Lachlan – Minecraft Factions Versus: Blaze Grinders and Building the Base!! #5

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Hey what is going on guys it is Lachlan here back with a brand new episode all factions here on the treasure war server returning with movio swatted or Lyle and Reliant or James and hey you guys go on today pretty oh I’m Chris McMahon Chris boom and that’s your presents do

You actually give your present oh no I think you do present you all won I just thought you said you have it I didn’t get you one is it like an there you go what ooh what’s that oh nice present so you did a clue scroll

Right didn’t you to get that I had yeah I did a heroic and I got two blazes and to pigment out of it geez black that’s your new blazes not even just one alright well that’ll help out for the blaze spawner down the line because I

Think Vic has a little bit of an advantage that but in today’s episode guys but we’re hopefully gonna be honing ahead and doing is setting up our spawn it’s pretty much setting up the inside of this big massive base that we have right now get a spoiler set up and then

We want to hopefully get a probably maybe not this episode but down the line a clue scroll room specifically set up for clue scroll grinding because that is going to be the biggest meta of us getting ranks Vic got a champion ranked the other day so I need to catch up and

Get some nice juicy ranks and yeah hopefully it’ll be nice and entertaining and it is actually Christmas today as well so anyway let’s get to it so what are we thinking gentlemen we’ve got a lot of stone bricks here uh yeah okay so thinking about like a little staircase

That’ll lead up I can explore over here okay and on the bottom floor we should having a little like common like spawner room yep you know just like we’re every role partners um I guess they like me in hand so was I supposed to get stone breaker

Hey so let’s just about the hut the first floor yeah I just should get rid of yet oh well we should just cover the whole Tori’s number yeah combo is Kobol and get myself some yeah yeah notice along I like bought a lot before we started this episode but I’m

Just trying to think right now how we want to span this out another thing I want to hopefully do maybe this episode if we can is get some Accra grainy and set up an aqua grinder home just to Accra grind never hurt anybody I’m doing some a crew is there’s people

People have found our back Chui what are you doing Matt Chewy’s underneath our base Chewie come on man and dude to defense oh yeah our base has had a little work on it since the last episode we got some walls and whatnot I don’t want to go out and show you just

Because you guys might be able to find our base a little easier with seeing what it looks like now because it’s completely different since last episode so we won’t be showing that off now the spawn is and the spiders you wanted to keep them separate right laters and oh

Yeah I mean okay let’s see which one we gonna go for we’re gonna do the clue scroll yeah I’d say closer later because we need to actually get the XP to buy the clue scrolls so I’ll say let’s let’s start out with that Chuck those torches

All the way around as well while just to get things so I’m actually like the the anvil and the salvage been on the ground I don’t know why it’s just something about it makes it look really yeah but I guess I guess we should put it like

Somewhere else don’t we on the side you know how to make something around it I don’t know I kind of like it this is gonna be the stairs okay that’s the stairs yeah yeah do you want to get walls in or were you looking at cobble the whole series actually that’s a good

Idea oh no if we if we put walls in there will be a 12 by 12 woman side I think it’s true oh my like 30 something we’ll have a look we are waiting on a new feature that’s hopefully going to come to the Treasury will sever this weekend

With an X which is the new decorative stuff to buy it because clays are the cool stuff so we’re going to wait for that for the major interior decorator interior decorator no the other that rafi that was how to migrate sorry no no is Jose Jake is big

Joke joke director Frank it’s broke its prank it’s a prank bro it’s a prank calm down alright alright well you know what do you want to work on the grinder over here swatter while he works on the stairs yeah you guys do that yeah man

All right okay now how do we do this my f years let’s do the blaze spawner ly let’s do the blaze but that’s the most important stuck it right bang here is blaze born here right here right here in the middle so I want to have the same

Thing I had losses I don’t know if you guys a few sir Lyle oak ash lead wonderful helpers underneath or yeah Lily’s two guys body underneath row later and boy later and sure going at it man oh and adios and they’re gone later is the man

Okay wait swatted how do we want to use all personnel helpers I really don’t see a point in hoppers you know yeah yeah yeah screw it screw through Hoppus all right okay settle of it will be these two you don’t have enough for about two by two then for the middle of the

Grinder uh I would say just one by one middle but they don’t be off center Oh will it centering is key yeah no I’m a sucker for symmetry dude yeah two by two yeah a hundred percent I don’t work with those like on symmetrical things that I

