LegionVee – I Survived 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore!

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Greetings citizens this is how I survived 200 days in Minecraft hardcore if you haven’t yet I’d recommend checking out my first 100 days video to see how we got here I made some new goals to keep on track for these 100 days number one getting elytra and take to the skies

Number two create multiple item Farms to increase my Holdings in valuable resources and number three build a permanent home and market area for my villager plebs be sure to subscribe to be notified when new videos come out and leave me a comment letting me know what you think of these hundred days I’m

Hoping you enjoy these longer videos ideally it’s something you can watch while doing housework studying or my personal favorite drifting into an afternoon nap on the couch if you end up watching all the way to the end know that you are a legend and an honorary

Legionary let’s get to it uh excuse me in me that keeps juking me look out boys the bed burglar is here what does it make you uncomfortable when I follow you with an ax don’t misbehave and we’ll be fine at day huh fellas oh boy yeah what are you looking at oh

Oh oh oh oh oh okay that was a little too close to home what a beautiful morning that rainbow smell of Bones burning no no no no no no no no no you are an idiot she actually probably gets a high ground it’s over pillagers I have The High Ground We’re back for 200 days and I need to remember what I was doing it’s actually been a couple weeks since I’ve was okay since I’ve been in this world and I need to remember what was going on and what the plans are not today but soon a lot

Of honestly this 100 days is going to be about cleaning up the base and adding a bit more to it I know we spent so much time on the uh nerds over there getting the enchanted gear that we wanted to get and I’m happy with that but I do think I

Want to do some cleanup so I like for example I don’t know if I want this bamboo Farm here the Farms will probably stay but I don’t know about the stuff over here oh that was uh graceful I’m also not a huge fan I mean this is fine all of the Villager

Stalls oh how’s it going buddy been a while I don’t know I don’t know if I like this as something for my base overall or for long term I guess I should say so while this works and while it’s okay I’m actually thinking instead we might

Want to kind of just remove all of this including the Villager breeder because I don’t know how many more we’d actually need there’s a few in here but yeah I’m thinking we get rid of all of that all of that clear all this place out and then actually connect to my

House probably coming off to the right side here with all this area and make sort of a a Roman market area so that’s that’s my thought that we’ll we’ll give that a shot but you know lots of plans lots of things I want to do we’ll get to it overall but honestly the

First thing is I don’t really know what is around my base aside from across the ocean because we did go that way to get to the end portal or the stronghold and I haven’t been in that direction I haven’t really been in that direction I haven’t looked around the ocean that’s

Here so I want to be able to explore and see what’s around these areas I just don’t want to do it by you know walking I would much rather be able to lie so I’m kind of thinking that might be the first thing that we do is uh try to get an elytra

Yeah so I say we do that let’s head to the end let’s get ourselves in a lighter that’s going to make the uh the rest of these hundred days a lot easier a little squid ow oh it’s a little ankle biting goober with a shovel why can’t I hit you

Unbelievable get back get back why do you almost sound like a creeper I don’t like that now we’re ready at least I hope so let’s do this should we get more ender pearls I mean seeing as we’re here hey buddy with looting this will be helpful

Let’s do this so trapdoor smack you on the head crawl on in and look at that here we are what oh there you are get a bit of this oh man that was close I did not think it dropped away that quickly wow that made my heart jump let’s actually feel that

In just a bit that scared me didn’t need that it’s like day two of this video I did not need that scare so bloop hooray excuse me sir you’re in my way sir excuse me didn’t think this through didn’t think this through he almost knocked me off I was not

Thinking about that uh why do I do these things to myself I’m being honest I really don’t like exploring the end this is not my idea of a good time I just want to find an End City grabbing elytra and grab some chalky boys so I’ve got some better

Storage not to mention this whole process of bridging over the nothingness uh really makes me sweat behind the knees what do we have here that actually looks really cool with shaders on I don’t know that I’ve seen it like that before I’m not seeing an end ship though

And I don’t like that hey guys oh no don’t there we go come on gotcha thank you I am wondering who it was that was over at Mojang that just said you know what this and bear with me here this would be the best enemy to add

To Minecraft let’s get a box and just like make it shoot popcorn at you and then everybody around’s like oh that’s a great idea that sounds so perfect we’re gonna add that right away oh and also it’s gonna make puking sounds constantly oh yeah great note great note

Was that pointless to come up here is there nothing wonderful you guys do no damage you’re just annoying and I hate it hello oh yeah I forgot water kind of negates levitation oh no look at all of them I yeah I don’t even know where to start

Let’s go for it you’re next Bud come here look at all the popcorn floating around me this is madness this is trippy whoa foreign that’s actually not bad I mean I’ve already got two that I’m fine with but we’ll take them don’t think I went that way yet

That is pretty neat how water basically just makes their levitation useless come on come on nope I need that goop okay I kind of want to move on I’m sure there’s more shulkers like look at that guy actually you think we can get him from here

Look at that yeah as I was saying I kinda don’t want to hang around here I would rather just move on and I mean I got 13 shulker shells that’s pretty good I’d rather just go and find an End ship I don’t think I brought this up yet but

I am uh terrible at MLG water buckets hello what are you just doing all right but we’re gonna try anyway let’s go look at that see I told you I’m awesome at this I have not seen anything in a while and I am not liking that oh so that is a

Long way to bridge [Laughter] I don’t want to do it okay gather a ton let’s get it over with all right I got three stacks that I don’t know what do you guys think three stacks of End Stone to get me from here to there I don’t know about that I mean

I’ve got the planks to fall back on so I think we’ll be all right I got plenty of other blocks that’s that’s oh oh this is about to be worth it I didn’t notice that before I am glad I decided to do this I did not notice that that was

There I don’t feel so bad about this now we’re gonna do this we’re gonna finish this trip to the uh the outlands we made it oh and look at that beautiful sight oop sorry that was an accident didn’t mean to my guy contact I typically try to avoid that thank you

Give me you oh nice wow that pretty dang good it’s like yeah that’s awesome oh wow okay I think and this is just a guess I think there might be one outside maybe two oh no that was a mistake and that could have been a real costly one I am very

Thankful for uh feather falling I had my shield up how did that hit me explain that to me please oh okay okay that’s like good shovels now we grab the elytra and we are no longer a mere mortal or we can take to the skies I’m actually

Not gonna use it yet I would feel much better if I had mending and uh Unbreaking on that before we started using it make sure this boy doesn’t fall hello thank you now with that I think we’re ready to get out of here all right time for a leap of faith I

Don’t really care what’s up there to be honest I don’t I’m not interested I’ve got what I want and that is the elytra so let’s uh let’s head on back oh yeah that was smooth I love it we can finally go home I don’t really

Want to come back to the end for a bit I am kind of done with this all right back in get home and chant this bad boy and make some Rockets well that’s kind of pretty nice Moon lit row across the sea I’m feeling romantic are you feeling romantic this is a

Problem though it can’t be called a lytra what do we call it about something for Icarus like if we were gonna go buy that what about like uh bird feathers plus wax how do we feel about that I might be coming back to change that at a later date but for the

Time being this is my bird feathers plus wax you know we gotta take this thing for a test drive didn’t even have to go up to my mob grinder are we ready to take to the skies as we are beautiful this is gonna make everything that we want to do over the next

No 95 days or so so much easier oh already finding stuff too look at that free gold oh we will be coming back to say hi to all of you and I need to get a totem pretty soon all right successful First Flight I just want a short distance from the base and

We already found an outpost we can uh set up a raid Farm that’s already one thing checked off we’ve already got the elytra and we can move on to our next priorities and speaking of priorities what is it we want to do next it is raining wonderful

That’s a good omen I actually do want to clean up the base a little bit I think it’s gonna just make me feel a lot better if I go around cleaning up some of the things that I know aren’t going to be here long term and getting myself

Prepared for a more permanent setup you know what I forgot to do that’s going to help with moving a lot of this stuff well I know Legion what did you forget shulker boxes of course we need to move stuff around the base this is going to make it 10 times easier

Might help keep us sane if we die these beautiful so I filled a couple of the shulkers oh hey push Plus and as you can see I got a couple two tree dirt and that’s because I need to terraform this whole area I don’t like how it’s

Just a steep drop off there and this is all kind of messed up where the bamboo Farm was and it’s the same thing over here this just does not look nice so unfortunately we’re probably gonna end up having to change around how my Farms

Are just a bit but I do want this all to look a little bit nicer so that’s probably going to be today lots of terraforming so we’ll see how it goes and so I got to it spending the entire day working on terraforming this corner of my base

I began by placing torches down so when I covered this area hopefully mobs wouldn’t spawn in the ground I went pretty simple building up the ground in layers near my tree farm so I had a way down rather than a steep drop off I covered the ground area and realized

I’d have a nice new large flat area potentially for a farm or a build something else could probably go here and at least now I had the space as I wrapped up it was already night time so I placed torches around to discourage any roving mobs that might

Want to try to take over my new area and went to bed sorry watermelons but I need to change up the configuration over here a little bit more pickaxe mining for you and yes I know there’s easier ways to do this I just only have silk touch on my pickaxe

Currently I removed about half of my watermelon farm so it wouldn’t overhang and mess up the new Vibes I was going for I use the same layering to connect my Farms higher up to the edge of the water that was lowered down I could finally walk to my sugarcane farm rather than

Launching myself off of this each time okay so how do we feel what do we think about this it is definitely a lot nicer there’s not as many kind of pitfalls in places you have to fall down now kind of strange how it just goes straight down

To the tree farm I’m not sure I want to keep this here that might actually go and you know we might actually replace it with some kind of uh a harbor or a place where we can keep our boats but overall I do like this a lot better we

Can always you know expand the watermelon Farm back out if we need to and at least we didn’t have to touch any of these Farms that still looks good to me so I think we’re good and by the way we never named these two I’ve had them I

Don’t even know like early on in the first 100 days so leave me a comment let me know what these two look like what should their names be if a comment gets decent amount of likes or there’s just one that I happen to like in the next

100 days video I will name these two beautiful morning smell the zombies roasting alright so I know I said I was gonna work on some farms in particular a creeper Farm to use for my elytra but now that I’ve done some of the terraforming and started cleaning up things around the base I

Kind of have the itch for that so I think instead what we’re going to start with is this area back here what my thoughts are about this is that we could clean up and clear out all of these villager stalls in the Villager breeder and turn it into a sort of structure

That spans this whole area next to my house for easier access it’s also kind of odd the way it’s set up and facing away from everything else so similar design a little bit grander a little bit more detail to it but I want to move it

Over here and make them a house for a villager breeder if that makes any sense so I’m gonna play around with a couple things and see what makes the most sense or what looks good and then we’ll check back in and take a look probably should grab some resources first for the build

And then we can get started so satisfying oh lucky Apple just trying something out here to see what will work like to have a kind of open pathway leading to this new villager area so how do we feel about that we think kind of simple don’t know about the bottom we might

Need to change that I like it better stripped yeah I think I do this where the ankle biters were coming from in the first uh 100 days he just jumped right over my fence I don’t really know how that happened but mystery solved I guess I don’t know how I feel about this

Um it still needs some work here’s my concern with this it I mean it doesn’t look bad but each villager basically takes up one block wide currently if I were to do this with all of them this would be spanning all the way around that’s a lot of these little Huts not

Opposed to that I guess I just wanna I might sit on this a bit and go work on something else while I I give it some thought by the way let me know what you think in the comments I’m always interested to see you know what kind of

Styles people enjoy and what changes you might recommend for future builds so let me know if you like this or if there’s something you would do a little bit different I think I have a way to decrease the amount of space that’s going to take up or that these are going

To take up I don’t think I need to have them this big so I might keep this one as a first at this size and then make them a bit smaller going forward so let’s give that a try and see how it looks I thought I heard free leads approaching I

I don’t think I need any of that stuff unfortunately for you um you’re not watching are you all right looks like they’re looking away I think I can get away with this oh no no gross gross I don’t know what happened to that Trader he was just here I’m actually

Liking this I think with a bit more work and adding something maybe a little bit over the top over arching this will probably work out long term and plus now my villagers aren’t going to accuse me of abusing them and not giving them enough space and wow

You guys are creeping me out what are you watching okay so I’m trying something with campfires and actually like that I think it adds a nice bit of detail to it also nice it’s nice how the colors are a bit different on the top and bottom I think I like that I think

I’m gonna go with it fun part is getting to these before it burns down everything I’ve done so far come on I am starting to get low on dark oak using a lot of it in this and I do not think I replanted any of the dark oak trees at my tree

Farm so we need to correct that okay also only apparently have four saplings I thought I had more so this will be fun oh yes what why is it lopsided that’s weird you need more saplings please I see you hey come on um on I just need one more sapling

I just need one more low did not help got four saplings from one of these trees starting to get this down to a science uh excuse me hidden me that keeps juking me come here come on you are a slippery one okay I know oh this is for the villagers not for you

Stay back not for you thank you oh I use too many leaves yeah I know I know you can never have too many leaves there we go beautiful close perfect I think we’re at least done with this uh this collection of villager huts and actually wow looking at that that looks

Really cool with all the lanterns I like the way it’s lighting up especially looking at it at night um I do think we’re gonna have to add some more detail to this and I want to do some more stuff with Landscaping but for now I’m liking how this is turning

Out let me know what you think by the way as we’re going through this you know maybe just call out the day and what I’m working on and let me know if you you like it or if you change it around at all actually you know what this has been

Bugging me the Endermen have been coming by and stealing my dirt so I’m gonna have to head up there and fix that so much easier doing it that way than it is uh trying to climb up here and I hear mobs I shouldn’t I not light this up

Enough yeah I didn’t hey bud oh oh fight I win Miss this little corner a nice artificial cave you are wondering what it looks like beneath the hill that my spqr sits on this is it so now that I’ve built it out this far I think I actually

Do have one more thing that I’m gonna need to do and that was that you know I’ve got my house on that side row of column villager stalls upgraded villager stalls I wanted to have a house over here for the villagers and that would be essentially the Villager breeder I’m

Gonna put it there I need to terraform I could do another row sort of coming out this way to make a almost like a sectional an L-shaped sectional but I don’t know where I want the Villager breeder I could always do it in this larger area especially since I’m going

To be getting rid of all of that but I’ll need to make a decision okay so pretty soon I’m moving all of my plebs over there and I think the first thing I want to do is steal all of their beds if I take their beds now then at night time

They’re just going to want to find one and I put them in the new spot I’m hoping that means they’ll all just run over to their new area I know it’s not going to work out that way but it’s the best I’ve got right now I need to be

Sneaky about stealing their beds too because I don’t want them getting out that wasn’t so bad Look Out Boys the bed burglar is here something feels very uncomfortable about this just going in stealing beds I got this guy watching me yeah I’m stealing beds what are you gonna do about it

Yeah didn’t think so right all the beds are removed I think I missed a few they’re still stuck in there but that doesn’t matter may as well just use the rest of the time to clear out some of these uh some of these walls there you

Go nice cozy little sleeping spot and it doesn’t take up a whole lot of space they can get yeah they can get in and out of there that won’t be a problem better not be anyway okay it’s time I think I’m gonna go first for the farmer

I think he’s the one I’m gonna put in the bigger stall since he’s the only one I have I also realized I probably made a mistake I put down all the beds I should not have done that because he’s going to want to run to one of the random ones

And not into the one I want him to go in but we’ll try either way oh what’s wrong nerds you having trouble sleeping I mean it’s night time you you should be sleeping right now what’s the what’s the problem somebody steal all your beds he’s gonna go straight for my bed isn’t

He oh look at that he actually went where I wanted him to go unbelievable oh good job I don’t looks like a coffin doesn’t it I’m sure he’ll be all right it’s gonna be incredible if they all go exactly where I want them to go why are you

Suddenly being helpful I’m also kind of trying to organize these as I go so for example I started with a mending villager then I’m breaking I’ve got the uh efficiency one that I want to bring now where are you going there we go couldn’t figure out how to get out of

There but that way it makes a little bit more sense to me uh logically you know the typical first enchantments you would get followed by more specific ones yeah it finally happened this guy’s definitely going for my bed I don’t think so buddy not gonna happen okay where did you come from

