Mastering Mega Terraforming in Minecraft

Video Information

It out it out about it it out it out make it happen let’s it out it out we got to make it we got to make it got it It make it Real It Y Hello everybody how you doing today here I want to um let me can I move this happens if I tell this to Center in the screen where is that at um transform Center horizontally there we go let me do let me do that with this

Too hold on I like I got to like move some things around a little bit that right there whoa wait hey what what who’s what is this oh my God what how is this a thing what are you guys doing am I understanding this am I being like attacked is somebody hacking me

I don’t understand that’s got to be a bug I don’t think that actually happened don’t know I don’t know what that’s from I don’t know no yeah I think at streamlabs just uh streamlabs is going crazy I don’t I don’t know where it got all that from cuz yeah it’s not showing is

It yeah it’s not showing over in like the YouTube Studio okay yeah that was that was super weird that was super super weird hold on let me um let me move this Lo real quick uh create go live that’s crazy yeah I don’t know what that’s from Tech Le I mean wow

Okay all right I got everything kind of caught up here now um anyways um before streamlabs decided to like be really crazy and like just deci side I didn’t know what it was doing I was trying to uh like reorg this screen really quick Center horizontally this nope what

This yeah something like that and then where wait where is blurp um so I did get oh my just chatting thing needs to be centered transform CER horizontally and then let me Center this so um I’ve uh I’ve added in like reset up blurp which is like a sound effect thing

So if you guys want to play cool sound effects like the Enderman you guys should have heard that or uh there’s like a potion one here’s like a Mario one duck hunt like just a bunch of like fun little things if you guys want to play around with those feel

Free to do so you could type in exclamation point blurp to see all the normal like stuff is still there like if you guys just want to use like the stream laps Channel points and that kind of stuff but what I just showed you is also there too

The potion on should be the sound for hydrate redeem I can see that that’s kind of funny um okay um I don’t even have Minecraft opened yet and also I feel like we turned this music up a little bit not blurt uh blurp b l i r p you’ll

See uh streamlabs um say a little something about it periodically you guys are funny I mean I guess I can’t spell like I can’t blame you for not being able to spell blurp uh okay all right I’m getting Minecraft opened up now oh yeah that’s right blp see I can’t

Even spell blurp thanks TMO um blurp does have its own um Channel point system as well um it doesn’t have like commands could check or anything like that there’s but there’s a browser extension so it does integrate well with YouTube if you’re on desktop and use the browser

Extension so um we’re going to be hopping on the classic let’s play world today um but like as we get things started and like before a ton of people get here cuz it’s a little bit more casual when I’m just like able to sit here and talk with um a a slightly

Smaller group of you um let’s talk about class let’s play real quick um so you see like I’m still going to be playing the World um but I think I think based on the performance of the series from a video perspective classic let’s play is going

To be moving away from being a video series and over to being a stream series um unfortunately its viewership is so low like 3 to 5,000 viewers I don’t know if that because it’s just like a if it’s a me thing if it’s a my channel thing or

If it’s a vanilla Minecraft more generally thing but some combination of those things is making it to where it’s not getting a lot of views and because it’s not getting a lot of views it’s actually hurting my other content um and you know if I was doing this part-time

It wouldn’t wouldn’t really matter but like as a full-timer trying to make it in this crazy content world I have to watch what I put out and let’s play stuff just this is not hitting it for me uh for whatever one of those reasons possibly is what what was

That oh give back let’s do it let’s do it um hold on let me find cloudbot loyalty settings boom points have been doubled everybody give hea let’s go so yeah so um I you’re you’re going to start seeing I have some really fun tutorial plans and like a strategy behind the tutorials

I’m going to do including some variety some varieties of even like the same type of farms um and a lot of stuff that I’m going to be able to get a lot of content out to you guys for and since most tutorials where I’m not Reinventing

The wheel don’t take me a lot of time to do um here we’ll get in game while we talk since um since a lot of tutorials don’t take a ton of in-game time for me to do unless I’m like totally Reinventing something and like being super Innovative or some like brand new

Thing that just came out um that means I’ll actually be able to spend more time streaming what is that a second give back I thought we had like a a timer on that but that’s fine I don’t we can do another one double it again actually prefer that anyways

So that means like I was just saying that this world is going to become a stream series world where we’re still going to go through probably a few times a week I imagine at least a few hours each time we get on and go through and build up this world maybe we’ll have

Some longer sessions when I’m like really getting into it maybe some will be a little bit shorter like some of my typical streaming sessions um we’ll be able to spend more time in this world together in a stream series and I’ll reorganize the playlist um to kind of accommodate this

Um I’ll also kind of redo how I um do the EP like the stream names or episode names um that way um you guys can keep up with what’s going on when um and I’ll probably even come back in after the fact and and um like do like some more

Like cohesive thumbnails for what happened in the Stream and update the title for what happened in the Stream that way if you don’t catch the stream it’s a little bit easier to see what was this stream about uh what did prow do and it’ll just I think it’ll just feel a

Little bit better from a after Thea perspective for you guys um so I think this is going to be the best way for me to go forward it means plenty of content coming out from prow it means me being able to continue doing this at a full-time Pace um it

Keeps me happy with the content it might give me a little bit more time to do my non-minecraft content on the other channels as well so I’m considering it right now an all win situation um and know nothing is changing with what content is being put on where um I’m

Pretty settled in the fact that this channel will only be a Minecraft Channel up and until the point where something like hight tail comes out and then maybe it transitions to a like a prow um like let’s play Channel or a prow like Survival game channel or

Something like that like it’ll it’ll be something that’s categorized to a Minecraft Style game and would appeal to a Minecraft audience and would still be a completely friendly familyfriendly Channel when that happens which if we’re talking about High taale guys we’re probably still talk a couple years like

Let’s be serious I don’t know if any of you guys keep up with high tail Matthew Dylan wood tier let’s go Johnny still locked up it’s it’s not it’s not Johnny I don’t know who Johnny is techly Jimmy yes Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy yeah he’s not going

Anywhere um today is my last time that you guys will see me live or in any like meaningful capacity um for about the next like 8 Days um or nine days um I go on vacation or um holiday as my Brits out there call it my my Europeans out there

Call it um I go Sunday um tomorrow is like a all get ready day hi proba will you be playing the modded Minecraft with the machines and stuff not today but yes I do want to do more of that because modded is kind of like what’s in right

Now and I think just the fact that I’m not super comfortable with modded makes me like hesitant to jump in I just need to get over that honestly um because I do think I’ll have fun with it as I like learn a little bit more but I’m like I’m

So lost when I get in it’s hard for me to have fun but I think several streams of us like really getting into it’ll be fun where you going to the beach yeah I’m going to the beach I W say what beach I don’t need you guys stalking me

But yes I’ll be going to a beach uh with a lot of family for a full seven days and it’s going to feel good like I get some sleep if you guys like those of you that don’t really follow me a lot for like the things that I’m doing

Um you may I don’t know if I want to hold on I’m just like sidetracking right here I don’t know if I want to get into doing the um the spider area today I kind of want to terraform so here let me update the uh let me update the stream name really

Quick Mega terraforming the Village yeah let’s let’s uh let’s change gears a little bit that feels good um when do you leave uh early Sunday morning for me so tomorrow is going to be like a here I’m going to go get like grass and dirt while I talk to you guys

So Saturday is going to be a get everything ready day for me I got to like clean the car out I got to like uh get things situated for the pets I got to take my dog to my dad’s house like I got to do a lot of stuff tomorrow so I

Probably won’t get on um and as I was about to say um I’m super excited for the fact that like on vacation I’m actually going to get to sleep more than like 5 to 6 hours a night um for the few of you that follow me uh I’ll have

