Karan’s OP Chicken DESTROYS Hunter in Minecraft!

Video Information

That it’s a cherry gr biome buddy not that the the chicken the goats you guys got to kill the chicken by the way oh my God bro it’s a chicken oh you can you can hover or whatever yeah it’s not me it’s the chicken bro why is he holding

The chicken last time I’m saying this you got to kill a chicken Nathan Nathan save me Nathan please Nathan oh God chicken oh God chicken let’s go come here Karan you don’t want none of this Nathan yeah you want to fight me huh I’m sorry was slain by a chicken yeah my

Chicken’s a homie dude dude what do you want from me they’re op like the chicken on his head that killed you uh yeah where’d you get leather armor go baby there’s literally a full suit in the blacksmith in the blacksmith wait there’s a black Smith you’re literally

Put on skates you’re literally put on skates chicken you idiot come back here Karan no I’m good oh my God oh my God he’s he’s drifting away dude there’s so many chickens and they’re not killing you no I’m oh my God oh my God there are so

Many chickens chicken come back here I feel like karan’s having a hard time with his chickens no I’m good I’m just happy that there’s so much surface iron here oh the chicken is the imposible why did I make a crafting table with the crafting table shut up you’re

Distracting me okay that was a lot but luckily I was able to grab some seeds from the village and all that chaos these seeds are going to be huge I need to combine them with ores in order to make special seeds I can feed to Chucky the chicken you know Chucky it’s like

Clucky but Chucky when I feed him he’ll give us super op chicken items to torment the hunters with wait is that chicken hostile oh it is what he just give me you a little Peck like a little kiss on your butthole what what I you know what

I don’t want to dig into this anymore never mind cool I don’t feel comfortable right now wait did you just kill a chicken D if they multi if the chickens multiplied that would actually be so good you just have unlimited bro these creepers are doing more damage than Nathan never could you

Were literally running away from me while I had half a heart I didn’t run away from you I let my chicken handle you oh that’s so many chickens okay I’m scared of these why it’s just a chicken dude what is you don’t come near me you

Not come near me hey look armor chicken app they just unlimited chicken don’t kill the chickens every time you kill a chicken a panda dies made it so that Panda die every time you kill a chicken good thing I don’t care about the pandas then honestly same screw pandas # Let

Endanger the panda does more exactly too many of them oh hey man bro oh God why are you all like naked and stuff uh no reason ooh skeleton where is the chicken is this the chicken where is your chicken Karan wait does the chicken’s little like Health plate does it show

Even when you don’t have them in your hands uh maybe figure that out for yourself Punk where’s the chicken K there’s no chicken you guys are hallus oh wait you got the chicken we’re deep in a cave I’m chasing the chicken man you’re not chasing nothing where where

Are you going buddy nowhere okay I just need to get some distance on gold here and find some mobs that chicken’s looking mighty tasty there we go what do you mean here we go gold has no idea what’s about to hit him what what there

A there just a big drop that he can hover down and I have to navigate oh yes zombies okay so whenever I take damage my murderous chicken Army multiplies so I might not have weapons but I got chickens Baby Bro where did all these chickens come from come on hit me hit me

Hit me what is going on over there nothing what’s what’s happening Cole oh God why did I kill the zombie no the zombie was helping me oh God this is a mistake they’re so fast chickens come on you back off make me butter boy get

Him oh God oh God bro come on you’re me you’re not getting the what do you mean lava bucket diamonds no get him chicken no the stupid chickens no the water they’re so fast oh my goodness they’re fast ass oh God Cole what’s happening oh I set myself on fire

Cole please Co you’re sounding like me oh God and zombies oh my goodness can you hurry Nathan please I’m about 30% confident I’m going in the right direction right now bro you diamonds dude diamonds are going to do nothing against a chicken I don’t believe that for a second they might have diamonds

But we finally got iron time to make our first super seed oh my God stop running away from me bro okay eat this I want a diamond sword let’s go well okay hear me up bro what are you idiots going on about yeah he made a diamond hoe instead of giving me a

Diamond sword okay I don’t know what butter boy and num nuts Nate are going on about let’s use this thing to get some diamonds all right that’s one way of using it right let’s grab chicken and oh oh God chicken get away from that oh

