KoziiChu【🌊 KAWA】 – 🔴【Minecraft SMP】Teaching @MinoMieko How To Play Minecraft in 1.20.1!【KoziiChu | 🌊 Kawa】

Video Information

Oh hello hello Hello chameleon I hope everyone’s audio is okay I hope so too the speed doesn’t die I yeah I think I mean I’m good on my end I think everyone good on Mia’s end and stuff we all we all doing good we’re all Gremlins today yeah we reduce the load of Minecraft we all

Decided to be small you know how heavy Minecraft is as a game yeah you know how freaking Minecraft is man um can I have Senpai dude yeah wait uh we should probably go from well do we’ll do the thing where you go from Discord order that seems that makes sense okay so I

You’ll have to introduce yourself to Mia because I’m streaming too okay so I guess I’ll go first hi everybody I’m cozy cozy too I am a little alpaca V tuber and um I I love Mia what that’s it the end that’s my introduction Cute so cute okay honey hi my name is Anakin I’m your emotional support dog a definitely better I am with Kyle entertainment and uh we all are all with Colin entertainers on YouTube and on Twitter the I want that’s true that’s true that’s also true I am filled with based facts also true

Okay Mia foreign Yeah cute adorable I have one I have a sticky note that’s stuck in my monitor for when I get stuck and I’m like oh yeah that’s what I’m supposed to say I should do that honestly I never know what to say yeah I I bless the sticky note I had a

Sticky note but then I I didn’t need it anymore because I memorized it I know like my follow thing it used to be written out I can’t believe that you’ve actually memorized it insane yeah it’s really it’s like an entire paragraph and now it’s not I don’t even

Know what I’m saying anymore I’m just saying vocal sounds letting it come out and it’s what I’m supposed to say it’s not I don’t even know it’s not even words anymore sounds okay sonny introduce yourself I’m curious I am Sunny Ursa uh very girl of YouTuber raise my cats

Um who plays a lot of Valerie but but totally a variety of Shimmer smiley face and and also what a coincidence I also love me yeah yeah yeah yeah I love me um Forever I love my samples my sweets lovely girl and today we’re gonna teach her how to play Minecraft um because I mean I think you’ve played it before right but just like Yeah [Applause] yeah I like that that’s a good answer good answer oh okay uh so I’ve played it when I a peaceful creative mode when I was uh back in back in the day in like 2012 back in the good old days so I know nothing about creating things crafting

Things the different materials the different animals that have been added since I don’t know um forgot what the dash button was uh I I don’t know anything about enchantments or and what’s that the world thing that you step in the portal what’s that called that’s the nether the

Nether yeah I don’t know about the net um but I know it exists like I know in my in things in Minecraft exist but I don’t know things in Minecraft do exist yeah there are things and they exist they exist but I’ve never seen a lot of

Things I remember uh when we did the color collab last time I saw an axolotl for the first time this is a B for the first time and then you guys have some really interesting thingies on the ceiling I don’t know what these are these are lanterns there it’s like

Um it’s been a few years but they’re kind of like torches but you can you can hang them off of um the side of things you can also hang them on the side of blocks I’m pretty sure um prettier yep they look prettier than torches hanging from the ceiling and stuff

Torches I don’t know about yeah these things I also don’t know what these are I I what what are these so this uh this is a good way this is a good place to start actually so um these the like squares on the side of these

Are item frames and then you can put any kind of item inside of them so technically if you take an item and you put it on an anvil you can name the item and then you could put it on an item frame and it’ll actually showcase

What it’s called when you hover over it so I was gonna do that for this but I’ll probably do it when I make another storage area later on so people could just like hover over and go oh this is the stone chest or whatever okay fascinating I didn’t know that well okay

To be fair me hey I don’t know anything about Minecraft either that’s true here and I I smack things and I have a jolly old time while I make everybody lose their mind because I’m mining with a pickaxe yeah apparently lanterns are about five years old I have a question yes um

Um do third person thing uh F5 if you hit F5 then it’ll show you from the back and then if you hit it again it’ll show you from the front and then if you hit it again it’ll go back to normal kind of does look like that yeah yeah

Just a little bit but it also kind of looks like a smiley face In like 20 minutes and you’re beautiful thank you much yeah I appreciate you but yeah uh F5 can uh let you see behind yourself and then if you hit it again it’ll show you the front and then if you hit it again and go back to normal

Okay I have rotated through all of them thank you nice okay so um first thing I’ll mention since you haven’t played Minecraft in such a long time did you know there’s actually a million different types of stone now um this is drip Stone I got you

I just wanna I don’t want to see anything on the bottom it makes me okay all right okay okay I made a tower so the bottom oh what let me try it let me try this okay okay this one is a it’s not a dirt block no

It’s not okay okay that up there is a stone no yeah that’s actually it sounds graphite this is graphite and a site it’s andesite on top what ah Diane then diorite then granite and then drip Stone yeah that’s the thing you find under the water no that’s gravel that’s gravel that’s

Gravel what’s the difference between gravel like red and what the Brandon is orange this is gravel this is gravel yeah gravel does have gravity so it’ll fall and stuff but these are all just like random useless Stones so these are just kind of like decorative they kind of just exist

In the world um and you can find them in the normal places that you would also find Stone at so like underground in different places and then also drip Stone usually comes with these drip still and things on top of them what stuff they’re like spikes

Can you die from that if it falls they they can if they fall and there’s more than one they can hit you that’s scary also you can use these uh if you I it was in the top chest up here I think but if you actually put lava above it

Then lava will drip down from it and you can put a cauldron underneath it and then you have an instant lava generator it’s kind of cool um so yeah these are all just random useless Stones nowadays uh along with normal Stone oh there’s also this random useless Stone this one come shows up

When you get deep enough it’s just really deep in the ground it’s called deep sleep I mean you could break it with your hands ology with cozy geometry astrology geometry Geo oh yeah you’re right it’s geometry because Geodude yeah Geo dude no geology is it geology thank you so much it’s a study of math geometry is the study of shapes I’m

Pretty sure isn’t it no yeah study of Geodude oh okay all right all right yeah that makes sense you’re right you’re right you’re so right I majored in uh Geodude in University so just like the different amounts of rocks that exist these days there’s also different types

Of wood there’s a lot of wood now uh there’s Acacia jungle Birch Mangrove dark oak um normal Oak Spruce and also now cherry wood Carrie Wood’s the cutest because it’s pink it is pink that’s true when even you know we need lots of wood in our lives we like we like nice hard

Thick Woods um hard long they’re thick Woods yeah yeah um in a nice pink color please you can yeah actually if you go out here thank you oh I mean you could probably get red and throbbing too if you wanted that but um there’s actually two extra kinds of wood

That I hadn’t even talked about yet there’s two kinds of trees that are in the nether now um there’s one wait hold up backtrack a bit trees grow in the nether yeah now they do yeah so so it’s not just like a lava Place full of red looking Rock it’s like in

Some places it depends there’s like different kinds of biomes in the nether now too I thought there was one kind of thing we’ll get back to that and well let’s let’s start easy huh let’s start easy okay so um these are the different kinds of ores that you can find in the world

Obviously you’re trying to progress through different kinds of gear so usually start with your your normal like Stone pickaxes and stuff like that you could use gold after that but it’s it’s kind of a weak material it breaks really really quickly um so usually just want to skip directly

To iron and then after iron comes your favorite Diamond obviously the rest of all of these are kind of extra for other things the emeralds are used for shopping you can trade with villagers uh the red one is redstone you can use that to make like machines

The blue one is lapis you use that to do enchanting stuff and then the one on top that’s just copper you use that usually to make things like uh you can make spy glasses like telescopes and then you can also make um lightning rods to keep lightning from destroying your stuff

What’s this block of amethyst yeah those are just kind of decorative there’s amethyst and and quartz and stuff like that oh oh my amethyst it’s a pretty color it is pretty also if you walk on it it makes a sound so like if I take out

It does yeah here if I just make like a path of this you should have it in your house yeah you said it matches you yeah and you still have like the piano almost yeah I was collecting this and also quartz to make you a house because quartz is white we should also get like some something blue for you yeah okay so um you already know how to craft stuff I’ve saw I saw you doing it before but um I don’t know if anyone mentioned

That there’s the crafting book on the side now not really no one actually told me how to use it so if you open up the crafting table and you press the book and it’ll open up like a bar on the side you can actually just search any item that you

Want to make like oh I want a sword and you can just type in sword and it’ll bring up all of the swords and it’ll show you how to make them and stuff you get different recipes from picking up different uh materials that exists see so it’s kind of helpful I mean it’s

Very helpful especially for like new people see another one from boring easy place to but why that’s true what if there’s no bin why can’t they make a bin uh beds blow up in the nether no I mean like when I look up the word bed oh uh you probably haven’t picked up

Wool yet I need to pick it up yeah you have to like unlock the recipes yeah cereal here Etc oh okay so now you should have it so it kind of like slowly takes you through stuff like as you pick up things it gives you more materials and stuff like that Steve yeah

A what I’m looking I’m looking for like fishing rod stuff carrot on a stick fishing rod you’ll probably have to pick up string for oh honey is sleeping I just don’t want to get nighttime do we have to sleep with you oh we need two people I’ll just go to

Hold on I think I’m holding a bed I am holding a bed I have a bed I also might have a bed let me put my nap sleepy packed ice and blue ice matches me as blue pretty well oh it’s true what which eyes there’s two kinds of ice that

Exists that you can get that don’t melt they’re packed ice and blue ice packed ice I think is a little bit lighter color than blue eyes and then blue eyes is just very I mean blue back when I played this game there was only one kind of Life aha now there’s multiple also

Um they have different speeds so like when you run on Ice it’s a little bit slippery right when you run on packed ice it’s more slippery and even faster and then when you run on blue ice it’s the fastest it’s really really fast but why because people like making ice

Boat rinks with them so you can like make a big you make like a big pathway of ice and then when you take a boat and you ride on it it’s really fast do we have one no not yet I’ll make one for you though no I can’t

Wait I know what to think about this not saying about yeah yeah yeah we can make we can make we have a lot of boats in the world we have a lot of boats we don’t have a good place to like ride them on the ice though I I know I can I

I can lead the way if you guys want to come I need a vice like a Bice an ice boat rink like a like a bumper car thing that’d be fun but uh like a like a circusy like fun area that would be fun in the new place yeah

Uh oh by the way Mia you also I mean I think you already know that you have to eat food that’s kind of new for like survival versus peaceful though um I remember seeing it go down and I was like how do I eat the food yeah

But you can get a lot of different kinds of food you can get like um pork chops from pigs and then you can put them in this is a furnace this is where you smell like bars and stuff oh wait yeah the smelting thing how does

One smelt so you have to get some sort of uh fuel something burnable you can put logs in if you don’t have anything else but coal is usually pretty good to start with and then you put whatever you want to smelt on top of it

So like oh I found some like iron pieces I want iron bars out of that so you stick it in the top and then it comes out eventually it just like it takes a second for it to smelt through everything okay yeah can I try smelting something some smell probably

Just like scrap stuff yeah here there’s some raw iron that’s there so that’s what the iron looks like before it’s melted okay so I oh there’s coal in here already okay yeah if I just put did I put all of it in you could yeah

I don’t want to use it all up I’ll just put one well I mean there’s nothing to really do with Ryan it’s better to just smelt it yeah okay put it on so you can see that it lit up when it’s fully done it won’t be lit up like that

Anymore so you know when it’s done cooking yeah yeah it’s cute I see wait but it’s taking up the coat yes I’ll be taking up the cold because that’s fuel so it’ll use it over time oh yeah okay so you have to get more fuel and put it in you can actually see

The fire going down and that’s how long it has until it uses the next piece of coal because there’s inside of it there’s like a little fire thing and you can see the top of it is grayed out as it empties out then it’ll use more of

That bar and then once it hits the bottom it’ll use another piece of coal Oh okay yeah honey why are you staring at the wall chatty says it’s 10 seconds per item I like that part yeah just about okay there’s um there’s actually faster furnaces that you can get which cook uh either food faster or cook like bars faster like oars

Um I think it’s called the blast furnace for the oars and then it’s the smoker for the foods but otherwise they work basically the same okay see yeah okay now I know how to smell stuff yeah so that’s like I mean honestly just knowing that and

Like kind of the progression of of ores is really all you need to know for the game but there are other things obviously uh there’s there’s stuff like enchanting which will make your gear better we actually have a little enchanting area that got set up that nobody actually uses why not

I don’t know if anyone but me knows how to enchant I want to be honest does Nene know how awesome is how Hey hello hi Nana thank you Hello Barcelona you know how to use the enchanting table uh yeah I know the basics but I don’t know the new stuff that’s that’s what I know but I know I don’t think there’s that much new stuff for it I mean it hasn’t they haven’t updated enchanting in a while they should oh

So this is the enchanting table that got made um so you get like this enchanting table surrounded by a bunch of bookcases you have to surround it with bookcases for it to be more powerful weirdly enough this is so fancy oh Sian made this she just likes decorating gazebos and stuff

Hey I have I have a very valuable knowledge to teach you oh what is it wait wait give me sorry come back to me in like a minute I love you sunny I found it I found it oh okay okay wait but I don’t know where you

Guys are actually so now we went across the bridge wait where are you I’m I’m by I’m by the cherry blossom cheese [Laughter] I see wait watch this watch this I’m going to ride the alpaca over wait no it’s not falling I’m lost I’ve only been in this world

Where did you even find an alpaca how do I how do I Dismount uh shift no control oh I’m free okay okay um where are we oh I’m looking for the Bridge wait I see it I see them in the head and the Cozy had an incest oh that’s the city

What’s up okay all right this this is my singular wisdom sometimes you’ll see you’ll see these guys right and they’re going to be let alone by a guy and and I the guy it’s like a random guy okay yeah and the guy’s existence is so you can

Kill him and steal his leashes yeah that’s true that’s his existence yeah Leeds will let you like drag animals around you just like right click an animal and then you get to carry it around with you and the guy he always shows up with two alpacas and he usually

You know he wants to trade with you and stuff but his trades are crap they’re terrible so his only purpose in life is to die and then um to kill him without drawing the Llama plus the guy’s eye girl you can drop sand on his head yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah or like lava or something That is my singular wisdom that was the only thing I know about myself yeah yeah yeah very important very important also were you trying to figure out how to sprint uh when you’re walking just tap control and you’ll Sprint have control and I’ll Sprint I must try this okay yeah

That’s true you can double tap W-2 also and then he is a little that’s so cool for some reason that’s how I always do it I think that’s just because that’s like the old way of doing it before they added the control button so I’m just I’m

Just used to double tapping that’s my instinct just to double tap the W well it does work like that too so I was at Cozy’s house oh wait I could have just died and then that would have been faster um all the way back well I’m proud of you

Then I do have like a Fuji or something like I just uh I should yes oh my Fuji is really ugly let me go yeah I mean we had Gremlins so it will suit it it will suit The Vibes Immaculate vibes I’m saying it suits the vibes okay but

They’re like cute Gremlins mine’s just no no yours is cute too wrinkly yeah I love wrinkly Gremlins thank you they’re my favorite that being wrinkly yeah after a bath it’s a skill I see you just like on command yeah just become wrinkled yeah like like a Sharpay dog or whatever

Uh what dog like a sharpays you guys know what sharpays are they’re like really fluffy things no come here come here come here oh oh they’re they’re really really wrinkly ones oh so where are you guys all right here hello oh my gosh Nene has cat ears she do your model

That’s so cute around on her you should get barriers on yours uh you just you just like there there’s like a separate yeah oh that’s so cool yeah let me get the food yeah mood uh I got you uh Uh uh is it this What why are you laughing your face that’s a face that’s the face I just love it what does it look like oh God no I’m worried that’s so funny that’s Fizz I hope my stream isn’t like beautiful okay you kind of look like a pug okay guys it’s the eyes she’s gorgeous struggle to breathe look yeah my nose she’s gorgeous incredible all right so um enchanting come this way my children you can enchant pretty much anything uh

You can enchant like pickaxes you can enchant fishing rods you can enchant armor pretty much anything that you can wear you can enchant or like use in some way so you make this enchanting table and you surround it with a million freaking bookcases it has to be surrounded by a

Million bookcases to get to its full level and then when you right click it it has like a spot in it that you put wow sorry wow wow what the this is educational time why are you trying to fight me hey honey get over here it’s time for the combat training okay

Come here no I don’t wanna fight it’s time oh that’s you that’s so scared I was like oh God thank you it’s time I hear I hear something that sounds like an evil cow in the background yeah it’s just me yeah why does it sound so creepy

What speaking of combat though did you know Mia that you can do a critical hit if you jump and punch something okay And if you don’t that’s what you look like I didn’t know you were gonna die oh you’re right there you’re good foreign No it’s it yeah it’s left click I just have to jump yeah jump and then hit do I have to like go forward or anything or just jump no as long as you’re nearby enough then it’ll work okay okay I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it

Oh no you didn’t jump I did did you oh yeah yeah how do you know if it’s a critical hair or not Sparkles how do I eat out there yeah and put Sparkles out so if it’s a normal hit hey Nana come here come here come here

Daddy I just need a demonstration anyway this is a normal hit and then this is a crit oh my god I didn’t even notice the difference before laughs would you bring those things out no mob spawn is not off monsters can spawn oh we’re I’m gonna die oh

You’re fine you’ll be fine uh anyway so enchanting so when you after you make some like really nice armor for yourself you’ll probably want to put enchantments on it like for instance mending which lets you anytime you pick up experience orbs restore the durability of your gear

So it’ll just like immediately put it back to full again anytime you pick up experience when you right click on this table on the left is where you use it and then on the right is where you put a bunch of lapis there’s some of it in this chest

So you stick lapis in here and then I don’t know I’ll put or iron leggings in for a second and then when you actually try and enchant stuff it’ll it’ll have uh wait a second oh so why are there other numbers so the numbers are your levels

Um you have to use your levels as a currency to do your enchanting oh my God so you have like a level bar that’s above your your item bar and those are the the levels that you use to enchant stuff what is this six attack damage oh it’s just different types of enchant

That you can get so for example six attack damage would take three hearts because one attack damage I think is half a heart if that makes sense yes I think so I think that’s true and you can put like sharpness on it it’ll put up that attack damage yeah more yeah okay

Where are all these crafting tables coming from here no you’re fighting the bushes already we don’t need oh no are you stuck fight for my life out here dude tonight you can break it oh thank you you silly what do I do with this I don’t know you can put it down

That works Mia do you have any experience yet like below yourself not yet yeah why do I have pants I toss them at you oh thank you I gave you pants you know just in case you needed it nah where’s your pants nowadays that’s so true that’s so true you’re so right

