KillIt – OMG NEW M4 META!!!!!

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Yeah what’s them for medic you’ll see bro you’ll see bro I just heard about it like as soon as someone told me there was a new meta I instantly like you know what I’m saying I’m like instantly hopping on board right trying to see if I need one more stuff

Go uh full sorry what am I getting kicked don’t f with that’s what I heard that’s what I heard uh we definitely need to swap out our Terminator 100% yeah let’s see see what the [ __ ] ranton bro trust me just scared we did not lose by less 5 just shoot what are yall

Doing everyone continue shooting please all right yo yo uh I think I’ll Arch I’ll I’ll be Archer yeah you should probably put tank because everyone else is going to be cyclon stun everyone always wants the easier clap I bring with me probably gyro trying to remember everything I

Needed can you believe you don’t need a dungeon orb kind of sad I want to see like you need to pick up the really fast right like insanely fast um I don’t know if you necessarily because back in the day like yesterday if you had two bows on the

Floor at the same time it worked so I assume that applies just inst sure I mean that’s the thing this is like a just drop thing so we probably have to figure out the Strat midun like while we’re testing it out we’ll figure we’ll yeah we’ll try both

Is we’ll try to kill them all and then see if they despawn or not that’ll tell us what we need to know it’s crazy that a new meta is getting dropped that’s insane um he should be tanked in my opinion because everyone’s going to want B and cycle

Um got my armor my speed dominance with battle assassin cloak golden dragon fortus speed tuning crit champ uh I Got My Soul Leader Terminator with precise hello Zees so you only pick up you can’t pick up both B if even if you walk right the the bug is killing the bear

Before the next one spawns if there’s two bears then only one will drop a bow if there’s three bears only be one but if there’s only one bear killing it will drop a bow so you do have to be really fast on all three I assume the Mage could just Spam

Like literally butterfly click LCM um um yeah I I presume that would be fast enough time held 999 um Mario 64 Pro that’s kind of funny oh my God no way J crazy that the game’s been beaten like three times because it used to be that Sky Block was like de facto infinite it’s kind of like how the Minecraft world gen was like de facto infinite it’s like oh

It’s 30 Mill million blocks you can never get there and there’s like 30 people that have gotten to the like the far lands same thing in Sky Block the highest level is like 47 or something and like oh yeah a few people have it and it’s like what you’re telling me

There’s people that have done every single thing in the game literally Max everything it’s like yeah Max skills Max Slayers Max [ __ ] Talisman pets everything everything you can name they’ve even killed every mob a trillion times yeah the word’s already out this is not like a private thing this is everyone’s

Already heard about it um okay wait zero Berserkers I forgot Spear big bro well let me bounce my audio here Jus let me lower my game and then bring you up my game is still like loud uh do you want solo B uh you’re like the best player in the game I’ll let you solo man is two decimal places Sky Block Level 11712

Bro I got that surgical Precision yeah this is serious a warmup run is I your first run with the new meta new meta y’all not ready for this I’m not ready for this because I don’t really know it yeah it’s already public bro it’s someone in party finder was like yo

Y’all doing the thing and it’s like bro it’s already public how long was it been uh today it’s like the soul whip thing it it became public immediately like as soon as was discovered people were already queuing in party finder like must have soulet and this is like 30

Minutes after it became of things so same thing this new meta is like this [ __ ] just happened like an hour ago you know turn off all my auto pet rolls yeah I assume you would just like butterfly click uh I mean yeah holy [ __ ] that worked oh my the server lagged

Hella hard for a second that was three that is crazy dude that is crazy nice 38 yeah I noticed that oh my God I need to turn off all my auto pet rolls I have so many Auto pet rolls going off right now dude I can’t believe that

Work oh my God you should have seen that shadow assassin died so fast I laughed right afterwards I just like shot it for like a second and it died it it didn’t even teleport I didn’t even get like the red Vision it just died like that was the weakest shadow assassin I’ve ever Fought so funny dude I bet stars are going to drop in price dude I was actually thinking of investing in stars like putting up like 10 ERS and I’m so glad I didn’t do that bro cuz those oh dude they’re going to go under 20 dude they’re totally going to

Go yeah M4 can’t be softed anymore even if you like spam click left click on all of them you fail it should be bit slow easier faster [ __ ] I should Mark out my PB is yeah like not not necessarily my soulet PB but cuz oh the oh actually

Funny enough I got like a story time for that so like I decided to like the other day submit my PV to the soul whip thing and the Run got rejected for containing patched bugs uh cuz like if you read the wording it said that uh patched runs could be kept

On the leaderboard but not any new ones but so if I had uploaded them day of it would have been fine but because I uploaded them like did someone did someone miss their shotter yeah I think it’s the tank you’re right cuz I’m looking at this area it’s covered yeah

Um you want to kick I mean I’m thinking he can maybe swap classes um so the Archer just needs to fight the r that was that that was how it was pitched to me originally uh I think crafted was like if the arch gyos and you can just shoot into the middle and

It’ll like kill everything but I would still probably just go with like a fast cling Ma you know I feel like that’s still I feel like I do kind of want to try that just you know for the learning purposes how about I give it a go this run we’ll

See how it is cuz I want to see it well at the very least for the The Learning Experience cuz this shit’s brand new cuz one of the bigger problems about doing M4 is like I mean I could be Mage these days but like normally parties struggle to get a

Mage um so if you could just get a good Archer you could technically not even need Mage and still get really good so I mean being an Archer is mostly kind of easy because you already have the stuff Terminator nekron Golden Dragon but if you want to be a mage well now

We’re talking about buying a chimera 5 Claymore and buying two Decked Out storm sets so you know the average player can be good at Arch but not even own a claymore you know um okay you have better m I’m using better map for my map I think he’s holding an aotd so

That’s a good sign what is video guy doing yeah it looks like they’re both in position I don’t think did that count I think one person picked up two Bows Oh is that’s what’s happening for two I think I picked up like both BS or something okay

Huh it kind of sounds like we need some sort of like conveyor belt system where like one person grabs a bow moves out the way next person grabs a bow moves out the way and then third person grabs it cuz guy number two stood there for an extra

Second and grab the third bow so he needs to grab the bow and move immediately right because if you stand there and the third one spawns you’re going to eat the third one too you have to basically like aotv on and then like aotv off maybe not necessarily aotv off but

Yeah the first can just stand there and then the third can just take a sweet time but the second one is the fast one I I’m grabbing third I guess that’s what I’ve been doing or at least trying to do iide chat just to avoid confusion for everyone not walking

Or my phone that’s normal though see that I was like for a few frames briefly in a duper Trooper video like if you skip to the exact moment and like zoom in you’ll see that like I’m in the background of a shot that video has like 10,000 viewers

Or whatever I don’t know what it’s at now but I thought that was funny that like a lot of people saw me without noticing or realizing what’s the new meta uh getting three bows per cycle instead of two let that’s awful bro that’s awful Jamie’s the lowest level [ __ ] honestly bro I feel

Like oh my God good thinking buy us some time insta kill the first two then wait a second I think that work did that work yeah Way St on M I was about to say where did it go I lost it with men I’m might be dead battle assassins deal so little damage

Wow yeah it’s kind of funny CU I’ve been playing M7 where they’ll One Tap you but here they’re literally like teddy bears bro honestly M7 they damage only M scary if just yeah I guess just the first has to be fing away yeah but you always oh my God was that a two

Cycle I think that was it I think we did it we did it I think that was our first ever two cycle yeah wow that is it boys yeah what was the time on that one I don’t even really see it 240 yeah we’re going to do a bunch of

Runs and then I think I’m going to cherry pick the best one to upload to yeah we’re going to do like 100 not not necessarily 100 runs but yeah we’re going to do 100 runs then I’m going go through like all the clips and then we’re going to like save the best

One and uploading actually I do need to kind of write down what they were 2466 yeah I’m pretty sure me and you micing ban did a fast run the other day and that was like without it so that’s kind of funny so it’s normally a recycle

Right yeah so it only saves one cycle and a cycle usually isn’t all that long to Mid with so we would have to get a exceptional yeah I feel like it’s not that op you mean saving a cycle is pretty good but it’s not like it’s not as good as like the soulet

Thing s was literally just like we were doing sub twos with Sol you know yeah or this room I like this room this is one of my favorite rooms to do the secret then we go I hear someone’s taking fire T that’s hilarious I thought they patched that changes so you you don’t

That was even worse bro a thre minute run bro why did say he wants to drive I mean it is a new meta get this you can two cycle the bear instead of three so like so my understanding is that the update was to patch uh s locking because people would kill the

Bears instantly obviously because that’s the obvious thing to do right kill all the Bears and it would soft Lo it and people would like film it and then submit it as like a bug report and so the admin you know fixed the soft loing but that also meant that they

Accidentally made B duping even more op like in an attempt to fix one bug they have added another truly the epitome of coding H there’s a bug let’s go fix it and I’ve added a new one whoopy dooo fixing one bug has only added another so we’re actually clearing

Faster than blood maybe we should do a Y what up to bro new M4 meta dust drop dude new M4 meta bro you can two cycle M4 now that’s 33% faster yeah I’m live oh my God look at Thor he’s already at half Health crazy how many Get one two how does that work oh my God look at that another 240 dang with good bro Jamie Suck you don’t have any more fun your very ni you’re so lucky you should play the lottery I have aot I’m walk bro that’s cuz things in Sky Block

Are one in 100 where things like the Powerball are like one in 100 million the CH yeah when you’re rich you can just afford to do dumb [ __ ] bro no yeah but funny funny money what’s this net worth like 50 bill or something he can afford to do It honestly yeah like I think the other day I converted my atam split from one for all to swarm five I don’t feel if it was better but at least there enchance now because I really wanted I was So so many point oh it’s going to [ __ ] say loading God damn it I hate this so much every time you PV someone their Networth is just loading and it’ll be like that for 10 minutes is that a cow up there did y’all see that did y’all see that there was a

