Lucky Blocks & Scary Bosses – Minecraft Mod Chaos

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Is okay we are in I have no idea how this is going to go but uh yeah we’re going to see how it is going to go now won’t we okay make sure everything is loaded up properly yep we’re Good got some chewing gum oh all right who are you chaotic kid that is me I am masculine in gender and um vanilla cuz you want to use a regular skin except whoa that is weird player I still look like this dude who is this guy I have no

Idea oh customization only useful for Offspring okay uh Head body okay wait um skin color let’s make him a little bit darker probably yes there we go size let’s make him like a hella tall and give him some uh a little B of thickness you know what let’s give him a lot of thickness there we go

Breast doesn’t exactly you know just just max out everything there we go head there we go next um what is this one use the vanilla player model and use this custom iation only for The Inheritance okay we want to do this one yeah this one okay so apparently there’s some weird inheritance thing

That actually happens so we’re going to have to like go through that and see what’s going on anyway faces that’s not the face I normally go with oh let’s give him let’s give him red here yeah let’s give him red hair for blood obviously purple eyes let’s see if we

Can find some yellow or like white ones okay that’s going to have to work there’s a voice wait what okay Select Hair we can have different kinds of hair what kind of hair do we want I have curly hair none of these don’t really look curly except for this one so we’re going

With this hairstyle it’s kind of Curly it’s kind of curly it’ll probably work possibly I don’t really know we’re going to have to check it out and see all right um all right yeah we’re going with this one we have a face what about traits color blind wait what color blind no ooh

Heterocromia yes oh my God wait this game actually has heterochromia yo that’s cool what I rainbow wao oh okay we want our family members to stand out so they’re going to have rainbow and obviously they’re going to have heterocromia mostly because I have heterochromia in real life of course we

Got to have that like come on man why wouldn’t we the fact that we now have like two different colored eyes though that’s weird all we got like a red and a thing eye all right yeah sure I I can’t believe oh my you know what the rainbow color is not you know

What no we have to we we have to go the chaotic route heterocromia I have that in real life that’s just for fun rainbow is just you know just just playing around all right we’re good okay where do you start your journey uh somewhere a shipwreck or a village we started

Somewhere okay one day you had enough and decided to journey to explore the world sometimes I wish I could do this in real life but like not possible man the feds are going to get you okay you conquered snowy mountains and muggy swamps avoiding husks in the endless

Deserts uh you are strained without food and shelter in the middle of nowhere damn that was not like me at all on rose gold we don’t really want to bother with rose gold and relationships and you don’t really want to bother with that either this though I do want to bother

With this is a Trey blossom tree and I want it these things are always super cool to look at so I want an entire tree full of of them or entire Grove full of them cherry blossom Grove can I what is this it’s just called can you actually get cherries

From this ain’t no way ain’t no way I think you can get actual cherry blossoms from these wait what cherries from the chaos awakens mod yep you can actually get it oh that’s so cool okay game I would require one just one sapling that’s all I need

Bro that’s so give me a quick second I need to like turn on the music um hostile creatures is like a little bit less voice of speech is on zero all right we’re good okay so this mod has a lot of cool stuff

In it it has oh there it is I saw it there you go all we needed was one cherry blossom supping technically but this one has chaos awakens mod and it also has a good amount of Lucky Blocks it has um um the cubes I think it’s called a

Chance cubes and it has like a bunch of other stuff in it as well so sticks nice do we have uh yeah we do have OptiFine in this we can actually zoom in and out sweet all right we’re going this direction now if I remember with the

Chaos awakens mod Peach o cool peaches nice as I was going to say if I remember with the chaos awakens mod there’s going to be a bunch of stuff that happens around here that makes absolutely no sense which kind of fits my community if you think about it and there’s alsoo

That oh crap okay fine this thing can give us diamonds but it can also kill us what do I want to do do I have Auto jump on dude who has e take that off all right there you go just going to kill myself for a second

Over there if I just kept that thing going what is this oh there you go fossilized horse there you go that’s a beest okay uh we’ve already we’ve already gotten to this point huh all right fine give me the crafting table put that bad boy down do I have Um gam playay inventory creative multiplayer uh uh just zoom thinkers construct wha ji okay no we do not have any vein Miner which kind of sucks does suck big time actually not kind of it does suck big time all right give me this let’s see how fast we can progress

And try to not die shall we boom wish I can get some iron right now but I’m pretty sure the moment I make this thing let’s make our very lovely cursed axe there we go the wrong side way around put at the bottom and we need to

Use his axe and beat up anything that comes in here oh there it is number one oh one more there’s number two all right sweet uh I don’t really want any of these things is that all is gold man Wast all my time coming down here for

Real I don’t want any of these things not even the gold is actually worth it right now man boom all right and that’s the big guy that’s going to try and kill us let’s see how fast we get ow oh my God okay we cannot beat this guy normally oh

No okay instead of going there let’s go to this another portal is that a chicken a lettuce chicken wait what what is that chicken ow is there not a single chest are you kidding me right now there’s not a single chest oh for the love of or is it under here somewhere

Not a single thing huh nope give me my wood back kind of wasted my time over here now a man all right fine where would be able to go to find some loot that we can eventually take down that uh thing from we can’t get any iron

There’s like a good amount of gold which is basically useless to us right now anyway so our only option is to actually just like try and beat this dungeon like how it is regularly or we can use lava and just melt the entire thing that’s also another direction that we can take

It now there’s another direction we can go with it we could do That on all right can he leave this thing I need to know oh come on okay so it’s basically a uh can I where’s my map do I not have a map I don’t have a map well I died let’s see where did I go

Where did I go from here exactly wait a minute okay no I know I’m not crazy there is JY map in here is there no there’s not oh Damn where is the thing okay there’s that we know where that is we went that direction I’m assuming I went this direction maybe possibly how good am I with directional skills I’m fine what’s the worst that can happen I know what to Do a bunch of lettuce chickens for whatever reason okay okay that seems perfectly normal mhm Mhm am I sure I’m going the right direction or did they change up the D wait a minute do they change it when you die actually didn’t think about that Uhoh I don’t have Chief and Sean to help me actually like navigate this place they would know how to do it better than me oh God dang it all right fine oh there it is Found it how did I even manage to find this thing what the heck yeah that’s it but like how did I even get on this side of the the thingy yeah there’s that there’s that that means I went in a totally opposite direction and I still managed

To actually well reach here which is actually really surprising that’s cool let’s see is that everything that’s Everything all put this here put this Here all right can I even fight this Guy bro how are you supposed To feel I know oh mother fuder okay fine fine game fine are you happy that I died again okay I made the entire rounds that time so how about I just go in a different direction that might be better for for Me okay I went this direction I went through and I went around and I managed to reach it right so what if I just go this direction am I going to end up at the same spot hopefully well we’ll never know until we try oh come on woo okay I lived