You’re still right I should take my pants off it’s so right it’s all right Okay I never wear pants at home but I literally sprinted in the house and got on my computer so I didn’t have a chance to change all right so you’re wearing pants what the f okay I just took them what did you do to my name I took them off I wear

Pants a real B tutor now who wears pants that’s what I’m seeing yeah I don’t wear pants yeah Sonny you’re wearing pants shut up pick your pants up yeah look at my character okay come over here Mia I want to teach you how to make yourself a map because God are they helpful

I’ve never been a map s are really really helpful God I I’m gonna I’m making people maps for when we go back to the new place and stuff but hold on turn off I have to turn off my music volume it’s going over my lovely um oh there’s a tree in the way

Foreign by a plant ah those are um Sweet Berry bushes they’re um yeah they hurt you if you touch them and they also make you move slower when you’re walking through them which is good for Monsters you can put them down and um they can block monsters and stuff

But you also if you go up to one that has the berries on it and you right click it then it’ll give you some berries it’s like harvesting it can I take these or no yeah oh I see yeah and then you could eat those if you wanted okay

They’re not a lot of my boxes that’s true you could feed them to foxes oh yeah yeah there’s horses oh that’s just a skeleton horse that’s bony mcbone face he’s my boy happened he’s just he’s just bony mcbone face he’s happy he’s having a good time

Hey I’ve never seen a horse in Minecraft before there’s horses skeleton horses and then there’s also donkeys and you can breed the donkeys with the horses to make mules oh and the mules and the donkeys can also carry chests on them so they’re kind of helpful

Wait what is this good little guy in the background I think that’s a fox yeah it’s a snow fox it’s a white white fox boy yeah he gets spooked when you walk up to him also um there’s so there’s these fences right I see like Nene trying to jump

Over him like like a dummy I wasn’t thinking so these fences usually you can’t jump over them because they’re one and a half blocks tall but if you put a carpet on top of them then you can jump over the carpet for some reason I don’t know why but it’s a thing

Yeah but the animals can’t yeah so you can keep your animals in still this can found that out the hard way goodbye skill issue issues where what to capture this I I think it just locked in actually oh this still scares me no it’s not this phony mcbone face he’s a good boy

He’s good hold on he wrote it stay right there stay right there what is that is one very empty Ash what are you looking at don’t look up boaty mcfone faces ass he doesn’t deserve this what is this you leave my boy alone okay it was so empty I know he

Doesn’t have an ass okay he was born this way leave him alone bye bye bye you leave my phone face alone it’s a lack of butt he’s doing his best it’s just a hole You leave my poor boy alone okay but look at the Badonkadonk this wait is it an alpaca or a llama technically they’re llamas but um I will hurt you if you call them that on the server understood they don’t have the lump anyways oh wait what they’re all wait what yeah

Wait do you think llamas or camels actually did you know that um llamas and camels and alpacas are all part of the same animal family so technically with any questions but the camel does a camel have one hump or two two actually it depends on the type of camel but two

Why do you know so many camel facts are you actually camel well yeah I’m part Camilla Day I mean alpacas are part of the Camilla Day family um anyway um Cozy’s cousins Jenny do you think camels have one health or two humps um I would like to guess too

Okay I see Zero where’s honey no humps My Humps My Humps my lovely lady lumps do candles have one pump or two four good answer so true so true so true so true we should go looking for a camel I mean not right now because I mean I

Think Mia would die but yeah you found a camel no the Badlands oh the Badlands oh I think it’s in the deserts actually there are camels now there are there weren’t before but there are now as of the update with the cherry blossom trees actually also there’s um a new

Thing that you can do um you can you can you can I wonder if there’s anything in here that I can use for this no okay hold on wait I’ll make it myself in my head I all kind of saw alpacas llamas and camels as the same animal uh-huh

Same not same family just same animal so I kind of forget they’re different animals because they’re all Blended together in my brain I mean honestly Fair hey did I show you down this hole are you showing her your whole God damn it not again not the whole I’ve been down the hole

You showed me the hole okay we did a tour honey I don’t I I black out after a week all right so I made I made this just to show you that we can actually um if I put this down hang Signs Now I’m pretty sure

Okay wait can I not oh God am I lying to you well that’s a honey Boozled thing isn’t it right that’s me how do you hang it how do you how hot do you need a chain is it a hanging sign you need chains now I I see okay

I lied to you I need chains first hahaha uh with iron you can actually use some of the actually we could just use the iron that you made hanging signs are different that’s so strange I don’t know why they would do that instead of just like making them go

Up for you oh hang on both I don’t think you have to I think I can just yeah I can go through yeah I’m I’m going down are you entering holes God damn it this hurts my eyes if I close my eyes and come back up I don’t know

Are you guys going down the giant hole what why oh I thought you guys already went down there we have now my eyes hurt and I feel twice as nauseous as I used to oh no it’s okay it’s okay makes you have fun nausea oh okay

Nausea has a little treat that’s a deep hole that is a deep hole what what what wow you make sagging signs in a really weird way I was trying to like be cool and show off stuff and I’m sitting here like oh and then I need um stripped logs okay great

I didn’t even know you could hang signs it’s new it is new but it’s like okay I have to strip a bunch of logs now sheesh miss me a cup would you like to know about my second favorite item in Minecraft besides the Lee leash yes please my second favorite item is The

Shield because with the shields you you can’t just get instantly killed by the skeletons anymore that’s true oh that’s so true I didn’t know how to use it but I do have one see M2 like a year right right click your mouse and you hold the shield

Up and then and then it’ll tank the arrow and then and then you end one to to hit the the guy yeah and she’ll back up and then one again and continue until okay I did it I did it you want to know my favorite item in

Minecraft yeah of course look at it hanging signs without it you can do nothing chill that is true I like this you took the phone it’s okay 44. honey is a heck a nerd is she can we make them in like a memory thing for like like a time capsule or

Something now that means so cute that would be cute yeah we just put a we could put like a chest in the ground oh yeah do you have a book there are books and you can write in them actually yes um you can write in the book let’s write in

The book I was gonna show you uh how to get like paper and stuff because actually um getting books is a good way to do enchanting stuff you can take books over to the enchanting table and you can enchant the books and then as you’re enchanting the books you’ll get more

Enchantments to pop up so it’s like a good way to rotate out stuff oh M1 is an interesting way to say left click I mean she you know she’s a valorant girl so to get paper you just have to get sugar cane which is this

And you can just break like the top half of it and it’ll regrow itself And then if you need to replant it then you just right click on the sand it has to be next to water though oh okay wait let me try that yeah okay okay chickens we don’t have chickens we we have like everything else but we don’t have chicken

I think they did all die I think they died because of the foxes didn’t they yeah take out the boxes jumped into the chicken coop and now there’s a bunch of foxes in there oh wait we have a ton of eggs though I was trying to find a feather

Yeah there’s cows you can milk them who’s this guy uh that’s just a random villager who just kind of like ended up here There’s sheep too you can share the Sheep if you have um two pieces of iron then you can make them into shears and then you can Shear the sheets on the sheep and I was just like you know what you can Sean the Sheep yeah that’s true

Yeah what is a horse doing in here it’s getting molested by all the yeah I mean you know you always have to have at least one horse in your sheep pen of course obviously I see very important seems very important okay wait I’m stuck now super important incredibly important

Oh there’s some big lag oh sorry I like me because I’m wandering around a little bit trying to get pink socks ah trying to get ink sacks yeah that’ll be important so if you get um the sugar cane that we got and then you get ink sacks and do you

Need a feather too yeah a feather and then yeah yeah um you can make books so if you take the sugar cane so like a crafting table then I got one of those you put it in a line of three then it’ll make paper thanks honey you’re welcome

You don’t need that went from sugar to oh yeah it can be sugar if you do only one but if you do um three in a row it’ll be paper okay wait can I try and make the paper yeah paper okay I have paper now what do I do with it

So you need leather um to make a book hi cows um we need leather murder I’m sorry you saw your family get murdered it happens you know this is just another Tuesday for them they’re they’re used to it at this point I just said in your chat to me that all

The cows are named moo um um uh they’re uh you know it’s you know don’t worry about it so once you have leather you only need one piece of leather I have a couple over here so you can use well what I just did made leather

Well listen I didn’t see oh here let me do it again for you she’s a visual learner she’s a visual learner see you there it is this leather oh wait can I get it alone you can jump in and get it yeah you also got beef delicious spiff

Okay so you need three pieces of paper and one piece of leather and then you can make a book oh you do okay all right I have three if you just type in book you should be able to there’s zombie oh it’s a drowned oh my God it’s not a

Zombie yeah it’s a water zombie oh he made a book how do I use the book um you agreed it read it you need one that has a feather like a book with a quill attached but we do did you find a feather in it or I did okay good okay so

There is an ink snack and a feather and then a book and that’s all you need for the book and quill yeah you take those and you go back to the crafting table and you put them together wait I have ink you gotta grab my ink it’s her ink

Okay but I thought it was here oh there’s one over here oh I can I can be one right here there’s one there now how many crafting tables do you have Miss honey 42 right now [Applause] yes looking quill ah and then after you make that you can

Just right click it and then you can start writing in it okay you could make yourself a Minecraft diary if you wanted to oh cute can I how many pages can I have I don’t remember but I think it’s like a lot okay um Mia’s Minecraft Diaries

What day is it today okay they can have a hundred pages okay okay today is the the sixth of August when I enter this okay poor Sunny she’s not sure oh sorry sorry you now you have two I was trying to click on my screen again okay okay uh on August 6th

2023. oh yes too today this is so cute wholesome pull some content me how to play Minecraft Minecraft um no don’t get a bullet why are you getting a bow and arrow no I need are you trying to shoot me remember uh Cindy’s teachings very important uh the person with two alpacas

Mostly called alpacas on the server very important all of us according to Cozy must be called alpacas um but but what’s the horse called is it a zombie or a skeleton what hey he’s a Skelly horse his name is Boney mcbone face of course but

But I want to name the actual thing oh the skeleton horse a scary skeleton horse has no ass it’s okay maybe he should have a better ass if he’s doing his best if he’s doing his best he needs a better it’s not enough his best isn’t enough

Can I can I space this out a bit uh you can I think you can shift enter possibly oh okay uh all right I can’t control a this uh I don’t think so I think you can use arrow keys to go up um there is an easier way to do this actually

Technically but it’s it’s less fun to do on stream uh in the next page uh you could use this skeleton horses have no ass I put this in text chat there’s a Minecraft book editor that is technically a little bit easier to use but that’s what I got this again okay um um

Uh what else can I put in the diary uh-huh um honeys favorite block is the crafting table so true so true I don’t I I love tawa mark my territory I have to remind you how to do Critical Hits really quickly Mia um it’s just I just have to remind you okay

How to do create Hits come back here you people I got shot haha you don’t respect the crap why do you hate crafty peoples it’s my Minecraft okay I’m done with my book can I put it somewhere safe oh you could hold on to it for right now that’s actually pretty safe

Um here let me show you another very important lesson um this is a creeper wait where are you oh don’t worry I’m coming oh god oh no I know they explode you can’t you can’t trick me like this I’m not kidding you I’m just bringing it to you you know I

Just want to see what happens oh no I see it I see it in the distance oh there’s a skeleton shooting game yeah I’m trying to get it to kill it actually because if it kills it then I get a music disc uh no it is so there’s a skeleton I will

Protect you I will protect you my shield is on the thing on you watch out okay it’s fine I’m gonna die where did my shield go there it is Oh shoot the skeleton shoot the creeper shoot it I just don’t want to die that’s a mood is it gonna explode um it shouldn’t explode we’re trying to get the skeleton to kill it if the skeleton kills it then we get a music disc out of it oh my God Oh my God here we go you have a you have an arrow on you let’s go let’s go wait Cody look at me for a second what what look at me real quick real quick where are you oh hey can you just jump up Oh I thought you had a dick

What the man it’s like sticking out of the water and I was just like what is this man oh man this is a this is a lightning rod this is a lightning rod yeah it’s just a little copper sort of thing that sticks out of the ground um you can

Put it anywhere that you want lightning to strike so that it doesn’t hit things that are like wooden and set them on fire oh I see you just make them with some copper bars see we got a music disc out of that because the skeleton killed the creeper

So what do I do with it well it can play music but only at a jukebox and I think the only jukebox that we have is this way all the way across the river again oh no this is a terrible place for a lightning rod

Why’d I do that why would you want a lightning rod in the first place this is also oh because um lightning can strike wood and set it on fire and then suddenly you don’t have a house anymore because it was made of wood so realistic I see that don’t sound good what the

Oh that’s smart um my my dad actually says if you put trap doors around the block under the rod you also have a lightning detector so you can see if someone let a storm rage on the server so like if it gets struck then the trapdoors will go down so you

Know that it’s been thundering so that’s kind of cool all right I think the Jukebox should be in here I oh I already burned them mood also there’s this you can technically put your book on a little podium oh that’s fancy wait I gotta take the book you could take the book

Who the heck uh wrote this definitely Shion oh okay this is so pretty yeah Sam built it this was supposed to be like our our um together house our like in for all of us I guess um who’s watching honey oh wait where’s honey what’s honey doing oh God

Is there even a jukebox in here Yes are you doing arson I was thinking Honey’s crafting table house oh yeah okay that sounds good that sounds good no I put my Blood Sweat and Tears into that house I mean you know it’s fine everything from me that I love here is everyone uh I went upstairs I

Was looking for the Jukebox but it seems to have disappeared from this location uh yeah I went up and I thought you went up it went up further hurting yourself with your own fire then you haven’t touched me with it yet like I don’t like hold together no okay all

Right well I’m sorry I’m not constantly committing it hmm I’m a certified arsonist I don’t know where we put the Jukebox I lost it I think that was one outside of the deep dark when we went there was but that’s really far away yeah I don’t know where that is either yeah

They didn’t wear diamonds to make another one I mean I think we do have some diamonds technically do you want to learn how to make a jukebox Mia it was a learning opportunity also um kind of just vague thing if you have a shovel you can like make pathways on grass

You just do right clicks and then you make these little pathways Adorable Adorable how do I use it so I put it like like how to use a sword yeah you can right click it Isn’t there one in the whole oh I think there is one in the Halloween area is it like done for forever yes so I wouldn’t sign it if you want it to be editable still you shouldn’t sign it hold on I think they’re right I think

There is a jukebox in the Halloween area oh true that makes sense what in the world okay just a little pad are you oh that’s probably honey you’re a dog now where’s my dog where’s Jeffrey that’s what I did him right oh I don’t know where your dog is I’m so

Sorry I’m sorry for your loss oh oh okay where did everyone go I’m alone I um I ran away I’m holding pinch oh God my my Tamagotchi is sick oh no my poor boy sorry he’s better now he did poop though this is the portal isn’t it okay I’m

Coming I’m coming I’m on my way can I go in do you see where I am I’m on the other side of the portal he’s so sad oh hi if you swim over here this is the Halloween area that of course oh okay it’s okay I was just grabbing the Jukebox we’re good

MW oh wait oh we’re going back oh yeah I got it I got it okay okay I got it I see I was grabbing the Jukebox so we didn’t have to actually make one but we could play that music here I’ll put it by the portal so we know where it is too

Huh yeah turn around [Laughter] [Laughter] looks like we’re in a cult we are we’re sunny gamer we’re behind the enchantment area sunny we’re dancing it’s working yeah we are wait we have to hold our cult books oh yeah of course of course of course you’re right you’re so right It’s got cold though is that is that what is that our thing though we yeah you guys want to make a cult yeah I guess so yeah I’m down to make a cult that sounds good how I was kind of always a cult I mean that’s true that’s true

I can’t prove otherwise so Teddy come join our girl I’m ready I’m ready I am listening can you hear the music I can okay good this is a jam yeah light is pretty good it’s not a bad song there’s a couple of uh other discs that you can get also

From the nether Mia one of them is called big one of them is called Pig step and it’s like probably the most popular Minecraft song especially because it was when it first came out uh a bunch of YouTubers were getting copyright Struck from using it it was funny

I didn’t know that was a thing yeah do you want to see inside the nether I think this is just gonna take us to the nether ceiling I don’t think this is actually going to take you to the real nether I think this just takes you to the roof oh really yeah

So you don’t have to leave our stuff yeah this just takes you to the roof this is the roof of the nether yeah the creative one this one’s different the nether does have a roof it’s uh it’s made of Bedrock technically you can’t actually break it um but I did

So take that world like a boss because I’m the best oh that goes to my old house I broke the game is it just like an endless void yeah on top like this yeah it is where did you make how’d you make the track uh well I mean I I placed it

And then I’ve got some chests over here where I’m planning to make um another um slime not slime Frog Light Farm where you you basically there’s these slimes they’re like lava slimes and they eat frogs and then they spit out these lights so this is my chest that has a bunch of

Supplies in it to make my frog light Farm once I actually get around to it made your Resort yeah there’s a lot of things you can do in this game a lot of them don’t even make sense those are mushrooms for some reason mushrooms spawn on top

Of the nether don’t really know why okay the frogs eat the baby cubes true fair you’re right the frogs eat the cubes and spit out lights not the cubes eat the frogs oh how do I build that what is that that was the portal to my house technically

Can I can I take it yeah you could look at it if you want to stop talking like a dog Yeah you’re decorating with frog poop exactly where the heck are we in the middle of nowhere it is pretty dark here wait we can sleep what if we put our Minecraft beds next to each other Aha oh wait okay yeah I didn’t know if that was actually gonna work since Nene is here oh what nothing don’t worry about it um yeah up there is what I was I was making a house it was it’s a tree you can’t really see it from here though

Hold on let me try Zoom no I see it I see I see like the blue your little there are a layers up there yeah they’re chilly yeah they’re hanging out mmm I even see how do you get up there you use the water oh wait what there’s a waterfall I’m about

To start yeah when I spawned in I was at the bottom of that mountain and I just scaled it wait really if we you climbed your ass all the way up there oh wow yeah I just used the waterfall that was one how do I go up you just hold space okay

And it lets you ascend it’s a pretty good view up here um yeah if you poke your head out the side then you’ll get a little bit of air on the way up I found almost dead yeah you should be getting air like that should be good

She didn’t drown she didn’t drown on Papa she’s fine I’m okay I’m okay what’s this Ah that’s that is a cartography table which is actually a good thing to grab while we’re here so we could technically use that to make maps I did I did

So Maps take uh you need Redstone for it so we’re probably gonna have to grab that cartography table and go back over to the other area but this is very helpful for maps because it makes them a lot cheaper to make I think you picked it up

Oh I did yeah I did okay what do I do with it well let’s go back through the portals and meet back up with everybody and okay we can make maps together because I don’t think Nene has really made Maps either no I don’t know how um really yeah I’m also taking this probably one of the last things I can do before I feel like I’m about to pass out that is fair but I mean I think this is a good uh Basics kind of thing like making a map getting yourself actually wait do you want to