Don’t chill they don’t work okay let’s do two by two then so let’s get set up I’ll grab the buckets away the way we’ll do we’ll do something like so um yeah that’s fine that’s fine honestly um okay now how did some bottom hoods citizens will be here then one more yeah Pistons

Alright I’ll grab some Pistons actually if you want alright sticky pistons or just normal Pistons sticky by the way our old like base has still not been raided I love that I love that the unclaimed vase over P man that doesn’t think anyone would be looking for now

Though I don’t like lost season me evicted unclaimed base I think they found it instantly like it was insane they’ve done it know how but they did it and they found it so I’m gonna go felt these water buckets in the wilderness I can’t find any water sources here I know

I have some water buckets I mean just make an infinite source in here oh my god are you sure told my dad no I’m gonna do em in the swamp and I’m trying to take down honestly this face is so big it’s gonna be hard to fill

Everything up you know yeah yeah I know I feel that that’s that’s what I was like when we got the walls and I was like wow that’s that’s a lot of it that’s a lot of roof um alright so it’s up this water source there we go okay

There’s our infinite water source I’ll just fill up all these buckets is it ready to fill in water up there yet no I don’t think it is there is a set of iron armor in here I’m just going to go ahead and salvage that don’t whose it is

But oh I know I use it I use my kit the starter kit so I could uh yeah all true church got told you to the torches yeah yeah you should have salvaged it up I’m gonna go ahead and repair this sword and then salvage it back up okay you guys

Want to make the kind of glass thing so you can kind of located on the pleases yeah I’m down how do they sell glass colored glass oh you gonna make it no Lee so they still normal glass in the other Lee colored glasses not much hotter to get yes all

Right I’ll grab some gloves let me give the dyes there we go got how much last thing we need I got three stacks full stacks some accident of color gloss do we want though guys what are we thinking cuz I’ll go out in the world honestly I

Was just thinking the normal red ah let’s go redness yeah we are kind of like your kind of red we’re kind of like red so you don’t like a red theme you know what’s funny I just realized it with technically red team cuz I got the

Red skin Vic said the blue skin and it’s like red team and how to Minecraft it’s just filled us always welcome it always goes the full circle alright this does it alright um so yeah I’m gonna go slash wound this and try to find some little

Red poppies I guess I only see yellow flowers oh look I take that back I got some red poppies yeah I mean it take a place water it’s on fire you need to show that off with some some fire gloss or should we get orange because orange blazes

You know I can see that I don’t know I can see it but I think red would kind of look nicer with the UH what if we did something cool with different colored girl knock I Steve sorry I’m feeling a little effect with like orange and yeah

Orange like red and yellow that would be pretty cool but alright so I’ve got the Rose red dyes I got some red stained glass all the stairwells looking pretty good this actually is coming along I like the trapdoor or oyster designs oh yeah aw jeez wait won’t even eat an acro

Kinda you got one right here man yeah this is record ganda hey I got a level easy bangs guys easy pegs alright wait actually I’ve checked the a H in a couple days let’s check what the economy’s up to still about the same all right Sam yeah I do Oh

Elf pet I really want to get my hands on one of those it looks they are amazing man well we’re waiting by the admin shop cuz me and Victor’s can’t go ahead and just bike it’s not it’s not it’s not even for us because we could just buy

The whole store and the neck minute we’d have 10 million IGS and then we’ll be like Boys season over episode yeah not much of the aah I’m just looking for clues I saw it for 60 K and it’s an easy one too it’s a wolf so that’s easy just

Get the bone slap down you’re good go dude like I’d buy that dude you want to pull our money how much money do you have um 38 I have 1824 all right everybody everybody withdraw the money to be right now quick quick quick quick let’s buy this alright uh so

How much do I have 18 K so I think all of us together can get this Chuck me your Papes all dropped items cleared imagine if you chopped it just then right how many do you want me to withdraw any those it uh let me just

Check I need from you 20 K check it down oh there we go alright everyone’s pretty much more than 20 K repel yeah what the problem something it’s what we do it’s a fax Matt no deter you wanna go the show I wanna go to a H bad bad GG I better

Still be here come on don’t go away already God oh please Oh No is it on it’s on I think it’s gone no more necks Funyun I knew it we were too late guys then I case there’s mine 1ij and it’s for in and it’s a TK can we get another 20k

