Last to Die Wins! – Minecraft SMP Episode 4

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All right everybody definit one here and welcome to season two episode four of the cream games today um we’re down Dr X Dr X is not here so it is just me in my in in his in his tunnels we have coutur though guys so she’s going to be keeping

Us company here now I got big plans for today right I got big I got big plans and I think if I’m smart I can pull off or I this this PL can help me secure the win but it’s a very dangerous plan cuz I

Have to go to the Nether um so we’re going to see I might die hopefully not um but I think if I trade with piglins if I if I get you know if I if I if I play the cards right I can I can win um

Or yeah me the rzy gangers yeah I would never yeah um never do anything to Dr X he’s he’s probably watching this right now he’s doing homework right now I can’t even absorb this how’s it going little bro is um oops wrong thing I’m just making sure everything is set up on stream

Properly um and we’re going to get into this into this John there you go well looks like the announcement Channel at least Works big big okay um I have the freaking notepad pulled up with the command so I don’t mess up this time guys um Mario on okay everybody’s on

All right 10 minutes till ass passing watching to for my my teammate going isn’t here I’m all alone okay okay um um watch what I sent you in memes okay what let me let me pull up the help command make sure and let’s add extra life extra life good

Player tiny lives ass ass in there we go is that exactly how it’s spelled here um I’m I’m like I’m skito yeah here we go does it hang on I’m gonna type it in in in the in the DMs like I don’t know see see guess is

Um as trip of a video oh gosh okay um yeah ass ass in there we go shut up bed okay T’s losing it as ass ass ass I okay we’re good okay why do you have to put ass four times no no I was just like looking

Back and forth um uh it’s en ham cord memes oh Lord what this about to be I think you get oh that looks horrifying I do not want to watch that I’m G to kill myself no all right it’s been like eight minutes since I gave out the thing let’s let’s do an

Eight minute timer all right guys so let me give the red oh I have a little bit of a s throat let’s give the run down for today um so everybody else in the server right now besides X is way better at PVP than me right that’s the issue

So what I need to do is outplay them um um so I’m going to get cobwebs and snare them I want to go to the nether so I can get maybe netherite um blazes for Brewing stands um I think I already have a brewing stand somewhere um um that’s going to be a

Negative okay I swear I thought maybe I didn’t not of scary video being okay I’ll watch it later um and yeah that’s that’s it basically um yeah and and just get like good gear um get stff for potions so we can use potions because I don’t have potions so

First thing I want to do is make a um make a secret chest for all the sand so I’m gonna like I’m gonna mute up real quick um so they can’t hear me I’m skitso and I’m paranoid and did X remove the [ __ ] crafting

T just need to I need to hide all the good stuff um sor okay good thing I did not put that there yeah right here works oh I do have a bring stand on me already never mind all right unmute everything all right let’s

Lock in um so to get to the nether we need to go to the Nether um so to do that um let do a few things I kind of want to get a little bit more food and stuff that’s let me heal up these Johns okay um my diamond pickaxe is also

Going to break which isn’t good also okay I’m also going to take all of X’s Gold I hope he doesn’t mind we’re on a team he L um I know there’s there’s a big old lava pocket right here so let’s try to get um some obsidian from this make a

Portal that’s what we need Al also the nether is a really great place to hide from the Assassin because well yeah like good hiding spot so I’m thinking tactically here chat I’m thinking tactically I I’ve been thinking about this plan a lot so cuz I I need I’m taking this probably way more

Seriously than either of are um that’s F about winning not about having fun uh oh my goodness it is now it is about winning I can’t I can’t holy [ __ ] that is lava interesting Sigma right TJ’s like micro analyzing me now I’m going there’s no way I can hide

Going to the nether then now I’m going to go to the nether oh wither skulls if I can get a Wither I’m straight up Unstoppable like that’s super dangerous I mean you’re gonna hope that he attacks to the other players yeah insanely dangerous Kanye West it was like two weeks early but asz

Got me a burrito blanket is it your right birthday coming up for Christmas it’s in two weeks okay I can’t forget that or bad friend yeah you’re going to forget then it’s fine oh I am dude I I’m horrible with birthdays it’s not okay um had to I heard STS Jeffree

What I heard TG stand Jeffree Star yeah I think he does I think he’s a big Jeffree starch I wouldn’t be surprised it’s just the rumors I don’t know just the allegations as they I wouldn’t be surprised it’s crazy okay here’s the here’s here’s the scarest part of this plan I wanted exm

To break the portal behind me um so they so like if they go into The Nether they can’t find our base I guess it wasn’t here Rex so I have to Str myself in the nether I’m I just need to like yeah this is going to be horrifying um I’m very

Scared also think the nether might not have a center or might not have a border so deal with that we’ll see seven you need 10 right right oh that’s lava okay um I’m actually I’m nervous I’m horrified but know it’s fine I am slightly peeved cuz what I

Wanted to do I would need to pay money basically to do what I wanted to do is I’m not wanting to what does it where should I put this portal X isn’t here I get to the Side basically what I’m trying to do is I changed it because server boosts is a Discord thing welcomes you can do through a bot so that’s what I was trying to figure out actually I can just build a portal right here oh my goodness I should I

Have to B all that obsidian yeah they need be fine oops I misplace an obsidian it’s fine there’s the portal um and let me block just block that off James Charles has a yeah enough of this madness when will when will this stop um okay do I flint and

Steel thank you X Man X is being so generous to me today um sorry buddy I’ll repay you okay all right that’s that settled right there um that’s that portal uh let me get a lot of blocks so I can bridge and get around I got gold on me

Um let me get a little bit more food 22 carrots is not oh there we go this is big carrot Harvest there we go 46 that’s if we have any bones I’ll okay you know what love the amian of death calling me let’s just let’s just go for

It okay wish me wish me luck good luck oh boy oh [ __ ] okay you [ __ ] no I went to someone else’s portal oh yeah that’s what I was trying to tell you there’s another portal Zach this is Zach’s portal if I take this out this this might not take me to the Bas

As well okay probably not oh should have make gold armor okay whatever it’s fine I’m going to tame this piglin with with treats and IND delectable goodies treat that mean gold um whoa chat’s getting a hell that’s all political um whoa calm the [ __ ] down

Dude holy [ __ ] I do not like politics in my chat I will B you don’t I don’t mess around with that oh he just F to us take a chill pill guys all right man thank you for falling to your death exactly what I wanted actually no actually you know

What you help me there you help me there buddy all right oh that’s it let the death begin let the death begin SL shiny life assassin let’s take the command v as as I oh God I’m the Assassin okay oh have fun kid okay just kill X when he gets on no no

No X is too valuable which might sound which you might not believe I’m serious what I’d rather okay man see x what x can do the X can be a little uh let me distract this dude real quick hey John go go gold oh yeah shiny ooh ooh shiny

Oh that’s literally what the achievement’s called yeah hey calm down hey hey calm down I will start a strike what is going on what we what are we up you mean I need fire R pots dude uh you have friends I do have friends I’m telling all my friends to unsubscribe I

Don’t think you’ve ever sent this channel to your friends tell them to subscribe no one ever does that I’m like guys send the channel to your friends and tell them to subscribe no one ever does it’s tragic okay I don’t here’s the good thing though I don’t have to live in

Fear of being murdered let start a 4our timer so I know exactly how much time I okay I just a 4our timer chill chill pretty fire I kind want to go kill that for his boots Yeah him and they probably know I’m the Assassin um they do now they do now what’s y I said y the Comm did you yes I made sure it was fell everything yeah so they probably not the Assassin which is good yeah whatever that’s equal dip [ __ ] holy [ __ ]

What the what dude you okay then it’s you yeah they’re together I oh that’s cool yeah of course okay this do help me though or not help me if but I can I’m getting hella gold yes good um I should have probably brought this is the issue with assassins little people left

Um I have to outplay them [ __ ] if they’re together I I have to pick them I have to honly scude that’s why I want an X with me um okay I’m going have to pick them off somehow just like no way they’re staying together the entire session and I know

Where TG lives I also have TNT on side I have a lot of things going for me here actually okay chat one second defin equal okay if you say one more thing I’m going to time you out okay man don’t be rude guys yeah gang B br br is oh say whatever I

Want n yeah yeah I know that let me open up the stream so that I can see what you guys say cuz yeah know I’m doing other things yeah that’s that’s not okay bad at games it doesn’t matter if you’re upset you can deal with it a different way instead

Of saying stuff like that there’s much better way of dealing with things um I mean that okay so he could go for TG because yeah he lost his mind the problem is the fact that um you guys couldn’t see it but when I was flying around following him guy’s in a hole guy

Is in like a web of holes so if he was to go down there and and do what he was doing before dein’s not going to find him at all so because his options right now is either kill X when X gets on if he does

Which I doubt he will um he could go try and find TG but he’d need to catch t on the surface the minute TG goes underground he’s not getting anywhere and then somehow be close enough to Mari and not die in the process because Mari is very

Much a good PV play good good PVP player words are not my friend today honestly that man’s probably already had Spidey senses TG has a very keen sense of when something bad is going on yeah we were talking about your options I’d do it but I don’t have access which is fine um See this Chanel I guess that’s fine I’ll just leave it like that only a little yeah so yeah I was telling them about a little bit about how tg’s a mole and it’s going to be hard for you to try and fight Mari so TG might be better

But yeah they’re they’re just tunnels straight up tunnels the only thing is that when I was watching him it’s like it’s like a web you could very easily get lost are you m oopsy daisies oopsy daisies sorry guys sorry my bad my bad game I got I got gold

Boot where did it go everybody here has to be nice to me oh he he despawned damn it all whatever he didn’t give him anything good oh no he just walked oh and I can add it to a channel list okay what here Mr piglin Man again come on man come this

Way did you want to come in here no down there buddy good o arrows special arrows that’s big see if I can move it on my phone okay the so I just found out Discord got rid of the whole um moving channels fit so it makes

It hard as hell to move them it is like I have to go on to um B deleted his chats if you no um when you type someone out it deletes them don’t worry yeah so I tyed them out dude you can’t just like come here I I mispronounced your name yester yesterday

You’re what is that fire charge okay nether brick none of these are helpful is is I’m going be back a lot of lava I prob should I should just brought my crafting table with me honestly uh okay that’s fine I kind of wanted the invisibility pots so I

Could get around his Bas without being notic this easily but at the same time I don’t really want to find a uh actually I think invis pots would be the way to go yeah exactly um but like nether fortress isue find that if I M this

Get I’m just block you all I think if you might go in front of pigin to get mad right that’s that was a side of an angry man yeah I’m just in like Ravine I’m just a big old Ravine need get like out the ways

Okay I’m trying to figure out how to add reaction moment I was looking on here to tell me so I had to have it make make a different channel for me so there’s that so also gas are going to be really scary because gas T just farming just farming

Now um Ain no way blood C made yeah no I said oh hey man whoa whoa what did I do to you dud he ready this weapon at me okay I um I guess I have to welc all right but it didn’t yoube buddy come get this lava

Bucket okay I just I guess I need to figure out the reaction rules put in oh I need to play like safe this game I was gonna say I’m gonna rearrange better as well no we’re in Ravines pleas and thank you oh my goodness whoa hey hey hey hey hey back off back

[Applause] off got him okay um let’s um I more pickaxes um let me go get a crafting table hey what up level 30 or what up what believe I should say it’s you mhm what’s up nothing much I’m the Assassin which is fun but you know we got to deal with

