Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID – 【Minecraft】#20 dedication #KaelaNB69 (508 debris)【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】

Video Information

Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Hello long time nosy hello hold on where is the Minecraft Minecraft gone wait the Minecraft is gone why it’s gone I don’t know hold on Get somehow and where the Minecraft is gone I wonder oh no it crashed nice I am fixing it and then it crashed great I love this it’s okay I’m the pro troubleshooter is fine it’s okay because Foreign Hoping for no unexpected surprises like actually I have collected 780 of streets so we only need 300 more no How how can how can I have like 700 there’s no way I have like Yeah a hundred la a hundred a hundred or killer right a hundred is fine right hmm Yeah a hundred yes yes uh Um have fun on stream by the way do you like milk if you do what flavor of milk do you like I like banana milk the mousse no I’m sorry I I just don’t I just don’t like milk cheese cake after all I’m sorry but no No good morning and I haven’t even had time to watch a video of last dream LOL looking forward to more Minecraft noises it’s fine LOL thank you hello welcome back long time no see Charlie is good evening good evening did you plan to meet your OC off stream

What what Magdalena strikes Ohio how is the Epic Chef’s stream also somewhere along the line I lost my alliterra I cannot find it in any shelter or chest rib better find a new one yeah just just go just go find another one or another two or another tree or another four another five

Foreign get some help Daddy Today there you go hey thank you foreign get some milk wow thank you A.D ancient debris okay ad ancient debris and then what Eddie Eddie Ade or Eddie and Addis and debris still get some help thank you you don’t like milk get some help you get some helpful suddenly get some help me

Way the Minecraft is like black screen I know it always happened like this every single time Minecraft stream before before the screen change it’s there after the screen change from The Waiting screen to the game one it just gone great very very nice I like this so much I like this so much With adjusting size screen size okay Okay please just don’t cry just just don’t crash again okay just don’t cross again I always make my day every day Arigato Arigato thank you top 10 tattoos on Minecraft what gamma bro what suddenly what’s that milk milk milk mild intolerant lactose color no I just don’t

Like it I just I just don’t like the taste I’m not intolerant of lactose no no I’m not lactose intolerant no I just don’t like it um What else Your dedication is strong as my dedication to you X Angel music get some help thank you I’ll get some help Your teeth your taste buds are lactose intolerant probably yeah maybe yes What is By the way I’m in the I am in the what is this called again wait what la Wait what is that is that a glitch I think I I think I saw ancient debris this is so funny what nice That’s just super nice I can say It’s a good sign I don’t know I think you know what I think can be this is I think this is the second lust of candy the next time I do candy it’s gonna be the last I think I think I think okay I work so hard Upstream I grind is so hard off stream like I don’t know it’s just crazy why not tonight because it’s impossible tonight I just want to tonight I just want to stream like two two to three hours I plan to end the stream uh Maybe around 12 or 1 because I really need the energy tomorrow I really need to like Uh uh work I need to work I need to meet em Chan again tomorrow so yeah I just tonight can be I just want to still like you know um grind a little bit on stream and then just wants to let the let all of the ancient debris note acre

Note down all of the progress so yeah it’s nothing much nothing much literally nothing much you cannot do mess yourself basically well just in case like you know what if I zenless suddenly I I need someone to take notes of that right she’s resting for tomorrow omg omg

OMG it’s not resting kinda it’s just so that uh M Chan will not know what am I doing tonight if I stream it amchan will definitely know right I mean I mean who knows that after I end the stream I still grind off stream Who would have thought going to Japan with me can we go faster of course because there is no dinner time there is no lunch time there’s no breakfast time And one happy to be here wait thank you let’s play TSX Mill good luck with the 12 hour grain 280 tonight 280 tonight are you sure it’s gonna be 200 because I don’t think so Remember we will pick a slug anti-hurting Rock Island actually before before she asks right before see us I already like prepare like um all sets off like tools equipment I already like but I still okay so uh I have uh I have gone to the ID Surfer I’ve uh

Uh offstream right I’ve gone back to ID Surfer to take all of the diamonds kinda not all I still have some but yeah and then I made like a four four spares three three two four I’ve made three to four spares like the exact uh tools and weapons Like rules equipment weapons the

Exact one like this this is the fee too right I think I I have like the V4 but I still like uh I still have it like on all under my name so it’s just gonna be like three three four but I mean if Bijou really wants to have all I will

Definitely just give all uh and then ask her to just edit the name probably Don’t give her stuff like yet that’s why I I haven’t finished the sentence yet you know what um I will definitely I will definitely give her but I will tell her how to craft it I will tell her how to uh what is the best enchantment for all of the tools

And equipments because you know what from what I’ve learned right from what I’ve learned it’s super easy to Zen loss so it’s okay so you know what um it’s just like the starter it’s just like the starter because you know only Senpai gave me like uh uh the Pig eggs the armor right

I don’t know I think I just RTA Zen lost it I think I just rta’s general said I don’t know it’s not even like three days I think I don’t know I I forgot already but it’s just like you know uh I will definitely just give her like this is the best

Minecraft tools if you if you if you want to use it you use it if you don’t want to use it just keep it I don’t know it’s up to her but you know once you lost it I believe that she gonna has the knowledge too make another one

I believe so it’s like you know I will not just give it like that because I’m actually Yeah because I actually prefer uh it’s someone to do it instead of just like giving because you know um maybe a lot of people gonna say but Kyla you always give to other people but remember remember guys remember all of the senpais that I give the items

If they want to find it they can do it already you know it’s not the same thing okay they definitely play Minecraft years before I play Minecraft and so yeah I just like you know if they want to build and they don’t have the materials I can give them but it’s okay

Like if they want to grind it for themselves it’s fine but I mean like you know um if like someone because I really need to know right like um maybe it’s your insurance you’re in already play Minecraft before so it’s like yeah up to her like you know if she wants to have

The items blah blah blah take it they just take it love but she wants to learn so it’s like you know it’s better for us to like um teach her like I mean if if if she knew like okay let’s say if she wants to get the amethyst for her house later on

Right um I can’t show her the way like where is the amethyst John God the amethyst cave right um and then after that if she already knew how to do it I will definitely be very happy to like provide the amethyst but you know Bijou really needs to know

Where can she get it first yeah John John yeah so it’s something like that I will not definitely because okay uh new members means like um new experience for them too right so yeah it’s not like a way suddenly she don’t she doesn’t want to give uh this and that because okay um I say to narissa right because I

Asked first I always ask first I always ask her is like have you ever played Minecraft before and then like there is a seat she played Minecraft before but she played like in the creative mode so yeah I say like okay if you need matters for building

Maybe I can help you with that but uh sure and she aren’t already like played Minecraft before so you know it’s up to her whatever she’s gonna do but in video case right Bijou feels like he never played Minecraft and I feel like we can do this together just ask me

Anything I’m not a Minecraft pro I still I’m still learning I’m still like you know last week I even still um break another block using a iron pickaxe So yeah like you know Minecraft is all about learning so yeah yeah you’re learning from zenlos I did learn a lot from zenless so I feel like I feel like you know It’s okay to just give her a sad you know like arm one armor said oh I literally go back I literally went back to the Overworld just because I’m preparing for the collab like I always do like I always prepare for the collab right but for

This I literally go went back to the Overworld because I’m preparing a lot of things for that but one thing that I’m so sure about that I will not oil her But yeah like you know if if people don’t understand that whatever Because I believe because I believe like you know if I give like the diamond armor and diamond tools right it’s gonna be like 1890 Zen lost confirm if this is this is not like this is not like a curse but that’s how we learn this is what this is just how we learn

You know like I I I Zen lost like I don’t know I said lost more than 10 times I think and it’s okay yeah and it’s okay Yeah but at least after after the first zenless she gonna be stronger than ever so yeah it’s fine zealous is part of Minecraft I know right You’re okay we are not Whatever But you know what I mean talking about the Journey of Minecraft right like talking about the journey of Minecraft Back then amalu is like hey um be careful be careful And look at this right now we are almost got to finish the can be isn’t that crazy Isn’t that so crazy about that it’s just unbelievable OMG be careful Ella omg omg yeah will this tiendi hurt me Will this TNT hurt me guys foreign Ty are you sure about that can I stay close like this Ouch you lied You lied you lied to me Oh I Um uh oh yeah but talking about Bijou right I already have uh so many plants that I already mentioned to her like you know let’s do this and then she asked what’s that and then I said this this this this and then she said oh that will be fun yeah

