Mayhem in Minecraft: Mustard Mangos

Video Information

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo what’s up can you guys hear me let me oh Barry thank you so much for the Prime thank you so much goat what’s up everybody we’re about to lock in this is about to be the best Minecraft event you ever seen in your life let me make sure my audio is working it is working let’s go okay um does he see chat yeah I do hoop monkey I do in fact see chat and I see you specifically cuz today we’re going to lock the [ __ ] in chat this is Minecraft Mayhem I teamed with booer fan and jam uh the event is about to start we are going to pop off and do well um I did extensive research for this event I have an entire document of like what stuff we need to be doing to win I’m a sweat and I’m not trying to lose I won last time with fruit Berry silver and J and I’m going to win again with the Color Crew we’re we’re going to bring it home so uh I won’t be I won’t be reading chat too much but I’ll try between games and um I’m aiming for top five individual this event is full of some Minecraft Titans who are the goats like really good event players you know fire breath man sandwich Lord fineberg we got the the typical event players in here who are usually really good and we have a little old me who doesn’t really play events so maybe I do bad maybe I pop off I don’t know I have no idea we’re going to see yeah according to my calculations um we should win because I did some research no I’m actually just I’m actually just locked in um we’re we’re going to try our best if if we don’t do well it’s fine um it’s totally fine let me start recording too cuz I don’t I don’t want to just stream I want to record my POV CU if we win this will be a YouTube video be a banger YouTube video if I win uh it’s going to be great I’m going to unden on Discord so you guys can hear the boys and we’re going to just uh lock in and play some good Minecraft okay yo hello booster uh can you start talking so I can make sure your audio is [Music] working okay so you’re not talking what is that noise oh my God I Dr a BL client what’s happening what is happening what is happening lufer SC lufer hello guys help help I can’t did you remember your Discord bubbles no do you have ready for me no who okay bro fix your mic bro the bit’s over please I’m actually getting lightheaded holy the event’s starting bro where’s F no dude I’m actually scared I’m scared oh my God I just I just I just shed so now Mel have to watch honestly hold dud the game sounds are so loud I know wait wa actually wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wa wait wa what do we do what do we have we have do we have to walk out what do we do what do we do what do we do wait what stand still stand still don’t do anything no your butt no stand still just stand I just stand still let’s just stand completely still stand still stand still stand still stand entirely still maybe fans could twerk his butt don’t say anything in chat either just act no you guys stand still and I’ll just act no no no just legit just act AFK until the first game starts like even in thek okay okay just act AFK bro don’t move your mouse I think my my game cred okay so Jam’s not here so that’s cool so J is actually AFK you’re taking the the the the bit to a whole another level Goa gotcha your mods [ __ ] me up it’s not my mods bro it’s definitely not B it is your mods what I’m saying what what garbage did you all right guys let’s don’t blame don’t shoot the messenger okay don’t shoot the messenger you’re literally bro I think I think it’s glitch cuz Jam’s not here oh wait never mind we’re just last cuz we’re the not last but not don’t move don’t move don’t move guys don’t move don’t move no no no don’t move P stop bro literally don’t move until the first game starts Jam’s here he’s here he just joined oh my God oh my God this is so don’t move don’t move don’t move don’t move real quick keep not moving just don’t move chat can you hear all the audio can you hear Discord can you hear the music let me know so uh keep just don’t move guys just don’t move what do you guys think the first game is going to be uh I think it’s going to be sple I hope it’s SP okay okay yeah so I think we go for sple first it’s the uh the most RNG one bub why are you moving oh [ __ ] no no we actually have to we actually have to why are you guys moving we actually going to have to move no no no you’re not going to have to move bro fine you don’t move you commit I I forgot n bro booster takes the biggest gulps uh go go multi go multi multi do I just right click it yeah right click it right click it m okay if Bingo’s first that’s also fine because we’re going to do really good in it but we want to play it last ideally cuz I think it’s our best game um my text 5 Seconds remain Jam is like all sorts of messed up right now yeah don’t worry I’m I’m there with him thank you thank you thank you it looks like weird conc you guys are honestly bad friends for moving out of place okay so everyone voted for Guardians of the chamber what isi the chamber that’s that’s the uh the the CSO type one oh shoot okay okay so that’s fine that’s fine we want to that’s I think I think this game is this game is good this game is good booster is good at this game yeah booster true this is this is the one game booster good this the one this the one game am I now am I now oh I am I didn’t I didn’t know that wait so this this Guardian box is that what we have to like plan we want to rush our Point Place The Guardian box and then all four of us will split up in the big room and get uh good like angles on the enemies get as many different angles as you can on on the on enemies call out as much stuff as you can like um if you hit someone call that out please okay and just just lock in play valerant just just just do that you know if you play valerant just do that yo guys by the way I’m not there so oh yeah yeah they said I’ll pause if Jam is in back in time okay no no yeah I’ll come back I’m come back oh my God oh that’s annoying Jam where are you don’t worry don’t worry I’m coming back and come back it’s just loading right now I wish they could unmute chat so I could say what’s happening but now everyone’s just going to be confused I don’t know my the I think the mod P that you sent me kind of [ __ ] me up with the are you serious and yeah I think it it did it didn’t anything for me I don’t know why for me it’s like it didn’t work out did you send him some some sort of virus B I sent him the same thing I sent you did you did you have mercy on me and then not him I sent I sent everyone the same mods if you need to remove like all the mods except for noxium which is the one you need then just do that he’s like reading down you sent meum that garbage bro you need it to play the event damn no you don’t I played it without last time it was fun yeah but they they say in the rules that you need to they don’t say you need it they say they recommend it it’s just not a mod that you need that mod you should be fine booster is gets worked up over the smallest things that don’t matter okay what okay what does the noxium do I don’t know but they said they recommend it so I’m going say you need it they said it suggested but it’s a garbage mod okay bro whatever it doesn’t matter like like you’re you’re talking like you know what it does bro nobody knows what it does know what it does what does it do F what does it doci and it was made for better like like player mod but what does it do I just said it ex you said what it was made for you didn’t say what it does yeah it was made for like better player model boost FPS I yeah so you’re just talking out of your ass you don’t actually know do go why do you care about the small that don’t matter bro can you guys tell it’s not loading uh it’s literally not load I’m just saying this is noxium just uninstall that garbage and you should be good I can’t type in chat right okay how do I messaged the organizer and I said his pack isn’t loading okay he might have to do something where like is it is it uh does he have to like do something where he goes like to edit on the server and then I don’t know enables resource pack or something what’s going on in your Ang let us guys I bet you can get it can’t get to me guys I bet you can’t get to me God this is so so bad what’s happening what’s like like J what’s going on um right now my FPS is just dying I think it’s just loading completely are you can you move in the server a little bit it’s just really laggy really really [ __ ] laggy okay do you want to remove do you want to remove all the mods and then and then reload or just play like 1.2.2 regularly okay that’s going to be worse 1 1202 without mods is going to be so bad for FPS I don’t know I I think it’s 1.2.2 because I was just running 1.20 for really SM to me okay F you’re clearly hacking bro Cally hacking bro what is that flower on your face bro bro just appreciate it we’re the only two ones that have made the The Jump by the way just letting you know dude it’s not a hard jump yeah but why is nobody else up here we got to focus on why J’s game is broken we need to fix this yeah oh my god um can you can you maybe I really don’t know why so what do you see on your screen are you in Minecraft able to move or no no I I can like I literally can use my FPS it’s just one FPS bro just one FPS you might need to relaunch yeah yeah relaunch the game yeah I’m wondering I’m going to wait I’m going to see like what mods maybe is causing this I just mess Jam we have cloth fabric gam utils mod menu all the other mods are just like for four actual FPS I don’t know I’m going just join with Mod I guess okay you know what it could oh you’re using modin oh okay yeah that’s why could be why never cuz I use I use prism launcher or like uh you know what it could be also you know how you can like edit the game files and like make it so you can put more RAM into the game you he could do that and it can probably run better yo I’m sorry guys that’s that’s that’s fine fine it’s not it’s not it’s not your fault not your fault don’t wor don’t don’t let this if anything this gets every player’s guard down and then we we just sweep this this is the method I don’t know it’s just kind of annoying because I have have reputation where I have to get subbed out so oh it’s just not good hi BR what’s up man little monster okay I’m just join without mod okay how how long till you can join it probably takes one minute 2 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds that’s weird cuz you were fine on stray when we were practicing yeah I was I was on one oh but he was on 204 yeah I don’t know that’s weird boo fur boo is watching Tik Tok bro that’s you should what am I hearing thank you for the Prime thank you very much shine away stop coughing you’re not sick Jim what’s going on update us uh loading preparing y okay why did it just cut off oh just stopped oh damn sorry guys what’s up wa what happened what happened I don’t know man I just oh you don’t know get your act together okay what am I what am I acting what am I reenacting you’re good at acting what am I acting what am I reenacting you’re acting out the the downfall of boost for already done you’re playing it y what’s next yeah what’s next you should re have the the second uprise again please no no no no it’s been a while no no no this is going to be the ARA of booster where uhhuh you go down no you know what this is the era of booster where you go to where you go to up to 500 lb you’re going up but then you’re going to go down to 50 somehow okay so why are we saying pounds wait how am I supposed to mus you know how much pounds is hopefully Works hopefully works it’s not even it’s not even muscle just like it could be just fat you know like you could just build up that time I I’m sorry to tell you this I’m physically incapable of growing fat I’ve tried it’s just it just turns into muscle like all good J uh let me see let me see let me see it’s loading it’s loading J fre a Big Mac and he’s like he’s just like I don’t know bro all all those all those all those uh carbs they the tier one thank you the gluten the pictorial arthritis oh okay come on yeah why is it still loading the glutenous cont contact nice the Pagan theorum you said no no no the glutenous P petalis dude booster there’s an easier way to make that jump I know why don’t you do it no you don’t D everyone’s going to Target Jamal in the first game it’s it’s over he’s going to jump wait why is he starting no but the the hard way oh why is it not loading