Let’s Play: Minecraft Story Mode – RUNAWAY REUBEN!!! – Episode 1 Part 1

Video Information

What’s up guys jfm here welcome back to another minecraft video today i’ll be doing something you guys have really been asking for quite a bit minecraft story mode now before i start i do want to mention a few things i can’t hear the volume when i play this it’s just the

Way it records i don’t know what’s going on but i will have the subtitles on so you guys can listen to it and read the subtitles if you like also i thought i’d mention i have not seen or heard or witnessed anything that involves the

Story of this game i’ve not seen a let’s play yet it’s been out for like a week or two i’ve not i haven’t seen anything so i’m very excited to go in this without any knowledge of what this is going to be like so i think we just hit

Play and and see and see what happens so let’s begin our journey we can pick an appearance i see this is actually pretty cool so we have some presets here uh which one looks most like my minecraft skin it’s gotta be between this guy or this guy we’ll say

We’ll say this one i think this one looks most like my minecraft skin so i’ll pick this appearance he’s got that nice green those green straps on his uh pants to hold him up i think it looks good he’s got a nice little outfit there well i guess everyone has straps yeah

Everyone does okay well we’ll continue on the green ones are the best so we’ll take him let’s name ourselves zachary unless of course we do have a name here order of the stone is episode one let’s begin oh geez this is so cool okay so uh this game series adapts the choices

You make the story is tailored by how you play just like mostly forever here we go and every legend no matter how great fades with time with each passing year more and more details are lost until all that remains are myths half-truths to put it simply lies

And yet in all the known universe between here in the far lands the legend of the order of the stone endures unabridged as self-evident fact indeed it is only a troubled land that has need for heroes and ours was fortunate to have so long ago four heroes who such as the four heroes

Gabriel the warrior before whose sword all combined would try to take you around the redstone engineer whose machines would spark an era of invention magnus the roads who would channel his destructive creativity for the benefit of all and sorensen this is these four friends together would give

So much to gain their rightful place as four heroes their greatest quest would take them on a dangerous journey to fight a mysterious creature known as the gender dragon yes in the end the order of the stone emerged victorious and the dragon was defeated their story complete they slipped away

Into the pages of legend that is awesome is that is that it is that the cutscene oh loading oh this is sweet okay so that’s what every story ends okay here we go another one begins what else another one is this my story does my story begin would you rather

Fight 100 chicken size zombies or ten zombie-sized chickens just to be clear yeah the chicken-sized zombies the chicken-sized zombies that’s easy i’ll take the the little tiny little zombies a hundred of them crawling all over you with their tiny hands well like me it’s like a shovel i’m telling you way too easy

So i’ve got a daylight sensor on the roof and if i did this right these lamps should turn on once it gets dark i didn’t want to just leave reuben here with nothing while we’re at the building competition he’s coming with an open competition really i did hear a little

Bit of a kind of question is that of course he is okay i’m not saying he shouldn’t come i’m not but don’t you think it’s a little weird that you take him back no no it’s not he’s the man he kind of makes us my best friend bro i don’t know amateurs

Reuben’s my best friend oh yeah both of you are yeah i have two i have two best friends i’m glad he’s coming i just don’t want to give people one more reason to call us losers oh come on bro i’m getting tired of it who cares what they think here’s what other people

Think i know i’m just it wears you down you say you’re not a loser olivia so win okay let’s do it fine this is a little bit of a motivational pep talk uh oh no no no no no no no no please please boom oh okay okay okay oh jeez oh geez

Axel what’s the matter i was thinking that was a creeper because oh geez now i’m gonna smell like a pig an endercon i thought we were but i was thinking i was a creeper because i can’t actually hear the volume i just saw the subtitles did you bring the fireworks fireworks of

Course i knew i even brought something for the little guy nice you brought reuben a disguise that is sick definitely brought the fireworks right yes i’m ready waiting on you guys if he was really your best friend you wouldn’t let him go outside dressed like that the only thing more dangerous than