Somewhere guys can we get another 20 Cal would you mind IG we keep just Gerta like sensors answered yeah oh I got ripped up if I can sell these for extra cash oh how many should I sell for just five each or should I sell them as a stack for a big

Money um how much you have you sixty 16 yeah sell 15 for like uh 80k aah list 80k alright come on please sell my RIF tokens yeah I’ll give you your money back as soon as I cuz I actually do want to lock down a heroic clue for the squad

And one IG like hit up censored like dude that’s an easy banger and it’s for in already come on oh really yeah it’s for in it’s not just a brand new clue alright anyway getting back to things uh swa– did you want to get started on this place thing yeah we got

A you gotta get doing that yeah oh I know what we got stuck out we got stuck at the the science do you have the wood there you go you go wait sorry and get wood dated for the kid starter oh yeah yeah alrighty and how many signs Jack we need just

Like six a 20-ish 20-ish all right that’s fine that’s easy actually so once we have that down you want to start like the second floor later honor honestly that’s sick what you’ve done that’s that’s like real hype yeah probably and I think if the space works

It’ll cut off at the spawner as well which is good with the the IDs and stuff when we start getting those up yeah so let’s go – I was like in base I was thinking one chunk of the 1 by 2 should be IDs and the other should be

Creepers and they’re like right next to each other so we can just eight yeah one spot and we gotta get the creepers on going on man what’s supposed to matter with the creepers that I missed something is he auntie bro see ya MT Don oh my

Once we get TT that that’s where I come to play oh that’s working all true that is this is our Canada we did say that he’s a lot of things actually actually Joe me start replace this with gloss or not like the bottom the box I’d say this

Beside go up from off of this like that yeah okay and don’t do the last one because it will look like a frame around it you know oh okay yeah yeah let’s see what you’re doing yeah dude you doing I like this alright so red glass all the way around

All the way around and stone bricks as well how high do you reckon I should go up until I guess just before this level which is one more Oh Joe may crater uh worried you looks pretty tall actually I think that’s level yeah that’s level so that’s gonna be the frame right there

All right there we go there is our fresh Oh alrighty perfect dude what’s this easy mate you put they put easy did you think this is easy mate just I’m just rattling around me no you’re not easy it’s Liza’s who are easy it’s not you I search the

Blazes they’re dropping um do you want me to put a glass roof as well a framed glass roof that actually look pretty cool like yeah alright and this is where the roofs going yeah where I put them now because that’s pretty much the level oh yeah

And the next floor can look above like look below them like peasants it’ll be great it’ll be grande that she really had well we get the blazes set up like now that’s actually gonna be sick because then we can just stop granting them for XP and then easy bangers guys

Yeah for some reason it still has yet to sell the the rift oh really I thought 5mm is pretty reason 8 in chat so you can share no my guy my guy but I will be that guy I have to don’t want to be I mean sell affiliate exact hey 60 we

Always get good heroic clue scrolls are probably gone by now it’s okay I’m gonna grind a lot out soon see I feel like I’m getting all is it same but I feel like once we get once we get this up though uh I can get XP and

Then I’ll just get on alts and get a bunch of who scrubs off of it yeah 100 percent down easy grind easy girls booze I need an ender pearl or something to get up here alright yeah we have plenty in their chests yeah so I did see the ender pearls with Oh dollar

I just I said screw it and I just made it instead I need some light up here it’s a little little dark but I’m doing a start placing in the blazes and we’ll work on the piston thing sorry this representing do you want to hide the

Wiring you’re just kind of out of there dude it’s any product if you want to just have it there they’ll be easy yeah just have it there where you just put four different levers yeah that works and I don’t run out of Rose red dye the roofer

Neal don’t I got some I got some next pool is pretty much done you gonna connect the next Lloyd root of this grow yet yeah I got it oh well I are like four blocks short what I cry every time mom I was thing one thing I think my

Tings might have sold not really no false alarm you’ll have the Pistons oh my god no you don’t have my oh no no could you could I thought I put my riff tokens up for $15 oh oh you have the Pistons oh yeah oh yes I have the

Pistons I’ll be talking down to you ah there you go umm alright yeah I’m gonna put these up for how much she say each one is probably worth like 5 to 10 K this point actually no but people won’t buy those that’s a thing people are in the mood to

