KuuDefoe Ch. – Enhancing The Challenge: Updated Hunters! | Moth Attempts a Minecraft One Run [AI Hunter] [Stream]

Video Information

Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Thank you Thank you Hello hello is this working I think this is working I’m pretty sure this is working hello everyone we are back at another one run that’s right another one so let’s all right well thank you vanta I hope you enjoy so let’s go so along with this by the way

I’m gonna be allowing people from this 1V tuber Discord group to join in if they wish land like join into the game but like join in to just say hi Alexa so I hope that’s okay too and I’ll just put this right here blink get over here you might hear a noise is

It working I think everything’s working okay cool all right and I think we’re okay yeah Let’s Roll to this game and also let me know if the uh audio for the game is okay just turn it up a bit well let’s go here I go so we’re gonna need to have cheats on

For this just because you know we need to get the AI working head over here head over to here do this do this good cool cool I hope this thing isn’t too sensitive over here a little nervous I’ll admit that mainly because uh hear a few clicks oh

All right well I mean I’ve never really had people just join in just to say hi like in a chat thing so uh new stuff new things everything’s good I think so right let’s roll begin today we’re going with 400 with four AI hunters for those who do not

If we don’t know what we’re doing though we are currently trying to get through the game all in one go however we have challenges we have a challenge right now we’re going against last time we win against two Hunters this time we’re going against four so there’s gonna be four four creatures

Trying to kill us four four uh things anyway let’s do this just yeah basically although I’m not really just trying to get through like the game like quickly I’m trying to get through it in such a way that I survived so next up we do reload just make sure everything’s okay

All right cool there you go click on settings menu or uh we get about a minute Head Start do not show their HP do not show this next page if Hunters are immune to fall damage they all right this is good we’ll put it 30 seconds starting to zero for the upgrade yes

They do but they do not notify me when they do and we make that smooth all right everyone ready in three two one here we go will I survive I guess that’s the that’s what we’re about to find out here we go and how’s your guys going I

Know I’m a little late today uh my little niece had a birthday so I was out there for a bit it was fun it was cool it was sweet she was funny she’s turning she’s turned four now here we go do this do this do this make some of these good do this

Head down a bit luckily there’s Stone here so I can do this do this do this oh yeah totally they’re very she’s very funny very funny niece here we go do this do this throw that away grab this good I need to make I need to get more Stone crud hurry

Throw that away grab this make more sticks hurry where’s the pickaxe darn it right we’re fine we’re fine slight mistake but it’s okay all right there we go good good good now hello ow boy stop getting behind me I’m trying to pick it up all right we’re good we’re good let’s go

See ya oh okay that was a rocky start but uh it’s gonna grab some of this quickly what’s up no more granite I guess not here we go oh dear and here come the others I also just want to keep this up here I go this way a little lag

Everything seems okay though maybe it’s because there’s more probably because there’s more Hunters that there’s a little bit of lag going on explore was I faced all the games one first and then well okay well it wasn’t first but if it’s up against one and

Then it went down to two then went up to two and dude it’s still being kind of easy we went up even more oh that’s the way towards the Hunter he’s running across the water here we go maybe a good idea to take him out though there can’t risk much more though

This is not a good place to be make the dang boat all right whatever next one that was a pretty Rocky start to be fair to this do this do this do this do this good good good everything’s good go I don’t want to talk about it Let’s Roll again

Okay good do this reload good do this one two three four they give me a minute Head Start it’s good 30 seconds do not notify me smooth yep everything’s doing good go here we go again hopefully this time it won’t be uh Rocky and stuff and go okay

Next up to this do this do this do this do this one two three good place it down make a pickaxe good carve into this mountain oh come on one two three four five six seven eight I think it’s about enough for all three throw that away head back

Grab the sword grab this thing and then grab one of these and then we go I need to grab this first why hello there oh two at the same time two foreign and we’re off probably one of our favorite retaining too much damage though it just means fighting more than one person really

My little brother might be singing in the background foreign going oh there’s one good here we go I got four leather that’s fun good here we go moving on foreign moving on I wonder if this will take longer than usual I mean it might never know I sure don’t know

I mean it’s possible I don’t see them I wonder where they are oh there’s one how fun might as well Ahoy gotcha foreign stop running faster than me gotcha I don’t know where the other one went um do you really just tried to surprise attack me how dare you

‘ll need to heal luckily we have some distance from them so we should hopefully be okay here we go here we go I mean I don’t have enough to make one let’s do this this good watch over there okay we’re good oh look he’s back time to roll we’re healed up so

You should be a little bit okay see no Villages though so that’s a problem I mean it’s not a big problem but it is a problem oh good it’s the jungle of the stream guys we always find that there’s always a jungle here we go just gotta keep moving

For all I know the other ones are probably also on their way he wouldn’t surprise me but still best that I don’t get killed no sign of a village this way foreign place down do this do this get ready Yep they’re on their way time to fight second one third one

That one’s running off kind of got him we are good so far grab more of these I don’t see where the fourth one is hmm here we go now this kind of feels like a challenge most good on the food that’s not 100 that’s a chicken we just get that cow quickly done

Oh daring night we need to start heading down and I say it was okay to sleep during these ones I think I did all right I almost forgot fat make hats red Red Cap always fun Let’s Roll there are more picks over there the food this time around is pretty good

I’ll give it that you know what there isn’t though a village oh there it is found it I can just take one of their beds fun oh And I can take this what the heck are you all doing tonight oh lots of leather do you guys not even have a bed are there no beds here boy no for real though are there no bets is there no houses because if so that’d be really funny

I don’t think they have any that’s funny yep I had a feeling what the what you just teleported foreign so many animals oh look who’s back boy oh pink sheep those are rare here we go look at all these pigs y’all should be sure to leave I’ll

Definitely gonna be able to last a while with that may be a good idea to start heading down okay there we go let me get red oh here we go moving on I wonder where everyone is I hope they’re all well next up we go for you

Now we have enough for the bucket good and I guess we can make a shield I won’t do too much against these guys but it’ll do all right let’s keep moving it’s been 30 minutes so far we’re looking pretty okay more Red Clothing it would be a good idea to go down now

About the majority of things we need plenty of food we could use a little more wood though of course the further we go the less the more distance we have from the AI Hunters if that’s also a good thing I wonder if they can summon award him that’d be interesting

I mean I don’t think they wouldn’t be able to wouldn’t they well anyway though just down here lead anywhere I’m gonna guess probably not what about down here nope let’s just keep moving just gotta make sure to listen in case I hear blocks being broken or being placed they do tend to enjoy landing on top of my head for some reason and that’s usually what kills me here you go

Let’s see if we can beat this good copper gross foreign bro not cool so not cool iron how about don’t ever thought of that good oh get going Pat all right we’re good get over here good that one was close still need more iron though you know what I was looking for these

Things for about two hours last one the last uh whatever it was called good need something all right get ready they might try to jump you might try to drop on top of me foreign this one is already breaking anyway it over here boy jeez e here we go and make anything else

Um got this would be surprising they’re trying to get on top of me stop it here we go keep moving there’s the gravel come on give me what I want there we go grab some of this now oh wait anywhere else I can go here oh two Endermen foreign

Is there another one on the way then I could take on those Enderman though it might be a little bit of a uh a little bit of a gamble but that’s one with the second one went oh well there you go we have enough gold for boots

I guess I can grab a little extra foreign all I really need is a lava pool now it’ll be good huh now that’s useful I don’t see them yet but they might be on their way I suppose the wisest choice would be to make one of these into a sword oh

There’s more down here and there you are just what I was looking for let me just take care of these guys quickly here we go make this throughout this one keep going hey there we go we don’t have much iron well we don’t have a lot of a lot of we

Don’t have much of a lot of things but we should be okay yes yes I hear you ah more this gives us enough for a pickaxe have fun good we’ll save that over here while we’re at it I might as well do this listen to what’s above or around except do that

One two here we go there nice job bat here grab what I have grab what I got from here maybe I should make some slaps just in case let’s go wait I forgot to make something don’t get killed thank you here we go well that was just a bad dying

Just all right moving on here we go oh okay good I’m good get ready oh nothing’s they’re probably trying to I don’t know they’re probably trying to do something yep I hear you dang it next one let’s try this again that was a bad nether spun everything looks good now I think yep

