karu vergon – Sundae on Sundays Podcast (Ep. 4) – Walter Minecraft Skins (feat. Walter Minecraft Skins)

Video Information

I just took a shower that’s pretty epic what I think it is ok it’s working ok I’ve closed GTA finally okay it’s my makes own belt that before what I tried to make my make sound like [ __ ] good yeah hallelujah sound stuff if I change the trestles me [ __ ] Lazar

No ah most topics for today hey complete forget about that [ __ ] thing nothing has happened this podcast was brought to you by damn Daniel White Fence adventure a new adventure RPG King coming to you in your Target store Target store is it a target exclusive target exclusive wait didn’t you make

This joke already yes that’s I want to see a copy of Damned in a white man’s adventure on the shelf and you’ll never see it what you can’t make any money off of this yeah Wow not what a joke I want to do that just get like a desk like just on the

DVD wanted game face on a DVD and just I got like a PS quark it [ __ ] just can you put an easter egg in the game where like you click on this one panel of a door that says L on and when you click on it I say bro you just [ __ ]

Lost the game you [ __ ] and they just close these and delete your save you’re gonna be the next yandere though exactly I’m going to make the box it’s gonna look like it’s finished they open the box and it’s empty so who wants to do the intro we’re doing [Laughter] about

How about Sunday introduce themselves first and then we all introduce [ __ ] feels like whose fault is that yes Sunday on the air podcast aha yeah it’s named after my grandfather Sunday last podcast was pastor me in a run for some [ __ ] deep water day deep blue lake there’s so many cool they’re

Making blue they’re like when was the first time that Stamos realized that he was and fat on ma P is that gonna be the topic I’m telling you Sunday’s only like 16 well I’m telling you that’s the most Meeker is a soft well that’s it from steamers he’s [ __ ] bathroom just a

Cut off the shower yeah do you have any clothes on are we muted himself he’s in my shower [ __ ] his needy oh my drugs no shorts the spot make it up okay he’s probably gonna join back on his computer that’s super epic really epic Sunday should I get persona 5 royal yeah okay

Cool I’ve even finished persona 5 yet no that’s why I haven’t been playing it because I was I didn’t want to redo the entire game again [ __ ] possible actually makes a whole play you’re cutting off Sunday I suppose I’m far away from I make I’m [ __ ] it out um hello like a change

Though the Barton pass walks and leak it’s just the Bell ray away from the start and makes like replaying all the early levels just nice off because they made become easier and some places it’s much easier lake is so easy to over level yourself and mementos no way it takes

[ __ ] a toll that’s I remember having to grind in mementos and the original as you do the last three share for the last free obviously completely over live [ __ ] Blasi fit all of them oh my god I remember that [ __ ] being really [ __ ] hard too although it was

The one [ __ ] change they changed Oh cameras bas bahu and there is the [ __ ] worst fight in the game as easier on merciless difficult even as on normal what the [ __ ] what the cars raced so see those so you know the element damage yes you do you do more element

Damage on higher difficulty and because of the way this face structure that gives you an advantage can you change the difficulty like yeah while while you’re playing the game unless you set it to the easiest you can okay you for that fee unless they patch that which somebody told me they’re dead

Bummed either myself like I’m not [ __ ] replaying p5 are from only five months at least how many hours should put in it and colors I think my final save had leaked 118 okay and I don’t like unlock the last semester when I found out it is possible it completely bypass old and

Lick [ __ ] new semester I’m like how do you [ __ ] see this that’s [ __ ] funny there are so many people who replay the game completely [ __ ] up the steps to get the new semester and be [ __ ] raging that they’ve done the unlocker oh my god and honestly based is funny you

They yeah are you ready ready for what do the intro we still haven’t an intro I don’t think I don’t think we need to do that anymore okay anyways vamos my name is ski base clef with three FS And welcome to fighting words don’t insult me bangs please Tiny’s don’t make fun of me has everybody been enjoying quarantine I still have to go out next word excuse me what quarantine he doesn’t know but almost every state in the u.s. is already like opening toe

The u.s. just forgot that the virus hat is still going on well virus just came because it we just don’t care we’ve got like so many different governments and none of them can decide if they cater so like the government is late yeah you can go out but be careful the Scottish

Government it’s like do not [ __ ] leave your house I’m like bro bro what do you want me to do just open KFC last week yeah you’re telling me on my on my front door like in flight the messages I remember seeing your [ __ ] post about that on Twitter I was really confused

The one where you were like read Kurt retweeted one of the officials the government officials the Scotland that was saying you would be fined a few were caught outside [ __ ] dumb the like I haven’t seen uh I haven’t held up anybody passed again they I’ve told anything for being outside like I’ve

Seen police but not anymore than like I’d see them normally and you don’t seem to be km that people are just wandering about and that will do work I still have to do work what day is it okay I might have a meeting Trey you sound really far away that’s because I don’t

Have my mic on I have to wear masks and gloves whenever I go to work oh really because we have to because uh because I have to go inside people’s houses sometimes oh yeah now I get that I thought you were wearing one right now no no no just that work

Um and I don’t even really go inside people’s houses anymore like if if my uncle who’s pretty much the owner of the company now gets a job where he has to go like do something in someone’s house at your place a sink or a toilet I just don’t even go [ __ ] admit like

Okay um I don’t Li them tell me that I’ll get aimed and leak like all the skill mongering around that but see if they’re just gonna be like yeah for safe practice stay in your house like I will stay in my house I just don’t wake them [ __ ] making it

As I feel like if you don’t stay in those you’re going to die yeah I do you think the bit like you have the opposite here in America where they’re already opening up beaches fishing we’ve got we’ve got that wrong in the sensor we’ve put some aspects of lockdown down too