My God okay and uh well here’s the other way of using it you you literally disappeared found he’s doing stuff he’s doing scary stuff I don’t wait you’re watching me I don’t like this at all no I hear you yeah like that it’s like the Voldemort sound or whatever a manly man

With no nose right yeah exactly gr do look a little bit like him like a man oh that’s a that’s a scary place oh that is scary please stop please stop please stop please stop if I do I I’m going to walk away I’m going to walk

Away you you deserve nothing you deserve nothing this and I do that keep though I didn’t mean to do that I didn’t mean to do that stop it oh you guys aren’t going to be making fun of me soon enough okay with the chicken helmet I can carry the chicken

On my head now in a nest so my hands are completely free and with the chicken chest piece our health is now linked so in order to kill a chicken I have to die and lose the chest piece first let’s go send these Hunters into the void ah it’s

So irrelevant he’s right behind you he’s right behind you oh my God oh my God oh my God even when he even when he crouches his stupid little chicken thing shows oh my God he shoots big project oh my Lord what is happening what’s up boys

Lit can’t go where’ he go he’s literally too fast cr’s literally too slow God why am I un why am I nauseous no I refuse to play if we’re doing nausea it’s only a little bit oh God that’s lava dude the chicken the chicken’s on 2 Hp kill it yeah it’s

On 2 Hp kill it oh my God he’s right behind me ah he just walked I don’t even know what was happening there oh my God you guys had at 2 Hp that’s crazy so like we actually had it down to 2 Hp and had

Like a chance to win in a Coran video you actually had it down to 2 Hp and there is a chance to win yes there’s so many diamonds in the world you’re one of them twinkling like a star thank you but no I said also I’m I don’t forgive you I

Was talking about chicken is any of your any of our stuff still there yeah I didn’t touch any of it oh hey Nathan bro want to go to the boy bro let’s talk about that BR what the they can’t pathy bye Nathan bro bro bro he just made a hole

He just made a hole in the world I made a whole lot of mess is what I made okay I need to get out of here can we like you know leave me alone so I don’t have to destroy the entire world oh nice I’ve collected enough eggs if I just fill all

These slots oh yeah the ender egg okay let’s use this thing to get out of here every time I throw it I can right click again and it teleport me to where the egg is at that exact moment oh wait oh you died I wonder how long it’ll take

Gold to realize that I’m chasing him 360 bed clutch I have why are the chickens here bro no no what did you just teleport onto me what he’s teleporting go away okay no the chickens just want to play dude go away I don’t have a pickax

Anymore my chicken I have an idea Nathan I have no food but you could be chicken food Nathan I’m dead bro I have nothing I have an idea Nathan I don’t care about your idea right now get going gold he’s breaking the floor under me I have I

Don’t even have a saturation I can’t Sprint I’m just I I’m going to eat a raw chicken you’re eating chicken right in front of you right in front of you I just ate it I consumed it yeah I don’t care the chicken might care I you died I

Was going to send you to the vo he’s literally in Creative right now I’m not I have a plan okay his weakness another one of my Army literally hatched an EG his weakness is not eggs yeah you’re hatching more of them oh my God what do you mean oh my

God nothing I definitely didn’t just find something very interesting tell me hey Karan look I don’t know where you guys watching me watch me I’m watching is that chicken nope it was a god Apple wait why did you eat that it’s my only piece of food you think God can save I

Didn’t want you to have it God can save you huh no I got the chicken I got the chicken I got the chicken wait wait what the heck oh I dropped it by accident kill it four wait no no no no oh okay how I miss four it I killed it it’s not

Dead what are you talking about 3 HP go I got an axe oh my God don’t hit me with an axe get health back so fast ass I’m just feeding it bread you know he’s literally such a coward God I broke ankles bro broke your ankles oh he’s

Scared of someone with a wooden axe oh my God what a little coward hey that’s rude oh you scared stop dropping the pickaxe what why you screaming out your hands like that dude cuz I’m pissed off just be better did he run away yeah I

Forgot I need to go to the nether so coming back up here to torment you guys was completely pointless a little coward someone say he’s a little chicken no that’s on my head all right let’s make this give it a Chucky chicken get back here God it’s

