JOINING THE #1 MOST *INSANELY* RICH FACTION | Minecraft Factions | Minecadia

Video Information

Yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today back for another episode of the faction series here on of course if you guys want to check out the server please consider using that custom IP because whenever you guys do it does directly support me and the channel and if you

Guys want to support yourselves and me even further whenever you hop on and do slash redeem Royal it’s gonna give you some free gold and some free money to start off here on factions also let me go ahead hop out of the slash disguise I just disguised as random people

Sometimes cause like I get followed whenever I’m chilling in Adventures sometimes especially if I’m fishing but now we are back and I’ve been grinding Adventures off camera a little bit we are currently on the mining stage of everything this one it sucks to level up but I’ve already finished wood cutting

I’ve already finished fishing and I’ve already finished farming so the only things I have left is Mining and then Slayer and then we’re gonna be level 100 on every single skill and that will unlock the final tier of loot but there is PB P enabled there I don’t know if

We’re gonna be checking that out in today’s episode because in today’s video we finally have some faction-esque things planned out I want to get a god set I’m going to build it off camera mostly so I don’t have to bore you guys with it but I haven’t really talked

About the faction that we’ve joined this season this season we are in the faction tacos as you guys know this is only 10 men’s but it is unlimited roster size so right now currently you know the faction tacos my faction is 10 out of 10 online

But if you do slash f-top we are f-top number one and this season is no longer faction points for f-top f-top number one is just calculated by strictly value pretty much OG faction so we have 26 billion dollars of current value the next closest is Rome with 18.6 billion I

Do believe Rome is a pretty decent faction as well so we’re beating these guys but it’s not by too much and then straw hats is literally right behind Roman number three akari is number four himmo slides I’m I think that’s like a freaking old spook member or like Wise

Guys or something something like that so there’s like five factions this season that are actually gonna be good and it’s gonna be calm mainly because it’s 10 men’s and then this is the f-top number one point to Menace is our Ally I know I’m not in the faction right now like I

Said but as you guys can see Menace is Allied to tacos they are F hunts number one as you guys can see right here so currently the best points faction is with the best value faction which I think it makes for a pretty decent combination and I do know my faction

Tacos has already won the first raid event of the entire season I unfortunately wasn’t online and you know I don’t think I’ll ever be online for one of those in 10 men’s because it gets pretty serious what the hell is a buzzy Beetle dude because it gets pretty

Serious and with only 10 slots I definitely don’t want to be the down carry of the team but yeah in today’s episode I definitely want to make some more money because if you guys didn’t watch the last one we ended up starting on our own personal solo box finally and

We don’t have a lot of spawners right now and hopefully that’s gonna kind of change in today’s episode now TNT doesn’t enable for a couple more days but whenever TNT enables I’m hoping to be online to snipe some spawners to play place in my box and I haven’t really

Done a cray key opening in this season just yet so uh that’s going to be changing today and we have three Galaxy Rune pouches right here let’s hope we get something decent equalizer for 90 success that is actually super good we’re gonna need that for today’s god

Set insomnia one is terrible and then Jules 2 also terrible but the equalizer 4 is a big dub so now that that’s out of the way let’s head over into my pv2 bro and I have a grip of July hype boxes and this is gonna be an insane opening okay

Obviously I’m not gonna show every single one of these but if you guys don’t know you only win one reward from each of these little height boxes my sounds are a little loud but let’s rip one of these open we will see what we get out of the first one of the entire

Season Nature’s wrath oh my whoa one off the golden knife dude no way oh my God we ended up getting a portable bar to Grant you and your allies nearby plus one level of strength for seven seconds I don’t I don’t think that’s that good but it’s fine because we haven’t ton

More chances here let’s just move on to the next one hopefully we get a little bit more lucky a lightsaber would be huge bro or a deuce I mean like I would take that as well man and it looks like maybe a smoke balloon no three Katie

Roll tickets Jesus Christ and what’s a fireworks pet launch yourself with the firework while being healed and watch your enemies be blinded by the lights I think this is actually a pretty decent pet this is a brand new one so we are gonna hang on to that but so far the

Rest of them like dude we’re literally winning pack collars we are getting rinsed out here oh my God bro more pet callers are we serious and it’s one at two and I’ve won one every single time it is actually disgusting okay finally we’ve gotten something that’s decent we still have to open this

A heroic Rune pouch let’s just pop it wow this is everything that we have won so far a bunch of Acadia roll tickets we got like one shiny scroll which is like a mid win yeah this is just this is not going good at all we won 20 million bro this is just