Ride a minecart I have a cart go ahead and if you put your cart on the tracks um put your car in the tracks get in it and then hit the button bye Um Um uh Redstone and iron and paper but I have paper That’s just another portal feel like I’m on a field trip I know true interesting which classes are without this point and then I just put the cards back in here okay yeah this doesn’t really show you the true nether in all of its Glory but this is a safer nether

We’ll have to show you the nether next time we should make you your first house and stuff like that that would be fun not this time but the moving still happening yes next weekend so next weekend we’re actually gonna have some of us get together and we’re

Gonna I’m gonna hand out maps for like a small area in the new place and then um we’re gonna have 10 minutes to go rush around and find places that we want to live that are within the map space and then we have one hour to build a house

In that area and then uh we can figure out who built the best house I get to redo my house later yeah yeah you don’t have to keep it it’s just like a starter house it’s just to get us going all right no worries all right where’s Nene

We went back to the storage place Um oh too many rocks oh I picked it up it’s all right okay I’ll follow Miss Nene because I trust her sense of direction I’m hold on I’ll try and find them hold on hold on me hold on I’ll find them the storage houses in this direction oh my God oh my God

See this is why we need Maps maps are so freaking helpful where’s Mia she ran off oh you went upstairs oh yeah I went explode oh there’s nothing up there close too all right um here you can have some dark oak oh my

God oh my God oh my oh my God I didn’t know how much you needed oh my God well not that much I don’t even have that much inventory space okay here give me a like a stack of iron oh oh okay there we go all right here

Um you can take half of this stack and half of this stack so um you have to make compasses first so if you go to a crafting table then you put the Redstone in the middle and then you put the iron in the center slots on all four sides so like the top

Center the left Center Etc and then you’ll make a uh Compass yeah wait can I have can I have one as well yes hold on oh my God thank you so much nice so I’m making a couple I’m gonna make like four compasses because you actually need a couple to get

Um bigger better maps and stuff so I made a couple compasses and then you need paper do you have paper I used it up I have paper here’s some for you Cindy thank you so much so if you take your oh okay uh oh if you

Take your compass and your paper oh me I got that can someone take this I don’t know what it is and it scares me you know it’s just an ominous Banner it’s fine it’s okay you’re fine it’s just awesome uh if you take your paper will you take your paper and you take

Your compass and if you go into the crafting table and you just type in map it should like take you to the recipe for an empty map I see empty map okay do I click it I want it yep okay I have is honey burning what is Honey doing what

Are you burning things down oh I don’t think I have any more people oh wait no I still have a couple I gave them all my paper oh you’re wait I thought someone well she made one she’s holding one okay how do I how do I make it again I’m

Just tell you uh if you just type in empty map or something in the sidebar then I’ll bring it up I found it let’s go so you all have Maps now yeah if you right click them then it’ll immediately just make a map for the area that you’re in

But it’s it’s pretty close up right so you can actually Zoom it out Mia if you put down the cartography table that’s like the main thing that you’d want to use to increase your mat size so you usually put um hold on I need to get more paper

I have paper I got 23. it’s okay there’s some extra sugar cane in here uh make some extra paper speaking of bombs there’s a Minecraft mod that lets you use nukes don’t tell honey that what are you doing oh really no no no no no nah they’re lying it’s not true

Cat lies a lot yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s such a it’s such a lie yeah that’s fair okay I understand wow you’re such a lie so if you take your map and you put it in the top slot on the cartography table and then you take a piece of paper and

You put on the bottom slot it’ll increase the map size buy one and you can actually yeah you just take it out and it’ll actually be able to increase up to four sizes uh but the fourth is kind of big like you can go ahead and try and make yourself the biggest size

Map if you want to but you’ll you’ll probably never fill it in This way oh my god oh oh yeah they’re pretty cool um also if it gets too annoying to like have to look down at it and stuff you can actually open your inventory oh did you what hold it where are you where’d you go oh my God that was scary

Oh there you are hello what was that probably a creeper hole looks like it Yeah or somebody dug this it’s fine um so if you if you actually um if you get tired of like looking down at it like this then you can hold it in your off hand you just have to do that you just have to open your inventory and there’s like

A little icon with a shield in it on the right side of your body near your feet and then you just have it up so you never have to worry and also no it works with maps too it also works with torches technically which with off Define you can actually have the Torches

Glowing and like lighting up the area around you when it’s in your off hands pretty good So if everyone who had a map comes back over to the um storage area there’s also something else you can do with maps that’s really cool on my way back I got more people got more what oh more paper nice yeah hell yeah I’m here so the coolest thing

That you can do with maps actually um I’m gonna use this ominous Banner as uh an example if you take your map and you hold it in your normal hand and you right click the banner then it’ll put it on your map wait what oh like a like a little point you just

Have to hold your map and right click the banner and if you name the banners oh is it not working for you that’s it I saw it for a second oh a map in the left and the shield spot okay I can’t understand oh no it can be in the

Normal slot not really yeah I think if you’re holding a shield it gets I think if you’re holding a shield it gets annoying that makes sense I clicked the bottom of it not the top and it worked oh it’s been added it worked yeah I think it’s because you were

Holding a shield so it was just like putting the shield up okay um so if you name your banner on an anvil then you’ll actually see whatever you write on it so you can write like Cozy’s house or like Mia’s house or stuff on a banner and then Mark it

And everybody that has the same map can see all of the markers that are on it you can copy Maps if you go to the cartography table and you take an empty map and you put an empty map in the bottom slot then it’ll copy the map that

You’re working with instead of making it bigger how do people so I usually take these item frames and you um you put them on like a wall somewhere and you put your map piece on it and you just slowly build out wait how do they get it so perfect this

Is so big you just you have to run around and fill in the entire map it takes forever we haven’t killed the dragon yet but I want to make them kill the dragon with me I was pumped and ready why are you making TNT what are you making TNT for honey honey our next house I want to make a new sewer system with TNT it would just be faster I am being completely rational I want to make a gun for all of our poop and then

I want to lick it oh my God that doesn’t sound like a sewer system that sounds like a Cave System like a like a gremlin cave or something a little rat if you will maybe a little Ratatouille sleep it’s not really financially about what I’d say the other day where I was like

Dude the worst thing about the villain in Russia is that he just doesn’t want to eat food cooked by her rat S I think we do need three people sleeping uh I will attempt to find a vet my inventory we need half the people that are online sleeping of course honey

Is asking if the rat Goblin tunnels oh my God hi cozy hi yeah you were just inside of me you know it’s fine I am hot Cheyenne I liked it nice what the way you describe it makes it sound like you just want to learn you know what what’s wrong with that

Yeah what’s wrong with that honey it’s so valid that’s normal okay I’m feeling kind of icky now yeah this is on your first celebration I don’t want to make you play Forever for Mia has motion sickness so I am dying she is dead I learned a lot though so thank you yeah

I think that that’s pretty much like the basic stuff that you would want to know like how to make a map um how to do like the smelting sort of stuff things like that that oh that’s really all you really need to play Minecraft and then everything else is like extra

She’s a Minecrafter now hey thank you I didn’t really do anything no you didn’t wait is there anything you want to learn Sunny yes okay I’m glad as long as you take that information out from here you’ll do great in Minecraft true true true true so true yeah okay Hold on love you I love you poor sick Mia unlockers But is there anything you want to learn anything I’m happy to have learned how to make a map I know right maps are like my favorite thing dude I think that was a really good I wish you could have like a mini mop in the top left you can with certain mob mods

Technically we could try and figure out if there’s like a good mini map mod that we can get on here it’s just hard since we we have like the latest version yeah I heard it on doesn’t work with with other mods sometimes yeah and that sounds like a lot of work yeah

Sandwiches whatever this is fine do my best just carry a couple Maps I stopped playing Minecraft that much whenever the Villager update really came out I think is like around that time so I don’t know anything up then and after that the villagers stopped wait did you see my villager Marketplace

Yeah I the it’s great it’s amazing I it’s so efficient like it doesn’t look like our horrible creepy cells that don’t work hey the cells would work they would work you just need to you know you need to lock them in there like full you can’t have them wandering around like

That it’s a whip in progress It’s a whip once we have our new crafting table home um in the new area because you know um it has to craft table uh we will make a new underground layer with a new Village in it and a new Death Pit the

TNT is actually for the Death Pit I’m gonna be honest I didn’t want to dig that again so I wanted TNT for it that’s fair so okay let’s make you a bow yeah oh thanks for the swords I’m a Raider this is mine my battle equipments uh okay so to make

A bow you just need you need string which I think would be in this chest yeah there’s a couple string in there already oh what are you doing oh you’re right clicking the item frame if you click the item frame it just rotates the item so I think you need all three string

And then only oh it’s okay in here yeah and then you need sticks which here’s some sticks thank you and that’ll make the bow and then you need um how do you make it like a better bow uh you just enchant it oh yeah you can go trade for a crossbow

Oh my God Haley that’s true you could get a crossbow so how many arrows is a good amount to have on hand a lot of arrows you can buy a crossbow that is Enchanted with um endless yeah so yeah there’s a specific enchantment that you can get

Where you only have to hold one arrow and then that’ll give you as many as you want forever how do I find this this mysterious villager um there’s some arrows in here by the way if you want to just grab those for right now can I take them yeah yeah oh

My God penny is now an Archer yeah foreign let’s go to the Villager markets they might have one over there I think I did make some Fletcher villagers every time I hear that horn I think there’s gonna be a Goblin Raid somehow I mean what are we

Yeah it’s not a bunch of goblins where am I going this way anymore hi honey don’t fall in the hole I’ve been building TNT oh Goblin Deez Nuts Oh oh she’s so cute so that was the entire joke God I love Sunny God I love when sunny oh God I love Philly I love when sunny hey don’t you just love when seti does I just love sunny I love one Sunny guys Oh and you can Mark uh multiple places so like technically there’s a banner here too so if you got your map you could like right click that too and then you’d have multiple markers on it pretty good pretty good oh wait you’re so right oh my god wow oh my God now I

Have an island that’s why there’s random banners all over the place yeah I named the banners and I had them on my maps and stuff I’m so smart can you zoom uh no um with OptiFine you can yeah if you have OptiFine They’re in the villagers are they down the stairs uh no they’re over here again why are you what are you I got stuck don’t go into the graves you silly Graves yeah wait what they’re grapes yeah that’s where the zombies live I did not realize that um but it says I don’t read

Fair enough to be fair that was open I don’t know why it was open somebody must have fallen in already I think your wheels need some wd-40. hahaha oh oh Sunny fell I like them squeaky just the way they Yarn yeah my bare Wheels just wait until Mia learns about things

Like daylight sensors and like okay so we just crossbow and then Auto Farms yeah so we can actually go upstairs there’s a couple of Fletcher villagers up here oh I don’t know how many of them yeah uh leather worker here’s a Fletcher okay this guy sells crossbows and stuff he

Actually also sells bows Um I never knew there were ones there’s another one over here too that sells other I didn’t really get them with anything good unfortunately but here let me give you some Emerald Sunny so you can buy some stuff yay did I just buy the crossbow and

That’s it whoa if you want it’s up to you oh my God this guy has has a crossbow with an enchantment piercing too and Unbreaking teal is that the enchantments I want or is it another one you want Infinity but we can go downstairs and

Buy you infinity too so you can get that too if you wanted without any enchantments no you can get the ones with enchantments you can have uh multiple what did you do not letting in a layout I wouldn’t do that down the stairs what are you doing

Did not know you had a lays in there um whoa what are you doing um I didn’t know that they were I just saw that said up and down so I thought it was okay to go up and down I mean it is away no I didn’t no I didn’t oh well then

It’s probably following me yeah it is it’s following me well that’s good okay I got him you can just tie him to a poll it doesn’t really matter we’ll come back for him someday it’s fine they’re kind of useless yeah it was really pretty down there thanks

In the hole yeah all right Sonny if you come out front Um this guy sells infinity books uh which are basically what you’re looking for also before the next update we might want to buy a bunch of mending books from him because apparently they’re gonna make it so you can’t actually get mending books if your villagers aren’t living in a swamp

I don’t know they’re just they’ve just decided that they’re gonna make books based on biomes now oh I think you need a book too oh yeah yeah wait did I you can trade him for books though yeah that’s true you can buy bookshelves and then break it and then I’ll get books yeah

You might need more emeralds I’m not sure um but what’s one of the really good Emerald trades for like is it sticks or iron iron that’s why we have the Iron Golem Farm we had that prior but yeah well that was why we built it okay so I want Infinity yeah and you

Also you should probably buy bookshelves and then break them to get more books if you don’t have books on you oh I need a book yeah okay I I have acquired one book I don’t have enough for an enchanting oh I got you I said book Infinity I got you

Wait you just stopped oh my God thank you so much okay wait how do I how do I break the bookshelf so I put it on the floor and then break it yeah yeah okay and then what’s your hiss your fist you break it hissed I got three

Three also good yeah mending is the thing that I was talking about earlier where like if you um if you have it in your hand and you get experience then it um increases the durability it makes it go back up again is there a max amount of Enchantment something can have

Kind of yeah people don’t normally he has two on it so does that mean it can’t get a fourth one No it should be able to get four people don’t normally hit the max it’s pretty generous oh I don’t have enough gems for the second ones I will go oh it’s okay I

Have more I have more someone’s clean I was holding so many oh wait um there you go I am so fed and moisturized and in my Lane thank you so much now you’re the Archer Mane that you always deserve to be Oh did I go back to that other oh you have to go actually an anvil in here Yeah there’s an anvil right here yeah yeah so if you put your crossbow in on the right slot and then your book on the left slot it should work might be the other way around but first um it says there’s an x on it oh wait what’s the other enchantment that’s on

It it has piercing and Unbreaking piercings you an Unbreaking too so and it’s not letting me add infinity really huh um we try switching the location of the book in the bow yeah like in their little slots because sometimes I think it’s funky do you have levels

Oh I’m only level four ah that could be it here hand it to me I’ll do it real quick for you oh my god clean let me hold on I need to I have I’m holding so many emeralds oh yeah um are you what what the why are

You what the a little pain in it are you all right are you all right Queen I’m mad at myself I keep running around in circles um I’m just trying to enchant a bow and so I went back can you even do anything with with the emerald blocks of emerald

Uh I mean they’re kind of just like um no you can uh what’s the thingy that you do in a circle and uh it makes a little power or Power Tower it’s like a little pyramid what are they called uh it’s uh beacons yeah yeah I think that’s the only actual use

It looks like this bow can’t have Infinity on it so I guess we’ll get you a normal bow I didn’t think that piercing or Unbreaking would stop Infinity but I guess so is it because did you buy it from a Trader maybe you can’t add it yeah but

You can put mending on it still so it’s just the infinity I just didn’t think piercing or some enchants do stop you from being able to put others on but oh can you not Infinity a crossbow wait what I thought you could oh can you not can you put Infinity on a

Crossbow in Minecraft you can play um infinite oh infinity and mending are mutually exclusive you can only put one on huh oh oh so it’s because of mending well it wasn’t on there yeah is it Unbreaking maybe I don’t know but I was just trying to do it on a

Blank crossbow I just got a blank crossbow and that didn’t work either it shouldn’t be Unbreaking I think it’s probably piercing because it’s also like an arrow related thing maybe mmm not all crossbow enchants are on bows and not all bow and chance are on my on um crossbows so you can’t actually

Put Infinity on a crossbow you could put it on a bow so we could put mending on your crossbow and then we could get you a normal bow that has Infinity on it wait and then will the Bell be unable to have mending yeah but you can always get

You can always make more bows and then combine them in a uh an anvil and that’ll raise the durability ah So that’s an easy way to do it here’s an affinity bow to test out thank you I’m so excited okay okay so so I just so okay oh no it’s okay you’re using the bow so it should be infinite right sure I still have 23. okay let me go find an enemy

It is nighttime to test my medal there’s got to be some at the corner like over here by the the railway oh my God the turtles hatched oh my God oh they’re going into the water that’s so cute They hatched more they’re all hatching at once they’re hatching currently right now yes also my Tamagotchi is out of happiness I have to I must attend to him here my boy have a dolphin floaty oh Phantoms the perfect thing to use a bow on quick City there’s so many touches

Down here oh yeah there’s a lot of turtles in there I left it’s okay take two okay take four let’s go you can do it Not hitting I think you need to aim a little bit about wait yeah I think you have to go a little bit above it’s it does have a weight Turtles yeah um seagrass I think thank you I must do something how come they aren’t like slipping down to like

Actually if I’m here they hate you just hack us they usually do yeah I don’t know why they’re not actually I’m kind of surprised I have not hit a single one of these I am glad I have Infinity okay I’m sorry son don’t look at me so

Angry like that here have some soup yum how about how about some clams you love clam chowder here you go my poor son he’s just having a moment I’m not kelp not kelp seagrass seagrass is in rivers and I think you can get it with shears

I will return to testimony at my new pockets bow and arrow soon but I think I’m gonna go around and get some dinner okay that’s fair we’ll see you guys next time bye bye Adorable Precious Precious Queen 10 out of 10. he’s a squeaky wheel cutest squeaky wheel well now it’s just us again now it’s just the people who actually play Minecraft all the time oh it’s just us again this is us again is there anything you people want to learn oh

Why do you say it like that you you people you you did generous um I mean honestly I feel like I don’t know a lot of the newer stuff but it’s true pretty good grasp of like Basics and stuff that the yeah yeah when I did play yeah

I feel like I’m just constantly learning yeah pretty much there’s always new stuff that’s happening I wonder if we could find a camel do you think we could find a camel should we go on an adventure maybe oh actually if you guys want to help me

Make maps for um the thing next week uh I do need to make maps for that because I wanted to make everyone the same map that was all the same size so that we could all like go move around in the same area and see each other because if you’re all holding

The same map you can actually see each other on the map oh wait how do you how do you uh it’s paper in a compass a compass okay that’s what it is so yeah a bunch of iron a bunch of redstone wait how many maps are we making just the

Time getting any a dog ah how many people are even coming I think there’s okay I think Pia is coming um honey um Nene are you coming uh am I I don’t know if you want to you could oh sure all right so you um me I’ll need one um

Um so I think Sunny is coming do you know if all five Kawa wait it is pasta coming I don’t think Mia is coming okay Mia is thinking about it but she does get motion sick and uh it’s a lot yeah I can only imagine okay okay yeah pasta is coming so okay

It’s like um six of us I think no Mia is not coming probably I don’t know she might come to like like watch but we could make her an extra map just in case so like seven then okay wait who’s the wait who’s the other person you