Fortnite withdrawals we’ll be doing some fortnite tonight after the Minecraft stream um so don’t you worry um but like for those of you that don’t follow me on my gaming channel um I stream a lot there like I’m usually there like late at night after I’ve already done this

All day so I do kind of like burn burn both ends of the stick so to speak or both ends of the candle so to speak um and I don’t get a lot of sleep so it’ll be nice to actually get some sleep um so I’m trying to think like

What what would be good for like how this looks like maybe we have like this whole thing as like a like a kind of Stony like mini Cliff face you know and then it’ll kind of like curve around to this that might look kind of cool cuz the other the other option

Would be just make it like a flowy Hill which we could do too but maybe that would be kind of bland here let’s uh let’s sleep and we’ll take a better look at it we are you leaving the country no I’m not going far it’s like a a four to five

Hour drive or something like that oh let’s uh let’s get the music turned back up we got the DK rap going on in the Background monkey DK kids excited oh they’re super excited they can’t wait I’m really excited too I’m just I’m every bit as excited as they are so what do you guys think we’re jumping like in game really quick now like talk about what’s going on here what do you

Think should I make this kind of like a cliff face like it goes all the way around that could look kind of cool and with like the kind of crazy terrain stuff here it it kind of works I’d have to figure out what I’m doing with this it’s more that’s more fun and

Exciting than just like a a smoothened out hill with a path right I’m not really good with Cliffs like I’ve seen people make some like really cool like Stony stuff and I don’t know that I don’t know how well I could pull it off but we can kind of do it

Together I’m just trying to like I don’t mind it having like this type of like overhang but I feel like it’s got to be a little bit smoother another reason to go for it yeah and like also if I’m doing this as a stream series I feel like I’ll just be

Able to do more of like what I want to do in the world because like stream content and video content are so different from each other video content you have to so so so much worry about like clicks and like what’s what’s going to get people to click you know what I

Mean um so like the video has to have a clear message to it typically um it’s got to have like something flashy to show in the thumbnail but if I’m streaming like we can just like do this together like a we don’t even have to have like a particular theme to like a

Uh anything specific that we’re doing nice grass yeah I think it’s looking good um so if we do this as a cliff I think what we’re going to end up doing is man I’m going to need a lot of like regular Stone and I don’t I don’t

Have a silk touch pick yet which means we don’t have a lot of regular Stone which means we’re going to have to run a lot of our Cobble which I think I have a decent amount of uh we’re have to run that through our uh furnace down here not my siblings

Help me rate an ancient city under my area what a disaster oh I can only imagine ancient cities are so wild they’re fun though yeah we’re probably going to end up needing more like I’ll probably need like almost all of this is like just Stone and then

We’re going to have to go get more Cobble hang Roots would be great detail yeah we can do stuff like that okay so we’ll have the stones smelting there I have an extra Jackal here let’s throw that in here throw some shrimp on the barie we’re renovating ancient city but sadly

Ran out of motivation it’s a huge task oh it is but like that’s something that we could do on a stream like once we finish this town and move on to our next area or two or three after this like it’d be fun to do an ancient city as like a full

Thing you seem sad or tired no not really I was really tired cuz I was up till like after midnight last night which meant like 5 hours of sleep but I did put in like a 2hour nap I think I’m just more like a a chill a chill mode

Um so like here’s going to be one of the like funky Parts is like this part of the village and like this house right here I do think I want to smooth this out a little bit which means that this house is probably going to get like temporarily like partially buried and

Then raised up on the hill and maybe even moved a little bit Genie’s playing Diablo 4 oh I’ve been having so much fun playing Diablo um I hopped on a little bit earlier today I wasn’t like really playing I was just like gearing up my character a little bit better and man

It’s so good yeah see I think we need to like Smooth this whole thing out which means like we need to curve this kind of out like This do you have any plans to put stairs or slabs on the main path so you don’t really yes I will um pathing is something that we’ll end up doing probably pretty soon I like doing like Terra like this like terraforming type stuff is one of my like favorite things

To do I think um I need to think like how’s this going to come out like this is probably like realistically to like really have like a cool smooth look it’s probably got to like come out like this far and then like it’ll like continue to come out to like

Here something like this nice music of bricks Hill like all right is cool PR a brick Hill like diate oh that’s kind of interesting I don’t know that I’ll do that but like I like the the idea of it sounds pretty neat no no you were playing Diablo for

Too late last night I was but you know what I had a good time and um I’ve actually put out uh a Diablo 2 video or Diablo uh 4 video recently and um I’m going to be doing some more I have one scheduled already and another I

Have to edit I’ll probably edit it when I get back from vacation so like this one will probably like come out this way um something like this I think four people watched Diablo yeah we did like a small like Discord Channel stream last night it was really fun I’ve been meaning to um have you guys ever watched any streamers that use um I probably would never do that in this world um although you never know maybe to some degree I could you ever watch anybody that uses um this thing called in their streams

Called what is it called um oh crowd control and it like allows like viewers to like cause things to happen in the in the world the players world like uh spawn creepers in or like teleport the player like weird stuff like that been trying to get them to make that work for

Bedrock Edition I think it’d be really cool my microphone wants to like move on me all right I may end up like peeling some of this heel back some this heel this hill back some okay because I wanted to have a somewhat smooth transition actually here

Let’s do that let’s like start that like right here like this and then we can like trim just a little bit off right here man there’s so many villagers here good grief let’s go what are we doing to let’s go for did I miss something guys are confusing

Me okay this transition’s like not looking bad let’s like trim this back about a block or so can you guys go find something to do let’s go cherizard leave Charizard out of this okay okay it’s where I buried the Villager Pell what all right let’s sleep again I think

It’s it’s coming together I think it’s starting to look good oh I’ll be finding pumpkins for a while I think so um who has like any kind of interesting things going on in their Minecraft worlds right Now cuz they’re Jackal lanterns they’re not regular pumpkins I got to take the Jackal lanterns away I think this looks okay I kind of like I need this part to smoothen out just a bit like this like it’s almost kind of like curving in some I think one of the players in my

World is building a large bamboo Farm oo that’s nice that’s very Nice okay that looks pretty solid like this looks like it has a flow where it could kind of like come down I guess it would like I guess it be flowing like right here like this path will like come over and then flow down to here working on NE Hub o very

Fun gold Old Farm oh uh Heen you’re going to have to you’re going to be very interested in the video I have coming out on Saturday uh tomorrow uh keep a lookout you will definitely 100% want to see it yeah okay I like how this turned out let’s uh let’s get rid of

This um I think I need to like replace like a few torches around here cuz we take some up working on a Dwarven Kingdom inside of a mountain oh that’s really cool W okay that’s uh okay uh finishing storage building and then double Blaze spawner Farm oh heck yeah I know

Somebody that’s doing one of those right now actually double Blaze spawner but I won’t tell and it’s not me okay so I think that area looks good um like there’s other little areas that need to be smoothed out but there’s not a oh oh that’s when I was like trying to

Find the uh pillagers underground I’m a big fan of your iron Tower do it everywhere I play oh the um the Stacked iron farm that thing is pretty nuts okay it’s like like otherwise generally like I don’t feel like a lot of the terrain here is that bad um I could

Probably like Smooth smoothing this hill out a little bit just cuz I think it’ll look a little bit better blue J should have his double blaze farm out soon I guess I don’t know what blue jay is doing also you guys saw I put out a lot

Of uh videos recently like opinion based videos um about like fixing current Minecraft systems and making them better those did not do do as well as I wanted them to I was a little disappointed in that but I really like that type of content so I don’t know if I’m going to keep

Pushing that or not I might not put a stream near the village anywhere I don’t know where I could do that that would make sense cuz this Village is kind of elevated compared to water level down there so like where would the stream come from and where would it go to is

