Master Arcane Engineering – Ep. 43

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all right everybody welcome back to another episode of uh create Arcane engineering brought to you by our wonderful server hosting sponsor Apex hosting if you’re interested in the lightning is just ominous going on as I intro if you’re interested in grabbing a service you can set off lightning with your friends um check them out links in the description use our codes get 25% off your first month of Hosting play a mod pack play vanilla Minecraft power world anything you can think of that’s within what’s available uh so thanks to them for sponsor ring I was na na it yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah looks like we’ve uh we got we got stuff here it’s taken a moderate amount of babysitting but uh uh we do have oh we’re over here Pete he how you doing uh but we have I do believe we broken the 1K threshold yes sir look at that so what did you have to maintain on it uh we ran out of the uh singularities okay yeah I I reinitiated the withers once I don’t know if you had to do it again after that well the singularities are just made by the crush crushing The Wheels On The Crush oh right right sorry I was oh was yeah black hole Singularity they kind of you know yeah anyway um but the uh so we ran out of wood or Cobblestone or something yeah so you were using menreal planks for to make sticks and so I set that to what the the oak logs that we now have in the system cuz men menil ran out and that took a little while to catch back up and and everything like that so uh then that was mostly it there was something happened and I don’t know what it was that ate up all of our spawner cores so I had to make more we’re out of dark stars but I I think we’ll be fine so there I did when I got on and I noticed it wasn’t running I reinitiated the Wither so that we wouldn’t run out of the black holes and I noticed at the same time it wasn’t cycling the spawner cores it was really weird when it would it would like try to do a deploy but the spawner core wouldn’t be there the spawner core would only show up like 20 seconds later uh after it had already sent the Redstone signal so I don’t know what caused that uh that would be that there was only one spawner core and so it had to it had cycled through them all and so basically cuz we get the spawner shell back right right and so and then it has to go through the filling process yeah I think I think basically that one works we get and then it has to get mixed out and then go through the filling process and that’s what you’re seeing in in what that was got it but I don’t know like I said something happened that made it to where it continued to deploy but it wasn’t working um um so the process was like I I think that would have been like when the uh I don’t know cuz cuz it had to it had to have detected that it was happening in order for it to continue to deploy the spawner cores regardless I don’t know uh we ran out of spawner cores I had to make more about that working fix the singularity um I actually worked with the dev of this uh mod pack and we looked at ID we looked at ID stuff and I found some uh he he put me onto some ID commands that there are uh to basically find slow nodes and stuff like that so cool um I was able to uh find some problematic entries and get those resolved it’s not that it you know it’s still a huge ID Network and so it’s not like it’s perfect but um we we definitely shaved some time off the delays and then I found a really weird bug that uh it’s just just a straight up buggy bug of uh the Reactor Core down below if if it it works correctly if it fills up on memory Essence but if it fills up on the space uh fluid then it will continue to consume items and do its thing and and appear like it’s working but it won’t generate any power so I I was like I came at one point and was like why do we not have power and started wandering around looking for the power uh checked all the energy exports none of them were the problem and eventually tracked down to this looks like it’s running but it’s not really running weird so I uh I I implemented my patented ID uh no overfill fluid process the not I know you a patent that’s awesome process is a patent yeah yeah I mean patent pending right so we’ll we’ll see oh yeah those take a long time yeah it takes a long time conat there we go I just I just I was trying to get all the quests completed up to the end you know um so we that would mean green corundum though so there we go I’m I was like 7000 block TP I’m going back give me an hour I tease I tease inventory with stone okay moving on yeah wow so our next step now is it says rightclick a cartographer’s table with a portal actuation fluid to obtain a map that leads to the Arcane Temple true so Zen do you want to do the honors since uh you you made this thing happen I suppose do we have a cartographer table anywhere um we can make one like reasonably easy I have now made one okay let’s go that’s huge man pretty rare they are to come by completed yeah yeah well now though I’m I’m saying do you want to get the bucket and do you want to do the clicky click all right I got a bucket all right go pull this out really under the weather today guys I’m sorry that’s crazy how you just like appear places when you sneeze wild I’m going to call this the green corom claws effective immediately y yep yep all right uh this has taken a lot of Cycles to get to one literal mil bucket at a time um and I just want you to know this is everything we have never worked towards the entire series want to do it with very many other people there are some but they’re just not here wa wait so nice map the interesting thing gives me map did not consume the fluid fluid’s still there wow so we can have multiple Maps cool oh maybe I’m going to get two more tables yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah D I was going to hit this right here but you were going to what I was going to hit the thing right here instead of all the way over there I’ve done that in various things get two more tables sure yeah yeah I can can do they were fact already queued up yeah they were just ready to go that’s pretty awesome oh wow we have so many now there’s another one let me let me see if it’s it’s thinking for a moment about the location of these things can I have a bucket oh yeah there you go knock yourself out okay thank you this this is not the same map as mine that’s wait really so I’m really curious could we have randomly found one of these things somewhere in the world and not had to do any of what we did I don’t know like we just close to mine um there’s one on the ground I don’t know what you guys like you got a you got a big big dot it’s it’s a medium dot it’s not the tiny tiny dot but it’s the medium dot yeah this is different wait also I’m yeah what wait this one over hereid I bet the delay uh you know when you guys were like I bet it’s thinking about it it could be that it was spawning it in or generating it oh maybe that would be interesting so Jan let me see yours your big dot yeah this great it’s great to be taking off to this in the rain perfect here’s M anybody no this looks it looks pretty similar to the one that was on mine in terms of like where the dot is but yeah I actually Wonder did we just spawn like four of these into the world could be that’d be kind of funny I well to in your inventory if you wanted to see which one do we want to go to here’s yours be that one M yeah uh I whichever you put okay well anyway whichever ones you guys want I have no opinion what don’t we ask car said the left one the left one I don’t know what the left one is can we make a copy of a map uh you can in a cartographers table yes so we had a spare cartographers table but instead it got converted into a surely we can’t make anymore we we’re running low on resources um okay we do need an empty map for this though um in order to do a duplicate okay I can do this I can do this I’m going to do two to compai and then why what okay toai compai it’s just cheers in Japanese PL for for compasses H it’s actually it’s actually Greek so it’s compos compies I love so we um all right we’ll do we’ll do Zen we’ll do Zen’s first one I think this