Learning Spells & Casting Magic! – The Ender King (Minecraft Medieval Modpack) |Ep.6|

Video Information

[Applause] what is it guys good much 42 and welcome back to another episode of the other King I know you’re getting a three-piece this weekend which some of you probably will most likely enjoy some of you may be like Jesus Christ can you put another series out but I’m sorry okay

I’m away and this is kind of like the easiest series that I can record alongside because if I tried to record a real play before I left that would have been a nightmare and I would have lost my mind yeah I hope you guys are enjoying all

The under King stuff that I’m putting out like I said I did want to do a series a good amount so in case you don’t remember last episode the question was what is your favorite RPG um like I said I won’t be and won’t be telling you

Guys who won those comments until the time I’m back this is the last episode I’m recording for the weekend that I’m gone so next episode will most likely be where I let you guys know everything yeah so side note I did come back here it took me a little bit but I actually

Did get back with all my stuff thankfully but I wanna let you guys know something pretty damn dope that I ended up getting when I came back so I remember I was trying to get in this chest for like a good two or three minutes in the last episode well what

Was in this chest was beyond imagination and I cannot believe how okay this weapon is so if you look at this diamond sword sharp is five luding – I’m breaking three now I know it’s not insanely overpowered you know anything like that but for something like that

Where I only have iron armor like that’s good I’m very happy about that so because actually if you guys heard the little last episode that was actually my diamond sword my time is sword actually fell in the lava and burned to a crisp which son so thankfully I got this instead which is

Eldred’s blade of plundering which is dope and I’m super happy about that now octave spending too much longer in here I did put a waypoint on this place so that way if I ever want to come back in here I could I’m just going to venture a little more inside of here

Maybe do the chance cubes and try and do something with that I don’t really know but we’ll see I don’t know what I’m gonna do but I do need to break these and then made the leaf I’m gonna leave yeesh I don’t know I’ll have to figure it out

I don’t remember how to get out of here and if I could just tell apart it’d be easier but I don’t want to do that so I’m gonna have to come back here eventually I should really start making way stones there’s not I don’t think they’re hard to make I really should

Start making them like how much does one Boston make but look there’s not really it’s like a way stone right cuz I I need waste out here we go so I need a way stone which is a warp stone which is emeralds and ender pearls okay so it’s

Actually a little a little iffy to make because I need ender pearls see like if I make a warp stone I’ll be fine because then I can use the warp stone and like to open around but I’ll have to create the actual totems if I want to set up

Places to spawn to you like for instance here to be honest I could just go straight up and do that and and exit through that way I think what which might be probably my best option because I have no good egg to get out of here so

I think that’s my best option is it just dig straight up and hope for the best hopefully not run into anything too crazy in my little travel and pray for the best but yeah we’re gonna do this I’m gonna start digging up there’s some lapis that’s always good

I forgot it can you pick anything up because my name carrying in my inventory yeah let me get this lapis good probably gonna need it eventually if I want to start doing more chants cubes I’m gonna need this eventually so that’ll be a thing when that happens

Cuz yes I do want to do more chants cubes even though what drives me insane I do want to do more chants keeps are fun and they’re really random which is like the best part even though what I’ve been getting really bad chants cubes lately I would like to try and do some

More of it and it’s definitely to be doctor for a sec so I apologize it’s totally gonna be dark oh my can you put that in me Tori because then it’s gonna it’s gonna that’s gonna be placing it down a little too often – bang bang bang

Don’t even start with me if a creeper would ask somehow fall on me like the amount of anger that would course through my system would be unbelievable cuz I’ve already had enough bad luck like you guys have seen the bad luck like I it needs to stop

This game needs to take a good old little chill pill and leave me alone dude I don’t know why I’m getting less maybe because some of them fell I don’t know but that’s okay we’re just gonna get out of here and maybe I’ll build a ladder down maybe that’s probably my

Best options I could build the ladder all the way down there which yeah it’s from my best option concern I can’t use two tellies to almost free don’t you notice that the dungeon is used to do it back in the day instead of just you know going back to

The entrance they just you know busted through the walls until they were free like a real man would like a real adventure oh boy oh hi spooks really active this episode little one what’s up with you oh that’s not good oh my torch just saved my life actually Thank You torch