Oh yeah so right now I’m at cozy Pia honey pasta me and that’s five are there any stuff that’s gonna be oh Monty’s coming I think Monty said he might come okay I’ll put Monty as a question mark and then also yes use a photography table I have

A cartography table I just we just pulled it over here too so we’ve got it nearby oh he loves cotton candy oh honey drowned one two three four five six yeah so maybe seven maybe a honey pasta I didn’t miss am I missing someone I’m gonna feel so bad wait Sunny oh my God you did you missed any oh my God how could you I think Sunny is also probably gonna like mostly spectate but oh okay so but she can have a map too

Because it’s good to have maps for even the people who aren’t like gonna be doing this stuff because then they can like go around and be like oh so the Honey’s over here or something okay I’ll put the three question marks for the people that still need Maps yeah yeah okay yeah

One two three four eight six seven eight yeah eight left okay okay so my slime is so needy um okay compass I sold all my iron that’s a mood somebody needs to like sit near that and like Let It build up iron and stuff another really good one that I

Uh I remembered now from the last time I was on the server uh it’s Clay I think it’s for clay for uh one Emerald I think which four Clay is just one clay block that you do they just lay eggs themselves oh the turtles yeah they um you you feed them uh

Uh what’s it called wow stop dying what are you doing I’m feeding the turtles because I want more babies um you feed them if you feed two of them they’ll breed and then they’ll go back up to the sand and then they’ll start digging around in the sand to try and

Make a make the babies and if it works then they’ll the eggs will pop up just don’t walk on the eggs because it might crack them how long do they take to hatch a long time wait now we need eight okay six six um

Oh my God oh my God you’re making a lot huh how did a villager get in here how did you what huh oh my God there’s so many why is there a villager he’s gonna break the turtle eggs get out of here you wait is it just they’ve made eggs yay Oh they’re trying to make more but I think that the these Turtles were born on the same spot so they’re trying to make eggs in the same place and it’s not really working for them okay I have nine Maps just one for spare I guess because I need too many um so

Um we have to go to the area that we want to put the maps uh and we’re probably gonna want to take the cartography table with us so that we can we just make one map um increase its size and stuff like that and then we just copy it with the empty Maps

Okay um I’ll get some extra paper should we bring banners as well yeah I wanted to get everyone a banner that matched them so everyone had like their own color dibs blue uh there’s a ton of different Blues right there are yeah you you we share a house that’s fair

Let’s see does this make I think this makes magenta die you know that makes magenta die I don’t know what color I want I don’t think you’re not going to be purple I mean I don’t think that there is a purple like not a a good purple it’s like deep

Purple you can’t do lavender I wish they added the thing for that yeah that’s why I wanted to use like the lavender thing that I had but so um my power went out oh oh dang okay okay all right all right that’s uh that’s sudden uh that happened oh my god

Um it keeps happening I don’t know why this is like I think it’s because it’s the summer time and I have fans on and my only where I am only my bedroom the power goes out uh rest in peace recipe okay well thank you guys for having me

And soon we’ll build houses together and then we can just like go back to regularly playing Minecraft again because we’ll be in the new area I’m blessed okay soon go ahead bye honey I love you well rest in peace it’s fine how’s the crafting going good everybody else already left but we’re um

Setting up for like an event that we’re doing next week so we’re baking or baking we’re making everybody maps and then we’re gonna make everybody uh banners that match their color probably and um we’re we’ll go out and find places to live and then we’ll mark them on the map

With the banners it’ll be great yeah um you can’t dye banners after you already make them right I think you can with a loom possibly uh um um I have like we have a loom in the other house if that’s possible but I forget I don’t

Okay in Java Edition once the banner is crafted you can’t change it the base color at least all right I’ll just gather a bunch of wool and some dye and then we need and now I can believe Nene for honey it’s true it’s true I can you’re true but you’re so true you’re

You’re so nice right right am I uh I mean everyone else but really because we should talk you all the time I mean wow I I can’t believe this I stand up for you are they yeah remember when rayless was bullying you and I thought that he

Didn’t know you so he was just bullied oh yeah I stood up for you I I did what was right it probably she called my head big last time I was answering you called my head big first how dare you what is this slander I mean I’ll get the wool I I I’ll go get some shears and grab it from the Sheep okay pretty do you want to go are you trying to fight me right now what is this huh it just means you have more intelligent thoughts in your brain I see at least you don’t have a big forehead um it’s going back to my summer outfit you’re all jerks I hate you look my head’s not big anymore is it chat you bastards do you wanna go did it what you trying to fight me you’re you you you you you

You come here get over here come on I’ll fight you right now come here come on I don’t I don’t know where you are I’m blending in you will never find me man man I’m not getting the Muppet model out no Muppet I do have a muppet yeah that’s true

That’s true it’s true yeah yeah are you sure yeah no yeah you’re saying that it’s true no it’s true it’s true it’s true it’s true no it’s true it’s true yeah no I I do I have one I have one I just can’t show you

Um it’s uh it went out to get milk oh yeah it’s girlfriends at another school yeah I see it okay yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s um you know it’s it’s like uh it’s a muppet um that can only come around um when you’re not here yeah uh yeah this is that Nano

It’s just a sheep what are you talking about I I’m like over by the house um why isn’t this sheep getting naked when I try to Shear it are you I’m scared [Laughter] trying to take my skin off I’m trying to sell your skin no no that’s not real oh my God

Come here it scares me everything oh God earlier already get over here oh God This Is War I can’t believe this I’m being bullied this is what Kawa stands for yes two of their talents bullying me in one day yes well I see how it is

Okay what kind of uh what color what color dyes do we even need um we need light blue for honey that should be easy enough to get we just need bone meal pretty much oh I’m gonna go grab a meal I think there’s some in the yeah there’s

Like four Stacks I think I saw it earlier by accident nice um I just noticed the smiling friends pick if she speaks I know right oh we you know what it is smiling friends oh yeah wait does honey not wait what or do you did you not

Did I not work no what it is no I know I mean I know what smiling friends is I just my brain didn’t connect the the drawing that I have is my my thingy thingy oh yeah it wasn’t it was a ych and it was just a wrinkle wrinkle emote a wrinkle

Yeah very wrinkly actually it looks like there’s already light bulb light blue light blue wool over here so hell yeah okay that makes it easier oh from the Kawa W probably oh probably um so we need pink or uh pasta probably we need I guess technically Mia’s color has been

Yellow with us I don’t know if she’ll she’ll want yellow or if she’ll want like something else oh I found three full stacks of Blake oh my God okay wow we have a lot of that yeah okay we’re never gonna have to dye that then okay cool um let’s see

All my inventory so I’m making pink uh That’s it not this oh I need to turn the of course of course I need to turn the bone meal and just okay I made pink okay Um we can make green for Monty that we need cactus we have cactus do we live near any deserts there’s deserts near the new place but I don’t think there’s any deserts near here oh then we can just get cactus there I guess it’s fine I’ll get yellow for Mia for

Now we can probably change it later if needed um so that’s pink for pasta live food for honey yellow for Mia we’ll figure out green for Monty can we get green in a different way I think we can um uh I feel like we hmm Green

Oh I can’t do it guys let’s see uh green I could technically find it in desert house chests but oh but not other like plants um green dye is Cactus in any fuel or lime dye is sea pickles in any fuel oh wait that should be pias do you think

She would want that lime color yeah well is there a teal uh uh is there I feel like dye colors there is a teal oh yeah yeah there’s a teal so we can give Pia the teal unless well pickle green or I can just give her a pickle as a

Present we can do see pickle color for it let’s do it because we’ll do live green for her okay so we’ll do okay pink for pasta yellow for Mia um lime green for Pia Light Blue for honey I guess I’ll take purple you guess I guess Sunny probably Orange

Oh I can make that right now um uh where’s another hips in the yellow okay I can make the orange right now and what’s up what else who else is coming let’s see what was the list multimedia you what color do you want oh I’ll be in Honey’s house so it

Doesn’t matter also she took the color I wanted so it’s okay fair I mean you could do teal I I am good the Teal’s pretty nice you know well why don’t you do teal uh I just you know I just want to leave it for you what about uh what about magenta you

Could do magenta is there a speck of magenta on me what about uh White there’s whites you can do white I’m pure and innocent and white or like the like the snow like snow yeah and you’re a ghost so it’s perfect White what I’ll tell you whoa okay

That is dark blue oh she could be dark blue too yeah that’s true it’s true it’s true dark blue is pretty nice it’s a good color actually I mean yeah but it’s kind of like it’s like the same thing with your purple it’s it’s dark blue it’s too dark

Yeah I want like a light purple but they don’t have it I don’t understand why they don’t have light purple in this game yeah like they have an agenda why would they make magenta but not light purple light purple’s like the most normal color they literally have flowers in the right

Color a lot of them too yeah and then if you if you grab it it’s magenta it’s magenta I hate it man okay wait so we have so we have blue not to make any other blue flower or I need to make a blue flower rather no no

No because remember we have all of the blue wolf no but I need a blue flower for the purple so oh oh okay um okay I think this area only makes red and yellow yeah can you make orange with the red and yellow yeah I made Orange I have pink yellow orange

Um and the light blue that I found okay okay you’ve wait you’ve got pink yellow Orange we’ll make Monty the teal one normal green too technically magenta eye magenta eyes it’s fine it’s his color clearly hold on let me look at the seed map and see if there’s any deserts that we can

Get to yeah so wait okay blue pink yellow orange and then dark green because there’s two different greens um yeah we can give them the Dark One there’s a desert near my house I think that’s that might be the closest desert oh that’s where I spawned in I

Forgot about that did you spawn in the desert yeah remember at the beginning I was like running back oh I didn’t know you were in the desert huh yeah I literally had to scale the entire mouth I didn’t think to just die and then spawn back because I’m a fool okay uh

Uh I’m gonna drop random stuff in this chest because I don’t need it oh I’m holding it probably because we were going on an adventure or something I don’t know yeah we’re going to before we were adventuring and then we we stopped yeah okay come here let’s go to my house

Uh okay hold on there we go we can also make lime green with um uh green I think and why it’s either white or yellow I’m just gonna grab one of these just in case wait green and white and wait what I think green and white will make lime green

Oh like the darker over yeah okay the fact that they had a trick to spawn a rainbow sheep that dropped regular boring wool overs yeah that’s so annoying I wanted rainbow wool I forgot about it isn’t it the is it the Jeb sheep or is he I think it the Jeb

Sheep is is that the rainbow one or is that the one that goes upside down no it’s dinnerbone that’s upside down okay yeah so it’s Jeb that’s rainbow yeah I got you uh a minecart too oh oh oh oh thank you I’ll smack into you huh

Loser oh no I’m so slow oh no you’re fine oh I can hear gas wait do they spot up here not up here only down below which is kind of funny where does that portal weed that one that one’s the one that I made when I

Got up to the Bedrock roof the first time around because the way that you have to do it is horrifying I needed two TNT um I think I needed a trap door I needed a bunch of obsidian and then I had to get up to right before Bedrock I had to

Look diagonally uh and I had to try and like place down a block at the exact right moment and set off TNT and then it would glitch me through blocks and it was a lot it was just are you actually a Minecraft speedrunner in Disguise no I was trying to break the

Bedrock so I didn’t ever have to worry about doing the stupid stuff to get through um but I didn’t break it properly I need to make a TNT farm so that I can actually break the Bedrock properly and we have the um I have a boat what’s

It called the the gunpowder Farm but we haven’t been standing by it so it hasn’t made anything we need to make a bunch of those farms near the new area so that we just have them right next to us so that while we’re playing normally they’re just there

I guess we can use all this nice wool to make banners for everything else that’s true we could but then everything will be light blue it’s fine it doesn’t it has the the names of stuff so as long as true oh this Minecraft music is so creepy you’re creepy look you

Listen it’s one of the new ones it’s kind of eerie I didn’t say I didn’t like it yeah it’s like oh I think I’ve heard the one that you’re talking about I actually like that one it’s it’s pretty but it’s it’s a little it was a little creepy it sounded kind

Of like uh that cave noise actually there’s probably sea pickles right over here so we could probably just grab one of those too I see Cactus over there already really yeah I don’t know how to get a sea pickle oh you have to find one of these tropical biomes

Underwater there’s one right over here so you’ll see it when we get we’re right over top of it almost oh with all the coral yeah oh my god oh sorry sit in your face it’s um smacking my chin but I don’t even think about the fact that I have a cape most

Of the time also yeah I think we did teach her well I think um she’s learned a lot of the most basic stuff at least for Minecraft so we’re probably good yeah well we have one pickle to burn and one pickle to give her as a gift to burn yeah we have

To burn it to make the dye Oh Oh I thought you just meant like because you don’t like it or something well that too I mean I’m happy to burn pickles because I hate them but what what is there a camel nearby I want to see a camel oh God Raiders

Oh wait like stream or not not stream Raiders like they’re over there oh I see yeah but aggressively studying oh man good luck I listen I’ll burn as many pickles as I want to because pickles I hate them did you know apparently Monty was also like me and used to hate

Pickles and then apparently because Pia talked about them all the time he tried more pickles again and likes them now wait really yeah it’s really cute he’s green he is green he is a pickle never thought I’d hear something worse than pickles now they’re getting burned okay that would smell cooked pickles

No burnt pickles mmm I feel like I could accomplish that on accident a burnt pickles how no I are you okay no I’m not I forgot the boat I need a home ec class I want to see a camel I just want to see one just just give me one camel game

I’ll go home afterwards just I don’t want to see one this one just let me take a little take a little look I’m so curious as to what they look like compared to the L wait the the alpacas yeah yeah they look a lot different oh they’re um they’re big old boys and

They have a couple of humps on them and stuff and I guess it you might need a saddle but two people can ride them I don’t know if you need two saddles or just one wait what two people can ride it yeah but it’s it’s also slower than a horse

So oh and it can also jump it has like a leap skill you can like jump over Cliffs and stuff with it it’s kind of neat wait a cliff jumping for a desert and wait is that a real like in real life can they just I I guess camels can leap

Pretty far apparently yeah but I don’t really know why they can I it does seem a little bit strange huh yeah well like like in Sandy terrains are there a lot of cliffs in real life I I I don’t know I don’t I don’t think so that’s what I would think

I feel like it’s just a bunch of sand yeah that’s what I would expect yeah I mean it’s desert after all that is very odd is it deserts the camels even spawn in I’ve ever actually checked hold on I’m gonna look oh wait maybe it’s the is it the Mesa

Possibly well I mean we’re in uh a badlands right now at least camel passive mob found in desert villages we have to find a village out here I want it that is so they’re Village creatures oh are they like cats wait is that lava in the distance yes yes desert villages

I don’t think there’s a desert village near here I think there’s a normal village off in this direction but I don’t think there’s a desert one it’s like a savannah Village is this close to the area with the where the new spawn is or no no it’s in the opposite direction

Maybe we’ll find one over there there is a desert down below that area so we could try that I don’t think there’s a village in it though let me look um oh there’s a creeper um sorry I’m wearing netherite armor so I was trying to get behind you to like

Help and you just smacked me what did I yeah I think you were trying to get the creeper but I uh I had alt tabbed so I was trying to click back on my screen again great self-defense selling sorry I’m wearing another right so I’m I’m like indestructible right now oh

You’re the tank can wandering Traders have camels now wait oh really I don’t think so I think it’s still just the llamas isn’t it how long has the server been updated uh for a little while um about uh two months I think oh wait what to 1.20 yeah oh I

I didn’t even realize that 1.20 was yeah now it’s 1.20.1 damn 1.20 was when the cherry blossoms happened oh no okay so I have been on the server since then I think I just didn’t know about the Camel stuff yeah camels are new bamboo you can use bamboo to make bamboo wood now

I was wondering the the the the point of bamboo well it didn’t really have a purpose before but I mean it did it was to make scaffolding but now you can actually make like bamboo wood out of it and you can make rafts

Do I not have a shield no I don’t I also don’t have a shield we should have built Shields oh well we also should have built more boats or like brought the boat with us when we left the water like I was thinking about doing is fine hindsight is 20 20.