Crazy that he still hasn’t made it to the nether right so crazy it’d be like insane if like I just went to the nether instead that would be kind of crazy gold okay kind of cringe crunch cringe cringe crunch cringe crunch crunchy crunchy in my mouthy what went wherever it took me

It took you to a weird place that’s where my brain usually goes wait gold what are you doing man off to find the Fortress well good luck with that you idiot guys you see seeds anywhere I need seeds yeah I see lots of seeds in

The nether oh wait what the heck is this chicken curs oh you finally saw the chicken curse yeah yeah it’s been the chicken curs I don’t know why it didn’t show up earlier you’ve been cursed by the chickens bro you enraged him you almost killed him so he got mad at you

And then he had to like you know make you pay and suffer and whatever wait is it just me Nathan didn’t get it yeah he probably didn’t get hit by the rage chicken he doesn’t Nathan no way why are you here hey gold remember when you called me a little

Chicken before well I I didn’t even get a show hey gold remember when I called you a little chicken before no I called you a little chicken wait am I using the right stop dying to the chickens hey gold remember when you called me a little chicken before

Well hey gold remember when you called me a little chicken before yeah you’re going to eat those words gold why is is not working bro it’s probably because the chickens are hitting you and I’m not actually able to hit you with the axe Korean I’m I’m in the nether you should

Come fight me Nathan help trust me Cole I dropped the axe oh God you need an axe here gold bye gold what is this it’s a present you gave me 56 diamonds yeah you’re going to need the wait all the chickens shall die why cuz of lava cuz youv see it okay I

Can break that that that doesn’t really help me though okay let’s just uh swim out of here I guess and then throw it and then throw it and then okay wait you you got out B oh yeah all my chickens are going to die to Zombie Pigman yeah you shouldn’t

Be laughing cuz now my axe might actually work oh ick Nathan oh God I’m so stupid Oh I made it come back naan hey Nathan remember when gold called me a stupid little chicken or something like that earlier no I don’t block clutch block clutch block clutch come on

Stop it you idiot dang it okay so Cole we need to make a different portal okay um why he’s so stupid bro that one’s covered in lava do you lava to see it though yeah I lava to see it I’m not going to deal the have some

It’s funny cuz they’ll never know that I un laava the portal wait what oh god stupid gas protect protect me for the next 10 minutes and I’ll reward you with an otherworldly gift of Destruction I mean okay I was going to do that anyways so who’s having fun I think my favorite

Part is how a little fun Cole is having I have not once had fun today Nathan’s having fun why aren’t you having fun Nathan also doesn’t have to deal with dropping whatever is in his held hand every 45 seconds I’m not dealing with this all right let’s kill 8 minutes get that

Golden egg can I have you stop some of those enchanter what do you mean you guys think that’s going to help you is that your plan all right well if they want to enchant we’ll just have to get some netherite seeds well after trading of course chicken stop hitting the

Piglin you idiot okay okay chickens come over here you stupid idiots it’s crazy how much you disrespect the chickens even you guys are saying it in my voice it’s so weird are you guys even in the nether yet like K we don’t speak Voldemort actually you you think I’m

Voldemort oh there you are okay you missed you missed okay I hit you I hit the hey oh no Nathan you idiot did he just die there’s so many of them there’s so many of them I fell off you want to be a that’s literally cringe that’s literally cringe literally cringe literally cringe

Literally cringe literally cring so much fun CR you’re not even trying to hit me bro what’s going on bro bro that’s so cringe that’s so cringe gold one of you is going to shrink okay bro he literally took all my armor wait you survived well oh you are small it worked

Dude it’s supposed to be a 25% chance are you going to suffocate in that if you grow again no you’re going to grow again so you better you should probably get out no yeah no it worked it worked how many times did I have to hit you your stuff

Is there don’t worry I didn’t burn it I don’t really care to that is crazy how many hits it took to shrink you bro what in the world all right come on chickens let’s get some netherite baby come on just a little bit of netherite guys just a little tiny