That what I don’t know adding a bunch of exposed geodes in the cliffs around my spawn base oh that sounds like a fun idea are you playing fortnite with the trader ghost yeah I’ll be doing fortnite tonight I invited ghost and minnow to play um no response from them yet I’m

Sure minnow at least will and I think ghost will probably play too Hadad to guess okay I’m trying to see like is there any other oh we have a major terraforming issue in the back here I forgot all about do you still have Paul junr yeah he’s over there tied up

Still yeah see this right here is a big issue and I think ultimately what it’s going to requ oh wow what it’s going to require to happen is to close off this entire Gap right here it’s just really weird terrain and it just does not work

Well so like from this point where he’s standing right there I’m going to probably just flatten this whole like bit Wes fingers mystically magic waterfall from space um which which means I probably need to take this up and we’ll put it somewhere no I don’t have uh silk touch

Any on anything right now so we’ll have to remake those when we need them um and then these are going to get covered over pretty much completely why is Ghost a Traer he was he was playing fortnite without me last night it was very rude of

Him um so like what if man how’s this going to work um and this will have to like this will end up being like a little Cliff Pace I guess I don’t know how we’re going to do it but like roughly this is what it’s going to look

Like like we’ll have a little like line right there honestly it’ll probably like kind of like more like curve in right here and then this will be a much larger like drop off where I guess we have to like wallet because we do need to build a wallet at some

Point at least you get the books back from the bookshelves yeah there’s no waste except for the wood that you use from making them into bookshelves hey Dave what’s up dude how’s it going man yeah I think like something like that will be good

Um this is uh this is going to be quite the task okay and then can you like what is can you get out of There oh he scared the crap out of me I was like is he an iron golem coming to kill me hope you’re well PR I’m doing good bill two member me two months membership let’s go Bill and this will curve in like this and we’ll just fill in this whole area right

Here probably really like burying those Villagers houses well I can’t move it yet oh crap I forgot I got to do a couple things for the dog really quick guys will you hang on for me for like 3 minutes and I’ll be RB the why I’m home alone right now so

I’m like handling all the things I’ll be right back All right I’m back thanks for waiting that couple of minutes get the music back up some let me restart Minecraft cuz it wants to keep minimizing whenever I uh open or touch anything over on OBS I think if I restart it it’ll fix it hean

As time goes by we must have fun thanks for many good hours hey hean thanks dude congrats on the 12 months I appreciate it very much let’s see does it minimize still it does it’s just something I’m about to deal with because I have to restart OBS

To make it stop doing that which I’m not going to do Uh let me do this okay so let’s like let’s just fill in all of this and by fill in all this I mean only the top layer so all of you guys will forever know that there’s nothing under here and we’re going to we’ll see if we can get that villager

Out before we completely bury him In got some like Hobbit homes over here top you want to see how you’re progressing on that creeper Farm B Bill no zero progression absolute zero cuz we don’t do creeper Farms here tell you lava bucket plus water bucket what to fill in the area nah know what fills it in good

Torches to keep mobs from spawning in there that’s all you Need here maybe um just to keep villagers from wanting to come in here maybe we’ll like take this up is that him somebody was dying is he is he back here yeah he is I don’t know what you’re doing bro but you need to get Out is he going to stay like trapped back here maybe we can like make him go out this way look dude right here I’ll leave this open for him for a little bit we’ll see if he tries to go out my Minecraft OCD I really I’m going to

Be honest with you guys I really can’t understand people that actually fill in all these holes like it’s such a waste of materials like why would I want to like have to invest all that extra dirt when a couple torches will just keep mobs from spawning down there that’s all

I got to worry about Jimmy stays locked up oh yeah Jimmy will be locked up for the indefinite Future bucket FS completely free except for the time that it takes to do it you know what else is completely free not putting anything in there oh man we ran out of a blocks okay and then like I think we could we can like well I need some more dirt but

We can fill that up pretty easily so when does the armadillo come out um in June although we may maybe we see it we’ll we’ll probably see it I think like beginning of the year that mending warden in there yet I have have not and the it what the warden

Wasn’t going to be a meing it was going to be like the secretary of the Area look at all that Copper hey dag how’s it going dude yeah I wanted to get I wanted to get a Minecraft stream in before I went on vacation so this will be the last one you see for at least a week who’s going to know exactly Rachel except with me everybody that watches Knows hope trims will apply to Doggy armor I wouldn’t get your hopes up for that I really wouldn’t I my expectations I would set for you that I think are realistic for like unstated features that they may do is um I I would hope to see uh like die like diable I think that’s like kind of realistic diable armor likely I would I would put it in the likely category trimmable I would put in the unlikely Category But MOJ never disappoints they um they they can fail to hit the mark quite often can’t they they’re not perfect it would only be diable if it’s made of leather though well no that’s not true at all yes only leather armor in the game right now is diable that’s true but that

Doesn’t mean that they won’t say oh well you can you can’t diey armadillo armor because it’s not leather that doesn’t make sense it’s a new thing right so maybe it it maybe it becomes dyable maybe it’s not like we don’t know but the fact that you can dye a dog’s collar

To like signify them and they know people like to express themselves and Custom iation I would highly highly highly expect that um the the dog armor would be diable see trim is a little bit different story I obviously you can make a very easy case for why they should do

Trim um but it’s a lot more work because they have to then come up with a whole bunch of new designs for trim color is different you just have you just have to apply a color to the armor it’s a hard shell we’d have to paint uh I don’t know how that would

Work I mean I guess I get that it’s a hard shell but first of all it’s a this is a video game it doesn’t have to make sense um second of all like people have stained stuff with dyes for a long time throughout history I get that leather’s

A lot more porous so it’s going to be more subje to dying but that doesn’t mean that you can’t easily make a case for these armadillo scoots that have been formed into armor in some fashion would have that ability as well I don’t like this tree right

Here well we’ll leave it for now it adds a little bit of character are you still recording the series or just live streaming it now because you said it wasn’t making sense to record vide videos of it yeah so we’re we’re not going to be doing any more videos of

This series I’ll probably do a video about that just to kind of like Channel update people about it and and just like give people hold on dog barked at something I thought I heard Something um but yeah I just want to give people that basic uh that basic understanding of what’s going on I I don’t want to leave people that have been watching the series like hanging okay no I didn’t see I didn’t hear anything New York strip homemade mashed potatoes and honey glazed carrots why

Does all that sound so freaking good holy crap I need to get I need to get this dude off of here you might be needed to defend the village so um do you guys have like any how about how about we’ll do this I’m going

To put this out there to you guys if we hit 100 members on today’s stream how many total members are we at 971 we fell below a th000 obviously we’re going to go way below that we’ll probably go back down to like three 300

Or so by the end of my vacation or maybe a few days after that but let’s see if we can get a few more members thrown in here before that happens so if we had 100 members in today’s stream I will trigger a raid to have to

Fight JN do you deliver I wish I’ll take a delivery um okay let’s like do a few more basic things here I think like just some basic like curving some areas out Here I don’t like how this is like so close to this although we may end up moving that but yeah something like that feels pretty good to Do I really need to I really need to get rid of the shovel don’t I we need we need a um we need a shovel that does not have silk touch on it this is going to be incredibly Annoying U we have 34 levels so we can very likely get ourselves a good shovel where you going vacation if you don’t mind me asking um I just I’m just keeping it vague to you guys I’m going to a beach going to a beach I live I live