Cow up in the plant yeah yeah right there on that block too there’s a cow up there they they should like that was not even a sub three come on guys bro bro imagine if we paired this with a zero like blood okay [ __ ] it if they’re going to

Grab arrows I’m gonna do it too okay I got it last now um yeah no no no no uh this dungeon splits off really nicely hopefully we can get a good clear there’ll be like no room stacking because the dungeon splits up so well you’re at a 50 I trust

You feel like my time is better spent doing rooms than like double blood rushing yeah bro rip all the people with double test worth of subzero whisp that are now worthless but rip those people why my silver being weird it’s supposed to color it but it’s not

Coloring it’s still showing me the box but it’s not coloring it yeah rip all the people that have like hundreds and hundreds of subzero list bro those people just lost so much SMH yeah exactly no one should be complaining about oh my God I lost so much value bro

It’s only like one item though you’re fine I do wonder if anyone like has anyone ever like given refraction a Subzero because that means he would have briefly owned like two of them I’m sure it’ll happen like someday one day someone’s G to give like

First it’ll be like one of them will be Shelmet one of them will be like uh what is it textbook yeah it’s the only way to justify owning a chimera Hyperion uh 246 oh my God that’s a tie that’s 246 246 let me check what was the speed of

A let me clip that too let me check what was the uh the menacing banana ranton R uh 243 okay yeah so we haven’t even beaten our run from 3 days ago uh it was me man and rant on Prof idia and Survivor slime we did a

243 and we just did a 246 so we’re slower by 3 seconds so closer I mean this update did just drop so hopefully if we get some new teammates do 100 BL So I still have kiss I do but I’m so low oh God damn it they’re bugged can I relog to fix it why is Alpha open oh my I’ve never paying bizarre prices for Chistmas bro I refuse to play Bizarre prices what mean mean bizar Very and very right very one point that’s you you a buy order is 1.2 I’m never paying 1.2 for a good hello man welcome to the stream I don’t know why my game is bugging I feel like I’d have to restart the fix it [ __ ] it I’ll just restart the fix

It I need make sure is there all already there’s already a [ __ ] tutorial on YouTube on how to Triple bow dup and Sky Block M4 uploaded October 9th that’s today bro that is today bro it says October 9th that’s today so not even 24 hours ago if I had

To guess this video is like 30 minutes old if I had to guessed but yeah for anyone thinking oh like oh bro kill it you’re streaming these runs aren’t you leaking it the Bro there’s already a tutorial is it’s already out like yeah bro there’s there’s already a video

Bro what time did they get in like the example video better they got a 235 bro the tutorial video was faster than our run it’s 10 seconds is not the worst bro we’re skipping like a third of the boss this should be like a killer time there it

Is the he someone has already uploaded it’s actually my friend hire I know the guy but there you go like there’s already a tutorial on how to voting um I mean it’s more of a POV than a tutorial but those are kind of the same thing in my opinion when are you

Online I’m Laing a right get online uh did a fifth join give me one second let me log in Sky Block okay I’m in Sky Block in the dungeon I’m ready we love it when the server decides to kill itself right this I think it’s mango it’s definitely mango

Day people don’t wear Ste Master come on I’ve seen I mean the closest I’ve seen was like hyper Max young drag that’s about it you probably know who I’m talking about you know who I’m talking about that it’s funny because you could just wear ranchers boots and it’s the same [ __ ]

Thing except you get to wear wither goggles you know yeah cuz like young dragon and like reforce Max or raner boots is like the exact same thing but you could swap it out for wither goggles and deal way more damage and still have speed it’s actually the setup I wear when I do

Like speedruns is ranchers boots with one piece Max orb and then storm chest plate with I think I use speed tuning I’m not sure but you can also get some speed uh did that that not pick up people well there’s only two rooms yeah I’m so glad this guy’s better map

CU I can see the secrets that he hasn’t done have fun you should use ultimate a took half a no way bro Flying Cow blocked my view it was still going to be like a a o over thre minute run so was me let is saying it was him I’m

Pretty sure it was me was from my view I saw that one didn’t count so I figured it I feel like it’s safer to assume you like assume self blame rather than blame someone else I just [ __ ] we’ve all had atrocious times where like someone [ __ ] up and then blame

Someone else for like no damn reason like no reason no evidence you know it reminds me of when people like fail to skip drag seriously imagine it’s patching this bug game update oh very sad very sad six oh my God someone skip trap look at map

Wait can I check who it was oh God damn it it doesn’t tell me actually wait yes it does it’s Crimson tiger Crimson tiger skip trap it was the tank yeah he didn’t do his split yeah he totally skipped his split secrets someone’s going into trap so I’ll do the

Room that he SK the secrets of doste on better map you can like click a room and then click show room events in chat and it’ll tell you who did it so like I can click on quiz and it’ll show that I did it I can click on this

Five out of six I can see that couch potato did five out of six and then left the room so I can click your room and see who uh who did it and tiger I can’t believe this guy ski tra like in M4 like out a three bow you you be strategic

Got yeah it’s up there does that happen every round or something first guy makes you flavor ha is Ren profit oh my God he’s playing without mods oh my God he doesn’t have mods enabled oh my God he’s asking how much profit a chest is he doesn’t know

Oh my God he’s actually playing the NOA bro he doesn’t have mods dude profit mods are so basic dude he’s one of those people yes skips trap and doesn’t do the secret his split and then asks how much profit Ren is that guy is comically bad dude what was his

Cata let’s check it out Crimson had a 47 he has 22 comps he’s a VIP he’s wearing yeah mango died shiny macron it was the [ __ ] ningo game he has unorganized talismans wow I feel like I could have guessed that not going to lie just off of this play style he has unorganized

Towman bro I feel like you’re just a type of person who’s bad and he would be one of them anyone who has an unorganized t bag is like unfit to be a sweat you want me just be consistent just be consistent yeah yeah uh oh yeah what is easy

To pay attention just without without anything what is what is this do the L room but you have to go to BL or someone else yeah go to BL after quiz all right boys PB run 230 HB already gone was going blood is this guy a [ __ ] idiot hello dude just stood

There yeah [ __ ] wait AFK bro [ __ ] started sleeping at the keyboard oh my God we missed yeah we missed something PB guys PB 340 what is the uh oh my God I’m so good against shadow assassin I just like clowned on that shadow assassin like this is not

M yeah that’s the thing is I’m Archer combined with being on like a low floor so I’m used to being like an M7 healer where like damage is ass so like I’m playing a damage class on a low floor so they just die like as a as a M7 healer I’m not

Used to that yeah same with a fren Adventure they just die in like less than a second [ __ ] it I’ll go Mage because I need to practice the new meta cool beans all yeah we can do I got to change my setup though like my I need to be on S

Um okay he has better out of minutes what is that what I that’s average for this party you with wait what you want me to Mage let’s see can i m yeah you can all right I need to change St actually I can’t need change everything so silky with crit damage

Uh armor yeah the game just wiped my items thank you they’ll fix [ __ ] like this but won’t fix like an item white thank you Ed dominance Mana pole equipment no way invite me uh you should invite Kabal tman all right I need to swap out my hot bar too any

More sword of bad health because ragn rocks takes too long bring with us definitely need a gyro that’s a given uh what else do I need I bring my Terminator just in case I don’t think I need it though and then last but not least select Mage boom I’m ready let’s go boys

Swap all right let’s let’s try out this brand new metag gun yeah you were uh you were there at my first ever boed I’m on heroic Hyperion but we’ll probably be fine yeah it’s M4 not M7 I definitely don’t need that much defense what do you mean where is it found

It I think I just two tapped it Jamie sucks no count yeah I think I two tap Min I like two ta to Shadow hopefully with blessings I’ll be better I still have my infinite quiver I don’t think the game is going to give me my items back

There you go that’s a lot better why you not do Secrets when you because you’re doing the secrets in the room that I would have done you’re doing them no what is easy Tri there first stay soon to bezy good go away doesn’t feel like getting you’re [ __ ] kidding me

Bro bro he should be pulled out back and shot bro should castrate him for that I’m about to circumcise this [ __ ] as a did go in you why is he holding a w of atonement bro just use a hype the [ __ ] is one of atonement bro just get us

Sub you know it kind of feels like the same Rhythm like one two wait a second three yeah it’s like the same rhythm dude he’s not aot you’re [ __ ] kidding me bro yo can we get the tank to go burst he doesn’t deserve to be tank I did not see

I don’t want to play with a 500 as tank he has to either get off or Pi I’m not play I don’t want to play with a mistake you’re a mage you know how it is when the tank sucks it [ __ ] everyone over I hate having a bad tank this sucks the best

[Laughter] I miss this is awful bro the tank is dead when his job is to not be dead it’s funny cuz he kind of killed himself cuz he wasn’t aotd and so like I was getting nuked which caused him to die if he actually did his job of aotd we would both be

Alive so he actually caused his own death he had nuked himself if he had done his job I would have been safe the otd would have kept me alive but because he refused to do his job he got nuked he nuked himself tell him to change classes or

Kick him I’m not playing with him again that’s f an a run you’re kidding me bro an a an a unbelievable this may be my first ever A- run not going to lie I don’t think I’ve done an aun before yeah let me let me screenshot

That I’ll submit that as an any% there you go yeah it’s literally the same Rhythm one two wait a second three it’s it’s it’s the exact same Rhythm that’s kind of crazy I feel like it’s the meta kind of hasn’t changed at least for like the Mage but the gameplay

Loop for mage is completely identical it’s the other classes that I have to accommodate to three bows I think that’s interesting I don’t like being slow let me drink God pot I saw my God pot ran out today it was like expires and five four 3 two one and then it was

Gone no I was just standing in the hub doing nothing I didn’t really care about losing it right let’s do some rolls rolls what the the [ __ ] why is the bug still here what the [ __ ] oh it’s late for me I need to go sleep bro you’re going to come back and