Let’s go hope you guys did as well though I don’t remember if I said happy Saturday so happy Saturday those who are watching this after it is done I hope you guys are enjoying too let’s try this again reload or one minute smooth 30 seconds do not notify me

Go my OBS is disconnecting am I still good am I still geez that was weird well anyway make a pickaxe there’s no stone nearby so we’re really just going to run no there’s some we only have enough time for a sword though should be enough sword here we go you know I was

Kind of hoping to see some people around well it’s fine everyone has their own things going on The Moth will endure as long as one person enjoys my stuff I’ll continue why would I not oh my God we really need to pick it we really need Max

I don’t see any but I don’t see much Stone though ah but this will do just take what’s here that’s a good plan here they come here we go like this one of these one of these here comes another one it’s two three good use a little more Stone

We’ll have enough for bread and I guess you’re the fourth one foreign that might be the case things looking good lots of farmers here interesting where’s their Golem ah snack well not now they have to have a bed somewhere close by don’t run from me the Golem good I got five

That’ll help a lot foreign might just be the same one actually no sign of them yet for now I could use more wood here we go keep grabbing food foreign Across where the heck did you get a crossbow I didn’t even know they could get that Shield oh here we go foreign guessing there freaking crossbow it’s very night so it’s gonna be time to head down people have asked me for why don’t I make it like a Discord server thing for

Fans Lacey a big problem is I don’t know how well I’d know how but I wouldn’t know how to manage it I wonder if one would help laughs up heading down foreign didn’t I Jesus we started didn’t get difficult now oh my gosh get your stupid crossbow out of here ah all right

All right maybe there have been some changes to this there have been some changes I guess let’s put it updated hunters in the title then because wow they’ve they’ve changed maybe I’ll just go back to two here we go all right reload then I put it in filed eggs there

Okay I’ll turn on my beat my background music all right reload there we go let’s go to for now I guess they’ve certainly gone a little more difficult than before everything’s good go oh cherry blossom place that’s fun I guess we can head over there as a start foreign

Make a sword and a sh and a pickaxe throw that away pickaxe sorry here they come you’re ready to face them good and we roll off again I don’t know not a whole lot new has really happened for me so I can’t really say much I got a new game I guess

There’s code Bane I watched a streamer play it and so I wanted to try it out so far doing pretty okay on it so far stupid tall grass I think I’m near the end of the game I think thank you it’s also not gonna be too long now

Until we reach a thousand videos on this channel here comes another one this is music playing I’ll just let this thing go off what was I planning on me uh still looking okay eh oh see I’ve been playing that game for a bit I’ve also gotten Baldur’s Gate but I

Haven’t tried it out yet I’m not the most interested in it honestly it just it seems cool but yeah I still got it though would that be you doing you okay buddy anyway I wonder if this stream’s doing okay lots of sheep better than nothing all right swap anyway oh hi

I am currently going up against uh AI Hunters while trying to beat the game I’ve not done too well but that’s I tried doing four but it didn’t work out they apparently can get crossbows now so uh that makes it slightly more tricky it’s been fun though I enjoy it

Getting things going so far nope no one’s there yet thanks no one’s been around which is I mean everyone has things that they’re doing so I don’t mind too much but I hope you enjoy nothing yet I might need to head down soon I should get some stuff nope uh nope I’ve been at this for a long time it’s just my normal voice a little bit higher but that’s okay the moth has been at this for a while that’s all I need to uh do the thing quickly hopefully another one shows up while I’m

Most vulnerable haha oh look someone showed up while I was most vulnerable thanks ah now dang it freaking heck oh time on to the next one jeez yeah I just do this put this in here do that good everything’s good you need to keep that on so I can do the reload and

We’re back in I sound like an anime character you go get your music hat uh this this time around has not been has not gone my way not at all ugh and this spawn sucks whatever I have to deal with it reload settings menu to after one minute 30 seconds here

Smooth do not notify me begin and we’re off once again you know the last ones I’ve done of this I was able to beat the hunter pretty quickly welcome back let me know if the audio is all right as well by the way that’s okay the last two I’ve done of this were

Well they were well I did better and again this did have an update so maybe that’s something maybe they’ve gotten a little more difficult since last week no sign of stone uh oh yeah this is not a good spawn whatever gotta get the sword oops

To be fair I also don’t have that great of a sleep schedule then again I tend to go to sleep after midnight so yeah that’s kind of on me heading over here I probably have enough time to make a pickaxe and just sword you know until they find me maybe a little more

I heard that I think I did laughs oh dear wasn’t there more pigs around oh there’s the Hunter and there goes the Hunter what we do first is we find food yes they can they can also break through blocks and other and every other thing I suppose building up would be a good

Strategy against them because they could just knock them down and then they can you know and then they have a harder time getting back up and then we can just keep going with what we’re doing here we go good good that is if I have lava although they can get some strange things

Like later on like I’ve seen them throw out throw down health potions and lava resistance potions and now I’ve seen them with crossbows where the heck did they get crossbows why do they have cross Buffs so many questions although I’m pretty sure the answer is probably just going to be just because

Well I mean I guess but I mean they don’t get attacked by normal enemies we go I hear you gotcha I guess so which is kind of annoying nothing I can do about it though so I just have to live with it more food luckily now that I’ve coal I can do the

Thing do this good good place that down good here we go it looks good we are on our way we could make some shoes just for the added defense though yeah them Orange shoes fun that should be good for now moving on just keeping my eye open

I mean we might be able to just head down now might honestly yeah probably I’ll just grab these four first and then I’ll head down Oh helmet good time to go yep it’s a fun phrase I like to say you might maybe probably anyway that way if I’m wrong it’s not technically my fault hehe Here we go and it’s good guess I’ll there’s no even down this way are there any caves anywhere no idea not that I see I guess I’m going down the old-fashioned well but there’s a village so I gotta you know take the detour it’s a necessity it’s a necessary thing

Wow this Village stretches for a bit make this good and then we start pillaging ever played caves are a bad idea well it’s where I need to go what was I here for oh right yeah it’s kind of where I need to go though

I need to get in the cave to find uh iron and then also find a lava pool and then after that I can get to the nether and if I’m lucky I’ll be able to get to I’ll be able to get through without too much incident this certainly is lucky though there

It’s not lucky lucky but it is lucky time to hope the hunters aren’t too close pop oh boy I’m over here don’t ignore me it is true although I also need to find a lava pool well yes they appear on the surface they’re a lot more common Underground only three wow that’s terrible

You always grab this Sun’s going down I don’t see anything else I could use from here so time to go here we go they haven’t shown up for a while that’s concerning there well time to go dang it there’s water at the bottom and as I allow myself to do in these

Because fighting off against mobs while fighting off against them is annoying here I go just gonna head down the old-fashioned way and hope they don’t decide to try to get down with me the same exact way and break blocks faster than me for some reason because oh boy that’s all annoying

In its own little way there’s no music playing so I’ll put up this one we go make my way down and hoping nothing happens I’m not even sure if they can suffocate I thought I heard something perhaps I didn’t I’m probably fine sort of they take fall damage

Although they can also water bucket now so uh that’s fun oh not wrong button oh copper gross who on Earth uses copper oops even more gross dang it wrong button boy here we go good great do this do this do this grab another one go onwards thank you good the bean block

I don’t remember there being a bean Block in this game are we talking about the cocoa beans those are the ones I can think of oh are they now interesting I don’t normally play on super flat world so I guess I wouldn’t know further down we go yay

Oh I see what you mean now yeah I guess it kind of does I found no iron yet so far this is not looking the best there was that big cave back there I wouldn’t say it’s really it was really worth it to go into

I mean I guess I can always head back but then I’m closer to the Hunter’s spawn I mean I guess I would also be able to just like keep moving I don’t know how about don’t honestly not expecting that to go to go worse I wasn’t kind of expecting that to be a

Lot worse than it was you know kind of like that retry yeah sometimes they seem to do that I’ve noticed that oops retry here we go again Supply day to day at least it’s a lot quieter than I was expecting all right anyway reload settings to one minute smooth

30 seconds do not notify me go this way looks more promising but there are trees this way I suppose I wouldn’t know how though here we go like this do this place it down like this and this you know what leave the crafting table and run

Keeping the craft table might be a death sentence we go leave it and run but I’m missing stuff whatever there I think about like some seconds left until they come back let’s do this make another one of these back over here quickly I guess I’ll just head out of this cave

