LIFEDRAIN: The IMPOSSIBLE Horror Mod for Hardcore Minecraft | Bad At the Game Edition

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Hmm hello and welcome welcome to the most unfair stupidly hard Modpack that I’ve ever seen in this Minecraft mod there are creatures around every corner that are ready to steal your giblets this man could kill you faster than you could say worst worstest worst in addition to this there are two bosses on

The map and they must be killed before the end of this video and all of these things wrapped together in a nice little bow that we call no Health regeneration every time I die in this mod pack I lose one maximum heart and these lost Hearts cannot be regenerated by any means so

I’ve got 10 lives and if I run out that’s it game over no frosted pudding for me and so I welcome you dear viewer to life train now this man right here is chiselmick 27 he is Modpack and he is as the French say bloody Bonkers and he invited me along

Because there’s two bosses to kill on this map and we only have three days to gear up and kill them so here we are in the middle of a drab de saturated forest and we have less than 10 minutes before night time what’s the name oh I got some soap but

That’s good for me I can I can wash off some of my gamer filth all right here we go okay so to clarify you cannot regen if you get hit no you cannot rejam once you get hit so make sure you don’t get hit but you can read down if you find

Potions there are blaze rods around but they’re limited so uh be careful with that oh you took all the soap what am I gonna do it’s my soap it’s mine a little Stinger you can have some soap okay well I’ll give you I’ll give you some wool do

You make a bed here’s a couple fish ah yes do you want uh some paper I don’t know if I need it do I well you need the soap I’m telling you Shadow you need it yeah I suppose you might as well give me a stick or a bar

Um you might want to get the work done I don’t get some stuff uh because night night comes around pretty cool I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m doing the Minecraft don’t tell me what to do if I make it through the first night I’m gonna consider that a win using our magical

Creation Powers we made a crafting table and then we made an ax made of turds um you know that charcoal stuff that everyone yells at me for are you talking to shadow I’m talking to you doing to me what did I do yeah like everybody everyone always

Yells at me because I don’t make charcoal I just don’t remember to make charcoal I am producing a stone pickaxe now viewer you’re probably wondering what this black tar is well basically it’s it’s darkness is another reason this mod pack is so difficult is the fact that when things are dark they’re

Dark they’re really dark and the only way you can see is with a flashlight like we’ve got here okay we gotta what do we want to do are we are we going underground are we uh staying up here no I was just grabbing some Stone

Um just I don’t know what do we do do we build a house we got like five minutes five minutes there’s a house over there let’s just go over there oh yeah there is a house over there okay yes um I can’t shoot uh I can’t guarantee that it’s the

Safe house that’s good it looks pretty safe to me okay well if you die I’m not gonna die I’m a Minecraft man oh there’s two houses we can be neighbors big [ __ ] do you see anything no this place looks sick though what if he doesn’t spawner I

Think he found a spawner I got rid of it I got rid of it though oh you think you were here I don’t know what any of this stuff is nugget of experience where is it we find that oh there’s a chick oh you can actually

Gosh I don’t know if I can I don’t know if we can use these this is a lot of experience there’s so much stuff I don’t know any what any of this stuff is for what is it I don’t know just items I’ll have it

Give it to be oh really I can’t wield a stone sword okay never mind wooden sword it is my bravery is unparalleled yes I should imagine another one of the mechanics we must face is that you can’t use anything you want in this mod pack you’ve got to have the levels required first

Talk to me hello hello shadow yeah there’s a bunch of stuff you all right buddy I just busted my ankles okay I just lost half a heart already you’re supposed to be the good one at this [ __ ] huh you look good you’re the you’re the the Minecraft man and I’m the Minecraft boy

And yet here we are my score is higher than yours so I found a a chest here it was empty and then there’s three barrels here all empty and there’s another chest there that was empty so this was this has been it’s been great yeah well it’s been good we’re gonna

Like this place up though you know it was also a mob spawner up here that I destroyed we need we need a furnace or something I got a sack um do you um what’s it what was I gonna say shadow you know I don’t know hold on I’m gonna oh there’s another muscle

Oh that was lucky hello where did I get these cogs from it’s like spring cleaning gonna get rid of these uh damn webs do I have a theory if I put something in here and then break it yes it works storage remote storage I’ll

Put my soap in here I won’t need it I don’t need soap what am I yeah oh my God no I just did the same thing you did God damn it uh well I’m a heart down let’s blow up these holes shall we oh I’m gonna want that look at what

Those hearts yes how long do we have uh maybe like two minutes oh good oh good oh man this is yeah this is getting a little getting a little dark here check oh logs yeah you need logs not planks oh no I have one I have one torch

Okay well let’s uh I don’t know should we code down we’ll just is it lighter down here no no I’m gonna I’m gonna block that off it’s quite Dark Shadow it’s uh very dark actually I got this experience I’m gonna I’m gonna test I’m gonna test it out okay so

What do I need for strength okay I gotta work on my strength you need the level seven you need level seven to upgrade anything that’s what I’ve seen I have one I have one torch and it’s my flashlight and that’s it oh my gosh we’re we’re so dumb are we

We’re dumb kid you’re dumb kid we got logs right here oh yeah so we do just make sure you cover it though I yeah I did you might want to make a bed oh there’s some logs there’s some Vlogs here as well okay just don’t uh where’d my crafting table go good question

Some questions will not be answered I’ll just make it I’ll make another one I guess oh my gosh I’m the worst with those things I’m trying to cook up my card here gonna make me some fish and chips just need some taters there’s a clown over there he’s burning

Let’s get him we need the XP where are you scared me oh I got I got it I got it good damn it I wanted to steal some what was the potion he dropped intoxication intoxicating decoction do you want to drink it yep I do not know what it does if you can

Make a knife with it oh wait hang on okay I’m not drinking this what to do because uh I I looked at what you can make with it and uh you can make a poison with it okay I’ll take it I guess you can make a poisonous knife with that

And I figured if you could make a poisonous knife with something it’s probably not something you should be eating maybe we shouldn’t have destroyed the mob spawners no oh hello taters oh oh oh oh my god oh no I’m done see you later that man is fine by himself give me this can you be all right yeah yeah I’m fine did he hit you no I smacked him with my ax and then ran away I was like in the house I know I think I

Think you might be lucky because he was he was gunning for you like it was chilling for me yeah yeah he ran straight past me and he gave me a fright and so I whacked him and he turned around and attacked me and so I think he

May have been going to attack you ah we can’t get in that house then Joey can he’s got the powers Man true we’ve got powers the power of friendship Shadow so what do we I think our best bet is the look for Animals he asks questioningly I

Don’t know I don’t know anything I just don’t see any animals oh that is the most disgusting eating sound I’ve ever heard in my entire life actually no it’ll just sack up with my goods wait why are these sticks different why are you the way that you are

Oh more houses I’m sure they’re safe he says with trepidation oh Love that yes Foreign damn a not very high number of XP I need more more damn you I should be careful with pressure plates shouldn’t I was like you though 10 dexterity good Lord this might take a while oh three iron that’s perfect we can make a bucket of greatness yes

Well then that looks like a place with things and stuff it is a gated community though let me in let me in hello gold a double chest hooray I say oh can’t stand on the leaves yeah I’ll put that there oh that’s kind of broken Well I have two strengths oh man this is gonna take a while I mean six was a stone sword hello place is awesome I should walk slowly to conserve my energy use muesli bars will only get me so far what are you ah bad worms oh geez a lot of worms

No leg now is not now’s not the time I Am The Greatest Warrior that anyone has ever seen I built I killed eight worms beat that hardcore speedrunners yes where am I going let’s go in here it was very dark in here oh it’s a train cool oh hello almost missed you oh yes and a blaze roddington

I was getting dark isn’t it that ain’t good I’m out of space uh yeah this is bad I’m out in the open safety hole technology no there’s a hole what safety hole wouldn’t be complete without an additional hole here we are the Shadows crafting table

And I can’t even wield a stone sword I feel like these uh these two things here may not be the most useful things in the world right now even the bow needs 10 dexterity I have one Steve are you up here yes oh my gosh run around at night yeah why

Are you doing that I’m sitting in a safety hole I was looking for you okay I’m getting to my safety hole and then all of a sudden I found I found a warehouse or something get away I found a warehouse or something you’re not really Shadow are you you’re just a

Very well crafted mob yes I am I ran into a couple mobs but I ran away good I found some experience I killed eight worms oh that’s good found a blaze rod I’ll do those I’ll do that that’s what it took you a long time you’re taking all my stuff gonna make me

Cry I can’t even remember what you had good stuff those are freaky freaky freaky mobs out there oh yes do you want your crafting table back by the way uh sure where’d all my wood go did you take all of my wood no I had like a bunch

I used a lot of wood for this hole oh what have you done nothing if I you’re finding stuff I hadn’t gone through these yet don’t worry about it what’d you find nothing I’m going on the train yeah I’m already on the train nope no I this is my place Doesn’t look like there’s anything on the train no oh oh what I am under attack by a scaly man yes no is it small is a small Skeleton Man he shot five balls at me I think Fireballs he’s on the other side he’s on the other side of the train Fireballs yeah

