Magical Manipulator Origins – Minecraft Origins Explained

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We’ve got the magical manipulator created by the user note as Matt E this is a three impact origin these folks specialize in Magics that utilize various types of elements some of which you can find from the creatures and environments around you whilst others you create for yourself magic weirdo you

Can reel various types of magical attacks you can cycle through your main abilities by using your secondary and it will cycle in the opposite direction when you stick or by pressing your Sprint key if you’re writing something you can use fire you can use a u slash fire your selected ability via your

Primary ability each ability uses up a specific ammo type you can convert certain items into ability and you may animation by right clicking when holding the item in your main hand the few ultimate spells you have access to must be selected by converting their ammo item via right clicking in the main hand

You cannot cancel the usage of these spells once they are selected and you cannot activate anything from your main Arsenal until the ultimate spell is finished sneaking will prevent you from converting an item to ammo allowing you to use different items vanilla functionality your selected ability and

How much ammo you have left should be shown above your Hotbar as an action bar title you permanently lose half the ammo on death if keep inventory equals false becoming fluent in an ability swapping is essential for your survival and combat all of your abilities and their

Details should be viewable as if they were in a different origin layer ultimate spells also have shiny icons so this origin is almost predominantly focused on that thing itself do you have an ability that you can that sorry give me a moment to just think about that one basically you have a

Weapon Arsenal that just explained how all of it worked if you need to recap of that then yeah so okay press y spectral energy dirt enclosure resistance buff energy Shield Golems Essence grenade propulsions and anti-gravity arrows that’s a few different abilities and I’m assuming they all get explained here I hope oh

Oh okay so if we go through our origin layers we have the anti-grav arrow one arrow is equals two ammos exactly what it sounds like an arrow that does not fall to gravity can be fired every second and will kill basic 12 20 Health mobs zombies skeletons Etc and three

Hits cannot be fired when actively raising a shield and will despawn itself after 30 seconds of existence to prevent yourself from coming across random floating arrows you shot in the past oh and there’s also a a strategy I’m not going to read the strategy that’s more important for the people actually trying

To survive with this so if we get ourselves an arrow right click we get two anti-gravity arrows if we use our we step back a little bit probability Bonk sheep over there Bonk sheep just down there in the distance that cow that cow bong that’s actually really cool so with this

Ability with the use of Arrow right-clicking arrows into your ammo pool you can shoot them without any gravity of course you do not have any special enchants for these arrows they’re basic arrows and two a lot of damage in comparison to normal things but that’s all they’re good for they’re

Pretty much straight narrow they will never fall to gravity which means you can be a lot more accurate with them because you can simply just point in a direction and it’ll just go in that direction see that sheep over there if I can point it there we are and you

Smack it that sheep over there through the grass Bonk that sheep there I ran out arrows that sheep there Bonk pretty neat ability actually next is your spectral shot this will take one glowstone dust canonically is a projectile of pure energy but is technically just a spectral Arrow spectral shots will

Pierce three times damage four enemies in total and set them on fire unlike the anti-gravity Arrow this does not have the sheer limitation nor does it ignore gravity this real PS and grenades and not wardens or Ender Dragons Keep in mind it won’t pierce wardens or Ender

Dragons one spectral shot only has the energy to activate one Essence grenade you’ll always Peak though it will always Pierce particles are for visual effect only so now this one I want to get myself some glowstone dust and I want to set up a little bit of a training thing

So we get a little fence over here we come down here to our little open flat area which is to go on a fence in a couple of people so now in the special energy one glowstone does equals one spectral energy then we use that ability oh that’s cool I love those effects

See how we do it again wink blink voic that is really interesting what if we just put a bunch of zombies in there and we just get ourselves a bunch of special energy and then we just start rapid firing in there this is just deadly thank you that is pretty powerful dirt enclosure

33 dirt dirt enclosure is a physical structure that forms around your character and below your feet it is a 3X3 dirt floor and and four three two by three walls excluding Corners this will not overwrite and replace existing blocks other than stuff like grass