That reminds me they keep falling from over here I need to make that wall higher up so that things stop jumping over from my Hill it was working for a while but this guy needs a little encouragement to go in the right direction there you go good job oh good boy

It became daytime and I couldn’t tell because it’s raining so instead of a bed I’m having to tempt this villager nerd with a delicious jaw block don’t you want it it’s right over here a little further yep what keep moving keep moving get in there go on go on yeah

So I’m doing a bit more terraforming and I realized I’m kind of making a safety hazard here this doesn’t look like a whole lot from this side but if you get closer yeah the inspector comes by uh I don’t think I’m gonna get a pass on this one need more dirt

All right we’re gonna finish terraforming and then I promise I’m gonna figure out what to do with the uh the rest of the Villager area ooh I was just about to say any baddies just like there is there you go all right I guess we’re going in hello

Goodbye all right this seems a bit safer that I can walk over here without falling and it has a nice little pool with iron and copper oh wow that does that go on for a bit oh yeah it does oh actually comes out outside that’s a Nifty little Escape

Tunnel if I need it and blue okay so villagers I think what I’m gonna do is just expand this I have 12 and there were 15 over here so I think I just add three more with the space that I have and then we figure out what to do

For a house and uh or a house slash breeder after that so I’ll get to expanding I am still hearing skeletons like every second I missed a spot somewhere when I was placing down torches okay so I think that was it I think we have the amount that we need and all we

Have left is to transport the villagers from the old spot into the new and I can finally get rid of this row and then the very last thing we’ll be getting rid of this villager breeder and and it looks like yeah we’ve got four in here so that

Is fine that should be enough to start the next one but I don’t have a spot for any of you yet so you’re gonna have to wait a little bit longer I’m sorry okay you’re gonna be like that huh it’s been a while since we’ve cleaned up the Farms

I should probably run through this real quick and uh yeah do a replant why am I hearing zombies you in here I don’t know where that noise was coming from oh well I don’t really need to do this but seeing it all here grown I just kinda have to

Like it’s really gonna bug me if I don’t do this it gives me more for the auto composter so I can hopefully get a bit more uh yeah a bit more bone meal much better oh I forgot the carrots and this is where I’m hearing the

Zombies when I buy the carrots I’m gonna go looking after this I don’t remember covering this area up though is the thing but I must have because where else would those noises be coming from I don’t wanna every time I’m over here here though okay let’s see what’s up this is

Definitely where I’m hearing it like I said I don’t remember covering anything here oh found something there you are are you the little guy making all the big noise anymore I do not remember this but light it up just to be sure okay looks like we’re good to release

The remaining villagers I’m kind of over this so I part of me wants to release them all at once I just know I’m gonna lose somebody yeah look at them they’re up to no good yeah we promise we’ll be fine if you release all of us I don’t

Think so back to another night of following around villagers and locking them in their pens go on get moving get moving it would be so easy I could do it right now nobody would know nah I need you oh boy should put up some torches over there long and blue

Yeah I should really put up some torches over here it’s like a little mob grinder but not now is he busy busy need to finish this before it becomes daytime we’re doing two at once let’s get going boys come on he figured it out why didn’t you

Okay just my two Fletchers left and then we’re done all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go no no no not mine sucker not there anymore did the other one figure it out no I think they figured it out use those two brain cells and find a Bed

Finally I’m so done with this all right so I think we are done at least with this portion so all of the plebs have been moved no more left over here all of them in their new places as you can see they are all very happy they

Love it they have at least twice the space they’re used to excuse me and uh yeah I think it’s great now that they are settled and we’ve got everybody where they need to be I get to move on to my favorite part of when I’m moving something like this we get to

Tear all of this down and clean up the area so this is going to look a lot better I probably would have kept these honestly if they were in a better spot like they’re right in the middle of everything and facing the front if I had built them back there originally I would

Have kept them but they were just in the wrong spot wrong place wrong time I mean yeah it’s a little sad tearing all this down so many memories so much villager abuse look at that so much cleaner and so many resources how did you get up there

I’m gonna need to move these chests to yeah may as well just grab some shulkers and get it over with it is raining again this is probably the third or fourth time in about 10 days I hate that all right I moved those chests and got

Organized uh I also noticed I had these signs in my inventory and I just remembered what those were for I want to go through and label each of the Villager stalls so I know who is selling what all right there we go they’re all labeled are we having a gathering what’s

Going on here anyway we’re all set so we’ve got foodstuffs mending Unbreaking so on and so forth I did have to do one here can I can I help you I’m trying to show these people something oh don’t don’t let me get in your way yeah thank you anyway

So I had efficiency on this one again okay whatever efficiency but if we go further down I have also efficiency because this is the guy that in the last video I was trading for efficiency three and then he decided to give me efficiency five so kind of my small way

Of letting this old boy know that he is redundant and then of course we have sticks and more sticks over here that’s right you know what you’re good for okay so now that we’re done with that and we’ve cleared out a bit of this area obviously I do need to get to the

Villager breeder I need to move those four so I can you know what I could just you know put them in some temporary spot over here and tear this down I don’t know that I want to do that quite yet what I was going to say is I need to

Build them a bigger place and it’s going to be somewhere over here but I am running a bit low on resources so I think we’re gonna need to do a little bit of collecting before we get to the next one I think we’re going to start with

Um Stone and deep slate to the mines I’m gonna need a lot of this anyway because when I get to the point of building an iron farm and a creeper Farm I’m gonna need building blocks so this is all going to come in handy hope there’s not any spooky scary skeletons down here

Well hello where were you when I was curing villagers for like three or four different cures in the last 100 day videos ooh thank you all right so not a bad trip got a couple two trees stone and a cobble deep slate about six full stacks of each with a

Little Despair and then of course you know I wasn’t gonna pass up the iron and gold that I found a little bit of redstone and diorite nandesite kind of neat I might use those in some places but figured I’d grab them while I was here should put some actual stairs here

So I don’t have to keep jumping up every time I’m coming back from the mine uh I just woke up and came out I mean I see some rotten flesh on the ground but I’m not sure what could have happened if a zombie got here I wonder who uh wonder who uh

You know I wonder who could have done something about that who could have heard a zombie around here that does remind me though we need to increase the size of that wall uh Safety First well hello and what can I do for you I mean part of me wants to just gather

More llamas but I haven’t even named those two yet don’t look over here stop stop looking over here and until I get a name for those two I don’t really feel like I’m ready for more so yep free leads all right so nobody tell them that when

I go to make an iron farm we’re gonna kind of need to uh reduce the number of you around here yeah been a while since we visited the mob grinder uh curious if it’s still working um maybe not a couple I guess hey buddy how many inches does it take to take

These guys out Uno just realized we haven’t been up here to take a look at our usual vantage point so it is looking better I mean you can see that what we terraformed early on and then over here the brand new area for villagers and it’s a lot cleaner

Looking over here pretty soon that’s going to be gone and we’ll probably build up a nicer entrance to the mine and then we’re gonna build the new villager breeder somewhere over here I might even just clear this whole area but we’ll see how we do

Now we can fly down instead of having to actually jump right into the water okay so it’s morning and okay I need to finally get around to building an iron farm that’s the first one I want to build the biggest question is where am I going to build this thing because I mean

We did just make this brand new space that’s looking pretty good to me I do think that even after we clear some of this out I mean I have the entrance to my mind right in the middle of this and I want this to be more of a central area

That’s going to be surrounded by the villagers the Villager breeder maybe a couple other things I kind of wanted the Farms off to the side or up in the air like the mob grinder but honestly we have a lot of space out here out on the water or even one of these connecting

Things over here so that’s another excuse me that’s another option once we finish building though these guys are gonna have to go all right first off let’s at least start grabbing some materials oh so much to collect at least I’m fairly organized now so

This is a bit easier I am going to need wool or more beds however you know what that means I get to be deafened by sheep and cows well I get all of my sheep in the nude productive trip here we go three beds there we go I think we’re all

Set I don’t actually know if I’m gonna end up using all of this but I think it’s at least what we’ll need to complete the iron farm but we’ll see we could always come back come to think of it I think I’m gonna be needing three

Villagers for this and I only have four in here so I won’t be able to continue breeding unless I get one more so we better do a little bit of that before we start and of course I am just too late they just went to bed wonderful wake up you even sleeping

Yeah right you’re actually waking up to try to take these carrots watch this get out of here I was trying to replant them and I was going to give you more in the morning go to bed all right it is morning let’s go make a baby not not

Like that not not like you and me uh the villagers is what I’m talking about Make It Rain carrots eat up eat up Yep they’re not even gonna give me time to leave again all right yeah get to it success all right decision time I I

Think this is actually the best bet I think it just works out that we terraformed this recently and we have this you know just big space available I might just bring this back a little bit more build it out to here or so and into the water just because I don’t want it

Too close to my farm I don’t want it too close to the other villagers and other iron golems and I really don’t want to rebuild it after the first time so I think unfortunately we’ve got a bit more terraforming to do we’re just gonna expand this out just a bit and then

We’re gonna use this area for the iron farm so we’ll get to that first I need dirt I feel like I always need dirt what do you think is this going to be enough we’ll find out I actually need to clear all this grass and I never use this uh

Method but apparently this works pretty well not bad except when the water is afraid of the grass like you can only go those two directions you can’t go this way what about over here oh wow okay never mind I guess this isn’t perfect it’s kind of scared of

Grass this needs to go oh boy Thank you all right I don’t really want to be out here anymore with the thunderstorms so we’ll come back and finish in the morning that’s mostly done now I just want to clear out this kind of random dirt and uh weeds and trees and stuff like that while I’m working on that I’m

Curious what you think about some of the changes I made in the style of this video versus my first 100 days video in particular the live narration and these cinematic shots is it an improvement or did you like the full voice over and first person view throughout more in the last one

Let me know in the comments all right look at that that is not bad we’ve got a very large area here now so I think if we build it somewhere further back here I’m not too worried about being too close to them and once we

Clear out uh those I think the mob cap will be pretty good so this is going to be where we’re building our uh first iron farm first I need to get organized all right it’s getting late in the day so we’ll probably prep the area and then

Get started on it tomorrow but I at least got all my materials over and we’ll just Mark out a spot that we want to start with and then we will uh get started I missed one kind of a waste of a rocket but whoa whoops I landed on the wrong tree

A waste of two rockets yeah we got there in the end I began working on the iron farm by building a Stairway up about 12 blocks off the ground to ensure that Iron Golems wouldn’t spawn on the ground I then began building out the three chambers that would hold my villagers

You need villagers to get scared of a zombie in this case in order to spawn iron golems I went around in closing the Villager platform and creating a spot in the middle to trap my lucky zombie I used glass so we could watch the fun and essentially see these villagers

Getting scared of the zombie anytime that we needed to but also to check to make sure everything was working nearly night and nearly time to abduct a zombie so we’re gonna need a name for the zombie to make sure that it doesn’t despawn hmm I like it I think it’s got a

Nice uh a nice ring to it right anytime now hello any zombies that want to be trapped for life or for on life I hear a skeleton a couple maybe I don’t need you um oh hello friend not you not you but yes you he wants a hug all right let’s go

I really can’t help my popularity this is just like every day for me they just follow me they walk around right behind me I can’t do a thing about it you’re going to enjoy eternity in my iron farm a bit more bit more this way it’s learning it knows how to climb stairs

Yep there you go look at you ready to stay there for eternity and now you have your name too you’re so happy you didn’t even see that enjoy the rest of your own life in there please subscribe the zombie I’m pretty sure the trapdoor is gonna

Stop him from getting burned in the day and he is standing in water I’m gonna try it I I would typically like put some dirt over this or something because that makes me really nervous but that actually wasn’t that hard so we could always do it again if we need to

Tomorrow we get to get the villagers that’s gonna be fun you know what I should have done before I went to bed and started the next day I should have broken some beds in there and trapped these villagers in boats so I didn’t have to struggle with it today but we’ll

See how we do who’s our lucky first thank you sir uh oh hello oh this is close proximity I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to do this without you had to do this to me didn’t you and you’re okay with this why are you looking at me too unbelievable okay I

Guess we’re getting more llamas hmm we’re gonna do this though I had a plan and you just had to come in and ruin that plan didn’t you it’s right as soon as I get this guy in the boat you have to come and ruin it not really sure what

I can do here I think I just have to break the boat all right let’s at least use this time to get the Villager over there oh you’re going for the wrong job block aren’t you of course you are all right let’s keep going so what I’m hoping is

He’ll just follow the job blocks up there and we’ll be good to go yes let’s start with the hardest one first all right don’t oh great you’re good there we go all right look there’s another one up here you know you want it come on come on surprise

Don’t worry you’re gonna love it here that was easier than I expected oh hello friend forgot to even look at what his trades were oh well kind of thinking I don’t even need the boats and there’s four of you still so take two more two left I

Think we’ll be good so who’s next oh a volunteer oh no no no Um okay what else is left this one yep you got more okay yeah let’s just you know waste the uh remaining blaze powder I have in here Perfect You’re Gonna Make Me remove every job Block in my entire Place yep back this way I mean we knew it wasn’t

Gonna just be easy with all three somebody had to make it difficult follow the delicious job blocks let’s go don’t worry buddy I’m bringing you a friend what does it make you uncomfortable when I follow you with an ax don’t misbehave and we’ll be fine there you go all right one more

What you don’t want the one that’s up there I placed it just for you your brother’s up there did fine didn’t really expect much more from uneducated plebs there we go all right so we got all three in now we’re ready to start building the spawning platform

After we place our job blocks that we had to remove I love working with villagers now that my plebs were all in place as well as the zombie I got to work on the spawning platform this is the area where Iron Golems will hopefully spawn I surrounded the platform with walls to

Ensure they didn’t fall off at the wrong point and then place down water to push them to the end of the platform where they would fall to the ground the signs I placed are to block water from spilling over the edge uh I think I did something wrong

Yeah it’s not supposed to look like that here we go problem solved with The Accidental leak plugged up I started working on the final portion The Collection area on the ground this consists of Hoppers feeding into a chest and more signs to hold lava up off

The ground to ensure it wouldn’t burn up the iron drops I’d also like to add that this is a 100 original build I came up with all by my own self but hark I hear you saying a legion I’ve seen this exact same iron farm in about a hundred other YouTube videos you

Clearly use the same one and to that I say you are certainly entitled to your opinion and May in fact be correct it’s time for the secret ingredient melted cheese all right it’s time to see if this thing works I do really like this setup and it looks nice I think I

Lined that up properly I really hope when the Iron Golems fall they can’t you know come out too far and hit over in this area but I think it looks good really all that’s left is removing the temporary blocks so that the villagers can see the zombie get scared and start

Spawning in Golems let’s get rid of this so they can actually fall and then I think the last part of this is just breaking these blocks all right you all look pretty scared oh wow that works fast look at that I didn’t even clear out the guys over there yet

Whoops all right did it work yeah tasty iron ingot I’m pretty happy with that I mean it wasn’t incredibly difficult to build and it started working immediately we’ll have to see what oh come on we’ll have to see how quickly it works oh speak of the devil that is yeah that’s pretty

Fast that’s not bad at all the only thing I’m curious about is if I’ll be able to be doing work over there and if it’ll still spawn I guess I could turn my simulation distance up a little bit but I’d prefer not to do that for the

Sake of my computer get rid of all the temporary blocks and then we’re good so it’s official we have our first farm and it’s producing iron at a very nice rate I am happy with that sorry buddy basically just you know Goods to me now

I just keep watching it now I’m kind of just fixating on it because I really like seeing the Golem spawn in and then fall uh into the cheese there he goes yeah I love this I don’t know what that says about me but we’re not gonna worry

About that right now all right mission accomplished we can check that one off and I think that kind of means we’re gonna have to move on to the creeper Farm next I just don’t know if I’m ready just yet actually one thing we forgot to

Do we we need to clear these guys out uh yeah there’s too many I did however use my lava at the farm so I need to go get some more not that I’m gonna use it on them I’m just going to see my lawyer so that we can evict them legally and

