Join My Insane Minecraft Hardcore Adventure! Holiday Supathon – $50 = +8 hrs

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Inad of Minecraft Bedrock that’s why he said do have Minecraft yeah whenever you buy one you buy both though yeah but there there are some people who bought only Minecraft Java it is literally not an option anymore whenever you get Java and you already have Java you get for fre but

Like back back in the day you could only choose one so that I think I think that’s when they bought mine I can see AC only buying Java yeah but who knows you have Uno it come it it comes free with your Xbox yo Uno’s free on Playstation well

It was at least it comes free with your PlayStation do do you know what that’s referencing Lee I hope you do you don’t oh God that’s that’s such an old video so I don’t blame you for it but like it’s such a good video I don’t get it I don’t get it

I post I’m going to link it in videos hold up once we spawn in R do we get like a 10 minute invulnerability which means that we die why you already join the world dog you don’t have yeah every but you don’t have it you already joined the world bro

Hey I’m gonna die no yeah this is a this is a classic meme back in uh how far was it to go it was like 11 years ago here we Go no Shields yeah I’m not I’m not even going to focus on like you know making a or like beating the game really I’m going to just focus on making a good house oh R lost his Minecraft account oh that’s unfortunately oh dang yeah apparently old man said lost his minecft account ah

Uh Clown’s asking if you uh if they can actually join later yeah they can join yeah anyone can join at any time once they feel better so they just they were just wondering so yeah that’s that helps cool bro if I die in this cave I’m gonna

Be furious BR all right let me just turn on my hacks real quick my I that gu was x-raying bro that guy was definitely x-raying bro how can someone get full diamond the moment they join in it was only minutes as well the man was under the ground immed

Imately this guy already knew that this guy already knew to the point that when he joined in he knew his hacks were on that he was going to out yeah yeah yeah every time I boot up the launcher I have to open a new launcher

So I can actually boot up the game are you capable kicking people huh are you capable of kicking people in the server yeah I’m pretty sure you can yeah yeah I think you can ban people too well it doesn’t matter I can just K them and

Then got they need to invite back so yeah yeah you can make an invite only and then you can just uh make it to where like you know you just invite the right people that actually ask if I recall correctly you can actually like you know make it to where

They literally cannot break or place blocks as well though in a Windows Edition or sorry bate visitor it’s a visitor mode visitor mode yeah you can yeah challenge beat the game in visitor Mode let me just change my uh this stat like activity uh like you know ability is so good what ability uh the new update for Discord where it added like the ability like the uh activities that you’re doing uh while you’re actually in VC I’m going invite you all right

Old man in here yeah yeah so just in case next time you’re actually like n VC and you’re going to eat something uh do this it’s quite literally made for you to it wait do what I don’t see it uh so scroll over the weird like you

Know chilling TBH thing and then just left click oh grubbin that one yeah grubin yeah yeah I’ll be right back I’m going to go g I’ll be right back did you guys were you able to get in another one currently just I’m currently loading into the actual game so

Please love God please love God please love good die can you rep chain mail with iron or something no well like first of all you need the same armor chain can only be repaired with like Ming if I recall correctly well no no no no no no no

Because it can sure it can only be it can it can same type of armor so let’s say for example you got chain melt chest plate then you’ll need another chain mail chest plate that has full durability for you to have that chain mail chest plate to have full durability yeah but it’ll

Get rid of all the enchantments that you have on it so well yeah but full durability on it de get you like a vegetable smoothie or something bro eat some eat some fruits eat some vegetables eat some healthy fruits sorry if you hear any background noise it’s just uh

Yeah guys if you want to join just add me I’m going I’m going back up I’m not trying to risk myself dying in this place we’re on Bedrock if anything Ace can help you join as well if if you’re confused I’ll be right back all right I’ll be right back all right bet

And I’m in litf Doo X diox how old are you man you know so old you have TOA like that Bro it wasn’t stay outside cuz lot I’m trying to not get killed you know there we go goodness for M yeah let’s go ahead and AC capella for the viewers for a Bit come on hold up I’m I’m not dying right here you’re leaving me hanging here you’re not doing the yeah I can’t really since I’m trying to conate all these [ __ ] as a creeper do what you want there we go yeah dog there’s a lot of pieces around here same here I’m currently

Looting a bit of a village yo two blast furnaces I’m Sor I have freaking two enem on me brewing stand I’m getting looted up bro what’s the stay outside um it is not day outside just yet it is very clearly night time so I would recommend just staying in your

Little hidey-hole for a bit shoot is the Iron Golem dead the Iron Golem is in fact not dead yes yet it’s very very damaged though I’m going to keep him alive for today since I don’t want to die and it seems pretty handy to me right

Now oh God the freaking zombie has an enchanted Shovel How the heck do you see me bro how name tag oh shoot I do see you hey is it night time outside or not yes yeah yeah food oh you got food nice I haven’t gotten any food just yet so I’m just waiting for right now yeah sorry sir I’m going to need

That bed yeah hold up hold up once once these monsters clear out and then I’ll uh I’ll go ahead and get food right now I’m just waiting for this night time to go out this poor man I just broke his bed right on right underneath his freaking Back well while I’m uh while I’m waiting I’m going to go ahead and choose a new skin real quick um I oh God what was that bro what why’ the creeper just go outside like that that was very very stupid of that guy what a stupid little idiot stupid little stupid

Idiot uh fun fact if you stay still still not even moving your camera you will pretty much preserve all of your food until the day actually begins wait what a fun fact if you if you even like move around during the night you actually like you know drain hunger even

If you crouch a bit uh that’ll like you know affect your hunger so if you just stay still not even moving your camera uh you’ll just you just wouldn’t won’t drain hunger nice all right yeah I’ll tell you if uh end when the actual like night turns back into day yeah all

Right you know what time to go ahead and Rush yes okay I just got damage boosted I am lagging a slight bit though maybe it’s the fact that I have 76 in render distance right now and chunks aren’t quite loaded just yet let me go fix that real

Quick let’s let’s lower that down to a Nice 32 or 30 is a nice number 30 is a pretty nice number right there oh my God it’s so much more Smooth oh it’s almost t on it is just about yeah all right so what I have to do then is grab myself some carrots for later beetroot sucks so I’m not going to grab any of that um what else nice oh chill chill don’t do it don’t do it okay it’s

Officially daytime now because uh zombies are burning and stuff careful I know I’m going to bait these yes got it I L is crazy yeah I get that ow all right let’s see what can I do I really got a double kill off there though that’s as well all right patch this hole

Up all right um oh you know you know I tried that’s that’s fine oh jeez oh jeez Rick oh jeez Rick oh like like Rick God I can only do the Shaggy voice it sucks oh there’s a there’s a bed over here if you see my gag by the way I’ll

Give you guys a tip if trying to get good food quickly get a flint and steel and just burn the freaking animals when you killed them oh you’re still on that level of trying to get quick food just just mine a couple of the hay bells yeah sure but

Like if if TR to get like good good food I’ll regenerate my health quicker my man’s bread is two and a half hunger bars yeah that’s fine that is not bad it’s all right what did I just see what did you just say I swear to God I just saw like the

Flash of all villagers oh hold on wait wait don’t kill it don’t kill it don’t kill it hold up hold up wait wait let quickly just quickly where are you and then I’ll burn it I’ll give you the food let me just burn up real quick I’ll give you the food oh

Okay are you talking to Old Man all here have this okay based on that you’re actually talking to old man got it yeah I am cool okay grabb these two gra that scrb E I forget that llamas naturally spawn in a Savannah Biome so I every time I

See when I’m half expecting the freaking wandering traiter by the way please guys I’m going try to get beds okay I I I do have two beds so where are you I’m going to go ahead and go give it to you uh you okay do you know where uh do you

Know where AAA Village is both of you I don’t really car remember nope okay um so old man I’m going to actually go over to where I saw you last real quick so hopefully we can actually like you I can help you by giving you a

Bed right now what I’m trying to do is I’m trying to get beds a lot of beds actually oh you’re getting going for a one cycling the Ender Dragon got it well possibly that too I guess but maybe the only use for lots of beds are those two things

Things well there’s there’s netherite as Well I suppose so I found you found two sheep oh God dogs are kill my sheep F off yeah okay never mind I think you guys have it covered I tried to I tried to Sprint back to where I saw you guys last have 11 God that would have killed me okay um

Anyhow I’m going to go ahead and go back to the uh thecia Village and possibly like a little bit beyond that uh once you make a compass you should be able to like find your way back to spawn and see where I’m talking about whenever I say that yeah hopefully

Notifications I am not going to kill the Iron Golem so if it’s slain it’s old man did it uh I need weed and and I well I do have one burone but I don’t I don’t think that’s enough how the hell do sheep keep regaining its

F uh sheeps regain for by uh Fur by eating off the ground like they immediately so if there’s a yeah if there’s a grass block underneath them they’ll go ahead and eat it and uh gain their fur back all right well back I guess I can I might bre

Sugarcane you know what I feel like I already know where to make my base W it’s G to be sick location um already found out where to make my base Ashby pretty good I just this tree by the way why does Lee have such good luck finding like neat little seeds

Because I see like you know that aaia Village is right next to an out post as well pretty much oh that’s a ruin portal I’m going to go ahead and yoink that Grayson is on Grayson hello who is Grayson is skin better better be gray

Son wow I I’m I’m sure good at making jokes they’re definitely funny okay there it is golden carrots one of the best food items in the game he you nothing too good but like nothing too bad either yeah luckily there’s no cursed items on this one so

Uh you want projectile protection one or uh Fire Protection One uh old man how’s the green screen doing that what do you mean IDK you have to you have to K Oh crashed for a second how’s it going Lee it’s good doing okay fix myix my camera fair enough I just got some food all right nice I I found a perfect place to make my base yeah same here I I found a pretty good spot how you doing in chat

Yeah Chad how are you doing doing good in this fine evening kind of would you consider this evening I would consider it like no afternoon maybe afternoon probably yeah it’s 5 I think it’s 5 now I gotta lock it in bro I’d say like 6 is

Evening 5 is afternoon ow uh yeah six is evening 5 is afternoon even after afternoon okay how should I make my base here yeah I’m just going to stop trying to climb this screw that I’m I’m just going to go ahead and build a relatively small like little

Thing in front of this right now has like a little uh starter base oh by the way do you have a bed yeah I was trying to sleep yeah night night time’s about to come up what do you mean about to it just turned daytime yeah but the sun is going

Down it’s going to be night time oh wait I don’t got one you a’t got one I got one are you sp um oh no that to be honest so now I want to make a casual base real quick so one two three four five one two three four

Five one two three four five two I don’t want to waste all my golden carrots so I’m going to go ahead and grab that instead that up I don’t know where I entered this cave from to be honest hey you better get out that cave I all right it’s starting it’s starting to

Properly turn night now so ahe and grab myself bit of a little bit of a door it is still hard hard mode right so like you know things can actually like break down doors and such all right cool good to know I’ll get some armor as fast as

Possible cuz if there’s three I’m full I’m going to surround my area with torches so prob just takes three skeletons you’re dead oh yeah definitely even if you try to run away from the quite fast yeah I got a pro two gold armor right now the gold arm will be quite useful in

NE since pigin don’t attack you yeah I also got like a pro one golden boots and stuff a couple of other chest plates so if anybody needs any golden chest plates come to me I’ll yet you guys in a safe spot I got to add someone uh hold up let me know when

You’re yeah I’m in a safe spot all right I’m going to Safe Spot ink box if anyone else add me in chat just let me know and I can add you guys as well yeah I’m just making a small little like you know mini base to actually like

Start with while I actually get to work uh collecting materials for the main base I’m planning to I have JK go gobler what the kind name Gizzy gobler name is gzy gobler what the heck that that’s Elite that’s a great name fantastic in the world we should we

Should give him admin on Discord heck noo what man he’s just really into hot dogs beautiful seeing you today on this Lely afternoon the gy Eating champion hey I got my I don’t know how how the heck is old man still in here me still waiting for to load

