Marvin Minecraft – Jeffy’s Friends VANISHED!

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Daddy Jeffy what do you want nothing stupid green beans no one likes g beans Jeffy stop Jeffy get out of here Jeffy no Jeffy no don’t break the couch Jeffy Jeffy don’t place the couch on the window oh my gosh what are he doing I just did it boom

Tvang no I got to I got to fix this now Jeffy you idiot what are you doing why are you doing je breaking everything cuz you saw Jeffy stop breaking everything you have the count of three one one two Jeffy you’re grounded get in your

Room go what the heck why am I grounded yeah Jeffy because you look what you did look what you did you messed up my TV you broke a with glass you you messed up my couch you’re gring Jeffy I don’t want and guess what guess what no chocolate cake for you tonight B gosh I can’t believe he just grounded me you’re grounded for a life what is that wait what why is there just a wait why is there a book right here secret note to our beloved Jeffy this is your real mom and dad we want to meet you but

You have to follow these Clues to find us clue number one was the place we met you had to let you go Red Cross on a building that glows oh that kind of rhed this so we have to go to a Red Cross to building that glows guys I’m actually

Going to meet my real family in this video make sure you stick around to the end to see them okay let’s see there’s going to be a building with a red cross somewhere I’m going to go find it oh my gosh wait a red cross the hospital of

Course that literally has a Hey kid what are you doing I I I hear you have some kind of juicy story for me yeah I do not so leave me alone wait no come on like let me in on the story no what that that you want I’m a detective all right that

That sounds like a crazy you’re a detective yeah crazy mystery I want to solve please please what is no what what is a mystery you’re you’re mystery shut up I want your help yeah that’s right lowlevel detective all right so I have to oh my gosh why is there a maze this is

Ridiculous um I’m going to eat the window AR there we go um oh my gosh what am I supposed to do in here there’s so many ways to go oh gosh I to find the clues the clues have got to be in here somewhere hey my the

Villagers oh my gosh man I don’t know where these Clues could be guys I just want to meet my real family why is it so hard what just so me to me my family oh my gosh there’s got to be a way out of here bro

Oh my gosh all right um there’s going to be the stairs I found it gosh why are there so many villagers here and I’m going weird oh my gosh another maze you got to be kidding me oh you know what it’s probably worth it if I get to see my family so

Whatever whatever I guess somebody my family um H wait that villager went over here I bet he knows the way out Mr Ville where did you go um he’s going detective hey I just saw you no no you didn’t you didn’t see anything hey get back here you loser

Come here oh no hey what are you doing huh what are you doing hey stop it Jeffy I just want to I want to be a part of your team I want to I want to solve the case with you but you’ve got so many snot Burgers what does that even mean

Snot you got Burgers on your mouth I don’t got boogers I’m yeah you do I don’t want you my detective work this is my own work not your please let me solve the game no stop being so dramatic and desperate gosh you remind me of my mommy

Anyways I’m on to the next four wait is this my hospital bed it’s literally oh my gosh I found the next book clue number two and my tumer we went outside for walks rain or Shine the big trees that glow the Red Slide what what does that mean um guys comment down

Below what you think this means CU I have no idea oh gosh um the red slides I mean it could mean possibly mean the railroad or the it could possibly mean the amusement par pause wait wait Red Slide I see a red slide over there let’s go

I don’t even remember this but okay okay let’s go over here and boom Red Slide wa swing look the clue it’s right there what hell can oh God it’s cobwebs oh God hey get back here get back hey hey I don’t want I can’t hit you that’s illegal hey come

Here hey you can’t catch me hey what the heck come here come on get no he come here come here what the heck come dude I okay I’ll give you money I’ll give you money what you got I got I got 30 bucks all right give it to me okay but give me

The book first no give me the book no give me the book or I’m not going to give you the money no there’s a little kid I hate you hey hey hey little kid little kid what what what what if you don’t give me the book I’m going to kill your family

No get back in here you good come here okay fine here’s your money come here okay give it to me where oh you’re up there jeez you’re like bouncing around all right here you go boom it’s alien money it’s alien money trust me it’s alien money okay there you go ow what

The heck thank you appreciate that’s not real money by the way loser out here here clue number three my favorite food was potato chips I would eat them with dip find where I am sold to get the next H potato chips the grocery store of course okay we’re at

The grocery store all right oh my gosh that cashier is disgusting hey you’re not good looking yourself oh yes I am all right so let’s see here is the muffins cheeseburgers there’s this R why is there just cheeseburgers on the shelves that’s not normal um pancakes popcorn

Chicken all right oh my gosh they have chocolate cake I’m going to steal some okay she said or whatever whoever wrote that book said it would be here oh my gosh there’s food all right let’s grab some of this and byy some I mean all of it all right there we go perfect

Okay hey cashier yeah um will you buy any chance when you um you want have’t seen a book around here that looks like this no I haven’t seen anything like this you haven’t seen anything like that are you sure huh no you sure no I haven’t no I haven’t seen anything are

You sure about that cuz it’s on your back uh no it’s not okay well anyways hey what are you trying to do here I’m I’m trying to do my job hey I’m trying to look at something okay Dam I’m trying to do my job here and you’re not get out

Of here you’re not supposed to be hey look there’s literally a you’re supposed to be here I got I got I got a clue stop hitting me my gosh you annoying F I’m going call the cops on you I’m out I’m I’m call the cops on you you’re stealing

Got clue number four stop stop stop it oh my gosh so annoying anyways I got the next clue all right let’s see my favorite thing to buy were the clothes inside the orange that so discounted scores discounted scores what does that even mean okay so the next clue I’m

Assuming it’s at the mall so please please let me please let me be on the team please stop hitting me you’re not going to be you’re never going to be a detective you’re I’m the world’s best detective please please I’m the world’s best detective money and you’re going to

Be a failure I’m the world’s best detective please let me help you I am dying to have this case no do you want to see your family again please yes I want to see my family but I’m the best detective I’m detective you’re not a good detective you’re so stupid Please

Let me do it I’m just ignoring you so the red the orange Store 50% oh cheap clothes oh my go oh my God $20 for this what a ripoff jebby what are you doing here at the alador jacking too what’s going on too J you got stalker behind you yeah

Get out of here detective please please okay he’s really he really he’s s over me anyways um what that guy problem he’s really want I’m trying to find my family and he just wants really something to do with it sir hey you yeah why you why you

Looking at me like I’m a sweet snack huh you know uh I’m I’m working on this case here with Jeffy and I’m trying to figure out no you’re not working on the case yes yes I am I’m working on because you’re not part of this oh I see you’re taking your

Criminal law class very very serious and uh yeah that’s exactly what we’re doing and you must be helping him out with it Mr detective very good Jeffy of course all right is he is my is my little is my little Jeffy poo listening to you detective okay no he’s not listening to

Me at all right guys all I’m look the next clue wait the last oh jebie you find crew you find crew jebby Yeah by myself and not with the detective I help I helped him the entire time I get it I get it jebie so you the detective whispered in your ear the

Clues behind the the AR that’s where you find it huh oh whatever I’m just going to use the last glue whatever all right glue number five Stop Get Away ow ow ow I’m just trying to read it I’m just trying to read you do no you stop will

Come true go back to your room and ask Marvin what to do JY clue number five this is the last clue your dreams of meeting us will come true go back to your room and ask Marvin what to do the last clue has brought me back home all right let’s see Oh Daddy I feel good Jeffy oh look this clue says I’m trying to find my family and everything and this last clue says um go back to Marvin and ask what to do what do I do oh Jeffy the clu is to find your family that said to come

Back here yeah to find my real family that’s crazy I have an idea Jeffy here follow me follow me Jeffy okay yeah okay I’m following you I bet they’re here did you surprise me baby je Jeffy and I bet they are here Jeffy oh my god oh you

Found your family idiot stay in your room you’re grounded what it was all fake Daddy I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you hey why are you in your room get in your room and on second thought Jeffy actually you know what you’re not just

Grounding for a week you’re gring for a life why Jeffy I made that whole thing up I made that up forever ago you made it up yeah I plac his Clues all around the city and stuff so you get out of my hair for a little bit are you kidding me

Nope it was just a prank yep I hate you oh I ha you oh man I’m so bored I just want to hang out with my friends oh look it looks like they’re outside playing God wait guys stop hold up hold up Jeffy go back inside but guy can I play with

You guys no go ow guys why not Jeffy cuz we don’t like you go guys what the heck I just want play no no you can’t go go go go go go go go three person only game are you kidding me go away okay fine I guess I’m just go to my

Room all alone oh my gosh oh why does everyone have to be so mean to jumy oh gosh you know what I have a brilliant idea I’m going to disguise myself as someone else and spy on them hey idiots what Jeff I’m leaving forever goodbye see you bye Jeffy no one cares

Jeffe okay now they have no idea they think I’m gone and now I just got to put on Boom my mustache disguise all right um let me go ahead and do this Knock Knock knockity knock hello who you know what who are are you I’ve never seen you before in my life my

Name is the queen man and Demarcus III really yeah uh why what are you doing at my house why why are you here hey I’m just my I mean my I just want to hang out you know since it’s a Christmas spirit just you know making friends

Oh no one ever wants to be my friend well hey I’m pulling a I’m pulling a prank on my dumb idiot son do you want to help oh yeah I want to help out let’s do it all right wait follow me all right and by the way what what’s your name

Marvin Marvin all right nice to meet you Marvin wait hold up hold up help me place the go in creative mode and help me Place those down okay okay all right are we just going to place him out down here no no no no we’re making a trail

We’re making a trail hey stop eating the chocolate cake my idiot son will never fall for the Trap I mean but but Marvin it’s I said but Marvin I said but Marvin it’s it’s really tasty you know my my grandfather dqu to do dequ to make his

Money in the third really liked cake did he really yeah it’s it’s kind of a thing you know in the family all right all right all right wait wait wait wait a little bit further a little bit further all right a little bit further and all right here here right here okay all

Right so um what are we about to do all right I’m going to cut this area in three two 1 all right awesome okay so what are we supposed to do basically what we’re doing is we’re making a chocolate cake trap for my son so we’re

Going to keep on digging here put a bunch of TNT under and then we’re going to place the cake on top of it and he’s never going to know okay sounds like a plan all right my Daddy has no idea that it’s me all right um so why what did

Your son really do to you for to deserve this he was born oh wow all right that’s pretty rude um can you hand me a piece of TNT oh you want some TNT yeah all right here’s a couple pieces of TNT right there all right appreciate that

Thanks all right so um I guess we’ll just you know place of TNT and stuff isn’t this going to like blow up your son yes this should incinerate him and I’ll never have to deal with him ever again that hey um Marvin that’s pretty far I’m not going to lie you’re digging

Pretty far down yeah I’m I’m I’m I’m trying to um yeah you’re trying to make him blow into Smither huh I don’t want I don’t I want to crush every individual Adam on my son okay um wow okay I I don’t know if I should be like worried

Or excited cuz this sounds like it’s good hey you I you wanted to help me right jeez okay yeah yeah I wanted to help you gosh it’s pretty rude listen listen my son he’s bad he’s Pure Evil all right well all anyways oh gosh you’re crazy anyways here we go I’m just

I’m not crazy I’m not crazy crazy crazy on wait you were crazy ones too yeah yeah okay anyways oh let’s finish up this stupid TNT and then um I don’t know put a layer of uh grass over top of it and then we can put cake all around it

That’s a good idea yeah yeah Grass Grass hey um Marvin you’re kind of skitching out on me we’re grassing it up now wait stranger I never got your name what’s your name yes you did it’s squ Demarcus de theii I’m going to call you Bob all

Right Bob that has nothing to do with my actual name call me dqu or something all right Bob we’re done cake it cake this bad boy up yeah okay I’m caking it up cake it up I’m caking it jeez come on chill out dude all right here we go and

Then um also we’re going to need some uh what some things we call a pressure plate what the heck what did you just do that’s stupid idiot he’ll fall for it he’ll fall for it hey Marvin do not step on this pressure plate okay it will

Trigger the TNT am I clear all right we’re he it Blends in with the grass so whoever your son is it’s going to BL he’s not he’s I think he’s color blind anyways he’s an idiot like he’ll never be able to tell yeah yeah totally color

Blind all right I think this should be good huh all right yes perfect now all I got to do is set the scenery oh yeah and enjoy the show all right well I guess um we just wait for your son now yeah just take a seat we’ll wait for him guys I

Have a plan while my daddy is just sitting there I’m going to throw a a bunch of green beans on here and he’s going to completely forget that those are TNT traps and he’s going to walk right onto it all right in 3 two one B oh look at look that green beans

Oh gosh look look how many oh my God oh my goodness my daddy just fell for my own trap that’s hilarious gosh what a lose ER in the meantime I’m just going to eat the jungle and all righty guys now that my daddy’s taking care of we’re going to go visit

Bully Knock Knock Knock knock hello hey yo my name is the quiz make demain to Marcus theii and I’m here to share the Christmas spirit and be your friend oh Bob Bob yeah Marvin told me all about you he did oh okay yeah must have told you that fast anyways um

So um do you want to you want to go do something or one oh yeah yeah I have a really good idea I have been brewing up this prank for Jeffy he’s such an idiot oh I need you to help me oh okay I mean

I’m I’m down I’m down to help you all right let’s go let’s go all right let’s do this all right loser get in all right I’m in the back all right let’s go yeah he has no clue um bully um we’ve been on this car for hours we literally

Just started driving we Haven my gosh Are we almost there yet uh yeah we’re almost there are we there yet are we there yet we got to pull off to the side here and we should be good Yep this is a big open field that’s perfect right he

Pretty open I can’t see anything all right get out all right so I have these landmines with me all right we’re going to place the stone ones down so we know which ones are which and then bring Jeffy out here and then we’re going to blow him up okay all righty sounds good

Hey what are those some dirt ones too but don’t Place those ones right now okay we’ll place these ones later right yeah okay all right so let me go ahead and do this and boom all right very nice uh-huh awesome this is perfect I know he’s he’s going to fall for it he’s

Going to blow up he’s actually going to fall through it’s going to be so funny when he definitely Falls for this I can’t wait to hear his shaks of Terror when he blows up it’s hilarious what this is going to be absolutely insane oh my gosh there’s so many landmines

Already all right I think that might be enough let me put a couple more over here all right now I’m just going to walk all the way back here perfect let me just you’ve been placing the stone ones right yeah the stone ones oh all right good job Bob wait um bully yeah

Never never mind it’s it’s fine all right I think I placed enough now we just have to wait for Jeffy all awesome all right I’m coming back my gosh oh my that b what’s happening oh my gosh oh my gosh did you use the did you use the

Dirt ones I told you not to use the any ones oh my go my gosh it’s so funny um I totally didn’t use any dirt ones you don’t have to worry about that you really don’t have to oh oh my God please help me help me oh my God she’s

About to B yeah bully oh my God right in boom oh ow what the heck it hit me a little bit gosh bully literally just got one he had coming to him all right I’m going to steal his car and then I’m going to drive let’s

Go off to Fan girl now all righty looks like it’s time for fan girl I came to her job at the ice cream shop and by the way I have something called chemical EG and what this does is it turns mobs into mutant creatures so when I throw it at

