Kasai’s World IS CHAOS! | Anarchy-Style Minecraft Survival

Video Information

Thank you Thank you [Applause] Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you foreign Thank you Hello everyone how are you guys doing welcome welcome uh welcome to the Stream but what’s up how’s your day how’s your life how’s your everything hello there blue gamer FPS Lisa YT was gifted a membership oh that’s epic random chats mates thank you so much for the one gifted membership that is

Freaking amazing Rockin yes welcome Rockin it has been such a long time since I actually talked to you how you doing what’s up what’s up raw electricity hi there it’s K5 hello hello water welcome to the stream death Enderman welcome welcome how are you guys all doing crazy so what’s up

I’m on PC give me power uh why what’s up deadly oh nightbot is active again wow that’s great night mode is active Okay let me switch to Minecraft I’m currently still here because um well yeah it’s a close to Anarchy server meaning that every second I’m on

There’s a chance of me getting killed so I’m I’m I’m doing this very uh very carefully rocking I’m doing good finally don’t have stuff going on for the week and back from vacation oh nice where did you go on vacation where did you go on vacation that’s great hello everyone how are you

Guys doing welcome to the Stream welcome welcome so today Kasai because of you my server three times better I mean you run either Observer runs three times better I think that’s what you mean in this case I’m very happy it does bloodlustmc I checked out your server

Recently didn’t I welcome welcome to the Stream so today what are we doing uh you’re giving obsidian craft free promo I mean it’s a Minecraft server I partly made so it is fine uh I was in Ohio in the US oh nice that’s cool that’s cool

Kasayu inspire me every day thank you so much thank you so much okay so the reason I’m not in the server yet is because I first want to talk a little bit I know boring talking oh but I just want to say thank you all so much for

The awesome support on my most recent video it is insane so I mostly focus on plug-in tutorials and showcases and stuff like that I think 99 of the people subscribed to this channel know me from the plugin tutorials and showcases and whatsoever so when I upload something different

Um usually it does really bad because people just want to watch my showcases and tutorials and stuff like that so when I make something that is not a tutorial or whatever just a general entertaining video so to say um it does really bad that’s just and I

Know that it doesn’t stop me from making those videos because I still really enjoy making them but it is just I don’t expect a video like that to do well well today I was completely proven wrong because I uploaded the video that is not a plug-in tutorial or a showcase or

Whatsoever I went around and joined my subscribers Minecraft servers so about a month ago I asked everyone hey do you got a server have you made a server maybe using my tutorials maybe not doesn’t really matter but if you got a cool server then just send me your

Repeat interest and I will join it and I will well not really review it but I will just jump around in a little bit see what it has to offer stuff like that so I got 37 servers send in and I joined them and I

Checked them out and I had a great time I edited the video thinking like okay this is just gonna be one of those other videos that gets like 1K views after a month and nobody you know looks at it really it is just oh yeah it’s one of

Those non plugin related Casa Surah videos it’s got 1K views in three hours and it’s getting very close to 2K views already uh I think the the analytics on YouTube itself are a little bit behind but inside of my YouTube Studio I can actually see how great it is doing it is

Doing amazing it’s my best performing video uh from the last two months I think I think for sure so yeah it might not sound like a whole lot compared to some other big YouTubers out there but one gave use in three hours for me is insane I’ve had that

Only a couple of times I think I’ve had that three or four times in the existence of this Channel and today it happens again with a video that is not related to Minecraft’s uh plugins or showcases or whatsoever uh it’s 1.5 K viewers now yeah it’s higher in YouTube Studio that’s just I

Don’t know what it is but the YouTube counts on YouTube is always like a few hundreds views behind it’s actually in 1.8 I think right now so that’s incredible that is so great and besides that I’m even more hyped over the fact that the average watch time on that

Video is insane now it is a longer video I have to tell that it’s a longer video than I usually make usually my videos are around 10 to 15 minutes this one is 24 minutes if I’m not wrong so there is more to watch so I mean there can be a

Higher average watch time but like the amount of people that are watching this video just fill on from start to finish is crazy this video has a few hundred hours of watch time already like if I would upload this video three times then I would have enough to get monetized if I

Wasn’t monetized already it is actually crazy so I just want to say thank you so much for that support that is awesome and it really motivates me and it really gives off a sign that I know like okay people also want to see like some other

Kind of videos I don’t only have to keep making plugin tutorials and plug-in showcases I will of course keep doing that but I can mix it in with some other stuff and people will also watch that that is just amazing so really everyone thank you so much for the Epic support

Yes Rockin got a membership rocking penguin let’s go random chat thank you so much for the other gifts of membership mates that is amazing okay I’m gonna put on my air conditioning because it’s freaking warm in my room and then we’re gonna play kasai’s worlds for everyone who’s watching this and

Doesn’t know what causes world is uh in the description of this live stream you will see how to join it is a member exclusive Minecraft server meaning that you will need to be a channel member to be able to actually join the server so it is a member exclusive Minecraft server

Um I know a lot some people don’t really like that the fact that it is member exclusive and I get that uh but this is how YouTube memberships work some YouTubers have exclusive Discord server versus only members can join other YouTubers have exclusive uh uh whatever

The pages or they friend you or whatever you need to have some kind of perk to let people actually want to become a member and this is a brand new perk of the YouTube membership there were a lot of members already before uh I even introduced this perk but now

Yeah I’ve seen a lot of growth in the memberships over the last couple of days and it is actually awesome so uh yeah thank you so much if you want to join read the description uh on top of the description it will tell you how to actually join the server if you are

Interested in that it is 99 vanilla Anarchy style it is not full on Anarchy it’s an anarchy style meaning that you cannot hack you can’t use a hacked or legal client that is not allowed I would highly recommend actually reading the rules before you start playing on the

Server so it’s not hacked but it is very close to Anarchy if you want to blow up someone’s house then do this in theory aloud I mean you would be a dick but it is allowed so that’s what we were we uh playing today kasai’s world

I’m gonna log in in a bit the reason I’m not logged in yet is because like I said before uh I will uh yeah there’s a chance that someone will just kill me and if that happens then I want it on video uh hope you enjoyed touring our studio I

Did for sure happy thank you so much for sharing your map with me that’s that’s actually insane I think a lot of people will uh we’ll see your server now even though it is at the end of the video uh I saved the best for lawsuit to say uh it’s awesome

Shout me out no not like that um I read the rules today that’s awesome by the way if somebody used a hex clients like before then doesn’t matter just disable it now okay from now on I made the rules very clear no hex clients nothing like that there are now

Also rules inside of the server so let me join huh oh what what the heck a lot of players are online hi if you now do slash rules hey chat what’s up mate if you now do slash rules you will see the rules no chats don’t accept any teleportation

Requests I I don’t want to die uh no you’re not gonna set up War to me you’re gonna kill me probably uh so these are the rules just read them quickly be respectful to all other players so no aggressive swearing or excessive swearing no hate speech no aggressive arguments in general just

Don’t do that also lag machines and other uh builds basically that impact the performance of the server are not allowed so do know that don’t make any lag machines don’t do anything crazy that actually could crash the server that is just not allowed and then do not use any hex

Slash legal clients slash mods which give you an unfair advantage over other players those are the most important rules that is what you should not do and uh yeah that’s it that’s it uh let’s see happy I’m here on my main account too well thank you for joining

The stream with two accounts that’s awesome uh bring more memberships yeah I saw a very kind comment of chat uh let’s see I’ll give out memberships during the stream like each 20 to 40 minutes chats that is insane thank you so much for the awesome sport mates that is actually

Awesome so yeah you will need to be an active member to be able to join the server active member as in you will need to have an active YouTube member ship that’s it then it will work um he has nothing okay still I won’t be teleporting anyone to here because this

Is Chet’s base so like an hour ago I teleported here just so I could start the stream slowly and after that I will teleport to other players but I won’t be teleporting anyone to here because this is chess base and I don’t want to give away his coordinates and let it get

Grieved or something like that so uh yeah I won’t be doing that but uh we’re gonna have some fun today I want to go to the nether for sure last video I I’ve been there for a little bit uh in this video I for sure want to go there a

Little bit more ooh oh thank you chats nice we finally a full iron that’s cool uh bro died himself died himself what you mean by that can I come to you no I won’t uh I won’t teleport anyone to me I will go to others uh Kasai how are you I’m doing amazing

Actually uh I wanted to record a video today but I just wasn’t able to I’ve Been Working on setting up this stream and just I had a relaxed day I saw how great the video of today was doing and I was like okay you know I’ve worked hard

For that video it was a lot of editing today I’m gonna take it slowly um so today I took it slowly and now I was just bored I was like um you know what I’m gonna start the stream early why not so uh yeah how are you guys doing I

Think everyone’s doing great at least as far as I’ve seen is it possible to talk to you in Discord DMs I don’t really accept people to DMS because I have in general people spend me a lot in the M’s uh though I can for sure make a private ticket if you want

And then we can talk in there for a little bit uh but then you have to ping me after the stream or dumping me just send a message in general chat I will read it don’t ping me please don’t ping me I get too many things don’t ping me

But just send the message in general uh after the stream I will read it I’ll make a private ticket and then we can talk um that doesn’t go for Everyone by the way but I know that you’ve been trying to reach him out for a bit so

Hey happy thank you so much for the two pounds right yes it’s not Euro pounds from the UK my man thank you so much happy that’s awesome W thanks mate that is really really kind you’re a legend you are a legend okay so what are we gonna do today so we’re here

Now and this is Chet’s base now I don’t want to go around here too long because I I don’t want Jet’s base to get griefed so I think I’m just gonna what did I do oh nothing I think are you going home uh because I still have my oh

My home at the place where I was in last stream and I’m gonna try and not die that’s basically the golf today not die go to the nether that will be the main goal uh but one thing is for sure I want to go away from random Jets home because

I don’t want to get destroyed because I are you ignoring me no I’m not I’m not ignoring you I just answered your question sent a message inside of my general chat after the stream and then we can talk you already started streaming yeah I started a bit early I was bored I was

Like why not start streaming earlier it’s it’s fine okay I’m going home let’s see what’s up hopefully I won’t fall inside of a bit of lava or something okay no we’re fine so someone probably still has a home somewhere around here so the goal in the first stream was

Actually to turn this into a base I’ve decided I won’t be doing that uh I’m not gonna live anywhere for now um I will just go to the nether have a little bit of fun there I hope I won’t die and after that we will see how things go

Um I will just be a traveling Merchant I guess for a little while until I actually find a great place to live or I will just live inside of Chet’s house for a bit Chad doesn’t know that yet but he will probably he probably doesn’t care um

So yeah if you want to IP of the server you need to read the description um that will explain how to actually join the server because you can have the IP but still it doesn’t really matter uh how much does a membership cost uh I don’t know if it changes per currency

But it is 3.99 in Euros um the first link in the description will actually show you uh will lead you to the membership page and then you can see it for yourself oh wow oh thank you so much for the 20 something donation I don’t know what currency that is but

Thank you so much that is freaking awesome thank you thank you thank you that is great and once again random chat thank you so much for the membership and raw electricity actually received it so that is awesome raw electricity congratulations with your membership completely free if you

Want to join the server join my Discord and over there if you link your Discord and YouTube accounts you will see a channel that says join worlds and there it will explain how to actually join the server from India oh from India yeah I’m not really well known with all the

Currencies in the world uh teleport to you sure teleport to me because I it’s like 0.22 euros I converted it for you oh really that’s so weird how those currencies are so different like per country hi there what’s up what’s this about oh deaf Enderman also

Wants to come guys please don’t kill me okay please just be very kind to me yes shall we do that Bitcoins to Kasai today I won’t kill you yes don’t please please don’t just want to have some fun who wants to go with me on another zero five one one I don’t know

You please don’t kill me I got a sword and analogy oh everyone should go here I’m the one who protected you yeah yeah hi hi what’s up everyone okay they’re zombies yeah the server isn’t hard mode by the way so we we need to be a little

Bit careful when it comes to monsters I want to join on nether yeah let’s go on another Avenger last video I traveled here in the Overworld and found a place for a home where I won’t be going to live now because it’s just way too dangerous if you want stuff just grab it

It’s an anarchy server at least close to enter case you just grab whatever you need uh it’s fine it’s fine uh did you send a request oh you did there we go so uh we’re gonna revive this nether portal where’d you go into The Nether we’re gonna see what’s oh oh

Guys I found a helmet inside of this chest so if anyone wants it just grab it gear yourself up a bit hey Mac yeah let’s set up with mac oh no I don’t want to go too Meg wait stop stop cancel Mac you can come to me or do

You have something for me is that why you are wanting to me to teleport to you hello tomics welcome to the stream eyes welcome my killer or my almost killer from last stream I actually killed you just want to say that I was the one who killed you not the other way around

Yeah guys just want to say that ice tried to kill me last stream don’t trust him immediately okay it’s he’s a dangerous guy uh Hulk veterans bro loved your videos thank you so much mate uh that that’s really really kind of view thank you I make one wrong move and I will kill

You uh okay I will accept guys I will be making a sec uh seconds crazy so I will teleport back to you in a bit if that’s okay uh what’s up Meg hey Eisen oh what you guys are near you got to the Ender Dragon don’t you what what what’s up

Foods please what yeah you see you guys got the dragon egg I knew it I knew it someone has Beats in the Ender Dragon already there was no other way because I watch out he is half diamonds who’s half Diamonds oh Meg won’t kill me

Mac won’t kill me I know Mac good enough from origin Realms he won’t kill me he’s a great guy uh the only dragon egg on the server protected with your life oh Aurora I can’t put this in here I can also do that should I put this in

The Ender Chest for now until we have a great place for it or do you want it Mac you can may also just keep it if you want that’s fine as well yeah I put in the energies okay that’s my what’s my idea too uh I will also put

These in here and some foods this is the first time I’ve actually seen an Ender Chest inside of this uh server so I can just put some valuable stuff inside or well not so very valuable this I can just give to someone but it’s great to just have some backup

Stuff in here I need food I can help okay I will share the foods sure I will share me and ice and kill the Ender Dragon I thought so I I it’s always every single Minecraft server I release then the dragon gets killed in day one

Did you kill it on the day I streamed I think you did right probably your Deluxe Hub plug-in video made me a fan of yours I’m so glad you enjoyed it thank you so much I’m going back to crizo we’re going to the ends another

Sorry Eisen Mac if you guys want to join then uh teleport to me too it would be great oh who hasn’t slept for a while it might be me now that I think of it okay we’re with a lot of people this is for sure going wrong

