Let’s Explore My World! | Minecraft Survival Ep.4

Video Information

Hello everybody Malibu spicen and welcome back to the fourth episode of Python plays minecraft hopefully guys having a fantastic game once again a massive thank you for all of these support you guys have been shown in this series I really truly do appreciate at

My friends if we can keep it up with two maybe three thousand likes an episode that would be absolutely and freakin tastic guys now we have a source a few goals for today’s episode or one of which is going to be to get ourselves an enchanting table and optionally maybe do

Even more exploring perhaps try to find a village which might have some bookshelves in it and then we can siphon those off and better being badda-boom we could have ourselves at level 30 standard in chance that it right that’d be pretty awesome but so in addition to

That we could probably also try to go to the nether see what kind of spawn we have so yeah we’ve got plenty of things that we can be doing and that’s honestly one of the reasons I genuinely loved early game minecraft there’s so much stuff you can do you need to get

Yourself all geared up and go from there and do epic stuff epic building epic building time tweaking I don’t know bosses and stuff are there’s so much stuff to do at the beginning minecraft and I love it dude I love it if you were to ever ask me what is my favorite

Aspect of Minecraft it’s the start of the game it is it is you will always wind up doing something different I mean oh I just what okay we got mountain sheep up there Oh mountain sheep I do hope that nothing happens to you oh my guys never ever gonna move his

Pathfinding restricts into just that block he’s not gonna be able to find his way down without figuring that he’s gonna wind up killing himself so yeah well there we go my friends PewDiePie’s got water sheep I’ve got mountain sheep oh gosh oh you love to see it oh my guys

So here we go we might as well go ahead and do just a little bit here so we got ourselves the flint and steel we’ve got our diamond pickaxe on us right now and we’ve still got ourselves a pretty decent amount of food so all we

Need to do is head back down into the caves go find ourselves one of those beautiful obsidian pit things they are pretty common let’s be honest if you go down to Diamond level damn they are just gonna be super freakin common huh all right so what’s going on around here huh

I mean I heard a whole bunch of mobs but I’m not hearing a whole bunch of anything else I mean I was kind of hoping there’d be a dungeon but there no all right well guys let’s get back down to Diamond level and we are going to get

Us all some obsidian well guys we’ve got a record opportunity here if we if we manage to get that skeleton to shoot the creeper while it’s weak we might be in with a chance I’ll forget the sake the skeleton is completely incapable of like coming over here oh I’m gonna have to

Try something here I don’t really know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna have to try and get the creeper to come back right and then go from there all right come on buddy all right so this guy’s pretty weak I’m not entirely sure how many more shots he have dang it

All right well like yet no record from that guy here we go my friends I mean it’s a pretty small lava pool to convert into obsidian but you know what it’s definitely gonna be better than nothing isn’t it so let’s go ahead and mined this first bit of obsidian here and then

All we’re going to do in order to increase our safety here is we are going to start putting down some water and then upon the obsidian being mined the water is going to cover up any further lava that may be discovered as a result of mining of the obsidian let’s say you

Guys were looking pretty good so the magic number we are looking for is 14 you can have a minimum of 10 blocks for a nether portal if you don’t put the corners in and then of course there are four bits of obsidian in the recipe for

An enchant table so yeah like I say 14 is the magic number I already think so I think it goes without saying what about slightly more immediate goals for probably next episode I’d say is to give ourselves some sort of zombie XP spawner going because let’s be honest we’re 21 levels

We need ourselves a minimum of 30 levels to start getting ourselves some really really good enchants on our various wears that we have going on so it would be a good idea wouldn’t it just to go ahead and get myself one of those beautiful XP Spooner’s setup yes okay

Well whatever the case my friends check it out we have the ability to make ourselves and and char table there yeah okay fantastic so that is definitely one of the steps complete in fact when it comes down to it you could probably do some various other things say I could

Probably make myself two bookshelves to start off and what I want to do with the rest of the leather there bear with me guys bear with me there’s something I want to do there’s something I want to do it’s something I always intend on doing on all of my other

Series but I never actually get round to it mostly because I’m a big Dumbo and I just keep forgetting it’s to go ahead and put the buried treasure maps inside of item frames you see buried treasure map huh look at that x marks the spot I’d love to make myself like some sort

