversial topics. ✧ Please be polite and respectful to… Read More

  • UNLOCKED: Free OP items on Sky Block – ControllerZ

    UNLOCKED: Free OP items on Sky Block - ControllerZVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pe Sky Block W@controllerZ’, was uploaded by CONTROLLER Z on 2024-02-18 15:54:08. It has garnered 171 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:13 or 11413 seconds. Welcome to our gaming channel, where we bring you the best in mobile gaming and live streaming. Join us as we dive into the world of gaming, playing popular titles like Minecraft and BGMI (BattleGrounds Mobile India). With daily live streams and exciting gameplay, we aim to keep you entertained and hooked. Whether you’re a gaming enthusiast or simply enjoy watching epic gaming moments,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: Cave Spider VS Llama!

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: Cave Spider VS Llama!Video Information This video, titled ‘[マイクラ100VS100]洞窟クモVSラマ#マイクラ #マインクラフト’, was uploaded by 竹松のゲーム実況 on 2024-01-10 10:00:07. It has garnered 2562 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. #gameplay #gamestreaming #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Battle: RafaelG vs Crazy Fan in Minecraft Igloo Build!

    Insane Battle: RafaelG vs Crazy Fan in Minecraft Igloo Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘construirea iglului de pro in minecraft vs fana nebuna..’, was uploaded by RafaelG on 2024-01-11 17:30:14. It has garnered 688 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. 🔴 *ENTIRE VIDEO CLIP :* 🤑 ENEBA – *THE PERFECT PLACE FOR CHEAP GAMES:* 🔥 Like, Subscribe! 🔔 | 🍿 Enjoy watching! 🥳 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Subscribe: 🍀 ►Secondary Channel: 🍀 ►Contact: [email protected] 📧 – For Business inquiries 💰 ►Devino Membru: 🍀💰 ►You can donate here: 💰 💳 (I appreciate every donation!) ►Discord Community: 🔊 ►TikTok:… Read More

  • Epyckej Minecraft Serfer

    Epyckej Minecraft SerferTired of the same old SMP experience? Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Do you want something new and exciting? Join EPYCKEJ Minecraft server! Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned pro, you’ll find a warm welcome here. So come on in and let’s start building some unforgettable memories together‼️ Java 1.20.1 + Bedrock Latest Read More

  • Kingdom Of Arcadia – Realms, Mature, 18+, Community, Bedrock, Discord

    The Kingdom Of Arcadia Realm Welcome to The Kingdom Of Arcadia! We are looking for more players to join our realm that features light role play and world-building elements. Our trade economy and lore date back to 2019, documented through in-game books and historical builds. We are currently looking to repopulate the world and welcome everyone to create their own cities. Earn a seat at the castle’s round table to vote on big decisions. We also play other games like Dead By Daylight, Fortnite, and Modern Warfare 3. We are looking for adults only and aim to foster an accepting… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Constructive criticism: you suck at Minecraft.

    Wow, I didn’t realize memes had scores now. Does that mean we can trade them in for prizes? Read More

  • Nightmare on Minecraft Street: Evil Lives Here

    Nightmare on Minecraft Street: Evil Lives Here In the depths of Minecraft, a horror map awaits, The Orphanage, where fear dominates. Shadows lurk, friends turn to foes, Every step taken, danger grows. A chilling narrative, a tale of dread, In the darkness, where fear is fed. Worse than Herobrine, Cave Dweller, or Siren Head, This horror map will fill you with dread. So brace yourself, for the scares that lie ahead, In Minecraft’s first horror map, where evil lives and spreads. Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥 Why do Minecraft boys always have diamond armor and swords, while Minecraft girls are just running around with a flower in their hand? Priorities, ladies! Read More

  • Watch Fearless Gamers in This Hilarious Minecraft Video

    Watch Fearless Gamers in This Hilarious Minecraft Video Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the realm of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you explore the vast landscapes and build your own unique creations. Discover Exciting Features From building towering castles to mining deep underground for precious resources, Minecraft offers a wide array of features to keep players engaged. Create intricate redstone contraptions, tame wild animals, or embark on epic quests in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Imagination With its sandbox-style gameplay, Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Mansion Madness

    Minecraft Mansion Madness Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios and published on May 17, 2009, is a sandbox video game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Originally created by Markus “Notch” Persson, the game allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world full of endless possibilities. The Origins of Minecraft Markus “Notch” Persson and Mojang Studios introduced Minecraft as an Early-Access title for PC in 2009. Since then, the game has expanded to various platforms and consoles, receiving regular updates with new content to keep players engaged. Gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft King Strikes Again – GXC’s Devastating Depression

    Minecraft King Strikes Again - GXC's Devastating DepressionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cobey – The King Of Minecraft Brainrot…’, was uploaded by GXC Is Depressed on 2024-05-10 18:00:17. It has garnered 1007 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:13 or 433 seconds. Modern minecraft suck man 😔☕️ ===Shoutouts=== Channel’s Artist: Channel’s Banner Done By: @JeffSkyward Weasel: @DeWiesel ===Music Used in this video=== -glue70 – Coral Fumes -jinsang – Summer’s Day [v2] -You reposted in the wrong neighborhood (Full version) -C418 – Droopy likes your Face – Minecraft Volume Alpha -Super Mario Bros. 2 Overworld Theme -Terraria OST – Sandstorm [Extended] -Persona 3… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank on Mikey’s Door!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank on Mikey's Door!Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-01-18 18:00:24. It has garnered 586 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:13 or 913 seconds. How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – Read More

  • Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!

    Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘чутка попинали аквыча | PvP Funtime’, was uploaded by cCMEX_ on 2024-05-25 15:28:59. It has garnered 110 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:28 or 148 seconds. ds-sssfuccckk – clan tags: prostocraft, prostocraft, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft anarchy, anarchy, pvp anarchy, pvp on anarchy, anarchy prostocraft, pvp, danqo16, pvp, anarchy pvp, prostocraft anarchy, anarchy from scratch, byttcehb, anarchy minecraft, a lot of pvp on anarchy, prostik, a lot of pvp, mrirbbi, jetmine, anarchy without donation, jetmine, dape, vupsen anarchy, vupsen pvp, wellmore, vupsen, uhk, prostocraft pvp, 1.14.4, development from scratch,… Read More

  • “SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!” #texturepack

    "SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!" #texturepackVideo Information This video, titled ‘making SHINY mobs in minecraft #texturepack #minecraft’, was uploaded by MqryoPacks on 2024-03-02 19:09:47. It has garnered 283 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:59 or 8639 seconds. – Donation Page: – Discord Server: – My Site: Read More

  • Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraft

    Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Humillando a TEAMs TOXICOS #minecraft #bedwars #humillación’, was uploaded by Dar 090 on 2024-04-30 02:59:32. It has garnered 682 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #illustrationartists #ilusión #tellybridge #tecnoblade #mrbeast #tecnoblade #soycubo #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #dragclick #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #puentes #tellybridge #tellybridging #dragclick #dragclicking #chifruit #dracula #haker #pokemon #haks #rompeladompe #relax #relajante #relaxing #spreen #shorts #haker #freefire #darkhcf #minecraftguide #hcf #minecrafthowto #pvp #holyhcf #minecrafttutorial #primerpvp #hypixelbedwars #hypixelskyblock #hypixelduels #gratis #combos #combotage #combopodcast #asmr… Read More

  • Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker Sword

    Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker SwordVideo Information This video, titled ‘GrafBonze kauft HACKER-SCHWERT für stolze 20.000.000 €’, was uploaded by Abge on 2024-04-15 11:00:18. It has garnered 1065 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:13 or 793 seconds. Citybuild Server » Do you like the episode? Play now on the Minecraft server! #minecraft #griefergames Simply click on multiplayer, enter the address and connect. Choose your city build & make sure you get a plot of land to start with /plot auto. You can get to the farm world with /warp farm world to farm for building and trading… Read More

  • Insane Mad Hatter Gene Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map! 🤯 – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – EP. 1

    Insane Mad Hatter Gene Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map! 🤯 - Minecraft Jumbled Chunks - EP. 1Video Information This video, titled ‘The IMPOSSBLE Survival Map (1) – Minecraft Jumbled Chunks – New Stream Series’, was uploaded by Mad Hatter Gene on 2024-02-18 06:14:38. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:13 or 10573 seconds. Trash Panda has set up a brand new Minecraft series for us and we WILL DIE – a lot!!! Can this group of friends beat the impossible challenge??? This is the start of a brand new exciting Minecraft stream series: MINECRAFT JUMBLED CHUNKS 2 is an IMPOSSIBLE SURVIVAL map that is designed to kill you… Read More

  • ULTIMATE GAMING SHOWDOWN – Friday Frenzy including L4D2, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Clash Royale 🔥

    ULTIMATE GAMING SHOWDOWN - Friday Frenzy including L4D2, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Clash Royale 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIERNES HOT DE L4D2 FORTNITE MINECRAFT CLASH ROYALE con SUSCRIPTORES 🥵’, was uploaded by CesarHDv on 2024-04-06 04:35:16. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:39:00 or 20340 seconds. Playing GTA 5 STORY MODE, FORTNITE LEFT 4 DEAD 2 ROBLOX 🤑 YAPEENME XD playing Fortnite and Minecraft RooooAHHHHH :v My friend code on Steam: 993910620 My Discord server: FOLLOW ME ON MY SOCIAL NETWORKS SO YOU ARE UP TO DATE WITH THE CHANNEL NEWS: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Tik Tok: #gaming #minecraft #fortnite TAGS… Read More

  • 🔥 Yaezer’s Insane Late Night Livestream!

    🔥 Yaezer's Insane Late Night Livestream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LATE NIGHT Minecraft, Roblox & More! Join Yaezer’s Epic Livestream Adventure!’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-04-16 15:45:03. It has garnered 5364 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 05:48:07 or 20887 seconds. Welcome to Yaezer’s livestream extravaganza! Dive into the enchanting worlds of Minecraft, embark on thrilling adventures in Roblox, and explore a plethora of other exciting activities with us! Join the fun as Yaezer navigates through a mix of gaming delights, showcasing skill, creativity, and endless entertainment. Interact with us in the chat as we celebrate crossing the 1000… Read More

  • The Analog Network

    The Analog Network| Discover The Analog Network 1.20.1 | Freshly Wiped Server with Player Shops, Warps, and Dynmap! Vienminer & Timber for Effortless Mining! Custom Generation Awaits! Join the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Today! Read More

Johnny Vindicator Passive Mob Farm! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Let’s Play)[Part 245]