Video Information

You So my Hello Hello hello hello hello hello hello okay so i’ll show you guys uh this is just in single player mode not in the server yet and i’ll show you guys what i worked on All right hello everybody wait is there anything you guys is there anything is there anything you guys have to tell me before we get started You forgot to tweet it’s fine it’s fine good job on the intro thank you i’m glad you guys liked it i was really i was laughing so hard i was laughing so hard when uh when it started and you guys are like live reacting to it in chat I like hurt my tummy i was laughing so hard uh it was like a it wasn’t even like a laugh it was just like a I’m glad you liked it i’m glad you liked it uh i it’s okay so i’ll tell you guys what i was doing i woke up like 20 minutes ago and like earlier i i was watching cali stream i was watching her karaoke stream and uh i fell asleep like right after she sang

That shiny smiley story uh i fell asleep right after that and uh she was like i’m gonna sing this next song oh i wonder what it is and then i fell asleep i don’t know what it was and then i woke up and it was over

And so i put on i put on uh this the uh sports festival and then i fell asleep to that and and then i woke up and you know it was still online and so i mean that was the sports festival i could hear mika senpai’s

Voice while i was sleeping it was very relaxing and then uh i woke up and i was watching it i played so much for a little bit oh yeah i i i like just woke up so i i’m like i’m still waking up okay so um this is something i tried now

It does it does work okay water does fall through the uh trap doors i’m not here because i took it out for from here for some reason uh oh i blocked it okay it was working but the thing was i was like gonna test something so i stopped

I i closed it for momentarily uh so it does work but the thing is is like the off when it’s off see it turns on for like a few seconds and when it turns on that means it closes now this is the opposite of what i want i don’t want it to close

I want it to be closed all the time and then just open occasionally but um uh i i wasn’t sure how to do that anyways i gave up on this i tried like a few different versions you can see down here i have another check and this is this is a mini

Half scale ppp um the original ppp is uh 28 by 30 blocks and this one is uh i think i just made it 15 by 15 even it out uh yeah this is pretty much half scale half scale right and it doesn’t really work but i i’ll

Show you guys why i tried using this concept now this is a little test run i did here as you can see the water is open and then it stops and it starts to go down but it never really goes down and so this is why i decided not to do this

Method because one it just uses so many resources and uh it does work and right it does it does work but it doesn’t it doesn’t close long enough it doesn’t close long enough and so here i tried the dispenser method which it does work but uh the

Thing the issue with this is it turns them on and then it turns them off which doesn’t it doesn’t really give the water enough time to disappear disappear completely which means moms wouldn’t be able to spawn if we use this method so i decided not to use dispensers

Either and also we would need a lot and it would be a lot of resource so uh i’ll make a small i’ll make a small diagram to show you guys actually we’ll just do it in here uh let me get rid of all the water and that

On here land on here here we go okay i just let me just get rid of all this stuff I was watching a bit of the sports festival sorry i was going to do this hitting jacob’s sentences again just because i’m tired i was watching a little bit of the sports festival it looks it looks like it was really fun uh amikos i was like interviewing people i think

And watching them run around in like the background like i saw somebody take damage just randomly it’s like a little interactions uh like stuff that just happens in the background i think it’s really cool the way they did it they have like was it like one competitor on one team

They had like their camera perspective it’s really cool All right i’m just gonna take down all the trapdoors and then put the blocks and maybe there’s an easier way to do it whatever team leader of every team ah that’s really cool i like i like how they did that ah i’ll probably i’ll probably watch like clips

I watched like a compilation of like the best moments i really needed to sleep actually i was having such a nice sleep and the alarm went off and then i was like i’ll just go back to sleep for another 10 minutes and then my second alarm went off and then

And then i was gonna usually put three alarms and i was gonna i was gonna sleep again and i was like no okay never mind i don’t have three alarms i’ll wake up and that’s when i started watching I’m really glad i’m really glad uh you guys like the intro i like making stuff like that i hope uh like one day when we’re 3d uh i’ll be able to make like way cooler stuff but it’s it’s fun i like doing that but maybe maybe i’ll try to make like a

Like a commercial break or something for kiara okay so uh let’s get a little bit more light in here this is ppp but um this is half scale pvp all right so the uh video so i watched a tutorial I watched a tutorial on how to do it and uh their shape that they did is different from the one that i use so i’m gonna incorporate the same idea but i’m changing it to fit my shape and putting my own spin on it so what you’re supposed to well in this tutorial

What they said is that uh if you have trapdoors we’re going to make floating platforms for example okay we’re going to make a floating platform like this it’ll probably be lower and then we’re going to surround it with trapdoor like this and so the thing is the moms think that the trap doors

They can walk on it but they can’t so you’re supposed to like open and close them and it like uh makes the game think i don’t remember what he said exactly but yeah so they they then they start to walk on it and then they fall so then

This will be like the first thing we have floating in the ceiling of pvp vp is our xp farm and then we’re gonna have something like this we’re gonna have a little checker a little checkerboard sort of thing Design okay so we’re gonna have like a little checkerboard design i was gonna do like straight up checkerboard but i can’t actually do that because i don’t think it’ll be very effective but uh it’ll probably be something like this like this is the platform and then it’ll have stone underneath i

Have like a little stone square right underneath the platform and then here then i’ll put more tractors so we’ll have the floating platforms and then we’ll have the uh and we’ll have the uh trap doors right next to each floating platform so that they fall and they walk

Uh this is much easier i just need a bunch of wood for trapdoors and the rest of the cobblestone that i have and then uh yes it’ll be surrounded and then you know it’ll be like more more here and then here we like more trap doors

And then here it’ll be like more trap doors then we’ll have a floating platform above like each uh each uh concrete section uh we’ll have a floating platform or cobblestone around it okay and then uh then we’ll have constant water so we’ll get the signs It’s because they need a place to spawn they can spawn in water we can’t just have all water Temporarily we’ll do it like this i don’t know if we need the corners but i’m going to put them anyways How you make them close and open now they just stay open they just stay open okay so then we’ll have a half constant water on the bottom Okay all right we’ll have constant water i went over the signs don’t know how we’ll solve that we’ll figure it out i don’t know if it’ll be the same thing in pvp but this is just test run and probably because it doesn’t have enough leverage but in pvp it’s much more

Uh steep it’s much steep yeah it’s getting dirty Okay so we’ll do something like this in pvp and that’s pretty much all i wanted to show you guys Oh all right that’s it You need two yes yes yes we’re gonna do two blocks i know that this is just this is just a half scale this is half scale pvp so uh the sizes are not realistic actually what uh some it’s gonna do like uh yeah what what calculator we get there

Okay let’s go to the server Oh thank you i’m connecting i make pizza rolls i’m hungry okay so my idea was even out like take out these blocks and even out the wall so that here it’s all like the same wall and then uh i keep trying i’m so used to playing creative mode in

Single player i keep trying to double space to fly uh oh yeah hi Okay so yeah we’ll probably make this wall a little bit taller and then we’ll create our platforms I get so excited i just use so many exclamation points and my pizza rolls and we’ll get started Okay uh we don’t need this and we’re gonna go back to the base and reassess the uh resources we need i need wood All right i need wood okay i need a bunch of trees and we’re gonna make a bunch of trapdoors and then i just need cobblestone and i i got a bunch oh I am finishing the xp farm i think we can finish it today okay um it should be good for now for now i probably will end up needing more i’m sorry that’s just i was watching a little bit i’m surprised it’s not a game it’s like kind of like a puzzle game

It’s like a it’s like a very actiony horror game i guess I really like the uh that’s the atmosphere it’s really nice action horror puzzle ah i think i played it once and like uh it’s like a convention or something and they’re like showcasing new computer specs and i i played a little bit on there now the xp farm will be able to finish

Today i think i think we can do it within like the next two hours and test it out i bet I have so many streams coming up the next few days and i have like stuff that i need to finish working on too not the intro and asleep i’ll sleep tonight though i’ll get a lot of sleep okay i’m still waking up i woke up like 35 40 minutes ago Oh thank you guys you like the intro yeah to start i already talked about like watching kylie’s uh live show it’s like karaoke live show and also watch sports festival a little bit again what are you talking about yeah talk show is really cool