Tiny smidge in netherite yeah just not not even for full armor or anything just you know it shouldn’t take too oh my God okay well that’s coincidental okay this and that boom Oh there’s no advancement for netherite that’s kind of cringe and I do that okay sweet we got the pants the

Boots and the bow now so the boots getting speed one and feather falling permanently the pants make it so I evade a quarter of all attacks from now on and the bow well don’t worry I’ll be using that against the hunters soon enough let’s not forget the crafting table

Right guys I’ve been forgetting them all over the place I’ve probably made about 30 crafting tables this video have you been making them in the crafting tables though probably yeah probably yeah so this if I do that it does that and then boom okay they kind of they’re idiots so we found the

Fortress where why you guys so panicky man like we’re just having fun dude yay should we just go beat the game dude I’m beating the game you don’t even have pearls bro yeah we do no you don’t oh that’s crazy what’s up guys you got a

Bow I got a bow too I got a bow too guys it’s a crossbow no it’s a crossbow though yeah you got got chicken mine’s a bow that’s crossed with chickens so it’s kind of a crossbow just one shoted that wither skeleton somehow that’s crazy oh

In lava all your stuff just hold in you don’t lava to see that what are you how are you let’s let’s try this one again it was funny when you shrunk shrink gold I think it’s cuz the chickens are hitting you and Ne Gates me hitting you you know what I

Mean it’s on one HP why isn’t it dying well it’s part of me now you know what I mean you know you know what I mean what does that mean no I don’t know what that means me and the chicken are in unison

So what is it so I I have to kill you oh I dropped my sword oh my God I dropped my sword no you dropped a little more than your sword gold most of I don’t think any of it fell in the lava you know that’s pretty

Good it’s pretty good oh dang the timer are three seconds wait oh done wait what do I get wait what wait what are the oh yeah okay okay hot tour’s destination let’s go oh I am pretty hot thanks Minecraft I can do this I forgot about

That I H oh God oh God he’s not here guys he disappeared guys I just want to shrink you guys again no go away I want to see you shrink again it’s so funny you’re so cute okay I shrunk okay I shrunk I shrunk leave me alone leave me alone you

Can’t even fight a chicken bro you’re not evenig can’t do anything I can’t I’m trying to place blocks yeah cuz you’re small so you can’t like put something than you hey you didn’t die that’s good do you know how quickly I got out of there yeah Nathan left you bro he left

You so hard I know he did where did he go I wonder where Nathan might be yeah you’re stupid you absolute idiot that’s so Li you you haven’t shrunk yet you have to you know no one likes you did you shrink did you shrink yeah cran I’m

Tiny go away you’re not you’re I’m tiny huge you’re giant giant giant stop it no dang it you guys have a flu and steel no Nathan specifically said that he didn’t have one today that’s weird I found it on his body you lying to me or something

You look so stupid right now I’m in chicken armor I’m one with a chicken oh oh chicken armor oh you’re bed no the bed I wasn’t a bed I’m I’m chicken armor all right let’s get to the end and use this golden egg should be pretty easy cuz well we can essentially

Fly I’m going to take a guess I think right here hey there’s a stronghold that was right come on oh thank the Lord okay we’re getting rid of This oh my God yeah it looks like some buffoon just came through here what no it was the Golden Chicken EG blew up start it’s starting to blow up guys you say things and I don’t understand them I feel like you’re all talk you think I’m all

Talk come to the end and find out boy you’re not there yet yeah I literally jumped in the portal wait did you guys come to the end yet oh oh God I found all the chickens oh my God cool I’m going to die I’m going to die the chickens that’s nice

Look my stupid dog’s just looking at me like what are you doing okay that’s another Crystal down welcome boys to what my chicken domain well hello Nathan Hey Chicken Boy hell Nathan dragon’s perching right now really oh look all whatever it doesn’t matter I’ll just here you guys go what

On Earth is that Feast your eyes on the gick the gick that’s what you came up with ging it’s like a gas but it’s a a no I got I I get it I get it you don’t need to isn’t it horrifying isn’t it menacing no it’s so stupid you play by

Chicken di to the gick at least and then when they shoot those flaming eggs at you sometimes they hatch more gicking so they like multiply lovely I love that for us why am I nauseous why did you add this well that’s the curse of the chicken I’m surprised you didn’t get