Through this way might be a bad idea though you know what probably is a bad idea and it was I freaking knew it moving on make the ax I might need to uh consider my strategies a little bit figure out some other things it might not be that bad of an idea actually

Who knows helmet and away we go I also want to put on the helmet now that I think about it here we go need a thing let me keep an eye open foreign by the way if you have any questions like to ask me feel free to it gives me

A little bit more reason to talk I try to keep things going as much as I can of course here we go time to move here we go good no sign of them and a way down I mean hang on it’s well I mean to be honest I don’t really have too

Many people show up much despite having been doing these sorts of things well maybe these sorts of I’ve been I’ve been doing YouTube for like four years now stream’s not so much not so much of the amount but I mean yeah why am I trying to attack you guys

It’s always nice when somebody shows up though there we go my inspiration it was from a VR chat character I had a long time ago I thought what no I was like what would be a good opposite for them and then came this guy sort of thing they were also a moth

I don’t go on VR chat too much anymore still fun though yeah that’s that’s really where the Avatar came from thank you along with what do I like it’s it’s a moth here see there we go we need some flapping but yes it is an albino moth albino moth ferry to be exact

Yeah fun fun always fun here we go I’m gonna grab one of these quickly here we go I thought I heard something and of course we have this annoyance Bill keep an eye out keep an eye out here we go thank you it was really just me trying to

Replicate this other voice I wanted to use and though the this little guy known as little Defoe next to me is the voice that was I was trying to replicate what do you think what do you think Lil default play yep there we go you have heard

It’s so it so says the little Defoe leg as expected it looks like we’re not really gonna have any coal this time around oh wait no we do it just here we go you want one of these also one of these might as well just throw out these two then good

Don’t need this don’t need this You’re Gonna Want a bucket just gonna need to find some gravel if that’s good surprised no Hunters have jumped on top of me a little surprising there a Pokemon are you talking about venomoth or something like along those lines this could be useful

Wait I still need to get water this way grab some string motham hmm yeah I don’t know if I’ve heard of that one I might have seen them but I don’t remember them what generation are they are they one of the newer ones oh hello Jordan welcome back

We’re going against AI Hunters except they’ve updated I was planning to go against four of them but uh the update made them harder Frost moth it sounds familiar laughs good let’s make this now I’m just going in circles at this point Jenny ah I think I stopped really paying as much

Attention to Pokemon by after black and white foreign istant that’s where my torches are this cave sucks maybe I can find something over there Maybe only to find out these are these air pockets so that’s always fun so anything is there anything down nah darn it lapis here we go gold

A necessity really I don’t know what Fulbright is is that a mod yeah I don’t know what it is that something you can actually grab from in-game thank you that’s nice where do you find it diamond ah head up foreign ERS are trying to get on top of my head right now

They do enjoy doing that this cave still sucks where’s all the lava what’s my just a dead end cave a giant dead end cave that has nothing good in it um not useful this cave is not useful sure there’s a lot of gold in here though I will take that you never know

Oh good job Hunter wow this cave is so empty oh there’s something over here anything else no we have enough for a sword so I mean that that’s a plus I thought I heard something this is the way I came from right foreign wait I can just make my own air pockets doors

What the heck am I doing just make a door it’s easier this is also a dead end not only that though could save you here and fall into lava interestingly enough really that’s interesting there’s no other paths eh foreign maybe it’d be best if I head back although Something tells me that uh

The AI is gonna have to start having crossbows now and that’s the annoying part out anyway I haven’t gone well I definitely haven’t been over here what do you have nice moving on drop how’d I miss this foreign I like doing it because you can also

Have a zone for your chords as not as big as F3 and also your Android ability that’s interesting so this is a dead end yep why dead end caves are my favorite don’t be down here yet though gosh darn it did I not bring my craft where did I put

My crafting table I wonder well moving on we need more iron I’ll bet you those hundreds right like I have to know I’ll bet you that they’re uh level of equipment is higher I have more golden iron that shouldn’t even be the case Where’d I even come from which way was I

Ugh I dislike skeletons which way did I come from uh I just throw whatever’s whatever I need into it and just help unless I’m going towards a dragon then I’ll usually have something I can do but if not oh diamond if not I’m usually uh just um it’s usually just everywhere

I don’t sort things maybe I’ll find something this way or I’ll get killed by Hunters you never know oh fun anyway moving on where it’s my background music is not that loud I hear that they’re trying to land on top of me I see their game

They think they’re so clever as if now it’s usually organized by Cuban puts on lay on my five tool bar so I would end with is where I put my water bucket ah I don’t know I’ve ever played Valerie I know what they’re trying to do pardon where the heck are you going

Where is this Hunter going why are you running away don’t run away ah I mean one of these days we’ll find what we’re looking for I suppose it’s somewhere as I like to say it’s just the kids you needlessly go in One Direction you’ll find it eventually diamond only one

And is this also a dead end cave wow so many of these it’s not often I find this many to end on your left we have in the YouTube live Secrets yep that’s exactly it that’s exactly what I what I do blow up here I go oh boy have fun

You know I I I’m sure I’ll have a snarky comment somewhere thank you eerie noise now if you be so kind as to tell me where a freaking thing is that would be fun as well foreign that’s what it is Point me towards the nearest lava pool good job Hunter

Maybe I should just head up find one on the surface it’s true although this one’s just trying to poke at me for some reason uh oh foreign thank you for making a way up though where the heck what I’m sorry wait what hmm is it getting night or is it getting

More oh look at jungle yep we always find those yeah these Bots are cheating All right anyway I gotta make a thing there it is really oh that’s not a fun wake-up call anyways moving on why are the skeletons smarter than the zombies when the skeleton Sony would have brains ever wonder that I have as you can tell right now so many animals around here so little

Coal why am I doing this then I was playing Warcraft 3 with my dad and it would be a two versus one normal bot and you would manage to produce more troops than both of us combined so yeah I usually boss cheats from same in Mario Kart I don’t know about Mario Kart yeah that reminds me like

My dad really likes the game Risk and I played it with him a few times he would always somehow have so many units on the board he’s never really played games with video games with SMX though well except my little brother like they usually play Diablo

And I’ve never really been one to play Diablo tried it out once but it wasn’t really my type of game any cold down here no chest plate and pants and also a pickaxe and maybe also Shuffle because why not I don’t know what Quake is is that the same

I don’t know what Sushi is either are they fun are they video games oh Super Smash Bros yeah I play that sometimes with my brother I play that sometimes with my brothers it’s fun my little brother doesn’t like playing with me for some reason my favorite character is the random

Button is the random if your character is the question mark people have said that I’m actually really good at the game but I mean I don’t think I’m that good if anything my brothers are way better oh so Doom is it is it like Doom uh my usual characters are Mario Sonic

And Steve those are the characters I use the most I can do some pretty good things with Mario Ah fun yeah my little brother plays Rob sometimes my brothers my elder brother um he likes to play Ganondorf uh Jigglypuff and sometimes tune link well my younger brother he likes to play incineroar um King K rule and who else is there yep she’s done that in the air sometimes

What else um sometimes Game and Watch oh yeah really good moves these Hunters are uh not doing as much as I was expecting for this one or I was guess I was expecting more at this point where are they any more wood I will admit I am taking a little bit of

Well of course I’m taking some time to get to the to get to the nether I’m not finding any pools I would be there by now if I attack if I were Oh fun I’ve tried to teach some of my friends to play it I have this one friend um let’s just say it’s taken months just to teach her how to get back up onto the stage and even then she still has trouble doing it you know it’s almost

Like it’s actually kind of sad now I need more coal 21 is not enough my friend used to say that I the digest him because my character was tearless so I took in and beat him and now he has no excuse so I hear yeah my brother plays him really well though

He uses a lot of the quick moves and especially like the up smash which can cover a whole lot of area and like he’ll ledge trap with the neutral air which also comes out really quickly and he’ll even go off stage with him it can be difficult to get around No Doubt

Let’s try to get somewhere now true I have beaten beaten his Ganon with pit though oh what the heck are you doing down here what is this Hunter doing down here where are you going go for real though what I guess it jumped off oh yeah

I hear that Steve is getting banned from tournaments foreign there you are Tricky Tricky we just make a mold quickly one two three four one two we go there’s one two no it goes wait how did it go again I don’t remember it’s fun that’s all I have to say

