Linty’s Epic Minecraft SMP Adventure Begins!

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just falling off the map as of right now cuz I wanted to get like 10 of these right so then we’ make like a one cool killing chamber and that would just then don’t to run like a hopper or ice track I mean the one here was probably faster than your other one yeah that’s because you made it up away from everything like of course shut your M like that that was a beginner did I ass yeah these are going to be way faster but you made the top I think I’m like completely wrong no there were one spawning before I made the second one so I might just you know let me just put like you can expand it ars no I shot them all at you guys today all right you know before I do actual stuff this like act actually go there’s the first part uh I streamed the first part yesterday and it’s literally we found this Village and that’s pretty much it we did a little bit of Mining and I made that iron farm and then I got off and in one day this man made two more iron Farms a villager the staircase to Heaven this is definitely not heaven my guy I mean the staircase to hell thank this is this has been a literal torture this has been torture in and of itself okay all right we’re gonna just use the exact same thumbnail which was literally just an F5 like screenshot of myself and these two dub Dums are fighting the Ender Dragon apparently apparently I like that I’ve been completely like completely defenseless you could slap me anytime you want yeah I need to figure out why protocol lip isn’t working so we can have like pictures of stuff because that would be cool walking past me man does it make you nervous when I punch you does it make you nervous when I chase you with a pickaxe and start mining the floor I will P you off does it start making you nervous when I point this crossbow at you like oh I got I got a bow I got a bow well I have no arrows and I doubt you have arrows either I block you with my shield let’s actually make the stream public that’s probably somewhat important you can make a stream not what are you using to stream you can okay you know how you can make a private unlisted or public video yeah I just start the stream unlisted so I can edit description title put a thumbnail put down tags that mean that are still you know I’ll give you a YouTube rundown later it’s all right I I click Start stream in OBS and then it just instantly ghes I’ll give you a thing anyway what bro I I’m not a I’m not a content creator I’m a phony I’m a fake stop walking into me how you stop walking into me man I cannot deal with dist stress sorry I’m sorry my gosh I need to whip up my second monitor which is definitely not my phone it’s not my phone I swear perf don’t worry about what’s happening over there it’s innocent are are you guys fighting the Ender Dragon wolven he’s gone W he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone he is gone he’s back okay all right let me uh fluffles although you know what is kind of annoying what I am going to have to start trying because basically when I started making all my bizarre flipping videos pretty much all of the people that did bizarre flipping stopped and quit probably because they’re like e bizar flipping bad now there’s um rain is starting to upload again goats is starting to upload again Jonathan I never heard of that guy who makes crappy videos eil who is in a Discord server with me because some guy was like hey I’m making a server with a bunch of other flippers and it’s just me and that guy and now I have competition house I need to start trying and make my thumbnails look incredible so you know what you should do complain more just to get no to get like Above the Rest just to hack into how you can help me with that delete their YouTube account I I could never I would never hack anyone I don’t I don’t even know how to do that that’s crazy the easiest way to let’s just disable this let me just show you how uh basically we’re uh there we go um it’s been disabled hello to the person in chat is this what D-Day looked like close close it wasn’t people all right it was very similar though ah and would you look at oh the Temptation oh the Temptation actually you know quick thing let’s do a quick test all right I have a six or seven second dis stream delay oh okay that’s nice bad boy oh bad boy you I’m just G break this whole F forgot about you know water existing you know there’s YouTube videos that I make these we could just you know house house I am a professional okay all right just not in this field but other than you see that one down there was from a YouTuber but I just I watched it once and then just did it myself because I’ve watched it a bunch yeah I saw this in a survival world that a survival realm that my cousins owned there’s worked but you know maybe maybe it’s because there’s a creeper over there what there’s a creeper over there with the zombies what the the cre creeper No Man Creeper Creeper on man like hit him with it can we like I don’t want to make jokes okay the D-Day joke was probably edgy enough I should probably should be careful was edgy enough you heard it here first guys D dday was edgy enough yeah I don’t want to make cuz like you know creepers there’s yeah jokes could be made but I’m not going because I’m a big boy in other words what you’re saying is there’s a joke to be found but you’re not going to be the one to find it exactly I don’t want I mean I could say it but I feel like I have more to lose you do have more griby would show up but he needs sleep weren’t you just playing Jedi phone or something what griby saying he would join like I invited him today but he didn’t no he was on for a bit oh the server or I think so okay I didn’t know he got wh listed I have white listing for house okay you white list him okay in watch one I probably have to one watch a lot of One Piece actually one piece bro do you hate yourself okay do you want to know how much I hate myself not even that long ago all