Join Elora’s Vtuber Minecraft Game!

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I was on the wrong OBS profile I was on the wrong Ops profile because I’m a dummy yeah Big stinky dummy there we go I got both chats open we should be good now oopsy poop scene that was embellishing good thing nobody was here to see it bum hello playing on high radio and I started playing last night I opened it’s just vanilla right now

You’re gonna be adding stuff to it as we go because he pretty much has to redo it but welcome to the hub this is the little hubby hub right now your only option is really vanilla and for some reason you keep spawning there instead of like where you left off

I claimed this like Village pretty much this is all my area here this is my house I think I might put another sign on the path that says alluraville or something like that I might fence it off and just take this corner uh Village there we go

I think I’m gonna destroy these houses Foreign destroying them to be honest because I’m gonna build a different house here all the villagers are already dead and look is that an illager I think so I’m gonna hit the car it is oh I need a x voice it’s gonna make a gunman ducks okay it was pretty productive today already I had to go to UPS and return some computer RAM to Amazon because it was the wrong voltage Tomorrow I’m gonna go downtown and look for some nice jewelry for me and Michi although she is paying for it technically foreign thank you yeah I didn’t tweet you should probably tweet Excuse me while I do Excuse me while a tweet playing with people Minecraft um now I tweeted it let’s destroy this

We’re gonna have to get villagers by other means Because by the time that I got to this Village they were already dead I don’t know what happened here but they’re all gone we’re gonna have to like capture some zombie villagers or something and for those of you who are watching on

YouTube I have been on screen word game you can play above me I think it’s like exclamation point Sr and then space the the word you’re guessing or maybe Sr space and I don’t know I don’t remember Mitchy figured it out before foreign Thank you okay let’s expand my house Foreign This part of the roof by like two blocks foreign Thing here I change this floor also Foreign Howdy how’s it going Hope you’re doing well I found this Village right next to where you spawn and I the villagers were already dead when I got here so I was like I guess I’ll just live here then there’s like a broken illager just hanging out over there building the house just hanging out [ __ ] for some reason yesterday the zombies are one tapping like insta-killing I might replace the corners with logs Come on thanks for the subscription appreciate it I was not prepared I forgot what my noise was on here oh Lord wow foreign I might make it fancier later sorry it’s a little late I forgot to stop earlier oh no it’s okay you don’t like owe anybody if that’ll be filming and yeah Foreign Foreign with the music we’re click thank you for work looking I hope I can help the rest of your shift called my quickly no table right now I’m busy hell yeah I’m glad foreign okay I couldn’t remember what it was I should probably write that down somewhere SL game that’s so good

I got a bunch of this orange terracotta I could do something with oh yeah it’s dark see I think I’ll go for the checkered floor again because I like checkered floor yeah separate like two rooms I guess and then let’s see what blocks I have got Granite sandstone and Design

My band is white let’s try with other stuff okay and nothing and deep sleep I mean go through the deep sleep I like the contrast foreign Foreign Thank you I want to make that dirt turn into grass over here so we’re gonna like it’ll probably like put flowers there or something I’ll just be like that see what I’m going for I want it to look good eventually slowly but surely we’ll work on it

We’ll poke out some holes for Windows and [ __ ] too foreign Thank you yeah we’re gonna move a lot of this [ __ ] oh do I want to make these barrels good I could make barrels Foreign all right he’s trying to get things strong I don’t know this must be nearby You only compact where should I put the bed straight here all right let’s get from one of the plants duh the other like food I guess I missed the apples oops oh and hey Bells foreign fishy we’re gonna keep those I almost sort it over here laughs

I guess let’s keep like above valuable stuff on me it’s a lot of the show guys I guess so foreign Foreign Over here and the cartography table like a brown banners from the house oh yeah that’s carpet I guess I’ll just do what they did right like the checker Oh wrong thingy I guess I didn’t get oh it’s white there we go it’s like what the heck actually I think I’ll prefer that over here let me see it yeah I like that interesting I feel like I should do something in here I wanna expand this I think Foreign Foreign let’s put the windows in I guess uh we don’t need Windows there because that’s gonna be there but like here I feel like a nice big one And I guess this can be a window here too I don’t know why this is here all right that’s good the glass No I got 14 left um No windows Big windows I guess next we should just get some obsidian I don’t think I’ve seen any yet probably find this one though let’s see foreign I forgot last night I was messing with my spider spawner I still have to finish filling the roof with uh what’s it called

Front skates and then I have to put what is it science and then the water um meanie meanie I don’t know why this is like this now I’m gonna have to fix it it made it worse all right we’re just gonna put a sign or something

Or break all the water and fix it oh I see what happens And how do I fix that I mean I guess I could just like get rid of all this water and fix it Oh that’d be tedious besides I want to go look for uh lava right now anyway it’s ruining this Skeleton oh hello are you stuck oh okay The zombies are still one tapping it seems I’m not quite sure how much damage they do gotta go edit three videos have fun bye-bye all right thank you for looking thank you for being here I appreciate you though good luck editing Oh Aaron no no one’s happy no don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me Good I don’t have any more torches all my armor is gone why is all my armor gone just had a couple of nice sales two rivers over such a Gucci and a blueberry hey damn look at you guys where the [ __ ] did my armor go

I have a golden chest plate and iron the rest I guess maybe these mobs do so much damage that it just like insta broke it I don’t know I guess I’ll start making diamond armor let me see what happens foreign Now I need more diamonds first I’ll just make iron Oh [ __ ] I accidentally made a minecart I mean I’ll probably use it some ways darn it that’s not what I wanted to do Thank you foreign oh my God you’re a meanie stop killing me oh did my XP disappear right before I got back I saw it on the ground I was gonna pick it up oh my God [ __ ] foreign But it’s not a pool of loud Okay that’s gotta say oh God I got it oh God don’t touch me okay here oh no chill they have no chill whatsoever One Tap Row one tab I’m gonna message her and be like I’m getting my ass handed to me by these one tappers bro thank you potential your system yeah