It’s all fine camels have specialized teeth and lips to effortlessly effortlessly eat spiny cacti wait so does that mean in the game that they’re gonna eat cacti I don’t know that is so interesting I feel like they would if they’re in desert Villages I guess you would probably breed them with cacti then

Oh possibly camels are sandpacas with cooler teeth I sandbox well we got the cactus and stuff we definitely don’t need to go find a camel right now we could go find a camel later big girls taught me a lot about camels really I didn’t even know camels or wait I

Didn’t even know that I don’t know I also didn’t know I didn’t know either I don’t even remember what I was trying to say yeah it’s fine that’s amazing Oh I thought I thought llamas had humps that’s right you did why did you think that I don’t know they all I thought

They all had um llamas are are big boys they’re kind of uglier than alpacas not gonna lie um is that why you’re so offended when you get called a llamas yeah I’m calling you ugly exactly like what the heck they’re calling me a llama of all things how dare they

They’re all the same thing in my head this is how to get up my Mountain oh I see this is much more efficient than scaling it where did you even I didn’t even know you could scale all the way up the side of this thing

Um I had to mine and replace a couple blocks but aside from that it was really just like parkour and climbing vines Hardcore Parkour it is dangerous to come up here at night though because sometimes can’t uh creepers like to fall on your head I was gonna say camels

I mean that sounds pretty dangerous still this is pretty dangerous yeah watch out for fallen camels now watch while you sleep okay wasn’t I beautiful in my sleep I know I snore but oh I was watching for camels I wasn’t even looking at you ah oh man oh

You wanted me to watch you sleep well yeah I mean you know just a little bit yeah I mean okay I’ll I’ll I’ll know for next time I’ll stare intently as you sleep for a full seven hours right how long do you sleep do you sleep seven hours sometimes

What is your average amount of sleep uh Pokemon sleep tells me like about five to six hours average but sometimes it gets up to ten okay so I I’ll be flexible I’ll watch I don’t mind I can do flexible shifts yeah yeah yeah yeah of course of course

Bring some snacks you know yeah I don’t need any form of entertainment I can just stare at you also hello zero yeah it’s late um everybody else already left but we’re setting up for an event that’s happening uh this next upcoming weekend we’re getting together stuff for like

Banners and fun things like that yeah yeah um oh no oh no but it’s not Baka in it it’s Bakken I saw that oh it’s okay you know honey was the one who was like you should just go ahead it’s a great name like I think it is still a good

Name I think it’s a good name I just don’t think uh people that don’t know Japanese are gonna get it no I know I’ve gotten called back Nene one song yeah I followed a twitch Channel they’re like oh thank you so much for the follow back name

I’ve gotten the Baka name quite a lot I would have I wouldn’t say that back I would say bake at least bake I’ve gotten baked too yeah yeah and back ones hope the firing goes well I think we’re pretty much just about done getting everything we need we just needed to get

Some green dye yeah you should just be NeNe I no because Nene already exists if I could I would but there was a previous Nae Nae that stole my name there’s already Nunez yeah I’m not the only Nene unfortunately so um so we need um pink wool

That’s not how you do die uh do you have to do it the other way around you have to surround the Wool with eye oh yeah I think that’s wait yes maybe that’s how you make stained glass I know that great BNN special network of special people

Someone took away the the K and it’s just bun in it is it one wool to one die hold on let me check I feel like oh it is okay that’s fine I’ll make I can make more we need six of each um oh we need more

Okay I’m gonna have to grow this Cactus oh wait I have more I have more oh you do oh hell yeah that’s perfect oh do we have enough sea pickles wait I only got one but it’s fine because we can use the cactus that’s what I’m thinking oh wait so it can get

Lighter yeah I think you just need white um yeah you just need white okay so we need uh four more of the green I need more red flowers I need more red flowers here we go oh there’s more over here oh wait did you already get them yeah I’m just using uh

Bone meal on the grass oh okay easy way to get those ones okay okay okay That’s not I hmm I mean I guess that could work I feel like that’s like wait what is it close to it sounds close I don’t know katana oh maybe you like all the new the new name choices everyone’s giving me yeah yeah for sure barrel roll

Front Nene oh of course because of back Nana of course of course oh yeah you’re right perfect um I think I only need a couple more of this white right yeah okay and then um I’ve got six green and I need six slime and uh I still have to get the pink

Oh I just need one more I got it oh okay oh pink into there okay six six six six six six six six six um take this Nene oh oh oh uh I don’t know if I have the inventory uh oh I just have done a Minecraft I need

Yellow I think because we still need a couple yellows uh I have nothing that can help you never how did you why would you say anything then Tina what the how dare you I was like oh maybe I have something as I was looking and then I I talked because like

I was like look okay there you go you dropped your sword and your pickaxe it’s I don’t know why don’t you just put random stuff in one of these barrels in the floor for a second oh my God those are barrels I thought they were just blocks

Um that seems like it would get very confusing yeah probably anyone actually use these I don’t know there might be something in there I have not found anything yet I don’t know how many people actually know that you can open them so I I forget that this room exists because I keep getting

Lost on the way to it even though they’re signs it’s all right we’ll put the next one right in the middle of everyone’s builds or something okay well this SMP have a story I think it kind of already does have a story considering all the things that we’ve

Built up I should make like a cinematic trailer for our server or something weren’t they talking about making out a call earlier yeah we we making we’re making a Kawa cult um we all just twerk a lot and that’s kind of just what the cult is um that’s how you pray

There’s like no delay hell yeah let’s go anyone else ever Mind a ton of iron only to find you already had iron in some cornered chest somewhere oh yeah every every freaking time the goal of the cult is to be a cult it’s um we have low standards because we don’t

Even think that we can do that much so yeah I mean how do you be a cult is there like a guide I you know I’m not quite sure I was just thinking that we were gonna wing it just like kind of pray hope that we can

Get there making a cult for dummies oh there’s some sticks Nene um wikiHow has a how to start a cult 15 Steps oh really oh my God can we follow wikiha oh I want to follow Wiki how to make our call oh my God wait hold on wait I’m telling honey honey

Um or just honey honey for our cults I think we really should follow the step-by-step guide made by wikiHow very important we want a successful cult after all there we go um this was I’m glad we have a very professional website to look up to for this uh advice yeah yeah yeah

Does the cult worship Ezra Miller oh God come on guys you make a great call I you know we’re we’ll work on it we’ll try our best we’ll do what we can you know I’m a kid on a watch list happy it’s fine on one last night

Um what did you do last night Nene what’d you do last night huh uh there uh what is it called uh the the thing that the little the online funky little funny game where you draw other people’s prompts uh art fight no no no it’s uh what is it again not jackbox

I know what you’re talking about yeah anyways you know what I’m talking about um someone uh wrote The Prompt guard uh our current yeah scar tick uh wrote The Prompt from our current president to be beat up by a furry and so I drew it and so now I worry that

You know digital footprint you know uh that would be I don’t know maybe actually I don’t know if that’s the worst thing I’ve done to get put on a watch list I know yeah I think there’s worse oh really oh really what are your thoughts because I’m sure that at some

Point honey has made you Google search something related to murder Prague actually yeah you know what I just looked up how to make a cult for dummies so you know what I probably yeah yeah probably yeah there’s there’s probably worse there’s probably worse okay I gave you sticks and I gave you

All of that stuff I don’t I think I just need to make purple so uh if um if you start making banners I need to go find blue flowers I have no idea where to find blue flowers I think I have to go to what biome or blue flowers in blue flowers

I think they’re corn flowers Flames biomes yeah that sounds right blue blue orchids Blue Orchid is that it oh I don’t have a thingy thingy no blue orchids are the light blue ones um okay uh sorry giving you my try how dare you what the what the frick the frick the frick

I’m trying not to say um the f word anymore because uh YouTube has decided that it wants to kill anyone that ever says it oh okay that is good to know I will try to refrain in the first like couple of seconds of somebody’s um stream chat on YouTube they made like

A full ass edited like 100 I think it was about 100 minutes long video um and it had in the very first few seconds their stream chat and one person said I don’t know what the blah blah blah and YouTube took that tiny little single F-bomb and demonetize the entire video

Oh wait was it from someone in chat or the video itself it was from someone in chat it wasn’t even like the video hadn’t even started being made yet it was just this tiny little thing and you can’t like edit that out because you

Can’t add in like a block or a blur or anything like that on the video editor on YouTube you would have to delete the whole video and edit it yourself and then put it back up again yeah I think I saw something where like someone’s thumbnail accidentally it like

Had like a chat or something in it and they didn’t realize it had like the f word or something and they it was like not a big part of their thumb it was just like in the background for it and they couldn’t yup yup Good stuff love it here uh YouTube fun okay where’s the closest planes but I’m under here okay I’ll I’ll be back you um you make banners I did oh you already did well do you want to come on an adventure with me no more oh you know what we probably will need a

Bunch of food true because we’ll just want to give people food so they can not worry about it um there’s a bunch of bread that we can probably make yeah oh yeah we have all of those uh Farms yeah there’s farms under um shion’s place and then there’s some

Farms that are in front and we have our broken automatic farm in our basement I also have a farm that olays are supposed to help me Farm They Don’t Really half the time but is that what they they’re they’re for yeah they’re supposed to help me Farm

Things they just you know don’t most of the time oh yeah if we turn off griefing they stop working entirely oh what yeah pretty great love it love Minecraft love Minecraft sometimes it’s so good if you break but I cannot do anything aside from that because I

Have no inventory space mood oh oh um um oh did you pick up a torch I accidentally broke it yeah I think I broke a couple there too um I can’t pick up all the wheat because I’m holding too many seeds God you’ve got so many seeds from these freaking

Farms they have the little uh that’s an auto comp Auto composter yeah once I’m done planting anyway I I I studied it and I put one in our shitty on a bad automatic farm it’s okay you can say shitty it’s mostly just the f word which is really funny to me

That is very odd I feel like there’s words that are like just as bad yeah they went back through like at first they were like oh no cussing cussing at all is bad and then they went back through and they were like actually no you can say and you can say crap

And you can say damn and you can say hell just don’t say the F word is that is that when you were family family friendly is when YouTube was like that no this happened like a couple months ago oh oh yeah that’s pretty recent oh yeah

Well I see why everyone goes through and edits the effort out of all of their videos and clips now I thought it was just being extra but came across the streamer who was saying some pretty Saucy stuff and she didn’t get banned um so you have to I mean most

Of the time it’s not really gonna happen to people because a lot of the time the reason why it happens is because somebody reported them because how else are they gonna see every single thing that happens in a video I speak very clearly that’s my problem since I speak so clearly they

Can Autobot me and they have before and they’ve gotten a bunch of my videos like demonetized because I said f words oh so they do do the the auto thing yeah yeah not the first 30 seconds but they’ve also been demonetizing it’s like a they decide on it pretty much it’s

Really stupid it’s like they decide to do it for some people and then they won’t do it for other people and it’s kind of like definitely based on who they like better and who’s making the money yeah obviously never in the first 30 for sure okay I have enough

There’s so many rules and algorithms can you say slurs don’t say slurs Jesus yeah even even if YouTube did allow it you should not do that yeah I just don’t oh there’s a bunch of carrots here too okay I think this is probably enough food okay okay

I’m gonna get uh the purple dye and then we’re good yeah nothing’s sexually related to I mean unless it’s educational then they’re like oh yeah that’s fine you could do that sure sure so many people there’s a lot of things you can do if it’s educational can I get

I’m gonna grab a bed if there’s one in here give me their names well I mean you could just look up oh there’s no bed in here anymore you can just look up um YouTube demonetization because there’s a lot of videos that were made about it in the last couple of months free

They’re oh also another thing that people were getting banned for fun fact was um stupidly when Nintendo were putting out um the new like advertisements for tears of the Kingdom people were getting banned for literally just having made breath of the wild videos like they were pretty normal videos

It wasn’t anything that was super weird it was like normal speed runs and challenges and people were getting demonetized for Well yeah it was dumb was it like an accident or I think that it was partially an accident and partially them just being like nah them cares oh man I said it whatever like I said unless you if you get reported that’s when it really gets to be a problem but um The lemon hi though Fray how you doing we were just talking about YouTube demonization being what it is how it do how it be hi Frey hi Flay wait is this the right way oh no it’s this way heck I’m so glad you know where you’re going I don’t mean that sarcastically I

Genuinely mean it I would go in circles sounds like my area of expertise yeah Frey has so much demonization because Frey does like cover songs all the time he got demonetized oh freaking million times in a row just because he was like I wanna sing a cool cover song and yeah

Does he not get demonetized on a Str well wait these streams are like eight hours a day right yeah and then they get demonetized because he does karaoke and like all of them oh 200 plus claims God damn it’s a good thing it’s not like the strikes were it would be three and

You’re out yeah strikes would be way worse uh what biome is this this is a river well go past the river poor Frey yeah it just means that uh you’re too good actually if you’re if you’re karaokeing it and they’re claiming it’s because it’s because you’re just yeah they think

You’re the original so that’s that’s your problem there um if you if you’re just less good um then it’ll be fine I wonder if it would get cleaned if you did like acapella like not a truck I it’s so it technically could still get claimed um

Oh this is a planes biome nice uh it technically could still get claimed because uh technically lyrics are also copyright protected oh that is so goofy yeah I know why but why do they do it on YouTube because they got horrifically attacked by the music industry at one point and

They honestly just had no choice if they didn’t do it then it would have it would have been a mess until I found one singular blue corn flower and that is it I need six no I need three I need three okay all right I can see where this is going Nova goodbye

Not dealing with that uh okay I need if I can just get myself three so I need two more blue corn flowers and then I’ll be good also did you sleep or remind me oh here’s one I slept okay I brought a bed with me there’s a polar bear wait are you back

Near the rocket uh no no no I just kept going forward and there’s kind of a story button over here and uh there’s so many snow biomes near the spawn for this area oh there’s a temple in the water oh oh nice uh I actually I think there’s a bunch of

Those near where we’re moving too I think I I was exploring the vague area over there I think I remember seeing a bunch it’s so fun doing those I like taking a bunch of milk here we go I got it all right we’re good

Oh wait oh you did okay hold on I am going back with my one flower I couldn’t find any more we did it woohoo success so this should be all of them basically copyright claims are just people getting jealous over other people’s success and will claim them for

It no claims are usually done by the automated system so if they hear anything um usually it’s based on the back track like technically you’re usually not going to get copyright claimed by somebody for just the lyrics uh but it’s mostly like it’ll look for the

Back track and if it hears it then it’ll you know immediately claim but I mean usually you can uh you can just like dispute it and I mean Frey probably couldn’t but I feel like I get copyright claims on Lo-Fi Girl music all the time and I just

Dispute it and it’s like oh okay well you can use that that’s fine so when they demonstrate does it mean that the money is going to the person who is copyrighted it or uh it’s just no ads are playing at all it depends there’s different kinds of

Demonetization if you get like a red check mark it can’t be or not check mark a dollar sign then it can’t be monetized at all even by other parties um sometimes it’s limited monetization which is like a yellow thing and that means that either the money is going to

Somebody else or it’s limited in some countries so some countries just won’t show your content or put ads on it okay yeah if it’s just one or two songs you can also just cut them out or something yeah um that’s what I like about twitch is that

It just automatically will mute like the true stuff true true all right um I’m going back okay I’m already back I thought you were already back I’m going back to the um storage place specifically okay I will go there because I’m standing near the um uh uh what’s it called uh traffic cone

Wait wait is this no no oh God did you get lost maybe I will see I think I know the way I just thought it was a different direction oh this sounds too annoying to keep track of honestly I mean it’s a lot to keep track of but

Once you kind of get the idea of it all it’s not too hard it’s just kind of like you know stuff you gotta keep in mind for making content I did it I’m so directionally smart yeah I was right behind do I see you I’m so proud thank you

This is the first time I’ve ever done that in my life I’m so proud all right give me that flower oh yeah the one flower um you can have these is this trash or is it it’s a gift so it’s true it’s a gift can I have a refund

Are you gonna put it in one of those it’ll be a little it’ll be a gift to anyone who finds it okay purple thick Banner all right I have okay so we got banners we got Maps um I grabbed the cartography table and I have extra paper did you get how many

Maps did you get eight nine nine okay cool um and I’ve got extra paper for making the map bigger I think we’re good I think we can go okay I got orange yellow dark green lime light blue purple and pink and white yeah oh we should name them oh yeah yeah

Um okay oh I don’t know I hope you have enough I’m gonna make another Anvil because we might not have enough durability on that anvil send me uh should I just say Sonny’s house um um you could probably just write names for now and then we can you can edit it

Again later so okay uh yellow who was yellow Mia yeah for now that might change later Monty let’s do this faster honey cozy and then pasta with and then we have a leftover white one or if we need it for you oh wait yeah I guess that wait eyes

It’s 3am oh my god well sleep well for thank you so much for the rain also um I forgot uh to actually I read you asking what server it is but I forgot to actually answer it this is the kala server you could technically be on the server if you wanted to pray

Like we could we could get you in here if you wanted to play with us get it get over here get over here all right I have everyone I cursed Allah I have nine Maps and a bunch of other chunk of inventory I’ll go throw it away in 3 A.M challenge not

Clickbait 100 real I saw the past three presidents and it was scary oh my God I when you said oh it’s 3am I thought you meant like in my time zone for a second I was like wait how long this time how long have we been here I was

Like wait I got back online like 7 30 is it really been like that however many hours time flies when you’re having fun you know that desert trip was longer than you thought I guess so I didn’t realize getting cacti and flowers would take so long where did you go

My house to go drop off my junk understandable I was trying to follow you and then I I got lost I am just so sneaky I’m a little I’m a little spy you can’t follow me damn yeah damn she’s so right yeah I’m so good at everything like yeah yeah

I I don’t know why I don’t do it under pressure yum yum it’s cute I’m gonna break down crying comment someone questions me too much I I not actually I’m fine um I a short circuit if someone asks me too much that’s a mood I have like three uh

Generated questions in my brain that I can default to and anything else um I will break Under Pressure yeah yeah I’m like a robot um but I guess robots don’t have anxiety I don’t know I just like me for real for real relatable I think you did that for two hours all

You did was get flowers and Cactus while we were teaching people Minecraft most of the time we only took like uh 20 minutes to go get the cactus and stuff and flowers and everything it’s been about 35 maybe 40 minutes since everyone left I think oh wow I thought it was longer

Nah because it was about the two and a half hour mark I think when honey died oh oh yeah when she when she perished power went out do you think she’s still in the dark and it’s been three hours now um probably I mean you know she hasn’t answered me about the cult

Thing yet so the funny thing is um I know for a fact uh her breaker is in uh her downstairs roommates like like area like in the basement so if her roommate isn’t home then she’s gonna sit in the dark until her roommates oh no I know that because we tried to play

Fortnite with Evan and uh her power went out twice and then the second time it never came back on no no gonna pass out you have a fever of 102 oh my God please rest zero drink lots of water and stuff good luck hydrate that are involved putting babies in microwaves now now

Oh wait that was Ezra Miller yeah it was he put babies in microwaves now man um well I guess I’ll bring the extra Wool with me just in case should we eat food are we bringing building materials or are they going to be provided neither oh we’re just raw dogging it yeah

Ah you get a map are we actually no no we’ll probably also get torches I think torches are fine we’ll start everyone with torches so they don’t have to go digging for coal to in within like the hour that they have to build stuff are we gonna have our tools or are we

Gonna be like naked no tools raw dogging it is it what is it Naked and Afraid yeah damn right it’s a challenge NeNe I can’t wait to see Honey’s literally just a crafting table t because you know she’s just gonna go make a crafting table out of crafting tables

She’s gonna have everyone have a hatred of it a couple of raw dogs the world oh God uh I’m good to go oh I yes me too I think uh I have an extra red dye I’m just gonna toss it in the ocean and maybe it’ll disappear someday you know

You’ll wake up and the ocean is red yeah yeah oh I guess I should make torches too if we’re bringing torches huh I’d probably be smart I have a ton of coal and sticks so I can do that I’ll make even more I’m sure we’ll have to light up a huge

Area over there yeah should we give each person one step maybe two stacks um okay um I think that’s usually a good starting point to stocks yeah where are all my sticks where I’m gonna put you oh there’s coal ore I didn’t even turn into coal yet it’s just still ore

Oh did you get it with silk touch I must have well speaking of ore actually I have I I don’t remember where I got it but I have a looting three book nice so I want to make a pickaxe so do I need that there’s so

Many things we still have to do on This Server we haven’t fought the dragon yet we we should probably go looking for um piglin bastions we can go you haven’t have you gone to the deep dark I don’t think so it was just the rest of us that went

I haven’t on this server but I’ve been on a different server before okay that’s fair I don’t even know where it is on the server um there’s actually another deep dark place that’s kind of near where we’re moving so we’ll get another chance huh you know what I haven’t gone to what

Uh the what is it called all the end biomes there’s not biomes the islands whatever they are you know I’ll be honest with you the end is a very boring place really I thought it was like all spruced up after that one update whatever no

Not yet I wish it’s I mean they have cities now but like it’s still just a vast empty space and then every once in a while you’ll find a city and um yeah the cities really aren’t that impressive either oh they’re where you get shulker boxes though right yes yeah okay so we’ll

Still want to go there but yeah it’s just it’s just not very fun mid very mid one mind craft hello Cube we wake up and the ocean is yellow don’t ask anyone how that happened but I must say it has a bitter Tangy taste oh no bitter tingy wait is that what