why the texture P I think it’s [ __ ] me [ __ ] me upo they said they’ll have to sub you out for the first game okay that’s okay that’s okay what the hell okay that’s it’s okay I’m actually striking he better sub me out as well just just work on uh just work on fixing your game J me J as well buddy like whenever you’re St throwing bro yo what’s up guys I’m here temporarily what’s up what you guys can sub someone out for the first game it’s okay I will fix this really quick yeah I yeah I’m fine with subbing back out once this is all don’t all right all all right no worries I’m so sorry I’m really so sorry this you’re fine I’m already on the server anyways so free right just need to change my stream title wait are you are you on our team already um am I put on the team I guess I am has me in Spectators so hopefully everything’s fine people Shane already got how does how does yeah how does lime already have people could attack each other which way are we going how does already walk in it’s fine they they’ll fix it they’ll fix they already have a point they’ll fix it they’ll fix it doesn’t matter which let’s Rush B let’s Rush B let’s Rush B okay the booster stop trolling bro s going to you buddy let’s go boys they’re also going be I hit KY left once all we need to make sure we place our box yep uh I’m going to rush to the other side and place a box okay okay wait one where do I place the Box in like the Zone another yeah I got it I got it I got it wait I warned you wait we got our box plac then yeah yeah yeah yo yo booster going alone I’m coming with you behind you behind you oh my God you’re getting a one three almost got one uh Wolfie is almost dead I’m coming down to you guys wait how almost shot by the way I got a shot on kyf kyf is on five I got kyf be careful got Wolfie I’ll be hit nice uh r one hit yeah the guy behind you is pretty far make sure they don’t break our box is anyone yeah I’m watching don’t worry don’t worry that you guys good wait one of you sp come with me [Music] yep I I got some decent damage ru’s on eight okay okay okay I’m I’m one shot by the way fans yeah yeah I’m like I’m I’m three and a half hearts uh he’s going to your box he’s going to your box go back go back go back go back I’m at the Box he’s mining he’s mining he’s mining he’s mining he’s behind the the Box low prob you’re there I’m I’m coming got him nice the other guy jumping on you the other blue person other blue person I died I died I died oh wait is are we dead oh fine is going to get him get him nice break the go break the box go break the box go I’m going going huge I don’t think we can break it we have 10 seconds I think I think we’re going to get the break but I think you still win as long as you’re the only team alive I think you still get the win nice good sh good good sh good [ __ ] did we get I don’t think we got the win wait how do they get more points than us I don’t get it um oh is it because player survival also counts no they didn’t they didn’t they did him they did him Oh look The Lime has double our points no no no it’s it’s blueberry it’s blueberry Li lime probably just got yeah no but it teams in general get better cuz we got all the kills yeah uh let’s go B again let’s go B again B again all right yeah going be they’re going as well here try to get sh shots off them they Place their box I hit I hit the guy with the I’m going to go I’m going to go to the other next to to the placing our box I’m coming up to you f I hit the I’m shot twice I have a life steal sword what does that do run away it let you steal life from other people I I hit someone right here jump got one nice I kill thato I’m jumping down so this guy down here yep one behind you one behind you one behind you nice nice ni nice nice nice nice team break it that’s it break the Box good [ __ ] boys good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [Music] [ __ ] this Tak so long nice we’re in first we’re in first we’re in first for now for now for now people might not to finish for yeah other teams still need to finish wait does does do the points do the points multiply if we win faster or something or have no idea hold on I I’ll pull up the pull I’ll on my phone the amount of points was it because three of us survived and then we this game information on the server I’m pulling up the game and the game scoring right now okay I think we keep doing what we’re doing 30 points for kill up to 25 points for assist and then 160 points for winning okay okay also let’s go let’s go uh let’s go B again maybe assisting okay maybe maybe like all of us bunching a guy what if I what if I go a first I think we no I think we STI together I think we s together I think we together it’s been working so let’s just keep it are we going B again yeah B again I’ll split off to a if they’re all yeah yeah if they’re Al okay they’re all here they’re all here try to get shot Master hit once they’re pushing K is on me are you good I got a hit but I got it I I I did not do good there that was my bad guys lose it’s my fault no worries no worries no worries you guys got this I’ll GES to K wa try and come up from behind oh God I’m watching I’m watching I got Ang no he’s not coming up from behind there’s no one coming up from behind I put on the back you guys focus on the back I’ll focus on the back okay I am out of arrows here I have some Arrow oh I can’t drop them to you I just can’t no no no don’t drop I hit U Master Garf arrows don’t regenerate by the way so be careful yeah oh they’re up I’m coming down to this P guy I down kill killed him killed him nice on you master guys have got this master Garf on six I my Bo there’s one on the box there’s one in the Box oh go someone go someone I’m I’m I’m going rning I go too they’re close they got it they got it they got it they got it nice nice I should have I should my that’s okay that’s okay it’s okay it’s okay they play that smart they played that smart it’s all right it’s all right but I what I’m noticing is PVP wise we’re kind of dominating yeah we are kind of crushing in PvP okay yeah we’re doing really good in PvP so okay so like just keep someone uh just try to keep more comms in the box that’s totally fine yeah yeah yeah my bad no that’s fine we we learned for a future round we we learned we learned ear we learned early we’re good yeah yeah whoever whoever dies first just like stay spectating Bo that’s all you do yeah yeah at least we got all the kill points on three of them you know yeah okay Canan is who’s that I can’t see on Tab doesn’t show me cu the chat covers it uh not Justin Soul TV lock and let’s go B again let’s go B again I know is good soul is good let’s all stick together and then one of us go splits off like later to place the Box let’s just let’s how do you know what what directions be it says be on the wall they’re all here yeah try to get chbe shots okay one of us has to place a box let’s all go M hold on someone need dude dude [ __ ] box place Bo they’re fine I’m low I’m low they’re on me keep running keep running keep running keep running that way keep running that way keep running that way they’re all pushing you oh D yeah I just I that’s okay that’s okay it’s okay they just they just glitch you in a corner and then kill wait hold on I’m going to oh no they’re all here they’re all on me okay I’m I’m here I’m here unforunate I’m trying to get some shots I’m not getting [Music] any I’m going yeah it’s just yeah try to get a kill if you can I didn’t I had I got destroy ah nice try yeah that that they just outplayed us there that was just I think we just I think we split aart yeah we did we we split too much I don’t think they they outplayed us they just pushed the water elevator and like like I tried to get some shots in but they just I didn’t even know they were up there all the way I was trying to come help you guys need to like look if we’ve been winning the PVP why don’t we all like either way even if they’re on B site to let’s just go bide and place our box let’s I’ll go I’ll rush I’ll place the Box immediately and then and then I’ll try to get some bow shots oh yeah well yeah like we’ve been winning the PVP fights as long as we’re together so we don’t need to split off and place on a all right I’m going to just place on B can you cover fire on me okay they’re they’re here they’re here they’re here y l are you up top there’s two there’s two like next to you yeah yep nice I’m coming up I I got good damage on them no way this guy’s not dead there we go got him got one I’m [Music] mining nice nice nice nice we won we wion oh is that it did we oh yeah we won nice so you like I said we just need to win the P that was good that was good P yeah okay that brought us back in points we’re not going to be first for long but like we we just R out yeah we’re still doing good we’re still doing good yeah yeah how does the points work when jel Subs back in does he does do your points get transferred to him or how um I think my I I think in the game I think in the like in terms of the event it’ll still be my points and his points separately but because well cuz I’m the one that makes the spreadsheet that has all the stuff I mean I can I’ll just combine the points later all right all right oh okay okay I see you guys okay we’re still second damn wait we lost two rounds and we’re second also predicted the plays Last by the way our team let’s let’s let’s uh yeah we breaking the prediction chill out it’s the first game still that’s that’s day that day wrong side Garfield cpy Oar and fire breath man okay okay weak team weak team fire breath is a little scary but no I am I’m just saying they’re weak who I’m coming with you I’m J back to you guys yeah you guys are all getting jumped all right I’m dead I’m I’m with you booster nice behind you nice CPK at n ohar at nine both at nine [Music] this guy stole my oh nice nice nice nice one more I think I’m just going to start mining he’s up top he’s up top I’m I’m half a hard by the way B got him nice nice mine mine mine M mine mine mine nice nice let’s go boys let’s go [Music] how many kills we all on uh eight three one f is top right now the kills is on the right right it say eight out of 19 I have seven 19 is are like total kills Okay pink peaches is okay I think we can also win this let’s go be again yeah this is the last round yeah kin movement Andy but we win this easily how come everyone goes B the one team we lost to is in first right now so I’m not too stressed like that’s they’ve been doing really well I don’t know but let’s keep it up yeah the one we lost yeah yeah they’re here again Bo I’m coming with you okay they’re uh someone in mid someone in mid means just split up a little bit two of them are going back on me on me run run run just run just run they hit me once they’re like on the bridge yeah I see them they have high ground it’s not really the best position I’m just going to start mining to aggro them a little bit K him 14 fineberg I’m on him shot him nice nice on me fence I died he’s like one hit though got him nice got a hit turbo Piggy’s 11 oh there two oneing booster oh but booster got him bro is there anyone else They’re All Dead They’re All Dead M They’re All Dead They’re All Dead let’s go boys let’s go surely can lost their oh no can looks like they’re alive oh wait no can lost wait God no in first no way we won the first game entirely oh my God yo you guys had stub out right before the game and then you proceed to still [ __ ] win let’s go let’s go boys that was that was sick go you guys all you guys all did crazy you guys all did nuts yeah I love nuts I mean I got one kill so clearly I’m the carry yeah I got one kill clearly I’m the carry no you actually popped off yeah you had good coms that was that was sick you popped off I I think it doesn’t matter like how many kills you got I think even then you would have to have done some damage with the bow for us to be able to win so you did your job yeah yeah yeah I I I I I managed to do enough yeah let’s go fyuck that’s insane yeah now I’m curious what play said I been content team by the way predicted last like this is the first time I’ve been top 10 individual in in yo let’s go Boer let’s go I’m going to take a screenshot of the of the indiv individual leaderboard after this game and uh I’m going to retire isn’t booster streaming no he doesn’t like it booster’s a noob I’m I’m streaming no it’s it’s it’s it’s the uh booster is not streaming that’s the buff it’s the no stream buff from booster that’s why we’re it is it is the no stream buff cuz then you don’t care how you do and you just