Discord gave me a month free of nature foreign that is okay yeah he says he’s not sure why the zombies are one-shotting so he said he can take out all the plug-ins but I don’t know what do you guys say do you guys care at all yeah we need torches

Library good night love you not here they come oh yeah Foreign Foreign plugins so I’m gonna take a break I’ll be our band S I don’t know where it is I gotta make one apparently I shall return foreign Foreign Thank you She’s using it all Foreign Foreign Again Um Thank you Foreign Thank you foreign Box it appears to be bigger everyone’s sick I’m back okay now I gotta fix the chat because the chat is too big oh there we go wrong one haha all right Cube then Oh Foreign Foreign Nice uh Not yet it didn’t punch me though let me go face to face so go and then see what happens dude what are you doing what what why are you putting sand outside my place like this All right we’re gonna let a zombie punch me foreign Okay it comes yep I still die I still die I do indeed still behind I guess I can make the seeds Foreign Foreign hello you ripped everything out okay leave on the wall oh my inventory got cleared yeah my armor and tools are gone Oh go die okay do I get this stuff back a ring iron armor it’s recorded Yeah I had diamond tools Uh um testing and now they can hear you It’s a remake the things arson I said my house is very arsenable I know it’s made out of wood big fan of the carpet though you like the Colossus um all right have fun oh I gotta remove the resource pack um yeah what did the resource pack have was for the um

Your mom um oh the skills oh how’s it going I’m playing some vanilla Minecraft 1.19.2 How you doing if you want I can update this 1.20 oh are you gonna yeah I mean as long as we don’t have the plugins right now I guess I guess we can do 1.2 is it gonna reset the whole world you shouldn’t okay hypothetically

I mean no one else is playing on the server yet you could do a whole new world if you want okay yeah because we just reopened it yeah go for it [ __ ] it whatever not a big fan of The Acacia seed anyway yeah I noticed yeah areas so Arie took out all the

Plugins because we couldn’t figure out why it was having issues I think he said he’s gonna have to rebuild it from the ground up but I guess we’re gonna update it to 1.20 in the meantime I just do a vanilla world I’m gonna go to 1.20.1 20.1 okay let me

Switch scene real quick yeah yeah that was actually starting the process of building a new server as well oh okay 1.20.1 one churu I was making my bed and the cat was like oh what’s this and right he went to the bed and like laid there clean for a bit

Right and then I was watching him and he like inched closer I was like like going up now he’s like this is for me yes he’s a very cute baby very lovely bubbish Now this is a seed I’m downloading my resource pack right now okay And then I gotta get up to find 1.20 oh I don’t wanna I don’t want to do anything how do I make OptiFine work on uh multi-mc again just throw it in the mons folder mods so I’m just open up want to see click the instance and then view mods then

Just drag and drop in in there do I develop server do I record oh but you live streaming with me though Yeah that sounds like a fun one I don’t want to do any of it I gotta change my kick title uh see if I gotta put 1.20 in it instead of the 1.19.2 I’m gonna restart my computer okay there we go and then I think I need to update my YouTube title also Yeah I need to not Henry stream There we go I updated the titles Yo yeah it’s happening what’s happening Russia’s military is pulling a coup oh they’re turning against themselves pretending against Putin good good apparently Russian generator uh generals are pleading with the military the military to to return to their bases and re uh and uh what was it it’s like follow Putin’s orders pretty

Much yeah yeah foreign what should I listen to I’m listening to the Lo-Fi girl synthwave thingy oh you’re right this is a spun this is like it’s fun foreign this all right oh I placed on a graphing table and it disappeared you’re in spawn oh he gave it back to me

Oh yeah I gotta change my Sprint Key um what should I listened to sell the music biggies so this start button worked yet or do I still need to fix it I guess I should probably test it huh let’s see the start button apparently does not work because it’s not linked for

Some reason uh-uh web socket four five five oh I don’t want to type in the password what if I just turn it off that’ll be funny right reply okay yeah Moment of Truth it doesn’t work should take up to five seconds oh I’m having deja vu are you mm-hmm

The deja vu’s are coming back it stopped for a while yeah and nothing again okay let’s see if it works now it’s like you’ve been having premonition dreams you just can’t remember them it do be like that sometimes it’s only been three days since my last

Stream it feels like it’s been longer it does feel like it’s been longer I’m back [ __ ] I was gonna tell one that the server’s vanilla again and that he could play but it’s probably better that I didn’t since you know we just restarted and I feel like that might be a career currents

I mean you know how it is Alpha and all that yeah I’d still like to actually play you can play whatever you want just it might not be on the server I can give you the file and you can play on it by yourself it almost for

I’m Rusty at this what I I instantly forgot that it was on my shooting spoon and my shorting soon is not working now up there it goes there’s a jungle on the other side of the Plains yeah I saw I know how to play Minecraft Minecraft Now this is Minecraft this is the first time playing 1.20 for me at least so I don’t know anything about the update I mean I know some stuff but yeah let’s we’re starting to be playing because I don’t care about Minecraft that much anymore so far my hardcore worlds have all been

Linked their most recent updates look at that that’s a creeper that’s a scale butt right Ah that’s not another one num nums and this is not going nowhere I found a pig times two oink dead ah they have multiplied now there’s some new one yes Um cows food I might have to eat some zombies oh switching side the haunted becomes the Hunter I have about a stack worth of melons nice melons the forest is on fire all right I guess jungle is on fire oh I found your cave that you entered for a second

I’m writing up yep I’m literally above you I’m here um behind you no give me your food I don’t have any food there’s no food here it’s not food me oh freedom oh you’re still chasing me huh oh no I don’t have any food that’s what

I was safe keep chasing me after seeing those melons a parrot a parakeet no what is is it a parakeet I don’t know I don’t know anything about birds where’s Poppy I only know them as nacho Birds because that’s what we named those birds nacho Birds yeah we named Jordan