Let’s go do you want to do this what’s that this is oh yeah it looks fun yay let’s go do you want to do this what’s that yeah it’s so fun Yeah let’s let’s let’s make the nedre beacon right so that we gonna have like two Nedra beacons um in the Minecraft in the Holo Minecraft server yes another can be after after Kyle and other weekend there’s gonna be koseki Nedra Beacon Nedra vegan can we P2 right yeah nice uh avocado hi Ella I went to Black’s wedding class today and wanted to make a cute penguin but it turned out to be a weird Turtle what blacksmithing plus you go to a blacksmithing class and wants to make a cute penguin what

Magdalene districts mine with Bible and make her mind the diamonds make her mind get some help get some help track see us after another what after an mb69 done what you gonna do Daya 6969 block and MB net the right and mb69 we’re gonna met in half and back You are so sweet sent by Sasuke Minecraft no no no no no I’m not I’m not I just love Teaching people how to do things If Only They want to learn I will I will not I will definitely not force people to learn if they don’t want to do it because I also really love to learn something For a day teach her how to make her own pancakes and see mine mine for a lifetime yeah I will make her mind all of the Rocks until she definitely forgot that actually see it’s a rock right Should I should I like should I like prepare a one shelter box like 27 pieces for her so she will not definitely have an excuse for stop mining Because we never know right if she if she if she purposely eat away the big eggs right because she just hates it so much One large boxy fight Please give her excuse to stop mining costume Pebbles she will definitely tell the Pebbles to like close their eyes or I don’t know how many hours it’s fine it’s gonna be fine Irene thank you so much after candy is finished you can take the discipline and start a new adventure

With her what do you mean after canbe is finished do you think this is gonna finish Fast no of course not this still so many many will be a blind Joe for Kyla going for the widespread strategy give a Vivo an item equipped her for a day teach her how to craft

Equip for equip her for Life yeah yeah it’s just like a starter pack you know like a starter pack when you get into like RPG games you got to buy the starter pack and then if you lost it adios just learn how to get it because because that’s what I did

I got I got the tools and armors not all of the tools I think it’s just like some of the tools from Allison pyrite and then when I lost it I was so sad not because not because not because I lost it but you know it’s like coming from the Senpai right and

Then And then I just motivated to be like get another one like the exact one and then I asked Ali said if I work where can I get it and then Ali Senpai tell me that I can um trade it with the villagers Yeah and then and then I got it because there’s no way that I will just ask Alison by Oli Senpai I lost it give me again hello I need P cakes adios no it’s gonna be like not nice and then I trade it again I traded again and then izan lost again

And then I learned from that zenlos that oh okay uh What else uh I I learned that oh okay maybe if I want to explore maybe uh create like a chest before you go expert so that if you Zen loss at least the items is still in the chest okay I explore using a boat with a chest I put all of

The items in the board right and then I go explore and then I Kai lost and then I kylos isenlos no no I I ZEN Las Vegas because of the Bear right because of the bear because I got close to the baby bear yeah

And then I don’t know how to get back to the boat it’s still there all of the items are still in the boat until now it’s already like almost one and a half years yes it’s not zenless but it’s zenless Zen Lawson Zen Lawson and then it’s okay and then and then I was like fine I will I will I will get another set of tools again I got it right I got it again and then I said lost again I don’t know how many times I don’t know how many

Times that I Zen lost I don’t know yeah and then until The moment when I tried to learn how to enchant my items that’s the time when I appreciate all of my armors and tools more I think yeah because I learned uh I learned that I can buy the tools and equipments from the villagers right but after I learned that actually it’s not enough

Like I mean look at this look at all of this enchantment right like it’s just not enough like like the one that we got from the villagers is not good It’s just not good so yeah usually usually the one that we can get is like just efficiency too uh Fortune One Fortune two so it’s like not the best thing that we can get and uh for like you know uh recovering all of the enchantments to get them to the maximum enchantments

It’s just annoying behind there so after I learned how to you know after I learn how to uh enchant items tools equipments I learned how not to Zen loss bye learning how to read the coordinates And I think and I think that’s definitely gonna be the first lesson for video later yeah I will I will definitely tell her that after you die you you will have five minutes to fight your life five minutes and a dream yeah because I don’t know like I feel like the coordinates

Is the most important thing in Minecraft I believe at least if you’re not falling into the lava yeah because literally no one literally no one and I don’t know like is there any other whole life members that use the coordinates as much as I use it I don’t know because

I feel like it’s very important and I learn it in a very very very hard way I struggle so much I struggle so much but Marlo was like screaming shouting and I almost gave up for so many Zen lost Until right now I zenless even if I Zen was in inside of the lava I can still get back the ancient debris right and the armor that’s just how crazy I am with the chordinates right now yeah but yeah I mean no one no one teach me that

I think Flair or pekara do use coordinates yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but I mean coordinates is not that important if you really really know how exactly you go back to the last place you died but I don’t know like I mean if you died in the lava it’s kind of hard to

Like get it back again if you don’t have the coordinates but yeah yeah we sweating bullet that time afraid of you being give up to Minecraft but then we know you’re stronger than we thought no I then lost because I got distracted for watching tournaments not because Not because I forget where I died and that’s just so nice that’s actually The moment of my life it’s like I will never ever gonna forget that I almost I almost uh give up yeah I always give up that time yeah best recent designers best reason to give up Zenless then when Oh yeah have you found where the end Surfer in mixed Surfer the new one right yes yes the the place where Louis Enderman farm right At that moment you ascend to infinity and become I’m not Kyle I shouldn’t get some help that lemon I’m just I’m just that I’m just that stubborn probably I’m just I’m just that stubborn to give up but yeah very nice stone hand yeah no one had Even better into Auto grinding machine yeah there will be a time when people gonna go ask cave farm right nice we will have to sleep in the nether yeah there’s gonna be after the can be six nine done there’s gonna be like another can be koseki never had Beacon just wait right um

No pressure though new MC and PC unlock on progress nice you’re right you’re the tutorial and PC to help get started what do you mean I’m I’m not on PC but recovery is being killed Ben I’m not a Minecraft proceed the girl who is by far the most talented coolest Blackberry

On This Server who constantly amazes her senpai’s and co-hei Skyler you have to give yourself more credit no the only credit that I can say that I can give to myself is just like I’m just that stubborn to give up Um A bro we know you will only bully her no no then what else Is Why why am I so why why am I so chill tonight it’s just because I grind it off stream and yeah and it’s fine Yeah It’s not hunting get some help I still need one or two stream probably hmm you sure you only grinded 180 off shrimp yeah if I’m not mistaken Uh uh um And then color worked because she had no more words to conquer even better Wanda understand cute color will no pressure Vivo unless you become harder than the diamond itself truly an Asian parents movement I see waffle thank you will the color be 12 hours nah it’s just

An idea pig is only made her friends become items but most destroy Stones entirely yes right get some help I will I mean I can I can try to uh ask her to do that right Like we will can can you try to use this it’s gonna be beautiful and then adios I have those turns into Kusa Uh how my memory is done you make me cry for This MC Journey Don’t Cry the Canby hasn’t finished yet At that moment it was sent to infinity and become oh I read that already thank you so you can hurt different with the reason 15 or something what 15 or something 15 months hello hmm guys Three four days okay three four days from now three four days Bijou College 17 my time right so B for video before video collab three four days Yeah sure before Vivo collab yes I don’t know when but that’s not what you think actually it’s more like something you would have done if it was possible Beacon pose So funny how she’ll only use cell touch now I will definitely tell her about like you don’t want to hurt you don’t want to hurt Pebbles right you don’t want to hurt your wrong friends but honestly That big cakes that you’re holding is coming from your friends too Then what so basic your friend is telling you to hurt your friend It’s going to be a battle of logic um she’s holding her friends yeah imagine says holding she’s holding her friend to hurt the other friend wow hello Beason no no no no no ancient debris is not rocks right it’s like uh artifacts it’s kind of like artifacts