Close enough to the coast where going to the beach is not like a big a big task I’m not like super close to the beach but I’m close enough to where you know few hour trip can get you to a number of different beaches Uh where’s bookshelves I need a lot more there we go 15 uh we need to set this up somewhere else for now I don’t know where not down Here finally went to a fortress got four wither skulls and 56 blaze rods and nether W oh cool so you stocked up on a lot of things that you Need U so if we do let’s see one two Three All right let’s get the stuff we need and we’ll uh we’ll craft ourselves a couple shovels and see if we can’t get ourselves a um a good combination of stuff still no deaths yet either oh cool cool you did good then if you didn’t have any deaths your first time going

Into The Nether most people are going to most people are going to eat it pretty bad uh okay couple shovels think it’s getting dark out Um lapis and uh where did I put that grindstone anybody see where I left the grindstone basing in a villag is a great idea slpl yeah it’s just like it’s fun like it instantly gives you something to do a lot of people like to do it so

That’s like it makes it a little bit more like fun or better content for me generally I really don’t know where I left that grindstone I don’t remember picking it up was it down there it was like right under here right well it’s been it’s been buried

Forever if I left it down there I don’t remember seeing it down there though may have to make a new One uh before we do that we’ll just plug our shovel in and see what we get see what’s there Unbreaking three I mean that’s worth a shot Unbreaking three efficiency 4 let’s put the next one in I’m breaking three again I really want to recycle

That and see if we can get efficiency 4 to show up or fortune or Something thank you prow watching you help me big time oh awesome Jordan thanks man so where did my drink go did I drink it all I think I drank it all um you guys tell me keep keep it keep it real with me here we’re not talking about my

Channel or my series at all we’re just talking generally speaking who out there generally speaking has been kind of tired of like regular survival Minecraft who’s who who out there let’s change it this way here I I’ll even do a poll hold On start a Poll are you watching any modded Minecraft okay I’m kind of curious to see what you guys say are any of you watching any any modded Minecraft on man why does it show up at the Bottom oh man why is it doing this hold on this thing’s being really dumb so I need a second now it needs like verification for my phone all right is it going to fix itself yet wait what the heck did it just do hold on now we’re having technical

Difficulties like my chat totally messed up okay now it’s back now it’s good are you watching any modded Minecraft Yes means you are no means you aren’t oh top one’s yes that’s weird that that bug still exists for a lot of people remember folks technical difficulties like these are how you know

It’s 100% in authentic stream accept no IM volume over here on this other Computer there we Go Pole now vanished it should still be there play vanilla watch modded with the seven-year-old son okay okay we’ll see you guys are pretty heavy Bunch for watching vanilla Minecraft so this is a conversation I was um having um was it yeah I think I was having this

Conversation yesterday while I was um streaming Diablo to the gaming channel Discord right and the conversation I was having was about how currently at least the short term vanilla Minecraft is uh it’s dying off a little bit right um and I know why I know why why

It is so it won’t always completely die off right cuz some people are just always going to like it and other times you have people that are fairly new to the game and like that charm of vanilla Minecraft can take a while to wear off

You know what I mean like you could play vanilla Minecraft for years and be very content without many changes to the game happening because there’s so much to the game and like such a uh like so many things to learn and try and do it takes

A while to like reach reach some type of point where you feel like you’ve done everything you’re getting kind of bored with it um here let’s do this let’s do this so with that being said here’s why I think we’re really going to start heading into deep territory of vanilla

Minecraft is kind of taking a backseat to like other things okay um I’m really trying hard to like do this and not mess up the fortune 2 are you kidding me um and that’s because like nothing as big has really happened in in Minecraft in years now that has made

People think that they want to start a new world because the new features coming into the game are so Cool and I think that’s one of the like prerequisites to LA longterm success for Minecraft from at least a Content perspective I’m breaking three Again Unbreaking three again I just I want efficiency or fortune 3 to show up just give me one of those two and I’ll be all right we’ll have to gain the levels back to get it silk touch definitely not something that I want really if anything I should want fortune

Cuz otherwise I might accidentally roll um silk touch on here okay I’m sleeping good I see you Sasha so see there’s silk touch showing up again so um one thing we need can I get like a bunch of do I have a bunch of

Books or can I make some books I need I need other things to enchant that way I don’t have to like keep like interfacing back and forth um I have like all of these enchanted books I can disenchant these anything that’s not like really good like this has efficiency 4 on it

Like I could maybe use that that’s got efficiency 4 on it nothing that great on that one Unbreaking three sharpness four like that one’s pretty good protection respiration three that’s pretty good break Unbreaking three efficiency 4 sharpness loyalty okay we’ll uh we’ll disenchant those

Hello uh no AG I don’t uh my intention I think is like we’re we’re just going to we’re going to just do the Villager Nerf we’re just going to take it as it is rather than trying to circumvent it we’re going to play the way that Minecraft and

Mojang wants us to play the game oh hold on wait can you not oh you can’t take curses off of books go for silk touch on a pick uh not right now hold on oh I do have to remove this off okay so we’re Unbreaking three there right now Unbreaking three Still Unbreaking three still why can I why is it not resetting it is it like broken still Unbreaking you know know what I think we’re going to do we’re going to do what I should have done already hell we’re do what I should have already done you can change the number of bookshelves around the enchantment table

To aim for specific enchantments only if they show up in the lower tier that doesn’t otherwise it doesn’t matter Where’s my where is my Anvil we’re just going to take this that has efficiency 4 on it and then we’re going to have don’t we still have do we still have The Mending guy did I get mending back again I did not we were trying to roll

Mending I don’t remember where I put the Anvil there it is it’s still here so let’s go do this do this have Unbreaking three efficiency and we can use this until it starts to get pretty weak and then we’ll have to uh we’ll have to get Mending you can add more bookshelves and increase your chance for higher tier enchants that’s not true once you get 15 bookshelves it doesn’t Matter I don’t know where I want to put this I don’t I don’t want to put it in here I don’t think my silk touch one think mending villager didn’t survive the no we just didn’t have one oh no we had one that was trapped in

That one fence and he did die um I don’t remember that that happened on the Memon though maybe it did it’s uh it’s turning night time Again Longterm I’m a long-term role player and I miss the early game enchantment grind sometimes yeah I think mining is necessary now with the upgrade templates upgrade templates I’m not sure what you’re like fully sure what you’re talking about here oh does he have mending huh

Oh Infinity I should get rid of you from this world I really should okay we were what area was I working On PR levels an affect the enchanting table no it doesn’t that’s that’s Correct was there another area I was working on or was I just kind of done netherite upgrade templates oh okay now I understand get elytra first before netherite smithing template are you asking me should you it’s up to you look vill like path finding is so

Broken when it comes to path blocks in the game come on bro can can we can we just stop like look like he wants to go this way and watch if I look now that he had access to regular dirt right there he’s able to to get over

It get in the car uh I mean that’s not what that’s not like one of the things I consider to be really fun to do I do think that you’ll likely see me at some point um get more and more into modded U over on Java Edition while I

Still continue to do like Bedrock Edition tutorials I’m starting to get kind of hungry so I think I think I have like a a pizza I can throw in the oven or something so I think I think I’m going to go like start the oven really quick and uh get that process started

For the pizza I’m hungry boom moded so I mean you just have to understand man like moded Minecraft videos are getting like 10 to 50x the views of like non-modded videos it would uh it’d be the equivalent of like selling a product at a store that you know that only a couple

People really like but you but that shelf space could be used for a product that everybody buys that’s catch replay heading to school family bingo night oh that’s cool Tech Lee all right man have fun I get it they’re just boring I don’t think so

What can you tell me like what is it about modded videos that you think is boring I’m I’m like very legitimately curious play Vault Hunters I’ve been thinking of Vault Hunters as like one of the things to pick up and do but my thing with Vault Hunters would be like I

Don’t know that it has like a very large video appeal I think it has a much larger stream appeal I don’t know what do you think do you use a trade helper resource pack on Bedrock I do I I have it loaded on this World so like for example like one of the things I’ve been contemp planning doing with um with modded and specifically create mod is like I was kind of tempted there’s so many um there’s so many videos out there right now for uh create that are like I built