It um I have a plan by Monday you guys should have your server to chill in um yeah you might yeah you guys might have it tomorrow but no promises thank youo mhm here be nice to them to it’ll be a little more forgiving with Trades

N um yeah know there going to be arrows for like a crossbow traps they’re probably together that’s that’s what I’m scared of is that if I try to attack one of them they’re both going to be there and try to stop me um which would not be ideal for for a

Very obvious reason um right still in there oh he’s gone they just despawn [ __ ] did they I got 3 hours and 40 minutes to kill somebody I got this oh I got this I got you have definitely you got this here somebody okay not going should be good not going

Reg 13 gold that’s big giv me a lot of junk F okay back in we got this we got this we got this we got this we got this actually let me get let me get now we’re going back have any explosives left uh I have I have literally used none of my

Explosives actually let explore these should like x-ray tunnels I that’s what I was why I was watching them last time to see if they were I don’t think they are it’s just very very spider yeah okay let’s keep going go find some more I got gold on

There I really really what I want is fire or fire resistance pokem yeah honestly strengths would be huge hey guys I got your favorite hey guys there’s three all right come on guys give me some good trades I get Quartz all right not not ideal like gravel you guys really know how to

Flatter man right really know how to really know how to be nice o crank obsidian I’ll take that who is putting onions it’s a great Question more the same I want pearls and py nope gravel really you can do better nothing come on give me the goods give me the good stuff you guys know what I want you know I appreciate I appreciate you guys’ enthusiasm for gravel I really do um I’ll take let’s

Take you know what not the greatest but yeah you’ll be good we keep on moving uh of gold right There all right let’s go um what if instead of YouTube and Tik Tok it was blood tube and Krypton all right what up banana man how’s it I think blood and crypto cryptocurrency no like [ __ ] like the gang I think oh run out of gold here

A actually at least I can use the gravel they give me they’re very they’re very nice I just just thought I saw a name tag and I like SE I mean if you could team up with Mari beforehand I don’t know I don’t know see be like hey dude this is my

Situation they have want that’s what I’m saying like make aemp Alliance like for this episode I’m not trying to kill you I want to go for TG or whatever Scooby-Do yeah all right Scooby doy we’re Rising after you what the freak need get my I need get my God

Apple on me ready for like fire resistance when I need it I I want to save them as long as possible yeah more gold look okay sorry Scooby-Do yeah it was not that was not necessary oh my voice is lovely right now okay um magma nothing dude holy crap where

Are the it also be really one of them could die to mobs I that’s I kind of want to okay here’s my plan I want to attack at night that if I kill one of them they go back to spawn and there’s mobs and get killed H and and they wouldn’t you you

Wouldn’t you wouldn’t you would think they wouldn’t be out at night right so they’d probably be in their base I know where Mario lives so I could I could see here’s the thing I don’t think TNT traps count um so uhoh hey man calm down calm down calm down calm come here buddy

Oh it’s both of them no stop I want this it’s going to snow soon well I love the snow it’s amazing we got some snow the other day not enough where are these way above area well maybe I go to the nether waste I think I might be to

Play figure out where they are no I’m I’m in Tim Book 2 right now don’t even try me all right he tried me he tried me he tried me he tried me he tried me he tried me oo he tried me and almost succeeded Le I can take one of them I

Canot take two of them holy [ __ ] that was scary was it a mob uh freaking like hogin or whatever one of the one of the big ones yeah they’re supposed to be fixing their reach as well yeah they’re a little bit weird oh that nether waste I’m seeing oh

Please is that the outside world no maybe no is the whole [ __ ] map just like Ravines it might be oh wow that was a big drop I should not was not very smart of me there’s two of them and they’re both decked out in here that’s awesome hey

Guys if either of you find me game over oh come on give me something good give me something good let me I got I need nether brick don’t need try again come on guys know you really want to give me something good know you really want to come on iron

Really we can do better I’m actually hon come on hey guys gold shiny jingly keys look come on let some a good idea oh nothing string I don’t need leather I can’t even make Enchantment books arrow and appreciate it guys get off my I don’t to hit it yes okay outside world

Perfect I need to remember these PS This me let me take a photo of these pretty much hi what up games how’s it going how are you doing oh I did not screenshot all right um okay nether fortress or Bastion either or please oh bless you thank

You can ask why the SMP is named be games um it was like a stupid joke at first but I mean it kind of stuck I was like I don’t know how I was iose the name a while it was a while ago it’s stuck now it’s super duper cool and everybody likes

It that’s that’s definitely M or forest biome okay I can get some uh cheeky little Enderman maybe get some ender pearls get out of there um only need one blanket tonight cuz it’s going to be like mid I always like bundle so you I want to Bastion would be huge right now Bastion would be lovely

I I need to be like on Max HP at all INE something happens oh no way I just spoke it into existence okay holy [ __ ] okay I need to be careful as hell um like really that’s that’s fashion that’s huge that’s big Um there nether fortress around here somewhere don’t they like spawn like adjacent coordinates or something I have no idea something all right we can get netherite oh my okay this is big this is really big we can get mending okay Stables I believe okay let’s eat up let me get my

Um let me get my enchanted golden apple in my hot bar he guys really baby pig you try to fight me right now are we seriously about to do this okay I’m actually so nervous cuz I know as soon as I open the uh open the chest to be

Swatted I need to watch out for Broods too okay I see one your local Obama prism what up how’s it going what a name how’s it going how are you doing this this fun evening okay um um crap that’s a lot if I open them they’re all just going to descend upon

Me I need to be careful yeah that’ be a good idea I need to get yeah I this is this all dude stop you’re dude the little baby ones will like hit you once and then they’ll just like stop yeah so they just like to annoy you you

Just ran into lava made my job a lot easier here um I’m good good good to hear good to hear want to I’m currently I’m in I’m in a bit of a predicament see we have an assassin on the server and there’s three of us on right now you guess I’m the

Assassin and I have to kill the other two who are Allied I’m not in a good spot so but I need I have what it takes is all your fight done all your fight go buddy that’s I thought I’m so nervous for a freaking brute dude roots are actually awful do

You have it set up where the Assassin just straight up dies or they lose life um I have no idea how it works well you’re SC either I pop or I don’t and I just it just came over on my life I’m going to Tel down I’m just I’m just I’m scared scared

Not I hate being I hate being under too because when you’re under they like they can just jump on your head it’s awful yeah that’s very you’re very expressive oh oh this is so scary s [ __ ] die in Hell die in Hell die in Hell die in Hell die in Hell die in

Hell dude sorry for excess Zing continues to swear sorry it’s a freaking piglin brute dude how do you not swear when you see one of those oh maybe I go up another lava bucket dude I actually about to Lava bucket all these drones that might be the that might be the play

Actually like that actually is that is the play that’s what I have to do yeah cuz if I get one of them I’m on hard mode like if one one and done like it’s yeah we’re we’re going to go up oh never SE somebody use um yeah let’s go

Up oh was so scary holy crap how many is that that’s like a billion there there’s netherite in there chest maybe so golden apple on standby I think the Lord know pigin BR of like crossbow so I get shot down you know all right I’m C on a big

Old up we up we up up I to go in very nice and calm that is a straight drop to my death okay let just put this rationally rational person I don’t even know I don’t even know I’m very R when it comes to Minecraft when it comes to things I care

About locking myself in all right I’m going to do I’m going to throw gold down they get lured to it right oh I don’t need gold crafted let me craft some gold I almost just do my crafting table I would have PR three gold three gold three gold yeah

Yeah hey guys hey look gold here go everybody burn burn all of You they are making a lot of scary I don’t I know that one a woo I don’t know how to say the others yes all of you burn burn my prettyn pig watching but um you know you afraid of freaking offending the pig lovers who knows never know who’s Watching going down even lower this is scary I see you my bad my bad what did you do Mari has officially got if him and TJ were on the same team I feel like he would have given him armor did he gave him diamond oh I guess

It’s probably his first time come here Pig gold shiny come get it is right over here yes die okay I got an elk today not sure if I should keep the horns with the whole head not like illegal it’s illegal no it’s not illegal as long as they have the license as long

As yeah both of you oh yeah you see me now yeah yeah oh no that that’s that’s way to get up to me ooh let’s not do that so scared should I tell TG where you are oh I’m ping for let’s actually being a little bit cheating be

Entertaining for the viewers be scary it’ be horrifying dude going to win here okay here just lead the prey right to you have at it kid you’re not funny um I’m trying I’m trying a social experiment what’s your social experiment yes okay got him I don’t know how many are left uh

That’s the scary part block up all these sides of this that one right there There’s a few more over there let’s just lava bucket them yeah they’re the best method you have L come down here oh gosh it’s a secret okay yo can all the piglins get out of the part the one part I need to be in dude you guys are all congregating in the one spot you guys are all congregating in my Escape Route awesome I’m still waiting for the bedrockedition stream

Yeah coming eventually yeah you understand my guy we play Java we’re big Java players okay get in This all right I’m about to the whole Fortress we charge a lot of gold okay Soul speed obsidian Axe I’ll take the soul speed Two Boots better than I have now speed you can’t craft C uh no no you cannot okay um should I do a week long experiment or a day long experiment I’ll do a week I’ll give you better results yeah it gives you more data yeah

Yeah go over there and kill those guys oh I there buddy Sorry um burn down the Overworld you know I can stop the over world’s beautiful every nice here yeah we’re all friends here well friends how much time do I have 3 hours 25 minutes double check you know um I’m collecting data right now what’s the what’s the data yeah let me let me

Hey here that doesn’t sound creepy at all my guy I’m trying to a non I don’t think this maybe come here is he just little gooning this little oh yeah he is oh fun there we go there we go got One too much HP you’re actually bro you have too much HP yes die Bird good got one got that one got that one I know if I I know there’s more Dr time care secret not like Tex time how much secret $400 jail ready sort of sort of the race the all

Them holy [ __ ] NE plate so speed three I already have it mending bow that’s big um I got to take the nether I think play toop you oh iron block that’s also really big um uh snout armor trim oh two netherite smithing templates golden carrots I love to see

That Magma Cream yeah I’ll take it um sorry I went to a mobile that like 3 hours LOL secret jail what’s happening I’m the Assassin this session but I have a plan to get really good gear so I’m in a uh I’m in a uh second your boy is in a Bastion right

Now trying to get all the gear I just got some pretty decent stuff um now I’m leaving not leaving I’m going to go try to get to the rest of the place I think I might try some pigin trading we have a lot of gold my gold gold

Nugget uh I don’t know what to drop I’ll drop the uhop that let’s keep going now we got to get the lower chest a little bit scarier um Obama prison definitely one merch would be fired Def One merch would yeah um I have I have 152 subscribers so um that’s not going

To happen any right unfortunately if if you want to subscribe if you want to drop a like drop a subscribe support the channel maybe get one onay sh the stream different and I am all I am all for all for That they’re hiding yeah they are not okay not okay yeah yeah it is it’s funny 15 152 I said 152 if I’m faking an identity how would you know it are you are you bad at games pull Obama and Dr St TG I I’m the only one with explosives on the server I

Literally can yeah Bama prism are you bad at games holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my gosh X are you supposed to be doing your homework right now okay what are you doing that was that was scary I just I issue you’re currently surrounded by

Um who some dude I literally just timed out like two seconds ago for a seconding yeah I didn’t ban him I timed him out so can he can time to out okay that was scary dare you come here come right here come here you you are background music I know I