I think I’m lost possibly not that direction this direction I can smell it it’s this way my sniffer has never led me wrong if anything I have that’s good as a sniffer there we go We okay there you go see I told you my sniffer was good you didn’t believe me look at that look at that immediately found it easy Give like my dang items again I keep losing to this one guy missing my axe that’s not good hey B guy have you seen my axe anywhere H well don’t know where it went all right okay let’s make a regular ax this time there we

Go now I need to find some skeletons and or a uh you know what I’m not even going to bother with this guy I got a better idea going break his entire [ __ ] just craw all the way up like the cheater I Am well adios big guy see you don’t want to be You all right there we go now if I remember correctly there’s a certain mechanism that happens whenever you break this thing there we go uhhuh uhuh instant damaging potions yep that’s this one then that means yep there’s one right under here as well this one has instant damaging potions yep mhm mhm

Big brain big brain just all right there you go that’s been taken care of let’s just uh hop on down I think we should be fine now all right next one up is we need to get rid of these uh thingies right over here what is the different stripped oh that’s

The stripped ones okay yeah let’s just get rid of these ones there you go There you go put one over there there we go there there get rid of all of these Things boop boop how how my my God fine I even took off the I disabled the machine though there is nothing to do redstone in there there should be literally nothing in there that can use Redstone that’s what I get for chees it didn’t work out with the uh the Thingy ow all right we went this direction it’s right over here and there’s a skeleton right over on that side uhoh oh now okay there we go now we made it back down again now there should not be anything able to kill us because uh what is

Supposed to kill us in this place anyway there you go is that what you wanted game is that what you wanted me to do he just want me to break the stupid trip wires right above the chests there we go grab me all of these things oh wait there’s my axe all right

Nice nice nice give me all of this stuff thank you give me my cherry blossom sapling cuz I need that later on oh God there’s no mouse tweaks okay fine that and that what am I missing I can get the rest of the string cuz I do need

That make some bows with with that for the um the giant underneath is that everything there instant damaging potions that we can oh we can wait a minute we can use it instant damaging potions on the uh the big guy all right in the meantime is there anything in

This chest there’s a bunch of wood okay what about this one wood don’t tell me it’s going to be all wood okay and all wood great so even though there’s all of this stuff over here we can’t get any of it because it’s uh it’s made out of wood okay good to

Know all right is that one nope all right this one’s gone instant damaging potions oh bucket of water you know what I’ll take it nice instant instant more water we don’t need that and we’re going to get revenge on that guy that killed us earlier in the best way

Possible G short y there’s nothing here I hear a skeleton somewhere I don’t know where he is hold on and he’s about to Die and wait for this thing to finish up is it near done should be and he’s gone GG all right I got like one diamond from that wow great that’s lovely game thanks for for the one Diamond okay don’t need this I’ll keep that uh don’t need a gunpowder don’t

Need the trip wires I’ll keep the bucket of water that might save me a couple of time and we got like one Diamond if you can find a couple more of those that would have been real Handy but uh yeah I don’t know what’s the chance of that even happening right now especially Now all right you know what we got we got to do some exploring let’s go around see if we can actually do some stuff find a nice little house we can go by maybe a village possibly although not a good sign that we’re already in a

Swamp there we go got some of these things do these damage you no they don’t okay sweet sheep you scared of crap out of me man what you doing there we go got one got and we got enough for a bed got time boom three nice we’re going over again all right

Let’s go random Pig uh you know what let’s take a let’s take a quick detour shall we let’s go down and see if we can find some iron that’s going to be fun block off that what is this this is a fossilized horse great I I really soulor okay uh is

That a creeper no that’s a Zombie horse and a lettuce chicken okay no there’s nothing over here that go down the other direction what we got what we got that’s a creeper uhoh there you go copper or more copper this is a fossilized golden carrot pig that’s cool fossilized wolf ah no

Terrible idea do we really want to go down in there and that’s start that’s no that’s that’s a bad idea do not go down in there what about down here oh finally there you go we got some iron we got three perfect that’s all we needed oh oh we got it

Fossilized Oak end ooh that’s going to be kind of good actually go gra all of this stuff Tak the there we go salt ore we don’t want that oh there you go a bunch of coal why not we got a bunch of free stuff thank you Game AR

All right uh do we want to block off this area a little bit we probably should right uh first of all have uh let’s make a little a little pathway for a shall we can’t use that why am I using the iron to make a pathway no don’t do that there you go

The Cobblestone that’s what we need uh Ender sight yeah sure we can put some of that Ender sight up there why not oh it’s all Anders side that’s the reason okay there we go 11 don’t need that many there he is hey bud come here often I know I do

There you go 16 of these all right we’re chilling we’re living the life in a couple seconds when we actually do stuff all right uh stripped wood there we go oak planks we got a good amount of them let’s make what a double chest yeah the should all be

Fine uh put that on top over here and then let’s just throw all of our junk that we don’t need at the current moment in here cuz that’s what every Minecraft player does there you go we got three uh give me some of that and the wood boom

Seven first let’s make a regular uh well the regular cursed axe we need that axe more than anything mostly because that’s what we use to attack right now until we get something better and then finally thr you away Boop I was wondering what that entire thing was dude it’s the freaking

Music that was terrifying me the entire time all right now that we know what that was 54 yeah we should be fine 1 2 3 1 2 3 boom H how do we want to do this do we want to go further down oh hold up

Boop and Boop there we go got a quick little bed going put that right over here there we go is it going to work oh yeah there it is all right now it’s day time sweet I feel like there’s going to be a spawner somewhere around here just just

Based on how things are going H hold on hold up hold up pull up what is that fossilized dkey key wow well this can be good oh the creeper fell no creeper come back hi there who’s going to fall off me or you I was you Let’s see where can I find hey would you look at that that was kind of Lucky wasn’t it damn all right well uh thanks creeper he kind of blew up but he gave me some uh some mighty fine items if I would say so myself might as well just stay here and

Just like chill out and heal for a little bit I don’t think that would actually work and well now we have uh now we have a whole lot of items okay we got six the perfect amount we need for uh what is this tiger eye or wait a

Minute hold on I think I uh I don’t I don’t think there’s project e in this is there but we could use this for something I just can’t remember what [ __ ] I missed that one all right should I make a probably should hold on all right uh let’s quickly make a

Crafting table I feel like I can do something with that dude there we go put that up there and then put that up there you know what let’s just make it there you go some people might say it’s a waste but you know what if it’s

The main weapon and I’m using to attack why not do it a little bit there it is what can we use the Tiger’s ey for oh oh wow okay this is like really good then I hear a zombie but I just can’t see a zombie anywhere Okay Tiger zore

Absolutely great we got four of them if I can get some more that’ be even better but you know what let’s quickly move up the ranks okay this is has 10 this has five so this is double the level of uh Diamond already nice nice if I could get one more that’d be