You’re the best my torch – saved my life freedom I can see the light I can see it my own two eyes let me out freedom oh my my thing is right here okay so let me just put another one to be like entrance another room and didn’t that are not being

Capitalized bother me so I have to do that okay so we’re free the village is there oh it’s one of these is the court structure your thingy that I was supposed to look out for I think so because they said to dig under it yeah

This is okay mm-hm yeah it’s all me to dig under it I think oh yeah whoa what the heck is that ah whoa that’s cool – floating crystal and these things diamonds are okay I’m okay with that I a boy likes his diamond it’s okay and I like to feel wonderfully absolutely so

I’m okay with the Diamonds I don’t know what this constellation paper is so I guess I’ll grab it you remember I said drawing of automata okay what about this one drawing of something I couldn’t I couldn’t see what it said this cedia I think I don’t really get rid of anything And then also put the Ironwood something that I don’t need the shield you see the shield but that’s cool can I pick this up or can I break this this is breakable I think it’s breakable no okay well I I bid you adieu crystal I will see you later I hope you

Have a good one I hope the family’s okay hope everything’s going well I can’t leave hey let me out the crystal do my one weakness inventory space okay so that’s something I need to do like right now I need to look into bags like any

Bag I don’t care what bag I just need some sort of bag and I can also make the dragon soar to which is what I’m also going to do as well I don’t think it’s stronger than my sword I have right now but I mean once this breaks I’ll need a new sword

So some aquamarine and the water because I do need to get into the fishing game eventually because the fishing mod that I have in here is really useful and gives you a lot of cool stuff too so I do need to get fishing eventually to try and obtain the armors and whatnot from

The mod hello Bailey how are you that’s gonna go in there for now just going in here along with all these books I’m gonna need to make another chest let me just put it in there yeah uh let me see uh food food food food food food food food

I need that definitely can use some food it’s like another chest or I could upgrade these yeah I’m gonna do that I’m out freedom so break this one and then everything will fall out yep there it is give me the chest chest chest just just just just to just

Not the chest still not it getting there there it is okay so put that and then surround that sucker what that eat and make that iron and then I need this one tool uh chest okay time chest where you be good chest where you at you’re in here somewhere

Come on don’t be shy one day you’ll appear there it is okay it’s not the best way to do it just throw everything on the floor and pray for the best okay so now this should be to go go go go go go go go

I’d like to make a chest with just auras but for right now I just have stuff all over the place and I don’t really care um we’re gonna keep it that way from the moment once where you like get more stuff and everything then we’ll worry about where things go and what’s

Not so I need my axe give me that I’ll put the torches at the end so I got the consolation paper which gave me a Mota and de Scotty yeah I think that’s what that says I could be totally wrong which I’m sure I am we also got these other

Enchanted books which if we had an anvil we could make but we don’t so that’s gonna have to wait so my next objective it’s kind of a just explore around and kind of get a look at the land because we need to start getting a spot to build our village you

Know we can’t just keep mooching off of other villages holy crap this is a lot of stuff and rare kill five skeletons and get two books okay of course five diamonds to get absolutely not uh tripwire slimeballs bread diamonds why are they why don’t they want diamonds what’s wrong with you people

Especially for the crap that you’re me giving it to me for like that’s that’s carbo that’s carbo money all right there’s no no need where does something with the kill skeletons I think was a rare yeah it’s this one okay I could do this one because two books is easy I can just

Come here and break a bookshelf okay but I’m gonna go yeah let’s go south let’s go south for now we got the way stone so if we actually make one we don’t worry about it running out this way I guess for now so Sofia Louise oh there’s a way to tower

Okay good thing we do it this way because I’m gonna go check the wizard tower it’s also a little dungeon here this is kind of like a smaller one though I don’t think this is like a really big one who just kind of like really quick if we just go through it

Real quick so I’m okay with doing this real quick yeah and I tried to shoot me but you failed it’s okay Adams gave her to you first because I don’t like you and then you guys the skeletons they’re not my favorite they disgust me yes I don’t like them I don’t like them at all actually they’re very very evil then I did not like them don’t have cream okay

All right good thing I moved because there was TMT laced underneath it cuz nothing in this game could ever be safe it has to be trapped oh shoot oh my god what is this from this we handler oh man I don’t remember what that’s from I know