Words uh nacho I don’t know why I don’t know if it was nacho or Macho I think it was nacho I used to call it nacho I think that’s what everyone else going on there’s something chill something like that rest in peace Nacho The first second and third goddamn great track record To be fair one of them got kidnapped I know I presume dead you know it’s like the 48 hour rule yeah yeah who knows maybe it’s someone I know exactly where that [ __ ] bird is I know exactly who stole it because you could see it from their [ __ ] balcony those rich [ __ ] yeah

Basically let it outside like not outside but we put the cage outside because we were cleaning the living room and we wanted to let the bird get fresh air and this [ __ ] yoinked it um and iced I remember walking around and I heard I heard the bird and I

Looked up and like in the alleyway you know how like some of the houses had like the back balconies yeah you can see the [ __ ] bird cage with him in it why did nobody you know like call the police or whatever there’s no way to prove it it’s your bird

There’s many birds like my bird but this one’s mine but if it’s your cage and everything I used to just my dad did not care enough he was like whatever he was like sorry about your bird kid Story of how nacho too I believe got kidnapped natural number two rest in peace Nacho the second and then I think another one froze to death and the other one um got its foot stuck in the cage and pretty much had a heart attack so bad

Probably we had to uh no those are called cockatiels the white ones the with the yellow yeah yeah we had three cockatiels uh we my dad actually I don’t know if these are the same two that my dad had or he had two sets

But we have uh my dad had two sets of like uh I want to call them kid yields but they’re not what are they the little tiny birds turkey parakeets yeah I could have sworn the first pair died but when I went to visit my dad a few

Years later he had the exact like bird so I don’t know if he just [ __ ] joint them because he knew my oh what hmm we get dashed that’d be funny there’s only a few people that have the IEP so I made tweeted with it Allure what VIP numbers or no no no

You’re already in it all right because if you’re [ __ ] putting the IP numbers you’re just asking for it no There’s only a few people that have the numbers and only one of them watching you so you better knock it off Oh goodness weird is it back up oh yes now it is backup connections uh oh it’s ever restarted that’s what it was oh every four hours or whatever scheduled restart I gotcha never mind no Panic server did exactly what it’s supposed to failed to uh give the announcement oh

Yeah it just didn’t broadcast I know who you are [ __ ] oh I’m gonna die laughs oh I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I do look forward to having a public server again yeah same I think I prefer

It over private server see the private server I had a lot planned for it it’s just the [ __ ] the people the people are just so used to cool a lot of stores closing already but the mall is open until nine oh what’s today Friday weird yeah is there anything special this weekend

I don’t think so I think it’s next week right what’s today let’s try that yeah it’s the 23rd huh weird no idea nothing special going on not that I know of um Juanita with the first whoa It was popping remember when Laura used to try to snipe it now she doesn’t even care well I I’m streaming too exactly stuttering over yourself you can’t hear God damn uh you need to fix your [ __ ] what do you mean no what why is that a thing Everything got reset is it this oh yes this is my microphone can you hear this oh yeah no you’re not yeah okay this is the wrong microphone okay I’ll try to try to figure this out hold on I don’t know why my OBS settings got changed that’s dumb testing

All right that’s that one that explains why there’s like no one here hi I’m loving that happens and you don’t realize until a little while later okay now we have music Discord talk oh wow it’s me Aurora we’re playing on hyridian and it’s not game you already shout out to Juanita for

Letting me know all you other ones are fake hoes there it comes how’s your favorite streamer no idea why don’t you ask them by the way we opened up hyridian again so if you guys want to come join us it’s 1.20.1 oh hi how are you Erica the streamer and shapeshifter um

[Laughter] I’m doing okay I’m doing good I guess I don’t know [ __ ] dude stop asking me questions stop asking about me I don’t know I don’t know me yeah you don’t know me actually you’re not [ __ ] it we’ll say I’m doing good let’s go with that one let’s go with that one sure

Oh my God hi chat it’s been a hot minute so it’s time for me to beg for money I know you like you guys know no I’m a brand new spanking computer yeah we’ve got over 2 500 already saved up for like two thirds with your guys’s help it could be even sooner

Yeah I’ll stream daily when I get it for like a week and then probably like vanish for a bit because that’s what I used to know I I plan on doing things you know yes you have excitement for the new pc and things to do in games display and seeds sucks I think

I don’t feel like living in jungles don’t live on the Prairie trying to [ __ ] run away and get away from the jungles but it just keep them going never ending jungle burn it down demanding okay I can’t just buy my shoulder just like hey I see

Demanding holds yeah he wants to be on the desk while you play he wants to lay between your arms you woke up and realized um I don’t know why he just likes it he’s just standing there I’m waiting probably waiting for you to like let him on oh there it goes

Hi Ty Davis .com 1.20.1 that’s all you care about let’s be honest here yeah literally the first thing they say how do I join is like um we’ll go straight to business [ __ ] this [ __ ] that’s funny oh I need food time to return to the circus actually how many iron I don’t have

Enough iron I was gonna say do I have an appointment for a bucket yet nope but there’s some cows we can murder What oh is he being cute no no he did he’s just sitting man he’s just sitting in he’s just sitting like next to my arm he’s not looking at the monitor he’s just like looking up the bed he’s staring Alpha at the bed oh he just wanted to be up there with you

Okay but do you love the new update bro I there’s nothing there’s nothing new there’s nothing new nothing I didn’t care about anyway I could mod a custom tree I don’t even have to mod it I have a plug-in that gives me custom trees no one cares about cherry blossoms they

Don’t even look good I’ve seen much better ones my server [ __ ] had better [ __ ] cherry blossoms than the vanilla now we’re playing vanilla God you’re so heavy you put my arm to sleep like instantly oh yeah it’s a workout trying to move a mouse with him laying on you luckily he’s on the

Keyboard side so I’m good yes oh he’s so cute he is he’s like the best little desk buddy like he’s adorable I love my kitty cat I think I’ll live like right near spawn again so that people can play with me if they want um said grief me I don’t have four protect

