Joseph Anderson and the Weeb Server | Minecraft Q&A Highlights

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Yeah yeah yeah yeah oh wow there’s a bunch of people here how’s it going everybody so uh uh I I just want to preface the stream by saying this could be a complete disaster uh we tried out the server earlier today and it it runs it’s fine

But I don’t know how lucky it’s gonna be I don’t know if there’s going to be a lot of people that misbehave in chat and we’re gonna have to ban a bunch of people but um I can show it to you right now we’re paying the server oh no it’s down

Okay it worked okay this server went live like two hours ago Joe does not eat ass remember where I logged out and put this right here welcome to the shaft what let’s make a big dick guys this this server is two hours old how the [ __ ] did you do all this in two

Hours okay Chad’s Minecraft server uniting weaves one bridge at a time Bridge Chan is here to unite us with LinkedIn you guys what the [ __ ] you guys what did you while Chan is here to protect Senpai oh what is that what is that how’s it going

Lily great yeah is it going okay yes this is this is our community yeah yeah I gathered and they’re a lovely community for oh no you killed me yeah PVP is on by the way this is just made a giant wooden deck who killed me icqa that’s what you get retaliation that’s

What you get why are you a Charmander why everyone has a different skin and I’m the only one with the Microsoft Sam skin how do you get a different skin well actually I don’t know look at the this guy this guy’s [ __ ] had time to prepare him this guy’s Jared Leto look

At this guys Jared Leto this is a lumberjack kylo Ren -haired person Ralph clogs is his Avatar you see this [ __ ] look at look at this look at Rough clogs oh murderer you murderer oh dang you Bowser how are you Bowser damn is there uh is there fall damage in this game

There is all right oh can someone show Lily if you if you don’t have anything equipped and you look down and you dig it I can do it right it just looks like you’re jerking off right yeah I showed you my deck please response there you go Okay um oh we’re so mature so mature wait oh right it’s hard to tell it’s Gotta Be Right murder well disappointment ISS Capital ISS and I had a capital E is it a code what do you think Lily is it a code it might be a code it might be a code is

That Peter Griffin oh my gosh oh god oh [ __ ] is this a potato oh oh it’s bread oh thank you for the bread am I just vomiting right now oh okay cool all right back in VR all right the lag’s pretty bad 11037 1 wheat pillar if you read the Sierra

Wave oh no breaking case of Q and A all right foreign open it up a chest it might be great but until then it’s just a crate oh thanks damn hi Joe have you heard of disco Elise what’s my IQ uh 85 which I’m pretty

Proud of you know 85 is pretty high I’m almost almost perfect you know 15 away from perfect disco Elysium I’ve never heard of that hold on let me let me look it up disco Elysium disco Elysium No I don’t think I want to play this no I hope you’re having fun Joe I’m having fun yeah this is interesting to me uh I don’t think I would like this game by myself like I played a little bit with Finn and after an hour I was bored so

Maybe I’m not playing right but when I played Terraria I felt like there was more of a constant progression thing I could go for and I was constantly unlocking new stuff and tools and everything whereas in this game I felt like I was unlocking more stuff to build

More on the creative side and that was kind of not really my area of interest for this so I don’t know maybe it’s not for me maybe I need to give it more of a chance maybe Terraria is better is that a controversial opinion I’m gonna guess

It is but not really for me failed Dark Souls December oh did you yeah oh sure I said Dark Souls one you’re not supposed to say Dark Souls so now people in chat have to drink because I said Dark Souls Dark Souls Dark Souls Dark Souls they have to drink yeah I’ve

Never been a drinking game right now every time I say Dark Souls I’m gonna kill somebody okay alcohol poisoning I think you’ve probably killed someone at this point yeah yeah I’m so sorry that I said Dark Souls sorry you guys can you read this real quick for me Lily what does it say

Sorry I must not have had my contacts in I can’t remember oh you can’t read it it’s just a blur oh okay convenient convenient I can only read chat Joe craft Park Finn calls it Minecraft he can’t say craft but he doesn’t say outright crap my Minecraft so um

I have returned diamond sword Chan to its rightful husband [Laughter] oh [ __ ] foreign thank you for that uh Ren Jay has recently covered two months with I first saw because I heard you were a weeb streamer at reset because I was right Oh oh man I would say that’s right in my heart but if I’m a weeb I don’t have one oh are you Monokuma what the [ __ ] oh wow are you like did you do this just for this or did you ha are you always Monokuma can’t believe this [ __ ] are there a

Bunch of people that are just following around so I’ll comment on their on their skins oh it’s Sans oh I’m dead if anyone else would like to be an operator on [Laughter] I thought the door would open but no you guys thought of that too oh [ __ ]

You actually named it diamond sword Chan oh my God oh my God you actually named it diamond sword chain oh my God all right we need to we need to throw the diamond sword chain into a into a volcano are there any volcanoes in this

Game will it die if we throw it into a volcano or diamonds immune to volcanoes thank you from octopus for the 13 month free sub unlucky for some glad to see this server is as much of a [ __ ] show imagine happy holidays it’s like it’s like the Discord server

In a Fantasy Realm huh like looks there’s just a dick on the beach look at this there’s just it’s just a dick here’s a dick there’s the other dick is burning I don’t know what the [ __ ] that’s turning into just yeah just just beautiful just beautiful this

Is this is the Discord made real yeah oh I see QA wants to kill me again second time icqa is obviously a Mario Odyssey fan what the [ __ ] are they doing over there and I don’t hate myself I do think the things I’ve done in the past and want to