is Z’s first one that’s so cool there we go and then there and there yipp and wow you’re a loot bug that’s so cool all right boom and boom and then the others I guess will disregard we’ve talked about Goku and yippi so far in this recording do y’all Miss lethal company or something no I’ve been I’ve been having a great time I I H it recently do you want to do you want to play again we can play again sure mayhaps I we also need we also need to do uh tricky Tuesday once again just throwing it out there that words laying everything out on the table I’m sorry I if if you’re not interested in tricky Tuesday I didn’t mean to bring it up I did not insinuate anything close to that I was just saying we’re really throwing everything out and okay okay so okay I could tricky we should make I’m going to I’m going to throw out an idea we should make her take a Way Stone to this thing probably probably be a good idea yeah good idea yeah good idea also I’m going to how did that happen how did how did that sneeze just take place well God okay um shall we shall we go to the Place wait do we have a spare Stone to take uh we should have plenty of stuff to make a spare Way Stone oh do we I definitely collected lots of oh way stuff warp oh you look at that we got warpy warp fragments um let see at it Way Stone that is these with the thing in the how what do you do again oh you got a pressy pressy with a time and a b oh do we have any time in a bottles though left over we do 800 800 quite a few okay great great great what I need to not do though is throw my time in a bottle in cuz God I’m going to do that one of these times and how big have you gotten your time in a bottle it’s probably okay I mean this isn’t a moment to flex um cuz mine’s only at 40 hours and I know yours is higher but but it’s just only it’s 40 hours Well mine’s at 46 I don’ts 40 hours is a good amount of time to put is it respectable is it respectable it’s a lot of dedicated time it’s a lot of dedicated Wham yeah I know dedicated Wham where did I wait where did I throw these H all of the things I was doing the stuff with are like occupied Now by other things um do we just have a separate freaking mixer that I can just throw these into yeah okay cool yeah let me just make one um real quick like we no I mean to be fair I think I am the person who repurposed the thing that I was doing this in previously so oh wait wait wait this thing right here I could do yeah yeah yeah no this will be fine this will be fine we go like that there’s a mixer in the cave sorry oh I remember that mixer in the cave that was sp’s mixer right yeah made it when Mi I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it it’s not the it wasn’t the perfect thing but I got it I was able to I was able to retrofit and repurpose you know the two RS retrofit and repurpose what did you what did you RNR on uh just one of the things over here with the uh PCB whole process I just okay yeah I got you I got you time machine wait how do we get to the time machine there it is good very good and I didn’t use my 40 hour thank goodness thank goodness all right we got ourselves a Way Stone very cool now I need more food for our journey I haven’t I haven’t done food for a long time yeah are you are you like Perma foodedible for a nice good baked potato right now that’s actually what I ate tonight wow did you nice it’s it’s within it’s within reaching distance what’s in it what’s on it uh it had you know the cheese chives butter sour cream and uh be brisket and barbecue wow sauce nice sounds good get Barbe you okay I well expecting that I don’t know that’s on the T the Tater or separate on the plate no no no you basically make like they they give it to you with the the T just cut it’s a giant one but it’s just cut in half and then they just put all the ingredients and but by the time I’m done with it it’s basically you know mashed potato or Blended baked potato with all that just in a gooey glob of gluttony who who is they who are these wonderful people the barbecue place that I ordered from I’m hungry that wasn’t obvious I Haven I’m looking forward to having dinner I’m thinking maybe some hot chicken or something would be good M yummy yummy c chicken Frick I mean I actually had cold chicken earlier today cuz I had a salad so um I’ve had my I’ve had my fill I hit my quot there are we not going I’m I’m baking some poers there’s literally 400 baked potatoes in the system you want some fresh bed yeah I wanted it fresh you’re your dialogue about your dinner made me think o stale kind of room temp inside the ID system eh not really the way I would I think the the the ID system is at least like a fridge or a freezer is it just like a box yeah it’s room temperature uh the the second one the the underground one is against the water and it’s actually a a cold storage is it done I think it’s done please be done okay holy freak this takes way too long God dang it you’re wanted fresh yeah it’s not even I I did a oh God freaking whatever man I’m going I’m done I got one stack Out of My Three Stacks what a what a mess what a mess this has turned out to be you you were trying to you were trying to instead of smoking no no no no no no I I did I started to blast them and but I didn’t destroy them it’s just that then I got too close and I picked up two of the stacks and I threw the two stacks back but then they were off kilter and their timing and then it’s just a whole it’s a disaster really um all right guys we are going wait do we got fireworks I bet we got some fireworks yeah uh I don’t need any but you guys not really there should be plenty of gunpowder in the system yeah yeah all right SI sick so we are going to the uh southe west southwest southeast southe southe west southwest which is over would be easier if I just looked at the map yeah okay time to generate chunks that always goes well oh yeah generating with the boys you know that’s been the nice thing the last two episodes of me generating chunks the entire time the server’s already lagging so nobody really blame me yeah well and that also means that oh hello Mountain out of nowhere um that also means that perhaps if we if you head in this direction that some of this will have been preened you know on the on the plus side though um at least we hopefully won’t run into things that just crash the server so I’m I’m holding that hope for that because I’ve been playing the single player thing and seems that at least 90% of the time when I start to travel with elytra I the whole world just crashes oh yeah awkward yeah it’s not IDE than me and I’m trying to split the difference between you two I I’ve been kind of trying to Circle and and slow to let the the the the things oh you’re trying to be nice to the server as long as long as I don’t get oh I’m getting too far ahead uh I was like as long as I don’t get too far ahead for in in ji or in the mini map then I think we’re good yeah surely all three of us being slightly in separate directions all loading chunks at the same time won’t be problematic nope you know remember an all where we tried generating the ocean and it crashed for like 30 minutes oh yeah I think I think it’s not happy right now it’s not happy hey I just turned around and I think I might be in a I don’t know what I’m in am I in the wall I’m I’ve just turned around because it’s unhappy so I’m going to okay I’m in permanent I’m in permanent uh firework I’m in permanent firework oh God we we thought God oh God oh Jesus oh frick I’ve never had this before I am the will make do oh god oh Jesus Oh freak oh I don’t think it’s going to make do no that’s makeing do you expell a firework there we go I just I just I take back I’m I’m alive again hurt uh did you do a little kinetic energy perhaps yeah maybe a little uh-huh okay I’m going to I can’t do I can’t do anything at the moment uh we perhaps it might have made it a little angry a little bit one person doing it uh integrating together our pathing yeah it might be not the worst idea the strongest shoulders uh I don’t know I mean in real life I I would put Jordan for that I would too yeah he’s he’s Captain Cold chicken you know Captain Cold chicken yeah that’s my bodybuilding name there you go rice protein broccoli and cold chicken and