right like two days ago I woke up at a 6:00 in the morning because my dad and my sister were making noise because my sister has to drive my dad to work anyway right um because of that because that series of events I was woken up and I was like you know I could go back to sleep I could or I could watch like 22 Episodes of Tokyo Ghoul so do you think I chose option A go back to sleep and get more than 5 hours of sleep or option b watch 5 and 1 half hours of Tokyo Ghoul you probably watch some of those like porn anime that’s that’s why can you like are you to say that I don’t know can we say that word on YouTube can we say the porn on YouTube I’ll just edit it out on the YouTube video it’s fine on the v d it’s already changing it in post 10 minutes 50 seconds stream delay well I’m not actually gonna post the vs because stuff will be said that we probably don’t want on the internet but and we’re not big enough to where someone’s going to strip it off yet so it’s fine so how’s life house oh it’s good wolven how I’m assuming you’re in the Stream otherwise you wouldn’t ask that someone’s been in my chests my diamonds were moved assuming it doesn’t matter if there’s two zombies here probably not by way Wonder of your viewers asked a legit good question I know I I answered him a while back but you did I don’t know if he heard me yeah what was the question uh he found my channel just now he asked where the first part of this series was and right yeah that it’s it’s unlisted and I need to edit down to at least a couple like 10 minutes probably 10 20 minutes but that was yes or two days ago so like that’s not that much should go back to functioning a functioning member of society I don’t know what you’re talking you think I amles so we going to be like making any Golems I probably should have put like glass or something all right so I think do you have any Wheat uh we have a farm GG gy anyways I a date on New Year bro congratulations wow you sound that’s awesome that’s exciting oh I’m trying to sound enthusiastic that’s amazing bro congrats one step towards a life that we all want you don’t sound very convinced girlfriend what kind of convincing yeah oh I keep holding shift and the thing but that’s my Discord overlay if I hold shift and then grave because grave is my zoom wait grave is your Zoom yes you’re a madlad holy thank you I think you’re the first person I’ve ever heard that had gra a zoom at least I’m not one of them freaks who has like SE or crch uh that’s only in fortnite what was that I only have I only have that in fortnite what was that it’s only in fortnite bro no she oh she asked you bro you’re banned your Banos yeah bro Thunder’s about to do the thing is he about to beat the Ender Dragon no ah what a sweaty sweaty nerd I need my CR your crouches are yeah that’s what speed and like the speed Builders have they’re all like when I upload next flip video I guess I haven’t like actually said my stream like actual upload schedule in a while it’s usually 10:00 EST in the morning kind of nothing and a clock EST that’s nine for you it’s usually bad you use weird use weird calendar hours Northerners um I guess I could make some sort of like thing that like my Channel about me that actually has that but that’s a lot of work cuz you just don’t so loud bro honestly can I like turn turn that down oh my girlfriend’s calling hold up I don’t know if I’m going to um get a video out tomorrow because uh this is usually my like normal recording time very late at night how’s it going Thunder it’s going all right why’ you have to hurt our ears what yeah you hurt our ears we hurt your ears yeah do you know how loud that sound is when you kill that thingy it is yeah it’s loud that’s that’s that’s what okay oh that’s the thing I was forgetting I didn’t know that that so how’s life uh life is great I have to Now respond to a mans in my chat if you want to get a Hyperion um and you just got Midas stuff um I guess just flip more I I don’t no it’s a very very different amount of money that is required might is Payton muted oh yeah he is talking to his girlfriend I believe ah still will not call a fiance huh uh house will still say my girlfriend is calling me not my fiance is calling oh crap well you function please mining is usually good for coins yeah it’s just you know I do not have a tutorial on that you have to give up yourself wait what game are you playing I am playing on the server it’s just because my viewership is based on Sky Block even if I’m doing a survival Minecraft thing I will be getting Sky Block questions okay which I could probably be getting more viewers if I did Sky Block Ro and stuff but I won’t want to do this I guess um Thunder you should go to your house by the way oh God you proba changed combination some things what happened house is doing some things also he’s Deen so I assuming he knows he’s muted and has a very boring stream right now well here his girlfriend called C him some slam yeah imagine wait what’s wrong with my house nothing what did you do to my house I didn’t do I think I’m not I’m not no but I’m concerned don’t worry about it I mean I don’t see him at your house I mean when when you say don’t worry about it I get worried about it he’s at one of your three houses my wait what the nether portal one the one by the nether portal that’s his own house oh that’s how that’s his house if you seen thunder in there that’s because thunder D we just set spawn there earlier and I assumed it was no that was that was Payton’s house so what he’s like in his basement or something oh yeah he’s like building random crap in his own basement oh well when you say you should go look at your house I’m like what he do what did he do to my ugly house no no no what did he do sheeping up his basement yeah so that’s why I assumed it was your house wait oh this is where his automatic farm is this actually looks like like okay I think he’s going to get an automatic sheep farm going down here that’s why I told him it’s a it’s a that’s what okay I’m