It’s going to be patched you’re going to go to bed wake up and it’s gone there’s all my KMS you want to buy some I want to they’re going to crash in price anyway even though the runs are only slightly faster it’s going to cause 100

People to panic play m4 kind of like I did you know it’s like OMG new meta let’s go play m4 because I had no intention of playing today but here I am wait did I huh I got Spirit bone from Emerald chest I didn’t even I to do that let me pull

Out a dungeon key you know I don’t think I’ve used a dungeon key in months cuz usually I never have two chests that are Giga profit but here I am yeah that’s kind of crazy oh an a what’s the new meta uh you can get

Uh you can get three bows on each cycle instead of two what question I need to on getting into M4 uh the big thing I would say about M4 is don’t let the numbers deceive you it goes like M1 like then M3 then M2 then M5 then M6 then

M4 then M7 the best way i’ explain it is that the order that you go up is out of order you do M1 cuz it’s like the easiest floor and then after that you skip M2 to go to M3 I mean you kind I think you need like one comp but besides

That you basically skip M2 to do M3 um and then after that uh I would just not even do M2 at all but I would still rank M2 as harder than M3 um and then after you do M3 I would do M5 same thing just skipping M4 um and then after that you

Would do you know M5 M6 uh get cata of 45 um to do M6 uh and then from there then you can start playing M4 but I would not play m4 until you’re like a good Archer on M6 you know if you can’t Arch M6 then don’t play m4 please you

Know be an M6 Archer and be good at it and only then would I say that you can really play m4 um M4 sounds like it’d be easier than M5 but it’s actually harder is z for the guas yeah it’s Thorn yeah if I were to do like my

Actual recommended I would do like uh M1 to get to like out of 30 and then M3 you would skip him two you’d get like one comp to get to like 35 and then what once you’re cat of 40 then you can do M5 and then from 45 you

Can do m6 and then from there you can go into M7 where the [ __ ] is it there is it M7 so I would skip two and four I I would just go from one to three to five to six to seven M2 I mean I could do a whole rant on M2

M2 is hard as [ __ ] because you’re going to be like had a 32 with a JuJu M2 is going to suck um like it it’s hard it’s a bit [ __ ] the boss takes forever um it gives like no XP it’s like the same as M1 M3 um it makes no money

There’s no money to be made the only thing in there is the scarf studies that’s worthless um yeah there’s just you’re better off doing M3 it makes money it makes Kata it’s easier the runs are faster people have Terminator um so M3 is like 10 times easier than M2 despite being like

The high higher floor it’s actually a lower floor in terms of skill so we throw like a 4 right there hello you got a Terminator yeah I I yeah if you’re doing M3s just keep doing M3s um if you need second master Stars I would recommend just buying them on the

Bazar um buy order is like 20 Mill million sell offers like 21 so you can s to buy them it’s only like a mill loss um yeah the the new M4 meta it’s not necessarily harder it’s just different how how the Bow Cycle is fundamentally different yeah there’s a fir free staff

Timer so I would definitely uh just use a timer what you should do to progress so I’m going to answer in the perspective of like Dungeons because I’m not really like a skill guy got to talk to like menacing banana for that one but in terms of dungeons cata 30

Uh honestly if this is what your Shadow Fury looks like you probably should have just went for one for all if if you’re going to buy only tier fives or uh yeah if you’re only going to do tier fives at that point just get one for all like I

Don’t know why you did this Um you you don’t really play Dungeons I’m looking at your comps the most you’ve ever done of anything ever is F6 and you only have 57 runs uh so I would play more I mean like nine 47s 45 m1s 11 f3s you know 47 F5s like you you barely

Play the game like like you you barely have any coms so I like like honestly my advice is bro go play more get get 150 floor fives get 150 floor sixes get like a th000 f7s you’re going to want a Hyperion you’re going to want Diamond

Head um you’re going to want to drop some Scrolls to like buy a Terminator right you you can’t be sitting here with like nine F7 comps being like what do I do bro go play the game like like what do I do bro play like literally go play in terms of like gear

What to buy uh first off Gauntlet of contagion um it’s it’ll carry just take my word for it anyone else who tells you otherwise is liar or stupid get a gauntlet of contagion it’ll carry your damage um same thing since you already took enchants instead of one for all if

You can get Soul Leader five on this that should be like a 30% damage increase at your cata so if you can get Soul Leader and Gauntlet of contagion that should make your your clear 10 times better um you’re Enderman five so you can just straight up get a JuJu um I

Presume you’re a Berserker but if you get Juju you can play you know having a JuJu and a shadow Fury can let you play ju guu Arch Juju berser and melee birs so that would open you up to playing more classes if you get a JuJu

So cuz like even when I play Berserker I still use Terminator over Claymore so if you could get like a JuJu they’re not even that expensive it’s like 30 million so you can get a juu but literally my main advice is like go play the game bro like you’re sitting

Here with like 50 comps per floor it should be like 150 right 1504 5 150 Flor 6 and then just go go ham on like F7 get get some handles get some Scrolls you know put that RNG meter to use right you need enchanting 38 yeah bro

Get like Soler five it would help a lot for your uh catacombs damage that would be like an easy 30% DPS increase if you just got so lead your five this ins solor bug it’s been patched for over a week come on bro hello bonso I wanted to see my Mage be better

Though I mean at your cata up probably I mean I said get I was saying just CU you had already picked enchant if you can’t use OFA and you already got enchants then just use enchant but like in the future if you get like a giant sword just put OFA on it

Right I definitely think OFA is like underrated ever since it got patched people act like it’s bad in reality it’s going to be better than a [ __ ] no ultimate tier five you know like say what oh [ __ ] slime I hate slime B clearing it takes forever I hit it it

No way this guy’s [ __ ] blood camping doing BL wait the chest is on top so the some guys not clearing yeah I course for for no for ni it where are you K [ __ ] cool down thing you were kicked while joining that server you tried to rejoin too fast please try

Again in a moment you are trying to do that too fast try again in a moment you were kicked while joining that server you tried to rejoin to far please try again you are trying to do that too fast try again in a moment okay I got him thank you

Admin oh my God it slimes again dude this is the first room a lot I keep getting this as the first room sec spe for ITR the guy who can’t do Blaze is lecturing the on block guys I I got video proof that you can’t didn’t we hello welcome to stream no way

Guys you okay he y 50 second start Anon do you always have to [ __ ] about everything I don’t think you said anything positive today yeah yeah you’re constantly complaining about how slow everyone is oh my God bro lightting up bro have fun geez these aren’t [ __ ] speed

Runs I mean they are but only because I’m going to submit the best one to but besides that you know like you’re actually doing speeduns you ever do speeduns do you have any runs on I just hate it’s kind of stupid but I think my way right click

For oh I mean for me it’s it’s really like a depend like the two rooms outside of blood were like one or two secret rooms that didn’t require anything Ian I kind of feel like I’d have to be in this situation but now m i what is he doing what is he

Just make go stupid he it’s the class bug the ball classes B TS swap every I think I’m not saying any positive things in real life I’m just always I have to get my energy my energy from being bad at thex at the G if you’re not

My I mean you know I love you know making fun of noobs you know clowning on people for messing up but uh you know it’s you know kind of like context dependent right like like like when like someone makes like a rookie mistake or like is like dog [ __ ] or whatever like skipping

Trap like that’s something where I’ll clown on someone for like the entire day for skiing trap cuz like they totally shouldn’t but like you’re worried about like micro [ __ ] like like like doing Secrets not optimally sort of thing like like mere second time saves versus like run throwing things like I’ll make it

Fun of someone for throwing a run but like if their route isn’t that optimized I’m not going to like [ __ ] about it like oh their route wasn’t [ __ ] perfect show something I find really funny is reading like uh do not invite lists or [ __ ] lists because they’ll describe what they

Did to be put on it right it’ll be like do not invo [ __ ] boy 121 to he like ski trap failed bomb diffuse we had to reset three times then he died in Boss twice it’s always so funny reading things like that I’ll laugh my ass off you should read some [ __ ] list

They’re really funny to read it’ll be like player fails to skip drag then blames debuff worse damage than a cat of 23 oh my god dude reading [ __ ] list are so funny oh man it’s a blast have you ever read [ __ ] dude you should read them just for the the

Fun dude they’re so funny like ignoring the whole like I feel like [ __ ] list are kind of redundant because if you play with someone and they’re bad you’ll just ignore add them you don’t really need a [ __ ] list but just reading the posts are so [ __ ]

Funny then [ __ ] lless link I need to see this it’s so funny it’s uh it’s like in a Discord right so like anyone can just write anything in it and it’s filled of people bitching about shitty teammates they have and they’re so funny um I I did a whole segment of a stream

Like a whole 30 minute of the stream was just me going through the list and laughing on all the [ __ ] people have done it’s so funny some people even get really descriptive bro that’s the second Blaze today I know like I’m going [ __ ] y’all yeah dude you were there yeah dude

It was so [ __ ] funny dude honestly that was 10 out of 10 comedy dude I should make that like a video like like not a stream but like a literal video just reacting to [ __ ] lless oh man again I’m not really a fan of the principle of [ __ ] lless I feel like

You should just ignore add [ __ ] like you don’t I don’t need other people to tell me someone’s bad I I prefer to judge them myself but in terms of just reading it for the comedy it’s pretty fun cuz you just see how bad people are you

Know oh my God I literally missed like 10 hits cuz the Tank’s not a I think he was shooting an arrow though so I think it’s kind of Justified if he’s doing his uh shot what the [ __ ] was that timer bro you’re kidding me that was like a [ __ ] knit it off dude

Bro all right I bro have a fun y see you see you see you let’s make the Q a little little more realistic sub six are they really advertising sub six seriously more like sub three roll time yeah that’s so funny they’re advertising like yo these are sub six runs and I’m