I built a working train station in create mod I built a sugar cane Factory automated sugar or automated firework Factory in create mod like you have these types of videos or like what’s prevalent and what’s popular right now um and you’re getting so so many people copycatting that same

Thing so I wonder if um I wonder if it wouldn’t be better and I would maybe have more fun doing it this way to do a um do something like a series where I’m like learning how to do stuff and create mod and like going through it in that more

Like typical Series standard as opposed to the like very rushed big produced video standard you know what I mean test it several times but the amount of bookshelves you could add was limited to small amount and then the change didn’t happen you can literally 15 bookshelves is the limit that’s what’s coded into

The game 15 bookshelves get you the max size you can make it anything any number above that it doesn’t change anything wait oh those are just the particles okay personally don’t like mod because I only play vanilla not everyone uses mods so it’s easier for everyone to

Understand with no mods mod of videos are especially interesting if you as a player/ viwer want to stay on vanilla I’m leaving work uh won’t have stream for about an hour I’ll be back on when I get home okay ra I don’t usually watch modded as I’m on Xbox I only want

The mods I see which I can’t so best not to watch I mean you I don’t think that’s a good I don’t I don’t know that that really should matter a whole lot right like how many things do you watch watch on TV or YouTube that are things that you can’t

Really do yourself IRL like if you watch football like you’re not going to get on a professional football field and play you like to watch football because it’s interesting and entertaining and maybe it’s something you wish you could do or maybe it’s something that um you just find interesting because it’s something

That you don’t do same thing with movies and typical TV shows I would love modded if it was on Bedrock yeah well you’ll probably see in the future like more and more like kind of crazy add-ons that bedrocks able to do that more mimic what modded can do and you’ll be able to

To theoretically do those things on Console but they’ll be in the marketplace and you’ll have to pay like you have to pay money for them and really big ones I imagine aren’t going to be super cheap so then people will still not want to do it um because CIO

Because um because the pay wall behind it um then of course if you’re on PC or mobile maybe you don’t have that pay wall because uh maybe we’ll smooth this out a little bit because you can just download some good um like comprehensive add-in for free um we could probably like start to

Like take a lot of this out too and let’s get some dirt watch the moday so I don’t try it myself end up unemployed playing Minecraft can console get the grass on the sides of the blocks no unless there’s like a resource pack that you can buy on the

Marketplace see this is the thing that sucks about being on console for you console players is like um like Sony Xbox Nintendo like they don’t they don’t want you to have access to like like free modded /resource Packy type things um they want those things to come directly

From a Marketplace from Mojang so Mojang pays for the operation of this Marketplace and they don’t allow free stuff on there because they have to like actually personally vet the things that get put on the marketplace and they’re responsible for those things so somebody slips in something and appropriate and a

Whole bunch of like eight-year-old kids get on and download it because it’s free then Minecraft Mojang’s on the hook for that and they don’t want that because it’s on their their Marketplace so like there’s all of this stuff that that goes along with why you’ll never probably have that happen um on

Console um did we fix that yeah we did okay so that’s looking Good I think um like curve this around a little bit yeah now that kind of feels like it Blends a little bit better oh did I I never went and turn in the oven for my pizza okay I’ll be right back guys while I do That you know what I’ll even give you guys a little bit of Charizard action you can sit here and take a look at Him E Location confirmed sending supplies All right oven is started Pizza is prepped and just waiting for it to preheat so I can pop it in Box Bar roll okay um I guess let’s start like thinking about how this is going to look so I think first of all if we’re going to make it

As like a cliff face shouldn’t it all be a little bit more like overhanging like this this rather than slope like this or does it really matter been watching since stream started and earned no points um it should well I mean I I think you I think you know how the

Um the like streamlabs points things work right Dave like it only gives you points if you’re chatting remember we had that issue a while ago where like we we thought it didn’t do it that way and then like I had to contact streamlabs and they let me know like

YouTube doesn’t like work in a way that allows them to give points for only viewership it they they require you to chat to show up in the um in the system points are jacked up for me too I mean this is not this is not surprising I guess I really hate the streamlabs

Point system the problem is is it’s the only point system that exists other than this new blurp point system so like if you guys want to try something different I know that just minimize the screen um on PC you can download the browser extension for blurp and um since it’s a

Browser extension it’s not relying on U on YouTube um it it works it works cuz basically it tell it can tell that your browser is on my stream therefore it gives you the points and you can use those points for sound effects streamlab should do something like that too but they

Don’t even chatting is often missed or not credited man should we getting double points we aren’t I you’re you’re actually getting triple points yeah I mean I wish I had more control guys but I just don’t I don’t I don’t have any control over it so

There’s not really anything I can do as much as I’d like to yeah I think we’re just going to like wall this off and this will kind of be like a natural wall that like our eventual like real wall will like attach To Something like [Applause] this my cubes have been working yeah I mean I don’t I I I really don’t have anything else I can say about it really the only way other way for you guys to get channel points is if I stream on Twitch instead of YouTube and I don’t want to do

That is Dave since you’ve typed that you’ve earned more points well I guess for typing that it saw that he was in chat and gave him the points so I think all this mod stuff is going to make people start moving away from gaming consoles um I mean but

Minecraft’s always been like that and modded stuff has been around for a very very long time um this is the big difference that you’re seeing in in gaming is the fact that that games are very much crossplay now um between like different systems so you have many more games being developed

For consoles that are like online multiplayer and have that level of like interconnectivity of like PC player to non PC player and you’re now being more subjected to modding you know what I mean like it used to be before like imagine like a old game like a Resident Evil or like

Tomb Raider or something like that it was maybe like console only um and obviously like a a ton of games can go in that category but like modding wasn’t a thing for those games cuz those games weren’t on PC maybe or if they were they weren’t like online games that

Interconnected with people that were playing PC so the desire to do modded via console wasn’t there as much now since you have like a blending of these two worlds a blending of the the like PC player world why am I digging this out when if anything I should probably like build it

Out right maybe we’ll like we’ll dig it out some so we have the room to build it out um but yeah now like modding is becoming more of something that is like seen by the average gamer and so now the average gamer wants it more so like a Minecraft’s not the only

Thing in this right you got games like Starfield that just came out that game’s going to have a huge modded Community to it and presumably only um PC will be able to participate in that and we’ll see if there’s maybe maybe that won’t be the case they find a

Way to like integrate modding into consoles but uh who who the heck knows I guess so yeah we’re going to like chop a lot of this out too I think so we can like rebuild it back Out hey moldy how’s it going going than prob time na see you later JB thanks for hanging out stream for a little bit Oh Oops why does it keep happening okay so I think we kind of have like that blank canvas that we can work with right so like if we set the edge on this thing that would look something like this Dro come on dude you’re no M for Me good sorry I’m late was getting kiddo from school and then he live streamed for a bit so I had to be a responsible parent to watch him that’s cool that’s cool we’ll add some like additional shape into it like kind of later as we go don’t forget about your pole yeah I’m

Just leaving it up there we’ll just let people continue to um to add into it wow JN okay dude we won’t talk about that much here but um I’m I’m uh I’m one to support people’s freedom to do things that don’t harm other people so congrats Okay so we kind of like we kind of got like a basic outline of what this is going to be shaped like and I think the way that I’m going to do this and like I said I’m not good at it I’ve never done like a large Cliff face like this before

And this isn’t even large compared to what a lot of like the like really crazy like Builder creators do um but I kind of picture like I’m just going to like kind of like fill the whole thing in with stone um and then like I’ll go through and