It’s not rocks it’s not considered as a reason yeah I don’t know what is Basin by the way hello lithium elephant a welcoming gift for them to hop in Minecraft please no TNT I will give them a lot of TNT because maybe the TNT gonna be like I don’t know or or maybe

Next time I’m gonna explode all of the DND that I have I don’t know we’ll see thank you Jacob will have another beam of Pebbles I’m okay um clip uh Our Castle rain washing progress nice thank you Bruno maybe first teach her the basics of MC because watching they play earlier it was really chaotic I gonna teach her how to like 101 how to Minecraft in a day right in a day How’s your day Don money gone money gone save your money how’s your day great how about you Oh many many ancient debris Hey wait even if it’s even if it’s a silk touch right if I using a iron pancake silk touch To the netherade will it still be gone It’s gone oh it’s still gone oh okay then I should then maybe I should I should give bibo the gold P cakes Yeah right Oh I mean how can how can she mine diamond then if she using what chicken still touch the diamond and then what smelled it what Smells smell the diamond great Foreign Like Cecil touch it and then she asked her gen Mitch to do that for her Random I hope I’m right but if men I’ll have found a stands for MILF that mail stands for men I left Kyla boom gonna drink milk after the ikuzo Jordan Ryan get some help thank you thank you Foreign I will tell I will tell her that ancient debris is not considered as rocks so I recommend Be you to grind for night rides but still Ned rides Nedra still needed a diamond though Tell her 80 is easy to find too yay and then the first dad lost right She can just go treasure hunting for Diamond exactly yeah yeah yeah Yeah so screaming in the entire neander nah it’s gonna be it’s gonna be fine I remember the first time I’m in another the one screaming is Malo not me With a treat the villagers yes yes yes yes yes they she she can’t get the she can get the diamond tools from the villagers and upgrade it to netherade yes right yes yes Bijou we go nether if you don’t want to if you don’t want your mind

But you want to have a proper best tools equipment you can do that be you let’s go It would be funny if video maker can be too and put it next to yours maybe you two will start a training the whole whole life will make nether big and even better Direct on CS koseki Nedra Beacon let’s go no wonder video like suran what Nope you’re forgetting the basic diamond for duplicate recipe well you don’t need to you don’t need to duplicate the recipe just go to 100 bastions you’ll be fine There’s always there’s always a way S you can’t the anti-anchion debris when moving with this then well yesend yes and there’s a there’s so many ways to get diamond right maybe I should maybe I should start to type in my sticky notes how to get diamonds so that by the time Bijou asked me

How to get diamonds and then I copy paste it you can you can go explore right you can you can go explore um uh from the mine shaft you can go explore to get from the treasure map you can go To the sunken ship you can You can and you you know right now the whole life Surfer got a lot lots lots of way a lot of ways two gotcha diamond You can gacha thank you you can trade your items from gold to Diamond in the JP server Well it’s broken now it’s broken Well I’m sorry video you’re just too late Uh it ran out of diamond already I thought diamonds Foreign mining one one one zero one yeah like you know I will just I will teach Anyone that wants to play Minecraft using their own preference just tell me what do you want I can recommend you the best way to get that items In your preference which one do you want to get it with the hardest way possible you want to get that in the most efficient way possible I can I can tell you that eh spilling um Well I have never steal so I’ve I’ve never stolen anything so um Better gacha I think That’s also a way but I mean How do coal turn into diamonds it collapse under pressure external pressure to Beach I mean I mean Bijou Bijou really needs a lot of pressure right because that’s just how gems do Stole my bro get some help Precious rocks yeah Gives her a shelter box full of pressure plates as a gift name it no brush in here I I went to I want to make a gacha machine but no one will ever known about that because I just wants to play by myself Dora can now hold 90 percent diamond in holy Surfer nice foreign should I join no no no I will I will not join anyone I am all by myself You realize that it’s just a lot of ancient debris Thank you Setting and Nice very very nice Foreign Nice By the way Up Ella good luck on your Grandma thank you I could hear Thank you Is Foreign Just a little more um I I didn’t say that it’s already 90 hello I just asked I just asked like 90 percent how many is 90 percent Last time it’s 80 right or nine five eighty for reaching ninety percent since last year okay okay good nice instant answer even better nice four nine five okay How’s the dedication going today going so good eyebrow waffles thank you Guys positive negative Please no lava please no lava please I just want to do our door please it’s all right 0.5 percent for RGB 256 colonizer a vegan price I think I will after the can be let’s finish I’ll definitely gonna miss the nether I literally gonna miss the neither so much Thank you foreign City what I explore NCT first before I go before I went to the nether foreign I will thank you thank you hope one two one at spider or experts and two more streams thank you but I mean I still have another project after the candy so you don’t need to worry Ancient city went what Wait wait wait And ancient city went with and that question right that ancient city one question just just just bring me back to a lot of things Order guys What’s that called again Recovery yeah the recovery compass that I’ve never used it anymore yeah Yeah the recovery compass yeah what for the work ancient city Is just amazing it’s just so sad that it ended so fast the ark but I read but I really really enjoy it I learned a lot from that Arc too Trim art yeah that’s just like almost a week of Minecraft From from not knowing how to rate ancient city until Until we can just run away from Seven Warden foreign MVP best What’s this thingoo do this gambarimasu I will be gambarimastu Meeting thank you so much I really like the Bastion rate by the way foreign Oh so many ancient debris I like this I like this whoa Okay and I want to ask for all of me do you boil the noodle once because I boil it twice since the first Blood the water looked murky and scary with all the wash bursts spread surf Paris don’t want to eat me soak with it oh I I bought it

Once but if you want to boil it twice it’s fine uh-huh it’s up to you your preference you can do what you want but I just usually if that’s the soup one I will just have the new water instead of the boiling water you know Yeah change it Yeah yo thank you Mommy thank you I bought it twice no matter soup or Goring it’s okay you can do whatever um Because there’s exact actually there is no exact way no right or wrong way to cook halloumi If if you want to mix fruits it’s fine too Thank you No thanks what no thanks And by the way what’s what’s are also not rocks right it’s it’s also artifacts at Quartz quartz rocks Of course it’s a rock okay awkwards mineral of course mineral I mean everyone loves quartz so much if that’s not considered as rocks B you can have it not have it I mean mine it where’s this Crystal also when I boil it twice the meat texture is more smooth maybe Ella can try to see if it suits your palate well

Not really because I I because I love the very firm noodles I don’t like the smooth one I really I really love to eat like the very firm one yeah even if it’s Ramen I always order it like firm or very firm Colors What am I doing again foreign S sleek foreign But I mean it’s preference it’s preference guys we cannot stop what people doing The snare is wrong no no no nether is not wrong confirm naturally is artifacts Ah so much lava Laughs A fossil a fossil so many fossils in the Netherlands Foreign [Applause] hurts me I’m Gonna get some help Rude I I I won since since the canvi is close to the completion right not today I mean maybe another stream I just want to have fun in another try to remember all of the things happen from the very first Arc But yeah you got soda thank you so much for dropping so fast I’m good I’m fine I would believe that scream half year ago I mean it’s better it’s better late than never It’s very very emotional Foreign Had a family of course it’s emotion what I mean it hurts me first the netherite Zen loss In the Bastion I thought all of the piglets are nice to me back then I was just trying to enjoy the nether because neither is just warm nice to me and then I got into um Bastion and yes I I don’t know I I don’t really remember