I want to see uh i’m excited to see more Okay so we need what do we need uh i forgot can you guys tell me i mean oh okay we’ll go to the forest and we’ll get wood we’ll go to the forest so we’ll get wood and i just need a bunch of it just a ton a ton

Now we’re not making more rails we don’t need more rails for right now that was originally gonna be the plan but uh i’ve changed course of action we have changed course Okay let me just organize a little bit ah this can go back this can go here keep the torches just in case these can go away these can go here uh we don’t we will need the redstone actually yeah we will need the torches Okay let me put the name tag away too i don’t organize my stuff again it was all organized but sometimes sometimes sometimes things get a little messy unless you need to it’s okay okay What am i doing right i have anything in here this and then this take that okay actually i do kind of need to sleep I say sorry but i feel time i say sorry too much Replay at the wheat farm Oh maybe i can make it underground wheat farm like uh right under the water Like this i make it double stacked here’s what i’m saying like so if i if i build a platform under here then the water will fall down Okay i won’t do that right now but eventually that’ll be on the to-do list i keep trying to fly like it’s been created okay oh i need something i need an axe let’s get a few stone axes So i could test stuff at least i didn’t use it here Oh yeah is it btm okay i was going to put minecraft’s music on but yeah first of all we started playing minecraft you guys are like boy play minecraft music by minecraft music but maybe you’re maybe maybe you’re over it now Is good fine okay we’ll leave it there i still want to continue this up and like do a little do a little spiral tower up there but for y’all i found a minecraft resource calculator and i got to fix the skirt on this side i found a minecraft resource calculator

And i like i i compared all the different ideas i had like what they needed so like one had a bunch of uh dispensers and one had a bunch of uh i don’t remember it oh yeah okay so it’s a bunch of rails and then a bunch of

Dispensers and i was like oh i guess i could try like the piston method too uh but i have to get sticky pistons because it wouldn’t work otherwise and then i tried like testing with the pistons and like how they worked and yeah it was like 300 iron

Or it was like 340 iron for the all the pistons that i would need what would i come here oh yeah for wood and then it was too it was too much too many resources that’s why i decided not to do it too many resources this way is much easier

That’s why i finally came and decided to watch the tutorial get out of my way i want um i want to replant them Can i get a treat Need wait did i pick up all the wood looks like it i don’t know how many i need i need i should probably calculate like i was i was calculating before like how many rails i would need and stuff but i don’t know how many trapdoors i’ll need because i i haven’t

Exactly planned out but we’ll just get we’ll just get a lot and then i guess if i need more i’ll just come back but my estimation are gonna retreat my estimation is that we will be finished with today within the next three hours i don’t get distracted this year died he died sorry Three hours yeah i already have the design all ready to go with my brain i need a tree i want to replant they’re all disappearing do you not get trees from like when you already took the wood i feel like whenever i’ve done this i’ve never gotten treats from it before

Oh well goodbye trisari You guys know what i i cannot get mean tree i like i want to be responsible tree uh lumber uh It’s dead i killed it yeah stop taking shoes from here for now One day we’ll all do we’ll all kill the ender dragon but uh not for a while i know for a while i think we all have to have a little bit more experience in the game it’s all i talked to cali i want to help

Her build a house because i have an idea for her house like using another material because i know she wanted it i think i don’t know if she has the cave i thought it looked really cool if she had like a big skull house like maybe like a purple skull or something

Let me cool Where are the trees of it next week i don’t know if i should tell you guys yet maybe i’ll keep it a surprise i’ll give it a surprise for now i’ll tell you i’ll tell you on sunday about this cool thing it’s not like any sort of announcement or anything it’s just uh Game let’s yeah i wanna give you a switch that’s all you get The temperature really I puppies froze my quail Please No tree Please one tree one tree ah another tree i can replant uh oh i gotta eat why do i have to eat so what soon i took a tree from somewhere i’ll eat just give me a second I could just recycle this house these houses since nobody lives here will they will the villagers just ever randomly come back you guys where am i Is that me yeah that’s me this way another zombie here Okay this way Oh Let me just get back to the cart and i’ll get my pizza rolls hello i got so far okay plant a tree uh plant a tree Hello cow goodbye cow okay back home and i’ll make some trapdoors and assess the materials that i need okay while this is going i get the pizza rose everybody hmm I bit into it and then the cheese fell out from the other side and it burned my knee Yum So Okay it tastes frozen well it’s not frozen like i think i left the bag open so it tastes like kind of like freezer okay uh trapdoors oh thanks oh all right and then we have doors it should be enough maybe i feel like i didn’t really get a lot

Compared to how much wood i had Hmm now i’m still using the same design from the same design i’m just incorporating uh i’m just doing the inside now you guys will see i did a demonstration at the starter stream but a lot of people missed this you guys are like what is she doing well you missed it sorry

I thought you guys want to get up there i don’t know where ina is i’m eating sorry No i’m not going to eat close into the mic wrong with you guys i like streaming at this time i feel like my brain is more active at night i think i want i think i’m like a i like a reverse what is it called i’m nocturnal like an owl

But isn’t it like the human body it’s like anatomy like biology that’s like you have your was it called the circadian rhythm or something but how come how come if you’re more active at night your body like to me i like to sleep during the day it feels better to sleep during the

Day gamer body some people have different can you say it circadian rhythms okay right so it’s just so grumpy to sleep in the sunlight i’ll grab my eyes though but otherwise it feels nice hello to can Don’t darina i don’t want to interrupt her work doing research my lagging thank you for super talking Maybe i’m eating pizza rolls okay you know it’s like fix it okay i’ll show you guys the design i had mine oh wait I need a bunch of stone pickaxes well i’ll just get two for now already have one okay so the plan is to flatten out this wall and then make this a straight wall down until uh here okay this is where the water will flow out from this this level okay and then

And then uh starting about probably like here we’ll make a platform and then on the platform it will be checker boards four but uh sorry two by two checkerboard and what i mean two by two is it’ll be like trap door trap door track door trap door and then

Surrounded by cobblestone and then trap door trap door and then cobblestone cobblestone trapdoor chapter okay and then we’ll make floating platforms up higher above and so this the the mobs can spawn up there and then they’ll fall down because we’ll surround those with trapdoors too and then the they’ll fall into the

Flowing water which will put signs there i gotta get more wood for that later what’s wrong with two by two and then two by two like one two three four Is it mean really why Me oh she doesn’t know what two by two means I see him I mean i’ll just keep this here because it’s already here i don’t feel like taking care of it yeah probably just leave this here maybe we’ll do the platform like starting here now it can’t be that high it has to be here i got a room

I gotta get rid of some of it okay we’ll just do the platform like this i’ll fix these Yeah it’s like an inverted pyramid shape Ah okay i have two more pizza rolls left i just finished Do Okay i want to get rid of this whole thing but i’ll have to do it from down there i can’t reach okay uh now i need to i guess i’ll have to move one of these temporarily and put this here here there we go now we can fill it It wasn’t my dream it’s like it’s like some event a bunch of sam i guess because i was listening to the sports festival while i was sleeping look good it was there and we were like gonna we’re like on a we’re like gonna attack team i guess

You know how like if you do the potato sack thing that people do during like some sports stuff um just like that this should this should be good maybe let me let me think so the platform will be coming out from here i’ll be coming out from here and then

We have one two and then another the floating platforms and maybe it’s not maybe it’s not oh my god okay um hmm okay i’ll just flatten this out i just eaten this out oh wait did i just make this i just put this here i don’t remember

My brain’s still waking up okay let me eat my last pizza roll Do Um i know i’m done all right i’m just gonna i’m just gonna eat this out it’s pretty like uh brain brainless work here i think right yeah hello was it good it was all right the important thing is that it will fill my stomach my tummy I like doing this like this two block pattern it’s so it’s so relaxing and satisfying i think i was just here at night i did the uh i did the thing i just erased maybe or maybe i did the wall above it i don’t know i remember i was just here i think

Okay so just have to Uh for this area i don’t need to really erase this because i have to build stairs again anyways oh wow all right i think go we can start on the design i just have to just have to plan it out a little bit we’ll see okay so the platform