So if we go up into the air with this one oh I’m literally use it to go but if we go into survival mode here so we have survival mode here we’ll take a leap of fake Bonk that’s really cool just a bit of a dirt enclosure it blocks

Off anyone’s ability to access you because it’s a two but whoa so we jump again hey zombie five oh no oh no oh no he’s in here he’s in here nope nope nope nope nope that’s a pretty interesting ability resistance buff this requires one Shield this applies resistance one for 50

Seconds what else does that say well actually the strategy oh my God yeah this so one thing I’ll just give some massive credits to The Creator they went through the effort to give you like a full-on way to utilize these abilities together with a good strategy effect

Down here which is pretty cool gonna sell some Shields we go to our resistance bar we rock the shield in there and now we’ve got some resistance Buffs so we go over here we pressed you we got resistance for 50 seconds I am stuck against the wall

And now we run that’s a creeper that’s even worse yes resistance for about 50 seconds I mean cool beans it is just one of those type of abilities pretty self-explanatory in the cover energy Shield this requires six gold ingots applies absorption 3 for 25 seconds two hearts less than an

Enchanted golden apple this is more of an emergency defense option to save your life in critical situations it’s an effect that only lasts 25 seconds and 60 15 and significantly more expensive than a resistance bus okay so we go over here we grab ourselves gold we go to the energy Shield jump down

So basically oh no I’m about to die pop bye that’s pretty interesting I mean so much more to that one it just gives you a nice little buff it’s a bit of an emergency situation ability and like he said Gollum reinforcement requires one iron block someone’s an iron golem on top of

You to age you in battle these are special goals that will not only stay loyal like physically built goals but they also deal a little more damage than a normal Golem any mob killed by a reinforcement Golem will also have looting to apply to their drops so if we

Go down here again with our friendly husk over there hey boy how you doing poof [Laughter] hey yo how you doing buddy oh no help me Golem I’m being attacked oh no oh he’s dead oh no God help me I’ll be oh he’s dead that’s way less expensive than a built

Gom yeah it is way less expensive it also does stupid damage what is this that’s interesting I don’t know why they consider this this is definitely very powerful because it literally gives you the ability to summon a Golem like that and it’s also cheaper than the average

Built gone it also has looting too on its kills which is a little bit a little bit powerful I don’t know that’s interesting that one Essence grenade one Redstone Dust creates a somewhat large floating never star that moves forward at a slow velocity usage shooting an Essence grenade with either

An anti-gravity Arrow or a spectral shot will cause the nearest four mobs within a 10 block radius to be launched vertically into the air for your strong levitation for a brief amount of time can be shot slash used twice before it breaks and disappears spectral shots will completely Pierce SS grenades as

They will activate them if the grenade comes in physical contact with another mob or a block it will break instantly without applying levitation to anything and then you just do oh that’s cool and it sits there so if we cycle around again to the arrows get some more arrows

In us and we just hit it That’s pretty cool that’s a pretty neat ability that does require you to actually combo it with your other abilities in order to set it off but that’s pretty neat Sonic propulsion one skulk block or one glow Lightroom move an ability that launches you in the direction that you’re facing

Wants a sonic boom particles explode quote unquote its power is comparable to a trident enchanted with Riptide too cannot be used while actively in elytra flight or when submerged in water they make vibrations on launch unless you’re sneaking and the direction of the Sonic Boom vibrations when you use the

Propulsion ability will not direct where you go the actual boom sound marks repel marks where you get propelled in the direction that you are looking at in that moment oh so boom Zonk so we do that oh ow I get it it’s like most other abilities that let you launch yourself just this

Time around has a degree of predictability so your point in a direction you press the ability you see some effects go off so you can see the direction it’s going to propel you mean that you can use it and fling yourself that’s better open a correction press it and it won’t

You can’t use it with an electro pollute to Delivery Man this will specifically not work whilst you’re in elytra though what you can do is you Propel yourself up and then use the elytra you just can’t use it once you’re in the air so it definitely has

