This video, titled ‘Minecraft PVP with YOU! 🔴 Chillzone 😴🌙’, was uploaded by _flushed on 2024-03-06 06:56:11. It has garnered 678 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:48 or 2028 seconds.
I am live – you all can play with me, just make sure to sub!
Why is my name not showing up after subscribing? – Go to youtube settings, then privacy, and make sure you have “Keep all my subscriptions private” off/disabled, so your subs are public. After that RESUBSCRIBE! For help ask in chat!
What’s the IP?
How do I fight you? Ask in chat and /duel _flushed
What’s your minecraft name? _flushed
What is that mouse? Glorious Model D Wireless