Uh oh yeah okay well i have to remove these slabs that i have up here because i think i think the ceiling needs to be a little bit taller probably i think by like one block of taller what time Okay design all right so the water it needs to needs like at least one block so i’ll probably put it like this let me get up there actually it’s easier to do it for down below probably now i can do like this okay Ah we had to sleep soon it’ll spawn here Oh well the spawn in this little thingy down here i guess because i’m here they can’t spot huh Why don’t you guys ask me questions i’m doing this because uh my brain isn’t thinking of anything else right now my brain is thinking in blocks and uh blocks they don’t speak Do you like gooda what kind of question is that no i hate her of course like Yeah we didn’t play a game this week but uh she’s asking me about playing something together soon so i’ll play with next week are you guys having any It’s questions get clipped out of context well that’s not my fault that’s just other people’s thought we’re trying to stir the pot and get a nose but you guys think we only interact when we are streaming Any other questions frozen pizza or fruit or pizza rolls uh probably frozen pizza because like pizza rolls are pretty good if you make them in the oven but like frozen pizza is way better when you make it in the oven I think i need more cobblestone yeah frozen pizza oh the best is bagel bites though i like bagel bites Uh black friday deals uh i feel like there won’t be that many deals because isn’t stuff is like kind of out of stock so i don’t know what the what they’ll put up for deals for a good deal oh i usually don’t participate in that sort

Of stuff though one year i went to the store and like those people are doing like those crazy running thing that they do that you like see on those videos they’re doing that crazy wedding thing where like the doors open and they’ll go and they all like run now at once just

Just to go buy stuff it’s pretty much like the same price i mean so i feel like the deals used to be really good but like now the deals are like get a waffle maker for like 10 bucks like i can get a waffle maker for ten dollars online anyway somewhere

I feel like the deals aren’t as good as it used to be i mean for like uh online stuff like computer parts and stuff it’s probably way better but like normal stuff i don’t know i haven’t got in a while though so i could be wrong maybe there’s really good deals

I just don’t know about him i feel like it’s not it’s not worth the trouble people camp out i guess they won’t be but you know people will like camp out in front of stores and stuff okay about like seven days before like a whole week before

I’m not gonna use all this cobblestone actually so i guess i’ll start with trapdoors I saw i saw the rap video i want a trampoline Family is so cool Yes this is a mob farm after i run out of vlogs i’ll start with the trapdoors okay um we’re gonna fill this all in actually for now let me let me remove this slab because i have to make i have to make this i didn’t we’re still

Going to use slabs on the top but i got to make the ceiling like like a i gotta make it a one block taller Not really good at fighting games because uh i never i cannot remember like combos and stuff Excited for the holidays i’ve never been like uh really excited for the holidays type person i don’t know i like new year’s i like new year’s that’s pretty fun i’ve never been really that excited for holidays i don’t know Hollow days i’m excited to do stuff like uh maybe i’ll do like a special some special thanksgiving stream like a special christmas stream a special new year stream you guys you guys will spend some time with me for the holidays too right Ready Hey how’d you get in here okay well you can’t get back up now You guys have um other questions I i’ll probably stream on new year’s yeah i was thinking about doing like a like a worldwide new year’s stream celebration so like you know how people celebrate new year’s at different times like maybe maybe we’ll celebrate like whoever does new year’s first and then we’ll do we’ll be like uh

I don’t know if i can do 12 hours i don’t know what would i do for 12 hours actually speaking of that i was thinking about doing um for like the next uh four months or so i was thinking about doing like uh oops i was thinking about doing monthly charity stream

I haven’t asked i asked manager said about that i don’t know how we’ll do it um i think i’m doing a monthly charity stream the next four months not 24 hours just 12 hours i was gonna do like a challenge like 12 hours of apex or like 12 hours of minecraft or uh

I thought because um we’ll probably have monetization um turned off but we’ll still be taking like i guess it’d be an external thing for collecting donations and then um i think i could do like uh 12 hours of fallout or something i don’t know which fallout game though

Cause i played i played a lot of fallout 3. uh i feel like i didn’t explore everything in fallout 4 but i know a lot of people are like wow fallout 4 sucks i don’t know about that one but uh yeah i guess i could do new vegas i i i

Guess i was just going off i mean the music in new vegas is good but fallout 4 has like the most music that’ll keep us entertained for a while i feel like because fallout 4 has like music from the previous games Not from new vegas though i think no not 12 hours of csgo I have to go get more stone soon five hours of apex ranked yeah it’ll be like a sort of in their in stream like that but i had to find like a organizations and stuff i was gonna do each month like seem something else because at first i was

Gonna do like a doggy one but then i was like people people need help too is that as many people one i was like which group of people though who should i who should i try to make money for i i do have the uh general themes in mind

For the organizations but i don’t have any like specifically so i don’t know because some some people like uh you have to be really specific with it because some people are like well the anorexia uses money the wrong way or something i have to do some research Yeah i wanted to do a food bank for like uh december uh i didn’t need this but i just need a regular coffee maybe a regular cobblestone further in the in one of these Maybe i’ll ask i’ll ask for your help i find it good i did what a good organization did i buy ps5 no i didn’t buy one i do want to play ghost sushima but that’s like the only game i could think of that’s not a pc that i want to play

One of the games i do want to buy a wii i don’t buy wii because uh we didn’t have fever is my favorite game and uh if i if i want to stream it i gotta i gotta have like the console console sorry i definitely wanna play i hope

They make a new rhythm heaven paper for uh a rhythm heaven game uh for uh the switch where they can port they could port a rhythm have everywhere on it i don’t have enough patience to play souls games maybe we’ll play some monday though Maybe i should have used this for my pvp did i no i don’t need it all right uh this is a decent amount maybe maybe there’s more near the chest than another or in inna’s outside chest i don’t know if she’ll let me take i don’t know maybe she’ll want the cobblestone for

Something i don’t want to take all of it i haven’t played katamari i was selling an ass manager sign for it i want to play it yeah i really like the music i haven’t played it but i heard like the soundtrack it’s really uh catchy i never played it before

Now i’ll ask her i’ll ask her when we get there i never played near either i would like to play but uh i can just get that on pc i don’t need a ps5 for that but it has a lot of stone i think she’s okay if i take some of her stone

Maybe she wants to use it for something it’s bad on pc oh it’s not like optimized well oh yeah i do want to play spider-man it looks really cool i have to mod it All right let’s go raid get this house This is for hatchima i can’t take kacho my stuff Oh Oh let’s see the progress oh maybe i’m just like spoiling her stream This is where she kept the villager He’s there whoa look at it it looks so cool there’s so many different colors that’s so cool you’re not so smart he’s always like i only have one brain cell but that’s a big brain cell big buff brain cell big buff brain tower yeah that’s really nice there’s so many different colors i

Didn’t know there was so many so many different colors of wool ah i like that science i’ll use some of that for a project i have [Applause] Nice it looks so good That’s really cool it looks great looks great i didn’t check that chest what is this why didn’t you build this You know it’s been busy What is this is this where she’s gonna store materials is this like the supermarket whoa it’s like 3d that’s cool tree house looks really good Thank you goodbye it’d be really cool too i could see like the same the same uh wool design that she made but like what if it was vertical and it was like a vending machine and you could press like a button and then you get but it’s like okay okay okay look

If you’re like a big vending machine and then you have a little vending machine with button that went to each each thingy like a little tiny vending machine or like a little button thingy you go and then it dispenses the cut the wool that you need you can call it cotton by Accident yeah it’s probably not worth the effort the way she did it makes a lot of sense and it looks cool i’m just saying sometimes you know sometimes i see something in my brains like what if we did this too yeah it would take a lot of redstone stuff

I realized that like uh i’m not really a people person but i was like trying to think uh why like uh i think i just get overwhelmed like sometimes talking to people because like like tell me something i my brain is like i can try to find a way to fix

This i want to try to find a way to help them i can try to provide them a solution my brain you like i think too much sometimes it’s on my brain shut up i think i have enough should i have got something else before i came here