Disgusting we did get heroicothe upgrade I don’t know how good that is I didn’t really like put it in the video because it was kind of a whatever win but yeah we are getting rinsed bro gold knife I mean yeah that would have made up for it

But instead we’re gonna get some pet steak bro mystery admin item which we got another multi mask bro like leave it to me to actually be the most unluckiest player online because this is it’s actually not even making sense dude this is making no sense I think we have like 28 crates or

Something like that and you’re telling me now one good thing I mean okay another heroic cough upgrade but we’re only gonna have one crate after this just get me out bro I actually just lost full like I’m done with this final crate right here let’s see what we get I’m

Really hoping for some pack collars bro can’t wait to grab some more or some more portable Parts you know that’s always great too sick man thanks so yeah this opening was absolutely terrible this is everything that we got we got three heroic upgrades luckily we still have a small chance to redeem

Ourselves with these lost treasure loot boxes the high boxes were an absolute scam I’m not gonna cap bro those were terrible let’s open one of these lost treasure loot boxes I am praying we get something decent and a candy cane balloon another pack collar Voyage portal yeah bro these crates are just

Not it and yeah these crates were uh nothing worth showing at all that was was the last one right there we got a mystery star item pop this open a Grappler yeah dude I’m rage quitting all right guys well after losing a fool um I just came to grind Adventures it is now

Like bro how many hours later is it I don’t know but we just hit level 100 in Slayer honestly this was mad easy because all you gotta do is pretty much just kind of AFK looks straight at the ground and click and you will eventually hit all the Ender mites so we just

Finished Slayer now we have to go in and we have to hit every single other one and get it to level 100 and then we will unlock the tier VI Island now PVP is enabled at that island so I’m not sure how much grinding we’re even gonna get

Done over there because you guys might think like yeah you could just pull up and then like grind for a little bit and then die but I believe you’re gonna need like a tier six tool every single time which means you’re gonna need dust so if you keep dying eventually you’re gonna

Run out of dust and you won’t have enough to make another tool but like if I could just get a true scone with some of the people over there you know that would be fire but if I do slash Adventure Backpack now I’ve already sold

A lot of stuff I I sold all my pet collars for about a grab these other five and then AHL 55 mil again we are actually making bank with the uh with the adventures I actually had like seven start of the world crates or something

At one point sold all of them now we only have two and we are at a whopping 1.1 billion dollars which is insane and we finally sniped a spot in the faction I was literally grinding out my ax skill trying to get to level 100 but we’re not

Even doing this in today’s episode and if we do we need to make a god Set first anyway so now let me head over to my home box I have 1.2 billion dollars and a little bit of an update with this Farm guys um I forgot in the last episode you

Have to place water and then this is how you actually get the double drop so that is definitely my bad but we’re gonna be adding a ton more spawners over here so let’s get rid of these slimes and then just put in our inventory slash shop I’m

Spending all of my money on this maybe not all of it because I might want to keep some whenever I create a god set but definitely the majority yeah if you guys want to recreate this grinder definitely Place water so that way they don’t die to fall damage and they die to

The fire tick and you guys actually get the double drops like that’s completely my bad I let swatting build this for me and I just assumed it was gonna be perfect you know everything was made everything was done and bang There we go this is where we are leaving it off we

Only have 68 million dollars left over but our cow sacks should be getting a little bit higher they do take a little minute to die but again it’s worth the wait because of the double drops and yeah that was like 4 000 cows right there before they ended up dying we do

Slash chunk info we now have 16 000 cows all of this money has been straight from Adventures pretty much so yeah it’s not doing too bad but now let me take a cut I’m gonna set up that God set and I’ll bring you guys back in the

Next clip all right guys and we have a officially done it if I do slash Adventure real quick level 100 in everything and it’s kind of late at night you guys can see over here it says 2 A.M on the scoreboard so now is the

Perfect time to go over there I do have a faction member in call if I F who tayuko I’m gonna hop into a Discord call with him he told me to just go fish now listen we have the tier 6 Rod right here I’m gonna white scroll and I’m actually

Gonna hold it just in case we die and get beamed oh okay actually I don’t need to do anything to this and then we also have ourselves a Grappler just to try and get away I mean I have speed three so odds are if somebody does pull up on

Us I’m just gonna get beamed and we will lose our Six Star Rod right here but I do have enough dust to get another one so hopefully we don’t die I’m going with tayuko hopefully you know he kind of keeps an eye out for me and yeah we’ll

See what kind of loot we’re gonna be getting all right guys so we are here at the Bedrock lake level 100 um tayuko’s got my slash nears going apparently all right oh my God okay that dude over there I think is actually rocks kind of scared me for a second but

