Let Me Introduce You To My Grav Hammer! – Let’s Play Minecraft Dungeons [Co-Op] – Part 1

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All right I am here and I am also here apparently you can just clone characters as much as you want which makes us really easy to suddenly have she’ll join the series for a little while at least it’s a rainy day and I wanted to see how the coop would work

And so I I I harangues I cajoled I begged and she really just kind of I finally relented yeah it didn’t actually take a lot of effort so press in love stick I really have to create new tribe buffs okay not that one other one wait so we’re both being this character ah

Maybe bumpers because there you should be able to make a clone of it but I think yeah there you go there’s there’s the one we’ll get we’ll get you in a different armor immediately no now if you notice you’ve got the kind of weird hobo shorts that the blue haired chick

Wears oh so you cloned your gear onto the female character though well you can change the skin whatever you want press Y yeah so yeah so you are never locked to your starting skin hopefully eventually yeah exactly okay yeah so just press a and we are

Going to twinsies at least until we get some better gear so why didn’t you Smee numbers after your blondie bot name I know is this what it assigned you yeah okay so how do i attack attack okay and then if you notice in the bottom right

You have those are your stats on the bottom right okay so potion would be left bumper yep right trigger with the Golden Arrow yep and it looks like we have a limited supply yeah though we get plenty of arrows so I wasn’t worried that green so that

Summons thee is it yeah what is it it’s a llama it’s a llama okay and then the meat the dot meat summons the dog and then the X is a heel it will heal whoever is most injured of to the two of us now is that their HP or does it

Deplete over time uh no the the barb of them is their HP however they have very short cooldown so you pretty much do not have to worry about ever not having your summons yep so now we just have a small group okay let’s see and you can also check if you

Want to switch your gear round and you don’t want to do your dogs wait so there’s Flaming River what are the other Clippers so we have flaming Quivers we also have torment Quivers which use the soul resource which is the weird scream face meter right next to your level oh

That is your soul meter the more of those you have the more ammo you have you fire souls by killing yes just killing things music is a bit too loud yeah I bet they I bet they turned it up or something I was noticing that on the main menu again your promise spitting

You might hear some dog noises okay I’m just gonna turn these down I’m sure they are changing some of the settings around specifically for for launch and so we have to okay so hopefully we’ll get some new equipment fairly quickly so we can look different I wish I still had some

But I do not okay so oh they actually oh no they haven’t locked it off I think the desert temple is fine but I don’t think we can do either of these two levels apparently okay uh but we can do everything else so oh okay that’s that’s just desert temple

You also have I wanted to look at this this doesn’t really matter too much Allen’s first place yes none of these actually seem to change anything it’s just more enemies it looks like the medium difficulty had new gear and artifacts yeah unfortunately we gotta beat the beat the boss before we can

Actually go to those and I should double-check real quick there’s an embargo on covering the last two levels and then the secret level which I’m not allowed to talk about Yandex it’s existence but we’re not allowed to to play either if there was I think up

Until launch day but it could be wrong it seems like an awful lot of checkmarks and all of these yeah I’ve completed all these other levels so what do you want to do do you want to just start from the beginning crank up the difficulty go from there sure okay oh that’s the

Tutorial I guess we do not want to do that one pre for woodson is decent though and that’ll be that I’m just going to very quickly double check to see if we have access to okay spoilers well Oh interesting so we were actually allowed to we are

Allowed to finish this if we so chose we won’t but apparently the whole spoiler policy is completely optional what’s kinda nice anyway I guess I even write it in the first place I think they want you to use a spoiler warning this is very much a

Game for younger people and so as such they kind of want to preserve that that new game wonder for as many people as possible by the archaeologists decree all three folk are now enemies of the imager empire somewhere in these woods a caravan is transporting villager prisoners to labor in far-off lands find

The caravan and stop the images or there’s no telling what dreadful doom villager friends okay so that’s a little out all turning down a bit our Eleanor is just zombies and ill villagers it’s a kids game let’s no but I did that’s what I’m asking because

They they talk of an empire but all I see are so zombies and skeletons and undead people so I guess to reiterate what the intro cutscene was this like one dude who is kind of a social outcast he found this like orb of control you know accidentally alright I pick this up

Do you get em oh no okay I rather like painting Archer yep so we’ll get you some the archery and this game is actually pretty good really I don’t want to say you don’t have to aim but it looks like it so by the way if you want to do archery stuff

Press up in your d-pad okay oh you do not actually have any of the other items now it looks like I’ll have to acquire them on my own yeah because I was gonna say the the flaming Quivers that I have are actually really good for archery because it makes