Resources my game cross real quick any invite love you Echo bro I hope you’re amazing or better should say why is it taking so long for this to load back up I’m just going to close a Bedrock right now and I’m going to go ahead seems like the easier way out come here

BR there you go bro that’s a hug right there bro any how how’s it going Le is it going good it’s good it’s good I need to go get a water too real quick I’m going invite yall first though how the heck did Grayson Jo I didn’t send them an invite inv wait

Can you guys try to join me real quick try try to join me is it a set to friends only oh freak me I didn’t put on invite only oh well if they’re not supposed to be in here I’ll just kick him or ban him I guess Nozy gobler I’m send bro love you bro love oh shoot I’m about to die oh shoot oh shoot what the heck holy crap bro that zombie came out of nowhere come on M oh I’m dead I’m dead bro I’m dead if I was in a safe place I was not

In the safe place I can tell you that what happens like exactly I’m going to die is it working out you is it working out for me all right talking about you in chat is anyone in a VC that need to get Dragged In you guys

Check so it doesn’t yeah I’ll check real quick while I load in because I’m pretty sure I’m in a safe position too but I’m hoping it’s not like an ace thing whatever just happened to the poor guy you okay there oh freak yeah you good a he’s good I’m good I blow myself

Up okay fin to this lava holy crap bro I was going to die okay yeah nobody’s UHC right now oh was it 10 minutes got be 10 minutes yeah or do they just join I think they just joined yeah they did yeah you guys you’re good

To keep playing you can you get iron with a wooden pickaxe or am I tripping what you get iron with a cannot you need Stone my Pap saying wzy in chat what the heck wzy Stone can mine iron and Lapis if I recall correctly let me put a timer on bro I’m

Put I’m put timer on right now yeah do that yeah Stone can only mine like a iron and Lapis if I recall correctly iron can M diamonds is is gzy gobler literally they can get back in you they do so much damage it’s crazy they literally do so much damage

Go did old man die I don’t know did they tell me if I die once I join the game because I’m currently loading in right now you can’t join old man just going to use this until it’s broken hey Lee you want to hear like a

Little bit of a flashback and like you know something that like PlayStation should have never like you know deleted what remember the communities remember like the groups that you could like join oh they had that on Playstation yeah they used to have like a looking

For groups kind of like page and it was so neat it was like you know how I met some like the oldest friends that I actually have yeah I don’t know why they great place but they uh yeah they got rid of it that’s good for like anything like even

If you playing a game like Friday the 13th where the game is dead you can just put a looking for groups post and then want some people that want to play it exactly that’s what my it was a great time but uh sadly it was uh it it it has left

Us we’re officially at 12 days left yeah I’m just going to go ahead and block up the ceiling of this area we’re officially spiders decide beautiful to see that 11 there finally my felt like I saw the 12 for like a whole two days which I actually I think I

Did no no clips I’m I’m waiting I’m waiting for somebody to say clipped say something sus Tick Tock Batman tck talk bman if only this was Cobble M could do a thing oh there it goes I’m pretty good at building I’d say I I do feel like I could probably

Actually win a build battle kind of T yeah right now I’m just actually I might be able to I see you br run around okay that’s two out of five we only need three more does everyone else have a bed how do you not have one bro U this

Is you got you got to remember bro I just died and I I started this world off rip bro I just went straight back into the mines you didn’t look behind you and see the perfectly good village with multiple beds wait are you serious I am completely serious I am not

Joking yeah saw you spawn in a Savannah right I assume you spawn in a savannah 2 yeah literally directly behind you if you just looked around for a second you would have saw the village yeah bro I was tunnel vision I can’t believe I just died like that it was so goofy

Oh yeah how did you die I didn’t actually get to see that part of the uh stream funny thing is if anyone in there knew Minecraft they could have probably like prevented that cuz what it was is I thought there was a treasure chest and I

Didn’t know how far deep I had to go for it so I got into like this little water cave and when I went away from yeah when I when I went away from the opening I was like oh I can still see the light it’s easy to see the like the

Entrance but then one time I went like a little too far and I look behind me and then boom the entrance was just gone the events I led up to that were like pretty stupid and it’s cuz I was being lazy and just relaxing you really you really died

By turning the game into subnotica huh I did I tried to play subnotica instead of Minecraft that was my first mistake that was really just me being like anyway I’m going die to water dog and then happened yeah I should have waited for aqua affinity should my crib instead

Trying I died in the nether when I was getting by the way for future reference uh the chest is directly on the X buried like you know three to five blocks down usually oh okay like that’s that’s the usual thing and it’s directly at the center of the X

There’s like a clever way to position yourself if you actually have like the map it was probably NE but it’s probably somewhere in that same St there’s a t of St yeah just uh oh okay sweet it’s uh daytime now finally yeah I’m I’m going to wait until

I hear the lack of damage would I miss diamonds or something oh you said they’re at the Village are you guys all kind of in the same area or no not really I mean I’m still near spawn but like I’m not super near spawn you know yeah oh hey these guys

Were you know what I’m going to kill that spider I need string bro that almost killed me scared the hell out of me there we go how much string is that that’s two string I only need one more Spiderman Spiderman on the skeleton spawn in here we go it’s

Time I hear spider like climbing noises but I don’t know where they’re coming from which is like it’s triggering the inner arachnophobe in me you know just just play lethal company and get attacked by one of them spiders oh I’m fine with I’m playing with the lethal company SPID because it’s genuinely really

Funny and especially with the archnophobia mode where it just turns it into just text saying spider yeah oh my God that was close that was close that was close no try get a CD oh never on I’m just going to set my spawn there even though I’m not going to really need

A spawn point since it’s hardcore um okay so I’m going to need just a tad bit more of this and I’m going to need a lot of oak wood maybe some Spruce but I don’t see any Spruce forests around so I’m just going to wait for that one hey sugar

Cane it can’t be Gizzy go gosh dang right wait that’s not Meep and breed them yeah I’ve decided to play this like Lee was playing it and not speedrun the game since speeding running the game is kind of a detin and Sun Bedrock yeah better ways to

Play espe with that much damage Enderman do I didn’t know they did that much they do yeah they do about like four to six hearts per hit yeah like insane amounts with iron armor alone W with uh with with no armor they like Sue hit you

So yeah you don’t have a lot of uh room for error I’m getting diamond and I’m getting enchantments on it it’s probably the trashest cave I’ve ever been in dude there’s just coal and iron everywhere hey don’t hate on coal and Iron Coal and iron that’s what that’s what gets you to

Diamonds you’re right you’re right is that actually the service or am I not loading in oh wait I found the surface oh neat I’ll get a bed real Qui I don’t know if Lizzy gobler got one though lizy got it know I love like seeing people with weird

Usernames it’s some of the best stuff usually this like usually like the best people you’ll ever see in your life and it’s the funniest thing s I’ll be bro video a Car all right place those then most likely guys wood once again I’m going to need to get some saplings at this point like this being a bad boy it’s like this amount of effort there’s not a lot of trees where I’m living right now so

There’s like not a lot of places to get saplings right now I’m just going to need like make a forest around here just so I can actually DeForest like the true American I am where sheep come here come here come here yeah you two come over here for Seconds come here come

Here oh shoot wait all they okay so how many people are on the server right now like confirmed to be in game yeah that me there five us all right well I got five pumpkins so uh once someone makes a pair of shears I’m happy to go ahead and share

That oh that’s what you need for the the heads yep where the heck did the Sheep go I can now find the Sheep it ran it spun the block double back twice there got trapped threee sheeps me sticks stone make sure you stack up that leather too so we make them enchantment

Tables you get it yeah have to yeah I I have eight sugar canes so far we’re going to need books for enchantments later on as well so I’m going ahead and actually like you know I’m planning to make a sugarcan farm yeah oh brilliant idea a I should have I

Should have thought of that first for to go me me me me get your meing by that time I don’t know guess it just depends how we do it actually you can only have one type of like color of wool make a bed with it here we go you can’t hide from wow

Really okay nice nice all I got a bed all right sweet whenever Night comes well there’s one over here look at that he would have th oh that was the Sheep I saw earlier freaking fell off what the heck Gizzy gobler how the heck did you find

Me I just jump on my head like an assassin oh God if a bis gets in here again I’m not going to lie I ain’t get near them just killed everybody last time well old man at least okay night time is arriving not arriving per se it’s just

Like you know in about like a few minutes yeah a good arriving arriving implies it’s like less than 30 seconds away like it is upon us I’m I’m pretty sure arriving doesn’t really have a specific time but the Day of Reckoning is upon us Lads run run for your life yeah that’s very

Specific I might fish for some food I don’t know I feel like fishing is it worth it though all right let me go ahead and uh did you get an enchantment book from fishing uh sometimes got to have an enchanted Rod though first no well I it

Of you getting an enchantment book with a normal Rod but it’s lower if you go like look of seeds one two or three that’s increase your chances of getting the all right so far this in this area I must be near spawn if Gizzy found me yeah uh you found the village right

I’m looking for it yeah I’ll go over to the Village just so in case you can like see my gamertag I’m Only Human After there’s like a m right here Human After what um most it might be like over the hill like you know that mountain I I count that mountain

Mountain as more of a hill than a mountain yeah it’s a hill God I keep on hitting F3 hoping that’ll tell me like you know which way North is oh freak okay no I see actual Mountain though that’s that’s big looks kind of dope I guess I’m on the Hills bro I see

This thing is like a whole outskirt and then like inside of it dang bro I don’t know actually I don’t see your tag oh I see somebody they building up on Cobblestone I see a hold on what’s her name let me go check yeah I see I see

Gizzy gobler now hello there all all right hold where Gizzy was they in a cave uh no they’re making their own cave they’re making like a strip mine kind of thing perfect do I have show names off hey y’all get to bed right now bro I’m not risking dying today

Bro all right fair enough I see the pumpkin patch yeah hey Gizzy here lamb chops on the Menu very many of them this you can Jo the VC if you want to too oh my God all right you guys can sleep now go ahead and do it now before the uh you know ra oh wa I think I think spawn properly hell no yeah this have a bed just get

In you know the funniest thing though uh what I don’t think that uh I think today is the third day so PHS are going to start to spawn so we’re going to need to sleep eventually like very very soon bro those guys are so annoying true I’m all out of

Food okay so you’re near spawn though right yeah I should be oh first death is that first death n no he just got in okay yeah clown fair enough I’m going to go anyone besides him run for it oh I think he’s una aware now you’re good this you can come

Back in bro you get 10 minutes before it counts you get you get 10 minutes before it counts I’ll start your time I’m looking over like you know near the uh place where you guys should be spawning around if you know yeah if you know where the exact spawn is if this comes

Back in or you can have them out I’m going near roundabout where it should it should be yeah go ahead go ahead and join back up if you want to this I’m going to start the timer once you get in here yeah this is around about where I spawned right here let me

Go ahead and climb this hill God this is a mountain you are kind of right about this hill being a bit large guys like a huge heill and then uh did you kill a spider by Chance the distance was like mountains I’m going start this timer um how that I

Remember you remember because there was a spider ey near here so uh oh I’m in like a little small little I even uh oh I’m becoming a human pin cushion right now should probably switch to projectile protect ction um you can Jo back Lizzy it it should

Let you let me know if you need an invite I just fight skeletons for bone meal outside yeah I’m pretty near where I’d say like you know you guys spawned that I see like a cobblestone pillar do you know where a cobblestone pillar is of so might as well just go ahead all

Right cuz there’s like a lot of things around yeah this doesn’t have a bed there’s no point unless there’s one in the Village I’m heading to the Cobblestone building all right cool watch out it’s kind of a war zone I’m going to try to get the skeleton to shoot the zombie so the zombie actually attacks them yes D there’s a lot of mobs oh God lag lag lag lag

Oh there you are God that was a death message I see the uh yeah see you know I see a f bro oh yeah I’m going going in a bit so they’re now spawning oh God that’s one me again can I say that I just like got