Putting a costume on a pig is trying to take it off hurry up and grab your stuff we’ll meet you downstairs okay all right sounds good sounds good okay so i meet them downstairs reuben you better stay up here with me okay so drag and move to look around i

Got it man my guy’s got some pep to his step look at that he’s walking around pretty fast there reuben what’s up dragon roar oh i’m not gonna be able to hear it oh i can’t hear it i need to figure out how to be able to

Hear audio while i’m playing but anyways let’s go to the armor stand over here let’s check what’s up with the dan as a gift but don’t have any armor maybe someday okay i’ll work on getting some armor for that thing i’ll work on getting some armor for that thing right

Here one of these days we’re gonna win the endercon building competition do we do people will look at us and say hey there goes jesse and reuben winners of this endercon building competition yeah that’s probably what they would say that’s that’s probably what they would say that’s probably that’s probably what

They would say all right what’s what’s in this what’s in this chest here cheers definitely taking these you never know what i might need to shear some sheep good good good okay and uh this is the gabriel thing is he my idol or something gabriel the warrior

You think we’ll ever get that famous famous we’re getting that face not impossible maybe i’ll get famous for my sweet poster collection okay so oh there’s an inventory as well so i have a wooden sword and shears right now it looks like i gotta get this last chest right quick what’s inside

That studio good good good so we’ve got a few different items in here i think that’s it that looks like the last thing i can interact with i guess i just gotta go yeah i just gotta go downstairs come on reuben let’s go reuben oh look at him

Reuben is the man if he grows up and be upset because the small things are so cute that’s everything okay yeah dude let’s roll let’s go let’s go i heard a pretty juicy rumor about the building competition but you guys have to promise not to say anything okay

Also it’s in two parts each part more exciting than the last spit it out axel part one the special guest at this year’s endercon is none other than gabriel the warrior him freaking himself gabriel what’s part two part two according to my sources the winner of the building competition gabriel i had a

Poster of that man it doesn’t mean anything if we lose but if we win i’d love to be gabriel this would make up for all the losing meeting gabriel would be a dream and an honor totally he’s awesome it’d be amazing champion reuben better be careful in that costume

The last time gabriel saw a dragon it didn’t end well the comedy in this game oh my goodness so does this source of yours make posters for a living huh yeah my uh source uh doesn’t exist oh gee you guys are my only friend okay so guys let’s stay focused we have a

Competition to win yeah the source does not never win okay and this year we’ve got reuben with us we basically have no chance have a little faith olivia gee yes a little slice a sliver a portion just a little faith that’s all we need also i’m hungry to win

No no i’m with that yeah we’re gonna win this thing all right wait a minute wait a minute we’re thinking about this all wrong the point of the building competition isn’t just to build something we have to do something to get noticed by the judges

Okay then so how do we do this we don’t just build something functional we build something fun after we finish the fireworks machine like we planned then we build something cool on top of the lyrics machine we might be on to something if we want to

Get a reaction out of the judges you build something scary so i say we build a creeper wouldn’t an enderman be better i’m more scared about it speakers creepers they both have their moments they’re both pretty scary endermen are cool then again you scared the crap out of us with a creeper today

Let’s build an enderman ah i’m sorry axel bro are you whining i’m sorry no i was saying awesome oh geez yeah i think this is the first time we’ve decided on something before getting to the competition i think we’ve got everything we need it wouldn’t hurt to grab a little more

Let’s get to grabbing then we’re so prepared we can’t lose and not bring it in oh oh rubenstein oh three no no no preparing is darren now that same thing forget it a team on three one two three oh geez okay so it looks like i just got

To smash up this treat oh no jeez we’re having some trouble there rupert does not like the look of this oh look we got a train we got a train with reuben on her back oh jeez gabriel i’m coming i’m coming for you oh okay we’ll get some of that

Sand sounds good whoa we’re wrestling wrestling is squid more push-up ooh one-handed push-ups these are pretty difficult these are challenging i’m making these look easy with rubin on my back let’s reuben’s my roommate’s my trainer man i’m gonna run through this forest punch em i’m some flowers how is this harder than push-ups