Come on yeah I was in the warehouse and then I noticed that like all the chests have um spider webs in them and I was like okay well Steve must be this way Spider webs in them like some loot right all right using uh there was a trail of No Loot yes yes exactly yes yes that makes sense there’s a nice sunset sunrise oh well it’s raining and uh now things are gonna spawn hooray oh black lightning oh fun oh

A bit wet out here I’m just saying if I was to hide loot somewhere on top of the building’s a good spot you know what I’m gonna do though I’m gonna grab this oh that would have been death carefully grab this noticing it was getting dark and not

Wanting to be left stranded on an unlit roof I elected to figure out how to get down oh it is getting dark I can tell because my flashlight is sand on how do I get down how do I get down yeah where’s the things I used to get up

Oh this is bad it’s dark I can’t really see very bad I’m actually quite afraid right now you don’t see anything oh I know I live up here with the spiders make that bed I’m awake it’s daytime you know going down to the ocean might

Be an idea maybe I can jump on this tree yes Terribly wet isn’t this I figure if we live close to the ocean it’ll be harder for mobs to get at us and also we can Traverse the Seas by boat to find new things also with our trusty fishing rod here we can get some legless hairless ocean cats and there’s one now

Also managed to fish up one of them cool Enchanted rods but sadly we are a long ways away from being able to wield that there’s a fine line you know between relaxing and boring and I think we may be at it oh it’s a whole building

Oh it’s a hell of a building with a tree where’s the retreat at the top it’s weird what the heck this place is huge prismarine cover there’s a shipwreck the video container ship I need some stuff in there this is shipwreck Oh another thing I can’t wield hooray just wishes do oh this could give me regeneration well poison let’s see Jump boost hooray good God that’s dark sure there’s no mobs in the water oh that is really I can’t see the water at all I think I can see my who knows okay that must be a ghost I do have some torches maybe I should put them on the land oh

Go away ghost I feel like he’s slowly coming towards me um unless he’s just randomly wandering and I just scared of him this is also very possible I feel like he’s always facing me you know who I am oh no stop hooray well if there are water mobs they

Couldn’t get me this is good to know I was actually hoping that there would be hello a cow ah yes come to meet my ax cow a non-violent mob excellent oh there’s two cows and whatever the hell that thing is oh I wonder if I could trap that thing

In the boat let’s try it out and hopefully not die these are my uh uh oops uh you Sarah dumb he has a lot of Health I’ll tell you that much yeah get in the boat trying to help there you go you fool I have outsmarted the man

It has to be very quick I will use this to my advantage oh he’s sliding at me that was cute spooky do you mind now having encountered some of those spooky men during the day I began to worry about what would happen if I found

One at night and we don’t want to lose any of our Treasures so we’re making a secret chest here by which we will store our most valuable possessions I elected to make a shield even though I couldn’t use it yet as we need five Vigor to be

Able to lift it up is noodle arms we seem to have I decided that in order to help myself capture those cows we saw earlier we’ll make ourselves a little Bridge so we don’t have to swim them across or anything and well it was about that time I realized oh dear my

Flashlight’s turned on again we need to build ourselves a base in quickly foreign it’s a ghost Jehovah’s Witness what the heck slowness and blindness it’s not fair that is a big man good Lord Who’s been hitting the gym good God oh yeah that’s an enemy I don’t know what that was foreign where’s that ghost I feel like it’s still outside couldn’t find that out of the boat could I let’s make another one just for safety a safety boat if you will Oh yeah Luckily I’m gonna die in oh my God [Laughter] what’s the point why would you let me live on this many hearts that’s just a tease I hate that I don’t know where he is I’m gonna put that in the slab in the offhand but I can’t do that I don’t even want to move because I was inside last time and he smacked me it’s daytime you can go now there’s a big guy’s burning I’m so confused where is this guy here’s the plan you take the boat we run down to the shore

And we sail away okay I have no idea what it was that smacked me uh we may have to very carefully explore some new places in the boat you go I figured last night the reason I got smacked through the wall is because my base wasn’t very large so we’re going to

Extend it all the way to the water this time and hopefully I’m not get smacked through the furniture again okay one more level in Vigor we’re one level away for being able to use a shield hooray hooray I say let’s uh Park this boat here look at this

A little duck a little little dock do I will use the other boat to kill this guy I need your sweet sweet experience points yes give me all the goods now as those pumpkin guys drop Jagger lanterns I figure it’s a good idea to light up some

Of the area around my base the monsters will still be able to spawn but hopefully just not quite as many and after completing that task we head inside for a quick uh stay awake e-nap and wait until morning oh man that is that is not a friendly man he’s got one

Arm it can’t help with the attitude all right here’s I left the door open not very good at this am I here’s the deal we’re gonna get in here somehow and uh just pray just you know for just pray that um there’s uh some stuff in here

That can restore our hearts because oh wait wait wait hang on hang on again hang on a tick if I can get an Apple I’ve got enough gold in my chest to make a golden apple and we could at least have some hearts and some regen that way

It wouldn’t be much it wouldn’t heal us to full but it might be enough to give us something come on Come on apples no apples damn it oh wait we can finally yes level five at last The Shield is acquired you can start being a little bit more ballsy once we uh restore some of our hearts of course well the Apple idea didn’t work we failed

Uh we failed how do we get in this is a question maybe something here oh yeah this looks like it could work just have to get in here I kind of want to get to the very top and not be near dark spaces and then maybe see is it chest Maybe

Hotel from here there’s a similarity to these come on man I need one potion of regeneration or an apple an Apple’s good too that is a lot of carrots oh God jump down this tree iron oh hell yeah well if ever we need iron you can come here

I feel like we’re gonna have to stay the night here too much for me to do in one day oh wait imagine one of these it’s getting dark some torches out staying here for tonight plenty of potatoes These ghosts are a problem spooky scary oh he’s gone oh they just vanish as soon as it becomes daytime cool I like that another question I have is if there’s any goodies in here where are they oh chest yes I need five intelligence I do not I am not intelligent enough

Oh that’s annoying I don’t even know why I’m grabbing these books hmm well we got what we came for which is a way to heal ourselves but we need to be level five intelligence use it unless of course I can cleverly circumvent that requirement maybe something might be done here

I know maybe we’ll come back this just looks like an easy way down oh yes yes I’ll be back who are you now it’s getting dark go home and see if we can’t level up our intelligence I had a plan to potentially circumvent that requirement the use of a dispenser

We just need Cobble and one Redstone now I don’t have that but I remember I saw some Redstone in the train so we’ll go there in the morning now I managed to find out these dark zombie night guys drop these little metal scraps that can be used to make Weaponry we can’t wield

Any other Weaponry for a good long while oh you dropped your arm but we can at least save it for later for when we can use it I found a magma block and I decided to place it outside because I figured some mobs might walk over it and

Get damaged I then realized I’m on half a heart why am I doing this why did I place that there I could stand on it and die but did I remove it no alrighty now I’m currently heading back to the train station let’s go get that Redstone we found earlier I’m fairly

Sure my idea is going to work and we’re not gonna be on half a heart for much longer but that’s it careful now all right who was it through here no where is it ah yes here we go Redstone my child all right let’s go back ah damn

Oh all of the horrifying things that have happened so far and this is one of the ways that I die fantastic moving on now you may notice that my hearts are currently on 11. this is because I realized in the RPG mod for every six

Levels you put into a skill you get some kind of buff now since we already increased our figure to five to equip the shield I decided to kill a couple of mobs and increase it to six to see what would happen and it increased our hearts

By two however in the nature of this challenge with the whole you know heart loss mechanic it seems a bit unfair to be able to just level your way out of any problems you end up in so we’re going to be removing these hats and

We’ll settle in to a toasty nine now I had a quick look at that splash potion that we found yesterday and 45 seconds of regeneration is quite a lot so it’d be kind of a waste to use it at the moment since we technically only be regening half a heart down here remember

Not to count the extra two hearts by the way I’m gonna remove them in a second before doing that though I decided to lure a couple of Milky boys into a fence I built always remember chocolate milk comes from brown cows being able to gain extra

Hearts just makes it kind of cheesy you know it’s kind of like you can kind of subvert any hearts you lose if you just level up enough so that’s kind of lame so we’re not gonna be so we’re not gonna be doing that and today we’re going to

Be going back to good old-fashioned horror and death hooray ugh I hate these dogs man they freaked me out ah does this look like a man who’s ready to take on a rabid dog I’m in my Speedos man oh yes and you may have noticed my

Stylish hat and my Jordans I figure some armor is better than none and this is the only iron armor I found that has no endurance requirement so this is what we’re rocking for now it’s gonna take care of this doggy what the heck these two glowing eyes there we go