There is no rollbacks on this I mean I don’t want to get grieved but like I want to play with people I guess okay but vanilla is legit this is vanilla vanilla every time we talk about this I always say it but I’ll say it again I honestly believe I can

Make a better Nila Minecraft than million but I guess that’s what they like they like how Bare Bones it is right that’s standby I got your money what oh yeah [ __ ] with the gifted shop dude Ty Davis and Junior’s subscription oh my God You prefer chocolate okay pun I guess who told you you could make puns I thought you’re gonna be like who told you you were funny gosh that’s funny and he’s like yeah [ __ ] them up [ __ ] you no I’m funny enough I made it out of the [ __ ] uh jungle straight into a case

Of iron nice yeah that’s why I went back towards spawn I’m trapped between the two worst biomes in the game how late that was a solid two minutes later yay oh is it Mitchy she’s at work no no Mitchy gift to the sub and then the

Person who got the sub said yay 18 minutes later oh okay Okay thank you for the hundo bids oh my god well we’re inching yes closer every moment what did you say your username was again huh I never said what my username is but it’s Erica same as his name I’m scared why are you scared suspicious they might be suspicious activity this is

Are you panicking that’s [ __ ] weird he’s saving you for later suspicious I don’t trust you people you’re like oh what do they want no one watches me everyone is everyone is uh nefarious uh what I’m looking for it’s not in the first alternative and ulterior motive no

That’s not what I was trying to say but that works too I guess malice delicious sure everyone who watches me has some kind of malicious intent like how can we [ __ ] with this streamer today you’re so paranoid though it’s a paranoid okay at me well Oh God oh no there’s mobs everywhere oh no oh no these creepers and [ __ ] I don’t know oh no they’re so messy [ __ ] something’s so funny about me casually listening to Zelda music and just like watching my food cook while you’re panicking over tridents now I’m fighting a witch

Hell yeah I got glowstone I had to start killing everything in the area now I killed everything in there and it ran afterwards come on to land anyway [Laughter] there you go got some Gunpowder let’s see about fixing this hole oh skeleton multiple skeletons and a spider apparently my booty yeah

Oh they’re fighting each other great oh God all right let’s put these walls up real quick it’s so big but it looks better on stream look at me do you guys prefer play GUI this big or I’ll usually have it I have been mine set at three

Yeah I usually have mine so it’s a three I just said it’s four that’s what what that’s what she said oh I did get it to try it I’d have to yeah I I thought this would look better on stream how do you repair a trident because we’re in church

Yeah I gotta try it but it’s not like one little girl ability left all right so at some point we’re gonna have to do that do that it’s gonna catch [ __ ] his head he does look like a [ __ ] shrimp that’s cute I like the way he should shrimp

Fried shrimp do we sound good right about now um it looks weird on my stream like on screen it looks gigantic but on stream it looks good oh okay so I hate how big my GUI is visually on my end but I know on stream mode definitely look better

Um I don’t have any more stones also I am way slower at crafting now just because of the size change yeah ow leave me alone you’re gonna join the server again it’s strictly vanilla for now My butt hurts okay for a low low price of six hundred dollars you can buy me can we like not I’ll let you lay on the [ __ ] desk but you’re kind of in the way nope you’re gonna put all your weight into my arm again okay my bad or uh thinking otherwise

Yeah it’s like I Stay Well bruh I’m just like waiting for daytime now They don’t have any wool neither do I I built a small house and I’m waiting inside So one have you been watching my new videos I’ve been putting a lot of effort in edits and I’ve been losing subscribers again no I think it’s the uh member people SMP people unsubscribing because they’re better if you like the edits and not gonna lie thanks I know I’m just so good at

Everything oh I wanted to grab more wood before I went into the cave we’re gonna have to expand the house out too because even it’s funny but I can with the IP I’m just like all right let’s just get straight to the point I’m not gonna [ __ ] even welcome you or anything it’s IV is hybrid in yeah just like all right I see we’re strictly business here I forgot about that part of this we got something

Inspiration from like 8-bit Ryan or bear attack rather thing Integrity I personally like it but the I don’t understand are you asking if I’ve got inspiration from them or if I are you telling me I should [Laughter] bam I thought about that the comment is just really fun today let’s just screaming I

Was dumb can you imagine you’re like on a bus and someone’s like oh my God that’s an Ocean Gate CEO be like no I’m not really saying you should but I don’t know maybe consider some aspects I don’t know because when did I buy this you didn’t I believe it was gifted to

You yesterday or the day before oh who got the fuzzy oh yes they got a sub for one month four days ago no by who Sam WTF live nice he loves Subs I bet are you gonna like Run him down eat them um it’s just like I didn’t ask for this [ __ ] [Laughter] hold of you two is some advantages oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what happened I was getting from I got flanked by a zombie punched into a creeper that blew up which dropped me into another creeper and

Zombie those moment chaos and do scales this is when we go to Sam’s chat and if school’s just spamming the champion like Sammy why did you give me a sub Siri I like how this person is just like a terrifying like mad man I need some sand I got pants oh my God Oh actually I don’t have any uh dudes not sitters what’s the word I’m looking for um nope swords for the string to make into wool to make into a bed to make into a spawn point to make into a respawn point for me to come back would I die

Yes if I can get my stuff back yes I’ve got three strings we have a string together we have one piece of wool I’m gonna start making some food I’m gonna start making a wheat farm math book math imagine doing math couldn’t be me I imagine like a old job it’s math

[ __ ] nerd she counts butterflies and she sells expensive sunglasses how do you count butterflies uh you do simulations to see about how many Will Survive and after like survival rates and how many cocoons you have how many are in certain areas because they transfer them around and stuff uh-huh

That doesn’t make sense to me oh so they’re not he’s she’s not actually counting butterflies I mean sometimes yeah I believe sometimes they do walk through with like a clicker and try to count how many of like different species they got or like cocoons I find and