What it is I just don’t member what it’s from is it from no was that from Zelda is that from Skyrim baby sweet handily her oh that’s from my brain doesn’t remember it’s okay I’m gonna take all this stuff nametags it goes a fire bomb yeah fire bomb duct tape because why not

I don’t know what duct tape does barely you can chant it that’s that’s cool I guess oh my got a mundane amulet and something else I mean amulet and a bidet milk alright okay I’m okay with that put that my bobbles I’ll carry that for now I still have started thaumcraft yet so

I’m not gonna worry too much about any of the amulets and what’s not so right now but that’s okay as long as I have it I have it and I’ll use it in start time it’s dark it is dark upside so my covetous was it’s how really quick I can

Also create a cape to which is something I want to do just for like the hell of it just to do it I can create a cape for aether mod you can have like other ones I think that actually do abilities but there’s just like regular ones you could make like a

Like a white cape and red and blue just like a couple basics she is so I think it’d be funny if I just made one go away wizard and no I’m not fighting you because you will actually wreck me So I do not accept your duel hello brother in how are you I might have to kill you I apologize that might be a thing I have to do it hurts me very much inside but it might have to kill you because I need ender pearls four-way

Stones so I apologize that I might have to do it but it’s for good reason I promise there’s like a two-shot spiders Zombies distillery what the actual hell was that sound what was that so my pack a stair afire fume trap now just makes me dizzy okay I was just curious

It’s a diet trip date in case you were wondering you’re like why is he tripping this trap oh it’s a dragon that’s why hello darling oh no you’re a small dragon you’re fighting things aren’t you don’t attack me I swear it don’t do it you’re gonna regret it I’m strong I’m a strong

Man oh shoot I forgot I can’t break their stuff or they’ll attack me wizard I’m sorry I didn’t mean to break your stuff I promise hello hands off the wheel and let fate decide he’s not mad okay good so I have book I’ve got a magic missile I don’t know how that works

Do I imbue stuff with this like it’s how do I do this oh my god is this how you do this put crystals in here I think I play it oh my god wait did I just do it wait a minute how do I do it

Did I do it I don’t know I did I do it is there a spell in here now I don’t know what I’m doing okay oh wait there’s a smell in there so how do i how do I put it on there just apply apply apply

Apply yes and then the spells oh my god I have a spell doh how do I use this I want to shoot people with my spells do i right-click do I just do I just do whatever oh I do that’s cool I’m learning magic move wizard Harry okay it

Doesn’t really do a lot of damage it seems doesn’t it doesn’t do much how do I get my mana back up over time charging No it’s a lot of questions that need to be answered here all right dragon is it’s over there do not want to fight it to be honest I’m

Not prepared for a dragon fight but there is a dragon at least I fella how are you look at him twerking around trying to figure out what he’s doing sad little fella oh boy okay with that Enderman go okay I’m sorry about this I really don’t want to

Do this because you know the whole Enderman sorry kill you I need ender pearls if there was a better way to do it I do it I promise but I need to kill you I’m sorry I’m sorry brethren don’t be okay don’t actually kill me because I actually need

To live bro all right happy even after he died he’s still going okay well I haven’t a spell now so that’s cool like I said it don’t know does he like it does a lot of damage it seems like it only hits for like a little bit but I

Mean I have nothing I thought I have other spells at the house right I could check don’t attack me no no no no no no no no no absolutely not I’m not ready for a magic duel I have not prepared I don’t even know if I can even defeat one

Of you no no no no no no no absolutely not the dragon is asleep let it sleep Oh Oh God sleeping don’t wake up the dragon don’t do it creeps I swear I swear he Oh dragon is gonna sleep in the water oh it’s dragon woke up

All right we’re going goodbye have a nice day your boys out he not fighting the dragon absolutely not not yet at least in a little bit I would like to right now nah I’m good I don’t need a dragon chasing me into a village where it will just constantly murder

Every one but yeah it’s not having not now later okay so let me get in here we’ve gone to my house and let me check out this spells because I’m very curious if I can learn any of these I mean I have to go back to the place but I mean

I do have a nice spell in here okay so I have this one which I can’t read so I don’t know what it does what don’t I have a reader thing doe for it like a read spelled or whatever Parchman whatever maybe not maybe I did maybe I

Died when I had it I don’t know and maybe yeah and the ender pearls he’s maybe I’m more to start learning stuff okay well I mean I got a spell so I mean I can’t be too upset that was the point with me going to him hoping to actually