Even if we die here I think we keep on loot because it should go like directly into your backpack right oh my God look at that 1.4 million dollars from one fish bro that is actually crazy I kind of want to try farming and all of that

Other stuff here as well but for right now tayuko is covering me at slash lake so I’m just gonna stay here he’s got my slash near we’re gonna go ahead keep on doing this for as long as we can and I’ll bring guys back in the next clip

We’ll see how much loot we have in definitely how much money because right now we’re at 110 mil I think we’ve already gone up like at least 10 million dollars from being here all right so we were grinding for quite a bit of time

And now we want to do some PVP I did get this God set from finer he’s literally a fax member he just traded me this insane set bat six equalizer for planetary deathbringer one Abyss four with a lightsaber so we’re about to go crazy here hopefully I don’t die because I am

In a phantom set which means I get no damage reduction which which is a little crazy because I’m used to always pvping with it but I also have this Goblin set up here it’s just a quick little eight to ten lore the kids were like throw up

For them oh this is the upside yo where’s the upside go no this one yo holy yo yo to eat no I want my Landing oh my god look West Side don’t go west side not go west whoa what is this whoa whoa everybody free everybody free act like

You’re going over the drop down I’m in combat I’m in combat in the kitchen what’s his name I’m actually dead in my set no way I’m actually dead are you coming down coming down coming down my Pearl landed today oh my God I’m gonna say server lag I won’t say

Server lag and chat server like reboot I won’t bottom everyone Potter is yellow where even are you guys oh my God no you’re deep you’re deep you’re deep you’re deep you’re killing him we believe oh they’re Oblivion every P5 piece I lost that’s like thanks boys yeah we’re already stepping out all

Right I’m stepping out team wow all right we’re going out on the game let’s go oh my God yo that kid’s beating you he’s not 17. Airlines oh who killed him who killed him who killed him oh there was a mirage there was a mirage foreign I don’t know why everybody bro I have no cracking pet this is not good looks who drop is Mirage Mirage right here yo bro I literally spotted him you’re tweaking guys I don’t know how we just got that kill oh my God he was P he was

Half P5 what the hell he’s fully corrupt oh he actually just got dropped on his head and then we also got this weapon right here that was so weird dude I didn’t even have a kraken pet dude he actually miraged Pat and then like he just immediately flopped I don’t know

What buddy he’s doing with the silverfish pet but we are up team we are up thank you very much that is an insane set bull Goblin half P5 with this heroic oh my God he had a smoke balloon on it as well dude one he actually just got

Taxed bro I feel bad had a KB sword level 100 Thor pet wizard pet yo that was literally an insane kill Mirage pet right here oh my god dude I needed this IG PAD as well yo we’re up we’re up DG’s dude I feel like I’ve been getting to

Hold out of kills all night long man but we finally got one to ourselves that is a big w so guys I believe that is gonna do it for this episode man but before we ended off we can actually add some more spawners I have 375 mil and I have some

Stuff in the ah oh wait somebody bought one of the crates so we should probably put another one in there I forgot where I put them in my PV but Adventure BP real quick hold up we can open up these mystery admin items and yup two freaking

Masks we have not pulled anything else besides a mask but we can grab another start of the world crate and throw this bad boy on the a h for 22 mil and it’ll sell overnight but for right now let’s continue adding spawners to the grinder I’ve added some off camera already and

We actually have a pretty decent amount of spawners at the moment and bang There we go we added a couple more spawners now if I do slash chunk info we are at a whopping 28 000 getting really close to 30k and TNT is actually gonna enable

Tomorrow so I’m gonna be on for that hopefully we can hit some raids in the next episode grab some more cow spawners and keep expanding our farm because we’re actually starting to make a pretty decent amount of money but I haven’t shown off the base the entire season

It’s all completely done TNT’s gonna enable and like I actually don’t know maybe like 11 or 10 hours or something from right now what what is this why is this like this what I don’t know what this is but we did some PVP got a god Set kill did some Adventures got some

Lou got some money built up our little box and the season is going pretty well so far so yeah anyways if you guys did enjoy today’s episode of be sure you guys drop a like sub if you guys are new obviously come check out the server with and yeah I’ll catch

You guys in the next episode where TNT is going to enable

This video, titled ‘JOINING THE #1 MOST *INSANELY* RICH FACTION | Minecraft Factions | Minecadia’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2023-07-15 11:45:06. It has garnered 6647 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:41 or 1061 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft AXOLOTL Family Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having an AXOLOTL Family in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gara on 2024-05-12 00:08:06. It has garnered 27509 views and 393 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:24 or 1404 seconds. Today, Gara and his friends have an AXOLOTL Family in Minecraft! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #GaraAndKylie Read More