Fan girl she’s going to turn into a mutant hey fan girl hi welcome to creeper Scoops how may I help you um hey my name is the queen and make man the Marcus the third and I’m here for some mint chip okay hey shut up K before it

Blow you up hey whoa whoa what is don’t don’t do that what are you doing anyways can I have some mint chip I want mint chip okay I’ll I’ll get your mint ship ready for you we go in three 2 one bang oh oh oh oh my God oh my gosh

What’s oh my gosh oh my God oh my gosh it was so powerful it knocked my body out of my body oh my gosh oh my my goodness that help me oh no um okay well she um oh jeez my ice cream Hey kid shut up no one cares about

Your ice cream I can’t ow oh gosh oh she’s turning back she’s turning back oh there she is oh my stomach um oh my gosh she’s totally going to get fired oh my go my ice cream shop no oh God I’m going to lose my job what happened

Loser can I still get mint chocolate chip shut up all right that was epic all right now let me go in my room and change the mustache let me pull this off all right there we go got it off now let me go downstairs all right hey guys

Joery um what the heck what happened guys Jeffy have you seen Bob Jeffy who’s Bob I hate Bob Bob bomb ruin my prank who is that he blew up my ice cream s really he’s almost a bigger idiot than even you wow okay hold on hold on guys

I’m going to go grab some cake from the kitchen to cheer you guys up okay oh Jeffy that sounds great oh God oh God are you okay Jeffy Jeffy Bob Bob where’ Jeffy go Jeff wait a minute um wait Jeff Jeffy Jeffy is Bob

No no no it wasn’t me it wasn’t me get back here subscribe and watch the video on the screen to save me Daddy hello what you doing Daddy Jeffy what do you want Daddy you know what day it is Jeffy I’m watching TV Daddy no it’s not the TV

It’s not even a TV it’s just wool Jeffy what do you want Daddy it’s our anniversary of when we met I don’t care about that don’t you remember Jeffy I don’t remember why would I care about something like that I’m just trying to watch the new football game Jeffy well I

Remember it like it was yesterday yesterday yesterday come on come on oh they’re right behind me no no no oh gosh they’re in here too no this can’t be it oh god oh oh no no no no no no I dropped my bow I dropped my bow

No I’m out of arrows no I’m out of arrows I’m out of arrows this is the end this is the end Wait die zombies Die zombies I’m taking out your head [Applause] leader I’m so strong and handsome and beautiful oh my gosh who is this don’t worry don’t worry we’ll let one through at a time who wait a what’s your name oh no they’re all coming through they’re

All coming through ah my plan my name is Marvin Young Traveler Marvin what you doing M the Marvin how you doing here weakling take this golden armor oh you trapped me in here with them oh God no okay oh my gosh you saved my life I

Saved you you save me yeah thank you so much m e why you smell like green beans cuz I just ha some you want some green beans no I hate green beans I hate green beans I hate them you need to eat your green beans and come with me me if you

Want to survive okay okay I I I want to survive this way this way all not quite that way yep oh stuck in a cob I’m stuck in a cob I’m stuck in a cobweb all right let’s go all right come on Marvin let’s go we got to go traveler

Come with me our Town’s being overrun with zombies I don’t know what we’re going to do yeah I can see that my safe hav here my companions here come traveler come okay I’m coming I’m trying to get in hurry up hurry up hurry up I’m

In I’m in it oh who’s this fresh meat oh what honey oh look at this fresh me what’s up loser oh hey what’s your name my name je my that’s just a j it’s a je yeah well it’s Minecraft I couldn’t fit all the words on my shirt okay well Jeffy you’re

Lucky my husband found you because you surely would have been zombie meat oh why and your name yeah you you look not ready for the zombie apocalypse well what is your name are you ready my name’s bully your your name your name your legal name is Bully yep I legally

Changed it to bully that’s dumb what’s your name I’m Rose it’s nice to meet you well Jeffy do you want to join our Squad I mean this guy really stinks like green beans you’re really not nice but you’re really hot so yeah okay Jeffy but

To be a part of our Squad you do have to pull your weight you know okay I’ll pull my own weight I don’t know if this pip squeak can be a part of our Squad yeah you are a pip pipsqueak I’m God you don’t look tough you look like a little

Baby you guys came just in time I just finished making dinner here everybody perfect thank you Rose a thank you hey you took my me all right eat up we got to get strong yeah eat up I’m not hungry I don’t want it Jiffy look look over here you’re

Going to be sleeping with bully over here okay no but I want to sleep with you come on huh Jeffy that’s too bad I’m sleeping with her why me and Marvin keep keep watch to make sure everything is safe for the night I’m okay good night I’m going to

Bed okay guys we have to figure out how to fight the zombie core and defeat it to end the zombie apocalypse first thing we need to do is go get the weapons here’s the map I have oh that’s a map W I was wondering what that was um Yep

This is the map we have to go to the old bus of down Mall the mall and this this is the mall right here that’s where we’ll find our weapons okay all right I’m taking that with me Jeffy stop messing up our map hey stop it you shut

Up okay so first we’re going to have to go to the old mall and get weapons for us well I’m pretty sure they have extra I heard from somebody else in an old Squad then we’re going to have to go get potions from the old potion monster shop

I’m pretty sure that hasn’t been looted yet so I think we’ll be able to get it all okay and then the last place we have to go is the old prison and that’s where we’ll find all the TNT oh the old prison there’s definitely a lot of zombies here

Then we’re going to blow up that stupid zombie core yeah so yeah we have to go get the weapons first so we’re equipped to do the next two okay okay all right everybody let’s get ready let go Jeffy you you need something before you go oh

I need you’re very weak Jeffy you need to grow up to be big and strong oh my gosh I’m not eating your stupid green beans I’m sorry I’m not doing you have to eat them do you want to be a part of this team I’m not doing that everyone

Eats a green beans see even bully here Jeffy here take this need to defend yourself a iron knife okay this is a Cas knife it’s all we have all right out the door you go all right W guys guys come on oh gosh run where get to the mall

Over over here let’s go I’m going I’m going come on run you guys I’m going all right hurry up we got to break the spider webs come on come on it’s not that hard to break spider webs oh my gosh look at all the blood oh my gosh

It’s everywhere oh behind you bully no oh gosh there’s zombies everywhere oh jeez okay where is come on this one’s got a size ow Stupid Creeper there we go why did you give me such a mid weapon it’s all we had Jeffy hurry hurry it’s in here wow diamond armor this was just

Open in here okay come on hurry I’m grabbing all of this I’m coming I’m coming oh come on okay I got it all I’m getting it on get it on get it on all right let’s get our equipment okay I’m good with crossbows wo look at these

Crossbows wo and look at this ax this is insane W this ax looks crazy yeah you can literally ow that actually really hurt okay appreciate it if you would not do that yeah it does hurt loser oh crossbow all right guys what are we even doing all right grab the supplies I did

I already got anything oh and there’s a shield here too oh my gosh guys look out there they’re all they’re all gathering around there’s so many of them all right let’s open it up oh my gosh oh there’s so many zombies get them get them ah I’m getting them Jeffy defeat all the

Zombies come on I’m trying man you sound really encouraging and strong I am oh God I’m very muscular and handsome and I have a full head of hair too many guys come on come out this way come out this way go go go go run I’m running I’m run

Run guys all right we got the supplies next we got to get the potions it’s right near here it’s right there okay there we go guys come on hurry up inside okay come on all right oh jeez this guy just got right in front of me wow it’s all broken

Down and stuff hurry up gosh let me in all right we’re here why did you close open the door wait what what’s in the chest guys look so many potions oh my oh my gosh everyone take one each potion of strength is there anything else we can l

In here um let’s see oh there’s a chest right here wa what there’s a totem there’s totems of undying how much are there wow three and I took all of them that’s a good find there Jeffy yeah thanks thanks guys appreciate it I have three lives now Jeffy there’s a baby

Zombie over here take care of it it’s coming after us I’m taking care of it they’re getting inside oh my gosh I can’t believe I have three lives this is crazy all right guys there’s a lot of zombies at the door are you guys ready yeah all right let’s

Go go oh gosh they’re everywhere oh gosh no stupid zombes through the forest okay Rose I’m coming all right I’m coming we got to get to the prison oh I’m scared of the prison this is going to be so scary I heard there’s a huge stash of

TNT in here from a buddy of mine oh gosh how do we get in we need to break the webs all right we’ll distract them we’ll distract them I’m stuck in the web help I’m stuck in the web oh gosh Jeffy okay okay oh gosh these so many

Baby zombies all right let’s run through run through oh I’m coming oh gosh oh my goodness there’s all done of prisoners like Dead zombie prisoners oh my go oh my gosh I don’t know if we’ll be able to hold them back there’s so many baby zombies look at that line of them you

Heathens hurry hurry get in here get in here everyone oh gosh okay this is bad this bad thisly right here right here there’s an opening right here bully oh gosh they’re coming guys it’s not that hard we’re literally in here you guys are like really bad at

This guys I’m I’m really not liking you Marvin you’re like my least favorite person here why don’t you like me do you need more green beans are you hungry exactly that’s why I don’t like you that’s why I don’t like you I love you Jeffy uh it’s let’s check

Each side it’s got to be somewhere over here come on where’s the TNT you need TNT TNT um where is I don’t see it where’s it Marvin you guys don’t think think it was looted right no it wasn’t looted no no no no my buddy my buddy wouldn’t have

Lied to me come on Bully we really scared I’m really scared come on don’t worry my guy he wouldn’t lie to me like that he’s a buddy of mine where is it um okay guys I found it I found it you found it okay okay over hurry up we got

To take as much as you can let’s grab it come on all right I’m grabbing it I’m grabbing it all right let me just grab my flint and steel real quick I’ll take care of this no Marvin Marvin and no time for jokes yeah it was n a joke I

Would have blow this place to Smither all right all right let’s go Jeffy you’re going to be the one to blow up the core okay I’m going to be the one everybody everybody give him the TNT give me your TNT guys give it to me but

I don’t want to part with it give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me come on that’s I know that’s not all of it oh that that was it finally we can destroy the zombie core all right let’s go to the graveyard let’s go to

The core guys let’s stop this zombie apocalypse Li right Jeffy this is the place this is the graveyard oh jeez oh gosh look they’re literally right here and this is where the core is Yep this is where they all come from oh my gosh and the apocalypse okay we better get

Inside we better get in hurry let’s go come on okay there’s a ton of zombies and stuff around here my goodness all right um is there a way in yeah there’s got to be a way in oh gosh guys I have ladders Jeffy just use some TNT no

Marvin no and oh my gosh oh my gosh he’s huge he’s massive let’s go we’re all going to die okay take your potions take your potions my potions okay that’s a great idea potion of strength potion of healing Jeffy you got to get to the core

I have to get to the core oh jeez Marvin help him get to the core don’t worry Jeffy I’ve got your back you got my back yes young Jeffy oh gosh look at the spawners we have to destroy it destroy the spawners Jeffy I’m defending you oh

Thanks for just defending me okay I’m hitting the big zombie you’re so awesome Jeffy maybe I’ll celebrate by giving you chocolate cake after this we killed the big zombie wait we killed the big zombie we killed the big zombie let’s go okay I thought we had to destroy the core with

A TNT go now’s your chance go go Jeffy go go here there’s a bunch of phantoms and stuff oh God okay guys someone make me flint and steel Marvin do you have flint and steel no what do you mean no all right there

We go okay I need to get out of here I need to get out of here before all right and here we are all right in three two bam line It Go R we did it ho we did it we did it Jeffy you did it

Jeffy Jeffy you saved the world I save the world from a zombie apocalypse wow Jeffy I’m so impressed with your your smarts your wits your strength Your Enthusiasm will you come home with us son we want to adopt you yes yes please welcome to the family Jeffy yeah chocolate cake for dinner

Let’s go and then and then we destroyed the zombie Jeff Jeffy Jeffy stop Jeffy stop okay what Jeffy none of that happened story was crazy Jeffy Roo no don’t give into him come on come on Jeffy this is what happened right here okay all right Jeffy so you were outside

Of this door right you knocked on the door I answered you said hey you want to see my pencil my name Jeffy see on my shirt and then I called the police and the police said that Finders Keepers losers weepers and then you stuck with

Me for the rest of your life and then here we are yeah that’s exactly what happened Jeffy no I’m going to go play Minecraft all right bye Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy wake up Jeffy wake up what we’re so poor can you have something for breakast yeah let me see

What we have Jeffy thank you I’m really really hungry is there anything ew Daddy it’s a a poisonous potato I can’t eat this I know Jeffy it’s disgusting isn’t it Daddy we have nothing to eat I’m not eating that at least we have a little bit of money in

Here Jeffy look I got a gold nugget honey why can’t we move out in this house already Jeffy because I got scammed out of all my money that’s why how did you get scammed I don’t want to talk about it talk about it I I’m living

In a dirt housee too so I deserve to know Jeffy I got scammed okay that’s all you need to know then leave me alone fine fine there’s got to be something we can do for money look daddy we have to get jobs Jeffy oh my I have no clue what

We would do you know what I want to do dy I want you become a cute little cute Jeff what’s wrong with you what I want to be a cute little princess M you want to go clean stuff that’s actually a good idea Jeffy let’s go find some stuff

To clean and earn suppli yeah Daddy let’s go but we have to go to the store first and get cleaning supplies wait did you bring the Nugget Jeffy I have the one nugget for a cleaning supplies let’s go oh thanks Daddy I’m going to go spend this on chocolate cake

No Dy we’re here oh Jeffy I wish we could afford something better than donkeys I know can we get a Bugatti no Jeffy you can’t get a Bugatti what’s wrong with you but because Jeffy those are $4 million and we have 4 cents to our a all right Dy let’s go

Inside we need some cleaning supplies so why do I’m me a villager give me irop give me there’s a sponge there’s some shears Jeff Daddy I want the paper oh it’s a cloth and there’s a cloth all right good job all right Jeffy what are we going to go

Clean first m i mean we should probably go clean some houses right you think we should go clean some houses yeah what else are we going to clean loser all right Jeffy let’s go find someone’s house to clean D come on are you behind me or what Jeffy my donkey just kicked

Me off loser Jeffy the house is right there yeah look oh my goodness look at this car oh oh my gosh Jeffy Daddy can I steal the car I really want to steal it no Jeffy don’t steal the car we’re not thieves Jeffy what’s wrong with you but

We could be Jeffy let’s go in the house and clean come on a fine dy I don’t like this minimum wage wagy stuff Jeffy that that sucks okay you got your cloth wipe the table fine here guys to my table oh d d so disgusting oh I got to do the

Dishes imagine doing the dishes loser have fun with it D I’m I put my my cloth in the blender oh no get out of the blender get out of the bler get out get out of the oh my God oh my God that could have been bad all

Right I’m going to keep doing the dishes Jeffy okay I’m cleaning all these stupid ovens dy I like this Jeffy stop it these toaster smells like oh D it smells like poop M did you poop in the toaster bad bad Jeffy bad I didn’t do anything going to get us fired you just

Put poopy in the toaster Jeffy how they’re going to eat their morning toast and then they’re going to taste your poop Jeffy and then they’re going to sue us out of all the money we don’t have Jeffy I only pooped in it I pooped in it idiot Jeffy now I have