Oh geez what are these oh crunches oh get the crunches going reuben is my physical trainer this is this is pretty sweet and then we’ll get a little bit of this mining going as well what are we gathering oh the shears are finally coming in candy that’s pretty good

This is sweet this is sweet and now i’m able to punch the piece of wood oh and get that there we go there we go oh this is good so meet up again are we gonna do the repair thing yes we are oh that’s awesome and the freeze frame

That’s good so making our way to endercon now maybe now that we’re prepared all the stuff okay we are so ready this year it’s going to be different i’m not just ready to build i’m ready to win nice pig losers oh at least i knew it was a pig there’s

Lucas in the ocelots the rivalry continues i’ll remember that man they’ve got matching leather jackets and everything so cool well well well if it isn’t the order of the losers oh yeah the failed squad oh yeah lucas get a load of these losers let’s go guys

Okay i see how it is i see how it is lucas in ocelots axel and uh how do you do no your team name team name axel’s a character man we are not ready for this so much for losing anonymously we’re the order of the pig or the pig order of the

Stone there we go to reuben or are you making fun of me okay okay you guys are in booth five ah jeez axel can’t be laughing at us we’re about to we’re about to destroy the competition endercon outdoors okay oh finally we finally get a little bit more freedom

Okay booth one we can check out booth one we can go over to what looks to be like booth three or something over there yeah booth three um let’s go to let’s just start off with booth or you know what let’s go in this chest what’s up what’s inside this chest

Really cool let’s see what do we have right here hmm is it nope nothing oh well i tried i tried okay so booth one what do we have in here nothing okay sounds good to me uh booth two booth three i mean okay some more competition what about

This one man it’s crap crowded over there all right let’s go back over to booth two on this side maybe there we are let’s check out booth two some more competition i see you just gotta eyeball the competition they’re definitely everyone in town is here everyone in town is here is there really

A town oh camera angle change there what does that one say i can’t even read this booth four all right i don’t like the look of this that’s the that’s the ocelot so that’s the ocelot gang over there and booth five of course the best booth is that a freaking beacon

They have a freaking beacon that’s stained glass they aren’t just building a beacon they’re building a rainbow rainbow beacon we’re gonna lose we got this don’t worry about it we should probably stop staring at them look it’s the order of the losers again that’s a good one you didn’t we’re just looking there’ll

Be plenty of time for you all to look at it after it wins and gets shown at endercon you’re being unpleasant maybe not all of you endercon doesn’t allow outside food or drink bro you gotta chill with that i’m talking about your pig reuben is not reuben is not food could

Have fooled me we all in agreeance that this guy is uh let’s hope it doesn’t come to that stop wasting your time aiden we’ve got work to do okay lucas isn’t you know this guy’s lucky on this dude he’s a green shirt hey josie guys if he wants to fight off petra

How’s the bill going only time will tell but we’re optimistic hey petra i forgot to thank you for that netherstar hey lucas not a problem help these tools for the right price i’ll help anyone if you need anything you know where to find me for the right price none of us know

Where to find you exactly no hard feelings guys if you’re cool with petra you’re cool with us so why don’t we just forget about all this and you know make this about how cool our builds are may the best team win careful what you wish for we’ll see about that confidence ladies

And gentlemen welcome to the endercon building competition the winners of this year’s competition will have their build featured at endercon the winners will also meet in person gabriel the warrior that just make one up look at that we’ll call it the griefer grab the griefer grab bro come on for grabs

That is one of the weirdest handshakes and just like that i’m nervous again no one will come like that we can do this just stick to the plan and everything will be fine this year the order of the pig can’t lose let’s go let’s go let’s do it beautiful building starts now

Am i wait am i going to be able to build oh okay okay we just got to build oh she’s got to tap this thing look at us go fireworks dispenser i’m so scared what do you worry about your build we’ll worry about ours that was very fast