and whatnot I’ll have you know I do not settle for my my food I exercise so that I don’t eat that um you exercise so you don’t eat cold chicken or I exercise so that well no I I mean the salad I like the salad it’s a good salad I just salads are good size Frick so that I don’t have to be super duper careful about the the fotage also though iance claws yeah I also only do like two meals a day which also helps I do my salad and then I do something for dinner all right how many calories do you intake a day probably like 2500 if I had to guess out of just those two meals yeah I mean the salad probably with dressing ends up being in the 600 range dressing is obnoxiously caloric yes it is yesti so irritating um so probably 600 range with the dressing and then yeah dinner I don’t know dinner’s probably a nice easy peasy 15 hundo depending upon what it is and then uh you know with an extra protein shake here and there we probably end up around 2500 I’m trying to kind of head towards I’m walking now yeah yeah uh it’s going to it’s looking like I’m making great progress too like still teeny itty bitty dot um but you know one itty bitty dot went out one day yeah I haven’t moved at all and I went further a lot further west than you guys although uh Pete continues to forge ahead it appears I don’t know what y means it’s like Yeet but different that be fair enough see you’re giving judgmental right now I’m saying that we developed a plan to try and combat this and someone was like eh I don’t want to and that’s their choice all right fine I’m staying still I am foring waiting for some strong shouldered man to come pick me up off my feet God me every day wouldn’t that just be great it would be I am just forging it’s it’s actually my walking is forging nicely ahead now I will say it’s it’s catching up a little bit yeah I’m I’m gonna dig down these chunks and look for cron is that your is that your series and goal is you got to find the green what do you think I’ve been doing the last two episodes being pretty I’ve logged on ran through caves series episodes ended and I’ve logged off that’s a cool mountain right there wait where did SP oh there’s Sparkles apparently over your head oh yeah I guess I’m just Waltzing along the ground you know we’ll we’ll be at the we’ll be at the Target in in a few episodes you know yeah well I mean you could try doing a little more than waling at this point you think okay I will use I’ll use the if I use the The Vault book then it’ll be a little slower so like could do it that way instead of fireworks like fireworks cause it to go kind of fast but if we do the Vault B just moderate the yeah just do a little something against fireworks there partner a little chat moderation well Vault The Vault book is a renewable source actually so we’re being we’re being economical I’m using my Yeet spell so oh that’s probably like a better version of Vault if I had to guess I prefer the freedom route personally in my fire yeah God Bless America brother um uh come on it’s still not being nice hey it’s a village you’re so right let’s go get those uh let’s go get those time chunks let’s go get those time chunks real quick H going to break that up going to break that up waste job error I did a little uh I did a little yard work today and in real life there we go yes in Minecraft please please please sorry go ahead uh that sorry that just kind of was like blew my head a little bit um but uh natur naturally because I’m dainty and soft I got a blistered my head oh and uh then I decided knowingly knowing that I was choosing a life of pain and Agony I uh I I did the liquid bandage onto the blister okay and uh that’s how you know you’re alive you know like there’s there’s there’s feelings and then there’s the the acetone in the open wound that’s just oh oh yeah oh I didn’t know that I didn’t know that’s what you meant liquid liquid bandage is basically uh you know and I’m sure someone’s actually their sff but really at the end of the day you could really just think of it as medical grade super glue that’s pretty what it is so uh yeah you definitely I’m watching you like slow fall through the trees actually I I hate to interrupt but if we unloaded the chunks at the base would this go faster no oh okay shut down that was a dangerous pitch I feel like if those chunks get unloaded something’s going to blow up I don’t know how but something will uh do we have any uh TNT Mana pooling happening hey man hey Mana pool why you bring that up it’s just you know memorable moment memorable moments God our I miss man I miss batania being super powerful as well I’m still used it but batania was good are you are you doing Vault S4 when it happens that’s my bread and butter oh okay just checking just checking there need be no checks okay okay should I be let in goodbye to the rest of my life should I be let in fair enough should I be was that a question like for for my own schedule my sleep schedule should I be let in I’m not sure no I mean like if they let me in I can assume that I’m in okay okay feel like this was an awkward Trail off was this supposed to be an awkward Trail off no just just Peter Peter is Persona n grada apparently or something like that or he thinks he is which is what does that mean what do you mean what does persona NR mean yeah I mean just uh a a person who is just seeing it they’re not not accepted in you know not they they did something bad and now we’re not here for him I mean I didn’t say that do you think I’ve been a bad boy no I’m just I thought it was a a silly kind of rhetorical thing that that you would have any any reasoning to not be in the next season I just kind of don’t ever assume that like I’m in something if like you know it’s not happened yet or Persona and gr whatever you know like that with with my barrel roll mod I’m having way more fun than you are Sparkles is Fun the right word for it I love it man I figured it out I’ve Gotten Good at it it’s uh man I just got the elytra in that other series that I was talking about and I didn’t know and I was immediately just like oh God get rid of it oh jeez bro yeah I don’t know how you do it you should see me acrobat over here I’ve got the loops and this the hoops and see here’s the problem is I don’t think it looks different when I look at you it just looks different for you I’m sorry if it looked cool when I watched you and you were able to do flips and Loops that’d be pretty awesome I’ll give it to you but oh you can’t see my flips okay that’s I can’t see I can’t see your flips I can’t see you actually do a barrel roll done some some sick flips yo you’re probably like really good at it now dude I bet you’re like a you’re like a trained fighter pilot or something i’ I’ve zipped around a fair bit I’ve I’ve figured it out um it it’s there the the hardest point with it is um that has kind of the concept of stalling uh it like implements a lot of like not necessarily completely true to real life but true real life style physics in in the flight and how you move and so if you’re if you’re like trying to hit straight up if you um you don’t have something propelling you you know if you’re not stilling a firework or whatever then but you just stay angled up you’ll eventually stop and then fall down to the side and you’ll go into kind of an uncontrolled sped and pretty much whenever that starts to happen that’s when I’m like I don’t know which way is up because it’s very disorienting and that’s how I end up getting myself uh splattered is got it i i l literally stall out my plane uh oh God okay man when do we get close to this thing this is rough what are you guys cords at right now uh negative 3500 2900 God if we’re if we’re speaking on scales of like Woodland Mansions we’re this is going to take hours well no no I I Zen has a Zen has an idea no no no I would never I would never no he would never why would I why would I are you going to he’s sneezing he’s sneezing what the heck who’s sneezing over here apparently nobody I was just we making a really big deal about sneezing recently is there some new thing with sneezing that’s bad no no not at all okay not oh there we ow a chew I’m using my time in a bottle on the server by clicking on the ground with my time and a bottle I’m using