Half my health more than half my health deleted by lag real quick because that that did happen just a few seconds ago I am going to quit everyone want to throw away all their items in their inventory we can we can bring kis back what what you say I will still

Leave if it’s game but like that was some bull that was some bull right there I was from seven and a half hearts to three and a half hearts and then suddenly like because everything just froze for a second and then I just dashed towards you and then a phantom of

Your spawning just killed me God dang It my stuff right now we do it up D what you talking about what I do bro just burn out your stuff we can ring Keg’s back sumon them back burn out my stuff no I’m good I’m good I don’t want to be a burden for everyone

Else just to die again so that was some bull though that was some real bull that was dumb that was dumb yeah you saw the lag Spike too right I didn’t see it but like I could I could I could hear it in your voice I could hear it yeah I said I

Said lag lag lag as soon as it happened because I just saw both zombies freeze so I knew exactly what was going to happen I was about to just have massive damage and hope to God I didn’t die that was some that was okay I’m

Going to go ahead and peace out now now all right God dang it second time too second time it is UN night time is not kind yeah bro H mod is crazy bro all these zombies literally have freaking armor I’m going get his stuff I I’ll save something as aoral or

Something yeah sure Memorial yeah we got possession was yeah yeah yeah all right well uh I’m just gonna have to wait until night time comes I’m doing well my base right now it’s a star base currently not trying to go over the top of it CU you know night time and [ __ ]

Dang I don’t think you had iron armor I have he does have iron armor bro you can’t be outside if you get iron armor I’ll be honest bro you still can’t be outside even if you have IR armo that’s that’s sad part they do a lot of damage yeah a lot lot of

Damage that’s tough that is tough but game’s a game this man had so much freaking gold armor on him he’s killing a lot of stuff this was slaughtering everybody at night what is that some people here don’t even have disc anyone in the game can join

VC yeah yeah he get a VC we can drag you in I can’t drag people in I’ll drag them in four times okay change okay you in Chat watch this on your Nokia y you got the new no update bro hey y d I’m thinking this iron ax might be good I’ll be the souvenir oh the iron a Bo you got to fight with the ax or gold a I should say since this man had like all types of

Gold armor on him oh God that my only way to find spawn back I’m just going to go find Redstone now oh wait is it night time oh sure is night time cool yeah daytime daytime cool cool man obsidian already though what the heck wait he had obsidian he obsidian

And he had these weird like it looked like almost like a little uh stand and it had like yellow on it and silver I don’t know what the thing’s called though like one of them enchant not enchantment things like where you make potions well from for that you need oh that’s a

Village I thought those were trees bro all right I found the village G bro see this happens every time bro bro y I’m you just got to be you know what I’m saying you got to be extremely careful bro damn I found somebody at the oh these doors

Look look at this trying to sneak up on me thinking I don’t see him bro oh my creep one shot you even if you’re the iron armor that’s you what yeah you I think it’s RS bro I think he’s in there for 10 10 minutes

Right who is that I found Gizzy as well someone you see some basement clown oh I see basement clown I you found this I found this hey this look out real quick see if I can drag anyone in here what you saying what you saying

Bro all right hold on I’m going to just mine this trees real quick see like seven okay beatroot action in gear just going to make Myself oh look got found where you died and Creeper blew him up what happened yeah they died by a creeper I found their stuff I’m going go a little far and find another cave find diamond or something bro what yeah you trying to find some diamond Yeah can’t lie so I might do myself an level five enchantment table that’s what I’m trying to do you know where spawn is at right are you going to get the compass to find it I need the comp Compass to find it I don’t know where the spawn is

At we should like we should make like a tower in the spawn so people know where the spawn is oh yeah like a big hole Cobblestone to thank for the 6 uh six Li all all right this give you D now it’s GG’s bro it’s been 10 minutes good Luck I found a wooden house it’s like a square they got logs on the side they was actually building this thing that might be CYS wait hold up what do you mean you found a wooden house it’s like a wooden Square cobblestone on the bottom it’s like some cies would make

Oh Oh I thought you were at my house I was about to say like this guy already found my house or some let go in this cave though Also I think the Phantoms go away if you just lay in bed for a bit even yeah bro you know need sleep if you don’t get any sleep then bro you D no demons behind you for real bro that’s why y’ don’t need the bed or else y’all going to be chopped up

Me you save this axe all right I got me some wood a lot of wood we’ll still do The Reincarnation thing though make it yeah yeah yeah K can come back more wood can you do anything else with wool besides making a bed um I don’t think

So I think all Wall’s only purpose is just to you know make a bed let me fix up these parts first get that water bucket on me does this look good yeah I think it looks good I could put like one over there we go there as well go

Other need finish this before the freaking night time approaches SI a long drop the heck is that oh one of them purple things oh never mind that was just random I guess how strange strange I found one of them things that usually find when you find the uh those

Purple things that sound like glass when you hit it oh yeah just found one of those just randomly in just one area oh amethyst yeah I do for this one oh that’s smart building a ladder up top okay yeah all right I just water bucket down this thing more More all right’s see should I do the top just cover gosh dang oh you’re joking almost freaking ruin my life oh my God oh my God oh my God what the fre bro what hey don’t die me bro I my God bro that Bo was eating my ankles from

Below that man was one block lower he couldn’t even jump up to me he just in my angles he’s jumping and in guys is the gameplay lagging at all is the Minecraft Gameplay lagging at all there we go no okay good all I’m locked back in I’m locked in and there we go

Yeah all right everyone de up bro we have no F come up to us oh you dead just bed though no just just lay in bed for a bit still work all right yeah go ain’t got one either should be I’m in a gosh dang death cave bro a nothing but enemies in

Here God God you like two more he to sleep up and then can make they ain’t going to be able to they ain’t got to B bro your Phantom should be gone though Axel thank you for sub subscribing bro go to bed BR and now everybody got a bed

Gizzy wait is everybody in bed uh let me check there’s only like three out of five people in that’s what I’m saying I don’t think this got a bed bro they told me to go to bed bro I don’t think this got a bed the fans will still go wait

For y’ y just going have to wait for the night daytime for real for real I’m only got it when did Chase go back to school is he already there what is Chase already back at school no no he’s on um he’s you know snowboarding yeah oh he went vacation

Okay yeah I think he said is going to be about like at I don’t know maybe let me see what days they probably going to be about like at weekends probably yeah gzy nozzy died bro you gotta go Gizzy you gotta go bro rip a rip dang bro I really survived that that

Long bro why you still in that dark ass cave I’m about to stare at this interman so I can get a quick Pro you know what I’m saying I’m probably up done dang you was watching the stream and then you died unfortunate my gu yeah bro you can’t ever slack

Bro never stand still anywhere creeper going to come up on you yeah you need to get yourself in a safe place trying to watch stream thanks for joining though Gizzy you can come back in the finale if we make it he we make you yeah let’s hope water

Doesn’t go ahead and come up with Le again ain’t going to happen again trust bro you should have saw my journey in the nether bro yo I saw bro I got get jump you saw me get Jump by that gas where I had to jump bro that gas was going close up in

Person I an end pear get out that thing really rotated behind me before it shot to make sure I flew off wait they said they was in for like seven minutes I think it was 10 but they definitely de now I will okay oh GG’s gr same thing with you Grayson you come

Back in the finale thanks for trying bro all right d i I think disc would be the one living this long bro I mean I know you join late but me yeah that’s that’s true we need these golden carrots for anything specific or can I just eat these things golden carrots are like

Gives you like a lot saturation which is a good thing but I don’t know how how it works in Minecraft Bedrock because in Java like it quickly heals up all your HP but house again slower you got to fix that house well I mean you can’t know but slow Health generation it’s

Quite all right see you CHR they in their house twice Bro Dog yeah if y’all making a house bro you need to lock it off fast and definitely don’t build on top of it at night cuz yeah i’ i’ a house I’m Dam where the heck am

I oh I can see the sun bro oh the sun sun ass [ __ ] let’s go I need some food that’s what I Need says do you not have overwatching your PC uh what’s up do you know overwatching your PC I know I got it on here but I’m not playing with mouse and keyboard bro why up bro I trying to rearn the whole gosh d control system I’m I’m playing

Controller all my life bro I’m I’m a go than God at using the controller you know what I’m saying I’m not even about to reset myself I will get clapped lie I’m be I’m get clapped all right all right that’s what the dis you’re the one that doesn’t play this as much

Bro I got to assume you’re not going to die first but like before them at least not before them I don’t know if I this like that kill him N I want D oh shoot it’s a zombie you’re D you still died bro no the timing bro I was running over

There ching and that’s why he died I don’t know he was mining a tree bro like I was in my I was in my house and then like when I open my door I saw like a baby zombie attacking him and it standing there love you this bro there’s no way just be

A hey bro he this was a good while though but hey you did you did very well yeah you impressed me disc that’s what I’m saying bro bro cuz we had Kies in here bro and then we got Gizzy who I have to assume they they play don’t

Worry don’t worry disc I’ll make use of your house over there and people on the game well now it’s just me and Ace this free bro like the people oh shoot he was about to make a good house as well that’s I’m not going

To lie I might make I might try to make a tournament out of this or something bro with how fast people just die you going to make a tournament I can’t make it survival because people are just going to hide in holes and get food every time but it’s got to be

Something else bro I want to do one where it’s like whoever beats the game first but there’s no way that would take so long I mean we’d have to do it like on like Thursdays and like give like two hour play time or something and have it like be like every

Thursday thing they just come back it have to be like commitment thing yeah true that true or I just get someone to stay in the game and host it for me and do it for me I just check in what you could do right what you can do

Right so you can have everyone do like a uh how many hours Ser should go up for how many hours you think it’s a good time if we did it like once every day probably like five hours a day five hours a day is not bad all yeah

So it’ll be every Thursday all he trying to say just play Minecraft when it first existed heck yeah bro same same that yeah yeah hold I’m just reading J oh yeah but yeah you try to make like every Thursday yeah I hope you get well soon bro you said

Thursdays is is that what you want you wanted every Thursday I’m thinking bro but but I got another idea I’m thinking like we could do like some Mr Beast type stuff bro Mr Beast type we do some we could do some Mr Beast type stuff and just have

The server always up and I just have someone moderate it and record it for me and just make it like a video video tournament or something that could be sick to be honest that could be cool all that’s going to be a big one if we do it we go

Ahead and grab some stuff from mining the heck oh shoot hold up I just found another sheep AR like a group of like creators or like just wellknown people in this community and just have them all record their playthroughs and just have them like just do it right

Just set it up like who what do you mean by like in this community though like you and like just disc if they wanted to like just anyone that’s well known and then also get other creators like YouTube creators yeah that’s pretty easy to just record your own perspective guys

Yeah I can do that just need to just go ahead and use Ops and that’s it we got a bunch of old heads here chill CH have that many yeah I don’t know if you taking that hard or not disc but don’t don’t worry about it bro it’s all right everyone’s dying

That’s why I said I was impressed I wasn’t saying like he’s going to got he’s going to join in and die in 5 minutes I was just saying with the layout of how everybody died it was impressive how you made it for you did last long than last time you that was

Good it just that night time if you could if you could you got you got to lock that up at D time if anything what you could also do is maybe before you make your house make a little wall around it first that they can’t jump

Over and then boom go inside that wall and then you can work on your house as much as you want you know what I’m saying there little small techniques you could do we did great though everybody did pretty great the only person that didn’t do great was

Probably where’s old man at did old man die or is he just not in here old man who was his username was lit fam name was L fam I think I saw him die I I don’t I I don’t I don’t know actually I can’t remember being This Server I don’t think anyone did bad to be honest he didn’t die fair enough this takes me straight Down unless L man if old man died already then I’d say he did bad but I don’t think he died yet all right I’m going in the cave bro I’m not trying to waste any time uh let’s see what you over here thinking bro I’m missing like an item slot my

Inventory I’m wondering what I use it for well what do you mean oh torches I usually got like every slot in my item thing for a reason I get my sword you know Etc uh yeah my house by the way even what I’m doing right now is dangerous cuz I’m in pitch