Uh i need more wood but that’s okay i can get i can get more i just need wood to i think this will be enough now i think we’ll be short probably by like 30 trapdoors Um that water that’s what it was i knew i was forgetting something i couldn’t remember yeah i need signs i wonder if the science thing will work because like uh the water because it’s falling from incline this is volume from an incline i feel like it might go over the sides

Just like in the mini ppp we did earlier in single player you guys weren’t here at the start of the stream i did like a little demonstration from my new my new uh idea the revision to the plan i put more signs oh stack the signs on top of each other Probably shouldn’t go up there right now Question mark said Did it work or did i leave too early my pc specs i have a 1060 graphics card and a ryzen 5 cpu but uh i’m upgrading i know i should get it sometime next month i get it sometime next month then i was gonna i was gonna i was gonna

Sign up so i could play i can’t even play i’m gonna play beat saber not for you guys just uh recreationally um I gotta make a little stairs here okay and then uh the upgrade yeah i’m going with amd uh because uh apparently it’s better for like multitasking because it’s got like more cores or something i don’t know and then i got a i think that’s a 30

I remember it’s a 370 or 3080 i don’t remember which and i got like a thousand watt power supply and i have 32 gigs of ram now and i was just gonna transfer it because i do have ddr4 but then i realized that my the speed of my ram is like pretty slow I mean it’s not like the lowest you can get but it’s not like the fastest you could get so i got faster ram i don’t remember if i got 32 or if i got 60. i usually i get more just because uh sometimes i like to run away a lot of

A lot of stuff at once so it’s good to have extra just in case you know you know i might not use it but still Yeah it looked pretty it looked pretty cool i’ll see you maybe i should upgrade my monitors but like i wanted to they work you know they work i have a i have a second monitor but it’s like a it’s like a pretty old monitor that auntie watson gave me from like

Uh an office job do we just offer her like old parts uh so i used to get like uh different computer parts like monitors and stuff but it still works i mean why should i replace it if it still works uh on my second monitor it just has a

It’s like a 60 or 50 refresh rate but my main monitor that i use that i play games on uh i have a 144 monitor you guys think it’s worth it to upgrade from uh 144 to uh 240 what was it 240 144 240 no people say they can tell the difference

Like pretty well but sometimes sometimes i can’t really recognize between 60 or 30 fps maybe i wouldn’t be able to tell 144 is enough If i had 240 hertz monitor wouldn’t it put like more strain on my gpu while i’m playing games or something is it just the monitor doing all the work i guess it’ll just be the monitor doing all the work that makes sense i think i was thinking of resolution size because uh

If i get like a bigger monitor it’ll have to render like a higher resolution or something right It doesn’t yeah i’m not going to upgrade my monitors unless it’s broken away fix it I was running my monitor in 1080 because uh it makes sense for streaming because when you stream uh it just uses like the same resolution as a game so you don’t have to like downscale anything or like resize your game yeah not a stickler for that sort of Stuff okay i’m gonna leave some space open now let me continue this up here This is an xp5 definitely have enough cobblestone because uh i’m gonna do the ceiling with uh slabs and i think what i’ll also do to like increase the efficiency is i’ll cover this whole area with torches so that uh more monsters will spawn here so cover the island like this whole area

A bunch of torches so not today but in a later stream uh we’ll go hunt for uh was it coal what’s the stuff you use to make the Torches okay now so the floating platform um okay so one two wow uh i don’t really need this i should just flatten this i think i’m gonna flatten it uh i don’t really need it kind of uh like because because uh you guys said the the way that i built

This i didn’t build it high enough i didn’t build it high enough you guys said um that i want to increase the efficiency as much as possible so if i if i keep this here that no monsters will spawn here it’ll just be like a an empty space uh so i’m just gonna

Flatten it out to match the rest of the level Perfect Charcoal that’s what it’s called yeah charcoal I think i said it wrong how is it coal yes this is xp farm Not addicted to minecraft i just want to show you guys i can build cool stuff too okay it’s cold not charcoal oh uh-huh I need another pickaxe is mine charcoal is made from wood oh oh yeah just like in real life wait is that that what charcoal is yeah i can quit any time Oh i have to steal this side part I like pressing the wrong thing why can’t i go down the sun is setting already now X x two okay So i put um i’ll make a water source here and then i’ll just fill every single part with water wait it feels like okay this is too wide this is too wide but then this platform up here on this side is three wide okay i’ll just fix it really quick Oh i want to get rid of this i i might need that redstone later I’ll put the i’ll hold this in my hand for you guys Okay let’s go up here Okay uh we just finished flattening this out and then we can uh start with putting the trapdoors i’m gonna use this platform i built here and then we’re gonna make floating platforms oh yeah one time we’re playing uh releases i’ll play i still haven’t watched the trailer i forgot A lot of people are going to say good night You guys want me to sleep Sleeping game but it’s fine i can work through the night it’ll be a little hard for you guys to see but there’s not much to see anyways i’m just just hitting blocks [Laughter] Foreign i play any instruments uh i can play ukulele i can play a little bit of kalimba i can play a little bit of melodica i can play a little bit of guitar but i’m not like a i’m like a very beginner level sort like you can play like one thing

But i can play a few things ukulele is pretty easy i don’t have one right now Here and one here okay let’s this is the last one and then then we can get started on the trapdoors you guys can see my design idea you know i showcased it at the start stream a lot of people were in here we’re doing two by two checkerboard trapdoor

Design and we’ll drop them into the water actually i should consider i should consider how it looks underneath we’ll probably go back down into this down here area when it’s daytime because uh they can’t really drop down there depending on where the door is because uh there won’t be enough space with like

The water i might need to make it like a little steeper what am i doing here we go Nice looking good okay uh let’s just take a look i look really quick okay so this here i’m gonna even this out too actually i’m sorry just to make it more efficient because well well then let me think sorry oh what’s back here let me think I guess it’s fine to have a like a frame around the checkerboard that i’m gonna make i guess it should be fine we’ll just have a frame where they can spawn it’s easier that way and we’ll go back up there’s a hole in the corner where oh oh

I forgot i was looking for this Okay let’s get started on the trapdoors okay so we’ll do a two wide frame let’s just start here in this corner you guys will see what i mean okay not in this corner okay two sorry two okay this corner okay and then this Why is this here I think we’re going to even it out okay i’ll go back down the other way i’ll just even it out it’ll take longer but it makes more sense Thanks longer sorry back must be a youtube thing yeah never played the last of us People were saying they didn’t uh like the most recent game i thought i mean i don’t know i didn’t play the story but i thought it’s all right I never played it though Okay let’s start on this Yeah it’s pretty the sun is coming up i’m losing a lot of cobblestone here i’m sorry i’m wasting it i know i’m supposed to catch it just faster like this losing cobblestone but saving time it’s okay i have enough cobblestone i’m pretty sure yeah i think i think we’ll be fine Uh People are just waking up good morning whoa the sun is coming up pretty Some light in here And then i can continue with my checkup part and we still have uh two more walls to do Oh Mindless mindlessly well i guess we’re not mining we’re like building now we did not make the iron farm there’s an issue with the iron farm and that we don’t have anywhere close by to get villagers from so i know you know has one villager and i was gonna take two villagers last

Night but then i killed one by accident because it got trapped and i thought about it later and i was like wow i should have just picked axes i should have just destroyed the boat but i panicked and i was like trying to get rid of the cobblestone

And then uh i didn’t have my pickaxe and then he died he died um let me in It has a good learning experience Hey oh the skeleton let’s finish up uh what’s in here it’s already working again okay i think it’s down there skeleton Can i give you any tips for valerian um I guess invalid what’s really important is positioning because you know if you’re like i mean well if you’re in a bad position you’re gonna die but then also if you’re in a bad position that can easily be taken advantage of using like abilities uh i mean you know i’m giving you this tip

But i sometimes i just run forward and just press w uh but yeah positioning environment is pretty important Ability management i don’t know You know and like uh overwatch i can’t be game changing when you get your ultimate just like it’s uh you really have to rely on your team balance that’s uh the ultimate i guess they’re not like that yeah they’re not like game changing completely turned the tide of the game uh