do better oh 23rd ahead of Sam free free and dude f look at us up there I lowkey I’m not going to lie I thought that would be one of our worst games so I’m I’m going to send this to fineberg literally just DM fineberg what’s fber in 10 oh God fber in 10 it’s only the first game guys let’s let’s calm down let’s send him a screenshot saying where you at buddy why sandwich Lord Alex why is sandwi you J are you doing better now j j j j oh hello hello hello are you are you doing better now no I think I got a sub out unforunate it’s the server um I don’t know why other servers I’m running smoothly but in Mayhem is it like similar to what piggles had last time because piggles was having issues for a while with the server last time I I think no I think pickles had some sort of Internet issues this is FPS right no cuz it oh if it I mean it was like his game lagging but like his stream was still up and he was still in VC I guess wait Jamal you want to try something you you’re using modrin right yeah I’m go to your like go to your files on modin like where there’s like a folder I think like in I I don’t I don’t know how it works but like you can change like the amount of ram that’s put put into your Minecraft maybe you can put that higher like oh I got the to like six 6G or something yeah and then maybe you can run better cuz like I remember I was using a mod once and it was really really bad and then I put my Ram up and it was perfectly like it was working perfectly maybe that was maybe that’s the issue what do we want I’m fine with sple yeah sp’s not usually a good one for me or elytra race but I think sple is fine as well why are we not getting all the play race I I think we do good in the race games not I think the more OG players that are good at generally generally I’m better at the movement games I think we’re actually I don’t know yeah I think at least me I’m going to do just subpar or average that’s fine though I think I think we do good in the in the in the race games okay what’s the okay Sky Skirmish is being played Sky Skirmish just knocking out all the PVP games dud Sky Skirmish don’t they don’t want they don’t want us to win no but like Sky Skirmish lagged hella last time so watch out okay let’s see hopefully they fixed it all right guys this is the same map as last time in the last event okay this is good so is it is it just like sky sky battle or whatever yeah okay so like sky battle sky battle let’s stick together we all stick together we rush we rush the um Rush chest as as soon as you can the chests that are beside us there’s a lighthouse structure we rush that as a team of four never split up and uh so I’m assuming the diamond or means that there’s not going to be any diamond sword swords in the chests I have no idea so then we have the no I don’t think they usually have diamond stuff in the chest maybe in like the very middle chest they’ll have stuff but the loots all randomized so it so we don’t know what we’re going to get in any of the chests gotcha is that the Border yeah yeah that that the yeah that’s the Border those like purple walls the okay um if you’re we’ll just we’ll come out as we play I don’t need to say everything now we’re good yeah we’ll see who’s next to us and decide which direction we want to go okay is good in this or is it bad aqu on the right and I can’t see who’s on the left because I don’t want it’s a ghost block looks like it’s lime on the left I think we rush the lighthouse structure that’s right there it is it is lime on the left yeah let’s let’s Rush the lighthouse all right then we going line team uh L loot the lot the spawn chest first uh I’m going to go for this one yeah yeah I’ll let you guys get most of the gear all right let’s go this way oh bro I I hate bridging out like this this is so scary change FL in that chest by the way we need to full Bridge guys uh sorry sorry sorry actually Bridge um I have gold axes by the way don’t if want that I have some yeah all my extra armor I’m dropping here if anyone needs any of it let me know Bo bridge I have care oh they they they have B my God you got lucky Boblo it’s fine it’s fine all right we made it across just fine got IR P there’s boots in there uh here’s an iron sword have does someone want the iron sword um I guess I have an iron sword already all right everyone else has one that I’ll take it good booster boost booster drop an drop an he’s dead there’s another guy down here care wait don’t rush don’t rush no no booster don’t rush booster don’t rush be careful just just back up back up back up back up back up back up back up good wait this chest is full of loot okay let’s go this way oh Golden Apple crossbow nice yeah I have half iron now and the golden apple I’m coming up wait actually instant damage diamond helmet oh so there is Diamond gear that’s chest plate too be careful by the way um if anyone needs arrows I have four no bow nice nice I have both for you I have for you where you yeah yeah aqua team is here and they’re looking at us like they want to us we could just oh no no no we’re we’re kind of sandwiched we’re kind of sandwiched who needs an iron sword by the way oh crossbow um I think everyone has an iron sword yeah I don’t I don’t like this team being here I don’t have a b do you want to do you want to go to the right uh yeah let there’s an opening over on the right here yeah lime kind of took mid mhm oh iron chest plate who needs an iron chest plate um I have one I’m pretty sure yeah I have one okay this soon as I want a mess with us wait I have iron boots that I just never put Let Them waste their Arrow Arrow behind the wall be behind the wall let them let them let them waste their arrows this is super chill yep and we can see their name tags if they ever try to approach and we have a good way I’m going to like make sure our Bridge there is we don’t have a great way to right I’m going to work on that I’m going to work on a crazy I’ll make walls try to get as much land as we looking at us a little yeah they are just gather as much much land yo all field little Su you might tt be careful oh and also remember Decay grenades exist what is oh why did he why would he do that oh potion yeah Decay grenade there nice nice nice nice nice that’s good I’m going over there we have a good way across now oh I almost got someone with that go might try and come over and no they look like they’re making their own Bridge yeah we have oh there’s stuff in here nice nice oh nice wait wait bublo BBL loot that chest there’s a helmet in there ourth as well oh shoot watch out watch out watch out I actually Threw It On You that’s fine pink pink pink pink pink that’s fine just Build It Build It Build It build yeah build that build build like walls and construction yeah make sure to eat up as well yeah make sure to always stay on full set uh I’m going to start trying to build middle nice nice nice good good good people under us a lot of people down top border top B we have to we have to go we have to go down we have to like go down oh booster is kind of down down down I got one nice I got one got one as well I’m I’m going to Gap I got a diamond sword I’m going to Gap as well got one I fell in the void I fell in the void what the V does so much damage I know wow B behind you oh my god get s sword he’s in a cobweb nice behind you I think it’s the last gu don’t don’t fall off don’t fall off oh I’m dead don’t worry don’t worry I am dead by the way yep nice nice let’s go huge that’s what we [ __ ] do we do that [ __ ] let’s go okay um yo yo right side is yellow left side is red okay yo the way which way we going yellow or red doing better so I think we go yellow we’re going right J do you have to full sub out then or you going to be fully seted out uh I don’t know my game is not working wait it it works now yeah okay um oh now it’s working it is I guess you can sub back in after this after there okay let’s just just be careful be careful my goodness yo yo back up back up back up back up back up yeah back up back up back up back up back back oh [ __ ] okay we have to go booster we have to go with booster we don’t have choice we actually have no I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I can get out it’s fine but he’s alone coming down yeah just here’s armor for you guys thanks thanks thanks there’s also some armor inside there they already ran over they already ran over yeah we can honestly just go uned chest boys uned chests okay okay me and boost are going up just stay Crouch booster let me know if they’re trying to uh shoot me oh they’re above us they’re above us yeah yeah yeah we got to wait let’s wait let’s wait let’s wait let’s wait let’s wait let’s wait to f wa wait wait boys boys wait wait wa wait wait wa wait wait wait wait wait please wait oh my God okay I mean what do we do what’s the strategy I think we go yeah oh my God there’s sand I’m I’m a bit behind you okay just pull up on oh my God Jesus these are going to be looted we can go to this other boat here wait this other boat here isn’t looted we can go here this one’s not looted okay okay I’ll stick with you I’ll stick with you yeah I need an iron sword I have really bad loot I’m not going to lie yeah there’s an iron sword in this top chest okay got it it’s all just chain armor I got iron I got wait there’s a stick I have a stick and a diamond if someone else has a diamond we can make a diamond I have a diamond as well I have a diamond as well wait sck as well sck as well it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I’m with you I’m with you I’m with you we’re chilling we’re I have an extra iron sword for whoever I have an iron sword for whatever we don’t want to mess with pink team they’re really sacked um okay okay yeah yeah we’re really out under gear guys I don’t know what happened L just okay iron sword everybody has one okay nice yeah that’s what line did last we wait do we want to go for no we don’t want to go for you not last time it was an D I feel like pink would be so easy to kill right now yeah I don’t know it’s it’s really just it’s sus though it’s so sus wait wait wait wait wait wait watch watch this watch this Decay grenade wow you really got him with that you got him with this do we want to go in yellow might on us no we have yellow’s just going to clean no no no don’t rush anything y don’t rush at all we have worse gear they see us under gear they want they want to go for us if you guys have a DK grenade throw it at them we should have build up some infastructure here wait any any any bone and arrow to shoot them no I don’t have a bone arrow now we have to the The Border’s just make sure if if we’re committing this thing all of us have to commit to it literally all of us we can’t we can’t do anything silly uh we we we do we we we try to knows bro fineberg know okay yeah let’s just build let’s just build let’s just build Y and keep an ey I I have I have uh I out for Bank don’t worry chill sorry sorry it’s all good it’s all good it’s all good think wait I I was going to build up but we need to we need vertical border so we’re going to stay down just go just keep going just keep going just keep going just keep building go a little bit to the right as well cuz yellow’s coming there oh they’re just going in they’re just going in they aren’t worrying about us honestly last time I did good just staying up in the bridge and like as long as we low but in the bridge boming or whatever bombing oh oh my God it’s okay it’s okay no worries no worries no worries no worries it’s okay it’s okay I’ll I’ll Cal I’ll cal um they could just Gren us we’re go to the bottom floor you want to go B I’m going I’m going I’m going just go bottom go bottom go bottom STI together as a group you guys can stay like three four blocks above the bottom and just like stay hidden like you survive a long yeah I think we we want to like just build build roof and just kind of chill yeah build a roof build well like make it so it’s as hard to see you guys as possible yeah I’m trying to just build up some infrastructure okay Border’s coming in Border’s coming in B yep border is coming in do not engage until you absolutely have to go right go right go right I died I I got I got destroyed we got rolled by a TNT H um die as well okay that’s all right that’s all right only Aqua passes us here that’s still good that’s still good the Border just like actually messes everyone yeah that was that was a little rough it’s okay it’s blue winning here honestly Absolut dude I I would have survived I would have been fine if I just didn’t get targeted by one dude who Soul