Have backg this season is surp surprisingly long yeah what lit it lasted what two more episodes more so far um no one more I know way longer yeah right okay we’re going to Tunnel we’re tunneling ourselves um okay I see a chest right there two Roots

Um for I am your local a prison you shall B not to me chill ch ch ch ch chill the heck man I prison getting angry at me the bruts come come try please try to kill me well it’s not like it’s not like it’s not like can open

Invitation Hit Me With Your Best Shot holy [ __ ] that’s too pigin brude okay I’m running actually I okay okay okay okay okay okay that one the Creator song okay live in my dreams where are they so my polish and German Brothers will B cool awesome actually you can’t get in here no

Not you I’m losing it run has never gone wrong okay we’re up we’re up we’re up we’re up and it’s up and it’s up and it’s up that one is is that CI B I don’t know I don’t know anything stop get away let me live in peace um remember to

Like And subscribe that’s what I’m saying the Panic dude look at how you’re looking at me dude guys are thirsting for the kill all right you guys got to calm down um your local Obama person definitely want SKS stream happening right now yeah bad of the voices to Minecraft I’m going

Insane Nally I’m should technically be going insane because um you know yeah cuz I’m the Assassin and you’re talking to your freaking self the voices oh that’s a lot hey gang fli with all out of here all right yes run into my lava run into my

Lava fall into my web fishy fishy fall into my web come up here go through it again yes you’re going to die oh you f to Lava you’re a goober and you’re not alive anymore okay holy crap I’m actually skitso I’m losing it see I see you under here I know

You’re under here I see you here fishy fishy that one line from the fornite rap guys know what I’m talking okay I can’t kill all of them for Real uh I’m that guy you’re what guy Oba prism what do you mean I’m that you’re not that guy

Pal trust me you’re not that guy you’re not that guy yes die come over is he dead no I think he is that’s good I don’t like it when they all make the same noises at the same time and I feel like I’ve aggroed all them who hey they all get like really

Aggressive the closer I get to the ch Um but I’m not that guy but I am all right I trust you you’re that guy really ass loot ever okay fantastic another [ __ ] layer to support I’m running out of timer we got we got almost three hours we got 3 hours and 20 minutes wow that is a lot of dudes down

There a lot of guys are just hanging out okay how are we doing no not doing well when you’re around okay okay I think we should switch to golden carrots um this chat is cursed no little bit of golden carrot oh trust me a little bit of a golden carrot Che a

Little golden carrot run get get that saturation back up the lava Buck you mad ah stop it hey die in lava please go there um yes yes give me my ham ham Let me see if this works I know there’s bruts around this area there’s a chest up there okay um I’ve not BL in a minute um who is the most individual in your chats named hams or actually orbit maybe he’s pretty so um oh yeah Cipher look Cipher out there’s a lot

Of Sigma individuals give give obsidian you know I I love resp our number one and only silly boy that is true all right 3 hours and 14 minutes until until I die that [ __ ] you sure x no zorus is pretty crazy dude I love crying obsidian

As much as the next guy maybe a fire resistance potion is all I’m saying huh you know you want like come on buddy give me a Pirate who else that’s that’s that’s it zbus yeah or bit silly Black’s pretty normal actually yeah uh string hey man once again love string big fan of string I’m going to get some cobwebs in here in a minute I want to be out of the Nether

And getting Cobbs by hour by the CH hour love TI arrows that is my pickaxe um I need that where did my pickaxe go need that okay oh no there it is maybe anything but fire no actually reverse psychology Def One bribery stream right now H is pretty interesting stuff

Yeah when chat’s really popping what what you give me what is that book what book is this Soul speed 2o I Don’t Care About Soul speed uh gay is probably the most don’t throw it into the lava he’s going to fire lava dude really come

On I get crying obsidian means a lot to you okay uh can you Perma ban me um yeah I can I uh I’ve I’ve only done to people have said like the I just got like a billion stacks of freaking this game is so fun dude oh there’s there’s the angry Boys Hey

Did that work dude Magma Cube you literally were not invited no single person invited you okay Magma Cube no one sent you an invitation no one was like hey bring you know I freak with Magma Cube low key no one no one invited you your place this is like so nut okay

Um helps a little bit um who said the N word also no um just well uh there was this one kid that said it and then a lot of times it’ll be like accounts with just like really you know German symbols as their profile picture and there’s like not even like that

Say um they’re like what do you call it like they’re not even like they’re like heat bot they’re not even like know like you know the like scam bot they’re like heat bot they just like or maybe in just like rolls it it happens I mean actually hasn’t it

Actually hasn’t happened in a while yeah yeah oh I see you I see you come here I see that chest waa that sounded weird come come on One to try to say bad words yeah bad word slurs I say yeah it’s just not like people need to learn some all I’m saying be a little bit Kinder multiple times yeah yeah there’s one right there and de do you know do you X3 off

Oh I’m looking at chat for one second and this happens to me I’m out of out of my lava Buck we avoid the fire gotcha okay um somebody who is mostly German I not done any 19 42 activ think I don’t think anybody does unless you’re like actually

You’re D chilling there dude stop it die you’re just you’re taunting fall into the lava buddy come on know you really want to yes oh just fell down there let kill him the thing this thing was guarded by like a billion guards thing doesn’t have like netherite in

It two gold blocks that’s actually huge I’ll take that where’s the rest of my gold know block the grael see there’s there’s two br oh you right here buddy stop it stop it um no one can not different activities unless you’re Kanye West that is true yo everybody like looking for G

Him can we talk about that how like everybody like moved on from what he did like no one talks about it kind of kind of insane to me yo can we like not be doing all this today actually we got have better things to do okay than slamming all right

You that is a sentence of all time 1942 1945 are you kidding me dude quick charge one literally does not help me at all thanks man I appreciate it I really appreciate it any more chest oh I see you yes yes yes you get like giddy when I kill a pig

Likey I spend thousands of dollars go to therapy just kill monsters in minecft exactly therapy is therapy is $30 and called Minecraft I going to say therapy is free but it is not oh this is going to scare them holy crap how much did you guys use Veera ancient debris ancient debris an

De anent debris L we love it dude ex was our baby I noticed 911 or 911 also not good at all very very not good things happen on the day all right one ancient debris is huge um that’s going to scare them though they’re going to think I’m getting like

Fully Ked that kind of think be at the last chest over here and I’m going start traing for fire resistance potions right through there buddy right through there oh he took a different path took a very different path chill calm down just calm down okay let’s all take a chill

Pill um i k just headed the right that um right what you didn’t say anything yo get off my butt yo chill guys mag Cube really not time right buddy I’ll talk to I I’ll I’ll convene with you at a later date right awesome um you’re why no really

Can I be mod no I’m not going to let someone who just joined let someone who just joined be mod that’s why do people have such an assession with being mod it’s like it’s like a job like you have like a power thing I don’t know like mod

Is not something that just get this your first stream prison yeah not going to give it to somebody who just showed up you know and there and there’s there’s a way longer list of people I just be mod I’m sorry not like be rude but it’s just the truth Okay oh I would be a funny wrench in a blue title um why wouldn’t how much could would um how much would uh you said it right we don’t yeah we also don’t do anything yeah the mod team the one mod like two mods I have literally don’t need to do

Anything I I Tre I keep almost using my inchant debris as like um platform where is my lava Bucket over here lava bucket don’t know where the rot is there he is scary damage scary big numbers hey let’s all calm down all right let’s all calm down let’s be

Reasonable nope it’s all be reasonable oh I’m very low please no I’m sorry I have a bow yes I have a bow you really not that that’s actually huge play I can see where he is let me we’re not invited to the party um and

Of blue name I’m sorry go buy one from Home Depot go buy one from Home Depot I much go down in here and one V one him but at the same time I don’t insist on dying just cuz you want something doesn’t mean you’re going to get it yeah that’s

True and maybe there was a reason we’re banned from Home Depot we’re banned from Home Depot oh my God very little hearts very little hearts not liking this video game hidey hidey hidey hidey hide hide oh golden uh golden cars golden cars cars power hungry got banned from Home

Depot go to Lowe’s I might saw some there not some mom and pop store no those are those are those are restaurants X those aren’t he’s he was obsessed with the sword he almost like traded this yeah yeah give me you can move magma you not invited D okay you going to trade

Buddy he’s really think hard Bu okay um I made a tiny house in Home Depot and they got mad was like staying why staying over dep Challenge videos wait was there not a chest over here yo what I thought there was a chest you’re completely blind my dude I walk past it um not paying attention necessarily

To the the stream right now twizzle we got that one we got that John I can do it jiggle yeah be jiggling um uh the land was perfect attack for exact going tax you to live at Home Dep okay um I think that’s every chest

We have a lot of gold so let’s get some fire um is it colored purple yeah all right I think I killed a a little bit too many let’s quick I say that and then oh right they don’t like it when you mine the Gold wa he’s having a e calm

Down calm down hey calm Down on man be like this don’t be like this okay falling I’m I hear a freaking Thunderbolt what the hell lightning bolt I’m in freaking okay okay that was that’s too much that’s too much for today too much too much near death um I don’t have many big stores

Where I live you like that okay hey buddy buddy buddy buddy hey you’re you’re the lucky winner of our grand prize being stuck in a hole to give death stuff it’s a great game show um honestly go get some freaking Play-Doh make a wrench and bake it there you go

Millions millions for take every year buddy here you go gold have you tried making your own that’s a good idea should yeah that’s what I just said should make a Home Depot come on buddy um no okay how much time do we have left basically exactly 3 hours okay I

Need fire R plots man L Olympus updated let’s throw everything I don’t need B Sal I need that bending bow cool um don’t need two water buckets on me right now literally makes no sense yeah okay oh yes Fire Resistance potion okay let’s huge that’s exactly what I hey hey

No one said you were done you’re going to give me more fire resistance okay um speed uh speed speed speed has some good gas station Pizza never heard of it speed Wars or W speed okay okay okay this is very good this is very good um toor say you st relationships access

That okay 3 hours 3 hours until death I’m really curious what they’re doing X are you talking about warus X aren’t you supposed to be doing homework so get on the server buddy yeah my guy that dude’s that what is that a water bottle or is that what just water bottle water

Bottle don’t care um what I think Dr X is Dr X I think is reading chat alive are you the new man of the silly mustache except you keep l buckets and gold I’m kind of reading chat not compare me to that that individual I’m not entirely like I’m about to hop off

Because I’m kind of getting frustrated with reaction roles and I want to go play boulder gate that’s fair oh was it good yeah me and asz started a multiplayer but if you were to play by yourself I suggest starting by yourself you wear background music yeah I know I

Have background music going on why’ you ask why you keep bringing up he’s saying you are background music what does that mean oh oh I see I see I see understand yeah but you’re also actively typing I don’t know if you understand he doesn’t understand my guy special arrows let’s let’s reload

Let’s get you all loaded up just in case your boy needs to get out of a sticky situation really you’re going to give me one fire pot on you at least give me two so when I fight TG I don’t have to deal with this C Not far out right now okay um I’m going to leave okay it’s late where I am that’s fair but good night I I appreciate you stopping by please drop a like drop a subscribe on the stream it helps a lot I appreciate you appreciate all my viewers see Obama oism good night good

Night get what on man um night day oh hold now oh no it’s not no exactly want to be in here no no offense um for I am your local Bumble prison you shall B down to me good night I will one more try then I will don’t drown try not To Obama wait come on give me more buddy I know you can I know you got it in you you don’t you don’t have one fire R pot in you you you have at least two buddy I need two okay need to understand I need two