  • Cursed Walking Modpack: Ultimate Dragon Ball Z Adventure

    Cursed Walking Modpack: Ultimate Dragon Ball Z AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘THIS MODPACK IS EVERYTHING! // Minecraft: Cursed Walking Modpack – #1’, was uploaded by owTreyalP – Dragon Ball Z, Anime, and More! on 2024-02-14 22:08:21. It has garnered 8321 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:46 or 2026 seconds. I AM TERRIFIED BUT I AM EXCITED! Link to modpack – Can We Get 150 Likes for this Video?!? Thanks you guys! 😀 Thumbnail art by _________________________________________________________________ More Awesome Playlists: Dragon Block C: Season 1 – Dragon Block C: Season 2 – Dragon Ball Xenoverse – Naruto… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Lava Door Hack #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Lava Door Hack #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft simple lava door #shorts #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Joyboy Raj on 2024-05-17 22:30:05. It has garnered 10433 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Minecraft simple lava door #shorts #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #minecraft #gaming 👍👌❤️❤️👍👍❤️😊😊👌😍😍😓😓 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minivlog #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #survivalgame #survival #viral #viralshort #shortvideo #videos #viralshorts #youtubeshorts #gta #gtav #gta5 #gtarp #gtaonline #supercars #car #hulk #singleplayer #gaming #games #gamingshorts #gameplay #game #gamergirl #gamers #naruto #narutoshippuden #narutouzumaki #anime #animation #steve #alex #minecraftshorts #mining #enderman #enderdragon #gear5 #onepiece #joyboy 💖💖😊❤️❤️❤️😊👌😍😍💖💖 Minecraft is a sandbox… Read More

  • Bimbo Gamer’s SHOCKING Escape from Prison!! | Minecraft 1.20

    Bimbo Gamer's SHOCKING Escape from Prison!! | Minecraft 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘How I ESCAPED From This PRISON……. | Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by Gamer Bimbo on 2024-01-02 03:30:01. It has garnered 255 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:41 or 581 seconds. Discord: Insta: Escaping the deadliest Bedrock prison in Minecraft is a formidable challenge, requiring meticulous planning and resourcefulness. With bedrock’s unbreakable nature, the conventional methods of tunneling or breaking through walls are rendered ineffective. Instead, craftily exploit the prison’s layout, utilizing hidden passages and secret doors. Acquire rare and potent items to aid your escape, such as enchanted… Read More

  • Game Y15: How to Craft Epic Rail Iron Golem 💥

    Game Y15: How to Craft Epic Rail Iron Golem 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘rail iron golam 🤖 #viral #minecraft #gaming #games #video #trending #viral #shorts #weapon #edit’, was uploaded by Gaming Y15 on 2024-05-28 06:30:11. It has garnered 2079 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. rail iron golam 🤖 #viral #minecraft #gaming #games #video #trending #viral #shorts #weapon #editviral #minecraft #gaming #games #video #trending #viral #shorts #weapon #edit #minecraft #trending #viral #shorts #gaming #phonk#games#video minecraft #trending #viral #shorts #gaming #short video #shorts #minecraft #viral #gaming #short video #memes #video #edit#trending ………. ……. ….. …. … … .. .. .. . #trending… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE!! AbhayX10 reveals safest witch tower in Minecraft! #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE!! AbhayX10 reveals safest witch tower in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: witch safest tower! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AbhayX10 on 2024-03-20 10:43:37. It has garnered 43 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft: witch safest tower! #minecraft #shorts your queries:- meme memes dank memes meme compilation funny memes dank meme compilation memes compilation Minecraft server Shorts mob battle carty Minecraft mob battle past lives techno gamerz minecraft but minecraft challenge minecraft shorts minecraft mod minecraft but i cant touch grass minecraft but challenge minecraft speedrun camman18 minecraft minecraft speedrunner minecraft manhunt minecraft facts minecraft how to minecraft… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Troll EXPOSED!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Troll EXPOSED!Video Information This video, titled ‘Trolling The Most Racist Kid on Minecraft – REVEAL’, was uploaded by The Reuploader on 2024-01-11 06:45:16. It has garnered 405 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:59 or 239 seconds. Original Creator: XboxAddictionz/XboxPlayz Original Upload Date: Oct 8th, 2016 Original Description: The reveal and extra footage of the “Trolling The Most racist Kid on Minecraft” video.. If you enjoyed, be sure to drop a like! 😀 STALK ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! —————————————-­——- ● Twitter ● Twitch (Live Stream) ● Facebook ● Google+ MY MAIN CHANNEL! ————————————… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT OX Dance Goes Viral! #shorts

    INSANE MINECRAFT OX Dance Goes Viral! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi chapa dance in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT OX on 2024-05-05 09:00:44. It has garnered 12752 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. minecraft roblox minecraft shorts among us shorts bones vs believer imo minecraft baby bump minecraft shorts hero team minecraft fish cartoon smoke biscuit minecraft skibdi toilet shorts cash and nico roblox 2 + 2 bad boy songs minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek how to make a bird perch in… Read More

  • Minecraft: ONE TeeVee on a FAMILY BLOCK, SHOCKING!