Stuff like they take actual numbers and then they use those numbers and algorithms because they have these algorithms that they use how do you know how many there are you count them no no cocoons area that’s cocoons those are okay come on no they’re mush I’m sure she also counts

Butterflies but you know what I mean wow that’s that’s not cocoon is not a butterfly the approximation about the success rate Logistics I don’t know what that means the complex equations equations hello he’s like I don’t math good you know bruh I don’t know where I was going with what I don’t know yet but it wasn’t worth it bro and I’m like okay I was gonna say something and I lost it gonna be like I do math great thank you very much no you [ __ ] don’t I used to

Math used to be my best subject let’s go put some sugar cane down by the riverbed No I loved math uh even it’s like algebra was pretty [ __ ] easy at the time I like I like geonometry I am so good at you know everyone hates and genometry for some reason but I’m so [ __ ] good with it yeah yo if you like graphs if you like

If you liked geometry then you probably would have also liked trigonometry and calculus I said oh I get to make a [ __ ] graph say no more yeah you probably would have liked shrig I kind of forgot what I was doing down here and was just running around for a bit

You were just talking forgetting you were playing something I mean that’s usually how these streams go on iridine I usually do just end what the [ __ ] was that but what did you hear okay but as usual I don’t remember um I thought I heard a noise I don’t

Even know how to describe what the noise was but I heard something is weird can we make that noise maybe it didn’t I think it did uh do a feedback loop so it might have been him yeah I think it was him get the [ __ ] on me you probably died or something

Let out of Banshee speech how do you do yes Obama on me cat this would have gone oh the end times are upon us the end times I’m on fire uh there’s diamonds there you bastard don’t you do this to me I will destroy everything okay I’m good thank you

I found the first time on yeah I could I don’t know anyway like I was saying I can make the Jukebox I mean it’s in the name that’s hot I bet it is fire and do me out sometimes oh oh I can’t hit this can’t hit this

Actually you know what I’ve been craving to play I I know I’m gonna instantly regret it but I’ve been created to play SkyWars oh God I’m returning to my SkyWars Arc I don’t know maybe you and aylors can play together sometime why are there so many scallopods oh there’s a lot leave me alone there’s a witch there’s a witch there’s another Scandal box you kill one three more spawn it’s impossible they look diamonds

I’ve been late in my area up I must say that that is my favorite bit to do in McDonald’s and shootings it’s just like panicking and then oh diamond oh shiny all right well if I have 10 diamonds that was easy oh nice all right um now what

There’s another Diamond over there I guess that’s what oh baby zombie cat the baby zombie scared me but I killed it pretty good he’s such a sleepy boy he is the best sleepiest baby you need to wake up and go get a job you bum

Sleeping in all day well all of us at work who Do You Think You Are 10 years old and she looks exactly the same as when we first got her ah I hear fire oh that would explain it there’s fire I don’t sound like that you’re right bill sellington that’s what you sound

Like [ __ ] dork wow why are you doing I’m so dirty who do they say sounds exactly like him was it Lego or is it I think it was Lego yeah I think he said Lego sounds like now they sound exactly the same it’s insane why I’m not giving the joke

Do it I’m gonna say apparently I track one little [ __ ] funny because I don’t actually mean it as far as you know oh my God I’m playing both sides and he was like let’s see what happens you know I got to make sure I don’t have

Any gears so I have a reason not to stream oh my God self-sabotage they do be like that sometimes I know every time I get some kind of [ __ ] growth it always happens you and I have had full-on conversations about how for some reason you just turn

Up the dickish a little bit no I don’t I am not at all so how about the Mets what’s the version 1.20.1 .20.1 I made it back to the surface this cave system was massive with a bunch of resources that I didn’t feel like mining oh

Honestly I’m kind of tempted to just go work on the server because God I miss TP oh why I’m so far away I don’t feel like running back to spawn I don’t know where I am I found a village um so spawn is 54 66 negative 121. yeah

Obviously it spawns zero zero but I don’t feel like running that do you know where I am because I don’t I’m at negative 500 negative 1500. a little run dude I’m not trying to do that how cat I can’t feel my arm I need blood in there shut up other cat okay

Minecraft cat oh yeah I’ve been stashing another cat in here I’m a sheep shooter I don’t think I need a stick that’s a lot of bread I’m gonna watch this creeper no I’m not well sorry am I about to watch the Scream again oh [ __ ] I’m about to get blown up now I gotta go all the way to the faithful website Zelda new version of the texture pack SMH sounds like a you problem Doesn’t have too much problem getting my texture pack that also sounds like a you problem but it was no problem that sounds like a you Oh my arm I can’t feel my arm oh Be gone look at that big smile hello oh how do you say that though I’ll say that one your bezel Stone now all right the Zesto okay what’s popping I’ve decided I am going to up myself Oh well where are you hi I’m here to arson no All right so this is my house now what hello I need a bed oh it’s raining oh you should have told me that before I keep eat here I only got me a bed okay oh [ __ ] I wasn’t paying attention sorry damn skippy I have 12 diamonds damn bro um Flipping heck what do they not have your texture pack yet no this is still too early poor for somehow I don’t [ __ ] know leave me alone I Porky the Pig so do you work during the summer now that like school’s out or do you have the summer off and then start working

Again in the fall Corky the pig with the follow whoa welcome our news back um you’ve been following for a year and three months the [ __ ] who are you you have the summer off ah but you don’t have teachers benefits though right because you’re a bus driver or I guess a van driver

Who is this man who are you people oh no teacher benefits oh hell summer off WL but he doesn’t get paid for l ol I’m also taking the summer off kind of I don’t know Nah interesting foreign s look at that good job I can confirm you have the lowest follow time than anyone else congratulations oh nice double laptops all right I need a lava cave not a lava cave but Lavo it’s and I’ve had to set up everything two

Times so that’s fun I like setting up new computers sound about setting things up is really fun to me team has it was the most difficult to do if you get steam guarded it’s really easy you can just scan your Steam and logs in for you yeah it looks in good