Okay why can I get enchant or if I get blaze r i can get a uh um like Team Rocket love Pokemon sends come on man oh nether mining that what was that like a speedrunner my speed my speedr running days are coming back to

Me um Can piglins Dr uh drop trims uh maybe I no piglins don’t drop trims I don’t I Oh yes oh fire fire pot uh uh uh uh uh we dropped the dropped flash pot of fire resistance that’s huge okay say a dad joke uh I don’t think he can uh think they the only one in chest yeahok let me um hi hungry I’m glad I’m

Dead uh uh if one be creative stream very hard all right youve heard your freedom you gave me what what I need you live to see another day that um is Badger online no I think Badger is out of work I believe um help uh will he

Definitely nailed that one a okay all right I’m just going to run this way until I run to I know fortresses and like bastions are like spawns are like links somehow I know person here rightor is that right are like Bastion and Fortress spawns link somehow they’re link right

Um people try to say they are I don’t think they are the dead on this way we’re going I do not want to I definitely do not want to go across that freaking hell pit I mean I could I could like if I fall in for a little bit I could

Survive don’t want to test my luck too much I guess I have my fire let me put that in my hot bar where’s this’s um Badger is actually as zorus Badger is zous I would not be surprised uh defin we need Subway Surfers I got you don’t even worry about

It nothing new no new developments in chat Chatting go this way we find a fortress you please do not want to have the bridge out I am oh boy um has to go on Discord defin yeah no what do you mean no my attention span dude dude you watch be you’re probably figuring out a way to

Watch the stream on two time speed somehow knowing you you you figured out a way to do that I don’t know how it’s not how that works my guy I know that’s why I’m saying he somehow would he’s the man to figure out how to do that he he’s

Actually seeing into the future that all my blocks awesome okay oh I wish I had op turn off my uh turn off fog and like SE Clearly def I think another thing that uh is that you skip words often I I do that not uh you can watch it in two times speed ow does it like send you two times back no not really um but then it buckers a lot actually that’s is that what you’re doing right

Now okay what I was talking oh X you’re talking a lot for doing homework not very background noise am I holy [ __ ] really give me just give me a nether fortress please I need one of the two idiots to die I don’t know what they’re doing I need one of them to

Die um I don’t I I have no idea what they’re doing oh I can watch off when I speed I don’t know man seems pretty seems like a tall task for you for guys for you don’t know dox watches all of his YouTube videos in two

Times and then he says I have a bad attention span and he like no I see twice the video in the same amount of time it’s amazing like the second coming of of YouTube Jesus second coming of PewDiePie oh please don’t don’t chase me dude be [Applause] annoying o very

Uncool stop that what all of you knock it off um I need I need ding to the robot more um all I need is my paper calculator okay words giving is very common for dyslexics all right awesome and fantastic physics on fre foress I don’t want to

Hear it Mr Tik Tok hey dude I need Tik Tok for when I start which is eventually December 1st is M it’s m no no no no no we’re not doing this we’re not doing this for Ser freaking skeleton dude baby girlfriend does not know time is up time

I have three hours here um are you oh wait I have a cross too game keep going um uh December 1st will be the day the streets turn white that’s not I’m saying okay I’m taking a break for the day I’ll continue this tomorrow you guys have a good stream I’m

Gonna dip don’t die de I won’t right just me now I’m all alone all alone with uh nothing but a wheel to live I guess rejo the main DC I guess okay I’m just and sticky the ant sticky is necessary oo I for I have soul speed on is that a

Fortress oh my gosh it’s a fortress chat Def One may or may not is this is this the 500 by 500 it is B defin one may or may not have just just won the cream games with this move I have to get out of here if I get out

Of here with a [ __ ] ton of blaze rods defin one may as well have just won the game I don’t want to speak too early sh blocks Badger watching wait Badger wait I can call badger don’t worry chat we’re not all alone Wier all right Badger don’t you

Remember you’re a spectator you’re not allowed to help me yeah I know uh how do I how do I like locate Phantom and then God damn it flipping flion Riz dude what do you think of the video I made for you that it was fire dude I actually

Appreciate it so much that’s actually going to be big I can’t say anything at first oh yeah yeah um viewers the viewers can know but at first I did I went deep in it just was like okay that’s just horrible I like bimer it is it is in fact big bad andhr

It is me bading RZ so velon Nigel Nigel RT that’s his real name not even joking yeah my name’s Nigel Nigel rington oh that’s good big baby groon I mean if we’re keeping it Ohio oh my God stop where’ you go baby gr Ohio is

G all right Mari bondage to okay I got It um it’s big why are you getting wither skulls I’m not I I’m here for Blaze R if I get a Wither Skull to scare them that’d be even better I I don’t plan on getting a Wither but wither would be really funny if you get a

Wither Skull just make like one like just like a tea with the skull on it in the middle of make them pee themselves and make him little like the make him a little piss baby little baby WR when is this going to end I mean when are you going to like I don’t

Know when are you going to get sick of theery that’s never happening the flame here’s R mode right is up in the booth at the Ohio outside when they pull up they give me zumbo jump on board when she give me top I make her zumbo she’s jumbo Josh in

Ohio give me the walk give me the walk give me the Riz oh with off the phanom into Ohio show him baby GR showed him my Phantom showed him my T oh with [ __ ] hate you not good not RZ honestly jumo Jos let me kill you so yeah is you see there’s one

Enchantment table Yeah they have it okay yeah I found it down in the deep dark yeah no that’s where it is that’s where supposed okay because people like go down there you have to go down there to get it and you like die and that’s it’s

A challenge I got it I got I got it dropped it and that was pretty much it you die in hammered yeah and that’s that was my well second to last death big succulent big suul my last death was pretty waste pretty much wasted to be fair

You that is very Riz that’s very Zeki thebo I didn’t even consider that oh my God oh my God holy all right chat my speedrunner methods are coming out here there another one where bro there is single so bad give me blaze rod please all I want you don’t want a blaze rod

Okay I want like three okay too much to ask for cl you know that voice for the one person yeah a not yeah you know who that is who that’s L from Death Note I just pitched up so funny I just pitched it up a little bit so it wasn’t exactly

That that’s really funny you I just I just changed your voice a little bit yeah I know I like it’s um death and Urgent oh God what when more Persona uh this week I I don’t know how oh yeah hold these noobs these noobs you

Are so dead not you are so R you’re so SC on the Ohio yeah I got to work early today so wonder what was up with that like I get out like 11 okay is eight is eight enough like enough dein eight oh my god did he eat with this jumbo

Josh what is jumbo Josh I’m looking that up you know Garden of B ban no oh my God no I don’t the big GRE guy is zis sending me look up jumbo Josh Rob rubber Johnny by Chris cummingham Apex Twin I’m not I’m not we live we love

We okay that’s eight that’s enough that’s enough that’s literally enough that’s literally that’s literally does did did def in eight eight [ __ ] did he P did he did he like Okay so let’s just hypothetically hypothetically you’re my little come SL have you seen that yeah oh my gosh okay let’s freaking go

Dude this is big I don’t care if it’s scary or not I just don’t care I like that looks scary I don’t know I have I have been traumatized by ey bleach I oh it will teach the meaning of life okay well that that does sound

Pretty awesome show you what jum by Josh was preaching dude you need to stop this is my brother Belo okay I honestly just want some diamond armor for X maybe that too much ask for game what is this rard skellies oh oh this go hard nothing nothing that be garbage dude

Loot is garbage I can’t want to get Xing Diamond but apparently not if you watch that while like AED you would actually have an aneurysm oh my gosh okay wa we jumbo Josh go I found you Josh is right in Ohio about it holy that one was awful please give me

Wither be so funny if you said that to anyone over the age of like 20 they would actually look up jumbo Josh you know what I’m talking about right no I don’t watch Gart of rzz bro rzz is Ohio dude you watch it jumbo Josh you probably seen

Him gold dude I mean green no I’ve never why would I have seen this pyro Cal play it come on man I haven’t watched a new pyro video in Forever pyro live too oh I don’t watch it I I watched this when I play GTA 5 and that was pretty much it oh Dude that’s a Sniper Wolf did it again Sniper Wolf R it up stop what’s the latest video um Garden of pH okay not use this file Gard of phantom was it pet scop three or whatever pet scop a billion oh there is there is a border in the nether

Okay oh well it should just be double honestly it might be better to just build a nether portal here and just dip another is who sent me oh three diamonds all right that’s big let’s go that’s huge for X um diamonds rib rib plate that’s sick

Okay what Riz plate I want to see it yeah of displate it was like R plate oh put it in the chest so I can see it look the rib they smithing can I PL smithing G pleas put in this CH uh oh just oh I see I see I

See I’m honestly going to go cuz here’s what he’s the MC rib m is I had it today oh is it good I’ve never had it I’ve always wanted let me try it it’s what do you it’s what do you expect have you ever had a rib sandwich

Yeah I know you have it’s just that but a little bit worse dude that that was the worst you’re having like flashbacks like no no no no no no no I I actually did contemplate eating it or not jumbo method okay CH dude never eat a a Circle

K rib sandwich never eat a jumbo jar only skiple skiple spaces okay we’re going back chat I think we we’ve looted up enough um let’s build our portal and get out of here I got to go home actually let me do a little I got this sorry say that say that to like

Your mom or something like that Mom I got to get going today give me a fire Squad okay look at her go look at her ass and go I got to get going you want know what that mean okay what instead of mck R was M I literally just said

That you want to see my dog just lost my dog yeah all right we’re going back home oh wait let me take the cords of this round I just put my dog down now he’s lying in my arms okay that’s honestly big we will we will be doing some big

Ratios today rubber Johnny Riz okay am I yeah what’s up look at my camera oh he’s he’s dead actually on the floor oh that’s not very okay big chat this is I’m going to make an I’m going to make an edit of myself you ready oh Lord ready I’m on a second yeah

See he’s muing he’s D why do you look like you’re in a con constant state of just meing I always in chat we are going going home boys what the place where my Game just crashed fire inton dude am I what thei just said I’m back home but now I’m packing home

Oh my God you want to soccer yeah yeah he’s like yeah eating re no papa Johnny Johnny mes okay that’s not that bad oh it’s such a funny story dude I can’t say that on stream you know there’s a reason for that you know one second what why the age difference yeah

Yeah I can’t say it legally actually how long has it been it’s been a year Daddy I really miss you reallys uh def uh I can say now yeah you miss something huge in the nether I is kind of funny there was like a big like I well I

Looted a Bastion I don’t know if you’re talking about that there was a big jumbo J no it was like right to your left when I’m not going to tell you when it was at to your left but it was dude I really jumb why is there a

Chocolate chocolate bar on your on your on your whatever your your your Shield he that’s the rzy ganger flag dude the Rizzy ganger flag right right right right I tried to make an R but I messed so it looks like a mountain now that’s how I’m

Interpreting it like we were on the side R it looks like a it looks like a foot okay I I’ve tried all right I really tried but looks like jumbo Josh’s foot all right that’s my last one now now it’s a mountain like where we started why you got Subway Surfers for

That viewer retention map is for that I was playing Subway Surfers at work today okay two and a half hours to to get in somebody wait are you assassin I am the ass assin I used the command properly today but I was expecting this I was expecting please kill

TG I’m just going to look at him I’m not telling you anything but okay F oh god dude I forgot Josh Land oh flip can I say this no no no just don’t don’t say it’s not location or anything he just has he has signs all

Around his base of him and his like schizophrenia bro oh yeah no I’m all where if I find any diamonds down here that’s a big bonus the walls in the walls they’re in the walls oh yeah no he he lost the wall he lost the sauce how long is