Of pirate Cove where we just have like all of these things on display with maybe chests where we can see what we get in each one I don’t know that could be a cool idea although then again we’ve already gone ahead and sort of collated

All of the things that we got from their current treasure maps right so yeah doesn’t matter my friends so we do have a source turn obsidian the question is where do we want to put the portal and usually I mean to be honest for now wonder actually because this middle

Island is actually an island right hmm I don’t know although to be honest that whole island thing actually brings me onto the comments question of the video so I tell you what let’s do that first and then we’ll like go into a location for the portal I guess so right yeah for

Today firework guy says I would really love if you would do something related to winter and make a good Christmas vibe yeah that’s a really really cool idea and like I say we got like a bit of an island here and what I was thinking we could do is we could potentially

Terraform it a little bit later in the month and then make ourselves a large-scale Christmas tree huh that’ll be a cool idea wouldn’t it huh I think that’d be really cool I mean I don’t think we’re gonna need this terrain tree that hi I’m thinking maybe we shrink it

Down to maybe a third of the current height and then we do some custom terraforming on this island here and we could have ourselves a really really nice-looking area you know that could be really awesome but anyways guys what we’re gonna do now is we’re gonna place

Down another portal we’re just gonna put it here for now but eventually I would like to make like a dedicated nether portal Hut or crypt or something like that I don’t know man we’ll figure it out as we go along but there we go there’s the portal first up another

Portal of the series of the world of this era ruin we go okay question good nether spawn question mark oh there’s a there’s an Enderman down there that really does not seem like a good thing to get on the wrong side of okay wow this is really high up y89

Wow okay question do we have oh I thought I was about a fall off there for me now I my HUD has jumped into my mouth dudes oh my goodness okay well I’m gonna be honest with you guys this metal spawn sucks there is absolutely nothing special about this nether whatsoever so

Far and in fact this is probably what are the worst novel spawns I think I’ve ever had it’s legitimately gonna be a freaking task to even get down from here man geez Wow yeah this is pretty bad I’m not a fan of this I’m not a fan of this

Neither okay well whatever the case we’ll go back through and we’ll have to go ahead and figure something out another day because for now my friends I think that I would like to try and find a village a village is probably gonna be the way to go if we want to find

Ourselves a bookshelf why like we find like a librarian heart we go from there that would be really really awesome would it not so yeah that’s what we’re gonna try and do but for now my friends we do ever solves two bookshelves which is a fantastic start we need 13 more in

Order to allow ourselves level 30 standard enchants so yeah plenty of stuff to be done my friends for now I’m gonna put the diamond pick away and there she is Flint this still can go away as well and then we’ll maybe like keep some generic building blocks on us just because the

So I like to do huh cool right sticks get some coal little bit of torch action and then guys I think we’re ready and yeah as you can see I’ve done maybe a little bit since the last episode as well I put down the bed I dyed it blue

As well and we got these little flower pots because I’m the flower pop freaking king of Awesomeness okay so we have commonly explored what wha-ha-ha what what are those guys doing there alright well I’ll know you know what that means don’t yet we’re gonna have to try and find ourselves a cow we

Need to find a cow the reason why is because if we add if we have bad omen we would think it although they are oh my goodness me alright got hurt each other yeah yeah yeah good kill each other do it oh my goodness disgusting behavior coming from

These guys they just don’t care do you like they just don’t get dead you all dead alright well that’s that done dusted the only thing is we now have bad omen which means if we were to go ahead and go into a village right now we would cause a

Raid to happen and to be quite frank with you I’m not so sure that I would be able to survive it could be an interesting challenge though it could be an interesting challenge right the only thing is we don’t really have many arrows we’ve got 13 we’re gonna have to

Be very very sparse with them right oh I just don’t know I’m not so sure like honestly like most events and minecraft I’m pretty confident with them right but this one early game that could be a challenge that could be a genuine challenge and like every single thing in

My stomach right now is saying you know what you really shouldn’t do this go get yourself some milk get rid of the effect and then you’ll be fine tickety-boo and peachy but the masochistic side of me is like oh what oh man okay when you say it we need to go grab some

Annuals real quick I want to see what he’s got if he’s got all some stuff then um I’m game I’ll go ahead and buy some stuff you know but if we don’t have to go to a certain buy him to get wood that’d be cool right so yeah I’m just