It’s fun that’s it not too difficult unless you’re that one friend hmm it was right here wasn’t it something like that um let me just do this quickly it’s fine old music’s playing I can turn off the background music so it should be over here then wait a minute foreign

EK fire PK Fire PK Fire um a little shoddy but yeah that’s the word right but it’ll do oh but I’m not done yet there’s a little more I gotta do and hopefully not die in the process I guess I can get it going though

And all the times I played it against my friends I had never used down smash with him and then I used someone so he was like I was like what the heck in the Zantac I’ve never seen for before and then that moment it was kind of funny

I thought of her derping placed what would I could do with the drip Stone I don’t know time for boots and also armor that’s the main plan you’ll probably make a bow while I’m at it nope don’t need this underneath these don’t need this don’t eat this I don’t need the string anymore

Don’t need this don’t need well these things are these four done now just gotta be careful there is there is some lava here we go good we have enough for pants I’m in an MC server with some friends and I have been the most active and I

Send a message around the lines of are we going to beat the dragon together or I do it alone in defense hmm I could use another one of these actually funny thing I’m actually in a Discord call thing right now but uh it’s just kind of like if anyone wants

To join they can uh so far this entire time no one has joined you want to come along but next to it do it alone world all fun that’s a lot of hours oh yeah I don’t build much in this in in Minecraft sometimes I think I hear something

Oh look who it is I don’t know never been much of a builder I like running through the game and getting through it normally it doesn’t take this long I’m not being shot so I’ve not been trying to go specifically going faster than them ah I see I should

You know it’s during these modes we’re like man maybe I should have just had the hunters What’s um it’s a group for smaller YouTubers to uh pull up and get together it’s quite fun I was one of the first to join it actually I think I was there when it was made

All right we’re ready to go I’m gonna want slaps slabs are the best are your best friend in the nether and you’ll see why in a moment time for the second part that took a while and we have 30 seconds so time to run luckily this area is a little more uh helpful

Can you start teaching and break the world before going through so the I can’t nope it’ll still get through Yep this nether spawn is way better than the others that’s for sure wait why’d I throw oh why did I throw my string I’m gonna use it to make a thing

Why do I forget that is there one nearby or one three there’s a chest nearby I don’t know what direction but I’ll tell you one thing it’s definitely on the direction of a fortress I hate this biome with a burning passion no pun intended okay made it why am I doing that I

No sign of hunters they’re probably trying to go through the lava that’s normally what they do for some reason okay so I’m going through the wall yay nothing’s close by and now Begins the longest part of this this yeah the nether’s always the longest one no clue who says all shucks uh basalt

Here we go yes I’m going this way exactly this biome is Garbo that’s also why the nether is a great place for slaps especially when you’re in places like the bastions or the other places being two hours and 25 minutes ain’t that fun took us two hours to get to the to get

To this point ugh this is not my day was it there we go eh go go away Magma Cube you are annoying I’d like to get out of the Deltas now foreign Deltas are annoying bad biome but also kind of good still though bad biome oh have you played omori

Oh I’ve played undertale I don’t know about omori though but it does sound familiar and I have not played one shot my favorite thing my favorite route to do in undertale is the genocide root man flowey sure was onto something and you’ll see you see I go through the

Entirety of it except for the last part because what I’ll do essentially is I will play through the genocide route and after I beat Sans I will reset I will reset and then I’ll do it all again so I never I never get the curse um interesting perhaps I’ll give amori a check

It does sound familiar though am I out of here am I out of this area yet jeez where is everything nope I just reset before I get to the king Sans is the last boss so you just kill Sans and then you just reset the world and then you can do it

All over again I believe I’ve beaten sands over seven times nope I no I have not no I haven’t I recall I would usually like go into the game code and give myself the knife which generally one shots every enemy see what I did there but yeah

It’s pretty fun I haven’t played on jail for a long time [Applause] can something show up please where am I now ah interesting yeah these are the switch phones were like yeah maybe four Hunters would have been a better idea because like where where is everyone

But I mean two is pretty okay I guess wouldn’t that be fun if you could actually just do that from the chat box I’m pretty sure there’s a way to set that up but I don’t know I don’t know all that technical stuff not that smart moth fairies aren’t that smart

We’re just very determined or at least I am these Hunters are kind of dumb too as I say though they just keep going in a straight line I’ll find what I’m looking for I mean it’s either we find that uh see that we find that or we find a warped Forest

Those are what I’m trying to really find basically I have a little too I learned that I learned that I had a little too much determination when I was younger and I was like I want to get Robux so I’m gonna head head to the to the to

The local to the corner store and get some to get the get a gift card and I went and it was the middle of winter it was a blizzard out I’m pretty sure and I wrote on the board I wrote on the fridge getting Gatorade and I went out

To go get a Roblox gift card so I went to the corner store yep that’s why I go there so I went to the corner store and I looked to the gift card section no gift cards well no no Roblox gift cards and I was like oh well that’s that’s too

Bad I I’ll you know I’ll head over to the uh the grocery store close by and I’ll check there now it was a little further away but for me I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t care I was trying to find gift cards so I went over there And I looked at their gift card section no Roblox gift cards so I was like oh well that’s that’s too bad I guess if there’s one place I know which we’ll probably have it it’s probably the uh the game store that’s like 30 minutes away from that

And that’s like like 45 minutes to an hour away at that point from my own house so like in around the middle of a lizard I think I walked to the game store and I met and I went I walked up to a guy smoking outside

And he looked over at me and I was like oh hi and so we went back inside you’re like so what can I get for you and I’m like literally I came all this way for a Roblox gift card we both had a laugh I got the gift card and then I

Went home it had definitely been over around definitely over like an hour or so of walking maybe like a little over an hour and 30 minutes that’s when I realized wow I’m a little uh too determined when I put my mind to something which I guess you could also say with my

YouTube channel too I’ve been at YouTube for four years now it’s been over four years I’m not at a thousand yet I only just reached 500. subscribers and I’m not planning it at least I’m really hoping to not give up anytime soon if even one person enjoys my stuff I

Will continue to make videos that’s what I say I just hope one day I just really hope one day things pick up more I try not to look at smaller channels with like or like say channels like 100 something videos and they have like 10 I

I don’t know I try not to look at the count just because I don’t know I get a little bit envious but yeah I I believe that something will happen something will occur we just keep going I mean I’m this far now it’s been four years I’ve nearly at a thousand videos

What what reason do I have to stop there’s not really much currently that would give me a reason ugh is this more basalt am I a am I in a Delta again I just hope things get better before I have a crappy will like I start

Probably never finish it but then if it interests me I will finish it yeah kind of like that yeah I just really hope things do pick up before something like really big happens I don’t wanna have to stop and like I have thought about some things where it’s like foreign

I’ve never seen the owl house is it good the ads I guess I have I have an indomitable will if that makes sense I just hope one day things work out do I Really Wanna now keep the doors you never know I might fall into lava and then I’ll meet them

But hey I met other YouTubers I’m planning I’m hoping to stream with them more and hopefully maybe maybe through them I can start reaching my goal maybe they will bring me to what I’m trying to get to anything oh my gosh where is everything also where the heck is the accent

How I’m gonna be going through this my diamond pickaxe is about to break moving forward foreign yeah but the thing about shorts is that you got to have ideas I’m not great at having ideas I I can I can come up with things but it takes me a while

To really think oh come on this isn’t even helpful either really come up with anything unless I wouldn’t even know what to do but good for her though see I would have started this horse videos of course I’m a gamer good for her though basalts

It’s true and I mean I do play other games apparently I’m currently doing because besides streaming I also do like I also make videos as well so I’ve made videos like uh currently I’m doing what are the what are the videos I’m doing a totally normal Minecraft series uh

I’ve got Alice Through dream emulator I’m doing I’ve got um what else is there I’m doing an Elden ring randomizer like items and uh enemies so not everything is in the same place that should that does sound like fun what else am I doing um what else am I doing

Oh I also play Touhou bullet hell game and um was that five what up oh and then I do a bit of species artificial effort Evolution but I mean eh I’m not that big of a like the game is fine it’s just it bugs out a lot people

Seem to like it though for some reason I don’t know why let’s say I’m quite used to it crashing that game crashing yeah yeah to what to to species the game is good and all that it’s just kind of annoying to play you can’t keep a same the same world