It so you don’t use ammo for like X number of shots which is quite nice there’s a lot of guys I do not like seeing them through so you know they’re there but a lot of them it’s a lot of visual noise yeah I there’s not a whole

Lot of points where you actually have to worry about that you should probably also summon your minions oh right but yeah hopefully we’ll get some hunter gear around here and you can you can get more ammo because it actually makes it so you are able to have them yeah that

Was a TNT block on the ground but if you get the hunter armor if you actually get to get more ammo drops which is quite nice oh I guess the cooldown on the dogs as much higher if they’ve died I can tell you’ve already gone into focus mode

Sorry it’s just that you’re going far ahead there was a villager back though that we needed to free it’s okay he’s not at any mortal peril Oh decide to manually pick up fumbling stop yep see yeah you just go up to does he have a scuba mask on that he’s a blacksmith it

Might may have been I guess if looks like he had a scuba mask looks really silly looking I see so we didn’t press that to turn on a map so if you want to see the mouths around here down on the d-pad yep finish the job or she

And then really what are these creatures then so I sorry I didn’t finish reiterating the so there was that the cutscene out so there’s the our challenger who effectively is the Emperor or whatever and he he finds this orb of control I guess so then he can

Control the undead yeah so he is more let’s just started controlling all of the monsters all of the undead plus he’s got his own private army oh well there’s the hunter armor did you pick it up can you give it to me or is it yours forever

We’ll find out in a second oh my poor dog is just covered in arrows oh I can’t that’s a reserved drop so I actually can’t pick that one up let’s here’s the thing secretin drop it now looks like it can only have I acquired anything of my own

Press up no doesn’t look like it here that is I really hope that’s not an instance where I’m just a glorified addition you’re getting all the worse comes to worse we finished this mission and I equipped the other gear that I’ve just picked up on to a new character

Well yeah and then we clone clone me again and this hammers reveal dude mm-hmm all right there you go so you get some bull farmer and team to you and that’s an action to now how do I actually use the team I just come up here yep

When you see the next enemies right trigger and you’ll just throw it at them so stand at the edge and there you go got one got over that’s fine goodness really like this hammer out a dagger yesterday that made it so that uh yeah you don’t like Diablo whatever you oh we

Missed a treasure chest ah in Diablo and stuff there’d always be those enemies that were slightly stronger and they had like special effects same deal in this one so in that case those are enemies that created that set things on fire around them we’re speaking of we have that ability

Actually orange circle that is surrounding us that specifically does wait nearby anyhow what does that amulet then is that it no no the amulet is a heal oh there’s more wolf armor for you if it’s outlined in yellow it’s for you yep let’s see what we have around here yeah

This is just like a little micro dungeon mainly to unlock the dungeon tile set because the tide the dungeon is like the first side zone is there a sprint no dear there’s an item that will give you a speed boost but I found it awfully suspicious that one of those braziers

Was completely snuffed out there are secrets and puzzles I think there was a I think that was a puzzle that we may have had to relight it oh we can go back in there in a second after explode sheep let’s see I guess small not important tactic stuff but skeletons and any rain

For Sydenham ezel tried run away from you got a good hammer okay but yeah skeletons will run away from you so that’s especially when you want to do it you see this brazier over here is not lit is it possible to light it with your phone that’s where you oh

That’s what you hit with the TNT no yeah the TNT was all the way back oh I mean yeah I bet you put it up with the TV because you would have been right there yeah I I know there is a secret in like every level and some other stuff but I

Haven’t been very good at finding them why is there an arrow over here I was up do that yeah that’s that’s just a quest marker to show us how to get out okay you know usually when we’re playing Diablo likes when we get super lost and just kind of wander aimlessly until we

Find the exit this one actually says like hey go this way I mean it doesn’t really matter know there’s like a little bit of verticality you will walk up single blocks but there’s no jumping or anything like that seems like everything’s already injured as though we’ve already come through yeah we did

You can kind of see on the map the areas we’ve been through are clear there’s areas we haven’t been through and haven’t seen are darker so we want to go this way and follow that little arrow so the dog noises too much for context our neighbors have put their dogs

Outside a lot recently and boy they are loud and constant we had issues with them last year where it was for hours on end and we had like half a year of just absolute blissful peace and unexpected dogs but that’s not that’s not what is permanently tarnished my perception of

Almost all dogs I used to be a dog lover but not anymore bait you’re supposed to do your job I don’t don’t like the backyard nope nothing here so is the only other diablo-like I’ve ever played with you specifically uh we’ve played a number of them please

Diablo 3 oh yeah we did plink rendang and we tried playing path of Exile there are others too that are very similar I mean torchlight we played a little bit of gauntlet one of those things yeah I guess I would count adult life don’t remember you have a heel you have your potion