Gonna grab all of this out at this point now we’re gonna go through it we’re gonna see what that guy has hey there boesky all right what do you go for oh yes this is exactly what I was on about so what this now means is I don’t have

To visit a jungle to get jungle saplings so what I’m gonna do is by I’m kind of tempted to buy four then I can make like a 2×3 jungle tree and then start farming it like that but it’s basically meant that I don’t need to go to the jungle

Much mmm I mean I don’t know what you can find bamboo inside of shipwreck chests as far as I can remember and then cocoa beans I don’t know I don’t know if you can buy them from this guy but anyways what else we got here nor to the

Show the earlier we collect these bad boys the better things are gonna be and then we have some black dye as well okay so for once you’re actually selling things that I actually wanted so good day to you sir good day to you right so we went north

In the last episode maybe this time we go south maybe there’s something going up will you get out of my way piggy how unbelievably rude of you all right what are we going around here huh so there are there we go there’s a cowboy over that wide you know what we’re doing it

We’re gonna go and get rid of this effect okay I don’t think I’m that confident at the moment in in my abilities to survive against those bad boys all right boom hey hey give me milk thanks brewski and another milk bucket you’ll love to see it all right so what

Have we got going on over here so it looks like we’ve got ourselves a pretty nice mountain by him coming up to be honest I feel like this entire place is surrounded by mountain biomes which means you know we’ve kind of got like a bit of a continent going on I don’t know

Nothing that’s pretty awesome so anyway oh my god I just saw Fox’s young I saw Fox’s they are beautiful I’m sorry I’m sorry that they’re so adorable Oh little peep sound all they make my heart melt they do they made me freakin pop me up guys I can’t help it I love it I love cute things in my crab dudes ah the foxes are so cool they’re so amazing oh geez okay

So yeah pretty good-sized tiger by him I mean villagers can spawn in this biome right so it might be worth going up to a bit of a vantage point and having a look to see if we can find one like so let’s go find ourselves a higher place and

Then we’ll have a look well guys what better vantage point can you get then form a mountain oh we got the smoke particles over there that means as a village ah cool you see out of all the villages tiger villages are by far the easiest to spot from a distance right because you

Know smoke particles from the campfires Oh Dan here as well oh my gosh this is like the coolest village I’ve ever seen the reason why it’s the coolest village I’ve ever seen is because it’s like perfectly nestled like beneath this Mountain biome and even goes way down to the water down

There oh my god this is this is actually kind of banging I like this alright so we’re gonna get down here we’ve got to sleep real quick because otherwise the villagers are gonna get impaled by zombies and to be quite frank I don’t want that to happen okay I don’t want it

To happen so let’s go to bed there we go ah they’re so cool though we found a village guys and it’s like actually super freakin awesome it’s such a quaint little village all right so yeah look II do all right more treasure chests for the Pythian and

We’re gonna start picking those bad boys up just so we can keep track of how much stuffs we’ve managed to get so far Wow a sign you can get that as loop that’s interesting buddy why why would you do that yourself alright so there’s a cartographer hmm pretty awesome all

Right what have we got ah the cartographer table sorry buddy you’re getting robbed you’re getting robbed blindness all right what else we got looms okay I mean I’ll take one of them I don’t want to be too much of a a bum I guess so yeah I don’t want to

Help all of them be unemployed oh my goodness alright so this gets anyone let’s see if we can get up to the other sections here there we go oh I love villages I think the tiger villages are definitely the best-looking ones I’m gonna be honest with you guys it’s so

Cute it’s like they’ve took inspiration from me Hey oh gosh oh gosh they got like natural defense mechanisms holy guacamole that’s kind of cool okay that’s a pretty good loop once again I’m gonna take only one of these because I only need one of them but

Let’s continue on what I have you got there potatios pumpkin seeds okay that’s kind of cool we’re getting plenty of loot from this place so far hello there sir no sign of a librarian Hut though a couple more emeralds we’ve got ourselves a spruce saplings I don’t know like

Large ferns as loop I mean yeah okay you do you minecraft and all that you do you write no sign of a library sadly ogres down there as well what wow there’s like loads of stuff hey man oh my god there’s even a jack-o’-lantern I’m sorry everything is like freaking