Shape it a little bit better detail it a little bit better and kind of see what we end up with I think I got my blurk extension set up you can also click to claim bonus points if you’re not just farming points I believe yeah yeah you

Can like if you’re not like AFK and you’re actually watching stream there’s like a way that you can like kind of click to like get bonus Points don’t forget to put the pizza in oven yeah good I I’ve been meaning to go check on that all right we’ll see what like this shaping is looking like it’s going to be like a bit of a process oh actually I just heard the oven preheating give me two seconds I’ll be

Right back Yeah bring it on remember folks technical difficulties like these are how you know it’s 100% an authentic prow stream accept no imitations come On testing the so I unmuted it and thought that you guys were hearing me and yeah it is that was an actual technical difficulty because the microphone wasn’t being detected by the PC I hit the button to unmute it and I’m like okay I’m good now

Nope at least I know I’ve been a right place that’s rude rude um anyways I I was thanking um Ryan for the um renewed membership there and also I’d like to tell you guys to be sure to to gift out memberships because gifted memberships help both me and the

Channel more generally speaking a whole whole whole heck of a lot we’re about to have 700 memberships drop off due to the streamon that we did about a month ago um so the membership channel the membership numbers are going to be dropping like hot cakes very soon so

Anything you guys can do to help out and drop in some memberships that would be great I’d greatly appreciate it especially the fact that like it this like what you guys gift now I’ll be receiving in December and uh we well we know we know what December brings

December’s not an easy month for most of us you guys included I’m sure um so like what if like here like what if it more is like a it more like starts to like kind of curve out that could be kind of cool Maybe something like This looks kind of cool sucks X is my birthday and I have to buy other people gifts I hate my life that does I can see that kind of sucking a little bit let’s see what happens as we like fill this in how does this look I made cookies oh that sounds

Good I’m 100% down for some cookies know what know what cookies I would like right now if I could pick my cookie um I want uh some snicker doodles snicker doodles are quite amazing this is looking kind of cool like for never having done this before and it’s so far being very much

Just like a a rough draft before we add in a lot of shape I kind of like this I air fried eight hot dogs what the heck are you going to do with eight hot Dogs picture has an oatmeal raisin cookie fan prow I like oatmeal raisin oatmeal raisin is Good actually I kind of like this like little shape we have going on right Here over chocolate chip though is the real question uh no I don’t like oatmeal over chocolate chip but like if I have like an area where there’s chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies oatmeal raisin cookies both available I’ll usually get one of each I’m not going to only get the chocolate Chips that looks kind of good kind of like the little bit of grass curved up right there that looks kind of neat okay good prow isn’t a psychopath raisins belong in the garbage if by garbage you mean my stomach then the answer is Yes how do you guys feel about this this is looking kind of cool like we can add in like a little bit of shape here maybe kind of like shape this down down a little bit oatmeal raisin cookies is why I have trust issues what is what does that even

Mean I don’t know I don’t know what to think about that uh my wife makes like some really good homemade cookies from scratch I’m I I kind of like this natural shape that we have going on because it’s it feels very natural unplanned so I’m kind of like tracing it a little

Bit but we are getting close to the time of sugar cookies though guys sugar cookies are one of my favorite uh my mom had such an amazing recipe for sugar cookies and uh we did we did get it from her um and we’ve been making them every year for years now

My daughter loves making them brownies for the win what about brownie cookies that could be Good I like the look with andesite mixed in yeah I might do a little bit more of that in places I Think Um for my first time doing a cliff like of this type of scale I’m happy with the way it’s looking so far post a sugar cookie recipe in Discord I don’t know man I don’t know if I can share my mom’s sugar cookie recipe I don’t know how I feel about

That I’d be like sharing my dad’s uh Big Daddy chicken recipe you got that he got from his grandpa who who we the grandkids called Big Daddy although my grandpa my dad’s dad passed away when I was like like three so I didn’t really like no know him um but he made chicken

Uh this like really good like like vinegar based chicken marinade um for grilled chicken specifically like on the grilled chicken and um we call it Big Daddy sauce and it’s so good you didn’t say secret recipe prow well maybe it is a Secret who knows maybe it maybe it’ll become like a member’s only thing we’ll See sugar cookies are cheap quality or at least the ones you buy in the store are I mean sugar cookies aren’t like they’re not made up of these like really intricate like crazy ingredients you just got to cook them with love Kind of like this is this is turning out to look like really Cool I would have to ask my mother before I shared some of her cookie recipes yeah I mean I doubt my mom would have really cared too much but still some things are meant to uh stay secret oh I think it’s about to turn night time oops I keep Misclicking mom has an insane pizza bagel recipe that sounds intriguing she has always said we could sell them and we never have she said we can’t share that one that’s cool hard to understand why people don’t share recipes unless you’re in the market with a recipe like KFC or Coke

What’s the issue it’s not my recipe to Share I think it I think it just generally comes from like that old mentality of like you know like I spent the time to like come up with this recipe so like when I bake when I bake cookies or when I bake this or when I make that for

Friends and family like I want to be the one that has the good recipe that everybody likes and if I give that recipe to everybody else and all all of a sudden the cookies and things that I make or whatever it is that I make is no longer

Special that’s where I I picture that’s where I picture that general idea coming from also if you have a really good recipe imagine you do put it out there and then like next thing you know like somebody somebody selling Big Daddy chicken at a restaurant and like here I

Am like feeling like an idiot because that was my family’s recipe that only my family used and I just kind of freely gave it out and now it’s no longer a special thing you know what I mean I don’t like the store bought sugar cookies are basically flat cupcakes yeah

I get you these sugar cookies they’re like they’re very thin that we make um and um they get they they’re of course like soft when you first cook them but then they get crispy um as they sit What did one I say all my grandparents died before I turned eight so I didn’t get to know any of them oh that’s sad uh yeah my dad’s father passed away when I was three and then my mom’s dad passed away way when I was 12 to 13

Um my dad’s mom lived to be 103 she passed away about 5 years ago no it wasn’t that long ago 3 years ago um and then my mom’s mom is is still alive she’s what like 92 93 something like that Now I mean my mom passed away when my kids were my daughter was five and my son six I think something like that I mean I could sit here and calculate I’m not going to um so I always like I don’t know that hit me really hard was like my my kids are

Growing up not knowing my mom like yeah they got to spend some years with her but like they don’t really remember what much now we do have a lot of videos though a lot of Home Videos um I feel like like this will end up being like a little bit more of like a transition to dirt something like this Maybe um I don’t let me go I don’t think it’s been time for the pizza but let me go check it real quick I’ll Be Mario Y Mama Me Guys I’ll be back I burnt the crap out of my hand Go Oh He He Hey hey uhoh N He He N A H Co Yeah He A He I’m back oh man that hurt really bad uh let me scroll the way down here I went and um so um the pizza was done it was actually burning um so I went to so I went to get the pizza out um it’s a cauliflower pizza I love

Those they’re so good good so the I put it on I cook it on the rack and then I put the like the pizza pan on the rack underneath the pizza just in case like cheese or anything drips down like it drips down to that um but I guess like the pizza was

Burning and I was just kind of in a panic just hurry up and get it out because like the side that was only cheese was like it was nice and toasty like it was brown mostly but the pepperoni side was not and I was like looking around for the oven mitt and I

Couldn’t find it um so I just thought okay well I’ll just like I’ll just scoop it under the pan I’ll just scoop it up with the pan and I’ll get it out quickly that way um but the pan right there in the oven and my brain I just my brain wasn’t working

I was stupid so I thought okay I’ll scoop it up with the pan really quick and just put it on the oven that’s fine so I go to grab the pan in the oven and pick it up and pull it out and like the whole action happens so fast

Like I actually get it out of the oven all the way and then like the heat from the pan sets into my fingers like it like all like all through here and all through here um and now I just like screamed and like dropped the