What the heck that was weird uh man that’s that’s spooky and I want one of those ah Oh wait is it is there a is there a an angry dog in the tunnel it’s got he’s got to be in that tunnel under my base my oak trees have grown you can make some of those Apple yes I just realized I got my strength to six

I could wield a stone sword we are on our way up a mighty warrior I shall be here we are stood sword acquired big on stupid wooden sword I always hated you don’t cry Sword and the growly still coming from downstairs oh well let’s block this off anyway

Decided to make a couple of chocolate trap doors and put them over the hole I found in the ground this way we have a little access that we could use as a mine in the future and speaking of mining I decided to do a little bit of

That though I was sure to put down some torches this time just to prevent being jumped by furries copper actually has a use in this I need XP so much that smelting copper might actually be worthwhile during that night I finally decided that maybe it was about time I make that Golden Apple

Oh hello didn’t see you there one second please I’m making an apple hey doggy nice doggy I wonder if I can tame him with this bone okay let’s try it he’s eating the bones but nothing’s happening it’s just making him stronger try some more bones no he is just inhaling these things and

Nothing’s happening and now there’s two of them well operation diplomacy failed and now we try the stick oh doggy I wanted to be his friend it’s spooky ghost we get up one more level we can use an iron sword I’ll try to find some of those tall guys because we need the bones

So just yeah it’s weird I lost all the bones tonight throwing them at rabbit dogs morning time time to go Oh my God how many how many dogs okay is it like 20 dogs that’s fine I don’t know if you would in here so I can’t make a oh thank God I picked up some wood I need sticks oh my golden Apple’s gone that’s good oh my God

Okay well I just found out they can’t go through there I really want to get my stuff but I don’t back indoors uh yep here he comes no doggy no I say torches very important ah well we’re down hard but only one so that’s good I suppose well technically too shut up

Now the other day after I’d killed one of those jacked skeleton men they happened to drop this weird skull that I found I could make into this stuff and so let’s try it out Oh that was good oh yes cool as I mentioned earlier we’re quite close to being able to wield an iron sword so let’s swim on over back to the ship and grab all the iron blocks we can it’ll also mean that shadow Mech can’t grab it if he happens to pop by as

I was messing about in the old jei I happen to be looking at the requirements for diamonds and found something quite cool the diamond boots and Diamond Helmet who only need six figure and we have six figure so if we go searching for diamonds and get some then we could potentially

Get rid of this tinfoil helmet so I made my way back through the ships and up to the top where we found those iron blocks before we have these ones and then we’ll head back oh it’s just about to head back okay all right well uh yep thank you that’s the thing

Anymore kind of want to stay in here good there the adrenaline search wanna play more put it all on red I wonder if there’s be something up there with a ladder it’s getting dark time to go how many giant did we get a lot yes while having another poke around the

Je I also happen to notice that iron tools are available to us we can wield these so I made a shovel and a pickaxe in the morning I decided it’s time we stopped festering our [ __ ] Idis and instead go out and explore some more stuff you see we haven’t really been

Anywhere in a few days so it’s about time we get some vitamin D on these Speedos foreign What do we have here nice looking little spot also happens to be raining so I kind of want to go inside because there’s mobs about Bilbo beckons hello Bilbo that’s terrible trade I love this though yes oh armor I can equip thank you Wilbur I say as I Rob this man

He had it coming oh more leather paper books I’ll take you take that place is very cool though you don’t really have much here for me to Rob I guess dirty clothes things he’s been eating a flower pot Dirty Glass Shard milk’s nice a cake might stay here tonight Bilbo’s house

Are you stupid Bilbo are you out of your mind get in real but I swear to God Oh my God that scared the crap out of me Bilbo you almost died I could make some uh the pants yeah kitted out son look at us B daytime what the hell is this oh is that a weeping angel oh why did I just take damage

Okay I have taken damage by hitting that Bilbo no oh the angel got him okay well Through the back then okay let’s go Oh God there’s another weeping angel there how many other I have a feeling that uh Bilbo Baggins just died are you kidding me oh my god well that is Thoroughly disappointing we’ll come back later and see if he’s still here probably not though oh hello kind of terrified of weeping angels now What the hell was that I’m hearing not nice sounds I might not go in there yes indeed like the brave man I am instead of going into that house of horror i instead elected to just play with this dog here kind of like every frat party I’d ever been to I suppose

While exploring and sending this chicken to Hades I stumbled across this place which is apparently a Tavern found a little bit of hay which is excellent for me breeding my cows later but definitely the most interesting thing that we found was a plethora of villages with a more thorough geeze we

Managed to find out that there are exactly three villages in this place which is excellent because with two of them we can just pair them off and make the mate continuously the only difficulty really was going to be getting them out of here and as it is

Night time I figure we will wait until morning before we come up with a solution to that problem right so where’s the sea that way about my boy you’re coming with me you are being rescued ah this is potentially perfect okay here’s the plan we do this we make ourselves a launching platform

For our villager easy does it now yeah we’re out of wood it’s fine this is good this should do now then here are some space here that free this man boom and now we use our lodging platform very carefully this is The Great Escape onwards Jeremy there we are

Oh just as the sun’s setting not bad not bad timing now we just got home though we may want to stay at sea until morning she’s a little Annoying if I’m being completely honest you aren’t you where Jeremy we’ll get you home to your new home the place I’m going to call

The prison the whole so Jeremy how’s it going look he doesn’t even want to look at me doesn’t even want to talk to me why are you shunning me Jeremy don’t you know that I love you maybe that’s why the camera like please the love of God get me out of here

I don’t want to be with this man I had to do that it’s like an l uck yes now then ignoring my clearly undiagnosed mental condition I set to digging this little hole that we could use to send Jeremy underground that way we can build him a room and give him a

Job and re-roll him and all that good stuff alrighty that looks pretty good let’s get Jeremy over here and get him underground where he belongs here we go down the log flume ride oh a little bit of Suffocation it’s normal all right I think we’re good man we lost a few Hearts there

Yep Jeremy you’re scaring me it’s almost like you don’t want to be here alrighty let’s just dig you out a little hole here for you to live in and then you’ll be happy as Larry Larry was the previous prisoner that died now since I had a

Golden apple spare and we lost a few Hearts thanks to my Suffocation Antics earlier I figured it’d be a good idea to eat it now and even though we’re kind of wasting the two Golden Hearts of absorption it’s still fine because it’s better than being on four and a half

Hearts I’m not doing that stuff again we don’t want a repeat of last time during the night I killed a few idiots from the safety of my safety hole I know as I found some mobs had gotten into the crawl space so I gave them the Bizzle

Bop extended my land a little bit planted some sugarcane and then got to work on a second floor of the hovel which honestly would never get used I don’t know why I wasted my time doing this here we go that’ll do for now oh my God I forgot about the health rage

How many hours have I been playing this and I forgot that my health doesn’t regenerate if I take fall damage my God oh my God it’s me he certainly has the same complexion there he goes while I was doing inventory I discovered I had enough metal bits to be able to make the

Sharpened dark metal sword now so I decided to make one of those even though we can’t wield it because we need nine dexterity and we currently have none but I don’t know maybe we’ll hang it on a wall or sell it to a Wii but a convention or something I mean what kind

Of idiot would buy a sword right you know it really is a testament to my laziness that we’ve got a crafting table both inside and outside within two feet of each other okay I’m dead what the hell is a nightmare stalker I’m guessing it’s one of those invisible guys God damn it

Yes while I was doing some errands later that day I was chastising myself for having not checked for invisible monsters before trying to go outside but then I thought to myself wait how does one check for invisible monsters before he goes outside and so we are now on seven Hertz

Hmm realizing this fact I decided to work on my base and avoid going outside too much once I ran out of logs I elected to go and get some more and sadly I had forgotten to bring my neurons with me foreign why am I so dumb these are good questions

And ones that I fear may never have an answer managed to finish the basic frame to a wooden glass cube ceiling roof thing just before it got too dark and remember to stick some torches around of course to prevent unwanted visits from my cousins as I got a bit bored during

The night I decided to develop a mine and let me share with you the enjoyable and relaxing atmosphere that this mod pack has in store for you if you decide to go underground There’s some good ambient ASMR right there why does everything in this mod pack have to be terrifying damn it these are not nice sounds I’m trying to relax here I want to do some mining why am I playing this game despite my elevated blood pressure I

Still put stairs in the mine because I am not an animal once it was daytime I finally decided to improve Bilbo’s living arrangements you’re going to enjoy staying here Bilbo it’s gonna be like a Airbnb just minus all the murder and panty stealing as I was digging I had the clever idea that

Since this is apparently under a lake we could put some glass here and get some natural daylight in for him of course not for me that stuff Burns there you go buddy how’s that pretty good huh it’s like a three-star hotel help yourself to the mini bar and uh oh wait you know

What I just remembered this isn’t even Bilbo this is just some guy Bilbo’s the guy that died oh man I bet there were some people but there were some people watching this they’re just like oh my God it’s not building you idiot oh well we’ll see he’s Bilbo’s cousin or