Without violence yeah the lava is just for a science experiment oh no I’m so sorry uh Butterfingers I I really am sorry about that this is an unfortunate situation I don’t know how this happened and that’s more unfortunate oh come back here hot day huh fellas

Oh boy yeah what are you looking at ah beautiful morning so when I was watching those big dudes over here just kind of walk around on fire a thought occurred to me now that this is done and it’s kind of just a long line of new villager stalls new and

Improved villager stalls this looks a bit weird to me that it just kind of stops here so I what I was thinking is we could probably continue the top of that all the way across and add some more subtle support beams I I don’t want this full wall going the whole way

Because then the only way to get to the Stalls would be through my house and I don’t have to go all the way around just to get to these guys so real quick before we do anything else I’m going to add a bit to this and then see how it

Looks oh good news is that still works I was pretty far away and it was still working I’ve seen some people use a mod where when you take out the bottom of a tree the whole thing just kind of explodes what are your thoughts on that

Is that cheating I mean it kind of just speeds things up because you don’t have to go through and Destroy Everything manually but it kind of seems like the easy way out so I’m really curious on your thoughts on that if I were to use that would that be considered cheating

Or you know is that legit all right I collected some dark oak so we can get to work on this now oh thought it would take more it already kinda adds a nice effect over here I like the Shadows that it’s casting no there we go perfect hmm

Like that does that look weird is that nice I can’t tell or that uh I think that I think that’s the way to go yeah I like it I’m uh I’m a fan of this I think it adds a lot to the uh the area

The only thing that I don’t like is now you can’t really see the uh campfires unless you’re up close but I’m okay with that I think it’s all right all right so that took a little bit of time let’s see how the iron Farmer’s doing and uh you

Know how much it’s producing hey fellas having a fun time being terrified oh wow that is not bad at all nearly two stacks and just you know maybe 10 15 minutes I am a fan oh hello yep that does not get old so I do want to take a look at this at

Night and see how it uh it looks then especially because of the lanterns I think it’s going to look great but the other thing that I’m thinking now that we’re out here is I I do have a thought I have an idea of what I want to do with

This area and it kind of works in the uh the Villager breeder that I’m planning on building but to start that and to plan it out I do think we need to get rid of this and move any villagers that are left in there so I’m thinking what

We do is we just maybe get them in boats and put them off to the side somewhere and then we can go and grab them when we actually need them so that is going to be my next task and there’s only two so I don’t I don’t think this will be bad

Right don’t look at him stop whispering to him yeah that’s what I thought now where to keep these guys what do you think I don’t know I mean I could just leave them right here by the Farms it’s lit up what’s the worst that could happen all

Right time to go join your friend there we go see look how happy they are surely I won’t forget them here for like 50 days what are the chances of that happening and now we just have to clear this area out I’m really glad that I’m getting rid of this finally this has

Been an eyesore there we go easy as that I would clear this out and clean that up a bit but I’m actually planning on covering this area up so that it matches that level of the ground plus I think it’ll be neat it’s like something we’re leaving for future archaeologists to

Find and this is where villager nerds used to do the farming and breed what is going to be a problem is when I get to the uh the mine because what am I gonna do raise it up here and then I would have to raise ah raise the roof I would

Have to change the structure a bit raise it up a bit because if I raise the ground level here I’m probably going to end up bonking my forehead against that every time I go in but let’s just start and see where we end up wow you scared me you’re just gonna

Spawn right next to me I’m gonna be perfectly honest with you I am kind of sick of you know getting free leads it’s not even worth it to me you just wander around a little bit and maybe if you annoy me enough I’ll uh I’ll come visit you again

Or if you keep doing that walking in front of me when I’m trying to work that’s uh that’s a good way to get taken out as well it doesn’t look great but I think it’ll work I’m at least gonna be able to get down pretty easily I may

Change that someday but it is not this day what oh those yeah no I I purchased those legally uh oh oh that is unfortunate you want to take a swim Bud okay so I say that we actually finish this up I don’t like how it you guys mind

Now you decide to work yeah when I’m trying to talk anyway yeah I don’t like how it’s up at one level there and then it kind of just drifts down and gets a little bit janky here so I think that’s what we’re gonna do today is finish this

Up make it probably up until right about where the nether portal is and just make it consistent so that we’ve got that clear area to finish up some of the builds that I have in mind so let’s get to it would you stop at I have never

Seen this before a broken music disc I did not though but that was a thing interesting this thing is working like crazy now it it has really never worked that well and now I don’t know is it because I cleaned some of this stuff up but it’s just non-stop all right

Whatever let’s get to it hello do you mind oh thanks I didn’t think that would work okay now you’re pushing your luck buddy oh that was a close one we’ll call it three strikes see how he does I may actually run out of dirt now that is pretty cool look at that scared

Villagers in the sunlight wouldn’t it be nice if this was real like you could just start running you could find a place like this have this as your view from your backyard and just you know build up your own little Society you’re kind of the owner of everything uh but

No we get to do it in the virtual world oh no no I am out of dirt you know what that means I call upon your power Scooby-Doo if you don’t remember that was the shovel from the first hundred days Scooby-Doo the shovel collecting dirt is so difficult like

This takes a long time to mine every block or dig every block whatever you want to say I wish it would let you destroy these blocks a little bit faster like this just you know this doesn’t keep up with my fast-paced lifestyle Scooby-Doo is taking a beating though

I’m gonna have to mend this up afterwards here we go all inventory of dirt and a little bit in the shulker box so I think we’ll be good for a bit now at least oh farmer heal my shovel please here I need you come on there we go all

Right we’ll do some more tomorrow I’d always use more lanterns and I don’t exactly need to keep the emeralds no more if you have lanterns there you are this is personally my favorite way to mend up tools and armor is just doing a bunch of Trades to get the experience

Unless we made an Enderman farm that is a thought that I have I think I do want to make an Enderman farm and get all those delicious XP orbs getting close to completing this I’m kind of getting sick of terraforming I was like why is it getting dark and yeah that’s because the

Sun is uh being blocked by my mob grinder so that’s fun we’re so close to finishing this terraforming but I think I need a quick uh a quick break yeah yeah I bet you thought I was gonna let him get away huh much better so bit of an issue

What do we do with our boat plubs hmm there you go problem solved like uh sweeping Cheetos under the rug or something all right what do you think are you proud of me I’m proud of me now I can officially say we have a nice consistent flat area

Which is great I think the plan from here is to start working on what’s going to go in the center of all of this big area which is going to be essentially a circle at least that’s my plan I’m terrible at making circles I’ll have to

Figure that out and it’s going to be you know basically a central area where we can start working on the house for the Villager breeder and also potentially a water elevator I have some future plans with that but we’ll see if that works but first we gotta just start working on

That Central Area to kind of plan it all out you alive in there boys I’m trying to count out the uh the space I think I’ll need so I can try to plan out this circle for whatever reason I think it’s a lot more distance this way than it is

That way which seems counter-intuitive to me I thought it was the opposite before we end the day I am curious how much how much iron we’ve been generating over here that is not too shabby I like it haven’t tried to do this yet landing on the mob grinder oh that was smooth okay

So those three dots that’s 25 blocks from here to there and 25 blocks from here to there so that’s what I’m thinking a circle that surrounds about a 25 block uh radius yeah radius around this point I am shocked that I got that right the first try let’s have a look

And see if it’s uh see if it’s right not too shabby I think that will work out just fine like it like it a little creeper a little creeper too creeper three four five wow and six it’s a creeper day all right it’s that time we’re Gathering some materials to get

Started on that little let’s call it the Courtyard area that circular Courtyard okay I’m not exactly sure this is going to be me experimenting a little bit but I’d like it to sort of recess or go down a level or two as you get into the circle which I realize that’s very uh

Kind of counter-intuitive considering I literally just finished terraforming a ton of this and now I’m just going to be taking it back out but that’s just the way my brain works I mean plus we’re gonna get a ton of our dirt back so that’s something I think I want to use

Slabs probably gonna save me some materials long term see where that gets us just testing a small portion here because I don’t want to start doing the whole thing and then realize I don’t like it so let’s see what we can do with this small benefit too with the slabs we

May not need to light it up as much because the way I’m placing them down I believe that mobs cannot spawn on it so small bonus hey we Unearthed that spot the uh archaeological dig spot with the Villager nerds I didn’t think I’d be the one finding it you know almost

Immediately after it was covered up you Garden my box for me appreciate it we were having good luck for a while but of course it couldn’t last forever Rain’s Gonna happen it’s all right oh boy sprung a leak yeah you see what I’m thinking you picking up what I’m putting

Down thinking it comes down three levels and I I just don’t know how it’s gonna work when we start taking turns on the circle but I think I want to try this the only thing I’m not sure about is if this middle layer should be deep slate

Instead of stone but honestly I think that would just look weird almost like a big Target from the air so I’d rather do it this way and then maybe add some decorations after the fact all right I want to look at this from a higher vantage point it seemed to go really

Smoothly and that means I probably messed something up so I’m going to be shocked if I got this right oh no I missed oh I could even do it for my higher Vantage Point up here I mean I I think that’s right I think it’s looking

All right so we do that all the way around and then we’ve got a big area in the center uh that we can decorate and I might do a little bit more on the edges as well obviously there’s going to be more changes but I just want to at least

Get this design all the way around so that can be you know kind of the base what we have to to work with you probably notice a glaring problem just like I do and that’s that the mine is right in the middle of this thing so

Either that’s going to move or I’m going to make it part of the design I am not sure which one yet but we are going to figure that out as we go oh much dirt in case you’re wondering yes I do feel very silly that we just spent lots of

Days terraforming and placing dirt down and now we’re spending lots of days just digging it right back up feels kind of pointless doesn’t it you love it oh making progress all right we made good progress I’m gonna call it a night but tomorrow I think we better play it safe and heal up

Scooby-Doo before we go and do the other half of this all right time to go visit the trade monkeys hey friend got some experience orbs for me thank you I haven’t seen my stick boys in a while but I did bring some goodies for you there we go yeah that doesn’t go nearly

As far as the uh the produce does that’s kind of why I never visit them feel free to uh refresh those trades anytime you want my guy thank you don’t you worry Scooby-Doo I wouldn’t let you break okay that was a chore that was about three

Days of uh of digging dirt but we got there in the end plus if we need to do any more terraforming now we’re not gonna have to collect anything I think we’ve got ample uh supplies if we need it okay so now we just need to uh carry

On this pattern all the way around but actually we’re a decent amount of the way there maybe I don’t know 40 35 shouldn’t be too bad now I am worried about running out of stone however oh you’re doing some work last night big guy good job all right are you guys ready

I’m impressed with myself I think that turned out pretty good oh and oh no never mind I thought I messed up that’s just Stone under under the ground uh it’s obviously not done yet but this is the sort of General shape and it’s all done now at least for the the foundation

So we’re gonna work on some stuff in the center we’re gonna make basically a kind of an entrance to each area so we’ve got the Villager stalls over there my Bard on this side not even kind of planned out it just worked out really well that

Way over here is where we’re gonna end up building the Villager breeder and then this way leads to the nether portal which is a bit off which kind of bothers me I I may just remake it but we’ll see how that goes anyway uh yeah I’m happy

With how it turned out and we’re gonna we’re gonna keep working on it hooray nice I did a lot of Scooby-Doo healing so I should probably actually Harvest what I can over here what happened here I’m pretty sure I had a an actual pumpkin stock there I didn’t think it

Could do that I’ll take care of that in a second I needs me my beetroot just don’t be alarmed when you sit down on the toilet beetroot is not blood handy tips from Legion V and seeing as we’re here you made out XP look who decided to come into my house I

Don’t think I have any fish do I I do not I mean you’re kind of already here I don’t know that I need fish I shall name you Maximus okay so I’m pretty happy about the progress that we’ve made here with the uh the courtyard obviously we’re not done yet

There’s going to be a lot of work done to the center of this I’m going to build out some uh some entrances and you know some additional details in here but I’m gonna take a bit of a break because I’ve been at this for a while and a part of

That is going to be gathering some materials I think I want to use for the remainder of this and one of those is glowstone so you know what that means honestly this doesn’t worry me as much anymore because we’ve got the full Enchanted gear you know both the armor

And the weapons and I do have an elytra so that should be pretty good to get me out in a pinch if I need to but enough of that let’s uh let’s go on the hunt for some glowstone really seeing as we’re here well hello it’s a healthy collection actually wow

There’s a ton up here where to start I think I’m gonna go for the biggest one I see here not that size Matters the unfortunate part of this trip is that I might come back and find that I am blind I think it’s the shaders these seem a lot brighter than usual

It’s not bad at all 51 from that one thing we just got honestly I think I lost a couple with that one tried to build this out a little bit so that they wouldn’t fall down but yeah I don’t think I care enough to go

Down there for one all right I did a bit of collecting nearly two stacks and a couple mistakes I used the wrong pickaxe but I think we’ll be good with that as a start but you know what else might be nice since we’re here actually two things oh hello you kind of interrupted

What I was about to say and that’s not really gonna do much for you unfortunately only one of you huh what happened to your friends Big Shot thinks you could take me on solo anyway what I was saying I think I want some of this is it salt right I think that’s what

This is yep Basalt I honestly don’t know if I’d ever use this but I kind of just want a little bit of each block just in case I do think it would you know add to one of my designs or something like that oh that was a close one ow

I’m really glad that this does almost nothing to me now almost nothing but it’s not nothing I am clumsy actually quartz too I really didn’t spend a lot of time in the first 100 days collecting uh any resources from the nether so while I’m here I’m just

Gonna load up so just in this spot I was able to get some glowstone a little bit of magma blocks Basalt Blackstone and nether quartz a couple other random things but there is one other thing that I had in mind that I think would be nice

So this is leading us back to the nether portraits down there but I did see this guy I don’t know if he’s gonna let me pass None Shall Pass yeah I didn’t think so oh one shot anyway yeah we’re heading back I do think I want to collect some

Nether brick I think that would be a cool thing to have on hand just in case I want to use it to build so I mean we may as well just kind of clear some of this out or maybe go down first and then we can clear some down uh down here it

Might be a better idea I’m sure they’re not gonna need any of this stuff who’s they who am I talking about the wither skeletons or Ghasts who actually like owns this place hello I’m not gonna touch you I’m not ready to get swarmed right now I am hearing Blaze spawn and I

Think it’s right above me so we’re gonna have a uh a fun time with that when we go up okay that is super loud I have to see what’s going on up there hello I don’t even see any well there you are oh boy okay oh and on both sides this is fun

Okay tactical Retreat that’s a lot yeah not so spicy now huh okay I guess you are spawning in faster than I could take them out ow and just for good measure give me a break I’m not even over by your spawner anymore I think we’re done

We had a productive trip we are heading home and now we get to take the broken nether portal back not broken like it’s broken here but you’ll see comes out in the wrong spot this is not my base as you can clearly tell I don’t know if I’ve mentioned that in

This 100 days yet but in case you haven’t seen the last video yeah I don’t know what’s going on here I built another portal at my base and then it comes back and opens up into some random underground uh Cavern so I had to build

A Stairway all the way back up to the top let me know in the comments if you know any way to fix that I’d love to be able to just leave the Nether and come right back to my base without having to do this and when we emerge we are in the middle

Of the ocean on a rainy day apparently so that’s lovely but as you can see at least we’re not too far away from the base well hello I like how from this angle you can tell that it’s uh kind of cheating with the the land here it’s just a fake

Ooh dolphin I haven’t seen any of you yet and I got the Boost nice into drop off and sort all of the goods we got from the nether this was a mess I’m trying to do some work to make my nether chest a bit more uh logical I

Guess you could say there we go doesn’t that look much nicer just uh you know easier on the eyes and easier to find things so you know how we just left the nether we’re actually heading right back in there for a little bit I forgot that I

Need some soul soil or Soul campfires excuse me wow interrupting a guy’s monologue that’s low not to mention spawn camping anyway when we get to the point of building our creeper Farm I’m going to need to make some soul campfires and I don’t have any Soul soil so we’re gonna