He how long is I don’t know always just been is it me I don’t know accusations they died a long time ago God what you do he’s not okay he’s not okay oh gosh they don’t know my name okay um uh who did the I think he

Hit his head a little too hard oh I think he definitely have a hard ball for him let’s go to the surface I guess like M TG Bas oh right me throw away all the stuff I have in my inventory um I’ll eat some good breed I guess

Wasteful also I think somebody sent a message and did not YouTube not gosh I’ll throw the buckets I guess throw it at your feet throw it at your jumbo I’m all alone in the walls I die my mama I love her I’m actually surprised I did that without dying that was insanely impressive

What jumping no the entire nether Excursion dude uh oh oh I’ve been in the nether for basically an hour and a half yeah basically an entire Riz basically the entire like Garden like the entire Garden that’s all I of b band or just Gordon I’ll bet like Joo Joshua is

Probably in there trying to find me pretty scary stuff okay all right on brother this guy St oh give me to the surface dude where am I I’m in like the center of the map my coordinates pretty scary stufflet yeah stufflet it might be your your

Least your lowest um what what what what are you saying how high are you oh no out outside the border is a uh M shaft oh that’s actually who why why can oh right I’m crouching this is this is this is go dude why why are there so many fish down here

They’re all following you dude I got I got black I got white what you want H hop up in the fan wait wait def ah never mind side um de Pooky bear has arrived they defin definit definit defin defin defin I really really recommend going

Out going back that way I no I really recommend going that way dude you’re not allowed to help me oh you’re such a goat yeah no more helping I wasn’t helping I was just I was saying it’s a really cool place out here um see if let’s keep going I need my water

Bucket so I can get around how and hop up in the Riz G I know I’m about to I know I’m about to Phantom oh literally said Phantom and Phantom are you b b oh gosh on an a trip oh lovely 10 times than 10 times than thinking thinking about

Ohio who are you talking to death I’m talking to Badger you know me Bumble clot in every week you know actually I have voices time you EG bumba clat wait can they not hear me they can hear you U these are his personalities yeah one yeah I’ve officially lost it actually who’s what’s

Your alter I mean what who who else are you um bunny um um funny bunny um I was thinking edgy at first but now it’s like not let’s see where we’re Mario bondages oh okay you like say things I can like pick up one of very not very f i I said oh

Okay that that could mean many things oh okay oh okay jumbo okay jumbo Jos I see you he just okay this is the funniest thing I’ve seen today on the verge of death um rubber Johnny is rubber Johnny is serly like the craziest thing you’re ever going to see watch

Watch it’s very where my Big Bub okay I could PE so badly CH but I think if I log off I die so pee in my mouth I got youer want to go yeah go right now wait keep going keep going oh it tastes so good all right

Dude if any of my stuff is grown that’s really scary cuz that means that they’re in vicinity rubber Johnny video watch it’s very um funny it’s just very disturbing awesome what is this massive penis you made bro I don’t remember to your left this giant oh that’s that’s part

Tration no it’s not you made that don’t lie okay big let’s get some back straight is this where you is oh okay this is where jumbo Josh uh can I mine yeah this isn’t even my base I don’t want yours by the way sorry saying that um lapis wants to see your big

Bu lapis no I I only take um sorry I only take uh what’s his name yeah zorbis or um um um or I always forget where the we def I guess that’s pretty exit’s the for it just keep keep going I’ll find it eventually no there I

I I’ll know it when I see it okay keep going I know it when I see it V chill CH oh wait what’s what are you I I don’t even know what you’re talking about R like do a hop hop hop like I always do what

Are you saying know the Jeffy song um but Badger is premium sweet de I’ve tasted de before what I heard myself Badger yeah cuz I have my headphones basically off I can put my headset down I can still hear you like clearly that’s amazing I think understand how loud I

Have you no you we we’ve had this whole conversation oh there’s diamonds right there oh there there’s there’s our base okay are these big blble CL diamonds you have never seen this before there we how many diamonds is that that’s six diamonds hey X I got you Fortune I got you three diamonds

Now fortune I do not I do not have Fortune now Fortune 500 R I got Fortune 500 compan oh wow no I’m about to r c this chest lame what is this like did I not cover that oh no was the SE I don’t know if I I don’t

Know if it was like that um see else he got in these chests I’ll take that I’ll take all that yep it’s all mine you checked is the screen black you guys yeah I sorry about that back out of the chest forgot where the entrance was back out of the

Chest just stealing from me yep I just stole all your your R Riz rods I stole all your no my oh they’ve been here oh they’ve been here oh [ __ ] and they were stream sniping how do they know where that was that’s not okay then they’ve been here

They probably are here how do they they did not they’ve been here and all my carrots oh they were here recently okay we’re killing them today all my sand [ __ ] now I have to go find them I’m going to find who who’s left me uh everybody online plus x h

Inform you they know where we live so are you going have to kill sex or oh I would eventually yeah no I mean it’s the truth is what we’ll have to happen I will have to K them eventually oh they know where we live they know where we live they know where

I live I know where TG lives though so it’s no issue do you actually somewhat I know the trunks he’s in let’s see if you’re right oh I know what do you mean you know you know they know where we live huh how is this not an issue I would be way more

Pre is where you got take I take your tax for pH you should have you should have made it where everyone had to stream like if you wanted if they wanted to play you had the stream too that’s what that’s what I did well not me but that’s what someone did know maybe

Um all right you ready You Gotta Throw throw down some bars when I hit this beat you ready M jumbo house I’m going to raise oh [ __ ] okay all right yeah I think you just have actual like big jumo think I think one of them’s here tg’s not here Mario might be where

Um oh I can’t take care of a child oh how does X not out about the how they that they know where we live how was this not an issue are you not scared cuz it doesn’t matter so everyone else everyone has oh my God TG still has yeah okay I can say

That [ __ ] do you know how many lives Mario has um he’s got two okay I’m I’m wondering if I’m allowed to say lives you know you yeah oh they’ve been here they’ve so B here barel it’s falling Mar bondage right now I’m going to tell you his exact

Location no um yep he is at um 0 1,000 holy jumbo Josh dude like really sorry sorry like are you being for real inton right now PL oh my PL um uh Dean Dr X told me he wants to Edge to you love to see it love to see he is

Butt dude please look at my camera I can’t I can’t I can’t I it gives away where he is is he’s like naked what is he doing no my camera no no no just look look at my camera okay I don’t want to see that I

Don’t want to see that IO think that was a good idea bro CH he thought he C I’m just gonna take a picture of it on Discord big Dizzle I’m just going to send someone already saved in chat oh it’s so is it is it like a my PL interesting they didn’t Rob everything where’s the brid doesn’t matter I’m actually going to meet up in game they can hear me okay nice Seos all my PL my Phantom attacks okay we’re going to make a few potions why is he just butt ass naked on the toilet or that’s on his couch oh inability INR holy somebody holy Zeke I’m Zing watch me the movie wasn’t doing the movie wish is oh they took my TNT look my TN I have all right I’m done now I’m not scared I don’t know how that sound is watching Tik to okay you know we’re going to go into this Mission

Different how do you get cobwebs in MRA you know what we’re going for it all right guys this is all we need um all jumbo Josh needs we got this yall ain’t ready okay f one is about to make insane plays plays that have never been seen

Before I really doubt that shle new P dude gosh how many I want to put that in the chat but I don’t even know how to spell that up also putting on know where I live live this is so bad that’s I will pay you to play with me oh

I will pay you to pay me one of Mari bondage just signs that says spooky don’t enter or you will face Doom I’m not going to say what because I would give it away but I that’s all I need all right chat operation Operation big zukul noops It Go that the name

Guys what operation zukul noops Operation big zuk noobs all right I’ll put that chat don’t put that in the game chat they they’re going to know something’s a Miss zukul noops is has commen drives a a a piece of Po Nissan I’m an OG that is true told me

Wait you don’t you don’t want me to type in chat operation big zukal noobs has commenced that after I finish operating big zuk okay has ended [ __ ] well that makes sense [ __ ] you all right once it’s too late let stop the Phantom taxing dude stop all right chat screen’s

Going black for a second also chat if you not already drop a like on the stream it helps a lot big Channel growth I’ll know how it is I’m locked in right now why does your skin look like that def why is that color why is it purple and

Blue is it white is that what you’re asking I don’t know just is I’m white should been black this is really racist okay hit skin should I should I put my shingai in dreads on went to L CL with baby girl definely yeah big dubs dude I

Think I feel like you have more subscribers than me right I’m a y y oh io on my okay what operation zuk is actually about to be fire well then why can’t I T type okay we’re turning off Subway Surfers that’s good that’s good should off the backg we’re going full you know

You’re you’re adding to the brain rot of your yeah def scream super loud no no no no than for the hearts okay are you on Tik Tok I’m not on Tik Tok right now are you live on Tik Tok no never I would never

Want to go live on Tik Tok it seems like awful like they seem like really strict only 300 Subs away from me let’s go dude big dubs we’ll get their window well let’s see if you can find whoever’s base all right I need to raise up one of these warp maxers um

It’s I I know where TG is which is good actually need get Cobbs First if I forgot the cobs it would been game over oh dude I have like this top down view of you bro it’s like I’m playing GTA 1 GTA one but it’s de replace all the cars with with your

Face every like sound effect everything is voiced by me just just going H whenever when like all the characters are just you with your voice lines if it was good utta yeah UT had zuk n if if we keeping in a okay this is why I’m GNA H all

Right I don’t even know where you are I have a sore throat okay def if you blink on it blinks on your little animation face cam no it’s uh wish I wish it’s voice activated no it’s it it doesn’t Rand like if I stay quiet I mean your

Charact I know what you use you use the same thing I do I think a Big R mini what did I say dude uh a lot of things wait hold on I’m going to figure out where you are Big Apple like a big Yapple like Yapp like I see you now the biggie Apple okay okay noted myow oh it’s almost 10 this is awesome what other characters um do you have okay there this is this is the only like good one we have Badger the zimer

We have Badger’s character what about me we have the PK one oh please put that one on okay here here he is he’s coming out for the big he’s coming out for operation zle names or what was it big what do I call it zuk NOS big Z zuk

Noobs what the the hell is a zukul noob BR I made it up dude I don’t know there there’s a skon gang war happening are you looking for his base right now no I’m not I’m getting Cobb a Minecraft gang world that was ins Big M CL Bloods versus you should

Have been the Crips and we should have had the Bloods next season next season Bloods versus the [ __ ] games the [ __ ] games yeah oh Lovely isn’t he beautiful Vader put a la the Minecraft server oh thank you I know Vader put a lot of effort into Compton the Minecraft

Server oblock Minecraft edition oblock isn’t in I I know let me make an unfunny joke okay right that’s what it definitely looks like in real life yeah this is this actually a 100% Recreation actually kind of scared me when Bader drew it I was like dude that’s too realistic whoa whoa is that

Self-portrait dude that’s what he said yeah I literally went Jeepers like you know I was scared dude your grandpa no there is no other ones but I can make another one if you want me to one that’s extremely uncanny it looks exactly like him hyper you’re just going to send me a

Photo of myself I just Trace over your face be you want me to do that um I’m good actually itchy so itchy how much time do I have left I got two hours to kill somebody we can do this better pick up the Riz up up up with RZ okay like really