Much and use a [ __ ] up by just not having it depending on what state you’re on the level yeah I think that’s the biggest problem with assholey crisis in general as like every country every definite like stay every definite like local place it’s also fragmented and how

They want to approach her nobody they can just agree like okay this is the best thing to do is do it rather than a whole idea of the state reunited that would be cool we should make that one bro United States worried and be ending

Well if there was only 50 of them as place called Florida I really don’t like it yeah it’s kind of hell over your bro damu yeah how’s a few lovin and a place that has the same spell on this floor either FlowRider no no it doesn’t have the same spelling his fluoride Florida

Oh the writer flo rida I think so all right no flow writer talking about your top wall on me no we don’t have for dinner water that keeps fluorine yes equal oh yeah you call a your we’re a bit like the waters completely [ __ ] up is that Flint machine yes Oh

Stove [ __ ] yes the water is still [ __ ] who the [ __ ] asked you that I’m a chigan like five years ago how does that still not fair I have no idea no one cares us [ __ ] [ __ ] us poopoo to be fair I hid quite a lot of people

Say in Kumasi ghen on a regular basis so well I don’t live there so okay one the colander she’s dead anyway [ __ ] it I like how oil went blows it into the negatives how much it how much actually well I’ve heard that I don’t know if it’s true but apparently some liquor

Companies what cane Lee we’re hoses to store the oil for them yeah I always [ __ ] what less than nothing yep is a us the only one affected by that honor we’ve had our Lake places of short we [ __ ] down I could get like half at or 15 quid

When normally half a time plea 2022 that’s like a decent call but that’s also affected Bailey less people dry in general so about $19 and it seems normal I mean I mean years I’ve always had like cheaper oil places in general than us true where my dad lives I don’t I don’t know

If their oil actually went down in crisis you probably asked him but the government taxes the oil so much because they want to get people to stop using a gasoline and try to use like electric vehicles and [ __ ] in Washington State but the problem is that if you don’t

Live in Seattle Washington then you’re [ __ ] basically because gas prices is like four times the amount that it would normally be anywhere else so if you’re poor and you don’t live in Seattle you’re basically [ __ ] it’s crazy we have LeeAnn Lunden and gets London those like these higher machine zones

Unlike low emissions and sorry early you can’t go through them if you’re called as leak a certain tape like if your car amassed so much fumes they would just say now you can bring your car in here if you’re somebody who lives in that area but let’s really saying yeah those

Calls that you just can’t own me sorry Wow but I get I get the whole point behind it but stomp like when they tell Isley oh you don’t need to use your plastic you don’t use plastic drawers anymore use metal straws or in those cardboard paper the cardboard the paper shards

Suck New York actually they don’t suck they do the opposite New York is really interesting with the because just before I left they enacted a law where all grocery stores have to do like a certain tax fee on a regular plastic grocery bags yes yeah so like a lot of people had we’re

Buying just reusable bags itis [ __ ] some of them before I left it’s became a big thing here universi anybody really wet just the plastic bag from my shop anymore look everybody will bring the booze kick off a boat that will people like claps for decades I’m

Not spending five instant a carry on bag but eventually people just yes they’re yeah well once you buy the bag you can just reuse it it’s not a huge deal that makes sense to me like I don’t have a problem without one no but some other ones go this throws one haven’t nobody’s

Pointed that oh it was like you got under the plastic straws replace them with paper ones and there’s still a plastic light on top of the cup well done also sometimes the cups are plastic I doubt that the straws are the biggest problem probably arts companies yeah as like

Absolutely it’s like they can’t a lusty sweat you over from like plastic all we want the snow some day we had like factory pump in hundreds ill it carbon dioxide in Ilya what the [ __ ] you be nice table they’re blaming the the consumers the what the companies are doing

I hope have a food plan he death what if I don’t worry about we will bake finally I was kind of cold anyway in cool I want to watch uncut gems today selling Netflix oh I’ve seen it on I don’t like it okay yeah you like underage woman stay

My son’s damnable don’t bring up the stable stream what wife @fs file system mm-hmm well okay delete your so [Laughter] anytime but you’re running Linux no well you’re live I’ve run Windows 10 why the [ __ ] would I run Linux for all this [ __ ] did I do not run steam OS

I’ve tried making that before it was a very funny joke a motor your brains like a hard drive everybody kind of it’s more like a soft right yeah you there he goes he’s gone goodbye Oh I thought someday hold on I’m lost your loss

I’m lost yo yo yo I’m think of things to talk about as lock though it’s been hell yeah I’ve been doing nothing like it’s actually been great but that’s why it’s been bad if you to be productive but you just quick you just can’t you’ve what you

Want the what Khan and you really really need to find something to work on but those just it’s not real as well fortunately I’ve had [ __ ] to work on scared and I wait can we talk about this on a podcast I mean we can talk about what we’re part

Of he his Canton with specific details I was unsure yeah because we sign an NDA with the vine sauce charity group of ight sauces hope and we’re actually volunteering for the charity yeah for the charity event and on a community project can’t list any details about but we’ve been busy on it

Like a lot of people’s busy on it so I’m working on that yeah kinda crazy spooky see I say that I’ve got nothing to work on Bartley but as less podcast you know what could be walking on now if you got GPA and you want me to send you the entire video

Sunday so you can edit yeah Sunday have you added videos before oh yeah frankly maybe making some of your chip videos just to find some [ __ ] [ __ ] to do yeah and I was gonna be really funny and make my first video bit wife I can hear youtubers

You find because I do it or not learn can also sleep yeah I only make videos when I put that big fat hashtag not all hashtag not all not all youtubers oh [ __ ] you sure they’re okay like YouTube I’m not a fan great here’s my biggest problem it’s the way

