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Let’s go uh right here wait is that R yeah R we are live again wait okay never mind what the heck dog you serious okay let’s do the stream dog let’s do the stream dog let’s do the stream dog let’s do the stream let’s do the stream

Dog let’s do the stream all right oh shoot all right so where was I in this one yo you’re almost at Diamond rank that’s crazy you made it Jacob we literally just started streaming you made it you made it don’t worry dude marker you’re almost Diamond ranking for oh my

God oh yeah I was in this crazy cave yo I remember now I was in this crazy cave and I got a bunch of stuff bro look at all this bro I have 44 Diamonds oh shoot oh my God I’m getting harass hold up invite to the party hold up hold up

Hold up hold up hold up one second Marco a shoot all right all right hold I’m going to join Marco’s party ah here we go Marco Marco yo I’m almost at Diamond you’re almost at Diamond bro I’m I’m plat I’m plat three oh my gosh bro where’s

Grinding yeah I haven’t been I’ve just been camping but like now that I’m in the higher ranks camping doesn’t really work elims to get lots of points H wait like elims give you a lot and I’ve tested it out they give you about like five to three more points or three

To five more points okay if I get 10 kills that’s like 50 hold up hold on hold on hold on oh my God Shadow backa Team Shadow help we’ll help you out definitely H oh yeah hiring them yeah I have a heart what’s good why am I half at heart get out my

Bed and also if if your NPC yo I need low my volume no dang I have so Jo Me forite Maybe we do some rank but yeah I’m already getting shot at I’m I’m about to die bro help me there a freaking baby zombie Jas you might be gay no there’s a zombie

On him oh Oh I thought he said I might be G guys ain’t no way I’m going to go he’s chasing me everywhere he’s following me in circles help me I’m wait wait I’ll I’ll TP you to me on if you die please TP me yo Jacob how you

Doing how’s your day going man no bro b is not that serious wait he just died his dead what up what’s up bro this whole cave here is stacked bro I’m telling you who is he where where I’m At this ser I have food on you got any food on you huh all I have is rotten flesh you what the flip I have some watermelon thank you oh this is a new cave right yeah I’m getting I’m getting violated it looks huge pause I might found more iron here

Oh yeah there’s tons of iron here you just got to go to the high level touch all right Marco yo wait what you let me get up here bro oh my gosh I’m going to do something I’m going I’m going to like touch a zombie or something hey I didn’t say anything I

Didn’t say anything you have another bro Marco what are those noises I just got I just got Body shotted by Harley Quinn pause pause full on pause bro wait oh Diamond let me get that want a diamond oh I got extra I see that diamond

Over hey I’ll get into it I’ll get into it I’m one of Rider victim all right bro all right all right wait you joking around bro huh no you stupid you your girlfriend yeah help me I’m getting punched remember in your 500 or not your 500 subscriber stream uh on your other

Channel I don’t want to talk about that on Tex to spech someone said I I heard Ryder’s girlfriend Smash Three Guys you a hisy fit it’s not that serious she probably did it she was 12 bro all right bro 11 whatever whoa bro hold up hold up no wait what

Grade was he in when that happened I was like seventh so yeah she was 12 years old so how would that happen exactly so that’s why I got mad bro it a’t even funny unless like her teachers teamed up on her but like pause bro all right bro

Just stop just stop just stop joking Marco just stop just actually stop hey boss I’m going to get out of this cave now all right you can t me out and then all and then we’re going to go find a base or something D we need to

Build I know we just been going from cave to Cave we make base all the vill we got oh yeah oh think yo let me TP you big one I think my burps are normal all right that’s the most C of heard in a while hey you’re saying

I’m up here oh why is there three skeletons right here bro I didn’t even say you were bro get your and get some hereo hands on bro my pickax broke I have another one but I remember cheeseburger he was a mod and saying all that weird stuffff sometimes I like to sometimes I

Like to wipe Nutella on my Napster Napster why would you do that wouldn’t it just get sucked in or something I don’t know what you’re talking about Marco but no on your 500k stream not 5 I can’t see that um 500k the oh oh yeah I remember hey do

You have that black furn oh yeah I need IR all right come over here there’s small I’m trying to get out of here bro hold on first try get out of here after wait what did you say you need another pick can I murder everybody inside this cave pause what you mean my

Mobs mobs let’s go how much diamonds am I at I’m at 48 diamonds what see diamonds right there in my o o oh shoot oh shoot get me up give me up oh my gosh all right out of here out of here out of here where’s me team leader I’m about to

Throw don’t oh my gosh Marco I swear bro oh wait there’s a way out of here we just have to block like 60 blocks up there way out of here it’s up here I see the sky whoa ah shoot there’s two Creepers hold up how how is the spider not dead

Dog my go my new character hey did you see my oh the squid character that’s sick all right hold on we’re gonna get out of here and I’m going to TP you once I get up hopefully I have enough blocks bro I don’t even no you know what I’m

Going to get some extra blocks bro I don’t even know if I have enough blocks I don’t have enough blocks I definitely don’t yeah that’s why one person is going to build up what if I die and you just yeah that’s what that’s what we’re going to

Do kill skeleton hit every single spot with your little Aimbot Powers got got him all right I’m I’m going to try building up bro wish me luck whoa whoa whoa Marco chill out bro they can hit you mid noage I’m eating a lollipop chill chill CH stop dude my building just dude my

Building just bro oh your building disappeared your building disappeared my no yeah my like I was building up and it like pushed me off bro wait why did you te me why n that’s got to be some oh my gosh bro I’m not going to make it

Up TP to me TP to me well we’re both going to die if I if I fall from here bro y just TP to me bro oh I’m so close I’m so close bro I’m so close please don’t laugh out please don’t lag out oh my [Applause] gosh oh wait yeah I think I’m making it I think I’m making it chat I think I’m making it hold up let me get this let get this I I’m right here I’m right here I’m right here I’m right here I’m right here 32 water uh rten flesh for

Literally are you clapping no that’s bro that was the thing I was asking about last time oh I made it I made it out I made it out I just barely made it out dude oh my God I’m going to TP to me imagine you

Fall no I made it out completely why are you T why youing me we out of here let’s go let’s go y why are youing me I no I’m teing you to me bro my burps are so normal like keep yapping Marco keep you P black roof actually I have

One a shoot all right let’s find somewhere to base hold up can you come here for a second what I’m literally teleporting n I’m I’m literally lagging hold up I’m literally teleporting I’m literally I’m literally teleporting ow how does that even hurt bro why are

You in gold armor you shut up are you I’m I’m using the gold armor so I don’t have to waste my iron just yet and it’s actually holding AIT I need to make I need to make brand new armor you have 48 Diamonds oh God I’m not using the

Diamonds yet it’s called saving things all right I have eight golden apples yo this is all about wait are we are we going to base here do want to base here we should find somewhere else oh my God I’ll I’ll TP you to me once you I um

Yeah a bro I need more dirt I need more dirt oh what are those noises bro who’s making those weird noises golly I mean what noises okay Marco we all know it to bro who’s who’s all I don’t I’m not doing it I think you’re doing it okay

Bud ooh if we find a village I’m automatically going to base there what and what noises what are they huh what what noise huh what I don’t know what you’re happing about Marco I don’t know I really don’t know what you’re happing about right now don’t need why is why bro am I

Lagging that bad probably is that mountain over there ooh I want to go over there make all right yo bro this tooking so long bro come on let’s go pick up the pace I’m going to this better be a good mountain right here bro o o I found planes I found

Planes let’s go I found some planes oh there’s got to be a village around here 1 two three slap money oh I’m taking this dog 1 2ap y i just te a wolf my husband my husband let’s go I got a wolf I just need find another one slap

My knee two three slap my knee bro why do you keep saying that my husband to be Cody I think I I think I found a good place to know that it’s from Total Drama World Tour okay bro I don’t watch cringy shows like that it’s not

Cringy yeah maybe it’s cuz you’re old that’s why okay bud all right pick 789 I got four oh I you got any wood on you C no I don’t got any wood okay I need to M some oh my I want to make a shield guys let me get some wood all

Right Ryder I have a question for you what Michael or Jaden is that the is that the question yeah that’s the question Michael or Jaden Michael guy really just left on me bro all right Michael or Marco Marco if that’s how it’s going to be all right

Fine all right okay bad What’s happen dud this guy bro wait I found another path of like mountains and stuff but no Village are you serious bro I’ve been traveling for like 2,000 blocks bro come on do you have find a village n bro I want to I want to

Find a village in s there that’s what we’re going to do make A Up here oh oh oh oh shoot bro come on how do you do the shield to use Shield oh I found a v a Pillager Outpost that means there’s a village nearby I think so I’m going to go attack TP keep T yeah okay help me take out the

We’re going to put beds next to it too so we keep respawning yeah we uh that’s be our base well not next to the N cuz there’s a village near there should be a village near this area since there’s we can make a farm the uhem farm maybe all right put

Put a bed down here so that we respawn I don’t have a bed uh then I’ll TP you when you hit 60 Subs you should do a Texas be stream I’m already at 60 I’m see if I can 7 oh maybe Marco it’s very risky but maybe