the time in a bottle on the server and now it’ll get us to go forward at 32 times faster than we otherwise would have cook Jordan I I fell I fell from the sky while loading and ended up with two hearts ooh that’s because I used that you hit it 32 times speed because of my time in a bottle oh God I’m sorry about that in the corner attive 8500 6500 okay it’s okay the time on the bottle’s still active you can keep going there’s a thing called an Explorer’s compass in in the here and it’s in other packs and you can structure search on it so we could have found which one was the closest had we want I think it has a limit of how far it can go it does it’s like 12,000 blocks I think but maybe one of the other Maps would have been so if it showed it would have been probably pointing us to the closest one but I see anyway it’s should do it anyway you want it you want me to I could I could just drop the W Stone right here and and then oh no but if I put the waist Stone down here I can’t retrieve it again well you could just go back to the village that you were at right or how far away is that by now no that vage I I broke it to get the war fragments so you should have everything you need to build another right I do I just have to I do you want me to do it you want me to do it I it’s up to you mean we’ll get we will get we’re going to we’re trying a two-pronged approach right pronged approach right I at negative 10,000 10,000 and still no dice okay no dice okie dokie well let’s go I’m definitely going to die and I’m definitely not going to actually run back and get my body when that happens from falling out of this guy can’t really blame you on that one so um explorers Compass what do we what do we need here what do we need we just need oh yeah wait yeah Compass is one though uh do we actually just oh we just straight up have one already oh my God okay oh my gosh guess what is the actual first structure listed alphabetically in the entire thing what is it an Arcane temper pyramid yeah so there is at the very least not one within 23,500 blocks of our base sweet so this is the pitch where nether travel maybe might have been a better idea yeah but at that point you just don’t you don’t even know you don’t know can you follow a map and even nether travel is still I mean 20,000 blocks in the nether is still at least 40 right so it’s a lot who you’re right I did just real I could have warped okay that’s what I can do though I can do this and do that and then it’ll bring up the I found you get wait you found it you you’re there oh you found the ocean you found the ocean yeah yeah yeah I just out of the way uh okay so still dot at 255,000 25,000 this is insane man I’m I’m assuming I’m not looking at this the wrong way I’m heading further Southeast or Southwest I mean Southwest yeah you’re you’re doing it you’re on it you’re on it so I just you know don’t want to be being silly here yeah you you wouldn’t want to be silly that would be very silly to do I’m in a cave okay still South um Southwest of 3535 okay cool cool cool we’re just we’re just moving in 10,000 yeah 10,000 at a time or 10,000 route2 something like that yeah yeah that that sounds I don’t know what 10,000 route2 means but cuz you’re going diagonal right right yeah yeah I’m getting cold I’m frozen I’m in am I in snow am I you’re 10,000 too I’m in water oh no okay so nothing 45s we’re going crazy we’re going to the 65s good Lord I mean here wait wait wait hold on I got to just quickly um I’m timeing a bottling I’m timeing a bottling nothing 65 I can’t 65 since the 1700s now you’re joining in on this Pete I was there when it was we expected more of you Peter D my bad uh wait why do I hold up uh I have two dots on my map now which makes me really concerned one that I just dropped to one heart oh that’s scary okay but also what is my map showing me no oh so you went by maybe yes kind of I still have a dot in the top right but now I have a dot in the bottom left too so we’re we’re getting mixed signals what we’re getting mixed signals it’s so far away it doesn’t even know how to handle itself all right I’m going back to the 65s and seeing if that dot moves I think I have a stuck Dot and then uh you’re lit he’s going to the farlands guys okay okay yeah yeah yeah I have one dot that’s moving around okay wait you can see it moving so you’re actually like kind of close I am now I am now uh it is now to my North uh well no no no is directly like directly north of you then no no no no no no no it’s it’s still Northwest oh so which one’s further west cuz if you see yourself moving it means it’s either like directly one way or the other yeah when I’m teleporting not when I’m walking I’m still tens of thousands of blocks away God it understood so you would assume yeah that would have never mind that was that one was a fluke accidentally went to 650,000 not how do you know you don’t need to go that far yeah don’t need to go that far do you know that I do now yeah cuz I went there and I was to the South so yes yes I do know that I do not need our ceiling yes uh all right we’re I feel if I sneezed and and just ended up where you were we could do the Explorer Compass you know I could just just within I’ll see where oh I have two dots on mine as well it’s the the bottom one should be correct the bottom yeah I’m assuming all right here we go Arcane Temple it is not found within a radius of 18,500 okay don’t worry we’ve got this yeah I’m going to timeing a I’m timing a bottling again here we go here we go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um we’re going to get there was too no all right let’s see wait wait wait okay Arcane Temple it we got him boys 7,000 blocks away it is at n negative oh my God if if if we had not been able to use a time on a bottle on the server to get here this could have taken a while negative 92,3 2016 comma 45,9 68 wow I was down to 1,000 within the uh with the thing oh God the M do definitely was throwing me off a bit how is it that I probably dig that far and still not find Dr around them might all right uh teleport to me Sparkles what what do you teleport I’m just going to use the time and bottle on the server and then um I’m just going to oh look at the structure wow this place we made it that’s crazy you should Time in a Bottle Pete I didn’t I didn’t Pete just suddenly showed up he appeared wow uh so now that we’re here what are what are we doing here it’s a good qu wait okay so huh is there by standing here have we unlocked another thing visit oh wait we have to go to a dimension of some sort it says yeah it says visit K Arana I wonder if there’s a portal here that we have to activate with the bucket I love it create Arcane engineering go to the Arcane Dimension got it mhm dude I just need to get a little I need get little bucket I didn’t bring our bucket we have a way don’t this place is freaking look come back here dude check this place out from afar there’s there’s a lot of mobs here that are evil evil oh no this thing is cool cool though just got to like you know dang give a little look sky over here you know yeah we got our thumbnail for the day guys how convenient how nice our thumbnail yes Bugs Bunny our thumbnail um so but it’s okay it’s okay because I can put down a waist Stone here uh I don’t know if we also going to need to make another one when we go into whatever this Dimension is you want me to put the waist Stone down here yeah I think down just right here at the base of these stairs okay cool cool um all right Arcane Temple Pete’s armor looks so much cooler than mine it does really look super D pretty cool Mr Samurai man all right this would have taken a while to fly too I’m going to be honest uh you know with the pace we were going we made it like 3,000 blocks in what 10 15 minutes so yeah would well I was I was making some better time but you know okay C there’s a village right next to us oh is there yeah so I’m in lava okay done a great jump done a good good good solid jump I got to I got to watch that thank you thank you I’m just going to do that oh hey there are in fact a couple of monsters around here and my arrows are having trouble I don’t even have a uh oh that’s kind of cool I don’t even have a uh a sword but that’s right I’ve got a pickaxe