Awesome here but literally Wow okay guys come on there’s gotta be some more stuff going dude that is sick oh my goodness I didn’t even know you get these little things understands that generate here that is so cool and then we got a blast furnace I mean of course I’m gonna take

That what you think I am dumb don’t answer that so oh man there’s so much cool stuff in here oh so much cool stuff I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I have to just look through everything I want me stuff some books what’s this oh my goodness me there’s so

Much stuff here is actually unbelievable boom wow that’s a lot of loot in this village Wow okay cool right hello nothing okay great let’s go over here wait what the heck lukewarm ocean and there’s like actual tropical fish in here that what it’s goes like there’s like an underwater

Cave that dude daddy’s suet I’m sorry that is just so cool the quotation you guys are gonna get from this episode over and over again is dude this is so cool I mean come on man we’ve got across some pretty cool stuff today man we’ve got some real nice stuff going on

Give me that chest and we’ll get on our merry way right there’s another house just down here though okay so there’s nothing going on there you’re selling a sharpness to sort of weight how much she’s selling that for 16 ah dang blast it I mean I would have bought it if it

Was cheaper but nevertheless guys this has been a pretty fruitful endeavor I mean we haven’t managed to get any bookshelves sadly but it’s not the end of the world it’s not the end of the world there’s a pretty cool village thing man it really really is all right bull

Anyways perhaps we could find ourselves another one that’d be pretty cool I guess I’d really like to try and farm yourself some bookshelves man come on come on I want to get this gold done right folks so check it out we actually have us hoes another village going on

Here another tiger village more to the point so that’s pretty awesome okay so what kind of psycho elope another campfire or some stuff what kind of size is this village I mean I’m not seeing too much so far but that’s not to say that there might not be something cool

Going on yeah we got so much bread now guys I don’t think we’re gonna have to worry about food for a long time yeah brilliant okay hello they say you have no job what the heck is up with that okay boom I get it okay nothing in that

One some sort of trough I guess uh-huh I need a baby really J oh that’s so cute all right come on oh wow like most of these houses are like impossible to access yeah okay Coolio right ah doesn’t appear that there’s anything else going on there is

There a tiny little thing right there but to be honest with you yeah I’m not actually seeing a great deal of buildings here okay so we’ve gone from probably one of the best-looking villages I’ve ever seen to probably one of the smallest there’s like nothing here hmm okay

However my Eagle Eye said oh yeah that was there was I’m glad I went back for that all right jack-o’-lantern I’m sorry buddy I can make you real easy back at base okay oh there’s some more cool okay nice okay so we have a grand total that

We can make of six bookshelves we’ve got two ready we can make four more hmm we need nine more we may have to just do it the old-fashioned way and just like kill a ton of cows oh gosh this is gonna be terrible uh-huh okay well is there anything else I could

Chuck away I mean we’ve got a pretty significant amount of stuff here I don’t think we’re gonna be needing any nuggets more than anything I just want to get myself the leather apples yeah might want to have those spruce logs that we’ve got so much stuff here oh my god I

Can’t decide I got this I walk away maybe the apples I don’t know we could probably get some of those later on I guess who don’t know all right guys it’s time for the mass cow Exodus and certainly not mass cow genocide or killing montage no definitely not that

Definitely not gonna do that no no no cow death montage yeah you guys were actually expecting a cow killing montage sure well I’m a man of my word well well at least I try to be anyways anyways we’re going long into the night here in terms of our hunt for leather I believe

The magic number we’re looking for is 27 because we already have what 18 leathers worth of bookshelves already I guess so yeah oh there we go 27 perfect cool all right so yeah that second village by the way that was to the West a fair amount

Of you know distance so yeah it’s taking a little bit of time to get back but you know all the while we’ve been going ahead and a getting ourselves a bunch of food so we can smell that when we get back and of course be getting off

Leather so we can make ourselves a ton of books when we get back but also if I had more inventory space than I would 100% go ahead and try to pick up a bunch of this sugarcane as we go along but yeah we we don’t have much inventory

Space in fact at all I kind of want to keep everything on me hmm all right let’s get back to base a let’s see what we could do with what we have currently now ready guys so with all the sugarcane you know I think so we got the sugarcane

Collected and I’m pretty sure the magic number we’re looking for is 60 so if we take off three there and do that we could make ourselves get there we get 21 books there we go beautiful eye and that should be enough to get ourselves the whole Shaboom done right so there we go