was just Soul was just on your ass I feel like do we do we rush mid okay just a strat I don’t know it’s it’s it’s so I don’t think we do I don’t think we do it I think we go left cuz lime got M last time they didn’t win they like actually blue left and red right iush rush rush the yeah we go same way that we have been going you guys get these chest I’m going to go straight for the lighthouse all [Music] right oh my god um looks like they didn’t come over I got a diamond I have a stick I have a stick also oh my god oh gamer sauce gamer sauce oh that’s gamer sense I have uh iron pants for somebody oh iron pants I can I can I can take there you [Music] go oh border is uh a little bit CL anyone have a better sword for me I only have wood have there’s we want to go to the left Island here left Island here yes left Island there’s a team on the right Island okay what is that oh that oh yeah oh yeah between these two islands here we got to get to the left but uh a diamond here another Diamond another Diamond who had a diamond who had a diamond did someone have a diamond placing stuff in here placing stuff in here placing stuff in here just check just check just check just check I dropped the diamond so you guys want to make a stu in this chest stuff in this chest there’s an iron pants thing check it check it check it check it all got iron sword you might try and Camp us out here okay I got diamond sword does anyone have arrows I have a cross wa it’s just two it’s just one blue alone there yeah I think I think we want to take we want to take some some some Vantage Point here want some some ground oh [ __ ] get in here like blue is really like there’s holes there be careful yeah just just kind of block off and and take take some some ground guys is anyone just go go the other direction and try to loot chest below us here yeah there are chest below yeah oh oh red team’s right here this looks pretty looted um I saw a chest over here that iron sword diamonds iron armor okay just gear up whatever whatever you need whatever you need yeah ooh uh go up go up like here cuz uh can and blue might fight soon we might want to clean y yeah there’s sign there I think we could win this fight I I we I we wi Aqua take this fight behind us y don’t Aqua behind don’t engage don’t engage are they going to rush us though I got shot I got shot just just box up and heal box up and heal let them arrows where’s where’s where’s can they fire okay I just got instant damage what oh wait is there looking for a fight C really is looking for a fight okay we’re good lime in mid looks so happy bro I don’t know life’s not Al hasn’t been doing good I guy wants to come in and try to kill us yeah K’s really pushing into US yeah I’m I’ll keep an eye behind us on oh wait is running running go go up go left go left go left go left go left go left yeah can’s not even here anymore we can go left no team left should we should we should we backstab this fight no bad idea bad idea wait I’s probably low try going mid try going mid yo border is right here we need to try and go okay okay build wall just build up build a wall y he’s going to watch me and tell me if I’m good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re chilling you’re chilling you’re chilling okay we can go go [Music] go careful with blue M uh Hye B High B go down we need to go down down go down go down go down got one be careful be careful I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m I just got crazy KB wow behind I too I it’s okay boys it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay we we did good run one we did good round one we we did really good that’s enough that’s enough to lock in some some some good points fourth is not bad unless no no no I I think I think we we stay fourth we stay forth yeah you guys uh really we might drop down to I we drop down to fist probably no there’s no team te alive longer we stay alive a little longer I think we’re only 150 points away from Blue only we that okay that’s that’s that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay okay guys I have a question for you guys do you guys want me back or you could you could sub back in yeah you can totally sub back in yeah if you want to sub back in Jam if you if you if your thing’s working you can sub back in no no no if your thing’s working you sub back in you’re on the team originally you should be here let’s see because it’s second game so I don’t know well once you once you get back in I will stay in call until game three starts and then if your thing’s still working then I would then I’ll leave oh I got again no I was first last time there’s a fall off there there’s a fall off go still our goat it I mean it’s it be okay we’re still second yo we’re still kind of chilling like yeah still second guys let’s go nice there’s definitely things to learn from this game we can V you like for the for a future EV but like we we we we um yeah we did good we did good I’m happy with that with that performance guys you guys all crushed it me damn I really should not have died I think Jill has been the most important player so far should I’m going to let the guy it’s running smoothly it’s running smoothly all right I’ll stay in until the game starts and then if you R if you’re still running good then I will leave yeah I’m e 20 208 before sub I’m six what am I what am I I’m second let’s go you’re second yo J you want you want to tell staff to sub oh you’re already back in all right I am back in okay all right drron thank you so much drron for the for for filling in you’re the goat you’re the goat bro bro all right thank you thank you for everything thank you let’s go boys that was kind of sick so far those first two games we did pretty well yeah it’s it’s almost like V being paid off who’s for oh who’s laughing now I’m literally above fence I didn’t even V do yeah but you also this is this is his first event dude be nice it’s it’s basically mine as well you’re such a Capper you play in every block wars every pen box and every [ __ ] Mayhem in the universe how about you block my nuts okay okay okay BR Babu look what that’s you oh [ __ ] it is who is that is that the gritty or what I don’t know that’s the fan gritty they they they spill rumors of the fan gritty I think we do a multile now boys surely third game multile surely yeah please please get it done with cuz if we get it last and we flop it’s just it’s over little do they know this these pigs actually give us points bro i Fishing Rod people I’m just doing that too y hey sple no what are we doing sple okay [Music] yeah okay so we got this one you guess have been popping off it’s your now it’s your time to pop off see yo yo see find West as well see we got pink Team Pink teams backing us surely okay good surely F goat yes let’s go let’s go let’s go yes we practiced last night me f are sweats buto we actually practiced and we still suck we still suck we practiced one game and said yeah this is it see all right jimo you’re the sple goat right someone in my chat said that Target Boblo I’m you’re getting sple bro you know I carried you guys last time you actually did weren’t you first place in sple like compared to us yeah I did the go the go I do this I do this like thing that’s so annoying like I I Bob my like legs back and forth and it’s I get shake like I get shaky from that and I got to stop like my hands like my my hands get shaky because I’m like moving my whole body dude I’m going to pin your legs down so you play good what the hell what you’re going to put you’re going to put 50 lb can I sub out can I actually sub out please F I’m going I’m going to I’m going to freeze ray your leg so they turn into ice and you can’t move I mean that that still sounds better than what you just said bro I’m not going to lie what pinning someone down isn’t always a weird thing you freak yes it is bro what was the last time you heard somebody used that at a wrestling wrestling wrestling wrestling please who says pined down when they’re talking about wrestling bro that’s what I tell the people at school all the time they used to okay when was the last time you you talked about wrestling buddy I don’t do wrestling exactly are we sticking together or we we like separate I think we we try to stick together as much as we can oh I see you the [ __ ] away from me you’re not doing [ __ ] bro okay boys stick together stick together boys boys lock in feel my feel my pain bro there was one time where I got targeted by my entire team now it’s yours turn bro what the hell what the hell I already fell I already it’s boost booster dude you’re trolling booster booster you’re give me probably better watch out under you bro yo boost no way booer are you [ __ ] kidding me actually you got to relax with that [ __ ] the snow is so white I can barely see like the other layers and the like the first layer I I’m off for blood bro I’m still I’m still on top I’m still on top nice nice good job I got turn this Cub off [ __ ] oh that guy got lucky good sh good [ __ ] what loyalty trid what the hell what is this tpk don’t Target anyone you freak sh I’m I’m I’m just withme dude if you fall in this one you got to be the worst Minecraft player alive I’m not going to lie shut up no but I like I feel like I feel like you have like 20 seconds of time to move L if I follow be really embarrassing now bro people can also hate you so like you can get hit in oh I somebody good job good job oh no I fell I’m an idiot wow I’m the worst player you actually are the worst alive wait you died died no no I didn’t die I just died yeah first player out his F that’s crazy no way bro I just died are you [ __ ] kidding me bottom frag it’s fine it’s fine bro just just lock in for the round two lock the first one to die is insane yeah that’s kind of embarrassing F I’m not going to lie bro I wasn’t paying attention for a second that I died for blood baby an don’t mine above you ant don’t mine above you and we’re chilling dude B I wish I had that I wish I had that fov mod cuz the speed [ __ ] me up bro yeah it’s pretty crazy right just turn off your fov just turn off your yeah plan 30 oh [ __ ] I actually hate this one I actually hate this one yeah there is stay with me with me I fell I died oh my God nowh someone from below’s trying to kill you y what on me what I do I can’t see [ __ ] I can actually turn okay focus on movement focus on movement instead of sweating just like hey we got this [ __ ] right we’re the last two players alive right yes I was I just Tred to PVP that kid [ __ ] oh my God I’m at the bottom floor surely I got K in there we just last oh how do I knock it there wait all the right is at the bottom Blue’s Out For Blood bro he wants my ass I got fineberg I got fineberg I win I win I win I’m a winner I’m a winner I’m a winner y s kind pushing you it’s fine it’s fine nice it’s not fine oh it’s I got sandwich it’s okay wish for pop off bro it’s all you all right bet okay we we were we’re in last was but um don’t worry don’t worry I wonder fault that is not me boys fast and we start lock in next round it’s fine it’s totally fine I thought your name stood for fantastic but in this in this case it’s just not you know listen we we knew this be a worst game we wanted to play it first we played it third if we play this last how is this our worst game how is this our worst game maybe not for you but this is my and fance worst game I don’t know about J or you we’re just how come you’re so bad at it I don’t know we just but there’s no skill involved it’s just RNG and being ugab Booga like yeah but I just consistently do bad in sweep I don’t know like I feel like I just it’s my worst game then you’re just bad at the game bro bro why are you got to be so complicated [Music] Bo I’m yo I almost something crazy by the way going for kills is good for points so try going for kills yeah I think round two and three we just we just kind of lock in and go for kills you’re right lock in and go for kills you always go for kills that’s what I’ve been doing I got two kills my bad yeah exactly I wonder how many points you get for kills cuz cuz blue got hella kills and they are first even though they’re they only have one what’s going to happen here oh oh God oh God like actually like I think I think screwed Blue’s screwed the Blue’s screwed never mind Blue’s not screwed Blue’s screwed yeah good [ __ ] good [ __ ] okay yo 500 Point difference is crazy from last to first we actually got to improve [Music] wait if we consistently get last place it’s just over if we points behind even free to bad we can we can