Even better but uh you know what Beggars can be choosers just take it take what you can get up up up what okay fine I know the way to go back down so it’s not that bad but man JY map could have really be uh helping me right now for real for Real all right this is where we’re supposed to be this is where we went up in this direction I think yep ran down over here in this direction and I believe we went right over here is where we died dude it I didn’t even see a creeper God Dang all right give me this give me this put that there that there oh no all right now we’re good we’re set man freaking Creepers out here for real man they they coming after you like John Wick out of nowhere you know what the more I see

That sentence the more it did make sense probably should have been John Cena huh oh well fossilized donkey why not amethyst ore ooh why not not okay how good is an amethyst or this is uh 15 so if I make a pickaxe this would be 13 a little bit better so

Realistically this is not as good uh wait what is it this one is uh this one is 10 if I use this to make a a thing it’s also going to be it’s going to be 13 so a little bit higher I don’t know if I want to waste the

Amethyst on this though that’s the only that’s the only thing there’s more up there all right let’s go get it all right there you go I wonder what that is oh that’s a fossilized axle l oh that’s cool all right where going again actually wait no we’re not going

Again how much do I have I have seven I can make some armor a [ __ ] there you go got some pans there you go that’ll save us a good amount of hits and it wouldn’t fail so much nothing okay great thank you what’s this oh ooh ooh

Okay we can work with this fossilize something that we do not need okay uh a lot of gold hey more amethyst yes all of this all right thank you some more iron and then there is a lava pit right down here obviously we’re going to have to go down up up up tiger’s Eye all right I’m going to be honest hold on this throw that away dude just throw it away we don’t need it we we really don’t need it at this point like we got these two things going but like grab this and then what happened to

The song what the heck oh there it is let’s make another cursed axe there we go this one is 14 this one is nine so yeah that’s saying something isn’t it all right and if you don’t believe me this is where the lava was no was

It ah so this was not that far off from like where the main stuff was usually tiger’s eye can be found around lava bits see what I mean of course I had to be right God dang it all right fine all right I do not believe I need any

More tools with tiger’s eye so uh we’re basically set on that stuff let’s just run through the rest of this area hey look more diamonds what is this a fossilized wasp no no thank you I feel kind of bad because that lons have no use now ever since we got tiger

Z and we immediately got amethyst like oh did you have fun there you go all right uh we got that one then we have this one right over Here Where if I keep going on this direction where am I going to end up tell me game boom is that hello byebye well that can be good see told you Up up up more amist how much stuff oh I have 10 of them and continuing on you know what I might as well make a full set of armor nothing’s stopping me now there we go and then let’s make some boots as well there we go now we have quite the

Amount of armor and we should be able to take on most stuff these days get rid of this I pass some coal over here give me This all right grab me this got four got this boom 20 oh man okay no I saw there was a mob right on this uh right behind here so obviously yep here he Is anything except for some more iron that we do not need anymore nope if I can get some more amethyst for some armor that’d be great that’d be really lovely game all right there we go anything over here don’t really see much good amount of gold nothing Else is there anything over on this side no there’s not there really nothing else come on man come on Cave is holding off for me I am for real never meant to make your daughter cry I apologize a trillion times oh this remix version is weird

Okay do I want to go down there doesn’t seem that way up up up you know what blow up go ahead dude the more these things blow up the more I start to realize that they’re giving me like way better stuff I’ve like ran into diamonds I’ve

Ran into like amethyst Tiger Eyes you know what might as well just blow up like give me better loot I need it okay that’s exactly where I was uh we need to go down this direction hello zombie goodbye zombie all right more amethyst Yep this is what we need how

Much do I have I have two I need three more okay Joy three more and I’m basically set come on in this entire mind you can’t tell me there’s not a single like vein of thing anymore I’m blowing up thank you anything nope what is this uh fify sheep

Nah I would like to mention to everybody now that I have absolutely no idea where I’m going so I am kind of lost right now I may or may not be screwed I may be screwed is this where I came down from I have no idea man I have like no

Idea all right if I go here I don’t think we passed through here before so let’s do it there we go or maybe we did up up up no we didn’t how much is this oh wait no that’s galacti ore what the heck is this can I even mine it no I

Can’t a man galacti galacti War all right I’m going to have to see what we need to do with that one is so wait hold on all we fine nothing I’m still very much lost oh no where do I go ah okay crap now we’re back over here wait what

All right we got it this is where we came down from didn’t we right so we were supposed to be here when we landed which means we’re supposed to be up there but when we were up here there’s nothing over here except like this area so we

Have to have gone through this direction possibly I’m trying to retrace my steps to go up and I have like no idea where I’m supposed to be going man uhoh you know what let’s just continue going down why not didn’t exactly have much to lose anyway

Give me some more of this stuff thank you one two 3 1 two 3 boom 12 that 29 well no way but down now wait a minute I recognize that zombie I know where we are somewhere around here is where we uh we left from actually I just don’t know the exact

Location I know it’s somewhere around there bro come on Oh come on it’s a you are fine we’re going we’re going it’s a new area of course I have to go down in here and see what it little so come on there’s nothing all right fine okay that’s what I get for being greedy and there’s a way to cross okay this

Could to be tempting if I go through here where am I going to end up no idea okay that’s that’s that’s where we’re going to end up I have I have like no idea good to know good to know is it up here that I went through I can’t Remember ha we found it hey okay nice I still need a bit more all right there you go I still need a bit more bit more amethyst a tiny bit more amethyst is all I need and I’m set dude that’s all I need a little bit more amethyst and we’re good to

Go don’t need much H okay that’s what the zombie was so that means we did pass through up here somewhere but how did I get down here in the first place cuz this is just a dead end H was it F5 no that’s F5 to do that F F2 F3 we are

On 11 we’re on uh y level 12 so like we’re pretty far down still surprisingly well the way about up Now all right well time to go up oh would you look at that F3 all right so what’s in this area now is it a place that we’ve seen yes it is all right so this place is where we’re supposed to go down into and then

Where would we end up if he just skipped on following it seems I’ve been here before that’s this area wait what damn okay I know where we are kind of a little bit we’re not that far from base actually base is like right there dude ain’t no way yes way all right

I’m not even going to bother all right there it is I know there’s another one somewhere but blah I don’t really care right now oh there’s one there was the other one okay I don’t need that um throw in everything that we do not need in here there we

Go uh give me some of this and give me some oak logs and some sticks why not just in case I ran out of torches I run out of torches nothing’s in here okay three amethyst is all I’m looking for and I’m out of here

That’s all it is game that’s all it is just three amethyst and then reset can you be a little generous game can you be a tiny bit generous with me here I ain’t asking for much all right this area we never actually came down on because there was

A uh a zombie and a creeper blocking it so hopefully there should be like a little bit of amethyst we only need a tiny bit whoa okay this is a new area [ __ ] i’ ra be instead that’s just gone and that’s just gone all right sweet I forgot I’m supposed to be making