That would I would recommend saving your ammunition specifically to shoot creepers because you can hit them in melee and then you can shoot them real quick these are lies Oh does the llama spit it things it’s a rage Judit I do big things oh that’s magic I I knew they were

Supposed to spit but I didn’t realize that was their primary tactic are you having too much trouble identifying yourself versus me or that I prefer there was a little bit more of a distinction between our characters aside from the ptooey well if you want to press this up on the

D-pad you can switch to the wolf armor shouldn’t we snuff out this candle oh yeah how do we do that I don’t know no I accidentally use it another Ealing item how did you stuff out the first candle I did unless it was because it was a

Pedestal that it was on and it was selectable you see now this is a brazier that’s out and I didn’t do anything with it yes I mean I know there are secrets I know there are puzzles I haven’t figured out any of them mainly because I hear you the Flaming River

I do have flaming Quivers okay I have to wait for that because there’s a number of the see here we go could have been put out I wish I didn’t have to waste my heel on my summons there’s a little grim I realize I like you so much I have no

Idea so I’m like every other Diablo like you’ve ever played its up sorry I’m just slow nope maybe if we need a torch or another meets light it I don’t know there’s also firework arrows and a couple other things okay ah let’s see so do we have anything of any immediate

Necessary use yep suppress up a nudie pen so I put on the wolf armor so I probably the green one is better yep rarity and okay so go to the orange you’re just sorting between tabs if you go to the one on the far left it just

Shows you everything so that’s a unique yeah it’s really good it is really good but it’s actually a lower level than the wolf armor that you’ve got on so it’s not actually that much better the only real difference is you see the hexagon that says potion use boost defense yeah

I think that’s honestly the only real difference between that quality and the other one like that special effects okay so press X this will salvage it and give you your three enchantment points back so you’re now back up to six I’ve salvaged those as well yeah they’re not

Great I don’t get you some emeralds and so go back to your wolf armor that you’re currently using so press left there press Y when selected on that one so here’s the enchanting menu you have reduced cooldown yeah you have two out of three potential enchantments that you have

Access to 0.3 health for gain and range in melee damage when it’s win at full health you go to the right you’ve got another set of three so you pick one from each of those but each costs triggers every 5 seconds yes you’ll just stun enemies and

That makes it occasionally craft a small quiver of arrows which is probably what you want yeah I just wish I also had the ability to fling snowballs the snowballs aren’t that great every xxx projectile though but you can get it down to every tenth yeah so every

Every 10 arrows you get 10 arrows so just press a a bunch yeah there are three tiers you might as well if you like archery go for archery alright and you don’t need those other ones yet there you go so now we stand out a little bit slightly different still

Great silvery oh we never actually did go all the way to the end of this we were too busy trying to put up the weird green candle what’s down here that’s where the real green well yeah I think it was because we were trying to figure

Out whether or not we could light the braziers So you got a slightly better bow but it is not a unique crossbow so up to you on that one okay is there a way to get to the other side of the chasm no so if you notice on the map desert what’s the exclamation point that is the entrance yeah but

That’s how we get out almond bread because I have played a lot with you I guess we’ve just never finished a whole lot of Diablo lights together though to be fair many of them are either very long or very light had to do that’s that’s something I always get kind of

Stuck on I’m fine with a game being repetitive there’s a story to push it through yeah if there’s a really salt started to push it through that you’re like where you are that one general and your two siblings oh that was that was the one that Wilson Lords of mayhem yeah

I didn’t play that on my own because I wanted to I played that on my own because the servers were just absolutely scums yeah we tried playing it together that was a fun game I wouldn’t mind trying to like get a group of friends together at some point to like jam

Through it once they still add more to it they’re adding more content to the game so but there’s a lot of other Diablo likes that kind of in the same same vein that’s interesting the wolf helmet or it seems to have a purple glow at the eye oh yeah yeah you

Straight-up have like flaming eyes VP do you think it’d be hard to see through like well I think my face is actually beneath it that’s on my on the top of my head I know well okay I guess the only thing that would possibly impede my vision would be the canines that are

Slowly like not slowly but ones that are descending from hanging down I guess I’m just always thinking back to those like oh so this one looks scary they’re enchanted creepers wait why do I get teleported – you probably hit the right stick you might have jumps I did

Not hit the right stick oh and now I’m nearly dead there we go well you also have your potion yeah personal he’ll use straight to full oh and then the other stuff will heal our pets nothing it matters too much man I did not use the right stick I had I

Don’t live I’ve used the right stick it all all I saw is that your oh you know what I bet the creeper pulled you back that’s nice but I bet those his special ability whatever happened to that recharge you have to get hit by projectiles I you can