Buy you have 16 yeah I’m going 60 K for 15 I think that’s actually kind of thick that’s actually a deal like it’s actually a deal on wheels you know I’m saying oh watch the sunrise in the war zone for 69k salt it’s all I’m buying this one god it’s beautiful

Sunrise in the war zone that’s easy isn’t it you just sit there and you watch yeah yeah but uh when I was doing it it was slightly bugged did it walk that it’s you got a like a reason like I had to go

To different um I had to go to a lot of different uh or zone areas to get it I got working at elf on them ya know I’ve had it working a couple times I’m here I’m gonna give you guys back your money uh so 22 for listing you and only for

You all right there we go that’s what you get you but yeah it’s fluorine and the fifth one is watch the sunrise in the war zone so what’s the time right now can you / Tom it is it’s 9:00 a.m. so the Sun just rose so there’s no point of trying right now

Oh yeah the time yeah because you got a clock in the base Oh jojje any of you got you have the admin item yeah no all right that’s happening that’s how because I I saw that and I was like dude that is sick who’s got

Leather to make an item frame I do now all right you got it look watch one yeah you’ve got it you’ve got it all right in the end is near and is there just right there the noobs are coming the noobs are coming all right

That was that was for the people who are on during the VIP access was it and yeah yeah but it’s not for everyone it’s just when they were online yeah yeah yeah that’s true that’s true um AB inaudible this is looking pretty nice if I say so myself

Yeah no it actually does look sick so he’ll see how that wirings fine no yeah yeah yeah you’re just gonna have to press it all yeah yeah Blaze’s come down here easy bangs oh I see you mean you got the pressed mole yeah that’s cool yeah um look there’s a waiter like ray

Out the Reds did you Chuck the blazes in there no you did not that easy bangers what are we gonna go around you bastard hey I want bling on it yeah undo the pistons are you going to ascend I’m going to ascend all right go in my going up

Did you ever play that game ascend no I did not oh dude I love this love a waterfall that’s dope that’s yeah I write that I write that highly alright I kind of want to go ahead and try to get this this heroic done today but it might

Be for another day I think I’m gonna remove your little pot of you one thing I want to keep an eye out in the hey Chaz well I’m gonna sell this last group token for 5k like eh lasting buy okay ladies last one yeah I want to try and lock myself down

A just the ruins for a good grinding SOI like it plunder XP drain all those good ones so I will looting an XP drain yeah oh oh yeah looting looting we just course want basic like on your sword yeah but it still helps pickpocket no that’s that’s for PvP damnit organizing

You like steal money from League places no once all these are it’s bad became your money blazes came it over themselves man like what the hell what the hell Oh tight one do these will my XP I don’t remember that I remember losing my XP oh

I took them out for an old that’s right we’ll have some soon you’ll have some saw yeah I better have some soon I tell you how much is that gloss roof done by the way yeah ah the blazes are in are we putting everything in here no just Pigman and

Lisas pigma yeah I think it’s perfect I mean no they give a lot of XP today yeah Pigman do all right you got me sold you got me sold all right I’m ready it’s close it we’re good yeah done and done there we go they’ll start stocking up so

How many places do we have total now of spires or blazes in their blazes honors we have three I think you guys I think I had one why hat oh you have one I realized you have that place oh I have one day oh yeah oh yeah Chuck that in do

Chuck that in I’ll leave the spiders for now we might even just start selling those I think I think spiders spiders can get you XD super quick yeah well we’ll make it like a separate little thing is I don’t have much fix yet so I don’t know if I want

To do much grinding it’s like slash figure me plus if you have like thirty plus uh spiders you’ll get XP quick yeah you just end Cal streak kill streak and just I need that wreck so during the fix I’m going to keep chuckling to you for the time

Being is why didn’t he I don’t have the slash pixel role adventure yeah an adventure gets fixed doesn’t it oh no it wasn’t champion row okay all Vic’s got dicks got it damn it nice guys Nathan I’m gonna hit up some crates man yeah we do we do need to get

Some crates I was I was hoping to get something like a rancor class last night off of Maya Cusco cuz it had like five Legendary’s and I was like oh gosh what I’m thinking is I should my Vic man he got some old like you just hit him off

Like for the easy ones I would like to buy looting sword though buying looting looting three sword on a hedge let me just check for one first I don’t like idiot on the aah uh knock back and there’s none oh that looks pretty good but that’s still not enough so let’s