and a dream I believe in you get in boys you got this where are you the server is still trying it’s best to catch up a bit with things seems I went through the water I wonder if a better approach honestly is like just ow uh fly to the top maybe well I mean it depends on whether you want to experience it or not well I’m just not having a great time with the mobs that are are going quite slow is the only issue we’d have a better time if you want up the stairs uh ooh Stellar where the stairs oh there the stairs cool isn’t the stairs where Jordan was having problems yeah it it is where I was having some some issues this looks everything seems fine up here there’s a lot of trip wires right there there is a bacon up interesting I wonder if we need to activate it or anything like that let’s see where you are I see Pete I’m just higher I’m on a higher floor at the moment ah you decided to skip it all I’m not skipping any oh God I’m not skipping anything but a bunch of creepers he talking about us let’s see so what um where are we looking what are we trying to find in here we’re trying to find the next stairs ascending oh no okay that’s a side h i i I I would say we continue upwards what the heck are you there’s some traps there there’s i’ there’s a kitsun oh Pete you found you found the room yeah I I think it was up the stairs um okay I got to get to you somehow oh empty the stair I I’ve seen a few stairs oh oh what is oh hey Pete up here hey there’s like a little it’s just a Vine a Vine ladder up in the center of this place huh is there a portal down here oh oh fascinating yes wow it’s pretty nice okay so Arcane portal core whoa wait where’s the Arcane oh it’s the Star Gate so do we do we do you think we click on it with the portal actuation thing I think portal juice seems like the thing do you still have the portal juice no of course not ah okay um so we’re going to want to go get the portal juice Peter you going to you’re going to dig on through there oh no okay I can get the portal juice oh okay Pete’s going to get the portal juice don’t attack me I I don’t want to I don’t want to hurt you you’re going to force my hand epic Samurai Obi why are these evil alleys hold on what is happening here you going to force my hand Fox all right you chill now he’s trying face the fury he is he should bring that thing that shoves him in a dimension the what thing I don’t remember what it was called from long oh do you get the you got the juice you got the juice juice I got the juice all right he’s got the juice in D he’s on fire the poor guy oh no don’t do it there’s water literally next to you but just just do the juice I can’t I can’t I can’t wait any longer I can’t wait any longer wa oh my God this is not what I expected no holy freak I didn’t even realize there was a circle there holy freak I’ve completed the challenge work complete okay I got to I got to go in I got to go in here we are oh God who who oh God I fell it’s it’s so oh don’t thank God our journey is just beginning before entering the sun portal put all items away they will be destroyed oh there’s I there’s got to be another portal or something right did did we just go through the sun portal and miss something no we still have a oh my God that’s the sun portal where’s the sun oh my what is over here oh my God that’s a sun portal what the freak is all this dude Adventure Map DLC loing enter the Border will void all items you have done well to come this far engineer your final trial awaits you complete the ritual what the heck complete guys y what’s up I came prepared okay you you came prepared for the ritual I came prepared well dude how do I choose what the thumbnail I’m overwhelmed oh my God complete the ritual okay check the quest book whoa the destination we need the oh my God we got to do the zizum the avaricious ISM um chapter 10 the end hey guys what’s going on what oh look at him go oh my God he’s freaking got it let’s go wow nice clutch dude I put the prism on on a Contraption and so I prism on a cont I can put I can put a prism in my pocket huh what do you mean what do you mean huh what do you mean the prism in your pocket oh oh sir I can turn it off oh I see got your little schematic Cannon or something like that no no no no it’s a it’s a it’s a railroad Contraption like it’s a create Contraption so I yeah the schematic Cannon is create but yeah okay well there is no schematic Cannon and that is there okay that is cool that is very very very swick um it’s not on anymore though it will turn on in a moment oh there we go okay awesome so okay it says don’t spoil yourself this quest line in creative thanks huh uh we have a lot of work ahead of ourselves do we actually have a lot of work ahead of ourselves yeah you have to fill the source Crystal without damaging its structure maybe entangled blocks could help Source Essence bucket ice Essence nature what where are you reading this where they go into the queste oh super critical machines cool I was wondering if those would come into play exence extractor core okay well that’s fine cuz Greg is Greg is we finally have entangled blocks son of a okay that’s not okay there’s a bit of work so wait how are we each biome has Essences to extract however every other than the source Essence requires another Essence to cultivate it you’ll need an extensive Logistics Network to hand it it does use the word extensive extensive Logistics network but we have to leave everything behind so we start over no that’s do that before we go here this is where we have to leave everything before hold on where what are we are we filling things we’re filling okay we’re filling things up here in this middle area we are filling things oh God I almost that doesn’t extend forever Jordan actually would been fine how do I feel like you fall into the void to leave this Dimension I don’t know oh so this it kind of has like templates of stuff that we need to do maybe okay so entangle is telling us a different biomes that we need to go to so dry Essence Soul Essence nature Essence ice Essence how do you get these things multi block recipe Essence extractor core you get them from each of the biomes we know that so there’s like an ice biome across the way okay you make a you make a virus you make a virus I found some stuff wait what he what this is actually like here what you just found yeah I just broke the floor oh what the heck what the wait why is there all that why is all that down there I don’t know but it’s mine now there I have one oh freck you might want to get out of there before yeah okay huh I just don’t understand thing saying don’t spoil with creative mode first they Pete FES creative stuff don’t spoil yourself this quest line in Creative that says nothing about the creative fluid tanks you’re correct um well at as killroy said welcome to the real start of the pack so wait what it’s I’m just is this really the real is this really the real star of the pack I don’t think so I think they I think I think it’s going to take a little bit of work but I tell me we’re on the we’re on the home stretch right we’re on the home stretch I don’t know I don’t know what yet is needed in order to tell you what we have so what I’m what I’m trying to figure out here is like all these different biomes that are on display I’m assuming that they’re just kind of examples it’s not we’re tapping in in the Overworld to get the essence and then we bring it in here I’m assuming and then that’s what I think yeah okay and then we tap it into the fluid tanks over here um I guess in case fluid pipe yeah okay so that must be the way that it goes and then everything here is wait not Overworld do you just I figured it we pull it from these I figured it was telling us to build this one oh we’re literally just oh we’re literally just pulling the essence from these quadrants of the of the that’s what I was assuming oh okay well that makes it a little bit more doable the only bummer is we have to keep going we’re going to want a waystone here um so didn’t it say a different biomes so yeah if you if you go into the qualifies a different biome is what it’s calling a different biome so like this is a soul Forest so that’s where the Soul Essence no no no no look look in the upper right it says