But I think that’s how I lost all of the land right armor tools equipments there I know that the the broad Pig lens right it always gives me a PPS DPS BTS PTSD until the dream art actually Bastion is just not that bad it’s not that bad they’re just Give me ancient debris give me ancient debris local I don’t think you’re good sorry I’m good I’m good thank you for asking I was screaming for help in Minecraft SAS report sensors It’s not sauce that’s just how I ask for help Oh yeah yeah didn’t see that Ancient debris ancient debris I have a friend that ate all of me like Mommy bra with the seasoning powder that’s some Next Level eating I mean it’s fine if they if if they like it why not right Blake Indonesians also eat that Rice bro it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s fine if they want to do it like that yeah many many ways to enjoy all of me You just don’t do it too much Thank you so we didn’t give you my last hundred dollars in my wallet please save my money go to buy what you want what you need and what you love hey You need to save your money for buying something you know save your money so that mean you’re good Thank you so much soda yogurt exactly right War for us don’t give me lava just give me debris La la I just bought 50 dollars of Halloween can I eat this for every meal possibly hold me milkshake Ella please advise don’t do that LSW thank you so much for the six nine but don’t do that don’t do that just don’t do that that’s not good not healthy Will you will you put the seasonings into the milkshake too Yes obviously nice Andy Andy go away smart Andy Smart Andy Um I give you my love nice yes yes I need luck yes yes thank you why there is no ancient debris now give me the ancient debris now ouch laughing guys ouch lava lava it hurts it hurts ow ow ow ow ow [Applause] it hurts oh Pull up by and see Panic you guys you guys need to Penny you know any panic Guys too late uh pull it already Okay I will try to do better yeah yeah it’s hot it’s hot it’s hot I’m dying I’m dying it’s hot it’s hot Two out of ten away You saw her when you’re in fire get some help thank you Yeah my bro guys I think I’ve just discovered something amazing I put fresh Curry raw salmon salmon and cooked rice and it’s very good try it and let me know maybe I should Market it I don’t know what isn’t that a thing that’s a thing right Yama bro you good

Bro just invented sushi yeah it’s okay it’s okay you can try that that’s super nice stop it Ella my chicken is sleeping Any vegetables sometimes I’m afraid I’m afraid of lafa Ella stop disrespecting lava it’s trying its best thank you Oh sushi I’ll call it that thanks guys yeah I’m over here nice that you know it now great best of luck for your new business Okay guys I want to use many many TNT can I I want to use many many TNT in a straight line I heard that it’s gonna be scary oh no I cannot put many many just many that not many many the lava trying to stop me Foreign There is nothing oh there’s one there Oh When I was desperate and no money on hand I ate all of me for three months I think I’m gonna die guys don’t copy me three yourself better so then that’s why you need to stop standing as sea sword and in your good Thank you Don’t do that sword and Ouch Wow the Y is for We have a dream we hope will come true that you are here with us and we copyright copyright yeah thank you thank you so much Never Gonna Give You Up yay negative positive 15. oh no so much lava foreign Try better fine fine Oh guys why is this woman so hard get some help be careful thank you Get some help okay Just got back from doctor doctor say anesthesia will make me not feel any pain but it hurt when he out Anastasia on me such a scam doctor marrying you good fast recovery for you Stay strong Nothing this neither wants me to be mad I won to be angry Angie I’m really really angry with this nether got no ancient debris I’m so mad I’m so mad Kyla let’s see does that eats the cursed chicken that makes her scream at the sun whenever she sees it to go back to normal she must eat five grasshoppers will you get them for Zara so she can eat them I will just I will just take her to the grasshoppers Farm

And she can eat it all Martin thank you I will slow as I need to take off ways to pay for medicine Marion get some help why send red supers save your money get some help Really really need to get some help for real I’ll definitely die Nice thank you What’s this What’s this cannot even see wow four times four four times four No debris probably there is a debris but I just cannot see it Oh no I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like the basal Not the bus out please Oh yeah before I slept out and prescribed me with some other where can I find I don’t know why why you need you need to go to rest please get some rest right Ha Ha Hahaha [Applause] [Laughter] Nice Motorcycle great 13 seconds of r nice I saw this happens Africans oh yeah exactly right what is happening with Canby and R I don’t know right why my ocean like that I don’t know Ireland mob Chan is my new oh she what get some help foreign my health bar increased by 50 with heavily Get some help you better rest Marine thank you for the pink surprise oh this reminds me of the time I went into the garden and my grandma had a look on her face like she was saying get some health yeah you really need to get some help thank you You walk by debris did I Get somehow I think it’s time to change my own sheets so running oh no why you do that to me why did you do that to me what did I do wrong Wrap it run run Rivers really rapidly thank you nice SM Ella Is good try repeatedly say I cannot I cannot uh loop that because I need to say the r Like that cannot can you say my name like What is this what is this where’s the engine the breed there is no ants in debris now the ancient debris just run away from me it’s just so sad Thank you laugh again laugh again laugh everywhere laugh for everywhere I just want to use up all of my TNT there’s no other reason are are some help nice where are you I miss you from now on Garland is my new oh she buy some help thank you you mean ancient Brewery

Thank you also good luck for can be done you won’t get some help but thank you Bob puts helicopter helicopter what’s going on with all of the art what’s going on with all of the Arts What’s that hrl I think it’s time to send Essie that are nice will help me make it though the work day through the workday nice very nice polymer here I want to request new sound tracks version will you allow it Kyle like I mean why not but why not but why

Why not but why The Mandalay Yama bro our issue is it Yama bro Skill issue Thank you so much for the membership yes thank you I’m turning that into scent to be uploaded later when I finish wow Wow that’s just wow wow that’s super wow well since what the ancient debris really really gone after so much r Nice Nice Too easily your you are issue You’re saying my artists are issue you wanna fight or what hmm um Okay you’re good I’m always good thank you Oh what does that mean Five more month until a little bit gang wait Amber let’s go in time to join the member thank you for the gifts Can you call my name without the r Without the r way One r1s see how many are did you say ran in you need to stop so running get some help Yama bro wanna fight me wanna fight me you will definitely lose What’s that get some help Ouch I just sent YouTube an email I wrote there I’m so mad I cannot say what supercheck filled with only why you cannot if considered as a Spam is it girl Nice rainbow Marin you should grass Can someone tell what the target of engine debris that she need in total it’s five nine zero five nine zero five nine zero 5904 thank you Foreign So much because software but your stream makes me gambaru sorry my Brokenness You can do it you can do it arigato I still have tatang I still have Tatum with me Nice is that a challenge You just got gallon as a mascot and already let you place it with a new instrument yeah I don’t know Actually I need to give it back to amchan yeah maybe tomorrow I’ll give it back thank you Okay Is it already two hours or no it’s already 11 30 11 30 right it’s 11 30 right now right I don’t know what time is it it’s just so hard to find the time right now is it our channel change from Puja to hell I am nice You know that you’re cool when you’re doing that right I’m always cool no matter what I do A blast I love watch Ella stream because she never ends no I will end in less than 30 minutes so done and thank you I still need to go back to work before I before I go to sleep la there are already three notifications right now what is oh no I’m John reminder no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh Hey interesting Thank you reminder or reminder A man yeah Marion if you’re bored making content maybe you can make a contest where we can submit our generated based energy releases six nine hours Loop of your R get some help people will be losing sanity nice No ancient debris no ancient the brain faster I don’t have much time I don’t have much time just give me the ancient debris for real for real Okay Okay oh it’s four it’s five Super nice Wait another one more than one please no it’s just one I think one day you can talk to amjan and only replay with r or you have lunch or sure and only play while saying R get some help Martin no dude get some help thank you 78 oh no guys it’s not even 100. what are we supposed to do with this oh no Hey hey get some help get some help Oh okay Da Whoa hey hey get some help you good wow what’s this She probably grained 580 off stream already no it’s not it’s not but you know 10 person 10 person is Five hundred nine thousand Niche right Five thousand ninety yeah 600 around yeah around that five nine one five nine hey hey get some help get something mindlessly for real now good night thank you for the other therapy I know now your middle name is Kyla r r r r r r r r

R r r r r r r and do you rest adios get well soon That’s almost That’s almost a-r-a-a-r-a even better nice why suddenly so much lava Magdalena Shreks watching on both phone plus letter for Max as Emma E7 I’m jealous because I heard Chad and B will give you earlier and I wasn’t there can I give you Foreign Get some help hey hey hey thank you so much for the Pink So pass but get some help that’s that’s five yellow already things will pass just in case if you didn’t realize that Thank you By the way blue Journey tomorrow so excited enjoy enjoy this can you guys help me check the description Box about when I started the Canby I think it’s on June right I wrote it somewhere in the description box April it’s April April May June July August it’s almost it’s almost five months project already You did say six month project I mean five months five months is great in five months are great enough actually because at first when I started grinding for an Android I thought it’s gonna be like three years project foreign like almost five months already crazy remember you’re saying that um actually you can finish it in one month what