Someone is gonna turn their back against one of us eventually that’s gonna happen uh let’s see I need to add better RTP customization on my to-do lists you mean like an add-on or just customizing better RTP what do you want to customize about it uh let’s see bro love your videos thank

You so much mate thanks for reviewing my server man it was funny I’m really glad you enjoyed it unfortunately I wasn’t I wasn’t able to join all the servers oh no oh it’s it’s I it is again eyes is how do you it’s is I’m just gonna call him is

He tried to kill me in last video he uh I teleported to him I did TPA except I went to his home or his home wherever he was and then he tried to kill me but he didn’t have enough gear and I managed to kill him so we should not trust him

Immediately maybe later in the video with Bruce himself a video stream uh he proves himself but right now we need to be careful by the way Rockin an all YouTube members that have received a membership from chat because there are three members already if you want to join the server I’ll connect

Your Discord and YouTube accounts then you will get a new channel you will get access to a new channel that’s called uh join worlds that’s the side of the channel uh there will be explained how to actually join so then you know that Rockin come join us if you got time

If you got time shall we go in uh in the nether does anyone have a flint and steel foreign yes what’s up what’s up what you want to give oh whoa oh that’s overpowered thank you so much Mac but where’s your gear do you want this back then here you also

Need to wear some good stuff ah nice thank you that is great some extra protection against Isis is very appreciated where is ice even uh oh there he is I made the portal okay well let’s go then I’m not going first I’m someone else needs to go first

I guess I I just joined the stream Cube welcome to the streamate how you doing what if you’re already connected with YouTube and discourse then you will automatically receive the role inside of my Discord server so it’s not like you need to reconnect it’s just as soon as you connect your

Discord and your YouTube uh you will get the role inside of my Discord server and that role will give you access to a channel which will explain to you how To Join This Server so you basically need to send a code to a we’re so many people

You need to send the code to a Discord bot and that Discord Bots will then allow you access inside of This Server there’s no white list it is just the bot needs to confirm that you have an active YouTube membership uh that’s basically what it’s doing so it’s all fully

Automatic there’s no white listing there’s no manual things that can go wrong it is just a disk robot send your link code to the Discord Bots and then you will automatically get access and your access will also be removed if you are not a member uh doing good just I

Can’t really chat that much because of public Wi-Fi public Wi-Fi sucks I think we can all agree on that uh but hi everyone rbl cenarios welcome to the Stream how you doing okay so where are we going is uh did someone die there already probably who’s going first Eisen where’s

Ice oh there you are no don’t kill me I don’t trust you I don’t trust you I ain’t going on that bridge for real I’m so scarce where are you going oh what what okay what shall we do doing good awesome good you yeah I’m doing great I’m doing amazing I’m having

An excellent day it’s eyes go first I kinda agree on that don’t forget to drink the fire resist oh that’s true you give great how did you already do like uh not enchanting Brewing how did you already do Brewing I’m so far behind yo because yo mate

What’s up yeah we go we’re going where there’s lava there’s trouble oh for real oh I don’t trust this chriso you go first come on you can come yeah yeah I’m here I’m here I’ll go behind you guys I got my own bodyguards here now it’s actually crazy

Playing or streaming in General on an anarchy server is just a bad idea overall still I’m having a great time did anyone follow don’t fall don’t nobody fall please okay I didn’t even know what we’re doing what are we looking for shall we look for a Bastion or something a Bastion or maybe

A net of Fortress we need to have some kind of goal oh Bastion okay cool let’s search for Bastion bastions have like the best loots nowadays right so okay it’s so tense because there’s so many people here I’ve linked my YouTube to Discord but nothing okay then if I got some time in

A second I will manually synchronize uh because usually it does take around uh 10 or 20 minutes until everything connects until YouTube will actually give you out your role on Discord uh can someone protect me for a bit I will manually synchronize real quick so that’s everyone that’s in the Discord

Now will receive their YouTube member role uh uh because YouTube is just very slow it’s the actual YouTube integration ah okay we went from yeah three new members have now received their role so you should have it now all YouTube members currently have their role on Discord so rock and you should

Have YouTube member roll 2 you should see a few new channels I’m so scared I’m so scared oh ice is there okay not so scarce anymore then I mean I trust the rest of you but ice just has proven that he wants to kill me go idiots it’s fine it’s fine okay

Uh because I I want to get custom attacks with Mythic mobs coding is too complicated I will do a tutorial on Mythic mobs eventually it’s on my list I don’t know when but I will do it I’ve heard a lot of requests about this that plugin so I will for sure make a

Tutorial about it eventually I don’t know how complicated Mythic mobs is I’ve never actually used it on my own I got it it’s nice cool you Fortress Yeah it is old fortress do you guys also think that fortresses feel so old compared to bastions for example

Best jeans are so like cool and modern and whatever fortresses just feel old who’s fighting what’s up careful everyone it’s so dumb we’re in a freaking Anarchy server and we’re all breaching over The Lava in the nether like with the group of six it’s so so dumb

Still we’re going for it oh wow who is what is happening okay someone is fighting or oh no wait it’s just just who’s doing that I think it’s just a blaze right was it just a blaze I think it’s just a blaze no no guys let’s go let’s go let’s go

I love your videos Kasai so informative I’m very glad you like them thank you so much for the huge compliment man I gotta go have a good stream thank you so much and thanks so much for joining into it was great having you see you later

Have a great rest of your day oh he got loot oh it’s ice what did you get what did you get what did he get oh it’s uh okay someone else loaded it I don’t really need a lot of gear because I feel like I will die this stream anyway I’m gonna

Try not to but oh yeah net Awards I feel like I should just I should just live somewhere in secret like I should be playing here and then live somewhere in secrets with chat or something you know that no one knows the location of face reveal when if I will ever do a

Face reveal I’ve always said this if I will ever do it not gonna promise anything but if I will ever do it then it will be during uh it will be after like a big event something like the 100K subscribers or whatever according to socialblades by the way I

Check my social blades yesterday they think I will hit the 100K within one and a half years that’s actually insane if that’s true that is crazy give diamonds Kasai uh who said that you I don’t have any diamonds I don’t have any diamonds at all I got

Iron do you want Iron I here you want iron you can make some gear I don’t have anything else I wanted to give you a diamonds but someone took it ah well make armor with the iron you need it make armor I love you Kasai thank you so

Much Texas dexa Minecraft thank you so much for the huge compliment that is really kind of you Kasai worlds is simply uh surrogress is my public one and this is my member exclusive one so all YouTube members will be able to join uh so it’s not really private it is

Public to anyone but yeah to anyone who is a YouTube member so where are we going where are we going where are you from I’m from the Netherlands ow who tried to kill me how am I poisoned oh it’s fire resistance I’m so dumb Rock and yes Rockin got it

Welcome welcome rocking welcome to the server it is uh oh Rockin I think you’re still watching um it is pure Anarchy I don’t know if you know what it means but that means like they’re pretty much no rules uh and everyone BVB is on everything is on it

Is just pure chaos basically so if you die then uh that’s understandable basically that’s all I want to say your chaos server lots of fun take it easy I would say or you can come here and probably die just like me but uh oh I shouldn’t do that

I could have been killed so easy there I feel it it stands here it is really tense it feels like anyone can kill anyone in any seconds what’s going on here is there something no eh we’re with so many players okay excited to play nice well welcome to the server walking hope

You have a great time it might not be the best place for you like huge projects because well yeah anyone can just grieve it there’s no way to protect anything but I think it is a very fun concept to do an anarchy server the thing is an anarchy server would

Never work as a public server though I think it works great as something member exclusive because you just got a group limited group of people and it’s just way easier to handle what’s the public server IP it is mc.oracraft.eu I don’t know if anyone has time to type

That in chat otherwise I will lose in a second it is the public IP which we’re by the way working on the new season hi can I help you with anything um wait wait wait do you need Foods bits Maybe I want to give food to him but I think

That’s gonna be hard rabbits I think Eisen got it mc.oraircraft.eu hey thanks I will pin that do you have anything pins though oh wait I shouldn’t pin that oh no I’m dying I think what’s happening okay okay I should have been that I should give a little bit more explanation on

That bin uh uh what’s happening who who died who died was it a phone guy burned to a crisp fighting ice so ice killed him burn his loots this is so cruel why burn it we can use it right I guess why not just grab it what’s happening I don’t know I don’t

Know what’s happening I also don’t know who died was it that phone guy did he die okay someone please protect me for a bit I will be stunned standing here I will write a message real quick because I know pins wait is your moderation gone remove no right unpin message

Uh This Server is member X member exclusive uh public ipmc.oracraft .u public SMP IP just a little more information otherwise people will think that that IP address is the IP address of This Server which is not the case okay got it we’re ready again ooh ice what’s that

All right bamboo I don’t really need bamboo my own inventory is filled with stuff who did we kill like like why did he die why did he have to die did you do something wrong did he do something wrong Maybe But yeah it is indeed Anarchy so anything can happen in Anarchy someone will probably kill me as I will lose everything that’s just what happens he was too old I need food be right back okay congratulations with your membership and once again random chat thank you so much

For the gifted membership that is amazing mate that is really really cool thank you so much for all the donations today it is crazy already and the stream has just begun thank you so much it is it is very cool what are we doing good luck Kasai thank you Um yeah let’s just go on let’s just run and oh deck yes deck may come deck may come um can I get a membership uh you can become a member yourself uh Brandon chat is also giving away memberships because he is way too kind of a human uh so it

Could be that you get a random membership today otherwise you can always get it yourself of course just click on the join button on my channel uh oh I will just grab that uh someone there’s gear in here if somebody wants a chest plate here you need a Chess Place rabbits rabbits rabbits

Rabbits get it you can have it it’s gear for you why but then why did you want it you want to hear grab some grab some stuff you need to be able to protect yourself too oh they ran away which for you yeah good rabbits rabbits rabbits what’s up with the rabbits

Uh let’s see will you bring another membership plan with a bit of a lower price uh maybe I will eventually bring out another membership plan with a lower price but it will come with less perks than this this price is just the same I had this membership plan before with

This price and it was without like the access to this server and then already a lot of people wanted that membership um I I’ve compared a lot to other YouTubers like what they are asking and I’m pretty much below all of them what’s up what’s that the flower ah thank you that’s sweet

Uh let’s go we’re gonna find Sebastian and we’re not gonna find his in here so yeah I might someday release another membership um probably with les perks um but yeah in general who killed who who killed who when did someone kill oh ice was slain

Well I I I’m gonna flee I I’m gonna ignore the trouble and just look for a Bastion is there a way how I can safely get down I don’t think so um come on this is a dumb plan this will never work oh wait maybe maybe I can get down safely through here

Then just yeah there we go I mean it doesn’t matter if I take damage if I just survive we all survived that I guess so oh yes I will nice we’re down we’re down I can be a member said yeah and some um countries memberships are just not enabled at all some reason

We do live tomorrow to Kasai maybe not sure but I might I found you Kasai oh no I might do another live tomorrow though if I’m too busy working on a video then not uh but yeah I I won’t promise anything no ice you you will kill me

I I don’t trust you I’m very sorry but you tried to kill me last time and now I just can’t trust you anymore I can’t trust deck eyes you may only teleports if you promise you won’t kill me oh my God that scared me so much

Uh so we’ll do a live tomorrow yeah maybe uh it depends usually my live streams do better when I do them like every other day but hey who knows Maybe it sounds just horrible I don’t think we’re gonna find best in this way will we Why does it sound so horrible I would have laughed in the light Rod it’s anyone already finding the lights right Because I would love to steal it from you we are in hell oh yeah we are we are for sure in hell you should make a server where you have to be a subscriber to join uh uh what Eisen has one oh really I don’t know I mean there will basically

Be a public Minecraft server that would basically be a public server just like Sarah craft so I kind of have that already a server where you only have to be a subscriber because most people playing on Sora craft are a subscriber too I’m pretty sure I don’t know that

So I don’t think they would actually add a lot member exclusive is like yeah member exclusive is different and the the I think the positive thing about member exclusive is that those oh no oh no what are we doing don’t kill me again please no oh no no dick why no dick

Don’t kill me I did it last time and then he killed me accidentally but still what happened I won’t kill you yeah but I didn’t trust that okay I will teleport you here uh I will kick you if you don’t stop excellent I know it was an accident

Ice I will teleport you here only if you promise to not kill me okay guys let’s give him one more chance let’s give him one more chance if he does kill me then we know enough then we don’t have to charge them anymore but for now let’s give him some gear because he

Deserves that here he got some iron here you got this and this and this there you go oh reckon wants to come sure don’t kill me and don’t kill Rockin nobody make your rocking penguin she’s too nice oh well you did that yourself oh did you cancel or did I not accept huh

Let’s see I can’t buy a membership uh why not does it not allow you you don’t have to by the way don’t become a member if it’s not financially something that you can do like if you’re not capable then please don’t spend your money on me

Please don’t I don’t want I don’t want any of your money uh hey you got a different skin you got a different skin right it changed nice oh what are we doing let me go deck I can’t see your thing yeah it’s new yeah I noticed I notice looking good okay

Oh these mats no ow and he’s dead dick you want to kill me or something what’s going on with the fishing rods Let’s see Bastion what’s what because someone killed me can I TP back one last time but after that you just need to teleport to someone else I’m constantly accepting accepting teleportations there are a lot of people with me so you can also just TPA to them um

Eisen I have a good plan what if you fly around and you look for a Bastion and as soon as you found one I will teleport to you what a great idea because you have an elytra right or not you have one I already accepted okay last interpretation I will accept

I have no fireworks oh that is sad if you can get some I don’t think we have the materials for that I don’t think we have the materials for that Ruby hello welcome to the stream and that’s greeny welcome welcome how are you guys doing you guys having a great day today

So is hosted on PC uh not any hosting servers Oh you mean you’re a server not this server deserve is just hosted at the hosting service of course uh Kasai I will attack you now and after stream you can check out and create a tickets have a great leftover

Stream alright thank you so much mates have a good day uh yeah nobody has the means to make something like fireworks oh I hear somebody who wait is that no that’s not a Bastion ah look like a Bastion for a while forbids uh I got some from chat oh nice

Just look for a Bastion I will teleport to you because this way it’s gonna take endlessly it’s gonna take so long to find one not that it really matters I mean we got all day but it will be nice to actually find one navigating in the nether is so hard so hard

Okay Bastion I uh no don’t believe it what’s what’s up did we find Sebastian there’s no Bastion here right just kidding oh take it take what’s up what do we need to take the teleportation again guys you don’t have to teleport to me you know there are a lot of people with