Like dude even our worst run was a sub six like that’s such like a low bar like like even the shittiest runs on Earth are still sub six like that’s not a that’s not like a good time yeah even our worst runs are like four minutes so yeah yeah I [Laughter] agree

That’s great Kabal I surpris stars have not moved in price at all wow o those buyers are by a thread though did y’all see that we just need a couple insta sells and the price will crash can you join if you can fit your fat ass through party find your Q then yeah

You did we ever get a uh good time oh this is a 250 I’m not acement like wow for you about thison okay if I win I’ll give you [ __ ] million if Ian what’s 430 I’m 2% even though I’m so confused how the powder works you get more when it’s in the than

When it’s not in the like I know you can’t physically have the amount it wants you to have in the trees put in the yeah only so in thee the max myth you know and I got you know what I’ll take thank you I’m like Basically if I get the are are youing Me flying out death streaks and putting him in the chair I don’t Yeah video you are like paying someone to sit in a room for amount of time butak on your computer gr it would give something to Do you can nickname yourself or change name never it’s like you’re you’re 23k off you little guy that takes you an hour and a half are you quad Yourse do 23,000 XP in an hour isn’t it like 30,000 XP an Houre I’m like 4,000 they just walk away dude he he literally does like 20 secondes he does secondes this I mean seen the video his BOS kills and seconds okay that’s his that’s wait is there a timer yeah in July he was 21,000 2 What I think know not time to kill I want to see hour yeah don’t know is never think where he has like the it’s Like what’s Ching yeah so I actually have CAU up with right now I I can’t even oh better yet sh please Exactly check so useful Is it is it actually good like reduces it yeah dude I need to do the you should make an entire set up and let me do one of no someone FC let me do tier seven eight Yep crafted is very I broke I’d be asking all the questions asking leg so slow why are they you 54 seconds let’s go okay how do probably extra like oh my gosh this oh love if I not [ __ ] it’s 50 I’m out of freaking tee and like PE basically I’m I

Need [ __ ] dude I’m top 50 in FC sky3 this I know this where is It yeah also my math is definitely just wrong XP rates aren’t that bad they are pretty bad I don’t think I don’t think I can K 40 an oh no guys I have to a large4 that’s just that’s just I love powder grind I love powder grind please keep giving love to see

It that’s actually yeah I oops you too busy too bus back you know why for new upate okay but like it’s likeing upate what’s the next update oh my God the the moon is it the moon kind of it’s just like there’s nothing to do that would be like a good like

What was that n it was like NPC said it and then also I know that they said it in a post one time and it was like the second Forum post that they ever made Sky clearly that’s you knowb swear it’s like how they said the abyss twice ever and uh

It’s definitely coming out guys I’m pretty sure they have the abys twice and once was in the uh it was either in the page it was right around came out right around like b or something said we’re buffing this and it should have moreuse and the abyss

Update which is coming up later this year and that was which is like one of this year’s projects and then they had the post where they talk about the for upate and said yeah we wanted to make the abyss but then we like that’s [ __ ] [ __ ] people still think that means

It’s coming out right now next haven’t really you should tell I I told whatever her name they said that the next fire is to be a newe guess let me guess it’s probably to be like hell yeah bro I would totally buy it dude that would be

A a dog and then uh he said and I quote in saying actually this is not a quote this is definitely hypthetically anything anything say is actually not real definitely he said next week GNA go crazy new so bro they better at a [ __ ] mint die bro will buy imagine

They stop stop bro stop oh my God do a prick method I might have to Pricks mark ulation method step one get a billion step two buy all of those cheep he’s hinging allely that you can do do that oh my God the Canadians have Thanksgiving today so [Laughter] see us in November late nov like what

The heck we [ __ ] up again guys maybe next year they forget again they the same [ __ ] on Thanksgiving though like are they having like a turkey dinner right now probably I would it is freaking Thanksgiving meal is AAL doubt I can’t wait tomket let’s go any information on I can

Put some on and then no secret but anything oh yeah I forgot that like there’s a war like mtip yeah is they just like bomb now it’s official decoration of war first time since like the 40 normally it’s just Cuban Missile Crisis freaking drama that they

Have well the whole thing I don’t know a lot about I know very two religion never right um it’s a holy land for both of them they want holy no matter how far ah science would be if was like no religion there was literally the perod exist dring Downy science

Why did I see a thing when I join the call that said someone’s clipping your voice I have an idea how about we go back in time and crucify Jesus R okay how about we kill Moses before he gets to the Holy Land how about that how about we kill About means to an end you know I wonder if he had th the fresh water the fresh waterer fish they had an aquarium on the boat oh yeah I’ve seen videos on that the arc is literally impossible piece of wood I don’t think even like mods are not like as long

As like no wooden ship has ever come the see I still think it wouldn’t fit the that would have beened I’ve actually watched quite a few videos on like the arc and how it just wouldn’t work I’ve watched you guys ever seen that movie that so worse I wonder what percentage of

Genuinely believe in you if I drop a two a ban I’ll give you one the finance out money get Museum all I owe so I don’t want to kill anyay just so boring you’re so mad it’s so boring isn’t the money 10 R yeah time Poss so it’s 6.3k you could run the I think the best of action on like you could just like meter it you get 6.3 then don’t run until you get3 I count have 50,000 three what would you do if I reti get be ad would you get to be

Ad I get to play the game all day you already do that ad yes that’s how see is actually like sick the changes theying yeah they like definitely going in the right direction like three seasons from now it it’ll be just tap out for a bit

I dud I like didn’t tell ducky that weang our brid did it that is so annoy you know why just like was abusing his yeah spaming like features with the and his excus always doing my job everyone me to stuff like dude no one wants this a single soul want basically every

Time anyone typ in our would be like 8 mes that immediately replies the was just like Ping people like literally at one point he turned on a feat where someone else it me like freaking it freaking foron you know that’s a good good and J when he was talking about freaking

Um like just how he adds every feat that someone ask for because starting about it being annoy uh he then I jokingly said okay if you’re adding everything that everyone ask add a feat that a fur image every 15 seconds where sends freaking every 30 seconds and I said this isn’t what I

Asked for too he wasn’t evening job right heat and FES are not the same I mean yeah just like little anime girls on God no one wanted that we wanted big I wanted to see crafted Fury in his first suit you know it would even surprise

Yeah to his name what is it crafted for Yeah a I do you I mean time now I feel like there was less fun drugs then I feel like the in from just pop cult seems like theast time you know internet it was a new place it was being like freaking how old were you wait this is going be a

Scary what is the third number of the year that you were born so 28 that’s my mom was born in 81 I think oh my God I’m 84 is your mom [Laughter] SLE oh no I will I will get you the hookups no you do not this is banana this is crossing a

Line stop yeah she’s an alcoholic gold you don’t want that let’s you do if you think you can fix her let me know drugs for that this is this is going too far just stop talking I don’t think it’s going just want golden D To Be My adoptive uh that

Father like son did you grind my blank Slayer today I get I get him foring 50 and he says that he’s proud of me for the first time ever the first and only gu why is this why is this a conversation in this call like seriously because golden dust date my

Mom happening chat you know you just need to go live with this concept and just put the title gonna I’m gonna hit my mom up I’ll tell her I know a rich what what would be like the most adequate description of the job like if I was just saying what

You do at the job what would you Nu engineer I know a nuclear engineer uh who lives in a state where you don’t have to pump your own gas and this is so wrong so many levels he wants to come hang out he’s bringing the PJ over right now PJ on

God what does the golden dust private jet look like guys uh eight cedar eight cedar gold highlights um that’s more like burgundy do this 32 more kill yeah but 150 Sky Block experience not worth 150 golden D50 oh Goda sweat nice if I could get

150 XP in like an hour of work I would cream my pants this shut up o You’re a child and no one remembers you’re here how long have you been in here K dude he hasn’t spoken he joined and has not said a word yeah that’s funny I knew he was here I

Didn’t yeah aren you don’t have your Discord monitor prepared yeah I have my Discord monitor open I just haven’t been looking at it I do you always yeah your mom buy that monitor for you you child on God he could even buy his own [ __ ] for stop bullying the

Child to bully I can’t Bully golden he’s gonna be my step just no I mean who isn’t mean to their stepdad then crafted basic he’ll be like Uncle crafted you know uh you just call your friends uh your kid’s Uncle that’s what Golden’s gonna do he’s gonna say

Uncle Craft’s coming to visit you know I parent right I’ll give you a million dollars in a stock what is happening and you could live off that for the rest of your life okay can I sell it immediately and use it only live off the dividend which I guess technically what

If the Great Depression starts still K off like Can it can it be any stock that I choose I pick 2020 GameStop no it has to be what I give you probably be something like moo or CU right if you want to give me that for

My 21st birthday that’s in March so um make sure I forget about it okay my birthday is so easy to remember also it’s my it’s the same day as my mom’s birthday so you’ll remember you know since you got to remember do I though yep it’s also the same birthday is my twin

Sister you have to participate in the triple birthday goodby for your sister that CH has a be a you don’t got a I haven’t lived with her in over a year she more successful than you I’m going to college right now she’s not successful so that’s yeah but then I’m

Actually uh gonna have my big break on YouTube uh tomorrow I don’t know I always thought you were on o on something D just wait it’s still time that is so 21 legal alcohol or something really oh no we don’t eat legal alcohol oh my gosh your finest alcohol

Ser and then I show them my real ID buy whatever I want there’ll be no worries anymore because like if I ever buy stuff now I’m getting like small amount you know nothing stopping you from going and getting two handles of ketos uh on one grocery trip you’re actually 21 oh

My yeah metering gabig is so much better for M I’m duplex right now it’s probably the best thing I just made like 10 mil in like five minutes wind just let you know where is he entrance I’m not minding close to you you little rat God I hate the

Hollows they should should make powder grinding be done in a uh a map that is literally fully hard Stone like it should be basic or it’s just prison yeah just it’s just prison no they should add powder to thear they should add you know how there’s the garden they should add a