Fireworks we got some redstone magic up in here little redstone proteges oh i probably should start hitting that okay go up a little bit oh it’s gonna oh is this the enderman it is the enderman that’s glorious that is absolutely glorious oh yeah we got this we’re eyeballing oh that’s actually pretty cool

Okay we got this though we got it we got it we got it we got this and now the moment of truth moment of truth here goes nothing this looks so cool we’ll win this for sure i gotta admit this enderman is sweet good call jesse it’s lovely it’s lovely come over here

Judges and see what we’ve done we’re looking at us no way let’s do this thing just a bunch of dyed wool whoops no no no we can’t be serious right now come back the lava’s getting closer reuben’s going to get lost we’ve gotta do something we’ve gotta get reuben

I gotta take one for i gotta take one for the team i gotta take one we’re right behind serious this is this is supposed to be serious cheese man okay oh well there goes our enderman i hope they remember that that was a pretty cool enderman they’re ain’t up but it is

What it is it is what it is we gotta find room anywhere rupert he could have gone anywhere in this part of the woods is huge we stand a better chance of finding him if we split up if either of you get lost just use the lights from endercon to make your way

Back to town got it got it okay splitting up is the plan oh geez it’s getting dark and i don’t see my little baby why did you run away where you are give me an oink if you can hear me yeah give me an oink okay all

Right uh-oh we’re in for some trouble here i see some smoke over there tap to call ruben just oink if you can hear me if you can hear me okay let’s go over here hmm okay well can i walk that way hold on what’s on this tree

Nothing can i hit on oh okay oh dramatic dramatic camera pan around the tree nothing there sounds good to me do i go the pig tracks way i think i do right does that make sense what’s this way ooh a floating carrot ruben i don’t want to be out here in the dark

More pig tracks we’ll see what’s down this way yes more pig tracks i got it definitely belong to a pig hmm there’s no way reuben made these on his own no wait what i’m confused ruben is a pig how could he not have made those on his own

Oh there’s a carrot over here let me grab the carrot let me add this to my inventory please hey reuben i got a carrot for you oh you love carrots they do love carrots these pigs do love carrots can we walk this way we can it’s getting spooky man this is very gloomy

Oh no ruben are you in there reuben better not oh no if reuben grew up and i’m not gonna be able to tell which one’s reuben reuben better recognize me cause all these pigs look the same man all these pig tracks all these big tracks and no rubens okay

Let’s see what’s on this tree back here are we gonna look around are we okay we can look around this tree is reuben back here no reuben’s not back there reuben my man we need you we need you is this reuben over here reuben ruben hey all pigs but reuben shut up geez

No reuben no reuben what’s back here behind these pieces of grass maybe okay no just a little jump scare from the chicken okay we’ll continue on go past these dandelions let’s just tap the corner let’s go come on ruby come on rubio where you are where you are where you are ruby yeah

Let’s see is he the moon it’s scary it is getting scary it is getting scary okay so go over to that dot i’m assuming oh there’s the smoke that i saw earlier reuben and that’s him oh no no you in there buddy okay no he’s not in the he’s

Not in the costume oh geez please don’t be toasty he’s not in the costume he’s not it he better not be in there he’s not okay now where’s reuben put that out do i do i take the end of it can i wear the enderman huh can i wear the enderman hat

No he didn’t want to do it okay understandable understandable i see who reuben’s gotta be no don’t tell me you went in this cave reuben do not tell me you went in this game ruben is that you do not tell me you went in this cave

Reuben i don’t want to go with this game okay are we gonna be good are we gonna be good what’s down here oh that’s very spooky yeah okay no okay no he’s not gonna attack me that’s good that’s good we’ll move along very slowly and it looks like we can go out this

Side okay not too bad anymore that was that was i don’t need that i just need i need to find reuben and then we’ll be good where could reuben be why is he why did he run so whoo i just see something did i just see something in these bushes

Did i just see something in these bushes is that a ruben i see please cross my fingers it is i see a reuben reuben there you are what a relief mister hey buddy you want a carrot cheese man at least he’s not toasted at least he hasn’t turned into bacon