That like any problem that affects I beg you should clear up becomes a community problem and when it becomes a community problem goes like this expectation that fans of youtubers have to fight for so like these those all the [ __ ] that like only affects youtubers like the whole D monetization thing only affects

You Charles yeah you have all these funds going and like talking like try to fake companies try to get to all by closely with other youtubers just [ __ ] unionize and go [ __ ] fete at themselves so making your artists like stop making your audience like the people who fail every

One of your boughs that’s all on YouTube whenever YouTube of course something out there expectation is that the fanbase will go after not just watch more youtubers would be like lessen guys like I’ve got my problems I’ll [ __ ] set and I’ll sort out you guys just enjoy

The content but I feel like nor youtubers are very few [ __ ] weirdo and that’s why a lot of youtubers aren’t necessarily the the absolute smartest people some of them less we eat those youtubers who want to be seen as like they want to be idolized they want to be

Seen as like a good person that we should listen to and they’ll the ones that do the shet the [ __ ] most yeah that’s why yeah it is slick you’ve got all of these late for the most part kids absolutely a normal Buffy they love everything you do and when you’re going

Through struggles they don’t want to help you but that shouldn’t extend to especially that’s who [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s happened over the weekend well what as essentially just a [ __ ] pee wee squabble between two guys over the [ __ ] and they’re like why does any [ __ ] give a [ __ ]

Like it doesn’t mark what these two people are talking about will never ever affect you in any way so why have people going like messaging companies trying to get sponsors shut then in order share like know even fashionably that’s a bad thing to do you shouldn’t go after

Sponsors no you just shouldn’t care overall completely of just two [ __ ] medal age deck heads who make videos and then on there for 12 year olds why the [ __ ] are you gone and on a 12 and rate and uh please like fill and die it’s raves a bit like and

Keemstar as an evil guy here’s how each fees horrible mom just two shitty people up throwing insults at each other Keane’s days well I keep stars always shitty and h3 was like sneaky about a [ __ ] went down T yeah like see those big major ones like h3 keemstar idubbbz

PewDiePie Philip DeFranco all of these guys Gayle’s forever they all know each other like it’s not it’s not impossible for those guys to reach out and contact each other and DMS or foreign calls or whatever wait yeah I follow these youtubers have such a big problem with keemstar

Has not outside the realm of possibility for a lot of them to message each other just feel like lessons in guys we’re just gonna all agree we’re just not gonna associate with keemstar anymore yeah we’ll say my darling but that won’t get them content cuz then I’d be able to

Make a forty minute video on feast alright calling him out and getting all the revenue for it so absolute polygons of vote you are just this [ __ ] scummy is this ugly there’s a lot of issues that literally could have been solved by just like in the DMS or in the PM’s with

People or just calling them and talking to them but no nothing insult keep stirring nothing it what you don’t have the biggest way to solve keemstar just ignore him ignore don’t even talk watch this videos just ignore him now you want me to talk about him

[ __ ] leaf a made one of the best points in their [ __ ] water is like I can’t believe I went and I show code Rommel out and doesn’t get treated fairly drama well to be serious news can obviously not could we have all these contact al B&B in tell them to stop sponsoring Stamos

Haven’t stopped the jet we just want to get any only guys cuz I Stamos have a bad feeling about me we can’t let him get any sponsor so just reach out they’ll be you tell them do not associate with Stamos I’m pretty sure that star lights are set

The n-word at one point and it’s like yes so like you shouldn’t get any sponsorships like no job no money he said you’re gonna give every American one thousand dollars but he’s actually gonna take $1,000 from Stamos every month holy [ __ ] Greek life I’ve always dealt with that but yeah

Huh oh [ __ ] you – [ __ ] YouTube but why are you getting further away from your mic Sunday it’s Sunday what’s that uh what’s that day between Monday and Wednesday you people call it so that you call it again there’s something like hold on I’m trying to remember wait

Thursday song on Thursday Thursday past Tuesday Tuesday yes I hope you people say it Tuesday you like number two and in situation you are the you people you to see the whole she’s not probably the Tuesday thing right right what [ __ ] what dude this tue go to I don’t [ __ ] have is to

Swim to allow and T wo twelve your e2o use the 12 day twelve puts more emphasis on the year so it sounds like a chair when it’s actually uh like a Thursday but you know I don’t care you’ll get a British person in here just to but it doesn’t cave cave letter British

No he’s uh he’s from Austria I don’t know any British people yeah you only one week I can think of really as a sorry yeah sorry oh yeah that’s right I forgot the pain pleasure she [ __ ] does not want to be associated with me at all oh I guess it’s the first time

I’m gonna get cut from a good censored from SOS we’re [ __ ] canceled this podcast is canceled I doubt Charlie would give a [ __ ] probably probably probably don’t even yeah who listens except the beans guy Yes she actually does listen to the podcast as I don’t like for people who listen till I show you know you know beans right I know beans I’m very well-versed with beans yeah he’s in his server I completely forget the beans us active in steam or she server as well so

I completely for like for me I feel like he’s just some weird spaceman that’s and my best god another place he’s not go holy [ __ ] this minds about he’s known he’s been around I’ve known them also on Twitter for a while he’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] I noticed he

Was in this skirt it was weird cuz that bird dog follows him I’m layup okay wrist a poor dog super guy youtuber guy YouTube we think scum so yeah we can’t talk about them you’re scum [ __ ] listen we only like VAM you users on this podcast what about dailymotion no that’s a

Lesson see for catchin emails dailymotion is the [ __ ] best if you just want to go in on Gordon Ramsay Benj session hop on dailymotion me trust me we’ll just upload all our podcast and point out yeah yeah that’s fine that’s a lot it is really weird that it is so breaking news everyone