More not you guess you were dying a lot so you didn’t really get experience that bro bro this is not fun I’m having fun why don’t you kill the chickens you idiot I mean kill the dragon kill the dragon I’m done with your dog’s just sitting there you literally left your

Dog just sit in fire that really messed up bro bro who did that inst you stupid idot oh my God hey can’t get in there I still want to shrink Nathan dang it Nathan stay alive bro I am riddled with salmonella right now Co what I would like to shrink you again

It’s funny no no I will not be shrunk I will not be shrunk no my sword dang it I didn’t expect that no Nathan help Nathan save me just shrink Nathan dang oh thanks for the bed Nate this will be helpful bro what are you doing okay it’s been so long this is

Going to do anything right was is it worth it yes it is one last Rock ran okay that’s something I’m nauseous now oh I don’t yes no you guys could even kill a stupid chicken you couldn’t even kill a chicken dude at least I was never I’m so good at this game

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chicken VS Hunter BUT the Chicken is INSANELY OP’, was uploaded by Karan on 2023-12-15 19:03:12. It has garnered 23623 views and 1070 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:05 or 1325 seconds.

Minecraft Chicken VS Hunter BUT the Chicken UPGRADES ME

This is basically Minecraft Manhunt but with an insanely op chicken in this video I used a mod/ plugin to make a chicken that would give me op chicken powers and op chicken items and gear to torture my hunters with.

This is not Minecraft Manhunt, But hunters walking gives me hearts or Minecraft Manhunt, But standing still secretly gives op items or Minecraft Manhunt, hunters upgrade me. This video is a Minecraft manhunt but HUNTERS INCREASE My EVERYTHING

Inspired by @dream

#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt

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    Happy Tree Friends - Friendly SMP Server🌳🌟🌳 Welcome to Happy Tree Friends! 🌳🌟🌳Are you on the hunt for a fun, mature Minecraft Server? Well, look no further because you’ve found your new virtual home right here with us!At Happy Tree Friends, we pride ourselves on being a friendly, lightly modded, Java SMP server that is all about community and camaraderie.From our full Discord server with voice and text channels to Geyser integration for our Bedrock players,we’ve got everything you need to dive into the world of Minecraft with a smile. But wait, there’s more!With features like live in-game chat, Bluemap, and 1 Player sleeps, your game-play… Read More

  • Vanishing Boards: World Save Woes in Minecraft

    Vanishing Boards: World Save Woes in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a legend is told, Of signs disappearing, a mystery to unfold. If your notice board vanishes into thin air, Delete the world save, don’t just stand and stare. Game Koala shares this urban tale, With a warning that’s sure to prevail. Subscribe to his channel for more gaming fun, And remember, in Minecraft, the story’s just begun. Read More

  • Skibidi Toilet: Creeper Edition

    Skibidi Toilet: Creeper Edition “Why did the skibidi toilet cross the road? To avoid getting blown up by a creeper in Minecraft!” 😂 #gamerhumor #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaky Survival Start in Minecraft

    Sneaky Survival Start in Minecraft Minecraft: A Chaotic Start to Survival Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft, where survival is key and chaos lurks around every corner. Join the adventure as you navigate through a vast landscape filled with challenges, mysteries, and endless possibilities. Exploring the Unknown Step into the shoes of a brave explorer as you venture into uncharted territories, uncovering hidden treasures and encountering dangerous foes along the way. From lush forests to treacherous caves, the world of Minecraft is yours to discover. Building Your Legacy Put your creativity to the test as you construct magnificent structures, from… Read More

  • EPIC cow-playz+ Fortnite Highlights!