Me you cannot stand up or to them doesn’t have to be me all the time I I I really feel like the leader at this point I’m just everywhere I walk people follow slash game mode creative nah man to be very honest I can’t even do that

Here uh game modes creative cans don’t have access gm1 also not I got the same permissions as you guys I have nothing else what is with the fishing rod all the time no no what’s he doing so I have no permissions at all I got the same permissions as you guys uh if

I’m in my owner rank then my name will be golds and then you know I’m not playing so barely made that so when my name is red oh I oh I got diamond yeah I got it I guess wait yeah I don’t I’m only missing leggings now oh I got them hey

Now my old inventory is filled with stuff wait let me throw some stuff down but yeah when I’m in my Owner Mode so to say in my owner rank my name will be gold in game and that you know I’m working on server stuff and I’m not actually

Playing well my name is gray I’m just in the same rank as all of you and I’m actually playing on the server that’s how I’ve done it for myself just to make it clear when I’m actually playing and when not uh what happens is Eisen die where did she die

You should die here where did she die did he die in the lava not from a high place is this stuff down here far far away I’m half a heart where did you die not here then what’s this stuff is there something of value oh that’s the stuff I drew down of course

Oh no you have no clue where you don’t have coordinates or something like that good how about you I’m doing amazing Eisen just died so that kind of sucks he had an elytra but for the rest I’m doing fine I’m doing great does the server work in Bedrock No Sora

Craft does which is my public Minecraft s p server uh that one is bedrock and Java edition only or bedrock and Java Edition this one remember exclusive server is only Java Edition it pretty much got no plugins at all it’s pretty much vanilla Minecraft with one home and TPA a nice nice nice

So no Bastion I guess that random chat got killed or got kicked I mean uh LOL yeah so it’s not working perfectly the anti-chease so me and a random chat installed anti-cheats uh like a couple of hours back uh and we were like do we need to change

A lot of settings nah probably not it’s probably fine like this and now Chad himself gets kicked so it does not work perfectly oh well config by me yeah that’s true that’s true Aizen you didn’t configure it correctly would you rather be on suracraft or kasai’s worlds

Uh at this point in time Casa’s worlds because it’s just very fun to have this close to Anarchy pure chaos experience it is horror craft issues a safe haven where you can build like a very beautiful mansion and just complete some quests and have a good

Time that way this server is really like pure chaos and you got filmed at the right and then you can still or a little lighter and then you will die and you will lose everything with no way of getting it back and you basically start all the way from the beginning again

Mining wood with your bare hands that is God’s eyes World pure chaos pure just so yeah oh what’s this why did you put your chats subscriber only can subscribe for 1 000 peoples what not worth the sub well then you don’t stop then you don’t

Have to stop man uh no longer a safety Haven for next season yeah it’s gonna be a little less safe for next season for sure currently it is really a safe haven and it is fun if you want to do big projects but most people just want chaos

This Server gives chaos which is why I think a lot of people do actually enjoy this server currently because it never really ends it doesn’t end when you have a beautiful home because someone will grieve it and you will need to start over uh that’s the nice thing I think

About Anarchy it can literally go on forever because even if you have the best gear on the game and you live in an obsidian box you can still die and you might still have to start over uh which is so fun about it at least I

Think that’s a very fun aspect about it Um because I when I buy member how do I get the IP you will get the IP address through my Discord server so uh you become a member you will get a YouTube member role inside of my Discord server when linking your YouTube and Discord accounts and then inside of the

Discord server you will get access to a new channel and that channel will explain to you how to join the server it will give the IP and it will explain to you how you can link your Minecraft accounts to a Discord Bots basically you need to link your accounts to make sure

You have access to This Server even if you got the IP you can join it will not work yeah don’t swear please don’t swear because it is actually against the rules and you will get banned where are we going uh but I need to chat you you regretted

My first chance I regret it I regret it what I ignored you mean if you need help join my Discord we got lots of help there we have multiple channels dedicated to helping people so if you need help then the live chat is not the best place to be but hey

Join my Discord you can ask for help there and I’m sure someone can help you out and otherwise I might be able to help you out myself after the Stream I need help join the Discord and ask for help there we got lots of channels and

Lots of people lots of not lots of knowledge I’m sure someone can help you out with whatever you’re struggling with anyone wants me TPA here no yeah I I guess we’re already like gaining enemies now guests just come on come down come down calm down guys get him

Oh there are two guests now oh that’s a little less fun oh that’s a little okay one is gone oh my God why have we still not found the best you know are those things so rare my Escape key broken so I can’t play Minecraft you should purchase a new keyboards

Okay it’s is it’s is it actually how you pronounce your name I don’t know I can accept it one last time but don’t swear don’t try to kill anyone better to say don’t hit anyone because if you will then they will probably kill you do you like being a YouTuber I love it

Not greeny I love being a YouTuber it is for sure my favorite thing to do um I only got like 25k subscribers but I’m already doing this full time or at least I’m trying to do it 100 full time now just because I love it so much

So yeah I really like being a YouTuber so much that I well I live yeah it is a lot of Subs don’t get me wrong I’m not saying it’s not a lot of subs for but like for YouTubers to oh no why did you do that that’s not smart

Uh it’s a lot of steps don’t get me wrong but for YouTube like being a YouTuber uh and actually having like full income out of YouTube 25k isn’t a lot like most YouTubers who have 100k they can kind of start doing it as a full-time job

Um I only got 25k only 25k still a lot but only 25 5K so I’m not gaining that much from ad revenue and stuff like that um so I I’m yeah financially I’m kind of struggling but still I just keep doing it because I love it so much so I’m

Trying to do all I can to continue making videos on YouTube uh also part why I introduced the memberships and talking about memberships random chats thank you so much for the other gifted membership Tic Tac received the membership Tic Tac congratulations I think Tic Tacs that the way are you

Pronounce it I think so right Tic Tac congratulations mate on your membership that’s awesome um so yeah I’m basically currently financially struggling a lot and doing everything uh to be able to continue doing YouTube full time um even though I don’t earn that much yet and well every month is a challenge

So to say uh but yeah I’m still continuing on and I’m having such a great time doing YouTube and I absolutely love it that I just I I just continue on I just want to keep doing this and uh well yeah I’m just gonna try and continue for

As long as I can and I really hope before all my money runs out so to say that I will uh that the channel will have grown into something sustainable that I can actually keep doing and I won’t lose money every single month because that’s what’s currently going on

Oh my God so many member messages what’s happening eyes thank you so much for the gift of submates you may teleport to me now no I’m kidding I’m kidding but don’t kill me but thank you so much Mage for the the for the membership that that’s freaking awesome that’s so kind of you

And double A thank you for becoming a member mates that is awesome that is so awesome thank you so much you guys are the kindest reads the YouTube um subscribe no YouTube description description description Bridge YouTube description uh it will tell you how To Join This Server if you

Want to join uh will be amazing you deserve it man thank you so much that’s that’s so kind uh what what could I get a membership from gifts oh how yeah it’s just random someone can gift a membership and then a random person inside of chat will

Receive it though I believe you have to actually enable it so uh like on top if you click ow who ice is killing me again oh this man this man sorry Rockin he is killing me again wow you gave me your membership and he just kills me again okay ice no decline

I’m not gonna accept your teleportation requests anymore you’re killing me every single time you thought you had me did this time didn’t you oh my he really wants to kill me every single time member message hiding my chat yeah so if you click on the member message back who accepted him

Who accepted him he really wants to kill me he already tried killing me last time and he did it again this time but yeah on top of the screen or I don’t know if you’re on the phone but it’s on top of the live chat for

Desktop there will be like an icon that says member and it will be like a bar that’s loading you you see that thingy well if you click on there I believe over there you can enable gifted memberships something like that it I watched a video about it

Oh I got fire resistance I got fire resistance for how long I can see how did I survive that okay hi there I didn’t lose that many lives at all is it because of armor do I have fire resistance I probably do there’s no other way who accepted ice request

He shouldn’t get here to our war I’m so thankful I’m so thankful Tech boy thank you and mac oh God I almost died there that is crazy don’t accept ice or is requests he will kill me what how did he get back he said

A home here he for sure set a home here okay we gotta go guys we gotta go it’s not it’s not safe here anymore you had an ender pearl also that is true I should have kept them in my whole bar there we go I didn’t think about it at

All I thought it was already dead pretty much when I fell uh but apparently it wasn’t wait I I got fire resistance right I can just swim to the other side freak that I’ll just swim I heard sounds like Auto clicker oh really he’s using an auto Clicker

Don’t die guys there’s eyes again how does he get back every single time how that man he really is on a killing spree or at least he’s trying he’s hacking uh I don’t know if he is I haven’t seen any proof yet and without proof I can do anything I’m not gonna

Grab his stuff okay it’s not safe here kill him kill him good he is not trustable uh is he back again there he is again what how does he get here so fast how does he get here so fast wait did these are the home here foreign is he actually hacking

Oh we’re in the end now this is better wow this feels safe this actually feels safe Is using Auto clicker please don’t spam that won’t do anything do I need to ban him I will ban him uh who do I need to ban it is Eisen you sure he’s using hex Eisen sure random chats there we go 10 bands for a week

I don’t know why you would use hex I also don’t know if it is actually true because I didn’t see it myself but Eisen saw it apparently do I become bands when you use bad language if you keep using bad bad language we will warn you a few times

It’s not that strict or at least it is not so strict as um it’s not as straight as in sorry craft but yeah if you will hack or stuff like that you will for sure get a 10 band maybe even a permanent band for now I

Will just do a 10 band as I mean maybe you will learn from that that might even work better than a permanent one permanent one you can maybe just continue on next season 10 Ben you can’t play for a whole week ice why would you do that man

Do I become bands yeah you will then become banned for sure please review my server once I’m a small server Creator please review it uh maybe next time I’m doing join my discourse that’s all I can say join my Discord server and next time I’m making a video

Like I did today like I’m releasing today uh I might take a look at your server if you send it in so who knows uh I got so much stuff in my inventory it’s actually crazy I’m gonna throw it away a bit you want some iron boots someone you want Iron boots

Rockin Rockin here prep stuff let’s give Rock and stuff why are you hitting me what’s up ow hey stupid Enderman sorry okay we got it we got it thanks for responding you’re welcome mates you’re welcome let’s see protection this is fire protection Rock and grab this and these two I don’t know

If you need that but just have some stuff there we go to be geared up a little bit bro how’s that what’s up don’t spam click because I crit them what uh uh I don’t even have hacks it’s hard to believe you I can unban you if you want for this

Time but if somebody else catches you hacking or doing anything illegal whatsoever then you will be banned for a week and you will have to sit out that week man I really don’t like hacking people or Banning people I really don’t so I mean I can surely give you another chance if

You really want to but otherwise you will keep stay banned and yeah you will need to sit out this week and if you keep doing it after that you will just get a permanent ban he’s using Auto clicker slash kill alright does anyone have proof of that

Like actual proof who is at ends me I’m in the ends so they never don’t have another life that will be cool maybe we can look for an elytra we can try if I sound like I’m complaining but I’ve been waiting for a while on Discord server and I’m still don’t have access

To the join worlds aha okay that is a thingy I can fix it for you not greeny thank you so much for becoming an absolute Legend and supporting the server and becoming a channel member thank you I’m clapping for you thank you mate that’s so kind of you thank you so much

Absolute Legend you are uh I will auto sync real quick or manually sync I mean on the Discord so you will have access right away make sure to link your accounts and then you should have the role right now okay I got one of you already

Not greeny don’t save you yet but double A should have his role now yeah you know it’s a good access to the new emojis and stuff how to link just go to Discord like your your Discord account settings and over there will be a tab that’s called connections I think

And over there you need to connect your YouTube account and after you’ve done that you need to wait for a little bit and then you will get the roll inside of my discorder over the YouTube member roll and with that role will come a channel that will explain you how to get here

Thank you so much everyone for becoming a member you guys are absolute Legends that’s why the role is called absolute Legends because if you become a member you are an absolute Legends that’s why the membership is called absolute Legends I mean uh I can try sinking again after you’ve

Done that so just connect your discords and YouTube account after that let me know in chat and then I will link I am trash I’m so sorry about that I’m just jumping around at this point How many times are you gonna say absolute Legends a lot a lot the words absolute Legends and epic I use a lot even in your stream it is proof you can hear it well I’m not great at hearing that um Eisen random chat could you please tell

Me in the YouTube live chats uh what you guys think should we give him another chance or should we keep him banned because honestly I do not know enough about hex to determine this myself but random chat said immediately like a he’s hacking and I do believe random jet I linked

Uh okay then I will sync it yeah there you go you should have the YouTube member rank now you should have just received it I think maybe another chance chance to bend to a day okay I will give him one more chance a random chat also wants me to give him

Another chance so we will do that if this happens again it is a week without any question okay uh what’s his username again uh oh got it got it never mind there we go is you can join again last chance last chance okay careful you’re careful Mac or Rockin Rockin please do not

Accept any teleportation request from is it’s too scary what’s the IP how do I find it inside of my Discord server on top there should be a new channel called join worlds in there it will be an explanation on how to join you will find it just look for a channel that’s called

Join slash world or join world just join space World basically on top of the Discord server you will be able to find it so the explanation is pretty easy basically you attempt to join the server there will be a link or you will get a link code when

Attempting to join send that code to a bot the bot will confirm you’re an actual member and you will get access that’s how it works basically yeah I see now okay good good uh it shows too nice like picture but not on heads and in tab

What you mean like your prefix you mean Ah water why not deck you can come not a picture but the chat is good I don’t really get what you mean are you talking about better ranks kinda feels like you’re talking about better ranks we’re looking for right foreign we can protect you yeah protect me

Protect me but I will still be walking around you guys will just have to follow me it feels like I’m accepting requests all the time here you go just just get to here just get to here uh uh let’s see can you talk well oh can you talk Dutch to me I’m

Translating it to real time uh no I guess people won’t understand what I’m saying uh Only You armor thanks a lot for watching the channel that’s awesome good luck with your YouTube thank you mates thank you you’re a legend it’s so funny always when a fellow Dutchman comes along

Then you you immediately hear that someone on YouTube for examples Dutch it’s crazy Uh can you help me I will say the problem in Dutch or tell the problem in the gesture man um but if I can’t help you out right now because I won’t be able to do a lot uh here during the Stream So then just join

My discourse and I will be able to help you guys over there or someone else on the server there are a lot of people there we have multiple channels for support and stuff like that so if I can help you out here then someone in the