Oh o o oh come at me come at me come at me bro yeah that’s what I thought come at me crit crit crit oh oh get this guy get this oh easy oh my gosh these guys are getting crit on oh my gosh y hold up I’m finish

Out the base n you’re going to push yep all right yeah let’s go oh shoot my sword is low oh hold up oh shoot sh they pushing they pushing push goodies oh I found the goodies I found the goodies oh shoot oh shoot I’m getting knocked

Around oh right here oh I got him I got him I got him I got him easy a there ain’t no goodies here bro oh my gosh bro this is horrible yo wait o crossbow I’ll take that hold up yo I killed two sheep I can make a

Bed cuz one more how much arrows do I got imagine cheeseburger comes back and is ready to whoa don’t SP me do not freaking TP me yet all right I have a bed I have a bed I throw a bed from the village all right you can TP I can TP

You yeah all right this is our new house man I want a different bro wait hold up put my hold okay before we actually like make this our house I’m going to check if there’s a village nearby so you can stay at the out in case we can a dog I see a

Dog come puy puy I got bones boy do I not have bones y we going we should make like a dog armor or something we never have to fight a zombie again bro all we have to do is tap it and they’re dead wait hold I can make beds I can

Make a white bed you can make a what oh Y where is freaking my bones I don’t have bones now I just you I’m going start uh upgrading place up okay oh all right I’m start placing all that stuff take that bed you have out of here huh take that bed you bro

What y take that bed and put it inside inside the house uh don’t break it don’t break it plac some door leave my bed where it is cuz if I die out here then um I can respawn over there yeah I have wood I can fill up this

Little hole oh my gosh bro there’s like a whole ocean right here yo hold up think I do go go go get up here go go go oh I need a village bro I need a village right now give me a Village give me a Village

Please oh my God I need a I need to find a village dog all right good the spider ignored me yo this going sick come back here this is going to be face bro bro Michael’s just spamming stuff random Emoji oh I found a ruined nether portal okay bro there’s no way there’s

Not a village here bro come on come on you’ve got to be kidding me if there’s not oh this one looks big oh shoot this one’s legit man that was lame hold up is there another one wow bro like a little Sniper Tower we can

Make let’s go I don’t know we could do that let’s go oh where is this Village bro I know there’s a village here somewhere bro I know there’s a village here bro I don’t know why it’s not popping up oh my gosh got bro get up get up want

Find OOH to make a little storage room what did I just find I think I found something cool wait hold up never mind there’s nothing down there creep now go go go bro where bro I need to find a village I need a village why is there no Village around

Here bro there’s floating blocks but no Village bro what like what is that come on bro oh my I find a village right now I’m going to do something bro I’m going to do something bro come on bro bro oh Michael is good a let’s go maride the chat Michael oh go go

Go dude I can’t find a village I’ve been traveling for like 3,000 blocks now this is this is ridiculous this is ridiculous bro come on I think you should just come back nah bro I like I would go 10,000 blocks just to find a village right now bro it sounds like you’re going

Crazy I probably am bro I probably am what is this bro I’m finding like all kinds of like Stone caves and stuff but like nothing Old Village bro like found a ruin nether portal villager Pillager Outpost no no no the one we just found uh hold up I’m farming wood right now

For a store’s room for there are creepers and zombies at me oh found a village I think I just found a village if that’s what I think it is yep found a village Village in the corner over there what are you about to do over here bro I’m a

Saddle I see getting exploded by creepers let’s go let’s go let’s go I found a village let’s go who is shooting that I’m about to killon for the me give me your meat all right pause little bro pause it’s friendly fire on yeah but me and boss are teaming right

Now oh shoot there’s a raid happening at this Village oh shoot oh shoot yo hold up hold up I’m I’m about to become the hero here hold up watch this you see the little thing on top that says raid right there yeah yeah the red thing I got the red thing

Oh shoot just started it just started it just started oh shoot where’s the oh they’re right here they’re right here oh these guys are on a full on raate oh shoot bro oh my God oh my God hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up oh god

Oh this is actual raid this is actual raid hold up I’m going come in clutch right now yeah watch this oh oh shoot oh I’m lagging I’m lagging hard see I hit that crit I know I hit that crit oh shoot I’m lagging oh get this

Get this come on oh there’s like three more people oh this guy no don’t kill the Iron Golem oh shoot I hear SP clb oh my gosh bro get off oh this guy just dropped an emerald oh shoot it got some good stuff oh my gosh yo this guy just

Yo oh oh there’s one more person oh right here hey watch me blck this oh back at you taste your own medicine little bro got him I almost died there bro my inventory is full right now oh shooty you know I’m I’m going to steal a house real quick I need to steal

House all like just to like put my stuff down like what up let’s put this down who is shooting at me yo I’m in the middle of a raid right now bro oh my gosh bro and not expect this to happen right now bro hold

Up y we need to fill up all these holes inside the house there’s a spider inside the house all my swords about to break two are you serious bro come on oh shoot they know where I am they know where I am oh they’re killing the villagers oh shoot oh wait that’s a

Zombie never mind I’m dumb you don’t know how bad I want to laugh right now yo give me this give me this watch watch watch watch bro I’m going push him I’m going push him right now what’s that oh wait that’s stuff I just dropped I’m done literally oh it looks

Like something killed one of these villagers right here bro oh got him oh let’s go why would you tell me there is AER I don’t need both oh my gosh bro come on come on hurry up hurry up think we have another you have just kill the other

Pillager just kill it just kill it just kill it just kill it bro just kill it leaning off oh my God SP on the base I’m alive lit I need to heal up dang it bro I don’t I need to make a chest or something bro but I like can’t

Take this move it put it over here yeah why do it keep sounding that horn bro me this oh he’s at the door he’s literally at my doorstep I’m running out of food oh I’m going to have to use my golden apple no don’t drop it I’m

Dumb I’m about to go beast about to go beast oh easy oh shoot oh my God this guy’s so bad bad bad you’re bad I drop this drop it drop it bro take those guys I was like nothing bro come on now wait hold up that do I got two helmets I just

BR I don’t want this axe dude what out here yo oh there’s one more person here hold up bro get me up there’s one more Guy where is this dude open this where is this guy my gosh this guy’s hiding for real you saw what I did to those two axmen

Bro I get up man show yourself bro where is this guy this kid bro I’m bro I swear to God if I don’t find this guy bro I’m literally going to keep him captive bro oh bro where is he come on bro this guy running about I I actually can’t find

Him I actually can’t find him I actually can’t find him what the heck where is he is he inside one the houses there’s no CH there’s no shot it’s a good place this bro there’s no way where is this guy oh my God I’m going yo my power Up’s

Running out bro oh my god dude where is this where’s this kid I say bro do something to you bro ooh actually I don’t need this I don’t need this right now I’m going leave it there for now I sh I need the apples what am I

Doing bro I need food oh my god there freaking pillagers all around Bas right now really are they just they it’s probably cuz they keep spawning cuz it’s a Pillager base dude wait we can just kill him I’m going to freak out I’m about to freak out bro where is

This guy dude come on bro where is is that him is that him is that a witch that’s a witch oh where bro where is he I’m bro I’m going cry bro wa oh my God man is going crazy bro man I can’t bro I just can’t going respawn right

There about to go outside and see if I can bro what bro you just got shot by a Pillager Ain no way yo guess what bro what I’m nowhere bro why did I just spawn inside the desert in the middle is this game glitching or can I

Not see properly hey you know what the you know the Pillager Tower is right yeah or yeah I think so but like please you I just died by a villager that was standing outside the house bro and all our stuff basically all our stuff is inside the house but we still

We can what’s this this want to say something bro I’m in the middle of nowhere I need help hold on I’m trying to hunt this little bro I’m trying to hunt this little guy down middle well bro where is this guy please tell me you place torches back how am I drowning

This I’m actually tired of this bro I’m tired bro I’m bro bro I’m tired good where’s this kid bro please I just want to finish this off hey yo you trying to play some fortnite after this probably where is this kid bro where is

This kid at bro where is this kid at I’m going to do something tell me I want I want to TP guys bro I need commands what is the cords y yo look look at my stream bro if you go back in the Stream look at the

Cords and then you type it type it to me and I’ll TP you there I don’t know where am bro man oh my gosh in the middle of nowh water bro is it the V bro is it the witch did they send in a witch probably it was the witch it was

The witch oh my God bro I’m dying I’m dying now I’m dying hold up stop bro I don’t know is I’m lost wear off already wear the P it off wear it off you need help bro I don’t I don’t need help I don’t need help it was just the poison

Was lasting for so God dang long like would didn’t stop it like would not stop it’s like annoying bro you were at like one Health oh my I’m about to for some diamonds you oh shoot they got a ravager oh shoot they got a ravager oh shoot they got a

Ravager oh give me this give me this oh you won you won oh my God they’re double teaming me double teaming me oh they’re double teaming me they’re double teaming me S so weirdo was just the ravage we left this Big R bro Diamonds oh he stuck too oh just

Spam it I’m spamming it oh we got it easy I won the raid I won oh let’s go look they y yo there not fireworks for me bro yo what yo yo yo yo middle I have freaking infinite Co or something bro I just won the battle