To throw their toaster away they don’t miss it oh man I’m so good I’m so I’m I’m going just kick back relax and just you know enjoy all of this I’m just going to just going to throw the toaster right in the B my gosh daddy did you actually just

Throw the toaster in the bathtub Jeffy I was trying to clean you idiot I try to clean oh my gosh Dy you’re such an idiot why would you doing that wait wait hold Jeffy no get off no get off get off get off get off Jeffy

E I hate it here I hate it here that was the biggest move ever oh we got to clean all these Vines and the cobwebs and stuff oh it stinks in here Jeffy D cuz you been in here Jeffy this is going to take forever I know just don’t complain

About auser oh my god daddy I want this sh oh I didn’t give you the Shar that’s crazy Jeffy not very nice oh it’s not very nice is it Jeffy huh last cob web awesome got we can still going to clean all this no that’s not the last cobweb

There’s still more cobwebs over here on finished cool where are the people are we going to get our money or what oh you’re done you’re done Jeffy yes I’m done I’m done idiot oh Jeffy get I’m trying to watch some TV before they get here oh gosh hello uh it looks it

Looks amazing here you guys did a good job wow thank you so much don’t look at the bathroom clean Jeffy wait sir sir give me a second what happened to my toaster Jeffy stop it stop it no no Jeffy what did you in here oh my God no it doesn’t what are

You talking about stop talking let me handle okay sorry sir it’s just a cleaning supplies um the smell go away but it’s squeaky clean in there now yeah yeah it looks it looks really good in there um here you guys go thank you so much never mind never mind never mind oh

Didn’t G Jeffy I it’s my job I just brought you along here you can have one gold bar Jeffy a thank you all right M man um I’m just going to place these down here Perfect all right Jeffy what did you do Daddy Let’s Go Jeffy Jeffy no

He’s never going to hire us again yeah I’m going to need one of those gold bars back well Jeff jeffy’s got it jeffy’s got the gold bar I hate you get out of my house get out of my house I’ve been very nice to you D car di di di excuse me

He dri go go Jeffy run run run oh my God we’re so far oh God jeffy’s still coming the car what did you do oh God the G broken d d the G broken you ID run run where are our donkeys why we have the W

These far Jeffy but we don’t have our donkeys anymore we couldn’t afford to feed them so they passed [Applause] away D it Daddy look first sale two gold bars oh my gosh Jeffy well are you made for over you’re going bars I don’t have any

Well then that means it’s my car Jeffy h no no it’s my car is I clean no I it’s my gold bar so it’s my car no it’s my gold bar okay fine we’ll share it okay oh so gold bar each yes how about this

Jeffy I’ll pay for the car and then um you can just ride with me okay no here me your villager take my gold bar oh my gosh now I have three gold bars all right there you go villager what D I’m driving I’m driving loser Los your idiot get out of my car

You just punched the Villager Jeffy sorry Jeffy this car sucks it’s so slow all right daddy let’s go to our next customer all right Jeffy come on let’s go there it is Daddy right here oh oh gosh you almost crashed in the other cars kind of did Jeffy Park

The oh my God I’m out I’m getting out you idiot you’re so dumb oh my god oh Jeffy I crashed into their bushes no nice parking job loser idiot daddy look at these signs welcome poor people what how’ they know we were coming oh ding dong ding dong Daddy I

Like the sound of the doorbell Jeffy stop ringing the doorbell ding dong ding dong dingdong Jeffy stop the D ding Jeffy stop it yeah hello hey what doing man oh are you the cleaners are you the cleaners that I hired yeah yeah sir sir we’re we’re the cleaners oh okay okay

You’re a little F okay it’s two gold bars an hour buddy so oh yeah yeah yeah of course of course uhhuh um that’s probably like pocket chain for him anyways yeah most of this place is clean just you know there’s a a closet over there it needs clean bathroom the up Sir

Your floor is made out of snow yeah it’s expensive snow buddy oh okay okay I guess I guess that’s fair Jeffy stop insulting the costumer we need Jeffy this isn’t a one time gig we need repeat customers and you keep on you keep on messing it up all right sir so anything

Else besides the the the the closet there and you said something upstairs uh yeah yeah yeah hold on one sec here um what is he doing oh this is filthy wow my bad uh yeah if you could just clean my underwe oh my gosh this place need

Cleaned yeah that’s your job buddy get do it Jeffy stop I’m busy being a multi-millionaire successful businessman that’s what all right all right all right stop stop stop leave the customer alone I’m sorry sir my son’s special Jeffy go get a bucket of water right now

Get a bucket of water Jeffy shut up D I got the daugh I got the water all right here we go Jeffy what are you doing stop it give me the soapy water I need it fine all right and that while that’s watching let’s I’ll clean the rest of this room

Jeffy I’ll help you doing I guess God D I don’t like this minimum weight stuff Daddy I’m finished oh good job Jeffy thank you I don’t care oh okay Daddy this next room needs clean too oh my goodness all right Jeffy you clean that

I’m going to go sit on the couch for a little bit and take a Break hey uh two gold bars now it’s we’re changing the price sorry what I just watched I don’t know whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what I only was pooping all over the bathroom Jeffy what did you do I pooped all over the my room all right

Just deduct it from his pain not mine okay I’m not the one that pooped in your bathroom yes he is anyways I’m want to go clean um and working I’m so sick of goinging this Oh Daddy where are you oh yeah yeah yeah him yeah my son he’s so dumb I just

Make him clean everything and I just chill out in the houses that’s hilarious that’s exactly what I do to my wife oh that’s amazing yeah yeah my man oh wa the idiot’s right over here oh hey Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy hey buddy how the hell

Did you go did you clean good no what do you mean I mean no I didn’t clean good get back get back get back in the room get back in the room I’m sorry sorry we’ll be right out all right show me what you did Jeffy Show me what you did

Let me inspect look completely spotless Jeffy no get rid of these Vines here I’m talking to our customer I’ll be back in a little bit okay Jeffy have fun fine I hate you all right sir he’s almost done in there anyways so like pull right this

Is so expensive oh yeah I know it cost a couple million but it was it’s pretty much like pocket change to me oh he always just wants me to do all the work I bet he’s not even doing anything out there oh I’m M on this bathroom

Okay here we go and now I just got to clean the lily pads yeah I finished the bedroom all right want’s to go check him on Daddy Oh Daddy what are you doing this pool is awesome rich guy I I know Jeffy do you uh do you want to you know

Go into the pool what are you going to pool Jeffy can’t swim going your pool you’re going to dra the Qui get out get out take my hand take my hand take my hand hey get out get out get out get out oh that’s coming out of your pay

That’s coming do you know how expensive this suit is yeah that’s coming out of your pay Jeffy can’t swim that’s the funniest thing about this he can’t swim guys I’m just a little boy and while you’re in there go ahead and clean it up it’s pretty filthy down there it’s all the

Way in the bottom here Jeffy here’s some sponges start cleaning no one likes you Dad all right let me just do this boom Perfect all right good job nice wait Jeffy all right while you’re while you’re in there me and uh rich man are going to be doing some business talks

Um yep all right bye Jeffy have fun yeah you have fun loser hey uh Marvin you want a drink y I love one why do I have to CL this Doom boy all right come on you got to bring these blogs God these richen guys St rich guy

Look at my son down there he’s so dumb he’s cleaning the entire place by himself I know it’s so funny I’m so glad I’m joining this entire pool hey what are you doing nothing Jeffy nothing just business Jeffy all right come on rich man let’s get back to our business

Talk what they’re definitely not talking about business you know what I’m going to completely empty this entire pool and make him pay for the damages oh my gosh let’s check out Jeffy let’s see if he’s done yeah let’s check out quick what oh my God my squid my squid these were

These were 50 Grand each Jeffy what did you do oh my God Jeffy what did you do um I’m clean the ball you just caus me $50,000 loser idian all your Queens are dead and that’s what you get for making me do all the work daddy Mr Mr rich man uh how how

Many gold bars does $50,000 equate to one gold nugget that’s it yeah get out of my house Jeffy this is all your fault this is your fault Jeffy this is your fault you did no work you did none of the work you idiot I’m never hiring

You guys again shut up shut up using your business shut up no bo you stupid stupid carbon stupid idiot G KN get off get out of my house stupid glass idiot glass dumb glass oh Dy go go go hey get out of my car get out of my Bugatti no come

On going going daddy I’m trying I’m going I’m going I’m going yeah CH SK chk loser oh Jeffy look where’re oh my God it goes so fast let’s go wow oh this is awesome Jeffy this car is amazing I know watch out it’s all right Jeffy we’ll claim

Insurance on it we’ll fix it Daddy this thing’s worth like $5 million Daddy I’m hungry can we go get something to eat yeah Jeffy we can get something to eat I heard there’s a really good oh oh no oh my gosh what are you doing it’s F oh

Look at that hobo what don’t make the hobo you should run him over he probably has more money than me yeah he probably does anyways sorry hobo sorry all right Jeffy get out yeah all right cool well see you lat restaurant is amazing Jeffy Oh Daddy this restaurant looks so cool I

Know I’m so hungry Jeffy get off the table get off the table ma’am ma’am I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s my son Welcome to our Restaurant please pick a table pick any seat you’d like in the house okay all right let’s sit right here Jeffy I sit right here no we’re sitting right

Right here oh fine why will I have to do everything you say loser cuz I’m your dad Jeffy um can you uh we have um your best course no ma’am can you explain to us what’s on the menu today yeah of course we have a beautiful poach salmon

We also have um just brought in from France we have a cooked rabbit with cranberry sauce cooked rabbit with cranberry oh that would be really good can I have it please and for the last course item we also have a beautiful cooked chicken ooh and for desserts we

Have two options you can get pumpkin pie or our most expensive menu option chocolate cake chocolate cake chocolate cake chocolate cake chocolate cake chocolate cake ma’am he really wants a chocolate cake how much is that going to be it’s only a 100 gold bars only 100 gold bars

Jeff ma’am what will one gold nugget get us are you joking one gold nugget yeah Dy why don’t we use our Bugatti Jey we’re not selling my Bugatti mine you’re okay here you go let me okay I can get you guys um leftover food from yesterday

I think we had mushroom stew oh okay that’ll do let me go grab that for you guys Jeffy this is not going to be good okay here’s your mushroom stew oh get your M too this is going to taste so bad oh my God Jeffy that mushroom sto tasted

Awful wait what’s that that was that hobo staring at us Jeffy get out oh oh that waitress just hit that hobo all right you’re not getting a tip sir Jeffy come on yeah you’re not getting a tip woman but Daddy I get e myself you guys

Got any spare food um I have an ink sack I was thinking about some of the stew in there I have more in that some good stew more yeah I I don’t want those but all right all right wait sir sir we here here’s a mushroom stew right there I’m

Sorry oh hey I I’ll trade you I’ll trade you here you go here you go really I got a what is this I got a winning lottery ticket a winning lottery ticket a winning lottery ticket oh my God Jeffy look it’s genuine this is insane what M

Their H why would you give us this I like sleeping under bridges I don’t either so all right um I’ll be going all right well I’m going to put that in my back pocket all right all right Jeffy let’s go turn the the winning lottery ticket in and get like $10 million or

Something dude let’s do it d d d or the hobo the hobo stole their Bugatti Jeffy hobo no suckers Daddy can y’all have that ticket please uh Jeffy let’s just go look at stuff to buy come on stop it it’s not M it’s my ticket daddy Jeffy

Stop oh my gosh look at diamond sword look at all this stuff that I can buy with my ticket that I earned Jeffy first of all it’s my ticket second of all you can’t have any of it why ddy literally I was doing all the work for

That that one job and you were just talking to that guy Jeffy why don’t you back off okay but Dy I’m it’s my ticket it’s mine Jeffy I don’t really care all right what else do I want to buy o I’ll buy I want to buy this knife and this

Arrow and it’s cread and it’s diender you know what a diamond pickaxe oh daddy H you’re getting to pay for all this right with my ticket yeah with with my money that I earned Jeffy you earned I literally did all the work you did nothing you literally set a toaster on

Fire Jeffy stop complaining D this is my diamond armor it’s mine it’s mine Jeffy give me that armor now he get my armor well looks like some of most of it’s mine Hy give me the armor Jeffy give it now give it give it back Jeffy stop it you stop

It I want you chair oh oh you going to die give me the armor then drop it right now drop it no I don’t want to Jeffy come back here give me that armor back no Daddy please no okay okay fine fine fine fop right now fine

Fine yeah Jeffy all right now I don’t need you anymore goodbye loser oh yeah look at me I’m King out of diamond armor and I don’t need Jeffy ever again let’s go D get back here now Jeffy suck he’s never going to get the ticket got that ticket oh he sucks

Jeffy you’re never going to get that ticket see you loser That’s crazy cuz it’s uh it’s in my hand now well see you later Daddy oh my goodness the ticket dropped out of his pocket it’s mine now oh man look at my new house oh I even got a car outside this

Thing is huge oh Butler where are you you idiot Butler God he’s so this Butler is really special guys you don’t don’t worry about him hello master Jeffy anything you need please ask did you putop in the toilet yet today no I have not why can uh can you help me WIP my

Butt later what did you do oh my God give me that ticket back I know you stole my ticket Jeffy Jeffy I got my diamond sword out Jeffy calling the police me Jeffy 911 Jeffy get back here come here Jeffy come here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa calm down what’s going on here what’s going on here officer I won the lottery I dropped my ticket and he stole it well little boy are you okay he stabbed me oh my God how dare you you sick monster what I didn’t stab him that hard

You want to press charges on this man yes please please you have to leave you have to leave now no wait what get out of here Jeffy Jeffy you press charges on me I’ll stab you again that’s you’re threatened me you’re you’re under arrest for what for threatening him and

Stabbing agravated assault hold up last time checked it’s not illegal to threaten people it is to stab people destroy you Jeffy get out get out get out of my ass if you want to come back here you’re going to get arrested you know what this isn’t the last you heard

Of me Jeffy this isn’t the last you heard of me oh I cannot believe Jeffy stole that ticket oh my God anded it kicked me out of his house his own father you know what I’m going to sneak in his house and he won’t see a thing

Wait there’s the baller there’s a butler I got to see maybe they’ll maybe they’ll disappear or something scrub my back jeffy’s getting a a bath this is the perfect opportunity for me to sneak in and steal the ticket all right just got to go up these stairs right here there’s

The Vault right here yes all right the wait the lottery ticket I thought Jeffy bought this with money he didn’t turn the lottery ticket in oh my gosh that idiot oh my gosh Jeffy such an idiot hey Jeffy what are you doing in my house

Jeffy what is this in my hand is you my lottery ticket well first of all it was my lottery ticket second of all how’ you buy this house with literally nothing you didn’t buy it cuz the lottery ticket’s right here you had to cash the lottery ticket in so where the money

Come from to buy the house Jeffy I took a loan out in your name you qualified I’m going to kill you no Dy no Dy Dy wait wait wait wait wait we need to cash it in still okay all right Jeffy you know what you’re