No no thank you Nine negative C A almost 12 o’clock oh no I still want to go back home by the way I wanna go back home and smell the ancient debris first Are we going to see 3D dancing Ella in the fifth Hollow Fest only one way to find out thank you Do you already have skulls to swim on Twitter I already prepared to Beacon yes I already have two beaconed On there Okay I need ancient debris please foreign Dancing get some help get some help Please I need more I need more maybe not I don’t know He be mine Minecraft tips Foreign Can you make the best R sound I have never what is the best R sound I have never known what is best R sound and words are sound I don’t know Um skk yes the treaty dance acquaintance Just go this way Hey it’s me again how are you I miss you so much Carla’s old yellow sock get some help Foreign Nutella Hey if this one is a long tunnel let’s just do the last door and let’s see how much is the progress Oh no Do full row of TNT I’m afraid that it’s gonna be like Olaf if I did that I do die We’ll see hey summer penguin summer penguin summer penguin amalu becomes summer penguin right now instead already considered as a red suit pass by the way thank you so much for the red super sweet don’t got your gutter too much by the way have control for yourself amalo with bikini what Get some hell get some help I I just read the I just read the chat someone say pamalo with bikini question mark even wear anything what I really need to end the stream but I need to go back There is no debris at all hey this is Rick 88. 89 Oh 92 . A stagger is Okay I think that’s all that’s all I don’t know I think so My teeth too I know it’s all lava already Oh 93 Let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s get more oh 94. oh 95. 00 Claystone and stream yeah I just got here get some help get some help what Allah someone gonna have a bad day tomorrow well Don Jing said let’s go three and three Um Foreign Foreign Give me more Oh no oh no 98 two more I miss some left wall ah really you sure I don’t know just forget about it just try to find it again Thank you Please I just need two Two please What break explosion thank you hey hey thank you will you do anything special for six six nine K Subs no there’s gonna be something on 690 A goose gets some help Yama bro not like that Monday oh that one oh I really ah this one is the two that I miss right okay so I got it already we let’s go let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see right Then Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Um very nice And then the quartz okay Wait the gold And then Miss Essie hold on married I woke up because I forgot to tell you something I wanted to see you in our contest and get some health Marine you can please continue to rest thank you I like watching you live even if I don’t know what you’re talking about please