The Sunday on Sunday podcast is moving to Spotify which means that all episodes of the Giroux I mean they’re the Sunday on Sunday starting November 1st – year well Congrats we did it so that’s a really huge three TS what’s HDDs yes big three here’s a big radius huge seen a lot small

Darah I have big hands for my size it’s like I was supposed to be taller Michel owes me tax evader show me again someone’s giving me more work all right we said anything okay you want [ __ ] work no how can I ruin mmm you can’t because I could just choose

Not to put it in style oh [ __ ] you Wow crazy is it possible to leave ESN all of the ones so he said time for now like we could get Stamos then like I hate and then we could just cut them whatever we want I think and this is my

You it’s more than possible Rikka poorly with you know someone could you know take all your voice clips from that podcast and just train one of those a eyes and just make a simple now wouldn’t that take like an hour like an hour of me talking of clips and I say

The same thing a lot so oh hey we’re just making the Box say the same things over and over again it’ll be just to save yeah I’ll help out it for the future xylophone zebra one of those sounds do not use xenyx deserves ease sexy Xerox

I’m not [ __ ] god what kind of words are using is enough room Full Metal Alchemist has a place for full mohawk no Turk C’s is a [ __ ] king from the ah yeah okay vamos vamos music today Xerxes the king was the king of the Persian I crime and the Empire

Alright don’t hurt yourself [ __ ] is that yeah it’s really good Wow where do you think it you saying difficult warp steamers from the ball come on okay uh give me a word super Callie I’m just right to say I tell you all the slurs come on alright [ __ ] new book

Cook for ya the book like you could say the f-word and there’s a bunch of different F what’s depending on the context but you see the n-word does only one end there’s a lot of Seward’s there is obvious right 104 Ville alone oh but those aren’t really swells say anyways visit you

Cockadoodledoo conquered marvel the balls and dick someone retweeted like for anime girl tummies on my Twitter as I see them was it Sunday no it’s another person I know but Sunday do you want to see is it alright here you go hold on hold on

Oh I think I think I’m gonna first one it’s true faint everyone no two of them for free three stiva everyone knows baking knows Elon Musk’s dumb stupid baby name has changed okay it got passed asides the only baby name yes is a true this has the new baby name what the [ __ ]

It’s a final it’s a Kingdom Hearts game they just changed it so now it’s a [ __ ] nobody from Kingdom Hearts speaking of Twitter can you please post the thread with Walter minecraft skins oh my god I have to stop my sub game for this cuz I have to really explain so last night

Actually no let me start from the first comment so like three nights ago there’s this dog named Nelson he’s like this type of bulldog let me get the original video he’s a very popular dog you know that one meme that people post around of like that that dog that’s on the right

Side and straight into the camera yeah he just stares straight to the camera okay so that’s Nelson oh I saw this video and I lost me he goes all and I was like you know this is amazing so I made a post right after i retweeted it

And I said Parker’s my best friend I love that dog this is on May 20th last night waltzer minecraft skins this dude literally just made their account he tweets at me uh hold on let me get the exact this on the thread oh let me get the tweet

Because it was actually replied to this tweet this whole thread so he responds Walter loves you too that’s why you should represent him in Minecraft according to scientific studies Oh Walter minecraft skin to make girls want to sleep with you gotta get those girls am i right hash

Hash there goes in the house I reached the [ __ ] out and I respond all caps holy [ __ ] I’m gonna get so many girls bro and Ian Ian video as you know our previous guest Ian responds saying who is Ian Ian Vidia the dude from Florida he really

Likes pilgrim like a lot really really likes her amount of flowers smoking too you should send him pictures anyway Ian responds he says hey winky face couldn’t help but to notice that Walter minecraft skin you single I respond all caps I’m not but I can ask my fiance if

It’s okay is that okay he said that’s okay just get back to me soon I ping bass and I say is that okay and then waltz or minecraft minecraft skins responds we don’t have to tell when I said Wow Ian posted my emoji and then this person that is some Joe Joe

Whatever this says this thread has an abundant amount of problems and that’s the end of the thread oh my god he has posted some quality wool on main craft scans to be good to comment have to follow this guy holy [ __ ] so this dude also made a post quote

Retweeting Ian saying this is what happens when you use your mic Raskin it’s so good it’s so fun invited the [ __ ] cause I said use the Jew 5-cup because this just like can’t remain closed listen mate all I’m saying is that the next time I play Minecraft this is gonna be my skin

Wow anyway I’m gonna go like this like a rabbit hole it is they literally just made their account right before they said that to me so we were like what the [ __ ] is this they’ve been they’ve been responding to any tweets that they possibly can yeah trying to get people to use their

Minecraft Walter might look skin it’s so good this is uh this is sponsored by Walter minecraft skins we love you please please use his skin at Walter underscore skins yes everyone I don’t want to have an announcement to make what’s your announcement I’m taking the mower year licensing agreement with

Water main crops can can we get them on the potty amazing guy like you’re gonna tell me that he’s not a funny guy or a girl are they whatever the pronouns are we don’t discriminate we don’t what a minute she hates people who have pronouns now Sunday you know the only

Group I hate more than all birds well you British people all right no actually yeah no British people [ __ ] Turkish people wait were you worried can we make you look at rest you have to go after the English forties the English furries yeah it’s cause like

I know some of the most hardcore brush so that means the [ __ ] arseholes and they’re also farty it’s like the two things you hate most parkland the one y’all like what if there’s like ferns out there you’re like Volturi maybe absolutely all those not say funnies what you mean those people eggs like

Doesn’t that go against their own beliefs I’m gonna believe for the furry religion maybe of erasies bond don’t know if they say the love species look maybe Hitler had some room in his empire for our young wolves [Laughter] I’ve definitely oh my god I responded wait what Walter minecraft skins respond