Do ah it doesn’t show The Big D on your chest no it doesn’t it’s too far down uh zorus mnus says how long is a polar bear’s aggro range I hit this [ __ ] like three biomes ago a great question I do not know TG is not out of this bro and

If um your grandpa says that I should trace your face and then make it you should make it um not Sigma oh here we go this is exactly what I need these onton I’ll just read your chat for you buddy thank you for thank you big Johnson no

Problem they call me big Johnson all time they call me big Ohio this damage is very 52 cobweb what if it said lap this it was lap dance okay dude when face revealed Ean never bger should make def R34 I thought about it but it’s it’s really difficult I

Already tried excuse me what I was never told I tried making inflation porn of death I’m I’m joking horrifying that’s bad that’s bad I want your grandpa says dot dot dot dot dot dot dot okay I just want to look at chat you’re just going to narr everything yeah

Zeky all right there we go that’s enough Cobbs we’re good we’re locking whoever I see first is on site I’m sorry zorus says M dein’s holes big um they are pretty big already so not that I would okay maybe we I wouldn’t know okayer whatever you say buddy what

About what about our call it three I’m yeah good good point he just opened his anus to face reveal and ham cord he said never actually he said face reval revi I’ll do a face rev but I’ll never do a face the [ __ ] is it face rev feel that’s

A great question I don’t know that’s a great gor but I don’t know how look all my TNT I’m going to kill them so mad oh but he just F to his death treat me like my te don’t get me dirty the Love on me I want ravioli orbis says then go

Make yourself some [ __ ] or unless you’re a woman you’re not a [ __ ] that’s true your grandpa says I want Deen I want my girlfriend’s about to kill now he’s he’s kind of stuttering cheese he meant cheese actually he doesn’t want me he wants cheese yeah okay okay I was wondering I

Was really like if he wanted like anything that wasn’t cheese I would be like straight up this yeah he he good thing he said that cuz that’s the only right answer there yeah I so be should log off I think if I log off

And I die I don’t know be that was the point I’m polish and German not Italian I don’t know how to make ravioli it I’m doesn’t matter dude you’re polish and German yeah just steal it from your ally I mean you were allies with them like 80

Years ago should I get some cheese depends of what kind should I make sorry some oh should I make some she I’m polish and German and not Italian I already said I already read this okay am I jumbo and am I Josh if I’m a jumbo then I’m a Josh of

Should I get Itali yeah just like kill your parents and get Italian parents okay don’t don’t do that actually oh Italian cheese yes yeah yeah like a pares I will make I don’t know what that is not not okay let’s go see if people are at

No oh it’s TG TG probably took my crops TG knows where I live okay you gotta kill TG your [ __ ] [ __ ] cockington I we make cocky walkie yeah I don’t know what that is I mean we tax rest assured rzy gangers I will not let you all down your

Grandpa said okay be right back okay going go so string cheese it was string R don’t have the right golden apples on me but it’s fine search it up on Google I’m gonna pass but it sounds like some foreign food that I would never eat a c food see but they’re just tunneling

Because I like know I’m around somewhere let’s see if you’re I’m in T’s in’s trunk area I’m so my Google it’s a donut okay why wouldn’t you go just like I don’t know four at a time I mean this is only because you don’t want to fall all the way down yeah

If there is something down there okay I mean I know why in your search area oh you don’t want to break your pickaxe good point I’m playing it safe and they took my TNT what up trashy oh wow it’s been a minute trashy how’s it going how

Are you doing today oh don’t mind the don’t mind oh let me turn off let me hly turn off the K tuber for uh no for oper for the very serious oh I turned on Roblox turn that off wait so who has the who has the enchantment table uh TG

Yeah probably hear some bats Maybe back with cheese W love to see it what the hell are you doing how much time I have two hours left to to kill somebody how do you know this this is chunk area um so you press tab um so you know how Minecraft SKS have two

Layers oh my God yeah okay so when you press tab so when you’re outside of like someone’s chunk area um then their like outer layer of their skin doesn’t pop up so TG has goggles on his outer layer but not his inner layer so when I walk past

This area tg’s goggles up here um but what that’s the saddest thing I heard today I don’t remember where probably like I don’t know um it’s a jelly donut to be specific Badger uh searched it up you wanted one no you’re get food you’re being nutritious I I can’t eat food dude poor

Poverty okay good good good good he going to zle some nudes oh okay where is he I don’t know why I’m Going Quiet like I don’t have my mic oh wow this is a big cave that’s a baby see that how many lives do you have two okay so jungle Josh

Noobs yeah you are dead no I’m not I I wonder if slayer’s grounded oh maybe where’s TG where’s TG oh my God H what did I didn’t say anything to you I wasn’t even I wasn’t even talking to you um I died to a Barry Bush I’m going

To creative and commit some Minecraft crimes good idea guess what I’m getting what Mac or Mac Mac yeah for FL Studio yep for FL RZ ta oh I see what you’re talking about now oh the fact that you know that is a little bit sad I don’t remember where I

Learned it from I think it might have been dream I have no idea yeah well there’s a lot of things about dream you should you shouldn’t learn um uh because on this night so me see your game oh yeah you told me about that maybe he gred I don’t know I do not

Know let’s see isit me I don’t know God he’s not okay pickax awesome my favorite thing to do maybe you maybe I go with the Moss method that might be a little better where’ you go oh my God no we’re not got you a baby zombie last time I’m not D again

Um so see got a little this little drank oh my walk Zip Zip Zip Zip oh my walk an entrance I think that’s the goal probably my what up hams how’s it going I’m find an entrance above ground he just like sealed himself in Forever should probably Mark

Also how are we all doing how you doing what’s tg’s goal um to outlast everybody apparently I don’t know you guys want to play fortnite uh no not right now I’m locked in on on murder oh I just all tab awesome uh hour 50 minutes okay well own

Ham what the hell is ham sord ham sord ham oh Ham’s cord better gasp and I think I’m like I’ll think he’s like like I’m like right by him I feel bad I like cheating oh you you know you know you’re in his chunk though right yeah I I know

Okay yeah you sh shut up shut up you’re not allowed to say anything L not allow to say anything not allowed toou you s cream games true true the greatest spectator event of all time my biggest fear is I’m going to like cobweb myself and die I really got to lock in

Here we go find Mari get mari’s help that might be a good idea Mario why don’t you just kill Mari bondage I want to kill TG oh oh my God oh my drank holy sip oh all right I’m going to tell you one thing about Mario bondage he is rising up the Ops

Bro the cave might be withy off no I just threw my pickaxe oh um cre and probably going to bounce yeah that’s that’s fair appr by I appreciate it please drop like Drop Like on the stream sure video words did you just say that’s a great question I don’t even

Know let’s let’s go to Mario’s house we have time all my siggies where is mar bu On’s house I know oh there it is down here fny my bear gig Ohio Sigma to the pla enough enough is enough sh all right chot we found it nice one

De oh wait these are it these are his tunnels oh my PL here’s a bed [ __ ] where is he oh God yo have fun what the [ __ ] have you seen the kickstarter uh anime F I have wait really anime well like that that YouTube thing or like

That just oh my Lord holy [ __ ] I’m in a I’m in a maze aren I’m just not getting the grasp of everything how many tunnels he has oh Lord okay don’t think get so touch what happened to the PNG we got serious I took it off I take it off and

Things get serious seriously I can I can say that you are never finding him never finding him let just to explode I don’t know can’t say he go to the surface why did his thing disappear oh gosh okay I might have to Mar if things get

Desperate wow this is awful where is he what is happening oh I found one Liars Liars Liars I can see you Liars Liars Liars n19 okay she’s tweel in a little bit twey on the zy Tweaky um oh anything happened yet we found T’s base important in there you don’t have

The diamond horse armor have a horse oh [ __ ] in the walls I you can’t see you can’t hide I see you not anywhere close to him did you leave why not reset chunks that that ban are you tell me to chunk ban I’m not going to chunk ban

Chunk of B oh golden 192 say the name say the name say the name say in chat oh okay say in chats that uh they died a long time ago is it me is it me I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know was here maybe he’ll give you a hint

Say Golden One n give you a hintington Ohio Phantom is he on the surface the [ __ ] no way actually let me see okay oh okay oh oh oh oh a certain uh command where if you reload chunks fast enough you can look through walls I ain’t going to that’s

I’m I’m above such such tactics is this he’s gone he’s just not in he’s not in here I think I found his bed though I might break that they go back up what the [ __ ] is this all he’s been doing where the hell is he oh my gosh

Okay I’m going to find Mari I’m GNA go find Mari I’m giving up I’m GNA go find Mari I’m also breaking tg’s bed so in case he respawn rington he’s like right behind the wall yeah that isn’t stopping anything thanks for the hints Vader that’s not H I’m just I’m just I mean

Knowing about beds is nothing true but you know always hope okay why not team everything his place is like an ant maze bro yeah I know wonder if he knows the tactic and is avoiding me um shift for a while he’s not even in the same chunks as me he

Can’t even see me I wonder if he’s zeky on the Ops all right we’re finding Mari and if and if and if I can’t find him I’m killing him unless he’s stream sniping he could be I think they did I think use I found a secret CH whoa I got near the

Border you die if you touch the Border no you don’t I think you take if you go outside the Border you take damage but there’s no way to get outside okay I know the entrance to his base this is good yeah you can I’ve done

It before yeah but like I’m not going to try to glitch out it’s fun that’s where I built my base Sig actually you cann’t put blocks so you kind of use pistons me F this he’s running away g go find Mari like be obvious okay let’s go find Mario I know where

Mario I feel like the amount of digging you did he maybe would have known maybe I think he’s gone yeah he’s Nots anymore he’s going to Mario’s base we’re going to the big zeks and then the big zeks oh he could be in my base right now I yeah big Jumbo that’s so real that’s real a kiss all right I’m going I’m going to come with Mario with my shovel and I’m going to come at him and be nice I’m going to talk to him nicely okay um so you in so you’re infected now or something yeah I’m the Assassin um I

Have to kill somebody be fun if I can’t find either of them I turn I die and I turn red which isn’t actually exactly I isn’t exactly ideal what is your skin Badger uh it’s just a smiley face but that’s Hitler you’re looking at oh that’s not

Okay I mean it’s Charlie chap chap yeah that’s not okay um so you’re going to pretend to team with Mari I’m going to go threaten Mari to tell me where he is or I will take his life and I don’t think either of us want

That so he’s going to tell me where TG is before I take his life it’s that something let me see Mar page okay I know where he lives I know TG was in my base um basically as soon as I left happen oh that’s you

T what the hell okay okay I don’t even want to know what the Goon the pH let’s watch a dog raw dog raw dog another tree Mari I wish you no harm that’s the biggest trap I’ve ever seen in my life go down these stairs you will

Die I’m sad or are you sad let’s shoot that let’s see what Happens oh he compost I feel like there’s TNT right under me I know one of them has my TNT nothing yeah as you can see there was nothing you actually stressing over nothing might as well spend the Night what is happened I’m so I don’t see his yeah they actually all just took invisibility potions and start right behind me of giant penis it’s fire I built that oh actually um it’s like the apocalypse it’s like the apoca Riz story of oh Phantom

Ta I’m in Ohio hanging with umel B okay oh to hate it when it does that dipping on the walkie story of grim Shake oh okay now I see it not really but you know pH packs Ohio yeah oh yes I did story of jumbo Riz I know they’re together where are