Say my name okay Your name let’s see Goodnight color really enjoy another fun Minecraft stream enjoy and stay safe in Japan hope I see you at narissa in my dreams again to get some help get some help oh Jesus sorry to get some help but thank you for the first two pass thank you and then uh Arrow One two three Foreign Yet I want to hydrate hydrate first Get some help thank you thank you Okay just just give me three four days just give me three four days and I promise that’s gonna be the last okay okay Um one two three four five six seven It’s more it’s less than 500. Oh it’s oh it’s 500 okay okay okay five zero eight yeah hello Okay five zero eight hello Okay so we need a are we are we 90 yet we are 90 or right Oh Five three two seven eighty total ninety Point twenty ninety Point twenty three percent five seven seven okay five seven seven we can do that we can do that I promise I promise I will work hard for that Let’s go we can do that we can do that hmm yes give me give me three four days three four days don’t promise just do it foreign To death What just happened right there laugh at omo Okay Tomorrow night stream only yes tomorrow night stream only I will be having meeting with Amsterdam the whole day But uh probably I will be bringing my laptop so I can grind a little bit in my break time Maybe Very productive okay where is it for Walkers hello Oh I thought I thought the pickaxe is missing hello welcome welcome thank you so much thank you so much for the raid would be some red Nice Okay we just need to wait a little bit Now that co-workers is here please do the right Kobo intro let me be the sun to your life Okay Let me be the sun to your life foreign Takes so long foreign Let me be the sun to your lava Yama bro is that Kyla talking I don’t know anyone nice hi Carla this is a Spanish tongue twister Stickers travel Trigon or trigger and on trigled struggle Adventures must sail fast Tres Rises or trigger and on triggered struggle and stress research triggers Thank you what on I was done hey the chat is so fast but I can still someone say still cannot say Amber Ray Amber racing get some help are they wrong get some help rude nice embarrassing I can say that embarrassing hmm Okay Foreign Super smelter but so slow cannot work faster What get some help Probably spelled to summon more 80 even better I’m not in the nether anymore sorry Foreign Just wait just wait we just need to wait chocobar yeah it looks like a choco bar golden golden choco bar You know what I actually just laugh it here for I don’t know for I don’t know how many days already but I think no one take it I mean if I mean if people take it I will also not knowing it so yeah I will I will I will never realize I am there async embarrassing embracing embracing embracing and embracing embarrassing embracing embarrassing I’m very happy don’t worry no one still knows how to use this smelter well yeah maybe That’s why we need to count The pronunciation of that tongue twister was actually good for not knowing the language saludos Thank you thank you Amber racing Embry Amber racing Amber racing right Amber racing is correct right Amber racing embracing Ella isn’t embarrassed embracing no embracing but she knows Spanish is basically Pro of course yes Um super smelter is it done I think it’s done Not yet nice Yeah the minecart the Minecraft the Minecraft the minecart makes the dragon rollers foreign What happened All testing Arena I see what kind of Arena Thank you oh what Speaking of languages did you get friends for the oh I don’t know because there is no update about that your food thank you so much Amber racing embracing embracing and embarrassing Thank you Just give up I already I already give up saying that word for I don’t know since forever but yeah Okay Okay I think it’s done yes Okay I know I don’t know Okay Perfect oh super nice 48. I’m sorry I I’m sorry I I’m sorry I don’t have a place for that thank you so much I drew it um racing nice I don’t I’m sorry I’m sorry no place Uh uh You know what since everything can happen we better put that first for the sakes of pamalo’s heart Because because we never know what’s gonna happen right on the way home Thank you you’re welcome Thanks Chef yeah thank you for your consideration yes Yes Our hearts is fragile you know Something bad happened I’ll just laugh but Pamela will be like That’s our luck remember Kyla I need some luck what thank you so much for the luck you’re giving me luck right thank you do you know that if you remove any letter from the word seed it will still spell a real word gimana Given I don’t get this one how oh it’s sad sexy ah interesting hello Mr Nice why suddenly all of the people you good You good guys That’s literally the only part that’s off about how you were saying it Audrey thank you so much Amber Gray Embrace ambra Emperor embrace I’m dressed I’m breast Embrace embracing embracing um Amber Look at this I got a creeper head right now I got two Okay we saved the OMG creep don’t ask me how many times I died for this okay I died so many times you don’t need to worry I’m fine Oh yeah the creeper sound Somehow Got some help I wanna hear it Thank you Okay I know I know Foreign Thank you Foreign It’s fine No because creeper sound right creeper Sun needs to be Reaper Sun the creeper head needs to be there Because if they don’t say it they will not be afraid of the creeper Foreign foreign Hmm Let’s Uh okay okay okay okay okay then It needs to be here the Redstone or we can put it somehow here okay just hide it Okay just just hide that one and one more we can put it on the armor stand Okay okay it’s kind of loud actually because Okay um burn to death Um oh it’s Note Block sound okay um Thank you okay um foreign I really need to take all of this too Hello no it needs to be one more Oh hi Slap oh That’s kind of loud actually Block armor stand up Okay Laughs Armor stand Um jumping creeper what jumping creeper even better Jumping creeper Piston or sticky piston hold on Laughs How to how to make it jumping Or slime or slime You don’t need to worry I have everything Not the sticky piston What time Foreign Thank you wait Um Let me let me try it first Foreign Thank you thank you so much for reminding me to rest foreign no No only since I close your eyes Foreign Makes it by herself she still got surprised because of that it’s fine It’s fine it’s fine question mark question one more question more question mark nothing nothing No no no no no no can it still connected like this no it’s not connected um Um Ah like this no foreign Oh yeah yeah it’s working it’s working it’s working foreign but it’s too high I mean if we can get like a green armor Blah wait what Thank you Foreign The sun will not be that loud It will not work done It’s okay if it smells so messy no one look at this Foreign get some help Okay okay I think it will be like glued to the note block is it Foreign Because of what ah Well there’s something really wrong about it It’s it’s it’s it’s gonna be so funny you know if if actually right if it’s actually they’re gonna be like a real creeper here You forgot the creeper no the creeper head gonna be jumping because of the sticky piston too I think Beginning active like this Foreign Foreign This one The pressure flute is here That way it’s not working Wrong one Or this one Oh okay Round one thank you That should work I don’t think so because it needs to be like uh what’s working like that then okay Okay but it’s so high should I like lower it Put it in the middle [Laughter] no I don’t think I I think that’s already like the perfect place because because it’s jumping right no because we need to go this way Add block to stop jump Foreign Fine Um See the first jump Market apania my name is can we fall down or we can fall down Nice okay Gray carpet if I put a gray carpet there the the armor scent can still jump Nice Trap door Carpet I don’t know carpet I don’t think I can put carpet without any blocks Your carpet needs to block under it Boogeyman String Foreign foreign The string Did you remove the string Push Um no the wool gonna be broke too wow hello you’re good Foreign Not that one Okay and then Um On the blocks but actually it’s working though Mm-hmm normal carpet It’s not working No it’s the same I cannot Um If trapdoor cannot write it cannot No I I don’t think I have snow here Oh there’s no yeah the thing is I need to take the powder snow wow I I need to take the powder snow from the village from the city But it’s very obvious what is this Nice But but people will definitely look at this like what is this I think Uh No no hold on hold on hold on I I need to remove all of this first Okay people will just hear creeper sunscreen panic Nicholas Because if there’s gonna be like a true creeper here sadly out of nowhere and then I’ll just read I just gotta think that it’s actually the Creeper from The Notebook it’s gonna be fun Thank you Mushroom Island amangan I mushroom nice yeah it’s still a mushroom field here Foreign Nice Cannot um where is even my phone Where is my phone when I need it screenshot okay Thank you Under the washing machine nice It’s gonna take a while to remove this Nice Okay Birthday cake adios birthday cake No more birthday cake birthday already done The cake was alive what do you mean the cake was a lie Thank you Okay wow flying Android who put all of this Madrid blocks here it’s gonna this is gonna break my pancakes Okay I think I need to put it up there first because there is no place here Foreign Can you activate the 90 Beacon 90 percent maybe yes Ouch Asked me yes that asked me Oh no this takes so long I can’t I don’t have the patience for this ice Oh no Hmm Thank you okay what it’s it’s Mushroom Island Lucky it’s not a creeper if that’s a creeper I’ll just laugh S on this one Okay foreign Island six nine up up Kyla Island six nine You took a screenshot remember down storage six nine room down storage six nine room downstairs six nine room down storage six nine room Dallas story six nine room Okay foreign Wait uh uh Maybe I can just put like a trapdoor there okay I am Fair okay See you see you what am I doing again Trapdoor trap door so that no one will fall down Or me I can just use glass paint right but maybe it’s gonna be messy It’s gonna be messy I forgot What is that foreign It’s it’s kind of obvious though Oh yeah but players gonna fall down players gonna fall down Pants Yeah I think I think it’s fine Thank you Foreign Because if they fall down Hold on Um foreign I’m so confused thank you so much Okay maybe that’s better Okay let me drink You know you know what people will be people people will be very lucky people will be very lucky if they got because the door Auto closed right Foreign People will be lucky if they’re gonna stuck here right if they step on the pressure plate so it’s gonna be like If they’re unlucky if they’re unlucky They’re gonna be like stuck here you bet And then they will realize oh that’s just a trap What if they hit it by reflex oh the creeper is in my hand the creeper is in my hand yeah You good Ella I’m good thank you This acting better than Ally nether nice You really are broken Maybe since when is my oh she’s such a comedian I’m not a comedian If Dave what happened if they stab it with a sword Once broken considered salt nice What hold on waits for Uh Blah why am I become green now Foreign Get some help I’ve become the creeper now great Um okay Um that’s not okay That’s not okay the green is not the same Foreign Thank you Sound effect tiendi what hold on The I don’t have TNT Thank you What if what if I bought it till here is it gonna is it gonna explode too yes no yes no but I’m really curious Nah it’s fine My heart store Oh yeah I’m sorry now I remembered awkward Senpai hello I I I just remember I just remembered that pomalo’s heart is fragile I’m sorry guys I’m sorry but I just remember now I’m just curious about that Just do it color colorful is what I’m not giving you contents I’m sorry foreign Okay okay I will I will try to get more uh uh Creeper’s head okay so it will be more louder But maybe I will I will die so many times again Totally worth spending two hours on this word for what But you know what You know what people will be just going back because because even if they open and they heard they will just go back right they’ll just go back and then they will not find a way to Um Foreign I’ll show you Why it’s broken What is what is this way in nihongo okay Glenn get some help What is that that’s a lot of typo Wait wait some why it’s so different This way this way Go see this this way this way Foreign Wow my inventory is a mess now Totally a mess I I wonder why I wonder why it’s it’s a mess Okay just put a random area is it is it enough place here Is it one two three four I don’t know uh it’s nine right nine nine times nine right now Look at that Um foreign Foreign It’s so hard just do it in the hardest way possible because why not one two three Um one two three four five six seven eight one two three One two three four One two three four five six seven eight nine It’s gonna be just temporary okay I haven’t done I haven’t finished it yet this is just temporary I will remove it later Why is this The barrel did I put all of it in the barrel laughs ouch Foreign I think that only the wall one kinda The shelter box with quartz I believe that there is an under chest here why there’s no energy this one thank you Foreign Not enough not enough prep six not enough we need no no Sleep no need if the creeper spawns in the natural Beacon I’ll just laugh Laughs I’ll just I’ll just laugh over that paper Your love we cry no this is this is anti-creeper Foreign Just a little bit more just a little bit more two three four five foreign Okay so it’s um one two three four five it’s 25 right the third layer is 25. so one two three four five six seven eight eight Seventeen Seventeen more and we’re done is it is it correct the notes are correct right we got the same notes right One for seven other block total correct okay great correct okay okay we are we are 90 already right okay just give me three four days I’ll I’ll work so hard off stream and then I’ll open another stream and then we’ll be fine okay Don’t push yourself too much Upstream no no no what what what I’m doing offstream is just like you know 20 minutes here and there 20 minutes here and there 20 minutes here and there Um okay that’s actually just weird like what is your project Man red beacon for what I don’t know don’t ask me okay it’s working Foreign I don’t say that it’s 20 minutes a day no it’s like 20 minutes once so it’s like 20 minutes here and there and then off again and then 20 minutes again yay 20 minutes again 15 20 minutes 15 20 minutes work again and then off again

Work again 20 minutes again off again Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah What hold on hold on And what How to color that oh this one Foreign Wait wait it feels like it’s a feeling Beacon now It’s like so evil I mean it’s vegan Stairway To Hell Foreign Do you realize how much of the nether you have broken no oh you’re that close Yeah let’s do this before the collab with bee boo Foreign Okay Interesting It’s still green but it’s okay Okay okay nice the mushroom can watch over the beacon Thank you What are you doing I’m trying to screenshot this uh how can I even screenshot this Oh okay Nice Nice oh You see those blocks I did Yeah I don’t if you access the beacon or asses the cows both It looks so obvious yeah I said five months just for that blocks well it’s not even finished yet you must proud of yourself okay not yet not yet this week we’re gonna finish it this week yeah it started with the right dining table look how it ended up

I don’t know I I just I just couldn’t I don’t know I couldn’t remember when I said that maybe I will be having another beacon in three years but we’re just so close we’re so close Don’t Cry No it’s it’s not the it’s not the proper time to cry later yeah yeah hmm oh the Nedra includes that bridge yeah yeah the bridge because it’s a eight blocks because um it’s eight blocks but I don’t know how to I don’t know where to put it so yeah