Discord will for sure be able to help you out so so what uh what are we gonna do now uh uh what What’s there nothing absolutely nothing why can’t I put dragon head on myself I don’t know that’s I guess just something you can do hey can I have some blocks

Somebody have some blocks Maybe so we can build over there blocks locks yay vlogs feels like a very dumb decision to go build here now but hey why not let’s build to the other side let’s go foreign what are we actually looking for right now just looking for an elytra I think so

The lighter would for sure be great it’s not greeny welcome to the server glad you were able to join I will accept your request in the bits rocking I lost my internet that sucks why why ow it’s eyes again how did he get back here

Oh now he set a home here he will come back into seconds ice is on a big Killing Spree we really have to be careful where is he rocking anyone don’t I think a stack boy there he is Tech boy are you accepting his requests

He got a home here now he got a home here meaning that he will get back any seconds there he is get him get him bye bye bye oh he got a home here now he got a home here now okay we got to run he’s teleporting with no requests that

Can you can teleport with no requests quests right TP no oh what yo only TPA that’s not possible physically do not have permissions for that so he must be teleporting to someone I just don’t know who uh let’s see how can I add a data pack without changing file path

Uh to external in Minecraft Pocket Edition oh I wouldn’t know this to be very honest is how how is he so oh my God okay okay I might just have to teleport back home uh I will read your message in a bit by the way my Dutch friends but I’m kinda trying

Not to die currently how is he hitting me so fast stop oh my God they’re all so mad they’re all so mad there he is again okay yeah he is for sure using auto click it clicks you way too fast he clicks you way too fast

That’s Auto clicker yeah I heard it this time I’ll be running away I’ll be running away is he following me I don’t think so home okay we’re leaving we’re leaving oh okay uh by the way you said something Dutch did I say something Dutch I accidentally said something I guess uh I can add you to the white list but

It wouldn’t do a thing I can add anyone to the white list but it wouldn’t work it’s uh every a bot is doing everything and the bot is checking if you are a member on YouTube and if you are then you will automatically get access so it’s not I

Can’t even whitelist you there is not even a white list even the widely oh I don’t have access anyway there’s no white list it’s disabled oh okay I thought you were I thought you were is where is it is actually oh No away zombie I don’t have time for you let’s finish the home I mean we can but it will probably uh get yeah yeah sure let’s finish the home why not I mean there’s a big chance we all die but Hey Dr Chups congratulations on your Kasai Sora absolute Legends membership congratulations if you want to join the server then you can now you now got access so uh make sure to connect your Discord and YouTube accounts and after that you will be able to get

Here because I are you gonna ban uh it is now uh well he’s constantly cheating right so I guess I have to I guess I have to it’s a shame though why would you I still don’t have a membership it sucks it it’s completely random it’s a lot

Like Chad can give it to anyone it’s just purely random someone will gain the membership That’s just how YouTube works what’s going on what’s he saying okay everyone knows where our base is everyone knew where it was anyway it was basically the Central Point here on the server deck stop with that uh let’s turn this house into something beautiful everyone help building get our

Materials uh let’s let’s do this this will be perfect uh let’s see Rockin can you get her some Woods Oakwood would be the best alright because we will need it uh let’s see We’re not gonna make it fill no we’re not gonna make it from golds rockin’s gonna get our materials uh

Let’s see deck or let’s see what are you saying famous Emoji what uh well does somebody want to collect a deep slate Maybe because we will also need that we’re just gonna make this a lot bigger we’re just gonna make the house a lot bigger

Because we now got a lot of people so that’s my bad commands there are no Oak blanks no uh rocking is collecting Oak planks right now I think I think she’s helping out Uh double A yeah maybe we shouldn’t accept everyone to get here because it’s still Anarchy I don’t know what’s going on in chats I don’t know what all of you guys are talking about really what’s going on as we can all see used auto clicker what’s the ipe uh join the Discord

And in there there will be Channel called join worlds which will explain you how to join just uh basically read the description of this video it will tell you how everything works um wait let me sync real quick oh it doesn’t work yet uh Sorry I was reading Discord for a bit okay so um let’s see what’s your name Shino talk Shin Chino toxin maybe you can get deep slate if you could I can provide you with a pickaxe okay I should make you a better one maybe you can try and get some

Uh deep slate we’re just gonna make this house a lot bigger you want to collect some stuff too let’s see lag but yeah I think rocking is currently getting uh more Oak Woods at least I hope so and then we’re just gonna turn this into like a big mansion or something you know

We actually need to make something cool um wait should I maybe we could look for a build online or do we want to build it ourselves because I are you sure you want to stay here no I’m not sure but I mean this making this will be a fun project ow why

Are you hitting me all the time staying here or making this will be a fun project for sure and we can always move later it is just it’s Anarchy we go with the flow basically ourselves like metrica or that yeah maybe we just build it ourselves

But we need to make it big like everyone may have their own room we just need to make it an actual cool looking house um but what should I do like I want to have a job too come on do adventure for better place yeah but we’re not gonna find a better

Place I think How to join the Discord description in the description there’s a link there’s a link in the description which you can click on and then you will join my discords um Waits nice hey don’t kick me off copyrights this is no copyrights not really anyway Nice with the dragon head okay what we’re gonna do we need to make a decision or we’re gonna make a house here or we’re going on an adventure so our water we’re even gonna build I I guess a a Cool Base you know what I’m gonna make a bowl

I’m gonna make a ball uh in the YouTube chats can I do that start a poll Uh shoot we make a base here or travel for a better place uh uh better place builds here ask the community hey there’s a ball guys vote hey don’t hit me oh you guys hitting me all the time I want to know what you guys think

And then we will make a decision by the way Rockin I know you’re collecting Oakwood um thank you so much for that uh if we’re gonna build a base here or somewhere else really doesn’t matter wood will be handy anyway so okay you accept uh I guess so

16 votes already let’s go everyone vote a lot of people want a better place We might only accept people uh to my location I might only accept tpas after we found a great location or I mean this location doesn’t matter because it looks like we will be um looking for a new place anyway so hey what’s up mates welcome to the

Stream you’re on YouTube now how cool I’m kidding I will eat that I’m very far out ooh then I might teleport to you then I might teleport to you time to travel yeah I think we’re gonna travel then uh 18 votes almost 80 percent set travel uh what’s going on cray show

I did not do that a TP to ice I think indeed we’re gonna TP toys let’s go foreign oh this looks great we got a village here that’s beautiful hey zaf joins what’s up I don’t know if you’re watching the stream but welcome mate Okay so

We maybe do not need to accept everyone To here what’s he saying don’t swear indeed krazo don’t swear mate you shouldn’t I don’t know if I should accept any teleportation now or not maybe it’s better not to maybe it’s better to not accept any teleportation or should we travel from here maybe we should just travel from here

Or are you actually gonna live here Eisen I don’t want to check my coordinates because that because then everyone knows where it is do not accept my YouTube live chat says don’t accept yeah we might just not accept any requests but I know I’m actually gonna live here or maybe we

Will be traveling farther into that direction well you’re living here okay I might live somewhere else Eisen tell me which way do I need to go to get further away from Spawn because I can check my F3 right now as everyone will know where it is

Uh don’t accept uh or show chords yeah I think indeed I don’t need to accept and I just need to not show my course just travel in one directions look for a safe place that way that way okay so if I go into this direction I will go further away from Spawn then

That is what I will be doing and I will just continue traveling for a bit more and see if I can find a place on my own though I want to go with you guys okay sure come sure come yay make sure I don’t die I’m gonna close the ball and pull

End it we travel in it’s not Lupo mates thank you so much hey stop stop that I’m yes it’s not lipo thank you so much for becoming a YouTube member that is absolutely insane thank you so much mate you’re the kindest yeah I’m not gonna accept any teleportation requests if

Anyone does that if anyone accepts any requests then that’s fine uh but I won’t be doing it or oh here’s you both sorry I didn’t know I had in my inventory I won’t be accepting any requests because I only make bad decisions I just accept everyone’s requests and then we

Die because somebody tries to kill us um but thank you so much it’s not Lupo for becoming a YouTube member indeed join the Discord server um in there I will press on the sync button in the bits then you will get your rank immediately otherwise it will take a bit

Because I vote yeah but I I want to run for a bit now okay we will go in the boats sure yeah got it hey nice beautiful view um when will I get membership when you buy it let’s get on Ice I went to the boat for

Like two seconds and then you broke it already again sure um yeah you can purchase a membership indeed when you buy it or you can uh receive a gifted membership from someone who decides to give a membership if that will happen at all uh but uh chat did for a few times this

Is not really going quickly or something uh we might just walk for a bit the boat is not quicker in any way shape or form Uh look how quick this is I feel quick I can tell you that I can act as how do I join make it easier it’s not hard at all it’s extremely easy oh hey calm down the only thing you got to do is connect your Discord accounts to your Minecraft accounts

Uh no it’s connect your Discord accounts to your YouTube accounts then in my Discord server you will get a role which is called YouTube member then there’s a channel inside of that uh YouTube member role I connected what now there will be a channel called join worlds

At the top of the server pretty much join worlds and there it will explain how To Join This Server the only thing you have to do is simply send one link codes to a bot that’s it it’s extremely easy it’s ice my man thank you so much for the gifted

Membership that is so kind of you mate thank you so much water received the gifted membership congratulations water uh the people there are not receiving memberships right now uh the people like Isis gifting a membership and random chat also gave memberships if you’re not receiving any then you probably don’t have um

Membership acceptance or whatever it’s called enabled you actually need to enable it in some countries otherwise you can’t accept memberships uh so Google ads how to enable YouTube membership gifting or how to receive YouTube membership gifting and then Google should explain how you can actually enable that but it’s not enabled by default

Whoa I actually got it you did wooder so if you want to join reach a description follow the steps just read the description like the first part of the description will explain exactly what to do and it will lead you to a channel that will explain the rest

It is not hard just read well word for words you will get there I’m sure you guys can do it it’s not hard at all after you connect it and you joined you’re like oh steady easy it really is easy where are we going where’s Tech boy tag boy

I will pay you with my wallet what’s happening who’s gonna pay who don’t pay oh Eisen you may come feel so bad I can’t buy Minecraft that does really suck hey Lee show phone to emojis that’s cool right we got all sorts of Epic emojis they’re all custom made fine artists it’s awesome

I really really like them we had other emojis before but that same artist decided to make some new ones and I think these look very very great I think they look absolutely awesome full uh and I also got a cat you see that cats uh the cat emoji that liso sends

Let’s get emoji was actually modeled uh after my own cats or well the cat of my girlfriends actually but she got two cats so I also got Titan kinda got two cats and that cat is one of them and the other one will be added soon but we need a few more YouTube

Members for that um because you need YouTube limit you like by default you can only add four is it four I believe four but evil you can only add four YouTube members or four YouTube uh emojis and then every single time you reach a new membership goal you can add more emojis

So uh new emojis let’s go uh without any jokes without kidding I think I still got around 10 or a little bit more 10 I think 12 emojis left that I’ve not added but I just can’t physically add them yet because YouTube limits you you actually need to read certain Milestones membership milestones

Uh and then you will be able to add more so I think we now need I don’t know how many more we need maybe six more memberships or five and after that I can add another one so then I will add the other cats so then you got my two cats

Or my girlfriend’s cats but I see them as my own so she got to uh so I got one of those cat emojis for each so what is the black cats or at least a black and white cats and the other one is the one you see

Right here and a deck I don’t know should we accept deck deck hasn’t done anything wrong Tech boy Eisen what do you guys think should we let deck join in on us or not he hasn’t done anything wrong but I don’t want to accept it or send the teleportation request to Eisen and

Tech boy not to me because I I don’t I don’t want the pressure another one another one how do I pronounce it eyes or is thank you so much for the membership mates that is freaking amazing thank you so much for the gifted membership and Samuel uh Samuel yes Samuel Samuel

I don’t know if there’s the right way to pronounce it but okay uh congratulations on your gifted membership that’s amazing welcome to the membership gang we might this stream I don’t know how many memberships I’m still gonna receive but we might actually hit the next Milestone to get more emojis

I want a membership so we can get more emojis yeah let’s go I think we need about five more but I’m not certain I could check I ran out of money because I no worries man you gave so many memberships already it is perfectly fine thank you so much

Because I uh what let’s go because I get out okay why I won’t be going in your boat anymore get in no I’m constantly leaving and getting into your I’ve had it with your boat too much boats let’s see bro I’m feeling so sad why are you

Feeling sad mate wait I’m gonna take him down ah okay um let’s see Dr chips yo I’m in nice mate good to see good to hear I don’t think you’re gonna find anyone Dutch here on the server though I got a pretty uh English speaking community so to say

Um from everyone who watches me 0.5 is Dutch that’s not a whole lot and like 22 percent from the USA and about 10 from India and the rest searches other countries yeah the cat is huge ride I really love that cat I really love the cat Emoji it’s so cool

It’s so nice maybe I I attach more like I don’t know how to call that I attach more feelings whatsoever towards that emoji because it’s actually modeled after my own cats but it’s so cute I love it so much I really want to add the other one too they’re both so cute

Ow ah oh we got a boat hey you got a boat I got a boat sleep bro who needs to sleep me probably does anyone have a bet you guys got a bet anyone please ow okay yeah I need to sleep is anyone ever bed that I can borrow maybe to lay

In please maybe yes no I don’t oh someone bad yes oh I can’t rest now monsters are nearby wait let me take it I will flee from them yes got in I got in now I’ve at least slept it won’t do anything right now they won’t leave but

I’ve slept oh sorry sorry what uh um well then that it’s interesting it was a very interesting experience I don’t know what happened there yay how many people are into Syria for one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven thirteen Thirty people that’s insane thank you guys so much for

Becoming YouTube members I never expected to even hit like six or eight people inside of This Server because everyone needs to be a member but look at this crazy lot of people they’re crazy a lot of people here that is that’s so awesome that’s the best

Thing ever I thank you guys so much for supporting me that’s so awesome you guys are literally the best what’s up Eisen hey hey don’t do that there we go okay Eisen okay yeah he’s in nice this works a lot better oh whoops whoops sorry my phone no go in yes Perfect uh how long does it take to get my role may I ask uh have you connected your accounts in that case I can click on the manual sync button guys what’s what I’m I’m going in a boat and then I’m leaving the boat again every

0.05 seconds I’ve had it can we just walk instead of going into a boat because it’s not doing anything for us it’s not like it’s going faster is that going away I need to go buy things for memories thank you so much for joining mates it was awesome thanks again