Refresh a little bit see if anyone saw when they arts not miss your Cusco wants to charge 30k by week one 5k godsword mmm let’s get it let’s get it yeah I mean why not and a little something here and I’m too late I didn’t get it that’s

Great you hesitate and you don’t get what you want and that’s how it works sometimes ah that’s annoying I’m gonna refresh I should have bought it I should have bought it why deny buy it this is all us yet so you’re slow I was like no 5k you gotta be quicker than that

Ah I do the pig pad for 40k that’s mad oh it’s time what is some timing what’s place uh uh go to no good less fun Oh Swan I was gone Oh some sort of rise dude too much loss dude oh no it’s it’s 3:00 p.m. though it sounds still going

Down oh we need the Sun to rise on something go down dude would there’s tons of time we got tons of time to wait for that to go down probably money guy in later there’s a gang sensor that’s asking if you want to sharp by bleeding

Three sorry uh yeah how much do you want for it straight up how much BAM oh you can trade me from here he’s probably headed pale yeah how much does he want free nada I’ll give him like five K like that all the guy wanted all right

Trade role later there we go alrighty 5k roll a 2 man he is a champion I think he killed them Percy did kill Chuy I think you actually know another person killed cheese and I got someone killed chicken to Mecca oh dude Chuy uh alright so I’ve got my my

Grinding so it looks like a little things get removed you let them all in yeah maybe is a little annoying having multiple Pistons to shop it’s fine yeah it’s worth them out it’s now got a lockdown plunder and a XP drain swords only chance like it’s just a good chance

I got a date real quick yeah I’ve been a boon I’m gonna be checking it like over the next couple of days but it does it seems that everybody saw it kind of has the same idea and it’s just like yeah I need a good grind sword sir I mean

Honestly SWAT it you start getting on those raids I think maybe and steal some people’s gravel I have a couple of range you know alright alright lined up in the process can hit the up I got some good loops good loot Asians we isn’t there

Like a base like near us um yeah there’s sensory yes that’s no no no no no no they’re all right I think the pump Kapono ish no not the pumpkin patch on the very end of our buffer on the two chunk side there is a base but you

Should believe they might have moved out cuz people have been starting to fund our base and there’s just a bunch of claims oh no oh yeah I would move out if I were them holy damn that sucks alright I’m actually getting mad XP drops I’m going for level 3 to 22 real

Quick alright I’ve killed everything alright now do i croft the ingots into the nuggets in the gold but can I just sell them straight away um I would crap them into gold yeah you have to cross them in a gold it seems that’s quite should have some like

I would I would think like potion brewing or something also on the store not just the blaze water yeah like honestly like on this wall we could put some like he stands up like puts yeah supplies and stuff yeah yeah I write that we’ll get on that we Shah get on that bucks

Alright well I think you I think that’ll do for today’s episode what do you guys think what’s the time let’s check the time it is 7:00 p.m. like it’s not gonna go down for awhile I think that’s honestly a great place to wrap up today’s episode I hope you guys

Did enjoy today’s episode you guys did be sure to leave a like rating down below we’ll catch you guys next time letting guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Factions Versus: Blaze Grinders and Building the Base!! #5’, was uploaded by Lachlan on 2015-12-26 19:38:11. It has garnered 188868 views and 3217 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds.

In this episode of Treasure Wars, we make our epic new base and create a blaze grinder! ❱ Treasure Wars IP: ◀ Join Now! (1.7/1.8 Compatible) ❱ Treasure Wars Store Link:

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    Solar Eclipse Madness! PyjamaPrince Builds Functioning EclipseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Let’s build a Functioning Solar Eclipse!’, was uploaded by PyjamaPrince on 2024-03-25 06:08:40. It has garnered 977 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:44 or 8684 seconds. For episode 5 of the Hardcore Minecraft series we’ll be heading to the End to construct a working Solar Eclipse! #minecraft #solareclipse #hardcore #megabase #megastructure Read More

  • Boost FPS with Safe Minecraft TLuncher & Hindi Mods!