To die but not in a I wanted to kill myself away in a I I’m so embarrassed that that happened to me like I I want to die like I I once I once accidentally propositioned the teacher for a [ __ ] in high school and I like I I think of

That sometimes late into the night and I just cringed so hard that my legs hurt you know like it’s like oh my God I can’t believe that happened you know it was you know like so it’s things things like that Joe is oh I wonder where this is gonna

Be it’s probably gonna be Joe is a nice guy right it’s not gonna be anything else okay let’s end this stream and let’s go have sex and make another baby oh okay quick quick quick I don’t want to I’m a weeb oh there’s the a Joe is a

Oh thank you for the sword I I want sore Chan back I want diamond sword Chan bring me the head of whoever currently has diamond swords wait is this diamond sword Chan oh how did you how did you have diamond sword Shannon have you just been wandering around following me with

Diamond sword Chan what all right I will Knight you all right consider yourself knighted did you did you kill the guy who killed me diamond pickaxe Chan Diamond ho Chan diamond leggings chan oh my God everything’s Chan everything’s Chan oh thank you thank you for returning the chance oh there’s a dog

Can you pet the dog in this game oh shh oh no no no no no no no no no come back out come back out sad no who’s hitting the dog this is all I care about now let’s get this dog back on land all right there we go the dog’s fine the

Dog’s fine all right good question that was a close one how was a close one what happens if I just Dig Down oh you know what maybe that’s a bad idea yeah [ __ ] it let’s just go all the way down oh we tossed you the boots boots oh I have boots now nice

Thank you for the boots all diamond boots chant oh no flame fire no let’s get an F in the chat boys and girls same boys and girls just it doesn’t have the same punch as boys doesn’t it or even just girls by itself let’s get an F

In the chat boys or let’s get an F in the chat girls but you say let’s get an F in the chat boys and girls it’s just like yeah I want to be like I want to be inclusive but like it’s just it just doesn’t have the same kind of kick to it

Then we’re we’re pretty pimped up here aren’t we wait what what’s this F you can do a Wheels I don’t want this no I’m just walking around with a door why do you have a head for for legs and you’re eating a face who are you X gen 2-5 teleport bills all right

Yeah I just found out that that’ll start through your offline I just want to teleport to you to get out of the cave I can teleport to you now this is no way this isn’t a trap right oh my god oh that was creepy I got

Scared of the game oh you got your own little castle oh nice oh I like that what you s are you in the I’m down here [Laughter] What is that noise best house complemented by flexing elsort’s house what is that noise the screening of the dude the Damned do you have a Banshee down here this is like that apartment we lived in remember with the sconces on the walls and all the brick but it was like yeah it’s on

Hell House yeah Where they just kept any murder suicides yeah and exploding cars not a joke by the way not a joke it was nice looking man in shot were uh oh oh eat more bread wait are you geralt or am I seeing things come back hey pickle megido God damn

What the [ __ ] Pokemon is that I had an appointment this morning and I took a taxi to go and luckily I did I would have had to get up even earlier to walk there so I took a taxi I didn’t tell you this um right across from where I was going

There were three police cruisers on the street and two of them had blocked off like half a block like we’re not even that much you know maybe even less than half a block of the side stream and one was parked in the middle and my driver was was sought and was like wow

Something’s going on over there must be something violent so many police it’s been a busy morning for the police there was a car accident hit a pole and you should have seen the car the car just that’s a write-off and we missed the turn for where I was

Going he was so looking at the ambulance the police cars this is NPC dialogue we went right past and then we had to turn around and come back and even then we were coming back he was waiting to make a left so we were waiting for the other

Cars to go so that we could go and everyone was slowing down to look at all the commotion on the street of like and there was nobody around it was just the Cruisers park there it’s not like you know car accident and like dead body in the car or anything

Like that there was nothing to see you know like and they were so like we had to wait and wait and wait to make this stupid turn just because everybody else was looking to and I thought wow that’s a busy morning and month and you know like the whole two occurrences where

They were dispatched you know yeah that kind of sums it up only could be more NPC dollars be like oh that’s the fifth murder this week I wonder if there’s something going on oh no I’ve been poisoned oh assassinated oh no it was you you Witcher no your game sucks

Which one is he talking about doesn’t matter all three of them they suck is it more stew whoa why is there just a head what how who’s been killing Microsoft’s Sam’s waifu Chronicles page one of one that’s it it’s really like designed for you isn’t it because like there’s enough now that

They can just just [ __ ] with you every week maybe just a meme like a Non-Stop meme Fest of course do not like you can get ant farms yeah this is a weed farm yeah they’re all they’re all here you know what I hate I think paper straws should be illegal

Like who who wants to drink something through a straw that immediately becomes soggy and your drink tastes like the straw like it’s the [ __ ] terrible I hate paper straws so much they’re awful they’re awful I’m not worse than finding like a different kind of thing so they

Have to use plastic straws if that’s really all that important but paper straws can [ __ ] off I don’t like paper straws at all thanks for switching to Minecraft the cutesy sound effects in stardew Valley drove me nuts especially opening closing chests yeah I can see that hold on can I

Find these sound effects online Starcraft start star do Starcraft Star stardew Valley sound effects Lucid hates the Leon Meme and every time I log into the game I hide a signpost in his base somewhere and I just put in like one one zero three seven or I just put in like Leon and I just hide these signposts all over his base and let’s see if he’s

Found my most recent ones nope I hid them under here you can’t even see them without moving the chest this one says wait and this one says Leon right here [ __ ] and I hit another one in his pool let’s see if you found the one in this pool don’t tell him