gonna make an automatic sheep farm next that’s what I’m doing for wool did you hear this conversation yes yes I was talking the pH my my fiance there he goes he said it he said it he us he said the line he said [Music] it he just he’s just listening to all of us constantly you were deafed yeah I was deafened I I undened like a minute ago and you guys were like he’s bringing sheep down to his his Auto Farm area but Thunder you didn’t what’ you say why’ you beat the Ender Dragon what do you mean you fought the Ender Dragon no one did any such thing I don’t know what you mean in fact no one even went to the end okay I see I feel like there’s a little bit of a c going on here I’d like I’d like you to try to prove someone went to the end are you watching my stream yes yes I in a few seconds you’re going to see some very daming evidence I hope it’s not some certain strings of numbers that would be very bad that would be quite yeah who says we did that in the Overworld though we never went to the end I’ve heard about that you know the rare th King was doomed to Fall by Ender Dragon oh right that yeah we did that in the Overworld yeah that was my friend named the Ender Dragon oh okay my bad I must I’m just dumb then do you see the ice SP or like there’s no ice spies so we didn’t even find a stronghold that’s a person like checking console I’m just kidding it just kind of ruins some things but it’s fine no he he believes us lore lore yes exactly i s as long as it’s for lore Thunder and I were working on prepping for this and thunder and I had the most mind-bendingly horrible conversation I’ve ever heard when gby joined the voice chat we were sitting in a chest clicking different items going so we need more of the thing but we might have enough but depending on how many things are in the thing we we might need more things and if some of the things break then we need more these things too so are we okay with that thing or we do we need more of these things too just stuff like that for like a on the sa we were say on the same wavelength as well like the entire we we genuinely understood each other through this whole conversation somehow yes I went live twice in a day I know it’s absolutely absur now I feel like yeah don’t go too far there’s no um there is currently no cap on how far you can go so don’t go too far out um I did I’m going back to the base right let’s yeah like I don’t care if you go too far but if you go like hundreds of thousand blocks out you will break the game actually SL World border oh no Center z00 z z z SL world are you making the are you making the world border at 10,000 uh that would be 20,000 uh no let’s do I’m going do 50,000 just so we don’t going far someone stole some I made at 50 Grand just no one should die but that shouldn’t make the world size go too big too fast yeah it still gives people room to explore I’m going to go back just have no idea what yeah that’s the problem like right now I’m working on like base stuff hey you have three viewers and only two of them are people who play on the server yeah I know I when you FR like that yeah I’m actually very surprised like I’m not the best content creator Creator but no and you genuinely had 100 views yesterday you just learned for the first time that you can make a thumbnail for a stream I know I I I’m a bad content creator first time he’s ever heard of this absolutely massive Revelation I don’t watch people I’m really hoping all the colors are messed up on it on a thumbnail yeah fny that would be like your Halo on that one skin that that’s something that I would do but you know I try my best that’s all that matters that in like four viewers that in a nice high quality uh thumbnail where did your friend go hold on Whose friend go the Sheep’s friend hey uh how about we make you a room over here this is getting very confusing the more I hear overlap between your stream and Discord oh I I bet so I bet it’s very confus like I’m watching you do one thing and you’re not even like looking at sheep and then you say where’ the Sheep go yeah there’s just no sheep wait there you’re streaming on Twitch right YouTube wait oh i’ I’ve never really ever streamed on Twitch I have but also haven’t so like oh sorry so like I’ve not I don’t have a following on either so like I kind of and I know YouTube more than I know twitch so like I’m just more comfortable here yeah fair enough and it’s just a it’s a way better environment for smaller streamers I feel it is it most definitely is I feel better here than I do on Twitch I am two of your subscribers let’s go also you’re two um I was just like I I signed like signing into YouTube the other day I saw the W enco email we used for life of the village that account yeah good times oh my goodness yeah the good old days you want to come here gribby what are you saying about toes wait I think wait I’m gonna go back I have like one0 on Twitch but I hate it so much because of the new oh yeah terms of service yes gby do it before before I can be what oh my gosh you’re in a pet no you have five people watching your stream five concurrent no there’s four mine say no reload your s your your thing come here sheepy sheepy and only and only three of them only three of them are people that play on the server and only two of them are people actively in the voice chat griby don’t join the voice chat you’ll get house canell yeah you’re not yes they can hear us I I would I would prefer not to be cancelled yeah that’s why I have windo muted that’s a yeah I swear some things like I don’t know wait so you’re saying I could get I could get you canceled if I say something like I’m going to be nice and not yeah don’t I don’t need negative press or do you oh no you’re two non player viewers actually yeah you know give me the negative press so like people actually follow give me the clout don’t actually don’t actually get I’d get more canell you would all right guys let’s have a challenge who can become the most cancelled all right three two one I’ll start the