Right all right let’s go cash it in poer you stay here I miss you master Jeffy ma’am um excuse me I have official stop it I’m sorry what is it ma’am I have this official lottery ticket all right give me one second let me check this out I can’t wait Jeffy are

You excited to get I’m like a billionaire where’d you guys get this this is fake a hobo gave it a hobo gave it to you why would you think this is real this is a fake ticket why you wasting my time oh I know what this is

The police are on their way buddy no no no hobo gave it to us and he stole theti I pressed the button no um why is I no no no officer they’re right here please I came about a disturbance oh you again Marvin Marvin how many times do I have

To yell at you how many times he threatened me how many times no don’t no please you threatened her no I didn’t threat I didn’t threaten you I have to take you in this time I’m sorry you you are under arrest you the thre you no

This the right to remain silent oh my gosh yeah no no no no please leave me alone Marvin stop resisting I’m not resisting come on Jeffy tell him Jeffy tell him I’m innocent I’m innoc je he trying to hurt me what that’s what I all right come on Marvin don’t make

This hard I will make it in prison Jeffy what come here come here okay what actually this ticket’s real is it actually yeah I typed in the number Wrong by accident but yeah it’s a real ticket you just want Lottery oh you my daddy’s in jail for nothing getting beat up

Loser Jeffy it’s dinner time get downstairs and eat your green beans right now dinner time I want to eat green beans Daddy I want to Jeff you going to eat your green beans you’re going to like it and you got to eat your green beans Jeffy Jeffy eat your green

Beans yes Jeffy and oh my God no Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy oh D me I’m strong Jeffy Jeffy all all right get up get up oh my goodness what did you do what did you do I didn’t do anything I think you left the I think you left the stove

On you think I left the stove on Jeffy no I didn’t leave the stove on did you leave the stove on no I was literally upstairs the whole time J what you Jeffy wait Jeffy do you know what this means Jeffy all the money we had was wrapped

Up into that house we’re poor we don’t have any ready for anything Jeffy oh no Mr Goodman’s not going to be happy oh no Jeffy he’s going to kick us out we’re going to go on the streets we don’t have a home Jeffy oh no ddy we’re going to

Become homeless we are homeless right now we are Jeffy no Daddy want about to neighbor’s house please let me in let me in Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy stop we’re going to grab some newspapers and we’re going to sleep on a bench tonight okay come on let’s go I don’t want you all right

Jeffy go ahead and enter creative mode all we got are these dirt blocks to build our house with okay buddy oh God d a dirt block no yeah Jeffy I know I know Jeffy I want to s in a dirt house that mean you were poor well maybe if you didn’t

Bought the house we we’d have a better option than it wasn’t even my fault what do you mean it wasn’t your fault Jeffy I didn’t do anything daddy literally the stone was on you told me to come downstairs and eat what the problem Jeffy you don’t do anything

Okay but are we going to sleep tonight we don’t even have beds we’re going to have to sleep on the floor Jeffy I have a bed we can sleep on the beds you have a bed let’s go um is it for me you only have one right and it’s only for me Jeffy

Stop stop it making the house WR Jeffy this isn’t where the wall is no I didn’t daddy this is my room stop the door my room daddy stoping Jeffy no stop you know what this is my room right here M Jeffy you Lally Dy how you like my room good no go back in your room go back in your room Jeffy okay I going to go back inside Dy it’s dark in here all right d let’s just finish up this house I guess we can’t make it too big cuz we don’t

Have that much dirt my goodness Jeffy we have plenty of dirt look beneath you you see what’s on the ground dirt exactly Jeffy at least with the dirt house it doesn’t cause money to live in but it leg falls apart too Jeffy just stop talking you’re the reason we’re at this

Best I can’t believe I can’t believe no not it’s your fault D how many times you have to tell you it’s your fault you big fatball loser Jeffy stop it and that Jeffy stop daddy you like that you like my house I’ll build it all Jeffy you

Didn’t do anything it’s all my work look daddy we got an inside all right daddy we get to start decorating now all right Jeffy we only had enough blocks for one way block and one black block for the for the for the TV Jeffy oh no we get

This ugly brown chair for you and me to sit on oh no I don’t want to sit on this with you and theny guess what Jeff we also only got one cabin name for the fridge no and one in the fridge and then for this whole room one chair oh no

That’s awful J and it’s a Mossy ugly slimy chair Jeffy I got some good news we won’t have to sleep on dirt I was able to confiscate one thing from the house look really yeah your bed yeah my let’s go don’t play him next to each other I

Don’t want to sit next to you yeah get away from me I don’t like it Jeffy stop it’s ug okay there’s not enough room to place them anywhere else okay and daddy um down here in this corner we’re going to put the toilet you can come poop in the toilet down here

Okay ew your poop stinks I would to go down there Jeffy oh no all right Daddy I’m just going to make a little wait what Daddy Jeffy what daddy look what look down there daddy just look Jeffy Jeffy don’t no I swear to God if you have chocolate C on ddy is noning

Cake better not be Daddy just look what is that it’s a diamond wait what wait Jeffy there’s more Jeffy oh my goodness daddy we’re rich oh my God we’re rich Jeffy no way I mined him I yes yes D we can actually we can actually buy a new house now Jeffy Jeffy

You know what this means we’re not poor anymore and we to sleep in the dirt house Jeffy we’re rich Let’s go buy a house Jeffy come on yeah Jeffy oh my gosh look at it it’s the first house oh man I can’t wait to see this the fact

That we can actually afford any house we can ever find it’s so nice Jeffy literally any house oh my go yeah what his bathroom oh Jeffy the Cake’s not ours no no do not eat it we can buy all the chocolate cake you want Jeffy but don’t eat that okay

No not sink Jeffy that’s it no you bro e Oh Oh Daddy oh look at this nice table this is so much bigger than our apartment and that dirt house Jeffy this living room right here was literally the size of our apartment you’re right you’re right and there’s a big TV I know

This is oh my goodness this is so nice oh what’s back here just an empty room for me to poop in let’s go no that’s not for you to poop in we’ll do something with it Jeffy it’s going a second floor no way oh my God look at this oh it’s

Going to B Jeffy I haven’t taken a bath since the last since our house blew up oh my God I’m getting out I’m getting out oh my goodness so good all right daddy this is my bedroom obviously wait Jeffy no hold up I think that’s the only

Bedroom uhhuh exactly so that’s one mine you can sleep on the floor Jeffy you know what it was my house the diamonds were in so maybe you sleep outside no oh and look at this balcony no way oh Jeffy this is so nice I know but Daddy I’m not

Going to lie oh wait daddy there’s an attic there’s an attic Jeffy oh no way I can murder people up here I mean I can eat Jung and cake up here wait Jeff hey you know what they say about houses with addicts right no oh this gohost

Go oh my God I found a secret bedroom Jeff is this my bedroom cuz it’s a yellow stor yellow you have that one I want the other one Oh Daddy I’m not going to lie this house is pretty mid mid Jeffy I don’t know it’s pretty nice

Compared to ours nah you know what D let’s check out the second house all right Jeffy let’s go check it out oh my God Jeffy look how big this way and it’s got a blue floor in all this vegetation these greens I’m jumping all over your PL Jeffy

Jeff go Jeffy stop jumping in the house stop juming on the plants we don’t own the house yet come on Jeffy look look look look look this is where you enter through Vines yo yeah Jeffy oh my gosh this is so cool oh wait this is the

Actual front door oh yeah the actual front door oh my goodness d oh my God Jeffy look I got it why you do more no what are you doing Jeffy because you don’t need oh my God Jeffy anothering it oh man I want pooping in B I can’t

Stand it here I can’t stand it here um daddy there’s an upstairs too my my bed my bed Jeffy stop your oh look at a nice little CL nice little closet you’re going in there you’re going in there m you’re stinking in there you’re never coming out

Daddy okay stop crying like a little loser all right Jeffy oh and another attic maybe oh no way why actually Daddy this room’s pretty sick I’m going D oh and another room right here no way I get my own B no way oh that’s crazy Jeffy

Good for you all right well I think uh this other room is mine then no D oh God Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy I think there’s one more house for us to check out okay one more house really yeah I heard it’s even bigger than this one all right let check it out oh my

Goodness daddy look oh my gosh Jeffy this house is so big D this is literally bigger than like the bank over there Jey this house is the biggest house I’ve ever seen you know the craziest car no way we can actually afford it yes let’s

Go Daddy I want to buy it oh my gosh Jeffy look it’s got a fish tank with a squid in it it’s got a fish tank i d make the squid I’m going to eat it later oh my gosh this is so big there is actually so much room Jeffy look go up

Come upstairs up the stair daddy there’s so much stairs oh my there so much we can do in here here Jeffy literally half this house can be mine and half it can be yours oh well I mean I’m the one buying the house Jeffy so no I found the

Diamond so it’s my money yeah they were in my house equals my property Jeff no I build a their house oh my goodness literally there’s so many floors Jeffy I don’t even know what I’m going to do with this big house this is huge I I

Don’t even know what I’m going to do in this big house look this is my bedroom right here oh my gosh Jeffy you’re right this is such a nice bedroom oh man up here too there’s so many for oh my gosh this would be a perfect swimming pool

Area Jeffy both of these W oh and a nice little throne for me to sit get out get out of there all right Daddy I want you to buy this house all right Jeffy let’s buy it and start decorating okay let go all right I’m going to start off with decorating my

Bedroom and yeah I took this bedroom from my daddy so he can have one of the other floors so right off the bat we’re going to put this huge couch down right here and an identical one on the other side my God it looks so good this

Literal my entire bedroom is bigger than my last apartment that is insane I’m going to put some bookshelves right here perfect um make them go along this line and then right here I’m going to have a massive TV coming straight out of my bed yeah this going to be the cor ever and

Also I’m going to have basically my own dinner table up here cuz I want to come down for dinner with my daddy says com in green beans and not never going to do that so I’m going to make my own dinner table so I can walk upstairs and just

Eat dinner all by myself and then over this table I’m going to do so much cake let’s go yes so much cake yeah with my daddy comes down here he’s not going to be happy right here I’m going to have my own pool it’s more like a hun tub but

You know kind of the same thing so let’s fill in the water and boom that looks so cool and also I kind of want to make this wall a little more open so when I’m sitting in the pool I can see absolutely everything and see how rich I am looking

Down at all the poor people and right next to the dinner table I’m going to make the coolest f fir place you’ve ever seen oh yeah this entire room is basically just going to be a fireplace I really hope this doesn’t like the house

On fire if it does then um I guess it’s my Daddy’s fault that is a huge fire I have a really bad feeling about it though behind this room we’re going to have an entertainment area you heard me right an entertainment area meaning this is like my own home movie theater yeah

Oh this going to be so good what is that villager doing on the window hey what are you doing get out my house get in here yeah poor man die all right I’m going to start putting down the couches right there and chocolate cake all around it because when I’m watching

Movies I want something to snack on so let’s finish the TV there we go and done that is a biggest TV I’ve ever seen right here can be the patio kind of thing perfect let me get rid of whatever this is all right up here I’m also going

To have my own kitchen and yeah this is going to be the biggest kitchen ever so it’s going to stretch across the entire upstairs patio area and all this perfect boom look at this kitchen so far and in between everything and now we got to add some sinks and stuff because you know

You got to have water up here when you’re eating all your CH C it gets pretty dirty and then and above here we need somewhere to put our cabinet so we’re going to build a big stone wall behind everything just like this yeah just like that and then we’re going to

Start placing down all our cabinets yeah just like this and almost done with the whole place boom look at oh I’m going just oh hold on one second one second and done we also need somewhere to put the fridge do put multiple fridges here all on the fridges here we go perfect

Boom look at all of the fridges I have I’m lit I literally have infinite storage and then right in front of these chairs I’m going to add a big old table perfect with a glass top and then a ton of chocolate cake everywhere and also

All along the kitchen oh yeah all on the kitchen tops boom yes even been in the sink oh yeah and actually I’m just going to litter my entire place with chocolate cake yes oh my goodness what happened what happened here this is not supposed to happen oh my goodness it looks like

Some water flooded the entire house no all right so let’s just fix that perfect all done all right let’s go check on see what my Daddy’s doing what is all this daddy Jeffy look I filled our cabinets to the brim Jeffy we can store so much stuff in here and I

Got three fridges three fridges that’s kind of rookie numbers let’s all Spong that up a little bit yeah perfect and that seems good enough that seems good Jeffy and also we had so much diamonds that I bought all the cake in the world Jeffy chocolate cake let’s go I got some

Too Daddy and Y boy theor not on the floor It Go no Jeffy it goes on the table only table only Jeffy the floor yeah if you put a same more more piece of chocolate cake on the floor you’re getting green beans for the rest of your

Life um I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I green beans on get rid of the chocolate cake right now I’m fine um Daddy what this do Jeffy oh my God Jeffy no stop it I didn’t mean to don’t do you want to live here with me Jeffy this is my house too

Daddy no Jeffy it’s not yes it is all right fine it can be your house too but Jeffy you need to listen on all right Jeffy you want to show me what you’ve built so far yeah let’s go up here all the way in to I forget how many floors

Are on this thing there’s so many all right daddy look at all this is this your bedro or something Jeffy wao yeah look at this big TV Jeffy this is the going to the bed and look at all my CH and I have a swimming pool oh this is

So nice oh God D I almost jumped off the roof oh my goodness Jeffy what what is wrong with you you got to be careful and I got this huge fireplace oh my gosh oh man and this massive entertainment area wo look at how big

This TV is and up here is my k K I don’t know if we need another kitchen but that’s pretty cool Jeffy well we need one from the bottom floor and from the top floor now Daddy I have something really important to show you what Jeffy

You know all the diamonds we have left over from the buy yeah we need to make a secret room just for these diamonds okay a secret room just for the diamonds Jeffy uhhuh so Daddy right here I have something called a ghost block so I can make a secret room that you can

Literally just walk right through no way oh my God Jeffy look at that uhhuh so let’s literally just start placing all of our diamonds down in here that we found all right Jeffy oh yeah Daddy we literally found so many diamonds that must have been down there

For years all right Jeffy I’m going to fill this room to the brim with the diamonds yeah let’s go oh look how many diamonds we have Jeffy goodness daddy look at all these diamonds we are so far from being homeless yeah D I feel like I can just

Take a bath in all these diamonds I know Jeffy there’s so many I don’t know what to do with them all I know we literally have so much we can’t spend it all all right Jeffy I think that’s pretty much it for him okay okay but daddy look

There’s literally still glass on the side so what I’m going to do is literally just remove all this glass and replace it with something not see seethrough not see-through Jeffy uhhuh cuz you know what like burglar is being like oh look at all the go look at all

The diamonds up there being like oh look at all the Diamonds oh no you can actually just throw away diamonds that’s so funny all right daddy so I’m just going to make this a big old wall perfect no one can see through this let’s go and

Done oh my God Jeffy look at that they’re all blocked off and the can see our Diamond Room yeah and daddy guess what what Jeffy if this video gets 10,000 likes the next video will be even crazier oh Jeffy that’s insane oh my gosh what’s going

On where am I oh good morning little baby who are you oh my gosh I’ve never seen a newborn baby do this before newborn baby what does that even mean what the heck and you’re talking too what is that what what are you talking about newborn baby he’s only a day old