Thank buto all right where do you want to be TP TP to me the village I mean not the village yeah TP actually all right cuz I have everything set at the Pillager Tower I had to die right there I just had to die why’ you put a bed down

Bro huh why didn’t you put a bed down I did put a bed down I I placed my spa right there but I didn’t spawn right there a no way bro sucks hold on I’m going be right back I need to find some no I’m looking for that to you know what

Since I won the raid thingy I think I should be able to take a part of this villager’s house so yo I’m going to use it for a chest yo yeah think we should find a warden a the warden yep Y no no right now you know

How much LEF there is inside of his house bro I know but like we’ll do it not yet not yet I’m not ready yet if we just need more armor and we should we should place a bed right there so we can kill him we should like

This y take some of my lap too all right y actually no no no no wait make your own chest make your own chest so we don’t get our stuff mixed up M [ __ ] hold actually I’m going to make enchantments okay all right fine no wrong way wrong way wrong

Way yo what can I make on my pickax my iron armor you to get Unbreaking on my pickaxe got a saddle yo should I get Unbreaking yeah unbre a diamond pickax extra wood get my crossbow I don’t need this stuff actually I’ll take that my golden apple in there all right

I think I’m good now this trash broke all right I’m get I’m breaking to oh what’s this trip bar hook that was me oh I need to go get some food I’m hungry yo I’m about to upgrade uh enchant some of my stuff real fast man all right

I got my sword and pickax Enchanted you know what here I’m gonna turn this Village into an industry one shotting things now I’m just one shotting someone’s at my front Door I think I I’m back chat hold on I got to check something real quick hold up so actually I got my axe my uh thingy I still got that flint all right yo ah shoot it’s raining yo go to sleep go to sleep like V or something get into some V Cobblestone with this enchanted

Diamond pickax let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go in the morning I want to give you something prob in the morning give me stuff I want to give you something this a surprise birthday gift early birthday all

Right my birthday is this month bro really birthday gift come on coming what yo let me see this Unbreaking 2 and efficiency to thank you bro what yo thank you bro n actually bro oh my gosh bro this amazing let me test it out real quick I get another one of

Those I haven’t chance for days yo hold up let me let me test this on vill house or something think we should make farm a what farm farm stuff we can enchant oh XP farm oh I got an efficiency one uh pickaxe now but I pickax that pickax one shot I promise you

Bro Oh shoot what happened to this V’s house bro what the um okay I’m just P Bro what do I have I have bone up I poison people as soon as I hit them with this wait what’s the enchants on it what’s the enchants tell me all the enchants uh my sword

Yeah uh it’s a um going of I don’t know how to say it Bane of Arthropods yeah one and I got knock that one oh oh okay yeah I think that’s why it’s poisoning them or something yeah I just I just got a spider I hit him it

Poisoned them yo I’m surprised oh wait hay bals give you weeds I’m dumb I’m so D bro we have everything we need real let me this I’m might in cold like instantly now I promise you bro yo yo yo yo I’m a what’s it called I’m going to make

Like a cow farm so we just get infinite food and XP don’t get XP from killing yeah you get X spe too we need to like keep generating them yeah I’m go there like there’s like tons of hay bales here so that’s why I’m going to use them I’m going go

Freaking killing the cow for a little more XP I can upgrade more weapons all right I think on once I’m done I’m going upgrade all our armor all right bet all right I’m going to start now oh my get these two man there a lonely cow in here bro

I’m going to get rid of this cow bro I don’t want I don’t want to be lonely bro yo oh bro I’m I’m killing horses for leather holy moly bro there’s so many hay BS here we Ain going to run out for like oh dude we can we’re going to get so many

Cows bro oh my gosh we also need to make a farm with this though cuz I find a cave never mind I didn’t find a cave this I might help you with the car far cow Farm I think I have a little bit Yeah I have four I can get some cows

Here all right bet you guys get cows and chickens nah chickens we don’t need bro maybe maybe sheep maybe sheep yeah sheep melons what bread can I make with this oh 27 give me that let’s go oh my God take another St the me D me that all right 49

Bread a shoot I need need cook we already have a little car start Murdering actually hold up let me bre y’all nice and strong Everybody give me can they breede yet oh my God they can’t yo why’d you kill them bro don’t kill them bro we going to have nothing nothing to bre with don’t kill these ones don’t kill these ones I’m getting more I’m name one of Y actually yo hold up hold up hold up

Hold up up we can name them hold we go over here I’m going to grow these cows up there we go infinite glitch let’s go all right don’t kill him don’t kill him don’t kill him until until it’s slaugh day oh shoot I took your name tag yo here’s your name

Tag always go inside creative for 8 seconds to get a bunch of house all right bro all all right you want yeah okay got a lot of weat feeling good all right hold up I need some good oh there’s more clows you think I should bring

The no no no no keep them all there there’s more just keep them all there there’s that Smithy ah shoot is there coal over here yo this cool there’s that smiy some should gravel here what the heck yo this whole place full of gravel and stone

Oh a shoot I think I think you already took it oh bro why is this all gravel bro I’m trying to look for stone it’s all gravel it’s all gravel there is no way bro there’s no actual way a here’s the stone goly oh I found some coal I bro I

Have an efficieny I have an efficieny inici book efficiency oh enchantment book yeah nice we can make an anvil and you can put it on something we get we need to get a lot more iron I’m about to put horse Diamond horse armor on a

Horse oh yeah I left that in one of the chest you can take that son of a gun got this I need Saddles what the horse likes oh yo I got a saddle in my chest you can go take it do we have do we have Anvil no not

Yet Anvil I can I can make a name tag wait wrong house shoot know what I’m going to take that bed hold up City I put got the got this oh that’s go I’m put the saddle on the horse I think you got to ride it first back in I’mma put my bed

Down let’s go threeawn point that is that sticks I think I just saw sticks oh yeah these sticks let horse horses like wheat I didn’t know that hold up yes oh let’s go Chad I’m going drop this your name tag over here yo come here look at this oh shoot

Yo stacked horse is crazy wait take this name tag I already have that’s the second one then fast bro your your cape’s like flying too C which do I put this horse at I don’t know put it in a separate pen or this horse pen right

Here no no I want to put it in like I want to make my own P just kill these horses and put them in here are you going to make your own okay a I see what you’re doing okay make sure you can’t jump over it I saw that horse leap bro oh

Shoot you have any wood I a VC uh all right M hold on do I have any wood riding on my new horse destroy Mikey why did that took you so long I don’t know you’re getting you’re getting okay bud yo so Marco asked me Michael or

Jayen I said Michael and he left the party man get your bro this villager just came in my house and got on my bed yeah get out of here boy yo Marco said Michael or Jaden and I said Michael and he left the party man

What is this get bro get out of my bed this kid bro man make sure you go bro get out my crib bro wait for what right oh my gosh I to kill this m bro if he walks in the crib again watch this watch this people don’t listen to me

Bro people do not listen to me who creeper oh my God not bro stop bro it’s not funny hey hey wait right here right here right here all right good good good yo we we should put like a fence around our house bro I don’t want no bro I’m about

To place a huge wall wall yeah yeah yeah yeah do this do this do that do that do that like a big wall turn off friendly fire oh my God turn it off yeah all right then we won’t be able to hit each other why cuz you turned it

Off hey should I kill this Ender wait wait it’s on right now right yeah so you can hit other people why is there trying to kill me right now I didn’t freaking dare get this spider off me bro yeah get into get into the pen a okay that works ready The

Village a these honey corn dogs are so good a corn dog what yo hold up I’m going to kill this Enderman oh there’s two of them let me get on you dang why do they have so much INF so much damage oh help me bro I just got an ender

Pearl help yo hold up hold up hold up hold up I need where’s my bed yo where’s my bed I need to put my bed down oh shoot he’s going to kill us bro don’t L me don’t Lon or he’s going to TP inside our house bro oh shoot there’s a skeleton outside

Too yo Michael why are you in the server oh my God oh my God inside shoot shoot shoot shoot y yo yo BR get in get in get in y oh shoot ‘s right here I got him oh shoot my helmet just broke my helmet just

Broke a I got him killed killed killed killed killed go get skeleton a shoot you died bro oh I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die bro got out your bed yeah I have I have respond point it’s good you golly bro almost

Died who b m to me okay okay okay okay iing place my bed down arrows bow I don’t need do you want a bow or do you not okay okay bro no bro what why cuz you always be messing up stuff bro you can be in the

World bro I don’t want you anywhere near this place bro wow you’re being racist now no no no not bro like I can p bro if you racist let me no let me pull up no let me pull up all those super super duper duper erer racist okay bu canell

You’re getting canell not no I’m not you’re getting canceled no I’m not cuz it’s not even like it’s just because you killed me no it’s just CU you killed me times it’s it’s just cuz you killed me so many times that’s literally it no I’m not I’m not getting canell I’m not

Getting can because he knows he’s getting cancelled no I’m not he’s calling us Mexican burrito I didn’t even say that and he admitted it okay bro I don’t know what you Happ I don’t know what you’re laughing about bro what do you mean no no no no wait