Black darkness just got my hood up so I should probably close myself in but being a little lazy about it there you go what I need to yeah I’m going to go ahead and try find some uh diamonds all right cuz I’m trying to get that you

Know I know I’m looking forward to I’m just in the cave there go I bring my I’m going to bring my bed with me actually I’m bring my bed with me cuz yeah you might as well keep it on you yeah so then you know night time can go ahead

Oh shoot is that witch oh shoot hold up hold up bab we might play Metal Gear again tonight bro I really love that game I a going to lie actually probably play um Terraria since the C he donated but it again some there just got in a huge

Cave bro having Fortune is the best thing can never have hung oh yeah oh my God that just finishes the game like you pretty much beat the game if you get that for real like whenever I used to play Minecraft and I got Fortune bro I just stop playing because you get one

Diamond like it can be like four bro it’s over oh my God bro wait did you ever get that fortune and a pickaxe that one time yeah I got the oh when I did that no I got efficiency wait efficiency what two what you did you do the level 30 no

I didn’t do a level 30 bro I just I just said forget it bro I just I just speedran it oh yeah definitely try to that yeah you getting impatient W you yeah bro I was getting tired bro cuz that’s when I was in my head I was

Thinking I’m not getting off this game until I either die or do something so I’m just going hold up sleep real quick sleep real quick all right let me make a wall real quick oh Sho I have some mob spawn quick gg gg I’m not going to be

Quick nah n stop it bro all right oh shoot all right let me just get away from this [ __ ] spider that’s too far yeah you got me scared [ __ ] spider get away from me bro get away from me bro yes we get freak bro you to get me kill what n bro

You expect me to be in a room where I can get a bed bro I’m in the middle of a cave is that coal what coal looks like in there oh it is okay well this would be way easy now why the heck would I do

That why the heck did I do that why the heck did I just replace my water my lava oh shoot I’m a dumb ass I need water bro so I can literally like Place water below me when I’m falling from high places oh my God this is so suck bro why

You yeah connection is always something annoying to deal with in these types of situations oh I found a m M shft oh me I found a m shaft BR if you lucky Diamond find poon spiders and I’m [ __ ] me bro holy CRA you can die by poison on

Hard right what you can die by poison on hard right no it it PS you to health though if you got shot you got shot they don’t need go for anything besides them armor boots or whatever right uh yeah get up some call on is end man moving like that bro can you

Back up go ahead there we go I have to lay up this cave now so many mobs are spawning the Ender’s following me bro trying it sure is bro no I don’t want to fight a witch right now so annoying oh my God on God bro

This this skeleton is fully deed out in armor what the heck bro why I hate witches bro dude I found uh the poison spider uh thing oh hell no get away from that bro yeah I’m try I’m going try bro I’m going try bro oh we dead oh this is GG’s GG

Reps GG WS bro if those guys could do poison and has increased damage and them little shits are fast as [ __ ] they are quick and they small too bro the small with small hit box they got mobs spawn up they can spawn up infinitely does water get rid of the

Webs what what gets rid of the webs oh water does okay but water does so quickly gets rid of the webs uh she can also get rid of the webs D if we get looting in one of our swords That’ll be amazing oh yeah because then you get like a lot

Blaze rods or a lot of end uh end pears oh for I just looked at end man I’m dead I’m actually dead no way hold up no I’m going getting out this water I’m not leaving this water buddy but we got do app spawn near me so I can get it there

Go but he ain’t yelling anymore can I an aggro off of you oh I’m not actually sure to be honest happened to me once as well I was like confused maybe or something he spawns I’m running careful though they do a lot of damage I’m I’m going shoot at him

Actually I mean shooting at him not going to because they could just they immediately DP away they do that wait oh shoot I think someone’s been in this cave this thing just looking me like I’m stupid right Now you about die you going to die the B now you got that bro that I can oh oh there it was yeah I going need to find another cave this a the cave for me all right so there is a slight chance miss

My house oh my God on God I might die bro seriously bro creeper just exploded on my head bro and Enderman is looking right at me hey going on bro bro get out of that cave or something almost drown to death imagine oh my God again if I drown bro bro it’s

Like H2 is your worst enemy bro what the hell about be I just need to find this Enderman bro cuz I’m not I’m not trying to get snug everything was chilling above me along with the creeper oh all right someone just hope the end’s not looking at

Me yeah someone’s been here God damn it but how has someone been here bro like we just started the server um that one been where you’ve been at like multiple caves I’ve seen and it’s already been Ned what about this one oh that Ambience noise is so annoying gives me the shivers have you ever been in M shaft not like like ever but like in the game have you been in one yeah I have okay cuz I saw a torch oh wait like in This Server no

Yeah in this m okay no I have not oh my go what the hell is going on en man prop gone I hope so bro I didn’t know they could like unagro you suck I agree bro I told you when I got in the server bro these caves are

Freaking trash I like I can’t find any diamonds cuz like in Java there like L caves on all that [ __ ] it’s reallyy good all right okay found a chest name tag don’t don’t need it bro I just found a village oh shoot nice all right it’s going it’s going night time go

Bed tell me when you get into a bed I’ll go safe place I’m about to be in one in like 10 right all right you just sleeping outside yeah bro I’m trying to I’m trying to get this work quick done hold up uh did you deposit some of your gold

De balloons to acquire the digital game Terraria is it Co-op or something oh shoot creeper also shout out to Kies for donating that again bro sing that Minecraft song boy hey bro it’s been stuck in my head bro can you play me that’s good song yeah it’s good

Song honestly I think it’s useless making a base because of the fact that you have [ __ ] C because then if you lose your weight you lose your bed I mean your home base I mean all we need a base for is like for us setting up

Like stuff that we need like a portal or like the on the table yeah something what the heck hit me what the heck hit me I don’t know bro I what the heck no that was weird as hell and and I found another cave here but yeah

Uh oh someone’s wait has someone been in here yeah someone’s definitely been in here I can tell time to make some more food we back on the Minecraft R bro restart one Christmas music true so true about to strip mine while the stuff Cooks oh the what so you TR to

Find I’m right oh my God yo I found a lot of books nice yo keep those that’s easy book cases easy books hell yeah I like I’m actually hearing the craziest mobs above me right now like it’s not even there’s no pause in the noises I’m to get out of here bro I’m

Get out of poison get out of I’m you don’t want to check you don’t want to check what’s going be you happening uh away from those noises D your dog walking like crazy what the heck all right probably trying to fight someone for no reason at all uh let me

See yeah these Village this Village is very very good cuz they give like weeds food book H useful bro where you at though like I’m trying to like find where you at though um I’m about to get this Redstone let me get some Redstone we can go to spawn or

Something oh shoot I need meet up right now I don’t know where I’m at I got like 24 books in total yeah dang how many bookas is that let me think uh so let’s see is it was it free by fre hold up sometimes these caves will continue

On past those little blocks right there hold there hold up look like where I came from and I got games on me right now so I can make some God damn glob berries we don’t need those bro I don’t know suck in the M shaft bro us have diamonds in something

Bro he just got bread and freaking Minecart tracks I think unlucky bro because like most of the M sh you can’t find like golden apples or God apples or even diamonds my look must be horrible this time oh hold up lapis though I take oh yeah I need some lapis as

Well yeah if I’m going to make myself an enchantment table with level 30 I’m might need some lapis all right I’m back at base let’s see what I can do here books oh I can make like eight bro nice if I get if I get 15 bookshelves I can make a level

Five should be very very helpful how much you make right now uh how much I can make right now right now I made eight all right so I’ll need about seven more up top It’s wild bro why you still here dog bro those end BR just don’t look at them they want you to look down bro don’t to be H that victim oh my God what we ever done to them true got some food as well I am going hey I’m

I might rid of this base bro I’m I’m I’m killing the spawner I think is going to be my plan of attack there’s no spiders by the spawner bro there’s no spiders by the spawner what is none at all oh oh probably because your chunks haven’t like your chunks just

Reloaded that’s why it’s refreshing yeah break that junk before Elena spawns more you want to save it n don’t say is it a c spider spawner let me see what’s dancing in there bro this is a regular Spider nah those junks don’t even function right as

Oh Dam scar what happened it’s there bro I found the actual spider uh spawner you know the one that’s deadly yeah I found out oh no get the heck out of there bro don’t risk it gotta xq bro oh lock lock like that don’t lock it like that I gota lock in like

That dangerous you bro Feel Like H bro just immediately just immediately get the heck out of there I think my PC not being that good is actually helping right now bro cuz they’re not spw in dog they’re not spawning in bro it’s because cuz the chunks AR like that high probably it’s why

Uh it’s why those have spawned in yet actually I’m just going to destroy all these bro we ain’t going to Mark these down mark down Bro get your I’m gonna I’m gonna kill a lot of cows bro you’re done plus I’m going to go venturing out out in the outside so I can find villages and get books by how do you know which spawn though Amish people what the heck bro your dog had an homage detector Hey Lee hey Lee oh shoot you can’t be serious bro Le you son of a gun there’s no way bro AFK when is about to go dark oh my God I might die actually whose base is this leave Brother oh I’m going to die bro if this if Le coming back I’m dead Le oh I’m GNA die if bro AFK I’m dead better lock in can’t have this baby zombie touch me there we go y’all ain’t get me bro actually go AFK when it’s about to go night yall

Crazy oh my God I’m stuck in the hole y I might die this son of a again I’m you know I’m kill him once he comes back my God bro F die I about kill Le on spot I’m not going to lie though I gota go take a doooo

Hey hold up let me just all right I’m back oh dang I forgot to put lights in this gosh dang thing that could have been bad he left oh wait no he’s in there it’s time for his life just be like bladder go for the milk he didn’t die did

He I know he’s sleeping in bed like you on baby like you on it that is is obstructed oh heck no can I still sleep oh freak this is going to kill me bro dumb stuff like this so he ain’t sleeping okay so he he left for a minute okay oh

Y with there’s op I read your comment on the on the Metal Gear Solid how you feel about it game fa is you liking that what you rated bro okay so since I went AFK there’s all the spawn all the mobs have just spawned in around me I get no more

Advantage no more privilege cuz oh heck no bro D they’re all oh freak that bro they didn’t even see me BR do you hear them all trying to make it to me bro that’s at least like 10 bro he’s climbing on the ceiling so I can’t see him bro what are these tactics

I don’t trust that bro really don’t and where’s the diamonds at man there they are there they go there they go let me get a lot of cobblestone bro just for funsies we’re going to strip mine for funsies just to get cobblestone hey so far we like that game

Good good we going to be playing some of it bro I mean it look like we only had two side missions when I looked at the side mission so we shouldn’t have to suffer do any that many side missions I’m thinking we do like all the side missions audio tape main mission

Audio tape side missions audio tape so I want to listen to those audio tapes those audio tapes are actually really interesting pick this rested yeah we got lava level so I got to be careful digging down he’s got Redstone so let’s do a little line all right 50 Cobblestone that

Big I don’t like this all right looks like diamonds might be over here though is a that end y s great D Boop what what’ you do Boop I did hey you left know bro I was almost about to die you almost died from

Me no like hold up get get to bed real quick get to bed wait what it’s over night oh my God it’s raining oh rip yeah I found another Village though which is great oh no not a village but ru Co all right oh hell no someone already mined it well looted

It yeah we’re going to try to do some middle Gear Solid sometime for sure tonight unless OverWatch takes me over oh wait I think I see one of them um little sparkly things like a warden is near or something them blue things oh wait like shining it’s like a Vine

Though it’s like a dark blue Vine oh know back up though oh yeah there you go yeah dog I need to find up oh yeah we can def play terrar later I didn’t even know it was Coop Kies what Gizzy gobblers talking about Terraria was Co-op I don’t know it was Co-op Co-op

Yeah is that like multiplayer or something yeah bro oh my God I found a Pillager Tower yeah we’ll play terrar for sure that’s what I was saying ear when I brought up middle gear I we either going to play middle gear or play some here I think I think K’s probably got a