They must TG unequipped his outer layer so that he couldn’t now X was here I would just kill him where is Dr sexk def I want to play fortnite I’m sorry I live for the there there is I live for is this is not suspicious at All appar not nothing you jump okay I see now see it now gosh can I have the 99 cent sloppy from White Castle instead um no actually you can Sor that’s what hams was asking I saw where the hell is he doing oh Stephen here um playing a voice recording of one

Of them in in shift maybe that PL the the aren’t in my base are they they must be in the ne the hell I’m getting I’m lost it must be only option dude jumbo Josh must be they in the jungle nether if their blers are changing holding the tab menu down for

Like a million years um I’m building a giant basement so I can have a tree farm um and never have to leave it TG okay T TG left have made it far where did he go I just Camp spawn in wa for them do I

Do o zorbis are you TG o zorbis is zorus is Nazi ghost where where back here they have they’re in the ne they have toless they’re in my base not back here oh oh I’m so confused who everyone is TG is seus that is the exact same

Person zorbis is a viewer not anybody else if they my base zorbis is zorbis mbus that he’s he is who he is um orbit or orbit same person this is new that’s freshly pled orbit is the one that’s would have been sucking dick let’s go back to my

Base he’s not he’s not in here anymore he’s not in his tunnels I think he has to be in the nether go hell is he have uni his pop I’m in my face now wait Which Way what where’s I can’t ask that where uh can you send me the cords

Of your base on on Discord I’m I’m watching Them hope the baby zombie in the corner good back yourself bro they dug up all the floors that’s what they must have done Nathaniel Nathaniel RZ he isn’t here where the hell is he I have my TNT I’m just say I had the most self moment ever what what happened was in this

Corner somewhere ifwh to look go back to the nether oh there could be waiting for me in my portal I’m going to spawn tra it it’s very possible how much time do I have left I nor the offense too hour 30 GG’s like I haven’t even got this far

Back it’s not here um I want to okay no I’m not getting that it’s not here I kind of banked in for G for that humans are thing you typing no I’m not yes you are what are you typing my resume to get into college oh actually yeah Livington

Dud oh see there see I’m streaming they aren’t which means I they I I can just box up anywhere think I need to go back to the nether or maybe Not I’m messaging one of them I I have I have no Ops here I’m getting desperate gu R is must be in the nether oh I just forgot what human emotion is horrible dude you understand how incredibly eal that is what come in peace oh Badger you’re not allowed to help

Them you’re not allowed to help them what I I literally said nothing MRI you can’t you’re not allowed to help them wait what did I say that would that would help him there so honestly y you two it against him would be easy are you

Telling them I said a 2V1 would be easy what have you been texting them the whole time uh see here I can’t say you been telling them my location well I literally can’t say because they they say their location dude bro no honestly I just want to see you die it’ be pretty

Funny well Mar that all right I’ll change my wording when I go to the mine that’s exactly what I’m doing wow I am so lucky I just missed that they what a little goober dude I almost just fell to my death int stop T you’re like def is at mari’s

Face right now um uh I’m not saying anything to them that would no I’ve literally said nothing that that are you just being like de looking for you no okay I can’t say all right all right no I asked what’s your plan are they saying I can’t say what they

Said I asked TG do you have the Gat never answered do you have the RZ then you went pater I’m a Riz you we just take the L just grief everything they have what do I do I see you this he x-raying you do not why want an Xup wow wow you thought you thought I KN I knew this something was about the pressure plates oh God they make ribs coming back that’s loud enough L the vone Wizards at is that loud enough for you yeah all right this is getting boring oh they’re together [ __ ] Hell How would they know where you are they they looted they raided me they robbed me oh yeah but you’re not there I’m not there I think there’re spawn keep being a bucker if I’m being a buck bucker oh my Ow oh my g oh my g okay I have an hour and a half I have time this is bad didg Escape yeah what happens if you die I just lose aive well I mean full dead I spectate the games until they’re over boo what you mean boo he’s here DZ

Boring what is in this car oh Jesus hey hey hey I come in peace I come in peace I come no you do not you tried to kill me you tried to kill me I did not I do not hey whoa I didn’t even attack

You don’t lie to hey man now your now your dogs are all angry man this isn’t okay yeah oh man oh collected did you kill them all I just want you I just want us to be nice okay no see what was that what was I’m sorry

It is literally my job to kill you blood aiss okay flash potion of Riz guys I got 15 jumbo Josh is waiting for you here okay yeah sure dude I’m freimer okay also tell your tell your chat that that you’re not coming to stream again you so

Ashamed chat jumbo Josh is here and he has in the Super Why did Mari leave yeah all right guys let’s let’s peaceful okay that be nice y you tried to attack Mari I literally did know such thing I saw that I literally did no such thing what are these C what are these

Cimer allegations c yeah yeah cimer GG I mean Badger yeah why did you guys bunker yourselves in here why not why nodd inton okay don’t sit them down oh my SI drank drank Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr drank come on dud really see you’re trying to trying to

Lav us out I’m not literally I’m not even playing I’m not even placing lava I literally have never placed lava once in my life okay yeah sure um well hey hey let’s calm down let’s calm down all right guys it’s all be nice okay ow nice nice nice got it

Dington all right gang I didn’t even attack yet I ain’t even attacking dog you you missed though you missed I ain’t even attacking you you tried to attack Mario me and Mario are alive Ally and you’re attacking allies two topical two topical two topical to topical two tropical TT you stole my TNT

Dude I don’t want to hear it nuh yes you did how’d you find that chest you how did you find that chest I’m really curious oh really just mining random blocks at least that’s what I doing okay jumbo Josh I I see your zuk dude yes

Remember as soon as I’m not assassin you cannot kill me I don’t know that remember as soon as jumbo Josh finds his Phantom you know offenheim goes thugalicious way if you know what I’m saying right mhm you feel me I you I you you have TNT that’s that’s ours we collected ours

You collected it what do you mean you collected it mind it uh-huh I saw the little the bench trap that was actually really smart to give you props and see you have old bsy up and okay yeah well iying attack us I doing nothing I’m killing dogs my God I killed

Myself okayer yeah his dogs is a part of the alliance his dogs are part of the jumbo Josh hey dude really wouldn’t like that you’re doing this to us Mr Mr 19 we’re here we’re here to see This hey I a I haven’t even fought you yet chill see you try you hit hey I have done no such thing these are false lies and accusations that I will not stand for okay I haven’t killed you I haven’t even fought you yet chill

Bro we all got to calm down okay I haven’t fought you I haven’t done anything dude you started this I haven’t even fought you two rzy rzy gaps dude like come on like come to Ohio baby I hate you I’m sorry about you hate me you tried to trapped my Shrine I did

No such thing I what I literally tore your shrine apart the hell was that creeper nuh not RZ R stop running why are you running I’m not running from you I’m being attacked for no reason I’m a victim dude I a even got I haven’t even attacked you chill zany Riz emote

Fortnite that my favorite emot for that one that was a bad one I’m sorry calm down dude I haven’t even fought you yet come on you’re a pro genin player fill yourself oh my God this game so bad what oh I’m dead TG left no way I didn’t even fight

Them that’s the thing though I didn’t even oh my god dude is this it is this the end of death one what do we do kill yourself kill yourself dude watch it again well now you have one life Kill Them All uh true that’s all I can do this is the

End of me this is where I die only X was on oh I’m so dead this is hey let’s all be nice okay hey hey I come in peace I live yeah yeah yeah red name red name come on you I haven’t even fought you I didn’t even fight you you

Attacked Mari that’s me died I died hit me hit me come on Assassin me I’m not going to Assassin you holy [ __ ] you’re such a prick dude oh my God calm down he has nothing dude they’re going to kill me dude they’re going to jump with Josh My phom

ATT all right well only one move left TG is very annoying oh he’s so [ __ ] annoying dud why don’t you attack them once they attacked you I I couldn’t dude they took my they took all my [ __ ] have you been watching H watch how was I able to how would I how

Would I fought back against that please tell me it’s a it’s a one V2 yeah I didn’t even hit TG by the way how did why did TG hit fight me that’s what I’m saying not okay tg’s a [ __ ] TG is a [ __ ] that’s

Fair all right I have an hour till I die this is stupid until I R in New York at baby gr fan on my attacks I should have just got retreated back here no I mean before know before we have armor yeah she means before when

There was a One V when there was a on V2 and they had they were in a cave with dogs I didn’t I couldn’t have my Shi God it was like Death Row Records in there yeah I couldn’t do anything they have diamond armor now um

How do we kill them they have gapples too isn’t good in New York I baby grank Sigma on my PL could have made the first kill I don’t know how about you do it gxing me and you in a fight right now real life oh we still have gear it’s fine

Um all right we’re going to go full sweat mode I literally have nothing to live for I I died here you know this is the neighorhood and you’re not welcome okay um um okay let’s get stuff California knows how to rise that’s so real all right well if x dies you know

If I die it’s up to x x is losing this game wait is he the last is he the last of the rzy gangers he’s not even a Ry ganger Bean are you the last of the rzy gangers I am dude it’s actually not

Okay I do not know your IP that’ be a lot of work to get it I play doing all that all right Badger knows my IP Badger all right well I just have you not been listening Devon if we die this is this is how it goes

Kind of got to accepted you know at some point uh go some lava I guess you know you one last attack fight fight as hard as I can you know we try we try why didn’t I place my Cobb down all right yeah to be fair he a hor

Chasing he would have been stuck though oh got blood kiss I’ve been working on my basement [ __ ] happened well TG use a b [ __ ] kill de I didn’t even I didn’t even hit them yet that’s the crazy part technically speaking they broke the rules of the server but technically speaking technically they

Broke the rules of the server but I ain’t going to say anything you know how it is you know technically just only technically I’m going to make a bunch of off of buckets I literally have nothing left to live for oh that’s not true all right let’s go five I lit have

Nothing left but God like you’re oh honestly you are about to kill yourself I am about to kill myself I have nothing left fight for so know it ends here the in two of the [ __ ] games see here’s the thing Mari better betray TG like no way like I want to see them

Fight I want to see their fight um Badger what’s your favorite pie flavor or his flavor pumpkin or apple I guess if I can kill T I only say pumpkin cuz I had it most recently cobweb whatever it’s fine Pine hmer is good let’s go find them they going to be

Back in their cave probably no banana blueberry that was my favorite I had that for my birthday it was awesome okay here’s the thing I’m going to go in and I’m going to kill one of them um at least that’s the goal I’m under kitted I have

Nothing so you know oh me slash trigger color uh red uh I have to say ranking it would go banana blueberry Apple pumpkin this is it this is how we go what about you definely um pumpkins chocolate’s actually the best pie flavor chocolate yeah you’re you’re you are off the perks

I’m off ating things maybe a CH no chocolate is not a pie dude that’s cake it’s basically just cake at that it’s not dude oh here oh no not yeah no gacan is not don’t let them infect your brain chocolate pie is just cake I can live to the next session so

Surprised I had a whole strategy why did I use the cobwebs yeah everything it’s a cake at that point you know what a cake is Right a pie actually no it’s not but you know you know what Riz is Ohio what just killed me all I’m sick of

This [ __ ] all right let’s see if any of my stuff’s left probably not in five minutes Germans love chocolate yeah well you know they like Fanta too CU they got Coke ex you know they can get Coke because nais chocolate carrots that the worst sentence I’ve heard today the worst two

Words put together they took all my stuff in there that sounds like a poor man’s like dinner what they didn’t take my diamond armor are they stupid no way what okay okay we still have this actually I really can’t say anything about poor men’s dinner I had Circle