Something and we’ll call him dildo beginning to come to the realization I have the mental age of a 12 year old I wanted to go back into the mine to look for some more diamonds but before I did that I figured let’s uh let’s eat this Golden Apple we’re currently on five

Hearts we could do with two more and the Regeneration should put us there yep there we go nice honestly the terrifying sounds I hear down here just makes me think that something’s gonna pop out at any moment and just in case something does I would rather have Full Hearts

Than not Fuller hurts if you catch my drift not too long later I managed to find my first batch of diamonds very very good ended up with 10 total diamonds so we’ll probably make a helmet or something and a pickaxe now we will indeed make the helmet next

Reason being we want to reduce the amount of times we die as much as possible check me out son I’m getting seriously dripped up now now the discovery the dildo wasn’t in fact Bilbo has led me to want to go back to Bilbo’s house and see if he actually is dead

Because if he’s not then we can save ourselves another launching pair journey and just use Bilbo and dildo as our oh my God please for the love of God and use Bilbo and dildo as our progenitors for the generation of slaves I mean workers Bilbo you alive I’m not seeing him oh I’m leaving I didn’t know they were still here oh God oh God I hate weeping angels how many other Bilbo oh my God yes get to the boat Bilbo get in there now please there’s Angels around the love of God dude let’s get the hell out of here no I oh I hate weeping angels so much you’ve changed you’re not the man you once were good in the whole Bilbo get in there oh he’s dying oh he’s good now I’ve decided to keep dildo as a Fletcher because that way we can trade sticks and there’s plenty of wood outside but Bilbo we will

Bilbo I swear to God I will turn this bed and breakfast into a dead and breakfast now much like human mating I believe all you have to do is provide three beds like so and then we deliver them some sustenance and then copulation will occur yes yes it’s working now I’ve

Managed to capture this clown in the hopes that he can zombify The Villages oh God okay well he delivers a pretty hefty poisonous bite um hmm I guess maybe he can’t zombify the villagers I feel like the Poison’s just gonna kill the Villager yeah I feel

Like uh oh hello dildo what’s going on have you met my clown friend his uh he’s in town for a couple of days and uh oh all right yeah decided to give the clown a haircut because uh that Poison’s definitely gonna kill a villager We’re not gonna be able to unzombify these

Guys sadly which means we’re going to be very limited on emeralds which is bad but uh it’s not the end of the world just means we’ll have to figure something else out but for now the easiest source of emeralds for us is going to be sticks now being bobbed in

The mouth by that Clown Zombie has left me a little worried about my health so we’re going to try out the idea that I had earlier that I never followed through with so we’ve got our dispenser here we’ve got a button and then we’ll check our potion in and hit the old

Cranky come on and it works yes we are regenerating you see sometimes sometimes when I rub a couple of brain cells together I can form a synapse now it’s finally time for us to go through the arduous process of re-rolling old YOLO swaggins here now I’ll save you the physical pain that I

Went through and just deliver you to the conclusion here we’re gonna settle him in with Protection One and you may be thinking that’s pretty stupid but grab a notepad and pencil and I’m going to explain to you why you see the RPG mod has different requirements depending on

The level of the enchantment you want to use ignore these two requirements that’s just for the armor this requirement down here mind level 24 that’s the requirement you need to wield anything anything at all with protection for doesn’t matter if it’s diamonds doesn’t matter if it’s a sweaty gym sock if you

Want to put protection 4 on it you better have 24 mind levels but with the beautiful book that is Protection One you only need eight mind levels to wield that and the way that the mathematics works I’ll spare you is that basically you just get a little bit of damage

Reduction for every level of protection and every piece of army you have protection on Protection One on everything gives us 6 15 damage reduction and that’s a hell of a lot better than zero and this is why we’re doing prop 1 instead of prop 4. all

Right so I hope you were taking notes there will be a test so now we just need to get eight mind levels somehow this barbecue boat strategy will help so I’ve got another idea to get XP as well and speaking of XP this man here will have

Some inside of him just place the boat here foreign good God six hearts that’s good now as I was saying this is my plan to get XP because villagers give a little bit of XP every time you trade with them we’re gonna try and organize some trades that we can do consistently

So we can have some nice XP every morning our first little tray that we’re going to be doing is paper this is why I planted the Reeds here so one bolt paper trade and a few Diamond runs later we were able to get our mind up to eight

And now we can wield a Protection One leather shirt and not soon after that we Enchanted our on-site helmet and our batter wheat Cobra lace-up safety boots size 9. now speaking of Trades that might be able to get us a consistent source of XP we could use a smithing

Table to turn one of the villages into a toolsmith who should in theory buy iron from us iron that we have in plentiful Supply on this container ship would you make sense done it now as I made my way back to the back of the ship I noticed

That all the iron blocks had gone and I could have sworn that I didn’t mind all of those it’s possible that all Shadow mechs come by and taken a bunch of them I’m glad I took as many as I could before but as we’re gonna need a lot of

Iron for rxp trades we’re now a little bit lost because uh we need to find some more iron and going digging just really isn’t going to cut it I decided that exploring more of the ship is probably going to be our way to find iron I thought I remembered seeing them

Somewhere else as well but I can’t remember exactly where foreign [Applause] Good God excuse me monster could you not give me a heart attack hello Mr Ryan good Lord let’s get scared the Jesus out of me almost scared my tits off yes one heart attack later I also happen to find out that there’s a lot of wheat on this ship

Which is excellent because our cow Army is growing but wheat is currently the bottleneck that we seem to be experiencing now I believe there’s some iron just down here oh why didn’t I take any damage there I think my protection may have just reduced that damage that’s nice

Okay let’s get rid of this give it to you and get rid of you onwards oh yeah it was close what is this it’s wood get these blocks and then we’ll go ahead can’t take it man three and a half outs it’s all you need I’ve been saying it I’ve never not said

It managed to gather around 30 iron blocks before we got out of there that’ll be some good trading and just make sure I’m not gonna die here oh And we’re ready I didn’t realize how brightly the armor glows good Lord that’s so horrible all righty-toity so we’ve got our tool Smith guy here let’s see how much xp we can get oh went from 14 to 15. not bad but now we have to wait until tomorrow to

Trade anymore well it’s slow but uh it’s something I think we could do actually is buy this off him may as well better to have an enchanted one than not Shadow convincing yeah you had me for a second there there’s a dog chasing me oh yeah that’ll do it oh yeah look at you we’ll get it out and you’re you figured out the same armor Strat that I did pretty much get out of here

I found this which is pretty good oh you found it well no I made it yeah you see that this is that big tanker over there or whatever that thing is yeah that’s where I fell oh that’s sweet oh there’s like chest I don’t like being

Out here it’s scary yeah no I don’t like it either I stay indoors just like in real life um it’s great yeah uh there was uh there was a like a chest with two chalices and I was like it feels like there’s something else here oh yeah

There was yeah it was a potion of regeneration but uh oh okay okay yeah I use that but then I uh and then I died to an Enderman oh did you yeah I decided to let Shadow have a look around my Sweatshop and explain to him that this

Was where I was going to be getting all of my XP because I’m too cowardly to go outside and he seemed particularly interested in me helping him get some prod four books but that’ll come later once we actually have some prod four books to give like no experiences don’t be messing up my

Topography hide that from you we compared hand sizes for a couple of minutes and I mentioned that one of the most interesting things I’d found was that spooky church that made very terrifying noises at me shadow seemed intrigued so after some playing around with my trapdoors don’t let him in yeah

Okay you’re doing I can shoot it from here that’s funny you do like this little whip whip thingy before you shoot yes I feel very powerful oh yeah this was the this is the place that I walked in I heard a terrifying sound and I was

Like nah oh is that the thing up there that you were talking about the in yeah yeah and that’s the end that’s where I found all the villages oh I have bones now I just realized symbol of some good dogs yeah good dogs yay I have a friend his name is Carlos

Carlos yes I have some name tags yeah I was wondering about in here it’s like a little church place I heard a horrifying sound and then I left because I’m a [ __ ] this looks like a tree yeah yeah it might be why am I shaking why are you shaking yeah I’m like physically

What the hell was that oh oh oh oh yeah what is that okay I don’t know yeah see this is who I like I don’t know Okay um yeah I’m out yeah me too screw that you’re not dealing with that no way yeah do I have enough time to run back to my hole not really I do I’m actually not that far away okay good luck if you want to go on a venture together but I don’t know

Uh yeah okay fine I’ll come with you I don’t know where to go though oh you mean uh that kind of Adventure I thought you were saying like come to your house you can’t come to my house you can steal my stuff yeah what’s up I know where you live now well

I didn’t exactly hide the bloody thing did I no I suppose not well I did I only found it because I was on that ship and I jumped off if you look at the ship if you look right at the very top you’ll see like uh yellow wool kind of pointing