Grab some of that and if we can we’ll grab some more Soul Sand as well just in case uh you never know we’re probably gonna need it at some point I actually don’t know where to find any of this stuff though we’re just gonna go looking

Around one would think it would just be exposed somewhere to you know easy to see place somewhere heading back by the nether fortress because this is kind of a wide open area I think this might be our best shot to find something since we’re here I mean as well oh we found

Another Blaze spawner that’s fun there’s the original one back there and there’s one just kind of buried underground which is a bit strange but you know whatever we’ve done a pretty good job of avoiding gas so far but I do hear one and I’m not sure where that’s coming

From this place is massive this is nuts though gassed where are you oh I see you all right I guess he does not want to play right now okay I think I see some down there is that Soul Sand or Soul soil I I don’t know I think I’m gonna

Have to head down there though yeah I kinda hate to do this I was digging down a bit and this is the next you know kind of logical step I have to get down there and then build my way back up but I I’m kind of just guessing I’m gonna jump

Into a bad situation but you know nothing else we can do what okay you know that could have been worse there’s nothing really around I’m still waiting for something to jump out at me but we’ll see still hear that ghast by the way hey buddy oh there are

Two oh man I’m terrible at this whoo no you can have it I don’t want it I don’t want it no not interested thank you oh thank you come on I just want the achievement at least get closer okay let’s heal up we’re gonna try again hit

It with a golden carrot maybe that’ll work better come on oh he’s not he’s been shooting anymore okay so I guess the game is over or let’s not forget why we’re here and we’re not here for courts but I mean it’s here so all right my favorite thing

Gathering resources right next to Lava yeah this is Soul Sand and that’s great but I do need Soul soil should probably try to remember where I came from too because I’m not gonna be able to find my way back we’re gonna look somewhere else I was not having any luck down there

Okay we’re gonna try this again huh great I have 16 Rockets I’m kind of worried about trying out the elytra route but it might be the best way to go all right I’m gonna take a risk I’m gonna try it anything this I think that’s it

Yeah okay so there was some just not close excuse me was that oh hey man I’m just trying to collect some soul soil and hello to you too anything for me I didn’t really want that but okay let’s get a lot of this just in case

Stack or two ought to do the trick okay I think we are more than good and I believe we came from that way at least I really hope we did uh we’re about to find out I am kind of wishing that I wrote down coordinates this was maybe not my like brightest decision

Okay this looks familiar I think that’s where we were fighting the guest yep torch okay we’re safe everything was looking really the same over there and I was uh pretty sure that I just got myself lost okay we are good and now this time we’re really heading

Back we’re surely not gonna have to come back a third time actually uh put back on the Move plate safety first okay so now we’re back for real and now I need to do a little bit more prep work for the creeper Farm there’s a couple more

Things that I need to collect and I don’t actually need to go to the nether for those in the past I’ve tried a creeper farm that like was up on various levels and it would have these dispensers that used water with redstone to push them out in at intervals and it

Just didn’t seem to work the right way for me so this time I’m gonna try something a little bit different and it is a new build to me I’ve never tried it before but we’re gonna see how it goes and hopefully we get lots of gunpowder

Now one thing that I am going to need that I do not currently have is snow blocks so that means today we are going on an adventure oh hello they wanted to give me extra rockets off we go so we need to find a snow biome

Somewhere nearby is that one right by my base it’s not a biome but I mean that’s snow right yeah this is like this is pretty close this did not take long like my base is like right there all right easy enough whoa forgot about that you can like

Freeze apparently feels like me over the winter shoveling off my driveway strains how I don’t enjoy that in real life but in Minecraft it’s fine you know I really thought we were gonna have to go like thousands of blocks to find a uh a snow biome but yeah I’m not kidding this like

So it’s maybe two rockets to get here from my base am I going crazy what what is this here because this I cannot mine but this I can is that like act ice or something it’s got to be something different than snow I mean I’m falling

Into it that’s very strange let me know in the comments what is this what am I digging that I can’t pick up okay we got what we need I kind of do want to just keep exploring I was expecting to be out a lot longer than this and I don’t want

To just head directly back to my base so let’s take a look around see if there’s anything interesting near uh nearby that we can come back to later wow look at this I’m thinking this would have probably been a better place to build uh my actual permanent base because it’s

Easy access to a cavern lots of flat area that we could you know terraform a little bit and then build out more but man look at this look at how much space there is it’s right next to water as well I really didn’t have that much

Further to go before I could have used this spot but it’s a little bit late at this point to be changing where I want my permanent base so I mean we could always come back here and build something on it there’s no rule against that whoa nope it’s like empty Mountain

Oh that was a bad idea shouldn’t have done that do want to look in there though I can’t see anything I don’t know how far down that actually goes I’m not really determined to figure that out right now but low I am like in this area I think

It’s very cool we might come back here and do a build here you know actually you know what I’m thinking remember how I said this is a nice big flat open area and that was pretty cool if we have time for it this 100 days I did I did want to

Build a raid farm and I think this like a big flat open area where I could see everybody coming for me this would be a pretty good spot for it and yes I’m sorry sheep if I end up doing that because you know you’re gonna have some

Noisy neighbors no way and it’s actually right by a village that would be perfect I think we found where we’re going to build the raid farm this is yeah this is just perfect all the wide open area right next to a village hey friends no I’m not planning on bringing an army of

Addies over by you guys don’t worry these villagers are very lucky that I’ve pretty much got all that I need at the moment because I am well within my rights to requisition what I could possibly need for the Republic not today look at that view beautiful I think we are close to home

We gotta get back I don’t want to be out here at night our she blows oh hello got some visitors am I interrupting or something it’s like The Good The Bad and The bony yeah that’s kind of proving why I do need a uh a creeper Farm I used about

You know 34 fireworks on that trip I also need to make it spooky for Halloween for uh or something I need for the farm yeah I was just thinking ahead actually in the last 100 days I would I knew I would need pumpkins and that’s

Kind of why I just set this up like this the part I don’t love about pretty much every creeper Farm is that you need a butt load of trap doors so I’m gonna need to do some uh deforestation real quick I actually might go back to Spruce

This is you know it doesn’t take forever with dark oak but it’s definitely taking longer and I also have to you know wait for more of these um saplings to drop I’ve already got a ton of spruce saplings so I might just switch back over to that for the time

Being I’ve already got you know a decent amount of dark oak logs all right well the rest of that drops let’s go grab the spruce saplings why did I plant these I just said I was going to do spruce instead I need to go grab some powdered

Red Bull I don’t feel like standing around all day alrighty there we are let’s see how many of the trapdoors that makes from uh one trip so one trip was about two and a half stacks of spruce a little over 11 stacks of planks that gave me like

Two stacks a little over two stacks I need closer to about 14 Stacks so this is going to be or wait so a little over three stacks but still I mean that’s going to be a decent amount of trips okay so we’re gonna have to go back and

Forth quite a few times to get enough trap doors uh like I said about 13 and a half stacks whoa look at you that is a monster tree wow seriously look at that that is enormous I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tree grow that tall that’s crazy look at the level

The previous ones were at and I’ll look at this one that is awesome all right up we go that one tree was a stack and 40. that is pretty good okay I spent pretty much all day just chopping down trees luckily didn’t really put a dent in

Choppy boy but yeah there were a lot of trees so let’s see what this gets us in the way of trap doors okay uh we don’t have to go back and chop down more trees I got my 13 and a half or so and actually three stacks of spruce left

Over so bonus all right so the last thing that we’re gonna need before we’re ready to start building the creeper Farm is just a ton of building blocks like probably 32 Stacks or so into the mines I’m gonna go with Cobble deep slate for the building blocks just because it’s

Going to help me clear out this area a little bit more but curious what it’ll look like with sort of a side by side or a snap cut to when I’m done with this so I’ll mine out about 32 stacks and then I’ll check back in with you when uh when

I’m finished okay I’ve been at this for a while as you can see got a little bit there I think I made a bit of a dent in the room it honestly doesn’t look much different to me yeah as I said I’m only about halfway there a little bit over

Halfway there so I’m gonna just keep working on it and continue to slowly lose my mind okay so I ended up getting what I need and then some just a little bit granted some of it is tough and I don’t mean tough like you know oh my

Gerbil died oh yeah that’s tough I mean tough like this tough anyway yeah we cleared out a good amount of the room so this is opened up I actually don’t know maybe we’ll do something with this area down here eventually uh at some point but for now we are going to take our

Deep slate and head back up and you know I can’t just use basic Cobble deep slate we have to make this a little bit prettier if it’s something we’re going to be looking at every day here we go 32 Stacks ready for building okay so I think we have all the

Materials that we’re going to need to build the creeper Farm before we can actually get back to the courtyard and finish that up but same dilemma that we had with the iron farm I don’t actually know where I want to build this thing and it is actually pretty large the way

It’s going to be built out so thinking you know right here would be a spot for it but I don’t actually think this is going to be big enough that and I also don’t know what the uh the creep response would look like here I know you

Know at night for example a lot of things like to spawn up there there’s probably a lot of uh caves beneath me that I haven’t lit up yet so that’s going to affect the rates as well and we do have this ocean right here and if you

Kind of row out there there’s no land in any direction and there’s a lot of water that’s gonna cut down on the spawn rate for mobs so my current best idea is to actually build it out in the middle of the ocean somewhere and now that we have

The elytra we don’t actually even need to build a bridge or anything like that we just can fly over there anytime we need to grab some Gunpowder which you know it makes sense we use the elytra with fireworks to go and grab gum powder and then we use the gunpowder to make

More fireworks to fly with the elytra uh what a perfect world let’s take a look I’m pretty sure if I fly out just a little bit there’s not going to be anything in sight oh little Islands so yeah once we passed that Island if we look out there’s nothing we could build

It right in the middle of all of this this is perfect right here I mean obviously we’re probably gonna have some drowned in here every once in a while but I’m not too concerned with that did I just make a really bad decision I don’t think I can get back up

In the air all right wonderful so we get to swim back home hooray yes sweet land okay now we can fly the rest of the way okay so that’s the plan Sun’s going down we’re gonna get back to our base grab all of our materials and then go to bed

So we could start the creeper Farm tomorrow I flew out to the spot I had chosen to begin working on my creeper Farm but on the way I thought about the island that was kind of nearby What If Mob spawned here and brought down my rate of Creeper spawns well I couldn’t

Have that so I decided to increase my ocean real estate by clearing out this island I had thought that I’d be safe from all the Fanboys out here on a deserted island but I was wrong as soon as I got to work a number one Super Fan

Popped into existence and asked for my autograph I politely declined and continued working now with additional solve because I wanted to leave this old boy stranded in the middle of the ocean with nothing to stand on with that done I proceeded to My Chosen spot built up some temporary blocks and

Set up a bed for my temporary rough in it Camp spot I’d be here for at least a few days while I worked on the farm I got started on this Farm in Earnest in the morning beginning at the bottom I set up a total of six double chests

Connected by Hoppers these were attached to a square of nine Hoppers where all of my mob drops would fall I then started laying out the initial let’s call it drop zone for the creepers these are the spaces where creepers will fall in when this is complete

In the center I laid out some slabs a bed and some fences to contain some creeper taunters otherwise known as snow golems and speaking of snow golems that’s kind of the secret sauce of this Farm I’ll need snow golems to instigate creepers into falling into the Drop Zone this

Replaces the need for water currents that would push creepers into the Drop Zone in typical Farms to that end I started spawning in Snow Golems using temporary blocks above the fences I had placed I made a total of 16 Snow Golems packed into a space the size of a

Typical New York apartment I gave them a gentle love tap so they would spread out and covered them with temporary blocks I also placed buttons all around their enclosure to ensure that no mobs could spawn directly next to them and ruin this whole setup I then proceeded to

Place trapdoors all around the Drop Zone to let the creepers know that this area was definitely safe to walk into and definitely not a trap leading to certain Doom once I had those in place it was time to set up the spawn Zone this is the area that creepers would be spawning

Into so it is the most expansive part of this build I think these kinds of shots are pretty satisfying so I’m going to stop talking so you can watch it all build out laughs Now that my spawn Zone floor was complete I began placing slabs all throughout ensuring that each slab had a space of two between the adjacent slat this should discourage mobs other than creepers from spawning in with the floor complete I started building up a wall around the perimeter of my spawn Zone I

Use dirt as temporary blocks so I wouldn’t have to place the corner bits into the walls doesn’t seem like much but over a build this size it actually saves a ton of blocks finally all my work felling trees was going to pay off I started placing the ridiculous amount of trapdoors I crafted

Previously aligning them with the two block High walls around my spawn Zone they need to be placed here because they bring down the height of the ceiling ever so slightly so things like zombies and skeletons can’t spawn but creepers can this is because creepers are shorter than other mobs something I can’t relate

To because I’m definitely six foot twenty I wanted to finish this today but the slabs kept throwing off my groove and it took a long time due to the fact that you have to crouch while placing trapdoors so it was slow going I went to sleep so I could finish

Tomorrow I wasn’t really interested in seeing if creepers would start spawning in here while I was still inside I wrapped up placing the trapdoors leaving the center area open and then moved on to the next step I needed to place Soul campfires on top of the

Hoppers in my Kill Zone this way when creepers fall in they’ll burn on the soul campfires and drop their gunpowder Into The Hoppers I then flew back to the top of the farm so I could place a few more fences around and above the snow golems to lock them into place in order

To place a fence above them I needed to push it into place with a piston I ran into trouble here when I placed the Piston wrong and it wasn’t facing down easy fix right wrong when I broke it it flew down into the Drop Zone and then

The Kill Zone as a brave legionary I dove right in after it without a thought for my own safety unsurprisingly this turned out to be a mistake I landed on this little campfires which do more damage than regular campfires and started to panic I broke the blocks

Beneath me and escaped into the ocean in about 10 seconds I had lost my piston and destroyed a part of this Farm I thought I was done with in any event I had to fly quickly back to base to get a new piston a New Soul campfire and

Band-Aids for my pride when I got back I placed the new piston successfully this time and pushed the fence into place then I replaced the fence gate Hopper and soul campfire I broke earlier in my Panic then I flew back up to the top looks like I’d have to finish this up

Tomorrow due to my tomfoolery the last step for the base level was to cover the whole shebang with deep slate blocks I got to work covering the whole thing and about halfway through I could hear the sweet sweet sounds of creepers getting pelted with snowballs this thing was already working slap’s roof this

Baby will burn multiple creepers by the second anyway with that done my last task was to build an AFK platform up in the sky to ensure no mobs could spawn in the brainy deep and use up my mob cap I began placing scaffolding and climbing

My way up while I’m working on that I did want to mention I’ll be putting links to all the Farms I’m using in this video in the description below if you’d like to use the same Farm in your world the videos I use are fantastic and easy

To follow back to the farm unfortunately for me it was now raining and nighttime so while I was building this AFK platform mobs were spawning like crazy on the roof of my farm turns out I forgot to light it up before I climbed up here and just look at this there was

A Caligula’s Villa on Saturday night number of mobs on my farm I glanced them during my jump down then noped out and flew back to my base I’d have to come back in the morning to light this up and do an AFK test to see how much delectable gunpowder this baby would nap

Me all right it’s our first day as proud owners of a creeper Farm are you as excited as I am to go check it out see how it’s working you do need to remember to light up the roof I don’t want a repeat of last night oh hey buddy you’re

Still alive look at that oh and my pile of stuff I left here when is that guy gonna despawn all right there she is beautiful let’s start by lighting up the top and then we’ll head up there and we’ll do our first AFK test

Don’t have to be even but I kind of want it to look nice there we go it should look pretty cool at night one thing too we should clear out whatever is in the chests down here so that when we go up there we have kind

Of a you know clean environment to check how much we actually get and I mean that’s not bad just from working on the farm we’ve already got a pretty good amount what is this okay so like a stack and a half just from when we were

Working on the farm so all the chests are cleared out we’re gonna go up to the uh the platform up above and honestly we’re probably gonna AFK all day I’m curious what a single Minecraft day will will get us in the way of gunpowder so let’s head up there I’m actually curious