biome K Soul forest decoratively and then Arcane Plaines yeah so they actually have the they have the corresponding names to the essence am I losing my mind or am I only seeing two I’m not seeing multiple like I see Arcane planes Soul that’s it oh yeah wait this is just Arcane Plains Arcane is up here I have Arcane snow all the way up here oh oh you go way way way away got it not on just those I see same ples right here so P yeah I guess we have to go to the actual land masses not the but not in the over world but okay still this idea okay so we have to and then where does the source Essence bucket come from uh okay so regardless we need to make five of the essence extractor cores which are um doesn’t seem like it should be so okay five of them which means we need 10 more Gregs 10 or five spawner extractors so okay we’re GNA want a waist Stone here yep we’re definitely goingon to want another waist Stone so I’m gonna I’m going to take a quick trip back home I’m going to test something oh you’re going to fall out and see what happens ow ow ow ow ow not how you leave glad we figured that one out Jesus Christ um there’s a dungeon of some sort or at least it looked like there’s definitely I don’t know whether that dungeon’s supposed to be here it kind of looks like just a a generated dungeon yeah those are just the ones that happen everywhere out in the open air huh that’s cool wait there’s a chapter behind being under here is very disconcerting what do you mean there’s a chapter behind something it’s so dark under there another one you mean what are you talking about what are you talking about um all right uh quick trip back and I’ll get a waystone here cuz I don’t know if the The Singularity stuff that they were talking about um [ __ ] so yeah yeah yeah I don’t know if the H using the singularity blocks is like that’ll be the way to bring stuff in here to work on things we can just make stuff and waystone in I would think why is that okay so I think what it’s saying or or the idea is by now we have applied energistics and we create a AE um Singularity and we have link it to here so we can have access to all the items here as well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but we can just Way Stone and then it’s just as easy right yeah nothing like going back and forth carrying a player’s inventory versus having your entire bases stuff available I agree yeah no I I’m with you with you on that one as for darn sure um but for now while while we potentially set up that AE system um I’m just going to see if I can get another way Stone going here do we have these time Essences here by any chance why are they not that’s what I I was I was actually checking the greens on the thing to see if any of these were green uh on the on the thing and it does not appear that they are oh cuz you’re not a super hey man that would do it does do it how do you leave this place wait what why is this guy not super heating what the freak what are you what fluid are you giving him uh biodiesel uh do we have available uh I mean my other guy is super heating yeah and he’s using oh he it refined fuel not biodiesel oh that might be the my other guy you mean the one that I rebuilt cuz I was like what is this doing and then I put it back there God I’m being called out I do not know how you return or if you’re supposed to I I just use the warp Stone and then I’m going to come back via the way Stone and then um place a way stone for little old us okay there we go now now we’re producing now we’re producing let’s go so this might surprise you but I have and applied energistics Network up and running whoa is this for like the a Christmas present big surprise it is it is fully integrated into ID it can access everything that’s in ID wait what when did this happen wow go H oh okay not uh no it it happened like I I literally started it like the other day and I uh it’s not like I’ve had I I connected it to ID about an hour before we started this episode and I was like this should not work did you know this was coming no no so basically uh I knew that I wanted to work on the machines and stuff a little bit further even beyond what we’re doing with the quest stuff so I’ve been kind of pursuing that line wait like you’re just doing some stuff for fun yeah oh and so uh like like you know just I there there’s I scaling up the factory doing lots of stuff like those are puzzles that I enjoy doing and and so um and we have all this cool work that’s already been done and so I was just going to continue to work on it so the next step to in that line is applied energistics also in doing the uh uh like I I needed crafting my crafting I was about to lose my mind so having autocrafting set up now is like so anyway um point being is we’re fairly close to being able to make um The Singularity stuff Singularity stuff and and Link it between the two that not as far away as you think dang what a what a nice surprise to just have happen some fries mother trucker I love those memes all I I didn’t realize it but apparently the creative fluid tank works in that it’s not just infinite storage if you just put like a liquid into it yeah it basically and it and it’s just indefinite oh that’s why it said don’t spoil this with creative it said nothing of the like why did he put those there why did he put those there why would he put them there that is like that is a good question why did he put those there because he he knew I’d find it oh a yes sir yes sir I’m here I’m here for the benefit of y’all Y okay so we need to go make some viruses I can start working on doing that a little bit back to the C is Pete is going back to green conundrum I have a chapter to complete yeah so if you look at the no the extractor thing look at the extractor uh Essence extractor core and then right click it and then look at multi block page and you’ll be like oh Essence extractor it looks like dirt no right click it and then hit the table looking tab at the top uh look at all that fun stuff yeah so we need an old trim jar we’ve got that netherite catwalk stair no problem netherite bars no problem small flu tank no problem uh and any flu tanks okay no problem okay so oh we need another uh we need to do a mechanical crafting setup with a bunch of stuff here going be real real fun really fun all right we’re going to do that over there cuz we need a bunch of dongers going Bunch ofong we want to tackle that in the next episode I suppose that is uh within reason perhaps yeah yeah yeah yeah Peter yeah yeah okay sure what what did you say oh sh I heard like Gilla and I’m like [ __ ] I don’t know what this means I don’t know what this means um so anyway we want to thank our sponsor for this series Apex hosting providing the server we’ve been playing on guys if you would like to play with your friends whether it be this mod pack any of our previous mod packs or power world or vanilla or Adventure m whatever it be then be sure to check out the link in the description you can save 25% off on your first month helps for what we do we appreciate that thank you to them sponsoring thank you to you for watching and checking them out uh we do create these live you can see as it happens kapin Sparkles pza Hut and TW twe uh throw some follows see all the extra content that does make it into the videos if you have enjoyed this video please consider hitting that like button subscribing uh turning on notifications and uh telling your friend about us or you know bringing us up at a at an awkward party or something like that I don’t know whatever it works for you um but uh thanks for watching anything for you guys before we go yeah where did where did you put the crushing wheel juicers for the pcbs just real quick I don’t remember where they were located I thought you were done and I T was down what I thought we were done when I tore those down yeah we weren’t done um Okie doie all right well we’ll get him we’ll get him next time we’ll get him next time okay byebye byebye bye guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Create Arcane Engineering Ep. 43’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-03-07 18:00:06. It has garnered 11029 views and 623 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:17 or 3857 seconds.