Out oh yeah I just jumped off there and when I jumped off I was swimming over I was like oh this is Steve’s house ah Shadow then had to pawpaw but he said that I should gear up and we’ll go and do an adventure tomorrow I decided to go and

Look for some gold because I need to regen some hearts and I came across some Not Gold I’m looking for gold damn it go away smelly diamonds then through my tenacious triangs on a Tuesday I did manage to find some gold oh that’s enough it’s enough for an apple

Thank the Lord and the next day when I logged in I found out something very interesting has happened so the Divine creatures that be have offered us a blessing today they looked at Shadow and I now gorgeous leather armor and meager tin foil helmets and decided that oh my God these

Guys aren’t going to get anywhere with the bosses so all of the requirements to wield stuff has been decreased in terms of enchanting see we have a protection 2 book here and we can put that on our Diamond booties and it’s now only mine

12 to equip that and it was mine 14 or something so that’s good we can now wield stuff but one thing that supposedly has gone down enchanting table yes see this used to be intelligence 10 to use now it’s intelligence 4. that’s doable so we can now enchant some stuff

If we really wanted to reaping the benefits of last night’s gold farming I decided to eat an apple and then I thought it’d be a good idea if we scrounged together some Fortune books from the idiots trapped downstairs we are going to need diamonds sooner or

Later and Fortune is going to be good for that and we have these cows to get XP to put the book on a pickaxe or something and just as I was gathering some sticks for some beautiful Emmys I was given a big surprise yes raid oh no what do you mean raid

Are you kidding me what’s wrong what happened what did you do nothing you idiot [Laughter] bye villages oh my God you better hide yeah are you kidding me I did not have this scheduled for today good Lord I don’t know what happened you lured a bunch of pillages here is it

That hard to understand they could they can open doors can they open trap doors they I think they can open every door oh how did you what did you do you must have had the debuff I can’t really uh I’m not in a good spot

Or I am in a good spot to get arrows in the face all right you are out okay what are you wearing you got the helmet on yeah I am hiding I’m able to put it on now oh that’s good give your buddy a hand okay uh I would but okay ow

Why don’t you put it all right why don’t you put blocks up and then take him at the knees that’s not a bad idea oh yeah that’s right my floor is only one that’s a good idea all that free experience there we go that’s using your brain

There you go look at all that experience you’re doing yeah yeah shut up Mr brings the plague into the village uh I just I don’t wanna uh I’d be a little worried about the vex that guy doesn’t come into later doesn’t he and yes I am worried about the Vex

Thank you I was just trying to get some wood and now I’m lower in hearts they’re on their own here I got a golden apple for you do you to help you out damn it I almost escaped and now I’m going to drown that’s good oh you can’t you can’t swim

I’m gonna take the Apple they’re trying that thing sinks it does it’s made out of gold why would it why would it float uh because this is a video game you left your door wide open yeah well it is what it is a guy with a

Dr mask here oh that’s uh what is that that’s uh oh here they come careful oh that’s uh the first thing that we ran into at the house oh the That’s The Vindicator is that The Vindicator yeah he was doing spells on us remember yeah but please I don’t think so

Yeah this uh staff doesn’t have much charges left I don’t think I can start a raid you started the damn raid stop gaslighting me I didn’t start the raid don’t try to fight him he’s one he’s one hit oh that was close uh my staff is just

About to break can you shoot this guy for me or give me your stuff I can’t too I’m too far no give me your stuff I’ll I’ll I’ll go hit him just my other one’s gonna break and I could put mending on it but I don’t have

Enough XP or I can’t get into my house thanks yes you can okay he’s dead good oh oh yeah be right back ow that was stupid can you hear me Steve you got ravengers out here yeah I can hear him thanks shadow I’m just I’m just letting you know okay

Yeah you’re just keeping me updated on the things you brought in to kill me no I never brought those in you did break the bin you dab liar I had to get rid of it yeah I bet I guess I could have drunk milk right yes you could have done anything but you

Decided to choose the person that was the thing I was coming over to get milk from your cows I didn’t think it was gonna start raid oh yes yes first aid Minecraft shadow yes basically so what are you gonna do you’re gonna like poke you poke you with a spear in the eye

Oh next day while Shadow was helping me deal with the plague he gave me we found out that if you stand very close to this wall you can actually get caught in the witch’s splash potion so we can heal ow come here which there you go you’re doing it

Okay I’m on one hot you’re on one heart yeah get out of there yes I got regeneration yes geez it’s almost like it almost be worth it it’s always distracting a witch and a Pillager together oh wow really no what what oh I got poisoned I had to drink my milk

See we got this oh that hurt I guess you couldn’t see me before where everyone else starts coming I’m on half a hop once again God damn it you’re on what happened yeah what are you doing that last time I posted he threw at you dropped me to

Half a heart God damn it there’s the backs there’s the vex you’re gonna try to fight them I mean I don’t really know I need it I have enough levels to put fortune on my pickaxe and then go and find gold but oh my God this is really bad yeah you

Can never yourself I just threw your staff back at you I think it sank it’s like broken yeah it was like that when I got it yeah Shadow and I sat out here on the water trying to think of ways that I could restore myself from my heart problem and

Then I thought hang on a minute is there any another one on this map you have any Nether wart no but I know where you can find some do you is it in that place you said is extremely dangerous and no one’s ever survived no no there’s there’s some in some

Chests oh and there’s some growing um in like an old ruined Cathedral so it’s like out in the open let me see and is there a boss in there there might be a boss in there transparent s Shadow good that’s where the boss is located near that Cathedral so but there’s a castle

Next to it and I think it’s like an old ruined castle and I think there’s the boss isn’t there we had a bit of a head scratch about what to do about the half heart problem and we couldn’t really come to a conclusion so what we

Decided to do is just row off in a distance and just really hope we would find something useful oh please for the love of God let there be a region potion in here Hey this paracording stuff is dangerous guests please please push it no don’t all be empty Books wait yes yes oh thank God yes oh thank God I then met up with Shadow and we found some stuff in the basement and I decided to yank all of the loot very good shadow where have you gone oh there you are hahaha

Okay Yep this is a this is a bad time I’m gonna die anyway now do I want this fish oh okay okay time to go please please please please please okay thank God wow Shadow is a is an angry angry man good man having escaped Shadow trying to

Kill me I decided to look around by myself there were some monster noises that were driving me insane and eventually I found the culprit oh it’s one of those night guys that shadow was talking about if at these sir about the That’s not fair that’s not in the rules here’s the deal I specifically left some wood in here just for this reason I need to make a boat and now we escape with hopefully not drawing the attention of the Raiders that shadow invited over and get the hell out of here

And hopefully get our stuff back please let my stuff still be there oh thank God just gonna block that off I’m done being brave well looks like we got everything good that we found back including this shadowhood that we stole from Shadow well at least the raid seems to have

Ended so one good thing came out of this so he’s driving there and back to take ages so probably expired as a result of that trip we’re a net one heart down like three levels down as well I think we’re like level 10. so in the morning I found out that this

Guy had apparently followed me home and lucky for him here on the channel we have a charitable orphan adoption policy truly a philanthropist be me hmm he dropped grave metal boots very nice holy hell thank you for the heart attack Mr Knight here I will now proceed to shoot you

With my stick until you die okay well I’ve drunken the Regeneration person I literally just got it’s been a little bit at the roof to our Observatory I don’t really know what I’m gonna use this room for initially I was thinking an enchanting room but because of the

Villages we have downstairs we don’t really need an enchanting table and we should be able to get all of our insurance now thanks to the requirements being lowered the only real problem we have right now is that it’s actually quite hard to get emerald as I’ve ran

Out of iron that I managed to scavenge from the boat Gathering sticks is probably the easiest way to get emeralds right now but it’s still incredibly slow one thing I had overlooked is the fact that there is a considerable amount of coal blocks in the train and we can

Break these down and sell them to a fisherman who will buy coal for one Emerald for 10 coal so we’ll have a few emeralds and XP sorted for now but this is of course a limited resource and we will soon run out of this as well so

We’re basically at the point now where we just farm for experience because to equip the prop 4 that we’re going to need for the bosses we’re going to be fighting soon I need 16 mind levels and then to equip diamonds if I want to wield that for the final fight I’m gonna

Need 15 endurance levels bottom line is we’re gonna go out exploring soon but before we do that we at least want to have a couple of golden apples on hand just in case we get into some trouble oh more diamonds I think I found more veins of diamonds at this level than any

Huh what the heck not now ambient sounds please oh that was weird I don’t like bugs another bird guy I’m a regular guy okay here’s what we’ll do we’ll make a fence and hopefully the bugs can’t cross it oh they definitely can a what they’re stuck oh my God

What are they why do they make fart sounds it’s great maybe I have too much of a child what the hell are these uh Diamond thermite Shard well you can go buy nine of them for one diamond hooray okay they’re all bugs I went back to that stack of diamonds