If I can land on this thing too this might not go well oh oh that could have been worse so not the prettiest thing in the world I mean it could definitely be better maybe we fixed this up at some point but for our purposes it’s going to work just fine so

I’m gonna AFK I will get back with you uh after one day and then we’re gonna take a look down at the chests and see what we got All right so it’s been probably about 10 minutes I don’t know if you’d call that a Minecraft day or a Minecraft half day because it just turned night a minute ago also notice this we’re actually pretty close to that uh Guardian Temple so I don’t know if that’s gonna affect

The mob spawns at all but in any event I want to go down there and take a look see how much we got Legend gently oh wow it is so loud I could hear so many snowballs and creepers looks like it’s working all right so two stacks Half

Stack a little over a stack so if I were to all right so I mean after just you know the sun coming up to the sun going down we’ve got almost four Stacks I can’t really see that I’d need much more anyway and that’s pretty

Awesome I mean I’m not gonna have to try to get gunpowder for the rest of this world all right so awesome I would call that a win everybody enjoys a nice Moon lit fly hey friends oh wait Trader despawn or is he just invisible yeah he’s just invisible why did I land

In the water again that is so dumb so stupid I don’t want to get the freaking swim all the way back okay get him boy we need a fireworks chest okay so I think we are good on fireworks I don’t see myself needing much more anytime

Soon and if we do I can just head back to the farm so we are in good shape all right so I’m happy how the creeper Farm turned out I’m actually really happy with that but it’s day 159 and okay I was gonna say something out here

But then this guy just decided to show up where are my iron golems okay I guess this is up to me don’t worry I got it guys anyway it’s day 159 and this is still very basic we haven’t even started on the Villager house yet this needs a lot of detail and

I would still like to make a couple more Farms specifically a raid farmer I think that would be awesome but we have to get to work at uh you know adding some detail to the base first so why don’t we go out and collect some materials and

Get to work on that gotta clean up the shulky boys from our uh previous Adventures okay so as you could probably tell I don’t actually know exactly what I want to do or how I’m going to build this so I’m just getting a big range of

Different types of blocks so I can bring it out there and do some experimenting see what looks good okay so this is where the Villager house is going to be let’s start by building up the entrance a little bit and seeing what we can do with that

I’m trying a little variety is almost like a transition out of here something that I can do at each point I’m almost getting kind of like a compass feel which I I don’t mind I like it actually the one thing that I am thinking though just you know looking out into where

This is going to be going and the idea is that the Villager house will go here I’ve got you know I don’t know six blocks of leeway basically and I pretty much knew this was gonna happen but I’m gonna have to I’m gonna have to terraform some more

And I know we’ve been doing it a lot but it’s gonna be worth it in the end trust me I don’t necessarily want to continue on in this style though especially because there’s some Stone and it’s a little bit different over here I might try like a half circle and see how that

Goes so I actually really didn’t do a lot I don’t know that I’ll need much more than that so I’m gonna lay out the foundations of a house and we’ll see what we’re actually up against here I like the idea of kind of a circular house not perfect circle but maybe an

Oval with a bit of a back porch or whatever you might want to call it that’s overlooking the ocean so that’s kind of what I’m going into this with the idea of continuing the tradition of terraforming by placing dirt and then digging it right back up there is a benefit to

Building like this kind of going in with no plan whatsoever and just letting it come to you because I’m as I’m building this out I’m coming up with new ideas and thinking about how I want this to want this to look when it’s more complete so I I do enjoy this type of

Building not sure about this though this part right here I do want to do something with high contrast like a hot and cold ice and fire type of thing but that I’m not sure if it’s working so that might change yeah I think that’s better I talked myself out of the quartz

So it’s obviously going to be too level and I’m thinking where this slab Rises up this is going to extend out and that’s going to be almost like an Overlook for the ocean but the second level is going to be most okay weirdo it’s gonna be most of the space up here

So there might be a little bit of stuff on the first floor but second floor is going to be the big one and I think it’s going to be bottom heavy in the back here I really hope it’s not like distracting or annoying that I have the

Uh the attention span of a gerbil but I just keep thinking like you know I was just working on the house and now I remembered I started one of the entrances to the courtyard and never went to do any others so now I actually bounce back and start doing a couple of

These before I go back to the house so apologies if that’s a bit disconcerting I thought it might be nice as well to kind of make things a little bit Greener over here so I put some bamboo down I’m gonna actually let it grow before I

Decide if I’m Gonna Keep it or not because I want to see you know is it going to kind of overshadow the house or is it going to look nice I also got a a dark oak sapling group here because I want to see what kind of tree grows if

It’s ugly chop it down and try again but that might be nice you know make it look a little bit uh more like a garden area over here I really need to put some lights in this area because this is a what did I just hit something died and I

Didn’t even see it yeah this is like every morning I wake up to this so I really need to light this place up good shooting practice though these creepers didn’t hear I don’t need them anymore I have a farm I’m kind of guessing on how big I want this second floor to be

Because I do need a decent amount of space for villagers and I’m not sure if I want to use this for anything else in the future but I just don’t want it to be too small and have to make it bigger later on and before you say anything yes

I know this doesn’t make any sense the overhang right now I am going to add some supports to it later on I just want to finish up what I’ve got going on up here before I do that so yep I’m aware this defies the laws of physics bloop bloop

So pretty good reason to just carry a ton of different types of blocks when you’re doing a build like this because I again I had no plan and I’m really liking this just put together kind of a front window so that if you are standing on the second level and look out you’ll

Be able to still see some of the bass and I’m a big fan of that at first I didn’t like that the slabs were leaving spaces but I think this is going to work for the overall sort of end game here because I mean it’s not like anything

Can get in through those at least not that I’m aware of and I like how it spaces it out and gives it more of an open feel I didn’t like how the slabs were looking on the side so I’m actually going to replace these with planks

Um I’m gonna think of it that might have actually been a problem anyway because I remember in the last 100 days we ran into a problem with slabs stopping villagers from making babies so I think this is better a safe way to go anyway oh that was close I had just enough

Planks you know I didn’t really make this house for you but you’re welcome to appreciate all my hard work and yes thank you I do think it’s turning out very nice I need to light up my base did you see that guy dodged me yeah they just keep spawning this is uh

A lack of light problem I actually wonder if this is a use for the glowstone I just walk around and throw those in the ground all over the place so this stops happening you guys sick of that yet what it’s daytime what are you doing okay I guess the rules don’t apply anymore

This is probably so hard to follow I was just placing a couple things at the house now I’m going around adding details to each entrance I really can’t make up my mind on what I want to work on not looking bad though I I do uh

I need to make a roof I’m terrible at making roofs roofs roofs Rufus roofs I’m I don’t know what I don’t know how to say it so I actually think I’m gonna go nether brick I I’ve been meaning to use this stuff for a while and I don’t hate this

I’m pretty sure like a purist would look at this and be like oh it clashes and there’s way too much going on here but it’s kind of the beauty of Minecraft it’s just whatever pleases the eye to you it’s whatever you want to do whoa

What happened here I did not do that oh oh oh oh oh okay that was a little too close to home let me tell you why I keep talking about lighting up this area but I haven’t done it yet because obviously mobs continue to spawn in here and it could use that I

Don’t want to just go around and place a bunch of random torches because I know that the very next thing I do will be finish up the courtyard and that’s going to include a bunch of lighting anyway over there I kind of have no excuse I

Could light this up and I should and I will do that next but in here I mean I’m gonna I’m gonna just head right back in here and start I don’t even know terraforming uh putting on finishing touches adding lighting so that’s the reason this hasn’t been lit up yet but

The area over here no excuses left I will light this up just trying to do a sample of the roof to figure out what works and it’s raining so it’s really not helping me you know get a good look at what this will be when it’s nice

Outside it’s coming along for sure looks nice from the front but there is a lot left that I need to still need to complete yeah like this is all still just completely not touched yet yeah like these parts are what throw me off like I want to do multiple colors and

I’m you can see I’m doing okay with that I’m switching it up but the bottom I want to wrap around this layer I want to continue going straight up and this just I don’t know it doesn’t seem right to me I’m gonna have to play around with that

To make it look right I don’t know so close I think we can actually finish tomorrow okay oh boy that scared me and I okay good don’t have to go back see this is why you should light up your base creeper just snuck up on me like

Creepers do like they should and it’s scared me stiff yeah my heart is pounding right now I think I like this I think it works I yeah it’s like I have to pause and look at it the more I’m looking at it I I really do think I like this so I’m not

Gonna go and tear anything down which is very fortunate I have to remember too I’m building this house for villagers villager plebs mind you what more could they ask for look at this view look at how wonderful this house is there is no way that they can complain about this

Although I’m sure they’re going to oh I just forgot one thing obviously we still need to add one or two more things like I need beds in here and potentially job blocks depending on if I actually want them to have jobs but the door is wide open and I can’t

Just solve that by putting a door in obviously because villagers can open doors so I’m guessing we probably just go with fence gates since they can’t open those so let’s go grab a couple of those and there we go villagers can’t figure out the Enigma of

Fence gates so I think we’re safe now just need to grab some beds I’m liking how that looks from a distance I think that’s really cool all right so obviously we can add more of these we’ve got what six in here now with only two villagers so this will

Begin to repopulate the villagers once I feed them but it’s a good space we can always add more beds and this place could be you know lousy with them after a little bit if we we really wanted to go that route we were on day 169 and no

That’s not funny it doesn’t count it’s 169. doesn’t matter if you’re sick of it I enjoy it I was ready for you this time I knew what was coming oh he’s angry yeah I proclaimed the Villager house finished I don’t know about all of you but I

Think the emperor would be very proud of us this is a very nice home for the villagers more than they deserve really and I am pleased with how everything turned out it’s pretty busy there’s a lot of different blocks going on in here but I think it all works I set out with

A goal to create this house and give it sort of this back porch with a view and I did that and I used a lot of the blocks that I brought with me and I am happy now with that done there is one other thing um that’s looking pretty Grand right now

This to me still looks a you know pretty bland so before we actually go over and uh let our Cheetos out from under the rug I do want to add a bit more to this even if it’s just a bit more actually it’s probably going to be more than a

Bit but I do want to add more to this but what is more what do I want to do here it’s honestly really hard to think with this entrance to our mind here I’m really considering tearing this down and just I don’t know opening a temporary one somewhere else that leads to the

Same sort of area where we already dug down but I don’t know okay how about this let’s try to see if we can find a way to get back into the mine shaft we already have and if we can we will tear this down because we won’t need it

Anymore does that sound like a plan so what I’m gonna do is go down to the area that’s near the bottom and I’ll mark out the coordinates that way we know where we should be trying to find a way in from the top okay so as it turns out

We’re actually right above where that lowest point is where we spent all that time collecting deep slate this is the point above that big room where we were mining so we’d actually have to go through water if we wanted to get down to that I’m kind of at a loss then I

Don’t know how we want to handle this okay I have an idea and bear with me what if we were to clear this off and instead of using a direct kind of Stairway down we centered the mine somewhere in the middle of this area this Courtyard and just had some ladders

Or water elevators that went down to wherever we kind of intersected the stairway as it exists right now and that would be the start to our mind so we don’t really actually need anything on the surface we could have water elevators going down to the mine we

Could have water elevators going up if we wanted to build anything up there and this Courtyard sort of acts as the central point for all of that what do you think can we get away with that would that work for the design because I think that’s what I’m gonna do so with

That in mind let’s clear this out and then Center or find the center spot of this area so we know where to begin doing that feeling sad again we’ve had this structure here since I don’t know day 10 probably of the first video so you know some things last forever some

Things don’t I think I found the center point x marks the spot okay so I’m trying to think ahead so we don’t have to redo anything but here’s what I’m thinking each of these Corners could be a water elevator one going down to the mine and coming up from the mine one

Going up to whatever ends up being up there and one going down from there and then what might be really cool is building up this wall a little bit so that it has some water design since this is kind of going to be a water elevator

Courtyard so we might not get to that now but eventually that’s the thought so first I’ll need to dig down to the mine but I do need to heal up my tools just a little bit first much better I’m kind of nervous about this because what I’m

Planning to do is dig straight down all the way to Y like negative 59 that’s typically not a great idea I could easily land in a lava pool or fall into a cavern so I guess I just wear my armor I’ve got feather falling and protection

I got my water bucket we should be all right right should I dig up instead would that be safer if I found these spots at the bottom and then dug my way up it well for I don’t know for whatever reason that feels like it would be safer

To me let’s at least go find the spot then we’ll we’ll decide what to do okay so this actually kind of works out I just found the spots and if we were to go look this is the room we were digging in before to gather all that deep slate

And the spots that I just found are like right there kind of difficult to see but if I move down and put a lantern here for light these are the two spots where my potential water elevators would come down so that’s nice at least that it’s pretty close honestly I don’t want to

Dig all the way up because it’s more difficult and I’d have to play Place ladders that I would ultimately just be removing anyway uh this is difficult I I want to be safe but I think the best route is just gonna be digging straight down which is like rule number one in

Minecraft don’t do that but we’re I don’t know we’re just gonna do it yeah I’m about to start actually digging down for the water elevators but I did think of a compromise for safety so what I’m gonna do is begin to dig down and as we

Go I’ll actually give me see if this is gonna work you know put water down how much does this slow me down if I I mean that’s not terrible it’s not like we’ll be doing this forever but this way if we you know fall into a lava lake or a

Cavern it’s not going to be instant death we can at least save ourselves so this is my compromise we’re gonna do it this way and we’re gonna be safe but we can’t drone stay with me bubbles ah should actually bring doors with me so that when I get down there I can block

Off the water flow I also saw a stair was missing here I think when that creeper blew up it must have gotten rid of this one so fixed oh it does come out into a cave that fall would not have killed me obviously but

We can at least get a breath now and not have to go all the way back up to the top sorry you probably can’t see anything there we go oh and I actually see lava down there where we’re gonna dig so we might have saved ourselves oh yeah see

We would have fallen right down here potentially on top of that lava wait must have been here before it looks like I blocked that off or no that’s just from water never mind oh hello I mean we’re here so we may as well if you’re gonna just dangle it in

Front of my face like that that sounded gross sorry it was two ore but I got six diamonds out of it that’s not bad at all yeah so the only thing is when we finish this I’m actually gonna have to enclose all of this so that the water elevator

Will work so that’s a bit of extra work going through a cave but it’s not too bad a little bit safer now let’s keep going there we go that wasn’t bad at all that’s not what I wanted that or there we go so there you go kind of blocks off the water

Um keeps it from spilling out into the mine one thing I did notice though the way water elevators work we’ll have to clear out that block and replace it with something else this one I am not going to be able to clear out that is uh Bedrock so this whole thing might

Actually have to rise up one block so why don’t we prep for that all right uneventful and safe that’s the way I like it let’s go back up to the top and take care of the second one okay one down one to go and these are pretty

Close together so I really don’t see if we didn’t run into anything nuts over on this one I don’t see anything big happening here either but we are still going to play it safe need air must breathe oh this isn’t good this isn’t good oh no I just made it oh

Okay opened into a bit of an unfriendly area doesn’t matter how far I go my fans will find me whoops I didn’t miss you missed yep out of here yeah we’ll need to close this area off so that uh not assaulted by fans every time we use the water elevator nice pants bud

Syria uh make it a bit safer looks like we’ve been up there at some point I don’t remember where exactly that is but I don’t think we really need to go up there said I don’t think we need to go up there I think we’re good to keep working on it

All right look at that we are all done with that first step we have a sort of single block mine shaft leading from the surface all the way down to the mine and it’s blocked off by doors so we’re not flooding it down here the last step is

To actually get the blocks that we need for the bottom and we’re actually gonna have to do something to this entire shaft too to make all of these water source blocks instead of water just kind of flowing from the top down here blocks all right so the the magic of water

Elevators comes from Soul Sand and magma blocks so we’re gonna need one each of those and then to fix the water we’re going to be using kelp and some uh some some bone meal which is that actually give us 48 might actually need more of

That a little bit more not a whole lot honestly did I never replant my beet Roots at some point why didn’t you tell me I forgot to replant these when I was doing it unbelievable all right fixed your mistake let’s harvest the rest while we’re here so we can put some more