Hit by a fair bit of projectiles there’s more fun yeah doesn’t have any projectiles I’ll rest in peace I’ll pack it there we go hopefully we can get you some claiming hours after this I’m thinking um I just need the ability to acquire arrows well the flaming arrows at earth they

Are all capable of exploding miss Amaris there we go finally because it’s terrible being an archer and then being capable of actually using the bow that you have yeah I try and reserve some of my ammo that’s another more former for you I try to reserve seeing as we want to explore everything

Today I try and save my arrows for when I need them but I think we’ll get we’ll try and get you some new abilities specifically what I do is I hit it with a hammer and then immediately shoot them saves a little bit of ammo and usually

As a solid to shot see I’m almost out of it air is now a consistent use more of my flaming Quivers back this way I do not remember this levels being that big but I think I went through it quick because I just wanted to get to the end it’s a very enduring

You just get all the emeralds I get it anything so for you to make a Diablo like what would you do to change up the formula because this one does a couple of things differently and I’ve been kind of comparing and contrasting for people First off I like the idea of having pets but I would like pets that are customizable I’ve always been a fan of having like a specially tailored companion animal or spiritual creature if half of it was actually like if you could customize your character but also

Your pet more pets because it’s in a way it’s almost like party members but if the party members are an extension of you or via the story some kind of like for you everyone has some kind of spirit creature or animal that they can summon well it’s just that be cool feature to

Have I’ll be done with that and another thing too I mean definitely a lot of story I prefer when there’s wow do I die or am I going to die if I fall in the water Wow yeah going water you might have to roll there you go there we go does that Lisl

Up the life or something no I just hurts a little bit okay if you stray too far from each other I definitely would like that fine-tuned control I’d actually uh one other major feature that I’d look for is something this scheme has we haven’t really messed around with it but dilute whatever you

Played any of the Diablo lights did any of the weapons ever really matter to you I think the problem was so many of them were as soon as you acquired one you would find something better or if you found something that was of a better rating it often didn’t have the you know

Same ice abilities or the things that you would fall in love with earlier with a weaker weapon and I would really prefer that you can take components of existing weapons that you have and take the components out of them and then apply them to new weapons oh so like if

You could pull the enchantments out of the weapons would be friendly having moved them over to the next clip that actually would be nice yeah if instead of finding gear you just found various side grades and they could you should heal up by the way

Why why would you do that I just didn’t like it helped bring above my head so you three to me this is the worst hot potato but hey money yeah I could get behind that I think the one problem is because I really enjoyed when we were playing say World of

Warcraft Legion having those epic weapons that well not they weren’t necessarily epic raid but they were the legendary weapons being able to upgrade them oh don’t talk to creepers so don’t revive yourself okay I’ll pick you up in a second Knight is here more mobs are spawning oh I didn’t realize that interesting

That’s a seven-year dog yeah I wonder I wonder if it saw more mobs spawn specifically because he went down because it I don’t see that message or maybe we’re just taking too long let’s see flanging side effects are loud compared to shell that’s the wrong one yeah they they changed how sound effects

Work and so I’m gonna be on the back foot trying to fix everything but no I just I like customization as opposed to just gear grinding I would rather be able to upgrade and customize the gear that I have then constantly fine oh yeah I I

Love the idea of leveling gear so a few games actually have like lovable gear in any kind of substance of matter I’m gonna jankis every day that supplies just has more air isn’t it I want this book to have lore and that’s another thing I want in my game there would be

Tons of lore to find much lore like cuz this this should be a diary from someone that lived here and you’d be able to learn more about the you know the coming of the illah Jers and maybe even find the final illness good for me arrows for you odd words yes

It has to be tons of Lorne’s tons of customization and I do like diverging plot where it it’s not the illusion of choice where your choices actually do you make an impact on the outcome yes rather I would rather have a game that has like three choices that really

Matter then like three hundred places picked Ellie you know people were really big on Mass Effect and like choices but I was reading an article a little while ago about how 90% of the player base just didn’t just did not games had a percentage that told you what were the

Most common choices people actually higher brain burton’s mobs spin attack move well you found an axe and it’s a good X get out of your cool hammer I loved you but your God now mmm-hmm let’s see so poison cloud thundering bleaching chains echo smiting oh oh you don’t like the upgrades no no

No no this first set is amazing I’d love to have fun doing and bleaching okay well what do you want your fiery weapon to have as well fast is this attacking that’s pretty nice you do a slash spin move at the ends can I are you exciting what you’re gonna