One two three four five six We can’t Ferry this far from here and blood of hard-working yeah we’re gonna celebrate we’re gonna celebrate with using all of the tnps right I still have I don’t know I still have a lot I think I still have a lot of dnds so yeah Celebrate with the end yeah we’re gonna explode the nether 577 577 let’s go as management if the server can hold Exploit the surf no no no if if the server gone we cannot build the netherride beacon too Celebrate the server I see no We continue not to t double o p o o get some help Laughs Beacon too finish the weekend off stream no no no no no no I will I will literally control myself okay so the next one the next stream gonna be I don’t know let’s just see if I can get like um 300 400 seasons Right I mean we can get more you know right we we can get more I I still need I hey hello I still want to have Madrid tools I still need Android tools what do you mean if I if I if I put all of my nether to the nether vegan I will not have any natural tools hello or what diamond is good enough what wait what yeah okay okay okay then But at least at least I mean at least I need to have some right What if I lost my armor Make it 1000 even better get some help Oh no no no no I mean okay I mean we can stop at I mean we can stop at 577 right but we we gonna celebrate right we’re gonna celebrate with right we’re gonna have some more right Yay Not the surfer PNP beacons TNT Beacon TNT beacon in the nether Ville I’m in danger will destroy the server I’m not gonna destroy the server get some help How many candies you have left I don’t know I have a lot Duarte OverWatch uh Actually you know what we can we can go to we can go to find a ancient city and then And then and then we’re gonna we’re gonna put like a TNT Beacon and then Blow up ancient city Surfer adios the ancient city actually become lost Wake up the warden wake up the warden and then just do it uh Door wake up so many Warden and then we do Nice nice first camera with this event I think I should make weapon based on your random Hammerhead and fans confuse The emerald is actually in the middle part that cannot be seen from the outside while the night no I don’t want I don’t want to lie to myself that’s why that’s why I make it like that um Ricky Pro is more interesting when you put another vegan in front of new portal

Server no don’t do that Uh and then Get some help us Uh what else Embracing Bob Amber racing Amber racing Amber Amber sing while I need some love thank you for the love and then Shanna Cool Friends soy yo sure son two nice three times because I’m cool I know thank you You should put an armor stand with a Tripper head in the whole Advent house to create some content rule yeah remember every time I wonder why you make people more and more scared to come at your places Dragonstone and now creeper sound it’s just fun it’s it’s

Not for scaring people it’s just fun it was good learning thanks Kyla since it Kyla Sensei what Kyla sent say s thank you Legion adding creepy jump scares to meditation room seems kind of cruel but you do you it’s just fun only being only nice a lot of dedication

To scare other memberso get some help it’s not like that Yama bro the way it jumps is perfect just need green armor Yama bro thank you it’s amazing try use powder snow to cover the whole Yama bro people will just hear creeper sunscreen Panic nice cool pasta reflects all this net right

Thank you so much for the sixth night but the needed likes that if your Minecraft bgm is great it always gets me hyped up I doubt a six feet hole in my diaper department at work I think I might get fired why you did that why La one on one and Young

You I’m very excited to see the results of this I’m so excited too and more present and we’ll be done since when is such a comedy I’m not a comedy get some help right now I think a few members already considered a copying room scary at the creeper head and the

Piglet and you now have your Halloween house Carlos thank you let’s get it in my heart Congress on getting the heart of omalu OMG is this it this is what this is it what did the video message you for self touch Piggies yeah why 38 thank you new title Kyla Josh no it’s not no garbage no sweet dreams Kyla Kaya butter sweet dream what do you mean suddenly sweet dream I’m still streaming how can I

Sweet dream sweet dream nice the emperor will be please call a good Chris we need to get rid that Emerald first and then we’re gonna we’re talking after we successfully get rid of the uh the the the word Emerald we’re gonna start talking um

So Kyle if evil got all this time oh no help no it’s not does this mean we get our luck back when you finish the beacon of course not the nether laxative of course not enjoy Ryan neither no Lava pool as big as the server yes Hannah wait to see you play Minecraft

Thank you yes I will play Minecraft yamabu yes use of all TNT and have remaining 80s Flex nice mclareness Rex nice yeah nice Nice C cell seashells celebrate with a color and being six nine plus I would buy Rude I love the Dual project nice too thank you you keep your heart nice it was good learning thanks Kyla since what I Sensei oh I read all of that already and by the way I have an idea before I go House and W let’s go color release beast from your heart send TNT out yeah I want to make a TNT Beacon right besides that you need a side welcome to kyla69 flex Island this is not Flex Island pretty organ thank you thank you One What Ten nine one two three four one two three four One two nothing gonna happen nothing gonna happen what do you mean Unless you know what Unless there is a drowned and then someone literally tried to shoot the drown with a flame bow that we’re gonna talk Or maybe the creeper can the creeper can definitely spawn here right okay Okay one two three four five one two three one two one two three Okay nice Relax Wait what what is like that um Olo Bakery It looks cute It looks like a cake it looks like a cake like a strawberry cake Just remove it like just remove it I don’t I don’t want I don’t want other members Got involved in this intrusive thoughts Yeah because If if I mistakenly dwarried it’s fine but I imagine if other members do are it I don’t know it’s I I I just don’t want to imagine it okay Okay oh hi Coralos 1500 plus diamond because of it How about losing 5 000 net right It’s gonna be like the story of all time right yeah it’s gonna be fine thank God isn’t probably gonna be fine I got a senpai gonna get um 15 000 diamonds yeah I thought neither I didn’t explode Nedra didn’t explode once but I don’t know like will it will it stay like after so many explosions I don’t know It’s gonna stay there The beacon missing at porch Reminder for people Kiara and it starts in 30 minutes that’s why we need to end Jammy Chapman thank you now I give all my luck to the clothes to bring down lightning on a TNT even if there is lightning yellow were nice kyla69 ruined Island

Such as the behavior of an evil God Kyla just I ever no I’m not Kyla Jackson hello suspicious DQ can I can I um I don’t know can I read how to even read this Read the waiting room because why not oh I can’t do that okay okay and then I think that’s all for now one more stream one more stream one more stream one more stream one more stream one more stream one more stream oh let’s go Thank you so much for being here it’s just a crazy crazy progress after all we’ve been here oh so thank you so much for now I’ll be streaming at night at at night midnight I don’t know I need to make sure what time I gonna go home today so yeah okay thank

You so much for now Oh thank you we what it’s a Discord notifications I better run I’m turned I adios now stream bye bye okay eight Discord notifications we good nice bye bye bye Foreign Thank you Ah hmm

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】#20 dedication #KaelaNB69 (508 debris)【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】’, was uploaded by Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID on 2023-09-12 19:07:56. It has garnered 71605 views and 7112 likes. The duration of the video is 05:03:56 or 18236 seconds.

【Local donation】Bittersweet treats are now very EZGGWP!~ Link: https://sociabuzz.com/kaelakovalskia/tribe

#Kaelaif #KaelaKovalskia #holoID

#KaelaNB69: my Netherite Beacon project starting from April 26th 2023. ——————————————————————————————————- This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms)

【MOD used】 Complementary Shaders Author: EminGT Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders ——————————————————————————————————- 【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/kaelakovalskia 【Instagram】 https://www.instagram.com/kaelakovalskia 【Tik Tok】 https://www.tiktok.com/@kaelakovalskia 【Facebook】 https://www.facebook.com/KaelaKovalskia ——————————————————————————————————- Request from hololive Productions to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Request from hololive Production for underage viewers: Please read the guidelines below before watching our content https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors-id ————————————————– ————————————————– — 【Vestia Zeta】 • Channel: https://t.co/mTJbfHlA8z • Twitter: https://twitter.com/vestiazeta • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vestiazeta • Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vestiazeta • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VestiaZeta

[Kobo Kanaeru]• Channel: https://t.co/hAZaN3S6Op • Twitter: https://twitter.com/kobokanaeru • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kobokanaeru/ • Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kobokanaeru • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KoboKanaeru ————————————————– ————————————————– — 【EN】Rules to remember while streaming is in progress: • Please be nice to fellow viewers and comment in polite language. • Please do not engage in off-topic discussions in the comments column. • Please do not spam in any form. • Please do not swear, criticize, or speak in harsh language. • Please maintain your attitude when commenting and please do not comment on sensitive matters related to SARA, politics, NSFW, etc. • Please do not discuss with each other in the waiting room. • Please do not comment about other Vtubers in the waiting room/during the livestream if it is not started first by the Vtuber who is streaming because it is impolite. 【EN】Notice during the stream: • Please be nice with each other and comment using polite words. • Please keep the chat on-topic in relation to the stream. • Please don’t spam. • Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language. • Please refrain from commenting about sensitive topics such as race, politics, NSFW, etc. • Please do not do any discussions in the waiting room. • Please do not mention or give any comment about other Vtubers during the livestream if the topic wasn’t started first by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite. 【JP】皆に気を付けてほしいこと: ・視聴者同士で仲良く、丁寧な言葉でコメントをお願Aboutす・不適切な言葉を使わないでほしいです ・待機中の話を遠慮してほしいです ・話題に出ていない他の配信者について、話さないでください 【Hashtag】 • General: #KaelaKovalskia • Live: #Kaelaif • Fanart : #inKaela • Meme: #KaeLaugh 【Yasuda Suzuhito Sensei】 • https://twitter.com/suzupin