Its use for lytra it’s more you want to use it to get in the air in the first place so now we go through the legendary abilities Supreme spectacle one crying obsidian fires a barrage of high damage lasers for a specific period of time you can only fire the lasers after the

Activation delay and they are fired automatically each laser deals 14 damage on hitch which will pierce through any resistance effects or protection enchantments it also applies slowness 1 and glowing for 12 seconds to the Target what with that boom commencing oh this has got a long cooldown laser beam goes

That’s a cool ability I like that I like that a lot then your other legendary ability is the Pinnacle manipulation this requires one Echo Shard this ability will first levitate you into the air slowly and cause a number of audio and particle signals after the activation phase is complete three

Raycast lasers are then Unleashed in the direction that you are looking up to a range of 30 blocks which will cause a high power explosion on either block or entity impact unlock spectral Supreme this ability cannot travel through water or other fluids and thus will explode on impact

As if they were solid blocks attempting to fire a pinnacle of manipulation underwater may prove to be suicidal and press Pinnacle of manipulation is on standby boys and girls you ready to reach the Pinnacle of manipulation with this o yes now time for another laser

We just wait for it to cool down the ability to cool down so I can use it again come on commencing [Laughter] oh yeah yeah that’s uh glasses boom one might say that’s that’s cool that is hilarious that it requires an Eco Shard basically you have to play with a within the

Warden star I mentioned in order to get yourself this ability and you can only use it once for an Eco Shard but that is cool laughs atmospheric siphon you naturally siphon Magic from the air around you which naturally bust your immune system basically you have regen one permanently

As you can see regeneration which is continuously ticking up it is basically the uh Beacon effective of it agility over defense you and your people tend to prefer to be able to move around rather than wear hammers you cannot wear anything that provides armor in the chest or leg armor slots with the

Exception of never right leggings and never write of 11 leggings and never write chest plates never why can you wear however your base speed movement speed is much higher than a normal player that’s weird actually one two three four five five six seven don’t forget armor

So this is the best armor set you can wear um I’m gonna be completely honest here to the origin Creator I don’t know if he’s watching this or if he will but I think this is probably the one ability where I just make it so that you don’t have

Armor just to make it so that you are literally you are practically a glass Cannon you’re not in a figurative sense because you can still survive a fair bit but in most cases you won’t really survive too long if you do get yourself into a lot of combat I don’t know

I’d feel like this is a little bit much armor for what you can do as a surgeon I don’t know I guess it’d be up to the opinion of people watching really untrained Warrior you’re not very good with physical weapons you have permanent weakness too when using swords or axes which should mean

Foreign damage for nine ax no damage with diamond swords okay so you can’t you pretty much can’t use physical weapons there effectively don’t work for you that’s fair limited Cinema you are able to passively achieve you are passively agile because of the raw energy coursing through your body not because of your

Physical fitness so yeah because the energy you’ve got this blue bar that allows you to move at a pretty pretty fast speed but this blue bar is a signal of how much you can run the moment this bar Runs Out you won’t be able to run anymore and you’ll be

Given slowness two slowness three for a few seconds and this will continue to go because the bar won’t go back to full it has to slowly recharge when you’re not moving which is I always say it’s pretty major when it comes to your movement it does massively

Knock your movement out of existence oh it keeps going you have a stamina bar that gets used up when you sprint if you run out of Cinema you’ll move the speed will decrease that of a normal player with slowness three Cinema will passively regenerate when you’re not sprinting or off the ground

Killing anything with at least 15 maximum HP will allow you to convert some of its life entity into a stanima than eating a golden apple will restore 85 percent of your Cinema

This video, titled ‘Magical Manipulator Origins – Minecraft Origins Explained’, was uploaded by KrzairMC on 2023-03-29 10:00:24. It has garnered 11694 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:58 or 1198 seconds.

Magical Manipulator Origins – Minecraft Origins Explained

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    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

Magical Manipulator Origins – Minecraft Origins Explained