And there we go 15 bookshelves and where’s the enchant table there it is right now then guys we have ourselves a bet don’t we I mean there’s nothing to bet for it’s just a bet we want to see if fortune 3 is going to be the first

Thing we get for a level 30 standard you know set enchant for a diamond pickaxe so but I Bing badda boom let’s do a little bit of this there we go boom and ladies and gentlemen it’s fortune 3 you’re gonna be our first then chop boom no not guaranteed anyway not guaranteed

So if we manage to get ourselves up to level 30 and then we grab some lapis then we could have a chance not only I mean we will get efficiency for but there is a chance of us getting fortune 3 in addition to that so yeah ok I mean

It’s still also playful ready to gents it’s still all to play for you know don’t go ahead and dismiss the idea just yet oh but there we go my friends goals of the episode are now done and dusted and I’m feeling pretty damn good about it so ladies and gentlemen we are indeed

Gonna go ahead and wrap up today’s episode guys thank you very much for watching if you have enjoyed today’s episode you guys know what the dude go ahead below the video drop a like rating it’s totally for you to do and it shows your support for the series and very

Much appreciate it guys hit the subscribe button if you new around here and don’t forget to ding that bell if you haven’t already so you guys don’t miss out on future content but for now my friends thank you very much for watching I do hope you have a fantastic rest

And I’ll see you guys in the next episode

This video, titled ‘Let’s Explore My World! | Minecraft Survival Ep.4’, was uploaded by PythonMC on 2019-12-02 17:00:01. It has garnered 311559 views and 11352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:50 or 1490 seconds.

Let’s Play Minecraft Survival – Checking out our Nether, some villages and making an enchant setup! ▶ Be sure to drop a LIKE if you enjoyed this Minecraft video! Cheers! ▶ SUBSCRIBE for more Minecraft – http://tinyurl.com/PythonGB3

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Welcome to Python Plays Minecraft! In this Minecraft Survival Let’s Play, you can expect pretty much everything Minecraft has to offer: Exploring the Minecraft world, creating lovely Minecraft builds, caving in Minecraft as well as the technical aspect of Minecraft with farms and more! Hope you enjoy this Minecraft Let’s Play, thanks for stopping by!

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    Gear Up for Chaos! Minecraft Let's Play Gearing Up in Minecraft: Ep. 3 – Strugglebus Adventures Exploring the World of Minecraft In this episode of Let’s Play Minecraft, our intrepid gamers embark on a quest for diamonds to craft some shiny blue gear. Armed with a pickaxe enchanted with Fortune, they delve deep into the world of Minecraft in search of these precious gems. World Info Version: 1.20.1 Seed: -1056946488598000456 Mods Our players enhance their Minecraft experience with a variety of mods, including Fabric Loader, Fabric API, Sodium, Indium, Replay Mod, Simple Hud Utilities, Mod Menu, Iris Shaders, Continuity, Entity Texture Features, and Logical Zoom. These… Read More

  • Insane new 3D experience LIVE now! #MustWatch!

    Insane new 3D experience LIVE now! #MustWatch!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Relaxing Long Let’s Play #Series5 #Episode #025 | #letsplay #resourcepack #1.20 #Livestream’, was uploaded by WASH3D on 2024-04-24 20:19:27. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:26:26 or 15986 seconds. Minecraft Hard Survival in 1.20 Haven’t played Minecraft in a while. Wanted to hop back on Resource Packs!! I made my own for 1.19 Check them all out here https://www.curseforge.com/members/wash3d/projects This is a Technoblade Totem resource pack. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/wash3ds-technoblade-totem This is a black & white Hardcore Hearts & XP bar with Diamond Armor. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/wash3ds-black-white-hardcore-hearts-white-xp-bar This is a… Read More

  • Exploring SECRET STATION in Zoey’s Minecraft World

    Exploring SECRET STATION in Zoey's Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cash and Nico Found a SECRET STATION inside ZOEY – Funny Story in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cash & Nico on 2024-02-25 19:32:49. It has garnered 23589 views and 741 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:09 or 609 seconds. Hi, welcome to the Maizen Fan channel! In this video: Cash and Nico Found a SECRET STATION inside ZOEY – Funny Story in Minecraft This is not an official Cash and Nico channel, we make fan videos with Cash and Nico. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Cash. We are not trying to… Read More