Thank you thank you mates first player by the way on kasai’s world was deck one two three the first one who joins besides me of course Village is near really where um Lee’s Minecraft God Minecraft Gods pirate all the Caribbean theme starts playing I love the theme do you guys

Love the Pirates of the Caribbean films I love them I think they’re so cool cool and great I was first I don’t I don’t think so I think deck123 was the first but I would actually have to look that back in the locks can you please make a video about Cloud Nets

Um I I could yeah sure where do we need to wait for yes there’s PVP for sure PVP everything grieving stealing it’s all out it’s uh close to Anarchy it’s not an anarchy server because on a true Anarchy server things like hacking is allowed too that’s not allowed here but for the rest

Everything is hacking and being respectful to each other you can see the rules here these are the rules be respectful don’t make lag machines or attempt to crash the server in any way and don’t use any hacked clients those are the rules for the rest everything is fine

Kidney Surah how’s it going uh I got mixed feelings about this oh there’s a village nice yeah boys I’ll travel myself don’t worry I’ll travel myself what what I get oh there was a leg Spike I need your kidneys no don’t start with the kidney stuff again why do kidneys stuff

I’ve been kicked that is interesting is the server down it’s restarting what happens let me see uh sorry I traveled too far oh is that what why it happens that’s probably just World Generation stuff um I think everyone should be able to join again that hasn’t happened yet

Got to say I expected the server to crash sooner with all these people online Foreign there we go gonna join well will I automatically get rules uh yeah you should automatically get rolls oh we’re set far back indeed we were almost in the village that was so weird that was so weird the server just decided to peace out they didn’t expect it to lag so much ah

Right okay uh where were we even Jinx aren’t loading are they nuts still nuts let me check How everything is going now let’s first see if the server is working all right it has worked fine till this point right change loading or are they not loading at all I just found errors oh really like Tunes are not loading in at all if you’re going to be a factions no I

Don’t think so for me chinks are loading slow yes same here they’re loading slow for sure uh let me check guys stop sending me teleport requests uh uh let’s see I think the main reason is just a CPU shortage because I didn’t expect to get so many players on here

Uh uh Waits let me uh I’m messaging my hosting provider real quick I want more RAM uh Let’s see if he responds it might be available the server will then need to restart once more though if we will actually get extra resources are the cat is so cute I love it so much at random chats thank you so much for the gifted membership

My hosting provider says this is what I thought would happen lol yeah uh LOL yeah many players online now okay guys uh we’re gonna get some extra resources uh so we will get Um more CPU power and maybe more RAM to I didn’t expect to get so many players we made the Zero from four like six to eight players Max because that’s what I thought would happen just six to eight people online but uh I didn’t expect to get freaking 13 or something

Like that so we need some more resources now it’s mostly more um CPU power the ram is not really the problem is it’s CPU Power 90 of the time uh Never mind he’s ignoring me who’s ignoring who what where okay I’m back on mobile welcome welcome back sorry I’m trying to fix the server it just crashed so I’m I replay modkins uh record sounds no I don’t think so who is sending all these teleport requests oh my God oh my so many

Uh can I TP I don’t think I should accept any TP requests right now because uh we’re looking for a cool place to live actually um let’s see TPA oh teleport to them yeah sure nice uh stop spamming me stop spamming me I’m not gonna TPA you okay I will TP at you

If you stop then here you go that’s the only request you get don’t spam you will just get kicked or banned or whatever and don’t accept anyone else because we don’t um what’s it called we don’t want uh too many people here as that will just go horribly wrong let’s see

Hi there hi hi by the way if you guys want to say something to me I prefer the YouTube live chat you can send a lot of stuff to me in game but I’m focusing on two two chats at the same time and I’m mostly focusing on the YouTube live chat

So if I’m ignoring your message or anything then just send it in the YouTube live chat then I will actually see it oh yeah we should take the bets good one because I need to stop being soft and accept the TPA but stop being soft

I mean I would love if I could just block TPA requests I know you can does anyone know if that’s possible with CMI I know that it is possible with uh uh what’s it called Essentials Essentials X you can actually toggle teleportation if you turn it off

Then people will not be able to teleport to you at all without the no team I can do that too uh um let’s see I’m gonna send a message real quick uh Okay guys it restarts is incoming a server restart as incoming uh let’s see yeah a server restart is probably incoming in the bits because we need some more RAM to serve our crash because of ram shortage I thought it was CPU power but it’s Ram shortage too many people uh too little Ram

So the server will get restarted in a bit I don’t know when but they will get restarted in a bit and then we should have more RAM for all the people that are here currently I didn’t expect so many people to join ah server restart in 15 seconds okay I will just leave

There we go uh notice we’re here anyway I will be getting something to drink real quick I’ll be back in a second uh look at this beautiful server over here Sora Craft season 5 test server that’s cool okay uh speculate on that I’ll be back in a bit Foreign Thank you foreign I’m back sorry for the wait I need to get something to drink real quick but we’re back we’re back we’re back serve her up looks like it is oh no I hear a skeleton that’s dangerous um wait let me check the ram of the server at the moment okay

Yeah it’s better for sure it’s a lot more hey what who is oh it’s a ah skeleton and creeper skeleton move away oh okay um does anyone know if it is possible to block TPA requests with CMI like do is there a way to disable them okay rockin

We will Ex rocking may come rocking is we’re not going to school out because I know that rocking won’t grieve or anything like that she is the longest sitting Youtube Builder out or YouTube Builder Surah craft Builder she builds the spawn for sure Craft survival and she has helped since

The season two I think it’s crazy how long she’s been in the in the team so uh it’s awesome awesome uh oh I need to sleep that’s what’s happening oh my God so many things are happening at the same time uh okay crazy so thank

You so much for the donation mate I will read your message in a bit uh love your content and keep it up uh keep up what you’re doing and when I get mods or join your team or can I get mods or join your team uh we do have

Um moderation what’s it called mods applications once in a while if that happens then on my Discord server uh you will get notified that we’re looking for new mods uh for a new mod so I would say grab the notification Squad roll and yeah do I need to sleep okay grab

The notification Squad roll and then you will be notified as soon as we got a mod application open Mando needs sleep exactly but this won’t change the thing it’s just we got two people okay three people come on two more we can do this we can do this but uh chriso thank you

So much for the 20 donation the donation of 20 something I don’t know what the currency is but thank you so much mate it’s really appreciate it it’s really really really is you’re the best you’re the best now could you add a colorful chat or colorful names and tools or armor on

Your open server um yes you know I’ve actually been thinking oh Switzerland oh really I I want to make sure you stupid comments but I wanted to say like uh uh I’ve been on holiday there and was to Switzerland and it’s so was so great I’ve been there for two weeks

Like uh in the mountains I couldn’t name you the area or something like that I really do not remember I was 16 years old but it was so beautiful there still one of my favorite country countries to go to of all time it is so great uh but

I don’t remember a lot from that I’m currently 23 years old um and at the time I went there I was 16. so it is actually a long time ago but man that was a great holiday I still got memories of it it is it’s fantastic

Uh so yeah I just want to let you know that stupid comment but doesn’t matter uh thank you so much for the 20 euros it’s practically 20 euros yeah I remember that the currency was kind of the same as Euro so thank you mate that’s really really appreciated um

How are you Kasai I’m doing great Zone I edits I’m doing amazing are we gonna live here is this the place Rockin can build very well just want to throw that out there rocking can be amazing so should we live here in that case I

Will set a home here and I can go around the server a bit but then we can always come back here right double Aces Kasai which you also like for me to help search for a nice place oh no we got a place now this is probably gonna be it I guess

I guess is this where we’re gonna build oh nice building in the villagers uh oh why when is the auction house coming or the shop yeah I need to work on solarcraft I need to add an auction plugin and besides the auction plugin I I actually thought of adding those better

Ranks to storycraft as well you know what the real problem is the real problem is that a swords is also for bedrock and bedrock and custom textures don’t go great together and that is one of the reasons that currently we cannot add a whole lot to sugarcraft because it needs

To also be compatible with bedrock Edition uh that’s also one of the reasons why we’re not sure if next season is gonna be Bedrock it might just be Java Edition um so I I really want to add better ranks to shortercraft problem is that yeah Bedrock is a kind of a problem uh

So next season we’re gonna have custom items custom structures custom a lot of custom and because of that it might it is probably Java edition only um yeah so that kind of sucks yeah probably will be Java only I don’t think we can figure out a way to make it work

For bedrock 2. um so that’s unfortunate this season is Java and bear track and we want to keep it that way the next season will probably be Java only when this is coming out we don’t know yet um this season just came out a little bit ago and um

Hi nice horse this season just came out a little bit ago so it won’t be anytime soon but we’re working on it and we’ve started crazy early this time just to make sure we can actually have an epic server when the next season is supposed to start

Um like with a lot of custom blocks custom items all that stuff could I buy the world or just download it you know what the problem with that is people ask that every single season and the the big problem is is that the file size is so huge

So what how big do you think how much gigabytes do you think that’s the previous shorecraft season was season three how many gigabytes do you think that world was because I thought about just spreading it like letting people download it but it wasn’t possible hi hi sorry I’m just jumping around you

Want something I got some stuff where are we gonna build a home you want to turn one of these homes into a home we could even just we could live here for example yeah so the uh you got an idea oh that’s no problem

My PC is good yeah no it’s not about the PC it’s more about like spreading it like I wouldn’t be able to upload it to a Discord for example because it would just be too big I I also wouldn’t be able to upload it to like a free Dropbox

Thingy or something like that because it would be too big 16 gigabytes that’s cute Eisen that’s cute just remember that last season had around 500s uh individual players there were never 500 players on the server at the same time but in total you’re like unique players that joined

The server in his lifetime was like 500. uh no last season if I remember correctly oh you’re really close it’s 48 gigabytes or a 68 sorry 68 48 oh my God 68 gigabytes what’s the world only the overworlds the nether was also like 15 and the end was

The end I think only 10. a lot smaller at least but still quite big for a world um because I just asked me for a storage hosting thing I can do it so people can download it I mean that could be an option but I might I might just release them

All together like because I still I got all those horror craft Maps season zero or well season one actually then Season Two Season three and the current season I got them all still stores on my PC uh so I will probably make like do a big release or something like that or at

Least make it so that uh yeah YouTube members can or YouTube members just subscribers in general can download the maps I think there will be something fun I don’t know when could we see them yeah I think a lot of people haven’t seen the maps yet you know what I’ve actually thought about

Maybe after season 4 has ended this season the current season uh I will do some kind of uh um what’s it called I would do some kind of tour a tour over all Sora craft Seasons like season one two three oh I threw away my shorts season one two three and four just

Before we start season five that would be fun I would love that get back memories I played on All Seasons so far so I didn’t do a lot on season three but I did a lot on all the other Seasons that will be fun I would actually like

To do that just go over all the seasons and relive memories and then season five starts bam cool new season all cool stuff epic Uh custom items for sure best season yet uh I what I’m just talking to my audience what you want by the way could you help me with

Downloading better ranks for my server um I mean it’s just in the description of that video you can just download it stream delay yeah stream has delay by the way sorry for everyone that is sending me teleport requests and I’m not accepting it is just uh I know the danger of accepting friend

Requests or teleportation requests especially right now because um well we kind of find a found a place to live so we need to be very careful with who we accept and who we don’t uh I completely forgot about it uh I’m so busy I’m busy busy job random chat thank you so much

For the gifted membership mates that is freaking amazing and cookie stocky what cookie stocky that’s what he’s called the congratulations on your gifted membership educated to you by random chats epic mods very epic mods epic dudes working on shortcraft season 5 currently he’s like the main death together with Eisen it’s

Freaking epic and amazing so um yeah why did I even have this why do we have the stone shovel I I got the iron one uh Kasai currently white lists my sane Warrior I don’t have my laptop right now I’ll join when I get back unfortunately I can’t

Widely see you will have to do it yourself you can reach in the description the description of this live stream I will tell you what you need to do and how you can join it will be a big thing that says how to join kasai’s worlds and just read it follow the steps

And you will get there uh I’ll get back I left wait I’ll come back later I have to go see you see you man not greeny thank you so much for joining the stream and joining the server too thanks a lot by the way everyone that’s watching this

Train right now do make sure to leave a like press subscribe and leave a like I think most of you already subscribed but do leave a like a lot of people always forget about that and it will be really nice to match some extra likes hey

Nice thank you I do already have a lot of food down don’t you need food yourself sure the Rockets you’re chilling by the way Rockin said that will be cool I think you’re talking about the sir the video right I I think I’m gonna do that after shorecraft’s survival has ended like

Season 4 I will just do a torb over season one two three and four bam epic video very cool going through all the servers through all the main things that were made on there and then we will release our Craft season five bam epic yes this sounds like a great plan doesn’t it

I know okay house um oh emeralds well hi emeralds I’m Casa Sora welcome in my inventory wanna sleep with what what Sapp what’s happening in chat sleep I’m trying to sleep I don’t have a bet mate I don’t have a bet Rockin grab a bet

As I’m not sure I’ll get it under a month and membership will end uh what you mean I don’t have the laptop over C well if you don’t have a leftover free sheet and you will not be able to join the server anyway why are you doing this don’t do that two more

Okay let’s try again one more hey there we go we skipping we skipping beautiful I should keep that one in my inventory so this will be the village should we make a big oh I love that idea should we make it big while I wanted to say fence

Should we bake it should we make a big wall around the city should we do that and we’ll be cool hey people are liking thank you for liking the video do be sure to leave a like would mean a lot will be epic foreign like a real stone wall

So because I can I TPA uh I don’t I don’t want to say yes or no but I mean I’m not the only one living here so someone else should also agree on that I don’t think I can make that decision my own Bro I’m a Minecraft try hard in Java I got a laptop it is gone for repair we’ll make more than a month I mean as soon as you’re back you can just join the server I I there’s no one oh I fell in there’s no white list or

Anything like that I can’t whitelist you it all’s automatic through a Discord bot So should we make a big wall around here is that something that we want to do or not well season one of Swordcraft public or did it start season two no season one was public but it started later on the map was already there um but it was Private before and then we

Made it public after a while me and a friend of mine who wasn’t admin for a very long time too um we decided to make the server Republic for the YouTube channel but the map was already there so stuff was already made there and season two is the

First map that actually started as a public map like a public server map but uh yeah no season one started private became public and since then it has all been public first uh through a white list as you may recall and season 3 and 4 have been without a white list

From what I remember I think so yeah so are we gonna make a wall around the city I think it will be cool I might we might have to do some mining I will go mining guys I’m gonna grab a chest I’m gonna throw all my stuff in