In Create Arcane Engineering, we must build a factory to “master the arcane”. That’s the description it is very cryptic. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: Series Playlist:

X33N: Pete:

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    Insane Mods in Minecraft 1.20.1! EP 2Video Information aquela mesa de encantamento é muito boa cara eu vou ver só que vai um XP Desgraçado é não não é muito ué eu gastei cinco level para deixar tudos os negócios nível TR tipo eu ia colocando colocando sabe então deve ser mais ou menos nvel vanila então Ah vou te ensinar um negócio tem de com não encanta só um coisa uma de cana velho Caral verdade nem me lembre escolher qualquer encantamento prote level máximo seis níveis não faz um só tipo assim não coloca eu sei dá para colocar um monte né vários então… Read More

  • Insane Mod Revealed in Minecraft Gameplay! #mods

    Insane Mod Revealed in Minecraft Gameplay! #modsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Мод на лаловую кирку! #minecraft #майнкрафт #shots #video #youtubeshorts #игры #youtube #mods #моды’, was uploaded by DAV222-Minecraft on 2024-01-13 16:52:33. It has garnered 2772 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Eyezrox – Insane Twist in Hardcore Mode!

    Eyezrox - Insane Twist in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘Thing Just Got Worse in Hardcore………..’, was uploaded by Eyezrox on 2024-05-03 10:52:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to my epic journey surviving a whopping 356 days in Minecraft Hardcore Mode, enhanced with some of the most … Read More

  • Insane Clay Collecting in Minecraft with Viewers!

    Insane Clay Collecting in Minecraft with Viewers!Video Information [Music] [Music] oh shoot oh shoot hold on boys hold on Cookie Clicker it’s more important all right um yo welcome Rory how’s it going dude turning PS4 wait turn on PS4 right now good M good M uh welcome uh ketchup welcome stop stop motion Sega as well um glad to see you guys here um as always you know um I been working off camera kind of um I’m crying right now what happened Luke what’s going on dude um why you crying sir but I’ve been working off camera um on this oh I say… Read More

  • RuthlessCraft Survival Apocalypse

    RuthlessCraft Survival ApocalypseThe server is mainly focused on: Severe weather effects that can make it very difficult to survive, Hardcore elements such as only getting a limited amount of lives and when you run out you’re temp banned, ability to train skills and mcmmo, economy, factions, pvp and pve, monsters with increased difficulty, boss monsters that are extremely hard to kill, and improved gameplay elements such as: special enchantments, a plugin that adds magic, and unique craftable items. Read More

  • QuaintSMP | SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    – Server Details: Version: 1.20.1 Community: Close-knit World: Long-term Gameplay: Proper survival Features: Shopping district, Minigame district Server Type: Forge with light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) – About the Server: I run a Hermitcraft-style server with 9 active players and looking to expand. We prioritize community and teamwork in building and projects. Seeking players aged 16+ but exceptions can be made for mature individuals. Goal is 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Please mojang, fix this mess”

    Well, looks like Mojang better watch out – this meme is clearly a top player in the game of internet humor! Read More

  • Speedy Iron Forge: Minecraft’s Fastest Form!

    Speedy Iron Forge: Minecraft's Fastest Form! Welcome, welcome, to the iron farm show, Where we craft the fastest form, don’t you know? Piqman here, with a tutorial so fine, In Minecraft world, where iron doth shine. First, gather materials, obsidian and more, Build a structure, like never before. Slabs on top, to stop Golems from spawning, A wall around, to keep the iron forming. Water flows, in a perfect design, Portal lit, with a flick so divine. Villagers placed, in beds they lay, Glass above, to keep them at bay. Zombies brought, to scare the night, In survival mode, it’s quite a fight. But with… Read More

  • From Noob to God: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    From Noob to God: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown! “When a Minecraft noob tries to take on a pro, a hacker, and a god in a battle, it’s like bringing a wooden sword to a diamond armor fight. Good luck, buddy!” 😂 #minecraftstruggles #minecraftfail #minecraftbattle Read More

  • Diving Deep in Minecraft | Upgraded Strainers & Underwater Adventures!

    Diving Deep in Minecraft | Upgraded Strainers & Underwater Adventures! Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Ocean Depths Welcome back to Seaopolis Submerged, an ocean-based survival questing modpack that takes players on an underwater adventure like never before. In this unique world, players are submerged from the overworld into the depths of the ocean, the nether, and beyond. With a customized world filled with diverse mobs and structures, the challenge is to survive and thrive in this aquatic environment. Questing and Survival In this latest episode, players embark on a cold ocean quest line, completing tasks such as setting up strainers, expanding their base using the Room Opis mod, and automating… Read More

  • Unleashing Magical Chaos on SkyBoundSMP! EP 26

    Unleashing Magical Chaos on SkyBoundSMP! EP 26Video Information do a run cap of what happened last time on bound SMP last we saw Rune it was going to convince vast to join him and petro and Virgil down in the ancient city to try to defeat the warden and see what would happen the group got a little bit banged up about it but they managed to make it out okay and got to uncover the warden’s heart this blue crystal was like little pink crystals coming out of it that almost glowed in of itself and R and Virgil were very excited about this development… Read More

  • Minecraft Yandere Family Adopts Block Buddies

    Minecraft Yandere Family Adopts Block BuddiesVideo Information wait a second where am I right now oh my gosh T man who it’s TV man I’m so excited wa what in the heck what am I doing here with all these girls and where even am I right now uh hi TV man uh that’s a good question actually it’s a great question actually and I would like to know the answer what are you doing here I don’t know uh who even are you girls I have no idea where I am right now I didn’t even know you were real like skippity toilet like… Read More

  • 🔴Insane 6 Hour Dark Corrupt Minecraft SMP with Viewers!