Upgrade I’m trying to decide here yeah so I want to see what I have acquired as well so Oh poison has 30% chance to summon a poison cloud the deals okay so that 30% oh wait is it really just poison cloud lightning filled and yeah so this does change lightning yeah

The damages enemys but that’s for three second seven yeah seven damage per second is though is the electricity instantaneous yeah so technically the poison cloud is better than thundering maybe but does it stack yeah I guess I’ve done electricity recently assault I’ll do that what was the the blood one no I it’s

Just life steel so like if I kill an enemy okay can I see what my stuff is is this better the power is down but the speed is up uh well the parrot that powers up sort of so the the crossbow that you currently have just a five

Arrows spread shot uh and has a chance of ricochet whereas the this bow does not have any of those things but it does more damage and it has newish enchantments if you want to take a look at them first why see what do you want so that makes the arrow get bigger or

Punish an arrow after shooting yeah so you could get that up to a 50% chance to just not use ammo that’s pretty good for you now still more damage which is actually really good increases your attack speed yeah multi-shot five arrows at once and then increases the attack speed for each

Consecutive shot resets one second after the attack no I would say get rid of this get rid of the crossbow like this game is gear treadmill just live the new things you’re gonna have to recycle the previous one if you want to get your enchantment changing salvage them you

Don’t have to think too hard we get a lot of good stuff fairly quickly so it’s not a big deal all right there you go oh no I don’t want to salvage I want to drop one why okay so I want to get the Infinity just max that out and you don’t

Have enough for anything else but that’s okay hopefully that’ll wow you have a lot more arrows now wait what you have 160 how whipping a new boat maybe don’t look that gift horse in the mouth because it’s filled with arrows and that’s concerning I love seeing myself fired multiple

Arrows and only have a couple of them yeah actually cause sucked it yeah and if we can get you the hunter armor next that makes it so you get double regular arrow drops oh that one’s being healed by some kind of mage yeah yeah there’s enchanters

Okay taking the tick of the poison cloud I got to be a little careful not to pick up here Oh yep oh is this like a slab of meat that I think oh yeah yeah enemies will drop meet occasionally that gives you look at Bastille look we’re just meant manly block people they

Don’t care about parasites or proper food preparation we just pick up meat off the ground and then just shove it into our blocky faces speaking of meat do you want to tell the story of what we got today oh boy I mean it’s not really much of a story but so because there’s

Been meat shortages and whatnot we’ve been eating a lot of plant-based meats namely like beyond burgers and awesome burgers Yeah right before locked at the dungeon process has crashed ue4 dungeons we already started this is an unreal that’s our goal is to prevent crashes like this from occurring in the future

Please help us track down and fix crashes by providing detailed information about what you are doing so that we may reproduce the crash and fix it wait minecraft dungeons is scared of my meat stories what I hope that my my my bow saved yeah it I’ve actually had this

Like freezing crash on me a couple of times it saves constantly

This video, titled ‘Let Me Introduce You To My Grav Hammer! – Let’s Play Minecraft Dungeons [Co-Op] – Part 1’, was uploaded by Wanderbots on 2020-06-05 22:14:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Minecraft Dungeons. An all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers and set in the Minecraft universe!

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    Victory Dance in Roblox Death Ball: Score More! In the world of Roblox, we aim to win, With Death Ball battles, let the games begin. Brother Ian and Ethan, gamers so keen, Crafting content that’s fresh and clean. Join us on YouTube, for gaming delight, Minecraft, BTD6, we play day and night. Our channel awaits, subscribe and see, The fun and excitement, for you and me. In the heat of the game, we fight and we spar, With uppercuts and gems, we raise the bar. Defeating opponents, with skill and with glee, In Roblox Death Ball, we’ll always be free. So come along, join the fun, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – BeEDroCk iS BaeSEd

    Minecraft Memes - BeEDroCk iS BaeSEdWell, I guess this meme really scored a critical hit with a solid zero! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone with texts!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #funny Read More

  • Join Minewind: Embrace the Gen-Z Minecraft Revolution

    Join Minewind: Embrace the Gen-Z Minecraft Revolution After watching the insightful discussion on the changing work mindset of Gen Z employees, it becomes clear that the world of work is evolving rapidly. With the rise of hybrid work environments and the increasing demand for flexibility, it is essential for companies to adapt to the preferences of the new generation of workers. One way to embrace this change and create an engaging work environment is by exploring new avenues for personal connection and engagement. And what better way to experience this than by joining a vibrant community like Minewind Minecraft Server? Minewind offers a unique sandbox experience… Read More

  • Tricky Villager Pranks – Minecraft Retro Survival

    Tricky Villager Pranks - Minecraft Retro Survival Minecraft Retro Survival: Building a Trading Hall Starting the Journey In the world of Minecraft, the quest for resources and survival is a never-ending adventure. Our protagonist embarks on a mission to create a trading hall, a hub for exchanging goods with villagers. But before diving into the construction, basic resources must be gathered through mining. The thrill of exploring caves at y-16 sets the stage for what lies ahead. Building the Trading Hall With a vision in mind, our builder sets out to demolish existing structures in the village to make way for the trading hall. The process… Read More

  • Unveil the Mystery Key with Marcy in Minecraft Hardcore Mod!