Food right now woo one there and put one over there let’s quickly get that and then get some steak oh put that in there and put that in there and we should be fine all right only thing I’m missing now is literally just a helmet and then we have the full

Uh set bonus which is going to be great for me There we go should be chilling for a little bit can I make an iron an iron furnace no we can’t wait there f are okay never mind uh we can make a blast furnace and then we can make the crystal furnace but for that we need a

Kenite okay yeah we don’t we don’t have that type of stuff man we ain’t that rich all Right let’s get the last last one let’s go back down all we need to do is just look for one more of the stuff then we’re going to take up wait is there a bag hold on bags there’s a popcorn bag um what about backpacks is there a uh a

Back pack what is this pick it up no um no that’s a popcorn storage okay so there’s no such thing as well that H good to know I will be taking the diamonds uh the rest of the iron cuz we actually need that and then the uh the tiger

Eyee that’s for fun and then bones to T A doggo cuz we want I want a doggo uh the cherry blossom these two books they’re going to be coming in handy eventually uh what else do I need from this chest nothing no we’re good all right sweet

All right let’s go down and then this is going to be the final time we’re going to be in this cave next we’re going to go find a village see how that’s going to go all right there you Go right that’s the Sheep okay where do we want to go from right over here somewhere where are You all right there you go that one’s dead and here is the amethyst that we were looking for there it is and then we got don’t tell me we have exactly three we have EX exactly three the exact amount we needed to make the entire uh full set for the set

Bonus there we go now we have the full set we no longer need to be in this cave at all uh maybe go around see what we can find I don’t know why not think this is the first time I’ve actually come around down on this Side okay is there any such thing as more amethysts on this path I do not believe there is I don’t see any down on this side uh h no I guess that’s It wolf nope hello creeper all right that guy’s going to take like way too long all right what is this fossilized Piru I I don’t know how to pronounce that thing okay oh God amethyst right over there all right sweet well not ironic sadly it’s only one

Though oh wait no it’s two of them or three all right that’s going to be for a better pickaxe we got that going for us sweet wait a minute does this mean who did it my God yeah does that mean uh the place that we came from last time was

Like yeah it’s like right down there wasn’t it was it this is where you found the diamonds yeah yeah yeah this is where you found the diamonds huh wait all things come full circle huh all right well no longer need to one Trader nope ain’t no way all right

Fine it’s only one though dang man is it all there going to be is there going to be any more I don’t know well goodbye all right now if I remember correctly if I just go right up over this direction and I go through here yep

There we go we made it all the way back home and we no longer need to be in this place so let me quickly eat a stick steak throw in this stuff and this and this no longer need any of that um we have four so I think I should

Probably make a better pickaxe there we go this tiger one can stay over here doesn’t exactly don’t exactly need it right now anyway what time is it it’s night time okay hold up let’s get this and let’s go random zombie burning over there not my business not my problem I saw

Nothing all right so we just went into a cave came out extremely stacked now let’s see if we can go find a village and that’s going to be our home for a little bit next we need to go and get some lucky blocks that’s going

To be the the main kicker of this entire Thing first let’s find a planes okay does anybody see a village anywhere cuz I didn’t see [ __ ] Man I see everything but a planes swamp Hills Uh crap okay fine well we’re going now I wonder if I should go off for those slime Boots N I shouldn’t I shouldn’t it’s 1.16 so the Slime sling isn’t in this Yes there we go lots of cool places not the best uh the craziest of places that’s the mountain we just passed okay if we go through if we just cut through here what are we going to find if we just look on the other side

Is it going to be like more of a snowy biome or is it going to be yep more of a snowy o there’s llamas you know what I might as well just go this direction it’s like way more clear maybe we can find the plains maybe we can find a village somewhere llamas

Do you know the direction to the nearest Village do you know which direction it is the nearest Village that direction okay I’m trusting you all right the Llama said this direction we’re going this direction never doubted that man in my entire life you can always count on

Dave right you said there’s a village somewhere over here just haven’t seen it yet all right what is that oh it’s just like a weird structure okay weird world gen okay okay Birch Forest uh Spruce I not Spruce sorry the uh the dark dark oak I don’t know which side I want to

Go all right we’re going this direction heck is that is that a gazelle there’s no way wait what is that a gazelle there’s no way what are you yeah you are a gazelle oh that’s cool All right if I can whoa hold up some crazy world jenas going on over there okay now I have to go across come on man random Coes okay leave the Mose alone all right made it across now where the heck am I going man I don’t know cool biomes cool biomes but no

Idea let’s just go the Llama said somewhere in this direction so we got to go is that a oh dang that’s a golen that’s a golen carig oh dang okay okay okay we need to grab a wood where that man’s over there these guys are not rare but they

Are this is a regular one no they’re a regular one they’re not the golden ones all right never mind forget I said anything I feel so sad right now I’ve been on this journey for so long and I have not yet seen a single Village a single

Entity other than all the regular mobs I’ve seen I haven’t even seen any of the modded stuff either oh God okay well we’re going llama don’t let me down I trust in Dave he will lead me the right way hey see what I mean I told you you

Can always count on Dave look we found a village let’s go what is that in the distance oh it’s another tree okay those things have a good amount of gold in them so we’re going to have to like raid that eventually what is this let’s see is this a little better yeah

Kind of it’s going to get there maybe okay what about Lucky Blocks potion of luck uh Cube okay there’s chance cubes chance Cube dispenser giant chance Cube and then there’s a regular one can you make this is a Lapis or a a Lapis block okay good to

Know I know the game not a game the thing said that there was going to be a thing in this um what is it there was lucky blocks but apparently not chance cues chaos awakens uh fancy gecko um Zoom load my resources mental mutated Beast oh God pure chaos oh God okay

The um the people who made the thing called lucky block challenge forgot the most important part the uh the lucky blocks huh there you go okay who goes where now okay no no body is in this house cuz I need to protect them depending on which house they’re in guard please don’t stand

Outside you’re literally going to die see what I mean oh wait a minute hold on um game rule mob no wait yeah mob griefing is on FS there you go as much as I like it I rather not like keep the area of my surrounding just constantly being

Destroyed by these [ __ ] there you go he’s dead oh that’s iy’s house okay she lives oh God okay it’s after me it’s after me it’s after me run run run run run run get him get him lead him away from the village oh [ __ ] this thing is like hella fast

Now leaving wolf uh wolf Mine Wolf main uhuh uhuh get to the water get to the water we got to get to the water okay he left us alone oh thank God dude that guy scares me he’s up there somewhere I just don’t want to go

Back I didn’t get to place on my bed where he at where he at uh he is I have no idea well that’s terrifying he’s just gone yeah you can’t even see see you anymore that is extremely terrifying oh oh no hopefully he’s not wrecking havoc in the town area