I don’t think that was helpful at all but i was just saying my favorite oh yeah because i’m uh during uh kiara’s talk show today uh funny senpai was on it and she talked about how she likes bl um hey for me i read like uh you know for manga no

Remember that type of thing you know it’s not always a lewd okay sometimes it’s just wholesome sometimes it’s just a good story i need i need my i need my torch but uh what’s it say yes i know this is redstone torch oh yeah i like uh i like uh i like bl

And sometimes i read um i read your two or like uh i read jojo i just like uh romance in general doesn’t matter if they’re both girls or guys or what guy what girl you know so you know whatever i like all of them i think as long as it

Has good art and a good story i mean you read it you know usually usually for i used to be really into reading that sort of stuff um i haven’t been really reading that much manga lately oh my god i’ve been keeping up with right now well i’m going to finish

Promise neverland and uh art art it’s just like a manga about a painter in like like renaissance italy or something i don’t know if it’s renaissance but just a painter and uh Sometimes sometimes i read although I definitely want to want to give uh marine senpai’s biela look over There S-e-u-s yeah we’ll have ellie noir uh tomorrow or technically later you guys uh uh interns interns watson industry interns uh what’s on my schedule for tomorrow i totally forgot it’s like today uh minecraft actually on on my own schedule like on my google calendar i had minecraft for a

Different time but then i had minecraft for a different time again on my schedule because i guess i didn’t double check it i’m really confused okay we’re watching uh oh eleanor all right okay yeah yeah we have okay that’s okay this is more okay we have the don’t starve together everybody gonna play

A cali chiara we’re all going to play i don’t know if i think you know said she played it a little bit before um i think i think you know we’ll really like it because it’s like that type of game where there’s like different recipes and stuff you can learn

I think you know we’ll like it uh so we’ll we’re gonna play that and i’ve i have like 200 hours in the game i mean it’s not how much but you know i think i’ll be able to help i’ll be able to help uh help us get along you know survive You can already see it i’m sure i’m sure i’m sure i feel like kiara will be the first one to die we’ll make bets we’ll make bets yeah don’t start together usually i play with mods maybe i’ll maybe i’ll do some mods because like uh some mods can be useful

Like having a player mini map but uh sometimes i’ll play with mods because there’s a character that i really like playing in the don’t starve together mods but it’s kind of broken it’s a rico from from made in abyss and she has like this uh oh we could totally get our own don’t

Starve together characters there’s people people just like upload them to the steam workshop anyways uh it’s like i’m made in this uh character that you can play and she has like this little pot that she carries around to make food and it’s really useful because it’s like a portable croco pot

And in the game it’s uh it’s usually with crock pots you have to like you put it in one in one spot and then you can’t move it it’s like pretty broken but it’s so nice because then you can like travel and you can just take that with you and then

When you need food you like make a camp you just take it and you just put it down you make some you make a recipe it’s really useful but uh technically i guess it’s cheating so we’ll play vanilla we’ll play vanilla i’ll i probably will add mods to the server though

Uh just for the player mini map where you can see other people’s icons because otherwise um otherwise uh people get lost really easily and then we can’t find each other and because there’s five of us and because the way we are i’m sure we’ll be spread out so

The mini map will be really useful i think that’s like a player side uh mod anyways i don’t think it’s a server side or maybe it’s two two sided i know you can’t enable it on server side but like you have to enable it on player side too

Yeah we’ll just do the mini map line and make it make it a little easier because otherwise we’ll like never see each other if we get lost it takes a while to to find it’ll take a while to find each other okay we’re almost there just gotta okay

Now let’s get rid of this monster hp mod oh yeah i have i usually have that mod too that’s a server side mod i can put that there too hopefully it’ll be okay if i run the server because sometimes my internet like is pretty bad

I have to remove i have to i had to yeah if i have to remove some of my mods because i have like a mod that replaces all the music in the game to made an abyss music and that i can’t stream i don’t think i can

Mostly play vanilla just monster hp and a mini map mod Okay let us continue with our Checkerboard this is my xp farm I looked it up and monsters they can’t spawn in the trap doors but they will walk on open and closed trap doors because they think it’s like a full block and they fall oh i messed it up let’s see this is easy fix Ah there we go I gotta go collect all that stone i need it i know though in like a minute guys where do i find slimes just thinking i still want to do that piston thing at the spawn rail where do i find slimes swamps at night oh oh

I saw a swamp oh no that was in single player i know where there’s a swamp though there’s a swamp by gooda’s house Foreign Did i mess this up you guys have any other questions wait a second oh this is wrong Do you have any questions Um i am i will be updating the badges but i don’t think about what what what do you guys want what do you guys want what will you use i can’t give you too many words i can’t trust you guys leave your w i’m planning on doing that giving you a w

That was good we went for what bubba and mickey are both good uh we went for a long walk and i was really excited so It was like spider toy it’s like stuff spider toy that i got from halloween for halloween from the pet store and he ripped off all the legs so he had a fun time today all right so let’s start with the let me just collect these and we’ll start with the trapdoors Desk okay i think i’ll definitely need more tractors We have a crying emote papaya emotes that’ll be cute I guess any other questions pound emo what would that even look like counting emotes you guys want numbers you guys will misuse the numbers So Sorry i asked you guys for questions that i forget to rechat because i’m just looking at the game I think we need to have any consistency on which way the trap doors are facing doesn’t have to all be the same ah hey what stop it now we’ll need more trap doors i think we’re even halfway done with our checkerboard this is way bigger than the than the little scale model

I made maybe i did the uh dimensions wrong Uh All right we’ll have to go back home and get more wood for signs and trap doors Ah my favorite wild animal um i don’t know i don’t know maybe my cooks are really cute raccoons baby i like raccoons here Is there a way to like maximize the amount of trap doors i get from the wood Because i feel like i i lose some no there’s no like wood cutter you’re supposed to like open and close them because uh I don’t remember why but that’s what the guy said you have to like open and close them to register them it’s like block or i don’t remember i feel really tired i don’t know kind of like minecraft stream yesterday but pretty drowsy right now yeah okay we’ll go collect some more wood When it rains does it rain in the whole server yeah we’ll leave them open but you have to like for now and just keep them closed so i don’t i can just walk across them you know oh my god you’re so slow Why why did it explode i was far away from it Ah you have to use glass blocks anyways here well it’ll be wider but you got to use those because apparently like the paints like make it What am i doing oh yeah we’re gonna go get wood uh i’m just tired i think we’ll finish this another day Um it’s hard you’re still here oh wait wait we played for a few hours for two hours that’s pretty good so it went by really fast we gotta start i could finish it today but i think it better it’d be better if i just i’ll catch up on sleep

And then uh tomorrow i’ll have full energy wait what do we have tomorrow again oh yeah eleanor don’t starve a movie blooper yeah we gotta we gotta we got a long day tomorrow we got three streams for like six hours six hours maybe a little bit more oh uh

Yeah the movie the movie might be pretty late for you guys but i thought it’d be cool to do a movie in like a different uh time because usually i’ve been doing the movies like a lot earlier but also i just put it later because i didn’t have any time on my schedule

Yeah it’ll be really late or really early for you guys some people will be good for it but it’ll be like a good time but you know it’s it’s uh it’s saturday night for some people some people will be up pretty late when it’s tomorrow technically it’s

Today already like later today for some of you guys and like uh Uh 6 p.m est 3 p.m pst 11 p.m gmt is when ally noire will start and then 10 pm esc 7 pm ps pst at 3 am gmt for the dunstar collab and then uh three hours after that we’ll have a movie i don’t think the collab will go over two hours

Probably you know everybody’s busy got stuff to do yeah we’ll be watching everybody anybody can watch the movie with us uh you know it’s looper it’s a time traveling movie i remember like a co-worker telling me about it and it’s got what is it it’s like bruce willis or something and

Yeah it’s got like time traveling assassination or something like that that seems pretty cool i know what i liked it’s kind of weird like that was the island where they like cloned people i don’t know why that reminded me of that isn’t he in that movie too maybe he’s not in the movie

But the island where they like clone people and then they make you think that it’s like the end of the world and that you’re like in some oasis thing but it turned and then like you you win the laundry oh wait i don’t want to spoil it for you guys