Them get him in get him in right now Walter my if he making it a disc or the cap for this [ __ ] – I’m gonna lose it yep he’s not with some random guy he’s walks well – by crafts kids on it always push your desk Oh what’s your best code

Tag oh my god that so [ __ ] great okay it was asked the first question – best of all I mean crap I guess did you make your beautiful minecraft skins how do you have all the ladies where did you get all that [ __ ] how do you handle how do you categorize the

[ __ ] how do you categorize it oh we gonna pick us off the desktop okay they now have on daily husbandman hey Thomas wasn’t a good number 35 35 this is you just said well you tweeted it out so it doesn’t matter it’s already booked oh yeah and you have a [ __ ] big dick

Alright now that’s public discord username every single time we do this podcast this has a big [ __ ] like really big like super big if you ever meet bass cleff in your life you can’t help but notice his colossal Magnum dong like honestly guys like don’t be cutting the boat cuz dock those

Of stately because you really see if he doesn’t get something done about it like he was 10 years off his life spawn yes I know it seemed like fun friends to make a joke about but like you guys really need to take it seriously he’s been hard for five years I can call

The doctor tomorrow although here’s to make sure Sunday are you gonna have you cinema friend request yet I’m discord chai I think it’s you are bug like the whole thing I just said odd me his fastest Sunday is really simple oh [ __ ] Africa denounced me the entire state of consonant politics

About state cause the entire continent of Africa denounced me all of their governments all did you forget that your place yeah playing Sims I’m going to go take a pass and prepare for like the second coming the crease okay damn any builders to come down here

So the card what’s up how have you been doing good just have like alright big aha I’ve seen your drawings on Twitter they’re good has your tomboy problem did ya house it’s awful I still haven’t received one yet damn you haven’t received a tomboy yet yeah

Do you need me to hook you up just joined voice chats and Dysport you’ll find love you’ll find one yeah you’ll find at least a cool time I got the voice chat two different servers I get sexually harassed because you’re a furry what do you call it I was expecting

Fanboy you want to be a thin boy no that’s choice B can you address would you wear it Dini programmer socks what’s your address no yeah just like your dress on the party please a little [ __ ] he said it sorry you don’t even need to say and so

It’s not sure well well you know it’s something like I picked up playing apex pom pom pom he added we wait that’s half as half an hour pinned and fridge very good – can Spectre roll up why what’s the what’s it there we go Rick oh my god no dude I

Really like their dis coordinator this car you tonight we were like floofy is this your [ __ ] did you make this here’s the I don’t even know what the [ __ ] this is like it’s the fluffy joke no it’s not Luffy would never go this far when we getting fluffy in the

Podcast he would be great we should add him now let’s just add foofy Walker really oh [ __ ] they do it so yeah we’re all really big fans thank you okay I have one question no I’ve been I mean I’ve been studying your page I can see that if I switch to

Our main craft wall or scan I’ll start getting Garros you know did you fight how did how did you find the secret you see last night I was where I was bored and I played Minecraft and I’ve loved what Walter skins so I said why not post him on

Twitter I mean yeah I don’t know very much that’s very inspiring I respect the grain man I hope you keep posting water scans cuz honestly it makes my day makes me feel happy inside can we get a clue to the next Walker skin for tomorrow yeah it’s gonna be

Bikini Walter holy [ __ ] yeah I mean so many girls with that skin bro want to know how much yes yes okay good I’m good so when you’re reeling the wall or skinned you just walk up to women and then they just turn around then go I

Want to [ __ ] you you know I’m sweating tawa our skin right now you’ve sold me you’ve sold me I’m convinced you made the right choice why wait hold on I need to there okay so right but what sort of wall or scan Dargo fought I’ll go for like a generic

Whoa or should I try and get like a fan say whoa you should give oh he’s know how girls like like um see what there is do to make one in a fancy suit right mmm okay whoa whoa our main craft business scan oh oh I see I’m looking at I think I’ve

Got good one here can you post it here yeah yeah of Cour poor thing yeah right mighty monster skins are the best water skins okay I’ll get them from a quality source then hold on okay hold on I’ll be honest there we all business no oh wait okay do you forget

Homing truck in jeez what I’m like dude it looks so boring I shouldn’t have doubted Walter minecraft skins you often I’ve just felt weak as ice I mean I don’t want to illegally confirmation here cuz I don’t want to go a Jew but Lee could die I know you can tell me if

I’m wrong but could this be what we’re gonna see you tomorrow you know you posted that though oh that actually probably I mean I don’t really know I just know there are a lot of bikini author skins so thing like last one yeah yeah

Now can I be that one might not be I don’t know I guess we’ll see surprise every day yeah yeah okay must I understand of one last question from myself yes no obviously you’re currently using a wall or scan you are making excellent progress with the ladies were all

Absolutely just an awe at your talent your skill um so I need to know what scan were you using the four wall I was using I forgot actually I think was using like it was a while ago Trek skin and fall amazing great joy laughing okay I’m gonna say thank you

For coming on the podcast it’s been an honor thank you very much good luck with the [ __ ] hunt all right thanks for joining man I’m a great day man have a great day thank you all for joining my forever reminder I’ll remember you need so [ __ ] so [ __ ] good dude oh [ __ ]

Shout out to uh at Walter underscore skins go follow yeah da wall of skin some-some legend before us getting somewhere this is the best episode MIT it went from being the worst episode to the best episode it really did hopefully the politic at the start will kill people they need to know that

Walter minecraft skins exists okay can you please in the title this whatever the title of this episode is please have featuring Walter minecraft skins in the title of course [Laughter] you this is my favorite post from him I love that so that’s the one that made me come get amazing