【Credits】 Thumbnail art: https://x.com/Kentojin50/status/1680325279917707264?s=20 Opening Screen & Stinger Art: https://twitter.com/keenbiscuit New Outfit Designer: https://twitter.com/ug0nba New outfit BGM: https://audiostock.jp/ Gaming Overlay: https://twitter.com/fremhaus Stinger: https://twitter.com/fremhaus Room Overlay: https://twitter.com/keiraworks Notification Alert: https://twitter.com/corgi_koragi Cursors: https://twitter.com/noiireism/status/1677484700594765824 Minecraft BGM: https://twitter.com/minari_studio Ending Screen Art: https://twitter.com/senjou62 Ending Screen Rig: https://twitter.com/raina_illune Ending BGM: https://dova-s.jp/EN/bgm/play8412.html

【Official cover website】 http://cover-corp.com/ 【Official YouTube Channel hololive Indonesia】 https://www.youtube.com/c/hololiveIndonesia 【Official Twitter Hololive Indonesia】 https://twitter.com/hololive_Id 【Official Facebook hololive Indonesia】 https://www.facebook.com/Hololive-Indonesia-108806367277672/

  • Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! – Minecraft

    Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! - Minecraft EFEKAN VE ALPEREN HAYALET OKULUNA BAŞLADI! 😱 – Minecraft In this video, Efe and Alperen spend a day at the Ghost School. They learn how to scare people and how to become ghosts themselves. For more videos like this, don’t forget to subscribe! Subscribe now: Minecraft Parodies YouTube Channel Most Loved Minecraft Videos Check out our most popular Minecraft videos here! Support the Channel If you enjoy our content, consider joining our channel here! Join our Discord community: Discord Contact us at: [email protected] Disclaimer: All our videos are purely fictional. The characters and events depicted are not real. The… Read More

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    TIGSMCTIGSMC, Server with Many Features! Join and have fun with friends. On TIGSMC You will find many minigames, challenges and more! If you will need help, we have many staff members, tell one of them what you want, and they will help you Vote our server for more players and more fun Join now and have fun! play.tigsmc.fun:21579 Read More

  • PLAINS N’ PEAKS SMP | whitelist

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  • Minecraft server mp.castiamc.com

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  • Unbelievable Find at Raaanch – Crystal Room Revealed!

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  • 💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PC

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  • Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | Minecraft

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  • AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!

    AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-08-11 16:02:32. It has garnered 123790 views and 1297 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:54 or 10014 seconds. I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle! 👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► https://beckbrojack.co MAIN CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/beckbrojack 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! 👍 FOLLOW ME! 🡆 Twitter – https://twitter.com/BeckBroJack Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Piano Cover – Billy Joel Phantom

    Insane Minecraft Piano Cover - Billy Joel PhantomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Piano Man Note Block | Billy Joel Minecraft’, was uploaded by Phantom Note Block on 2024-08-31 13:00:45. It has garnered 174 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Billy Joel – Piano Man Noteblock *Turn on CC for lyrics* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxEPV4kolz0 Arranged and built by Phantomette / PhantomNoteBlock ============================================ This is one of those songs that I didn’t care for until I started building it. By then, it really started to grow on me. Fun fact, this video was uploaded at 9 o’clock Saturday for 90% of my typical… Read More

  • Evrim Craft

    Evrim CraftEvrim Craft, Minecraft’ın sınırlarını zorlayan bir skyblock ve MMORPG karışımıyla geliyor! Adından da anlaşılacağı gibi bir evrimin başlangıcını temsil ediyor. Burada, pay to win kavramının izlerini silip, adil, dengeli, yenilik dolu ve eğlenceli bir oyun ortamı bulacaksınız. Sadece blokları kırıp eşyaları toplamakla ya da AFK bırakma ile sınırlı kalmayacak, aynı zamanda epik görevleri tamamlayarak Evrim Craft dünyasının en güçlü oyuncusu olma yolunda ilerleyeceksiniz. Desteklenen sürümler: 1.20.4 – 1.21.X Sunucu adresi: play.evrimcraft.com Web site: https://www.evrimcraft.com Discord: discord.gg/evrimcraft play.evrimcraft.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2+ No resets, griefing Economy 15 online

    Welcome to HearthCraft SMP HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. Join us to be a part of our community! Features: The world will never reset. Join a long-standing community. No pay-to-win perks, just pure gameplay. Resource worlds that reset monthly. Active economy system with player shops, auctions, and more. Unique pet system and level-up based on playtime. Marriage plugin, land claiming, and more. Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia. Block logging and inventory rollback for player protection. Main world size is 90,000 x… Read More

  • SiteBB’neath the surface

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.siteb.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Screenshot Shenanigans 🔥”

    Looks like these screenshots are getting a solid 21 out of 10 in my book! Keep snapping those pixels, gamers. Read More

  • Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown

    Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Hive Games is where the community thrives. Join the discord, join the fun, Explore Legaci City under the sun. Shoutout to sparkskye for the thumbnail design, And to Ghostyy and Kamkam for their duos that shine. Cinematics by qRedblu, capturing the action, Bringing the excitement, satisfaction. Become a member, unlock special perks, Check out the merch, it’s a great perk. Join the channel, be part of the crew, Supporting the content, that’s what you do. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Hive Games is where stories are told. So… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Lorthorn: New Enemies GALORE in Minecraft Mod!

    Lorthorn: New Enemies GALORE in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Enemy Expansion Mod!’, was uploaded by Lorthorn on 2024-06-02 14:00:32. It has garnered 1631 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:09 or 2049 seconds. Enemy Expansion is an Enemy mod for Minecraft . In this spotlight Ishow of the monsters the mod adds to MINECRAFT. Rank them on there looks and do some lore dives into the game of minecraft itself. I also show of the new gear the mod adds and i talk about game mechanics. You know what basicly no one reads these it’s all for the yubtube… Read More

  • Nature Conquered: Explosive Delusions

    Nature Conquered: Explosive DelusionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Defeating Nature with Delusion and Explosives’, was uploaded by thrite on 2024-07-22 20:00:13. It has garnered 366427 views and 28419 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:59 or 4379 seconds. never have i ever spent a month and a half on a minecraft video aw —————————- Mods I used: Pollution of the Realms Advanced Chimneys Ambient Sounds Distant Horizons Optifine Create all this for forge 1.20.1 Also “Complementary – Reimagined” shaders Music used: Omnibound – Heartbound OST (i looped a part around the middle for the intro again again) Thunder Dreams – Kevin MacLeod… Read More

  • Uncover the most INSANE 2b2t Alternatives with herbond

    Uncover the most INSANE 2b2t Alternatives with herbondVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring MORE 2b2t Alternatives. It was still cursed.’, was uploaded by herbond on 2024-09-17 16:00:47. It has garnered 1317 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:20 or 860 seconds. 2b2t is the oldest anarchy Minecraft server ever. If you don’t know, an anarchy server is a server that has no rules. However, the server is so popular that queue times can take hours or days for a person to join. So, instead of waiting days for me to join 2b2t, I am going to other servers like 2b2t and exploring those… Read More

  • INSANE! I Created a Mini World Hardcore!

    INSANE! I Created a Mini World Hardcore!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built a Mini World in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bunny Muffin on 2024-05-21 01:14:45. It has garnered 1730 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:37 or 2857 seconds. Hello! Welcome back to Episode 2 of my hardcore series. I made a mini world and I think it turned out awesome! I actually started this right after episode 1, it took me a month to record and even more months to edit. I was trying to go for “smaller” projects in order to upload more, but that didn’t work haha…. Read More

Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID – 【Minecraft】#20 dedication #KaelaNB69 (508 debris)【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】