Anywhere he’s not okay sweet we’re fine okay can I make my house inside this place yes yes I can let’s just stay inside here for now can we just do that can we can we all just be friends why can we be friend you know that that song you know you know

I okay we’ve already set our spawn point in the village now let’s start making this Village a proper place where we can you know uh live possibly so first things first place down our good old handy dandy crafting table one two place on two of these

Things boom what can I use with a corn what can I do with this one corn to make that or a Ral uh corn dog okay now let’s put all of this stuff away and uh give me this one amethyst and these two things we’re going to make a shovel I know how

Quaint okay um uh we want to continue going down with this exact line and then fix this entire spot to make it look a little bit better like I’m fine with the entire world being destroyed being super messed up but like not when it’s in front of my

House man I at least want my house to look nice in all the chaos so I can Flex on people obviously come on after this we still need to go back stuff but maybe not yet maybe I’ll like clean it up make it look a little bit

Better who knows who knows but for the most part all of this stuff over here from maybe here all of this got to go clar and sale everything has to go Okay some random dude and Ivy are now married oh congratulations to them Nice all right there we go done do I have any corn on me no I don’t all right corn break You know this is not as uh op as it used to be man the corn in the previous thing used to be so overpowered in Crazy Craft this wouldn’t just had you can cook it and make some popcorn I mean that’s yeah might as well like do that right now it’s kind of

Sucky all right there we go got a couple stacks of this stuff so let’s maybe fix up this uh thingy again there we Go How am I going to do this now uh right here there you go this one this entire section can go also Alice James says hey yeah how’s it going Alice hope you’re having a good day day today is like what a Monday I believe yeah hi you can see me uh build

The village right now and try to repair this very very oh God and thanks for the follow very terrible area Okay uh how are you I’m doing pretty well um just chilling playing some Minecraft how are you ow Road trying to clean up a village right now

Make it look a little bit a little bit prettier uh help the villagers have some kids around here make the like do some Village expansion I’m good just enjoying my coffee and watching streams oh nice I’m guessing it’s like the morning for you maybe like late at night since you’re enjoying some uh

Coffee yeah I hope you’re having a good little time enjoying some streams um and just like watching mines too I guess I don’t know hopefully it’s the music is Chill enough I’m not on YouTube side today so I can’t play the normal chill stuff I usually do like some good old Jonas

Brothers I don’t know tranquil music is that a good way to say it I know all right there we go get rid of all of this Stuff okay I’m probably going to have to come back with a hoe and just go through this entire thing aren’t I I am okay okay let’s start oh Lord have to slave way making a village that might get destroyed by a giant boss in the future great what up Ivy okay uh

LOL good guess huh what is it like super early for you okay this one let’s get rid of all of this stuff I come back and just fix this thing eventually got to save all these flowers man okay I have to complete my project right now and I’m tensed oh god oh okay

Um here’s here’s a good one for you um I did this when while technically I’m still in college a little bit but um when I was going through it and I had to study for like some super important uh tests because well medical stuff uh what

I did was I didn’t do it how do I how do I put it I didn’t do it so um you had to like do projects and thing normally right you know how like you normally you would sit down you do the project and then after

That can you uh get off my bed dude that’s kind of weird um you sit down you you just do it until you finish and then uh that’s how it is is R right there’s a certain experiment that a scientist did that actually helped people focus more especially people with like ADHD and

Whatnot right what he did was he had a time schedule where you would work for half an hour dep you can adjust it if you want and so forth right so you’re supposed to work for about a half an hour take about a 10minute break do

Something so like say you want to go grab a snack you want to go uh do something on your phone text people and then after 10 minutes you take another um 30 minutes to do your project again and then um you just continue that over and over

Again it’s it’s so good okay my project is based on 2D and 3D models ooh that sounds really cool do you work in like game development Alice by chance if so that’s like hella cool Man Al if you if you do game development do you work with like blender a lot um not a bad idea thanks yeah yeah it works it works I can tell you it works for sure because like bro I I I get up so often I

Constantly have to go for snacks I keep forgetting like a bunch of stuff like just randomly I’d be like okay I’m going to go grab a snack spends like what three 3 minutes away from the stream not even like leaving on um AFK mode or anything comes back where did everybody

Go I just can’t sit still for the love of God okay uh do uh it’s animations do you like to see yeah sure do you got a YouTube channel or anything I’m down to check it out I have I actually have a friend who does animations as well she’s in

University uh of course we can’t talk like right now mostly because she’s like hella busy but yeah she’s in uni doing animations and drawings as well pretty cool pretty Cool although she’s she’s not getting a lot of of sleep which kind of worries me but I think she should be fine on her own she can handle herself without me being around Boop there it is Al send a friend request oh damn I don’t think you’d be able to find

Me that quickly Alice Jesus all right you know what I’ll make an exception and actually like let me see your stuff come here what kind of stuff you got okay hold on first of all I need no not this not this this all right there we go do I not have

Any coal from the entire Journey that I’ve made apparently not okay um I can send it to you on Discord yeah sure send it on over and um Alice says by the way do you stream daily I try to stream daily but um I don’t know if you heard well heard me

Say it earlier I stream at random sometimes over on the YouTube side um on my secondary YouTube channel or I stream over here I don’t have a set a set uh stream schedule which is why I ask people to just join the Discord so yeah okay yeah I see you messag me

Hey yo there you go you can have that turn on over hopefully it’s not like NSFW or anything if it isn’t like can probably show it off on stream if I remember how to do that all right quickly give me this and give me this there we

Go okay what inspir you to start streaming on Twitch and YouTube ah I um I’m actually doing it right now actually like um I think a couple years ago when I first started doing or like I first like figured out like how to use the internet how to use YouTube whatever

I started getting into anime right and um I saw this one guy named seog VA and um he was the voice actor of a um of a butler named Sebastian in an anime called Black Butler don’t ask me why I was watching it I just found it funny and he used to do

Prank call videos on it uh to his actual like viewers and fans and stuff over on YouTube side and I thought that was like super cool and I wanted to become a voice actor like back then and then slowly but surely it progressed along to the point where my friend started

Streaming and I made YouTube videos but then I realized that YouTube like even I I I realized that I absolutely hated like editing like sometimes it’s really fun also it’s subastian yeah hey shria also hello nice mhm um although I loved making YouTube videos it was so time consuming man it

Was so boring at times and then I started getting into streaming um one of my friends Jag who is he actually gave me the PC that I’m playing on right now um he was just like here you can have this and you can just start doing the YouTube stuff because he couldn’t do

It anymore so I took over for him and I started streaming over on Twitch side we got a lot of people coming in which was nice and Well then well not like yeah School happened and I had to like take a break from it and well now I’m back and then health

Problems again and then now I’m back again okay ads how how do you get ads I swear wait a minute if I go to analytics right now not not anals hold on if I go to monetization and I go to ads is ads on okay never mind ads is on whoops sorry