Wait wait what do you mean by you people what do you mean by colored yeah Mike you’re not getting a job anymore you’re not getting a job thank you it’s America okay bud believe it believe it I’ll be H one day you better believe guys this is not C iy believe it

How do you make one gun why is there two Enchanted pickaxes what shut up can I take one of these Enchanted pickaxes take the one with efficiency one is this Thug stealing from you right you want me to call the cops right now uh no is this guy harming you no

He’s not bro he’s literally lit teamed he’s harassing me I want the Bro Michael stop chill out bro no he’s not bro just chill if you going to come here you got to go th what he say I know leak little bro you got I made spider turn around that’s how

Hard I what the hell that’s crazy of course you people like to rap you not even rapping bro oh Michael you’ve got to be the dumbest person i’ ever met bro are you harassing me you’ve got to be the dumbest person I’ve ever met you’re

Harassing me you have got to be oh shoot my uncle’s Here your uncle touch you star in front of his face I’m going to sit on your uncle believe it better believe it first time me getting a camel oh my God I’m Different camel you riding a camel yep oh yo wait tell me before you take

Anything from my chest boss hey yo can I take one of your diamonds one one one SW take one take one how do I take one cuz I can’t take one all right you take one for me hold on all right here I do the

Thingy let me get rid of this stuff hold up is there creep bro okay good good no no no mobs sorry there creepers inside of a stop talking I’m going keep talking I’m whoa all right bro bro why hows Indo shut up like though yes you’re wrong where’s myse

My my horse the night n that’s crazy we’re looking at like indoor kit the thing that happened to George Floyd he deserved it okay bro all right you could stop talking now you can stop talking want get a good deal hold on bro oh I need to make wood

Stuff hey I’m about to put my uh iron Enchanted I’m going reposition this door little black for me shut up I know you can I know you go like no no okay all right all right all right bro Michael you’re getting kicked you’re getting kicked okay okay s yeah exactly

Be quiet bro bro be quiet wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you’re not getting invited to my birthday party you’re not getting invited mine then bro I’ll find it what you bro we’re just going to kick you out bro I would leak it I would leak it to the whole

World so some kid lovers shut up is that a black cat wow Wow Wow on stream I got knock back one on my uh this the I thought C are fast this C slowest thing ever the leap is crazy I’m chanting stuff for days bro huh what did you say your

Eybrows why is there skeleton shooting at me you better believe it you better believe it oh wait o I got sharpness on my ax o man sound so knock my sword I Darkness on my ax yeah I feel uncomfortable wow wow wow wow that’s crazy stupid skeleton you stupid

Skeleton I’m one sh skeleton with KN why is a floating poop talking I’m kicking you I’m kicking you I’ll kick you k you okay no that was too that was way too that was over the charge it was like floating it was like dark please

Please that was way too far that was way too far bro I’m not joking that was way too far stop bro stop bro we’re going to get cancelled bro I swear God you’re smell oh my gosh bro that was horrible bro like breaking the armor runs out so fast

Bro hold up I got more boots on let me make sure I got two two pairs of helmet and Boots so I can keep swapping all right nice I’m house jumping right now every gra let’s go did I CFT the bow both them I missed wait what’ you say

Boss did I the B wait boss no boss Maya does he own you stop bro stop bro this literally his username bro boss M I’m proud of this dude what say oh my God he said what you say black I get slang gangster SL what you

Say how is that funny how is that honestly funny yo do you have any Pless plates yo hold up let me plates is crazy no bro pressure plates bro get it right bro he said plastic plates we to everything everybody know you you just said

That hold on I’m going to I’m going to some pressure plates should I make one right here too at this door yeah so make three we got to make three I already have another one I have another one right here how doesn’t this you how much do you have you have three

Right I’m about to make three we all have fake trees all let’s [ __ ] what guy in the back oh that’s my uncle okay okay please I’m be super honest okay what but you promise you can’t kick me it’s not that bad all right fine fine I W kick

You his voice sounds like a gay guy no joke not be me you messed up oh I want to kick you so bad bro oh I want to kick you so say to K you so bad bro oh my God bro you don’t need anymore you need so bad

Bro I want to kick you so bad honest honesty it’s always the key bro bro bro bro bro oh I was going to say something but I can’t right now I can’t it kind yo did you make the you make pressure plates all the lights are on shut up

Quiet what you doing right right now what’s happening Minecraft what are you yapping about no in your house what are you yapping about bro like what you guys doing right now y put the put the iron door back where’d you put the iron door I am I I

Need different material cuz I couldn’t place the uh present plates I got a different material right here I a couple of the pieces should all right there you go it’s good W can’t n we don’t we we shouldn’t put pressure plates out here cuz then mobs

Can step on it and they can get in so let’s use a button yeah we could put it we could put the pressure plates inside though like right here hold on shoot hold on that’s why we need yeah there we go we got defense doors bro this look like freaking

Freaking base like a sec this this is this is a good base bro we should yo you know what I’m thinking we should put um just for like a last last line of defense let’s put some Stone around the whole thing what stone fences the the the stone wall stone wall

Oh yeah yeah okay those little mini uh St yeah see what I’m holding you guys can make a villager farm how much you got I got only 30 that’s why you need to go mining I’m G to get a lot of stone in you just

Game huh no you say you’re going to get a lot of stone then so how you understand your okay bro yo Michael like actually like really now bro if you don’t chill out bro forgot I have freaking unbre on my what am I doing are you like accusing

Me are you harassing me yes I’m accusing you you’re keep saying you’re getting can but you’re really not shut up fug all right look who’s getting canceled out look who’s getting cancelled out y y well do bro what man what’s you about yeah I got aack nice invite me to your house

Somay let me pull up I might we can eat chicken to together okay bro all right you’re not allowed sleep you’re not allow okay bro all right all right exactly yeah this guy yes yes I am wow on stre bro really on stream this guy is a

Menace actually I a being men I’m just honest look like freaking huge base bro like hug yo put the put the walls around the back like follow this bro I’ll show you how to do it wait Give me the give me it give me it give me it give me it give

Me move sheep move yo jayen pull up on rder and explode his base okay you’re getting kicked you’re getting kicked a joke bro J’s not on you called him bro do you he anything no bro I swear bro like if Jen Jen join Jen joins if jayen joins bro I’m

Actually going to kick him I’m scared bro I’m actually scared I’ll be scared too wait just like you don’t even have to like curve it just like do this don’t put blocks cuz the mobs can get over the blocks so can this sheep get my Dum gun that’s a threat that’s a threat

Yo wait don’t put it along the wall don’t put it along the wall like so move it out like one more maybe like right right here and then so pretty just keep going that way okay Michael stop sing is that R oh guys it’s not Nar is maki believe [Laughter]

It see you see this bro it’s crazy going crazy that’s what I’m saying the whole clip and our horse is still here look at our horse it’s still here oh the horse still there all right bet horse do good what the hor is inside the base okay stop making me uncomfortable I’m

Scared hor for the horse oh smack we are stacking a shoot he got in oh yeah he running away I got cheest out my freaking sword freaking and no joke I just found a mansion mansion no joke I swear I found one did you actually yes that’s

Crazy what’s in them again they have like a bunch of they found there’s like a usually like a bunch of pillagers and stuff in there screenshot this little bro you better to go must right hey hold up let me mind that hold I’m F all right bet SC me except

Bet fish for all other fishes you have to put the conditioner do the emo version bro oh my God that’s zombie zombie this two crafting tables to be NPC play in Minecraft controller players are dude how a creeper get in here you want make

That uh no no no no no no I’m still working on the wall I’m still working on the wall not yet sir don’t hurt me I have knock back on dummy dummy dummy yes oh my God this I’m freaking to Hearts oh my God help me help

Me yo don’t leave it in here don’t leave it in here bro I’m not I’m a shoot a shoot they’re coming in they’re coming in here bro oh we need to make a what’s it called oh oh my gosh bro Mr nugget bro Jen’s here

Did I join who’s here in the chat he’s in my chat okay J oh there’s a creeper camping there’s a creeper camping oh my God yo I need to lead it out I’m going to lead it out I’m going to lead it out real quick where’s

The I got you I got you I let it out I let it out I told you not to put the tongue dude they’re all inside bro they’re inside me what putting my all my like stuff inside your chest okay he’s stealing from me like how are you not like ins the

Chest bro make another chest bro make another CH just make another CH dummy look at my freaking live stream dummy look I added way more stuff look at this live stream dummy you ain’t got no live oh wait never mind never mind never mind okay I’m just going to

Memorize the stuff and then put okay put all my stuff at the bottom of yours all right all right all right yeah I’ll see I see I see yeah I like freak I need to this I need to make another one and we’re going to put it over

Here wait if J joins my team want him to join y we going to make a f bro actually problem though why kick everyone I don’t even kick everyone you’re the only two I’ve ever kicked that’s actually quite aggressive in me okay bud all right like is that

The point of the game though like you just sabotage your teammates or whatever St themag them it’s a survival game being so dumb right right now you’re a dummy Thug don’t talk me like that okay okay what you about to do you’re grandparents I used to own okay all right that’s crazy that’s