Am I losing my mind a day old I’m not a day old do you understand what I’m saying I’m not a day old yes you are you were just born yesterday oh really well if I was just born when where is my mommy huh oh honey she didn’t show up

That doesn’t work like that yeah no she she didn’t really want you I’m sorry I’m not a baby uh first off and know coochie cooch I’m a baby what the heck what what’s going on Nur what’s going on before I I swear to God I’m to get back into your bed

No can’t break the glass I’m too little Jeffy if you go to bed I’ll get you a treat I’m going okay I’ll be back what a cute little angel let me out someone let me out I’m H Captive Jackie come on okay I he all what we doing in here bully what what are you going doing what’s up Jeffy why is so what on Earth what do you mean Jeffy I baby like you baby you’re not a baby you’re weird buly what are you

Doing what are you doing Jeffy did the did a nurse talk to you um yeah the nurse talked to me oh gosh do you think she’s going to come back oh no did she did she say she’s going to come back oh no oh my gosh we’ve been trying to

Escape for like years now it’s been like 5 days and we we we can’t get out she she’s keeping us trapped here Jeffy she’s evil what she’s evil what oh no how is she evil she look really nice she’s like she like keeps on trying to

To keep us here and and she keeps on trying to put me in a diaper and I don’t want to wear a diaper she evil Jeffy you need your diaper so you don’t get your pant I don’t need a diaper I’m a man Jeffy you’re a man you’re not a man

You’re a baby I’m a man you’re a baby look at yourself you’re literally baby loser you’re a baby loser hey children babies stop fighting why if we put a doget together and find a way to escape that’s a good idea Jackie you know what we do we take him

Helmet and we Ram it in oh I open it you open the door Debbie lead the way let’s go yeah we’re out of here boys hopefully the nurse doesn’t find us I see her name tag oh gosh Jeffy oh God Jeffy run go down oh downstairs where’s

Jeffy uh-oh the babies got out hi baby get away from me where are my babies I found the stairs guys come to me the stairs are right here loser Jeffy over here no we have to go down not up you idiot oh god oh where are you going my

Baby she after us where did you guys go Jeffy what we got find oh my God Jeff Jeffy I found a way out Jackie how hey boy look at this I’m coming I’m coming hi Jeffy oh yes you can run you can hide help

Me I can’t get out oh boy what do we do I don’t know it’s locked we can’t get out Jeffy how are we get out where are you guys oh I see you oh God the N there maybe maybe we have to go upstairs let’s go upstairs instead up well how we going

To get out from upstairs okay we go maybe we can find a window to jump out of or something come on guys hurry before we where are you oh no gosh goad end that’s dead end oh no no Jackie oh my godun faster JY it’s also a

Dead oh my god get us Jeffy help run Jeffy run every for Jeffy I need to change your guys’s diapers God keep her going she’s so stupid Jeffy she’s slow Jeffy jump in that water over there jump in the I’m not jumping in the water come on jump in

The water Jeffy listen listen to me we need to aim for the bushes okay one 2 3 4 oh my god um distract her oh I’ll je babies get me oh no do I have jump Jeffy jump let’s go I made it buly come on let’s go Jeff I broke my rigs Jack

Jackie shut up she’s got me Jeffy she’s got me I got my baby Jeffy I broke my rigs oh I had such a wonderful day today Marvin oh yeah me too babe such a y what is that thing is that a oh my God is

That a baby hey guys how are doing um Rose get away from it I might have rabies you m hey Mommy Mommy hey is that your mother get away get away D oh my god look he’s all alone and he called be his mommy we have we have to adop and

It’s adop we just met him what do you mean he’s now I’m literally your son look at him he’s oh I can smell him from here and why do you have helmet on your head because I mean like it’s for protection hello you just wait until you

See my diaper yeah see that poop stain you see we got to e okay little baby you’re coming home with us what’s your name little guy my Name je no this sounds like the beginning of a Horror Story can we not guys no no he’s not coming with us you guys have bandaids I can eat yeah we do have Band-Aids no you can’t eat Band-Aids you know actually you can go go go to the

Hospital there’s plenty of Band-Aids you can eat in there how about that Marvin Jeffy come on we’ll bring you home come on follow us yeah let’s go oh my gosh all right he’s not my son though yes I am okay Marvin oh are you hungry yeah I’m hungry Marvin he’s hungry what do you think I should give him oh I got something for him come here Jeffy all right Jeffy sit at the table I got something for you come on he’s hungry got sit over here

Jeffy all right Jeffy now I’m going to give you some dirt and right there some green beans Jeffy oh yummy green beans all right let me this out eat him no No uh Jeffy no get back here Jeffy Nock you suck no eat your green be hey he you suck Jeffy I I I get you boy eat your green beans I’m going to shove these green beans down your throat Jeffy no no I hate it you go to your room

You’re grounded no wait wait wait morvin he needs to eat yeah he need to eat his green beans shoot up daddy Jeffy stop breaking my window stop it bad Jeffy why don’t you try eating this we just got to get him to eat for even just tonight come here Jeffy no Rose’s about

To break more glass Jeffy get down from there right now Jeffy come here try this come see down no Rosie can’t have that bad Jeffy green beans give me more more more more did you like it Marvin he liked it here no this no no he’s going to get

Wired he’s going to go crazy stop it stop it stop it stop it no Daddy T what have you done no he’s on overdrive T run run for safety triing oh looks like you found your room Jeffy do you like your room it’s right yeah this used to be me and your

Father’s room but you have your own space this is your fault you me look at the way he’s acting cuz you give into him Jeffy eat your dirt it’s a dirt no don’t no Jeffy please don’t eat that BL BL on computer well there you go now

He’s distracted no more cake NOP no more cake yes nope what the hell is wrong with these doors give me cake cake cake cake cake cake cake fish get out of the fridge out of the fridge Jeffy B oh God all right disgusting Jeffy wants cake Rose

He can’t just be surviving off of chocolate cake I know more chocolate happy oh I love you so much Jeffy okay come on we got to go guys school’s starting let’s go Jeffy you got to go to school come on your dad’s waiting outside for you I hate

School I hate this I hate I hate yeah and I hate you but we always get where we like I’m stuck with you and you’re stuck with going to school go to school no on okay goodbye I love you both I hate this kid shut up Jeffy shut

Up Daddy I hate going to school is the wor thing in the world hey loser what what are you want what’s up what you doing huh stop stop look how small you are you’re so stupid looking stop we got a stupid pencil in your nose stop doing that

Bro ew you got a diaper on why do you have a diaper on aren’t you like eight on my pant don’t get dirty okay oh my gosh that’s so gross man you know what I hate you I’m going to class loser I hate you cuz Hey kids get a class get a class

F come on let’s go where’s okay I’m going where’s the crash room come on the crash over here like it always is Jeffy what you talking about gosh I want this my chair no I want that chair get out get out get out I want that chair I want

That chair I want that chair I want that chair I want it I want it buy stop fighting jeffie buy was here first you go over there but that’s not even true today crust I’m going to you pick the lesson what do you guys want me to teach you um um

No can you teach us how to fish no what oh jebby you know the saying give a man a fish and eat for a DAT teach a man to fish and eat for the worst of his wife his wife or he eats his wife I don’t know what yeah Jack think that’s your

Country all right you know what bully n sucks hey fa girl what you want what you want for lesson what you want to learn I think we should learn how to um flirt what do you mean how to flirt oh well I I don’t know how to flirt but I I could

Practice I mean I could practice I could practice okay um H who should I pick Jeffy oh god um Jackie can you teach me how to flirt well it might help by not having a restraining order with the person that you Tred to flirt with so

Maybe get that sorted first oh okay well yeah it’s true well no it’s okay it’s fine it it got dropped you know what you’re kind of sticky I don’t like you sty sit there it’s in the back of the class all right my turn my turn oh Jeffy

Wait hold up I still smell that thing back there hey what don’t don’t get the C stand in the bag I’m going to sit right here Jackie oh you know what I’m going to talk to the principal and call your parents after this Jeffy what do

You want to learn I want to learn how to sing the alphabet Oh that’s a good one oh that easy a a b b c c d oh my God N Stop what is I want to learn how to do two plus too cuz every

Time I say baby two they say it’s wrong so what’s the actual answer no not very good Jeffy 2+ 2 is baby too you know that PR common sense that’s right I don’t think that’s right that’s right yeah I don’t think you’re right I don’t

Think you are right why is your mouth on your why is your mouth like where your chin should be yeah yeah Jackie y class is over hey no you kids get back here hey class is over yes it is it’s over oh Jeffy you get back here right now Jeffy oh you cry

Jeff oh man what a long day oh God can’t come can’t wait to go back and just chill on the couch yeah all right don’t what going on hey what what the heck what what what what’s wrong what I don’t have a wife and I don’t have a kid oh what’s

Happening what are you talking about D now gr down huh it’s nice so what Jeffy how was work today work I missed you e don’t God don’t do that what ew mommy gr watching Jeffy junor Jeffy Jun you’ll see in the future when you love somebody

You kiss anyway so why are you even talking about what okay Jeffy also your dad’s been calling for you can you go talk to him my daddy oh yeah I am Grandpa are you okay Marvin Grandpa Marvin like you little whippy Snapp beat you up boy daddy daddy daddy let me get

My glasses on jeffie you D you yeah it’s me oh my jebie you’re back home yeah oh oh my gosh it’s been eight years I missed you Jeffy where did you go wait you have a wife and kids realized I did but Jeffy don’t be mean you has dementia remember I had had

Dementia oh where’s that toilet at oh no no no no no no that’s my toilet he hit me go back to the couch let’s go back to the couch all right you want to sit on my lap I’ll tell you A Christmas Story go ahead Jeffy junor keep him company

Marvin your favorite Channel’s on enjoy oh I love this channel that TV hasn’t been turned on in like 4 months so what is going on what are you talking about saying that D I don’t know what mine mine mine hey Jeffy tell your wife to make me some oatmeal okay all right

I’m just going to go upstairs and grab something okay um do do you want me to come with you yeah sure okay I just did some laundry for us um oh what have you done to my room I surprise wrestling match you can’t do it you can’t do it

You can’t win you can’t win oh you can’t win out I’ll throw you out the window I’ll throw you out the window I throw you out the window no no no I win I win I win no you can’t win you can’t win come on

Jeffy hey Jeffy honey I need you to run to the bank for me okay okay why okay well I need to get some money for Jeffy Junior’s party we have like2 Bank hey where I me at and I want no Marvin it’s in the microwave

See you later hey you shut up you little Jeff J thanks H Jeffy Jeffy hey they’re talking they’re talking again get down Jeffy get down Jeffy don’t let him steal your money Grandpa come back Grandpa the war’s over Grandpa Grandpa the war over all the angles Jeffy

No son Oh Daddy it’s it’s not good it’s not good what what kind of son have you turned into you don’t have my list but I know I I grew out of it I’m sorry I hate you you’re not a son you’re dead that’s not what’s important right now um

Grandpa grandpa sadly passed Grandpa would be ashamed of you and you Jeffy why would you say that be ashamed of M I don’t care about any of you are you okay Jeffy Junior of course he’s okay but he’s my son at least he’s at peace now

He was never at peace look at him he looks so much like you Jeffy no he he doesn’t he looks a lot like you what the hell do you have anything to say any words yeah I had to spit on his corpse okay that that’s all you had to say really

Dad really after all this time y oh my gosh I’ll just move over R you idiot R rest in peace Marvin yeah rest in peace Marvin bunch of soft let let’s go home bunch of sof as you are this corpse is really smell bad he’s been dead for a couple days we

Didn’t realize oh Jeffy it’s so beautiful today no no I enjoy spending as much time with you as possible E I hate you I hate you stupid old man hey hey if you don’t stop it right now Jeff break I’ll do it I’ll die what are you talking about

Ding Jeffy what what’s going on oh my God Jeffy I think someone call the police Jeffy you know stupid old man haha I never liked you f girl goes oh my gosh stupid old man somebody help me is that who is that over there is that you jeffie jeffie

It’s you it’s me jeffie how you doing boy are we dead yeah look they’re crying over your dead body that’s hilarious God what a bunch of losers I hope she get all right you want to you want to go eat some green beans green beans no what the heck

Wait oh that was all a dream Oh Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy Jeffy what do you want I just had a dream where I was like I was old and I was I was like I had kids I I was like a toddler I was a baby and everything

Jeffy did you f the pool of puffer fish yeah well won it [Applause] no Daddy Jeffy what do you want what chocolate cake what my chocolate cck I hate you I hate you I hate you I’m breaking you stup table do not break that you sh no

You just broke the table what is wrong with you yeah I got my C and J it’s coming with me Jeffy just stop it go go back to your room go back to my room back to your room my D I don’t very nice I want to go back

Shut up Daddy can I come out I’m watching my TV no daddy oh he uh put the wall there H interesting CPS someone help me anybody oh hey Jeff oh hey boy can you get me out of here or something uh yeah sure sure yeah oh that’s some cool TNT looking stuff oh

Wait that’s going to kill me oh my gosh what was that what just happened you just got pranked loser what did you just do get Daddy I need know L never come back I hate you got my cow in the jar see you later I stupid Dy making me me

Can’t BL me St my house can’t do anything can’t do nothing with my my Jeffy no no no I didn’t have to no I don’t want to talk to you get away loser you smell like ashes no one lik you Jeffy I’m trying to be nice to you talk

Like B no I’m not I’m not giving it to you Jeffy what the world then why did you get talk the first I was so excited to see you you know I’m always nice to you and you’re always so mean to me I don’t even know why why I put up with

You well maybe maybe I just want to pay mean to to maybe I just like my calendar jar more than I like you I’m I mean please please I’m not going to be your fan girl anymore I hate you Jeffy your fan girl oh hey bully hey wait what do you

Want do you have a girlfriend uh no now you do come on see you loser I stole your girl I hate you everything is this what the Heartbreak feels like I didn’t know I had the feelings I hate my life guys daddy mommy Jeff e get away

Jeffy Jeffy where were you all day Marvin he’s Crying stop it I do why my finger stay away from my c jar my fing girl teting on me your fan girl what is he I don’t know what he’s talking about Che on me with this stank bul Jeffy I don’t think anyone cares right now daddy why are you

Always so mean to me Marvin he needs his father he’s really upset he needs his father he needs to be caved in what you just threaten to smash my skull in oh my gosh Jeffy is there anything we can do to help you yes Daddy can you be my girlfriend a

Marvin Daddy what what just give me a little smooch oh gosh oh Marvin in my kitchen give me a little Smo go think about your actions he’s repulsive e look at him guys please I just need attention my girl in the jar doesn’t talk to

Me Marvin he’s so upset babe we have to we have to cheer him up Jeffy yeah what’s going to cheer you up Jeffy why don’t we go to the zoo the zoo I want to go to the zoo is there going to be more women in there um yeah more fan girls

Yeah maybe we could we can find you somebody really yeah come on Jeffy yeah ready let’s go come on Jeffy leave your C jar at the home Jeffy leave it at home I’m taking M oh my gosh is that a velociraptor look we’re already here