Shena I forgot it’s it was on somebody remind me when I’m ending the stream to take that off because I AB yeah um fun fact Alice you see the same problem that shria is having there this is the exact reason why I um even though I make like absolutely no money on

YouTube because it’s not allowed in my country I stream a lot and for like way longer hours on YouTube is because there is no ads because I got so frustrated at one point where even though I had ads disabled like twitch would still send certain people like three anywhere from

Like two to five ads at the beginning off my streams and I absolutely hated it cuz no one wants to watch ad at the beginning right yeah that’s uh um all right um also Alice says how are you Alice you know I’m on stream as well right you

Don’t need to talk to me in two different places I got the max five bro Alice I am sorry I’m sorry I’m laughing at your pain but it is kind of funny I’m not going to lie like out of everybody you got like the absolute worst

Outcome I I’m I’m not exactly sure if that’s like like you you’re unluckily lucky put it that way you got like the Max how do I make this uh grass path again grass path how do I make this thing I forgot dude is it this one I don’t know how to make grass path hold on crap I’m a noob Minecraft found my grass path okay right click a bit of uh the grass with a

Spade it was with a shovel oh my God my muscle memory was saving me too it was just like doing I only um took one to do the thing muscle memory is going to save me for a second but I messed it up and I started thinking okay we have that

Direction all right there we go we got a pathway in that direction we got a pathway ow crap hold up ow ow ow okay twitch doesn’t like me how you doing though I’m all right shria you can see I’m just playing this game right now and uh if you heard the owow just

Know it’s basically because of um the regular body paints I don’t know it’s been acting up a lot lately and I don’t know why I don’t if I’m doing something and it’s like going crazy but yeah body pains are a little bit of a a Bish right now all right there we

Go we have this little area I have no idea what I’m going to do with it like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 maybe I can put down o wait I have an idea hold on that’s in the trapo right so let’s put down two three four five six

7 am I not doing that my guy take that put that up there and then we can start planting thing now some flowers there we go and now it kind of evens out now doesn’t it nice uh ah hopefully it stops it does stop but did

You forget it said random so I can’t control like when the body pains happens it just sucks man I’m learning to deal with it but like man that it suck sometimes oh all right there we go and we won this uh this part this part over here to be

Where we just go down right so this is where this thing is coming into play okay and Then yeah that should work for now we have an entire like section going all the way down where did I leave my house okay it’s over here okay here it is here it is of course bro stop going on my bed that’s weird why does he keep doing

That oh crap give me that I need to make another bed or something okay does anybody have any idea on what I should be uh going with over here like how am I supposed to build this town properly does anybody have any clue cuz I didn’t exactly think that far ahead to be

Honest ow hey having fun all right there you go now he’s dead all right we can I can probably do something with this more than likely right maybe maybe I got to wait for the grass to go through and spread all the way around here before I even start doing other stuff

Though there you go oh there you go go in here so just quickly get rid of all of these stuff there we go done but yeah how’s it going do sh Ria are you doing good I’m pretty sure is what today is a Monday for people I don’t know how

It how work goes for you today but what’s going on what you been up to these days I haven’t seen you in a little while since well technically that’s my fault since I haven’t been streaming but you know ignore that fact all right this is where it’s supposed to finish so yep

Here and back is where all right so if I do this properly let’s get rid of all of this stuff all right Nice all right I think we can work with this just walk down over here and then yeah I can I can work with this yeah all right we got this we got this I can work with this how does everybody think this is uh working out so far I say it’s going

Pretty good right like we got this lady’s house over here we got this little stand area that I want to maybe fix up and do something I can put another house or maybe two or three houses right up here here and just try to balance it out a little bit and

Then let’s continue going over Yonder all right there we go I am going to have to do something with this little spot at some point but you know what so far I wouldn’t say that’s that’s not bad right yeah we can work with that okay get rid of this get rid of all

Of this stuff and I have even more dirt to work with good good good fre fre all right there we go done now I need to wait for this grass to grow all the way across that area just so I can make a pathway across great nice nice that’s that’s what I

Like to see mhm all right done oh okay I think I’m just going to light up this area and try to save some dirt because I don’t want to go through like too much of this man this is already like torture enough having to fill in holes of all [Applause]

Things all right there we go quickly just run across Boom yep I’m just going to light up this underneath area with like a buttload of torches is there a better way just getting dirt I wonder hold up casting bin not really NOP there’s nowhere to get dirt okay well we tried can’t do it in any lazy way okay man

All right slowly but surely the world is like getting balanced out um well not the world but the area around here we just need to like finish up stuff in this area I maybe convert that into a uh maybe a watchtower or something pick up that area add some more

Pigs I can I can see how this is going to work out pretty well actually there we go ooh I could even make a place like right over here a mine ooh ooh that can be really good actually now I’m looking at it yeah we can make a bunch a bunch of this

Stuff work we can add some cherry blossom cheese to this after make it look a whole lot nicer cuz I did uh keep like one of the saplings left over for this exact reason all right there we go quickly block off this [Applause] Spot slowly but surely we’re fixing it yeah there there you go let a little bit again and then oh my God now she fell in come on man okay this is where the pathway is supposed to be obviously we don’t want a pathway right over here per se Oh okay nearly done nearly [Applause] done All right there you go uh crab this lot of skeletons okay hold up better idea instead of just trying to kill them close that I need to make another bed oh Lord okay I’ll do it in a bit all right done all the skellies are going to die adios

Where is he oh there he is and now he’s dead see put all of this stuff away there we go all right so this is what we got to work with so far I don’t know if I’m going to be keeping this house right over here but uh so we’re kind of slowly

But surely leveling out this entire area all right chat what do you guys think so far how do you guys think it’s looking does it does it look all right leveling it out like this I don’t know also yes I know I’m intentionally leaving holes over there cuz we don’t

Really need to bother about it too much it’s not like anything is going to to spawn in a one block height over here that’s dangerous I should say all right there we go I should be fine with that three block gaps though no no no no

No no no one block gaps is fine definitely not three there you go I’d say it’s slowly coming along well right maybe maybe look at it we got a nice little flat area of don’t don’t pay attention to over there over there has an entire thing that I want to do with

That but so far I would say that actually worked out pretty well maybe maybe let me just like break off this little section right over here all right there we go maybe just like that something just similar to that yeah this could probably proba work actually must

See one two three four okay this this tiny piece alone all right there we go I don’t know if I want to fill in this entire this entire thing and just have it like one super large I don’t know I kind of don’t want I kind of like it how

There’s like a a one dip over this side there’s like a little bit of a lower area over on this side I’m not sure I’m not sure by what can I what can I use to popcorn that to make popcorn from bag okay good to know good to

Know all right so this is the one that we’re going to want to do and make a pathway all the way down there we go all right there you go all right yeah that should work and break off this little section yeah sure why not all