Oh i’m so happy to see you reuben will remember that reuben reuben knows english oh geez oh no this is not good reuben run yeah you gotta run now we gotta run let’s run back to let’s can we please we don’t actually have to run zombies

Are pretty slow yeah we’re good we think we’re good no we’re not no we’re not no we’re not we’re not good we’re not good we’re not good okay nice little slide there nice little slide just got hit in the shoulder okay are we good some more zombies reuben i have a sword

Shall we begin tap to attack tap to it there’s some combat in this game i was not expecting this we’ll get a little attack oh there we go oh yes oh yes beautiful combo there are two more we got two more left to go oh there are

Plenty left to go tap the arrows to switch targets well let’s get this target let’s hit this man let’s hit this man right here there we go switch the target to this one okay switch the target again to that one switch it to this one get a little knock back go and

Switch it to that one take it to it perfect perfect perfect and we’ll take this one out as well uh-oh there goes the sword oh geez stupid wooden sword can i craft another one real quick can i can i start smacking that tree next to me oh no

Axel axel where’s axel where’s my man oh geez no screw it away from him wow wow right in the face no we got you don’t be infected don’t turn into a zombie mr oh geez ah okay stage one oh my goodness with the pickaxe come on let’s go with the pickaxe let’s

Go reuben come on let me grab that oh yes grab that grab that grab that grab that okay are we good we’re good she saved us i don’t even know her name what’s her name i don’t even know but she just saved us that’s for sure i want to show you something

What not that this isn’t a really cool dimly lit tunnel but how far away is this thing you want to show me

This video, titled ‘Let’s Play: Minecraft Story Mode – RUNAWAY REUBEN!!! – Episode 1 Part 1’, was uploaded by JackFrostMiner on 2015-10-23 22:44:22. It has garnered 99660 views and 2344 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:07 or 1627 seconds.

Welcome to Minecraft Story Mode!!! In this playthrough of iOS & Android MCSM, I will be playing the role of a young crafter looking to make his mark in history! Follow me through my journey as I fight monsters, build awesome stuff, and make gut-wrenching decisions. Enjoy!

Series: Let’s Play Minecraft Story Mode Minecraft Story Mode Walkthrough ======================================== Bio: Hey I’m Jack, and I record Minecraft Pocket Edition aka Minecraft PE aka MCPE! XD Welcome to my description! I love to play all sorts of games, so you will often see many other types of games as well! Glad you stopped by! Check the channel for more 🙂

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Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music (for videos that make use of music tracks) Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects (for videos that make use of sound effects) ========================================

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  • V For Vanilla – Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information Server IP: VForV.net Server Discord: Join our Discord Version: Java 1.20.4 V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021. We offer a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience with minimal admin intervention. Our goal is to provide a fair and authentic vanilla experience without game-changing plugins or commands. Join our small international community for a true vanilla experience. Server Details World Border At 30M No Map Resets Random, unprotected spawn area No TPA or Sethome Griefing & Killing Allowed No Duping (Exception for TNT bombers) Chat isn’t strictly moderated Dedicated server hosted in… Read More

  • Death Follows | Official Server

    Death Follows | Official ServerDeath Follows is a modded Zombie Apocalypse server. There is an active community along with frequent updates! Play on the server or just get the modpack to play with your friends! There is a mostly Anarchy playtype for the server aside from a few specific rules. Designated CFZ (Cease Fire Zones) are to remain PVP free. There are hardly any spots and youd have to go out of your way to break that. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft X Netflix collab spicy!

    The new Minecraft x Netflix collaboration is so good, the Ender Dragon is demanding royalties for its cameo appearance. Read More

  • Lost in Blocks: Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3 – The Hunt Begins!