Is that pizza I don’t know Nene I’ve never tasted pee I I haven’t I’ve only smelled it yeah hello hey anyone anyone anyone in the chat no you guys know what you got you guys drink your own I you know I just wondering uh actually the Ender Dragon

Is technically a wyvern because dragons have four legs the Olympians have two that’s true that is true actually it is definitely a weapon I like the Little Nerd voice that you did for that um actually um actually if you go based on the lore yeah pee wait you know what it what you

Do wait what you do you really why uh you could say a friend you know and my friend knows what you don’t have to say yourself you really didn’t have to you don’t have to out yourself like that but now that you’ve outed yourself let us know please yeah go ahead dude what

Can you tell me about the the did I hear lore are you trying to get us why do you guys want us to have Laura on the server so bad also this poor poor drowned it’s kind of pitiful oh I don’t want to touch that

All right come on Danae I think we have everything okay wait how many torches do you have two uh four stocks I have uh three full stacks and then a 15. that’ll be enough it’s fine we’ll give each other just one it’s it’s whatever I mean it’s likely that we’ll get more anyway

It’s likely that’s probably that it’s probably gonna be five or six people anyways true um I can also just go Scavenging through these unused chests true there’s probably some in there piddle piddle full oh bitter and salty I it’s salty bitter like in a good way or I guess it

Probably wouldn’t be a bad way huh it would be probably a bad way if I had to to guess I mean I like the bitterness of caught like I like the taste of coffee I thought you were gonna say something else he started with caught and I was like well

Oh you don’t know do you okay there’s a reason come here touch this button I’m scared wait hold on uh do you want some torches first sure uh there we go why not yeah there’s more so now we I don’t have I don’t have that much inventory space um

Uh bone meal wool okay we’re good oh okay cool cool uh what was I doing is pressing a button yeah press this button um I’m a little scared seeing as there’s a just touch the button touch the button go test the button go poke it oh the big button

Where the am I this is where we’re gonna live oh oh this is a good thing I thought you just blew me off the subway no yeah I was really tough to just be like I don’t know go yourself like go hit the button go hit the button

Touch it go that’s it it’s fine go on okay all right I’m so glad that I can trust you despite how suspicious you are very trustworthy see it’s just a very trustworthy all right give me the maps this is a stick up uh oh I was um robbing this other place

Yeah we’re gonna Rob things when everyone shows up gosh I didn’t think about that here I’ll go put the two iron that I took yeah what if someone needs that iron to make a sword but we’re all naked and alone oh you’re so right I forgot we’re gonna be naked

Or well we won’t be naked we’ll be no naked and together naked and together forever okay wait what am I doing am I giving you something am I oh you’re you want the maps yeah I found more in my house nice fantastic okay so make a map uh and then a cartography table

Put that down right over here and uh not the maps paper expands okay again I think maybe two is good I’ll I’ll I might make another map if this is too big if I expand it again um Naruto Uzumaki in your chat is saying one that they have tasted the pee and

Now that they ate cat poop I I are you okay are you okay I get you know once is understandable sometimes kids are curious or there’s an accident that happened I ended up in a hospital what was wrong with that cat poop but also why are you

How old were you you never mentioned your age please don’t tell me you were above the age of three years old oh we need to get leather oh I have leather at my house not a ton though we have to we have to make a bunch of leather boots for everybody

Because I know that people are gonna try walking over the powdered snow and they’re gonna get their asses owned oh God poor me do you think this is too big of a space here let me give you this map uh here is that like too big maybe I should

Go one smaller than that oh um I mean let’s see so is everyone gonna have to like discover the map themselves uh if we I mean we could technically Discover it all right now and then they wouldn’t have to oh is it based on us too it’s not person

By person no yeah everyone’s gonna have the exact same math they’re all gonna be linked oh um I just want to see how far like one side to the other is okay um let me just run in One Direction yeah I’m following oh here’s all the flowers

That you would need oh wait no there’s not a blue one no yeah but it’s a flower biome so I think this area if you use uh uh bone meal you get pretty much any flower which is nice that’s gonna be really cool there’s so many biomes around here Nene

It’s wild there’s the cherry blossom biomas here near here there’s a jungle in this direction I think I think it’s in this direction um there’s uh do you want to murder well there’s I think there’s a snow biome oh yeah oh sorry no it’s okay it’s fine Murder kill them cows I got six I got two meat no leather oh okay so this is about at the border of this that’s not that wasn’t too long of a walk that’s okay yeah it’s just kind of down that Hill um you want to go to the other side yeah I

Feel like this wouldn’t be bad especially if I mean there’s a ton of people on the call with server now compared to when it was first started that’s true um albeit not a ton of people are active but in the case that people do become active it would probably be best to have

A big open wide spread out area I guess yeah and we can make Pathways and mine carts yeah yeah actually I already have um I already want to make a uh railroad system with Pandora yeah that’s a good idea Pandora like posted on Twitter at one point was like

Man I just really wish I could join a Minecraft server and make a railroad system because I just really like making like Travel Systems between places and I immediately like dm’d her like hey you want to be on our server hey yeah but we haven’t gotten to play yet

Because everything’s been moving around with like the Minecraft server and stuff so it’s been like I don’t know what we’re doing yet flower force is huge yeah it’s a pretty big one I’m digging um hey wait give me that map really quickly I’ll copy it so we both have one

Uh wait is this the one that I had uh oh oh I have that on Minecraft there we go now we can name the map too so that we won’t um get lost with it we can go we should go the opposite direction because I think that’s longer

And see how long it takes us to get that way like through the snow or the way we’re going past the snow but yeah yeah okay yeah I think that’s it a good idea copy map okay here you go and crab carrots for myself have you seen those weird AI voice

Videos the current president in the past two presidents play video games I have I’ve seen those so we’re going this way yeah okay and I have a bed for when it gets night um we’ll also see each other on the map because we’ll all have one so as long as

We have it either in our offhand or like main hand if we’re using it then we’ll see each other oh this snowball biome isn’t that big at all um wait no it’s not do iron boots work for powdered snow no only um leather well I didn’t fall in anywhere it’s not

The whole Mountain it’s only some of it I know what powdered snow looks like I think so oh there’s like a slight difference in the texture versus normal snow my Minecraft Boomer brain doesn’t doesn’t know any of it the AI written Batman script no I haven’t seen that

So in the content AI makes is actually funny is that a hot take no have you seen the like AI sitcoms wait what no yeah they were making they were like streaming AI sitcoms on on Twitch for a while I think that they got taken down possibly for it

But I think there’s an AI version of of SpongeBob that still exists yeah I’ve seen that one it’s got lots of memes that I see on Twitter have you seen all the really like crazy good voice covers of like like Mr Krabs and uh what’s his name little man little man

Plankton Plankton yeah I haven’t seen their covers but it’s like weirdly good um like sounds like professional singers oh wow thing yeah is weird I went down a rabbit hole last week and found out um I don’t even know if I am wait am I in the right direction anymore yes you are

So this is uh an acacia oh like a savannah oh I see the the cherry blossoms oh nice they’re in this Zone oh yeah and then there’s a tower yeah right next to it uh-huh yeah so pleasant and cute with the cherry blossoms with the and then immediately there’s the tower yep yep

Well I’ll walk over here so it’s at least and there’s snow next to it so there’s probably also like powdered smell right there I was wondering I was like wait did they grow in the snow that makes more sense that it’s just another biome yeah this place has so many biomes like packed

Really tightly together um I like it though I’m glad good um variety of zones um with all these Hills uh what is the little flying thingy thingy uh the uh the glider the Elijah yeah wait glider is that a new thing but I mean that’s just what people call it oh

Oh okay yeah I was just thinking with all the hills and stuff oh this is so cute oh oh no no no especially once we get fireworks too mm-hmm oh wait what is this there’s a little tent in the oh it’s just part of the um Pillager

Thing oh oh oh okay Joker gives Batman a coupon for new parents but it is expired this is a joker joke um Society is bad you drink water I drink Anarchy oh that is a giant Ravine incredible yeah it’s not that all stuff that AI makes is like bad quality it’s more

Um the stuff that AI make is morally questionable um you’re getting owned nice it’s okay who lays up there but that’s foreign that’s cool wow is that not common with the top no yeah it’s uh they’re still pretty rare they could also spawn iron golems in those instead of elas oh so that’s

That’s a good thing um God if we destroy the Pillager Tower I mean not right now obviously but and they’ll keep spawning I think I’m not sure I’ve never really tried destroying it I will have to check if we can like actually get rid of it then that could

Be just like a nice spot for somebody to live because I don’t think we really need pillagers for anything unless we wanted to build a raid Farm oh wait what would you get from them so raids um especially if you’re doing them on the hardest difficulty they can drop uh totems of undying

And if you have those and you die and you’re holding on to one then you’ll just immediately resurrect again it’s nice but you do have to be holding them so you kind of have to keep them when you’re offhand forever um oh I’m getting some server lag me too I

Guess it’s from us explore we split up too much where are you oh you are so far from me I am far you went off the map just I am oh wait okay well I saw the jungle it’s by the Cherry yeah it’s pretty close I think the deserts in that direction past

The jungle possibly let me check I’ve got a map uh let’s see what are my coordinates um 12 52. and 39 81. okay yeah there’s a savannah down that direction um past the jungle is a badlands area and a wooden wooded Badlands area which I don’t think I’ve ever really seen oh

Um there’s also planes over there and a normal desert right next to the Badlands so it’ll be pretty close by to try and figure out where uh camels are if they’re well is there a village down there there is there okay there’s a desert visit Village down there so

We’re good that’s kind of a long walk but that can be we can go on a camel hunt one day yeah wait what just like the cherry blossom hunt that we went on uh I really wish that Pillager Tower wasn’t there because it’s like the entire biome I know right

Where are you I’m looking for you oh there you go I’m right here you can see me on your map I don’t know I like to see you in person though in person IRL doesn’t make much sense that these wild cows would be well cows that’s true they are not domesticated

I’m not sure why they are just cows but you know whatever Alyssa ravine neat ow oh that was an amuse the skeleton I promise how dare you it was all your fault no why would you do this to me Nene it’s on [Laughter] over here I can’t believe I’m being ganged up

Oh I fell in a pit oh that is karma you wanna go [Laughter] yeah cows are the girls it’s it’s kind of weird to me that there aren’t bulls and then you can still breed them like that’s really weird like bowls are bulls are male cows so how are you breeding the cows

What there are no Bulls no no women no women no men wait what there’s no men cows are all girls Bulls are boys what they’re the same wait are they the same animal are they not wait what they’re different animals kind of I mean they’re they’re the same you know

I I guess base species or something I don’t know but like the male species and the the female species have differences but they can still breed yeah there’s a couple of animals like that actually usually it happens with birds there’s one oh wait no there’s two cherry blossom oh oh

There’s a lot oh I didn’t even see this one on the map I don’t think or on my map oh wow I hope this one doesn’t have bad things knock on wood I don’t have any wood gender dimorphism thank you yes that’s what it’s called gender dimorphism yeah or both genders look entirely

Different from each other hmm it’s very it’s beautiful it’s not on the map nobody can live here wait how far off them um I’m at one heart oh careful I don’t know the meaning of careful I’m parkouring came into the male and female I have differences yeah gender dimorphism like

Um cows and and Bulls and stuff like that there’s also it’s a lot it helps a lot with birds like um for instance I think phoenixes are like that here we go that Phoenix’s why did I say Phoenix’s you know the animal Phoenix

But uh uh sorry uh no it starts with a P um uh the uh peacocks there we go oh I got it before you said it I oh you’re someone there’s someone in chat I was gonna say I was far from saying that oh yeah someone in chat said

It what were you thinking um seahorses sea horses that’s not a bird and also this is her the P I don’t know you were talking about differences and I kept thinking about how men get prayers seahorse men get pregnant I I don’t know that’s the first thing what’s dysphonia

Isn’t that when you can’t listen to sounds or something like either sounds make you mad is it Village oh Village I wonder if that is outside the map or not I think that one looks like it could be in the map from its positioning but it might be

Just outside we’ve explored like all around the quarters of the map but not the inside not the middle I think the middle is just all a flower field that’s true wait I want to get this corner it’s gonna piss me off wait no oh it’s gonna take too long never mind I’m

Trying to get up there too I’m I’m part way up the mountain so I’ll try and get the corner oh you are so uh bass I am based thank you you’re so right you’re the most based alpaca I’m So based this four oh dysphoria okay yeah dimorphism and dysphoria are pretty close oh

Male seahorse just carrying care for the babies they don’t birth them yes I think um there’s also that also happens with penguins I’m pretty sure because Penguins will um carry the babies they’ll like carry them around and waddle in between uh with the eggs in between their feet I thought Mal

Have I been spreading misp information for years oh it is on the map nice oh it is yay dystonia would have to be when you play a trumpet then clarinet sounds come out I I think dysphonia is an actual thing I think it is yeah isn’t that the thing where it’s like if

You hear sounds like uh like chewing sounds or something you get really it like really upsets you you get really angry I I get that I can’t I can’t listen to people like shoe or anything I also if people like click their nails together like they’re

They tap a nail against another nail for an extended period of time I’m also sitting there like no stop Huh oh oh oh that’s laggy so I guess like asmrs you don’t I like well no if I’m trying to listen to it then I’m okay with it but if it’s like it’s just happening if someone’s just tapping their nails and I’m just existing in the same room

As I’m like it used to happen all the time in school for some reason um and I would be trying to like do work or whatever and it was a completely quiet room and all I could hear was the tap tap tap tap I was like no stop

Oh I did that a lot when I would have longer Nails oh no I am that person you’re the bane of my existence I didn’t realize it bugged people so much that’s true when llam and spit it people they’re actually regurgitating the contents of the stomachs same with camels

What really yeah camel spit smells disgusting there was actually the funny thing there was a story of like uh it was like one of those am I the stories so it’s probably fake but it was like am I the for um telling my roommate that she couldn’t

Come in the house because she stank so bad because apparently their roommate got like spat on by a camel and they came home because I mean obviously they want to wash it off and they went up to the door to try and get in but apparently the

Smell was so strong that this other person was like gagging and like dying and they were they locked the door and refused to let them come into their own house to wash themselves off and the person was like crying it was like let me in I need to wash this off like they

Were like no you have to go somewhere else to try and wash this off I don’t I don’t want you in here I can’t you can’t be in here because I just can’t deal with this and they were like no I already went to like stores in the area

To try and go in there and wash it off there and they wouldn’t let me in I need to come inside holy I hope they get sued yeah also I found another cherry blossom yeah there’s three of them around here that’s cool there might be even more in this this

One is on the map so if somebody could live on this one so we’ve got this one and then the Pillager one they’re also tiny though yeah there’s a there was a bigger one that honey and I found before but in this area or no it was further

Um okay it was closer towards where the uh old deep dark biome was oh also I should probably like another Pillager move my here I’ll hold the map in my other hand so you people can actually see it definitely getting a new roommate after that I know right God I would too

There’s no way I would live with that like oh my God there’s another Pillager Outpost yeah I saw that thankfully it’s not on the map or well I guess he doesn’t matter either way but not in our area so I was gonna give people 10 minutes to

Run around and try and figure out a place to live I think that’s probably good with this size map yeah especially I mean I guess we’ll already have discovered it all at this point because we’re going pretty much yeah um so they can just kind of look at it

And decide yeah because at the time I was like oh well people probably have to go and discover the map and we’ll all Discover it together or something but honestly this is probably better this way we don’t have to worry about people like I don’t know spending all their time is it misophonia

I think that’s right that does sound right yeah misophonia yeah that’s what I was thinking of Nemesis confirmed gonna give everyone 10 minutes to live no not to live totally what are we hunting them down yeah you have 10 minutes to get somewhere on this map before I murder you

Oh God it’s like a you’re like another Minecraft influencer another Minecraft influencer yeah which one there’s like dream you know oh God wait I’m going the wait where am I you are going the wrong way and off the map wait am I stupid yes wait I’m so confused am I going you’re

You’re off the side of it if your dot is getting bigger then you’re going back towards it I’m going up and down I’m I wasn’t even going side to side hell on the map is so big and I barely see my dog moving that’s fair wait am I going the right way I

Tell poor nanae my wait okay if I go back towards the Cherry wait where are the cherry blossoms oh no okay wait um when I face towards you I am facing west so if you open up your F3 and you face East then you’ll go back towards the map

So I’m face I’m walking East yeah okay I that is where the sunflowers are pointing yay oh okay I am I think I went really far in the wrong direction I don’t think you were that far because I still saw your map um filling in some of the area

When I started going in this direction I am almost back on the map I think so I’m starting yeah yeah hey you’re back also there’s goats in this area which is kind of neat I don’t think many people have seen the goats yet yeah I’ve I’ve like only heard about

Them in passing but I don’t know like their use um they don’t really have a use uh they’re goats they jump which is kind of neat and um if you stand near them for too long then they try to Ram you and if they try

To Ram you and Miss and hit a block then they’ll get dizzy and also their horn might pop off and then you’ll get to make sounds like me oh and that oh and that’s how you do your your little yeah there’s a bunch of different sound types that you can get too

Oh you can like collect a bunch I thought you would get them from raids but that makes more sense you animals you can also get them from Pillager outposts in the chests and also like um dark oak mansions I don’t know if you can use the horns

And brewing potions I don’t think so I think that they were kind of useless outside of you know making sounds um also dark oak Mansions I’ve only ever seen one in Creative I’ve never actually stumbled across one you can make a cartographer villagers and cartographer villagers can sell you maps that take

You to Sea temples and dark oak mansions oh oh so this is gonna suck is it oh yeah it is oh wow but that’s a cool cave area over here yeah if someone wanted to build a suspended or really high up house this would be perfect oh heck a suspended house that

Would be kind of cool actually I feel like it would fall a lot though it would be saved me I don’t know possibly I mean it’s kind of dark in there yeah are you heading out Ian okay see you around I hope you have a good night

It’s all right we’re probably not going to be going too much longer I just wanted to do some setup for the stuff next week yeah oh no that’s not good um oh I I got it do you no all three of them just attacked me I mean you know I can’t help

With everything I I did my best I I trusted you how could you uh I’m trying to uh reduce my carbon footprint and not Place blogs reduce your carbon footprint I don’t know what is it called leave it as you found whatever they say on the trails I don’t know I don’t know

Vocabulary oh wait there’s a brownish tree uh Acacia Maybe uh it’s like a oak tree but it’s uh oh its leaves are starting to change color oh yeah yeah oh no I am off the map oh no reduce your methane footprint and stop farting I know you might say you can