Hoping that uh some real diamonds would be there but this time it was a little bit more careful Yep they’re all bugs it’s great what started out as Joy has quite quickly devolved into that’s disgusting well I lost another half a heart but I lost actually one heart didn’t I it’s

Annoying thankfully we’d found enough gold to be able to make two golden apples so we can just regen that one and a half hearts we’re missing still annoying though could have saved this for later and just as I was putting protection 4 on my pants Steve Martin

Was gonna show up but he didn’t so here’s Shadow Mech there he is hello the hell are you wearing you got the full kit well well done I got the full kit yes oh wait I don’t have it you don’t have a and your chest do you

Uh no oh that’s a cool one yeah there’s a there’s a a site that you get from those uh Phantom looking guys and so when you kill it supposedly you’re supposed to go invisible with it so I wanted to see if I could kill a cow um but your iron golem shouldn’t attack

Me right if I kill a cow I ain’t Goblin’s been killed he’s been killed yeah he’s right there oh that’s a different water oh that’s just George he lives there he can’t get out of there okay I think okay I wanna I wanna see if I am I invisible no [Applause]

You do have a sparkly effect though so it might be a like invisible demand it’s from this it’s from The Sword actually you know what I did that in F5 oh no wait I do hold on Shadow form so I came over to see if I could uh oh

What do you got is that another right sword no this is uh sharp and dark metal sword oh okay I was gonna say if you have another right sword you can make a Moonlight one too with this little Revenant oh I was wondering if I could

Uh make you a deal or something oh yeah you can I could make one uh yeah maybe I will because I do have another eye in good somewhere do you have what are you doing what are you doing downstairs 22 22 emeralds I was gonna make you a deal I was gonna

See if uh if you let me use your villagers do go on don’t leave me hanging that I don’t know I could help you out with something I’m really just looking for the proc for oh yeah yeah you you can have a prop four geez oh there’s Emerald

Or iron uh I don’t have many emeralds uh they’re non not being able to uh uh disenchat or you know zombify these guys it’s pretty painful getting the emeralds uh come with me we’ll go again box box I can use it for books too let’s go let’s

Go somewhere on adventure you want to go get the nether warts oh another what I can do that I know where to get it so oh yeah it’s a boss well I don’t know if he’s there you don’t know if he’s there per se he’s around there he didn’t he

Did know if he’s home he might be out at the shops all right so we’re gonna go I guess we should cry let’s go let’s go now while it’s light is it light what time is it it’s like it it’s like late afternoon it’s gonna start getting dark soon

Shadow and I set off on a little bro Venture our main goal to find the Netherwood but we also decided to explore any old houses or things that we would find on the way soon darkness had arrived and we had only just managed to find a little house so we quickly tried

To rush inside I’ll come along for a ease oh my god oh oh I don’t get my shield on I knew it was a bad idea to leave the boat you just let me see anything they’re lucky we had the water he’s dead oh oh there’s a guy in the red oh

Okay okay oh build up here’s a witch yep okay nope this is this is not good yeah she threw a poison at you [ __ ] it okay the Witch Is Dead ding dong man he’s a really good friend Disney he’s abandoned me well I wanted adventure and here I am Thank you Steve yep what’s up I found out oh oh that’s what I’m getting hit can you kill this guy I’m a half a heart oh you really yeah there’s a witch to my right is the house safe no there’s pillages in here like a bunch yeah well I ate my last Golden Apple

Sorry I would have given it to you but that Pillager that came up behind me was freaking me out is anybody in there yes there’s a lot of pillages in here oh no oh there’s a witch coming for you what really she was just next to you by the door see

She’s over by there oh yeah yeah man in some efforts to not lose any more hurts Shadow elected to dig under the house and try and find the pillar just spawner that was inside and I tried to direct him to it he managed to find one but we couldn’t get to the

Others and before we could eliminate the threats inside it was once again night time and we had to spend another enjoyable evening at a house that’s full of enemies oh there’s dogs what’s that I can hear the dogs yeah there he is Be careful because there’s a dog around yeah I got everything blocked off okay nice around oh what what what the hell what’s wrong uh I might die are you kidding me Yeah What happened I’m being chased by dogs I might be screwed the water I’ve got two hearts it’s bad a little water there should be a boat over there yeah Thank you okay well we lived for now but now we have two hearts the hell is hitting me up there why did I take my blocks off my hot bar as well I mean I guess it’s probably better to run considering something hit me once it

Was morning I headed back to the house to see if Shadow was still alive and indeed he was though still struggling on half of a Hut much to add as may we also found out that the roof was entirely stuffed with pillages too and there was another Spawner in there that we can’t

Reach Shadow is desperate to try and get inside to get out of his half of a heart problem but right now we really had no way in Shadow ended up coming back later but you’ll have to watch his video for that one but after I lost an additional

Half of the hard thanks to my own incompetence we decided that we should perhaps go look for health regeneration elsewhere especially after Shadow accidentally somehow managed to lead some pillages out of the attic there’s a there’s a there’s a there’s a Pillager on the roof There’s two of them three of them four of them see we can line them up here Ah that’s my shield got long enough wow okay yes indeed after all that bollocks we decided to go find somewhere else that might be easier to loot please don’t be spawners in this place please don’t be

Spawners in this place that looks like a place with spawners if ever I’ve seen one sir yeah I hear zombies at least it’s a place we can hide anyway yes see anything not yet oh what come here where are you please tell me please tell me you have intelligence five

Hang on do you have it I do throw it oh that’s satisfying that’s good oh my gosh oh my gosh how long we got okay 35 seconds actually full health yes bathe in the healing juices of um yes that is superb this is superb yes superb I would come again it reminds

Me of my childhood in the Maldives okay okay okay so we’re good and then all I gotta do is run over and get some Nether wart whoa with the boss there are you actually gonna go in the cathedral well that’s where supposedly it is what oh oh oh oh oh

Pressure plate here there’s the pressure plate here oh yeah that’s that’s why I blocked off that door there’s a pressure plates on both sides as well yeah and that was oh you opened it yeah I know he’s opening it yeah that’s that’s why that’s why I

Blocked this one off as well and this is our life now Shadow we live here now okay I’m gonna run in and I’m gonna grab a couple other warts yeah I’m not gonna grab a bunch he’s right there if he if he’s chasing me I have an invisibility potion too

Back at my place oh wait Shadow yeah I’ve been hanging on to that for ages speed oh that’s good okay so I’ll drink that God speed sir God speed okay I got three minutes gonna grab this and uh yeah you’re a brave man Shadow Brave of the night I’ll be standing right here

Motionless not quite Run run I got it I even got I got one Soul Sand though uh that’s fine seven netherwall as well that’s loads I mean honestly we probably won’t need more than that let’s keep going back oh yeah I did I got three I got three

More I’m getting it I’m out of here okay leave it I’m out all right so I got my other warts I’m probably gonna head back to my place uh you can come check it out if you want yeah sure um okay good so we got another wart so after grabbing our Netherwood Shadow

Showed me where he’s been living he’s living in a witch’s house and the witch apparently decided to be evicted of her own free will Shadow sadly didn’t have that much for me to steal but he did us some pretty strange things oh look look on that block that one

Why just walk on it ah it’s a turntable I’m a mission you have trying to get scented for every independent knee feel free to hang close it’s very dizzy do you like my statue look at this statue look at this yeah very cute for you I hate him

I thought that was kind of cool you stole it I did steal it I stole everything I shared with Shadow the recipe for making health potions and he told me I could have one for helping and after we had a natter like a couple of old nannies it

Was time for me to log off in preparation for our finale now I’m gonna be honest I forgot that I logged off in Shadow’s house but as I turned around I realized he’s been preparing very hard for this finale he seems to have grinded

A fair bit since I logged off as he now has an incredible amount of health potions and regeneration potions and now I have those potions funny that I also stole a soul Remnant because with that we can make the Moonlight Greatsword that shadow has you got anything else for me to steal

Oh good lord okay this man’s going off the wall they’re getting home I crafted said moonlight great sword but found out it had a very annoying side effect which is that the explosion thing destroys boats meaning my yellow bellied strategy of cowardness is no longer effective if I

Use this sword now as we have two bosses to kill on this final day I figured that the dark metal sword that we have here is actually probably going to be more useful considering 90 of the mobs that we’ve seen thus far have been Undead so

My guess is that the two bosses are going to be Undead as well and now dark metal sword does extra damage to Undead people so what I’m thinking of doing is get why won’t you die what I’m thinking of doing is putting Smite on my sword

And in that way we can combine the two Undead killing mechanics and make a sword of Undead deafening yes now I have the Smite 5 book on hand but we need XP to be able to use it and we also want to get a couple of levels

That we might be able to wield diamonds for the final fight as well so I’m gonna stay out here tonight until I have enough levels to be able to do both of those things out out I thought I heard another one within him ah there’s always another one

And thanks to the potions we’d Nick from Shadow’s office we confirm in relative safety now then prop four on the diamonds Gert trousers of course so we managed to get prop 4 and everything hopefully that’ll hold up decked out in a finest iron chest plate and a couple of other Diamond bits but