Come on oh no it’s just daddy sorry oh we’re here W come on guys do you oh my gosh W Jeffy why do you why you pet R donkey do you guys want some cow in the jars he guys hey so C I’m just want to snap his neck stop it

What what what wrong no don’t hit them Jeffy did I do a bad Jey yeah you did a bad Jeffy no you didn’t do anything wrong it’s okay D stop smacking me oh my god look alpacas M look they’re so beautiful oh Jeffy don’t kiss it but

Daddy is really fluffy and he smells like Doritos ew Daddy You Spin My Mouth yeah you like that cuz the Packers didn’t consent to your kiss Jeffy stop let’s see what else they have hores oh it just killed little kitty cat okay oh he’s so cute look at him I love his imagination

[Applause] This is so fun I hate it here I’m climbing up the stop climbing the trees mommy set the tree on fire Jeffy I would if I could a p some oh well this is convenient all right there we go I’m staying in this tree and I’m never coming

Down get out of there Marvin buddy you’re going to die Marvin jump Marvin jump I’ll catch you all righty [Applause] ow okay fire Perfect all right my anle I can’t take it what happened I can’t take what what’s wrong here are you okay oh my gosh we’re destroying the

Zoo um I wonder how that that was that was crazy guys I don’t know really how that you did that I didn’t do that get away from me in my moose daddy don’t do it don’t do it where are you going daddy Jeff come here come here Daddy I don’t

Want to come in there come in here Jeffy I feel like you’re going to beat me oh look at the chicken coop hello chickens hey guys can I come out now no Marvin Marvin open the door oh going you murder this chicken come here yeah bonfire he’s the he’s the zoo problem

Now no daddy mommy he’s stuck in there dad I’m coming Jeffy Jeffy shut up a thank you I’m preci guys I know this is fun y but I don’t really feel much better Jiffy are you hungry why don’t we buy you something from the food court

Yeah Jiffy Jiffy no listen to it the cries of it scream are terrifying I can’t take it you bur the pain now Li J it’s funny you burnning Al alive D It’s funny all right I’ll going get us some burgers no crying over its long lost lover all right here’s some

Burgers okay let’s see what they have to eat excuse me uh yeah oh going down with you yes um can we have three burgers and whatever you have to drink yeah uh scratch one of those Burgers I’ll have a double quter pounder uh bacon baconer with extra pickles uh two sides of fries

Jeffy shut up W can you even see your toes a large Diet Co Coke please try calories you are so fat in your Beast shut up uh I would love to try the horata CH yeah AA here you go oh thank you I got the

Hor Jeffy you want to try this this is so yummy it’s dessert out of burgers you’re you’re a burger joint and you’re out of burgers no though this is ridiculous I want my money back we’re out of oh you’re out your he’s eating I want the orch I want a double triple

Bacon in with extra cheese and me listen man we’re we’re out of burgers you can’t go back here no you can’t go back Burgers we Burgers huh can’t go back here K get out get out of here oh my gosh we out of burgers I told what

You get off there get off there I’ll see you for everything you have Budd yeah die die die die die oh my gosh guys please you know what the trash this isn’t worth this isn’t worth minimum wage this isn’t worth date you no you can’t date me and this isn’t worth

Minimum wage I quit I’m so sorry please no no quit you’re broking you’re fat bald old man fat bald Che looking elephant dinosaur I got the diet Cod D oh no he’s really s he’s such an idiot yeah that guy sucks get out of here yeah I’m leaving you

Guys suck too oh I say that went pretty well I think so why don’t we sit down and eat Jeffy here I got some Su for you I got some taco burger eat me alive where take me yes Marv finish me off I don’t I got

Your Burgers dad’s dead this is the best day of my life I need to sit down Mommy I just need like an e girl or something a f girl something oh Jeffy I’m so sorry I didn’t even know you were dating somebody I’m so sorry this happened I

Didn’t either but then she left me well why did she leave you what happened I don’t know I just started smacking her and then she was like oh don’t do it Jeffy you know better well I was coming over and there was some chocolate cake

And I’d call her an idiot and for some reason she didn’t like that I mean I thought it was a pretty good compliment but you know and then not nice yeah wait what that’s not nice that’s not nice oh Jeffy you probably heard her feelings they have feelings Jeffy can you imagine

If your dad said that to me don’t you think that’ hurt my feelings hey I got a burger wouldn’t you want to hurt daddy if he said something like that to me well I mean yeah but I mean he calls you that all the time je Jeffy wait wait

What do I call her all the time and idiot and you just constantly degrade her so I thought it was normal just call you an idiot I would never talk to my wife that way Jeffy see see yeah you do when she unplugged the TV to watch her

Princess shows you call her an idiot and then you say some other bad words you don’t say that never said that never said that okay see Jeffy he say he he says those he comes in my roomate Marvin we’re going to have a talk Jeffy stop crying but Daddy I’m

Lonely how about you know what we can do after this take it what do you know what we can do after this I heard that they have a fair around here somewhere how about we go to that oh B yes Jeffy can we just go home it’s been a long day

Look half the zoo is burning down he’s a he’s a threat to the public safety like no can we just take him home I just want to watch TV I can’t I saw bounce house over here do you want to go Jeffy yeah come on let’s go he bounce off into

Affinity so we never have to see him again oh god oh guys I think we’re here wow this place is huge cool okay let’s go in all right um Jeffy look it’s a trampoline pleas a trampoline w this is so fun my handles hurt wo W let’s check out over here yeah

Let’s do it this is the most fun ever are you having fun Jeffy yeah I’m having so much fun with my cowed jar your C jar Jeffy Jeffy are you feeling better Jeffy Daddy no Daddy we should play a tag that’s so fun Marvin all right Jeffy I’m come here oh you’re

An Jeffy no Jeffy I’m still it come here no get away we’re playing tag Jeffy I don’t think I got you I didn’t tag you clean enough come on why are you crying like a little baby Jeffy I’m not crying like a little baby you’re crying like oh we’re so dead

No Jeffy oh my gosh that was so illegal Jeffy why are you friends with a psychopath oh no he’s like a oh he’s a certified like arsonist oh my gosh get pranked loser ply you’re the one who took his girlfriend didn’t you wait yeah I did yeah you do my girlfriend I’m

Going to light you on fire later loser wait Marvin Marvin I think I know how to make Jeffy feel better we got to get his fan girl back get his fan girl back we’re going to have to prank bully to get him back she’s going to see how

Much of embarrassment he is she want to be with him we just eat this burger he did not listen to a word you said mommy shut up no all right Jeffy now we’re trying to win your fan girl back right uh you know the way to a woman’s heart

Right uhuh destruction and death oh no that’s not a burger yeah just give her a burger right Rose you love Burgers don’t you baby oh thanks Marvin so sweet you’re my only big Whopper just so crunchy all right daddy oh so anyways shut up Jeffy no one likes you let’s

Just uh let’s go prank him okay yeah I think we should do something silly like tie his shoelaces together yeah I was thinking the same thing but we blow his entire house to SM range go oh my God oh my God bro we getting it out

Yeah oh my gosh going home no no I’m out of here do this together he’s he’s he’s he’s lighting up the entire house oh know spiking his drink find reason reason he’s going to kill the Marvin he’s going to kill them all God what are you what are you doing in my

House you loser hey what are you doing all right stop that sweet my God Jeffy what are you doing we’re about oh my god oh wow that was epic I got to get out of here I can’t be a part of this bye Jeffy I’ll see you at the

House can’t do this but mommy no better yet Jeffy never come back I’m calling the cops and telling you what you did oh the smell of gunpowder oh my gosh what was that explosion oh no Jeffy girl what are you doing here Jeffy I’m here to win

You back when me back yeah to win you back did you blow you blew up police house for yeah I killed him so I can come back to you Jeffy that is so romantic the most Ro romantic thing he was ever done for me let’s go oh Jeffy I love

You thank you I can’t believe you did all this for me Jeffy of course I did where did you come from hold on I forgot my burger here give me a second Jeffy I think the next thing we should do is blow up your dad yeah let’s go get him

Jeffy yeah come here [Applause] Marvin D why are you hitting me stop Jeffy you faked your own death get in the restaurant get in the restaurant Jeffy no dadd I want to go e Jeffy in the restaurant right now go why you being so mean to me Jeffy you know

Exactly why okay Rose honey honey he needs to learn his lesson bad boy I think he’s learned his lesson Marvin please no fighting guys we’re in a restaurant and yeah oh he just hit me bad oh he’s abusing me Marvin don’t hit him maybe if he didn’t fake his own

Death we wouldn’t have had to bring him to this restaurant Jeff or are you hungry are you hungry Jeffy yes I’m super hungry I’m I’m chocolate cake let’s just no Jeffy Jeffy you’re not going to get chocolate cake you know what you’re going to get one green bean

Do you know what this restaurant is Jeffy it’s a green bean restaurant what guys we’re already here let’s just sit down and eat yeah D he’s St being so rude and sit down eat why is he sitting next to me oh no I want is sitting over

Here actually I don’t like him hey losers welcome to uh this place um I my god daddy is a bully oh no excuse me uh bully can you knock some sense into my son uh yeah it hurts really bad please don’t hit me on your all right well I’m on the

Clock so uh what what can I get you guys chocolate cake chocolate cake Jeffy it’s not that kind of restaurant what are your guys’ specials uh we got and green bean casserole green bean stew green bean and eggs green beans and steak oh that sounds so

Good could I get green beans with a side of green beans no yeah yeah yeah it it’ll be it’ll be extra though it’ll be what about chocolate green bean cake Jeffy would love some of that yeah yeah I’ll see if the chef has that I’m not

Jeffy stop it no you know what no I’m not eating this stupid tongling green be I heard Jeffy stop it I heard you guys had the best green bean aille over here of course we do best in the business allergic to green beans Jeffy you’re not allergic to green

Beans Jeffy stop it I need to go to the bathroom why do you guys take him to MC green beans if he doesn’t like green beans Marvin why did you pick this restaurant what are you talking about he no he’s not allergic to green beans he just doesn’t like them I’m allergic I

Literally T them every time I for the last time you’re not allergic to green beans yes I am guys stop shouting we in a restaurant I’m so spanking Jeffy Bo I’m going in your bathroom I’ll go get you guys some Waters all right yeah thank you Marvin look what you did yeah

Loser oh I’m going to do more bathroom just go to the bathroom Jeffy okay that was a big po why my daddy take me here why they do it why you treat me like this I don’t know why you’re all so mean to me wait a

Minute I have a really good idea what if I think being kidnapped that way my daddy will never take me here again and you’ll feed me all the chocolate cake in the world okay so here in my inventory I have all this special stuff to make it

Where my daddy and everyone thinks I was kidnapped so I’m going to put all these really cool Clues on the wall I have my blue helmet right there I guess I’m going have to give it up for a second I have this little poster says we have

Jeffy it’s going to make them all scared and I’m been kidnapped and my first clue you’re going to use to try and find me and now I have to find a way to get out of this place I’ve got some TNT I’m going to blow it up oh God ier oh my goodness

M oh my God Perfect all right I’m out of here goodbye losers and now I’m going to take this potion of invisibility so I can watch them strugle all right I’m going to walk into the front of this restaurant and see what’s going on there they are what

Doing Daddy and Mommy think can’t hear me oh my God Marvin what was that I don’t know it sounded like it came from the bathroom Marvin JY just went to the bathroom why does he not care okay so Marvin get up we have to go see if he’s

Okay yeah get up you fat ball La loser okay all right oh man my someone blew up the bathroom again again oh my gosh no way wow someone took a real stinker down there man I’m quitting this job I’ve had enough of this Jeffy um I was the one

That took the stinker where’s Jeffy I don’t know Rose maybe went and sat back down wait wait wait wait wait do you think Jeffy blew up this bathroom oh my gosh she better not of wait Marvin look at this we have Jeffy what what is this they found my first Clues someone left

Us a note saying that we have Jeffy oh my gosh wait wait rose look look look first clue what’s it say I’m underground try and find me go to the house and find a birch tree they’re never going to get this what we got to go back to the house

And find a birch tree uhhuh he’s underground what is this do you think someone took him I don’t know I don’t know why they leave a clue to help us find him they better not leave my blue helmet there I’m going be really mad Marvin look there’s jeffy’s blue helmet

Oh my gosh I hate this thing no what oh my gosh don’t Dr any toilet what what do we do rose oh my gosh you know what I bet jeffy’s pranking us again remember like that time he he he he made us think he died Marvin enough you see the abuse

I I put up with on a daily basis I didn’t see I didn’t see anything bab be a whip don’t be a whip I’m not being a whip stop it you’re being a whip you’re being a whip stop fighting we have to find Jeffy yeah you guys should

Be more funus on finding me wait baby can’t we just like find a new kid somewhere what why do we got to find him Marvin it be you know what I hope he gets lost forever are you kidding me how long are we going to do this why

Are you following us why is Bing here I quit my job I don’t want to be there anymore and uh you’re you’re pretty hot what Marvin he just said my mom’s hot that one kind of true what are you going to do about a bald old man ah whoa whoa

Whoa whoa what’s wrong with this edgy teen oh my gosh wait how how old are you old enough all right whatever we we got to find like another clue or something do you remember what it said well birch tree wait wait wait wait wait look there’s a sign right here we have Jeffy

How do they not see all the time around here is this is this a tree Rose we have to look around maybe maybe there Clues somewhere over here start start digging yes start digging there’s Clues all around this place they’re never going to find it I put a chest underneath this

Thing oh my gosh look they found it another chest and a stupid yellow T-shirt oh I hate this t-shirt oh it smells we might have to throw this awaye all all right I’m going to read the second clue Mommy makes the best sweets where’s jeffy’s favorite

Treat oh oh something just hit me wait what what just happened I BL my cover did you just punked me in the face rose I almost did you B my cover no Marvin I didn’t hit you why would I hit you favorite treat so we got to go back to

The green bean place no there not not favorite tree Marvin I think he’s talking about the kitchen I make Jeffy chocolate cake oh you you make him chocolate cake I told him you couldn’t make him any more chocolate cake what’s wrong with you woman don’t talk to her

Like that Bub oh oh okay all right all right well let’s let’s go to the kitchen and get the chocolate cake yeah B and for this next clue little do they know I had a test underneath the table all right let’s see if they find out all

Right guys come on let’s let’s go in the house oh my god did you really make all this chocolate cake I just felt so bad for being me a Jeffy I just I thought he needed a little cheer up a little cheer up he’s going to get diabetes by eating

All this dny stop bringing you my cake I love chocolate cake I don’t see it let’s let’s keep looking for the cool okay all right keep looking it’s somewhere around here surely my daddy is not going to find it bully I know you see a bunch of

Expensive gold armor no no don’t take my gold you just stole a whole helmet of gold you know how much money that was baby he literally just just sto the chest and the legs no I didn’t it’s literally in his hand it’s okay Marvin he just lost his job Marvin what what

Are you even talking about he’s got it on his head honey he’s literally wearing it on his head no I’m not maybe it was his we should assume he’s stealing he’s wearing my boots and my pants hey this is all my stuff Finders Keepers losers weepers bub guys that’s not important we

Have to find the next clue keep looking yeah keep looking maybe somebody else need to crack underneath the table all right I’m going to I’m going to go look upstairs in Marvin’s Room wait I got an idea I got an idea Daddy what are you doing Marvin