    Unveil the Mystery Key with Marcy in Minecraft Hardcore Mod!Video Information Nico siamo tornati finalmente nella serie più bella del canale Uh ciao ciao ciao vuoi fare stavo No stavo Ok se vui mi faccio anche male ma stavo lulando in realtà perché c’è un orso polare là dov’è caz lì è vero è Oddio sto morendo Scusa sono senza voce perché ieri Purtroppo ho fatto festa ho fatto ho fatto Ah grazie mille anche quello ho bisogno però ne ho 39 quindi sono a posto No a parte gli scherzi oggi Nico dobbiamo fare un’armatura incredibile quella di diops Gem incredibile pazzesca il minerale che abbiamo trovato l’ultima… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes That Will Leave You in Stitches

    Minecraft Memes That Will Leave You in StitchesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft meme 😂’, was uploaded by Flarerizz on 2024-01-30 08:54:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SUBSCRIBE XD minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft manhunt … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Session- Tails_of_Fluff EP 2

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Session- Tails_of_Fluff EP 2Video Information right is death you got she getting old I literally heard you I’m going to my recent players you it’s blue that’s Bluey that’s probably why he left so fast he KN me I got to get him a I freaking hate Bo I was about to say what do look got call for that would have show that I wasn’t listening I’m not listening am I supposed to listen wait to out yourself I’m [ __ ] typing I’m trying to get the announcement out that I’m streaming God no one was even talking to you I didn’t I… Read More

  • Insane 4v4 Parkour in 3D Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane 4v4 Parkour in 3D Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information qué voy a hacer perd qué horas son me gusta la moto me gustas tú me gusta correr me gustas tú me gusta la lluvia me gustas tú me gusta volver me gustas tú me gusta marihuana me gustas tú me gusta colombiana me gustas tú me gusta la montaña me gustas tú me gusta la noche gas qu voy a hacer yo no qué voy a hacer yo no qué voy a hacer je suis perdu This video, titled ‘#minecraft 3 dimensions Parkour #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shadow4v4 on 2024-04-15 10:24:59. It has garnered 449 views… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Epic Gaming Secrets! 😱 #shorts

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Epic Gaming Secrets! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft satisfaction (pt 1) 🤯#minecraft #shortfeed #shorts’, was uploaded by Block wave gamer on 2024-01-07 06:17:41. It has garnered 6146 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft shorts gaming youtube shorts trending shorts short trend skibidi toilet viral shorts mr beast entertainment shorts viral ff minecraft satisfying shortsfeed entertainment satisfaction sand art respect sand art timing satisfying minecraft cars ultra gaming shortfeed techno gamer satisfaction memes asmr asmr shorts ff shorts ultra realistic realistic shorts tmkoc bts promo minecraft sand art minecraft drop reverse minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mods MADNESS! PART 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Mods MADNESS! PART 5Video Information all right Minecraft part five um this time we’re on the bed in my room even better anyways let’s get back um I found the mod that broke the crafting table thing and it’s gone now hopefully it doesn’t screw up um the world but it probably won’t it’s fine I don’t think I use any of the blocks in anyways yep seem look fine also hope there’s less mobs is that uh that last time was a little little intense wait to all right we’re good let’s get back to Minecraft thought buttons were insta break I… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival Miracle!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Survival Miracle!Video Information we are these pe oh where’s me house [ __ ] where is me house I’m thinking maybe I go on like a detour around ah me oh no what oh no what do you want [ __ ] hell hey if I maneuver yeah I can get them to hit each other ah I need to kill him don’t I what do you want I’m not hurting anyone ah hello see this is why I need to create a villager trading Dungeon Because I need a bow and and I need some Enchanted uh weapons and [ __ ] I know there are… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: OG vs BetBoom | Game 1 Playoffs 2024! #csgo

    Epic Showdown: OG vs BetBoom | Game 1 Playoffs 2024! #csgoVideo Information pretty much I think b boom they they need to dominate with this Keeper of the light from the mid lane this hero is sitting at 60% win rate right now and every single time I watch this hero play it’s pretty much the same as Zeus the insane amount of damage comes online super quickly his earn of Shadow Spirit vestel the boots of travel makes him pretty much a global hero very difficult to catch not sure if they’re going to get the value out of this Underlord I’m a little bit concerned about the pick… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Server: Middle School Wanderer Builds Lobby!