clock you guys ready I’m just gonna watch you guys go I think he’s uh in his basement I don’t believe so you were not you were not right in front of you do not Li maybe like one block I think you’re actually smacking how rude I saw what you flashed I saw that I see things I Wasing myself using fing crap oh do you oh that thing yeah you don’t see that thing I see that oh thunder thunder um build build the thing in the thing in the in the area in the thing we were talking about doing the thing quick Thunder I if you if you could see my screen I would say that that that I did that thing you did wait okay we’re not on the same W wavelength I think you made one thing but I made another thing um the thing you talked about doing earlier that led to the thing the storage yes that is the that is the thing I made of of the thing earlier the thing see how thunder and I are like this is beautiful I already did that thing good so do you have the thing on you or is the thing secure in the thing the thing is secured in the the thing okay so you guys have the Ender Dragon egg in an Ender Chest yes yeah that’s what I’m getting from that’s that’s what I’m getting that’s the vibe right now oh someone’s following me for preferably not to murder me I think I I think I think he doesn’t like that I know his secets oh God he still here murdering happening quick door close wow closed in a timely manner H you want to know something amazing sure do you know who George Santos is wait do I even want this guy he’s already a George George De Santos like the governor of Georgia George Santos was a congressman until he got kicked out for doing some fun things that you should not talk about on stream at all um what what you know what this is I’m assuming something to do with children and I I don’t I don’t want to know what did he do actually never mind hey my iron farm still works yeah that doesn’t get my account Pinn on his something to do with children he says I was looking your chat which chat this chat okay the YouTube chat oh YouTube the fball was because of something that IRL scared me what I’m confused what so confused what it was a big thing that got him you see it right I don’t see anything really yeah hey linty I don’t know where your stash of emeralds is could I have five b what is happening what do you need five emeralds for um I want a thing from a Wandering thing the last message was from griby I don’t see anything that you sent of my YouTube account you already have cherry blossoms yeah I bought oh how did you get them well because I already talked to that man oh I heard something you know I don’t know if you were there when wolvin was saying that house was uh doing stuff in your house but um I am the house basically house was inside of his own house and wolven was accusing him of messing up stuff in yours you want to see something very interesting sure here so look at me yeah I know now on that note I’m going to have to kill you how you want to gank that guy he has my face he took my no get content content he has my noes see no let me check so he is no longer a congressman wait that’s not that bad it’s not that bad like it’s bad but like not that you can’t say on YouTube I don’t think well he also said a lot of things like he claimed to be Jewish people traced his lineage people traced his Lage and said no you’re not he said I never said I was Jewish I said I was no you can’t do that my hisory just I bought my history teacher um George Santos sucks you can’t do that to me oh my gosh but all right for the chat that’s watching basically this man stole money from dogs to fund his go to fund his only fans account or not to fund his only but the fun people on only fans and buch of other Stu to like this was not his only offense but he got he is no longer a congressman I would hope so like the Congress Congress as a whole is just a jacked up thing he is pretty much an American hero obviously we have ideas of her so it’s it’s been a meme history our teacher hates him as he should and we all like jokingly love this guy so we got him a shirt that on the front says Lon or uh Santos 2024 and on the back says American hero we got him a we got him a George Santos bobblehead and socks George Santos socks that’s funny is he Republican Republican or Democrat I hope you understand that TR getting back on my fny hope you understand that I don’t trust getting back onto my account I’m just in my own house I still don’t trust myself I am scared of a man wearing iron armor as you should be let’s see has a diamond I’m boarding my own Windows check good guys you have have a good Mouse hey thank you peace out bro nothing in there I don’t know what you think I wanted to know what your oh were you making strength potion I’m making weakness for zombie villagers okay that’s that’s more sensible you really got that man you really got him like freaking out bro he’s really tweaking honestly like I did not think I mean sure weakness could be used in combat but I would much rather like use them on uh what are they called again zombies not you to call them something else I was going to be like bro the green people yeah I was looking for a different word but yeah say house I think honest I’m going to go play a different game all right I’ll be waiting for you to log back in okay have fun sadly I do have to go back to the like VA the big basement so crap just as I went down the hill no no and he’s gone my face give me back my nose no he just disappeared on my screen that’s funny Thunder I’m not going to hurt you if you just drop my nose so no just drop my [Music] nose Thunder there’s like a 98% chance I have more food than you [Music] have I’ll chop the tree I’ll wait for it to deteriorate Thunder just drop my nose just drop the nose Thunder it’s all I want we don’t have to have violence what nose is it like the dragon egg or something no it’s my face you know how he has your head yeah because he punched me off of a platform uh with an axe I think so it you know done he actually has