Because if you go back to a saved World it just lags archaea I’ve never heard of it oh my gosh where is everything you go another Direction what is CTS odd okay yeah I play a lot of the Touhou games I’ve been doing it’s actually almost

Been a year since I started playing them I’ve known about Toho since before I knew what Toho was you know maybe I will go another Direction this way ah that’s a lot what else have I done yeah I played all the games except for one two three four and five

You know because those require an emulator and stuff and uh I mean I tried but I couldn’t get it working so unfortunately I cannot experience what the pc98 games were like they have good music though Joe Hall has great music number one favorite character seki Banky the doulahan okubi MC Farms

Like cows and sheep and whatnot or do you mean like uh expert do you mean like the sort of like mob farms and whatnot oh uh I don’t do no not really I’ve never really bothered to learn how to do like mob farms and whatnot because I don’t really care about them

Much I like to do things such as other stuff you know what and a lot of the fan base has not played Touhou that’s perfectly fine almost no like only like a small handful of actually played the games and I will just say this it is difficult when you’re starting up

I’ve been at it for almost a year now so I do have a lot of it down where is everything how far have I gone nope never really made those can I get out of this dick this Delta please thank you laughs I just try to play it just to get to the

End I’m I ca I’m not satisfied with just doing nothing it’s actually one thing like my brothers they despise my like my house my houses that I built they always say you should build something bigger you should you should make like a castle and I’m like no I will stick with my shack

My seven by seven by five or no my nine by nine bye by seven or but or five Shaq with some windows all the chests are outside along the walls unsorted and that’s how I like to that that’s how I made my place and then after that I just go do whatever

And occasionally come back not often though I’ll usually be adding about geez these are like the only places I’ve been so far where is everything oh skeleton I mean yeah I guess so I mean I don’t really I don’t I don’t mind like if people like if people are

Talking about me behind my back I don’t care if anything I’ll do it with them like if people I don’t it’s probably not good advice but I find that if people are trying to be mean to you just be mean to yourself with them it’ll surprise them and then suddenly your friends

I don’t know how to turn off the fog actually I’m pretty sure it’s impossible if I turn up the render distance it’s going to lag the Stream So I choose not to wow where is everything oh I clicked the wrong button that’s embarrassing so I was just checking something ah

Yeah I prefer to try to get through Minecraft without mods well there goes the pickaxe yikes eventually we’ll find what we’re looking for that’s how things go what was I talking about before remember nope a lot of extra graphic things you could turn fog off

I mean if I could then that’d be cool but eh it’s like I don’t know why would I yeah but still OptiFine is an add-on am I gonna find anything oh we’re back in this area you know it’s not I don’t spend this much time in Soul Sand valleys

Even when I’m searching for things still though there must be a fortress somewhere we can get down there we go moving on is there anything down this way no don’t worry I’ve been having bad luck since the beginning of this ugh you know that’s that’s why I want that right there

Is why I should have kept my strength no I don’t need string for that no I don’t need string for that actually it already has it already has one I could use that to my advantage give me something hmm there we go right there right there that’s the guy

That’s the guy right there right there that’s the guy I’ll try right there there he is gotta surround him here we go throw this out just in case I want to pick up a nugget like last time and then again dang it it has a saddle did you stop oh

It’s moving over there it’s almost been three hours cut it out I really do I heard that I heard something I heard someone sipping on something all right gotcha ah there you are anyway best way to get a brute off of one of these things simply get its attention

And if it doesn’t follow through place a block down and wait for it to come back dude over here look at me are these are the houses this is one of the worst ones bye I’m pretty sure this is one of the worst ones to be in

Yeah my luck today is not going well nothing else no not really hey dude oh I can get that I are you kidding me here oh that’s enough to get back oh where are you well done I guess got it and now they’re gonna be aggroad on me for a moment oh hi

Here take it I think we’re good I think so now we go this way oh hi step on this thank you cool overall nothing of value or worth they get that one was that the one I just got I don’t remember nope and I did in fact hear that

Unfortunately it’s just you though no I get up get up get up oh that could have been worse foreign it’s always funny there’s probably more gold in here this is gonna be a long stream a lot longer than normal no they don’t what oh they do huh they do

I’ll make sure to keep that in mind then but first we just do this quickly there we go and then make this good you gravel will they give me pearls oh that’s useful I sure do hope no Hunters come around foreign what else do you have for me

We’re getting arrows that’s something I wanted oh that’s fun well we don’t need him we don’t need it now all we need now is a mushroom oh pearls I mean technically I now have what I wanted from these guys I’m really airless I just need to find a green mushroom

Then we can go back to that Strider and then we can continue on our way nope you can find green mushrooms here can’t you I’m pretty sure you can yep there you are there you go we got it time to go time to go and find that Strider

It was on the other side right I think so let’s just try not to you know die I really should remember to just make a fishing rod it’s more useful than you would expect here we are moving on and it’s still there um actually my number one favorite game well it’s not Minecraft

Would have to be I’d call Minecraft second first let’s you know there’s I like Dark Souls Touhou and um Minecraft all right let’s go let’s find this stronghold or other thing there’s something yeah yeah whatever There you go foreign over here boy stop walking away dude dude where are you going that’s the plan no boy buddy buddy buddy stop walking away from me you know what I could do you know you could just do this you come on this way over here good closer there you go

Now stay there until I come back well here we go slowly but we are making it where the heck did they go things I’ve noticed about Enderman they like to go into corners so we’ll likely find The Mink corners all right 16 more I want about 20. Maybe cover this up pause that

What about salad look at me 15 more 15 more 15 more your turn still 15. oh dear oh no 14 more understandable oh I see what you mean now yeah I guess so yep mm-hmm 13 more there’s one they already asked me them assuming this will probably take like another hour maybe

That’s my guess maybe I should look around you know like that there we go this way over here wow okay this is gonna take a moment unfortunate maybe there’s more in another Direction oh look more hunt 13 more yeah the drops aren’t looking very good this time around here we go

Don’t walk away from me 12 more yikes yeah we’re gonna be here a while got three sorry nine more next one yeah I think I’ll be fine I think seven more six more foreign four more dude dude oh hi three more still three more we’re gonna find that out next one two more

One more and then there’s the next one I know it exists where could it be there you are over here nothing next one come on already if I walk over here for a moment then walk back there’s one nope there we go that’s all of them on to the next area

Now where did I put Where’d I put the guy Where’d I put my dude but where are you there you are well let’s go time to find the last thing and then get out of here because it’s not too far yep as is how it goes well definitely not over here

Oh hello Joe welcome back we’re still going this time it’s a little better you’re just uh looking for the next Hunters haven’t been that much of a problem nope not yet where could it be uh I’m gonna name it uh forgotten because that’s exactly what’s gonna happen when I’m done with it

It’s gonna be forgotten its purpose will be done and I’ll let it live and die here find a fortress that’s all that’s left I’ve been to this Bastion I mean I’d rather not I mean okay I mean I wouldn’t mind it but I mean I I don’t

I don’t need it I don’t need it I once saw a Bastion the pie chart still works but I don’t want to risk falling into the lava to check it where are you basically oh look a treasure no I don’t need it I’ve already found what I needed I don’t

Need to go there one of these days just check something quickly all right and what are you doing am I hitting you oh look another one all right where is it perhaps this way although it seems like I’ve been this way before well I probably okay maybe not this way though

If that loud is falling let’s try this way um is there more lava yep there we go good there we go next area never mind never mind never mind I guess we could check the pie chart there are no block entities in the area we’ll keep it on though

If it just said we need to find spawner specifically if it just says chest it probably isn’t the same thing I mean there was a Bastion so it may just be detecting that we need to find spawner spawners just shown up there’s one close by but in which direction this way perhaps

Why hello there it is nope nope nope perhaps this way don’t I don’t want to be found I want to find it myself it hasn’t left yet for all I know I might have passed it well only when we figure that out the top right oh you mean up there

Uh there is technically something up there sorry but um hang on yeah I must have passed it oh look who it is yeah I’ll probably have to deal with them stay right here please hey stop walking away where are you guys going don’t be silly where do you think you can run

I’m really tempted dude come back there you are trying to find it again everyone’s gone it’s almost being it’s we’re back 38 20 minutes to four hours ain’t that fun chest is close by now did I go this way when I saw the other thing Maybe there’s their blocks moving back