That’s the best we got we didn’t really get to use any of our netherai ingots I suppose we could just use them for the memes and put them on a we can’t use a netheroe ax could we yeah unless we went up one strength level we

Need level 12. it was like a kill all the cows we don’t have any use for them anymore give me a giblets I’m so sorry I’m so sorry but you are stage you’re welcome scabies huh none of my watch there we go to level 16. we can do it to

Drink it is we can use a netherridex so that’s nice oh yes yes come on in I brought you some gifts did you I uh yeah I got I got the protection yeah on all my stuff and then I went to that Pillager Castle to test it out oh

Yeah it wasn’t too bad so I got I got some stuff well done that you can have or take whatever you want yes oh yes I’ll take that I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t need the experience because I was pretty well good to go you were kitted out with the sauce

Yes good you got you got apples or gold or anything nope okay look nope the place had a couple Place had a couple apples let’s get some has some gold bars so that that should do yeah oh hopefully oh damn four Jesus And do you need any diamonds uh I’m I’m kitted out with as much diamonds as I could wear oh you can’t wear anything else no after using the XP potions the shadow gave me to enchant the rest of my gear it was finally time for us to say

Goodbye to YOLO swaggins and the rest of the crew goodbye Lads I’ve always seen you as a source of Free Labor like a family but now I’m going to the store to get some cigarettes and I will be right back and after saying goodbye to the

Rest of the peasants I I left under cover of Darkness because we have some bosses to kill alrighty here’s how it’s gonna work there’s two bosses to kill one of them we’ve already seen the Pumpkin Man and the other one we don’t know anything about all we know is he

Lives in a graveyard each boss will drop one unique item kind of like a gacha machine and both of us need one of these items to be able to escape however I’m gonna have to keep an eye on Old Shadow Meg because he could if he wanted to

Steal my item and his day broke we found ourselves at the first boss okay right Shadow and sneeve into the uh Crypt yes yes forgotten helmet what the what’s that for uh someone forgot it clearly yes it gives you luck plus whatever Plus One luck plus two reach distance

What’s that for thanks for the Forgotten hat plus two reach distance is actually insane and I look like a farmer when I wear it yeah you look like a detective or something onwards Watson we will find the devil who did uh who killed uh Kim who burned Kim’s house down we’ll find

Him in here he’s gonna look in a mirror and you’ll be good he always eludes me he’s one step ahead oh there’s a guy down there oh it’s one of those floaty guys yeah they’re immune to rage they’re immune to range yeah are you sure I just killed them that one wasn’t

But usually um there’s whoa there’s a gargoyle what yeah see there he is that guy’s been working out jeez look at them picks oh my gosh look at them oh oh oh oh ow okay more explodey enemies huh huh wait whoa get him safe I’m trying

Ah no don’t let me on fire please I’m in a spider web oh no there’s another guy behind you I’ll take advantage of that hey he died that’s good that guy was wasn’t fun what did I do he doesn’t like your hat well clearly geez fine I’ll take it off

The man clearly doesn’t respect good detective work I guess not yeah with the with the mutton chop beard as well it really does look like Sherlock Holmes what’s that do you hear that oh no oh oh no it’s one of those things again anyway Shadow I think I left the stove

On I’ll be uh I’ll be right back [Laughter] oh my gosh she’s in there yeah you got him shadow go get him no I can’t how about myself oh he’s climbing the walls oh my gosh that a scary man I found I found the man who’s burned Kim’s house down shadow

He’s stuck I’m getting him okay nevermind he’s not stuck anymore Oh dare you burn Kim’s house down he worked so hard on that yes oh it wasn’t that it wasn’t that bad no I did it all myself you got ghost peppers I’m gonna eat it I’m gonna eat it I’m breathing fire what do you mean it did a little bit of

Damage and I was breathing fire so I had whoa what what yeah this one’s yours is there a spawner in here Steve you got him shadow I believe in you oh he’s gonna come he’s gonna kill he’s gonna kill me he’s gonna kill me foreign He dropped 19 rotten flesh wow yeah there’s a lot of jokes he died there I was on half a heart you liar no I swear I was on half a heart we really he kept wrecking me okay um let’s let’s uh get any blocks yes let’s uh just let’s uh

Let’s uh close the demon room that could be that can be for the future owners to find I I trust you Shadow I just did that because I felt like it there’s a guy down there Shadow and he’s breathing very heavily ideal TNT listen I’ll give you this

I’ll give you this here okay ready I’ll give you this if you jump down there and get it oh you’re lucky I got the diamond shadow really really are you kidding me oh you’re stuck in a grave I really fell for that one didn’t I oh here I’ll get it there you go

Right swear to God you better not you better not you better not just well I guess I live here now yes you do yes um here I’ll let you out I’ll let you out yes you said that last time watch out for that lava coming down though what ah

There I’m I’m over here yes thank you for that I think there’s a way down here lagging a bit oh don’t tell me this is a maze oh this is a maze I don’t like this at all we’re gonna get lost you’re gonna get lost I ain’t going in there goodbye

Okay though that’s a dead end uh follow it oh wait wait I know what we’re supposed to do we’re supposed to use Redstone to lead lead a trail like uh uh is it thesius in the Minotaur okay do you got do you got Redstone no but there’s Red Zone at the start

Anything that’s a dead end Shadow and I spent a painfully long amount of time getting through that maze as the old saying goes how long does it take two idiots to get through a maze but eventually we found ourselves on the other side we did it that was scary

What is in there why do I hear stuff your destiny is in their shadow oh was that you nope there’s a Skeleton Man there oh this is the boss this is the boss careful he’s a boss well he’s got a name tag oh he’s dead

See that’s what I said he was harder to get to but easier to Kill ah it kind of reminds me a scary movie where it’s like this guy’s made of Bones how hard can he be all right first boss down cool we did it Shadow decided to give me the item that

The boss dropped the Eternal candy it is a small source of food that never runs out kind of useful not gonna lie but now it was time for us to move on to Old Edward Greenlee otherwise known as the Pumpkin Man all right I’m gonna eat I’m gonna eat a ghost

Pepper I’m gonna breathe fire on him oh there he is oh it’s right here have it yep you got him shadow I was really trying to get it myself but Hey it’s rude get him get away from me you got him sir pumpkin head what were United for sir Oh careful careful what the heck are these guys I’m working on it get it get the pumpkin man oh oh oh oh don’t die shadow try not to I’m trying despite my best efforts he really won’t take it he really won’t pay attention to me Wilson well that’s that’s good Oh gosh you gotcha you gotcha the horse is paying attention to me Watson help me Watson look I I can see oh no oh I might die here Watson it’s been an honor I must say He’s down you’re down one heart yeah rats yes sadly my defenses were not enough first pumpkin head and he killed me and I died but then I got better go go get your stuff where’s my stop me I can’t see it’s over there I can’t see anything

I’m sorry okay I got it I got it I got it oh my God got it you got it I cut still can’t see I didn’t pick up my torches oh I got them yeah we can’t use a shield basically ah no not now

Oh my God I got I cannot see for the life of me I have four Hearts this is bad oh my God I have three yards left I’ve Got a Feeling Run Away Steve get yourself in the safe spot I have a feeling that we are going to win this battle

Do you have a do you have torches yeah I do now I lost my my dope sword where is it let’s go around here somewhere oh whoa oh Brown Shadow there’s exploded he’s dead I got the item I win I got both the items he’s dead I win goodbye Shadow see you

Later no no goodbye yes indeed I had won like the hero I surely am I stole my victory and ran away in biology we call this the sneaky mail strategy I want to thank all the patrons so much for watching this video and also of course big thank you to

Shizzle mcnizzle himself for inviting me along for this awesome mod pack and so I will hopefully see you all soon oh that is seriously so many patrons thank you so much this is insane tata for now I decided to show Shadow Mike I decided to show Shadow my I decided to show I

Decided to show show Shadow that’s really hard to say I decided to show Shadow my [ __ ] [ __ ]

This video, titled ‘LIFEDRAIN: The IMPOSSIBLE Horror Mod for Hardcore Minecraft | Bad At the Game Edition’, was uploaded by Sneve on 2023-05-07 15:33:34. It has garnered 92882 views and 2919 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:39 or 6639 seconds.

Life Drain – This is the most unfair, overly difficult Modpack Challenge to date. NO Regeneration and No Hearts can be Regained! Do you think you could survive??

SUBSCRIBE NOW: Patreon (Legends!): Minecraft 1.17 Update coming Soon! Who’s exited?