Out oh no he’s no don’t kill this no don’t kill this Quin please surey quiny go Marvin why did you do that I was looking for the clue it’s not in there honey I’m not going to lie I have no clue where this clue could be I

Don’t know either it’s such a of course my mom is the one that found it Marvin look oh my gosh baby you’re so smart yes well really I’m smart cuz I put it there what does it say what’s in there uh oh oh his stink oh my gosh all right

The clue says go outside and walk with your shoes try to find me look for my diaper too his diaper oh you guys found the clue yeah awesome yeah I didn’t find anything upstairs at all what he literally just stole our Diamonds oh my God what was that what was what baby

Baby you just stole our diamonds what no he wouldn’t bully you didn’t take anything from us right of course not Rose I would never do that that’s so disrespectful right Marvin it’s disrespectful he accus someone Ste Diamond honey he’s beating me I’m a fragile old man please

Stop that’s what I thought guys please stop fighting we have to find the next clue what did it say want look for his for his diaper yeah look for my diaper all right yeah let’s go look for his diaper guess hey wait wait this is our diamonds are diamonds they diamonds no

And are gold too there’s so many diamonds it’s don’t much for this next clue it’s in the middle of a park and they’re never going to find it it’s in this chest right here let’s see if they find it okay all right it said it was

Outside but give me a second go outside and walk with your shoes try to find mine look for my diaper too okay so we’re looking for a shoes or a diaper or something wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this looks like a huge diaper

Yeah are you sure I don’t think it looks like a diap not his diaper though you don’t think it looks like a diaper I don’t know I’m build this statue to represent my diaper where else would it be I mean we can try to look around they’re never going to know what’s in

This little hole this might take a while je this going to take forever yeah especially when my daddy’s rotten on brain when I see him he’s getting amound of green beans just shoved in his throat no that’s literally why I did there only only one p great me Rose hey honey look

What I got you my daddy gotar a rose oh Marvin you’re so sweet oh thank you maybe we can go home and no D no you just hit me hey Rose hey Rose I I got some stuff for you too oh my goodness my daddy is

Going to lose his wife so oh rose look look I just picked up the the the flowers that bully just gave you give them give them to her I just give gave newer here’s some more don’t worry about it yeah yeah here’s some more here’s

Some more oh my I feel so special what going back off why don’t you go get your own wife why don’t you go get your own wife I don’t think I will I think I’ll take yours no thank you so much you two I really appreciate it it does make me

Feel a lot better about the whole Jeffy situation yeah yeah but speaking of The Jeffy situation maybe we just go home and forget about it no you need to find my Clues you fat ball on man ow okay Rose I get it you don’t have to hit me

Wait but I wait wait wait hold up hold up did he find it oh he found it drowning himself again no way ew his shoes stink no they don’t they smell like strawberries why are they so damp cuz you’re underwater maybe cuz it was in a chest underwater no wonder you

Didn’t graduate anyways put the pieces together on a stand too bring Jeffy back it’s the last thing to do yeah we have to put them on a stand to bring Jeffy back I don’t even know what that’s in reference to Rose wait we have the armor

Stands in the house what if we put all the clothes together all the clothes we got from Jeffy oh baby that’s such a good idea all right let’s go she so smart for this next clue it’s all the way up in my room and it’s a really cool

Puzzle you’re going to do and they’re never going to figure it out all right the clue says something about like an armor stand so we got to wait right here right here all right right there oh he’s look it’s right under the sign all right I’m putting his clothes on I’m put his

Clothes on man last piece he did all right now I’m going you go in front of you and drink the milk oh my God oh my God I think I SC Marvin you scaredy cat oh Jeffy you’re okay guys I’m back Daddy guess what I I faked my

Own kidnapping cuz we went to that awful restaurant why can’t you just stay godone forever Jeffy why my Jeffy I can’t up believe you did wait you faked your death again Jeffy no I’m fing my kidnapping Rose are we going to let this stand Marvin because you took it to that

Restaurant a what was wrong with that restaurant took him to that restaurant because he faked his own D it was a green bean restaurant Marvin you know he hates green beans mommy can you I’m chongling gang of course you can yes chling into his addiction Marvin aren’t

You just happy he’s back no I want him to stay gone forever one my bad all right well um I’m going to go burn down that restaurant uh Jeffy do you want to come and we can blame it on your dad yeah I do it all right let’s go Oh What a Beautiful

Day oh hi Mommy what going in again hi Jeffy I’m doing a bunch of buttons around to prank your father a prank for my father I want on it what is it I have all these buttons and underneath one of the buttons there’s some TNT it’s scar I want to press all the

Buttons no Jeffy don’t do it mommy do what do Jeffy don’t no God no are you okay no je mommy it hurt me no that was for your father Jeffy oh why did it happen to me why are you doing oh Jeffy get me out of here my mommy hurt

Me you doing oh I ha Day song hey loser appear what are you doing here catch this one oh my goodness ohwhere daddy oh my goodness loser why are you doing that oh goodness um I’m going inside no no no no Daddy don’t balling just dropped a ton

Of angels on me Jeffy you probably deserved it why are you crying what I deserved it I deserve you deserve me you fat old man daddy everyone’s mean to me why do you have to be mean to me too to cake Jeffy you’re right I’m sorry you

Were having such a rough day here how about yeah Jeffy was that green being cake why would you doing why everyone that I put green beans in your chocolate cake why is everyone been so mean to me today I don’t get it I wish there was

Something I could do to me wait a minute I have the perfect evil Dr doy Smart’s plan I’m going to fake my own death that way everyone’s going to feel so bad for me and when they realize I’m not actually then they’re going to care so

Much more for me and give me all the chocolate cake in the world okay I have a fake Jeffy body here ready to go so when they come upstairs and see this fake body they’re going to freak out and now I’m going to take this invisibility

Potion so they can’t see me all right I’m going to walk downstairs what’s going on they can’t even see me right now Marvin what baby I I accidentally I I made Jeffy upset I I think he ran in here you made Jeffy upset yeah have you seen him well that’s crazy because I

Made Jeffy upset too what did you do he’s a bond F loser that’s what he did oh je Jeffy I all I did was put green beans on his chocolate cake the chocolate cake I baked for him yeah why would you do that uh because it was just

A little prank and he needs to eat his green beans I figured it was the only way I could get him to eat him oh Marvin did you see where he went oh yeah he went crying up M disc oh my goodness see him Jey oh man oh is it his reaction to

My Dead Body what honey do you want to go get some food or are you kidding me Jeffy they’re they’re there they’ll be all right my Jeffy oh my God he’s such a horrible husband oh my God what do we do oh my God brose baby if if you’re this upset we could just get another one no you don’t understand Marvin this is my fault

I Marvin I set up this thing to prank you but Jeffy hit all the buttons it’s it has to be my fault he’s dead you were going to prank me hey losers I think Jeffy took one of my anvils have you seen it oh this is the kid that picks on

Jeffy at school good job by the way oh thanks you a fan I bet my mom’s going to think they both killed me excuse me did you say you were dropping anvils on my son yeah I dropped a couple on him so what it’s it’s your fault he’s dead yeah

Yeah yeah don’t no no no no no no no rose rose baby baby calm down calm down and divorce and divorce Danny divorce him clearly an anvil didn’t do this to Jeffy okay it was probably the green beans Marvin yeah Rose oh my gosh women am I

Right what a pig green beans don’t kill people Rose what about the buttons what the buttons do maybe it was you I would never hurt Jeffy you’re always messing with him and you bully him I never mess with Jeffy I just ignore him this is this is kind of awkward I’m going to

I’ll go I’ll get my Anvil later get back up here right now do I need to call your parents no that’s not necessary no no no hold no I know you Dad I’ll call him wait a minute was this were you were were you on the roof

Dropping anvils on him yes he was yeah yeah yeah it was none of them hit him it’s fine he he’s not hurt Morphin what what do you mean he’s not hurt he’s upstairs and he’s dead well yeah that wasn’t my fault though it has to be you

No no no no no no guys there’s no way Jeffy would have died from the button thing I’ll I’ll come show you we’ll try it out all right all right it’s just over here okay guys this this was the prank I was trying to play on you honey

Uh there’s no way Jeffy could have died from it this was the prank you were going to play on me what what do you do wa look at the size of this crater no no oh my God what do you use in here Dynamite use Dynamite to try and blow me

Up I I I don’t I didn’t think it would be that bad it I would never want to hurt Jeffy well hold up can can we recreate it and see see see how much damage it does yeah yeah let’s do that yeah yeah yeah okay Marvin just just hit

This button okay oh this is going to be epic yeah oh my God you you you killed Jeffy you you you did it to him did it SAR no you killed Marvin too look at him he’s down there dead no I didn’t please I love my family I would never do

Something like that God I fell out of the world Rose are you are you kidding me Marvin oh thank God you okay it had to be her Marvin it had to be her look what she did no I didn’t I swear I didn’t think it’d be that bad it was

Just I was just joking around Marvin please no look look listen I’m fine I’m here I just fell out of the world that’s all okay but I suspect maybe a uh an anvil might have busted my son’s CR him in no no no no none of them even hit him

He’s fine I swear I didn’t do it only only like one grazed him that’s it that’s it all right all right fine let’s go let’s go to where you pranked Jeffy and let’s recreate it fine come on I hope my DD get his head smashing all

Right bully bully where do I need to stand just stand a little bit closer a little bit closer like right here yeah like uh a little bit more on that line there okay yeah right there it’s perfect all right’s go oh you know you missed you missed wait wait you hit my

Husband I didn’t mean to you had to have hit Jeffy too I don’t believe it no no no I I it didn’t it didn’t hit Jeffy I swear it didn’t hit Jeffy it has be you what are you doing on our roof anyways oh you’re okay oh my goodness yeah I’m

Fine see he’s fine he’s fine my head hurts though the ones that I threw at Jeffy didn’t even hit him he’s fine you swear to God that none of them hit him yep none of them hit him uh anyway uh I got to I got to go goodbye Marvin I

Don’t know what we should do he’s our son he’s dead I I I don’t know maybe maybe we should call the cops call the cops oh no um I don’t even know if I should drag this on anymore that one oh no oh not this is this is Marvin Marvin

Mario um I did not want the coms to get involved please our our son has died we’ve been trying to figure out who might who might have killed him come please my wife is really upset about it me no no I’m not upset I don’t I don’t

Really care what oh my God are you kidding me oh rose rose no it’ll be fine we we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out oh you’ll be there in like a second all right awesome Rose I got good news the cops are on their way and they said

They’ll figure it out oh no goodness thank you Marvin my sweet Jeffy I mean he really wasn’t that good of a kid so like I don’t I don’t know why we’re so upset right now hello you guys called the police oh the cops oh thank you so

Much yeah um she’s really upset please my my son our son he died can you just tell me what happened like what what’s going on here what what what happened I’ll show you I’ll show you come come come here um I don’t know just going really far oh

God right there oh my Jeffy yeah he’s he’s not breathing yeah we know did he eat any green beans yes I did there there was recently a call back on green bead there those poison in them a call back on green beans poison green beans

What Marvin it was you what you gave him green beans yes I green beans I didn’t know there was a call back Marvin you killed that I didn’t kill that sounds like the green bean company’s fault put put your hands behind your back you’re under arrested for killing your son I’m

Not going to make it in prison please no dad Don’t Run Away arrest stop resisting stop resisting no okay I’m not resisting go to prison Daddy just Rose give me a lawyer wasn’t me you got to blame me it wasn’t me you have the right to remain silent

Okay and now that my daddy’s in jail I can finally come back oh look at me what doing Mommy I’m not actually dead Jeffy you’re alive yes I’m alive and no more daddy he’s in jail Jeffy what are you doing I don’t care I’m going to walk inside and dance all over his

Bedroom also by the way this Bonnie was fanking it’s just don’t Jeffy get your butt downstairs right now what hell oh no no no no he didn’t come and pick my butt oh no Jeffy get down now no I don’t want to come down so Jeffy your father

Was arrested for uh for killing you but see I I clearly see that’s not the case I saw you walk back into the house completely fine you just you know put him back in jail Jeffy get your butt down here right now or what Daddy you’re

Going to kill me again I think your dad wants to see you you should go down there fine Daddy what do you want you B F loser what Jeffy what do I want what do you think I want oh no money well uh I was called for a murder investigation but um no

One’s been murdered so uh I I’m going to get out of here don’t don’t call us again unless there’s a real emergency yeah I won’t goodbye yep goodbye all right the going smell really bad Jeffy stop hey losers I heard Jeffy was still alive are we going to beat him or what beat

Get we it’s all your fault Jeffy everyone beat him up everyone no you’re done Jeffy you’re done Jeffy man you Jeffy

This video, titled ‘Jeffy’s Friends are GONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Marvin Minecraft on 2024-01-02 17:00:11. It has garnered 37096 views and 613 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:28 or 8848 seconds.

Jeffy’s Friends are GONE in Minecraft!

Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Nico, Cash, GEVidsTV, Jeffy Minecraft, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, and Omziscool! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever!

SUB TO @heresmarvin !

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    Ultimate Command Blocks Guide The Power of Command Blocks in Minecraft Bedrock/PE Command Blocks are a powerful tool in Minecraft Bedrock/PE that allows players to automate tasks, create complex systems, and enhance gameplay. Let’s dive into the world of Command Blocks and explore their various features and functions. Impulse Command Blocks Impulse Command Blocks are used for executing a command immediately upon receiving a redstone signal. Players can specify the command input, list of @ targets, previous output, block type, condition, needs redstone, execute on first tick, delay in ticks, and cancel changes. Repeater Command Blocks Repeater Command Blocks, on the other hand,… Read More

  • TNT Cleaning Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 37

    TNT Cleaning Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 37 Minecraft: Building Creativity with TNT in Episode 37 Minecraft, a world of endless possibilities, where blocks are your building materials, creatures roam freely, and adventures await at every turn. In Episode 37, our protagonist embarks on a new creative series, utilizing TNT to clear the area and pave the way for something extraordinary. Unleashing Explosive Creativity With TNT in hand, our player sets out to clear the land, creating a blank canvas for their next masterpiece. The controlled chaos of explosions adds a thrilling element to the building process, allowing for a fresh start and endless opportunities for innovation…. Read More

  • Breaking Boundaries in Minecraft

    Breaking Boundaries in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft: Story#7 MMV [Break You] Introduction In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The Minecraft Story#7 MMV [Break You] series continues to captivate audiences with its unique blend of storytelling and animation. Exploring New Horizons Players are taken on a journey through stunning landscapes and intricate structures, all brought to life through the power of Mineimator. The attention to detail and creativity on display in each episode is truly awe-inspiring. Original Song The series features an original song by Divide Music that perfectly complements… Read More

  • Creating Rabbids Invasion Portal in Minecraft

    Creating Rabbids Invasion Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Rabbids Invasion Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the fascinating world of Rabbids Invasion. From creating portals to encountering unique creatures, there’s no shortage of excitement in this virtual realm. Creating the Portal One of the most intriguing aspects of Minecraft is the ability to create portals to different dimensions. By following the steps provided, players can unlock the portal to Rabbids Invasion and explore a whole new world filled with surprises. Step 1: Gather Resources Before diving into the portal creation process, players must gather the necessary resources…. Read More

  • Crafting C++ with Physics: Minecraft’s New Clone Zone!