The spawner’s back maybe it was this way one of these directions we will find it just wish I knew which way to go let’s take a quick stop over here ah it’s grown that must mean I’m close right yes there you are we found it time to get my slabs ready

Geez that took a while time to go let’s get those blazes and get out of here I’m gunning it straight for the blazes I’ve already got well the majority of things I need I just need to get out of here that’s about it foreign perhaps nope going down

You’re a little too high up for me there you are I heard that barely sure I heard it you want to be trying to come from Below all right that’s two eight more to go oh my God there are more places over here for some reason oh and that guy seven more

Don’t let up come on really I don’t know if this virus is gonna hold for the entirety of it I suppose we’re at it though five more let’s Light It Up that way we’ll be ready four more three more well I can finally decided to show up still three more really buddy

Two more can I shoot you from over here no honestly I don’t need this anymore still two more these drop rates are a little uh iffy one more that’s all of them time to go please don’t be on the ground okay good running Oh but oh boy minus 27 000 how fun all right which way is it this way go I could probably just killed him now um all right which way oops this way wait which way this way oh here I go we’re almost there who keeps texting me all right foreign

S are following me and they do make me faster how the heck did he die it’s warm in here I wonder if this stronghold will be under the water oh what oh here we go moving forward throw oh there goes that one next almost there ugh next one

What if those Hunters are behind me nope moving on then ever just randomly have your cheekbones hurt just started right now thank you son this ocean is what the heck why is this ocean so huge why are these Hunters dying what’s killing them she’s still going through

Angelo whoever just joined in I hope you enjoy so far things have been kind of bad luck but I mean uh we’re getting somewhere now anyway moving forward we’re nearing the end in a moment foreign too bad we don’t need it though we don’t need it anymore this way

We’re at minus two that 25 105 2555 pretty great um won’t be long now foreign or how much further it is a lot further a little further how much more diagonal do I need to go why do the hunters keep dying what are they getting killed by I am a little tired now

Are we there yet uh yeah we’re gonna be going forward for a bit and it’s been four hours we have a dolphin let’s go more dolphins please hold all right let’s go we’re still going the right way nope oh my dolphin’s gone am I going the right way it’s going backwards

Oh please don’t be under the thing again am I there did I make it foreign which way was I going before I don’t remember was this the way I was going before no yes it was oh here we go oh dear I wonder how far we wound up I seriously

Hope it doesn’t get sort of bad luck where it’s like it takes forever to just find the stronghold and the Hunter died again good job it hasn’t even moved one big old big Waterway and the hunters just keep dying so we should be okay and the trajectory hasn’t moved yet

I wonder how far I’m gonna be going I want a popsicle I’ve been craving garlic ow garlic nuts for a bit okay we’re going backwards finally we’ve been waiting for this is that witch still coming after me it is don’t how’s that for an idea really not um your thing

Actually why don’t I just do this there we go all right where is it whoops what are you doing don’t blink out of existence hey where are you it’s time to make my way to the final part over here for here okay oh is it here

Believe it if it is and it’s somewhere around here come on then might sneeze so all right anyway let’s go listen for silverfish and other things I hope I reach it it is this way right yeah Yep this is the spot here we go please don’t be in a spot that’s not

Where it is that happens sometimes I saw that I saw that there was something over this way show it to me again please sorry a little low to the ground right now oh no please don’t let it be like this again don’t do it it’s doing it oh no there it is

I’m in finally all right time to do my little thing this way come over here you know the way it came from eh that’s kind of funny I will be replacing this pickaxe though so this way’s a dead end but down here I honestly have no clue so I’m gonna say

Yes it is so he was at all the directions you could go this way nope there’s more oh oh for oh joy there’s more in this way nothing this way there’s nothing down there nothing up here supposedly yep that’s what I thought yep nothing down there

If this is tired as a dead end so which means we can mark off this place this way marked off moving on what’s over here anything down here a little hiccup nope all right this way oh yeah dead end blocked off these Hunters just keep on falling is anything down here as expected

Sort of sorry what’s down here dead end this way looks familiar it probably is what’s down here the way I’ve already been perhaps yep dead end was that this way that I went to get there ah all right so which where was this sway leading again we went down here

We went over here took us over here and move it this way you haven’t been over here yet foreign sure a lot of paths dead end what the heck this way perhaps anything nope there we go anything down here nope it’s the entirety of this area is a dead end I believe

So we can just uh block that off right over here now it’s just to the same area so Tire area gets blocked off then okay what about over here dead end so many of them but if each dead end tells us which way not to go so there is some good about it

This way um ah dead end which means this entire direction is a dead end foreign there you are and we made it let’s do that and start doing our thing first off just so I don’t forget there we go and then we can start throwing things away I’m missing water that’s no good

We need to go get some I thought I heard a block being broken I guess we can probably just mark off everywhere dead end actually yes oh there you are there throw away this we don’t need this this goes right here bow goes right here we don’t need this

We are gonna need a new Shield big help don’t need the furnaces anymore uh it’s probably I’m probably gonna die but whatever I’ll wear the Wither skull next up what else do we don’t need I mean we could nah I’m not good at that strategy you don’t need this place this right here

This goes up here don’t need these don’t need this don’t need these don’t need this don’t eat this I’ll hold on to these for now he’s gonna stay up here don’t eat this and we’re ready let’s get on some music wrong music there we go Well you’ve been through this battle many times Gene let’s do it again whoops let’s do this again got it two turn it up a little bit got it right there right there right here right there right there where are those Hunters sorry right here Good job Hunter got it well we have a perching there’s a perching going on only 60. I thought I had more than that whatever it’s fine right here right there nope oh boy right here what other ones have I missed Just checking there and there Come on can you not which ones were they again I don’t remember anymore I’m guessing this one Yep I see it Nope come on I got it just one more remains boy Is there one more left or did I already get it well we want me to find out let’s go Gene here we go I don’t see any I don’t see any healing going on maybe I should practice before 200 is too easy maybe I should just go up to three next

He sounds like a good number anyways I’m just gonna hit Gene with all my arrows foreign not one mist I missed ah you’re back Next Here we go How to kill a dragon just shoot slightly in front of him I’m literally fighting armor stamps I perched armor stands that move oh here we go again and you’re done that’s another one defeated maybe next time Gene maybe next time well that takes care of that

I hope you all enjoyed for those who decide to watch this later on in the future perhaps four was too much for us three will do better perhaps so thank you for watching I make videos every Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday and then as always stream on

Saturday around well around the same time not around the time when I started now but around the same time usually so take care everyone have a great day see you next time may we meet again somewhere new Foreign Foreign foreign

This video, titled ‘Enhancing The Challenge: Updated Hunters! | Moth Attempts a Minecraft One Run [AI Hunter] [Stream]’, was uploaded by KuuDefoe Ch. on 2023-09-03 03:50:18. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:58 or 16438 seconds.

2 was a little too easy! Time to make it harder!

Also, other Vtubers may be joining in to chat! We’ll see how things go. ^.^

You can find the data pack here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/ai-hunter-minecraft-manhunt-but-you-have-no-friend-speedrunner-vs-terminator/

For those new here and also not, one runs were what I used to do with Commi Shions where I attempt to get through Minecraft without dying once and in one episode. I only won like, twice I think.

If I die in the first hour, I’ll be going at it again. If I die after the first hour then that’s the end of the stream! Let’s hope for the best! No this is not a speedrun.