One has been following for one year four months and 28 days are you letting people join yesh it’s 1.20.1 I swear to God if you rob me I will murder you and your family I swear to God if I get robbed on This Server too I’m going to lose should my [ __ ]

Be nice if you don’t have family or this is me bam or family damn you don’t have anything else they misspelled family three different ways and I was making fun of it because I’m an [ __ ] according to you well still got it all right I need lava Lavista as they say in um

What what are you on about nothing don’t worry about it all right I don’t know what’s up with her whatever yes lighting 101. what are you talking about what you’re gaslighting me because I’m not gaslighting him everybody knows gaslighting is not a real thing and you made it up And I’m too slow I don’t remember what you said what was life he was a iridian that’s dot com that’s h y r i d i a n i got there eventually I’m good at spelling spelling as you can tell was not my strong suit wear them damn lavas at okay

Where those damn levels take a screenshot everybody screenshot yeah because Porky is struggling to figure out what the IEP was the top out oh I found a jungle temple ooh nice I don’t know who this person is I’m kicking him I wonder who it could possibly Oh God looking ah in that case I know exactly who that is Hey I did the puzzle right for once they weren’t fully growing that’s wrong it’s Robert Robert who’s Robert fire protection three infinity and aqua affinity that’s actually I’m excited to add keys back to this area I know gambling anyone’s favorite oh but save it he literally cool was

Like oh I’m saying I’m wearing back gotcha look at look at this whoa I’m sold God I’m so tempted and you can’t loaf your 64 chunks I’m funny [ __ ] you zabushka I I keep forgetting to use my torches you have OptiFine me no I can’t afford after fun

I tried putting it on but I must have done something wrong I can’t get up to find a work on Multi MC for some reason really if you want me to show you why it’s not working because I bet you any money I know exactly why it’s not working um

Why why do you think it’s not working I’m not betting on it but I don’t know we should definitely put on it no I’m sure this will go perfect no if we bet on it I’ll tell you what it is but nothing less

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God I chapped myself you got myself oh how did you do that I tried myself with two [ __ ] cave spiders oh God no cave spiders bad oh thank God finally finally

Okay I got off my arm is now laying in between them his high Allura Doodles what’s up uh he’s looking at me through the window you know the rules and so do I oh God what’s that what are the rules has anyone made a game because that that

Seems like a great horror game someone should make a Rick Astley horror game a Rick Astley horror game just a giant [ __ ] uh PNG of Rick Astley and it’s just do you know the rules just like you know like modified oh yeah I think that would be hilarious

And I’m too lazy to do it myself what just Rick Astley coming towards you yes it would be hilarious he said I’m not I’m Never Gonna Give You Up so he’s clearly like chasing you oh God maybe I’ll make it we’ll see I’ll make it with like a bunch of free assets oh

Yeah if we know space on this laptop my little bro put so many movies on it and movies um I’m moving this isn’t one of nine of Dragon Ball onto USPS this might be my day oh that’s a lot of Dragon Balls it is I’m sure there’s something like that in

The Roblox or Gmod I guess I I think it’d be hilarious cheese over actually no you don’t like wow I almost blew up sorry God damn I didn’t want to go into a cave yet here we are get back what oh my skeleton said he’s shooting at him and I was like good luck oh torch spin my area

Goddamn it rains forever I’m so lost why are you lost was I wearing the cave and ran through mine shaft then got lost and then just kept running because that’s what they tell you to do oh yeah they tell you to like run and never look back yeah running a straight line

But I haven’t been running in a straight line I’ve definitely been training Who do we sounding good right about now actually am I gonna drown here yes I am let me out guess what what I farted you I’ll dare you what if when I didn’t merge I did a fart giveaway or not give away like a discount anytime on stream

There’s like a flash sale where it’s like 10 off or some [ __ ] that’d be funny the fart sale use code fart to get 10 off thanks uh l f first uh bam sometimes foreign I got my bamboo fence started I just wanted to walk with leak that’s all I wanted oh oh God damn it I’m gonna drown don’t drown oh yeah I’m definitely drowning oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] just kidding I’m too good I don’t drown I know he was joking you’re family friendly yeah I’m [ __ ] family friendly [ __ ]

Bobbin hi nice welcome back ooh lava pit I will burn your house down anyway oh [ __ ] it’s a rat I don’t know if that’s what you’re referencing but that’s where I went oh he found alive that’s what he was telling you hmm hmm yeah I found a lava like whoa All right I guess we’re gonna go mining oh yeah I have all of these that’s not creepy at all well he says I see you and I turn around and he’s peeking around a tree funny I can smell you Erica I like this game we’ll smell people oh no thank you foreign nobody’s been doing it recently yeah you better not step in front of me yeah God doesn’t watch me mine and I swear to God if he was gonna [ __ ] step in

Front of this I was going to kill him oh I didn’t think he was that low I thought you would be able to take at least one hit nice one then whoops to be fair as soon as I said that he stepped in front of me while I was whining so

Oh like he’s egging you on Unless there’s a delay whoops yeah anyway moving on the biggest threat to any server Airy hmm [Laughter] I said whoops whoops it is I’m taking I’m tempted I’m very tempted what I’m not going to oh God okay now this is life this is my job man this is my livelihood into The Nether

Oh my God are you speeding I’m not speeding I’m merely going at my casually uh Leisure that just happens to be faster than you ever watch probably try this [ __ ] Speed Run I think it was funny he would get like two to three minutes into a run and then die it was funny

I was back when he was still streaming he was doing it with uh is one I guess and they kept killing each other or dying and they were doing it in hardcore mode so we kept restarting oh you’re hurting me oh Laura whoa doing Big Stretch oh shrimping back up

I forgot what I was gonna say to you I don’t know oh hi for some reason he’s in here now yeah I didn’t even get the achievement I was like oh how the [ __ ] did you get here oh I have my diamond pick on me I should not have brought that in here