Right I think it’s kind of good there maybe maybe maybe possibly never know let’s keep on going and trucking all the way down on this side there we go enough my heart in love with again all right need to all right read this is a pretty good yeah that’s

That’s I say that’s pretty good yeah that’ll work dude are you kidding me this this one is to go and those for need to go and then after that we should be a little bit there you go I need two more one and boom there we

Go I think that should be fine now possibly see to figure out this situation I don’t know I don’t know what I want to do with it to be honest I don’t know what I want to do about it or to it we have like one house we have that

House we have my one which I don’t know if I want to keep that like that level or what I could do is I can um have this piece over here be kind of like more what i b extend out a little bit and then have like a little quick uh fence

Just going around also this this is what a rainbow ant or is this a this is a brown ant okay the ant oh God Jesus Christ sge Jesus I nearly killed you my guy that could have been bad for Sergey okay that’s the Brown ant nest we need

A either a rainbow ant nest or we need some other type of anness man I wish it was a waste one as well but eh this will have to do for Now oh my God this guy is in my house like good all right you know what yeah I think this is a good spot to end off I want to see what the mod pack was like and surprisingly I actually kind of like it hopefully it gets a good A bit uh

Amount of updates relatively soon but for the most part yeah I’m going to be off for now so I’ll see everybody tomorrow more than likely for either the Sims or more of this who knows yeah take care

This video, titled ‘LUCKY BLOCKS & Scary Bosses | Minecraft Modded Chaos Awakens’, was uploaded by ChaoticOverloadLive on 2023-12-21 14:50:45. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:15 or 7995 seconds.

Some modded minecraft fun — Watch live at

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    UNBELIEVABLE! My FIRST GOD POKEMON MAX EVOLUTION! Minecraft PixelmonVideo Information This video, titled ‘MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON!! | Minecraft Pixelmon | Minecadia’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-03-31 19:00:20. It has garnered 2583 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:11 or 1571 seconds. MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON! ———————————————————————————————– Server | (Pixelmon Diamond!) ———————————————————————————————– Mod Pack Tutorial: ———————————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Pixelmon! ———————————————————————————————- Community Discord : ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – Twitter – Read More

  • Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustsee

    Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustseeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spiked Mountains Server Hub Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Rustic on 2024-05-27 10:31:02. It has garnered 408 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Minecraft server hub build in progress will have a video and download link up in next few days! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #gaming #games #gameplay Read More

  • EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰

    EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by DANGER GAMES on 2024-02-25 01:19:49. It has garnered 504 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo techno gamerz anshu bisht notgamerfleet minecraft notgamerfleet minecraft anshu bisht technogamerz minecraft techno gamerz minecraft technogamerz #94 minecraft minecraft episode I.m bixu I.m bixu minecraft minecraft pe minecraft shorts shorts Read More

  • BlockHeart SMP | whitelist | 18+

    Welcome to BlockHeart Server The BlockHeart server is back for its newest, biggest, and best season! Join our close-knit community with fantastic bases, a community capital city, a vibrant shopping district, games events, competitions, and more. Inspired by popular servers like Zack Scott, Coffinland, and HermitCraft. Content creators are welcome to cover the server. Rules: No verbal abuse, griefing, stealing, or unlawful killing Have fun and respect others Avoid creating lag machines Apply to Join: Please reply with: Age Discord ID IGN Gender Nationality Favorite movie and video game Minecraft build style and project idea A joke 🙂 Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Quartz slabs for the trapper!

    Minecraft Memes - Quartz slabs for the trapper!Quartz bricks slabs? More like quartz bricks drabs, am I right? These memes are really paving the way for some prime building material humor. Read More

  • Diamond Digs and TNT Tricks: Wheat Cube Roulette

    Diamond Digs and TNT Tricks: Wheat Cube Roulette In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to share news in a rhythmic stream. From TNT Russian Roulette to diamond digs, Every update, every twist, I’ll give you the gigs. With a wink and a nod, and a playful tone, I’ll bring you the facts in a style all my own. So subscribe today, join the fun and the hype, As we journey through Minecraft, in rhyme and type. Read More

  • Minecraft: Doggo vs Iron Golem 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Doggo vs Iron Golem 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When your dog is more powerful than a giant iron golem, you know you’ve been playing Minecraft too much! #SuperDogWins #FerrousWroughtnautFails 🐶💪🏼🤖 Read More

  • Debunking Minecraft’s 666 Seed Myth

    Debunking Minecraft's 666 Seed Myth Minecraft’s Scary Myths Unveiled Exploring the eerie and mysterious side of Minecraft, players have delved into the realm of scary myths that send shivers down their spines. From haunted seeds to chilling entities, the game is filled with spine-tingling secrets waiting to be uncovered. Testing Scary Minecraft Things That Are Actually Real! Players have embarked on a journey to test the validity of the scariest Minecraft seeds, unraveling the truth behind these spine-chilling tales. Through their exploration, they have encountered myths that seem to come to life within the game. Busting Minecraft Myths Content creators like Eyestreem, Proboiz Darkheroes,… Read More

  • Ultimate TNT House Battle: Noob vs Pro!

    Ultimate TNT House Battle: Noob vs Pro!Video Information This video, titled ‘GIANT TNT HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE! TNT BASE vs TNT CASTLE in Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!’, was uploaded by Pip & Louie on 2024-05-24 11:00:26. It has garnered 8622 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:24 or 2964 seconds. GIANT TNT HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE! TNT BASE vs TNT CASTLE in Minecraft NOOB vs PRO! Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie and Pip are playing Minecraft. Follow My Channel! – We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like and don’t… Read More

  • Scary White Cartoon Cat vs Noob and Zombie

    Scary White Cartoon Cat vs Noob and ZombieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SCARY WHITE CARTOON CAT vs NOBB AND ZOMBIE’, was uploaded by Noob and Zombie on 2024-03-20 11:00:02. It has garnered 6394 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:17 or 497 seconds. Hello friends. In this video, a white cartoon cat finds out that a noob and zombie defeated his brother, and wants to take revenge. Taking the noob and the zombie by surprise, he will steal them into his lair. Noob will have to face the maniac. Can a noob survive? Read More

  • CREEPER vs PLAYER in Minecraft! Epic Showdown!