Obtain a spell for my book and I can now so that’s awesome can you just God don’t like you every time I see one now I just just it just hurts my soul every single time okay let me kill you guys sorry I’m not I swear I’m not a

Sheep murderer I just need the food and the wool mainly the wool mainly need before I must I’m sorry I need some like a blue cape because I can and the title of my life why are you all outside what are you doing what’s wrong with you guys why you all

Outside go back inside you’re gonna get yourself killed see all this Bailey understand that we just trapped but she understands the the criticality of this of these moments so have another you’re gonna jukebox music discs which ones that blocks yes blocks from and I could complete this pretend

Like whenever saw it ok button and this friend is going pretty quick too like it’s it’s not the best one we can get officer the best one is diamond but it’s definitely useful for now oh my back hmm super great iron furnace with more storage capability so I’m okay with that

Let us create that weapons and stuff well actually how many of these can I make that’s I guess the best guess thing right here pasta for diamond tickets non Arthur products and death worms poisons for 10 seconds okay oh that’s on the flesh of those weird things that I’d keep running

Into okay stash shuffles pickaxes all that other good stuff uh can I dragon I’m on I can have enough actually and I think about it I could make a dragon bow can I guess my idea because I don’t need a dragon sword like I don’t need it so I think that might be

My best option is to actually create a dragon though yeah you know what I’m gonna do that because I don’t have a bow and arrow to string here there’s a spider outside so anything I’m killed a spider that’s like lurking wherever it is mr. Spade that are hiyee down here

Thank you okay submit myself up a little bit here and then we are going to end because boys gotta get packing before he leaves so yeah I’m gonna do that yeah let me get that bow there we go a nice dragon bow nice look at that bow

Looks nice and they got another what happened oh I sat down I don’t know how I did that okay so we put that there that they that they that they’re good old these guys I don’t even 3d goodbye goodbye goodbye and then I need six lapis so I can make

The bull into blue and then make my cape and then if I put it there now I gotta keep look at me mom I did it but yeah I think I was watching the episode of the ender King oh my goodness what an episode she’s learned magic oh

If you think I don’t even remember if I have a question of the day actually for this episode hmm I don’t think I did well you know what we’re gonna skip today actually or actually no you know what no I’m not gonna I was thinking

About it but now we’re not gonna cuz I want to make sure we have a sub for every episode I don’t want to skip days in case I can’t think of one but hmm let me see um besides me on the youtubes who what are you tubers do you watch do you watch

My friends do you watch other youtubers that I that I watch like the game grumps and stuff like that curious what you guys are into on the on the interwebs so besides me what other youtubers do you guys watch various I see your answers down below

My up here okay well I’m just gonna be here then uh yeah the guys much watching another episode and the king they’re a piece of fur my mouth but next time we come back I should be letting you guys know who won the comments for every

Episode that I put out well I was gone yeah make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe and um blue and I should ring that bell in case you haven’t and yeah I think I so much watching cuz I’m sorry too and I’ll see y’all later

This video, titled ‘Learning Spells & Casting Magic! – The Ender King (Minecraft Medieval Modpack) |Ep.6|’, was uploaded by CrazyMtch42 on 2019-03-04 23:09:02. It has garnered 6304 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:20 or 1640 seconds.

Learning Spells & Casting Magic! – The Ender King (Minecraft Medieval Modpack) |Ep.6|

Question of the Day – “Besides me, what other Youtubers do you watch?”

Comment down below your answer & I might add you to the Subscriber/Viewer room!

Modpack List – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aRITbIuXLwvxdIlSB2fBS60rPqWqQmMg2JvJvkEjImw/edit?usp=sharing

Art done by RobsLaa – https://twitter.com/RobsLaa

Use Code “CrazyMtch42” to save 20% off on a Minecraft/Gaming Server w/ Akliz! https://www.akliz.net/

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Amazing Channel art done by Katie AKA Charwiewie https://twitter.com/charwiewie

Intro Made By https://www.instagram.com/amv.negative/

Song Used: Vanic x K.Flay – Make Me Fade Remix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Er6l7UOnbI