There I know how to fix that hey how’s it going ow I’m not cheating you’re cheating come on I thought you’re getting one the [ __ ] you have to do the laptop thing all day no that’s not the same person oh but I mean you’re working on it it’s not

That hard to type in an IP now what do I do I could steal your diamonds you found a Bastion just in time to die oh we’re gonna come down here and we feed him fine diamonds in the momentum you know all reliable this all right chat q a Time what’s your favorite color wrong they’re trying to get shaders why do you need shaders

Scion what exactly is the color Scion oh yeah I could tell that’s your favorite color I that’s all right I guess I don’t have an IP Command it’s the reason I thought let me change my title and kick you’re banned from doing that I guess weird Discord it’s black Because of streamer mode no you don’t have a banner did you see his new handle on Twitter the ones no Angelito furry going for the poppy fur thing All right yes dig a dig ital once under [ __ ] though with like if the underscores used what oh my turn you could have done undecito tweets if I made a Twitter account for bird me I would definitely call it that oh Erica tweets Or bird me tweets you know you know you know yeah puns pretty funny Bird me what are you talking about foreign how long is This Server gonna be vanilla um for a long while he has to rebuild the old high Radiance server oh for a while and hypothetically I told you this before the server shut down the goal is to have a vanilla version as

Well so there’ll be two different ones to play on so oh yeah we can select the RPG mode or vanilla or creative but hopefully eventually I personally will be switching to the other one once it’s done it was born I forgot why I came back here interesting Mission TP to him kill him and then take the Bastion no and that just makes me want to do even more don’t sneeze on me oh nice such a baby you should smell that right or are you just like guessing because I don’t know how to spell in German but that doesn’t

Look right to me no what’d they say oh I’m just trying to say uh isn’t it yeah but he’s about it uh you say Mike he smashed yeah I thought so because there’s way too many consonants it’s not enough syllable or uh Bells he started gnzt and some height

Come on it’s like actually it’s getting kind of darker how do I get out of here over here okay they found it yeah wow oh ow I almost made it all day without a cash sale no one got on Discord I have my Discord server yeah

I also have a Discord survey I have a rule of no joining coals while on string [ __ ] what are you doing you punched me you walked in front of me you punched me you walked in front of me you need to be nicer laughs burlesque 18.58 oh no that’s 52.

What you’re at why now you’re negative 52. oh no that’s not what I said that’s what I’m saying you’re right negative 52. oh my God foreign just so [ __ ] good at strip mining it’s insane I’ve streamed exactly on diamonds so many [ __ ] times man x-ray no how was it thanks foreign

Did I get up today like noon two yeah it’s almost medication time I woke up at two on the dot and I was like well I want to go back to bed and then you know like what time is it I’m like it’s it’s two Oh I don’t know if I have time to decide but like that but I don’t know that’s exactly how you sound I don’t know see exactly what I’m talking I was exactly gonna do that myself yeah happy early time play the word game if you’re on YouTube thank you foreign Thank you foreign Foreign Foreign Rules let’s go ahead of balances when you take your teeth aren’t available you know thank you foreign thank you foreign All right foreign thank you Foreign Thank you foreign cooking mac and cheese for myself 10 minutes Mitchy’s grabbing food and then coming uncommon okay foreign I found another mine shaft they look diamonds a nice little poor vein it looks like Diamond doors your lava in the cave I wonder if I’m gonna break into it oh more diamonds nice

I found them in a uh Minecart I found lava Good night What was that oh he’s just like some of the foil over it’s boiling I’m like yeah like I kind of wanted to boil yeah Laura was your first time cooking you gotta be supervised by the cookie do you have a water bucket still but I’m not near you why oh I bought it

What do you mean don’t work you just asked me if I had a bucket you’re not near me it’s okay I’ll just build over it is everyone just by our house if I can use them the Nether Portal I’m gonna start charging you [ __ ] mission More of a kid I just realized I wanted to get my prototype out for the game by like August my hoodie fell off the coat rack and the cat’s just sitting on it though nice oh boy I’m sure you like me I am dead do you want any of that mac and cheese

You ran up for yourself I mean I was but oh you’re good thank you there’s definitely a point in time where I completely forgot I had the Discord server because it’s been so dead lately really yeah it was until like yesterday when Sam asked about it and I was like oh [ __ ] I

Have a server that’s right like how that was one of my resolutions for this year too yeah to be more active on the Discord oh yeah but uh I just remembered I’m probably gonna fail at all my resolutions right that’s what they say yeah I’ve been trying to like remember

To talk in mine I give the [ __ ] up yeah maybe you’re not ready for my nether yet to get some like iron armor or something maybe what oh I know why but it’s so funny I mean the um mindset of Michi is handing us a dollar and just telling like updating us

Yeah just be like I’m at work here’s a dog Andy’s in their mind Chef he’s in her mind so I punched them Yeah I’m like all right one third of whatever you find is gonna go into chest at the top of this hill here if you’re digging it out of my mind Foreign Engage obviously I didn’t use your iron ingots I have my own how’d you get uh oh yeah what the [ __ ] I’ve been here the whole time oh it leads up to here okay actually I need to go back to the surface that’s funny I did a whole Loop

A Cave System looped back to the first cave I went in like how the [ __ ] are you here one I’m just gonna make a bucket it does hmm what about the giant bamboo fence screams everybody joined me I said what about the giant bamboo fence screams everybody join me now you’re fun but you know nobody asked you literally were like I want to play with people if I’m like near spawn

Yeah so they’re playing with you Sam likes DBZ oh yeah I saw on Twitch why do you like Dragon Balls well thanks for the fella welcome right there was victim sorry I I need to get back into the routine I gotta do my speed and stuff hey chat did you know [Laughter]

It’s not the same when it’s my chat I don’t know I feel the wrong I don’t actually expect people in other people’s chats to give me money but in my chat I don’t want to Shield you know my viewers foreign that’d be cool who are you it was true oh my God