    CREEPER vs PLAYER in Minecraft! Epic Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘creeper vs player in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #mincraftchallenge’, was uploaded by Meetislive on 2024-05-10 02:11:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. WE SURVIVED 100 DAYS ON A MYSTERIOUS MOUNTAIN (TRY HARD CHALLENGE) PART 3 Instagram … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horse Adventure: 100 Days with Abigail Pinehaven

    Insane Minecraft Horse Adventure: 100 Days with Abigail PinehavenVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in Minecraft LIVE | Horse Edition #7’, was uploaded by Abigail Pinehaven on 2024-04-13 17:12:27. It has garnered 8502 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:01 or 7321 seconds. Abigail Pinehaven survives 100 days in Minecraft live! Join us every step of the way as we discover a new world, tame wild horses, build stables and create the equestrian dream. ⛏️Come visit my survival server – IP: Discord: 💰Want your very own model horse? Visit our shop! 100 Days LIVE playlist: 100 Days in Minecraft LIVE:… Read More

  • SECRET Minecraft Server – Join Our Elite Team Now 👾

    SECRET Minecraft Server - Join Our Elite Team Now 👾Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Whitelisted Server. (Members Only)’, was uploaded by Team View on 2024-04-09 04:13:40. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:03 or 10743 seconds. Game: Oaklands In this stream I play Minecraft, Only Members can Join. Who Can Join? Members ▶Roblox Team View CREW Shirt and Pants: Shirt: Pants: ▶Oaklands Game Link: ▶Subscribe to Typical Developers: ▶Join the Typical Developers Discord for more info: ▶ N8te’s Channel: ▶ Hoofer’s Channel: ▶ Theofficialbrick: My NEW Discord Server is OPEN to the… Read More

  • Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named Gracie

    Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named GracieVideo Information This video, titled ‘The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-03-10 16:00:35. It has garnered 2419 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:09 or 6369 seconds. The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft. Follow Jamesy! – Follow Our Roblox Channel! – Follow Louie’s Channel! – Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!

    EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars and Hardcore then bedwars again’, was uploaded by TeamUnderstone on 2024-05-24 21:37:11. It has garnered 188 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 06:06:02 or 21962 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel am very bored and my internet is sort of stable so why not try to livestream again? also if you feel like damm this guy isent a complete moron and i might wanna watch him again then join the discord (idk dont really got a reason for people to join it) or just subscribe becouse that helps Pc Specs… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!

    Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Becoming Overpowered In This Life steal Smp’, was uploaded by Fire_line gaming on 2024-03-26 02:48:04. It has garnered 276 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:47 or 5507 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, #minecraft #livestream #gaming #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks… Read More

  • Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮

    Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘FREE FIRE MAX ATTITUDE VS ALL GAMES IMPOSSIBLE🍷#minecraft#freefire#pubg’, was uploaded by ZEEL H GAMER on 2024-03-24 14:32:04. It has garnered 5629 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ManaRush

    ManaRushManaMC is a Survival Multiplayer Server where killing your enemies will grant you 10 Mana, but be aware for others, because upon death you lose 10 Mana as well. This Mana can be used to purchase perks and upgraded items from the special Mana Shop, and provides a large competition to outperform your opponents. Read More

  • HomiezClub SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java

    HomiezClub SMP HomiezClub SMP Homiezclub is a 100% vanilla survival server focused on collaborating to help each other achieve our Minecraft survival dreams. From building, to adventuring, to redstoning we do it all. There is room for just about any playstyle on our server and we love to hear new ideas. Key Features: 3 years old Awesome people and builds Whitelisted server Java and Bedrock compatible Server Information: Whitelisted for exclusive experience No required mods, but recommended modpack available Reset end cities with major updates We strive to provide the best collaborative, chill vanilla survival experience! Java 1.20.6, Bedrock Allowed… Read More

  • Minesory!

    Minesory!Welcome to Minesory – Your Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits!Dive into the enchanting world of Minesory, where your imagination knows no bounds! Whether you’re a seasoned builder, an adventurous explorer, or a redstone engineer, Minesory offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience for players of all ages and skill levels.🌍 Why Minesory?At Minesory, we believe in creating a vibrant, inclusive, and fun environment for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Our dedicated staff team works tirelessly to ensure the server runs smoothly, and our community-driven approach means your feedback and ideas are always valued.Join Us Today!Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey? Join Minesory… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real crafty creeper tactics

    Wow, this meme is scoring higher than my grades in high school! Read More

  • Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial

    Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Vulcan plugin is the key to keep your server clean. Protecting from hackers, with cheats they deploy, Vulcan stands strong, like a shield of alloy. Roiz Gaming, the master of Minecraft lore, Shares tips and tricks, to keep your server secure. Join the channel, for perks and more, And dive into the world of Minecraft galore. From KillAura to Vape, the cheats they try, But with Vulcan plugin, they can’t fly high. Stay vigilant, keep your server tight, With Roiz Gaming, your future is bright. So craft your world, with… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes “Girls in Minecraft: spends hours building a beautiful house with intricate details. Boys in Minecraft: digs straight down and somehow finds diamonds within 5 minutes.” Read More

  • CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人

    CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocky Adventures Embark on a journey through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the world of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you explore the vast landscapes and build your own unique creations. Meet Blocky Xuan: The Mastermind Behind Minecraft Shenanigans Blocky Xuan, the creative genius behind a myriad of Minecraft animations, brings humor and joy to players worldwide. With a knack for storytelling and a passion for spreading happiness, Blocky Xuan’s animations are a must-watch for any Minecraft enthusiast. Discover Blocky… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the thrilling experience of surviving a whole night in a scary house in Minecraft. While this may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does highlight the excitement and challenge that Minecraft can offer. If you’re someone who enjoys pushing your limits and testing your survival skills in Minecraft, then you need to join a server that can provide you with the ultimate gaming experience. That’s where Minewind comes in. Minewind is a vibrant… Read More

  • BoraLo’s Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3

    BoraLo's Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3 BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi – Minecraft BoraLo MOD V3 Merhaba RSmoody ailesi! Bugün sizlere çoğu kişinin istediği BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketini sunuyoruz. Eğer bu küçük minnak YouTube kanalını büyütmek istiyorsanız ABONE OLUN!! MODU ALMAK İÇİN DİSCORDA GELİP ABONE OLUP BİLDİRİMLERİ AÇTIĞINIZA DAİR SS ATMALISINIZ. Discord : Reklam iletişim vs; [email protected] Key Features of BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketi Minecraft oyuncuları arasında oldukça popülerdir. Bu mod paketi, oyuna yeni özellikler ekler ve oyun deneyimini geliştirir. İşte bu mod paketinin bazı öne çıkan özellikleri: BoraLo Codeman Mod BoraLo Codeman modu, oyuna yeni bir soluk getirir. Yeni eşyalar,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft Bedwars 😱🔥

    Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft Bedwars 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘💀 #minecraft #memes #tutorial #gaming #art #trollface #beauty #roblox #bedwars #funny #kayi’, was uploaded by Saitani Gamer on 2024-05-12 15:49:39. It has garnered 511 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft gameplay Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft tutorial Minecraft mods Minecraft let’s play Minecraft adventures Minecraft crafting Minecraft Redstone Minecraft farm Minecraft house Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP Minecraft mobs Minecraft farm design Minecraft exploration Minecraft resource gathering Minecraft village Minecraft biomes Minecraft seeds Minecraft world generation Minecraft caves Minecraft enchanting Minecraft Nether Minecraft End Minecraft Ender… Read More