Hit me up on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CrazyMtch42

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#TheEnderKing #CrazyMtch42

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    Ultimate Showdown: Yuji vs. Yuta in Minecraft Shorts Minecraft Shorts: Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Update Introduction The Minecraft community has been buzzing with excitement over the latest mod update inspired by the popular Japanese manga series, Jujutsu Kaisen. Created by manga artist Gege Akutami and published by Shueisha, this mod brings characters from the manga to life in the Minecraft world. Features of the Jujutsu Kaisen Mod The Jujutsu Kaisen mod introduces various characters from the manga, allowing players to interact with them in the game. From powerful sorcerers to cursed spirits, the mod adds a new layer of excitement to the Minecraft experience. Fans of the anime… Read More

  • Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft

    Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Building a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Are you ready to add a touch of spookiness to your Minecraft world? Follow along as MegRae_MC takes us through a tutorial on how to build a spooky tree that will give you chills! Getting Started The tutorial kicks off with MegRae_MC guiding viewers through the process of building the base of the spooky tree. Using various blocks and techniques, she demonstrates how to create a twisted and eerie trunk that sets the tone for the entire build. Adding Texture As the tutorial progresses, MegRae_MC shows viewers how to add texture to the… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop

    Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop Welcome to Sweaty’s Craft: EP 1 – Let’s Begin! Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready to embark on an exciting journey with Sweaty’s Craft! In this first episode, players will dive into the world of Minecraft survival and witness the adventures that await. Let’s explore the key features and elements that make this gameplay experience truly unique. Immersive Gameplay With Sweaty’s Craft, players are immersed in a world where creativity and survival skills are put to the test. From gathering resources to building shelters and exploring vast landscapes, every moment in Minecraft is filled with excitement and challenges. The game’s open-world… Read More

  • Magical Machines: Sleep-Inducing Build

    Magical Machines: Sleep-Inducing Build Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: A Journey Through Mods and Building Embark on a Minecraft adventure with version 1.20.1, where a selection of mods awaits to enhance your gameplay experience. From familiar favorites to brand-new additions, the world of Minecraft is yours to explore. Building Walls and More Watch as the walls rise in this Minecraft journey, filled with random conversations and plenty of excitement. Dive into the world of construction and creativity as you witness the transformation of landscapes and structures. Live Streams and Community Engagement Join the live streams to be a part of the action. Engage with the… Read More

  • Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine

    Minecraft Creepy Shadow Mine The Legend of “L’ombra nella Miniera” in Minecraft In a remote village in Minecraft, a dark and terrifying legend existed that only the bravest dared to whisper under the moonlight. It was said that there was an abandoned mine, where the darkness was so dense and oppressive that it seemed to envelop the heart of the earth itself. Rumors spoke of an evil and mysterious entity lurking in those timeless depths, known only as “L’ombra.” The Haunting of the Abandoned Mine During moonless nights, strange noises could be heard emanating from the mine: anguished cries, eerie whispers, and the… Read More

  • Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas

    Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas In the world of Minecraft, a wooden house we’ll build, With walls and a roof, our creativity fulfilled. From the intro to the equipment, every step we’ll show, In this tutorial easy, our building skills will glow. With Minecraft Game, we upload videos every day, From house builds to survival, in our own unique way. Join us on Instagram and YouTube, for more fun, As we craft and create, until the day is done. So subscribe to our channel, for more Minecraft delight, And let’s build together, under the gaming spotlight. With love and passion, we’ll continue to play,… Read More

  • Crafty Bikes: Indian 3D Drive Update

    Crafty Bikes: Indian 3D Drive Update Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where updates never cease, In Indian bikes driving, the gameplay has increased. With a big mode update, the adventure takes flight, As we explore the city, both day and night. Our houses have evolved, our cars have been enhanced, With graphics and textures, our world is entranced. From old to new, the journey is grand, In this virtual universe, we make our stand. Challenges await, like driving at full speed, Or blasting with a rocket, fulfilling the need. In Ma mode, our houses come alive, With ultra-realistic graphics, we strive. So join us… Read More

  • Leaving them alone for a sec be like… 🔥

    Leaving them alone for a sec be like... 🔥 When you finally give them some alone time in Minecraft and they immediately start building a giant statue of themselves. Ego much? #minecraft #memes #funny #meme #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting challenge? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and experience a unique gameplay experience like never before. With an array of mods and plugins to enhance your gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling adventure for all players. Immerse yourself in a world where you can battle ultimate gods, protect villagers with Guard Villagers, and explore new dimensions with mods like The John Reborn and Mowzie’s Mobs. With Timeless and Classics Guns, Tac Craft Tactical armor pack, and Better Missiles at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Join… Read More

  • Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day – Minecraft

    Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Roleplay Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into the realm of roleplay to create captivating stories and adventures. One such thrilling scenario is becoming a police commissioner for a day! Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and imagination. From building magnificent structures to crafting intricate storylines, the possibilities are endless. Roleplaying as a Police Commissioner Imagine stepping into the shoes of a police commissioner in the virtual world of Minecraft. With your authority, you can enforce justice, maintain order, and… Read More

  • 🔥LIVE – CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!