just make up for in future games it’s no we can’t oh [ __ ] I was Beed this whole time oh okay I was talking I’m like what why is no one talking no focus on parkour for this game you’re not going to kill someone by them anyways you’re just not going to kill anyone what theard me shoot up shoot up shoot shoot up at the top at the top I’m actually getting bowed by a lot owie I’m getting bowed that’s not [Music] nice should should that’s crazy I got oh I just I just got KY left I’m down a level I’m I’m still up top I’m still up top nice I’m out for blood I just fell the bottom layer I should not have been out for blood oh my God yo find let’s R bro J I’m right next to you I’m right next to you I’m stick relax thank you thank you thank you than I was walking on there for five solid seconds oh he just bleed himself [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] A I’m on the bottom layer bro we’re screed I’m also in the bottom layer you’re fine chill we’re all in the bottom layer bro chill get those kills boys at Le at least wait for someone to die first before you die no are people is everybody still alive oh this no this one is Devious go for this guy Bo go for this blue guy I don’t like him I be okay okay ow should do just walking is he does he know the method oh my God I almost just got him booster you saw that you almost just got me I did I did I did I I I’m just I’m I’m being peaceful I’m being peaceful no first boys I told you this is my worst game we’re doing insane goodness F don’t get the kills don’t get the kills I’m kill F I’m going I’m going I’m going oh what is happening I got rotted I just got rotted I got absolutely destroyed why is our team just not good at sple it’s okay it’s okay I’m still here it’s okay yeah fans and J need to really I got I got nice nice please keep winning keep winning you’re doing really well you’re doing really well God you got 30 oh my God F you’re the go you’re the go you’re the go keep going for kills you get 30 points for kill watch this watch this watch this watch this watch watching watch watching wait that’s how blue has so many points just go for kills you get Point crazy in this I know with me okay yeah boys you together be peaceful be peaceful be peaceful it’s not over it’s not over it’s not over no don’t be peaceful you get 30 points for kills oh true true true wait isn’t even worth as much as like 10 kills bro you’re getting soad still fense people really want you like pink really wants you they really what did I do wrong yeah F honestly you’re trash dude what are you talking no this is this is this is your game if you’re good you clutch the entire Lobby J if you’re good you clutch it this is your element bro you’re locked in you’re locked in we good we good we good don’t worry strategies shoot beneath you while you’re running so that people chasing you will die oh my God D somehow we’re not in last though somehow we’re not at last we actually we actually got oh [ __ ] never mind we net positive to this game for this round I got someone you’re SC me Jam you’re actually horrifying me right now no no no oh my God no like what is that hey top 10 though top 10 you’re not good where’s the clutch what you mean I carried you no you actually did you I hear what I said if you’re good you clutch the entire Lobby BR no for real for real no for real bro this ice one I’m so good at I got got to get all the kills when yo boys we might not be first place anymore or second place I mean there might be a little bit of Point hey we still got WR round WR round we’re not going to be last anymore we’re still last y why is dong fortnite and the other person working together we mean the other person we’re tied with aqua wait Aqua was in first though say their name this totally fine yeah guys we’re tied with the first Place team this doesn’t really yeah like like I mean like like Aqua was first like overall and they’re exact same points is us right now oh wolf you just ran off so this doesn’t really matter as long as we’re like as long as we were like kind of far ahead of three who’s in aqua I can’t see it it’s colossum Master gra ghosty well if we each get 10 kills this game we get 900 Point sky rocket to first let’s go we’re in our element now we’re in we El I’m focusing on Wolfie I’m Focus guys St this strategy instantly go for the bottom layer and start mining it out so that people all you get the kill let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go that’s the strategy going going for also play your life a little bit though play your life like like please don’t just die oh my God yeah oh my God hamburger okay fineberg oh you want this fineberg fine [ __ ] come here fine [ __ ] where’s this guy I got someone good job good job oh [ __ ] oh my button just oh crazy four block oh [ __ ] I’m on second floor guys I’m chasing ad him at the bottom layer leave H alone let him chill yo J you’re like playing Passover here I see you yeah it’s going to be bow and arrow oh yeah no I fell down a there come play at the bottom later guys no I don’t want to come play your games yeah I don’t want to play stupid games to win that V I’m targeting me bro you said you were chasing him he’s cracked he’s cracked get away from me oh fun [ __ ] is at the bottom layer as [Applause] well F that’s that’s crazy I actually on the bottom layer too bro you and then there was another layer below me that was just empty what’s welcome boys what is happening this round it actually is it’s so bad Scooby-Doo so bad Scooby Do so bad what is that I don’t trust you I don’t TR BR if only I waited till next round I would have eliminated everybody let’s test if team kills all give you for lock in bro has to get your kill you know a [ __ ] oh my God Buble you’re out no I’m alive that’s why I’m the go yo bubo I’m chilling people die honestly oh dude I hate the one cuz it’s so bright it’s hard to see kind of you’re hard to see okay yeah I have glasses so what wait fence is De again di like first no I didn’t I died second okay oh booster K booster got killed bro you suck how much how many points you have individual huh how many this game for this game for this game how much how much how much it says literally game how much F have like four points in this game look individual and then game in parenthesis yeah that’s what I thought you probably have under 100 bro you probably have under 100 oh individual 577 no after that it says game uh 577 no what is I almost k [Applause] 88 I double your points and I’m probably third Fring in our team oh my good okay bro every other game you’re going to be the bottom of the leader oh I just killed myself Su him out sub him out Su this guy out Boer needs to be humbled I actually killed myself bro humbled bumbled stop mumbling you absolute dumbass bro and lock the [ __ ] I’m going to pop a vessel I’m going to pop a vessel I don’t need this guy on my team bro yo we good though I’m I’m here Y how is our whole team out every game before 20 players are out wa J I placed above you when I when I inst dropped the bottom layer two rounds in a row buddy two rounds in a row oh it’s over yo maybe the last place prediction wasn’t too far off boys I don’t know top place is not going to Triple is going to quadruple our points but watch watch they’re going to get 2000 or something it’s actually over it’s actually over uh sple Point imagine this on Triple multiplier got 8 it’s good that we got it out it’s good that we got it out I guess yeah it’s good that we got it early we can still come back it’s not it’s not over with this fast sky is impossible play good in this game I’m not talking with you anymore [Music] bro guys why are we why are we turning around each other make Make Love Not War come on love oh yeah you say what the [ __ ] H wish is a little weirdo bro [Music] what it doesn’t matter how much practice I did you know bought you a baby crib shut up you’re a little baby why me what did I do to you the hell your baby this is crazy who’s going to win not Justin Justin is insane low yo Sam oh no never mind what this is crazy wait did I first R I got I got d red popped off here they got over a th000 points ahead of us okay I’m turning my Dynamic over back up boys we thre points we I don’t want can you stop talking it was a we it was a we to be honest like if we get Bottom by that much it’s it’s all of us yeah so how many kills did you guys got zero three zero I had like two that is insane guys you’re so bad at this game holy what top frog in this game yeah let’s see it play D fornite I think we all I I think we all did PR bad I’m not going to lie we did bad dude the the top play the top the two top players got more than all of our points what we what are we in no we were in seven no no are you surprised did you guys think we had like a thousand point lead or something are you surprised oh CPK Last by the way no I’m [ __ ] done bro is horrible why did my game a block again F he’s old he has dementia it’s fine it’s fine exactly he doesn’t know what he’s saying oh man booster you’re not even hear anymore you’re 11th I’m 11th are you [ __ ] kidding okay you weren’t ever there okay relax yes I was well not anymore you’re you’re you’re beneath me bro you’re beneath me you always were you always will be come on now peasant that’s you chewing your bread and water because that’s all you can afford buddy guys this is bad for the mental but we’ll just we’ll bring it back and we’ll just win fans is bad for the mental I’m muting you forever guys can we please work together I’m trying dude this boot okay guys I’m last but it’s okay I’m kind of close though wait wait wait bu bubble Buble lowkey J sounds kind of like vok but with a better English he does right J talk who hello okay who is that though that’s my old editor wait where are you from J I’m for what how do you sound like a l what Puerto Ric that’s a lie no I’m not it’s not a lie it’s actually not a lie how am I actually in 11 oh my God one bad game okay I really need to pull this back thank for the tier one thank you thank you thank you in Puerto Rico right now 10 it’s it’s kind of hot it’s kind of hot wait are we voting for a game on Twitter am I stupid yeah has it has it reached 40 C 82 yeah it’s 82 what do you mean we’re voting for a go go to the I’m pretty sure we’re voting for a game right yo go on Twitter quick we have to vote for game be honest right now do we have the Twitter clout no we don’t should we dotra race should we do elytra race what do we think eltra race I voted do we have the Twitter I don’t know vote for elra race Twitter cloud like come on now it’s just like nothing’s going to happen come on now be honest guys I’m right back bro I don’t know if I’m good at elyt yeah but that’s why we want to get it out now what do you mean I’m good at elely I’ll get first every single race no you’re not want to bet want to bet want to bet want to bet I’m going to place STP five in a bet double bet triple bet a bet yo Factory frenzy is also going to be so rough for us yo boys I I don’t know if we’re doing any better than we currently are boys it might be over run it back oh we got this we got this what’s the point of 1300 oh my God all right ribit it’s it’s only it’s only 900 from second now which is I don’t know it’s like it’s like a th000 [ __ ] bro I wish they had a Parkour game I feel like we actually would have probably done no I think we’ll lose dude I’m not going to lie you you are not going to do good and better than than most of the people here there’s so many teams that are just insane there are at least there are at least 10 people in here that could beat you parkour probably but there’s 30 so that means I’ll be 11th well that’s not good that’s not what we want to bank we want to bank on something we place first it’s in the leader boards what but that’s not what we want to dude if you’re not top five Bas anything booer the so we’re trolling now fast F fine we’re going to B I can’t talk to you anymore bro no monitor no no actually no no no no flowers in his garden Bo quit yaen bro can we uh can we lock in bro booer I know you are a farmer like like you you be can you say my name louder actually what the I don’t know if you want to do that okay Bingo is fine Bingo is fine we’re going to put okay like this oh say it more stop bro you are weird you guys are so weird hello Bo yeah stop wa wa wait keep going I’m almost there keep going keep going what where are you almost like at the gas station uh the the cemetery yeah but sure I just why are you at the cemetery about to kill a bunch of kid what what get it cuz never