    Lost in Blocks: Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3 - The Hunt Begins! In Minecraft Story Mode, we dive deep, Exploring the world, secrets to keep. Episode 3, The Last Place You Look, Adventure awaits, like an open book. No commentary, just gameplay pure, Robert.T.Gaming, the one to allure. An hour long journey, full of delight, Subscribe for more, day or night. Deviantart pictures, creative and bold, Check them out, stories untold. Minecraft world, a place to explore, In every corner, there’s always more. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so tight, Minecraft Story Mode, a true delight. Join the adventure, with every spin, Let the story sing, let the truth… Read More

  • Minecraft: Drip Stone Drama [🔥😂]

    Minecraft: Drip Stone Drama [🔥😂] "Drip stone in Minecraft: exists Logic: confused screaming Who knew a simple rock could break the laws of physics in a virtual world?" 😂 #minecraftlogic Read More

  • Surviving the World’s Biggest Minecraft Creeper

    Surviving the World's Biggest Minecraft Creeper The World of Minecraft: Surviving the Biggest Creeper Exploring the vast and pixelated world of Minecraft can be both thrilling and challenging. In a recent video titled “I Survived Worlds Biggest Minecraft creeper,” players were taken on an adventure like no other. Let’s delve into the exciting details of this epic Minecraft journey. Survival Skills Tested The video showcased a player facing off against the biggest Minecraft creeper ever encountered. With its towering size and explosive power, the creeper posed a significant threat. The player’s survival skills were put to the test as they navigated through the blocky terrain,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! You won’t believe what Minecraft mods I’m avoiding in my modpack #dejatwo

    UNBELIEVABLE! You won't believe what Minecraft mods I'm avoiding in my modpack #dejatwoVideo Information This video, titled ‘I WILL NOT use these Minecraft mods in my modpack #dejatwo’, was uploaded by DejaTwo on 2024-06-02 02:25:31. It has garnered 428560 views and 65523 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving the Deadly Wasteland in Minecraft

    Surviving the Deadly Wasteland in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the Steve Dweller in a Deadly Wasteland in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-21 16:19:23. It has garnered 148046 views and 6484 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:30 or 1830 seconds. Hardcore Minecraft in a haunted wasteland. This is my hardest and scariest challenge yet as the Steve dweller or mimic dweller is set loose in this hardcore survival world. Herobrine is also scaring me 24/7. Dangerous mobs roam the land while no passive mobs, no wildlife no vegetation spawn in any way. Can I make it out alive? After previously… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Logic Water Bucket Trick 🤯 #Viral

    INSANE Minecraft Logic Water Bucket Trick 🤯 #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic with water bucket#minecraft #logic #browsefeatures #viralshort’, was uploaded by Ysa gamer on 2024-05-06 14:31:45. It has garnered 511 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate PvZ battle in luxury village | SNOW Minecraft Survival Walkthrough

    Ultimate PvZ battle in luxury village | SNOW Minecraft Survival WalkthroughVideo Information This video, titled ‘SNOW minecraft Surviving in luxury village in b.e | Minecraft Survival Walkthrough (mobile gameplay)’, was uploaded by The battle of pvz on 2024-04-17 00:00:14. It has garnered 61 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. SNOW minecraft Surviving in luxury village in beta edition | Minecraft Survival Walkthrough (mobile gameplay) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on… Read More

  • Minecraft Pirate steals Hyrule’s Bread!

    Minecraft Pirate steals Hyrule's Bread!Video Information This video, titled ‘plundering Hyrule but it’s in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by The Bread Pirate on 2024-03-09 21:06:46. It has garnered 3483 views and 192 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:53 or 11273 seconds. “Smooth seas never made a skilled pirate,” so today we are pillaging the coast of Hyrule for all its booty! 👑💰💀 💭 QUESTIONS Q: What game is this? What server? A: 🎯 Minecraft! We are playing on a map of Hyrule created by @Grazzyy and his team. Q: Can I join the server? A: 🤫 Not yet! But someday Grazzy will make… Read More

  • Win a Prize from Mash – Herobrine Jumps Fast!