Pan and then like while my hand is just throbbing I find the freaking oven mitt put the like scoop the pizza off the thing with the pizza cutter while my hand is like in pain get it on there get it up on the oven and then like I go to like I rinsed

Some cold water on it for a second I’m like oh let me put aloe on it so I put aloe on it and then my pizza’s done it’s like throbbing right now um my pizza’s done it’s starting to swell a little bit too I might have to I’m going

To get a thing of cold water really quick hold on BRB oh yeah So anyways okay let me see if I get my hand in there oh yeah um it’s like it’s like uh blistering up a little bit so I want to get it back in cold water so anyways while after I get the pizza out and I have aloe jelly on my hands uh

Like sun like you know like the kind for like sunburn it’s the only thing I could find um I look up with my good hand like how to treat a burn and it says run it under cold water for like 20 minutes so I filled like a big bowl like a big metal

Bowl up with water uh cold water and soaked my hand in it while I ate my pizza um so it’s soaked in water for what how long was I gone at least 10 minutes right at least 10 minutes of cold water I got some cold water right

Here right now my hands in it so just trying to like no fortnite stream tonight nah I can’t I want to do fortnite I think I’ll be okay like it’s it’s not like an immense pain now it’s slightly uncomfortable um I’m like over here trying to open this water bottle with my

One hand cuz I’m thirsty right now it’s not working for me no it’s not working and that’s starting to Spill the water so that’s not going to work either I’ll get water in a second it’s fine moldy let’s keep that for the fortnite channel huh how you going to do fortnite

Tonight I’ll be all right um I mean not really much I could do in a let’s play world can you like oneand Minecraft not very efficiently I presume Let’s uh let’s just like set up and like we’ll at least have some scenery here kind of like back up

Here um oh let’s go this way oh there goes my microphone so yeah I we let it soak in like I said I had like a solid like at least a couple minutes a couple minutes running under cold water and then I filled the bowl and it probably sat in

The bowl for like 10 plus minutes so like I’ve I’ve I’ve had a decent amount of cold water on it um we’re soaking in it right now for a bit longer I just hope I don’t spill this all over like the laptop that it’s right beside and the other equipment that I have

Here oh dang moldy I like the way this is looking though it looks very cool very interesting I think once we add in some things like some slabs some stairs some like Cobble some andesite some gravel like we really like throw in some detail to it and then maybe some color with

Like some some Vines and that kind of stuff or I don’t know maybe some like granite or something in it I don’t know what else we would throw in it but maybe just a little bit of color in a couple places that would look really cool see the villagers like it yeah they

Do can you clarify what counts as being active in chat I think there are different perceptions of what that it is talk typing something um um I made it to where points count more frequently so instead of it assigning points uh every 10 minutes it assign Point assigns points every five

Minutes that way there’s more likely a chance that uh you’ll get caught with uh chatting by bu the bot and you’ll be given points so like can I show you guys this let me see participants oh here I gotta let me do pop out real quick pop out

Chat I think I’ve showed you guys this before um participants so like this right here is what YouTube sees as the people that are in in the Stream this list of people because this is who has chatted somewhat recently and then I don’t know but I don’t think anybody does how often do

They update this list how long does the name stay on the list but as far as like what streamlabs or anything can see it only sees this as the people that are in the Stream that’s it we we have 82 viewers right now but only like what like 15 to

20 are actually in the participant list so what I did was I made it look for like to assign points more frequently every 5 minutes instead of every 10 that way it’s more likely to catch people that pop on to the list and then pop off of the

List um and you guys can earn more points when you are like really more actively chatting so that’s that’s how that works think that p413 one is a bot yeah probably we should probably kick him um but yeah I like I like this shape this is a very interesting look I I

Definitely need to work on however however like this is blending but that’s not a big deal I’m at the top I’m special oh man like my hand feels so good while sitting in this cold water like it feels perfect of course like I would burn the

Crap out of myself right go right before going to the beach um what I’ll probably do like after I like have a really good soak and like after I’m done with streams tonight I’ll probably put some aloe on it tonight put some more on it in the morning and I’m sure it’ll

Probably be okay it maybe it’ll feel like a little tight for like a few days but I don’t suspect that I’ll be like in pain for very long now makes sense why I did not earn points for the first half of the stream yeah man it just really sucks the way it

Works I wish YouTube would do better like they don’t even have to make their own point system they just need that participant list to just literally show everybody that’s like a viewer in the Stream I don’t and I don’t know why they don’t do that okay I think you’re going to make it

Yeah I’ll be fine I’m not too worried about it I just don’t want it to swell up really big and then like I I um am like handicapped in the things that I can do over the next few days I’m not a burn specialist I’ve never really had bad Burns outside of

Like a fingertip or something not like like this is a lot by any means but like not this much before take Ibuprofen you think probably not a bad idea better soak it and cancel fortnite like everything I saw said this maybe only Soaker for like 20 minutes is all

You need it helps bring down the temperature keeps it from swelling now if he does bad later he’ll blame it on the burn oh 100% need to get ahead of inflammation good idea um here let me go do that real quick I’ll be RB Tell long G Bowser Okie dokie Mmy So long Bower Y press start to play yaho H m Mia go oh my bad I was just reading the text that I was sending to the wife I have like a blue ice pack thing and um um I don’t know where it is though it’s like an insulated one where you put water and ice in it so I wanted to have

That I could sit that on my desk right here and just like put my hand on it and rest my hand on it for periods of time without actually getting my hand wet cuz it’s sitting in water I don’t know where it is so I texted the wife we’ll see

What she says I mean I definitely feel the burning now that I’m out of the water keeping it cold is actually makes it feel really good um I did take the ibuprofen um I had some prescription uh ibuprofen from a while back when I was uh like sick or something left

Over baggy with ice yeah do you have burn gel I don’t I don’t have any I don’t have any burn gel and I I wouldn’t be able to use my keyboard uh okay so anyways 800 milligrams yeah and we’ll see if the wife says where it is I feel like I’ve seen it

Recently but I don’t I don’t know where it is so hopefully she responds is it turning night time it is yeah if nothing else this will give me a great excuse as to why I like die in fortnite tonight while playing she says under the sink I looked

There oh if it’s an ice pack thing my guess would be the freezer well no it’s not in the freezer come on can you just let me out of here please open the [Applause] door it’s there or under the kids uh hold on let me look under the kids thing I’ll be right

Back let me dig under the sink one more time h h you here we go I would say now we’re cooking but I already cooked it now I’m trying to freeze it Rachel said prow cannot be left alone at least the house is still standing that’s

Funny cuz my my wife just texted me I can’t leave you for a few hours okay see I have that like flipped upside on my desk upside down on my desk now so yeah like I can like at least like for periods of time like reach over here and like rest my

Hand oh gosh hello peoples I think we could hear her rolling her eyes at you oh for sure I’m hearing like a lot of fireworks going off up outside I don’t understand what that’s about um anyways make sure it doesn’t leak oh it’s all good yeah it’s perfectly

Fine all right so um here let me put my headphones back on all right all right Papa Snuffy I don’t I don’t need to see you every like 60 seconds or 30 seconds saying random chat you want to put something in every oh every 5 minutes go for

It silvine cream I have no clue what that is don’t have any never seen it or heard of it before I think this should all be this all right and then yeah like that’ll just kind of be the transition of it so how do we feel about like General shape of this

Guys like look it should it should like look and feel pretty solid I think an aite Tex no we’re going to do that I’m just talking about like the very basic shape hold wife’s asked me if I found It oh I’m making fun of myself to my wife oh I I just realized I got to do something else hold on one handing Minecraft sucks then you should go block that nitwit in the wall over there I I almost feel that way too nit whip