Little too to the mods and stuff bro they be lacking oh snap mob spawner what what it say I think K’s got two accustom to the mods he be laging I know he lag though but still dang what bro this is the best chest I think I’ve ever seen okay so golden apple

Right but also got cat C418 I think we got the hor oh the music this yes sir finally got music bro I swear down you need a uh a diamond as well to make a music yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m not I’m not feeling confident going off of that

Pillager Tower cuz those junkies can follow you any time bro yeah yeah don’t do that bro yeah boys almost killed me last time they shot me off the tower I somehow lived I land on a tree yeah bro what you wearing that diamond or some [ __ ]

I had a diamond chest plate and then everything else was iron I think oh May iron helmet yeah hold up can I drop uh how do I make hey I saved your gold axe bro I’mma put that in the gosh dang weapon case remember you man I know I need iron all so

Oh I feels so nostalgic looking at floating islands God right now I’m at jungle hey that’s not my internet speed Kies okay all right it’s a combination it’s always a combination if you found like you know a warden’s like but you was looking for me too so

That’s the part of the reason why you died so you can have so much loot and so much exp from that what a warden thing a like yeah yeah yeah what they got they got like a random like chest somewhere bro they got music discs some diamond

Armor and CH books how do you survive that though you just have to like not get seen or something no no it’s not you you don’t have to they they’re literally blind oh they’re blind yeah they’re blind so they rely on the hearing so what you have to do right is hold

Shift you got a Crouch bro can you jump and Crouch though I mean I think so because I’ve been doing that as well you a Block near them really quick you want some okay hold on I’ll give you water give a second hold up let me when you

Sonar shut the heck up BR just say sonar bro what the freak BR I mean you ain’t wrong but on your sonar goggles okay I was hosting the world but like if let’s say you lived closer to me it wouldn’t be that bad you feel me look my internet is amazing I’m just

Live streaming too okay and my Wi-Fi drivers definitely got messed up look I’m I’m live streaming 16,000 bit rate right now all right hey BPS they can sniff my stink I do need to I do need to put on some deodorant No Cap I did smell myself this morning I smell

Like trash though you know what I’m saying definitely showering tonight oh op survival oh bet and crossplay okay oh yeah no I found the village bro so Kies The Village I thought those were trees my boy I thought those were trees over there I did not know those were

Houses those was like some weird mushroom trees I didn’t know about in the game ain’t that something ain’t that something brother brother all right time to proceed down this hill you’re running down that Hill you’re running down that Hill learning my mistake from the first round I’m going to be playing a bit

Passive try r the nether alone bro that is like dangerous I still don’t know how I survived what I was going through in there the gas like crazy I thought I thought I found like a um a uh a fortress but no I found a Bastion the I thought pigs wouldn’t get

You if you were wearing a golden armor or some [ __ ] but like they still came out you either way and I didn’t know that so that’s why I got like attacked and [ __ ] some of them got crossbows too yeah some got crossbows some of them

Got axes and they they two shot me even when I was full iron armor this is crazy that’s why we stack up our Cobble y’all I almost died bro I dropped into a field of people can’t be slacking bro always on high alert you run up on real the thing is

Like they go high long range y you just see all you need is like one skeleton and then B GG it’s bro it’s GG without Shields so Like bro what like what makes have a g and shield Stu bro cuz this too easy to not die with them too easy to not die with them well yeah obvious like a little baby mechanic you know baby tell you bro I mean I mean if you say so cuz

Like like like like creepers bro the the whole thing is like sneak up on you kill you you know what I’m saying but if you just hear that you just hold up your shield in in your in your safe you feel me yeah I I feel you yeah but like at

The same time Fields also have like limited as well I they can but they’re easy to make they definitely easy to make yeah I can agree it’s quite easy to make it also I’ve been in this gosh forsaken wamp oh I found Su canes as well nice nicey nice Nice let’s go armor skeleton yeah I’m going to I’m going to try to find you so I can actually like try help you out here also in bedro this is literally g mode as well bro because think Bedrock itself is baby mode bro Bedrock like with the PVP

Mechanic you can you have to do and then like oh yeah you’re right yeah the PVP is it’s like yeah it don’t take any skill at all Al by the way go to sleep hey I need to get food I know I’m about get out of this cave like 20

Seconds yeah watch How I die in 20 seconds give me a sec I don’t want to waste these carrots so I’m just going to go back to the roof no ke oh yeah true that I guess my life is just less important than carrots in it I guess so it is

Bro I’m joking bro all right oh my God hold up no I actually forgot to get my bed bro I didn’t forget it but I didn’t I didn’t pick it up bro I don’t got a bed bro you guys going to stay alive dang bro what the heck oh my

Where my freaking food go where’ my bed go what’s happening what the freak you don’t have your bed with you no bro I guess I didn’t pick it up my inventory is so full these guys CDs can you don’t make like another one uh no I do away my

Wu yeah I need to go to a base bro I’m about I’m about to go back to spawn you said that Jun ass spawn or what I’m bro I don’t know where I’m I’m like in a swamp we need to meet up bro you got redstone on you red St let me

Check you want a pasted fold of Pokemon VI oh know I’m good bro I’m good bro it like it’s special something I own that legally Dum onto my on the other hand it’s copy and past and fold piracy in the piracy question please please answer do you

Want a pasted folder of Pokemon Violet I know emulator so you can play on Steam and it’s 100% by the book is that like kind of like piracy though copy and paste in folders forist all right get out if I get older I can buy um if I get

Older I can buy of a cool a cool um iPhone why you going to get your own money so if I get older and if I want my own money I tell my mom and then and then I’m I’m trying to make more money I’m going work work and then I’m going

To buy you what I’m going to buy you you will see you will see that I’m going to buy you something okay it’s actually computer’s phone where’s your phone no I picked it up then I P somewhere I think because then Mommy took it then she put it somewhere I think in living

Room how to turn on cords on mobile the turns of Cs Ba yeah close the door all yeah oh wow be this whole time I’m so sorry boy is what I was saying while I showing the food Beijing beef carrots and whatnot also yeah it’s piracy if it’s a game that you bought and you give it to me for free I’d be ping that

Then sorry got you restart PC y your yeah boy all right yeah uh I’m just waiting for this night time to go away bro also I don’t know is is I don’t know who friend play is O tip oh okay I know theying the slow way

Up bro come on me bro at least this way we get a lot of cobblestone you son of a gun I’m going need to be daytime when I get up there so I don’t get attacked yeah the thing is for my part it’s raining if it’s raining monsters don’t

Die from Burn oh yeah you’re right so I don’t know what what which part you at but like cuz some parts it’s not raining some parts it is some parts it’s snowing Che outside to see as we’re playing risky right now for sure for sure you gotta poop bro hold up

I’ll be right back God damn y my body attacking me right now hope I don’t the heck bro I had to buy this Beijing beef and I was like GG bro you got to go hold up all right allor y’all that just haed me bro I was about

To fart that she almost came out no cap think I want to eat this food too it’s going to be the quickest poop in my life no cap give me give me one bite of the food bro come on come on before I got to go bro Die Care What got that oh guys I who wants have something to eat want something to eat do you want some yeah just youan you Just block me man finally man okay you’re missing out I don’t need it all right there we go finally done oh hey what’s up what’s up that was that poop bro was freaking water Hello yo thanks for the member Kies oh we definitely got the new emo now no bro did that breakfast mess you up or something dang was it a breakfast bro could have been like a late reaction to the breakfast I never sleep after eating that you

Know been that BR could been could have been going to keep not moving while I eat so this junk doesn’t go down why am I wearing ref bro what keep putting on my headset oh yeah what the heck oh what the freak is this you diamonds

Yet I went caving I was I was AFK as well waiting for this goddamn storm to get the hell out no it keeps raining and raining the mobs keep spawning up plus you don’t have a bit did as well yeah and and in hardcore mode mobs do

Way more damage and has armor as well also what the heck are you eating I’m eating some Beijing beef carrots broccoli cauliflower rice bro what the he is hitting me something just knocked me and then pushed me off a cliff Phantom I don’t know what no I don’t see

Any oh no I’m hearing water getting Flash backs bro is just trauma now my trauma for real man I got a lot of lapis for when we enchant oh yeah true that hardcore or lame I need medium core and hardcore are lame hardcore is the best way to play

Considering you will how you will die huh I don’t know I like kind of difficult I mean we’re going to be playing it together so that’s up to you all right more spiders love that oper that I’m not going to have I don’t care about it y you get stuck by lightning you

Instantly die on harde probably right I mean if you get struck by lightning I don’t think you instantly die sure it’ll do got damage but not instant death remember instantly dying to it one time had on hard but did you yeah they first came out with the lightning and it just

Killed me in the water I was swimming in swimming or what not oh let me see so I need or something do this that I need basically lose money on death me course lose all items hardcore is the same as in Minecraft how I do medium core then all right hardcore I’m down for hardcore dang bro I’m far down far far down yeah bro I’ve been mining up for a minute bro have you found any diamonds I found two two table that yeah I found a lot of sugar can bro is

It daytime yet no not yet yeah we going to need that yeah but like for that though I need to get Redstone I might have to go mining wait Redstone for what to make Compass oh yeah yeah yeah I don’t think I’ll be able to find you if I go to the servers

Right but I mean I think about itless you got the village yeah I think I see a village I’m going to pop out to the Village Qui yeah I see a village is it the village though is it what is it the Village from the spawn though now which

What it look like look like it look like it’s like the orange type of texture houses with the seat like the bar the wooden bar doors oh wait hold up this one’s the Oak Village I can e find the uh the one that the uh wait till I don’t hear any monsters

When I’m going up oh yeah Akashi or something wait this little r zombie trying to go at me bro I’m going do your job and go get that what the heck what the [ __ ] are you doing there a [ __ ] creeper bro do you not see it is it like

N you need to go your Bas bro I not do anything okay uh what this food hurt my stomach dog I’m about to go put this bowl up let him slide your block all right This this my intestines what would say okay I’m on hey what you do what oh you ain’t gonna go over there what you talking about what you think this was huh what you think this was M now Ain getting no father you father you’re getting a fatherless boy

Freaking how they you even try to E look at me that dirty g i destroy you bro strong for fell what you got what the [ __ ] is this scam me again bro where is your you know I’m taking Blast Furnace you do not deserve it you do not deserve a blast

[ __ ] you’re you’re now a freaking Dy normally Normal Last that me up he messed me up he try to take me out I’m back for good now for good now you for good for now yeah is it daytime yeah gorgeous gorgeous [ __ ] mate hold up let me go ahead and make these CHS real quick so first I aing yes sir then

Make yes sir yes sir yes yes bro I want I need four more to make a God damn jum little more all land don’t no no yeah um yeah I got to find where you at I can make Compass but I don’t think each other see your icon on the map

What I wonder if I can see your icon on if I make a specific map that locator something I think what Kik you said was when you have a starter map I think you can see people’s Iconia okay yeah all right what take is a locator map do

Then wait a locator map yeah that Jun says locator map wait you can make it I could probably make it yeah make it see if it see if it looks it make it empty locator map okay I need paper and Compass rip oh yeah you can make that

Make I’d like to sorely apologize for my actions and for that I am truly just kidding get wrecked sub subscribe and like to Divine Lee and also a animates or whatever peace what the freak A compar you to CH fre me Chase that’s lit to me how he of all

People bro my God it’s like do something clean though I ain’t going to lie oh Bo do something clean but when it comes to like clean as in VCS hell no dog hell no dog sure animation good bro dang bro trust me when I say this trust me when I say

This personality wise who’d be way worse me or chase in my opinion and y’all think oh wait because this one doesn’t want to put a bad name to himself in my opinion is do chase a wild things bro all right all right all right bro he’s a sleeper you

Said what he a sleeper he under is he a sleeper you GNA kill her with the wild stuff he be saying is that what you’re saying he be saying wild stuff I don’t know he be saying a he don’t give a freak though he don’t give a freak allo I should pick up