He didn’t find it okay so I saw this map before does does this mean if we go from here all the way down here is did someone make a giant flat pickle okay so when I was last here I saw the I saw the big penis with the piss stream

Um I saw the shaft uh someone has made some like really cool tree forts over there um I saw I saw the nagito but I didn’t see the giant Morgana that’s new Dance floor Chan oh my God All right first of all I need to dump some stuff [ __ ] on my inventory all right oh my God all right where’s where’s the sheepfucker machine is is that still here oh here it is all right I don’t know if this will run all right here’s the sheep [ __ ] machine

Meanwhenjo streams all right manual okay is the lever gone did you guys break the sheet [ __ ] machine oh Welsh how exactly how much so there’s nagito let’s go look at Morgana whose pants are on fire liar liar pants on fire his eyes are on fire too yes what is this

I went through one of these before this is a giant one are we going to mementos oh we’re here we’re mementos also made a skull oh look at this thing oh yeah I want to see the giant pickle okay so we’re going over here and we’re gonna land Softly on on this

What the [ __ ] someone made the profile picture and a [ __ ] battleship are they making the SS on what the [ __ ] is that all right where are we going let’s see if we can find the pickle no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way who did this no [ __ ]

Way it was in the sky I came here looking for it last time I was on I couldn’t see because I was on the ground no [ __ ] way they made it in the sky no [ __ ] way who the [ __ ] did oh I can’t here’s the journey I had like I

Found I got a map right and I was in that and I I was like what the [ __ ] so I like I came all the way I can’t believe this success I came from all the way from from the central Base South East thinking that it was it was like on the

Ground and I didn’t look up and I didn’t see it so like like holy [ __ ] I thought someone just like superimposed it on on the map somehow I can’t believe this exists now what’s what’s this this looks really complicated You guys have made so much holy hot air balloon over there how some of you made it made this much is that the Monster Energy balloon what are these monster [Laughter] uh you guys have been having a lot of fun haven’t you holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that in the

Sky [ __ ] is this someone’s making a big boat in the sky what the [ __ ] is this he he this looks pretty doesn’t it very pretty look at all Christmasy with all the lights who did this wow what here’s the thing I want to be like holy

[ __ ] you guys this is so impressive I really like it but at the same time I don’t want to encourage Mega building projects I don’t want to be responsible for for that kind of kind of evil like if you if you have the time and you want to do it

You go for it but like I don’t I don’t want to you know like put any pressure on anybody like it really really it looks really really good I don’t know who confessed to I don’t remember apparently it like and Lily says this apparently um so I used to walk Lily home after

School and you’d be like I see tomorrow give me a hug and I would give her a hug and apparently every time I gave her a hug I was accidentally groping her boobs from the side and then she didn’t say anything and apparently she told me that

She was like I kind of liked it and I was like oh okay well totally [ __ ] accidental I swear to God accidental so you told me first that you had you wanted to be more than friends and I was like and then because you were doing

That all the time I was like well that kind of proves what I thought maybe maybe and I thought you were doing on purpose I wasn’t doing it I thought it was intentional I thought it just confirmed what you had verbally said but you were doing it before you said it so

Yeah I was touching some boobs without even knowing who made what the [ __ ] is this over here like accidental right like can you actually accidentally fill someone up and not really know okay did anyone I’m not flat did no not at all you’re just as bad as Joe

I know this is why our relationship Works did any did anyone make something like is anyone just living in the wilderness like they just hiked like a million miles away and said [ __ ] that starting point I’m just making something over here like if I fly far enough will I find something

Monster Energy oh man so much Monster Energy [ __ ] grenade [Laughter] oh my God you guys holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] the Monster Energy store ready for business holy [ __ ] I feel like I could use my powers for evil here I I could tell chat to build something in a

Minecraft server and they’ll build it Joe’s evil wee Blair okay here it is here this is it Josie will we Blair all right you guys ready you guys ready for this all right here we go Joe’s evil wee Blair oh here we go oh no we’re dead

Oh no psych all right here we go the ultimate Secret all right Joseph Anderson is a man of culture perseverance ambition respect intelligence compassion and last but not least a week it’s a capital W but every man has his Secrets including dear Joe what is this grave secret that he vowed

To never tell anyone it’s a simple yet grave one he believes that Jungkook is best girl wow we can sleep in this bed I’m sleeping in front of everybody here we go are they all going to be here when I get up staring this is kind of creepy actually look at

All of you it’s like the beginning of bloodborne with all those little baby things that come come over press F will hold them up we’ll hold the other map what are you talking about putting it like dual wheel in the maps it’s like I’m only two pickles

Can you read that Lily I can’t read it oh it’s gone no I can’t read it oh gosh darling what did you guys do to my bunker if somebody like oh what did you guys do teleport lucid meemer what did you guys [Laughter] what I went to the zoo the other day please

No stop it was really bad all the animals had escaped all they had was one was a dog it was a shitzu path Channel expansion path Chan expansion I’m Joe Anderson and this is my favorite path Channel server I left that message I really did I really did No Lie

Can you follow me for like two yeah sure I’ll follow you wherever you go I’ll follow you [Laughter] laughs [Laughter] oh where’s this going Vega Dewey where’s this going I think this is fairly common knowledge that that Shakespeare stole everything right from other playwrights at the time like Shakespeare’s thing was

That he would find a play that he would enjoy enough and then he would just yeah and improve it and make it his own um that’s that’s are you guys having like dueling shafts over here like who can build the bigger shaft the OG shafts and and then this shaft over here