#Gaming #Minecraft #Vtuber #Mothboy

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    Desert Shenanigans: Minecraft Zelda Adventure Angekommen in der Wüste: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure as our protagonist explores a captivating map in this thrilling episode. Join the journey through a unique AdventureCraft Launcher experience that promises endless fun and surprises! Exploring the AdventureCraft Launcher Discover a whole new world of possibilities with the AdventureCraft Launcher, offering exclusive gameplay that is not available elsewhere. Dive into the action by downloading the launcher from AdventureCraft.dev and immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind Minecraft experience. Join the Community Connect with fellow gamers and enthusiasts by engaging with the vibrant community surrounding this Minecraft adventure…. Read More

  • Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft’s Anime Masterpiece

    Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft's Anime Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, a new mod has arrived, Jujutsu Kaisen fans, get ready to be revived. With sorceries and spells, your gameplay will ignite, Crafting and building, in a whole new light. Daosao Gamers, bringing you the best, In the realm of mods, they pass the test. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fun, In this anime world, where battles are won. Subscribe for more, turn on the bell, For updates and gameplay, they do it well. Like, share, and comment, show your support, For Daosao Gamers, the Minecraft cohort. Read More

  • Minecraft Mansion Madness

    Minecraft Mansion Madness Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios and published on May 17, 2009, is a sandbox video game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Originally created by Markus “Notch” Persson, the game allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world full of endless possibilities. The Origins of Minecraft Markus “Notch” Persson and Mojang Studios introduced Minecraft as an Early-Access title for PC in 2009. Since then, the game has expanded to various platforms and consoles, receiving regular updates with new content to keep players engaged. Gameplay… Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery

    Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery In the town of Minecraft, a man did see, An odd creature walking, what could it be? He reported to the police, they thought it was a joke, But footage on a camera made them choke. A special group of cops went to investigate, And what they found was truly great. The town was infested with strange beings, The SWAT team was in for some serious cleanings. As one creature got too close, they couldn’t wait, They opened fire, sealing their fate. None survived, it was a tragic sight, Reported on the news, causing a fright. What will happen… Read More

  • Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250

    Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250 Mastering the Redstone Farm in Minecraft! Join EpicAlyssa1250 and Andrew in their exciting Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series as they delve into the world of redstone farming. In this episode, they tackle the challenges of creating an efficient redstone farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Exploring Redstone Farming Redstone is a valuable resource in Minecraft known for its ability to power various mechanisms and devices. By mastering redstone farming, players can automate processes, create intricate contraptions, and improve their overall gameplay. Key Elements of Redstone Farming: Redstone Dust: The foundation of redstone farming, used to transmit power. Redstone… Read More

  • Rare Spawn: Minecraft’s Mob Mystery

    Rare Spawn: Minecraft's Mob Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, There’s one that’s rare, a sight to see. The Ender Dragon, fierce and strong, In the End, where it belongs. Players quest to find this beast, To challenge it, to say the least. With swords and armor, they prepare, For a battle that’s beyond compare. So if you seek a challenge grand, Go find the Ender Dragon in its land. But be warned, it’s no easy feat, Defeating it will be quite a treat. So gather your friends, gear up with care, And face the Ender Dragon if you dare…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting with the bros: Progress check 🔥

    When you and the boys spend hours building a massive castle in Minecraft, only for one of them to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced lava bucket. #MinecraftFail #RIPCastle Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chaos Live Stream

    Ultimate Minecraft Chaos Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Live Stream 🔴’, was uploaded by Chaos jordi2001 on 2024-06-08 08:35:31. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. If you haven’t subscribed yet, do so if you don’t have to, if you don’t want to and if you like this video, press the blue thumbs up ——————- ————————————————– ————————————————– ———— Did you like it, well I did😁 see you next time ———————— ————————————————– —— https://twitter.com/Chaos_jordi2001 ———————————————————————————— https://progameguides.com/fortnite-shop/ item shop leaked items https://fnbr.co/upcoming game site https://itch.io/ ———————————————————————————- https://www.twitch.tv/chaos_jordi2001 ————————————————– —————- ip of server play.originrealms.com… Read More

  • Minecraft Boss: The Ultimate Hot Mess #meme

    Minecraft Boss: The Ultimate Hot Mess #meme When you finally defeat the Ender Dragon in Minecraft and realize that you are now the true boss of the game, but then a creeper sneaks up behind you and blows you up. #minecraftboss #neverletyourguarddown Read More

  • Thank You Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3

    Thank You Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 The Evolution of Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 has been a significant milestone in the evolution of the popular game. From new features to exciting gameplay elements, this edition has captured the hearts of players worldwide. Exploring 3D Texture Packs One of the most notable additions to Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 is the introduction of 3D texture packs. These packs allow players to customize the look and feel of their game, adding a new level of immersion and creativity to the experience. Embracing Third-Person View With the inclusion of a third-person view option,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the perfect start in Minecraft 1.20. But first, let’s take a look at this exciting new YouTube video titled “THE PERFECT START! Lets Play Minecraft 1.20 – #1 MALAYALAM.” In this video, the creator explores a brand new Minecraft world in Java Edition 1.20 for the first time. They promise fun activities, challenges, and more in their upcoming episodes. While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does showcase the endless possibilities… Read More

  • Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft

    Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft Building a Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft The Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft is a unique architectural design inspired by the popular Jenga game. This project showcases a creative blend of functionality and aesthetics, offering players a visually appealing structure that also serves a practical purpose in the game. Layout & Materials The construction of the Jenga Lighthouse begins with careful planning of the layout and selection of materials. In this project, red is used as the primary color, but players can experiment with different color combinations to achieve varying atmospheres, from modern to fantasy. Jenga Element One of the standout… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing AI in Minecraft with Dronio

    Mind-Blowing AI in Minecraft with DronioVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-15 21:30:00. It has garnered 431 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some of the best fails, wins, and other hilarious moments from the Minecraft community. From exploding creepers to epic building fails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Hashtags: #Minecraft #Shorts #Funny #Fails #Wins #Epic #Gaming #Laughter #Entertainment #GamingCommunity #MinecraftCommunity #Gamer #GamingShorts #FunnyShorts #FailShorts #WinShorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Java Edition Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Poppy Playtime Minecraft Cheating Challenge

    Ultimate Poppy Playtime Minecraft Cheating ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //DRAW in POPPY PLAYTIME Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-03-22 18:00:00. It has garnered 171916 views and 1600 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:38 or 2258 seconds. I Cheated with //DRAW in POPPY PLAYTIME Build Challenge in Minecraft Today in Minecraft, we’re having a building competition! But nobody knows that I’ll be using //DRAW to cheat in this POPPY PLAYTIME build battle! How long do you think it will take before my friends find out? Will CATNAP, DOGDAY, MISS DELIGHT, or the SMILING CRITTERS catch us?… Read More

  • Uncover Insane New Minecraft Easter Egg! 🤫🖼️ #minecraftfest #shorts

    Uncover Insane New Minecraft Easter Egg! 🤫🖼️ #minecraftfest #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Das NEUE Easter Egg in Minecraft…🤫🖼️ #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftfacts #minecraftdeutsch’, was uploaded by EinfachGustaf on 2024-04-21 11:03:54. It has garnered 200595 views and 15560 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Skibid Toilet Animation Part 1!” #clickbait #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Skibid Toilet Animation Part 1!" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft skibids toilet parts 1 #minecraft #skibiditoilet #part1’, was uploaded by 3camera animation on 2024-01-14 04:39:14. It has garnered 9 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Try the free video editor CapCut to create videos! https://www.capcut.com/t/Zs8jMX6Sq/ Read More

  • Master English with Dronio & Minecraft – FREE trial!

    Master English with Dronio & Minecraft - FREE trial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 22:15:00. It has garnered 5243 views and 907 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Godly Gamer Defeats Baby Zombie – RIP! Minecraft Animation

    Godly Gamer Defeats Baby Zombie - RIP! Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry Baby Zombie, Rest In Peace | Monster School Minecraft Animations’, was uploaded by GOD BOYZ GAMAER on 2024-03-26 01:23:50. It has garnered 2962 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • NinjaGamerGirls REVEAL the laziest Minecraft tactics!