Anyways uh they like home people and harvest their body parts but they don’t know it’s really interesting and that’s chatter island the island we’re getting michael by direct that movie it’s got a lot of explosions maybe something else Okay how about we we can we can just chat for a bit huh My kids too i remember uh auntie watson took me out of school uh early one day to go watch spy kids yeah education we got spy kids and she did that too for yu-gi-oh he took uh my brother to go watch yu-gi-oh and we got like the uh

It was like during that promotion they did where if you went to go watch the movie you got a piece of like exodus or something that’s just something for lord of the rings auntie watson’s a little bit of a nerd Uh ender game that movie i watched that movie it was all right the piano music you can see where it’s from in the description but i don’t know the exact name i’m sure somebody in chat knows it the original i’ve seen a fight club before oh bionicle yeah

Is it remember bionicle because uh i used to have bionicle toy i think it was like one i think bionicles for a while was like in a happy meal and i had a bionicle toy i remember my dog at the time ate it and like it got stuck and the bionicle

Piece like got stuck in his teeth Different doggy Oh it’s a beyblade gun oh yeah yeah it’s like the little rolly balls that turn into monsters isn’t it i see bakugan confuses like a anime called bakuman and there’s another one sound somewhere it’s like barack obama or something and not barack obama but i don’t remember it’s like one about

Calligraphy and then there’s one it’s like about manga Beyblades was cool i feel like like a beyblade was really unique in that it actually had metal like it had a metal outer like uh i want to say a blade i mean it’s called beyblades but it wasn’t sharp so i don’t know if i

Could call it a blade it’s like a little sheet of like a metal on the outside so like when they hit each other i was like it’s like for the center of gravity those were heavy beyblades were were pretty hardcore they were made out of metal and the concept of beyblades is really

Cool too like you you have to pull that thing like so rip it and then it’s really cool yeah it has like sparks and stuff it’s dangerous they still still they still sound like Beyblades you had rubber springs oh to bounce like when it when you rip it yeah they do oh it was a cool gun uh cool a cool toy too like that cap gun like you put the little uh bling thingies in it had had like gun powder and you shoot it and

You could smell it it’s such like a specific smell those were cool those are dangerous oh yeah tamagotchi i really like tamagotchi i used to like collect a few and i used to i thought it was so cool when they did like the online thing when you connect your tamagotchi to like the

Website that was that was like a that was like the future that was so cool like time i got cheese yeah I had well i didn’t have webkinz because webkinz were like really expensive they were like it was like too expensive it was like 25 bucks for like a stuffed animal uh so you know you get like the online stuff i don’t know it’s too expensive it was out of my my classrooms My brother used to collect a bunch of hot wheels like a ton i love neopets neopets is like my favorite thing i wish what are they gonna come out with a neopets app and they come out with one yet like put out the mini games and a little app that

Just has everything it would be so popular i think it would be like like pokemon go is such a crazy phenomenon wasn’t it now we can look back on it a little bit like the pokemon go phase that we all had uh that was crazy i know a lot of people

Still play it but it’s like a it’s like a it’s like a revolution for for mobile apps but everybody just went out and tried to catch pokemon that’s so cool that makes me so happy like that i know like a game can and like bring people together like that that’s so cool

I feel i feel proud for some reason That’s really cool anyways yeah i feel like well neopets wouldn’t be that because pokemon is pokemon it’s worldwide neopets not that popular but i think it would be i think like a mobile app that had neopets like updated neopet stuff in it pretty popular if they did it the right way

I was like the the neopet that looked like a doggie and i like uh the penguin neopet i remember their names frank or something maybe that was just what i named it the paint the one that looked like a penguin and the one that looked like a doggy that had a round head

Like a round forehead rose yeah i remember i threw a tantrum once because i really wanted a book a neopet happy meal because you could get the neopet and then you could put the code in online and like i didn’t have a computer so i was like at a cousin’s house on their

Computer and i really wanted to play neopets and so i was like crying i was like i don’t want my needle i want my happy meal i mean i was really young i was like i was like six i was like six or seven and uh i remember they had to like they

Had to they like sat me down for a serious talk and they were like amelia shut up no not like that they’re like it’s raining it’s raining really hard we can’t go get your happy meal you have to wait i learned a lesson that day not to be a spoiled brat

I think i threw a tantrum after that i felt really bad cause like i could tell that uh my cousin was like um he’s like sad that he couldn’t get it for me but you know just like you couldn’t get it so i was like oh i’m sorry i did

I didn’t i felt bad making him feel bad it made me sad it made me sad that i made somebody feel bad Wasn’t that cool i like the mighty beans i used to collect money beans they say uh harmonicas and small instruments too I like water pokemon the bus like palpato and poliwhirl and mudkip Is this like a offering hatama I thought it was pretty cool like the style was so different from uh a lot of other shows that were on at the time yeah blastoise ground and water type are the best in my opinion oh yeah somebody asked me earlier what my favorite wild animal is i really like uh

Mud skippers have you guys seen my skippers before they’re so cool they’re like they’re fish but they live outside of the water they’re like fish actually i don’t remember i don’t remember if they classify as amphibians or if they’re classified as fish but they’re really unique animals you guys

Should see them they have like these little glowy blue spots you can actually have them as pets i think they’re like uh i think there’s like a certain type of mudskipper i don’t remember if it’s like indonesian mudskip or something but they live in like salt uh not salt

Water brackish water which is a mix of fresh and salt water uh so they’re pretty hard to to do like upkeep for but they’re really cool because they they go into the water but then they also they crawl on land with like their flippers it’s like it’s like uh have you guys

Seen those diagrams of like evolution where like the fish starts like walking on land it’s pretty much like seeing a fish that uh is like in the middle of evolving or something you know i guess technically maybe we’re probably all in the middle of evolving but still it’s like seeing that like little

Little in between phase it’s really cool yeah it’s like a walk a walking fish but it doesn’t walk with like legs like us it just uses its uh fins uh sort of i guess fence as like uh little thingies and i have suction cups that i can like

Suction cup to stuff and you guys should see the way they fight they fight with their mouths open like this ah i’ll show you guys i’ll show you guys how they fight That’s the wrong way oh we fight like this and they like open their mouths at each other and then uh they try to scare each other off by like threatening to bite each other i guess i don’t know there’s like edits where they like they edit in yelling because like ah

They open their mouths uh it’s really goofy looking And giraffes have you guys seen giraffes fight before giraffes fight like with their necks and they like hit each other with their with their necks because that’s like their only weapon they don’t have hands That was watson wraps are so cool imagine how a giraffe came to be it was like a horse but then the trees were too tall so then the horse was like i’m gonna breed with another horse that has a longer neck so i can eat so that our babies can eat that’s so

Cool and they just kept growing and going and growing and then they have long necks now That’s probably how the wraps came to me i’m a time traveler i know i was there Yeah i guess it can be sensitive topic maybe i shouldn’t talk about it but it’s really interesting it’s really cool how like uh it’s like selective um i don’t like survival stuff you know Oh i think we’ll call it here what am i getting oh because i need to eat i thought i was i thought i was standing on fire or something wait wait wait i have food i have food is a hunting terrier So i took a i took a really nice picture of nikki and bubba and wellington maybe i’ll show you guys maybe maybe i’ll do this like a present When you guys are being good i’ll be it’ll be a little treat uh maybe i’ll lock it behind the membership wall it was a really cute picture maybe i’ll show you guys We’re always good yeah yeah yeah yeah Okay Uh we’re gonna say goodbye here i will continue our xp farm uh another day i’m gonna finish it today but i didn’t feel like it okay uh thank you guys for all the super chats i’m not going to read them tonight because i’m going to go to sleep but we’ll definitely read them

Uh super chat sunday actually i had plans i had plans to go back to doing like uh reading most super chats at the end of stream unless like it’s a collab but i’ve been so tired uh just because okay working on character okay i just procrastinated a lot and i

Just played a lot of games but and i still had to work that um i was like oh i don’t have to stream i’m gonna play some games uh so yeah i blame room factory uh anyways yeah i just have sometimes i have poor time man instrument uh anyways

I’ll see you guys tomorrow uh earlier tomorrow for i have to remember to download it because i’m pretty sure it’s like 30 or more gigs usually those games are pretty big rockstar games and we’ll start i’ll start actually doing detective work i mean i always do detective work behind

The scenes but now i can show you guys my skills as a bonafide detective okay thank you for watching uh thank you for super chats i really appreciate the support thank you thank you thank you thank you for a new membership so welcome if you join the investigators today

And i’ll see you guys tomorrow Bye So Bye So Goodnight

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Late Night Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2020-11-21 09:35:05. It has garnered 245527 views and 15312 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:53 or 8153 seconds.

im gonna watch streams, take a nap, and then play minecraft!