Private mining island called the [Laughter] shaft name pending patent pending don’t worry I’m just gonna go whack some blocks in the sh real quick yeah look a stack of gabig 15 I’ve been grinding the shaft so much you know the shaft is BU and running off on

Him so basically the shaft is prison server but private surprised that mining didn’t take like a a prison route because that’s like how every server’s gonna be made in the prison the zones the zones that uh you would be uh like you would think it’s a tree it’s like a really really thick

Trunk it’s just just mining inside AIG there was so much confident this all I don’t even know moreable yeah it’s just so boring there’s no wow drops like withman the good part I like that I don’t need the I don’t need like the big dopamine as long as they just it like if

Those ones are just like literally like you just get like a big freaking burst of dopamine if you just like I’m trying to think of what would be a big first judgment yeah no no no but I’m trying to think of an analogy that matches with my other analogy because I’m basically thinking

That Blaze Slayer is just IV dopamine the whole time on everything not anymore it’s still actually profit as a Slayer unlike every other Slayer unless you get their big drop in an hour and a half I’ve only made like 28 million oh po Soul go do rev how much will you

Make in an hour and a half minus when uh all the cool kids were doing it yeah using xoid and all that nuh I did it and made a bunch of money and I was legit I mean I think I made like a billion coins I think I have made like somewhere

Around it was like around five to six honestly from blazes it’s like duplex alone I think I had like two billion worth of duplex when I was done doing BL Slayer you hit nine yeah how many days that take I don’t know it’s written down somewhere kind of

But it’s not super well documented in my notes on like how much BL I get each to me like I the way I function ska I want those big dopamines you know like when you level up a level like there dings a little bit but every five it

Makes like a bigger Ding and every 10 it makes like the Omega ding I hate that like Sky handy removed the dopamine with their compact Beast Gary feature I immediately turn that off just getting a beast Gary upgrade they just like got rid of like the big menu that shows up

In freaking chat and it just says like f for that’s all it says withy like die the whole menu I be excited about that can you make sure that whenever they make the foring update that it’s like an AIDS grind that’s super rough in cow do not like the truth about the ri

Being time I think it was was fun I had more fun in that than anything just spending a year on that only been well mini Clon spent a lot of time on the backend that a lot of that stuff can get reused hope so we love burning Soul demons are so fun to

Tell actually ain’t that bad pop your freaking atonement pop your hype and just that [ __ ] yeah you’re just mildly annoying dude Zach was complaining about dying to freaking blaz t4s and then he said he doesn’t use atonement I don’t use no but like shouldn’t you don’t need

Atonement by any means but uh very helpful if you’re gonna [ __ ] about dying then you could be using everything to keep yourself alive you was atonement like guaranteed free last Bas the most I use is my overlock I use uh I just would always have my at

Like getting an atonement pop before he comes to you on the last phase is super easy so I was just doing that in replacement of Gyro froms muscle men had it in the same slot that my gyro wasn’t also I was wearing full Crimson oh I have

One like I said the m it’s only like 4 seconds faster I would rather just like not worry about other item or like attacking fast and don’t make the bishers nice I’m going off a little bit so I can go do dinner stuff bye bro I hate oel czy man

How do you d uh any bosses see death streaks doing it where called being d had to be death over here I’ve been streaming this the whole entire time stream right dude vanilla pack is crazy you know is thatly what squ them yeah yeah of course freaking of course you hate blaz you

Have to stare at the TV static that is freaking nether the Netherrack is the worst looking thing ever my God my is numb doing this to Golding oh my God yeah how can I improve it for your [Laughter] pleasure you have to use defrosted all anything by lucii really the cotton candy

Pack the one that makes all the trees white snow the UN frosted the Frosted the Frosted yeah frosted that is literally why defrosted is named yeah it’s justed it’s be frosted it’s no fault without the snow you know we’re doing m4s right now but despite them being a faster boss the

Clear is slow so we’re actually doing worse than last time just like Triple B yeah instead of the first and the last dropping a bow all three of them drop a bow so do they all three always drop a bow uh only if you like One Tap so you still need like

A good LCM like the level of that was required there yeah funny enough the Mage is exactly the same like the like the Mage doesn’t do anything different and it’s three B fter like last one uh you could but the thing is like did they I’m assuming this fixed block

Yeah that’s the that was what the update was supposed to be it was supposed to be a softw walk fix but it actually was just make the bug more op fix oh yeah we’re literally doing like 330 runs when we were doing like 240 last time yeah you could insta kill all three

Bears but you run into the issue of one person can pick up two bows and it just wipes the other bow so you have to like be really careful in like picking them up and moving out of the way yeah we’re still kind of figuring out the meta every party does it a

Little differently but I’m sure it’ll get merged into one setup that’s the best um I think the guy that like this party the guy that’s supposed to kill bats is just grabbing the third one instead of killing bats guy Kats already um I’m I mean I’m supposed to be king

Bats but we’re just I mean we’re going so fast there’s not even yeah who who even I’m not even paying that much attention to it who the hell is doing what anyway the I think the like who’s who like who’s doing what bow wait can we call

It I’m doing second H the chicken dude is doing first who is doing third and the other guy t talo or whatever his name is is doing third what what class was he uh the stunner I think he was Bur the I think I don’t get it wait I’m confused

I’m trying to figure out how this is adding up cuz I’m not grabbing anything some Mage and then stunner is stuck stunning so kill times bothers me I can stream at like 240 I guess so the Archer is grabbing a bow then right yeah ex that would be three people

Cyle tank and then plus Archer grab the third Archer even do anything for um dup or it’s just Mage right Mage solo dupes The Archers job is to clear like to keep to kill everything and then to grab one of the bows which is a new meta thing kind of low on

Coke all I’ve got left is Monster Energy drink and then Prim the loen polisher is it that guy I mean it was Kappa Sigma yeah yeah I was Kappa stigma Kappa Sigma that’s kind of funny I feel like freaking like a twitch streamer would make a video just

Like jokingly joining that frat you know oh I was a real member I mean I’m even on like the [ __ ] Kaa Sigma Instagram when they got all of us together there I am the [Laughter] sigma stuff the the sigma balls Sigma balls a someone left our M4 do you want to

Join it looks like we need what do we need stun st’s your favorite class you should be stunned you should be stunned come on you always loved being stunned I can I can St and you’re actually making me join it you should at the very least to get

Used to the new meta because now it’s different already I’m GNA invite you just so you have the choice to join or not the meta is playing with the admin where just instant there you go you have the choice to accept or not cabal’s in here he’s he’s our best

Player we got cabal bro trust bro trust these are good runs bro cabal cabal is menacing Banana’s favorite person is Cel c his name is cabbage what cabbage on let me know Actually I don’t even use arrows I’m probably ready wait wait not actually I need to change my equipment

You got to go full Claymore no I legit play more CYO feels fire I’m telling you I should try it at some point killing the bats with Claymore as a no dup Burell you should play healer too okay um I believe I’m as ready as I ever

Will be yeah but some people play bird because they’re gay it’s because they can’t do damage as healer ha I can got my nekron head on like you guys asked for let’s go I have to do 20 more of these I don’t know if a gold on Thorn head’s that expensive not

Wearing wish you’re welcome doesn’t matter [Laughter] I got three of them by the way wow thank you why is this guy not doing secrets and quiz he’s just doing quiz what a troll [Laughter] C this guy that’s PE trap for eight years just killing any

Room I’m so confused how how are we not done new just got added this instant room’s getting a high class is boss gra oh I think you’re getting sick up who’s like going the bathroom they like go gets me never mind they stop wait what that dice a high glass God room steing

Room fu dude I don’t want to do 17 more bosses one bil guy I’m so incredibly sad you’re so incredibly bad ha my God it’s a big boy I hate getting the red like you look at him the wrong way I just die yeah no I just I walk right when it

Looks at me I walk left 92% of the time that works oh my look at that [Laughter] yellow dude so let’s get back to talking about why we all hate craft so me personally I hate that guy you know in general he’s all like hey it’s Thanksgiving right now and I’m like shut

Up crap D who failed a [Laughter] puzzle no that one wasn’t me that’s so why are we not just going in now well cuz 270 you hey I got yellow [ __ ] in I didn’t I literally don’t have time to look at my loot I’m not proing my [ __ ] Bro not gonna [ __ ] do

That that’s so much effort I mean in M4 it’s kind of standard to do c just let me [ __ ] look at loot for two seconds I just want be able to look in this [ __ ] chest uh hard is that I mean I looking at my chest but then again I’m like in the

Middle is it even what’s the purpose well crossy us bro cross using that well you’re like generally you do it when someone leaves and you have to spend 30 minutes queuing a new team that’s when you reroll that’s when you go through all your chests another

Fire what does that even work with meter like if you got a star and you [ __ ] are booting through instantly and I can’t see that I got a star because you’re being a dumbass okay here here’s the trick you look at your meter and see if it reset every

Run every once in a while spawn room yeah anytime you have free time you can live or or you just [ __ ] look at the loot every round don’t be weird I mean I’m able to but it might be just because I’m like right in the middle not like just giving us good Kata

XP I mean I actually got Kata 50 from him four yeah but that’s not because it’s good that’s because you did a lot of it K are you able to look at your chest before the Run starts yeah because look at all of them I just look at

Like m one and prepared for you to inst go so I wasn’t going and like looking because I just want to look at freaking obsidian yeah you should be able to you just got to like be like ready to like you were like right next to it I

Was shooting a bow shot close to Thor and you just immediately did it thank God can’t there you go yeah oh my God no way 50 million Midas is online 14 more OMG Bennett Arthur is in my Lobby we should invite Bennett to the Run guys they don’t have any his Stu

I buy K why is M4 so good for money because the admins made Stars really common you have point the odds of getting a master star it’s like eight or n% maybe more yeah if you’re pretty lucky it’s like a one in 11 run so get a