    EPIC Minecraft Server: Middle School Wanderer Builds Lobby!Video Information [Musik] yo alri guys welcome back again to as smoke channel guys ya Asep Minecraft sih kalau zaman sekarang guys itu kenapa selalu ingatnya asepinmoke ya y Waduh ada sudah berdatangan orang-orang ini Apakah kalian libur hari ini coy hari pertama lagi yang ini ya mengikuti pemerintah coy Jadi di sesi kali ini Guys kita sudah ini ya kalian bisa lihat Widih Anjay kita sudah punya server sendiri Bro sekarang bro dan server ini lagi kita build ya guys ya ini makanya sudah ada beberapa bangunan dan temanya adalah ya temanya adalah medival guys jadi tema zaman-zaman kuno… Read More

  • enlightenmc

    enlightenmcEnlightenMC!! <SMP> <SKYBLOCK> <SKYWARS> Great Community, Fun server. Why not join Today!!! enlightenmc.net Read More

  • CarbonCraft Network 1.20.4 | Claims Economy Jobs Skills Free Ranks

    Welcome to CarbonCraft Experience adventure like never before with our SMP and Skyblock game modes. Join us now to explore unique features and enhance your Minecraft experience. SMP (Survival Multiplayer) Team up with friends to conquer wild landscapes, build towering structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. Explore hidden caves and experience custom enchantments for added strategy. Skyblock Start with a tiny island in the sky and expand it into a bustling paradise. Overcome challenges, gather resources, and unlock new dimensions of gameplay. Compete for monthly island payouts and showcase your creativity to claim the top spot. IP: play.carboncraft.xyz Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t forget your Skulk, or else…

    Minecraft Memes - Don't forget your Skulk, or else...Looks like someone needs to skulk back and grab their information! Read More

  • Haunted by Herobrine: Minecraft’s Spooky Site

    Haunted by Herobrine: Minecraft's Spooky Site In the world of Minecraft, Herobrine reigns supreme, But have you heard of Herobrine.com, a site that once caused a scream? From a Chinese blog to a screamer, it took a twisted turn, But now it’s just a sunset, a lesson we must learn. The mastermind behind it all, a man named Sunzhen, Spreading fear and shock, scaring kids again and again. But as time went on, his focus shifted to a different plight, Air pollution in China, a battle he had to fight. So now Herobrine.com is just a memory of the past, A reminder that even legends… Read More


    ¡CALIENTE! SI TÚ QUIERES ❤️💢❌ When you accidentally hit your friend in Minecraft and they respond with “❤️💢❌”, you know you’re in for a world of hurt in the virtual world! #minecraftproblems #watchout #minecraftdrama Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “Build a small modern house with Minecraft 🏠”. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine taking your creativity to the next level as you build your own modern house, just like in the video. At Minewind, you can join a vibrant community of players who share your passion for crafting and building. With a variety of game modes to… Read More

  • XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP!

    XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP! Welcome to Killadis SMP: Building an XP Farm in Minecraft Survival! Welcome to the world of Killadis SMP, where players embark on exciting adventures in Minecraft Survival mode. In this episode, our protagonist is set to build a new XP farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling endeavor! Building the XP Farm Building an XP farm in Minecraft is a crucial step for players looking to level up quickly and efficiently. Our protagonist is ready to tackle this challenge and create a farm that will provide them with valuable experience points. If… Read More

  • Unraveling dark truth in Garden of Grind – GTNH Skyblock

    Unraveling dark truth in Garden of Grind - GTNH SkyblockVideo Information hello and welcome back to G and grind this is part 11 and I’m D Ros props and as you probably expected yes I’ve been grinding away and uh basically being AFK is I say is because this mob farm is oh my God one of another I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a mob farm like this before it’s awful but it’s good it’s a strange one okay you could basically be AFK is and what I mean by is is you’ll just randomly hear massive explosions and then you run to your computer you’re like… Read More

  • Legendary Corruption: Cursed Egg SMP Trailer

    Legendary Corruption: Cursed Egg SMP TrailerVideo Information let’s see [Music] milia up mer [Music] power [Music] n This video, titled ‘Cursed Egg SMP: Where Power Corrupts, and Legends are Made! (Trailer) #tranding #viral’, was uploaded by KIND_JAY on 2024-03-02 08:44:51. It has garnered 116 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Cursed Egg SMP: Where Power Corrupts, and Legends are Made! (Trailer) #tranding #viral . . . . KEY WORDS :- Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, Parrot, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, Technoblade, HermitCraft, Grian, I… Read More