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  • Dragon Slayer Duo: Minecraft Mayhem with My Pal! #shorts

    Dragon Slayer Duo: Minecraft Mayhem with My Pal! #shorts In Minecraft, we defeated the Ender Dragon, oh what a sight, With my friend by my side, we battled with all our might. Crafting armor and weapons, preparing for the fight, Together we conquered, in the realm of pixelated light. Our journey was epic, filled with laughter and fun, Exploring new biomes, under the shining sun. Building our world, block by block, piece by piece, In Minecraft, our adventures will never cease. So join us in the game, where creativity reigns, In a world of endless possibilities, where nothing remains the same. Me and my friend, in Minecraft we… Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep

    Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Glume Gamer is here to fulfill your gaming dream. Preparing to defeat the Ender Dragon in Hardcore mode, With skills and strategies that will make your heart explode. Join the Discord server, for a community so grand, Where gamers unite, with controllers in hand. Follow on Instagram, for updates and more, Glume Gamer’s adventures, you can’t ignore. Business inquiries? Shoot an email their way, For collaborations and opportunities to play. So hit that subscribe button, show some love, For Glume Gamer, soaring high above. In the realm of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6 The Magic Five: A Minecraft Love Story Meet Martin, also known as Marty, a Minecraft enthusiast who has embarked on a creative journey to share his story through animations. In his latest installment, “The Magic Five,” Martin explores themes of love and friendship within the Minecraft universe. A Tale of Friendship and Love In “The Magic Five,” Martin introduces viewers to a group of Minecraft boys who navigate the complexities of relationships and emotions. Through his storytelling, Martin sheds light on the beauty of love and the importance of acceptance. Embracing Diversity With a heartfelt message at the beginning… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pranks – Reaper He11

    EPIC Minecraft Pranks - Reaper He11 Minecraft Madness: Surviving the Mutated World Challenges and Surprises In the chaotic world of Minecraft, every player faces unexpected challenges. From creepers blowing up houses to mutated zombies and skeletons, the game keeps you on your toes. The addition of mods and add-ons only intensifies the difficulty, making survival a true test of skill and strategy. Unraveling the Mutations The mutated creatures in Minecraft add a new layer of complexity to the game. From ostriches to snails, every encounter is a unique experience. The mutated zombies and skeletons are particularly menacing, requiring quick thinking and precise combat skills to… Read More

  • EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft!

    EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft! Exciting Minecraft Adventure: Lucky Block Tower Race! Join Sand and KAYDNN in an exhilarating lucky block tower race in the world of Minecraft! The duo will be breaking random lucky blocks on their towers, with each block holding the potential for amazing treasures or unexpected challenges. The stakes are high as they compete to gather the best gear for an epic battle at the bottom of the tower. Who will emerge victorious – KAYDNN or Sand? The excitement is palpable as they dive into this thrilling Minecraft challenge! The Lucky Block Tower Race As the players take turns breaking… Read More

  • Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6

    Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Update Embark on a thrilling adventure with the top 5 best seeds for Minecraft 1.20.6 – The Trails & Tales Update! These seeds are specifically tailored for Minecraft 1.20 Java Edition, ensuring an exciting gameplay experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the Minecraft universe, these seeds offer a diverse range of landscapes and structures to explore. Seed 5: Mountain Circle Seed ID: 19401855602 Discover the awe-inspiring Mountain Circle seed, where you’ll encounter a unique ring of mountains that will leave you breathless. Traverse through the rugged terrain and… Read More

  • Hell Island Escape: Crafty Minecraft Score

    Hell Island Escape: Crafty Minecraft Score In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Hell Island, where fear takes hold. A baby boy trapped, in a cage so tight, But with a secret map, he’ll escape the night. Through Zombie Zoo and Jailbreak too, He’ll face the challenges, all brand new. With a grin and a spin, he’ll find his way, In this ultimate escape, come what may. So join the adventure, in this Minecraft land, With Baby Boy Channel, take a stand. Watch the drama unfold, in every rhyme, And escape Hell Island, just in time. Read More

  • Herobrine’s spicy Minecraft antics! 🔥

    Herobrine's spicy Minecraft antics! 🔥 Why does Herobrine always carry a torch in Minecraft? Because he’s afraid of the dark… and also because he’s trying to set the mood for a romantic evening with Steve. #minecraftlove #herobrineandsteve #torchlitdinner Read More

  • Dad vs. Mom: Waking Up Kids in Minecraft

    Dad vs. Mom: Waking Up Kids in Minecraft Minecraft: The Difference Between Boys and Girls Calling Dad to Wake Up【My World Block Pavilion】 Welcome to the Block Pavilion channel, dedicated to providing child-friendly content and avoiding any elements that may impact their health and safety. The channel’s creator, Block Pavilion, is known for creating original Minecraft animations that are humorous and entertaining, spreading joy to viewers. Block Pavilion’s channel is the only official channel, and any videos related to him on other channels are unauthorized copies. Be sure to subscribe for daily original and exciting content to brighten your day and spread happiness! Content Categories: MC Funny… Read More

  • Mega Diamond Haul! Join Chris for Chaotic Mining in Minecraft 1.20!

    Mega Diamond Haul! Join Chris for Chaotic Mining in Minecraft 1.20!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill Mining Stream | Chaos SMP | Minecraft 1.20 Survival’, was uploaded by ChrisPlaysOn on 2024-04-07 12:15:17. It has garnered 10 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:54 or 9414 seconds. Follow ChrisPlaysOn: Donos: Twitch: Twitter: Discord: Read More

  • The Mysterious PenguinMan Mystery

    The Mysterious PenguinMan MysteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft What Wait Meme part 1 (Scary Nextbot)’, was uploaded by PenguinMan on 2024-03-15 15:11:38. It has garnered 1279 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:21 or 261 seconds. Minecraft What Wait Meme part 1 (Scary Nextbot) The most cursed Minecraft series… Subscribe and like or it will come to you at night..) #wait #What #nextbot Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Warden Battles Dragon & Enderman (Minecraft Animation)

    Ultimate Showdown: Warden Battles Dragon & Enderman (Minecraft Animation)Video Information This video, titled ‘Warden vs Ender Dragon and Enderman of the End Kingdoms (Minecraft Animation Movie)’, was uploaded by hubi game on 2024-03-04 05:18:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Warden vs Ender Dragon and Enderman of the End Kingdoms (Minecraft Animation Movie) Welcome to Youtube channel: Alex … Read More

  • INSANE Sky House Build!! Minecraft Ep.1 #shaniplayz

    INSANE Sky House Build!! Minecraft Ep.1 #shaniplayzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building House In Sky || MineCraft Series Ep.1 || #shaniplayz’, was uploaded by SHANI PLAYZ on 2024-04-26 10:53:03. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:59 or 2219 seconds. Welcome to #ShaniPlayz Minecraft Series! 🎮 In this thrilling episode, we’re diving into the world of #Minecraft to embark on an epic journey of creativity and adventure! Join us as we defy gravity and build our dream house high above the clouds! 🏠☁️ From floating islands to towering structures, we’ll explore different building techniques and strategies to create a… Read More

  • ANMOL GOES CRAZY – Insane Minecraft Adventure!