Cake okay let’s go see if they’re back at the hole there’s any loot in that hole actually oh my god let’s see if they’re in the Goon oh wait did they take my cobwebs they might if if if they took my cobwebs it’s game over oh they did chocolate and Ranch

Yeah you’re just you’re you’re just this let’s go see if they’re back so we’re in Copper um oh that’s me I love eating the straight copper no ch chocolate and Ranch chocolate Ranch is good dude chocolate and Ranch are you are you high no I’m kidding I’m

Kidding I don’t think they’re in their in their little cave anymore I think tg’s back in the tunnels Mario’s probably back at his house can you go to my grave you can killing both of these birds how long are they in here I don’t even

Know all right let’s go find go back to my grave did I already say that you did hold up I’ll do it when I I’m on the perk 30s right now if I die me let me say zorus I would not be surprised on the per at Ohio right now just kill their

Birds okay I have a lot of pin up aggression all right I don’t want to talk about it what did the bird do to you nothing if oh I can’t let this game come down to X it’d be over oh getting assassin that was fatal bro that was fatal Fields okay

It fatal jungle Duos today and in uh I did solo Duos that game is so easy 30 kills and I won the gameer actually the goat no chocolate milk H yeah chocolate milk I haven’t had it since I was like five and I remember it being kind of okay my last act will

Be to destroy all the sand so they can’t get any more TNT if that happens oh is this is horse Mari I don’t even want to kill you dude come here I just want to talk if you’re here Mari are you here I don’t even want

To I don’t want to fight I I don’t want to fight I don’t want to fight I don’t want to fight no no you’re you have aggression look at you you’re a threat I don’t want to kill you okay hey hey hey I don’t want to kill you okay give me

Let’s I’m let me come in I’m don’t open that door not open that door I don’t want to kill you okay I don’t want to kill you all right I literally do not want to kill you find that block and I’ll kill you dude you can’t even

Kill me you’re you’re a green name I wait what is the point of this there’s you’re not going to win this I know that’s why that’s what why do you think I did come in like with a bombs and explosives and nuclear terrorism I came

And I wanted I wanted to talk I just want to talk okay no you did not you not I literally have nothing left to live for I’m coming inside I have nothing to live for okay I literally have nothing to oh hi buddy who’s a good doggy I

Literally have nothing left to live for okay yeah you killed his parrot you killed his parrot shouldn’t that be considered the first attack the first hit I I hit you dog okay I don’t want to talk about it you didn’t you didn’t you didn’t get

Killed by me you did not get killed by me I didn’t why no you didn’t I don’t I don’t know beef with you TG I I thought beef with him and the dogs the dogington okay I don’t want to talk about it all right I’m going I’m going through a

Rough patch here all right I die in get do Rex get on and take his left Dr X can’t get on I mean I can I can tell him if I if I say get on to let me kill chocolate goog should I just T Badger get on to

Badger is dead well bring him back to life like you did coutur that was a viewer that was a viewer vote I’m not going to do another viewer vote okay my life is over dude my life is over inton all right it’s it’s tragic actually

Doggies so how how I have I do have a question though before I burn the house burn the house down I do I do have a question though um how did you how did you find X’s base I I’m curious oh he was were like mining

Around that area cuz I saw you before there oh and you was like M around that’s Fairington I can’t even argue inton with that we saw this long tunnel gash yeah no I X wanted me to go get iron for him so I for him I ever looked up the goog it’s

The r hey buddy what are you doing the Russian guci oh my baby so um I don’t know I come to you today with nothing really I don’t know what to say are you sure you don’t have like a sword I have I have a sword on me I do have a

Sword on me that’s true but it’s unenchanted see look you’re getting aggressive you’re getting aggressive he’s getting aggressive himer he’s aggressive in the Gat dude I don’t know they like smothering him in the corner okay see see def God what was that attempt de those worth something you

Know I’m dead idiot come on run go shoot pom your tax dude come on show me the is TG show me the is dein I swear to God open a stream on Discord oh you’re you’re fighting oh game over yeah ah GG’s why didn’t you burn the house down I tried I really

Did ah it was worth a shot well the reason well it’s all up to X so X is losing the games oh that sucks that sucks oh well played yeah def you kind of fumbled the bag there how was I what was I even supposed to do dude burn the house down

I tried Mari oh GG now you take that sorry uh or just him s I’m dead but can I make one last request answer me bro I’m dead what don’t let GG win that’s my only wish my only wish if x was here dude if x was here uh my only wish can you do

That maybe why did you whisper why did you what whisper uh we are the ones online H usually Badger would say something comedic in this harshly saddening moment oh I’m watching a YouTube videoer have anything funny to say as X is never going to die unless X do penis we not the only

Way he’s using he’s taunting me he’s using my TNT that’s not okay do you want something funny okay uh it was dark this morning when I and I was open at my cage and at the same time I was I was brushing my teeth uh [ __ ]

Ass comes flying out of the cage smacks into the window and knocks down all my Reese’s Puffs I hear this and I think like some burglar comes into my house so I walk out um I just see my bird smacked up against my cage with all all my [ __ ]

On the ground um it’s only really funny thing that’s happened to me today so oh you know I tried I really did no you didn’t I did dude I tried the lava them I thought they’d get stuck they they had way more buckets than I thought oh actually oh they water bucketed that’s

Smart it did uh chocolate Reese’s Puffs yeah chocolate Reese’s Puffs should have just gone after one of them like fully incessantly hard w w well you well that’s really all we can Sayan did you see the carrots on Discord no let me see let me warm my what what carrots

H I really tried you know what you know what tg’s going to do though for the rest of like he’s going to be like who with that attempt def like he’s like what were you thinking he’s going to be annoying about it ah all right well let’s explore the

Map let’s see everything I haven’t seen Rader what was that big thing that I missed in the nether uh nothing actually no it was something I going though oh you’re are you Ser going to make go back through the nether yeah go ahead a thanks I find it

Funny so let’s see T’s tunnels let’s see holy [ __ ] yeah these things are big oh I how did I oh I missed the enchanter what’s in this chest I not see nothing yeah there’s the enchanter oh wow these things go deep in this room

Room oh this is why I wanted x with me so X could help kill them nothing H know what sucks I don’t get a funeral dude what I don’t even get a funeral every I everybody else got a funeral but I don’t it Sucks um all right Badger there’s of some yummy said I don’t get a funeral that’s the tragic part Play fortnite i’ Rather I don’t want to play fortnite I don’t want to play anything okay byebye uh all right well Mari left that’s the end of the

Session not the end of the cream games though um yeah damn sucks oh oh I seriously needs to win not giving I’m not letting TG win another game okay everybody well um I guess that’s it everybody’s dead everybody’s offline so I think that’s that’s the end

Of these games I should have just waited to pop honestly that would have been better could have just taken that all right everybody well thank you all for watching it’s been fun uh comment like subscribe share the stream with a friend if you already um now we’ll see you all later

I’m depressed I’m sad I’m uh definely one’s going through depression right now seven stages of Riz H all right guys it’s been an honor um but thank you all for watching come like subscribe share the with a friend uh and I will see you all later can I back morning

Every are any soul mates today’s already gone now no soul mates anybody in the VC nobody’s in the VC all right good night guys bye

This video, titled ‘Last to Die on this Minecraft SMP Wins! (The Cream Games Season 2 Episode 4)’, was uploaded by Defen 1 Live on 2023-11-26 16:33:34. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:40 or 11440 seconds.

Support my friends!: Mari/ Bip: Seagulls: Jgrsj19:

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  • Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song

    Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With Liam and William, their story told. A friendship tested, emotions run high, As they navigate through the dark sky. Jurias and Ameyra, a chance encounter, Their paths crossing, feelings begin to stir. But trouble lurks in the shadows deep, As secrets and mysteries slowly seep. In the realm of Minecraft, where stories intertwine, The characters’ fates, in the hands of time. With each twist and turn, a new chapter starts, In this world of blocks, where creativity sparks. Read More

  • Surviving in Hell: Choose Wisely!

    Surviving in Hell: Choose Wisely! I would choose the cursed Nether portal that leads to a never-ending supply of diamonds and enchanted gear, because who needs safety when you’re decked out in bling? #minecraftlogic Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft experience! Are you tired of the same old servers and looking for something new and exciting? Look no further than Minewind! Join a vibrant community of players from around the world on this epic Minecraft server. With a focus on survival gameplay and exciting events, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling experience for all players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join the fun today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Immerse yourself in a world of adventure, creativity, and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide! 🛠️

    Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide! 🛠️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (11)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-13 06:19:20. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Sab & Friends

    Minecraft Madness with Sab & FriendsVideo Information for for for e all right who the heck I can play geometry Das all my controller this is actually so cool by the way I do not play Geometry Dash so I do not know how good I am going to be at this this looks kind of fun though it looked really fun though like on while I was watching other YouTubers play it and I just decided to down spend five on it and then just play it so I used to play it a lot on my uh phone though when I was a… Read More

  • Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter Quests

    Zozo Survives 1000 DAYS in Hardcore Minecraft! Epic Warden Fighter QuestsVideo Information on day one I spawned in as an awesome Warden ninja right in the middle of my Warden ninja Hideout but there were no other Warden ninjas around in fact the whole place was full of dread ghouls while several of them were standing at attention one of them was standing back and giving orders destroy everything my dark Warriors we are under orders to eliminate every last warden ninja we can find I didn’t understand why this was happening but I wasn’t going to take it lying down who’s giving you these orders you cowardly dread ghoul… Read More

  • Insane Parkour in Minecraft – Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPS

    Insane Parkour in Minecraft - Rijan Archer Music Group | HD | 60 FPSVideo Information [Music] listen TR love [Music] is the must the must it seems [Music] bright smoking of for the pain J is all like a unicorn I step inside the club I see her on the FL a white designer dress is what she call I position and BRAC toen in my as she looks up I’m standing in the life I don’t know your name and you do not know I office but that does not matter at least for my office are let no to to the moov in the sky my it seems right toight [Music]… Read More

  • 🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ Minecraft

    🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Top PvP Texture Packs for 1.16.5+ MinecraftVideo Information [Music] fore [Music] speech speech [Music] spe [Music] for [Music] spee [Music] spee [Music] [Music] you [Music] you This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШИЕ ТЕКСТУРПАКИ ДЛЯ ПВП 1.16.5+ x5 Minecraft | HolyWorld | FunTime | ReallyWorld | РП | МАЙНКРАФТ’, was uploaded by __Crook__ on 2024-03-16 17:52:20. It has garnered 7715 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. open, here rp open, here rp open, here rp SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE BRO THANKS FOR WATCHING i love ❤️ ● tgk with rp: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ⚡•Nick:FeDaMonsTeerka ⚡•Ds:Chupaa#9577 ⚡• My fanpay – =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ● tgk… Read More

  • Intense ThorJ vs. Wafflecat10 Sires Battle

    Intense ThorJ vs. Wafflecat10 Sires BattleVideo Information disclaimer before this video starts this is not the video clip that we are using this is just a this is just a episode of what we were planning to be a series but then WF fail the whole recording and then we decide to do the series again so that starting series episode like the next one that’s going to be the real series will come out a later date C is basically a pilot and yeah please like subscribe and enjoy the video w welcome everybody to the long awaited Minecraft series with your boy 4J… Read More

  • Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1

    Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1 – The Zombie two-step’, was uploaded by DogOfKrondor on 2024-01-10 14:00:08. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:37 or 1237 seconds. A MineCraft recorded round organised by Codwhy Thanks to Spyro, Rochket, Crow and Camkart for teaming! Read More