    EPIC cow-playz+ Fortnite Highlights!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite Clip 1’, was uploaded by cow-playz+ on 2024-05-13 05:26:43. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. tags, (from @ColdPug ) Why are you reading thisthis Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s most popular game. Some of the popular items are the Hyperion, Necron armor, Storm armor,… Read More

  • The Untold Secrets of My Minecraft Friends

    The Untold Secrets of My Minecraft FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ’39 SECRETS About My Friends In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-06-13 03:00:07. It has garnered 314988 views and 5198 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:13 or 4273 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico learns 39 SECRETS about his friends in Minecraft! Nico and his friends reminisce about when they found out each others secrets! Will this bring them closer together?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • 🔥Insane! Build a SECRET Mansion in Minecraft! #shorts

    🔥Insane! Build a SECRET Mansion in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Starter Underground House Tutorial🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-04-21 06:00:38. It has garnered 242886 views and 13223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ https://hellfrozen.mcmaps.app/download –My Socials– https://wlo.link/@HellFrozen –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • “Shocking: Pillager Attacks Baby Villager in Minecraft! 🚨” #viral

    "Shocking: Pillager Attacks Baby Villager in Minecraft! 🚨" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘pillager don’t attack on baby villager in Minecraft 🐯#minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Nishu jaat Deswal on 2024-05-19 01:30:14. It has garnered 10427 views and 210 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. pillager don’t attack on baby villager in Minecraft 🐯#minecraft #shorts #viral#dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly #like #explorepage #instagram #cringe #playstation #minecraftdaily #minecraftserver #mcpe #videogames #minecrafthouse #spicymemes #comedy #offensive #fortnitememes #minecraftideas #minecraftxbox #explore #minecrafts #love#minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • Soni PlayzZ reveals ULTIMATE SMP app! 🌟

    Soni PlayzZ reveals ULTIMATE SMP app! 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Best APPLICATION for Dynasty smp ✨ by a girl ✌️@RsKPlayZ @ItsGreekyBoy’, was uploaded by Soni PlayzZ on 2024-05-12 07:04:17. It has garnered 492 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Best APPLICATION for Dynasty smp ✨ by a girl ✌️‎@RsKPlayZ  ‎@ItsGreekyBoy  . Minecraft application by agirl ✨✌️ I am new in this journy so support like and subscribe ❤️ . owner -@RsKPlayZ @ItsGreekyBoy . co owner- @GamerzEra100 . hastags – #daynastysmp #applicationfordynastysmp #rskplayz #itsgreekyboy #dynastysmpapplication . tags 🔑 Minecraft SMP applications application for lapata smp dynastyamp application video… Read More


    INSANE TOILET SKIBIDI PRANKS - MINTOON CRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMPILATION SKIBIDI TOILET: DANGERS BEHIND CHEERFUL 😱 – MINTOON CRAFT’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-03-21 09:45:02. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:14 or 434 seconds. COMPILATION SKIBIDI TOILET: DANGERS BEHIND CHEERFUL 😱 – MINTOON CRAFT MONSTERSCHOOL #MINECRAFT #MINTOONCRAFT Don’t forget Subcribe, like, comment and subcribe guys…!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hc7SaWZvnY-1FHUTWdf2Q?sub_confirmation=1 Welcome to the official “MINTOON CRAFT” channel! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft animations and Monster School adventures with us. Join us as we embark on epic journeys, explore new realms, and face thrilling challenges in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bed Wars Gameplay #176!

    Insane Minecraft Bed Wars Gameplay #176!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS #176’, was uploaded by LuisKly on 2024-04-03 15:00:21. It has garnered 437 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. MINECRAFT BED WARS SIGMA # HYPIXEL HYLEX MUSH #bedwars #hypixel #minecraft Read More

  • “EPIC: Тапок пропал в Minecraft! 🔥” #clickbait

    "EPIC: Тапок пропал в Minecraft! 🔥" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Этот тапок улетел от меня в майнкрафте!🔥#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Firma on 2024-02-19 10:33:26. It has garnered 10875 views and 662 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Sakuna tries insane anime mod in Minecraft PE 😱🔥

    Sakuna tries insane anime mod in Minecraft PE 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I try anime mod in Minecraft PE 😱😳💯 can it’s #minecraft #minecraft_pe #anime’, was uploaded by Sakuna gaming101 on 2024-04-21 11:43:51. It has garnered 108 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:31 or 1951 seconds. Read More

  • Kraken Network

    Kraken NetworkKraken Network is a server that has various Survival game modes such as Regular Survival, Enhanced Survival, Skyblock with lots more survival type game modes to come soon! Read More