Top Lolli was here top Lolly was here I’m a lolly oh this is the highest place on the server no wonder top while I was here Diamond hoe oh damn you’re mine now oh no I have Diamond ho chan never mind I hate uh do I hate it okay I don’t hate

It [ __ ] it’s a guilty pleasure I want to hate it but I don’t I really like in fight scenes where it looks like someone’s gonna win and then it’s like now I leveled up and now we’re gonna fight for real I actually kind of really like that I

Don’t think I should but I like that kind of uh that kind of interaction you know I have a TV drops page what I have a TV show space oh I’ve seen this yeah I do have a TV Tropes page April Fool’s Day Arkham’s razor in his hello neighbor stream Anderson purposefully

Tried to break the first puzzle in the game by stacking objects up and climbing through a broken window rather than find a more natural way to get there turns out that’s the actually the solution laughing at your own jokes that’s that’s the best Trope for sure this is really far away from story

Tropes now though what about the whole girl goes for the guy who is bad for her but ends up with the nerdy protagonist after a singular event drove that’s that’s so specific pretty bad I don’t I don’t like that iron all right iron all right there’s a

Book by Soft lump here we go iron from the Iron Golem Farm soft lamp damn that’s a weird story oh man Firebug is Super Pig look at that well wow Super Pig oh look at the cape I left you a pearl not mine though don’t tell anyone please no take

It would be unchad oh shovel of Chads pickaxe to Chads acts of Chads ender pearl oh man this is so good but I’m not allowed to take it anyway let’s read this Lily’s fave song oh God cut my life into pieces this is my last resort suffocation no breathing all right let’s

Play the song let’s play it for everyone dessert Wow it’s the whole song I don’t know who sent it to me or who threw it at me halt fire thank you hot fire he gets me you know top Lolly asks what is Lily’s best dad joke smiley face Lily has had these written out for weeks maybe even a month

Now so here we go here’s Lily’s best dad joke anyway first I just have to say that it’s inappropriate to make a dad joke if you’re not a dad it’s a faux pas that and you have to understand my sense of humor is the Dumber the better so it’s

Very immature humor so don’t expect anything classy from this the thing that makes Lily laugh the most is people falling over I feel I feel through these how do you keep you do years of study cleansing breath the fattest night at King Arthur’s Round Table was circumference

Acquired his size from too much pie that’s good A little boy comes running into the room shouting Grandpa Grandpa can you make a sound like a frog I don’t know why his grandpa replies because grandma says we can go to Disneyland as soon as you croak

Video games are art for sure and it’s it’s a [ __ ] stupid argument the argument that we should be having instead if anyone wants to contest art like this is my knowledge bestowed upon you check out the eagle on this guy right now here we go disciples whenever someone says in the future

Video games are not art say to them but what is art and then just watch them collapse into a black hole of [ __ ] and then you’re like okay cool I told you yeah what do you want Is Anime our enemies are yeah for sure I’m not weave enough senpai what was what was Notch thinking when he like it’s a game about building structures out of blocks and he put these enemies in that explode and ruin everything that you’ve built when they get close to you what was he thinking

The Evil Genius welcome to the secret weeaboo society Well there’s an inside to Morgana wait who’s blowing up Morgana oh let me tell you how asinine the British culture is they won’t [ __ ] get off their asses to vote for this stupid brexit thing but when it comes to like Coco Pops rename themselves to choco Crispies [ __ ] National outrage oh my

God what the [ __ ] change it back what the [ __ ] is choco Crispies it’s Coco Pops change it back change it back Coco Pops was uh what was my favorite cereal in Britain but over here I think it’s probably Fruit Loops the baby doesn’t know every time that I

I die in Mario or whatever now yeah and I’m trying so hard to be good and not to swear but anything I say with emphasis now he thinks is a bad word oh no so I always said crap and he thought that was bad and then I said oh gosh and he

Thought I got in trouble for saying gosh too you got in trouble yeah Mommy wow don’t say that the brexit turnout 70 was it really oh my God I thought oh [ __ ] okay I’m speaking out complete ignorance you’re gonna put down on the swearing on stream when the kids are old enough to

Understand no just tell them not to repeat it no Joe can’t just cut down it’s like how he was raised it’s part of his identity and he’s a bad influence on me so I never used to really swear until we started going up what is this it’s like a big mummy

This isn’t going to hell it’s like visiting hell like a hell tailor just for you out of all of your crimes oh someone made the tip of the penis statue pink that’s that’s great it’s great to see I’m so happy about that shout outs to simple flips

All right well I hope that’s not an awful thing that I just said we all know Joe’s true number wife who is Lily aha surprisingly wholesome newly renovated Wii VIP room oh I’m not allowed in there the Box bamboo oh that’s funny weeb jail cell oh no I’m stuck in weeb jail

There is always a way out oh no I’m stuck in weave jail what is um a mind track it’s like a roller coaster oh damn look at this you guys have been busy it must be pretty satisfying to to build something that takes so long in the game

And then it ends up being like really useful at the same time sort of like a factorio but in first person so in case you’re unaware I’m I’m a Minecraft Noob I know very little about Minecraft the first song ever really popular you properly played it has been on the

Server with you guys all right where are we going that’s cool I like that oh no it’s Moon language what is this who made all this down here who planted a tree damn people get really into their Minecraft is this is this an Australia simulator someone made in this Tower here like

What’s going on bone meal pickle draw what what is this oh wow who made this look at this oh man someone’s been busy okay so I was gonna put I was gonna tweet out this this image when um when Star Wars rise of the jaywalker was uh was spoiled for me