he has your head he has my nose Thunder that’s czy just give him back my knows and this can end without any sort of pain suffering violence um I’m not like thunder I’m not going to slap you yet I’ll slap you if you don’t comply for another like eight seconds I don’t trust you well I just want my notes if I wanted to crit you out I would already okay so look do you understand that I want to go this way okay it’s a creeper can I go this way can you drop my nose I I I can’t I can’t do I can’t do things here I got you this is so underwhelming come on come on out come on I I want to be one with the with the Villagers all right so you’re easier to crit out okay okay look man just give me my nose look look man just give me the nose we can come to an agreement just give me the nose Thunder look no look look man just drop not come to a sensible agreement drop the notes just drop the nose just drop the damn nose this man knows no bounds I I might think about it oh no I might think about it drop the nose drop the nose Thunder I might think about it if I stop getting chased you just drop the nose just if you stop running get the nose it drops but I will stop critting you it’s a simple proc you’re telling me if I stop running you’ll give me the benefit of the doubt yes also that does not mean that that house stopped I stopped just drop the nose thunder thunder why are you not looking through your inventory why are you continuing to run because I don’t I don’t trust you to look in my inventory long enough TH look out grab the nose I came on and gave a little love tap just throw the nose on the ground really um I will be right back you could have done that so fast now Thunder do you really want your wife to die would you rather your wife’s account die than you I don’t believe that you would killed this account cuz you have no Ben like you have no gain to kill this account I have a lot of gain I I have leverage to get my nodes just log back in Thunder I’m not even waiting uh-huh this is just for my newest Farm yeah I’m G to get a bed in there I’m going to force you to set your spawn it it’s going to be great um uh how could you do me a favor sure sure well I go do a quick thingy could you watch the thunder cage sure I’ll watch the thunder cage cool I’ll only be like like a minute minute talks all right cool I am definitely there watching the cage I’m still here all right I I’m I’m waiting for you to show up Mr sheep reading wool Farm person uh I I am right here next to you don’t you see me I am definitely watching yep thund all right I guess I will go do the thing oh thank you H just watch this is where he’ll be thank you I could put lava buckets in there but that’s toxic you look very peaceful you know I just want to put his nose in a certain chest oh yeah can do that t a day this is and I mean this is basically normal content we can we can we can negotiate do you like what I did uh it look very bad bad it looks oh bad bad fiance bad good good to hear is very interesting okay I know it’s you see when you spawn in you have a hard time getting out because you don’t know how to swim so it works perfectly just don’t swim and you’ll drown it’s perfect as long as you don’t swim tra yeah I know I’m more of a Sky Block person that is true I probably will do Sky Block a little bit later hi I’m back just had to enchant this axe with sharpness five do you like what I did with the place yes beautiful actually so I’m going to start critting someone out well I’m going to go back down to um forcing keep to mate um have fun thank you it’s very nice of you please don’t follow this account around well will you get back here and give me my nose well I mean it’s not on this account so I mean yeah what you you get off of this account sorry yep knew it all right all right we’re killing him he’s not giving my nose he’s not willingly willingly giving back the noes hopefully I can get there in time to stop them all right I have two more strength potions it’ll be fine it’ll be fine BR strength he did bruise strength what look man some mad L it’s for when the sharp five acts it’s not good enough okay the sharp five axe okay I’m glad they’re on getting my nose back house OMG that’s the real know real snapnap we a team something yeah we we we’re on a team but yeah you don’t want to give me back my nose like you just give me my nose my nose we could come to an agreement yeah you could drop the nose on the ground and I won’t kill you I also gave you cherry blossoms this is bad valuable we got our first specimen This Is Not Great Thunder joined quite fast he might actually Escape he escaped time to kill him his first mistake was uh not running immediately so thunder you can drop oh oh cool all right thanks all right see do you I mean I do have 15 more seconds of strength so I might as well just see what a hit would do oh oh yes oh it’s is that you duck is that you duck thank you bro I really appreciate it it means a lot no how you do look I have a good amount of levels please don’t there’s a skeleton on you watch out I’ll save you you’re welcome strength is scary especially when you don’t have back well how much damage should that do um do you need and a half hearts let’s go six and a half hearts yeah you would have two shot me that was the plan gr you would have three shot me without the strength but you know all right so I have my nose back where’s this ender chest of yours I’d like to secure my noes that ax again see what Happ an a again see what happens man he’s really I mean I could throw this weakness at you I can make it so you can’t fight back all right like I’m fully prepared might work on projects you know I got I got this awesome chill I got this one fire resistance no do your thing oh not that that I was [Music] a okay so I don’t know if how many emeralds do you have with plenty uh 56 you know this this sharpness five book cost like 50 so it was pretty expensive to exclusive Revenge could you give me exactly 15 um bookshelves that’s a lot of emeralds this guy charges