There and I will go collect deep slates you don’t have to come with me please don’t please just grab your own task and go for it don’t follow me I’ll go my own I’ll take a bet so I can sleep though hmm I’ll take this stuff I’ll take this too

We have a bunch of deep slates how much how much deep slate oh by the way Meg is Max still on mag no Meg oh Meg is on Mac can do are you home are you home at this point in time guys you got an Ender Chest right

Could I teleport to you for a bit to drive some stuff inside of my under chest because we don’t have an under chess here yet and I would love to add some stuff to there if that will be okay just a few things but I don’t want to

Make more inventory I want to go Bedrock mining I’m still in the end okay never mind then I will come later don’t rush just stay where you are doesn’t matter uh I will go mining I really want to go mine a little bit uh let’s go our favorite thing in Minecraft is mining

Let’s go where should I go down um you can type a to me you can use my energies okay CPA random chat or what yeah okay let’s go hey thank you mate nice nice look at that just gonna put my stuff in the air I by the way I got the dragon

Egg I don’t know what to do with it but I got it um let’s see some goals this I can take gold I will put in there uh that too the Smite book I’m gonna put in there too the potion I will keep with me settle maybe in there

But this is just stuff that’s gonna be handy for later I guess hmm yeah the rest I will keep with me oh he got a lot of a lot of sugar boxes okay Eisen I don’t know where Eisen is but I can probably TPA to him right yeah uh Kasai can I team with you please I don’t have much I don’t think I can really choose that I won’t accept any teleportation requests because I’m currently living in this village with all of

The other guys so if you want to live here then you should ask permission to them because it wouldn’t be fair if I made that decision for every one of us Rockin left the game no rockin that she said she needed to go oh

Uh I will just go mining for a bit this place is great it is really nice we got to be careful though but we it’s really nice uh I will go mining for a bit because I just want to I want to gather materials I want to get her deep slate

So I’m gonna do that rocking where did you did you what’s up there we go into the grounds gonna get deep slates because we might already have some deep slates because like we have deep slate but not enough six Stacks that’s not enough if we want

To make a wall that surrounds this whole village we need a lot more than six Stacks six Stacks is not enough because I please add better teams later so we can team no I will not I will not it is vanilla Minecrafts almost 100 vanilla at least 99 so I

Won’t add a lot of plugins at all the only plugins we currently got is like CMI and Discord SRV for the linking that’s pretty much it I’m not gonna add other plugins that’s a soreograph thing so our craft is well and nice and organized organized because as world is just one big giant

Chaos essentially yeah I’m just gonna get more deep slate um because I want to make wall around the city I think they will be nice projects will probably go horribly wrong too and someone will just destroy it because that’s essentially what causes world is all about killing each other and uh stuff being

Destroyed whatsoever by the way we gained a crazy lot of members during this live stream I might be able to add another emoji I actually want to check that out oh what’s that let’s see okay nice uh oh we find a cave hello cave what’s up cave a rock in the Rockets

Oh that’s horrible I zombie what’s up what’s up I think I once again forgot to set my home Stream till you reach 26k today oh that will take a long time I don’t know at how many sips I don’t know how many ships we got right now but 26k will probably still take a really long time I will check how many subscribers I have uh let’s see

How many do I got 25 840. yeah we are not gonna hit 26 today I still need 140 subs for that which uh will take me one day at least maybe two days even today will be a really really long story mifa would actually do that

So I’m not gonna I think the stream is gonna end in about half an hour probably out most streams I do around three hours especially because I might want to stream tomorrow and if I stream too long today then I will just be really tired and then I won’t stream tomorrow so it’s

Better to do like two three hour streams than one four hour stream and then tomorrow I’m too tired to stream if I do want to stream uh so yeah probably ending in the bits okay I’m just gonna mind this all away the only thing I need is deep slate so I found

Deep slate let’s get it I need to go Zone I edits thank you so much for joining maze that’s amazing thank you have a great evening or a rest of your day depending on where you are in the world and we’ll see you later I think I should be about us survivaling

In together and also occasionally pranking others in wholesome ways you mean here in this River in kasai’s Worlds I think so too though uh yeah like I said it is uh Anarchy at least close to Anarchy so somebody can just come in place TNT everywhere blow up the whole

Server and leave again that is something that could happen because it is close to Anarchy so it is not against the rules to do that so even if you have your own nice Community you need to stay hidden from people who might have bad intentions because well it could go horribly wrong

Uh hi I’m here after some weeks how are you SEC gamer I’m doing great thank you so much for joining into the Stream I’m doing amazing actually having a great time playing on my new member exclusive server kasai’s worlds uh yeah I’m doing great what about you how are you doing

I hope you have a nice day I’m having a great day prideful lion what an epic name oh you were talking to zonai edits sorry still I hope you have an amazing day entering some cobblestone Or Cobblestone Cobble deep slates best YouTuber 2023 and nightbot got you sorry about that that happens occasionally nightbots sometimes really mad ah my eye itches okay there we go why zombie bye bye Hello hi dreamer what’s up how you doing welcome to the Stream thanks for joining in don’t forget to leave a like by the way everyone that’s watching right now a lot of people always forget to leave a like on live streams which I completely get but still

You would really help me out by leaving a like me and the channel so don’t forget to leave that like be epic ow Uh oh my sword broke oh I still got an X but it also doesn’t have much health durability so to say one day you will have 10 million subscribers uh I don’t know if I will ever have that many subscribers How does your IH and now my eye like the my eyelids I don’t know why it just just moving you know what is crazy great wow my accent you know what’s crazy I tweeted out the error yesterday and also I made a YouTube post that socialblade said that or things that in

One and a half years I will have 100K Subs now the reason I even know that is because my girlfriend sent me my social blade stats uh but she didn’t talk about the 100K but according to socialblades in six years I will have a million and that’s actually how it started so

She said like according to Social blades if you continue growing like you grow right now and it will just exponentially like grow your growth will grow yeah you know you will start growing more and more and more over time exponentially then eventually in six years you will hit a million

And I was like no that’s for sure not true well according to socialblades it is true and that’s when I checked like okay you know when am I gonna hit 100K then according to socialblades and then uh socialblade said like yeah well in one and a half years you will

Have uh 100K I was like wow if that would actually be the case then but that’s quite quickly so according to socialblade in 400s 95 days it’s now 100 or 495 days it’s now 494 days today uh according to socialblade I will then have 100K subscribers

I don’t believe that got to be honest I don’t believe that I mean the Channel’s doing great but 100K for some reason it feels like I’m never gonna hit that even though the channel is growing like amazingly right now for the last couple of weeks we’ve gained 100 subscribers

Every single day so that that’s crazy but still I I can’t really believe that I would ever one day hit 100K that’s insane like you would actually get a play button you will get verified on YouTube and epic stuff like that and for some reason just do not believe that but uh

Yeah according to socialblades in 494 days I will hit 100k so let’s put it up to the test shall we I tweeted it out yesterday I also made a post about it like let’s see if that is actually the case let’s see if social

Blade is right and if in one and a half years in those 400s 94 days I will actually reach 100k uh we’ll be insane it will be freaking amazing you would actually get yards would be so cool 100K I mean I’m I’m already the happiest human being alive right now

Having like 25k subscribers almost 26. but how cool would that be 100K subscribers there will be I think that’s a dream of every single YouTube out there like you would get a silver play button you will get verified it’s just all sorts of cool things it it’s just so epic that would actually

Be a dream come true like all the huge milestones we hit right now already feel like dreams but that’s would for real be like a reality well not a reality check but like wow oh my God what’s happening 100K I I got a play button sent home to me from YouTube

Themselves because I hit this Milestone that would be crazy you’re a pro right now too but uh also have to go a little faster too uh what you mean uh listen make bad words videos and get Pro in Minecraft and watch videos and something and also listen that play like

Pro people will accept to your what um so basically get Pro at something and then grow because of that that’s not really my thing or are you ignoring me I can for sure reach your chats and I’m not ignoring anyone on purpose but I might be ignoring someone accidentally because of

All the chats that are coming along yeah it’s not really my thing I don’t think like becoming a pro at PVP would be something for me I’m more of that kill back relax tutorial guy who likes to stream occasionally and I want to try out some other things but like PVP is

Not my thing for sure not I would have I would actually love to do something like a uh 100 days in Minecraft hardcore challenge that is something that would actually be a lot of fun I think you are still Pro right now like thanks so much mate that’s so kind that’s so

Kind of you you ignoring my every chat accidentally what did you say I’m not ignoring you I’m literally addressing your chats right now just ask a question if you want to oh yeah building is my thing yeah and tutorials and just casually playing like this that that’s my thing I guess

Or maybe I got a thing that I’ve not even discovered yet when is the setup tour coming setup tour which setup tour of which Plugin or which whatever oh setup door like my PC setup yeah yeah uh I don’t know but it will be coming sometime in the future maybe 30k special

Question mark it will be nice my first real life video is that my first real life video have I ever filmed like IRL stuff I don’t know ow ow yeah I would love to do that I know a lot of people are quite curious and my PC specs and like my room my

Recording rule face reveal at 50k nah not the face reveal just a IRL video if I would ever do face reveal it would be a 100K or higher if I would ever do it I don’t know if I will but if I will then it will be at a big milestone for sure

Ah really quite a lot of iron here it won’t be handy for the community okay 100K deal uh don’t quote me on that but yeah if I would ever do like a big face reveal then it will for sure be at a significant Milestone like for example 100k

Uh no don’t do a face reveal which will make me stop watching your videos ah just like dream hard reality check uh so I’m hoping to start a channel on YouTube or possibly twitch by the end of the year so I can record my time on storycraft and was

Wondering if you have any tips or tricks for starting out oh that’s nice rocking if you would actually start a your own YouTube channel for sure crafts ah any tips it’s hard so what what do you plan on making videos on like only sure crafts or also other servers

Like what type of content then it might be easier to give tips if I know exactly what you want to do in general I always say to everyone like if you want to make videos on YouTube then make videos about something that you’re actually curious or that you’re actually

Passionate about something that you actually like to do you can’t just make videos about stuff if it’s not something you actually like you will just you will not be able to keep it up um like if I would choose to make videos about for example Minecraft PVP just

Give an example uh let’s say I would say oh you know I’m gonna make videos about Minecraft PVP because that gets a lot of views I’m so not passionate about PVP that’s I would not be able to keep that up for sure not even even gets a lot of views I

Would be so sad that I would have to make videos about PVP every single time because it’s just not something I like so yeah you know what I want to say is basically really make videos ah about something that you enjoy a lot it’s very important okay

For how much are you Minecraft developer I’m not really a Minecraft developer though I’m just a guy who reviews and showcases plugins and loves doing that and plays Minecraft with subscribers and stuff um yeah I wouldn’t be able to create a blinking on my own for sure

I want to join kasage worlds but I don’t have money but even though kasari Surah has Sarah craft still imagine if Kasai hits one B Subs on YouTube would be like we need to make a play button one b you mean one one million one B is one billion I guess

Uh TPA Eisen He streams with people yeah I stream with people and for the rest I just make looking tutorials showcases other videos about Minecraft servers so today I actually uploaded a video where I visited Minecraft servers from subscribers just servers you guys have made I joined them and I visited

Them and I will kind of reviewed them I guess so uh yeah all sorts of videos Minecraft related that’s what I do also thank you so much random chats epic gifted sub or gifted membership sorry I always say gifted sub because that’s what they say on Twitch on Twitch

Their subscriptions and here are their memberships thank you so much for the gift of membership mates it’s really appreciated and pharrell06 congratulations on your membership that is freaking amazing welcome to the gang welcome to the club Mac ooh you got it you actually placed it down that’s amazing and another settle I’m

Just gonna put it here as well [Applause] but for how much you play this game you mean Minecraft or you mean kasai’s worlds Minecraft a lot but mostly for YouTube because I do Minecraft videos and just Minecraft contents in general so much now on YouTube I rarely play it in my

Free time it is just only for YouTube now you got but still the game is open like 10 hours a day pretty much recording streaming the thumbnails everything’s all in Minecraft so I do a lot in Minecraft but when I just have relaxing time of my own as I play games

Of my own then I don’t play Minecraft I play other stuff ah oh oh this is the chest room I guess I got a little more Cobble beeps right now so I think Q uh that you actually don’t have uh gifted memberships enables at least at

Least it seems like that you’ve been in the chat for so long and still you’ve not received a membership so I kind of think you just don’t have it enabled yes you actually need to enable at least I think in some countries you need to enable gifted memberships you can’t just get a

Membership by default Uh not greeny hi there welcome back oh iron sword I’ll steal that there we go efficiency efficiency I’ve also steal that thank you uh uh I need to make a new home but um do I have a furnace yes here we go somewhere in I can gear up a

Little bit again I want a X and I want a helmet would be great I also have Minecraft nice great game best game I got so much time in Minecraft it’s actually insane um let’s see hey very stupid question could you look at your console and search for

Me every time I use slash home and tell me the chords because I lost my pace I can check for you you know what usually I wouldn’t do this but it’s a chill stream um what’s your username again oh yeah oh got it What’s the last time you used slash home though it’s a long time ago I’m not really able to find anything right now seems like it has been a long time ago should be an hour ago yeah then I will not be able to see it anymore

Oh an hour ago that’s after the server restarted and Because that will make it even harder yeah then it’s something I should do after the Stream But I don’t think I will be able to find it back easily why didn’t you set a home there it would have been so much smarter that would have been so much smarter what’s this Woods rocking oh this is rockins oh it’s your chest got it God has got it

So what are we doing are we gonna make a great wall now I deleted it I wasn’t thinking I don’t have any brain that that sucks uh ignored yeah I can’t uh um I can respond to every single chat uh at the same time because I which host are you using by the way I’m using alien hosts for more information join the

Discord it will be a uh Channel that’s called partner partners and in there you can see what’s up uh the Great Wall of Kasai yes exactly you guys know what I mean Great Wall of Kasai This is this ignoring true ignoring I’m not ignoring annoying everyone in chat they send one thing and then you don’t respond or listen a few things but you’re also like playing the game and then they’re like oh you’re ignoring me I’m not ignoring you anyone want to give me any ideas to

Develop in Minecraft a cool plugin which allows you to I don’t know actually something cool um what plugin do we not have in Minecraft yet like once you coup plug in that we don’t really have a sharp plugin that we take kidney from Kasai the kidney show up looking

Lisa YT would love that I mean if we actually want to build around this whole thing then it’s gonna be huge maybe we first need to make an outline around the city before we’re actually gonna make the wall or rear or we’re just gonna build us around a few houses