mind oh [ __ ] yeah no you’re right never mind that was a little bit too dark maybe I don’t know what you’re talking about Ed there you’re not posting this on YouTube bro yeah yeah what do you mean dude booster you suck bro Carri the worst Minecraft player F in Minecraft hardcore day 1000 D 1,000 yeah going become sb737 of Mayhem ah fudge me I built a creeper Farm in this Minecraft event to get infinite TNT to get infinite points and glitch out the event to get first place individual I left every single game in MC Mayhem to break it sorry sorry low key at record to get zero points no thoughts that’s actually not bad we should do that boo for yeah yeah yeah bab’s gonna FP wait wait imagine if there’s a in an event like and a team just decides to try and go for all like a total of zero points would we get banned for that or would that be like a cuz like then you you would have to go and insta jump off on that this is so ridiculous for sple where am I how do I know what I am just insta run off on SP that point is ridiculous but I’m not far from relax man relax I’m not far from for nice I’m like 100 points away from fourth okay that’s it’s it’s it’s still winnable let’s not lose hope it’s still wable um actually it’s still wable shout bin just enjoy the event okay bro I can’t enjoy it when all I hear is booer yapping with some dumb [ __ ] that doesn’t matter bro he’s just you’re a parite bro all you do is suck a life out of me wow wow wow he’s like he’s like a germ bro oh okay okay this is what we’re going to lose cuz is going to get fed up of us roasting him he’s going to start trolling your lucky as B is out buddy CU you $10 to get hacked what use hacks in this bro wait actually yeah yeah you have it on already right I don’t I don’t need hacks I’m naturally good and skill and talented yeah I forgot wait fans stop scripting the event bro what are you doing oh [ __ ] I’m writing it out so like like the last game we’re very last place and then we clutch up so we win first can we please get Bing that’s what I did in Pandora’s Box last time we went from like six place okay so you have the clutch you have the clutch in your [Music] bones yes I do no he doesn’t I’m doing it all in F4 someone my chest said are we genuinely mad at each other or is it or is it just a bit what what do what do you guys think guys C click F5 twice and just keep your perspective shut the f that’s the easiest way that’s easiest way I don’t trust you elytra is this elytra yes this is elytra yeah it is it is the caution wait bab the caution zone is that like the harder place I don’t know you you want to try and spam your Boost as much as possible but don’t crash into walls okay yeah that’s actually good advice we we already talked about how do I use the Boost how do I use the bo just right click it it’ll be in your H bar and you right click it yeah the caution it’s like it’s just like a firework basically but the exclamation marks are the skips the normal caution tape is just whatever but the exclamation marks are the skips uh yeah I would not suggest going for SKS honestly yeah that’s what I said like earlier like just play for consistency I’m going for skips okay so I pr I’ll Place uh is there multiple rounds or practice or do we start straight into it I don’t know straight it yeah okay boys well um Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck I’m scared you got it you guys got it luck why is the elra invisible I don’t like it I want it to be visible they staying back going at the front Okay three laps three laps we’re going we’re going [Music] [Music] wait lap two yep there mle LP yeah there is oh [ __ ] I only just repped too it’s fine just keep keep keep doing what you’re doing [Music] [Music] the bottom more CL a [Music] lot come on up three what you just just ignoring me then I’m like a minute late that’s fine oh that’s bad [ __ ] I want top 10 bro oh [ __ ] legit been top 10 okay I’ll take ships I would have been I would have been third I think ah I got N I had two fails two fails man good CH you did really well there I’m 18th oh wait no I’m actually I think I could have gotten like first or second if I didn’t fail two times cuz I lost momentum twice that was fun though is that it for the game cuz those points aren’t a lot that’s not a lot of points no there’s definitely more there’s no way J you got this I guess oh my God wait oh I think I’m last I think I’m last no way I am last it’s fine I think we’ll still be third if you play if you finish yeah oh no definitely J Just J okay bro I just thought I just thought this was going to be like one of those like long races where like you it’s hard to like you have guys yo stop talking J where are you J where you at man what’s going on [Applause] J where are your Puerto Rican jeans get in the [ __ ] dude what is this I just what happened to you I need to know what happened what did you do that made you fall behind like a whole minute what happened we still got we still got third it’s okay we still got third my my random distance is actually five so I couldn’t say [ __ ] up your an excuse more there’s more oh there’s more courses um okay so I got to just use my speed more cuz I feel like I was just using them I just used it instantly I nailed the entire course until the last round be careful though be careful though I think this course is harder it’s not going to be as straight forward so whenever you just see a straight line and you have a boost just use it spam it basically [Music] what [Music] the that’s actually F oh bro it’s so trippy it is trippy yeah this map is a little bit I’m do better [Music] nice oh the Deep targ going to right I’m on lap two same same same same damn we’re doing great okay holy I just like did crazy movement there [Music] just activated a [Music] streer looky the skull Park’s easy bro use your freaking boost there use all your Boost oh [ __ ] three I’m lap three 10 I lost my momentum man I’m so sorry it’s sorry you don’t get [ __ ] i l like [Music] five oh no I ran into a wall I think trying to do fancy stuff actually spot I just [Music] lost I finished f I finished [Applause] 10 damn bro I didn’t even take SKS I literally like like barely took I barely took a skip I messed up my third lap I I for every I went for every Skip it’s okay Bo you you did get I didn’t even know there were skips I’m not going to lie they were kind of hard to see it’s just like the the the exclamation marks just I just go for all those J didn’t place last I last I guess I did so bad don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry he made a fre round one fine if I if I didn’t mess my lap up I think we would have all been top 10 and we’re only a couple hundred points away from first like it’s not a crazy point if even though we’re five like placements away no yeah this is not an important game at all it’s like not bad but you know it’s not I think there’s probably the last one I don’t know yeah I don’t think yeah I think this is the last one ooh I think oh yeah this is the map that is like a little bit tricky I think unless they changed I don’t know man yeah this like this is like mirror I think just do whatever you want I’ve never played the map before so I have no idea yeah you have stop lying okay so [Music] what weird what okay I got what the hell I got glitched like crazy I use my Boost wall my life was like barely not out oh bad idea oh I messed up so bad that slab thing I went for a crazy skip that I shouldn’t have gone for that really messed me up okay the second Skip’s easy the first Skip’s hard yeah play for safety here using boost is impossible in this map bro yeah boosts are crazy real I’m just trying to keep up bro have one second left same you’re crazy same second left same I think if we’re doing bad other teams are doing bad too so just it’s [Music] okay but take it oh [Music] no no going too fast in this map is bad [Music] sh F A up final lap I am not getting top 10 in this one either [Music] [Music] what is this ice actually I placed 10th good job good job insan oh my God I caught up so much oh my God you don’t understand how well I just did this lap and caught up so much P your 21 I know I would have gotten I would have gotten like beneath 30th if I didn’t do that last lap I’m finished I’m finished okay nice yeah we’re we’re only we’re only 200 or yeah 300 points away from first that’s not a lot we caught up on points I think like we we definitely did like really good this game I don’t think we caught up on I I didn’t do good yeah the point difference is just not that yeah we just like we we kind of just yeah I think we’re good that was my do you think anybody got top five I wonder I should have popped off you I think you got top five actually maybe I don’t think so I think I’m I think I’m Mak think we all just got like between 10 and 20th and then J with his last 30 second in the first round n not even 30 we’re seven we’re minute that’s not that’s not total that’s just for the game that’s just for go oh my [Music] God yo I did so bad in this one where are we seventh still but we’re the poti is not that crazy it’s not that bad who are pink peaches fineberg team weren’t they expected to be really good yeah but probably in the next few games they prict to to do really well like Bingo and [ __ ] uh rapid racers in fact want to happen I don’t want that to happen though I know can is really far ahead they’re like they’re just goated with it I’m 16th individual booster you’re 15 I’m still 11 suck how many wait oh the point difference is pretty significant I am tied with 14th nah dude freaking dong fortnite it’s fine boys we can still pull back y wow that Electro race was rough for me oh my God Jesus hey but you guys carried thank you thank you sorry you do good next time inside if you didn’t get glitched and you’re like your your power didn’t go out on the first round I think we would have done better you it’s just it’s not your fault it’s not your fault it’s just your power went out I’m what do we want to do next I think like rapid Racers or Bingo what’s rapid Racers is it like a lot out here we’re not going to do good in Ace R just let you know right now yeah that is a hyper specific game for veterans I hate it yeah cuz it’s just memorizing the [Music] pants har no so we’re winning face race yeah probably rapid Racers rapid rapid [Music] did you guys actually know Spanish a little bit uh a little I started learning Spanish in Du lingo uh like month ago du like again du what du lingo oh okay I took Spanish for 5 years and I basically forgot everything y AA yo Yoo yoego Minecraft and hey hey that’s that’s good though your accent is kind of good though okay why is it shaky you so scary you know it’s so scary whenever you go to like a a country that actually speaks like Spanish and you talk with them and they just like you can’t keep you can’t like you can’t understand them because like they whenever you speak Spanish to them they think you speak Spanish so then they go really fast not just Spanish that’s do with every language though if you want to langage live there no no no no I I know I know I know but like it’s so scary when I go to like Mexico for example I never even try to speak Spanish to them because like they’re going to think I speak it so they go really fast I’m like oh I don’t know and they will use slang you’ve never heard of before yeah all right okay so wait wait what’s the strap B is there anything that gives you like a speed boost or anything the blue the blue the blue blocks just go always go for those what’s so funny I thought you guys bieed what is this no we did we did but just like what is this dumb stop talking to me do anything give you speed boo yo bo you’re focusing yourself bro F out play you then you have nothing to laugh about does the does the exclamation point thing skips it’s not easier it’s harder it’s yeah it’s easier it’s easier it’s easier it’s easier oh my God it’s booster I want to oh my God these blue ones actually send you backwards don’t step on those pads okay so we’re troll it’s a tricker might be the worst teammate of all time go on the right here yeah on the right yeah not all the way on the right but where everybody’s like the shoes match the belt the belt match the shoes can you like step on the on the head and then jump from it or no yeah you can but it doesn’t give you that much of a boost oh sh good good can I am I going to have to see everyone the entire time yeah no the boots the boots the boots boots [Music] [Music] that no way oh I failed that too B you guys are trash let’s go you did it