    Boost FPS with Safe Minecraft TLuncher & Hindi Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TLuncher is now safe and Get some More FPS boosting mods and tips [ in hindi tutorial ]’, was uploaded by T.G gaming on 2024-01-13 12:22:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【DISℂOℝD SEℝVEℝ 】 【Whatsapp Group】 … Read More

  • Unbelievable Farewell to Iron Giants in Minecraft! #minecraft

    Unbelievable Farewell to Iron Giants in Minecraft! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Farewell to Iron Giants: A Melancholic Tribute in Minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by PristineFrog Gaming on 2024-01-10 22:00:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this poignant Minecraft Short, we gather to pay our respects to the silent guardians of our Iron Farm—our loyal Iron Golems. Read More

  • 🔥Sensational Beauties & Their Hot Dance Moves!

    🔥Sensational Beauties & Their Hot Dance Moves!Video Information This video, titled ‘beautiful dance’, was uploaded by Beauty and Hoty girls on 2024-06-05 21:29:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter… Read More

  • Insane!! Transforming Minecraft with 4000x Textures

    Insane!! Transforming Minecraft with 4000x TexturesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ich Google Übersetze Minecraft Texturen 4000x …’, was uploaded by Stamm on 2024-05-11 09:00:43. It has garnered 88379 views and 2860 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:38 or 638 seconds. I Google Translate Minecraft textures 4000x … and make a resource pack out of it! Discord: Idea: @Renidrag @Toiu (Also leave the sub with the guys!) Pixel program: “paint net” TexturePack Download: (Loading long!!) More: “I Google Translate Minecraft Items 2000x …” “I’m turning Minecraft mobs into memes…” Subscribe to 🙂 Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Villager IQ Test! 😱 #MinecraftMadness

    Mind-Blowing Villager IQ Test! 😱 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Villager iq #minecraft #popular #trend #viral’, was uploaded by Deadxx on 2024-06-08 04:56:50. It has garnered 687 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. minecraft animation dream smp steve mcpe minecraft anime minecraft parody minecraft tutorial memes shorts new trend tiktok viral Minecraft unusual memes anime minecraft ylyl funny memes minecraft update minecraft funny beating minecraft memetrap meme compilation funny vines try not to laugh best memes tiktok memes memes compilation funny videos memes video try not to laugh challenge you laugh you lose minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft… Read More

  • LuminaCraft

    LuminaCraftWelcome to LuminaCraft, a brand-new server that needs YOUR HELP! We are trying our best to make it the best server there is, so will you join? Staff applications are open, and there are a lot of giveaways. The Discord is fun and active, and the survival server is ready to play. Since the server is brand new, we are still developing and fixing everything. In the future, we are adding a bunch of new game modes and functions, so get ready and start playing! Read More

  • UltraVanilla SMP 1.20.6 – Survival, Dynmap, Build Competitions, Events, No-Reset, Collaborative Wiki, Discord Chat Bridge

    UltraVanilla UltraVanilla Minecraft Server UltraVanilla is a small-scale community Minecraft server founded in January 2019. It offers minimal enhancements to the core game, with everything built in survival mode. The server has 30 player slots to maintain a tight-knit community feel. Address: – Java edition 1.20.4 – 1.20.6 Features: Extremely friendly community Old-school Minecraft server vibes No map resets, with chunks from 1.13 to 1.20 Various fast travel commands Events and competitions Time-based ranks Tool-friendly technical aspects Community Projects: Events Nether highway system Seasonal decorations Shopping districts Towns/settlements Libraries Map art collections Rules: No griefing No stealing No PVP… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Upgrade big brain style, forget smithing table

    Minecraft Memes - Upgrade big brain style, forget smithing table“Why upgrade on a smithing table when you can just trade your diamonds to a wandering trader for a netherite chestplate? Efficiency at its finest!” Read More

  • Meta Quest 3, 2: VR Minecraft Play, So True!

    Meta Quest 3, 2: VR Minecraft Play, So True! In the world of Minecraft, we take flight, With Meta Quest 3 and 2, we play in VR’s light. QuestCraft is the key, legal and true, To install and enjoy, mods and multiplayer too. First, gather the requirements, don’t be shy, Then follow the steps, installation is nigh. Play Minecraft in VR, feel the thrill, With Meta Quest by your side, you can’t stand still. Mods and multiplayer, a whole new game, In the world of Minecraft, never the same. So dive in, have fun, let your creativity soar, With Meta Quest 3 and 2, you’ll always want more…. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4 News

    Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4 News Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4: What’s New? Enchantments Tweaks In the latest Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 4, players can expect some exciting tweaks to enchantments. These changes are set to enhance the gameplay experience and add a new layer of strategy to the enchanting process. With these updates, players will have more options to customize their gear and make their adventures in the blocky world even more thrilling. TNT Adjustments Another notable feature in this pre-release is the adjustments made to TNT. Explosions are a significant part of Minecraft, and these changes aim to make the TNT mechanics more balanced and… Read More

  • Unleash the Hidden Spirit Power in Minecraft!