Can’t control your bodily functions but just stop farting just stop farting forehead yeah stop do you want our planet to burn to bits you better close your eyes right now oh oh I just saw it on your stream oh I lived good thing you’re another right yeah if I wasn’t I would be dead yeah um oh my God I freeze all right we just have to get the middle and then we’re good you know this didn’t take as long as I

Thought it would yeah so I think the size is good then yeah yeah so I didn’t I wasn’t like burdened walking around like that I also think some people will probably just make their houses next to each other anyway like I mean obviously you and Honeywell yeah I mean I’m probably just gonna

Bum in her house for a while but maybe I will actually make my own house this time you should you should join us and just and be part of our competition okay but the thing is I’m gonna come in last place I am not good at building it

Doesn’t matter listen I’m only good at building if I have seven hours to do it in and I have one so okay I will be playing Minecraft for 12 hours a day when I like fixate on it and then I will build the shittiest ugliest Cube wooden house that you’ve ever seen

It looks like someone built it in 2008 when there was limited building materials and it was like their first Minecraft house that is how I built I mean yeah but we all only have an hour so we’ll all be bad I I once accidentally made a house in the

Um the shape of a a penis it’s okay listen you already have a bonus because you already know where the cherry blossoms are so you just have to go and grab a unique building material and then um you get bonus points obviously you’re so right I should uh tell honey

Oh my God there’s cherry blossoms at the bottom you should go check that out and not tell her about the pledge oh my God my God cherry blossom biome yet though I mean honey has seen cherry blossom biome she was the one that went with me cherry blossom hunting but

Yeah but I’m sure everyone’s gonna want to go to it yeah would that be such I mean I won’t say anything no wouldn’t no one in chat say anything no one tell them I’m probably gonna forget it’s a weak away yeah I won’t But if I remember my devious plan then maybe is this more snow yeah Your lips are sealed hell yeah let’s go do you wanna ax actually no do you have a crafting table I don’t what the hell was it I have I have one two three four five six seven eight I have eight banners in my inventory and one two

Three four five six seven eight nine ten torches sex what’s your use what’s your use actually a lot of things because I don’t know much about the news uh I can chop down a tree I have an ax yeah uh let me find a singular tree so it doesn’t affect leaves

Oh my God I forgot about the tree fell thing that scared me yeah put it back thank God all right here’s your your oak logs well thanks for the flowers Autumn madame cool what was I making again what did I need this for oh I was gonna

Make ah okay we’re near we’re next to the snow so I wanted to make us shoes so that we didn’t fall into it oh I’m so glad that you are doing that because as soon as I walked in the snow I walked into powdered snow it started sinking fantastic here you go

Thank you madam now we should be okay I can eat yeah we’re good now I wait this is a lot of powdered snow huh um I’m light as a rabbit I’ll go fill in this section okay I don’t know what direction I’m going there’s lots of bunnies around here

Yeah there’s a group of pillagers right there are you two voice actors no no don’t we sound like sex I feel like I’m the farthest from it I stutter every five seconds same I was having trouble speaking earlier kind of really well thank you a very voice acting voice

I feel oh thank you it’s very clear and distinct I’m flattered yeah I like voice acting I am not very practiced in it I should I wanted to practice more this year I need to actually get on that because like it was part of my New Year’s resolutions to

Like practice and try and do voice acting stuff um really yeah yeah I think voice acting is fun but I’m not very good at it yeah but I do like talking in Little Voices I I’m weirdly better at voice acting in Japanese really yeah but I don’t like have lines to say so

Um What’s a good example line the only one I can think of and I don’t even know how to say it is the the welcome home one but I have done that one before technically oh really yeah I think it’s um see damn you are good at voice acting in Japanese

I that is that was on a whole different level that wasn’t even super good I could do better lion I huh you have voices and as a YouTuber you’re always acting by some definition that’s that is true that is that is true you’re so right only a saucy voice actors I mean yeah

Like um like is it Lisa from Genji impact her voice actor she sounds like she’s moaning all the time oh yeah I remember when the game first came out everyone was like doing the climbing rock yeah with the breathing sounds yup made me ooh no damn give me your best

Oh um Let Me Clear My Throat take a sip of my drink gotta prepare yep yep drown in Minecraft while I drink myself yeah yeah sounds good sounds good um that’s a pretty good that’s a pretty good I’ll take it you’ll take it you don’t want it uh

Can you do like a high-pitched like UWI voice hello quick oh my God oh my God what’s a good oh I can do I I’m better at like a Japanese Ooh Girl than I am at uh English Japanese blue um can we make that one of your sound please

Oh it’s it’s it’s it’s crazy it’s like sounds it doesn’t sound like you but at the same time it does I’m joke I’m the Joker baby impression I’m uh if you can’t handle me up my oh well you don’t deserve me at my uh that sounded like you just played a

Short like that you like you didn’t just do that long what the hell what the hell she’s got Anime ingrained in her I do it’s because I practiced it I literally practiced making anime sounds when I was younger like on various types you know I on well I guess it sounds kind of

Um how do I wear this on VR chat I used to play VR chat a lot and I would do a cute little voice for the character that I uh I see so you were one of the e-girls no I wasn’t an e-girl I just I I

Thought it was fun and I liked talking like that so I would talk like that for like six seven hours at a time I haven’t really got gonna and then I don’t really do it anymore so my voice gets sometimes all right we did it we filled it in WoW

Only two villages on this well there might be more in the future or well oh you said there’s a desert village right yeah the desert village is down south past the jungle and stuff it’s actually South um up I’m bad with compasses hold on there’s a goat I’m gonna get rammed Southwest

It’s Southwest how do I piss the goat off have you seen the muffin man I was born to be an anime girl I was born for this role molded by it you even got The Chew in your name how do I piss off the goat I want to get

Rammed uh you just have to stand there and like stare at it I I’ve been doing that I guess he’s just really chill huh it’s just like a chill go he’s just like hanging out man yeah all right bro I didn’t realize you were chill like that I’ll leave

Oh my God there’s so many villagers just standing on these Cliffs go go down there go go oh I hope I didn’t just kill you no you’re fine um so how much leather do you have uh 17. okay but we might have enough for enough boots for everyone yeah um

Five yeah I think we have enough because we needed like eight right uh eight math yeah okay so there’s seven in there and we’re already wearing some so we’re good oh yeah that’s yep we’re good all right so I just need to um I have I brought an anvil with me Um so I’m taking this map I’m gonna name this what should I name it what’s this what’s this area called um the new world oh uh wait like this whole area or just this Village this area this map segments um um well that doesn’t work a new one entertainment uh oh

What’s what’s a w or a k word is there a Columbus joke I can make wait you could do Wait no that’s a word canoe and this is just new wait no I thought I was being smart I’ll just call it the new world it’s fine uh I see

It’s fun it’s fine okay all right so now we have these now I can just go through and copy them this makes uh yeah seven seems fine okay so there’s eight copies of the new world woohoo nice and then we had our own okay Coolio

Uh and then I have Pia’s pickle and we should make a second chest for the banners yeah that’s just what I was thinking what do you think or actually hold on I’m gonna take out everything that’s not related to the event um okay that’s everything foreign

Is there enough room for one two three four five six seven eight banished there might be um and here’s an extra chest I’ll put it over here cut was on and this is just random stuff extra things okay compasses shears Maybe cool are you gonna put them in a row

Uh yeah I was going to oh I forgot you can see at the same time yeah um yeah just take out the pickle picking up the Pickled up here separately yeah I’ll give it to her personally oh wow pickles uh oh no we need one more space um

Um I will take the carrots out but I’ll I’ll give I’ll we can put the we’ll put the carrots in the other thing behind it wait I’m gonna make it a rainbow oh wait did I not am I stupid I am stupid oops it wasn’t a rainbow in my inventory but

I think I messed it up putting it in the chest rainbow yeah I’ll just put their extra carrots in there and then uh I have some I have a lot of raw beef so I’m gonna make a smelter I have a 43 sorry moo sorry moo we’ve gone on a Slaughter today

Now all you need to do is be brought back oh my God please wait what is that a history reference yeah I see I do not know history Um do you have coal I have none I made it torches I have so many wait I don’t need um hmm I will put all the extra torches in here I guess um what Conquest was ever authorized yeah none of them I didn’t even realize I had an ax

Oh wow you were trying to wear down the durability on mine and save your own pristine acts yeah I was yeah you’re right wow I can’t believe you were correctly this whole time I was yeah and I’m totally not spinning the narrative what are you gonna do about it cry on control

That’s all I can do you should have seen me yesterday I brought wood wow you’re providing for the wow this will not cook enough steak oh God okay um well everyone can just eat Robbie they could the uh oh it’s above Um hey would it make a difference if it was if if Conquest was authorized do you mean uh uh yeah I don’t really think so I I mean I don’t know I feel like if we get permission from everyone it’s fine I I don’t know can you actually get that

Much permission I mean somebody isn’t gonna get asked you know can I uh what do you even say can I hello sir may I please um take your land from my own in glorious Conquest you have to say yes because I asked permission please it’s like what a vampire has to

Be let in please I can’t I can’t like take over you unless you say yes consent is important you just need to sign this little for me warmie and then I can take your Landy windy your Landy Landy it works for Canada wait what oh is that what happened to

Canada I don’t know anything I barely know American history I don’t know any other history I think I saved a bee’s life well save the bees one life at a time it got stuck next to a tree and when I cut the tree down it immediately popped into a tithe oh

Oh you saved him he will repay you what is I feel like there’s like an animal he owes me oh it’s the crane I think there’s like a story where it’s like they repay the human that saved them oh yeah do you think that’s why they made that crane girl in genjun Impact

Maybe is there a crane girl there is which one is a cream um I forget her name but she was raised by cranes oh the blue one oh Maybe it oh I don’t know basically the Spanish guy built an army of natives in Mexico who were angry at the Aztecs which angered someone else in Spain yeah pretty much so just everyone was angry pretty much that sounds like a lot of history it’s just everything is really angry pretty much

What not wrong that everyone should just stop being angry my Tamagotchi texted do you guys want to know what it said what did it say um my Tamagotchi says uh oh oh I think he’s upset at me oh he said same as ever hashtag Tama with a picture of the front garden which

I haven’t changed since two days ago oh my God forbid you have a life like God damn I bought you that that like tropical tree that I put in the garden two days ago sheesh calm down I think you’re made of money what is this you have to work for your keep okay Also what there’s so much more to kamagotchis than I knew oh God I’m getting smacked there is more than Tom gotchis than you knew I can’t believe you didn’t know well I didn’t actually know anything about Tamagotchis until you and honey got them well honey hasn’t gotten one yeah I

Think she’s just talking about it yeah yeah yeah she wanted to get one because I thought that they were that thought that we could play them together but I don’t actually think that we can I think they lied to me they like they did a bunch of advertising that was like

Oh yeah you can use your Tamagotchi online you can use Wi-Fi connection wow and I thought that that meant I mean I think it’s pretty obvious that I would think that that meant Oh I can play with my friends but no apparently you can play with your friends in local co-op

And you can play with other people in like splatfest style events online where you can never see anyone’s name or profile or anything about them ever whoa that is so lame yeah ow but I don’t know maybe they’ll update it later on because this Tamagotchi does get updates so oh that’s nice

I’m just playing with him before his bedtime okay I found I made some charcoal and I’m cooking the beef so I think we’re good okay I don’t even see myself on the map anymore I don’t know where where did you go I I don’t no I thought I was just gonna go

Get cold so I ran away a little bit and then um how far away did you run what direction did you run I don’t know are you holding your map yeah I don’t see myself you should see a DOT at least I don’t see any thoughts I’m so confused

Am I under one of the village things is that why that’s but I’m running around I also don’t see a DOT actually is it only the original one that gets the dot on it that seems weird I don’t think that’s the case it’s not supposed to be the

Case because I had it it’s been dotting where am I that’s not good it is not good I feel like I didn’t go that far maybe no I’m right here I see the village what why does it say I’m not here it says I’m not either oh I guess we’re just not real

Hold on if maybe if I log out and log back in it’ll be okay where are you talking about your Tamagotchi makes me want to try and get one it’s pretty fun uh no it doesn’t show on the map anymore what happened is it because I renamed it

No because I never renamed mine I wonder if it really does have to do with you making new maps like one at a time well that wouldn’t make sense also I got a ton of coal what the heck this is all supposed oh my God how wait what Minecraft map can’t see wait

I can’t see myself why can’t I see myself on the map huh well this is this isn’t Bedrock so I don’t need a locator map why can’t I see myself on the map in Minecraft Java me I got the best at Minecraft she is now a complete Minecraft professional totally for sure

Sounds like a bug um um uh of course it’s right as we finish completing them of course it’s right as the map is complete of course why would it when it would be most useful that’s bedrock rainbow it just looks like the little dots that are that are us are not there

Even though we very much should be there yeah it’s so okay um if I I can just make another mat there’s extra Maps so I’ll make a map and I’ll show what it’s supposed to look like so it’s supposed to have this little triangle on it which is supposed

To be us but does not um is it because we’re under the village sign but I don’t think so because I was running so it’s showing us on the village sign before yeah it should be not doing this it’s not because the map is too big because we just filled the whole thing

And it had it was showing us fine the whole time we kept finding each other like that but we need those markers on the map to be able to make this event thing work oh okay This is at two or three and then I’m not filling out this whole map again are you kidding me no we’re in the map area we’re literally right onto the village sign yeah Requiem still here it has been about four hours oh wait a second the Riz King

For all of everyone’s mops are they just getting a copy of ours the ones that are filled out yeah that was the idea anyway but if it doesn’t have the markers the markers but maybe not do we have an extra map that you can try to copy it and see

If it’s also broken on the copied um um uh uh oh God I’m just I was trying to look it up I don’t think I can’t find anything on it is it picture Monty that we should be like hey probably Monty yeah they’re they’re mine Crafters Uh I it it’s not supposed to be something that happens in survival it’s always supposed to have the dot and survival unless you put it in an item frame but we haven’t done that so I’m not sure why it would possibly do this wait should we

Try putting it in an item frame and see if it reverses it we’d probably have to put all eight of them in an item frame for it to actually reverse it properly Um why can’t I see players on my map rainbow you are not showing up on this hold on Rainbow you look at it and see if it works No I Mia isn’t here anymore she’s gone me I left he was trying to risk me up but didn’t know I was a difference this is Nene also rainbow it’s same thing for rainbow I think Oh no okay well I’ll figure this out later yeah you’ve been going a long time yeah I I don’t know why it did that I think it probably has something to do with me having copied the map in a certain way possibly weird though because it was

Working up until we got back yeah up until I copied it I have an uncopied version of the map and it does have the marker on it and then the copied version doesn’t so I’m like um the maps don’t have the markers on them anymore night for some weird reason I don’t know

In the village just to like show the entire map yeah everyone can still take one because they’re nice to have but we’ll have to I guess copy the empty maps for people too yeah um hold on how do I screenshot F2 yes um I will no that’s a that’s a Bedrock thing Mason

This is Java so it should just always have it on here there aren’t locator maps and and different kinds of maps in Java it’s just one map okay I will stick a screenshot of the map thing in no Sunny is not here anymore either this is Nene

Wait did they call me sunny too yeah going down the whole call Willis everyone else left markers on map glitch out okay um we’ll figure it out somehow congratulations on becoming sunny uh yeah uh uh I’m cute now adorable also uh can you go ahead and type slash set

Home into the chat for me yes I now have a new home wait let me do it like not in the doorway because that’s a really that’s probably smart yeah and now you can like run around and then type uh Slash home I didn’t even know that we had that on

The server I asked for it I think it’s just it newly is put in place so thank God for that oh that’s nice I that is gonna be very very nice yeah home commands I asked for it because God we got we go all over the place so it’s just easier yeah

Hey you got it right that is me I am cozy it has two eyes it does have two eyes wow all right okay I think that’s it for us for today guys um Nene thank you for helping me set up for Stuff whoa all right run oh God oh God oh God [Laughter]

Get back here you no go back here you can’t stop this oh well I mean I guess if you’re gonna do it yourself I guess I don’t have to worry about it oh God deleted her I’m I am gas like that choice you’re a girl boss there’s too many monsters

Why is Nana being bullied she’s been bullying me the whole time saying you thought I didn’t bully you she was like you’re the nice one you’re nice remember you sticking up for me one time and so I was like wow it only takes one with you huh I don’t have high standards

I oh my sister died anyway um well it’s fine it’s fine at least you respawn here so you’re fine I’m just trying to parkour but it was one block who hey guys thank you for hanging out I hope you guys have a good day let me see

If there’s anybody that we can uh raid into possibly see if anyone is around um I don’t know who’s on tonight let’s see um should I send you the comfy chart confession no wait Tomo is playing Pokemon Platinum that’s my favorite I love Pokemon Platinum

I don’t know how long she’s gonna go on for because she’s also been streaming for four and a half hours but we’ll see okay bye bye guys I hope you have a good night bye bye what what get out

This video, titled ‘🔴【Minecraft SMP】Teaching @MinoMieko How To Play Minecraft in 1.20.1!【KoziiChu | 🌊 Kawa】’, was uploaded by KoziiChu【🌊 KAWA】 on 2023-08-07 04:56:16. It has garnered 384 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:54 or 15174 seconds.

#vtuber #vtuberen #minecraft

Senni, Huni, and I are all gonna hang out today and talk about how to play minecraft!! Mieko has never really played before, so we gotta let her know what’s up. And maybe she’ll play with us again eventually~ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅ BECOME A MEMBER for access to cool perks! ➜ https://vod.strms.net/j/UCk4-LUmzFMETLt4Sn1J82Cw ✅ NEWEST MEMBER ➜ ImmortalInflames – Kozii Coffee Supplier ✅ NEXT EMOTE SLOT ➜ |||||||||||||.. 42% …………… 63/150

✧ support kozii ✧ 🦙 KoziiChu Alpaca Merch! ➜ https://merch.kawaentertainment.com/collections/koziichu ☕Support me on Ko-Fi! ➜ https://ko-fi.com/koziichu 「All donations are NON-REFUNDABLE. Please be SURE that you want to support me before you donate!」

💕 On the road to 15k subs~ Help us out? ||||||||||||||| 78% |||||||||…… 11.8K/15K

✧ check me out! ✧ Links + Credits ➜ https://kawaentertainment.com/talent/koziichu

Thank you for your support! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✧ tools ✧ 🎨Art : Paint Tool Sai 2 ➜ https://www.systemax.jp/en/sai/ 🔧Rigging : Live2D Cubism ➜ https://www.live2d.com/en/ 👩Face Tracking : VTube Studio ➜ https://denchisoft.com/ 🎥Camera For Tracking : iPhone 11 🎬Streaming : OBS Studio

🌊 I’m part of Kawa Entertainment Gen 1, Kascade! 🌊 Kawa is a Livestreaming VTuber Talent Agency sort of like Hololive or Nijisanji, but one that adopts talents like VShojo, so all of us are content creators brought together while still doing our own thing!