In the auto composter and get more bone meal okay so the first step is we need to turn every one of the blocks within this mine shaft into a water source currently the only source is at the very top so if I were to use my bucket and

Take that away the whole thing is going to be drained so one way to do that is I could take my water bucket and go to every block in here and just place the water to make every single one a source block I don’t know about you but I do

Not want to do that and luckily there is an easier way before that easier way we’re going to clear out the bottom block of each one of these and just place a temporary block we’re going to put dirt down we then will plant kelp at the bottom of

Each one now the reason for this is because any water block that kelp is occupying turns into a source block so for any of the water that’s through here that isn’t currently a source block as soon as it has kelp in it it’s going to turn into a source block so really all

We need to do is make sure that all the way from the bottom to the top yeah see that just turned into a source block anyway bottom of the top we need to fill the whole thing with kelp and I need to cover that hole and once again we could

Do this by just swimming up and placing kelp but for one I’m going to run out of kelp and two I don’t really want to do that so what we can do instead is just place a few and then bone meal the bottom of this uh bad boy and that

Should make it grow all the way to the top and I just spent yesterday kind of replanting those Farms to get more bone meal I didn’t even grab any of it so we’ll probably have to go back up to the top but that’s all right let’s uh start with this side

You should see that it’s growing looks like it is let’s see what we did with that oh you know what I just realized where it comes out in that cave I wonder if it’s still going to work oh it does okay no worries there’s one large piece of

Kelp and we’re nearly there so we need more bone meal and I’m gonna grab some glass so we can block off those areas of the cave probably still gonna need more bone meal we’ll figure it out actually start here by blocking off this cave area I think that did it yeah

Yeah go over to the other this one needs more work here we go we are done okay so let’s finish up this side and then we may not actually need more bone meal because we could just break this kelp and then use all of it to put it

Over on this side hopefully the 22 we have left is enough to get us to the surface oh it’s going to be close I’m not sure if 22 is enough but we’re about to find out oh look at that three left over we’re in good shape all right now

It’s just time to grab all of that and put it over in the other elevator this should be pretty satisfying mmm still breaking that’s awesome oh and collect it all this is going to be a lot easier when these are functional because right now I have to swim each time

I didn’t necessarily want to do it this way because oop I missed a bit that needs glass um didn’t want to do it the way of you know placing a bunch of uh kelp rather than using bone meal because I have a feeling we’re gonna have to keep coming

Back up for air a ton all right here we go maybe not this is going pretty quick no that wasn’t bad did it all in one all right so it’s time for the last part my favorite part and actually we still have to break this kelp so poop

I love that kind of slowly goes all the way up and breaks them all but anyway we’re gonna remove that temporary block of dirt and place down the sole sand and you’ll see that some bubbles are starting to pop in if I do the same thing on the other side with the magma

Block more bubbles but you’ll notice these are going down these bubbles are going up so if everything is working as it should and I did this correctly when I go into the side with Soul Sand where the bubbles are going up this is my elevator up to

The surface so it should just kind of project me up to the surface probably also gonna hit a bunch of kelp up here nice and the opposite should be true on the other side this is where the magma block is so this one should actually pull me down

Yep working like a dream that is awesome I love this setup so now we don’t have to go up and down the uh the stairs that we’ve used to get down here initially every time we need to come to the mine we can just use these elevators and obviously I need to

Kind of set up the entrance up above a little bit but these are functional and all set now remember when I was collecting that Basalt and you were all like oh Legion you’re never gonna use that don’t you feel foolish now and we can cover up the hole now

That the uh the inspector doesn’t come by and give me a hard time oh it’s not safe I know it’s not safe we’re gonna fix it it’s actually been a long time since we’ve looked at the base from a sort of a ivantage point so I want to

Head up there real quick and see how things are looking okay let’s see oh that’s looking it’s almost like a you know a real Minecrafter over here the last 100 days was a good start but we did a lot of work on villagers and that was most of it I’m really happy

With how things are turning out now we’ve got a nice Central Area a couple decent builds in here and plenty of items from the Farms that we’ve been setting up so this is looking really nice I was right too this is definitely giving me sort of a compass Vibe and I’m

Way into it I think that’s super cool and I didn’t really even plan it this way but everything is kind of on the Four Corners so we have the Villager house that we made connecting in nicely the market area connected to the house on the the north side if you want to say

That and then the barn I didn’t plan that it directly lined up with the entrance so it was perfect the only thing that doesn’t perfectly line up is the uh the nether entrance but I could always move that over a couple of blocks and that will be fine but next we have

To work on the center for where the water elevators are coming up I want to actually rise them up so I can walk right in rather than having to jump in and how to do that I think it would be the kind of thing where you run to the

Center and this is almost like a you know Starship teleporter you kind of choose where you’re going to go depending on if you’re going up or down so if these are the entrances You’re Gonna Want blocks on each side a little light actually may not have the water come up

All the way here because then I’d have to block off one of these sides and I don’t really want to do that I’d prefer to keep it all open I want to make these areas look a little bit nicer as well I think in something like this as a

Template couple trees and flowers and grass within a border and replicate that on all four sides but first let’s go see how that looks from up top yeah you see what I’m going for here just kind of four empty areas right now but if I put a little border some trees

And some flowers that type of thing I think it’s going to add a lot of detail and make this look nicer overall all right so now what we did in this corner I’m going to replicate in the other three boom here we go so obviously a few of the trees still

Need to grow I ran out of bone meal but at least the uh the grass and the flowers are here with all the borders I’m pretty happy with how this is turning out I do need two more elevators water elevators that is eventually here but I believe for the time being we’re

Good so let’s uh actually probably grab a bit more bone meal and finish up the trees and then I will go back up top and see how it looks from there speaking of up there let’s actually just go up and grab some bones rather than trying to make bone meal much easier

All right awesome I love it I think that’s great um I was worried the dark oak tree would kind of overshadow things but from this angle it really doesn’t look bad at all it’s really all coming together too I mean everything seems balanced it’s not all grouped in one place spread out this

Looks awesome as a centerpiece and off to the side we’ve got our item Farm which is still so amusing to watch iron farm that is so great the one part that does look a bit bare is this corner we might have to do something with that maybe something going out into the ocean

Or I’m not exactly sure but that’s a possibility that we’ll do something there but the one most important thing that’s clear definitely anybody left over in that Village is incredibly jealous of our base so I don’t know if you noticed this but there’s something that’s been bothering

Me over here at the end of our last 100 days I put up this spqr sign for the Roman Republic and I never got around to finishing the base where it’s sitting on the dirt so I was just looking at everything from up there and noticed

It again and I think it’s about time we we finish that up I promise you terraforming isn’t my favorite thing to do it just so happens it needs a lot of doing in the area that I picked for our base it’s hard work but somebody’s got to do it

Here we go easy enough yeah that really didn’t take long at all I think that’ll look better or even if it’s not that noticeable it’s just something that I know was there so I’m going to feel better now that I’m going to look at it yeah there we go see oh

It’s actually abiding by the laws of physics so happy with my nice Bass I’m so proud of me huh I was curious so I came to look uh I think we’re doing all right on iron in fact I probably am going to have to think of something to do with all this

Stuff maybe we make a bunch of mine cart rails and uh oh excuse me I was trying to talk yeah you done anyway yeah maybe we make a bunch of rails and we you know set something that brings us out to the creeper Farm or to the stronghold or

Maybe you know a raid Farm I don’t know whatever we end up making that might not be a bad idea just make some real Pathways that bring us there in case we don’t want to fly while I’m checking on farms I am curious I wonder if the

Creeper Farm runs like at all when I’m at my base I’m pretty sure the answer is no it’s just too far away but I do want to see just to be sure I want to check those chests and see what’s going on with that I can’t believe this Trader is still here

When is he going to despawn yeah I think when I’m not here this thing isn’t running like at all which is fine I mean it’s not like we need more gunpowder but would have been kind of cool if it ran maybe at like half capacity or a quarter while we weren’t

Around if you were to cast your memory back about 50 days you might remember me saying something about these Cheetos that I swept under the rug something around the lines of surely I won’t forget them there for 50 days I don’t think it’s been exactly 50 days yet so I

Was telling the truth and we are going to finally move them over to their new home the big question is how to do that how are we going to get these guys over there without them escaping hello checking for proof of life you in there

A QC you did fine I bet you had a grand old time in here how does it feel to see the Sun for the first time in weeks you know I’m actually not sure aside from just breaking the boat grabbing it and then placing it back down to catch him

On this level I think that’s gonna be the plan and you’re going to cooperate right yeah right okay let’s give this a go and gotcha sucker that’s one see look at this beautiful new home isn’t this just a little bit better than a hole in the ground

Now you see he’s looking at the ground he’s like I want to go back in the ground all right I’ll go get your brother you’re gonna be just as easy right oh of course you’re not you’re gonna go right into my crops come on nice and comfy in the boat

There we go just throwing across the grass it’s such a normal thing to do there we go so once it turns night I’m gonna I’ll have to break those actually because you won’t be able to pass them up I’ll let you both in and you can choose your very own bed yeah you

Probably haven’t slept in weeks so that’s gonna be one heck of a sleep I just did a bunch of uh organizing while I was waiting for the sun to go down and night time so I can get those guys in there but take a guess at what we’re going to be doing

Next this is what I ended up Gathering and putting together so after we get the villagers into their house I do have a new task and this is the hint we’re going to be using a lot of this stuff to complete our next build alright my other plebs are sleeping which means even

Though the sun isn’t fully down it is time to release oat plebs what do you want to bet they don’t just run into the house into a bed and they go do some crazy something or other over there oh one way to find out they’re learning now you can never leave

Trapped in here for eternity but very good you found your beds I got actually it’s not that surprising they haven’t slept in like 50 days so this doesn’t shock me you know what else I’m noticing they could have very easily slept in these two beds right next to

Each other but they’ve been stuck in a hole right next to each other for 50 days they really needed this space so again don’t blame you also look at this view very lucky probably worth the wait I’d say this is very nice okay last thing before we set out we have to feed

Our boat plebs although now they’re not boat clubs they’re house plebs all right are you ready to make it rain mmm I haven’t eaten 50 days eat up the farmers like take my Emerald please and look at this I got even more for you wait you wanna oh yeah you do trade

Carrots but no that’s not what these are for these are for you for free oh you can’t wait oh man I know you’ve been locked up for a while but still seriously I hear one but where is it oh no did they spawn one underneath the slabs I he oh okay there

You are why were you invisible a second ago okay doesn’t matter I’m not asking questions you two keep uh you know doing what you do fill up all those beds I’ll be back in a few days you know what kind of think of it I bet the babies can get

Through that I should block this off while I’m gone doesn’t look great but it gets the job done all right so for our next build I’ve been hinting at it and here’s another clue as you can see I am still using a shield and that’s great I’m very happy

With Stonewall Jackson he’s uh you know saved me multiple times over the last 100 150 175 however far we are nowadays but at this point I’d rather have a totem of undying in that hand rather than a shield and for that we need to do

A raid to get one so I’m gonna go back to that planes biome that we found if I can remember which way it was and start to build a raid Farm I do think in order to prove the glory of the Roman Republic I should probably try a raid without a

Raid Farm first do it the old-fashioned way and then we can use the raid Farm but in any event I’m gonna get started on that get rolling and then we can start to test that out off we go okay so there’s the Pillager Outpost really not too far from my base but this

Is not where the planes biome was I think it was actually over in this direction and it is right next to a village too but not the one we were looking at before I think this is the planes is the same one as before I don’t think it is this looks different

That’s pretty cool though oh here we go this looks more like it now I say we sat down I don’t know we probably don’t want to be too close to water or caves and there’s both a lot of them around here actually maybe we start clearing out some stuff

Here make it flat and see what it looks like the more I look at it now I’m not sure because I love this area I think it’s really cool if you look at it it is pretty hilly there’s a lot of water maybe we use this for something else

Like this could make an awesome like bee farm in the future but I don’t know now that I want to use it for a raid Farm oh like it’s so beautiful over here let’s go take another look closer to the Pillager Outpost and see if there’s a

Flat area near there okay so there’s The Outpost there was yeah there’s a village right here we could build it in the village actually that is an option or right behind the village this actually looks really good back here yeah I went to sleep and made it morning so again that’s where the

Outpost is here’s a village very close by and right behind the village is a smaller plains biome but a fairly flat area and you can see pretty far in all directions so I think this is actually the spot to do this let’s start clearing

Out a little bit to make this a bit more flat that is definitely a thunderstorm no thank you not interested what a beautiful morning that rainbow smell of Bones burning all right so I’ve spent pretty much all day yesterday terraforming and then there was a thunderstorm and I went to

Bed to bring it today of course we still have a few visitors left over oh looks like the Golem isn’t too happy about that there’s like a little show going on over here villager getting chased by little chicken Napoleon Golem isn’t happy about it or a little

Soap opera but anyway I did notice that there were bees over here and I don’t have plans to do anything yet with bees but it’s not gonna hurt if we grab a beehive right now because then we can always use it later but I think you have

To wait until they go back into the Beehive I don’t know if they wait for night to do that or if they go in at all during the day you’re gonna go in there little body why don’t we wait for night and come back maybe they’ll go in anyway

This is what I was working on big old flat area I think I’m gonna do a little bit over on this side and then we can start working on the farm I think this will be the last section that I do because I really don’t want this to be 100 days of terraforming

I hope the bees are in here it’s night time I think I’m kind of good on terraforming and I’m gonna take this so hopefully they’re in there bees nest nice all right all right let’s clear the riffraff out we want to be able to take a look at this beautiful area that I’ve

Prepped and we don’t want yeah hey talking to you don’t want riffraff let’s take a look you can see I cleared out this big swath of land here there’s always the ability to clear out more I think this is gonna do fine if I go up

Higher trying to get a good angle here all this area is going to be where the raid Farm is and it’s right next to the village and really not far from the Pillager Tower so that is a great setup because it means we don’t have to do a

Lot of running back and forth so I’m gonna get started on building this but first let me kind of explain what the plan is so the way we’re going to be building this Farm it’s essentially going to be a big old hole in the ground

It’s about 10 by 10 and 6 blocks deep and the idea here is that when you start a raid all of the various enemies that are going to be coming at you from whatever angle are going to fall into this hole and then end up being pushed

Into lava where there’s is a collection area with Hoppers whoever built the farm myself in this case is going to be able to sit down below and wait for all those drops to come in there is going to be a villager up at the top in order to

Essentially draw in all of those enemies that they’re going to run towards that Center Spot into the hole and there’s going to be a collection area down at the bottom so that we can gather all of the goods and drops that uh any of the pillagers or various enemies that are

Coming at us happen to drop oh man I had a whoopsie so you know how I prepared for this and I got all the materials that I would need I brought some Spruce fence gates and because I wasn’t paying attention I actually need warped or uh Crimson or basically

Another type of fence gate so that it won’t burn so I ran back and I made a few but the only amount that I had was enough for six I actually need more than that like double that 12 total so we made some progress on this Farm but we

Actually need to take a very very quick trip back to the nether to get some wood so that’s a lot of fun all right let’s do this I’ve got a lot I want to do before uh these 200 days are up all right putting back on the Move plate

Since we’re going to the nether all right so we’re gonna load up another wood grab a handful of popcorn shrimp and blow out of here luckily it’s very close to our portal I think this is going to be plenty I’m just kind of being safe at this point

Hey guys I don’t want any trouble now yep hail Caesar hail Caesar yeah I think they were citizens we’re good to go oh back up to the top we love broken nether portals whoops forgot I didn’t have my Electro on try again okay I made the fence gates and with

That distraction over we are off to continue building the farm all right fences are in place so now it’s time for the best part the melted cheese yeah look at that nice we also need to put water in each of the corners so I made a quick Infinite Source so we could just

Uh do that easily without having to jump up and down grabbing more water each time and boom there we go all right so we’re nearly done we’ve got the I guess we’ll call it the Kill Chamber here all the way done and there is an entrance down

To the bottom where the collection area is the last thing we need to do is get a villager that’s going to be kind of hovering right above all of this to entice all of the uh the pillagers and whatnot into the Kill Chamber this is gonna make a lovely home for such a