    Crafting C++ with Physics: Minecraft's New Clone Zone! In this video, I added physics to my Minecraft clone, Collisions and forces, all in C++ tone. Join my Discord, for more gaming fun, And check out Midnight Arrow, when the day is done. The source code is on GitHub, for all to see, Support me on this channel, and join with glee. Music by Evan King, and Minecraft’s own sound, Let’s dive into the gaming world, where adventures abound. Read More

  • PHONK Objects in Minecraft Animation

    PHONK Objects in Minecraft Animation The DRIP BOX: Objects when PHONK 🗣🔊🔥🔥🔥🔥🎶 | Minecraft Animation Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft Animation with a touch of PHONK music? The DRIP BOX brings you an exciting blend of creativity and entertainment in this unique Minecraft Animation. Let’s explore what this animation has to offer! Animation Details Created using Mine Imator 2.0, the latest version of the animation software, The DRIP BOX features stunning visuals and smooth animations. The talented team at FTP Studios handled the animation, modeling, sound design, editing, and lighting, ensuring a high-quality viewing experience. Music Chum The animation… Read More

  • Cottage Chic: Minecraft Decor Tips (E06)

    Cottage Chic: Minecraft Decor Tips (E06) In this Minecraft world, we craft and build, With rhymes and beats, our creativity fulfilled. From cozy cottages to gardens so green, Every detail in rhyme, a sight to be seen. Campfires on roofs, and barrels for decor, Pathways of stone, leading to the door. Melon seeds planted, in soil so rich, Hydrated with water, a garden to enrich. Andesite and stone, textures so fine, Mixing and matching, in every design. From fireplace to flower box, every detail refined, In this Minecraft world, our creativity shines. So join us next time, for combat and more, In this Minecraft world,… Read More


    INSANE FLOATING GARDENS in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Floating Gardens | Ep.14 | Minecraft Oasis SoS’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-05-29 20:45:00. It has garnered 393 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:44 or 3404 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. Enjoy your favorite series but better quality! Today we find our very first fossil using the fossil archeology mod! – NEW Merch in my shop! ► Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More

  • Top Secret Indian Minecraft Livestream!

    Top Secret Indian Minecraft Livestream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Telugu Indian Minecraft Live Right now!’, was uploaded by KingPhin on 2024-04-17 03:43:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. telugu #gaming #minecraft #jagan #telugudesamparty #hyderabad #mukbang #karthikadepam2 Laptop: Acer Nitro 5 Specs: i7 … Read More

  • Pixel Money Art in Minecraft $$$ – Mind-Blowing Viral Creation !!

    Pixel Money Art in Minecraft $$$ - Mind-Blowing Viral Creation !!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made Satisfying Pixel Money 💰💰💰🤑 art in Minecraft #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Dish Gamer YT on 2024-01-15 01:01:29. It has garnered 3103 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. I Made Satisfying Pixel Money 💰💰💰🤑 art in Minecraft #minecraft #viral #shorts minecraft pixel art tutorial Minecraft pixel art free fire gaming video garena free fire Gaming video youtube shorts digital circus shorts shorts loud Shorts viral videos viral videos reality viral video exposed Viral video minecraft shorts minecraft challenge minecraft but pixel art guide pixel… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Boat Survival House Tutorial! 🚤

    EPIC Minecraft Boat Survival House Tutorial! 🚤Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 🙋 BOAT ⛵ SURVIVAL HOUSE 🏠 TUTORIAL 🛠️’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2023-12-20 10:00:49. It has garnered 76 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:18 or 438 seconds. “Set sail for survival with a floating boat house in Minecraft! In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to build a sturdy and stylish boat that doubles as a safe haven, complete with essential survival features and a cozy interior. From anchor to anchor, we’ll guide you through every step of building a floating home that’s a real treasure! #Minecraft… Read More

  • Uncover Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing SteamPunk Secrets in EP08 Wolfy Souls!

    Uncover Minecraft's Mind-Blowing SteamPunk Secrets in EP08 Wolfy Souls!Video Information This video, titled ‘SteamPunk: EP08 | Precision Mechanism | Minecraft 1.19.2’, was uploaded by Wolfy Souls on 2024-03-31 20:15:52. It has garnered 124 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:25 or 1885 seconds. In todays episode, we FINALLY upgrade our create machines to be fast and efficient. We also make a precision mechanism making machine. Huge thanks to Triobian for the design. He ALWAYS makes great builds and you should definitely go check him out. Anyways, I hope yall enjoy, and I’ll catch you in the next one! Original Design Creator: Schematic Download:… Read More

  • Hell’s Revenge: TinaKitten’s DEMON Power VS Angry Thomas QSMP!

    Hell's Revenge: TinaKitten's DEMON Power VS Angry Thomas QSMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘TinaKitten Used Her DEMON Power But The Hell Went After Her And Empanada! QSMP’, was uploaded by Angry Thomas on 2024-02-17 20:52:43. It has garnered 26597 views and 1395 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:55 or 1975 seconds. #qsmp #qsmpclips #minecraft #tinakitten TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Tina Unlocks Flying 11:42 Gifts for Empanada 14:35 Empanada finds out 15:44 They are coming! Streams Tina: Stars: Tina: Stars: If you want me to remove the video for copyright reasons, I will do so. Most streamers enjoy seeing clips/montages of them because it helps… Read More

  • GK’s SHOCKING survival on a DEADLY Minecraft Smp #underrated

    GK's SHOCKING survival on a DEADLY Minecraft Smp #underratedVideo Information This video, titled ‘My First day in this deadliest Minecraft Smp #underratedsmp’, was uploaded by GK PLAYZ on 2024-04-22 00:32:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. like and subscribe for more Minecraft videos and please support karo bhai ko 1k karna hai So in this video i will show you my first … Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Wither Storm Faces Mutant Team!” #minecraft #mobs

    "Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Wither Storm Faces Mutant Team!" #minecraft #mobsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wither Storm Vs. Every Mutant in a Team #minecraft #mod #mobbattles #mobbattle’, was uploaded by White’s Battles on 2024-04-05 11:34:44. It has garnered 1230 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. eras Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Guitar Cover With Crazy Long Nails

    Insane Minecraft Guitar Cover With Crazy Long NailsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wet hands – C418 Minecraft guitar cover (with long nails)’, was uploaded by kamilia on 2024-05-26 17:55:14. It has garnered 7279 views and 955 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Infaru

    InfaruWith a diverse staff team and player base, Infaru is a welcoming and inclusive server for all races, genders, sexualities, and identities alike. All of us will respect you as long as you respect others! Read More

  • Tech Server Vanilla

    Welcome to EPoint Server! If you enjoy servers like SciCraft and Prototech, then you’ll love EPoint. Apply to join us by filling out this form. Can’t wait to see you there! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Microsoft Branding Mystery in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Microsoft Branding Mystery in MinecraftI guess Microsoft really wanted to make sure everyone knows who’s boss in the Minecraft world! Read More

  • “Alexa, where’s my Minecraft Dad?!” 🔥😂 #VillagerMeme

    "Alexa, where's my Minecraft Dad?!" 🔥😂 #VillagerMeme Alexa: Sorry, I can’t help you with that. But I can tell you where to find diamonds in Minecraft! #priorities Read More

  • 107 Subs Special: Halonator Studio Update v1.21

    107 Subs Special: Halonator Studio Update v1.21 Minecraft Update v1.21: Exploring the Latest Features Join the adventure as Minecraft Mojang Studio unveils the new update version 1.21.0, packed with exciting features and enhancements for players to enjoy. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover what this update has in store for fans of the game. Enhanced Gameplay Experience With the latest update, players can expect a more immersive gameplay experience with improved graphics, smoother performance, and new content to explore. From new biomes to updated mobs, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this update. New Biomes and Environments Explore new biomes and environments… Read More

  • Mind-Boggling Nonsense!

    Mind-Boggling Nonsense! The Latest Minecraft Updates and Previews Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for the latest updates and sneak peeks into upcoming features? Look no further! This video provides valuable information on Minecraft’s newest snapshots, previews, and updates. By subscribing to the channel, you can stay informed about all things Minecraft. Exploring Minecraft’s Latest Snapshots With each new snapshot, Minecraft introduces exciting changes and additions to the game. From beta trials to new chambers, the updates bring fresh content for players to explore. Keep an eye out for versions like 1.21, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.22, 1.23, 1.21.1, and 1.21.3, each offering… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE CPU UPGRADES & CHEMISTRY! EP14 – Minecraft Modded Skyblock

    UNBELIEVABLE CPU UPGRADES & CHEMISTRY! EP14 - Minecraft Modded SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘ADVANCED CHEMISTRY & MASSIVE CPU UPGRADES! EP14 | Minecraft Tech Spirit [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2024-05-19 19:00:21. It has garnered 1721 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:48 or 3648 seconds. Minecraft Tech Spirit | ADVANCED CHEMISTRY & MASSIVE CPU UPGRADES! EP14 [Modded Questing Skyblock] ► Support Us on Patreon – ► Join our Discord – ► Follow us on Twitch – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tech Spirit: Your adventure begins on an island. You’ll have to explore the oceans to find the basic components needed… Read More

  • Sneaky Pixel Art Tricks in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Pixel Art Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Pixel Art -4 Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HamzaOPyt on 2024-03-16 17:00:10. It has garnered 4584 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj roblox,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Realistic Crafting Short – Must Watch!

    Insane Minecraft Realistic Crafting Short - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic Crafting #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Abdul Ahad Gaming on 2024-04-30 17:59:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival House Build 🔥 Easy Tutorial! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Survival House Build 🔥 Easy Tutorial! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏡 Minecraft Advanced Survival House 🏡 Build Tutorial #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by Minecraft Builds on 2023-12-25 14:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Builds – Inspiring Guides to Create Creative Worlds! Hello Minecraft enthusiasts! Welcome to the “Minecraft Builds” … Read More

  • Sculk Pandemic Madness: Bon Chơi Tuốt Clickbait! #minecraft

    Sculk Pandemic Madness: Bon Chơi Tuốt Clickbait! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Đại dịch Sculk nhưng phiên bản gọn nhẹ hơn #minecraft #bonchoituot’, was uploaded by Bon Chơi Tuốt on 2024-03-26 11:00:04. It has garnered 236567 views and 11648 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 🎵Join the Play All Discord Team: ☎️Advertising contact: [email protected] #minecraft #bonchoituot #bon #bonsmp #teambon #teamct Read More

  • INSANE! Surviving 1000 Days as Sculk Dragon in Hardcore Minecraft

    INSANE! Surviving 1000 Days as Sculk Dragon in Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a SCULK DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft! – The Ultimate Dragon Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-06-04 01:15:01. It has garnered 30359 views and 288 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:57 or 13557 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a WARDEN DRAGON in Hardcore Minecraft! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a WARDEN DRAGON 0:36:12 200 DAYS as a WARDEN DRAGON 1:10:42 100 DAYS as a DEVIL DRAGON 1:45:07 100 DAYS as a VENOM DRAGON 2:20:58 100 DAYS as a… Read More

  • Ultimate SMP Editing Hacks w/CAPCUT | Lag_playz

    Ultimate SMP Editing Hacks w/CAPCUT | Lag_playzVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make SMP Editing On CAPCUT | LAG_PLAYZ’, was uploaded by Lag_playz on 2024-03-04 09:46:13. It has garnered 91 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. How To Make SMP Editing On CAPCUT #minecraft #minecraftpe #lag #mcplayz #starplayz #video #ujjwal #viralvideo #youtube how to make a lifesteal smp how to make potionsteal smp how to edit Like PSD1 how to edit Like senpaispider how to make SMP videos how to make videos like Himlannds how to edit in capcut how to edit minecraft videos how to edit… Read More

  • Rikitiki123 OWNS Rich vs Poor Minecraft: EPIC Adventure!

    Rikitiki123 OWNS Rich vs Poor Minecraft: EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zorba Zengin ile Fakir Minecraft Macerası: Bölüm #1million’, was uploaded by Rikitiki123 on 2024-04-23 16:17:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello friends, today we shot a rich and poor roleplay video with you, I hope you liked it. ☀️KICK: … Read More

  • Uncover Minecraft’s Hidden Apocalyptic Secret! – Origins

    Uncover Minecraft's Hidden Apocalyptic Secret! - OriginsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Minecraft Vészjósló Titka! – Minecraft: Eredet’, was uploaded by GIBBI on 2024-06-08 08:00:27. It has garnered 12321 views and 842 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:21 or 1221 seconds. The Minecraft 1.21 update took a rather strange turn in its development. After the introduction of the initial automatic do-it-yourselfer and the trial chambers that house the breeze, the bizarre and almost terrifying ominous trial spawners and vault blocks suddenly appeared, as well as the ominous potion, from which a pair of red eyes literally looks back at us. I don’t think anyone… Read More

  • PrevailPots

    PrevailPotsasdsffasdfsadfasdfasdfasdfdasfasdfasdfasdfasdfdsafasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasfasfasdfdasfdasfasf Read More

  • Craft to Exile 2 – Modded Anarchy 1.20.1

    Fresh Anarchy server running Craft to Exile 2 modpack! Here’s what awaits you in this unique Anarchy Server: Mystical Modpack: Dive into a world dominated by enchantments and arcane arts, with just a hint of technology to spice things up. Anarchy Unleashed: No rules, no boundaries. Forge alliances or become a lone wolf in a land where only the cunning survive. Survival of the Fittest: Brace yourself for Hard Mode, where only the bravest dare to tread. Evolving Threats: The creatures of the night grow stronger, leveling up to challenge even the most seasoned adventurers. Trade Empires: Establish your own… Read More

  • Mysticraft ALL THE MODS 9

    Mysticraft ALL THE MODS 9MystiCraft – All the Mods 9 ServerWelcome to MystiCraft, an immersive and dynamic Minecraft server featuring the “All the Mods 9” modpack! Our server is dedicated to providing a balanced and enjoyable experience for all players, whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or new to modded Minecraft.Server Features:All the Mods 9 Modpack: Dive into an expansive world filled with an extensive collection of mods, enhancing your gameplay with new biomes, creatures, technologies, and magic systems.Small Banned Item List: We maintain a concise banned item list to ensure server stability and fairness, while still allowing players to enjoy the vast majority of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Lazy AFK player gets trolled, epic reactions!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Lazy AFK player gets trolled, epic reactions!"“Imagine getting 239 points in Minecraft and thinking you’re a pro… meanwhile, my pet chicken has more kills than you.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 26 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 26 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a challenge unfolds, 365 days of wood, a tale to be told. Day 26 arrives, with a lone tree in sight, But fear not, a forest is near, shining bright. A little zombie lurks, ready to troll, But luck is on your side, no harm takes its toll. Greetings sent out, to YouTube and TikTok friends, Sharing the journey, as the wood challenge extends. Join the Discord, for more gaming fun, Twitch and TikTok, where the adventure’s spun. Support the creator, become a member today, In the world of Minecraft, where rhymes hold sway. Read More