    Unleash the Hidden Spirit Power in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Secret Minecraft Feature ?’, was uploaded by Spirit on 2024-06-04 07:11:42. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Tags : Minecraft, Minecraft secrets, Minecraft features, Minecraft hidden features, Minecraft tips, Minecraft tricks, Minecraft guide, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft update, Minecraft news, Minecraft mods, Minecraft hacks, Minecraft cheats, Minecraft building, Minecraft redstone, Minecraft survival, Minecraft creative, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft PE, Minecraft Bedrock, Minecraft Java, Minecraft PC, Minecraft console, Minecraft Xbox, Minecraft PlayStation, Minecraft Switch, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft pocket edition, Minecraft realms, Minecraft server, Minecraft… Read More

  • Diamond Mining Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Diamond Mining Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker going to diamond mining #minecraft #funny #shorts’, was uploaded by it’s my gaming 999 on 2024-04-09 10:52:01. It has garnered 2160 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. minecraft minecraft mod maizen minecraft hindi nico cash milo and chip nico and cash mia omz noob vs pro chip cash and nico chip and milo kory checkpoint milo noob vs pro minecraft minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god noob minecraft noob vs… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mod – REALISTIC Water, Lava & Slime!

    EPIC Minecraft Mod - REALISTIC Water, Lava & Slime!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft | Realistic water | lava | Slime block’, was uploaded by dogi on 2024-05-03 07:55:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ultra Realistic Minecraft / Realistic Water / Lava / Slime Block Authors of realistic videos: … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft DojoCraft House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft DojoCraft House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beautiful Survival House #minecraft’, was uploaded by DojoCraft shorts on 2024-01-12 18:08:49. It has garnered 2745 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Today I made a Very Easy Survival House. This time for real,it is Easy and you cannot Complain about it being fast or hard to follow so ENJOY 😀 Read More

  • DabraSorts 420: Ultimate PvP God Fleet!! 😍❤️ #minecraft

    DabraSorts 420: Ultimate PvP God Fleet!! 😍❤️ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘pvp god gamer fleet😍❤️minecraft sorts #pvp god’, was uploaded by @DabraSorts 420 on 2024-02-20 02:27:57. It has garnered 310 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. pvp god gamer fleet😍❤️minecraft sorts #pvp god how to improve pvp skills in minecraft how to improve pvp skills in minecraft pe how to improve my pvp skills how do you get better at pvp how to get better at pvp how to improve pvp in minecraft minecraft skins minecraft unblocked minecraft download minecraftle minecraft free minecraft mods minecraft seed map minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Castle Short!! Trending Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Castle Short!! Trending GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Celestial verdant castle Trending Shorts #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-04-03 00:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft animation shorts herobrine minecraft but ethobot minecraft funny daisy minecraft meme … Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Baby Slime Found in Kesh Nest! 😱🔥 #MinecraftSlime

    UNBELIEVABLE! Baby Slime Found in Kesh Nest! 😱🔥 #MinecraftSlimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Baby Slime #minecraft #minecraftslime #babyslime #slimechunk’, was uploaded by Kesh Nest on 2024-02-08 23:23:22. It has garnered 2557 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • Can I beat this HUGE enemy? RESIDENT EVIL 9

    Can I beat this HUGE enemy? RESIDENT EVIL 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Is it possible for me to Defeat over such a vast enemy? 🤔 I RESIDENT EVIL 9 I #part2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by GetTogetherGaming on 2024-05-27 04:30:24. It has garnered 137 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:12 or 372 seconds. Is it possible for me to Defeat over such a vast enemy? 🤔 I RESIDENT EVIL 9 I #part2 #minecraft #gaming #resident #residentevil #residentevil4 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #residentevil #residentevil4 #residentevil4remake Experiencing Resident Evil 9 within the virtual realm of Minecraft 🤩🤩 Discord – 👍 Don’t Forget to Like the Video!… Read More