Lucky villager time to go over to the village and offer one of these plebs the opportunity of a lifetime hey buddy you want to be trapped for eternity I know I’m still taking that as a yes you want to move over here to this boat for Me Maybe I

Move your job block you’ll want to come over here with me oh yeah you got multiple job blocks huh you can take them all away nobody wants my job blocks your house looks a little half finished here guy I’ll take that too oh I think you’re going in the right

Direction are you the lucky one oh no no no no no uh come on come on yes you made a wise decision citizen see look how kind I am I’m gonna put the job blocks back where they belong because I am not a thief I am wondering

What’s going on here though a lot of these houses are kind of half built and destroyed a bit oh I wonder if during that thunderstorm it took out a couple houses oh am I interrupting they’re pushing me out what are you two doing in there weirdos doesn’t matter I got what I came

For let’s head back over to the farm this guy basically just won the lottery you get to live there for the rest of your life lucky dog I would normally wait till night so he’d go for the bed but I bet that job block is just enticing enough to get you up there

Come on come on maybe it’s not it’s up there it’s just for you I’ll make this harder than it has to be you’re gonna love it up there all right I mean I guess we can wait for night if that’s what you prefer no no no no no no no no no

That was a bad decision and I don’t know how to fix it you are an idiot oh I I don’t even know what to say about that I I hate villagers I hate them so much I cannot hey stupid yeah you weren’t supposed to be down here I don’t can you even climb

Ladders I don’t know go on at least get out I don’t want you in there oh man okay so are you just my new best friend down here now you’re just gonna be down here for eternity and now I have to go back and get a new one this

Is not how today was supposed to go all right we’re gonna try to get another one see if we can bring him over during the night oh I need a new volunteer where is everybody okay hey you’re my new friend my new lucky friend you’re gonna protect us iron golems in

Case any zombies come around no no no no no no no don’t ruin this for me you don’t ruin this for me this is not ideal trying to not get blown up and trying to make sure he doesn’t get eaten all because of that goober I’ve got down

In the Kill Chamber now or the collection chamber almost keep moving no are you kidding me are you kid the trap doors it’s a trapdoors that’s doing this and I hate you I hate you uh you know you say you’ve got an idiot proof stuff and they’re talking about villagers

When they say idiot that’s who they mean we have two best friends down here you’re both so dumb okay third time’s the charm right oh oh wow that was nearly the end right there this is what you’re all doing to me you villagers nearly making me lose my hardcore world

Come on it’s almost morning this is such a pain stop spawning oh finally it only took all night long oh man I need a massage or something so it’s in a mob farm you don’t need to be in there okay so I think the raid Farm is done but before I

Try it I do want to try a raid even if it’s just a level one raid without using the farm so I need to clean up my inventory and just make sure I’m all healed up and have the right amount of carrots and everything and I have a confession to make before I

Actually go and start a raid I have never done a raid before and I know that sounds crazy but it just never came up never tried it this will actually be the first raid that I go and try okay so in order to start a raid we need to come

Over to this Pillager Outpost and take out a standard Bearer which is very embarrassing by Roman standards if they lose one of their standard bearers I mean it’s basically like pantsing someone where is everybody there you are okay you’re not what I’m looking for but you’re gonna have to do for the first

Kill yeah what you got oh you’re what I’m looking for hey bud all right voluntary Exile that’s what we wanted now if we head back over to where the raid Farm is but just stop at the Village I think that’ll start a raid and

We can take it on got the bad omen I’m scared are we gonna be able to do this is it gonna work I’m sorry farmer we’re bringing some baddies your way okay where are they gonna come out you should actually probably get to high ground it’s over pillagers I have The

High Ground okay where are they oh I see some so here’s my strategy I’m gonna stand on a house and take out as many as I can before I have to jump down and do some damage oh no that citizen is in dire trouble in need of aid

All right I abandoned my idea to stay on the roof oh man this is going well they’re shooting each other hey bud all right is a level one raid just super easy is this it oh okay no there’s uh there’s more there’s more waves apparently that are gonna be coming I

Think this is my only dude over here why don’t you stay in there lock him in maybe he’ll be safe maybe you won’t I don’t know oh okay they got stuck over there looks like it’s shooting practice target practice shooting practice I don’t know so you’re all just gonna float in the

Water and let me take you out that’s how this is gonna work do I even need a raid Farm you guys are not smart oh coming from the other direction oh no it’s one of the big boys I do not want to fight you head on okay thank you yeah this really isn’t

That bad I was like working myself up getting all scared this isn’t terrible it’s not over yet but it’s really not bad I went from this way again gonna get stuck I cannot find him I hear somebody grunting but I don’t see him anywhere up there you are

I have a feeling this would have been harder if they spawned in better places because this is like a fish in a barrel situation well it keeps going though there’s more uh more waves than I thought there would be oh I got a totem of them dying didn’t even know I hit one

Of those guys what are they vindicators that dropped those I did not even see one and I picked one up oh that’s another one I think I just got one none can defeat Mighty Caesar oh that’s a lot of boys okay okay I’m starting to get scared now oh I am running away

Don’t like these things don’t like them whoa they do a lot of damage I take it back I take back what I said about this being easy oh man oh man I think I got the vexes is that what they’re called I hate this okay maybe

Easier to shoot them with arrows oh man look how many there are I do not like vexes I’ve come to that conclusion don’t know how to fight these things they backed off for a second but I don’t know what to do if I get close they’re just gonna

Come back look at all of them where are these spawning from one of those guys over there I think I see him are there two of them I think I got one I need them to stop spawning I don’t want to mess with you either no thank you was that the last one

Did I get him oh my gosh oh that was a level one raid wow I do not like that I am using the farm until we until we have netherrite or something I’m losing my mind I am running home yeah I gotta just go sort this stuff and

Like take a breather I that that was intense like I said that was my first raid so maybe that was normal but it did not feel normal to me that was very scary and now we have our very own chest for totems of undying and we can finally hold one looking good

So I was really shook by that experience actually we do need to go back and test the raid Farm but I need like a minute to to recover I think that took a few years off of my life and I don’t need to do it immediately now that we are back to the

Base so I have a couple things in mind before we do that one is I want to check on the villagers and two I realized now that we did some cleanup at the base and we have the hero of the village buff I was gonna trade with the stick boys over

There but we actually don’t have a bamboo farm so I was wondering if that would be a good use of space for this area over here that is currently bare so we may do that and then go back and test out the raid farm so to start off with

Let’s uh be a little creepy and look through the window okay uh one of them is stylish and the others aren’t but that’s all right you two have been doing good work if you could call it work and and we can have a total of six in

Here they’re at five so really I mean there’s one left okay nighty night time huh guess I was in that raid a little longer than I thought but okay I mean they really only have one more to go and then we’re gonna be fully stocked in

Here unless we wanted to add more beds so I think that’s all right also now that it’s night I’m realizing that this has really not lit up that much so let’s work on that a little bit okay feeling a bit better about that more lit up we

Might have to do a little bit around the perimeter but I’m thinking that looks okay maybe not I see a creeper there okay let’s temporarily do this I don’t think it’s a permanent solution but it’s something it’s a new day and the shock and fear of an army of pillagers

Something happened here anyway the shock and fear is wearing off and I’m ready to add the bamboo spot to my my base and I kind of want to do something cool with this okay I think I have an idea we’re going back to making circles

Um okay so I use a circle generator I thought that was going to be big enough it is not big enough I need to go bigger oh I love doing this okay I will grant you it’s not the most practical bamboo Farm in the world but I really like it

It has the Little Pond in the middle of it maybe a place where we can keep some fish if we caught any it has enough I mean there’s a lot here and honestly the part of my life where I’m just collecting sticks for emeralds is kind

Of over I have what I need I have plenty of emeralds so for my purposes I think this works and I bet it looks nice if we were to go up there and take a look at it and speaking of look at that I think it adds a nice

Touch I think that’s very lovely so now if we need it if we need to top up on sticks we’ve got that available and it adds a nice touch to the base I think it works very well for our purposes we should do a couple trades before that

Buff wears off and I could use more golden carrots so that’s probably where we’re gonna start I had a few in the chest but we may as well top off top off what’s that phrase there we go 28 emeralds from a couple trades that’s gonna give us plenty there we go

By the way I didn’t mention but I did end up making an emerald chest just because you know we’re we’re kind of Rich you know we’re definitely in the senatorial rank based on our wealth so I did want to make a chest that’s solely for emeralds you know the the regular

Loot chest just wasn’t doing it for me anymore so you know not to brag or anything but we kind of need a whole double chest just for emeralds we’re actually getting low on the produce that will typically trade so I’m gonna go through and clear everything out just to

Make sure there’s a stash available in there not to mention I want to make a little bit more bone meal because I do want to do a couple other things to the base just to add a bit of detail and we’re gonna need bone meal for that yes

I’m still using a pickaxe to get the Watermelons don’t hate me uh fully grown crops it’s so much different than early game when I’m just standing by the Farms waiting for them to grow now I forget for 20 days or so and I come back and everything is just fully grown I’m not

Forget getting to replant this time okay so I have a legitimate question what is the point of poisonous potatoes because I figure there’s got to be a point I get them every time I harvest I throw them in the chest I’ve got like 16 at this point is there something you can use

Those for because I I actually don’t know yeah let me know in the comments about those poisonous potatoes I’d love to you know for them to have a purpose but I yeah do not know kind of like an old Roman general you know went off to

Battle did a raid fought a bunch of pillagers and now all I want is to be home tilling a farm working the land a little peace and quiet now that’s what A Hard Day’s Work looks like all right it’s morning and we need to test the raid Farm if all goes well we

Should still have time to come back and use the bone meal after it’s done kind of processing over there on the couple things I had in mind and yes I’m scared of course of course I’m scared but I’m drawing strength from the Roman Republic and from you citizen wait what do you

Mean you’re scared too it’s the same drill as before we’re gonna go back to that Pillager Tower and uh take out one of the guys carrying a standard and again we’re only gonna do a level one just because this is a test in the future maybe we come back and we we try

A level three or a level five or something but for the time being I’m still kind of terrified my pants are still a little wet and I’m only doing a level one Wow Let’s see okay they really don’t have any loot I’m interested in way to go pillagers

Any day now oh there he is okay wow oh I am so scared you know what I just thought of something maybe I should have moved that one villager that was left in the actual Village before we did this but I don’t know maybe I just fly around

Give it a wide berth and hit the farm okay we’ll we’ll do what we can see if we can avoid triggering the raid at the actual Village okay so there’s the village The Raid Farm is behind it let’s go this way let’s try to go all the way

Around it it’ll take the long way around okay I think yep there it is I think we’re good it should be starting any second I hope this works by the way I didn’t you know test it I don’t know if it’s gonna work oh it did okay it’s

Starting so we just need to be ready to jump down the trap doors because ideally they’re all gonna attack this old boy that’s hiding up there fall in here into my hole I could take him up from there and the big old dog looking dudes are

Gonna get taken out by the lava so let’s see if it works here they come okay we’re going down I really hope this works oh it’s my favorite people in the whole entire world I’m so glad you’re here oh they’re already falling down and I don’t know if I explained this but the

Whole point down here is that there’s such a small Gap where you can see them that even if the uh the vindicators or whatever fall down here they shouldn’t be able to spawn Vex and that’s what really gave us a problem last time so we just take them out by hitting them

Through this small Gap and that’s how we finish the raid oh and by the way the Bell is because apparently it lets you see enemies through walls and the villagers are hitting it so they know somebody’s coming we’ll try that this round see if hitting the Bell lets us see them through walls

Oh it does look at that I’m looking up I can see everybody that’s pretty cool this is so cool I’m so glad this is working this is incredible we keep getting that one that hides in the corner and we have to try to get with the bow I know you’re so excited that

The raid Farm is working I am too so I grant you I wasn’t scared at the beginning of the last raid either and I’m not now but this seems easier oh that’s a lot it’s been a few waves and I haven’t gotten any totems yet I hope

That is still a possibility because I mean yeah this is great but I kind of think totems are the end game right oh I think I just saw one yes okay this could be a problem I think somebody’s stuck up there because nobody’s falling and I don’t see anyone

I think we’re gonna have to go up and that scares me but with Mighty pot shot we are invincible hello anybody left up here okay somebody must have gotten stuck somewhere because I don’t see anyone if I was a Pillager where would I hide oh you were stuck in the village

Okay you’re starting the next wave we gotta get back I do not want to be up here for the next wave of course they spawn by my entrance no oh no they spawned vexes all right we might have some trouble down here guys yep yep yep yep one of them is in here

Oh this is bad this is bad this is bad okay okay that was way too close I think the only one still left alive down there is the one spawning the vexes unfortunately I think our villager friends down there are probably done for but we survived and that’s what’s most

Important okay I was getting slaughtered down there and I don’t know the best course of action I guess go back down and try to take out the one doing the spawns okay let’s do this where are you going okay oh I think we did it I think we got him on

To the next wave let’s not let any of those spawn again because I think the problem was us going up there however okay we got one villager left he’s waiting up there I did not know they could climb ladders but that is good to know again supposed to stop you from spawning those

All right we’re not dealing with this I’m gonna sit here take out the Vex oh that didn’t work either we are in emergency territory we need to get out of here move it go for the Villager I wish there was a way to hit them from here because every time I go

Back down there I start getting decimated how are they able to continue spawning I thought that was the point is that they can’t okay we can do this okay this is not good this is not good come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on no

I hate this I hate this okay so clearly still some Kinks to work out we have to go down and clear those last couple out I say we go down grab the totem that was in the chest for safety and try to take them out all right get it get it

Okay now I guess we try to go up I don’t know what to do every time we go down there I get creamed there we go okay they’re done that was terrifying once again pretty sure our buddies down here are you know they’ve been creamed for like a while was it

Worth it I don’t know I think the takeaway here is that we have several totems of undying and I don’t think I want to try this again anytime soon at least until I’m like super buffed and have a ton of uh until I have a ton of uh potions and netherite

Armor and just a bunch of stuff I did I I don’t want to try that again I will say the farm kind of works like it works it does what it’s supposed to it’s just that it’s very dangerous to do it okay so five on back up plus the one I’m

Holding not bad but I think we’re good for a while I think I finally recovered from The Raid I’ve been able to stop crying and I’ve emerged from my blanket fort now that we have a semblance of composure there are a couple other things I did want to take care of around

The base before we finish up the Hundred Days art of that comes from the bone meal that we were making earlier that’s just for little areas like this if it’s somewhere I’m not going to be running through and it’s just kind of a detail

Spot I do want to add a little touch of color or even with the grass not necessarily color but you know depth and a little little something extra let’s do the same thing on the other side and maybe over by the bamboo Farm as well flowers over here though there’s a couple

Yeah I see what I mean it just makes it look a little bit more natural a little bit more um I don’t know it’s just you can really get overloaded if it’s just all flat grass like this so I think it adds a bit of depth that helps out

I also don’t want to overdo it to strange balance another thing is that the little tiny pond that we made in the center of the bamboo Farm it’s looking awful lonely this is pretty boring and I don’t plan to do anything like a fountain or

Anything like that so I think the way to go here is to go grab us some fish and Transplant them in here who wants to join our merry base hello oh that was a puffer fish I did not realize that fantastic I don’t really actually want

That but I don’t want to let it go either so let’s try again tropical fish that’s better there you go friend oh a purple one couple happy new citizens of the legion I must have more ooh that’s another puffer fish don’t want that uh EU I think this should be good I don’t

Necessarily want him to be too overcrowded in there there we go all unique all very nice looking I think that’s a nice touch another thing that I kind of mentioned offhand but never did anything about was this tree farm it worked early on but it’s pretty awkward place to be honest

So I think what I’m gonna do is uh chop all these down and remove what I have here then instead of this I think we’ll use it as a a dock for the boats that we have so let’s get to chopping choppy boy I will have to find a new spot for a

Tree farm but I don’t necessarily need any immediately especially since this is going to give us a ton so I’m not too worried about that right away okay that does it for the trees now we just have to remove the flooring that I had in here there’s actually quite a lot