Star especially like 100 Mil it from just today I haven’t even been doing that good runs I you playing I thought you were about to say like something about me that’s what I’m saying like oh a man oh man what a guy we have no arer well no oh no

There you go guys guess what I’m GNA get I’m gonna get Gaba Gaba you do that yeah well if the comes on top I send it back classic admin update right golden yep they go they got to make it more common and they end up making it

Less common because no one’s got a brain well it’s not less common isn’t it just that there’s like infinitely more people trying run the menu nope literally less they they did it they did it badly mini looked at the the weight of um all the distillates and then swamp them

Around so that it would be more common but now the weight for gaval distl is so high it’s drop rate is above the magic find uh rate it’s above 5% so magic fine doesn’t affect it so once you pass magic F the the ones that he made less common

Become more common than gab distillate so if you want High magic fine you end up with less Capital dist before so what you’re saying is I should run low if you want G disc yes you want that’s literally the best drop you can get in the

Player wait can you even set it in the r meter yeah you can double what you should be running yeah he got another two levels just Now it really did if goldon gave me three billion coins I would max out I could max out Jacobus and then I could get like artifact and control even though artifact and control is not efficient XP for me at this point it still these way I hate how vanquisher like has

Veryy a b it feels like someone’s gonna point this out to you so I may as well just do it now you you know you can just borrow the missing accessories right I don’t do that I know that you can do that I don’t I’m not a [ __ ] nerd well

Uh I’m not gonna borrow I’m not gonna borrow golden either or anything I’ll just keep my Advance then yeah you can and I’m still gonna beat you and that’s gonna be even sadder for youe the only reason you you even have a chance is because of forging 50 and I

Don’t even know what to do about that a chance is because you played the game and I didn’t my name sced oh my goodness man I can I still have a chance I just have BC you really don’t have a chance got banana Banana’s been putting

16 hour days in dude on God I don’t think I’ve been putting in 16 hour days no like I’ll be like playing video games for 16 hours but not 16 hour days days are equivalent to someone else doing like a 10 hour day I’ll have to do a beast F day on

Saturday I’ll do a beast day too we can do together cutie I mean sure but it’ll be on Jerry’s Island where you won’t make progress you’re welcome what do you mean I won’t make progress I don’t have [ __ ] in that [ __ ] Island oh you don’t oh when’s that event on

Saturday uh from like noon to Mid um good server yeah what the fu oh wait okay yeah we server side when we say good server someone types server and then but yeah definitely it’s [Laughter] you dude if I bow do these conditions oh my God no no I’m [Laughter] not

W Ser for real for real the lag is actually stopping me from duping how did I not pick it up so RAC like that much time that’s how much time you need to give wow I got three drops look at that I got Nether wart gabigol this and Enchanted Blaze

P I didn’t even know you could get two diss at a time just one of them I have so much saved up X was so bad do it without you do oh is it actually any different I can jump off every single time I try and jump off a super

Oh so like you never get lagged back right yeah I haven’t been like back in that’s crazy though flying around you in a circle watch I remember seeing that for the first time and being so Confused now that it’s like one of those tests that the oh is that actually a good time a 140 m gonna CU I do want to try to get a new PB with these times your PB be kind of locked in with the freaking one shot yeah but that’s

Different I like current meta PB it’s like siding your F7 PB from like three years ago when it was like when you could fly it’s like yeah but what’s your current TV pH ever yeah there we go I fixed Guild chat did you see what J just dropped that

Bro what he Arch fiend Dice and FY boost bur get back up here and stel I got it I got it I was down low forever because the guys up top were not doing the guys down low were not killing any m one was AFK in the middle doing nothing

301 8 mil profit from A3 scull been epic gamer sub three but those guys just jerking off doing nothing oh yeah GH disant let’s go I got another Gaba disant gab look at that 15 another 15 mil amazing you are so amazing everything I do is so

True no why did I walk into this I’m just going walk into [Laughter] that we take the trade off have fun more bosses guys and I’m done with blaz Slayer forever that’s not true you’re only level eight then right yeah but get the NES I’ll take out like month like 10 trillion

10 trillion everything the only thing worthwhile is gabigol no it lagged kill it go do [ __ ] quiz it’s literally right next to your room just be standing there with a fully unch my job is to like insta go at 300 the Bel are you not done in

Here to get one more of the top had to carry this guy what I you left the room dude said go do ice because I knew you couldn’t do it y I got more gavle this one guys oh my God no way congrats I’m so proud of you dude my

Friend [ __ ] beat through the campfire this guy should kill himself he’s Sky Block Level 45 and he has threw the campfire down I’m gonna explode I’m driving to [ __ ] Illinois right now and having him beat through the campfire on my account that’s fully legal as long

As I’m at his house right yeah that’s why I buy dead Street how does that work like if if I I literally like had death streaks at my house it’s not banable for death streaks to be playing on my account right as long as he doesn’t play anything pretty sure that’s like not

It’s definitely account change yeah but if if you like made a video about that it’s yeah that’d be betable if I like blew someone out yeah you just can’t talk about it that’s so lame that is so lame I think oh finally star the what’s the highest um campfire badge

You can reached by yourself I actually have the max badge bro literally sent me a screenshot of him hitting Sky Block level 47 from completing through the campfire I know you can get like way more Health than you used to on a maxed out massive set so it’s you could probably get to

Like 27 before you need someone they fix the overheal glitch yet oh yeah passive dude I hate they patched it I’m I was so mad about that they they did patch it yeah okay you could have use that could have I mean I was helping a viewer get

It and we were all to do it with just Mastiff and like a sheep pet with like a Wither cloak with cloak works yeah so like the Strat was Mastiff with wither cloak and Sheet pet and that’s how he got the like tier 30 wait so so some of the hits are

Tanked by wither CL yeah and then sheep pet makes it last even longer used to be you you used to be able to fully do uh the entire thing with wither Club when you do the Wither clo glitch where you would would uh it was using like percent

Mana and you would like stack with armor yeah yeah with Goblin armor like the goblin armor method and like grimoire you could just do it by having you would wear like Crystal armor and then you’d swap the mas and you this was like back when Mana would hold like Mana would

Stay between swapping sets so like if you got up to like you know then you should be able to get all the way to 30 you not have it I think you have to what no Ru the campfire you [ __ ] idiot the song The Harp song Oh

The I’m thinking of the campfire badge bro no obviously I have that done I’m not a dumbass freaking har song that makes me want to kill myself with Spectrum internet holding me back holy imagine not having it maxed out I if I Max that out right now I

Would get 60 Sky Block XP so would you really yeah because I could get 12 from campire and then 48 from PCH I’m so glad you’re I’m so glad you’re ping lock from patch Bell Dude legit it’s like it’s not even like dude I don’t know what spectrum is doing with their internet

But I cannot get a stable freaking through the campfire going I got up to like 94 or something okay hold on bro are we not done struggling in BL dude liter how are we doing like eight minute Blaze puzz oh my God a thre minute Ender Jesus dude

Keep in mind the entire run should be like a 240 so picking up [ __ ] third and why they keep not doing it I think he said my bad y g a g distant let’s Go all right I’m done cardor like that’ll definitely get people to join s c m it’ be funny if you left right after you said that he’s like no I don’t want to do it more runs I have to do million I’m literally drive down to my friend out

Campire I will pay your friend not to do it I’m not at all legal you know the shittiest thing I have to do it myself if it’s going to be part of getting to 400 because I can’t just be like oh also I completed through the camp say that the video just

Yep yeah it’s just like yep I got done and is there’s like no proof you didn’t do anything like I used actual I think I could beat both of you 400 if I really tried you think you’re how many bibles do that Jacob no but if I get Kata 50 how are you

Like 50 from 41 speaking speaking of if I get C of 50 okay dude every time you wake up Gold’s account is in M7 just never leaves [ __ ] if I get cat every day every day comes thats and class average 50 in a week let’s go look at gold

Dung engineering right now and then let’s uh let’s calculate the 50 all right and then uh all right it only will take him nine days of playtime so he’s good you got gold you only need almost exactly 1, M7 oh my God I I’ll pay for that 20 mil

Each it’s so it’s a 115,000 m5s that’s not what I meant livid 25 15K o like that’s like no XP what would it take for me to get the 400 you’re unfortunately in a worse boat than me you have you are just like Kata and Blaze n

Log if I had the same forging as banana when we started this then he wouldn’t have a chance if I had the same Kata as crafted when we started this he wouldn’t have thing be honest I could probably get foring I’m mean serious you have the

Same p as me don’t you you but like i’ you realize that I started out like many many many levels beneath you right I’ve just been playing more because you were like way way ahead of me I will probably get 49 on my way to 400 I won’t get to

50 I don’t even know if I will hit 49 I hope I don’t have to but I probably do ibly will because of I will do that purely for the money actually just on the way there it’s worth over it’s worth like 60 XP going from where you are to

49 so it’s it is kind of worth it I need to get M6 to um I want to get M4 to this next collection that I’m getting and then past that I don’t like I don’t think I’ll even go for the 400 collection immediately on

M4 and I could I wantan to I need to find someone who can just AFK run me I could use that fre you need them on one or no likeing kind just want to get the like legit if I get money then I’m like kind

Of good like at that point like if I can get like rebuild and we are in a very solid location we just not buy alcohol for a couple weeks dude I haven’t bought alcohol in forever I’m buying weed right now okay well don’t buy weed then how am I supposed to be

High did you did you think of that one I guess not no picture you in like 4 years your brand is mus dude I’ve said I’m down to die when I’m 40 man I don’t have like a kid I I tap out at 40 so that means I have one year until I’m

40 one year till you’re dead yeah I’ll probably retire next year I don’t know I don’t see what’s the point of like like you got to get some [ __ ] then like literally you’re just gonna be like a single 40-year-old dude with money it feels pointless unless you were doing drugs so

It all goes back to drugs oh is it actually more forgiving now on the bow dup where you can uh do two dupes and uh still like [ __ ] up like if you [ __ ] up like the first you get two Bows Oh I’m suppos so well I think if you missed the second

One you’re f r yeah what the [ __ ] is up with that why did he say r I have caught up and even though you think that you’re gaining XP above me realize that I have only caught up now because I went from uh like 102 XP behind to like 50 behind right

Now you’re too much easy XP man I don’t don’t know easy XP that means you already got the easy XP so what you’re saying is I’m just built different and I get the hard stuff early like I’m crazy like that no you just grinded out be early I’m that my PC dog

[ __ ] my P is literally 261 that’s higher than me what the hell okay I farmed minus 236 I did normal fish fishing during like Marina it’s on you for not doing you have you have like three or three and a half levels on during uh during the last Marina me and strex grinded

Like probably like 15 hours of fishing over two days actually no we probably did like 10 hours in one day weird balling because I’m done with all water fishing uh like normal mobs except for in that menu I still need night squid I should go do stand in

Um you stand in the squid Pond like inside the actual time with frozen Blaze and the boys and and also I think you have to run cover of corruption what for flag no for uh night oh craftes himself whenever he does Kata by only doing Mage so he gets no Beast J

He this is true on the ground that is not good somehow we oh okay de you really need to get life 15 is Max yeah but there’s like 20 attemp who the where is the actual Source on who who is he actually account sharing with people always just say he’s account Shar

No he is I know who how is he grinding 247 he’s always on grinding I just attribute it to the yarn guarding minion T12 okay I’m sorry he’s not legit [Laughter] why like if if he’s like well known to be not legit you’d think that he’d be banned you a YouTuber literally streamed

Himself cheating and instead of getting wiped they had to Temp ban him you know they’re getting their toes suck off I can’t get over the fact he’s max level and he just started playing like nine months ago yeah that’s insane babies get full grown in N months I’m sorry but that’s

Insane yeah he like he 100% of the game and the time it took for me at least he’s not doing boy lose like a bunch of his points on accident somehow golden like very I know that like isn’t his net worth like really down from what it typically

Is I think he’s been selling stuff like and just acting like I think he’s quitting I think he’s quitting after spending his eight trillion real life dollars from his father on uh accounts well because he realized he can’t keep up the like bizarre update and all them

Doing that you like water like everyone ask water kill it crazy M you know doing water normally oh my God yeah roll it another thing I like how the like the dice items have basically a floor price because they will give money this is only 40 million points that’s

Actually you get a high CL yeah I did oh saying you got an arch be saying you got a high class two different things how you [ __ ] about only 40 mil when it’s like a Cy blade Rarity drop yeah I definitely should get back into

Doing some M7 and go for C 49 because I I don’t have Max NE think I have like 30 BR I am like 100 runs away from Diamond necron Head which is equal to M 300 millon coin for me because I already have a damond nekron

Head so that means that I can get all the XP from can get all the XP from uh like that and then I can get the XP from just spending that it get diamond NE I could days I get I got it for go get another trophy fish so I can pass

Crafted which one should I do it with it with God poetic jti mad dude you know what’s so you know what’s so sad I had to I had uh obus skated Three diamond and 17 catches and then it took me um took me pity gold it took me 100 to get the gold

On it so now I have 100 catches with the diamond my beautiful 17 but I wanted my 16 XP clear as God 100,000 x 1,200 bosses I have to I can’t believe a cat to blame for the slow run he is very hungry if this man didn’t have a cat our

Runs would be faster we’ve been abandoned this is so sad I don’t think I can pass you within the next like two days if you’re grinding any amount of XP and you got Diamond trophy fin that me yeah require God arm you have my rod be good

Yeah I know your Rod got me the diamond karate yeah there like a weight list for my rod because I know and anytime someone wants to take it from me I tell them that they need a cord order from golden desk and St eight box was like hey can I be the

Next one to use it I’m like I don’t [ __ ] know ask golden just gonna be like yeah golden already gave his permission I’m waiting for you to finish I didn’t give him per you gave me permission to take it I thought that ax gets it is aox next my you lied to

Golden I told free box yeah let’s see this like just what fuel was in these guys they have yeah it’s it’s just like they’re like eight hours apart more important you know the one with the ability to craft an extra Apex how could you oh look at that Souls found someone

Found a cak soul on your let’s go you find a cake soul on your what the [ __ ] why is mini on his nonnormal profile can he log into his normal one F3 all but you found three cake Souls yeah

This video, titled ‘OMG NEW M4 META!!!!!’, was uploaded by KillIt on 2023-10-10 00:20:45. It has garnered 296 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:28 or 13828 seconds.

Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock Live Livestream KillIt @KillIt1 @killit3 Dungeons Master Mode Floor 4 M4 Discord: Donate gems: Rules: No begging -no asking for coins -no asking for carries -no asking to borrow or have my items -no asking for favors Be respectful No ban evading Use common sense Do not ask for any specific content. I usually just instantly ban someone who breaks a rule or begs, so don’t. There isn’t any appeal system. If you want to donate, I do accept donations, my preferred method is simply to buy me gems. Just put my ign, KillIt, instead of yours when buying gems, and ill receive them on stream. Make sure to tell me so I can thank you personally! I accept donations in the form of bitcoin too! Here’s my wallet: bitcoin:1Ag1dAtEtYT3S2BmoKdwSon96ExPtLxaoB I also accept donation in the form of Skyblock coins or items, just tell me in chat you’d like to give me coins, my ign is KillIt I also also accept USD donations on cashapp. My cashapp is $killit11 All donations equal to or over 0.000059 bitcoin, 1,000,000 skyblock coins, or $1 USD will get you a sign on my island with your IGN and the amount you donated. Item donations will be appraised by me and the coin value will be put on the sign. Make sure to like and subscribe! YouTube Twitch stream Server: My texture pack is a modified version of Furfsky Reborn. #minecraft #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #live #minecraftskyblock #killit #hypixelskyblocklive

Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s most popular game. Some of the popular items are the Hyperion, Necron armor, Storm armor, overflux, plasmaflux, the 50mMidas sword, the Aspect of the end, the Aspect of the dragons, the valkyrie, and many more. Some of the bad things on Skyblock are Duping, irl trading, and scamming. I hope you enjoyed these words which are all relevant to the video! Also, a new farming island was added which has the Golden Ball item, which no one owns and is one out of one (1/1). Rat pet is cool. Swavy, Timedeo, Fairy Soul Guide, Money Making Method, and other things are all part of the server, along with Refraction. There is this mode called dungeons where you fight with your team to defeat necron along with other floor 7 bosses. Master mode is a thing as well. They recently nerfed the strength stat, making a lot of dungeons classes a lot worse such as Berserker and Archer. Mage, Healer, and Tank should be fine. God I keep adding so many keywords, this will be an entire bible soon. The hypixel admins have completely removed sword swapping and killed the bonemerangs. The giants sword is also dead now. The Astrea is still trash. This is a Hypixel Skyblock Tutorial, or a Hypixel Skyblock Dungeons Guide. please fix negative strength because of the Soul Eater enchant, and buff archer. nerfmage tho. I voided the Hyperion, so sad. I love Technoblade and Dream and Tommyinnit and 56ms (Swavy) and Thirtyvirus, not just because their names get views as metas. This video is a Dungeons Guide, Money Making Method Guide, Hypixel Skyblock Guide, or anything of the sort. Recently, Hypixel released the SMPS, similar to the Dream SMP with members like Skeppy and Sapnap. ! Also Hypixel Admins released an enderman slayer boss quest thing, and it is pretty difficult to kill which is why you would need an enderman slayer guide or tips and tricks on how to beat the new enderman slayer. The Juju bow is really good. I also like the warden helmet and Necron Armor. I recently got SCAMMED!!! They took my Strong Dragon Chestplate, I am in tears. At least they didn’t take storm armor or superior armor. The crown of greed is bad. I crashed the NEW GAME MASTER RANK and got BANNED ON HYPIXEL! The anticheat Watchdog is broken. RATS. Floor. Catacombs. Badlion is not very good. I played dungeons not using the new Terminator bow, which is very op. Thirtyvirus does not like the god potion, he says it is not a good item. Personally, I am impartial. Recombobulators are cool though! Rend VS Soul Eater ultimate enchantments, which is better! I think Legion and Chimera are cool as well! Hypixel is currently down! Large DDOS attacks forced the server to close to resolve the issues. This video is NOT an auction flipping tutorial or Bazaar Flipping tutorial. It is not a money making method video either. The mini wither can bother some people if used in a certain way. Scammers are desperate in Hypixel Skyblock. ypixel skyblock ep 1, hypixel skyblock money making method, hypixel skyblock guide, hypixel, skyblock dungeons, hypixel skyblock fairy souls, hypixel skyblock, hypixel, skyblock, texture pack, hypixel skyblock money making guide, hypixel hypiel hypickle Game:

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    CornyBreadMan's Insane Space Adventure in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sketchy Space Travel in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by CornyBreadMan on 2024-03-13 23:19:12. It has garnered 748 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Minecraft and rocket powered flight = New Planet… Read More

  • Insane Chimp VR Challenges: Minecraft Boss Fights & Skyblock!