  • “ALi conquers 24/7 MINECRAFT server – LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP! 👀” #clickbait

    "ALi conquers 24/7 MINECRAFT server - LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP! 👀" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 24/7 SERVER | LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP | JAVA+PE | #minecraft #live #phasmophobia #stream’, was uploaded by ALi plays Live on 2024-03-24 04:54:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT 24/7 SERVER | LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP | JAVA+PE | #minecraft #live #phasmophobia #stream join my public … Read More

  • EPIC NEW SMP SURVIVAL SERVER – Join Shafu Bhai’s 24/7 Minecraft SMP Now

    EPIC NEW SMP SURVIVAL SERVER - Join Shafu Bhai's 24/7 Minecraft SMP NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE SURVIVORS NEW SMP || Minecraft PUBLIC SMP || Join My Smp || 24/7 || Minecraft SHAFU BHAI SMP’, was uploaded by Shafu Is Live on 2024-01-18 13:09:43. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:23 or 7463 seconds. Assalam u Alikum, I am a gamer and I will give my best to entertain you . Plz support me 🙂 Discord: https://discord.gg/hM47u23W MINECRAFT SERVER RULES 1) You cant get in someone’s house 2) You need to get full netherite armour in order to get elytra 3) You cant… Read More

  • Join ElStipy’s JAVA/BEDROCK Server NOW! #minecraftlive

    Join ElStipy's JAVA/BEDROCK Server NOW! #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘¿Te unes? Server JAVA/BEDROCK #minecraft #online #gaming #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by ElStipy on 2024-05-28 04:31:48. It has garnered 1881 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:51:28 or 13888 seconds. These are direct (or videos, I don’t know when you see them xD) where the objective is to have a good time Store code: ELSTIPY ****Social Networks**** Discord: https://discord.gg/6TU5xuZC Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ElStipy Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elstipy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elstipy/ Read More

  • SHOCKING: Serbian Dancing Lady Kidnapped JayJay & Mikey in Minecraft Challenge! – Maizen

    SHOCKING: Serbian Dancing Lady Kidnapped JayJay & Mikey in Minecraft Challenge! - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Scary SERBIAN DANCING LADY Kidnapped JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Challenge? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JayJay & Mikey – Maizen on 2024-02-27 20:43:57. It has garnered 21523 views and 173 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:29 or 1229 seconds. How Scary SERBIAN DANCING LADY Kidnapped JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Challenge? – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Read More

  • Day 19: Insane Survival Tactics in Minecraft Stream!

    Day 19: Insane Survival Tactics in Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Survival Stream Series : Ep – 5 (Day – 19) (Horizontal Stream)’, was uploaded by NoisyNinja22 on 2024-03-17 16:58:08. It has garnered 44 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:51:33 or 13893 seconds. Join Us on Discord: https://discord.gg/kYPaJn867J Read More

  • INSANE Fight: Humans Battle Minecraft Monsters!

    INSANE Fight: Humans Battle Minecraft Monsters!Video Information This video, titled ‘People vs Minecraft Creatures in People Playground Ep.9’, was uploaded by TropyBlast on 2024-05-20 15:30:08. It has garnered 1602 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:07 or 187 seconds. Minecraft monsters attack people, people respond with weapons, a tough war begins. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will People defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video ” People vs Minecraft Creatures in People Playground Ep.9 ” Enjoy watching… Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for FREE! ➤… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft skills in 60 seconds!! #viral

    Insane Minecraft skills in 60 seconds!! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #shorts #viral #minecraft #youtube’, was uploaded by Debojit Gaming 8.0 on 2024-02-15 16:03:35. It has garnered 4391 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Minecraft #shorts #viral #minecraft #youtube #viral #minecraft #youtube #shortvideo #subscribe minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song, a… Read More

  • Terra Origins SMP

    Terra Origins SMPWelcome to our brand new Minecraft 1.19 server! The server has a 99.9% uptime and unfortunately only supports Java edition (sorry, bedrock players!). We have plenty of wonderful quality-of-life Fabric mods including: Origins, voice chat, backpacks, veinminer, and FallingTree. Griefing, raiding, and PvP are prohibited and we don’t tolerate any bigotry or harassment – it’s all about being friendly and inclusive. In order to play you’ll need to join our Discord to be whitelisted and download our mods. Here’s the link: http://discord.gg/Nc8BvyrP3p Read More