    🔥LIVE - CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] I seem to have lost some pertinent files to live streaming and I’m trying to find them but they are uh Missing where or where could they be oh I’m in the wrong file of course they’re not in that one that’s arcane oh want Kraken there we go overlays animated [Music] um nope I don’t want that [Music] one uh I want screens [Music] animated I think it’s [Music] that h [Music] um well close but not quite well there I am I’m still missing things though I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?

    Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?Video Information these are the scariest seeds that should never be used starting with c290 X2 the myth of the terrifying living Island and it looks pretty normal I spawned on a a a a sand area not very scary if I’m going to be honest with y’all oh man I love these rumors so much cuz apparently we have to put the render distance to five to make it to come alive I don’t know if that’s going to really do anything but we got to follow now it looks like we’re on an island but nothing happened to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!

    Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!Video Information yep my game all right all right I’m live let’s go first live stream on the Miguel [Music] SMP so I don’t really know what I’m doing right now but I’m just adjusting some things cuz well this is literally my first stream everything good going to go check see if the stream is and I’ll get to some plan to some plan the game on the Miguel SMP no give a rundown of what the Miguel smpp is because some of you guys may not no actually like basically everybody won’t know who it is even though… Read More

  • Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!

    Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Ultimate Guide: Building an Automatic Cobblestone Farm”‘, was uploaded by Game_ZONE on 2024-01-10 17:16:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #cobblestonefarm #tutorial #guide #building #automaticharvesting #farming #gaming #youtubegaming #youtubevideo … Read More

  • Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!

    Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!Video Information तो आखिर साइबर एमपी की एसएमपी को जॉइन करने की रिक्वायरमेंट्स क्या-क्या है एंड क्या मैं उन रिक्वायरमेंट्स को मीट कर पाऊंगा यह सारे क्वेश्चंस का आंसर मैं इस एप्लीकेशन वीडियो के अंदर देने वाला हूं हेलो गाइ दिस माय नेम इज अल्फा एंड आज की वीडियो में मैं अपना एप्लीकेशन एप्लीकेशन की रिक्वायरमेंट हैको मैं परफेक्टली मीड करता हूं बिल्कुल परफेक्टली एंड दूसरा है कि मेरा टाइम क्या है तो व मैं मोस्ट ऑफ टाइम में एक्टिव रहता हूं एंड दूसरी बात है कि मैं कंटेंट क्रिएटर हूं या नहीं वो तो मैं कंटेंट कटर कंटेंट क्रिएटर… Read More

  • Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum – Episode 05

    Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum - Episode 05Video Information [Music] what’s up everybody this is super tilt and welcome back to my Arcanum Institute gameplay series uh I don’t even remember what we did last time but uh in between I did make some Source crystals uh I you know farming some amethysts off of that and we also uh I also figured out how to do uh lava with this old thing we got a couple things of lava here uh basically if you put any smooth Stone within a 3X3 under this thing eventually as you throw at it to fill up the you know… Read More

  • 🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMP

    🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMPVideo Information sh [Music] sh [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone oh my gosh Le you’re on time I can’t believe it how did you do it this time hi everyone Hi bre hello ano hi coffee table on Twitch and YouTube hi set hi hi JD hi meno hi noodles hi Coco Al coffee table why were you in here so early welcome in everyone today was a scheduled work stream but I did some work before stream because gy woke me up early because gy woke up early to play Minecraft and… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclips

    Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclipsVideo Information here has to go This video, titled ‘raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #shorts’, was uploaded by SGGAMER000 on 2024-03-19 03:38:34. It has garnered 446 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #short #minecraft #lapatasmp #valorant #valorantshorts #valorantlive #applemc #valorantindia #lifesteal ⚠️ IGNORE TAGS⚠️ pojavlauncher how to join fake loyal smp fake loyal smp ip fake loyalsmp Lapata smp war Loyal smp war lapata smp season 5 lapata smp niz gamer psd1 lapata smp psd1 boys psd1 senpai spider how i… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!

    Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!Video Information [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n stranded in the open Dy out tears of Sorrow lacking all emotion staring down the barel waiting for the final gates to open to a new tomorrow moving with the motion following the light that set me free [Music] a yeah This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request Compilation Part 952 )’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-14 06:05:42. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art… Read More

  • Champions of Equestria

    Champions of EquestriaLooking for a place to horse around? Perhaps a game or two? How about an active community to be apart of? Champions of Equestria has got all that, so come take a look see yourself by joining our still expanding community with a friendly staff, active userbase, and upcoming game servers! We are coming up on a year old and still going strong, so come and find a home in our community! This is a multi-world server including Creative, Survival PvE, and Factions PvP worlds. It also has a cross world currency system where you gain money from selling items… Read More

  • Xapros SMP Semi-Vanilla with Dynmap – 1.20.4 – Events

    Server Information Our server features some of the new 1.21 blocks such as tuff blocks, copper blocks, and crafter! Join us for holiday themed events, minigames, and collectable items. Whitelist only server with 5-15 daily players, welcoming new members of all ages. Experience zero lag, 24/7 uptime, and no resets for your base. No land claims, tps, or mods that break the vanilla feeling. Strict rules against stealing, hacking, and griefing. Check out some of our builds here. Apply now by joining our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/NeekSj856k Read More

  • Nebula Wars

    Nebula WarsNebula Wars is a Minecraft Semi-Vanilla server that is created to bring back the feel of classic Minecraft survival servers, while still getting to experience all of the new features, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. If you like Fun, Non-P2W survival, then this server is for you!If you want to join this server through bedrock, you can!Bedrock IP: bedrock.nebulawars.orgPort: 8064 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Laugh or be kicked from server”

    I guess this meme is a solid 23 out of 10 on the laugh-o-meter! Read More

  • Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft’s Satisfying Twist

    Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft's Satisfying Twist In the world of Minecraft, sand art takes flight, Creating pixel pictures, a true delight. With torches and sand, a masterpiece is born, A Creeper with a Labrador hat, not to be torn. Subscribe to the channel, for more to see, Satisfying creations, for you and me. Share with your friends, spread the joy, In the world of Minecraft, where art employs. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, Crafting stories in a rhythmic beat. Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In every update, let the fun begin. Read More

  • Minecraft Gangster Laughs!

    Minecraft Gangster Laughs! Why did the creeper join the gang in Minecraft? Because he heard they were all about blowing stuff up! #minecraftgang #creepercrew Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft house tutorials like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for building and exploring, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn new building tips or an experienced player seeking a fresh challenge, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be… Read More

  • Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft

    Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft Oyunlar Hakkında Ne Kadar İyisin? Popüler oyunlar hakkında ne kadar bilgi sahibi olduğunuzu test etmeye hazır mısınız? Bu videoda GTA, Minecraft ve Hogwarts Legacy gibi oyunlar hakkında ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu ölçeceğiz. Kendi oyun becerilerinizi sınayın ve ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu keşfedin! GTA San Andreas Bilgi Testi CJ’in asıl adı nedir? Carl Johnson Minecraft Bilgi Testi Herobrine kimin kardeşi? Notch’un kardeşi Hogwarts Legacy Bilgi Testi Hogwarts Legacy’de hangi gruba seçilirseniz Azkaban’a gidersiniz? Hufflepuff Eğer soruların cevaplarını bilemediyseniz, videonun üstündeki linkten detaylara ulaşabilirsiniz. Oyun bilginizi test etmek için hemen izleyin ve kendinizi yeni bir meydan okumaya hazırlayın! Read More

  • Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮

    Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮Video Information like things get in your way push through those walls and the others will fall Sit Up Stand Tall you can get through it all I need some energy Ani don’t friend me I have a short memory I don’t really remember things that’s how I move on that’s how I stay a new day on I’ll keep moving right along and I feel like the pain in the past it needs to stay in the past you got to take off the cast I want to feel like I’m a new person I want to Clear Vision… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client – 1.20.62 Update!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client - 1.20.62 Update!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] for This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.62 MOD CLIENT APK – Toggle Sprint, Full Bright, Unlocked, No Circle – BUGROCK CLIENT’, was uploaded by matixdev on 2024-03-04 22:37:09. It has garnered 851 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. CHECK Download Tutorial https://youtu.be/JDPoU15od9g?si=4kr61rPk2C6–ei_ Download Link 1.20.62 https://bit.ly/4avrFAo 1.20.72 https://bit.ly/43I0YWY Educational Disclaimer: This video aims to provide educational insights into hacking techniques related to EDSA in a responsible and ethical manner. Everything demonstrated is solely for the purpose of showing vulnerabilities and security practices in digital environments…. Read More

  • Maggus – NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shorts

    Maggus - NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shortsVideo Information ihr kennt es alle ihr habt auf eurer Erkundungstour in eurer Minecraft survival Welt ein Pferd gefunden und wollt dieses jetzt nach Hause bringen aber auf dem Weg müsst ihr über einen Fluss nur bringt reiten nichts und rüber schubsen dauert auch zu lange dann nehmt euch eine goldene Karotte oder einen goldenen Apfel damit verfolgt euch das Pferd und so bekommt ihr es ganz einfach rüber This video, titled ‘Damit müsst ihr es NIE WIEDER zurücklassen…?! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #maggus’, was uploaded by Maggus on 2024-01-14 10:00:28. It has garnered 74097 views and 7670 likes. The duration of… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!

    Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!Video Information in this video we’re looking at seven amazing Forge mods for 120 these range from fully fledged New Dimensions to new awesome weapons and armor and even some small quality of life editions I really hope you enjoy if you found the archaeology update from vanilla to be a bit lacking maybe better archaeology can help this mod adds several new fossils artifacts and structures to be discovered and dug up for example you can visit the Temple of Light in which you might find the totem of growth this Nifty totem will will make crup scroll faster… Read More


    RECLAIMING MY PUBLIC ON SMP SERVER!! #minecraftVideo Information स्ट ही नहीं हो रहा व्हाट द हेक हेलो लकी वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम व्हाट्स गोइंग ऑन लकी सर कैसे हो मेरे भाई कैसे हो मेक श्यर लाइक कर देना स्ट्रीम को हेलो लकी वेलकम ट लकी यार 1015 बंदों को शेयर कर दे और देख जैसे मैं लाइक कर रहा हूं वैसे लाइक कर दियो और हां एंड तक जितने भी लाइक होंगे मैं जितने लाइक होंगे उतने घंटे में वीडियो आ जाएगी बस जैसे कि एक जैसे की 20 लाइक तो मतलब की ऐसे तो कल ही डालूंगा बट बाय द वे अगर 20 लाइक होते… Read More


    EPIC JJ HULKBUSTER & MIKEY GODZILLA ATTACK in MinecraftVideo Information I am so hungry what am I supposed to do JJ in the city and he is too far from me I am going to be dead soon if I don’t find any water huh wait a second it’s a city no way I am here finally I can go back home and eat some food it’s so amazing we are going to be okay now I guess I should move faster this water will give some time to me I hope I won’t die I am so hungry now Mikey move faster we don’t have any time… Read More

  • “Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic’s Love Drama in Minecraft” #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation

    "Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic's Love Drama in Minecraft" #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animationVideo Information [Music] help [Music] please wow [Music] [Applause] This video, titled ‘Help Baby Sonic Choose Girl-Friend Minecraft #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation #sonic’, was uploaded by Snuka Game on 2024-04-25 18:39:17. It has garnered 17307 views and 545 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Help Baby Sonic Choose Girl-Friend Sadako or Aphmau Minecraft Herobrine #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation #sonic Read More

  • Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!

    Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!Video Information o Coach do Ramon avisou que ele vai ganhar o mter Olímpia esse ano eu já falou já deixou Claro só que eu duvido sebum tá começou a preparar muito mais cedo que o Ramon o ceum já tá na frente do Ramon então tipo assim se o ceum já tá começando a preparação na frente significa que ele já tá na frente então meu filho só se O Ramão treinar de verdade mesmo sem com vergonha na cara com sabe porque realmente não dá se ele ficar cendo assim aqueles treinos fofo igual ele fez nas outras… Read More

Learning Spells & Casting Magic! – The Ender King (Minecraft Medieval Modpack) |Ep.6|