    🔴Insane 6 Hour Dark Corrupt Minecraft SMP with Viewers!Video Information build wealth every day stream time build wealth every day that’s literally the same ad okay I’m ready see yeah uh I don’t think solid knows that the stream started yeah the white list oh no I don’t have I don’t have control over the server I I I’ll check oh no it works wait what wait oh solid’s on the ball today what the hell oh well that’s interesting I don’t think I can even turn off the white list yeah I’m no longer operator yeah I can’t turn off the white list I I hate I… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Funland Adventure & Insane Parkour

    EPIC Minecraft Funland Adventure & Insane ParkourVideo Information hello guys today I’m on my server that I’ve just started yesterday I know I’m really op it’s whatever what is that so it says fun and free com coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon and what does this say parkour school which one should we go first uh I’m going to parkour school and just saying my sister’s in with me uh yeah it’s going to be fun I’m going to try and finish the parkour let’s see oh that was just sad times I accidentally did it so I’m going to hold my w… Read More

  • 🔥 1M Subs in 24H !!! Minecraft Live Hindi #shorts 🔥

    🔥 1M Subs in 24H !!! Minecraft Live Hindi #shorts 🔥Video Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सभी लोग स्वागत है गाइस आज के इस नई स्ट्रीम पर साहिल प्ले वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सेकंड प्रतीक बढ़िया कैसे हो सभी लोग पारकर ओके पारकर के लिए देखता हूं मैं मॉडरेटर से बोलता हू ब्रो एसम ऑनलाइन ब्रदर मैंने आज होस्टिंग वालों से बात कर लिए है न्यू वीपीएस लच करने वाले हैं इसलिए उसको टाइम लगने वाला है जो है वह फर्स्ट ह बढ़िया डिजिटल गेमर वेलकम ू द स्ट्रीम स्वागत है आईम होल फर्स्ट नाइस यार वन प्लेयर दिखा रहा है कहां पर वन… Read More

  • Epic Monster School vs Bad Guys Showdown!

    Epic Monster School vs Bad Guys Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monster School vs Bad Guys: Bad Dancers Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Ansar. game. 1.1M views 5 days ago… on 2024-03-25 16:22:51. It has garnered 250 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. #monsterschool monster school, monster school animation, monster school minecraft, monster school challenge, monster school funny, minecraft monster school, школа монстров, монстр школа, minecraft school Titan Cameraman And Herobrine Vs Skibidi Toilet – Minecraft Animation Monster School: Bad Monster vs Good Monster – Sad Story monster school, monster school animation, monster school minecraft, monster school challenge,… Read More

  • Malayalam Techies Save Village in Minecraft! 😱🔥

    Malayalam Techies Save Village in Minecraft! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#2 ഒരു village മുഴുവൻ രക്ഷിച്ചു 🥵🥵 Minecraft’, was uploaded by Malayalam Techies on 2024-03-18 10:21:45. It has garnered 2306 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:11 or 611 seconds. Social Medias:✅ Discord :❎ Vlog Channel :❎ Facebook :❎ Instagram :❎ Referals:✅ Minecraft Hosting: Apex Hosting (Kindly Don’t Ask for Youtube Channel Promotion ) For Copyright and Promotions/Business: [email protected] Available for sponsorships, product reviews, Brand Collabs and website reviews. For Business / Sponsorship/ Queries Contact: Business mail – [email protected] #Malayalam Techies – മലയാളം ടെക്കീസ് Disclaimer- Copyright Disclaimer Under… Read More

  • Manpixel’s EPIC Minecraft War – You won’t believe what happens next! 😱 #shorts

    Manpixel's EPIC Minecraft War - You won't believe what happens next! 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] I’ll [Music] look [Applause] [Music] m This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 11 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-12 12:00:40. It has garnered 821 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • WX39 – CRAZY Mod Hacks for Minecraft 1.20.6!

    WX39 - CRAZY Mod Hacks for Minecraft 1.20.6!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.6 – Shaders, Zoom, and Optimisation Mods Install Tutorial’, was uploaded by wx39 on 2024-06-06 06:35:25. It has garnered 118 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:38 or 518 seconds. Download all the mods bundled together here: If you’re having trouble running the Iris Installer, there is a utility you can download called “JarFix”. It’ll fix the issue, though you may need to restart your PC after running it. If you’d rather download the mods individually, here are the relevant links: Iris Shaders – gives you shaders and the… Read More

  • RazerPVP

    RazerPVPWelcome to RazerPvP! We are a new 1.19.4 server, and a work in progress, but value constructive criticism and suggestions! We have factions, MCMMO, marriage, and an upcoming NPC shop! We also are adding parkour at spawn. Staff are almost always available on our discord – . Feel free to @ us in the general chat if you need help. We are excited to see new members join this growing server! Read More

  • GlowCraft PVE SMP Crossplay 1.20+ Quests No-Grief Land Claims Player Economy Jobs

    Join GlowCraft Community Today! 🌟 Discord: Website: Java: 25565 Bedrock: 19132 Description: GlowCraft is a laid-back Survival Multiplayer network with a focus on economy and PvE gameplay. Build your own adventure and enjoy custom items alongside regular gameplay experiences. Everything is obtainable through gameplay! Economy Focus: Interact with the community through trading, selling, and buying items without the need for a webstore. Perks include Crate Keys, Vote Rewards, and Glow Sticks. Main Features: Obtain everything in the game through play or advance with donations through the store. ⛏ Jobs 📅 Daily Quests 🌲 Season 3 Elemental (Released)… Read More