though I’m all the skips bro oh [ __ ] honestly the boots just like mess with me so much I I hate the glowing of the teammates more I’m not going to [Music] lie here I think you just stay as far up the to the top top as possible way bad [Music] advice they added mag how are some people faster than [Music] me yeah I feel slow as well I’m not going to lie but yeah just stay up to the top all the time okay so I just got glitched oh my God boots were just in my face oh [Music] God I’m behind you mis I’m behind you B I’m so bad fun f f wow I place that [Music] booster you [ __ ] bro he literally placed a [ __ ] block above me y Boer what are you doing bro sorry sorry sorry [Music] misclick oh [Music] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ice racing yeah you say ice racing ice bow [Music] racing no why why in F5 can I see myself [Music] [Music] okay bye BBL so Anno oh I crashed this is so goofy I should have went up the water I should have also went up the water oh I should have done that this is so [Music] cring we’ve been like SI buting bro [Music] no I don’t know it I did Skip but no way what was that I just got caued so hard I saw that and again oh my God it’s actually over this Focus [Music] I just did so bad in this section Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what’s going on I don’t see any boots how do you see what place they in oh I did really bad [Music] [Music] I finished an 11 [Music] you’re going to finish you’re going to finish in like 16th no 17 I did pretty bad but I’ll take it you got you got 20th I did really horrible I did so so bad [ __ ] boys oh my God trash this is why I wanted to get H out first cuz like no play Just spiral [ __ ] is there going to be separate rounds or is just one no that’s it that’s it’s okay it’s okay I thought it were going to be multiple laps I complely forgot that it’s just one lap I [ __ ] up so badly that’s fine red is doing way worse as well I did get in the elytra section the last bit I’m actually I choked the elytra I choked I choked so many things so meal finished let’s go I’m actually so trash no you’re good you’re good who got first oh my god dude I can’t even look G got last that one nice we just like generally like mid I guess like I got 20th wait no I got 13th no I got 20th no these are for each each uh part oh I did best in the first part my time the rest kind of almost doubled fan time in a lra that’s unfortunate that would be better in trid we got seventh in this one there’s a 700 Point difference yo the first games I mean it’s comeback but it’s just like points are piling up guys points are the first games where our games were I guess we just got a low ourselves down to the last place is predicted you know like what can we do I’m still having fun though that’s important part we’re 2,000 points away from second still ahead of pink oh boy man I’m 14th now vous are 16th bro take the L I’m still 11 there’s no way I’m really like anywhere in the top five I’m trash I am trash I yes dude I every single event I just stay around 15th that’s all I do man Place effect the mental we got to got to we just got to do we just got to pop off in these last three games Bingo and um what’s the other one Factory yeah oh factory yeah what’s Factory building Oh I’m great at building [Music] like I have my games where I do well but like just H overall I’m just I’m not performing does it matter if we’re fishing what game do we want next probably a factory realistic way Bingo for last cuz I think it’s a game that be good at [Music] [Music] okay which game do you guys want first uh Factory frenzy okay you want to bank everything on ballistic Bingo interesting I’d rather Bank everything on Bingo than on Factory frenzy so who’s the spe our theme that’s going to carry I’ll be [Music] good fineberg is actually bricked up for a bingo Al just letting you guys know fine they’re teams in last place it doesn’t matter if they do well ah he is excited no B what matters that they do well cuz that means we’re going to be last no no no what matters more is beating the teams ahead of us what matters more is not getting last place as predicted bro and pink is the team that’s going to benefit the most from Bingo buddy if if if we’re seventh I’m fine if we’re last we’re [ __ ] we can still second guys come on where’s this where’s your mental gun you’re acting like it’s over yeah okay I’m not acting like it’s over it’s been over from the beginning um oh my God boost so we’re going to do we’re going to do that that that same strategy that that we talked about earlier before boost is here we all work on the first plot together and then I’m going to go ahead and work on plot four and three by myself while you guys work together for one two and three and then if I’m slow then then we can swap out and someone else to takes my place okay be working in the person one okay yeah first that shouldn’t we each have a main designated platform and always prioritize that unless somebody else help I no because because you have to go in order like in order for four to be there you have to do three in order for I realized that but it’s like I’m saying everybody has a main uh main platform but if there’s nothing on their platform they’re helping out yeah so so I’ll do but also like just work together yeah at the beginning we start on yeah the beginning we have to help and then if there’s if there’s we always have to prioritize the one that is designated to us if there’s a thing there but if there isn’t then we help somebody else okay what’s the thing so I I can take number one I can take number one no no no you we going this together we’re going to work on the first one together I’ll take one I’ll take one get a building you do three I’ll take I’ll take one I’ll take one I’ll take one okay we run one um but make sure no no no no come we’re going to do the first one all of us together on the first one J get over here okay by the way if you’re unsure what block actually never mind we got this I’ll do I’ll do these legs I’ll do these teracotta legs I’ll do I’ll do the middle part with like the pink thing I’ll do the yeah so make sure I have room so make sure you’re not standing in like booster booster booster you get these two legs you get these two legs I get these two well Jam needs to just just F you get these legs gets those legs I’ll get the pink and and the white yeah yeah bler gets two legs [Music] why do I see a person here do you see [Music] this nice nice all right I’m going to head over here should be I guess so oh wait wait wait wait wait wait come here come here oh my God oh my God oh my God what is happening wait no no no no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop we doing it right why are we destroying blocks over here over here there wait what oh it’s all the way out okay oh [ __ ] okay okay okay I oh my God oh my God here here going [Music] okay [Music] completely oh oh nether blocks yeah [Music] end stones on the [Music] corners [Music] that yeah yeah yeah wait what I think you placed it you placed it in the wrong spot yeah [Music] there build done proba you place this on the wrong yep there your build is not done yeah it is no it’s not it’s yeah it is [Music] wait what no it’s not right it’s not right it’s not right it doesn’t have to be slabs there’s no slabs wait what oh no these wait what there’s no slabs oh there’s inside there we go [Music] don’t fill in that part and no no no no you’re you’re filling much there we go what oh oh oh oh there we [Music] go what are [Music] you build one done [Music] wait what do we need here build one done you guys didn’t finish here did you [Music] hey build one done I’m going here got [Music] it those [Music] SL wait what oh [ __ ] no no no no no I I messed up this whole thing FB this way okay got it one I’ll one okay I’ll do build two build two done one done [ __ ] so this’s be more this’s be out more some of them are slabs by the way there you go I’m doing build I’m doing build [Music] two the wrong wood the wrong wood yeah yeah yeah I got this one nice I’m doing this one Cal [Music] bro this so okay B are tring no oh [ __ ] I’m trolling right not not what’s wrong with this one uh Corners oh [ __ ] okay so there we [Music] go one done here here here here oh it’s it is oh [ __ ] nice I’m doing I’m doing build one two done okay nice one done the last build he done right nice I’m doing build I’m doing build one I’ll do build two the last done [Music] here is this I don’t know yeah yeah right good job [Music] nice build one done oh Among Us [Music] [Music] back did I do it wrong oh [ __ ] I did no no no no no you did it wrong no you didn’t why it needs to be like this there we go oh wait there’s nothing plot one these are the last ones yeah yeah nice I got this one okay we need to stop what is wrong with this nothing nothing uh purple purple purple okay I’ll [Music] just wait it’s too far forward right right we go that’s good that’s good wait what did you do here there’s something wrong here oh it’s this this this like thats this Labs yeah and then and then like this there we go so what’s wrong with this you forgot this one there we go I’ll do the middle one I’ll do the [Music] green there you go good job got oo dude we’re so okay we got wait wait no it’s going it’s going it’s going it’s it’s going just wait maybe oh this is disgusting oh maybe we started picking [Music] up look at the differences in points as well yo guys I think that uh last play prediction was that’s true hey feel okay don’t worry fine oh we’re so far from 7even we did really really bad were we really that bad I thought we were kind of quick yeah no we were not we were not quick at all there was too much misplacement and oh guess what last team fineberg just won against us I you know all I was hearing in my like right ear was like fancy saying what’s wrong with this one you know it’s like like I’m not surprised that we got last than this one to be honest I’m not going to lie like you know it’s like it’s all right it’s all right it’s all right wor fans maybe next time like put on your glasses before you play you know like maybe that’s a good idea you know you can’t blame any one person for any of that no I’m just joking [ __ ] oh my God that is a is a pretty difficult game I’m not going to lie it is it was it’s fun plus like dude they had so many builds were might first now like I’m not even going to lie the blocks were so similar that’s crazy how well they did 4K yeah we 4,000 points we’re so cooked difference we’re in last by like a lot no how are they not in first how are they not in oh my God how are they not in first oh my goodness [ __ ] boys [ __ ] for real we came in with a with a good mindset and we we we played real well in a lot of games but it’s not over it’s not over yeah but I think we really [ __ ] up game order we we really didn’t know what our best games were going to be and Guardians of the chamber like we should have just played that last we did had no idea I’ve been bummed out since this the start of this event that’s all right it’s all right it’s all good yeah what am I even what’s my end of it’s so bad 14 no way I do worse than my last time that really that really it’s it’s F that’s chill it’s chill oh my God guys I’m literally that last like I can I w’t I won’t move out to be fair you didn’t play two games so yeah it’s just impossible for you to move up games hey hey hey hey it’s all good you guys popped out the first games what is your in B uh um individual individual yeah you guys 1600 and 1,500 almost 1,700,000 okay well doesn’t matter it’s been good no matter what you guys are good to 20 I need be top five dude I just I don’t know where I keep falling short it was rapid Racers that really was like brought me down I know for a fact I can’t [Music] like I just didn’t want to I didn’t want the prediction to be true but I was placing last it’s not going to be true wait wait wait just one game look at the point diff it’s 2,000 points to seventh but if we do really good actually pretty much it’s like 1500 no what do you mean seventh no they have 10K I think say 11 00 they have 109 10955 we have 9.97 yeah it’s like 1,000 something actually yeah that’s almost 2K right like if we no it’s it’s cooked time to grief people in bing can we PVP no I I don’t think no we can’t damn Y Booster placing blocks above our heads in Rapid Racers was a crazy troll by the way that was insane what the blocks that you placed what it just oh above above you or above fence it was above both of us I just placed one block I thought you guys