We could also do that just this middle part only who needs Watts Uh can I have rats uh yeah sure I will give you some bread I will teleport to you in a bit sb77 did did everything I mean that’s true he did a lot at least stuff that has to do with 100 day challenges and stuff like that

Because I when are you making a guide on Mythic mobs I don’t know but I will for sure be making one as I know there’s a lot of people are interested in this uh member only Minecraft Discord chats yes there are some Minecraft’s only Discord she has a Minecraft uh member

Only broke as I be like I am ignoring because I doing I I don’t even know what you mean man what’s up if you got a question just ask I’m gonna teleport TPA to not greeny because he needs some food and I will provide it to him

I will get to you in a bit Mac no worries if grooney accepts anyway then I will get to him ah he does uh I’ve been here for a while but haven’t got a membership except I think I but did not get what yeah you need to

Have gifs enabled it’s not enabled by default why are you built into it here uh let’s see how much do we need would 14 be enough probably right hey nice thank you thank you okay then I wanna otpa to Meg there we go thank you mate

Oh Mac is not accepting can I oh there we go hey Mick oh you’re also building what you doing here okay we got something we got an epic sword knockback mending and smite a helmets protection and some breaking and we also got a diamond shovel and a shulker box wow that’s freaking great

Nice nice get it hey thank you you’re the best Mac what you doing here in the end by the way is this your new home decided to go and live here bro it’s bad Rock what is bad Rock This Server is not bad Rock uh TPA Eisen I need to set a home

Actually how do I enable gifts it’s memberships uh usually as soon as somebody gifts a membership then um like if you click on the membership or something you will be able to enable it but I’m not entirely sure you might have to just Google that Google like how to enable gift

Memberships YouTube then you should receive it probably should we build a wall around this middle part maybe only is this going to be dimension where was he building again oh on top of here right or maybe we need to wait with actually building a wall until we got the house

More done is this an outline a reckon is building here oh then it’s gonna be great for sure that’s gonna be great because I what block of Minecraft is that you can see all and use but can what what block of Minecraft is that you can see and use but not pick

Like a block of Minecraft that you can ah let’s see you can see it you can use it but you can’t pick it up there are not a lot of blocks that you can pick up right oh and portal yeah that’s it I think like end portal frame or netapport or

Frame or not frame just end up with another portal itself or end portal no best rock is yeah Bedrock is the only that you can pick up but you also can pick up uh you also can pick up like the portal parts of another portal but it’s also a

Block it’s a large large chest but you break it it’s called chest oh that’s true that’s smart I didn’t think about that one command blockchain with command blocks you actually need to be in Creative to spawn them in so that it doesn’t really count oh you made a nice Farm here that is

Cool okay so who is inside of this team now this kind of team is this a team we’re not really a team because there aren’t really teams but we kind of got teams I guess hi hi hi okay um what should I do with the Bedrock thingies

Bad for a Bedrock what am I saying deep slate bricks because I the YouTuber a that’s me eyes in the bundle hey YouTube guy who runs the server let’s go I’m in eisen’s team eisen’s also on my team foreign ER I’m a think yeah sure think of something cool uh prideful lion gaming

Is there going to be factions no this server is gonna be 99 vanilla the only one percent that is not vanilla is the slash home commands like slash home slash set home and TPA that’s it for the rest is this is all just pure vanilla Minecraft no teams no nothing I have a

Job for you yeah tell me I want something to do get books okay cool I will get books uh can I do it alone I will get books let me put some stuff in the chest I just want something to do I want a goal um oh so good so good gear

Well actually take it uh slice at home Um click to overwrite sure okay now I can get back here now I’m gonna get sugar cane And we need letter so I’m gonna kill some cows foreign sometimes you’re just completely lost you don’t really know what to do you don’t really know like okay what’s my job what should I do and then some people are building and others are getting materials you’re just like

Oh what do I need to do what could my job be it’s nice when someone just says like hey go get this or go get that I’m like okay clear goal I can do that I can actually help out the team a little bit and like usually when you’re in voice

Chat or something it’s easier because then you can just you know talk to each other and be like oh yeah yeah sure get that get that but on the stream where I’m just talking to myself basically well no I’m talking to you guys but you can know what I mean it’s harder um

What block helps us make a let’s see what block helps is make a train keep running cool you mean cool a furnace yeah you can’t see us yeah true because I joined voice chats uh no I won’t join voice chat right now just because I explained this yesterday too

But I don’t know what you guys my quality is and um if the my quality is bad then it won’t be a great experience for YouTube I think we can trust uh cry so oh okay careful oh um oh is that gamer ah you guys you got

Caught by nightbot that sucks never on it let’s go we are planning to add Firefly again but better than before not just two pixels and some related things too we plan to edits in 1.20 but time is not enough I would have actually loved to see the fireflies

In Minecraft I don’t know why did they get removed again because I wanted to add those fireflies right and then they didn’t I need to open the join manual but I don’t see a join button what you mean you mean on YouTube it’s it’s pretty easy wait I can I might

Even be able to show you not that you need to purchase it right now or something but it’s just it’s very easy to do look uh over here Uh there we go wow my YouTube channel that’s cool now over here you will see my channel epic very cool Casa Sora blah blah blah currently live on YouTube 16 viewers Epic subscribe button next to their join button when you click on there you will

Be able to become a member if you want to you will get access to a loyalty badge that will change over time you will get custom emojis which I will add more I probably am able to add more now that we got more members in this stream and then you got priority

Replies to comments priority invites during live streams so let’s say I play on Hypixel or original Realms then uh YouTube members will be invited to my party or to my realm sooner than just a regular viewer just because it’s one of the perks and then access to the member

Only Minecraft server so that’s This Server cases worlds uh you also get access to donator chats and you get access to uh member exclusive posts on YouTube so that is exclusive photos or status updates or all stuff like that if you go to my channel no matter if you’re

On your phone or on your desktop you should see this join button otherwise you can click on the link in the description so when you go to one of my videos in this video calm down in one of my videos over here at the top you can see become a channel

Member today to get access to Epic perks and then over here this link will bring you there too so that is how that works just wanted to show you that in case you didn’t know because some people sure didn’t seem to know okay I will be streaming for I think 10

More minutes and after that I will be leaving I will be quitting the stream because I’ve I’ve done a lot today um tomorrow I need to record a video again I need to edit it in another video so lots of stuff on the planning so I will

Be playing for a little bit more and then I will be quitting the stream and I might stream tomorrow too I don’t know what maybe just cause size worlds maybe origin Realms I also want to get back into that again um so I’ll check what and how and whatever but uh yeah I

Will probably be streaming tomorrow too but not sure maybe I’m gonna promise anything because I don’t want to disappoint people just saw this think to yourself that you’re that I’m not gonna stream uh don’t have expectations is what I want to say kill chill take a rest I’ll take a rest

I mean don’t worry about that don’t worry about me I’m fine it’s just like um yeah don’t have expectations I might do a stream tomorrow but it might as well not do a screen tomorrow um so don’t have expectations then it can only be better uh do not forget Mythic mobs plugin

Because I I will not forget about it but it won’t be recorded tomorrow or anything like that basic mobs will actually take a little bit more time because I know it is quite a complicated begin so I want to make the tutorial actually good I actually want to make it a good tutorial

Um that’s very informative it doesn’t just show the basics so I actually want to have some time to dive into that plugin and see what it’s all about before I make a tutorial about it basically a show of more Minecraft servers I will for sure make another video on visiting

Minecraft servers I did not think that video was going to be so popular it was actually insane um so yeah I will make more that that’s 100 certain I please join your team I don’t feel like I should make that decision to be very honest um because I’m now also living with

Others I’m living with rocking I’m living with um Eisen Tech boy my team will gladly throw our into there what you mean you mean like uh I’m not lying Kasai what you lying about what you’re not lying because I do you trust I am a Minecraft developer

But I am I mean I I trust you why wouldn’t I like a developer of Minecraft itself no I don’t think you are but I mean you could be a developer but you’re not a developer for Minecraft I think so maybe you are maybe I’m just horribly

Wrong maybe you are the creator of Minecraft in a disguised account who knows but uh yeah yeah I am official Minecraft developer I don’t think you are I don’t think an official Minecraft developer would have time to just get into this small little YouTuber stream and

But I don’t know maybe you are maybe you are an official Minecraft developer in that case welcome to the stream I really hope you like the gameplay because I if you make thumbnails and sell them you can earn good money yeah but I don’t think I’m that good at making thumbnails though

I like making YouTube content I like creating videos and streaming and you know doing crazy things like joining all sorts of Minecraft servers from subscribers or making plug-in tutorials and showcases or installing some crazy mods and playing on the server that has those mods just you know stuff like that

That’s what I like to do uh so I don’t think being a thumbnail designer would be my thing thumbnail creating is easy yeah I mean not really if you got an idea or it’s easy like most thumbnails are made quite easy but if you have like a video idea

And you you work it out you create a video then uh it can be quite hard to think of a good thumbnail to go with it especially if you you know yeah the making of the thumbnails is easy but the creative idea behind it could be harder Sometimes some thumbnails you

Make in like 10 minutes another few just stare at for two hours and you still don’t know how what what you should make or add or whatever I’m really creative that’s a plus that is for sure plus I got to say 90 of the time I know what to do with my

Thumbnails but sometimes you’re just staring at Photoshop like oh I don’t know what should I make and sometimes you get an idea offered a video has already been released and to replace the thumbnail and sometimes it will get more views because of that because people think the new thumbnails better

Where are your member only fits I don’t have any member only fits at the moment uh I don’t know if I will do any um because in general I just think that my video should be for everyone and I don’t have that many YouTube members that’s you know making a video for only

Members will be worth it um but I might for sure I might do some member only videos in the future maybe the setup tour maybe you should make that a member only video an exclusive look into Kasai soras behind the scenes world Photoshop Rich yeah no yeah well yes and

No Photoshop is indeed an expensive program but I’m not using Photoshop uh or I’m not paying that much for Photoshop luckily but yeah Photoshop is expensive but also editing with Premiere so the other Adobe program the video editing program over there over ah uh let me out let me out

Uh I shouldn’t do that uh crazy so could you talk with them Kasai uh sure craze or Eisen and Tech boy do you think we should add cray show to the Village I think we can trust them crazy has done absolutely nothing wrong so far

Uh is has done things wrong but I think crazy would be fine uh just like um I don’t care I mean if you don’t care then we will add crazy foreign remember only behind the scenes yeah exactly remember only behind the scenes that what that would be

Sleep I got a bet with me actually let’s go do it um you’re one of the people who cares about their tutorials and not like anyone else who just makes a video and doesn’t care about anything uh yeah yeah true or yeah well true I’m not saying that other people just make

Videos and don’t care about anything else but I do care about my tutorials I want them to actually be good and I want them to be like kind of a complete experience when people start watching them and then at the end of it they will know everything they also know

About that subject or at least enough to get it working on their own so yeah if I’m Gonna Make a tutorial about Mythic mobs for example I will actually take more time and I will make sure that it’s actually a great tutorial and the people who actually you know

Understand everything from start to finish and that you know just yeah I do care of course I want to make good videos I’m not gonna make just a video I want a video to be worth it like that crazy did you already make it to Eisen and stuff

Next stream duka-sized worlds I’m doing Casas rolls right now but yeah the question is am I gonna do kasai’s world or original Realms next stream the stream after that will for sure be original Realms because I kinda missed that server but uh I’m having a lot of fun here too

I got the same how much leather do I have seven only seven it’s not a lot I will share my ideas and suggestions uh for your future videos like what we are interested in Mythic mobs is one of it uh if you want to share suggestions on my Discord server I

Got a suggestions Channel great suggestions in in there they will be great just check on what’s already in there because quite a lot of tutorials are already in there um but I got a suggestion channel so if you have an idea like for me for the video I should make or for something

I should add to store our craft or something I should do with the Discord server all of those things um simply leave suggestions in discords I checked them out once in a while I delete them as soon as I’ve completed them um so yeah you can leave suggestions if you want

Because I want you to see my server where do I post my IP uh you currently cannot because last time it was also just an event it was an event you for one week long people could send in servers and then after that week ended uh I made

The channel private and then yeah a month later I joined album serversed but um yeah it took a while because I just got really busy really fast and I wasn’t able to record a video but if I will do another event like that then it will be announced on Discord

First and foremost so if you want to be sure to uh you know join a future events like I did today like the video I released today where I checked out Minecraft servers from people um yeah if you want what am I saying geez uh if you want to be sure

That uh that you can send in your server to on next stream or our next events then the Discord server is the place to be that’s what I wanted to say just join the Discord you will be notified if you want to become staff member Discord uh

You will be notified same thing goes for the next events like server joining events also Discord all discords pretty much everything if you want to stay up to date with everything that has to do with my YouTube channel Discord is the place to be it’s like the number one hub

For me for this YouTube channel where you can get information where you can like everything goes through the Discord it is awesome if you want to join this server then you need to link through the Discord uh a lot of the perks you get from being a member or also on the

Discord it is just all Discord Discord Discord so if you want to stay up to date Discord it is as soon as you join uh it will be asked like hey do you want a notification Squad roll grab it I would say if you want to stay up to date it’s

Uh grab the notification Squad roll it is one of the best practices there is I can’t oh and I’m dying haha oh hey there we go random chance thank you so much for the gifted membership once again I’m gonna die aren’t I this is so stupid oh I got a shovel wow no

Uh oh Teleport to you you don’t want to teleport to me I mean I can accept it ow okay I can’t I can’t get through this I’m I’m so idiot no I’m the idiot here still say and break the blocks does it actually work but thank you so much random chats once

Again for the gifted membership you’ve gifted so many memberships now uh in this stream it is insane and Dumbo gamer congratulations on your YouTube membership that’s awesome hey oh that’s smart congratulations on becoming a channel member that is freaking cool uh Zach gamer never give up I will not

Cause I’d be like this is business what is business it needs time to do business discourse Discord is is great you really need to join my Discord if you care about events and everything has to do with it then Discord is the place to be very overpowered

I also want some membership if you don’t mind uh you can choose the person you give a membership to it’s random so it it’s not like random chats can give it to you it’s just completely random if you will gain it or not it all

Has to do with your country as well and your settings because if you have like gift acceptance disabled then you won’t even be able to get one because I was gonna end the stream in 10 minutes back but he’s laughing straight yeah a lot yeah yeah I love streaming a

Lot I will be quitting in a bit though I will be looking for a few more uh a few more cows and then I’m gonna go back to my home and I’m gonna end the stream eyes is ice is thank you so much mates for the oh no help uh