  • NotHermitCraft SMP 1.20.4 Whitelist Java

    NotHermitCraft What is NotHermitCraft? A Vanilla Survival Multiplayer Server for Java Minecraft 1.20.4! We are a family friendly, community-driven server established in 2019. Inspired by HermitCraft to play Minecraft together. All kinds of players, of all ages, from all over the world! Looking for more members for a long lasting experience with limitless potential. Join our Discord server to apply for whitelist. Simple Voice Chat is highly encouraged! HermitCraft inspired new 1.21 blocks – copper/tuff variants and the crafter. Diamond economy with a shopping district. Voice chat – with deep dark/warden interaction! Custom items. Custom music discs and goat horns…. Read More

  • SocialMC

    SocialMC🎉 Welcome to SocialMC! 🎉🌍 Server IP: socialmc.thewitchyhouse.com📅 Version: Minecraft 1.20.6🏡 Type: Mostly Vanilla with ClaimsAbout SocialMC:Welcome to SocialMCthe ultimate community-driven Minecraft server! Our focus is on fostering a friendly and engaging environment where players can come together to build, explore, and have fun. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a redstone expert, or just starting your Minecraft journey, SocialMC has something for everyone.Key Features:🌟 Vanilla Experience: Enjoy the pure Minecraft experience with minimal plugins to keep the game as authentic as possible.🔒 Claims: Protect your builds with our easy-to-use claiming system. Your creations are safe with us!🌳 Community Events: Participate… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft player fantasy

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft player fantasyIt’s every Minecraft player’s dream to have a score of 591 on a meme about their favorite game, because let’s be real, who needs diamonds when you have internet points? Read More

  • Hide and Seek: Little vs Giant in Minecraft

    Hide and Seek: Little vs Giant in Minecraft In Minecraft, I played hide and seek as a little kid, Against a giant, the challenge, I did. Hiding in corners, sneaking around, Trying to avoid being found. The giant stomped, looking all around, But my hiding skills, they were sound. I giggled quietly, trying not to make a peep, As the giant searched, taking giant leaps. But alas, I was found, the game was done, But oh what fun, in Minecraft, we spun. So join me next time, for more Minecraft fun, Subscribe and turn on notifications, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft’s Tallest Cobblestone Tower

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft's Tallest Cobblestone Tower When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #creeperattack #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Surviving with Iron: Minecraft Series

    Surviving with Iron: Minecraft Series Minecraft Survival Adventure: Finding Iron and Upgrading the Home Embark on a thrilling Minecraft survival journey with our protagonist as they delve into the depths of their world in search of valuable resources. In this exciting episode, our adventurer finally strikes gold – or rather, iron – as they uncover this essential material for crafting and building. Exploring the World Our hero sets out on a quest to explore the vast landscapes of their Minecraft world, braving dangerous caves and treacherous terrain in search of precious ores. With determination and skill, they navigate through dark tunnels and winding passages,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE POWER UPGRADES?! Minecraft Sky Revolutions #13

    UNBELIEVABLE POWER UPGRADES?! Minecraft Sky Revolutions #13Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Revolutions | BIG POWER UPGRADE! #13 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-05-24 22:00:18. It has garnered 17747 views and 665 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:08 or 2108 seconds. Minecraft Sky Revolutions | BIG POWER UPGRADE! #13 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Bees 2 | A DIFFERENT KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/lHV7xvXMjvo ★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine ★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC ★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc Sky Revolutions Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/sky-revolutions Sky… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Skyblock Shenanigans

    Sneaky Minecraft Skyblock ShenanigansVideo Information This video, titled ‘MİNECRAFT TEK BLOK SKYBLOCK (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) bölüm 2 #shorts’, was uploaded by Eyüpcan Emanet on 2024-02-27 09:00:06. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hello everyone, I am Eyüpcan and today I am here with the video called MINECRAFT SINGLE BLOCK SKYBLOCK (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) part 2. After watching the video, one block skyblock (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) If you liked the video, don’t forget to like it. Thank you for watching. discord link: https://discord.gg/FhUPcxsRJ5 Etiketler; minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft City Build LIVE! Epic Florida Theme