#shorts #Minecraft #meme #Memes #minecraftmemes #minecrafttutorial #minecraftfunny #minecraftmeme #Minecraftshorts

  • Sneaky Vanilla Minecraft Server Mystery

    Sneaky Vanilla Minecraft Server Mystery Welcome to Mystery Place – A Private Vanilla Minecraft Server Embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft with the opening of Mystery Place, a private vanilla server. Experience the thrill of exploration, creativity, and collaboration in this unique gaming environment. What Sets Mystery Place Apart? Unlike public servers, Mystery Place offers a more intimate and exclusive gaming experience. With a focus on vanilla gameplay, players can enjoy the pure essence of Minecraft without any modifications or plugins. This back-to-basics approach allows for a nostalgic journey through the game’s core features. Free Gameplay and Community Interaction One… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video featuring Skizz and Impulse getting Taco Bell. While the video may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a fun and welcoming community to enjoy the game with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build epic structures, and embark on thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind welcomes players of all skill levels. With a variety of game modes… Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay

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  • Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server!

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  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

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  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft Pocket Edition Survival Series? If so, you’ll love the latest episode of “Bluey Kingdom” where the challenge is to complete full Diamond Armour. The excitement and thrill of completing this task are truly captivating. If you enjoyed watching the video and want to experience similar adventures, then you should definitely check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us at Minewind today by entering… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

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  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

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  • Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World

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  • EPIC Minecraft Glitch: JJ and Mikey SUPERGLUED!

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  • Friend Pranked with Scary Myths

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  • TentenCubify: Ultimate Toilet Titan Showdown!

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  • Unbelievable Redstone Puzzle by Oyo Jodha Gamerz! #shorts #minecraft

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  • INSANE: JOIN NOW! Minecraft PE Official Server 1.20

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  • Insane Minecraft Logic EXPOSED! 😱 #shorts #trolling

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  • JJ HEROICALLY RESCUES Mikey from Minecraft Maizen!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Series Live EP-1!! #shorts

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  • Minecraft Madness: Chipi Chipi Papa with Crazy Sounds! 🤯

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  • Spork SMP – 1.20.4 – Semi-vanilla – Whitelist – Modded terrain

    Datapack Driven Custom Weapons & Modded Terrain Generations Our server features several server-side terrain generation mods including: Tectonic Yung’s Better Minecraft These mods are server-side only, allowing you to join with a vanilla launcher. The datapacks, in combination with the resource pack, introduce custom combat features and weapons of varying rarity and powers inspired by other games and media. Discord: Join our Discord server Read More

  • NZNetwork Minecraft – Online for more than 13 years.

    NZNetwork Minecraft - Online for more than 13 years.NZnetwork MinecraftWe are now open GLOBALLY to all players around the world! – All you old players who have moved overseas can now join with no VPN!Come join one of the worlds longest running Minecraft servers (Since 2010!)Low Ping for NZ/AUS Players ✔–> Some screenshots on this server advertisement are built by the user Come watch Kim do some epic builds on it’s well worth it! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – u/EntrepreneurUnusual6 predicted it: Epic meme material!

    Looks like this meme is really mining for laughs with that score of 66! Keep digging for more humor! Read More


    TENGE TENGE vs GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO: SPAWN SHOWDOWN! 🔥 #shorts #minecraft #meme When you can’t decide between fighting ALL TENGE TENGE or GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO SPAWN, just remember: it’s all fun and games until someone gets a block to the face in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft #meme #scary #tengetenge Read More

  • EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft!

    EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft! Exciting Minecraft Adventure: Lucky Block Tower Race! Join Sand and KAYDNN in an exhilarating lucky block tower race in the world of Minecraft! The duo will be breaking random lucky blocks on their towers, with each block holding the potential for amazing treasures or unexpected challenges. The stakes are high as they compete to gather the best gear for an epic battle at the bottom of the tower. Who will emerge victorious – KAYDNN or Sand? The excitement is palpable as they dive into this thrilling Minecraft challenge! The Lucky Block Tower Race As the players take turns breaking… Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft PvP Truths

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  • EPIC Minecraft FUN: Pizza n’ Goat – DO NOT SAY STAL 3 TIMES!

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  • I Played Minecraft with Jake Webber

    I Played Minecraft with Jake WebberVideo Information This video, titled ‘I played Minecraft with Jake Webber | VOD’, was uploaded by HansumFella VODS on 2024-02-14 20:00:02. It has garnered 219343 views and 4351 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:37 or 6397 seconds. This VOD is HansumFella playing minecraft with Jake Webber! Twitch: This is the full VOD, not cut up into funny moments however sure does include a lot of them, as seen on tiktok for funny moments and the full youtube video “I need your help (ft Jake Webber)” on the HansumFella channel! #HansumFella #Minecraft #Livestream Read More

  • “Nabi Gaming – Mind-Blowing Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090!” #wow

    "Nabi Gaming - Mind-Blowing Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090!" #wowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Extremely Realistic Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-18 18:07:20. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Redstone Door WOW 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Redstone Door WOW 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by xperia_minecraft on 2024-04-09 16:00:43. It has garnered 1083622 views and 29192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON’T Believe!! #minecraftparody

    INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON'T Believe!! #minecraftparodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mine craft Funny Shorts #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftmeme #minecraftparody #meme #craft’, was uploaded by DRK FLAME on 2024-01-09 11:26:33. It has garnered 2444 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!

    Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!Video Information This video, titled ‘You Won’t Believe These Hilarious Mind-Bending AI Meme Transformations #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Gav on 2024-02-17 17:50:08. It has garnered 479 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #memes #music #fortnite #funnyanimals #comedy #minecraft #animals #cats #landscape #nature cats, slow mo video, funny animals, manchester united, man city, shorts, roblox, slow motion, the last of us, fortnite, the last of us reaction, family guy full episodes, cats, elden ring, velma, minecraft, world cup, slow mo, funny videos, funny video, funny animal videos, besharam rang song, overwatch… Read More

  • BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀

    BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘I became SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🗿’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-29 11:18:15. It has garnered 222057 views and 4150 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Roblox NEED MORE MEWING | SIGMA MALE in Roblox (FULL GAME) | ALL ENDING 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel: @AyushMoreReacts ➤ 🎥 WATCH FULL SERIES here:- MINECRAFT STORY Series ▶️ ➤… Read More


    🔴EPIC MINECRAFT GIVEAWAYS - LET'S CELEBRATE 15 YEARS ON STUNNING SERVERS!🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT CUMPLE 15 AÑOS Y REGALA COSAS !! VAMOS A JUGAR EN SERVIDORES GUAPOS !!🔴’, was uploaded by HandroH HH on 2024-05-19 06:12:18. It has garnered 1406 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:04 or 6844 seconds. Hello, I’m Handro and I bring you a new video, I hope you like it!!! Comment and Share This Video if you liked it and comment on how I can improve and what game you would like me to play. ^^ ======================================== ►VALUE MY EFFORT BY LEAVING YOUR “LIKE” ” 💚​ ►SHARE IT WITH… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!

    Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hololive Hardcore Minecraft 2024 Clips Reaction Stream (Pekora, Marine, Miko, Kaela, Subaru, Nene..)’, was uploaded by ExoticBankai Reaction on 2024-05-30 12:34:48. It has garnered 214 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:41 or 12881 seconds. Support me monthly and get access to blocked reaction and more: Donate and request a video reaction: 00:00 Start 6:35 Nene’s Adventure After She Become The First Person Who Dead In Hardcore Server 19:20 Shy Ina doesn’t realize that Pekora-Senpai can hear her desperate voice 29:35 No One Save From Uncle Marine… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.20.2 Whitelist – Age 25+ – No Claims – Smaller Community – Max Render Distance – 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ years old and looking for a vanilla Minecraft experience with a mature community, you’re in the right place! We started a new world on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. Here are some key details about our server: No ranks or moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 10k blocks from spawn Average of 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty setting Maximum render view distance of 32 Chunks To join us, please introduce yourself on our Discord server before we whitelist you. We aim… Read More

  • Daddeln MC

    Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Server!Immerse yourself in a world full of unlimited possibilities and experience Minecraft in all its diversity. Our server offers you a variety of features and game modes that leave nothing to be desired. Whether you are a creative builder, a passionate fighter or a skilled trader – with us you will find exactly what you are looking for!Freebuild + FarmweltExperience the freedom of building in our freebuild world! Here you can let your creativity run wild and build impressive structures. If you need resources, our farm world is at your disposal, where you can collect… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My first meme – hope u like it! 🔥

    Wow, looks like this meme is really mining for some laughs! Read More

  • Crafting Laughs: Minecraft’s Best Timing

    Crafting Laughs: Minecraft's Best Timing In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, Inventory depleting, lightning striking all around. Trying to keep up with the chaos and the fun, But sometimes the unexpected can leave you on the run. With comedic timing, you faced each twist, Turning mishaps into moments that can’t be missed. But in the end, it’s all about the joy you bring, To your audience, who loves to hear you sing. So keep on crafting rhymes and sharing your game, Your unique style and humor will always be the same. And as you navigate through challenges galore, Your fans will be cheering,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

LIFEDRAIN: The IMPOSSIBLE Horror Mod for Hardcore Minecraft | Bad At the Game Edition