Um and and it was it was a week and I tweeted it out again when it was spoiled for me and then I got a message about an hour later from shammy saying people are asking me if Joe is okay because you tweeted out that banana some people who

Hadn’t seen it because because this week before that was about me finding my first gray hair um and then I found another one a couple hours later so I think people were worried about me as I thought it was funny it’s like okay you guys just

Didn’t see the the other and the other uh tweet before this but it kind of got spoiled slowly for me so I was actually I actually almost tweeted out this the other day you know just the top of the banana like some of it was spoiled for

Me but not all of it that’s what I was gonna tweet out but I chickened out and I didn’t do it and a lot of people weren’t gonna get it is there like an architecture program for Minecraft where you can plan something and it’ll give you a blueprint because I don’t know how

You do someone with this and make sure it’s like all symmetrical and stuff it sounds like a lot of work huh since you have now both debuted as professional voice actors I was hoping I could ask you guys to read a small excerpt from one of the greatest gaming

Moments of existence hopefully Flex a small amount of your talent and pick whatever voice you would like for the three incredibly deep characters and I don’t know this I know like what they’re supposed to sound like so Sonic Sonic sounds like Finn when he’s when he’s doing his like

Can you get you monster here we go so Sonic’s line here is few so far so good so he’d be like few so far so good okay like if you sort of like that oh no You so far so good hey that’s that blue Hedgehog again of all places I found you faker Baker I think you’re the fake hedgehog around here you’re comparing yourself to me ha you’re not even good enough to be my face eat those words after fighting Shadow an Eggman from Shadows

Shutter what are you doing hurry and get back to right now before the island blows up with you on it Shadow listens to the message and leaves you know next time they’re here next time people are gonna [ __ ] say this they’re gonna get us more to do more [ __ ]

Now do the Sonic Adventure fandub Eggman scene where he announces to the world that Knuckles is pissed on his one laughs I don’t know that one I don’t know I don’t know Sonic [ __ ] copy pasta I don’t know any of that oh my God you’re a weep childhood than I it says Carlos

Like you say that and I know you’re kidding kind of but I do wonder sometimes if I did a video on persona 5. would that do well in the channel I think it would but if I did a video on Danganronpa would that do well I kind of

Feel like it wouldn’t I feel like Persona 5 has enough like Mass Appeal that everyone would be like oh Persona 5 I know what that is whereas I think that more than half of my audience if I did a video on dang it wrong but they would be

Like what the [ __ ] is a Danganronpa you know like that JonTron lung what the [ __ ] is a Sonic um I think that’s what how how they would uh react to that q a streaming but it is cursed hahaha this is in reaction to uh Lily and I furthering our voice actoring career

Okay so so first of all thank you thank you for that man big also how could you how dare you um do you guys think that Sonic the Hedgehog movie always had this this is a Sonic design that they’re pushing forward now is new and improved and they did the old one

Just to to drum up like support conspiracy theory style because the first design like it wasn’t just a little bad like it was really bad especially when you compare the two of them it was really really bad do you struggle with imposter syndrome uh I suffer from imposter syndrome so

Badly that sometimes I wonder if I’m even good enough to really be be worthy of having imposter syndrome um do you know foot fetishes they always look forward to their death because they’ll be Six Feet Under is lucid here oh my gosh it isn’t here

Okay let’s go let’s go put a leon meme billboard in lucid’s Bunker okay where’s Lucy’s bunker it’s right here right the Leon trolling Museum oh no I have people like taking this people taking this too far okay I really want to like predict where Lucid will expand his bunker so I can

Like I can like knock through a wall and then stop uh I want I don’t want to like knock through a wall and then like put a leon sign there and then like fix the wall so one day he’s like like weeks from now he’s there just like all

Time to do an expansion and he knocks through and then there’s just a Leon and he’d be like Oh God someone’s here that doesn’t know what Danganronpa is I envy you so much all right so I’m gonna head to anyway see you guys later thank you for stopping by

This video, titled ‘Joseph Anderson and the Weeb Server | Minecraft Q&A Highlights’, was uploaded by avarisi on 2023-07-08 12:19:59. It has garnered 12952 views and 465 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:54 or 2814 seconds.

From 12 hours down to just one, here are three Q&A streams worth of moments after Joseph Anderson launched his Minecraft server and starts “playing” for the first time. Featuring stream memes and discussion with Joe and Lili, see what happens when a father of three decides to play with imaginary blocks and fellow anime lovers. ========================= Watch Joseph Anderson live: Outro Music: flashygoodness – Broken Elevator to Revelation (OverPowered OST) Original Sonic Adventure 2 video from

Check out the original VODs on Nodja’s backup site:

Dates in YYYY/MM/DD format. 0:00 – Stream 1 (2019/12/08) 19:52 – Stream 2 (2019/12/15) 37:29 – Stream 3 (2019/12/29) ========================= Interesting discussions you missed: Impostor syndrome and relatability Thoughts on channel growth What defines “horror” is subjective Learning from others to prevent redundancy ========================= dark souls dark souls dark souls dark souls

  • Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial

    Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial Unlocking X-Ray Vision in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? In this guide, we will show you how to obtain X-Ray vision in Minecraft Java Edition using a special X-Ray texture pack. Let’s dive in! Step 1: Downloading the X-Ray Texture Pack To begin, open your browser and search for the X-Ray resource pack. Be cautious of potential harmful websites and only download from trusted sources. Once you find a reliable website, navigate to the file section and download the pack that corresponds to your game version. Using the wrong version may… Read More