  • Second Sky SMP – Semi-Vanilla, SMP, Whitelist, 1.20.4, New, Community

    Welcome to Second Sky SMP! Second Sky is a brand new public SMP focused on community, creativity, and storytelling. Similar to the Hermitcraft style, we offer a space for players to make friends, create big projects, and participate in group events. What We Offer: A player-driven community Building opportunities for individuals and groups Trust-based economy No world resets Interactive elements like wars Plugins: Coreprotect for anti-griefing Proximity Voice Chat Squaremap for live online mapping Player Heads and Armour Statues Book Note: We are on Java Edition only! To join, comment your Discord username below or add Jhrangers#4332 and send a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blue and packed ice: Infinite Weight!

    Minecraft Memes - Blue and packed ice: Infinite Weight!Looks like we’ve found the secret to creating a black hole in Minecraft – just stack enough blue ice and packed ice together! Read More

  • Hogalalla’s Hero: Himlands Saved Me!

    Hogalalla's Hero: Himlands Saved Me! In the land of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, HIMLANDS is the place where adventure arrives. With Pennybrine leading the way, full of charm, Crafting stories and rhymes, causing no harm. In episode 2, the mystery unfolds, Hogalalla’s power, a tale to be told. The light shines bright, in the depths of the game, As Pennybrine explores, never the same. Join the journey, with each twist and turn, In the world of HIMLANDS, there’s always more to learn. So grab your pickaxe, and your sword so keen, For in this realm of Minecraft, the adventure’s unseen. Read More

  • Diamond Golem DESTROYS All Golems! 😂💎 #minecraft #meme

    Diamond Golem DESTROYS All Golems! 😂💎 #minecraft #meme I guess you could say the Diamond Golem really rocks in this battle! #punsfordays Read More

  • Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore J’ai Survécu 200 jours sur Minecraft HARDCORE Embark on an epic journey through the first 200 days of a hardcore Minecraft survival adventure in this thrilling video. From the early struggles to the depths of the underworld, every moment is filled with excitement and challenges. Join the adventure by subscribing and hitting the notification bell to stay updated! Surviving the Unknown From gathering essential resources to building shelter and fending off dangerous mobs, the first days in Minecraft are crucial for survival. Our protagonist navigates through the wilderness, facing the unknown with courage and determination. Each day brings new… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Rare Police Hat in RDR2

    Ultimate Guide: Rare Police Hat in RDR2 Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game developed by Mojang Studios, has captured the hearts of millions worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky, pixelated world where they can build, explore, and survive in various environments. Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes filled with mountains, forests, oceans, and caves. They can mine resources such as wood, stone, and ores to craft tools, build structures, and survive against hostile creatures like zombies, skeletons, and creepers. Building and Crafting One of the key… Read More

  • Sweaty Kids RAGE in MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2

    Sweaty Kids RAGE in MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MC Skywars Trolling Montage #2 – Lets Play – Funny Moments – SWEATY RAGING KIDS VEINS ALMOST EXPLODE’, was uploaded by SoupyDoup on 2024-04-30 04:28:50. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:01 or 661 seconds. Minecraft Sweaty kids getting trapped and trolled on Hypixel Skywars. EYEBALLS POPPING OUT OF SOCKETS! VEINS BURSTING THROUGH NECK! RAGERS Subscribe for more episodes Let me know what else you guys would like to see IGN: souperheromc Server: mc.hypixel.net Music: Zedd – Find You ft. Matthew Koma & Miriam Bryant AK x… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Statue

    Terrifying Minecraft StatueVideo Information This video, titled ‘this statue is more scary than caves #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by burning potato on 2024-03-26 02:48:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dronio Steals Friend’s Diamonds in Block Prison! 😱 #minecraftsurvival

    Dronio Steals Friend's Diamonds in Block Prison! 😱 #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘В Minecraft украдешь алмазы друга – в блоковой тюрьме. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 15:00:14. It has garnered 3103 views and 340 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Discovering Creepy Abandoned Minecraft Worlds

    Discovering Creepy Abandoned Minecraft WorldsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Weird and Empty minecraft servers’, was uploaded by 617semaj on 2024-01-12 08:16:56. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:31 or 9571 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/semaj617 Read More