    NinjaGamerGirls REVEAL the laziest Minecraft tactics!Video Information This video, titled ‘que flojera ⚒️MINECRAFT BEDROCK⚒️#videojuegos #minecraft #minecraftberdock #streamer #shorts’, was uploaded by NinjaGamerGirls on 2024-04-05 18:00:04. It has garnered 665 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. ————————————————– ——————————— 💖🎮 GAMER GIRL 🎮💖 ———– ————————————————– ——————— ⚒️ Minecraft REALMS ⚒️ Technical Realm: https://realms.gg/27JoLmL_TfA Realm con Hacks: https://realms.gg/yTzEnsXKKrY Verify your Minecraft username on Discord to be able to play: 🤖 [Discord] 🤖 – https://discord.gg/jpwBkvATbU Minecraft Whatsapp Groups: https://chat.whatsapp.com/E1zR7o3mUc2CW2NwN3mPMr Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/733539675110501/ ————————————————– ——————- Social networks: 💜 [twitch] 💜 – https://www.twitch.tv/ninjagamergirls/ 💝 [Instagram] 💝 -https://www.instagram.com/ninjagamergirls/ 💠 [Facebook]💠 – https://www.facebook.com/RdaNyDoranTeSs​ 🐥 [Twitter] 🐥-… Read More


    INSANE HUGGY WUGGY REMAKE PRECISION BUILDVideo Information This video, titled ‘REFAZENDO O HUGGY WUGGY DO MINECRAFT BEDROCK/WIN 10 NO MINECRAFT JAVA’, was uploaded by IsaacBeyCraftYT on 2024-04-05 15:00:41. It has garnered 766 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:36 or 576 seconds. Description/Credits Here: | V Channel of the original addon creator: https://www.youtube.com/@BendytheDemon18 Wiki do addon original: https://mcpedl.com/poppy-playtime-addon-the-tight-squeeze/ Mcreator (The Program I used to make the Mod): https://mcreator.net/ [Versão do Mcreator usado no Vídeo — 2023.3] Blockbench (The Program I used for the custom models): https://www.blockbench.net/ Plugin (Geckolib) that I used to run the customized models in Mcreator: https://mcreator.net/plugin/91484/nerdys-geckolib-plugin-forge-1182-1192 [Versão do… Read More


    EPIC DOOMER BUILDS UWU TOWN in MINECRAFT! 🔥#GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘| The Town of UWU | Minecraft BETA 1.7.3 #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by DoomerPlaysMinecraft on 2024-02-21 00:51:57. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. The town of UWU was founded by Ospence5 on August 9th 2023, and currently has 25 residents. If you want to see UWU for yourself you can find it at mc.retromc.org Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the video. If you did please considering subscribing and hitting that like button as it supports us in a major way! ~ Doomer… Read More

  • Coca MC

    Coca MCCoca MC is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server with treecapitator and /home and /warp plugins to help with mobility and gathering resources. There is a small and friendly community with active players who can help you if needed. There are certain teams you can opt into joining, which each have their own lore, but it is entirely optional. This is mainly an English-speaking server, however, we have German members too. We are planning to add more plugins in future, mostly just QoL or fun plugins which don’t alter progression Read More

  • EpicGaming: Semi-Vanilla, Vanilla, Minigames

    1.20.6 EpicGaming Multi-Server (3 Servers) IP/Address: play.epicgaming.ch Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/m2GWN6F We offer: Towny Survival (Semi-Vanilla) -Mobheads -Playershops -Death Chest -Teleports -Ingame Ranks -Ender Dragon respawn Minigames (over 20+): -Soccer -Horse Races -Build Battle -Bedwars -Ice Boat Races -Parkour -Boost -Sheep Wars -Pig Race -Chess and more 100% Vanilla: Opened 3 weeks ago, version 1.20.6 Server Tournaments: We regularly host events and tournaments. Next event is today (Sunday 8pm CET). Join us! Community Details: -Small, active community -Average age: 20 -Server uptime: 100% Interested? Let us know in the comments for server connection details and a past event video. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why can’t players ride zombies?

    Minecraft Memes - Why can't players ride zombies?Looks like the zombie got the better end of the deal! Who knew they were such skilled sniffer riders? Read More

  • Hot Maizen Memes: Minecraft Madness!

    Hot Maizen Memes: Minecraft Madness! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone with texts!” 😂🎮 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure!

    Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure! The Evolution of Minecraft: A Look Back at 15 Years of Creativity and Innovation Delivering Updates and Managing Community Expectations In the world of Minecraft, the pressure of delivering updates is a constant challenge for Mojang Studios. With a dedicated community always hungry for new content, the developers must carefully balance innovation with maintaining the core essence of the game. The team’s ability to manage these expectations has been crucial in keeping players engaged and excited about the future of Minecraft. One key aspect of this delicate balance is the regular release of updates that not only fix bugs… Read More

  • Sneaky New Series | Minecraft Hardcore s2

    Sneaky New Series | Minecraft Hardcore s2 Minecraft Hardcore Season 2: A New Adventure Begins! Welcome to Wolf City! The beloved Minecraft Hardcore series is back with a thrilling second season. Fans are in for a treat as they join the adventure in this hardcore gameplay. Exploring New Challenges This season promises exciting new challenges and adventures for players. From building intricate structures to surviving dangerous encounters, the stakes are higher than ever in this hardcore world. Survival at Its Core In Minecraft Hardcore, survival is key. Players must navigate the world, gather resources, and fend off enemies to stay alive. With limited lives and increased… Read More

  • Journey into Madness! Modded Minecraft Hexxit

    Journey into Madness! Modded Minecraft HexxitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft – Hexxit’, was uploaded by UntoldGG on 2024-05-09 18:05:29. It has garnered 58 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:38 or 7298 seconds. Read More

  • Sly Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: Leather Armor Only!

    Sly Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: Leather Armor Only!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but only with Leather Armor! | Stream 6’, was uploaded by YertaPain on 2024-04-09 06:35:34. It has garnered 780 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:10 or 8470 seconds. Yoo this is Stream 6 of the Minecraft Hardcore Series! Today I set up the villager farm (mostly) so that I can have good trades for enchanting! Lets see how long it takes me to beat the ender dragon! I hope you enjoy this stream and be sure to subscribe if you enjoy the fun! If you want a Text… Read More

  • Dronio’s Explosive Minecraft Adventure! #viral

    Dronio's Explosive Minecraft Adventure! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘В Minecraft с Компотом – яркий фейерверк веселья. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-08 13:45:00. It has garnered 11491 views and 1639 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS… Read More

  • Fuzzycub builds dreamy starter house!

    Fuzzycub builds dreamy starter house!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT A CUTE COTTAGECORE STARTER HOUSE – OLYMPUSCRAFT SEASON 4 EPISODE 1’, was uploaded by Fuzzycub_ on 2024-04-17 17:59:46. It has garnered 324 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:40 or 1600 seconds. Join the Bear Cave Discord : https://discord.com/invite/v6EDtJNsRX Olympuscraft SMP is a Modded 1.19.2 Minecraft java Server. Check out the other members here! @CodeMC1 @styrkatMC @RobPlaysMinecraft @CallieBuilds @dergrietz @saigeyplays @MB_C-137 @BeardedSurvivalGuy @zinjy @jblader111 @MasterCWG music licences from Epidemic sound. Read More

  • INSANE! EPIC Wheat Farm Tutorial! – Battle Lock Gamer #3

    INSANE! EPIC Wheat Farm Tutorial! - Battle Lock Gamer #3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Making Wheat Farm Episode 3 || #3’, was uploaded by Battle Lock Gamer on 2024-02-27 16:17:32. It has garnered 400 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:26 or 386 seconds. Minecraft Making Wheat Farm Episode 3 || #3 Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition you can adventure solo or with friends, and discover an… Read More

  • “UNCOVERED: Terrifying New Minecraft Mob at Night” #gamer

    "UNCOVERED: Terrifying New Minecraft Mob at Night" #gamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘New mob in Minecraft – Deeper And Darker #minecraft’, was uploaded by Night Gamer on 2024-04-08 13:00:44. It has garnered 5050 views and 185 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. New mob in Minecraft – Deeper And Darker #minecraft Read More

  • Daekock’s Mind-Blowing JFK Mega on Mars! #Minecraft

    Daekock's Mind-Blowing JFK Mega on Mars! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JFK Mega – Auf zum Mars 🚀 🌍 #minecraft #JFKMEGA #atm9’, was uploaded by Daekock on 2024-02-28 12:00:31. It has garnered 453 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Livestream on twitch.tv/daekock Mon – Thurs: approx. 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Fri – Sat: approx. 3:00 p.m. to open end Sun: approx. 3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Follow me on: Twitch: twitch.tv/daekock Youtube: youtube.com/@Daekock?sub_confirmation=1 TikTok: tiktok.com/@daekock Instagram: instagram.com/daekock/ X (Twitter): twitter.com/daekock Youtube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq0GxzpqWWmJIHna-TCibsWd-DylA0AXg #minecraft #JFKMEGA #JFKMEGAPROJEKT #atm9 #allthemods9 Read More

  • Minecraft PVP with DISASTER

    Minecraft PVP with DISASTERVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //DISASTER in Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-05-30 17:00:00. It has garnered 716757 views and 14305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:25 or 1765 seconds. Mongo and Wudo are doing a build battle except Mongo is cheating! Does Mongo win? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

KuuDefoe Ch. – Enhancing The Challenge: Updated Hunters! | Moth Attempts a Minecraft One Run [AI Hunter] [Stream]