    Win a Prize from Mash - Herobrine Jumps Fast!Video Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Jump Fast to Win a Prize from Mash #trending #shorts #mashle’, was uploaded by MQube on 2024-05-22 09:31:52. It has garnered 21249 views and 1528 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #trending #mystery #minecraft #minecraftanimation #animation minecraft, minecraft shorts idea, short trending idea, short trending, shorts, minecraft short idea viral, minecraft short, short video, minecraft bling-bang-bang-born, funny short, funny memes, memes short, minecraft animation, minecraft school, monster school short idea, help herobrine, Help herobrine break bedrock, help herobrine from the mystery bedrock, help herobrine mystery bedrock, herobrine bling-bang-bang-born,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Capt. Perry Solves Secret Star Project Alone! 🌟 #palworld

    Unbelievable: Capt. Perry Solves Secret Star Project Alone! 🌟 #palworldVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Alone Am The Honoured One #palworld #palworld’, was uploaded by Cpt. Noelani Perry Ch. 🇮🇳 Project Starscape on 2024-02-17 18:22:12. It has garnered 228 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:18 or 12738 seconds. Ahoy!~ It’s your friendly neighbourhood Captain Noelani! 🦭❤ You knew it, the camp in minecraft isn’t for show. I will monopolize this place too. No one is safe. =================READ BELOW FOR GENERAL INFO================= Welcome aboard the crew, Seadawg. I make a lot of gaming content, specially story rich games and often make fun narratives about them…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PvP Hack Viral on TikTok #OP

    Ultimate Minecraft PvP Hack Viral on TikTok #OPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral hack tik tok hack #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by op pvp yt gamer on 2024-01-13 02:34:38. It has garnered 4146 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hero Trap by Vezalius Bandage

    Insane Minecraft Hero Trap by Vezalius BandageVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Heroes】Building a trap for heroes・ヒーローを引き寄せる罠を作る!【NIJISANJI EN | Vezalius Bandage】’, was uploaded by Vezalius Bandage 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 18:39:56. It has garnered 15784 views and 1204 likes. The duration of the video is 05:20:24 or 19224 seconds. It’s time to execute my evil plan to lure heroes into my trap hehehehhe 😈 【Streamlabs Donations】 https://streamlabs.com/vezaliusbandage 【June Bride Voice Pack】available until June 30th JST https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/news/76msaa-nw9mm ✦✧✦ ✦Thumbnail art: https://x.com/Thd10042/status/1792616936251052356 ✧Thumbnail logo: https://x.com/Nicreator_0v0/status/1792636847622926465 ✦✧✦ 【Chat Guidelines】 ✦ Don’t spam or troll. ✧ Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. ✦ Keep the comments… Read More

  • World Craft Domination

    World Craft Domination[Survival] [PvP] [RolePlay] [Vanilla] [Towny] [Economy] [Player Shop] [Geopolitical] – World Craft: Domination is a survival based server with nations, towns, trading & politics. Who can be the most powerful nation? Grow your empire, ally with others and even declare war on other nations! play.wcdmc.com Read More

  • Alberram – Fantasy Roleplay Server SMP Whitelist

    Alberram Fantasy Medieval Roleplay Server Details: Java | Vanilla | Version 1.20.2 | 16+ Join Us: Discord Invite Link About Us: Alberram is a fantasy medieval roleplay server that offers creative freedom with a simple lore that sparks imagination. Key Features: Completely Free: No donations or subscriptions for unfair advantages Caring Staff Team: Transparent, honest, and responsive staff members Dedicated Playerbase: Active community ready to create unique characters and stories Whitelist Process: Quick review of character sheets to ensure fairness and lore compliance Unique Plugins: Enhancing races, towns, cities, and geopolitical roleplay Lore Snippet: The world of Alberram is a… Read More

  • RoyaltyRealms SMP

    RoyaltyRealms SMPRoyaltyRealmsRoyaltyRealms is a semi-vanilla Minecraft vanilla server. We always strive to be on the latest version of Minecraft so that our players can enjoy new Minecraft updates. We offer custom textures, models, and UIs to make our server different. All artwork and 3d models are custom and specifically for this server. RoyaltyRealms gives players the ability to decorate their homes/builds with furniture models. Players may also customize their Minecraft character with cosmetic items. Join us for a fun adventure on RoyaltyRealms.Connect at: play.royaltyrealms.comJoin our Discord: Discord.gg/royaltyrealms Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty flexin’

    Well, looks like this meme is really flexing its score on us! Great job, meme, we’re all very impressed with your high score. Read More

  • Minecraft Escape Room: Epic Fail or Genius Plot?