  • Trading Hall Makeover Madness

    Trading Hall Makeover Madness Exploring the World of Minecraft with Music Free Gaming Join the Fun in Tinker World SMP Music Free Gaming invites you to embark on a creative journey in the Tinker World SMP. Dive into the enchanting realm of Minecraft as you witness the art of decorating the villager trading hall unfold before your eyes. Unleash Your Creativity In this captivating stream replay, Music Free Gaming showcases their talent for transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary showcases of design. Witness the magic as the trading hall comes to life with vibrant colors, intricate details, and a touch of whimsy. Support Music… Read More

  • Craft a Hive, Survive: Minecraft Beehive Build Guide

    Craft a Hive, Survive: Minecraft Beehive Build Guide In Minecraft, a beehive is quite a delight, Craft it with wood planks, a simple sight. Place it near flowers, bees will take flight, Collecting sweet honey, a tasty bite. To get honeycomb, use shears with care, From the hive, it’s a precious fare. Bees in the hive, a buzzing affair, Protect them well, show them you care. Moving a hive? Use a silk touch tool, Carry it gently, don’t be a fool. Harvesting honey, a sweet jewel, In Minecraft world, a golden rule. So now you know, how to make a beehive, In Minecraft world, where bees thrive…. Read More

  • NOOB vs PRO Building Battle Trolled with ILLEGAL Mod! – Minecraft

    NOOB vs PRO Building Battle Trolled with ILLEGAL Mod! - Minecraft Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO Building Battle with ILLEGAL Mod! Are you ready for an epic showdown between a NOOB and a PRO in Minecraft? Get ready for some intense building battles, hilarious moments, and unexpected twists with the ILLEGAL Mod! Meet the Players: Adem’s Channel: Watch the NOOB in action at Adem’s Channel Ahmet’s Channel: Witness the PRO’s skills at Ahmet’s Channel Don’t Miss Out! If you don’t want to miss out on the thrilling Minecraft entertainment, make sure to turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss a new video. Subscribe and Connect: 🟥 Subscribe for Free: Join… Read More

  • Kraken Sushi: Catching & Cooking the Sea Monster

    Kraken Sushi: Catching & Cooking the Sea Monster The Epic Minecraft Adventure: Hunting the Kraken for Sushi Setting Sail for Adventure Embark on a hilarious Minecraft journey with Knarfy and his crew as they sail thousands of blocks in a pirate ship, facing off against the mighty Kraken and exploring dungeons in search of food – sushi, to be precise! Meet the Crew Joining Knarfy on this epic quest are his trusty companions: @syszee, @CringyGull, @CragDyna, and @GarrettTheCarrot. Together, they brave the treacherous seas and face formidable challenges. Mods and Tools of the Trade To enhance their gameplay experience, the crew utilizes a variety of mods, including… Read More

  • Minecraft Bible: Armor of God

    Minecraft Bible: Armor of God The Armor of God Explained in Minecraft When it comes to understanding the concept of the Armor of God, what better way to explain it than through the world of Minecraft? In this unique interpretation, players can visualize the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6 in a whole new light. Putting on the Full Armor In Minecraft, players are constantly faced with challenges and enemies that they must overcome. Just like in the Bible, where believers are encouraged to put on the full Armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil, Minecraft players must equip themselves… Read More

  • 15 Year Minecraft Browser Game Surprise!

    15 Year Minecraft Browser Game Surprise! The 15th Year Anniversary of Minecraft: A Google Browser Game Surprise! As Minecraft celebrates its 15th year anniversary, Google has joined in on the festivities by launching a special surprise for fans of the beloved game. When you search for Minecraft on the Google browser, you are in for a treat – a browser game that allows you to mine blocks and collect new pickaxes by mining ore! Unleash Your Inner Miner With this new browser game, players can dive into the familiar world of Minecraft right from their web browser. The game captures the essence of Minecraft’s mining… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of viral videos, trending topics, and all things popular on the internet? If so, you’ll love the excitement and buzz surrounding Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine diving into a virtual world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer alongside fellow gamers who share your passion for adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions! Welcome to! Are you a fan of creating your own unique builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of completing a new project and demolishing the old to make way for something even better? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players who appreciate the art of building and crafting in Minecraft. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, whether it’s through intricate exterior designs like the ones in the video you just watched, or by adding cute and unique decorations to your creations. Join us on Minewind… Read More

  • Thrusters and Tables: April Fool’s Potato Update!

    Thrusters and Tables: April Fool's Potato Update! In the world of Minecraft, a new update has come, With a Poison Potato that’s no longer just dumb. Now it has hooks and block thrusters, oh my, Even the fletching table is functional, give it a try. Join the fun, download the resource pack, Explore the new features, no need to hold back. Become a member, get rewards galore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. For more games and vlogs, check out the channels we share, For questions or queries, we’re always there. So leap into the verse, let your creativity sing, In the world of… Read More

  • GorodPap

    GorodPapThe MintCraft server was created specifically for beginners who are just starting to explore the world of Minecraft. Here you will find everything you need for a comfortable game: survival mode, cases for obtaining unique items, the ability to create clans and participate in duels. Join our community and start your exciting Minecraft adventure today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pride of the Creeper: Celebrate LGBTQ+!