    Insane Chimp VR Challenges: Minecraft Boss Fights & Skyblock!Video Information This video, titled ‘we played minecraft boss fights and 0ne block skyblock and more!!’, was uploaded by Chimp_VR on 2024-01-04 20:52:41. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:27 or 11847 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

  • Insane Fireball Fight in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shorts

    Insane Fireball Fight in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tourner Dans Le Vide – Fireball Fight #2 – #shorts #fireballfight #minecraft #edit #pvp #smooth’, was uploaded by drxxppy on 2024-05-20 13:19:00. It has garnered 673 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Tourner Dans Le Vide Song: Tourner Dans Le Vide Editor & Addons Used: Vegas 18 with Sapphire, BCC and Universe plugin I’m drxxppy, a new Youtuber who records some videos on Minecraft 1.20 & 1.8.9. Likes and comments are very important on YouTube, so don’t be shy and comment what you want to see more… Read More


    INSANE TANK PVP STRATEGY REVEALED!!Video Information This video, titled ‘my tank pvp’, was uploaded by gtgaming200 on 2024-04-11 08:36:46. It has garnered 26 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. my tank pvp #minecraft ๐Ÿ‘ Don’t Forget To Like The Video! ๐Ÿ”ด Make Sure To Subscribe! ๐Ÿ”” Ring The Bell To Keep Updated Of When I Upload! โœ”๏ธ Sub Count: 27900 โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• ignore #tags #minecraftpvp , #minecraft , #minecraftbuilds , #minecraftpc , #pvp , #minecraftmemes , #minecraftserver , #minecraftmeme , #minecraftsurvival , #minecraftonly , #funny , #minecraftpe , #minecraftdaily , #skywars , #minecrafters , #youtube , #freethenipplemovement… Read More

  • ๐ŸŸข EPIC SLIME BATTLE! “Not Giving In” – Minecraft MV [Exit From Darkness E26]

    ๐ŸŸข EPIC SLIME BATTLE! "Not Giving In" - Minecraft MV [Exit From Darkness E26]Video Information This video, titled ‘”Not Giving In” – A Minecraft Music Video [Exit From Darkness E26 S2].’, was uploaded by ๐ŸŸขSlime4041-40๐Ÿ”ด on 2024-02-18 12:44:30. It has garnered 3294 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:19 or 439 seconds. Exit From Darkness: season 2 episode 26, season 2 episode 26. ———————————— —————————– model, models: @fatiha95002, @peygerdez381, @Entity3030Animations, @Redslime4040., @bogdan27236, @ golem8803, @lekconAMV, @Michael22823, @Naex_1. ————————————————– ————— song, music:Not Giving In, executor, performer:@NoCopyrightSounds. ————————————————– ————— 00:00 Intro, 04:00 video music, video music, 07:10 the end episode, end of the episode. ————————————————– ————— animation, animation: @Slime4041-4. Read More

  • Antine

    AntineOld school factions server on the Dosaga Minecraft Network. MCMMO enabled for long term progression. Upstanding active players may be recognized and invited to the whitelisted SMP server. More to come in the future to likely include skyblock and hunger games. Join the discord server for more information using Read More

  • Primo SMP – Modded SMP White 1.19.2

    Welcome to My Minecraft Server! I have created a Minecraft Server running Forge 1.19.2 with over a hundred mods, including Create, Mekanism, Ars Nouveau, and many more. Whitelisting is easy, just be respectful and read the documentations. The server is bilingual English and French, with a diverse community from all over the world. Updates to the modpack are regular, and you can suggest new mods in the Discord server. Join us on Discord: Have a great day! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Explosive Pursuit: New TNT Mod”

    Minecraft Memes - "Explosive Pursuit: New TNT Mod"Why did the creeper break up with the TNT? Because it couldn’t handle the explosive relationship! Read More

  • Crafty Injection: Original TeeCraft vs. Zombie Girl

    Crafty Injection: Original TeeCraft vs. Zombie Girl In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Updates and news are always around. From injection girls to zombie lore, The community craves to know more. Original TeeeCraft brings the scoop, With rhymes that make the audience whoop. No need for a start, just leap right in, And let the storytelling begin. So spin those rhymes, with a playful spin, Engage the crowd, let the fun begin. Minecraft facts and updates galore, Crafted with rhymes, always wanting more. Stay fierce and funny, keep it light, With emojis that shine so bright. The essence of gaming, brought to new heights,… Read More

  • Hotspot Hatch: Wi-Fi Wonderland in Minecraft

    Hotspot Hatch: Wi-Fi Wonderland in Minecraft “Trying to decide which Wi-Fi to connect to in Minecraft be like playing a game of ‘Guess the Password’ with your neighbors.” Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing a Nether Tree Farm on Tinker World SMP. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server like Minewind to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Imagine a world where you can explore vast landscapes, build intricate structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles with other players. Minewind offers all of this and more, with a vibrant community of players… Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft 2024 Steve & Baby Panda Unboxing

    LEGO Minecraft 2024 Steve & Baby Panda Unboxing LEGO Minecraft 2024 Steve & Baby Panda 30672 Unboxing & Complete Build Introduction In the world of LEGO Minecraft, the set 30672 featuring Steve and Baby Panda is a delightful addition to any builder’s collection. With 35 pieces to assemble, this set promises a fun and engaging building experience. Unboxing and Building The unboxing experience of the LEGO Minecraft set 30672 is filled with anticipation and excitement. As the packaging is carefully opened, the building adventure begins. Steve and the brick-built panda come to life piece by piece, offering a break from the daily grind and a chance to… Read More

  • “Unlock Minecraft Secrets: Pixel Builders Guild Reveals All!” ๐Ÿคซ #Minecraft101

    "Unlock Minecraft Secrets: Pixel Builders Guild Reveals All!" ๐Ÿคซ #Minecraft101Video Information [ู…ูˆุณูŠู‚ู‰] [ุชุตููŠู‚] ุง This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ง Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (106)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-11 13:05:51. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ› ๏ธWelcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! ๐Ÿ‘‡ Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ”ง In this video,… Read More

  • Lost Minecraft Gameplay House Build

    Lost Minecraft Gameplay House BuildVideo Information e This video, titled ‘Building a house’, was uploaded by Minecraft gameplays found on hard drive on 2024-03-18 12:43:42. It has garnered 24 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. I found a bunch of videos from my younger brother playing Minecraft in an old hard drive. My younger brother was sure this game was about fighting ghosts, but the only “ghost” I’ve ever heard about is Ghast from nether. He told me that the game used to have a ghost of a very pale girl with a broken neck that… Read More

  • Unbelievable Hardcore Minecraft Farms! | Hardcore #5

    Unbelievable Hardcore Minecraft Farms! | Hardcore #5Video Information ah what a great day in Minecraft today shut the up [Music] what in today’s video I made about 18 cars in Minecraft which altogether produces over 70 different items also are you the percentage that haven’t subscribed to this channel well you should because for every subscri I going to place one Beacon so first off we have a bamboo Farm which is going to require a lot of [Music] [Applause] [Music] material and that should be everything [Music] collected all right now I press this button to start the Flying Machine and we go to the… Read More

  • Unbelievable! From Noob to Pro in Minecraft with RTX 4060

    Unbelievable! From Noob to Pro in Minecraft with RTX 4060Video Information [Music] [Music] fore for for for foree foree I know that but I like to try it one day you can fly yeah not SL I found diamond I found diamond [Music] red for for I am a great organizer seriously yes I am nice nicey for for very good was SL by zie fore for 100 [Music] fore for foreign foreign fore spee spee [Music] fore This video, titled ‘My First Minecraft Expedition! Noob to Pro: GAMEPLAY || RTX 4060’, was uploaded by Mr. HasiYa Gaming Official on 2024-02-01 04:10:06. It has garnered 126 views and 6… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Torture Chamber Build

    Insane Minecraft Torture Chamber BuildVideo Information hi so I’d like to say that it’s been a while I mean it’s been like 2 months since my last upload but then again looking back at like previous intervals between uploads uh 2 months doesn’t even seem that long but still it’s been a while and I said earlier that it was because I had to study for exams but now the exams are done and I can upload except there’s one slight problem uh I I don’t have any video ideas now this problem on its own is n actually anything out of the ordinary… Read More

  • The Obsessed: Minecraft’s Most Terrifying Mod Yet?!

    The Obsessed: Minecraft's Most Terrifying Mod Yet?!Video Information all right guys what’s up again so we all know about my M creation and while I do not develop the mods myself I’m in the leading position of the project now ever since gargan released this cave mod everything we’ve seen has been questionable and I mean it’s mostly cavea copy-pasting and I’ll be honest it’s turning the horror needs to crap now the m is not the only project I’ve been working on and each of these projects are meant to somewhat restore the horror category to a higher standard the creature I’ve been working on… Read More

  • Glockey’s INSANE Speedrun with Random Items!

    Glockey's INSANE Speedrun with Random Items!Video Information [Music] [Music] so the first speedrun is going to be stick B up be make a stick B up make a stick make a boat that’s not it’s not too hard can I are we allowed food or no my Hunger is already [ __ ] you jump from a tree idiot you know why you jump from a trees cuz you’re [Music] uh what I come here no wait wait wait okay okay hold on hold on okay no I’m not I’m not falling for this Fuller what do I have to do oh my God bro… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedwars PvP: Tactical Tips & Epic Battles! ๐ŸŽฎ

    Minecraft Bedwars PvP: Tactical Tips & Epic Battles! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information with you cuz youve turned me to to [Music] pass in your living room now This video, titled ‘Mastering Minecraft Bedwars PvP: Tactical Tips & Epic Battles!’, was uploaded by Flopstar gaming on 2024-05-05 19:34:19. It has garnered 420 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Mastering Minecraft Bedwars PvP: Tactical Tips & Epic Battles! Read More


    INSANE NETHER JOURNEY w/ WTFCORY! ๐Ÿ’ฅVideo Information m for okay what is up YouTube WTF Cory here today we are grinding on Minecraft because I just can’t play Call of Duty without getting mad there’s no way I don’t understand how everybody’s playing that game and getting WIS I don’t get it but I don’t have to get it cuz I have Minecraft uh I got to go to the nether get a bunch of St we have lots of cooka bles excuse me lots of cables did I say we have lots of stuff to cook cuz there are lots of things cooking oh… Read More

  • MCcommandCraft

    MCcommandCraftWelcome to the Minecraft Server That Puts You First. Designed and coded by BeeBoyD. See you on our server! Read More