Ah how they fight they even come back from that I don’t know we had no topics to begin Waffen in the worid one main class ends what a hero we just have like a minute silence where we all just saw it air what on minecraft skins I’ll actually salute in real life

Here we go I’ll stand up for this and do that on your camera all right unfortunately Take a picture you want a second figure take a picture you salute er yeah there we go hey charity hold on you have to face me yeah okay got it there you go I got the picture for you on how about let me get it what an honorary man [ __ ] pleasure

Betty oh it took two pictures here you go he’s saluting why you look like that what do you mean what do you mean why do you look like you know what they look like yeah what do I look like a [ __ ] I don’t understand the cafe it’s

The way you’re standing well that’s how you you’re supposed to stand when you’re doing a salute I’m not wearing any pants I’m wearing shorts he’s not wearing pants he’s not wearing pants I’m wearing short okay ray I’m looking at the specter there’s one big massive [ __ ] problem

What is his [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is your main craft ball asking like why I do like you’re right you should be ashamed be shows can you drop out like just the top half of just okay no one can see his beautiful face if you

Saw it it would blind you and you would die just like me I have passed no longer in this world I had not been alive for 15 years Wow when I died in a car accident I uploaded my consciousness into cloud well why is Cleopatra such a [ __ ]

I want honestly honestly I want to know my mic please Lee you do dollar well there’s no Walter areas his name isn’t Walter it’s Nelson bro Walter jpg PNG yo people wasn’t Walter the name that people just gave him yes Walter but this actual name is Nelson yes

Mr. Watterson this is a good tweet based on what although hopefully they stole yeah what in crafts cans followed you on twatter okay sure Elmo if you’re awkward navona you guys Lee uh-buh-bye Papa and Mama zoom off to get some [ __ ] yeah he’s gonna get so

Much [ __ ] yo you’ve been blessed by the Walter minecraft skin gods how does it feel I must be [ __ ] amazing trash the Maserati Welch came really solid marine they meanwhile meanwhile meanwhile had a good time meanwhile our you know water wall are so good well I can make time fly rapid

Actually just like went through the next three years and came back oh yeah mister coronavirus still going on you know what I think it’s probably best I just don’t let you know damn really just like that see when coronavirus was happening people doesn’t like pay attention but bong cocking started

Opening up everywhere ocean who won’t concerned about the Whopper virus and the virus Hansol neither King no don’t cancel cancel the kids don’t get us key as hell guys cancel the king cancel the King cancel the only time people would buy stuff at Burger King was when literally everyone’s dying yeah

Burgers based on fast food place yeah in my opinion it’s okay it’s no worse snow we don’t like Bureau is all level one fun and if the one that’s nearly is bad coke yeah did anyone else in Scotland just see the sky flash green five minutes ago

Nova a dead bear witness to a god what the [ __ ] the Allen sword invading you know they did confirm that aliens are real Pentagon said the Pentagon said that everything that they had on document about aliens is real and people just don’t worry about it well they they published all their UFO

Vids shares yes cuz no one can explain it they confirmed it well that doesn’t necessarily say that it’s listen personally I believe that the Pentagon just admitted to us that aliens are real bromas real can the Pentagon tell me why every GF Brooke hey I was a bad joke

Fund a joke yeah Alyssa can we add army we cut that one out please you just cut or Stamos he’s bad joke so JQ Blakey alright just mute his mic for the whole yeah we’ll be fine now to abuse them we get a picture of a hamburger slightly from left to right

With googly eyes physics are more original your [ __ ] cop no way the comedy game right now will and you context Barry for free for easy and very creamer to edit our podcast yeah for exposure because something is like a bajillion followers of course all we need another editor

We only have one yeah Cory yeah very Kramer who cares Hikari re there Cory’s Hikari is better than Barry okay those are fighting words dude I’m just gonna fight me for that me [ __ ] why you’re gonna have to do a cheeseburger this time cheeseburger quiz are you kidding me I want to choose

All right so now take scoot where she’s sitting down and then put her into the ground and just never speak about her again okay bye-bye here I go into the ground Yahoo in the ground bar I’m in the ground now wow she’s really in the ground oh my god

She’s in the ground she know clipped how hello-o scoops nice what’s in there SW and then clip again okay I’m back wow she really did it my [ __ ] vodka I’m [ __ ] kinky just turn us sv underscore cheats to zero bro dumbass hold on hold on hold on they’ll

Say that are warning let me update the [ __ ] comms bar change some point do you guys want to do like a special episode and just play on the terrace moment that would actually be amazing Joe I just make this podcast a life dream and just do online and play games

And then kekstee more so yeah Artie I’m already playing games as we all know yeah you only ever get I guess you’re only ever get back in a group of four muscles too many top-heavy management structure to go again yes realize you’re playing rei so [ __ ] long it would take

[ __ ] Letha and I cannot have people nor not get out of the [ __ ] wall walk please don’t kill my favorite petition one don’t talk about the people who aren’t [ __ ] late the Sun doesn’t get ruined like a leak honestly please follow this [ __ ] ball sponsorship guys I will literally starve

– totally cancel Sunday I’m doing half Walter skin like YouTube already told me that because I don’t have a thousand subscribers I can’t get monetization so I’m electro gonna starve can’t love you use cutter Oh I’m so sorry for you bro awesome great why not meet the I made the world comment obvious

I was really you guys want to disappoint you guys but I just I wasn’t actually physically and emotionally ready to change the water skin at the team and I know I mean all of you guys think that was and I’m sorry but I need this sponsor sure Literally gonna die all my money I’m not gonna be able to live die you’ve got to donate to my patreon you’ve got to give me money on coffee hmm Anto fire it’s coffee God it’s coffee yes like Kofi well the whole thing is by this artist a coffee to support them