Of this this has taken me some time it took me all day to clear that out I did not think it would take that long and now we need to get rid of this gross stuff right here and replace it also before we start I need to go back to the

Base and get organized I have way too full in inventory I’m going up top because I have a thought is that the best place for a a dock or a harbor because everything kind of leads out of this Central Area I know that one leads to the nether portal but

Does that need to be there or should I clear out this sand put one there decisions decisions I think it’s already a little too busy over here there’s there’s too much going on already I think I am gonna actually build it over on this side that just yeah that that

Seems to make more sense to me I’m going to use the open area here and that’s where I’ll build it what should this even look like or by just marking out the space thinking something like this with a couple areas that are leading out into the water but one level

Is lower than it is at the base and then we could sort of add some details up here once we finish bringing these out a little bit repurposing all that wood that we just pulled up from this exact same area following the theme of clearing something out and then putting it right

Back down or the opposite filling something in and taking it back out no this is my dock not yours and for detail my favorite please don’t burn it down thank you I just love the way this looks as sort of a detail to honestly really anything that you’re building

Lovely rainy day to be building light the place up and of course add the boats little variety here oh okay I mean I really didn’t put that there for you this is the worst attempt of Grand Theft boat that I’ve ever seen not only am I standing right here but

There’s another boat in front of you there is nowhere you can go oh I was just about to leave him here and go to bed for the night but I wonder if in the morning if he catches on fire is he gonna burn this whole thing down so bad news for you buddy

Foreign I’ve got this glowstone on me why don’t we light it up a little bit down here so they don’t spawn quite so often is it’s getting a little old and I already found a trident in the first 100 days oh hey you were very quiet sneaky boy

Keeps spawning all right that should help a little bit plus it looks pretty cool and now standing over here I like it I think it’s a nice little quaint stock I have another idea of something that we can do to add detail into the base I’m

Gonna need a few emeralds in case you didn’t notice I’m kind of focusing on adding detail to the base we’re getting really close to the end of these hundred days and I want to make sure that by the time we’re finished I’ve got something that I’m really happy with and complete

As far as the uh as far as the base goes should make a really nice side by side from 100 days to 200 and this is kind of a way you know a not so subtle Flex on our wealth and all the trades that we’ve

Done with the plebs over there but in a couple places I do want to add Emerald blocks as a part of the design look at all you been busy huh so where to put these maybe right here I think I like that very nice basically saying oh yeah emeralds you

Need some of those to trade no I’ve just I made them into blocks I just use them for part of my design I got some to spare how about over here maybe just a part of the entrance a little more leading in I don’t like how that connects

Couple down on this side and it’s kind of unbalanced something like that I actually kind of like that that’s not bad kind of just being liberal with the the glowstone now and speaking of I’m going to continue doing that oh oh okay I’m dumb uh I mean maybe not you

Probably think the same thing if you’re looking over my shoulder right now what does that look like looks like a bee’s nest right that’s what I thought too I looked over there and went ooh somehow a bee’s not spawn and then I realized I actually just put a wood plank down over

There so I could hang the lantern from the tree so yeah not a bee’s nest beehive bee’s nest whatever let’s start by going around and maybe replacing a couple of these with Glowstone as a start eventually I don’t want torches all over the ground I think that’s the

Kind of last thing that makes it look a little I don’t know a little bit like we’re plebs so if I can get rid of that and not have to worry about spawns I think that would be very nice yeah that is looking better and there’s actually a

Good comparison if you start to look at the changes here now that I’ve got glowstone in the ground instead of the Torches that versus this over here and you can tell the difference that’s it’s not great I’m gonna have to go through and do the same thing but I don’t know

That I have enough clothes Stone so for the time being the main base area is looking a lot better so I’m enjoying that uh that effect oh I actually have more all right citizen you’ve convinced me since we found more glowstone we’re going to do the same thing over here and

To get rid of all the Torches and then light up the ground all right I was just about to start and it’s raining yet again I mean am I crazy it seems like it’s raining a lot these 100 days doesn’t it it’s driving me crazy it’s

Okay whatever we can we can work with this so I’m thinking I want to do one about every 10 blocks so why don’t we start right about here and actually side benefit of doing this we’re we still have this empty area underneath which we did already light up but it’s kind of

The whole thing here it’s nice because not only is this glowstone gonna light it up at the top up here but it’s also going to do that for the underground area just in case we missed anything so nice side benefit well let’s count it out one every 10 blocks there we go so

We will we’ll do this to the whole area and then tonight I’ll do a test to see if anything is spawning this should keep mobs from spawning on this large flat area here but we’re gonna find out another thing I’m noticing and this is kind of funny we step over here no rain

And you can see the grass changes a little bit we’re just in a different biome but if I step back over here there’s rain so even though it’s cloudy pretty much everywhere I can step in and out of the rain there we go all done so we can check if

Any mobs spawn but I think we’re going to be good we seem to be in good shape because it’s night time now hard to tell because it’s still raining but I am not seeing anything spawn over here and I’m not noticing anything over here either I put down a couple extra lanterns a

Couple I put lanterns all the way around the interior of this and I’m checking where we replaced some of the floor or the dirt with Glowstone that’s good we’re finally not gonna have to wake up every morning and clear mobs out of here this area seems a little dark let’s do this

Okay I think that’s better one other thing that I did just think of and two reasons for this really making a brewing stand currently all of our house plebs are kind of useless they’re basically decorations at this point and aside from that I do typically like to

Have a let’s call them a pontifex Maximus but you know a cleric so that we can do trades for rotten flesh and eventually I think also ender pearls and those XP bottles oh enchanting whatever they’re called I’m gonna trade up this guy curious though what else he is available

Okay I guess we’re switching okay that might be it is that all you offer okay so I probably I knew this is what I was gonna do I should have thought of this I need to actually bring some emeralds and uh rotten flesh over there probably a

Chest as well so we can store things over on that side a decent amount here but we may as well go clear out the mob farm as well not as much as I thought there would be well doesn’t really matter it will be enough brought some goodies I’m gonna lock you in

Ooh I did not know they sold glowstone that’s awesome yes please give me a bunch of that you’re my new favorite friend okay what you got for me nice that is very cool these are gonna come in handy all right so now we kind of hide a chest back here our handy dandy

Cleric items yeah I did not know he was gonna offer glowstone that is going to be so helpful as we continue to use that no more trips to the nether trying to collect a bunch and then come back I’m looking at this and it’s a bit of an awkward position

Where they are now yeah I don’t know not that much different but I like it better now that they’re actually attached to the barn rather than just out in the middle of nowhere for no reason at all really don’t forget to leave me a comment let me know what I should name

These two whatever gets the most likes or you know I just happen to think are really good names for these two I will name them in my next 100 days I never really see it happening but these Iron Golems are taking a beating look at them and I mean technically I

Have just a ton of iron sitting over there at the farm I could heal them all up but where’s the fun in that it’s not like they’re paying me rent or anything I have some bad news citizen it’s day 199 and our journey is almost at an end

With that in mind I kind of want to take a look around and look at everything that we accomplished in these 100 days and maybe hinted a couple things that are going to be coming in the next 100 days if you think back to when we started I

Mean this whole area was entirely different there were various levels there was still a row of villager stalls right in the middle in an awkward space where all of them were cramped up together the the Villager breeder was here everything has entirely changed we now have this beautiful area connected

To the house where the villagers have a lot more room it’s all set up and a much better presentation and I really like the look of this entire thing and of course rather than that plus sign in the middle of the base where the villagers used to be they have a wonderful Airbnb

Where they can stay with their apparent friend that I did not invite in here but now he just stands around offering everybody a flower but that’s okay I’m not going to call the HOA in any event they have a much better place to stay and they’re all incredibly happy about

That and of course just in case we do need more sticks for additional trades we’ve got the bamboo Farm here at the ready with a lovely collection of fish for my own personal Aquarium looking at this actually you know in the next 100 days we’re gonna have to find some

Axolotl to put in here because don’t get me wrong you guys are great but I do want some Axolotl as well of course we have the whole Compass Courtyard available here is the nice centerpiece the entire base complete with the basalt Pathways that you were absolutely

Convinced I would not find a use for and the initial two water elevators leading down to and up from my mind it is a bit strange just having the two here I will find a a reason to add a couple more in this area so that we actually have some

Going up I think that’s something that’s going to be a project for the next 100 days but since I’m looking at them I do want to you know actually take a ride in these and I’m looking at the wrong one I think this is the one down so and here

Comes the pain ow that’s okay I don’t think it actually hurts me that much when I hit it since we’re down here I’ll point out I did open this area up a bit more I think there’s an opportunity to do something down here in the next hundred days potentially an area to

Fight the Wither I don’t know if I want to do that here or in the end but that’s a thought something we could do here is open it up a little bit and use it for something anyway though the other side does bring us back up take the expedited

Route and we emerge right where we started so beautiful way to get up and down to uh to bedrock I really didn’t change much about the barn in this 100 days unless you are a very keen-eyed Observer and you might have noticed that this back uh part of the roof was not

There when we started I don’t think I was recording when I did that but I noticed that we really only had this front part there was it was just wide open back there so I did add this little last portion that we missed in the first 100 days you might also notice that

These two pens are empty so that’s something else we need to do we do need to get pigs and chickens to sort of complete our collection maybe even horses who knows one of the only things we actually didn’t totally remove or move to some other place was the farm

And I don’t know that I need to that could be a possibility in the next 100 days actually creating a larger Farm area and putting this somewhere else but it kind of works for where it is right now actually and then of course we didn’t change our house it’s perfect the

Way it is the only thing that we might do in the next 100 days is add on to it particularly if you can see through there the bit that goes underneath the mountain or under the hill may add a little bit more there and of course you

Have my pride and joy the iron farm where we have three villagers that are continuously scared by a zombie to spawn in Iron Golems up top which then bathe and melted cheese so that they can be coaxed into giving me their iron which is very nice of them see there’s a Good

Samaritan right there another thing you might have noticed is that yes I do look very sharp I’ve got my beautiful enchanted diamond armor completely covering me but I’m kind of a big shot now and I’ve I’ve outgrown the diamond armor a little bit so in the next 100

Days we’re we’re most likely going to be doing an upgrade to netherright and finally before we lose the light I did make a small dock to keep our boats here in case we need to go on any seafaring Adventures but this is where the tree farm was and I’m sure you remember this

Is something I changed recently but I like the detail here I think it’s very nice having the campfires kind of built into this area as well as the lanterns this is something really nice if we did go out in the boat and then come back it’s kind of like a little mini

Lighthouse where it lights the way back home very poetic I know it’s about to get dark and I’m sure some spooky scary skeletons are going to be coming out so tomorrow I just want to take a trip out to look at the other Farms that we’ve

Built in these 100 days and then we can wrap up our adventure is going to be done at least for now this is it day 200. you know I’m starting to get a little worked up I’m okay I’m okay so first off let’s go take a look at the beautiful creeper

Farm that we put together we can also see if our friend out here is still somehow inexplicably alive you’ve got to be kidding me how are you still here oh oh maybe I don’t know who knows maybe this this uh Trio here is gonna be around all through the next video as

Well but anyway here’s the creeper Farm I think this is potentially my favorite I really like this one just the Simplicity just looks like a little just a short cylinder out here in the middle of the ocean where if you stand on top and you listen real closely you can hear

The sounds of uh snowballs hitting creepers in the face they just you know they enjoy that they enjoy their snowball fights and then up top an AFK platform so if we need to we can collect more gunpowder there but I again I just really like the Simplicity

Of this it works really well I don’t remember exactly how much but it was something like maybe six to eight stacks of gunpowder that we got out of this just for maybe 10 minutes of AFK and it’s just such a cool idea I really like this build I don’t remember if I

Mentioned it at all but there were a couple Farms that we didn’t get to in these 100 days so that’s probably gonna be for the next one but for example I think a good one would be an XP farm so maybe something with the Enderman if we

Were to go back to the end so that’s a potential one for the next video the one that we did do last was the raid farm and yes I’m still scarred from that experience actually never went to it from this angle so I think it’s this way

Over here past the sunken ship yeah there it is so pretty simple uh you know the way this one’s put together but it’s kind of near a Pillager Outpost that’s over this way right next to a village really all we had to do was flatten this

Area out make a big old hole in the ground with some lava so that it can take on some of the bigger enemies and then a shoot dropping down into the ground where supposedly you’d be able to safely attack all the enemies that fell in of course it didn’t work out that way

For us in fact we had to uh use up a couple of the totems or at least one I don’t remember from uh the spoils here because the vax would not stop spawning and caps just absolutely destroying me so I’m not interested in using this anytime soon but maybe when we get some

Netherite armor and bring some potions I’ll give this another shot at a higher level of raid yeah I think that’s a pretty good recap of what we’ve been able to do in these hundred days and I’m I’m very pleased with all that we’ve accomplished the base is pretty much you

Know completely overhauled and looks fantastic we also have plenty of farms for things that we might want to do in the future and there’s still so so much left to do in future videos so I’m again very happy with how this went I really enjoyed the whole experience I hope you

Had a lot of fun watching it as well I know the format was a bit different and it’s probably longer than my first video so again I hope you you liked the changes and were able to enjoy the whole thing but leave me a comment I really

Like hearing from all of you so if you want to let me know what you liked what could be a little bit different feel free to leave me a comment I try to respond to all of those but again I really do appreciate all the feedback I

Know I’m sad it’s the end too but don’t worry we’re gonna be back really there’s only one thing left to do and we’re gonna make this a tradition for the end of each 100 day video we get to look out over our beautiful base and watch the

Sunset on the 100th day of this video that’s how I survived 200 days in Minecraft hardcore I had a lot of fun working on all the various projects these hundred days there’s still plenty to do in this world so the series will continue don’t forget to subscribe to be

Notified when the next video comes out I very much hope you enjoyed these hundred days and if you stayed here all the way to the end I am impressed you have my respect citizen I’ll see you all next time and remember we are legion foreign

This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by LegionVee on 2023-04-28 18:01:25. It has garnered 505750 views and 3354 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:45 or 10965 seconds.

#minecraft #100days #minecrafthardcore #200days

I Survived 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Legion_Vee

Iron Farm: https://youtu.be/zLWNpjJtQNQ Creeper Farm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOrWzLpWqeQ Raid Farm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6nI26fH0kE

Circle Generator: https://donatstudios.com/PixelCircleGenerator

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 01:35 Day 101 17:31 Day 110 34:11 Day 120 53:15 Day 130 1:04:12 Day 140 1:23:47 Day 150 1:36:43 Day 160 1:50:05 Day 170 2:13:34 Day 180 2:30:52 Day 190 3:02:12 Outro

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  • Bribed to Play Phasmohobia on Minecraft Map

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  • Insane Creeper Farm Method in Minecraft – No Cats, No Redstone! | RoninCraft SMP

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  • “MarcOps captures rare Pillager escape – EPIC Minecraft adventure!” #clickbait #savage

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  • 🦖 Dino’s EPIC Minecraft Boss Prank! SCARY AF! 🔥

    🦖 Dino's EPIC Minecraft Boss Prank! SCARY AF! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Pranked My Friend as SCARY BOSSES in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dino on 2024-06-09 21:10:56. It has garnered 188 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:34 or 12994 seconds. I Pretended to be SECRET BOSSES in Minecraft! Cosmic Monster from Carty OP BOSSES! I morphed INTO CUSTOM BOSSES like Cosmic Monster and Mutant Mobs to prank and troll my friend! Using the Morph Mod I transformed into OP BOSS custom boss to FOOL HIM. Will Floki survive the CUSTOM BOSSES? Watch to find out! Inspired by Cash, Nico, Maizen, Omziscool,… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Kaela vs Villager – Who will prevail?!

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  • Insane Minecraft One-Shot Warden Kill 😱🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft One-Shot Warden Kill 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘One Shot Warden Kill in Minecraft 😱🔥 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rajnesh Plays on 2024-05-07 04:30:07. It has garnered 10008 views and 480 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use Read More

LegionVee – I Survived 200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore!