LetsPlay – Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 67 – Mass Effect Mash-Up Edition

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Hi everyone what the [ __ ] is this is a ship this is a Minecraft texture pack Mission it’s not it’s a national pack yeah mashup the first of any what is this this is a really empty place this is my it’s [ __ ] Mars man we’re on Mars base yeah

This is this is the Mars base that’s like level two of Mass Effect 3 right guys it looks like the first thing we should do is go over to that giant building and see what’s going on over there what giant that was a waste of time oh you see a Giants

I can’t see it oh [ __ ] it’s like a space map holy [ __ ] oh my Lord welcome to I hear a zombie all right where’s Mars what is it is my ass to it you can go in here what’s in here all right do you want to follow

Me guys whoa look at your milk yeah there’s a bunch of uh conversation Jack there’s a bunch of [ __ ] switches on the top see if aliens come out I think they’re just for decoration wait there’s nothing like that what is this material there’s a redstone glow coming out of this stuff

I think we should stick with us because all right guys oh it’s doing something it’s making red [ __ ] it’s making red [ __ ] Gavin where are we going all right you’re telling all these people guys follow me dude this is like this looks like Iron Man’s house oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] Ryan got a

Little too excited about it oh that will happen so gravity still pretty much still a thing it is I believe it is only 0.7 Earth normal though well that will still break your ankles nerd oh [ __ ] I’m inside what’s in there oh [ __ ] uh just a empty room oh what’s down here nothing

Uh it’s a little hole trippy so it’s just like the tutorial World up here buttons jeez it’s basically just like a world you can have this [ __ ] whoa is it only this world like you can’t bring it into are you crafting stuff lime wall oh I can make space sticks I

Like they’re just reskin wool that’s clever what’s all this what’s in here dude this is [ __ ] like futuries it’s freaking me out oh sweet there’s a ladder is this like oh she knows a picture future technology Bridges and [ __ ] there’s like a Command Center in here there’s a [ __ ] I don’t

Have a block somewhere I didn’t mean to but I can’t take it down because it’ll take me eight minutes where do we uh oh wow tools what do we get are there trees oh my God guys you gotta explore this [ __ ] place I’m in the kitchen making some space kitchen

Where’s Joker blue kitchen where’s Joker he’s in the skin pack is this wait dude my sword looks awesome am I on the Mass Effect is that what’s happening right now we’re Mass effecting right now we’re in it guys oh wow I heard a monster in the ship oh

You’re in the ship the Geth are they here oh my God yeah I really want to see what the memories look like Sam new this is [ __ ] cool I’m gonna have to break my way out of this ship but you know let’s just go out the door

I’m still looking for why would I go out the door right Ryan who knows where the door right door yeah who knows everybody seen my awesome who knows where the door are all right I’m gonna go to the big building someone who wants to Adventure come with me

No this is like a side bit oh what color are you guys yeah that’s [ __ ] of course all right Kevin where are you you know breathing is way easier that looks [ __ ] cool yeah yeah it’s my sword dude hell yeah where’d you get it you made it lightsaber where’d you make it a

Crafting table where’d you get one wow uh it may or may not have been in the chest at the very beginning that I am son of a [ __ ] Gavin look out that’s a wooden sword yeah you’re about to walk off the edge it looks like a it looks

Like a red Power Ranger sword so Gavin are you outside oh yeah see you almost walked off guys the future is [ __ ] scary all right uh let’s go over there oh no I’m starving how do we get it I need something from the space space Noms oh look somebody says Mars over there

Nope phone all right all right I hear a zombie oh wow there’s a huge building over there Jeff look I’m playing with the lamps what is this room this is the lamp room uh you know Redstone lamps [ __ ] space lamps all right follow me guys all right all right let’s let’s borrow our

Way through this because everyone have a pickaxe no no because I just got a sword what there may or may not have been one in the [ __ ] Chester all right give me the picture you have a space ax all right I’m gonna take this Jack Jack I’ve

Got his backs oh this is a crafting Jack I want the specs spacks I wish I was inside this and not running around on the roof follow me follow me this doesn’t work all right what’s your way out why am I doing what just go around I’m over here already foreign

Dude this is freaking me out I’m over in the big building unfortunately I’m on top of the big building not in there oh it’s over here Brian ow I busted my way out oh wow Michael you’re already at the big building we have all been why are there in the

Chests everywhere where did my map go my map’s gone right don’t be friends oh I died that’s right oh there’s a jungle over there guys should we go to the Jungle oh it’s a jungle in here welcome to has anyone found any food yet nope Let’s uh that’s the big building

Am I at the big building yes it sucked oh [ __ ] what’s that thing I want to go explore if you’re under the big building this place is [ __ ] nutso dude ow damn it is that where they found the model that was a Ledge I didn’t see those steps dude

You’re like you’re like ow then you move down one step uh I guess I need to go back upstairs all right how do we uh get into this thing I want to try and get on the top of this bloody thing you started on top of this

Where are you all right I was running around on the roof of this whole time I’m gonna die of starvation I still want to see what the enemies look like oh that’s a good point you have food what Jeff how much [ __ ] did you take I may or may not have taken

Oh I’m not a cookie sorry I’m there may not have taken uh some stuff out of the chest when we buy some stuff that was the entirety of our Provisions for surviving on this planet guys guys why are there buttons yeah I can hear you fine you’re sitting right next to me

Can you see me up on the top of the building oh is that you up there what color are you I see a little dot like a little speck in the corner is that you I’m gonna jump can you see me jumping nope Another Empty I can’t see moving around

Yeah there’s empty chests jump Gavin right how do we get that I don’t think we can I really don’t worry wait wait you’re behind a cloud oh guys it’s getting night time all right I See You Gavin jump are we gonna freeze on Mars without the Sun or something

Jump guess how that works I don’t know what you wanted to jump I don’t want you to jump off I’m not gonna jump off what is he gonna do he said let me watch me jump jump off yeah what about it let’s get on top of

That I’m on it now oh you’re all the way up top look at me you can see me look at me how’d you get up there is there like an elevator inside I just mind a little stuff oh I see a spider oh it looks the same

Really yeah it’s not a space spider no it’s just a spider maybe it’s a Mida kill me all right what does that mean all right Jeff I’m out of the hole so we can’t like reskin achievements can we do oh [ __ ] almost jumped off I don’t know I

Don’t know what it carries over good actually yeah yeah oh this creeper at least I’d be somewhat familiar with achievement should we do that after this like load up achievement City with this texture pack yeah let’s do it the [ __ ] out oh here’s some stairs guys I found water

Um yeah if you uh oh wow what the [ __ ] hitting me oh spider’s hitting me guys mystery’s over I turned my back because I was gonna eat my spider so she didn’t even see it that was [ __ ] funny guys did you see that yeah oh I’m dead Jack

Did you see me hit no I gotta eat my spider I like that I jumped to my death and you look away he turned on he’s like it’s so interesting space what’s more interesting I was dying will you die as you get the shot man this is wool uh hey

Buddy all right that’s chickens on Mars that’s cows that’s space Edgar you found cows oh space Edgar did anybody go inside yeah you guys really were inside yeah what was it like I found a space very Spacey right I found a Mars Rose did you do you

Want it yeah I do where are you I don’t know I’m coming to you right I lost my map space seed I’m right next to Jeff what’s up oh hey hey is that you hey that’s right I want wood there’s trees over here what does it would look like what is this material

Material what is this Gavin turn into Tim Gunn all of a sudden here we go that was a funny joke weird thank you I found a white flower what kind of flower is it I hear an Enderman I don’t know like a Lotus it’s white man oh right yeah I think I might

Have the way in where are you at yeah I see you Jesus Jack you’re getting murdered a lot the aliens oh snap I said that word dude it’s like three of them yeah space Rose Trifecta right Rock maybe the hell look at me one heart our one food I’m exploring get me now

Oh space zombie can I ask a question dude sure the enemies aren’t reskinned no oh space creeper it’s just everything else this is [ __ ] weird oh God space explosion space Collision explosion oh ah I got a space spider [ __ ] spider suck my wee dudes [ __ ] sheep all over your sheep

I can’t eat you I’m lost in space later costumes for this [ __ ] weird looking thing all right I’m [ __ ] weird-ass mushroom yeah it’s not perfect but it’ll do all right oh no there’s this down here I wonder how long I’m starving I wonder how long this took somebody to make um

I’m just banging on the side oh God Mary’s lava on Mars I didn’t know you were above me see I was looking at your day but it wasn’t moving I couldn’t read it because it’s so dark and I fell through to die in this cave well now we’re trapped yet

I’ll kick it out right hey oh cool I found a little cave area how’d you do that God I’m trapped what the [ __ ] oh Kevin’s buried me back how did you get underneath I don’t know I found a hole I found some lava and a

Cage that way I’m gonna die so I’m gonna face out of my [ __ ] I’m trapped Jack I’m coming oh I hear space spider have a heart like Goodbye cruel Mars world oh go back that way [ __ ] can somebody look at their map and tell me which way is

East I don’t think or when I’m facing this is East okay thanks creepers hello I’m right here I’m gonna walk so I don’t [ __ ] Cruise everywhere oh it is there’s Enderman in the base Enderman having baited our base use the space test to get out

Um if I can place them if I place this here step back there we go uh oh there we go okay oh [ __ ] I need my space stairs I thought that would look pretty funny guys it’s raining don’t worry guys it’s raining Raining I’ve trapped all the

Space come into me okay come into me I need food badly Kevin please throw me something Jeff needs food badly attack it’s still down push him off hey I found my [ __ ] [ __ ] or I found where it died where are you Michael S I ran all the way wow look at this

Lava or their space level yeah there’s space lava and there’s a space there’s a space little area underground area I found it’s rain and rain do you have any space food by any chance I have one uncooked space chicken space pumpkin huh looks nothing like a pumpkin no animals in space

Is coming up let’s begin uh let’s begin uh our uh Tower of space pimps all right I’m looking for your gubs oh [ __ ] should we uh start a new world and go for that or just stay in this world what do you mean can we start like a fresh world with the

Skin yeah I imagine you won’t do that so maybe we’ll spawn where there’s actually trees everywhere hey Michael here’s a [ __ ] place we can start right here hey it’s the second day guys it’s pouring you’re gonna die baby it’s right you wanna come to me Michael we

Got a little area all right oh no oh it is coming to you Jeff and I can’t sleep okay so what the hell is the equivalent to Stone is it this [ __ ] all right just dig down in the dirt until you find something that’s just white and black [ __ ] look in

Your juice see what it looks like Ryan’s got I got a nice person I can’t drown it’s actually a stick this uh this jungle biome looks all right did he build a chest anywhere all right I think these are cool oh here it is is this [ __ ] Cobblestone

Climbing a space tree up if you bring up your menu just your inventory and just Mouse over it’ll tell you what it is yeah what is mouse over what does cobblestone look like in this world right it looks like this [ __ ] oh there’s some trees kind of like cheese this crap

Is Cobblestone oh it is so space cheese I think yeah yeah sexually transmitted disease you get in space do you reckon there will be a STIs there are STI what are you saying what an STI that’s exclusive to space what is an STI a sexually transmitted infection Oh you

Mean an STD speak English it’s not disease you idiot it is disease Jeff I gave us a space furnace oh cool guys this place is pretty I’m cooking some space beef oh sweet dude look at it burn it looks like uh it looks like uh Isaac

Clark’s head there you go where are you guys helmet with your oven’s on we’re gonna make a stone sword just because I think Clay is like warning tape bacon space clay bacon speaking let’s make it it’s basically Aiken win American Idol and space Reuben threw a

Wood sword at you if you want to go yeah thank you backward spaceland right we’re getting there I built a hoe instead of a [ __ ] ax I got some seeds you want to you know grow some 10 Noobs with you you pride yourself for don’t please the space shears look pretty interesting

What do they look like they do that’s like a [ __ ] saw or oh yeah I was looking at the opposite direction so yeah it looks kind of like a pke meter jungle wood planks I have a lot of them surprised about it I bet you would I [ __ ] better wow the diamond sword

Looks pretty [ __ ] cool it does yeah how do you know well I went to the crafting table and I looked at it oh oh yeah that’s a good use of your intelligence Michael yeah thanks Jeff no problem I don’t furnace I’m good I was just making some uh

Uh some more uh torches because my brain’s not good I don’t have any other coal oh you don’t maybe oh let me get something absolutely sitting right here man trying to remember everything this is a bloody mission in space that’s the crafting table all right I’m chopping down some wood get that going

Because I don’t remember enough about Minecraft what do you mean [ __ ] under uh it’s page two torch thanks Gavin I found it thanks to Gavin’s tutelage I found it to tutelage yeah tutelage STD you tutored me no SDI STI not yet oh yeah you did you found a

[ __ ] mind you found Matt LeBlanc do you have any food Michael I’m gonna start uh hell yeah for you Jeff here’s a [ __ ] steak yeah I did find him right behind you Jeff thank you buddy which one this is so confusing I had to put hints

Back on so I could see what the hell oh I found coal wow welcome to like 18 minutes ago yeah me too man I had a stone pickaxe the whole time I was using the one because I don’t understand the difference between the two why I stopped you I put my wood back

In my inventory so I wouldn’t do that what am I picking up I found coal what does it look like it looks like a cake ten minutes ago okay good one Gavin well it’s like oh it’s got iron ore [ __ ] yeah what does iron look like it’s just white it looks

Like an iron block oh that’s what the bloody uh yeah it looks like a snowball base is made out of it’s a lot of iron or is it you think they used uh the base is made out of it let’s rip it apart so wait is it this it really should have

Ripped that [ __ ] apart huh is it is this iron ore no that’s something else it doesn’t look it just looks like flat white I got 12 whole torches Jeff all right I got 14. has anyone figured out I’m catching I don’t know what that is break it down and then check your

Inventory break it down every time you see him Gavin is so dumb guys hey welcome is that what this black and white stuff yeah Jesus Christ thinking about my baby it don’t matter if you’re black or white or 12 or 9 or 8. just drink this wine

Hey Ray this stuff right here this is iron yeah I’m gonna make a stone pickaxe zombie zombie oh [ __ ] Michael it’s on Space zombie it’s iron on good call out iron on like those uh t-shirt transfers yes yeah I’m gonna make us some of this iron pickaxes hell yeah so

How much gold do we need for this 36 wow all right I heard a space Wolf welcome to Minecraft uh all right iron pickaxe knowing in the lava I found a crevasse explore it what are those things that’s weird coal looks like coal after even more iron

Um okay good we might need one more what is that I only have all right iron ore’s cooking are you guys under the red or under the the jungle we’re out of the Jungle all right Jeff you’ve rejoined me dude I found oh my God what is this Ryan

Is excited Ryan there’s a spawner over there I found like a dungeon oh dude you can probably [ __ ] new creatures on space in space on Mars I’m not I’m not sure what you just said but yeah oh yeah I can do all your sick [ __ ] on Earth but

Now in space Michael give us a piece of iron and I’ll go make you some stuff okay can give us we [ __ ] Gollum yes all right there he is well uh I got six pieces oh [ __ ] that’s awesome okay I’m fighting off a goddamn gold one there’s

A spider over there too I’m looking forward to fighting that oh space rain Space Sheep I’ve got a saddle looting the space dungeon pickaxe looks evil Ryan’s been on Mars for like 20 minutes and he’s already got a saddle and he’s gonna start riding the like strange inhabitants yeah I am

Can’t wait to settle up oh my God need [ __ ] pickaxes coolant iron pickaxes are cool they’re literally diamonds on the top of a tree no I’m just looking at the crafting menu did I build an ax because this is good mine in here do I have any wood I don’t want that

Wolf to be my friend thick this tree is it’s like a penis is that what you’re gonna say yeah is that like a penis it’s like a four by four all the way around I’m sorry somebody asked for penis yeah A thick one though oh the shoes do look

Cool that right sorry Jeff sorry guys where’s the mine iron pickaxe okay which mine do you want to go to ours or theirs oh you’re at ours hang on ah I’ll come get you by this I’m there with you all right here you go check this out man [ __ ] my pants really bad

Nice I’m gonna boost them right in my inventory yeah shout out to my bowels iron space sword all right Gavin you still up there yeah I’m coming back is indeed building a space thanks boy space house I don’t want you to miss out on earth looks like a dirt house in space I’m

Just trying to wall this off basically so I guess I really expect better from you all right space space mushrooms or at least a cave yeah yeah just go straight that way oh it’s getting loud like it’s night time in the space woods and I’m space scared I’ll space find you thanks space

Dude I have an iron space sword to fight away the baddies face I can see Michael’s space Michael space dude Pig space kill that space Pig should we make some space beds at some point because that [ __ ] [ __ ] there’s a sword Michael that I’ve got in my head

I don’t know where are you we’re literally just talking to each other I know yeah that’s a sword literally I think it’s a wooden sword uh but I can’t tell yeah it’s got red on it yeah mine’s iron so whatever the [ __ ] mine has on you got iron yeah that’s tough oh dude

Has anyone found you come [ __ ] check out the dungeon with us you get iron too oh yeah guys work really close to water Michael okay Gavin Cobble Gavin’s here with us oh okay Gavin help us find out I’m gonna make stone tools uh the armor looks cool

I kind of want to set spawn hello zombie oh dude we’re all there with you but transformed ain’t got snow wool Gavin ain’t no nothing maybe there could be can we build a mass effect relay to get us from one end of the world to the other I would be interested come

Like jerk off we should go back into this map without the texture pack turned on and see what everything’s really built out of it’s not a bad idea we should build a we should build something that looks super awesome in this texture pack and then

Flip it over and see how shitty it looks in a regular what is this I’m mining I can’t tell oh I don’t know Jeff I’m gonna find out though I’m running towards you oh what’s this brown crap running dirt I’m not sure is this I wish I could tell what this was

Right here Gavin do you know what this is [ __ ] uh is it red is it Redstone I think that’s Redstone oh it is redstone okay gravel’s like black [ __ ] what is this coal this uh like yeah white the white stuff looks like Oreo it’s like tuxedo yeah I guess stuff that

Looks like Oreos I’m not wrong it looks like an Oreo that’s missing part of it which part the top part do you have any do you have any uh torches cap oh you know why we couldn’t break the bloody stuff upstairs because it’s obsidian oh you found some

Obsidian I think this is what this is I think the base is made of obsidian well that would solve that problem and that’s why I couldn’t bloody uh smash bloody blood blood we just turned a doorway into you guys put a torch down hell yeah I can [ __ ] 40 of them but

What can you put one down here who’s this oh this is cobblestone God you just made more water I did well let me fix it oh wow stop hey though the red stuff the surface that’s in stone and stone yeah oh so it’s the it’s an end biome what is

This [ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh what happened the [ __ ] water almost carried me into lava unfortunate oh there’s two waters guys oh okay it’s clearing out there’s some of it over here is anyway okay let me block up this one is that Redstone yeah

I think I’ve gotten it I found that weird Redstone [ __ ] you were talking about Jeff yeah a bunch of it oh man what oh I found diamond you found diamond yeah diamond is just it’s a black Square makes sense oh [ __ ] yeah but I take it that was very

Sarcastic it was it was creeper huh because it doesn’t make sense what is that what’s a diamond look like Michael well when you break it it’s just a [ __ ] Diamond literally what’s the block oh it’s just a black Square the Block’s a black Square what the hell

Just pick up oh saplings so never seen gold yet no no I don’t think we’re going deep enough pretty deep that’s iron that’s iron don’t don’t [ __ ] put it in the lava oh I didn’t realize that was all right woo all right steak just all right cool thank you or

Pork chop rather Michael yeah I don’t know why but I like being new it’s just your house well that’s a natural feeling yeah it’s got snow on it now it looks weird the door is cool yeah redstone’s weird is nice right I can’t actually mine it

It just goes right into the line I like it convenient shut up and go oh Gavin iron like crazy over here oh it’s gravel oh my good socks I’m gonna pop my [ __ ] pickaxe your iron yeah I have a stone to give you but that’s it I’ll just make it

Crafty oh I can’t make it though why not I don’t have enough blood I used on my wood chef ooh spider eye looks gross it’s got like the whole retina and optic nerve as well what’s up I just put all that down so what is it get the iron that’s just

Cobblestones Gavin Gavin and Michael can one of you make a oh I guess can one of you make a uh Jeff boom so you smell this into this yeah it’s weird where are you by the mine I’m in line what is that what there’s like blocks with like a yellow stripe on them

Is that gold that might be gold no I don’t know I’m gonna shoot my pants that’s clay Ray’s getting up he’s leaving Jeff warning tape Jeff yeah here I gave this that would make sense for you oh you’re the man it’s underwater raise crap yeah Clay is usually under what all right

I found it let’s use that shovel or a pickaxe thing hey Gavin yeah here you want lapis here turn around boy where where’s you’re like my brother from another bear all right all right what is it uh it is so loud where are you I don’t know oh I

Found it right here hey guys I found another uh dungeon another cave McCabe it turned into something else when I picked it up I guess I got it whatever it was Brown sheet Michael look at this I’m coming back hang on all right oh this [ __ ] found another piece of diamond oh nice

Oh okay yeah this [ __ ] caves this cave system’s pretty big looks like should we come join you guys yeah come there because ours is pretty much out unless you find anything else don’t come too much though no creeper like a little man make a mess in here I’m coming back

See what you mean what’d you make what is that the [ __ ] is that what the hell is it okay I made it for you thanks thanks Kevin I’ll put it on my fridge what is the white shoe the white shit’s iron Michael no that’s like that like

Segmented it’s like uh looks almost like planks do you believe I made this video I bet that’s oh I can I can’t believe it okay what the hell is wrong with you he’s got the space sickness oh it doesn’t matter with you I think I caught STI

Ryan look I made some beds yay here we go space beds here we go now oh yeah oh lapis lazuli that’s cool what where I’ll just picked some up did you you still grow wheat next to Frozen water you pick up my gift to Michael

Is that what it was just a piece of lapis I don’t understand why it’s so funny you got space Madness oh the spider eye does look [ __ ] weird I didn’t realize I had one yeah space cane looks weird what do you think the chances are somebody has gold in

Their inventory and has no idea probably found iron ore or what he said to himself where are you guys I’m thinking about doing a full play in Minecraft dude how many parts is gonna take you to Beat It whoa I heard oh no oh [ __ ] I’m dead here real prick are you

Carrying anything good everything I had all kinds of stuff he’s got the diamond I do all right let’s look after you I have the diamond pickaxe I already made one oh look can I see it yeah oh wow look at that yeah you buy me oh what’s

This I just looked at my screen I lost a lot of a lot of iron however guys right where I died if you want to go find me I fell in lava I’m looking for a dead body I don’t see [ __ ] I uh I heard him oh I

Found gold I heard it done nice where are you oh this red and black of course all right you’re north of here I got you Jeff thanks buddy how the [ __ ] where do I go Gavin are you like on a diet uh yeah all the animals have kind

Of Gone Away God damn it well no one building space helmets they ran so far probably shouldn’t have spent the first few minutes I was in this Forest putting all the cows in holes yeah probably not Ryan I also like you’re um forgetting me I also like your

Famed response when I said you’re gonna [ __ ] all the animals you’re like what what do you mean later very adamant that he is never sexually abused animals yeah yeah I never I don’t say anything about that it’s funny because you know everybody else went straight to that

Okay no Ryan my kind of means that you’ve got more bestiality in your heart than I do you really Let it Loose okay uh where I die before your brain went like Gavin are you listening only with you though I’m partially listening yeah I don’t say Gavin [ __ ] animals or

Jack [ __ ] animals you’re the animal guy oh found a cow oh God she’s so close to that sorry cow Michael you should mind some obsidian with that diamond pickaxe behind you I think I found one piece of diamond over here which means it’s probably whatever he’s right around here

Hey here’s one of my ground cows okay I’m about to start dying all right we’ll see ya good knowing you bye now but Diamond looks very similar to Cole and I thought I was mining I think it’s over here yeah here it is it doesn’t look that similar Nicole oh I guess the

Top does bike do you want to see what God looks like yeah yeah it’s cool all right that’s crazy we should start fermenting not fermenting we should ferment some gold right now smelting okay we have enough do you have a crafting table with you uh I gotta try and refine

You out I ran out of wood we have to go back a little bit I’ll make one a little bit I’m gonna go down a little more because uh I’ll just grab obsidian while I’m down here damn it what did I just put I don’t know God I’m stupid where

Are you right this texture Pack’s making me really dumb what is it with what’s got there let’s go take a [ __ ] Ryan he’s gone wow all right oh he actually went to poo yeah he walked past you he left the room Ryan I got sugar rock all right

I’m smelting gold I can’t remember if I found Bedrock I think I did well at bevrock no I haven’t had any yet oh but maybe later I think that’s what Ray’s really doing all right Michael how do I find you in the other room all right um

Yeah you’re just turn left a little bit and go straight you’re like right on top of us okay cool I’m just gonna kill this sheet yeah where are you guys excuse me we’re all the way East wow you guys are way over there is this map unusually

Small I think it it’s full size I don’t know yeah you’re going you’re going east now you’re heading in our Direction I should make a diamond shovel why because I have one piece of diamond I have another piece so how much gold do we have you’re like right on top of

Gold should we uh just collect obsidian and go fight zombie space pigment oh that’s a good idea wouldn’t that take forever would it well I’ve already found obsidian you got a diamond picture but how many nuggets equal one gold piece uh it’s like nine nine nuggets for Nugent

What’s the dropper and then we need nine nugents to make a block that’s like a billion gold I think it’s if you add it up is a billion yeah yeah I just did the rough math oh bollocks I made a jukebox with a diamond you’re a [ __ ] idiot uh

Crap uh anyone got any other records you are a fresher brand of dumb well there’s 22 in this level somewhere so go find him and you can play it say dude it’ll save Ray the trouble of making the Music Box video should we should we call it like right around

Hiding in a corner the whole point of us doing this okay was to do a short run for Gavin yeah I know that’s true what should we do so I don’t know how you want to end it though what you said you want to do should we just we could end

It where Gavin finds the gold should we just is he [ __ ] losing his mind today I think he’s still drunk I don’t even know what the hell he’s talking about oh Jesus he didn’t even go to lunch yet though Ryan a lunch would explain this I made a note block

This is this is what happened when the Tower of pimps was created okay Gavin came back from lunch he was feeling all frisky and he recorded Minecraft Rey is taking a hell of a [ __ ] yeah he’s dropping it didn’t he already take one earlier he was talking about it earlier

But I don’t think so I don’t yeah I’m not as up on Ray’s [ __ ] schedule as I should be well he doesn’t talk about it that much he keeps it to himself you know he’s a quiet shooter share with the rest of us right private shooter oh no be your private [ __ ]

All right I’m gonna grab obsidian all right I’m gonna make my way down to find you oh we’ve got space Madness everyone contagious oh I’m in a bed all right I’m sleeping I set a spawn was that an accident you’re like oh I’m in a bed

I also just want to get some [ __ ] obsidian all right God damn it how do you find something I just need one piece right yeah there it is we could put four gold ingots on top of the air let’s do it let’s do that it’ll be a space Tower temporary engine placeholder is

The secret all right Michael I’ve lost you though all right where you guys at all right let’s hold me up I’m just trying to grab this [ __ ] thing let’s meet up without me I found a ravine actually on my way to find you guys yeah there’s a crevasse down here I found

Keep using that word yeah the crevasse there we go fill it I think I think I hear Gavin’s Note Block oh this is gonna be amazing I’m gonna laugh my ass off give me one second ready hang on ready I can’t catch it ready all right I’m assuming that’s the Jukebox

All right I have one piece of obsidian all right wait oh Jesus what was that it caught fire dude all right should we go to the server I’m gonna put it down here put it down underground where no one can see it and put it on an obsidian that’s right on the ground

Yeah I’m like dug it up all right let’s get the hell out of here I got four nugents all right this is a great video dude I can’t wait for the next mashup pack oh God when’s the when’s the Banjo-Kazooie one coming Mash effect I want that one Mash effect

Hey do we want to go back to the original space station area [ __ ] it’s wrong oh the [ __ ] are you guys that was it ready gone for a solid 20 minutes it’s all right dude how is it right we’re gonna good I need it we’re

Gonna pull a bunch of iron out of this dig up there is no moon no moon that’s weird what well wow actually uh goes for a while I don’t know Marshall Kevin oh we’re lost swim up fill it in swim up drop right at the top just swim

What are we doing I’m above water it’s in the tower of pimps right okay hurry up man I don’t know where I am you’re good you’re good you’re good you made it all right you’re right there what just swim up you’re right above you’re right

There you go look oh oh my God I dust you out no it’s okay I can get his [ __ ] I can get his [ __ ] I dug you out because you came up with the wrong spot and I whacked you I was an accidental murderer I gave your

Head in with a diamond space pickaxe all right hang on I’m I got the gold though look the gold is in my position I want to come through and see it yeah I built that you did yeah it’s lovely I did the garden Gavin did you have anything on value station uh

Sleeping area I had a um I had a jukebox and a notebook look at that don’t worry about my gobs Michael I want the Jukebox oh [ __ ] I think I put it down okay [ __ ] it then we’ll leave it all right where’s the can you get the map

Out again hold on I’m making my way back up Michael am I going the right way oh Jeff I’m dead okay never mind oh I found this bag I found Moz oh spider so I think that was a pretty interesting space exploration exploration exploration if people I

Don’t think we’ll do a part two to this but if people really want us to they should let us know I didn’t think uh they should I don’t think we can do much more unless there’s a lot of stuff we missed just like subscribe and like if

You like it’s entirely possible that we might have missed something yeah well I’m sure we’ll they’ll let us know are you back up base yeah I’m in the base yeah I’m in the base you’re slapping the base slopper the best so how you get on top of this thing

You gotta believe all right I’m in all right all right Michael can I have the nugents I’m right behind ow yeah I don’t know where we’re going let’s just do it yeah we’re not going up here oh God damn it let’s do like a whole thing let’s throw

It on here on the Mars outside the door all right all right that’s fine I don’t care let’s just do it hit by the van all right all right okay cool it came all the way back to it wrecked it by the van it’ll be the parking spot all right here

You want to go until you see the Mars base find the van and just put it right there all right Chuck is the uh all right get rid of this thing just put it right here if you do the gold can I do the obsidian yeah yeah okay because we

Found it together yeah I mean I figure right there’s your ingots all right all right where’s it going anywhere you would like Michael this is a momentous occasion you got an overhead view of it we’ll just put it right let’s get rid of this thing yeah

Uh we’re all gonna punch it because okay sorry Ryan all right that was a placeholder bam the space obsidian block looks like uh okay I no longer have an overhead view of it all right Gavin just throwing Mist with the first one there you go one two three [ __ ] space Tower

To be continued to be worked on one day we’ll have a real block of gold all right so we’ll quickly look at achievement City in this world and then we’ll stop all right this looks [ __ ] crazy I’m in a hole all right I don’t even know where I am

F is white I’m gonna use that as a reference all right what color oh whoa red what is this oh okay we have creative mode wow damn we haven’t played this long yeah the [ __ ] the bunker of Destiny looks crazy pimps looks pretty unchanged this looks [ __ ] nice I am stuck I

Think it was a king ranch dude space Jack looks [ __ ] weird the enchantment the enchantment tables exactly oh yeah oh the cheap Hunter logo guys you gotta get in I’m [ __ ] this is [ __ ] awesome do you have a map or something you tell me where I am how come uh

Minecraft Gavin’s house looks awesome oh dude the logo looks fantastic it really does would you win dude the [ __ ] goddamn King the creeper and the Sheep goddamn Tuesday Ryan lives in the Mass Effect three yeah Ryan lives in the Mass Effect three houses today’s one oh [ __ ] CTT looks awesome

Pac-Man looks awesome the altar of pimps is very irony whoa where am I that’s cool check out the rail like the rail line out to um Edgar unaffected by the changes oh I’m looking I’m chilling I’m buying Mark nut training oh dude I meant for some reason

I’m in uh my skin change that is [ __ ] cool I want to see the logo I haven’t seen it yeah it’s tippy top why is my skin different whoa oh no you’re wearing arms your house looks weird yeah it does it just looks like a [ __ ] mess where’s Jeff that’s his

Room look Jeff looks like a mess looks [ __ ] weird [ __ ] wow so um like a cyborg I don’t think we were really missing out on a lot by not building the towers it looks awful you know what though Chima Hunter logo is pretty funny logo looks also giant

Jack is uh yeah super Mecca Jack Mecha Jack yeah super Mecca Jack what lucky pilgrimage the [ __ ] pig might be the coolest thing in the game oh not like Mecca the place have you guys seen the pig no it’s probably the closest behind Jack’s house yeah that was funny

Only Jack’s metal deck loaded cactus looks Picard wow my house looks uh like the Sheep who’s like blue and black okay oh oh my God I like the inside of my yeah STI it’s all like sciency look at the cacti dude my house is pretty [ __ ] sweet my ass still sucks

I’m trying to find very scientists all right let’s see what butts looks like we just have to wait a bit Gavin you didn’t have to bow when you walked in I’m polite yeah nice and simple oh I like it what happens oh guys we should look at Dan

The man we’re not saving right nah Mario looks weird I tried to the top of the map Pac-Man looks trippy as hell hashtag Dan the man looks [ __ ] sexy as always oh yeah why are you still not him Gavin yeah seriously no have you taken the hints

You know fire looks way better oh no this is [ __ ] oh wow yeah it does oh should we go in the nether yeah I’m really curious to see what that looks like oh yeah we gotta see what uh dark Ashima City looks like God damn it

Dude it’s gonna look like Mars right it look like Mars no that’s the oh wow has anyone been down to uh the Assassins no is it cool something’s Orange what’s this orange crap I think it’s to the right of this waiting for my [ __ ] to load dude you could really if we did

Shopping list again jack you look what the hell Gavin he’s got oh yeah can you imagine that shopping list God that’d be mean huh that was wool there’s a shopping list get your [ __ ] face out here looks awesome I lit it right where you put it for the

Dark achievement City oh crap yeah are you in downtown achievement City right now I guess Jack it turns out over there the world yeah this is like the worst learning so this is what Dan is gonna look like when he’s a ghost He looks like a he’s gonna be terrible

He’s gonna haunt you like this man dark achievement City looks weird does it dude I want to go through I don’t know what the f I guess this is uh Soul Sanders really odd looking it’s like a [ __ ] space portal no butts dropped yeah butts dropped hard

It’s not there on my screen I don’t know whoa lag probably whoa Soul sound looks Wicked yeah hang on I’m flying to you Jeff oh that might be my favorite there’s no Butts oh my God my house looks pretty cool now right yeah she now has the coolest videos Jeff yeah disco

House Gavin your house in dark instrument city looks like Beetlejuice yeah I’ve got Beetlejuice what is this crap again I thought it was this [ __ ] everything is a different version of black and white whoa all right it actually looks cooler in the nether I would happily live oh you don’t have

Your trophy room and the Netherlands Ryan where’s the [ __ ] cake switch I just turned it on it’s up there yeah City logo looks pretty cool yeah you’re right this looks frightening they’re like medic cakes cakes look like little [ __ ] milkbacks that Bloody health facts that’s right

Yeah dude this is actually kind of cool can I download just that block cool I love this we should do just like whenever a texture pack comes out we’ll just review it by walking around our world well Jack’s on fire shocking all the Bacon’s cooking inside sorry Jack your penis burned off I’m

Gonna try and give the audience a seizure oh someone hit the button oh my God space Plan G seizure seizure noise goodbye logo let’s stop

This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 67 – Mass Effect Mash-Up Edition’, was uploaded by LetsPlay on 2013-09-06 21:39:50. It has garnered 2255227 views and 28490 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds.

In this special edition of Let’s Play Minecraft, the AH crew explore the world of the Mass Effect Mash-up! Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2emdy6q

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Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 67 – Mass Effect Mash-Up Edition https://www.youtube.com/user/letsplay

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    EPIC WIN WITH MY BRO IN MINECRAFT BEDWARS! 😱🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘MY BRO CAME IN WITH FINISH FOR THE WIN!#minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-05-10 13:37:04. It has garnered 11018 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Subway Surfers Speed! Minecraft Collab! 🔥

    Insane Subway Surfers Speed! Minecraft Collab! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers super fast running speed part 2|| Minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Farhad gaming on 2024-03-15 15:42:54. It has garnered 11075 views and 199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. subway surfers og ,  subway surfers old ,  subway surfers ost ,  subway surfers hack ,  subway surfers ohio ,  subway surfers poki ,  subway surfers pros ,  subway surfers song ,  subway surfers music ,  subway surfers phonk ,  subway surfers remix ,  subway surfers sound ,  subway surfers theme ,  subway surfers glitch ,  subway surfers profis ,  subway surfers zombie ,  subway surfers deutsch ,  subway surfers paluten ,  subway surfers gameplay ,  subway surfers official ,  , #subwaysurfers , #subway , #subwaysurf , #subwaysurfer , #subwayseries , #subwaystation , #game , #subwaytile… Read More

  • SkyHaven

    SkyHavenSkyHaven is a server for the new minecraft verisons out there! Our gamemodes are FFA, Survival, Hardcore, and more. We also have tons of features many other servers may not have! play.skyhaven.fun:27194 Read More

  • WavyMC SMP 1.20 Java/Bedrock Land Claim Level System Daily Quests

    WavyMC Server WavyMC – Java/Bedrock Survival – 1.20.X WavyMC is a 1.20 Survival server with an active community build around the Twitch community. Season 3 of WavyMC SMP launched recently and has already attracted nearly 200 players! Join us for an epic adventure in a dynamic world filled with features like economy, player leveling, quests, and more! How to join WavyMC? Version: 1.20.X Java IP: play.wavymc.fun Bedrock IP: bedrock.wavymc.fun (Port: 19132) Discord: https://discord.gg/smp Core features on WavyMC Discover unique player leveling system, land claiming, economy, and a community-driven server. Join now! Player Leveling: Complete quests to level up and unlock… Read More

  • Squishcraft

    SquishcraftSquishcraft is a skyblock server with tons of custom items, plugins, and features. Join today for free ranks and free crate keys.mc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Impaling V, Riptide I, and Rain: The Ultimate Trio!

    Minecraft Memes - Impaling V, Riptide I, and Rain: The Ultimate Trio!Why did the Minecraft player bring Impaling V, rain, and riptide I to the beach? To make a splash in more ways than one! Read More

  • Craftsman Dragon Blocks MasterCraft Madness

    Craftsman Dragon Blocks MasterCraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Craftsman Dragon and MasterCraft, a dynamic team. Block Crazy VS Build Craft, the battle is on, Each game unique, with adventures to spawn. Craftsman Mobile Game, Android delight, Survival mode, shaders, and pets in sight. Craftsman 2024, the future is bright, With endless possibilities, day and night. Craftsman Survival Mode Series, a journey to embark, Exploring new maps, with shaders that spark. Craftsman Mod, a twist in the tale, Adding depth and challenge, without fail. Craftsman Texture, a visual treat, Enhancing the gameplay, making it sweet. Craftsman Advanture, an adventure… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava bath! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava bath! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes #shorts 😂🎮 Read More


    SURVIVE ONE BLOCK IN MCPE WITH JUNIOR T.G.! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MCPE ONE BLOCK SURVIVAL JOURNEY || DAY 1 || @TechnoGamerzOfficial @TotalGaming093’, was uploaded by JUNIOR T. G. on 2024-05-31 00:50:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. technogamerz #totalgaming #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #mcpe #trendingvideo #minecraft,ezy minecraft,minecraft end … Read More

  • Sly 3D Pixel Art – Son Goku Anime Edit

    Sly 3D Pixel Art - Son Goku Anime EditVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pixal art 3D😈 son goku #anime #animeedit’, was uploaded by the ghost on 2024-06-02 01:08:47. It has garnered 5473 views and 320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • DawnCraft Boss Killing Quest: Soma Saika Ch.

    DawnCraft Boss Killing Quest: Soma Saika Ch.Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh shoot I didn’t I didn’t even have the uh the thing up okay cool anyways hi guys so uh today we’re going to be playing some good old Minecraft yeah yeah so we’re going to be playing some good old uh we’re going to get some Minecraft going it’s going to be fun um dawncraft is the mod pack that we’ll be doing today hold on let me just go turn on uh Dynamic lights okay perfect let me just uh get everything… Read More

  • Insane Solo Cathedral Build | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #17

    Insane Solo Cathedral Build | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #17Video Information hi everyone today I want to build a cathedral after completing my last project here which is this London Bridge inspired build which spans across my River I’ve decided I want to turn my attentions Inland to this section on the left of my city and I thought what better way than by placing in a massive Monument such as a cathedral so that we can start building things around it whil I’m flying up here you can also see that I’ve begun planning out a couple of the major foundations for things like City walls and Towers… Read More

LetsPlay – Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 67 – Mass Effect Mash-Up Edition