The craziest stuff I’ve ever heard yes a matter of fact cops cops are in your way you know why you know why come here come to my come to this base look what’s going to happen to you I will stab you in p i will stab you my

Right now I’m watch your back bro watch your back L bro watch your back oh watch my back watch your back L bro you don’t know what about to hit you you don’t know I have a freaking knock back sword you don’t know what I have on my pockets right now bro all

Right all right chill out I’ll pull up want some f you want someons oh yeah din right there let’s go I’m freaking SC saying I’m not going to this is literally The Bodyguard the hor is The Bodyguard horse is bodyguard crazy look everywhere My Bodyguard is right

Here oh my God best window yo Ryder yo uh boss M moving I made a new chest for you I’m moving all your stuff into it what language you already got all my stuff godamn yo Ryder yeah yo rder what language do you parents speak

Like my mom we like over here in my mom side is I don’t know or something it’s like an Indian language my dad said language th language we need to all go to sleep y guess what guess what guess what guess what good morning I’m going yourse or

Something like that I don’t know hey pause pause you said that what are you talking about did you just do this extra little like layer of yeah our protection on this house is insane see how I can mine faster than that I know you got a cuz you got a

Better pick right now than me I got an iron effici efficiency one give me trade I trade is crazy I’ll give you this clock no how about GL I bet you like that I see skeleton about pray you remember when you going keep freaking killing me huh Stop scaring me you’re giving me

Back damn I just the whole clip flashbacks I like flashbacks yeah stop giving me flashbacks ganger a shoot wrong wrong place let’s get enchant table I’mma leave a little bit a Lapis all oh and they look at the picture anyway remember once we went okay I’m about to UPG our grass

Better I’m about to use bone flowers grass all right bro all right I’m scared yo look at the was around our base o I like this we got little plants in front of our B we have you’re say you’re planting bomb right now no plants oh you’re planting it you’re planting bro

Coming so no to be hey Ryder on the floor can you go Min to give me a stack of uh iron I need iron please dude dude dude dude if you look around they’re the craziest caves dude we went into like this huge cave bro and

I got like almost a stack of diamonds bro dude they’re huge they’re no like I swear I swear I swear I can’t find anything just bad luck that’s bad luck that’s got to be bad luck cuz Okay okay I can’t find anything guess a bunch of Tores for M uh I

Need was my sister we’re so good at this sister I’m going to punch you I’m not saying that I’m not saying that we’re so good at this game he said he’s going to punch you no no no no you punch me huh okay so I want you

To come to my base we about to R about to start fighting bro I’m my gang blood what’s up then you don’t want to mess with me y you want to see the farm I’m making right now yes TP me wait what kind of farm are you

Making look oh in the backyard you’re making a farm oh wait no oh wait okay in the front y right not jump on the thing bet bet bet make some wheat and stuff yeah we need there going to be Farmers uh keep planting our stuff all Right you know what I’m going to go I’m going to go get some sand so we can make some windows and some glass and little like house on the freaking uh on the farm like a little like you know like the little farm houses bro Jaden’s back again bro he

Said bye and then he’s like hi again minutes why is there water everywhere she was talking and then later I asked again yo the house look at this really no put it shot what the yo why is there water here that’s why I said I just said that where

Is that water bro what the gas man what’s going on why are there a bunch of bro what are you doing I’m trying to block off the water bro no no no no you’re supposed to get a paale get one of your pales and like try

To I don’t know sponge we we ain’t going to get sponges bro come on got it man you’re not a dog okay you’re getting you’re getting oh my God that’s so embarrassing is that your sister yes bro she’s she’s getting punch right away on that’s like on site right

Now on site she’s getting punched yo suj hson hold on I’m going to invite him hold on Sue let’s go we’re good to point all the uh the farm stuff all right bet make a way bigger though y’ so Sal br yo stop bro what are you doing we not getting

Off I’m getting off in like 10 minutes yo my sister doesn’t have her iPad or her phone so she’s trying to get on the PlayStation she’s getting mad at me cuz I’m not getting off the pl do not listen to your sister when I didn’t have my phone she

Would never get off the PlayStation she always playing Minecraft so I’m not going to get off don’t get off just stay on until about 5 kidy is that the British kid no it’s it’s American kid not British kid say water D say water say bottle of water bottle of water

Okay yeah you’re getting leaked yeah little bro’s not Sleek about it oh my God bro just slay off bro come on bro slay off is crazy R stop bro you’re bullying me bro stop slay op is crazy no joke just stop bro stop hey Y how much do you got

Seeds yeah I don’t got no seeds I want to commit suicide cuz I’m wow I’m waiting wow Michael you’re bro you’re sick Michael you’re sick are you harassing me maybe oh y we’re getting way more cows shoot oh shoot what happened a what up torch here go inside your little

Cage I all to grow a big here yes bro oh my gosh there’s so many cows bro jeez we ain’t never going hungry diamonds yeah bro and let’s wait I’m going to have neite before you guys do wow we already have diamond tools D that’s a netherite stupid BR we have so much

Cows checking the perimeter all right Michael I have a question for you why you so mean to me it’s you’re British and Queen Elizabeth died Queen Elizabeth What Queen Elizabeth [ __ ] what she died like what like what learn it little bro [ __ ] what you going to do about it what you going to do about it what you going do about it what you going to do about what you going to do little BR little BR don’t

Talk to me little British boy don’t talk to me little British boy stop bro you’re making a mad just say something [ __ ] or something bro bro chill bro just chill bro chill Elizabeth is dead down the ground never be [ __ ] you never going to see her again stop

Bro just stop Michael chill out chill St tra right there’s a Traer right yeah I’ll stop right here who is play three emeralds for a black of ice you’re black ice who will play Four emeralds for a slime ball who play Emerald for a flower this

Kid is annoying who play Emerald for two freaking loot you suck I’m about to kill this stupid long lost freaking tror you’re dead what you you’re scammer make you sa say what yeah K you’re never going to see her again she gone she’s long gone for now yo I

Just forgot we need to make potions what you mean for now and she deserved it ug she deser I’m renovating she deser you so why I don’t like you people it’s cuz you’re jealous that I actually have a dad unlik you that’s crazy so mean to me R kick him he’s so

Mean he’s hurting my feelings he’s making me cry I’m not kicking you but you’re Mak [Laughter] me me how long have you known this crackhead little British boy no that’s that’s crazy I never heard that before that’s actually crazy how long have you known this cocaine sniffing

Man some come here so mean what aggressive my dude all right bro all right look who’s talking a shoot British people need be nice here one second americ F okay you see he’s being mean to you D Bri boy where’s your Queen Elizabeth where’s your queen huh oh in

Ground right now because see she wants to take a long nap long long nap long nap is crazy 9 or something 100 I don’t know what yo wait I’m coming to you boss what pres laid up like where are you yeah you have a pres where’s your what I don’t see anything he

Right he laying right for me I don’t know what talking I’m get screenshot of this bro wait what when I take the screenshot he’s not there at got up look some people see it differently some people see on the bed some people see on the floor outside their door like this

Man literally on the staircase oh that’s why can you bro who just farted probably this British boy no no no no I heard it I heard it okay bro all right all right Michael you can’t be talking bro you literally beads all day I see the P weird that’s crazy might as

Well just say depends on what time you’re chicken all we all know it’s popey or KFC okay okay bro no it’s Kan it’s not healthy you shut up the night brother go to the Wen Mansion I’ll send you the court I don’t want to go I don’t want to

Go too I’m too weak for that bro where are the monsters nearby bro we have like full on like security how are there monsters nearby oh there’s a creeper chill chill chill there’s a creeper run run run run stay over here BOS stay over here what are you doing

Dog what are you doing why are you letting him in no bro no no no no no hold up hold up hold up I know how to deal with this yo stay here stay here stay here I don’t want him to blow up stay stay stay here stay my game this is

Trash me boyash dnsh boy I’ll beat you up M yeah you bum yeah armor that’s for your own horse a I bet we have a horse pin just remember that British I think you think I should let my horse out for he he can a little bit

Kill your horse yeah but but like keep track of it yeah that that’s what Michael said I’ll eat your horse honestly no freaking monster if you’re telling a freaking person to kill their own horse you know you’re know going B your horse over bro yo I just found a perfect idea what

If he make like a another room inside our freaking house like beside our house maybe yeah but not yet not yet not yet not yet not yet don’t do it yet don’t do it yet cuz we have a fence and everything we don’t have to re renovate

The fence and everything so not yet I’m not talking about like we don’t build it like next to the fence like next to it oh like a little like pen or something maybe we could build like I’m not sure like we can build it like in the back of the

House oh right here like a shed yo look at yeah like a little shed right here we can make like a portal all right let me make some space right here we already have the obsidian I already have the freaking uh Ste all right yeah make another portal

Then rid of this yo not don’t get rid of this don’t get rid of this oh leave it like this I’m going to put stairs here yeah this going to be a nice room space I’m I’m I’m I’m going to make it like this big all right bro what

Why is my controller yo remember you can use any block you want for the corners of the nether portal right bro dang it bro what was I going to say bro you want a te you want some tea I don’t think he’s even talking to you anymore [Laughter] bro chill out