  • Daddy Among Us vs Orange Impostor!! 😱🍊 | Among Us Parody Animation

    Daddy Among Us vs Orange Impostor!! 😱🍊 | Among Us Parody AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Daddy Among Us Vs Orange Impostor Parody – Among Us Animation Compilation Shorts’, was uploaded by Ellementary on 2024-01-13 17:47:33. It has garnered 1092 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. animation vs minecraft, minecraft vs animation, minecraft animation, animation minecraft, animation vs. minecraft, minecraft animations, animation vs minecraft ep 31, minecraft animation fight, animation vs minecraft season 3, warden minecraft animation, animator vs minecraft, minecraft animation stickman, alan becker animation vs minecraft, animation vs. minecraft (original), minecraft animation steve and alex, animasi minecraft, stickman vs minecraft, minecraft… Read More

  • YGcraft

    YGcraftYGcraft currently has lifesteal, with survival being worked on. Lifesteal has economy, crates that don’t cost real money, and many other things, just have fun! Max hearts is 70, but it may change. It also has a shop where you can buy stuff, and a good selling system. YGCraft is meant for having a fun experience, playing your favorite Minecraft gamemodes. Read More

  • WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets planned 1.20.4 Australia

    WACESMP Welcome to WACESMP! I’m GoneVegan, a member of this Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running 1.20.4 and hosting an event from the 3rd to the 9th of this month. Brief Approaching 7 months old Various quality of life datapacks Dynmap: DiscordSRV integration for chat Various plugins for administration and QoL Simple Voice Chat Survival mode Whitelisted server Hard difficulty 6GB RAM Supports Java + Bedrock crossplay Vision WACESMP is a space for survival Minecraft enthusiasts to collaborate on amazing builds and projects, whether focused on details or large-scale constructions. About As the owner, Blockbuster206, I’ve been a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – M!NECRAFT D!LLEMMA

    Minecraft Memes - M!NECRAFT D!LLEMMALooks like this Minecraft meme is a rare find, just like a diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Minecraft Knight: Code Delight

    Minecraft Knight: Code Delight In Minecraft, Hollow Knight takes flight, A world of wonder, crafted just right. From characters to enemies, all in place, Every detail, a work of grace. The terrain, the structures, the music too, All recreated, just for you. With combat, abilities, and charms to equip, Every feature, a thrilling trip. Explore the world, from King’s Pass to Dirtmouth, Every area, filled with truth. Download the map, and join the fun, In Minecraft, the adventure’s just begun. So tell me, what game should I make next? Leave your suggestions, and I’ll do my best. For now, enjoy this Hollow Knight… Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Who Called Me in Minecraft?!

    Who Called Me in Minecraft?! Minecraft: Unraveling the Mystery Behind “BENİ KİM ARADI” Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an adventure, filled with mysteries and surprises at every turn. One such intriguing phenomenon that has captured the attention of players is the enigmatic “BENİ KİM ARADI” trend. Let’s delve into the depths of this mysterious occurrence and uncover its secrets. The Origins of “BENİ KİM ARADI” In the realm of Minecraft, players have reported receiving mysterious calls from unknown entities, leading to a wave of speculation and curiosity within the community. The phrase “BENİ KİM ARADI” translates to “Who Called Me” in… Read More

  • Crafty Coffee Bar Seating Tutorial

    Crafty Coffee Bar Seating Tutorial Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas: Coffee Bar Seating Tutorial Are you looking to add a cozy coffee bar seating area to your Minecraft world? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will guide you through creating simple and stylish coffee bar seating and tables in Minecraft. Let’s dive in and get creative! Creating Coffee Bar Seating To start, gather materials like wooden planks, stairs, slabs, and trapdoors to build your coffee bar seating. Begin by constructing a base using wooden planks and adding stairs for the backrest. Use slabs for the seat and trapdoors for added detail. Experiment with different… Read More

  • ATM9 Live: The Drygmy Take Over!

    ATM9 Live: The Drygmy Take Over!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 16 Part 1 (The Drygmy Take Over!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-17 15:26:11. It has garnered 554 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:03:09 or 18189 seconds. Hey everyone! Stream is starting a couple of hours early but that’s totally fine because we have SO much to do today and I can’t wait to get started. Note – I’m going to add a little blurb here since I got asked this several times during the last stream and it’ll be easier to… Read More

Lachlan – Minecraft Factions Versus: Blaze Grinders and Building the Base!! #5