    ANMOL GOES CRAZY - Insane Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live with Friends’, was uploaded by PSYCHO ANMOL on 2024-03-09 22:13:28. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:55 or 1795 seconds. HAR HAR MAHADEV 🔱 Social Media Instagram~~ Twitter~~–BIf_XxWhdqOW7qA&s=09 Read More

  • DARK DEVIL YT 1M – MLG Master! 😍🔥💥 #shorts

    DARK DEVIL YT 1M - MLG Master! 😍🔥💥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Next Level MLG..😍🔥👑..(infinity)#shorts #mlg’, was uploaded by DARK DEVIL YT 1M on 2024-05-08 12:06:26. It has garnered 8068 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #minecraft #viral #trendingshorts #minecraftbuilds trending,trending songs,trending music,trending songs 2024,trending music 2024,tiktok trending music,tiktok trending songs,#trending,trending now,dei v trending,trending band,trending remix,dei v trending song,dei v trending letra,trending freestyle,trending new medley,trending music video,dei v trending lyrics,trending acoustic band,ralo trending freestyle,trending freestyle ralo,trending music band srilanka,trending freestyle music videominecraft,minecraft viral,minecraft viral hacks,trying viral minecraft hacks,testing viral minecraft hacks that are real,viral minecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft hacks,minecraft shorts,viral,minecraft phone,real… Read More

  • oChai_ Exposes Why HYPIXEL Rules All #HYPiXEL #MinecraftIsLife

    oChai_ Exposes Why HYPIXEL Rules All #HYPiXEL #MinecraftIsLifeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Proof HYPIXEL is the best server #shorts #hypixel #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by oChai_ on 2024-02-24 06:30:21. It has garnered 529 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Proof HYPIXEL is the best server #shorts #hypixel #bedwars #shorts #viral #viralshorts Texture pack – Venom 16x #bedwars #herobrine #hypixel #hypixelbedwars #Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs #Premium #ranked bedwars #montage,ranked #bedwars #texture pack #bedwars #ranked bedwars #ranked #bedwars#tournament #bedwars tournament,#ranked… Read More

  • Pacifiky transforms Minecraft into Valorant!

    Pacifiky transforms Minecraft into Valorant!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But it’s a Valorant Game…’, was uploaded by Pacifiky on 2024-05-04 19:00:04. It has garnered 34 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:31 or 391 seconds. —– Get Buff Here!: —– ⚠DONT CLICK!⚠ ——————————— ——————————— Questions, Comments, Concerns, Requests? Go take this survey! ——————————— Tik tok: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: Merch: Discord: Patreon:​​ Tags: #Pacifiky #gaming Some Tags (Don’t hate me pls) Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but challenge like that. This is… Read More

  • “Minecraft XD – Shocking Slime Girl Repayment!” 🤯#viral

    "Minecraft XD - Shocking Slime Girl Repayment!" 🤯#viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘slime girl repayment 😳| #minecraft #animation #anime #viral #monster #school #mosters #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr. Minecraft XD on 2024-05-17 03:43:31. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information: Server IP: Server Discord: Version: Java 1.20.4 About V For Vanilla: V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on December 4, 2021. We offer players a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience with minimal admin intervention. Our community is diverse and welcoming to players looking for an authentic vanilla experience. Server Features: World Border At 30M No Map Resets Random, unprotected spawn area No TPA or Sethome Griefing & Killing Allowed No Duping (Exception for TNT bombers) Chat isn’t strictly moderated Dedicated server hosted in Finland Server Rules: Doxing will result in a permanent ban Cheating… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lazy? Think again!

    Minecraft Memes - Lazy? Think again!Just because they spend all day mining for diamonds doesn’t mean they’re lazy – they’re just efficient! Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME 🔥💀 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale!

    Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale! Exploring the Depths of Minecraft’s Prominence 2: The End Realm As the journey through Minecraft’s Prominence 2 continues, players are faced with new challenges and mysteries. The End Realm, home to the formidable Ender Dragon, has become a boss-like entity known as the End Eye. This unexpected twist marks the beginning of the second chapter, revealing the vastness of the world that awaits exploration. The End Eye: A Formidable Foe The transformation of the End Realm into the End Eye introduces a new level of difficulty for players. This powerful entity presents a formidable challenge, requiring strategic planning and… Read More

  • “Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!” | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity Streamer

    "Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!" | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Witchy Redstone Again! | Java Minecraft | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-05-08 14:07:46. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:00 or 6960 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for… Read More

  • The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars Mastery

    The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars MasteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Bedwars] The Never-Ending Quest To Be Good At This Game :pensive:’, was uploaded by Fuggles on 2024-06-01 09:39:29. It has garnered 73 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:34 or 5554 seconds. This is live please subscribe! #gaming #hypixel #minecraft #bedwars Twitter: Discord: (you gotta be 13+) Newest Upload: Cool Channel: Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1

    Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 in Minecraft | How to play Minecraft | Tutorial #1 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Games With Viper on 2024-04-20 03:11:11. It has garnered 298 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Day 1 in Minecraft | How to Find Village In Minecraft | Tutorial #2 Hey guys i always wanted to post a video on this topic and finally i did it. I hope you guys will find it useful. Please do not forget to give like to this video and please do comment, so that… Read More

  • “BONINGRO – BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰” #minecraftsurvivaltips

    "BONINGRO - BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰" #minecraftsurvivaltipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live ❤ #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by BONINGRO on 2024-03-24 01:02:14. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:06 or 3006 seconds. Welcome to BONINGRO! 🎮✨ Hey there, fellow gamers and friends! I’m “Subhajit”, just a shy guy who loves the thrill of gaming and the joy of making new friends. Join me on my adventures in Valorant, where strategy meets skill, and every match is a story waiting to unfold. But that’s not all – I’m all about variety! So, expect to see me diving… Read More

  • Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamer

    Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘EPIC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce’, was uploaded by uLmElKa on 2024-01-26 09:31:08. It has garnered 2829 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. EPIC SYNC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce @KG411GD Read More

  • Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!

    Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WITHE THE VEIWRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by Nobu’s_Back_In_Blue on 2024-03-24 06:24:35. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:35 or 7355 seconds. Toriyama Read More

  • VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VR

    VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘VR 360° GIANT MRBEAST ATTACKS the TITANIC (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by VR Planet – Minecraft on 2024-06-01 11:45:01. It has garnered 9796 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. Giant MrBeast Attacks the Titanic! Minecraft Animation(4K, 3D). 360/VR video. 📌Our other YouTube channels: 👉VR Planet(2nd channel): @VRPlanet 👉VR Planet – GO!: @vrplanetgo MrBeast: ►How to watch 360°(VR) video on Youtube? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To watch 360-degree video (360) on YouTube, a headset is not required – all you need is a mobile device or desktop computer. Instead of… Read More


    Shad SPEEDRUNNER VS ANIME FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-26 17:00:26. It has garnered 117891 views and 2661 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:33 or 1233 seconds. Today, Shad is ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft! Will Shad get all his anime god powers? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cat Dance ft. PigmanBruh

    Insane Minecraft Cat Dance ft. PigmanBruhVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa (With Every Minecraft Cat)’, was uploaded by PigmanBruh on 2024-01-04 11:00:15. It has garnered 4356 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Don’t worry, it’s just some silly cats vibing to “dubidubidu” by Christell Animation made with Blender, the open-source 3D modelling, animating, and compositing software. Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java #minecraft #animation #memes Read More

  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is an online community that was established in 2020 as a place for people to connect, chill, and play games together. We currently have 5 active players and are looking to expand our community. Main Attractions: Active Staff: Always ready to assist Events: Regular contests and activities Role System: Obtainable roles with perks Economy System: Money drop from mobs, shops, and more Protected Areas: Player market and village plots Quality Hosting: Smooth gameplay experience We value community input and encourage discussions and suggestions for improvement. Join Us Today! Visit our Discord server for more… Read More

  • Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft’s Planting Pleasure

    Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft's Planting Pleasure In Minecraft’s world, cherry groves do bloom, With seeds aplenty, each one a boon. From mountains to lakes, villages to caves, Explore the possibilities, be brave. Seed 20, mountains and cherry groves so grand, A sight to behold, in this blocky land. Seed 19, a large cherry grove awaits, Explore and discover, open the gates. Seed 18, a cherry grove by the lake, A peaceful spot, a perfect break. Seed 17, a ruined portal village to see, Adventure awaits, come with me. Seed 16, a double ancient city to explore, History and mystery, what’s in store? Seed 15, a… Read More