Kawa Entertainment Website ➜ https://kawaentertainment.com/talents Kawa Entertainment Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/kawa-entertainment #ENVtuber #vtuber #koziichu #kozii #vtubers #vtuberen

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase Exploring the Latest MiniaTuria Mod Update for Minecraft The MiniaTuria Mod for Minecraft has recently received a significant update, transitioning from version 1.8 to version 8. This update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game, focusing primarily on decorative elements. From animal blocks to chest blocks, weapons, tools, backpacks, and more, players can now enjoy an expanded array of customization options. Additionally, the update introduces new building materials such as the golden series and rock texture series, providing players with a wide selection of resources to unleash their creativity. Key Features of the MiniaTuria Mod… Read More

  • Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review

    Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review Minecraft Java Edition on Mobile? | PojavLaucher Review Have you ever wondered if you could play Minecraft Java Edition on your phone? Well, with PojavLaucher, now you can! In this review, we will explore the features of PojavLaucher and how it brings the Java Edition experience to your Android or iOS device. What is PojavLaucher? PojavLaucher is a launcher that allows you to run Minecraft Java Edition on your mobile device. It provides a seamless way to enjoy all the features of the Java Edition, including mods, servers, and more, right from your phone. Features of PojavLaucher With PojavLaucher,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Building Shapes Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Building Shapes Tutorial Exploring Basic Shapes in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the endless possibilities of building? Join 牧飛 as he guides you through the basics of creating various shapes in Minecraft, from circles and rounded edges to triangles and polygons. Get ready to unleash your creativity and build stunning structures in the virtual realm! Building Circles Creating perfect circles in Minecraft can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques, you can achieve smooth and symmetrical shapes. Start by outlining the circle with blocks, then gradually fill in the interior to form… Read More

  • Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 – Huntin’ for Fun!

    Minecraft Mine Train: Part 2 - Huntin' for Fun! In Minecraft’s world, trains are a sight to see, Hunting them down, a thrilling spree. With background sounds of engines roaring by, Watch until the end, don’t be shy. Eight trains in total, each one unique, Randomly tracked, a challenge to seek. Check out my first video, a train hunting delight, In this Minecraft world, trains take flight. Join me on this journey, full of fun and thrill, As we chase down trains, with skill and will. Don’t miss out on the action, watch the video link, Investigation Addon by Gibonz, a perfect sync. Tags like train and Minecraft,… Read More

  • Craft Your World: Minecraft Custom Core

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    ZOMBIFIED PIGLIN AMBUSH IN MINECRAFT 1.20 ZOMBIFIED PIGLIN ATTACKED ON US IN MINECRAFT 1.20 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of creatures and challenges. One such encounter is with the Zombified Piglin, a hostile mob that can be found in the Nether dimension. These creatures are aggressive and will attack players on sight, adding an element of danger to the game. Surviving in Minecraft 1.20 Version 1.20 of Minecraft introduces new features and updates to enhance gameplay. From building structures to exploring different dimensions, players must navigate the world carefully to avoid dangerous mobs… Read More

  • Villager Iron Man: Machine Repair Fiasco | Ep229

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  • 100 Days Surviving Minecraft 1.20 Movie

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Jackbhaiya Ka Idea 🤣 #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore unique gameplay features. The IP address to join the server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers a dynamic and welcoming community for all. So why wait? Dive into the adventure today! Read More

  • Kids These Days: Minecraft Trends

    Kids These Days: Minecraft Trends Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the vibrant world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always around the corner. Dive into a realm where imagination takes center stage and players of all ages can unleash their inner builder, explorer, and adventurer. Meet 方块轩: The Minecraft Content Creator 方块轩, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a creator in the Minecraft domain, 方块轩 crafts original animations that are not only entertaining but also humorous, spreading joy… Read More

  • Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City – Day 2

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  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay on Weekly Live Podcast!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Horror Seeds!!

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  • Shocking! Gang destroys entire village on Minecraft!! #shorts

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    🔥 TREASURE IN SURVIVAL - KING VS KILLER!! 🗺️ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I FOUND TREASURE MAP IN SURVIVAL SERIES 🔥 !! MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18’, was uploaded by KING AND KILLER on 2024-03-23 14:52:09. It has garnered 116 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:23 or 743 seconds. I BUILD IRON FARM IN SERVIVAL SERIES 🔥 !! MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #17 Hii EveryOne and Welcome To Our Channel KING AND KILLER. Don’t Forget Like , Share & Subscribe. ABOUT :- KING AND KILLER Is A YouTube Channel. Video Creator And Gamer. Follow Me On Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/king_and_killer_yt/ Join Whatsapp Group :- https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va8cfWgAO7RLHbKhan3i DISCLAIMER :- The… Read More

  • EPIC! LegendSmehoo Faces Deadly Peril in Soggy Swamp

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  • Green-haired Airi is BAAAACK! 🌿💚

    Green-haired Airi is BAAAACK! 🌿💚Video Information This video, titled ‘WE’RE SO BACK’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-22 23:38:05. It has garnered 936 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:35 or 8855 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. https://streamelements.com/airiviridis/tip Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me… Read More

  • From PVP to Mining – EPIC Minecraft Gameplay!! 🔥

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  • Unbelievable Ending to Minecraft Project Ship on Nevergame.Net

    Unbelievable Ending to Minecraft Project Ship on Nevergame.NetVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Nevergame.net | Projekt Schiff Finale’, was uploaded by X Cross Gaming on 2024-05-19 07:04:51. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:43 or 4063 seconds. ► Support is not murder ✔️❤️️ ⇩ ♨️ You can find more information in the description ♨️ ⇩ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 General information about me: ➡️ My Discord ➤ https://dsc.gg/x-cross ➡️ Partnerdiscord ➤ https://discord.gg/dreamwyld ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 Did you like the video? 🔔 Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss anything 🔔 👍🏼 Feel free to rate the video, I would be… Read More

  • JonJon’s Shocking SpringTrap Revelation! 🤯 (Minecraft Roleplay)

    JonJon's Shocking SpringTrap Revelation! 🤯 (Minecraft Roleplay)Video Information This video, titled ‘SpringTraps Tales – Body Harvest!? (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by JonJon on 2024-05-06 19:30:01. It has garnered 1855 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:02 or 662 seconds. MERCH https://bit.ly/3lzGvPI DISCORD LINK https://discord.gg/xww3Er4CST NEW CHANNEL https://bit.ly/2Im24Co Second Channel http://bit.ly/2twu7rg SoundCloud https://bit.ly/34Jgape Twitch https://bit.ly/2F9lau4 Thumbnail Artist/Animation Boy https://bit.ly/3G07Xyl ✪ Remember To Hit That Bell And Subscribe! ✪ ✯People Who Were Here✯ Cryqtic: https://bit.ly/3lsaLfQ Fruit https://bit.ly/43XE1PE Corgi http://bit.ly/3UdXPrB SpringTraps Tales – Body Harvest!? (Minecraft Roleplay) 🎭 Immerse yourself in the captivating storytelling, as each character comes to life with a unique personality, adding… Read More

  • WorldCivs

    WorldCivsWorldCivs is a multi-world minecraft server that uses an Earth map for its main map. With countless things to do like fight bosses, unlock more worlds, and starting your own nation. Civs is a nation/clan based survival with strong PvP and PvE aspects. java.worldcivs.com Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Craze

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CrazeGreat Crafting for your information, this meme has a higher score than most of my test grades in school. Read More

  • Blind in Minecraft: Mob Hunt Gone Bust

    Blind in Minecraft: Mob Hunt Gone Bust In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, I can’t see them, it’s a challenge for me. If water appears, then it’s game over, But don’t worry, I’ll keep the fun in my endeavor. Follow me on Instagram, for more Minecraft delight, And on YouTube, where I showcase my might. Donate if you can, support is always grand, Join my Discord, where we all understand. Minecraft Indonesia, where the adventure begins, Survival mode, where the excitement never dims. Shorts on YouTube, for a quick gaming fix, Minecraft memes, building tricks. So join me in this journey, where rhymes… Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Demons and Humans Unite in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where Demons and Humans Unite in Minecraft Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating Minecraft animation titled “Demons and humans [Part1]” that left us in awe. The combination of stunning visuals and powerful music truly made this video a masterpiece. As we delved deeper into the music featured in the video, we discovered tracks like “Evolution” by Clarx, Debris, 3rd Prototype, Castion, EMDI, “Street lights” by Time to talk, Azertion & JJD, and “Top floor” by JPB. These tracks perfectly complemented the intense storyline of the animation, creating an immersive experience… Read More

  • Crafting Table Tutorial: Quick & Easy

    Crafting Table Tutorial: Quick & Easy Minecraft Crafting Table: Your Key to Crafting Success! One of the essential items in Minecraft is the crafting table, also known as a workbench. This handy tool allows players to create more complex items and is a must-have in your inventory. Let’s dive into how to make a crafting table in Minecraft and unleash your creativity! Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting a Table To craft a crafting table, you’ll need four wooden planks. Follow these simple steps: Gather Wood: Start by collecting wood from trees in the game. Create Wooden Planks: Open your crafting menu and turn the wood into… Read More

  • INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi Adventures

    INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘SteamPunk LPS Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cabbie’s Corner on 2024-03-30 10:41:04. It has garnered 104 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:25 or 12685 seconds. ⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons ⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes ⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore ⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress ⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons ⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs ⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary ⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More ⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions &… Read More

  • Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1

    Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Rolling Fruit in Bloxfruit#roblox’, was uploaded by AKMO on 2024-01-03 13:23:33. It has garnered 2314 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #minecraft #funny #comedy #mcpemaps #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #funnymoments #like #minecraftmeme #funnyvideos #horrorstories#horror#AKMO#horrorgaming#horrorshorts#mcpemaps#minecraft#minecraft #comedy#funny #minecraftmeme #minecraft#minecraftbuilding#minecraftmemes#minecarft_pocket_edition#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemaps#mcpemod#mcpesmp#mcpespeedrun#minecraftmemes#minecraftshorts#minecraftpe#minecraftsurvival#minecraftlive#minecraftvideos#minecraftpe1#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftplayers#minecraftbuilding#minecraftfunny#minecraftfunnymoments#minecarftgameplay#minecraftmanhunt#minecraftpc#viral#videogames#video#myanmar#myanmarminecraft#funnyshorts#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#fun#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#comedyshorts#comedyinthecity#shortsfeed#videoshort#videos#videoshorts#videogame#gameplay#games#gamer#gamers#gamingvideos#gaming#vidio#subscribe#subscribers subscribers#yputubeshorts#youtube#youtubevideo#youtuber#dance#day100#day#dayz#zombiesurvival#zombieanimation#minecraftsurvivalwithfriend #drawing#dancer#dream#entertainment#trending#youtubeshorts Minecraft Day 100 Myanmar #mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog#mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog #funnyvideos#minecraft#minecraftbuilding#mcpemaps#mcpeservers2020#motivation#music#memes#meme#motivational#maxpreps#mobilelegends#minecraftmemes#minivlog#midzy#minecraftshorts#mindset#minecraftshorts#mix#mindfulness#minecraftpe#minivlog#mini#minecraftanimation#mine#minecraftmeme#minecraftlive#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecrafter#minecrafters#minecraftedit#minecraftedits#minecraftespanol#minecraftersonly#minecraftepicmoments#minecraftep1#minecrafteggwars#minecraftepisode#minecraftepic#minecraftepisodes#minecraftepicseeds#minecraftpocketedition#minecraftpe#minecraftpc#minecraftpvp#minecraftparkour#minecraftparty#minecraftps3#minecraftplayers#minecraftps4#minecraftpetips#minecraftpeserversip#minecraftprzygoda#minecraftproject#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisma3d#minecraftpremium#minecraftpremium#minecraftprotips#minecraftprobuild#minecraftprisons#minecraftpemulriplayer#minecraftpeserver#minecraftpelivestream#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftmeme#minecraftmods#minecraftmlg#minecraftmaps#minecraftmultiplayer#minecraftmanhunt#mcpemaps#mcpeaddon#mcpehindi#mcpemlg#mcpehypixelskyblock#video#viral#vviquestion#videos#videogames#videoshort#videogames#videoshow#videoshorts#videoediting#edit#education#edits#editing#editor#editz#editingtutorial#editorberkelas#view#viralvideo#viralvideo#viralvideos#funnyvideos#funnyshorts#fumetti#funnycomedy#funny#funnyvideo#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycats#funntvideo#funnyanimals#funnydogs#funny#comedy#comedyinthecity#comedyvideo#comment#comedyshorts#comedymovies#dream#sub#subscribe#subscribers#like#live#likeforlikes#likeandsubscribe#myfirstvlog#myanmar#myanmarnews#savetheworld#save_myanmar#minecraft#minivlog#minecraftshorts#minecraftmemes#minecraftbuilding#minecraftpe#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemaps#mcpehindi#mcpemaps#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemod#mcpemods#mcpeaddon#mcpeaddons#mcpeandroid#mcpeindo#mcpeindonesia2020#mcpeios#mcpemap#map#maps#maplestory#creator#creative#creepypasta#creepy#challenge#comedy#comedyinthecity#trending #cute #cat#inshot #cutebaby #comment#cooking#callofduty#technoblade#rip#technoblade#respect#mcpoze#minecraftanimation#minecarft1#minecraftmeme#mineraftindonesia#minecraftlive#minecraftlivestream#live#like#love#livestream#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecraftbedrock#minecraftvideo#mincraftvideo#minecraftnewupdate#minecraftmyanmar#mincraftnoob#minecrafthighlights #hardest#new#nevergiveup#funnyshorts#fun#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#popular#viral#views#view#subscribers#subscribe#sub#like#likeforlikes#likes#likeandsubscribe#comingsoon#coming#coming_soon#dance#day100#day#zombieanimation#zombiesurvival#zombieland#zombieshorts#zombietsunami#apexlegends#apocalypse#apocalypselatergaming#zombie_codmobile#zombieapocalypsegame#dance#dream#dog#တုတ်ကြီးတို့ရွာ#အတုံးဂိမ်း#minecraft #comedy #mcpemaps #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #like #funnyvideos #funny #minecraftmeme #minivlog#100 Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Foxline on 2024-05-01 17:00:07. It has garnered 4554 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts #fyp #fypシ #fypシ゚viral #fy #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #shorts #youtuber #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtubeshort #youtubechannel #youtubevideos #youtubers #balkan #guinessrecords Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft videos Minecraft shorts Foryoupage Mc Shorts Balkan Bosnia Serbia Croatia Gaming RTX Realistic Read More

  • Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet Coaster

    Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet CoasterVideo Information This video, titled ‘CE PARC D’ATTRACTION VA VOUS ÉTONNER ! (il y a pleins de cubes) – Planet Coaster’, was uploaded by MColo on 2024-03-08 15:00:10. It has garnered 2794 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:30 or 870 seconds. Super destabilizing but impressive! Minecraft fans, players and nostalgic fans will enjoy it, and Planet Coaster fans will also love this crazy work done by Afrosheep! ✨ The best offers to buy games with Eneba: https://www.eneba.com/fr?af_id=mcolo 🚛 My simulation steering wheel: https://sites.google.com/view/mcolo/euro-truck-simulator-2/simulation 🎢 The coaster on Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1373725383 📝 Send your park so that… Read More

  • Minecraft Live: Ultimate Obsession

    Minecraft Live: Ultimate ObsessionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Лучшее #492’, was uploaded by Одержимый Live on 2024-04-19 11:15:00. It has garnered 362 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • KYRSP33DY’s Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!

    KYRSP33DY's Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Speed Dating Event on Mythical Survival Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-04-05 02:42:40. It has garnered 30774 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:45 or 8985 seconds. Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pokeninjas-kingdoms.1926218 Installation Guide – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n3LNUNPZ_RoOVFwryWEQe1WdBgJ2WoLc #MythicalPartner Read More


    A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE NOW! MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE | Minecraft Live Streaming’, was uploaded by A SUMIT GAMING on 2024-01-11 11:07:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is 24/7 Minecraft live stream! SUBSCRBE OUR HORROR CHANNEL :- @ScaryStoriesWithA THANKS FOR WATCHING……. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World’s Biggest Cactus!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World's Biggest Cactus!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play: #1 The Giant Cactus!’, was uploaded by BanditGaming on 2024-04-03 14:15:03. It has garnered 45 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:40 or 880 seconds. The cactus farm needed a little touch up in my opinion. Design Credit: WhoopSection05 on reddit Dont forget to go and check out my other socials! Patreon : patreon.com/Banditgaming98 Twitch : Twitch.tv/Banditgaming98 Twitter : https://twitter.com/Bandit20799677 Instagram : https://instagram.com/Banditgaming98 Read More

  • Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shorts

    Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Skibidi Toilet Power Level – Minecraft Animation #shorts’, was uploaded by oreE+ on 2024-02-22 05:00:20. It has garnered 526 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. #animation #monsterschool #minecraftanimation Read More

  • Celestria SMP Java 1.20.4 Dynmap Earth

    Welcome to The World Of Celestria Greetings wanderers! Join our Minecraft geopolitical server where you can unleash your creativity. Whether you’re a builder, roleplayer, lore writer, or PvPer, there’s a place for you here. Earth is your canvas to create nations, cults, religions, guilds, and more. The only limit is your imagination. Are you ready? Join Us Now: https://discord.gg/hJVHnfW8Xq Read More

  • Null Network: Seliana [RPG Survival]

    Null Network: Seliana [RPG Survival]Are you ready to leave a mark in our history?Null Network: Seliana is an rpg survival server that focuses more on a unique experience. The server emphasizes on RPG elements, and a medieval feel. Currently, we are mostly a filipino playerbase, but we also have some players around the world, mostly in asia! We have a ton of appealing features that will get you hooked!Server has not been reset since the beginning. Your legacy is safe with us! You can also claim land to avoid getting griefed!Weapons for every style of combat! Be it hard hitting Greatsword, fast hitting Daggers,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft rare items bingo: spiced up

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft rare items bingo: spiced upI guess even in Minecraft, getting a high score is a rare item! Read More

  • Adelia’s Trauma: Sam’s Minecraft Saga

    Adelia's Trauma: Sam's Minecraft Saga In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Adelia’s trauma began, a tale to survive. Nico, Mark, and Lira, a family so tight, But darkness crept in, casting shadows in sight. Adelia, the youngest, with eyes full of fear, Her innocence shattered, her cries hard to hear. A tragedy struck, leaving scars deep within, As grief and despair, their hearts did begin. But through all the pain, they stood strong as a team, Facing their demons, in a world so extreme. With love as their armor, they fought through the night, In Minecraft’s vast world, where dreams take… Read More