Shoot I forgot to make the stairs one two three all that should be enough let’s go a shoot nice yo look like there name right here little entr to the shoot my dog is changing my chasing my cat around and I’m going to eat your dog stop stop bro no no bro seriously

Stop right there stop being mean to me Ryder I’m not being mean to you boy are harassing me no I’m not we got to put like iron stuff right here doors I know make make the Nether Portal there make the Nether Portal there you have what do you want Jaden 12

S you want me to make the you need to go to the psychiatric hospital you want me to make the ne portal yeah or wait actually no I have the obsidian for it hold up yeah the is inside your chest I’m just going make I’m just going make it okay wait wait

Wait give it give it give it n no no no what are you doing R let me give you a tip take off the corners use the use obsidian the corners too I know that you dummy here uh use a I’m going take some

Blocks out of my chest so you can use it on the oh I got yeah I have blocks yeah you can put it on the side and I can light it up and go to the oh what happened why you on fire oh bro you going to burn our house

Down bro chill out going to die dead no I’m on one and a half heart bro bro J J Jan’s asking us to join bro agree yes I agree you’re not joining bro what you got make it right here want to make it right here right wait you guys are going to

The ne yeah invite me n bro no Michael bro shut up you this boy oh my God if I do something to you all right light it up light it up yes what you going to what no King I’m your other king or something you just admit to touching me oh

Crap I got exposed all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go to the nether you got to go to the nether yeah wait hold on I put my diamond stuff on hold up yeah give me a second hold up I need make Pig hey I have your raw gold here

Take it take it take it put it put it in the b f put it put it in the b f you have some I give it you I think you left inside my chest no we need to make our own chest like at the nether portal that

Has gold inside of it all right how about you do you go do that you go do that while I do this I have gold right now I need I just need wood can I take some of your wood bro yeah you only got three pieces anyway yeah I don’t need

It I’m might go might just go get a little bit more no jayen no I need food bro eat this Ro flesh who cares I’m eat anything to get my freaking back up I can run I here I have enough chest now I make dude Sue is like I don’t think Su

Good bro who sue that British boy yeah he’s mad bro he’s mad no I just breathe um account I hope you I’m about to make the chest for the can join let’s go no bro get him out of here guys rate my rate um guys this briti boy has no R Oh my

Jesus yo baby girl you want some b or some te [ __ ] let let me invite you to some te ready it’s ready ready it it mate it that’s what you say I agree with you a it remember we need to get another right when we come here so we

Got we need to get TNT what did this what meand R rder kick this fat [ __ ] kick this British boy that was funny that was funny that was actually funny bro I might end up kicking Michael cuz of that that’s actually funny wow wow wow I’m kidding Michael wow wow I trees trees

This trees don’t get me dirty he just said not don’t give me dirty hey boss wait bro you are dirty say that I didn’t say that Michael said that Michael how could you how youel good you how good you Michael I I am fighting I am can I kill some of the

Little CS here like the little cows like the ones that in separate PRS like the two ones like there’s two cows in seate P Michael I’m going to need you to shut I one need you to bend over and take out them pants oh what the fck asking me to nasty you’re

Nasty [ __ ] ass up you already inside the ne right now no I’m getting sand so we can make TNT to get nether right no h hone I’m about to cook up some meat why am I putting it I’m over here putting thing is that what you Bri I’m bringing at

Least five at least five food all right he’s the C beef bark all right you’re getting kicked Michael y k did you say I’m start the ne portal shut your shut up shut up mate you bum do people tell you that in school a do do people tell you this in school yo

Bum don’t talk to me like don’t talk to my mate like that or I’m going cut you up Mike what this kid doing bro tching himself I was saying that shut your ass up all right bro I think you need to get off the gate for a little

Bit stop barking bro you guys are weird what offended me I dare you I bark again bark again I dare you you know need the corners but another I’m pretty sure so I Thought this yeah yeah bro Su what are you doing bro doing you no yeah kick himick him he saved himself I’m not going to kick him I’m not going to kick him he saved himself little bro talk smacked about your mom personally I want to let

That SL okay I’m on full hor now bit bark bark all right bro Michael this is your last warning what serious what you Ser yeah get shoot I have like a bunch of sand on me hold up we’re doing good bro we’re doing so good real now for so long little Bros I’m

Almost up I have barely diamonds but you know just made diamond pick like half of a stack of ir five gunpowder okay I’m tired oh you’re black Ain no way he just said that a no way BL you better shut your ass up you better sh up

Mate I thought I didn’t enchant my diamond arm a I didn’t spawn in yet I’m getting attack again where are we at what we spawn at we spawn in some little cave thingy no bro who is making that weird noise bro wait what wait where you at bro oh you over

There I’m over I’m I’m trying to mine some quartz May for a good design for the house what’s quarts bro oh my God Michael oh my gosh don’t talk to me Michael don’t talk to me no never mind never mind no what did Michael Say what Did Michael say he’s like let’s

Qui hey yo where you at God over here oh my God I never met anyone dumber than m j my God my God don’t me either oh my we got to find a way out of here real o I want this find a way out find a way

Out y a way out why is there a skeleton as soon as freaking oh yeah there’s a skeleton right here oh shoot mag cubes mag back up back up these guys a’t backing up bro oh shoot let me get this Enderman man oh my God he teleport killing all these

Skeletons it’s freaking M Cube after me cuz I hit it I’m dipping I’m going to go somewhere else bro there’s too many skeletons here bro skeletons are mad annoy find blaz rods I forgot here we we can get some glaze rods some glaze rods what what what do you mean what huh huh

Huh you what bro bro s you’re actually being annoying bro be quiet all right I see gas that boy B that boy B that boy big oh shoot I think we just found the oh I found a fortress I found a fortress for Fortress yo oh yo let’s get

In a shoot I need regen oh I’m here I’m here yo you have gold right no this is a pigman home oh my God bro hold up I have gold on me I have gold on me good good good good are they all get M yes I’m

Gold dang at me bro hold up is there is there loot in this place is there loot we can get in this place see a chest I see a chest where where yo yo yo let me get some what’s in there what’s in there what’s in there obsidian there’s a

Pigman behind you chill chill ch ooh let me get some of this holy crap yo get your gold out get your gold out where’s your gold oh my God shoot why am I Frozen they froze me wait why am I Frozen what is controlling me you’re back you’re back was not getting

Controller like I literally was not bro I see the best gold mine out there bro you got all that freaking gold right there oh yeah hey I got gold bro I’m about to die I’m about to die bro they hitting me for no reason I literally have go I’m about

Die oh my God I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead you’re so right the big cave is too yeah I Lally had gold on me but they still freaking didn’t freaking PR me I was throwing them the gold and everything got you got you got you I’m

About to die I’m going to TV back to you let me just let me oh I’m lagging soad bro what you hit me for what you hit me for I’m lagging so bad bro this is actually you hitting me for what are you hitting me for bro we just where’s my

Bed why are we back in spawn oh my God bro hold on right yo hold on I’m going to try tping myself to O Ops TP to The Village hey guys something crazy is is is why why why did that happen every time you try to spawn at the

Village like this is where I spawn every time I die this is where I spawn at get this St oh my God lag I saw chest and Gold Everywhere bro hold on I’m going to try and go back hold up this cave Diamond Little Blackie I just freaking took out a freaking

Hine of freaking zombies I just took out all of them oh I see I I had mother-in-law and I just sign now these want to play pretty sure I was attive 2000 like yeah we were at negative I’m pretty sure I know we didn’t just lose all our

Stuff inside that freaking CH all the stuff but I still got the iron and stuff bro why are you guys bro what are you singing bro it’s mad annoying bro you guys are actually bro I two bro and I got I got two end bro we got

Two I don’t know you found the village hey bro you found a village uh I so close to the end hold on hold on hold on hold on I think I I think I’m close to it I think I saw the coordinates of your stream before you

Went to the nether I think I don’t know though you don’t know okay 1,800 wait what’ you say I think the last number was 1,800 that’s leg all I remember was liar I know like Li yeah I got to get off track why fin bro cuz my sister keep whining for the

Play you been on for 2 hours R I know your coordinates I went back to your stream a little bit it’s 2272 and 1,830 I’m coming R hold on let me TP back to my base and then I’ll get off okay 272 negative 272 yeah then

What ah then I uh the middle number is like I don’t know 60 I think no no no 70 it’s 75 and the last number is 1,837 30 so let’s see if it works oh my bro it’s somewhere I I just landed on a sand Island the I hit that ground are where am I the heck oh Sho I put negative for instead of positive hold up I did it wrong wait what was the the positive one

Was the last one right yeah all the way to the right okay get this zombie off me bro I’m going to Me let’s go negative no no that’s negtive that’s negtive 2000 yeah you’re right you’re right I is that’s wrong this guy how is it wrong the first number was negative oh shoot my bad guys what day is it today Tuesday like what else is to say I swear to

God I see zombies and spiders everywhere BR dude this zombie I’m going to my God bro get this get this get this teleport me please work this time I’m going to do something crazy all right get come on what do you mean use the up Arrow

Oh I’m here I’m here yeah I got here I’m back at why is my base on fire my base is on fire bro why is our base on fire BR like it’s the whole thing hold let me see this let see whole thing n n this n n all I work

What the fu laughing you laughing bro are you laughing freaking B f [Applause] I can’t breath I can’t breath oh my God bro what you man you B what the you put me in a lava trap now you do this bro that just house man you took all my stuff too you took all my stuff bro I don’t play Minecraft anymore bro how done bro

This video, titled ‘PUBLIC Minecraft Server | JOIN US! | #18’, was uploaded by TwinkleToeElites on 2024-01-03 01:08:55. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:04 or 7504 seconds.