Prison they don’t know what to do that’s too funny actually they they are like they’re really confused about this um okay so we should probably bring like a stone cutter over here I don’t think I have a lot of andesite I don’t remember if I got a lot

Or not so we’ll probably have to go get some andesite um either from our chest or from the like mine area over there redeem High hydrate of course you would redeem hydrate um some Cobble which I don’t have much of would be good here too yeah okay let me take my partially

Frozen hand now my nitwit started a large family Mossy yes a Mossy Cobble would definitely be good I definitely think Mossy needs to be like a texture overlay where you just like click it on stuff and it can make like interact with a lot of different

Blocks uh let’s see what we have so I I did keep a little bit of Cobble uh we can get rid of pretty much all this dirt maybe I’ll leave like a couple of stacks um let’s get a couple stacks of that and that um yeah we do have some andesite and I

Imagine mixing in a pretty healthy amount would look good Mossy planks would be fantastic yeah wouldn’t it do you have Moss blocks yet I do little bit of gravel I don’t like to use too much gravel I don’t really enjoy the texture a lot my wife’s asking how bad is my hand

She says send pick um hold on I’m giving her the play byplay T needs to be chopped off that’s what I feel like right now like the burn is real it like feels different it not being in water and instead just being on something cold it doesn’t feel as good as when it

Was in water all right well I think we have a little bit of everything we need I don’t think I want anything as like dark as tough although like I’m sure some people could probably do some pretty cool stuff with that right like maybe at the base or something mossy cobblestone or Mossy

Stone bricks and tough block and gray wool work good for texturing stone walls like that interesting gray wool I don’t have any of that she just wants to know if you’re playing fortnite tonight that’s actually probably extremely true uh hold on a second oh crap every freaking time I click

Away okay and it’s all thanks to you we have to do speci everybody I’m playing tonight moldy what night do you not play yeah I’m feeling the burn right now it’s mostly my my middle finger I don’t know if you guys you you’re not going to be able to see there’s like a

Welp right there when I’m forced to adult so for short periods of time throughout the day gotcha gotcha oh and now we need to sleep again how many villagers are going to die doing that a lot natural selection is what we call that okay so let’s start with this I don’t

Like the way that this patch of uh of stone looks of um andesite looks so we’re going to we’re going to erase some of it redeem controller I will not do that no not with this burn not happening your points will get very promptly refunded adding tough to the hillside

We’ll see how it looks okay this patch looks a little bit more condensed and now I can kind of like kind like make it like that’s like a dense cluster of it and then it’s kind of like peer it in a little bit from there it’s like little spots here and there This little piece right here feels very out of place all right that’s cool looking little blotch maybe we add in like another like blotch like over here I want to get like the big blotchy areas in first mix a few ores in I don’t know I

Don’t I don’t like I don’t think I really like texturing with ores I know some people do it and some people rather enjoy it but I never like the way it looks maybe if it was going to be like more intended as like a mining location or something like that maybe

Then like even though like yep see we just covered that up how do you think something with a little more contrast would look I don’t know scary I’m too afraid to do that okay let’s do just like a little bit of like blending now ow has the wife said anything else yet

No some gravel I don’t really like the texture and color of gravel I grab some we might have some in some spots but it’s not going to be like a predominant block at all that feels pretty good some like very like veiny looking areas ah so I think like we we’ll probably end

Up with like maybe I don’t know what to do with the Cobble I usually like use Cobble as like a like an area that’s kind of like falling apart a little bit let’s um let’s just make some a decision on maybe where like one or two

Like cobbly areas will go we’ll add in all the detail to it later left looks a bit strange IMO you mean this or this one I’m I’m fine with that I think it looks good oo oh also why the heck is this showing that we’ve had like a bunch of

Memberships gifted we’ve only got two memberships today that’s weird why is it acting like that there it goes okay oh man it is burning so bad I just feel sleepy night all right sa work see you later dude stairs SL slabs are good for adding sub High

Changes yeah I mean we’ll be doing that for for now we’re just like kind of marking I I I don’t I don’t like doing like solid blocks first oh my God Rachel with 20 let’s go Rachel and Genie with five what are you guys doing everybody give Rachel and Genia let’s go

So like this will be like a cobbly area where like we have like a little bit of like Cobble concentration like up high and then like some Cobble concentration Down Low Like it Like there’ll be some down here we’ll we’ll add in a lot a lot

Of that detail will be like stairs and slabs and stuff U so Mossy and that sort of thing yeah I’m going to probably like end up at some point switching back to like water like let my hand soak in water for another like 5 minutes that felt really

Good or maybe it’s just going to burn when it’s not soaking in something there’s nothing I can do about it so that’ll be a cobbly area I don’t want to like overdo the Cobble like there could maybe be like maybe a small cobbly area like over here

Um and then maybe here instead of it being like a overhanging cobbly area maybe it’ll just be like a just be like kind of like sitting here prow hello everyone just leaving my work site finally headed home all right minnow minor let the ibuprofen work yeah I mean

Hopefully I’ll start kicking it in the next like 30 um here let me give you guys a points boost really quick by the way for all those amazing memberships there we go and also I should probably enable gambling right you guys think I should be enabling

Gambling or you guys not want that maybe you don’t want gambling but I’ll turn it on anyway no prow lost to a pizza so you’re in trouble if you play fork knife later you put anything else on it since you put it in water no cuz if I put like aloe or something

On I’m not going to be able to use the keyboard GD with another five let’s go GD like should I do that would it be smart for me to like I don’t know just like not stream for like a half hour until I go onto the fortnite channel and um and stream there

Just like let some like aloe soak into it what do you guys think yes if it’s an open wound do not no it’s not there’s nothing open about it just like a little blistery in like one or two spots cancel fortnite I don’t want to cancel fortnite I this is my

Last chance to play before I go to the beach it’s going to hurt for a while yeah yeah look at all the villagers there’s so many of them triple anab to put on it no new Sprint I don’t know what that is neopor oh you think nepn would be better

I have nepn I think so all right guys well yeah like it’s burning pretty bad so I think I’m going to soak something on it for a little while maybe nepn like you said I might have some like cooling kind or something like that too um and

Then I will be live over on the pral live Channel so make sure you guys come see me over there hopefully I don’t think I’ll cancel tonight we’ll we’ll see how it feels that’s what triple anot is oh I don’t know um so yeah sorry I have to

Cut stream short I feel kind of bad about it like I was excited to play some Minecraft and then like we basically ruined like at least an hour of the stream because I burnt the crap out of myself um but I’ll see you guys when I’m

Back from vacation in about a week check out the videos there’s three coming out next week three different uh two tutorials in one talkie video I think and um like opinion video and I’ll see you guys tonight for anybody de has to come over and watch thanks a lot you

Have a good one guys thanks for putting up with me bye

This video, titled ‘Mega Terraforming The Village! | Minecraft Classic Lets Play Stream 9’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2023-11-18 14:57:02. It has garnered 1627 views and 160 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:30 or 10170 seconds.

Welcome to the Classic Lets Play by Prowl! This series is about getting back to the roots of Minecraft, what made it’s lets plays fun and popular to begin with… just playing the game! There are a ton of series out there where the creator makes some huge and ridiculous amount of progress per episode, and you end up only seeing a few highlights of what it took to get there because there was so much done (I’m looking at you 100 days video’s), and if that’s what you want to see here, click away, because you wont. What you will see though are video’s where we go through the world together, building up a village and defending it per season, and once done, we move onto episode 1 of the next season with nothing… find a new village in a different biome (or make our own custom one!) and build it up… oh yeah, and we can build a special structure that will give us access to all of our old stuff from the other village!

Seed: 1160672706937165499

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    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: Wiki: Discord: Map: About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More