All right mission accomplished I’ve gained all the followers that have lost the last few days let’s go guys when we hit 600 followers we hit a new milestone we’re fishing now watch this a wonder how much better I am oh puffer fish first try oh baby I’m just that good

Oh God damn it I did too early they keep God damn it foreign Isn’t it funny that the fishing mechanic is completely useless and how no one uses it practically anymore no this is a default world foreign that’s just how 1.20 is I’m getting stressed the [ __ ] out by my [ __ ] damn that’s weird I guess you’re gonna have to make yourself God damn it thank you why is the render distance like this this is like eight render distance we should be able to see more than eight huh

I’m gonna take a look see real quick view distance 10 that does not look like 10. am I crazy does that look like less than 10. weird Crazy Thank you I’m bored hey that’s not very nice we gotta watch profanity mister language exactly that’s what I’m saying Foreign honestly I’m bored foreign quarter cup of butter I all right I’m back with my Mac and Cheese nice yeah I got bored I know that was gone forever I got Portland into my stream oh you ended your stream yeah I was just gonna eat and then keep streaming

Yeah well I’m bored I’m sure it was born so I got off yes understood um I guess I can just eat well in the play area let me just get some text that says nom nom so that people are like what the [ __ ] are you doing I hit them with honestly I’m bored

Goodbye dang my brother I don’t know if you smelled the cannabutter or what but he came in and was like I’ll give you a cart for them some mac and cheese and I was like oh you want some here let me put some more in it so put some more butter in it

And some more cheese did you update your Minecraft skin it looks pretty good honestly this mac and cheese could taste worse Thank you yeah I’ll take all the trash oh hi simulation nice yeah I’m eating mac and cheese right now your brother already sounds like he’s high I mean he’s probably been hitting the cart he told me he had a fairly strong tolerance so I made it kind of strong yep I hear

I’m hitting it no I hear him he’s like I’m gonna be real I’m high as [ __ ] right now What’s my name science in the furnace is that in these Maybe my chest in the cave and Sandy’s You don’t want it He told me at a good time you oh so this has got your fat it’s got some stuff and everything Um we’re out of cans of Coke but I will send you to the store do you want one too thank you yeah uh Aaron also wants a soda they have cup holders Aside see what happens oh no we’ll be I’m gonna BRB I’m gonna go wash out the pan and stuff Foreign Foreign foreign Foreign Thank you Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you [ __ ] you and believe when people are at Holiday Gas oh yeah didn’t come alive I’m back wow why can’t I hear Amy last thing what oh your icon was moving but I didn’t hear anything so I thought there might have been a problem I can get rid of the Nom Nom I’m not

Eating no more dinner’s been dealt with I didn’t get no dinner thank you foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘Playing with viewers | 1.20.1 Vanilla | Vtuber !! #minecraft #playingwithviewers #vtuber’, was uploaded by Elora Games on 2023-06-24 04:50:11. It has garnered 24 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:11 or 14111 seconds.

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    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!

    Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!Video Information all right guys in today’s video I’m going to be doing something a little bit different I’m going to be doing a solo windcraft run I have played windcraft before like eight years ago I was an Archer and just recently I decided to um see how the game has changed and I played as a shaman and I got to level 18 um I’ve never really experienced a story in this game so I’m going to try to go slower and actually experience the story I’ve downloaded a few mods that will um give the story voice… Read More

  • Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & Choco

    Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & ChocoVideo Information what’s this oh it’s just a normal security guard job but is it really we actually went ahead and created our own version of the FNAF pizeria with functioning doors lights and these weird robot things will postal survive the night or Will Freddy Faz barington get him first if you want to go see the full video the link is right here This video, titled ‘We recreated FNAF…’, was uploaded by Flash & Choco on 2024-01-14 11:39:01. It has garnered 5754 views and 164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. I think… Read More

  • Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!

    Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!Video Information [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] awaken my child and embrace the glory that is your Birthright know now that I am obsidian and you have created to serve me just kidding did I scare [Laughter] [Music] you 5 more minutes obsidian oh the cicas are so loud today the cicas are so loud today I can respect that honestly kind of like that sing me your songas [Music] there we go hello thank you for five months Bandit Channel and uh I missed a soup and now I can’t… Read More

  • Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯

    Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯Video Information here kind of working trying to finish the uh Greenhouse trying and get all that finished like 9:00 a.m. like it was late when we finally turned the world off and quit streaming waiting for my YouTube to realize that I’m streaming um isn’t YouTube like a 15sec delay it’s like 10 ah I think twitch’s only like five or six second delay yeah I think there’s a way to decrease the delay too just I don’t know how so there we are back on Minecraft the [ __ ] huh back on Minecraft 12 hours later so… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Tricks in Minecraft Part 27!

    Ultimate Survival Tricks in Minecraft Part 27!Video Information guys welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] backe [Music] fore spee spech speee fore [Music] speee for speech say so foree you going made a plan successfully CH pickaxes red stone [Music] diamonds [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] blocks [Music] [Music] but there for [Music] May bab let go by m pass [Music] [Music] ex XP exp main target m [Music] X okay good idea good red stone yeah B collect C this s Sara [Music] IR don’t ien [Music] mining fore foree yeah [Music] okay guys This video, titled ‘Minecraft Series Part 27 | New Video | New… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! 🤯” #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! 🤯" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #animation’, was uploaded by Yep. on 2024-05-15 18:25:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “Minecraft build rated by shizo: EPIC or FAIL?” #clickbait #minecraft

    "Minecraft build rated by shizo: EPIC or FAIL?" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me rating my Minecraft build part 1 #minecraft #builds’, was uploaded by HAHTA_FZ on 2024-01-03 22:30:09. It has garnered 1629 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Mastering Telly Bridges in Minemen Club!!

    Mastering Telly Bridges in Minemen Club!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Telly bridging in ?’, was uploaded by Perfexion on 2024-01-19 20:14:13. It has garnered 138 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos,… Read More