    Minecraft City Build LIVE! Epic Florida ThemeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Minecraft City Live: Building in Florida’, was uploaded by AlphaHippoGamer on 2024-03-03 07:12:49. It has garnered 311 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:55:51 or 17751 seconds. Description will be updated at later date https://discord.gg/N36KnntBjp minecraft,minecraft city,minecraft live,live stream,minecraft live stream Read More

  • SECRET Herobrine Pixel Art in Minecraft! 🎨

    SECRET Herobrine Pixel Art in Minecraft! 🎨Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art(‎@taha_iscool5617  ) 🎨 || #pixelart #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Herobrine Unknown on 2024-01-17 06:10:31. It has garnered 2980 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art(‎@taha_iscool5617  ) 🎨 || #pixelart #minecraft #shorts Profile from @taha_iscool5617 Ignore Tags: satisfying minecraft profile pixel art 🎨 || #minecraft, minecraft satisfying pixel art, pixel art minecraft java, pixel art minecraft pc, pixel art minecraft simple, pixel art minecraft generator, how to make realistic pixel art in minecraft, pixel art minecraft realistic, pixel art… Read More

  • Uncover the Shocking Mob Head Secret!

    Uncover the Shocking Mob Head Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mob Head Secret Only Few Know!’, was uploaded by RealJayden on 2024-01-05 14:00:20. It has garnered 4265 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Mob Head Secret Only Few Know! Use Apex Hosting to host your Minecraft Server with Friends! ➜ https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=9190 ★Social Media★ Instagram ➜ http://instagram.com/RealJaydenLive Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/fnQ5PbT Sub-Reddit ➜ https://www.reddit.com/r/RealJayden/ #minecrafttricks #minecrafthacks #minecraftprotip #shorts Read More

  • EPIC MINTOON CRAFT: Skibidi Toilet vs Mecha Boss!

    EPIC MINTOON CRAFT: Skibidi Toilet vs Mecha Boss!Video Information This video, titled ‘Get Ready For Action – Skibidi Toilet Titan x Mecha Boss Cameraman Bottle Flip Challenge #Shorts’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-06-06 23:06:00. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #MONSTERSCHOOL #MINECRAFT #MINTOONCRAFT Don’t forget Subcribe, like, comment and subcribe guys…!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hc7SaWZvnY-1FHUTWdf2Q?sub_confirmation=1 Welcome to the official “MINTOON CRAFT” channel! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft animations and Monster School adventures with us. Join us as we embark on epic journeys, explore new realms, and face thrilling challenges in the vibrant universe of… Read More

  • Government secrets revealed! #gamerfleet #minecraft

    Government secrets revealed! #gamerfleet #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘@AnshuBisht Ki Goverment #gamerfleet #minecraft #fleetsmp #jackbhaiya #herobrine #anshubisht’, was uploaded by Mythes on 2024-04-13 02:30:10. It has garnered 496740 views and 26857 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #payalzoneroast #gamerfleet #payalzoneroasted FleetSMP new Member🤣😂😂 Ballu Beta😄 @Gamerfleet hardest mlg 😍😯😳#jackbhaiya #anshubisht #gamerfleet Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss a video from us. CREATIVE INDIAN GAMERS in Minecraft 🔴 techno gamerz, bbs, mythpat, live Insaan, fleet, yessmartypie Gamer fleet vs Me MLG clutch @GamerFleet @TechnoGamerzOfficial #mlg #minecraft @YesSmartyPie is All in… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD – Sphere House Build Challenge

    Unbelievable Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD - Sphere House Build ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD: SPHERE HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE / Animation’, was uploaded by TEN – Minecraft Animations on 2024-03-24 19:00:00. It has garnered 4138 views and 79 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:40 or 1180 seconds. Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD: SPHERE HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE / Animation Welcome to TEN – Minecraft Animations! I am doing Minecraft Battle Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God challenge like monster school =) Subscribe and leave a like for more animation! #minecraft #noob #pro #noobvspro #noobandpro #hacker… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024

    ULTIMATE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days Survival 2024 / new,minecraft,100,days,survival,2024’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / minecraft on 2024-01-12 10:00:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days 2024 / Minecraft / 100 Days / 2024 #minecraft #minecraft100days … Read More

Let’s Explore My World! | Minecraft Survival Ep.4