    Minecraft Memes - Pride of the Creeper: Celebrate LGBTQ+!That’s a lot of Minecraft players showing their support for Pride – looks like even creepers can be allies! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Minecraft Review Rhyme, A Blocky World Sublime

    Block Xuan: Minecraft Review Rhyme, A Blocky World Sublime Welcome to my world, Block Xuan is the name, Where Minecraft adventures are never the same. I bring you news and updates, all in rhyme, Keeping it fun and engaging every time. From new mobs to blocks, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a touch of sheen. So come along and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. With funny animations and songs to share, I’ll keep you entertained, without a care. Just hit that subscribe button, don’t delay, For more Minecraft fun, every single day. So let’s dive into the world… Read More

  • Crafting hot messes in Minecraft

    Crafting hot messes in Minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft

    Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft’s Graphics: Low vs High Quality Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft to explore the best and worst texture packs, rating them based on their visual appeal. Meet the Reviewers: Kon: Instagram YouTube Fotis: Instagram YouTube Join the discussion on Discord: Discord Video Highlights: 00:00 – Intro 00:09 – It’s Hip to be a Square 1x 01:40 – 4×4 02:17 – 8x Default 03:34 – Default 04:15 – Faithful 32x 05:09 – Faithful 64x 06:07 – Faithful Canvas 256x 07:14 – LB Photo Realism Reload! 08:37 – Faithful PBR 1024x Demo + BSL 10:13 – Realistico… Read More

  • Pomni punishes Jax in Minecraft! SHOCKING episode 2

    Pomni punishes Jax in Minecraft! SHOCKING episode 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Pomni punished Jax for bad behavior! What did he do? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-05-12 22:30:03. It has garnered 6049 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:40 or 3940 seconds. Pomni punished Jax for bad behavior! What did he do? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft Jax really pissed off Pomni with his behavior today! Will Caine be able to help him and stop Pomni from punishing him? Credits:GLITCH / Gooseworx #digitalcircus #amazingdigitalcircus #pomni Read More

  • Becoming Wealthy in Minecraft

    Becoming Wealthy in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I tried to get rich in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ITZBRYAN on 2024-01-05 23:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Who needs diamonds when you have truffles My twitch: No Minecraft mods are used in making … Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Raju vs. Vlogs in Minecraft

    Epic Showdown: Raju vs. Vlogs in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft live’, was uploaded by Raju challenges Vlogs on 2024-05-29 03:49:47. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:28 or 4588 seconds. Minecraft server live with proximity voice chat open forever that exist for 7 years now. JAVA + BEDROCK + PREMIUM + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.20.6 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at least 2045. 🇪🇺 👾 🎮 🔥 **SPECIAL IP** 🔥 🔊Proximity voice chat: 💎For premium user that: Port: Java: 25565 Bedrock: 19132 DISCORD:… Read More


    ULTIMATE SURPRISE IN MINECRAFT MOD LIVE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MODs LIVE PART 4’, was uploaded by codkillman 935 on 2024-01-15 19:02:32. It has garnered 23 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:31 or 1771 seconds. I Mostly Play (GTA V Online) (Minecraft) (CALL OF DUTY) And SomeTimes Other Games. Enjoy And Stay Tuned :-} You Can Follow Me On Twitter ( @codkillman_935 ) I Post Random Things Here You Can Follow Me On Instagram ( codkillman_935_yt ) ShitPost Here You Can Get Early Access On My Shity Music On BandLad ( @codkillman_935 ) #codkillman_935 Read More


    INSANE!! DRAVEN BUILDING A ZOO LIVE NOW 🚨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-05-05 15:04:21. It has garnered 5107 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿 #shortsfeed #shortslive #minecraft This Live Stream is Sponsored By Microcenter And =================== Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture ================= Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture All things tech under one roof, at Kolkata heaven for Gamers and Creators alike…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek – TINY vs GIANT!!!

    Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek - TINY vs GIANT!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-04-11 22:32:54. It has garnered 765046 views and 23036 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:56 or 7976 seconds. Today, Johnny, Gooby, Daisy and Marty play TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft! Will Johnny win against his friends? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shorts

    Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘op clutch minecraft #shorts #bms #minecraft #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by delicate gamer on 2024-05-09 15:16:51. It has garnered 460 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. I upload Minecraft content, so please subscribe and also like my videos and comment on your thoughts about my videos so that I can progress on YouTube. Thank you…. #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMP

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMPVideo Information [Music] no [Music] n n [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] all right hello everybody Welcome welcome welcome to the stream we are about to have a little bit of uh fun in Minecraft today uh playing a little bit of uh mini games in Minecraft as you guys know there are so many mini games in the server that uh we can enjoy So today we’re just about to have some fun playing some mini games uh… Read More

  • Meet Maira: The Most Enchanting Voice in Minecraft 🎶❤️

    Meet Maira: The Most Enchanting Voice in Minecraft 🎶❤️Video Information if I woke up without you I don’t know what I would do thought I could be single forever till I met you usually don’t be falling be falling falling fast you got a way of keeping me coming back to back I just found out the only reason that you loveing me was to get back at your ex lover but before you leave usually I would never would never even This video, titled ‘who is the voice best please comment ❤️ #music #minecraft’, was uploaded by Maira on 2024-01-08 18:51:30. It has garnered 51 views and… Read More

  • Condemned Vanilla

    Condemned VanillaAbout Condemned Vanilla We are excited to announce that we are adding a Minecraft Trails & Tails (Vanilla) 1.20.1 server to our network! The server will be towny based with golden shovel claims as well. We have a mining world available for our players to find villages, explore fresh ground, and more! Read More

  • HexArchon SMP Custom Worlds Items Mobs Skills Abilities Enchants Boss Fights Dungeons Quests Land Claiming Furnitures Heads Events Dynmap Wiki