    Minecraft: ONE TeeVee on a FAMILY BLOCK, SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘One TeeVee on a FAMILY BLOCK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by TeeVee on 2024-04-25 11:00:43. It has garnered 36176 views and 733 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:06 or 1626 seconds. One TeeVee on a FAMILY BLOCK in Minecraft! TeeVee goes inside his family member’s heads to find a way to escape! 📺 The video is inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash, Nico, Ethobot and Slime Block! TeeVee is a channel rated E for Everyone, making funny Minecraft content such as Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft animations and more! 📘… Read More

  • Forever Not Alone

    Forever Not AloneSmall serve to enjoy 😀 Rules: * Be polite. * Don’t lag the server. This server uses griefprevention to manage claims. Picture a cozy little Minecraft server, the digital equivalent of a snug living room where you and your buddies gather. It’s a place filled with laughter and mischief as you dig, build, and explore together. You create quaint houses, goofy pixel art, and underground hideaways, sharing tips and tricks along the way. When night falls, you huddle in your makeshift fort, swapping stories and battling zombies. This small server is your virtual hangout, a place where friendships are cemented… Read More

  • Mystmoor Semi-Vanilla SMP PVP Whitelist Hard Difficulty Land Claims Anti-Cheat Paper 1.20.6

    Mystmoor: Vanilla SMP Welcome to Mystmoor, a small whitelisted community dedicated to the classic Minecraft experience. Join us if you share our passion for the game’s core essence! What Mystmoor Offers: Friendly staff support Authentic vanilla gameplay with enhancements Immersive builds in the Overworld Challenge of Hard mode Strict measures against cheating and grief No pay-to-win Visit our website and join our Discord to embark on this journey with us today! Discord: Join us on Discord Website: Visit our website Instagram: Follow us on Instagram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Steve, Mindcraft’s Sensation!

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Steve, Mindcraft's Sensation!Why is Steve so short in Minecraft? Because he skipped leg day at the pixel gym! Read More

  • Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft’s Short Tale

    Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft's Short Tale In Minecraft, rails are key for your trains to roam, But making infinite ones can be quite a tome. Fear not, for I’ll show you a trick so sublime, To create endless rails, it’s not a crime. Gather your materials, iron and sticks in hand, Crafting a rail is simple, just as planned. But to make them infinite, a loop you must create, A farm of rails, a never-ending freight. Place your rails in a loop, connecting end to end, Watch as they multiply, a rail-making trend. Infinite rails, a sight to behold, In Minecraft, creativity never gets old…. Read More

  • Only 0.1% of players have the balls to try this TNT experiment in Minecraft

    Only 0.1% of players have the balls to try this TNT experiment in Minecraft That’s probably because the other 99.9% were too busy accidentally blowing themselves up with regular TNT. Read More

  • Village Madness in Minecraft Superflat Survival

    Village Madness in Minecraft Superflat Survival Minecraft Superflat Survival: Exploring Villages Galore! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft Superflat Survival! In this first episode of the series, players are immersed in a unique survival experience filled with villages galore. Let’s dive into the action-packed gameplay and discover the wonders that await in this thrilling adventure. Survival in a Superflat World In Minecraft Superflat Survival, players find themselves in a world where the terrain is entirely flat, presenting a new set of challenges and opportunities. With no natural hills or mountains to explore, survival becomes a test of creativity and resourcefulness. Players must navigate the… Read More

  • High-Pulse Minecraft Biome Parkour

    High-Pulse Minecraft Biome Parkour Minecraft Biome Parkour Adventure Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with the Biome Parkour series! Join the host as they navigate through challenging parkour courses set in various biomes, showcasing their skills and creativity in this thrilling gameplay. Exploring Diverse Biomes From lush forests to icy tundras, the Biome Parkour series takes players on a journey through a wide range of Minecraft biomes. Each biome presents unique obstacles and landscapes, providing a fresh and engaging experience for both the players and viewers. Challenging Parkour Courses The heart of the adventure lies in the intricate parkour courses designed within each… Read More

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