nine per I don’t have I don’t got that kind of Mone I don’t got that kind of money I thought you had a I thought you had a discount on him uh that one’s not cured oh well then see oh just did all the iron trades and can afford 12 bookshelves well that’s close I’ll go make some more bookshelves how about that spend my on this man after he he hid my nose from me and almost sacrificed his wife oh it’s fiance no not that account all right so now this person’s cured but it doesn’t really matter because their trades are already on Emeral now that should work can just trade different things right oh that should work why are there cre villagers are they in a river one’s a mason is gav currently talking to you in your chat no I just read that I was thinking to myself you’ve played a lot you’ve done a lot today I mean it’s mostly just been Base building oh um I know why they got out so mid Chase we kind of left these doors open maybe that that would make sense actually that and I did drop three villagers from a iron farm I I think we should leave um those open until it’s night time that they go to sleep and then we can close them again Discord server at 3,299 Players what does that mean I don’t know linty nothing H [Music] happened do you have the egg in a safe location or is it still on your person um we could bargain for things starts chuing the strength how this I would like an achievement did you just fire resistance me I mean you are kind of hot so I need this but got him oh there was like cold resistance for I close to house oh my you’re gonna give freaking Thunder PTSD he’s gotve away he’s got to move away um I need more I need more more bookshelves I mean we have a sugar cane farm cows and horses naturally spawn okay look I’m not a horse killer see that’s why you um were scared of a guy in iron armor killed horses you’d have horse strength would not be ter strength what Sky Block have you been playing what the heck are youed is having a mistake are there any good Diamond Pickaxes should see to see one um could you buy me a diamond pickaxe how broke are all of you actually I can’t no because you you use these villagers constantly I can never get emeralds I actually can’t because I recently spent like two stacks on bookshelves and then seven emeralds on pumpkin pie it was reasonable it was reasonable I swear okay all right I have someone is saying that my my bot is having a stroke your B Because whoops I forgot that I can technically join the cuz I have a stat spot right yeah and it just makes a like private voice chat that just has members it says 133 if I click on members it says like 138 apparently this person says there’s 7 30 people in the Discord oh in the new boys if I go like welcome that’s 142 also why do you have so many people in your Discord cuz I play Sky Block I think that’s I find that dumb well look at like this there’s a lot of people in Sky Block that are broke and poor and are bad like the people in my chat maybe there’s not many people people here cuz it’s midnight and you know I don’t know but other than that roke broke boys and they need to make points and I tell them how to make points so why is there a hole here did you do this to trap me no how dare you no a me get in the hole get in the hole don’t ask the questions I mean um he’s sold out yeah that he is maybe it’s like I trade him a book for an emerald and then with this one Emerald I could buy house a pickaxe no I can’t these guys weren’t scared well this one is how did you oh that expensive sharpness I see what this sharp four book what out where are you I’m making a sheep farm oh my gosh you’re going to make me travel all this way to give you a pickaxe you’re not even going to pay me for it that’s that’s the worst part do you need some sugar cane have you looked at our Coast each front but like you don’t have to mine this sugarcane this is basically free basically nothing’s free leny yeah like I had to make it but like you said it yourself it looks pretty cool know that’s not inconvenient enough location why are all of these villagers heads sticking out of the ground thank you yes I’ll take your sugar cane all right you see this okay fine I’ll I’ll Resort the murder Mur not murder I I need to actually do something I don’t think I’ve done anything but walk back and forth being little guy that buys things from people steal sugarcane like I genuinely don’t think I’ve done anything with that this sheep is taking forever to grow up like bro what are you do bro do something with your life all right’s going to give me any inur I SAR just me all right let’s get it’s probably the next most important thing torture my friends why would I torture my friends why would I do that chat Mr choko or hoko I don’t know why but your name is alternating I don’t know if that’s because you have two accounts or it’s just bugging out and not writing a c your chat seems very unlikable like I can’t help but like get smacked well they want me to bully you I’m assuming why me I’m like the coolest around I need to steal person I’m oh I have a boat I’m rich rich [Music] boy did you change it to one player sleep it’s 40% oh then why did it was 70 but it never let you sleep so I to make it easier more SPO scooters El spiders spiders all right does anybody have like three leather it’s a lot of Le no I don’t even have a cow Farm don’t mind me like I need Tris come on baby sheep let me kidnap you come on come on baby sheep well I got to take them out of the pen in order to you know send them to this man’s this misses [Music] actually that was probably not the smartest decision definitely not the smartest decision server won’t actually restart by the way if people are on it just so you know how are you how are we all this broke Lea is a very rare resource broke people like I had a handful of leather earlier huh took my boat I just took your what no this um the zombie villager took my boat I mean I’m not going to go mining just yet at least rather skip the mining phase go straight to like