    HexArchon HexArchon HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with unique gameplay features such as Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and more. Links Server Trailer Discord Server Wiki Our Values We are committed to creating something new and unique, putting quality work into gameplay, listening to community feedback, and creating an enjoyable experience for all players. Community voice & transparency We value community input, transparency, and open discussion on server development. Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles Players can choose from various playstyles and enjoy a wide range of abilities, stats, and custom items. Trust & respect We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pov: Luckiest Minecraft player ever

    Minecraft Memes - Pov: Luckiest Minecraft player ever“Who needs diamonds when you have a dragon’s superior fragments? Pov: you are now the envy of every minecraft player in the server.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mayhem: Cuihua’s Hide and Seek

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mayhem: Cuihua's Hide and Seek In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cuihua’s adventures are like a dream. Riding motorcycles, stealing watermelons with glee, But six years later, speaking Mandarin with me. Love like a kill, no longer entwined, You hopped on his BMW, leaving me behind. Facing my questions, you couldn’t reply, Kneeling, kissing, tears in my eye. My darling, where have you flown? Leaving me in sorrow, feeling alone. But I won’t let this sadness linger, In the world of Minecraft, I’ll be the singer. As I narrate the tales of this pixelated land, Crafting rhymes with a steady hand…. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 #minecraft #funny #memes

    Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 #minecraft #funny #memes Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂🧨 Read More

  • Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you tired of fake backgrounds and looking for a genuine and exciting Minecraft experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about creating and exploring in the world of Minecraft. With unique gameplay features and a dedicated player base, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling experience like no other. Connect now by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure today! Let’s craft, build, and survive together in this dynamic and ever-evolving world. See you in the game! Read More

  • 7 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Tips from Harrydallama

    7 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Tips from HarrydallamaVideo Information picture this you start a brand new Minecraft world play for a few hours and then quit never to play again well it is time for you to enjoy Minecraft again and I’m going to go through some tips and tricks on how to enjoy Minecraft again so welcome back to the Survival series if you’re new around here this is the series where I don’t cut so if you want to just leave this video on in the background I would really appreciate it as it really does help out the channel we’re back here on my… Read More

  • Insane Dutch Gamerz Challenge

    Insane Dutch Gamerz ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘CAN YOU DO THIS 😈💀 #viral #shorts @SenpaiSpider @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by DUTCHER GAMERZ on 2024-04-14 10:30:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CAN YOU DO THIS #viral #shorts #minecraft #dutchergamer #viralshorts #dutcher @YesSmartyPie @DREAMBOYYT … Read More

  • 🔥 MINECRAFT HIVE LIVE! Bedwars, Skywars & More – Join Now! 🔥

    🔥 MINECRAFT HIVE LIVE! Bedwars, Skywars & More - Join Now! 🔥Video Information [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Gamers so OBS crashed but how you guys doing fortnite won the vote fortnite did not win the vote door stream not tonight thank you most likely door stream tomorrow most likely tomorrow I very cool fortnite only won the vote because I applied two of my votes to it it did not actually win bro why do you want fortnite so bad do you actually want a fortnite stream Gamers none of you even like fortnite I legitimately couldn’t care… Read More

  • Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptain

    Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptainVideo Information इसको मैं मार रहा होता हूं तभी मैं देखता हूं बाहर में कि रासियों के पीछे बहुत सारे यहां पे पीछे पड़े हुए थे तो गाइज इसका हेल्प करने में जाता हूं एंड पीछे से सारे को मैं मारने लगता हूं एंड रासियो भी यहां पे मार देता है सारे को बट सीरियसली गाइज बोलू तो इस वाले मेंशन में मुझे बहुत ज्यादा डर लग रहा था क्योंकि मैंने अपने हाथ में टॉर्च लेकर के नहीं आया था जिससे मैं कहीं भी टॉर्चस प्लेस नहीं कर पा रहा था और चारों तरफ अंधेरा ही अंधेरा था बट गाइज… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GET OP ITEMS FROM DIRT in Mine Craft!Video Information यो व्हाट्स अप गाइज कैसे हैं आप सभी लोग वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो तो आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं कार 4 सेल सिमुलेटर तो जैसा कि आप लोग को पता है कि हम लोग अपनी कार शोरूम techno-economic बेचनी है तो अब जो सस्ती गाड़ियां मिलती है ना मैं वो सब नहीं खरीदता हम लोग सिर्फ bmw’s सु गाड़ियां खरीद के लाते हैं तो आज आज की इस वाली वीडियो में मैं चैलेंज लेने वाला हूं 10 से भी ज्यादा लगजरी कार्स सेल करने का लेट्स गो ज्यादा टाइम वेस्ट नहीं करते फटाफट… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trolling

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trollingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT logic short video 😱#minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-23 08:30:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT logic short video #minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short @Happy_Goldsmith @MrBeast … Read More

  • EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trending

    EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trendingVideo Information bye dream wait what oh my God what This video, titled ‘Dream boat clutch 😳#viral#shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:37:02. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥

    EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] sh This video, titled ‘Warden vs Ender Hand #minecraft #mobbattle #mobbattles #shorts’, was uploaded by MMB Battles on 2024-04-06 23:04:32. It has garnered 1790 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!

    Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!Video Information [Music] hello everyone welcome to season two of movies and Beyond I’m your host movie Blaze and my co-host is awesome dude hello everyone Y and our guest do Hawk official hello yes and we’re so happy to be back uh I know it’s been about a week um but we’re back now and with a brand new season uh recap on what’s happening during the season uh David’s gonna pop by every now and again so is Donovan and so is Oren I don’t know about will maybe maybe not really it all depends and and if… Read More

Joseph Anderson and the Weeb Server | Minecraft Q&A Highlights