Very sophisticated group of teenagers.

We do a lot of funny stuff, so we thought, let’s make a channel to show it all on! Expect everything you would from a channel run by immature middle schoolers. #minecraft #minecraftlive #livestream

  • End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner’s Home! – Chill Survival – #16

    End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner's Home! - Chill Survival - #16 Exploring End Fortresses and the Ranch Owner’s Home in Minecraft In the latest episode of Minecraft survival gameplay, our adventurous player embarks on a journey to discover End Fortresses and work on the ranch owner’s home. The world of Minecraft is filled with endless possibilities, and our player is determined to create a stylish and unique environment while enjoying the thrill of survival. Discovering End Fortresses The quest begins with the exciting task of searching for End Fortresses. These mysterious structures hold valuable loot and pose a challenge to even the most seasoned players. Armed with determination and a… Read More

  • Mario Trolls Minecraft Players Pt. 2

    Mario Trolls Minecraft Players Pt. 2 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Building Your World In Minecraft, players have the freedom to construct their own worlds using various blocks and materials. From simple houses to intricate castles, the only limit is your imagination. Utilize different tools and resources to bring your creations to life and design a world that is uniquely yours…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod Pack!

    Insane Minecraft Mod Pack! The Exciting World of CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi in Minecraft? RSmoody has compiled an exciting mod pack for all Minecraft enthusiasts to enjoy. Let’s explore what this mod pack has to offer! What is CRAZYCRAFT Mod Paketi? CRAZYCRAFT mod paketi is a unique collection of mods that add a whole new level of excitement to the Minecraft gaming experience. From crazy creatures to epic adventures, this mod pack has it all. Get ready to embark on thrilling quests and encounter dinazors, all within the world… Read More

  • Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial

    Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial Unlocking X-Ray Vision in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? In this guide, we will show you how to obtain X-Ray vision in Minecraft Java Edition using a special X-Ray texture pack. Let’s dive in! Step 1: Downloading the X-Ray Texture Pack To begin, open your browser and search for the X-Ray resource pack. Be cautious of potential harmful websites and only download from trusted sources. Once you find a reliable website, navigate to the file section and download the pack that corresponds to your game version. Using the wrong version may… Read More


    STEALING IRON in MINECRAFT Minecraft Adventures: Day 1 – The Quest for Iron Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a thrilling day in the world of Minecraft! Our intrepid player, Contxt, is on a mission to find iron. Armed with determination and a trusty pickaxe, the adventure begins. Setting Out As Contxt ventures into the vast, blocky landscape, the possibilities are endless. From towering mountains to lush forests, every corner holds the promise of discovery. The hunt for iron is on, and nothing will stand in the way! Challenges Await Exploring caves and tunnels, Contxt encounters a variety of challenges. From hostile… Read More

  • Moo-tiful Minecraft Cow Farm: Easy 1.20 Tutorial

    Moo-tiful Minecraft Cow Farm: Easy 1.20 Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where cows roam free, I’ll show you a farm that’s easy as can be. With 1.20 update, new features to explore, Let’s dive right in and learn some more. Dipesh Indian Gamer, the man with the plan, Bringing you tutorials, making you a fan. Cow farm tutorial, a viral sensation, Trending video, sparking admiration. In Minecraft PE, version 1.20, Creating a cow farm, plenty of plenty. From survival mode to creative design, This tutorial will make your farm shine. So grab your tools, let’s get to work, Building a farm, no need to shirk…. Read More

  • Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024

    Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024 In the world of Minecraft, a new portal’s in sight, Cocomelon-themed, shining bright. With songs and fun, it’s a joyful sight, Bringing smiles and laughter, day and night. Crafting blocks and melodies, hand in hand, Exploring new worlds, across the land. With each step taken, a new adventure begins, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity wins. So gather your friends, and join the fun, In the Cocomelon portal, under the sun. Let your imagination soar, let your dreams take flight, In this magical world, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy

    Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy In this video, we dive into the fake Minecraft scene, Exploring knock-offs that are far from serene. From Kogama war4 to Mine clone 4, Each one a copy, but we want more. Minecraft builder and Build and crush, World craft 2 and Noobic boom crusher, hush. These imitations may not be the real deal, But they still bring a sense of thrill. So join me on this journey, filled with laughter and fun, As we explore these fake Minecrafts, one by one. Don’t forget to like and subscribe, spread the word, For more gaming content, stay tuned and heard. Read More

  • EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft!

    EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft! Exciting Minecraft Adventure: Lucky Block Tower Race! Join Sand and KAYDNN in an exhilarating lucky block tower race in the world of Minecraft! The duo will be breaking random lucky blocks on their towers, with each block holding the potential for amazing treasures or unexpected challenges. The stakes are high as they compete to gather the best gear for an epic battle at the bottom of the tower. Who will emerge victorious – KAYDNN or Sand? The excitement is palpable as they dive into this thrilling Minecraft challenge! The Lucky Block Tower Race As the players take turns breaking… Read More

  • Magic Machines: A Wild Ride

    Magic Machines: A Wild Ride Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Machines and Magic in Applied Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft 1.20.1 modded with a selection of exciting mods that promise to enhance your gaming experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this latest installment. Discovering New Horizons As our intrepid gamer delves into the realm of Applied, they encounter a plethora of innovative features that breathe new life into the game. From advanced machinery to mystical spells, the possibilities are endless. Unleashing the Power of Technology One of the standout elements of… Read More

  • Pacifiky transforms Minecraft into Valorant!

    Pacifiky transforms Minecraft into Valorant!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But it’s a Valorant Game…’, was uploaded by Pacifiky on 2024-05-04 19:00:04. It has garnered 34 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:31 or 391 seconds. —– Get Buff Here!: —– ⚠DONT CLICK!⚠ ——————————— ——————————— Questions, Comments, Concerns, Requests? Go take this survey! ——————————— Tik tok: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: Merch: Discord: Patreon:​​ Tags: #Pacifiky #gaming Some Tags (Don’t hate me pls) Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is… Read More

  • “Minecraft XD – Shocking Slime Girl Repayment!” 🤯#viral

    "Minecraft XD - Shocking Slime Girl Repayment!" 🤯#viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘slime girl repayment 😳| #minecraft #animation #anime #viral #monster #school #mosters #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr. Minecraft XD on 2024-05-17 03:43:31. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information: Server IP: Server Discord: Version: Java 1.20.4 About V For Vanilla: V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on December 4, 2021. We offer players a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience with minimal admin intervention. Our community is diverse and welcoming to players looking for an authentic vanilla experience. Server Features: World Border At 30M No Map Resets Random, unprotected spawn area No TPA or Sethome Griefing & Killing Allowed No Duping (Exception for TNT bombers) Chat isn’t strictly moderated Dedicated server hosted in Finland Server Rules: Doxing will result in a permanent ban Cheating… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lazy? Think again!

    Minecraft Memes - Lazy? Think again!Just because they spend all day mining for diamonds doesn’t mean they’re lazy – they’re just efficient! Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME 🔥💀 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Diamonds Galore! Minecraft Let’s Play

    Diamonds Galore! Minecraft Let's Play Welcome to Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 2 – Diamonds Await! Exploring the Minecraft World In this exciting episode of Let’s Play Minecraft, our adventurers dive deep into the world of Minecraft in version 1.20.1. Armed with a trusty seed of -1056946488598000456, they set out on a quest to uncover the precious diamonds hidden within the vast landscapes. Mod Madness Equipped with an array of mods including Fabric Loader, Fabric API, Sodium, Indium, and more, our players enhance their gaming experience with features like improved graphics, new entities, and enhanced gameplay mechanics. The addition of Iris Shaders and Continuity adds… Read More

  • Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale!

    Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale! Exploring the Depths of Minecraft’s Prominence 2: The End Realm As the journey through Minecraft’s Prominence 2 continues, players are faced with new challenges and mysteries. The End Realm, home to the formidable Ender Dragon, has become a boss-like entity known as the End Eye. This unexpected twist marks the beginning of the second chapter, revealing the vastness of the world that awaits exploration. The End Eye: A Formidable Foe The transformation of the End Realm into the End Eye introduces a new level of difficulty for players. This powerful entity presents a formidable challenge, requiring strategic planning and… Read More

  • “Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!” | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity Streamer

    "Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!" | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Witchy Redstone Again! | Java Minecraft | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-05-08 14:07:46. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:00 or 6960 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for… Read More

  • The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars Mastery

    The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars MasteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Bedwars] The Never-Ending Quest To Be Good At This Game :pensive:’, was uploaded by Fuggles on 2024-06-01 09:39:29. It has garnered 73 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:34 or 5554 seconds. This is live please subscribe! #gaming #hypixel #minecraft #bedwars Twitter: Discord: (you gotta be 13+) Newest Upload: Cool Channel: Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1

    Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 in Minecraft | How to play Minecraft | Tutorial #1 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Games With Viper on 2024-04-20 03:11:11. It has garnered 298 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Day 1 in Minecraft | How to Find Village In Minecraft | Tutorial #2 Hey guys i always wanted to post a video on this topic and finally i did it. I hope you guys will find it useful. Please do not forget to give like to this video and please do comment, so that… Read More

  • “BONINGRO – BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰” #minecraftsurvivaltips

    "BONINGRO - BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰" #minecraftsurvivaltipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live ❤ #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by BONINGRO on 2024-03-24 01:02:14. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:06 or 3006 seconds. Welcome to BONINGRO! 🎮✨ Hey there, fellow gamers and friends! I’m “Subhajit”, just a shy guy who loves the thrill of gaming and the joy of making new friends. Join me on my adventures in Valorant, where strategy meets skill, and every match is a story waiting to unfold. But that’s not all – I’m all about variety! So, expect to see me diving… Read More

  • Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamer

    Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘EPIC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce’, was uploaded by uLmElKa on 2024-01-26 09:31:08. It has garnered 2829 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. EPIC SYNC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce @KG411GD Read More

  • Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!

    Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WITHE THE VEIWRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by Nobu’s_Back_In_Blue on 2024-03-24 06:24:35. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:35 or 7355 seconds. Toriyama Read More

  • VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VR

    VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘VR 360° GIANT MRBEAST ATTACKS the TITANIC (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by VR Planet – Minecraft on 2024-06-01 11:45:01. It has garnered 9796 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. Giant MrBeast Attacks the Titanic! Minecraft Animation(4K, 3D). 360/VR video. 📌Our other YouTube channels: 👉VR Planet(2nd channel): @VRPlanet 👉VR Planet – GO!: @vrplanetgo MrBeast: ►How to watch 360°(VR) video on Youtube? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To watch 360-degree video (360) on YouTube, a headset is not required – all you need is a mobile device or desktop computer. Instead of… Read More


    Shad SPEEDRUNNER VS ANIME FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-26 17:00:26. It has garnered 117891 views and 2661 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:33 or 1233 seconds. Today, Shad is ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft! Will Shad get all his anime god powers? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cat Dance ft. PigmanBruh

    Insane Minecraft Cat Dance ft. PigmanBruhVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa (With Every Minecraft Cat)’, was uploaded by PigmanBruh on 2024-01-04 11:00:15. It has garnered 4356 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Don’t worry, it’s just some silly cats vibing to “dubidubidu” by Christell Animation made with Blender, the open-source 3D modelling, animating, and compositing software. Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java #minecraft #animation #memes Read More

  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is an online community that was established in 2020 as a place for people to connect, chill, and play games together. We currently have 5 active players and are looking to expand our community. Main Attractions: Active Staff: Always ready to assist Events: Regular contests and activities Role System: Obtainable roles with perks Economy System: Money drop from mobs, shops, and more Protected Areas: Player market and village plots Quality Hosting: Smooth gameplay experience We value community input and encourage discussions and suggestions for improvement. Join Us Today! Visit our Discord server for more… Read More

  • Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft’s Planting Pleasure

    Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft's Planting Pleasure In Minecraft’s world, cherry groves do bloom, With seeds aplenty, each one a boon. From mountains to lakes, villages to caves, Explore the possibilities, be brave. Seed 20, mountains and cherry groves so grand, A sight to behold, in this blocky land. Seed 19, a large cherry grove awaits, Explore and discover, open the gates. Seed 18, a cherry grove by the lake, A peaceful spot, a perfect break. Seed 17, a ruined portal village to see, Adventure awaits, come with me. Seed 16, a double ancient city to explore, History and mystery, what’s in store? Seed 15, a… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Loopin’ & Laughin’!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Loopin' & Laughin'! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #funny #loop Read More


    DINOSAUR ZOO - BREED & TAME FOR BABY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft DINOSAUR ZOO HOUSE MOD / SPAWN DINOSAURS TO BREED AND TAME FOR BABY MOBS ! Minecraft Mods’, was uploaded by MC Naveed – Minecraft on 2024-05-21 11:15:00. It has garnered 10613 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:57 or 4437 seconds. Minecraft DINOSAUR ZOO HOUSE MOD / SPAWN DINOSAURS TO BREED AND TAME FOR BABY MOBS ! Minecraft Mods – In todays Minecraft Dinosaur Mod we will spawn Trex Indominus Rex and other types of dinosaurs and find them a home inside our Dino Zoo that could replace Jurassic Park… Read More

  • Minecraft Hardcore: Medieval Survival!

    Minecraft Hardcore: Medieval Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived Minecraft Hardcore In Medieval Times!’, was uploaded by ConnorIGL+ on 2024-03-06 17:32:03. It has garnered 2263 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:48 or 4548 seconds. Hardcore Modded One Block Survival! ➔ This new modpack series inspired by PaulGG in #minecraft #hardcore is so fun! Not sure if we can make it to #100Days but we can try! ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– • CTRL [Code IGL] 10% OFF ➔ GFUEL [Code IGL]➔ • Elgato ➡ • Merch ➔ • Twitch ➡​ • Twitter ➡​ •… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Surviving 4K Days Underwater in Minecraft Hardcore with Kazumi in Malaysia

    Unbelievable! Surviving 4K Days Underwater in Minecraft Hardcore with Kazumi in MalaysiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘MALAYSIA 4K Days In Minecraft Hardcore | Under Water’, was uploaded by Kazumi on 2024-02-20 08:52:22. It has garnered 170 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:12 or 8412 seconds. Donation Link: =========================== =MY SOCIAL MEDIAS= -= TikTok – L1l Kaz -= FACEBOOK PAGE – kazbrahh -= INSTAGRAM – kazumi. cs -= Discord Server – Read More

  • daKatz Goes Back in Time on Minecraft SMP! (Ep. 13)

    daKatz Goes Back in Time on Minecraft SMP! (Ep. 13)Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing On A Minecraft SMP Like Its 2012 Again (Episode 13)’, was uploaded by daKatz on 2024-01-11 15:00:03. It has garnered 519 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:13 or 2653 seconds. 🌍 Welcome to Episode 13 of my brand new Minecraft adventure on the “Some SMP” server! Join me as we explore a unique survival experience on this freshly created server. The IP address is “,” so feel free to hop in and play alongside me. 🎮 In this series, I’m taking a different approach to content creation. I aim… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Tips to DOMINATE | @MulticortT” #minecraft #shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft Tips to DOMINATE | @MulticortT" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Les PIRES astuces Minecraft de @MulticortT #minecraft #shorts #minecrafttutorial #noob’, was uploaded by Oeslai on 2024-05-03 15:42:02. It has garnered 24233 views and 1385 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. ✌ This is Oeslai, subscribe and everything will go well 😏 ✨It’s a totally original CHANNEL that will make you smile thanks to its ENTERTAINING and VARIED content!!! 🔔Activate the notification bell ↪️To be informed of my next videos! PROJECT GOLD ROBLOX is available on our discord!!!😁😁😁: DONATIONS : 🟣Twitch : 🎶TikTok : 📸Instagram :… Read More


    HUGE HIVE LIVE COLLAB STREAM! MUST SEE 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS COLLAB STREAM W/ @ProfMush ??? 👀 | !subgoal !discord 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-04-29 09:11:52. It has garnered 260 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:55 or 5935 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp #bedwars Read More


    INSANE KEYBOARD GAMERS - 🚀MINECRAFT SPECIAL LIVE EVENT | JOIN NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | SPECIAL EVENT TODAY | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-03-04 05:16:29. It has garnered 125 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:16 or 5776 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | SPECIAL EVENT TODAY | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India insta :- To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The… Read More

  • 🔴 LIVE Late Night MINECRAFT Madness with the Bois!! 😱

    🔴 LIVE Late Night MINECRAFT Madness with the Bois!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 late night MINECRAFT with the bois – LIVE🔴| maybe some Q&A |’, was uploaded by OVDR on 2024-01-28 09:35:23. It has garnered 136 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:18 or 13098 seconds. 🎥 In Today’s Stream: We are playing Minecraft Survival with the bois! Will I die to “natural” causes , or will I die trying? Watch to find out! 💬WEBSITE: 🟣DISCORD: 🔵TWITTER: 🟢Join this channel to get access to perks: 📦PLAYLISTS Can You Survive ► Mod Reviews ► Silly Vids ►… Read More

  • Top secret Minecraft sand hack revealed! 😱🔥 #HerobrineVSgod

    Top secret Minecraft sand hack revealed! 😱🔥 #HerobrineVSgodVideo Information This video, titled ‘which sand wins #minecraft #animation #herobrine #gaming #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraft’, was uploaded by @MR ALI GAMER😎 on 2024-02-28 11:00:34. It has garnered 297 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More