It’s $3.00 because coffee costs to do but they actually gave what if they actually spent your money on coughing ho jaaye I have a cup of coffees to a paints unless you go to [ __ ] Starbucks that’s roads $3 a few Starbucks is [ __ ] expensive garbage box is [ __ ]

Starbucks is overpriced garbage the con is it really isn’t that good not college was like a Starbucks coffee stand and then if you walk just like two minutes down those like a regular coffee stand and it’s legit the exact same [ __ ] taste yet the place is like 50% law yeah

Really done remove a cotton just over I feel like we’ve had a lot of style don’t forgotten I got the [ __ ] ball or section we’ve got billions steamer my great regular feature yes some of us who’ve had politic and again section the guest appearance now we’ve got everything we’ve checked all the boxes

Yeah I think I think we can start wrapping it up speaking of wrapping it up we strap your willy Oh what yeah I always wrap it what are you talking so alone that’s not good for you why sir you can’t keep doing things to try and make

Up that beggar you’re gonna cause us problems all right the statement is a serious issue in what to take a house seriously man for Americans it’s such a huge issue big big big complex big dick syndrome big dick syndrome you know we don’t want to know how you

Get that why all of all of the money and from this episode to make up for the horrible mistake I made all money from this episode will be going to say Baghdad KS and [Laughter] Stamos this doesn’t mean that you’re not getting paid but I’m sure you I know he knew already

Good good you know the scrap it you know the scrap you know this crap that’s what’s ours isn’t getting paid I should go this check [ __ ] let me rate [ __ ] balls name ah no son no [ __ ] I already have the check made out dude hey Rey bless and steam wasn’t gettin paid

I already told you my Andrew yeah I was speaking to me a lot he’s gonna take his money away we’re gonna take me down Oh all right I’m gonna go Hikari attempt wrap wrap it up I came on sit yeah do you guys want to show anything

Yeah I’m gonna show some fun I want to show something occasion this is massive [ __ ] deck you know I mean chill um they’ll follow me on Soundcloud make sure and I may be making sure if I get convinced to make a youtube video by myself

I’ll do it that’s the only thing I want to show [ __ ] 12 YouTube I guess nice what’s something I can show damn Daniel yes all right I’m making the music for now no hey speaking of bass yeah if you don’t want to do it I can just

Make the MIDI myself or I can do it make the song go like then the den that the tenten tenten downtown you the [ __ ] game Stamos is [ __ ] gay yeah I kind of like the ring of that he likes it Wow all right there you go you have done

Follow me on youtube hold on let me get the follow me and you to follow me on youtube follow my patreon you have subscribed to me on twitter & wesson guys skirt as a female and that means that if you’re making $5 and you’re watching this podcast talking chef so it

Gets a little [ __ ] money okay you [ __ ] degenerate piece of [ __ ] yeah if you donated the podcast you donate to the girl so I will Olson to compared to these other stupid twitch Robin I will actually give you something other than my pretty face and bitching

At you to give me more money and that is free art I will give you free art please that person if they are yeah technically if it’s later so there’s three tiers there’s the $1 tier and that’s a sketch usually a sketch would be five dollars so you’re getting a discounted free art

If you do the third tier which is ten dollars you get a free sketch that’s lined and colored so that’s our discounted bro that’s all I’m saying technically it’s not free but it’s heavily discounted and you get it every month so if you want me I want to if you

Want to compare me to every other stupid silly Willy II girl on the Internet you can do it all I can say is that I’m better than all of them yeah Dan so mom I’m not actually a woman so stylus is the only girl here honestly

I am and make sure to tune in next episode what should come out in a week but it won’t see all next year [ __ ] this is he was fine goodbye

This video, titled ‘Sundae on Sundays Podcast (Ep. 4) – Walter Minecraft Skins (feat. Walter Minecraft Skins)’, was uploaded by karu vergon on 2020-05-26 17:48:09. It has garnered 74 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:38 or 4778 seconds.

Welcome back to SOS, where the chaos is consistent and so is our unprofessional ways. We did however keep it bellow 2 hours this time. Soooooo that’s a lot easier for your attention span.

Today out topics are:

– The usual warm up – “Quarantine” situation – Shit about the environment – Fuck Youtubers – Bully Stamos – Walter and Walter Minecraft skins

============================================================= SHILL SECTION:

Sundae: Twitter – https://twitter.com/sundaebbx

Hikaru: Twitter – https://twitter.com/hikaru_vergonhttps://twitter.com/vergon_art YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGjH

Bassclefff: Twitter – https://twitter.com/bassclef_map3 Sound Cloud – https://soundcloud.com/map3music DIscord (Movienight) – https://discordapp.com/invite/AsUzGwu Newgrounds – bassclefff.newgrounds.com

Scoot: Twitter – https://twitter.com/Scutlei Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/scutlei

Stamos: Twitter – https://twitter.com/Stamosxd Discord (Gamenight Boyes) – https://discord.gg/AsUzGwu

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    EPIC Goku Skin Review in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Goku Skin | Review’, was uploaded by Minecraft Skins World on 2024-02-15 15:00:25. It has garnered 17 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:12 or 72 seconds. Minecraft – Goku Skin | Review Goku’s skin in Minecraft is an incredible and powerful representation of this legendary anime and manga hero. Inspired by the most famous Saiyan warrior in the Dragon Ball universe, this skin captures the unmistakable and charismatic essence of Goku, expertly adapted for the pixelated world of Minecraft. Generally, the skin features an athletic and muscular body,… Read More

  • Relic Craft SMP

    Relic Craft SMPWelcome to Relic Craft! The home of custom items. The possibilities you can do here are endless! You can; craft OP weapons, find the only god items in the game, fight and create wars. reliccraftsmp.mc-join.org:25575 Read More

  • RigoloSMP Vanilla Just Opened! Whitelist Nice Community!