netherite I’m rich different give me give me more leather LL come on come on Mama okay it gave you one leather that is so useful should I tell you there’s 19 books in this chest I swear which chest oh that’s where when and who this one right here there’s 19 chests in here or books right here how and why well I think a while ago when I was getting mending books I maed like bought a bunch of books and then broke the bookshelves to get books to buy mending books so then I just shove them in this chest and forgot about until I needed to look in the chest crazy how that works just why does the I shouldn’t ask questions yeah don’t ask questions you don’t want to go the answer to yeah that’s okay and they all just refresh [Music] awesome you see that linty I took so long that they all just refreshed [Music] well oh they refreshed again oh my well their prices are going to be quite high at least the next time [Music] around huh when were you rich when were you rich wow that’s low yeah definitely uh I don’t call it enslavement though I call it unpaid labor and that’s they get paid for it look at them they get paid they get paid iron that’s that’s good that’s a good rate that’s like 30 iron a day perhaps they can even change the price but I mean I’m not going to let them change the price yeah to be honest they are yeah they they control their own prices that’s right yeah like Minecraft is a fully functioning monopolistic economy okay don’t Hur me wait did he actually she just did it again a mad I think what I do is I make make you insane I make multiple swords I enchant those swords I combine those swords and then I get good play um you could play like lowii background twitch safe music that you know you play and have it make you go mentally insane while you stream yeah I don’t do that because of how annoying it would be like it definitely doesn’t make me go mentally insane but apparently other people like it can you hear please he said no violently look I need you to wake up so I can shove you in a one by one cell so you can give me stuff okay it’s a good deal it’s a good deal wake up to reality just um sure organization’s key [Music] button that’s not a real Mouse [Music] that’s I probably need to go get more diamond this guy better not go to my chest uh I don’t know what you’re talking about can glass eight eight or n can grass spread through oh it can you need lighting I think you’ve done it what did you say lint I I noticed like eight diamonds went missing from one of my chests um I don’t think I’m that in need of diamond yeah I don’t think I’m that much in need of diamonds unless some diamonds from my chest disappeared then we have then there’s there’s a thing to talk about hly don’t care as long as it’s me got it yeah pretty much just job does not interest you how about now okay wait why isn’t that not why is that not picking up now yeah that’s right okay why is that linty I could bet on what’s wrong with him it’s nothing close to like what you have it’s okay he’s fine do you know why he’s oh wait he did crap get there [Music] ow oh that’s why I’m a idiot at least you know oh that that’s expensive armor oh yeah one piece one Emerald three emeralds quite quite cost wait how many emeralds wait a second wait linty how many emeralds did you say I cost me four emeralds to get pieces oh well that one has Unbreaking three I’m going just shove all right boys we now have a steady sheep income or steady sheep income W not sheep wool income we steady oh that’s crazy we have blue and white right now some crazy I think the next one I’ll do is black that should be maybe yellow I don’t know I’ll keep working on this but yeah I’m gonna end my stream here it was thank you everyone who watched anyone who’s still here it’s time for me to go you allowed to leave I will see you guys tomorrow oh we’ve been here for like an hour can’t leave I know I got to sleep I got oh my God why why do I even go live house why I do that why did I go live you’re a good be with me I apolog it’s it’s late it’s time for bed I’ll see you peace peace he’s dead My Stream partner he’s gone I forgot what I I forgot that I needed a Lapis Gone Gone you know what it’s 11:00 I’m going to go to bed but then it’s just me yeah that that sounds sad all right that’s fine that’s fine just leave me here unattended good night good night they gone they’re gone anyway now that I’m here all alone completely under the cover of Darkness not even a single person watching my stream no one will know what I’m up to this this is this is what I do this is when I [Music] strike ah I’m breaking three that’s nice not any more levels that’s not nice do I pay overpriced iron for levels [Music] scam I guess I could grab some prop threee while I am here you didn’t put the oh [Music] perfect still not level 30 [Music] okay so this is enough for prop four got four mending books um four mending books let’s just get ourselves like a chest [Music] [Music] damn I I didn’t see think people be this down that for villagers that have no Freedom that wild what did I also need I guess more levels so I don’t think we have an Unbreaking guy here yeah no Unbreaking around here so I deal this just this is base Unbreaking three but fire br L guess we could like go get levels normal way or I could not sure I’ll buy multiple cars and I guess more bread [Music] all right I feel like there’s one thing I’m overlooking and that is that this Pro 3 could very much just straight up give like it could easily or this Unbreaking three can just be like Unbreaking three fire protection or something [Music] but sure what a shot okay that’s very nice and that’s also [Music] Unbreaking that’s a bit of a gamble we could just do like oh [Music] it’s kind of annoying [Music] for I can save a buck for straight up left for well I’m B again oh m for I should probably look at my screen that’s a usually a good idea all right that that’s a little bit annoying for he all right well going call for that stream let’s good a little bit a little bit late