Thank you so much for the membership that is so kind of you sorry I’m currently dying okay I’m good I’m good okay ah no this is horrible uh eyes thank you so much once again for the gifted membership that is amazing you’re the best mate you’re the best

You’ve also given so many memberships in this stream it is actually crazy thank you guys so much for all the support really it means so much you guys are amazing I can’t escape why is my community so nice by the way it is insane I think I’m just gonna return home

Tech boy I don’t think we’re gonna find anything here like I’m looking for a letter for cows I don’t think we’re gonna find it here we might just go back and then look for more dare but I will be ending the stream in a bit because I’m

Streaming for almost three and a half hours oh go home yeah I will go home there’s no letter here uh home let’s go uh your needs bits you’re not gonna get so go cry and don’t be so rough don’t be so rough by the way epic first SMP congratulations on your YouTube

Membership gifted by eyes uh you can now join the server if you want and you also got all the other member or perks membership perks so you got exclusive emojis and you got a loyalty badge like the cool Crystal next to your name that will evolve over time

Uh like the one that’s a death Explorer has that’s like the first batch and Eisen and random Jets both have the second batch already because I remember for more than a month and after their third batch uh oh after their second month they will get a third batch and then the fourth

One is only after like uh half a year so then there is quite some time between them but yeah cool cool stuff cool stuff okay um give me two yeah Zack it is not something you can give to someone it’s just random completely random you can choose who you gift something to

I’m gonna throw all this stuff in the chest and I will be ending the Stream I’ve been streaming for quite some time by the way everyone make sure to leave a like like the stream would be appreciated I am so I don’t care uh Zach you need to

Turn on gifted memberships Google it yeah Cube indeed you need to do that so the reason I I brought it up in the first place hi the reason I bro okay well thank you that’s awesome thank you so much yeah so the reason I brought it up in

The first place is because a while back random chats actually uh gifted five memberships but only one of them was been given away even though we had more than 10 viewers so there was of course a bit weird like why are the memberships not being given to people that’s weird

Uh so then we actually looked it up and well the result was that people actually need to enable not everywhere I believe it’s not everywhere but in most countries people need to enable gifted memberships otherwise they won’t be able to receive it so from all of those people they were watching they just

Didn’t enable gifter memberships and they also didn’t know that they could disable it or enable it and because of that they just you know the memberships weren’t gifted away were not gifted away so that’s something that they also didn’t know but you know you learn something every single day you’ve been streaming for

Three hours exactly I’ve been streaming for three hours so the stream is ending three to four hours is about how long I stream I’ve been streaming for three and a half hours now long enough for today uh especially if I want to do another stream tomorrow once

Again I don’t know if I’m going to but if I’m going to why do people hit me if I’m going to then I want to have some energy so I’m gonna be going for real I will do a 24 hour stream once I don’t know when it will probably be

Far in the future like in a couple of years maybe but I want to do that sometime yeah okay uh wait can you live with YouTube already you mean from the you the money I gained from YouTube uh barely I have a really hard time living out of

The money I get from YouTube at this moment uh I only got 25k subscribers which is a lot but like for income and like actually having a Sister hey what okay okay don’t kill me like having an actual sustainable Channel then uh no because the next month you’re gonna get 1K from me

Income from there please don’t give me 1K but it would mean it would really make like a life difference um yeah I’m currently quite financially struggling it is it’s stupid to say like it’s stupid to say like hey you know I’m financially struggling blah blah blah it’s really true a Channel

With 25k subscribers and the amount of views I currently get thus not gain so much money uh and it’s barely enough to to pay for all my bills and expenses so I’m actually having quite hard time the decision to make YouTube full time has from a financial standpoint be a very

Bad decision still I just love doing this so much that I I’m trying to keep going and it’s one of the reasons I enabled memberships and why do you guys need to hit me all the time it’s one of the reasons I enabled memberships just so that the people who

Do want to donate and to do want to support me and you know make sure that I can continue doing what I do here on the platform for those people they can donate they really help me out it is really I’m so thankful to every single

One of you who’s ever donated and who is ever oh my God what’s happening who has ever you know being a member or stuff like that it really means so much it really really does and if you’re not a member or whatsoever then it doesn’t

Matter at all too I mean I I I love all of you thank you so much for watching the videos and and liking and commenting and everything uh but yeah of course all the support is amazing and I I can be more thankful to everything you guys

Are doing for me and like all the memberships you’re starting and I’m actually gonna die I actually need to be careful a small donation cube mate thank you so much for the two dollars that is so insanely kind of you thank you so much you really didn’t have to do this

But that’s so coins thank you Mace thank you so much you guys are the best this is what I mean I got the most amazing Community ever here it is just I would have never expected to have such a nice Community surrounding the casa server Channel it

Is I I feel so blessed I just feel blessed um it’s amazing that I was able to you know grow the channel this big already and now I’m currently I’m financially struggling but still I’m living out of YouTube currently I’m doing this as a full-time job and the

Place that you guys which is also kind and it ah it’s amazing thank you all so much everyone supporter or not member or not thank you so much really it means a lot okay guys I’m really gonna end the stream now uh ow ow okay I wanted to have a nice picture

Okay guess everyone thank do make sure to leave a like subscribe to the channel become a member if you want to join this server in next stream uh also make sure to watch my latest video uh it is doing amazing already but you know if you haven’t seen it yet make

Sure to check it out a lot of people said they enjoyed it so I really hope you will enjoy it too oh I’m actually gonna die thank you so much for all the support thank you for becoming a member thank you for being here and then I will

See you in the next one bye bye bye bye is she still following me no okay bye bye foreign

This video, titled ‘Kasai’s World IS CHAOS! | Anarchy-Style Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by KasaiSora on 2023-07-19 21:29:12. It has garnered 844 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:29 or 12629 seconds.

Become a Channel Member to unlock epic perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjUrZyueysuEQ1a5qntzI9Q/join

HOW TO JOIN KASAI’S WORLD? Access to Kasai’s World is one of the perks of being a YouTube Channel Member. You can become a Member by clicking on the link above. As soon as you are a Member, you first have to join my Discord server. The link can be found below. Make sure your YouTube and Discord accounts are connected. This can be done in the Discord settings. When they are, you will receive a YouTube Member role inside my Discord server. This role will give you access to a new channel called join-world. Inside that channel, you will find the IP address and info on how to access.

Kasai’s World IS CHAOS! | Member-Exclusive 99% Vanilla, Anarchy Style Survival. In this Livestream, I am playing on my brand new Minecraft server called Kasai’s World. It is a YouTube Member exclusive server that is 99% vanilla Minecraft. Because of the vanilla aspect, there are also not many rules. So it’s kind of an Anarchy-style experience. And best of all, there will NEVER be a map reset. If you are interested in joining, become a Channel Member today!

YOU CAN ALSO FIND ME HERE ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ *DISCORD* | https://discord.kasaisora.com *TWITTER* | https://twitter.kasaisora.com *TIKTOK* | https://tiktok.kasaisora.com *NOT-IN* | https://kofi.kasaisora.com

I upload mostly Minecraft-related videos. Like tutorials, plugin & mod showcases/reviews, challenges, hardcore series, and much more. Make sure to hit Subscribe and click the 🔔 Notification Bell to never miss a video!

Minecraft Paper / Spigot / Bukkit / Purpur Tutorial. Also BungeeCord / Waterfall / Velocity proxy Tutorial. Minecraft: Java Edition / Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Server Plugin Tutorials. These plugins come from SpigotMC / MCMarket / BuildbyBit / CurseForge / Modrinth and Github. Minecraft Plugin Tutorials / Installation Tutorials / Plugin Setup Tutorials / Plugin Showcases / Plugin Reviews. Plugin support / Plugin Setup Guide. New Minecraft Plugins. Top 10 Minecraft Plugins / Best Minecraft Server Plugins. Top Minecraft Server Plugins. Paper / Spigot / Bukkit-based Plugins. But Minecraft Mods as well. Forge / Fabric / Quilt Mods. Most Fun Minecraft Mods. Download and Installation of Minecraft Plugins / Mods. Minecraft Mod Showcases / Mod Reviews. It’s a KasaiSora video on YouTube. Not The Breakdown / Skip the Tutorial / Phoenix SC / Shulkercraft or any other creator. This is amazingly fun and absolutely poggers.

#minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftstream #hardcore #anarchy

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Survival Experience!

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  • Experience the Thrills of Attack on Titan in Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • OwenP’s Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Experience Thrilling Cops and Robbers Action on Minewind Server!

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  • “Shocking Minecraft Raid in Woodlands! Episode 2” #Minecraft #EpicBattle

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  • Ultimate Pokemon Tycoon Madness!

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  • TheSurvivalistSMP

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  • Cosmic Station: semi-anarchy 1.20.4

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  • Scar SMP

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  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Miser: A Smiley Stingy Surprise!

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  • Join Minewind: Explore Thrilling Adventures in Minecraft!

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  • Secret Vault Build in Minecraft Server! Join Now! ?mc

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  • Terrifying Encounter with MUTANT HEROBRINE

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  • 🚀 DRONIO: First MOB in Minecraft REVEALED?! #shorts

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  • Jeffy’s Craziest Escape in Minecraft MM2!

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival in Hindi! 🔥🌲 | Episode 1

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  • Insane Minecraft Build Challenge! Can We Hit 300k Subs?!

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  • 🍁Become a Pokemon Master in Minecraft!

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  • Losing my mind in Minecraft Art 145 – CRAZIEST episode yet! 👀

    Losing my mind in Minecraft Art 145 - CRAZIEST episode yet! 👀Video Information we viory [Music] viory viory tomato one one one Ro yeah for we to get down get down 10 kills on the board right now just wa to my friend was gone down I revived him now we’re heading southbound This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 145 | 9/11’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-04-29 15:46:37. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Art Transformation in Minecraft! 😱🎨 #marvel

    Mind-Blowing Anime Art Transformation in Minecraft! 😱🎨 #marvelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Before and After VFX 🎬🟩 Minecraft #marvel #minecraft #music #animation’, was uploaded by anime art🎨 Channel on 2024-01-10 08:40:08. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Before and After VFX 🎬🟩 Minecraft #marvel #minecraft #music #animation Read More

  • Complexity SMP Modded SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to Complexity SMP! About Us: Complexity SMP is a 2 1/2 month-old Minecraft server focused on exploration and quality of life mods. Join our tight-knit community for a long-lasting world full of creativity and adventure. Join Our Discord: Our active Discord server is filled with useful features to help you get started and connect with other players. Join us here! Modpack Features: Explore mods like Alex’s Caves, Create, Cataclysm, and Iron’s Spells for a mix of creative freedom and engaging gameplay. Enjoy the journey to the late game power spikes! Check out the modpack: Click here to explore the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting memes after finding third Minecraft book

    Looks like someone leveled up in meme-making skills! Read More

  • “Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!” 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes

    "Hot Diamonds, Emeralds, and Gold in Minecraft!" 🔥💎 #minecraftmemes When you’re trying to impress someone with your knowledge of Minecraft materials but all you can think of is the Italian version of the periodic table. #minecraftfail #nerdproblems 😂🤓🇮🇹 Read More

  • Discover the Best Survival Experience on Minewind Server 🏠

    Discover the Best Survival Experience on Minewind Server 🏠 Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of building the ultimate survival house in Minecraft? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. With a thriving community of players who are passionate about crafting, building, and surviving, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine joining a server where you can collaborate with other players to create epic structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and custom plugins, the possibilities are endless. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer looking to dive… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Wooden House Interior Build 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Wooden House Interior Build 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Survival Wooden House #2 Interior Tutorial – How to Build -💡Material List in Description!’, was uploaded by WiederDude on 2024-04-25 10:00:17. It has garnered 21167 views and 636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:42 or 762 seconds. ➜Minecraft: Survival House 2 interior Tutorial ➜Thumbs up^^ & Subscribe for more =) ➜Download houses: http://billionblocks.com ➜Main House Tutorial Video: https://youtu.be/exfMp-q_FUE ▼More House Tutorials▼ https://www.youtube.com/WiederDude This is the interior tutorial video for survival house #2 you can also use this video to get awesome interior ideas for your survival wooden minecraft house! If you like… Read More

  • Cursed Adventure in Minecraft

    Cursed Adventure in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Iniziamo la Nostra Avventura – Minecraft ma è CURSED🌈’, was uploaded by Carnino on 2024-01-05 15:00:27. It has garnered 325 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftita #minecraftshorts #minecraftitalia #shorts #minecraftma Read More

  • Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍

    Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍Video Information ओके गाइस मैं एंड ड्रैगन मारने आ गया बट मैं बैट लाने भ मर गया तो क्या हुआ ओके गाइस वेलकम बैक टू माय न्यू वीडियो आप सभी का स्वागत है आज हम खेलने वाले हैं गवल डॉप्स ओपी आइटम्स चलिए शुरू करते हैं ओके तो मुझ स्पॉन भी ची जगह पे मिला है यहां पे ग्रेवल मुझे आराम से देखने को मिल जाएगी तो यहां पे ग्रेवल मिल चुकी है इसको माइन करता हू सबसे पहले मुझे मिली है एंडर चेस्ट लेट्स गो और देखते हैं क्या-क्या मिलने वाला है नेम टेग मिला है ब्रेड टी एनटी… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱Video Information first thing I did was get some wood because you always got to start with that then I found a cave and mine for some Stone went into a deeper cave and got iron and then I stumbled across a creeper and then he proceeded to blow up all on his own accord and then I did some mining this is totally legit mining yep I’m definitely not insta mining it’s just sped up real fast I got some XP from this will then I’m in the nether boom found The Fortress that’s a totally legit way of… Read More

  • Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!

    Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!Video Information there we go yay okay now we can oh wait we should probably get some totems o right yeah totems are important totems are very important but yeah welcome to the stream everybody wait I got to do that thing wait no that’s there we go I was thinking of a I don’t have a key set up a mute key set up for Discord bad l oh yeah a little py Pond yeah oh okay of course it has to start raining the moment I know why this exact moment it has to start raining I love… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information [Music] let’s eat wow so [Music] yummy hey eat it more wow Ain mine h h give your back to me [Music] no huh hey don’t oh you huh give it back to me no [Music] huh oh my God m [Music] huh oh no are you okay they bullied [Music] me and they to my cake hey what did you do to her let’s not bully each other give her a cake huh hey take [Music] it let’s go [Music] home wao hello I want to play skateboard huh you can only play 10 minutes okay be… Read More

Kasai’s World IS CHAOS! | Anarchy-Style Minecraft Survival