That what some sugar I can get active yeah I ain’t trying to say anything more bro yeah bro don’t I’m not asking yeah like a cherry blossom Village [ __ ] yeah you should make a loc map so you can go ahead and pop up I found three villagers already water

Damn I’m G try to make it I got to get some papers yeah oh yeah you need Su for That Liv oh shoot this Ace okay okay okay let me check your house real quick yeah usess Tomy Tom those sheep were definitely meting over there I’m picking this up we got enough leather or we just what we need for the for the rest of bookcases I think what I need the most I have enough leather I just need some paper yeah I’m good

Best bro this a a Kasha biome bro there a’t no go dang sugarcane bro I a find nothing maybe I’ll just make mostly see them by like water and the sand do have bed yeah I got a bed bro all right sleep up all right this one just went down

Yeah damn we’re making this is passive bro I’m not I’m not planning on dying bro I’m not planning on dying do you even have a channel always what do you even have a channel do I have a channel yeah I mean to be hon if I got motivation to start like channels and

All that I would yeah but like at the same time I don’t even know what to go plus I like I got to go ahead and finish college and [ __ ] so I’m not trying to I’m not I’m not trying to flood my mind with all that stuff yeah I

Already got a lot going on real life I don’t need to go ahead and some stuff as well I might I might possibly you know start something with my channel if once I’m done with college what’s up to you bro yeah oh I’m just going to ride this boat until I find

Sugar no caus no I don’t use space to crouch brother man you shift space space to what space is Jump For Me Yeah space is jump for me as well who the heck is space to crouch what the heck oh I found spawn found hey

[ __ ] okay uh so hold up do do you make to Lo at I’m still looking for the sugar can you son of a g what the spawn look like yeah you can Dismount with jumping as well I believe yeah you could good always there bro o bro oh there it

Is I some how much uh how much papers I get out of this oh wait no is that something else bro is that your game what what the heck you trying to say what you trying to say oh yeah I got it so you can locate where I am right

Right yeah let me see I need some more I need a little bit more I can make some right now actually a no way bro ain’t no way bro I found two diamonds what the heck I wasn’t even in the cave as well oh that’s

Sick should be enough oh by the way do you have obsidian on you yeah only three like pie you got like four right n three yeah we need like one more I need two more papers bro come on bro I found a lot of

Around hold up let me make see if I can make we go oh my God all right map made it bro I’s see you it yep I can see you oh boy we don’t need coordinates boy coordinates for the sties bro we don’t know coord I used to play my

Cousin does this map follow me though like so so you have like what’s my color of the dot yeah yeah I remember that’s what I used to be on like Xbox when I played it yeah is like um like it’s almost like a looks like corn I ain’t

Going to lie it looks like corn all you coming over to Me ri that single oak plank oh yeah you right my bad bro where’s it at I don’t see it oh this no bro cuz I’m going keep stacking the things I’m going head over to you all right yes a

Lot four blocks of obsidian thing is though like it only goes so far so like I see you but like you off the map yeah that’s why you like got have to like P that trail you know yeah I’m might have to make another

One and I just use my last bit of sugar can keep going that way though I’m gonna try to look see if I can find the library here there a liary here well thank god well Damn I left my crafting table gosh dang it bro I do this every time I’m just going make a new one why you believe in stuff bro I don’t know bro I shouldn’t have Done definitely a drown behind me to the for basic KES oh I knew that was yours it’s the one over there isn’t it what you had like the cobblestone in the bottom ki’s base what’s that drown doing over there I’m out like pink BL got money money moneyone just going yeah over

Here then boom dang you were far bruh yo how far did you go what you talking about bro mad far bro n don’t worry do some exercise for one tubby about to get rid of these Maps I really don’t need them after I make them I’m just trying to find you I’m actually

Going these Maps No Cap nah bro bring the maps just in Case play for one more map on the Road got rid of the one block bro going to smelt all these going to take our time we need to free up inventory like a kogy thing I had a feeling that would work I just don’t know how to make those let me see ah I see okay so now I need my Wooden dog why you bringing music discs with you bro rename map music disc do why not that’s level two map wait how do I race the map wait what put the paper in the second slot par that’s what I said it’s there now like the regular people oh okay yeah zoom out and

Clear hey go to bed bro like is it just going to keep zooming out I think so get to sleep little bro oh there’s levels to it you a genius my boy all right I’m go to sleep hold up oh Freak no mind I can’t sleep bro

What what do you mean I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I’m sleep I’m Sleep I don’t know there was levels to these things you feel Meo shook for a bro guy next to me hey that was Prett accurate what the heck told you all how far am I I’m tossing this level two map bro you can always make another level two map you pretty far but

I think I can get there keep doing what you doing I’ll just head over there let’s go and cook a lot of stuff first though I put my other furnace up there go there go hey yo wipe font the sugar canes out bro you said we have enough of those

Right then oh wait you said you got enough leather oh my bad hold up I’ll carry this on me I got us I got us I’m throw this cartography thing away I ain’t going to use it ain’t hard to make I’m separate These y now we cooking what’s [Applause] Good all right okay can I put this furnace in a boat and just let it cook while I go uh no I don’t fot what how about hold your dumb around almost I’m just organize my inventory and whatnot and the open hope it don’t get blown up All right Oh any songs you want me to send them to you I’ll just wait to hear them I do like a little reaction segment then I wouldn’t mind hearing it nine days of money I know right bro that’s wild shout to everyone who’s donated bro that Christmas special bro they

Planned out for it bro that was ready they planned out for that it was a smart move BYOB B very smart move y’all got me for almost a month it might be it might be dang near y’all got me for half a month for real because I

Mean I’m have to sleep eventually every night and that’s going to add up to like more added days y’all got me for literally half a month maybe we might even get to a month who knows just naturally by the way Lee yeah like you’re going to be like up

Like even until like new well in it yeah bro oh my God got nothing right boy it be all right I don’t drink alcohol you know that’s all people do on New Year I don’t drink alcohol either that’s all people do on New Year to be honest

My and my family just make us real meat and some like some like fireworks as well the scenery yes sir got fire though by the way I’m am I coming towards you let me see yeah you heading over here nice alcoholic company event New Year’s Eve

Uh lethal company let’s play it now I see what you’re saying though those that don’t know I’m making these iron ingots into iron blocks so I can have better or more space for storage you know once they start stacking and whatnot all right I’m starting over there are you in the

Jungle yeah I got all my stuff smell to almost already way so look likeing third person Anvil pretty is it really I feel like I should just remake my other stuff I mean unless my armor is Enchanted right how handy is Anvil what all can that thing

Do what what all can an anvil do what can an anvil do yeah doesn’t it just like repair stuff or no n you can also add in enchantments to your armor for that you need en books uh and like pretty much you know repairing enchanting and stuff like

That y join up honey if you going to be here bro join up join up join up Jo up Jo up join up what what are you doing bro extremely bored he just came you should get on here and try this out bro are do you not like a hardcore mode I

Don’t like hardcore and I don’t like the fact that you get rid of like 50% of my Shield yeah freak your Shield bro freedom to speech Baby Mo no no no Shield is just a little inconvenience all right man a little bit just a little bit oh

God the only problem iset that’s why it’s annoing that’s the only problem what only is skons yeah true that the what Legends skeletons only problem with not having hey just build bro just build yeah I’m not playing fortnite I’m playing mcraft bro I’m not playing fornite I’m playing mcraft do

What are you talking about how you doing Minecraft is build mainly yeah I’m not going to beat like all those sweats and I’m going to get shot at once and immediately build 90s into the air I’m not like that man yeah imagine bro let’s see what you saying

You gotta be ninja but on Minecraft dude okay you gotta be ninja and tfue all right both those people are like dead fortnite streamers all right they are fortnite fortnite kind of dying I Ain GNA lie I me fortnite died two years ago what you talking about I only

Got my eye that hold up why do you have a shi bro why do you have a shield why do you have a shield BR why do you have a shield get off right now freaking Armory it was in the Armory the Armory I’m I’m actually about to get off I’m actually

About to get off away bro throw that thing bro throw it away Bro been cheting me entire time he’s been cheating you can’t have it no matter what bro I don’t care if it’s in the chest bro toss that thing I was going to dismantle it to get oh shoot it’s going to go night it’s going night all right

Right your blood up put your bre up well hold on what the freak yeah you saw that KY what the freak bro what’s my Xbox user bro it’s literally in the pin comments bro there bro I haven’t even been using a shield I have no durability way I’m starting to

Think now when you was freaking out about dying did you pull that Shield up like that’s what I’m think God bro what I told myself in freaking hole I I I have no balls to fight monsters at night you find chest at bro what where’ you find that chest at bro I

Mean the shield The Shield bro The Village bro The Village you’re capping out of your mind right now bro you’re actually where’d you get from what chest from what chest armad you know the Armory the blacksmith yeah let me do a quick search this real

Quick go pull up you can you get Shield let’s make a house bro where’s a good spot what make a house bro we get the GU so we get the G dang enchantment table oh that’s true we just do it right here yeah I got some I I got sugar can I

Just go bone and meal it up up I just got one but I might have a lot of bone meal bro trust we good oh uh wait where he go I’m on top of the Hillrock Edition each Village armor chest contains one to five item Stacks with the following distribution bread iron ingots emeralds and iron helmet yeah if you made it BR be h be honest yeah in bedrockedition each Village armor chest contains one to five item Stacks bread iron ingots emeralds and iron

Helmet hey bro just be hon did you do God I found on the Armory bro I’m God either someone place it there or I found it there bro I mean you sure you didn’t make it oh bro I like make it by Instinct bro like you was just like all right dog

Time to armor up and then boom you just made that Jung on accident oh God I did not it this there’s not a single chest in the village that gives you a shield bro I said someone placed it or it spawned in there bro what else can I

Tell you I’m putting on God all right was gone now bro I man not see that junk in your hand casually ever again dog see casually Ruthless People have sh in the house you see somebody with a shi in their hand you start having a panic attack for real is that I’m putting

These Carrs in here bro I’m putting all the gold food in here oh yeah you can make oh yeah you uh well he he found it in the m well I found in K’s body I don’t know where Ki found it oh the thing the weird

Thing is right when I go into that Villages I barely find any bookshelves it’s like all of them has been mined out yeah people have probably been there before hey bro don’t don’t uh touch that golden ax bro that’s the memorial item right there bro the Golden Axe yeah remember K Memorial

Broor to the last person who used the shield H are you get game or not no what the freak are you doing there let me see I know I was bored and then I just started talking that’s life Are You That B without Chase bro bro okay the thing is though is that

Like Chase though like I play yo can you help build or you just going you going to keep walking in CC B bro you want you want me to build and say so bro bro just go ahead and look at chat think oh it’s got this even though

I never told him to build up he can’t read your mind he’s not like that exactly can’t read my mind when that lit on God yeah I know I know K you would have lived if you had a shield like a did bro you kind of

Cheating but you know it’s all right I guess we see what the bro if you bro I haven’t even used the shield anyways all right I need some more keep get more cestone real quick keep C keep capping y keep capping bro you’re the one who said on God and then lied

About it py I don’t want to hear that from you yeah I only did that because I’m just saying a few words just saying a words I don’t care CH was so disappointed in him bro he told no he wasn’t Chase didn’t care Chase also lied bro I was

Also Chase no the thing is is when he was saying when he was saying VC VC VC say I’m going to annoy Ace by just saying VC but we were in a a VC with each other the entire time then he joined it for like 30 seconds and I joined yeah what’s the

Point my point is he probably lied too like I don’t exactly remember what he said on God for but like he probably lied too no he went in this VC like 30 seconds for like 30 seconds but he also that that is not the entire time he was

Saying VC I know Chas does not lie when he says on God he’s not like you bro chill out he literally I literally was in the call with him and he said he’s gonna annoy you and then when you left when you said I’ll be right back we

Talked about how funny it is to make you annoyed what the heck BR you know for on God oh I’m oh I’m going to be in that VC what what what language are you speaking or stop speaking your language please like what are you saying get it though