    Welcome to Rigolos MP Season 2! If you’re looking for a chill and vanilla Minecraft server, you’re in luck! Join us for Season 2 in version 1.20 and enjoy the friendly community. To join the adventure, simply click here and I’ll whitelist you on Discord. See you in the game! Read More

  • GorodPap

    GorodPapThe MintCraft server was created specifically for beginners who are just starting to explore the world of Minecraft. Here you will find everything you need for a comfortable game: survival mode, cases for obtaining unique items, the ability to create clans and participate in duels. Join our community and start your exciting Minecraft adventure today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pride of the Creeper: Celebrate LGBTQ+!

    Minecraft Memes - Pride of the Creeper: Celebrate LGBTQ+!That’s a lot of Minecraft players showing their support for Pride – looks like even creepers can be allies! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Minecraft Review Rhyme, A Blocky World Sublime

    Block Xuan: Minecraft Review Rhyme, A Blocky World Sublime Welcome to my world, Block Xuan is the name, Where Minecraft adventures are never the same. I bring you news and updates, all in rhyme, Keeping it fun and engaging every time. From new mobs to blocks, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a touch of sheen. So come along and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. With funny animations and songs to share, I’ll keep you entertained, without a care. Just hit that subscribe button, don’t delay, For more Minecraft fun, every single day. So let’s dive into the world… Read More

  • Crafting hot messes in Minecraft

    Crafting hot messes in Minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft

    Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft’s Graphics: Low vs High Quality Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft to explore the best and worst texture packs, rating them based on their visual appeal. Meet the Reviewers: Kon: Instagram YouTube Fotis: Instagram YouTube Join the discussion on Discord: Discord Video Highlights: 00:00 – Intro 00:09 – It’s Hip to be a Square 1x 01:40 – 4×4 02:17 – 8x Default 03:34 – Default 04:15 – Faithful 32x 05:09 – Faithful 64x 06:07 – Faithful Canvas 256x 07:14 – LB Photo Realism Reload! 08:37 – Faithful PBR 1024x Demo + BSL 10:13 – Realistico… Read More

  • Pomni punishes Jax in Minecraft! SHOCKING episode 2

    Pomni punishes Jax in Minecraft! SHOCKING episode 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Pomni punished Jax for bad behavior! What did he do? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-05-12 22:30:03. It has garnered 6049 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:40 or 3940 seconds. Pomni punished Jax for bad behavior! What did he do? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft Jax really pissed off Pomni with his behavior today! Will Caine be able to help him and stop Pomni from punishing him? Credits:GLITCH / Gooseworx #digitalcircus #amazingdigitalcircus #pomni Read More

  • Becoming Wealthy in Minecraft

    Becoming Wealthy in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I tried to get rich in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ITZBRYAN on 2024-01-05 23:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Who needs diamonds when you have truffles My twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/itzBryanlive No Minecraft mods are used in making … Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Raju vs. Vlogs in Minecraft

    Epic Showdown: Raju vs. Vlogs in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft live’, was uploaded by Raju challenges Vlogs on 2024-05-29 03:49:47. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:28 or 4588 seconds. Minecraft server live with proximity voice chat open forever that exist for 7 years now. JAVA + BEDROCK + PREMIUM + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.20.6 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at least 2045. 🇪🇺 play.airforce 👾crack.play.airforce 🎮bedrock.play.airforce 🔥 **SPECIAL IP** 🔥 🔊Proximity voice chat: Voicechat.play.airforce 💎For premium user that: premium.play.airforce Port: Java: 25565 Bedrock: 19132 DISCORD: discord.gg/7H9MGNrS9W… Read More


    ULTIMATE SURPRISE IN MINECRAFT MOD LIVE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MODs LIVE PART 4’, was uploaded by codkillman 935 on 2024-01-15 19:02:32. It has garnered 23 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:31 or 1771 seconds. I Mostly Play (GTA V Online) (Minecraft) (CALL OF DUTY) And SomeTimes Other Games. Enjoy And Stay Tuned :-} You Can Follow Me On Twitter ( @codkillman_935 ) I Post Random Things Here https://twitter.com/codkillman_935 You Can Follow Me On Instagram ( codkillman_935_yt ) ShitPost Here https://www.instagram.com/codkillman_935/ You Can Get Early Access On My Shity Music On BandLad ( @codkillman_935 ) https://www.bandlab.com/codkillman_935 #codkillman_935 Read More


    INSANE!! DRAVEN BUILDING A ZOO LIVE NOW 🚨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-05-05 15:04:21. It has garnered 5107 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿 #shortsfeed #shortslive #minecraft This Live Stream is Sponsored By Microcenter And ServerDeploy.pro =================== Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture ================= Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture All things tech under one roof, at Kolkata heaven for Gamers and Creators alike…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek – TINY vs GIANT!!!

    Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek - TINY vs GIANT!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-04-11 22:32:54. It has garnered 765046 views and 23036 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:56 or 7976 seconds. Today, Johnny, Gooby, Daisy and Marty play TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft! Will Johnny win against his friends? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shorts

    Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘op clutch minecraft #shorts #bms #minecraft #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by delicate gamer on 2024-05-09 15:16:51. It has garnered 460 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. I upload Minecraft content, so please subscribe and also like my videos and comment on your thoughts about my videos so that I can progress on YouTube. Thank you…. #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMP

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMPVideo Information [Music] no [Music] n n [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] all right hello everybody Welcome welcome welcome to the stream we are about to have a little bit of uh fun in Minecraft today uh playing a little bit of uh mini games in Minecraft as you guys know there are so many mini games in the server that uh we can enjoy So today we’re just about to have some fun playing some mini games uh… Read More