    Minecraft Escape Room: Epic Fail or Genius Plot? In the worst Minecraft escape room, I did play, But it was so bad, I escaped in a day. With failed puzzles and obvious solutions in sight, I crafted my way out, with all my might. In a Bedrock turret, I began my quest, Using F5 to see, I gave it my best. Threw an ender pearl, to the next room I flew, Crafted a boat, and sailed through. In the next room, a two-block jump I faced, With stairs, lava, and a fishing pole to embrace. I crafted my way out, with planks and sticks, Using my wits,… Read More

  • “Hot diggity Minecraft memes!” #minecraft #memes #shorts

    "Hot diggity Minecraft memes!" #minecraft #memes #shorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #shorts Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Food Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Food Mods! Minecraft Food Mods: Enhancing Your Gaming Experience! Hey everyone, it’s Rakkooii! Most of you that play modded Minecraft are aware of the vast variety of mods that make up a pack. Within this assortment is a genre of mod that is very popular within the cozy gaming community. Food enhancement mods! But, what really are these mods, and why are they so popular? Let’s dive in and explore the world of Minecraft food mods! Understanding Minecraft Terminology Before we begin, let’s cover some basic terminologies: Minecraft: A 3D sandbox game that allows players to craft their own unique experiences…. Read More

  • Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21

    Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21 The Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Netherite Mining Guide Mining for Netherite in Minecraft can be a challenging task, but fear not! The ultimate Minecraft Netherite mining guide for 1.21 is here to help you navigate through the process. With detailed methods, tips, and strategies, you’ll be on your way to acquiring this valuable resource in no time. Understanding Ancient Debris Netherite, also known as Ancient Debris in its raw form, is a precious item found underground in the Nether dimension. It typically appears in chunks of 1 to 3 and can only be mined with a diamond or Netherite pickaxe…. Read More

  • JJ & Mikey: Tragic Maizen, Alone in Minecraft

    JJ & Mikey: Tragic Maizen, Alone in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] ah good morning everyone how are you doing oh there’s no JJ here I guess he’s on the first floor let’s see the weather looks so nice today I’m so happy and let’s go to the kitchen maybe JJ is cooking something ha oh no where can he be he’s not in the kitchen he can’t be where’s he gone let’s go outside and see what’s going on there’s no telling what could be going on oh my God what are we going to do now it’s going to be bad for us with without JJ how… Read More

  • Minecraft PrinceMJ Live Let’s Play

    Minecraft PrinceMJ Live Let's PlayVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo hello everybody what’s up what’s up wait a minute wait a minute you guys before we get straight into the game play wait a sec wait a sec my do do you know okay hello foxy Zer we have uh kuna we have light flamish here let’s [Music] go all right I don’t know if you guys will say the same to Minecraft Legends in the future I I don’t even know maybe let’s just see if Minecraft dungeons back then were was kind of look like was kind of look like as… Read More

  • INSANE Bedwars Combo – MUST SEE!! 🤯 #trending

    INSANE Bedwars Combo - MUST SEE!! 🤯 #trendingVideo Information I This video, titled ‘Combo Edit 🔥 | DVRST – Close Eyes | #bedwars #minecraft #trending #hypixel #shorts #entertainment’, was uploaded by RaahimClips on 2024-05-08 13:36:04. It has garnered 510 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020, fps boost 2021, hypixel, cheating on hypixel, hypixel hack, minemen club,… Read More

Let’s Play: Minecraft Story Mode – RUNAWAY REUBEN!!! – Episode 1 Part 1