  • SKIBIDI Toilet v19.1 UPDATE in Minecraft PE! 🚽💥🔥

    SKIBIDI Toilet v19.1 UPDATE in Minecraft PE! 🚽💥🔥Video Information [Music] for the F if you want to play and want to hate this show up and make a statement I don’t have SL up no I don’t take I got no love but the if you want to play [Music] and everything I do so instinctive and so passionate every word I move so descriptive [Applause] likea after I gots over facts over tracks n SP slow spitting fast I a roast I can gas think I’m Al last but I don’t don’t know if that can erase all the past and the pettiness a reflection of… Read More

  • Zachcraftone’s Insane Q&A + Minecraft Madness

    Zachcraftone's Insane Q&A + Minecraft MadnessVideo Information we need to do more stuff related to changed maybe I know that’s why you want to do the role play well not just that I don’t want to be reliant on that but there’s other topics I’m trying to get into that are popular well what are furry topics that are trending first seats I don’t know try to do a video on first that’s what I’m G to do okay well how do you know what is trending like in the FY Community Reddit or just Reddit Twitter I don’t [Music] know the random stream so… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥” #shorts

    "INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Leaked Sand Mega TNT! 😱🔥" #shortsVideo Information [Music] to in your wow go go [Music] go cuz you turn This video, titled ‘leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by TonyBT05 on 2024-04-12 00:30:25. It has garnered 302 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. leaked sand mega tnt in mc 1.21😂🤯 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts subscribe 😄 credits: @Reedop_Gaming IGNORE TAGS 😭 #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#youtube#youtuber#subscribe:#like#gaming#love#youtubecommunity#teaching#learning#facts#support#goals#like#youtube#youtuber#subscriber#youtubelikes#youtubevide#youtube #youtuber #instagram #music#love #follow #tiktok #spotify #like #youtubechannel#explorepage #youtubers #video#gaming#twitch#instagood#memes#hiphop#subscribe#viral#gamer#video#youtube #rap #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game#games #xbox #producer #youtuber minecraft gameplay in hindi, minecraft gameplay, minecraft in hindi gameplay, minecraft,… Read More

  • World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 – You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231

    World Transformed in Minecraft #0197 - You Won't Believe What Happened Next! #holydiver231Video Information servus meine Freunde und willkommen zurück zu einer weiteren Folge Minecraft in der 124 sind wir jetzt angelangt und endlich hat das Optifine auch wieder mal geschafft ich habe ich habe eine Optifine Version eine priversion von der 124 habe ich am laufen übrigens ich habe mir auch noch mal erlaubt ein Andes Texturepack zu nehmen das heißt folgendermaßen majestica oder majestica und ja wir machen da weiter wo wir das letzte Mal aufgehört haben das mal gar nicht mal gewohnt dass wir hier Shader nutzt so wir waren letztte mal hier beschäftigt mit dem Bau undon diesen… Read More

  • EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!

    EPIC Fire Ghost SURPRISE Collab in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello Mr over here thanks for thanks for stopping by bird so hello welcome but today we are playing Minecraft instead of you know instead of instead of inest game we’re playing Minecraft with voria so I think he doing the intro things right now but yeah I’m just I’m just hanging out yeah but we on hisor Minecraft server I don’t really I’m not uh I don’t I have no idea what’s happening around here I I I I know things exist I I’ve just I’ve just joined the server I don’t… Read More

  • Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23

    Epic new beginning in The_Village! Minecraft Monday #23Video Information for for hello everybody and welcome to the stream there’s very very very calming Minecraft music today apparently we’re starting extremely [Laughter] chill but hello and welcome to Minecraft Monday hey midnight how’s it going welcome to the Stream [Music] I was going to leave if you were more than 5 minutes late well thankfully we’re all caught up in the warehouse and uh I can get back to the streaming schedule that I want to maintain but I believe you missed last week’s Minecraft Monday uh which is unfortunate because you missed some important details you’re telling… Read More

  • Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadness

    Explosive Fireball Duel! 😱 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information smoking with you in the the in the yard with your the [Music] wind I spoke with you cuz you me to to in your living room no This video, titled ‘Fireball Fight! #minecraftpvp #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by injamine on 2024-04-06 18:25:57. It has garnered 827 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Subscribe ! #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars #shorts Subscribe for more Minecraft videos Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords… Read More

Let Me Introduce You To My Grav Hammer! – Let’s Play Minecraft Dungeons [Co-Op] – Part 1