What are you saying I didn’t hear what words are you drunk you drunk you’re not you’re not telling me what he said on God to though I don’t remember what he said on God to but I swear that he said on God to something that he didn’t

Do something he didn’t do well no I on God to something that he that he like lied like he lied about he lied about oh really oh really yeah that’s what like it because he was purposely annoying you by saying VC over and over again without being in a

VC what the freak are you talking about he was not in one of the VCS we were lying to you saying that we weren we were he didn’t even say on God to that so he never he lied about but never said on God about

It so what talking about he said on God like all the things you said to say on God for what are you talking about you’re high as a kite bro what are you talking about you’re high as a you’re actually high as a uh I could put a right hold

Up because I sent you that picture I’m so bored I’m about to play time wasting simulator all right bye the I’m so bored I’ll be right back yeah all right I might make an iron door bro did that serious oh shoot I need some food hey bro open the door dog

What I realized I just locked myself out though make a button bro make a button is that just one stone block or something that yeah no bro it’s not what oh wait no yeah stone stone like you got to make the stone hold up up pull uping you can’t no no no

You get no no mine buy mine pull Up oh b or a lever I feel like a lever is better yo I need some people to make make the full setep bro oh there’s so unfortunate how G di though unfortunate g unate h if only had enough sleep bro only had enough sleep can’t lie though he how do you

Feel you’re the one he call is death how do you feel bro that’s fake bro that’s fake that’s fake bro hey it was his choice bro it was his choice to follow you up yeah bro damn bro and that a even disrespectful bro that’s anyone bro you

Ever try to save someone in life bro you ever try to do something for someone in life if you get messed up it’s your fault you did that bro another person you know what I’m saying he knows that he knows that that’s why that’s why didn’t that’s why

He didn’t cry bro that’s why you a didn’t cry all right that’s why you didn’t cry bro yeah yo you’re keeping his Golden Axe oh no I’m going remember him that’s a brother right there bro yeah a brother right there I’m saying I’m saying he didn’t cry when he died because he knows

What the RIS was yeah he knows what the RIS I don’t know man the words he been saying he was upset but like you know what I’m saying yeah was bro please BR [ __ ] he said he said he said I know I messed up bro it is what it is man but

Yeah yeah yeah go ahead go ahead sleep up bro all all all right hey can’t lie I feel like it was insinuating some for your blind bat shut the heck up K what the heck D you you really just let the instigation get pulled off Kies I’m disappointed remember that’s your

Brother bro that’s your brother that’s your brother bro brother right prob put that torch right there actually hey I’m goingon to go ahead and uh try to find some more no I’ll be honest I was surprised with how strong zombies are bro they the attack speed on them is crazy Yeah let me go ahead and find some suar canes actually I got nine sugar canes on me I can make a sugar right about where you even at said you said he had the thing said he had bone meal right yeah where you at oh I’m about to go to down here

Bro bro name tags don’t pop up that much for me to be honest I know well like you’re in a certain block area all right all right yeah just go ahead and uh use those zombies I me we should be good with this I mean honestly keys he probably had

Something running in your background for it to be like stopping like that wait did anyone else lag did you even lag at the time no I didn’t lag much nothing for me so I don’t know in the UK so I’m surprised yeah that’s the thing y’all

Are Americans I’m in the UK yeah here’s the one it’s probably bro it’s probably he having something running in the background time stop I see what he’s saying is that good or you need to drop more sugar cane uh let me see I got 10

Left hold up yeah yeah yeah yeah is that enough bro put that bro put it back down bro put it back down bro bro what all you good now you good now all I just put that joint down boy all right uh yeah yeah yeah we should think the complete

Set Humpty Dumpty up there bro you got hit me bro you messing with my armor dog if my helmet’s about to break bro my helmet about to break dog bro what kind of helmet is that what bro it’s got It’s got projectile protection it’s the most important thing bro and Unbreaking

One can I wait how do you like transfer enchantments from one item to another can you do that um let think about that got you King uh I guess you can put like another enchanting enchantment to it I’m not trying to like add it I’m trying to take

The enchantments on it and put it on something else yeah but like for that to happen you either have mending books which are really hard to get or you have another chain mail helmet that has one another enchantment and you can combine them together to have more durability on it don’t

Know light yeah that’s oh look cooked beef to go hel right now all right I’m gonna make I’m gonna make the uh the books Paper what the freak n there ain’t no way this be making go while for real I Ain going to lie no oh never mind actually but I don’t know we have do we have wood give me wood bro all right hold up this actually my last block bro I got to get some

Actually yeah plant some trees too yeah gota get Get you got any saplings you can place let me check nah bro I’m not all about that tree Community only got three trees up here damn BR the leaves drop just get all here take this wood give me the wood give me the wood D that’s right what you mean that’s right bro

What you talking about what I talking about bro Alo this your chain mail helmet why is even on the ground oh did you pick it up no I didn’t pick it up he just left on the ground I’m going leave it there bro I don’t want that you don’t want all right no

Bro that thing’s got no Health it’s literally one shot I’m going die in like three hits I’m wonder why it’s cuz my Homer broke mid fight all right uh I’m going to make the enchantment table you got oh wait you need four obsidian you have but you only have three don’t you oh

Yeah diamonds make a diamond pickaxe real quick damn how much diamonds you got though I got two I got two bro yeah but we need two for the uh enchantment table so then if we now we have no we don’t have enough do we no we don’t dang that’s tough damn

Hold up my stomach killing me bro what the freak did I eat bro bro I’m to take a break again bro no cap my hurting damn an hour let’s think about this how do we get this obsidian bro I think genuinely yeah M bro I’m cook my food

I’m going go poop again bro I ain’t going to lie I know how long I’m be on I’m stay in this thing I’mma hold my too yeah lck br gosh Dam he just locked himself up oh freak bro I’ll be right back y’all oh man it’s coming bro coming

Bro let L myself in as well I won’t get killed to P SL up in the I e was bro taking a diarrhea or something bro SC yeah you can join that Master Chief also welcome just add me up and let me know when you add me and then how

We gone but hey I’ll be honest that was kind of quick for you know damn my bro what the heck I know bro I know bro was it that bad wasn’t that bad wasn’t as bad as that would be oh you know you know them cars how they like um they be like

Sludge yeah oh oh what the heck yeah it was like a sludge you know what I’m saying look down look like a pancake like a thick chunky pancake was in the toilet you feel me I got disconnected I just added someone oh okay my bad that’s I War you that the crib oh

Yeah all right so what we need all right uh I can make the oh yeah I we need yeah I can make the uh I can make the enchantment table invite me up all right um wait don’t you need the obsidian oh shoot yeah you’re right obsidian let’s go mining I think we

Should split up and mine solo I don’t think mine together is going to be like any type of effective to be honest I mean sure you know what you could bu dig down or something now I’m just going to run and find a cave come

Back all right I see a big cave over there there a huge I mean you can go in this one too it looks pretty big you just put up okay see let’s see let’s see new lost until the end is that what you trying to do you’re going to fight the Ender

Dragon like a little big boy you are Little Big Boy Yes we going to f the End Dragon bro you see this hole over here yeah you even looking bro hold up bro hold up I’m coming over there right now yeah what’s up hold up I’m plant these real quick

Bro why is your like why is your people’s white and why is the eye purple bro I’m a I’m a sheep demon bro is sheep demon bro is that like Satan s oh wait never mind you right I’m a goat is is a goat the same thing would

That be the same goats too dang bro does every animal with horns probably I didn’t pick up any saplings really all right um see trying to find a cave yeah you see that one over there uh I’m going to need to make a new pickaxe hold

Up last protection get that out of here dog last protection bro honestly I might just make on underground mining in our base all right yeah hold up let me just give me new get my bed over there bro controlling Q drops everything in your inventory I didn’t know that

Thank you for the nine likes appreciate y’all bro my junk is still bubbling bro like what the freak is going on bro I’m that I got six things of food on me did you go in this huge cave over here what did you go in this huge

Cave no I a going any cave right now where are you where you go outside the house like right next to it next to the house yeah ly bro oh yeah I’m going in that one right there oh the one with a huge hole mhm

All right hold up you got torches on you yeah I got torches on me all right cool yeah so how we figured out what what the tournament is going to be I’m telling you might just do bedwars bro yeah might as well I got to plan anything I just

Already got it written down what it it Wednesday today today is well for my time I’ll announce it once we done with this yeah but yeah but for my time right now it’s thurm yeah get this diamond and then make thech T and probably WRA up for today yeah so we need

Like we need a diamond pick and then we’ll have to get obsidian just realized Sun is setting BR where the heck is it do we w p it there Dam may walk past it be above it right now oh I found this come here come here come here God

Damn the heck God damn what the freak is this I okay and there two skeletons on me bro this is huge bro cover the whole place up with torches this these mobs are going to destroy us oh yeah yeah yeah d hey you going to die God damn that’s

Freaking SC the heck out of me there’s a witch didn’t see them over there y I’m running bro the witch are so annoying the poison and [ __ ] hey tell me when you found about to make me no Hearts bro when does the poison go away yeah just like it’s going to it’s

Going to be there for quite some time they’re not going to kill me guys what bro getting yourself in a hole oh I found diamonds I found diamonds all right bet all right I got the diamond going up check it out oh shoot do you want to find more diamonds

Or not if you want to keep looking if you think there’s something here possibly definitely got to get um obsidian just one more block I think yeah that’s what I’m trying to see you in a place where you go to sleep what you in a place where you can sleep oh uh

Yeah all right oh yeah you outside yeah come back in but that witch was me up so I might have to get some food first oh wait shoot uh hold up I do all right I made the diamond pick all right all right got it Where’d you go you went to the right

Right uh yeah why you going to try look for more diamonds well I’m just going m a little bit until you’re done honestly I’m trying to try again my me fortune 3 would be great but I don’t have enough levels which is annoying son he trying to get me up get me up

Yeah that’s Right see does this cave have anything any diamonds bro what the hell it’s like the bedro give like less diamonds or something cuz it’s actually crazy I know yeah I’m going to I’m going to go back to the sub creepers bro they be setting you up for real I’ll good

There yeah you can still got one shot by creepers so going to like that hole that whole cave dangerous yeah I’m going back up this bro no way block glitching might push me off the goddamn be careful do I am but the game is Bugging What the freak why don’t I just use This yes Sir all right I’m that g see Do all right where you at I’m be for the N likes by all right let me Che the enchantment table yeah this is the thing they had was the Bruin stand that’s what they had all right I’m placing the enchantment table right right over here so how many blocks was it one two

Three oh yeah give me your obsidian real quick and your diamonds bro want my diamonds bro all right you go that let stop cooking so if I’m putting it over here one two I say like okay one two three four so one 2 three 4 5 check

Something okay that’s 22 up wait wait wait uh okay yeah it work it’s working you can make a level forments bro you make a disenchanter too right yeah I can yeah I can make a disenchant what the what the heck is this what it’s a trash can bro oh shoot wait

Oh me up bro hey good luck bro yeah all put water in it let me take that trash off bro you probably put doy on here as well I did bro you stepped right into it you found all that that’s disgusting holy crap oh my God BR it ain’t called a disenchanter what

The heck is it called it’s it’s called a grin Stone grin Stone it’s a grin Stone mate Jolly Jolly good I’m to get level three because I’m trying to get L on this uh pickaxe I might it’s possible I might get Fortune to be honest yeah

That’s what we need I’m make a stone slab so I can make that grindstone I might just might fight zombies outside yep so what I might go ahead and just fight zombies outside all yeah if I die CH up but if I if if I’m counting

Skeletons I’m done F yeah bro if I see skeleton run yeah you see a witch you better run and dig a hole oh defo yeah yeah yeah I a I ain’t messing with a witch bro on spawn up spawn up P them up bro them up all right a skeleton CU Auto

No what then what you got Dang pulling up me bro P up yeah that’s right no okay that was okay that was enough okay that was food I guess oh [ __ ] oh is it that hard to freaking oh shoot my I made the grind oh no that punch bow oh cuz bro is actually cooking who join join no what oh itic hello I just woke up good morning oh it’s like morning oh yeah it’s morning all right after this night I think we can wrap it up since we got the enchantment table

Yeah oh bro you actually was able to join what the heck I didn’t know I know join we could guide them over here could I mean but it’s take like a long oh [ __ ] it’s night time no oh yeah you most likely gonna die I a’t gonna lie I

Joined join did is is first time joining yeah yeah okay so if you could just as long not up not it’s not up yet you can join back dude there’s a creeper right here AE you join at the worst time possible no cap yeah well it’s not 10 minutes yet but [ __ ]

[ __ ] and there’s another one and there’s another one so many mobs help I’m just going to kill myself okay no no no no no no no no I refuse I refuse I just woke up I’m believe in you bro for real for real bro and got blown up Ace what the heck

Ace Ace what the heck bro are you serious are you serious I am terribly serious I am very very serious luck bro good luck bro you’re on your own bro dog bro the cre SED up behind me bro a group of zombies and SC was sneaked up bro

Yeah you you this see mate have a good life I want to hear y say nothing about the about my MC what I want to hear yall saying nothing about my Minecraft survival skills dog this is wild this is actually wild bro Lally got a second

Chance bro and you still bro this is bedrock what can I do about it it’s way different good luck little bro you’ll need it bro all right I’m gonna get you for NE I’m G bring you over here um if I can I got killed by a zombie

Help I’ll be over there well at least a gave us their gosh dang diamond pickaxe in an enchantment table I mean they helped out frak me freak you’re fine at least at least you have me the worst person to play Minecraft with not the worst person to play with

But like no but you AG skill wise skill wise skill wise you’re not the worst but listen you know what we survived some pretty some pretty interesting events last time we played listen the only reason why listen the only reason why why I’m really why I’m [ __ ] at this

Because I play creative mode not surval yeah yeah yeah yeah but to be fair this is the same person who managed to get a lot of [ __ ] diamonds at that one [ __ ] at that one game with floof so you know I’m not yeah yeah he’s doing your thing yeah

Yeah I RIS to my get diamonds and then we actually managed to live so there’s that when Ace to remember Ace is going to be the enchantment table they made so I will remember them D they had a lot of bread on them I’m going start heading over there

Um all right I I’m in this Village I I I I stumbled upon a village it might be safe if you can if you can stay there long enough say though we were about to wrap up the Minecraft just now is this is this the time you’re

Usually going to be able to play Minecraft I’m sorry I’m sorry [ __ ] I’m sorry I’m sorry no no no no no no no no no no it’s the [ __ ] spider it’s after me I didn’t even look at it oh okay we see if you survive the night and then we’ll

Wrap it up good Lu buddy get away oh never mind there was a there was another spider behind me and there was a gold one God damn it y I think I got a poop again I some I some hot chocolate in this food and it just it’s had a chemical

Reaction that utterly is destroyed me was that’s llama never mind I’m stupid oh llama Jo where is llama I llama okay time to go back in this [ __ ] what is this there’s an unfinished tree house here all right well I’m going get off this we

Can run it uh again I’m I’ll play it later so you’ll get a chance to get in I don’t know it is I don’t know what time it is you say you don’t know what time it is you’ll be able to Join yeah I don’t know what time we just I’m never able to join the big boys I know I know it’s all your fault your stupid what the heck you better play the one that I sent you in stream you said you will yeah the

Under fan game one yeah and we play Pony Town yeah I just wasn’t fing any Riz games yet but I feel the the rising well you know well you know what they say what you need is Riz sound effects that’s that’s what’ll Get yep yeah I should get some fine get some all right I’m Mo out of this love you bro love you too you’re so sweet they are sweet they just joined at the wrong time bro and I can’t play Minecraft anymore bro we played for four hours well 3

Hours and 30 minutes if we omit the poop time which is coming back bro what the freak all right let’s log it in bro me off this game get me off of this God Dam game so well B is dead again we could get Chase in here

Probably but at least he gave us an enchantment table like that’s that’s one of the biggest things Bro now we just got to hope we can get Fortune boom we get Fortune get diamonds boom upgrade armor boom nether boom end boom checking Twitter real quick don’t know why netherite I’m not going to lie I’m have to watch a whole video on that explaining netherite I feel like we

Can pull it off without netherite though boom boom boom bo Bo all right y’all we’re going to stream res what what should we play K you up in here who’s up in here Fa what do we do now also I thought that was a Max enchantment tellable who they were saying all right what we doing we doing we doing Terraria or we doing um something else yeah middle Gear Solid or Terraria that’s that’s a good that’s a good combo

Right there either or we got two side missions that are available right now on Metal Gear so I’d like to do those and then boom we do a main mission again but what’s up to y’all I’ll put up a poll in chat Terraria how do you spell that what the heck terrar terrar

Terraria terar Ria and then metal gear solid five he beat the in dragon by punching it well he just punched it nonstop with like no armor I feel like can you even learn in game how to make netherite people just be knowing like people just be knowing look a video how to make

Netherite how it work netherite Minecraft Bedrock how to get another right full guide care whether we yeah that tracks this here this guy will actually get a good night’s sleep despite the odds get out of here good snooze dude this scout stands a chance of staying so with Minecraft 1.20 out you’re probably

At the stage now where you’re looking to get netherite armor and that is something that has become a lot harder in 1.20 and while I’ve already got those things here on my world that’s not going to stop me from showing you how to now get new netherite gear in 1.20 it’s not

Necessarily easy so let me walk you through it and if I could say something a little controversial here for a second I was thinking about this change to getting netherite armor we’re going to go over it here in a second but I actually like that they made getting

Netherite armor a lot harder in Minecraft it always seemed a little too easy you would just kind of get diamond armor and then just immediately go to the nether dig straight down and just get all of the ancient debris that you needed to get the netherite armor so the

Fact that it’s a little bit harder to get now I think in the end in the long run is going to make it feel like a more special accomplishment you’re going to feel like you’re getting more out of it and for those of you not super familiar

With the benefits of got like wings is that and Bedrock can you get wings in Bedrock stuff netherite stuff is really important it gives you higher armor value a little bit for your gear but more importantly it makes it so you can’t get knockback by pesky skeletons

And other mobs that have knockback if you die in or around lava your netherite stuff will not burn up unfortunately all of your other stuff will and all of your netherite tools will have a lot more durability and work a little bit faster and just generally everything netherite

Has more durability meaning that you can use it for longer without it breaking so overall it’s pretty nice it’s worth having so let’s gear up and get ready to go get it okay so I have geared up with a few things here some armor to change

Into in case I need to I have a shield just in case some piglin brutes which deactivate Shields I didn’t think this through very well no my Shield’s not working but we’ll put it on anyways we’re going to hop to the head over to a basan remnants and we’re going to find

Hardore hardcore with a shield basic come on man you got to do better than that man the treasure room remnants and apparently this Le is going to come with us now I know I need to get to negative 116 positive 134 that’s like generally using coordinates this direction but I

Need to head heting now he using coordinates in hardcore it’s worth having here some using coordinates in hardcore no no no no no no no my Shield’s not working and apparently this La is going to come with us now I know I need to get to16 positive 134 that’s like generally

In this direction but I need to hang a right so maybe this way can I go this way bro is literally flying um this this does not feel safe oh okay aha here we go so let’s put on our armor I do not have my sword on me that’s probably not very

Smart and we’re going to search the top chests here cuz we have the ability to find other armor trims which we’re going to go over in another episode but we hello but we also have the ability to find the uh netherite trim how to fly fly all the way around the nether just

To find this junk bro here as well um yes cook cook in the lava I I hear lots of noises I do not like this is probably not a good idea got so many BFFs on that oh this this this this this seems like such a bad idea oh

Hey am I watching gaml knock back on your sword why the freak is why am I watching why is not just showing what we got to do bone blocks um anything in here some ancient debris I will take bone blocks yeah why not netherite scrap yes please more

Arrows absolutely here we’ll uh we’ll block those off so I know I’ve keep in in e oh there’s there’s another chest all right this is a play through this isn’t a guide holy freak yeah never mind I don’t care about nether r that much I’ll be

Honest why you talk being a about quarts bro freak cords bro no one needs carts bro you don’t need cords bro you don’t need cords bro you don’t need cords bro nether template if you want to instead of the Netherrack one di one NE oh well like you can officially like duplicate

Like no hacking stuff and Bash you find I feel like we’ll be fine with Diamond Armor I’ll be honest bro if we upgrade it right if you upgrade it right think we be all right bro no cap bro we got this dog for real bro on me bro last hardcore world was say

Otherwise in What scenario did I need coordinates to live in that world in What scenario I went to go find Ace today and I found them why without coordinates because there’s literally some an item in game that lets you find your teammates you don’t need coins bro it’s baby

Mode Shields baby mode coordinates baby mode big up all right bro let’s go ahead and do uh Terraria I think that one right yeah Terraria Terraria thank you all for the nine likes all right y we gonna reset stream we’ll be back up in like five

Minutes I might try to poop again should I try to poop again I’m probably GNA try to poop again no cap dog cap dog I just might try bro yeah we VC how see to get in that all bet how many people can play um Terraria Terraria how many players is

That I you send me your friend code rugs and DMS you have no it just said I had a notification what the heck oh no buo all right James I added you that was probably a long time I took for me to add you my bad my fault B my fault

B my fault B what’s your name all right yeah new characters I never played that junk before so I don’t know how it works to be honest honest might do hardcore for the funsies though let me H my screen bro ain’t gonna lie I’m going try to

Poop again bro so when I end stream we’re going to be back up in like 30 minutes to an hour I say it’s take long me to but you never know you know what I’m saying you never know you never know just to be safe my Jun hurts bro I’m in

Pain I’m in pain peppermint Co coffee peppermint hot chocolate bro with I’m seeing multiple Ries do you got the Miles Morales are you the Miles Morales oh my God bro my butt cheek sweaty wait my butt cheek sweaty or like is that for me wiping the water on my hands

Bro might be from your B my hands off oh it has your Discord thing okay there it is all right I’ll send you one your only move is hustle that Jr for donating that that’s a fire game bro I play more of it but it’s so boring to

Watch I already know already know that’s some boring game to watch a streamer play all right I added you all right when I get back we’ll get on terar terar BRB

This video, titled ‘✅ JOIN UP MINECRAFT HARCORE ATTEMPT 2 pt2 ⛏ (Bedrock) | (HOLIDAY SUPATHON! | $50 = +8 hours)’, was uploaded by Divine Lee on 2023-12-28 02:56:58. It has garnered 190 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:32:07 or 16327 seconds.


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    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More

  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

    Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab Exploring Tags in Minecraft: Customizing Your Gameplay Understanding the Power of Tags In the vast world of Minecraft, tags play a crucial role in categorizing and labeling various blocks and items. These labels allow for efficient identification of groups of logical elements within the game’s code. By assigning tags to items and blocks, players can streamline decision-making processes based on these labels. Creating Custom Tags The ability to define personal and common tags in Minecraft opens up a world of possibilities for players. By generating custom tags, individuals can tailor their gameplay experience to suit their preferences. Whether assigning… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!

    Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!Video Information all right guys in today’s video I’m going to be doing something a little bit different I’m going to be doing a solo windcraft run I have played windcraft before like eight years ago I was an Archer and just recently I decided to um see how the game has changed and I played as a shaman and I got to level 18 um I’ve never really experienced a story in this game so I’m going to try to go slower and actually experience the story I’ve downloaded a few mods that will um give the story voice… Read More

  • Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & Choco

    Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & ChocoVideo Information what’s this oh it’s just a normal security guard job but is it really we actually went ahead and created our own version of the FNAF pizeria with functioning doors lights and these weird robot things will postal survive the night or Will Freddy Faz barington get him first if you want to go see the full video the link is right here This video, titled ‘We recreated FNAF…’, was uploaded by Flash & Choco on 2024-01-14 11:39:01. It has garnered 5754 views and 164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. I think… Read More