This video, titled ‘Minecraft (SMP) The Start of Something New!’, was uploaded by Linty on 2023-12-29 17:42:17. It has garnered 76 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:18 or 5058 seconds.


Discord Server! :

Doing some minecraft survival with @house and trying to make an iron farm!

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  • 💎 ChillZone SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Community

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  • MineChest

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 47 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 47 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 47 is here, Wood Challenge 365, let’s give a cheer! The seed of the world, a number to find, Join the channel, support the creator’s mind. In Discord we gather, a community strong, On Twitch we watch, as we game along. Tik Tok dances, a playful display, But in Minecraft, we’ll always stay. IrlandesGamer, the master of rhyme, Crafting stories in rhythm and time. Trolling the plateau, a playful jest, But in the end, we all know who’s best. Greetings to all, in the virtual land, Minecraft unite, hand in hand. Juancarloshernandezgomez9340, daelvalencialabrada3989,… Read More

  • “Creepers be like: ‘Hotter than the Nether!’” #minecraft #memes

    "Creepers be like: 'Hotter than the Nether!'" #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #gaming #funny #meme Read More

  • Sakura Love: Building a Home in Minecraft

    Sakura Love: Building a Home in Minecraft Minecraft: Building a Sakura-themed House Exploring the creative possibilities of Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, a content creator recently showcased their love for cherry blossoms by constructing a charming Sakura-themed house. Let’s delve into the details of this delightful creation! Embracing Cherry Blossoms The use of Sakura trees in Minecraft is a testament to the player’s appreciation for nature and aesthetics. The delicate pink petals and lush greenery of these trees add a serene and picturesque touch to the virtual world. Building a Dream Home With a keen eye for design, the content creator meticulously crafted a cozy and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft FTB Skies: Hostile Mobs & Rockets!

    EPIC Minecraft FTB Skies: Hostile Mobs & Rockets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft FTB Skies (Modded Quest Skyblock) Lets Play Episode 12 Hostile Mobs and Rockets’, was uploaded by ShdowDragonHD on 2024-06-14 11:00:06. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:12 or 2772 seconds. Welcome to my Lets Play series on Feed The Beast Skies a Modded Skyblock With lots of quests to complete this is the non expert version of the modpack so its freeroam for the quest format comparted to Expert Mode which is more locked down Subscribe and follow me as i undertake this adventure and see… Read More

  • Thrilling Minecraft Survival Gameplay Pt. 8

    Thrilling Minecraft Survival Gameplay Pt. 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Survival Gameplay Walkthrough Video Part 8 (iOS, Android)’, was uploaded by DarkPlayerGame on 2024-03-06 21:08:49. It has garnered 771 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:24 or 984 seconds. Minecraft – Survival Gameplay Walkthrough Video Part 8 (iOS, Android) Minecraft Walkthrough Playlist – 📱GAME DESCRIPTION Minecraft: Pocket Edition – Paid Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor… Read More

  • Insane BOXPVP Montage #12 RAPY.PL DRAW

    Insane BOXPVP Montage #12 RAPY.PL DRAWVideo Information This video, titled ‘RAPY.PL | BOXPVP | MONTAGE #12 |LOSOWANIE | pvpdres |’, was uploaded by pvpdres on 2024-02-16 11:40:22. It has garnered 6006 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. #boxpvpv #minecraft #pvpsmurf #pvpdres dc clan ROXA: contact dc : pvpdres – pvpsmurf – ramboo_ – rambo txt – squeru – kajzus – kajzus txt – rybentjusz – gedzu – dudziu – kerdziok – Affer – macro – trombapowirusna – txt – KAMPER – KAMPERR – MALTI – trombapotrzna – Noway69 – Noway txt – tikk99 – txt tikka… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Finale: Rarest Anomalies in Minecraft #6!

    UNBELIEVABLE Finale: Rarest Anomalies in Minecraft #6!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rare Anomalies in Minecraft #6 (FINALE)’, was uploaded by Rovant on 2024-05-20 09:51:46. It has garnered 42682 views and 3171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:59 or 959 seconds. Thanks for watching! Astralex Shaders: DylanDC14’s YouTube: DamDuck’s Reddit: Anomaly 1 – The Tallest Mansions Seed 1 (2nd tallest mansion): 2578614041115360742 Seed 2 (tallest mansion): 3436809468143172779 Versions: Both on 1.20.4 Locations: Both at spawn Anomaly 2 – The Smallest Biome Seed: -2673084626516474955 Version: 1.17.1 Location: 357 70 482 Anomaly 3 – Strange Witch Huts Seed 1 (Longest legs hut): -327284582683722602 Seed… Read More

  • Unbelievable Stone Farm in Minecraft Survival

    Unbelievable Stone Farm in Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Made An OP Stone Farm In Minecraft Survival . Episode 2’, was uploaded by ItsBlackYT on 2024-02-28 14:15:29. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:50 or 710 seconds. We Made An OP Stone Farm In Minecraft Survival . Episode 2 Subscribe Now Read More