would like glitch through cuz they usually do you know and you didn’t that was an insane play I think you guys still placed above me no I don’t know yeah I got third or something y I see a lava p is there can you go in the nether no um I don’t think so you’re going to have a card of items and we just have to craft those items okay so yeah so okay here’s the board you want to offhand those items by the way bingo card okay the the better players should go for the harder items so like I’m going to try to go for like some of the Redstone stuff like off the bat um and like stuff that’s like I can go for s concrete I’ll go for s concrete cuz I’ll just get cacti then cut Sandstone that’s easy wait sign needs that fast blue right wait you need granite right how do you cut sand I got Granite is that is that Granite it’s just that Granite it’s crazy tell there’s lapis this time I got the ax nice how was the second to get polished anybody at the top no I am I am okay I’m teleporting to you I’ll just borrow your thing real quick I’m getting Stone right now yeah how do i t how do I TP the BBL uh use the teleporter the the orange thing nice I got got second in that hey bab there’s a there’s spiders here can we get spider eye uh we I’m trying to get diamonds real quick okay okay you get diamonds we need Stone uh I don’t know we did copper though so get that damn I got string oh wait I got spider eye nice see gravel sorry oh my god I think I’m going to be wait has anybody gotten L con okay uh no IR I need one more I got it I got it I got it wait wait is any on Surface I no not yet wait now I am okay okay okay uh I’m going to got blue I got blue I can get red wool real quick I’ll see if I can get uh somebody get iron bars and lava bucket by the way red I’m the first one I’ll go for the gold or I was already looking for gold or but you you got it okay never mind is there Co dirt or is that I can’t find any this underground section is so annoying to deal with dud gravel just gravel just gravel yeah yeah e I’ll get it I’ll get it I’ll get it I’ll get it uh I’m going to get I’m going to get a dead Bush okay I got wait is that what is that copper thing I’ll get the spru a copper slab I think I’ll get the spruce sign is anybody near Birch oh my God am I am okay a cob bro I can make the iron bar in one second how do you get the sign do you need chains oh damn okay yeah you need chains I got chains okay I’ll see if I can get a golden apple actually I could probably get the uh the stain glass wait does anybody have redstone block no no okay I’ll go for for oh is there any cus here I’m Birch oh my God I’m missing one Redstone really I got arrows anybody did you guys get the the uh dirt block already I mean the the the gold door block no how to make a birch hanging sign bro no it’s already made is there no Cactus it’s not is it oh [ __ ] no it’s not made it’s not made Birch yes it is it is it is for me it says it’s not made the Birch sign go for the gold door go for the gold door that last yeah it’s crafted orange concrete I’ll go for orange concrete okay I have um we we need green stained glass right I think so I’ll try to do that right now yeah um does anybody have an orange flower in their inventory right now no okay I’ll get it it’s fine it needs like five more gold bro this gold is so hard to get don’t wor yeah don’t worry get get the gold just focus on the gold focus on the gold I need lava I need lava should I go steal KY left’s uh furnace yeah come my God so much gold here w we need Golden Apple we could find out the M shaft [ __ ] maybe yeah but just get try getting an apple cuz bobble’s going to get the gold right so I I’m I’m getting I’m getting the stained glass so just wait I was first to get orange concrete wait people nice or uh I’m going to try to go for the mine cart unless you guys have iron we need the 10 iron in total we need lava bucket what the [ __ ] that’s so easy wait I got it I got got I stole KY left Splash it Burch hanging sign is still a thing what the you’re right yeah that’s what I said it was it I’m so blind bro how make it how do you make it I’m actually trolling who has any extra iron left over hey how do you make a hanging sign I have the CH hanging sign is oh it’s not it’s not need CHS bro what a guy bro someone stole my furnace with a glass oh well one glass one glass I don’t see anything I can make a sign it’s just like this like what what is the oh you get smelted iron already oh that’s huge yo I don’t know how to craft this thing bro I’m honest it’s not it’s not showing up what the hanging sign I don’t know how to make it I got the I got the glass search it up search it up search it up I actually have to Google this oh my God yeah wait mine cart I might I might go to the mine cart uh no I’ll do the mine cart I’ll do the mine cart it’s fine okay what the well the recipe is so weird you need stripped logs what yeah I don’t know why they put game designer bro I got the mine cart there repeater I’ll go for the repeater I’ll go for the rep okay I’ll try to find Copper I have copper I have copper I’m wait wait wait who has the who has the uh the smooth Stone you got gold gold I have gold yeah mind I got I have it I have it I have it I have how many how many how many how many how many I got one I got one okay I’m tping to you guys if you guys have an apple it you already have the copper yes I do I do I do I have thank you three I need a stone cutter I think right for what how do you how do you make it uh you it’s a copper slab so I need a stone cutter wait did you drop the smooth Stone somewhere here here here here not bad you got gold you got gold no no probably you got gold yeah I do I do I do okay get get the Apple get the Apple I’m trying I’m trying wait I need I keep on the Apple I’m trying to get smooth I’m trying I’m just going to try to get leaves careful what is that copper thing what is that copper thing it’s a Copp I’m working on it okay I’ll I’ll see if I can get the golden apple in M shaft but they’re probably all looted so I doubt it uh give need an apple that’s it oh an apple okay yeah the we the the Apple we just need the Apple I don’t have the Apple we just need that that’s the last thing I’ll go somewhere else you T if you guys are in a forest let us know I’ll CRA H right now I’m in a forest first [ __ ] how do you Apple [ __ ] why the music get a hole get a hole get a hole get a hole oh [ __ ] we have 20 seconds yeah people are crafting golden apples yo boys I’m stupid I use all the gold to make [ __ ] uh hoes I get I have more gold though it’s fine no don’t worry don’t worry I there’s a gold block right here someone just placed a gold block I just stole it nice oh we don’t even have time to [ __ ] make it if we get the Apple then I saw focus on the Apple focus on the Apple we have 3 seconds I don’t worry I got like three items first we [Music] should it’s not enough to do anything we’re still last play I think but yeah that is the the previous game was still the deciding one R only did 200 points difference we still last last yeah Bingo’s not even like a big difference game gotcha damn unless you get like all first items or something well prediction was right guys GG’s it was the game morar it was the game morar [ __ ] yeah we were yeah it’s just CED no Babble I think we got seventh no I don’t think so we’re 500 ahead of them with the multiplier yeah but they were 1500 ahead of us almost 2,000 ahead what 2,000 I thought it was no they were 1500 G’s GG’s G’s GG oh in pink places first there’s no way they went from last to First yeah we really [ __ ] damn this could be us I didn’t do that well in bingo so my end score is just cooked it’s not even the Bingo it was just that one game the building game I just decided everything also [ __ ] sple bro and sple only like did like a like every single game did like a like 500 to 1,000 Point difference if we just did what pink did in the in the building game we would have uh 18 is damn were you good last time B GG’s GG’s I’m actually going to have you’re not going to watch the final game no I’m dead tired I need to go to sleep all right Boer thanks for playing with us but yeah do you guys want to take a screen before or no yeah let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it where are you come to come yeah I’m going to 20 seconds go to like this Stadium thing Stadium thing I mean I mean lock in bro I’m so sorry for being the worst team in MCC Mayhem I mean MC ma’ we had heat though got it screenshot that was fun playing we definitely things to learn for next time definitely things to learn we we really did B for games for uh having me boys yeah yeah see you please please please please good night goodbye good night yo man I I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t just appointed but it’s it’s totally okay we yeah same I I think I’m just more disappointed because I’m a lot of [ __ ] happened to me at first yeah sorry about that I don’t know I don’t know it’s all good I had a Lot F believe you guys yeah we’ve teamed twice now my only two events that I’ve played we’ve teamed yes I’m sorry I couldn’t give you the back to back we we we place first first time and last the second time that fall off needs to be studied what happened I shouldn’t feel as bad didn’t that really who you guys want to win pink or Canan uh I like pink I think I want pink to win oh [Music] yeah was nice to yeah you too man it was really nice I feel so bad because I know I could have done better it’s fine [Music] amazing bro I feel like this like since this is my first time I’m not going to lie lot of the things I had no idea what to do yeah especially like the elytra one in the beginning like I didn’t know that I had to like use my Boost and like all that it’s like I could have done way better like if I were play this the second time around 100% I’ll do way better like damn I placed worse than my first time I can’t believe that man after a crazy pop off in gens of the chamber we I was eth first first time we played and then a crazy sky battle like oh we did so good in sky battle too like the first round oh man B was what fall off that sucks the game oh yeah I for got guardians of the whatever first I mean last yo guardian of the shamber is my best game too oh my God yeah we got that last with a multiplier bro I think we could have actually just like pulled around around one or got better than oh my God almost yo that’s close s might have this [Music] ly ah hey at least I wasn’t like last individual I’m like I think I was like 14th or 15th we we we plac pretty similarly damn dude curse the person who made the who made the prediction yeah bro rip cord on YouTube made that prediction video and it was it came true that’s insane wait was it like the exact team as well like didn’t they say pink would be like winning as well I don’t know let me check what what the actual prediction was you I hope you were enjoying this at least no this is fun is so when whenever we end I think we end a minute he’s doing a big life Ste thing uh yeah maybe it depends if like people are still live from the event cuz I want to raid someone that’s also in the event you know um oh yeah he they predicted pink first there’s no way but they also predicted gold second and cyan third so who’s what gold get I can’t see gold is fifth oh damn but their their eighth and seventh predictions were right red and uh sixth was also correct for the for this person he got gold and blue backwards and he got can and gold backwards that’s crazy but his predictions are pretty spot- on for the entire event okay yo it’s even who do you I don’t know it’s anyone’s game bro I want pink to win but dude is your oh my God I was in F1 the whole time that’s why I couldn’t see I’m like why can’t I see anything you find me with the sneaky sneaky uh run up hold [Music] on oh my God what’s crazy but what’s crazy is I think we could do so good in this one I think we could yeah we really do well in this game oh that snipe was [Music] crazy bro it’s not [Music] sneaky now it’s time for matching Skin [Music] Art this music is a b this is kind of fire I’m not going to lie yeah bro I want to be in more of these These are fun yeah they are fun I wish we did better but it’s okay nothing like it’s it’s in the past literally no point talking about it literally no point for real guys you know what what if I combine the coins guess what’s WR I literally pain um 30th oh my hey bro tied with 30th oh damn [Music] sad yo can was crazy close there now this is actually going to go on forever this is never ending oh my [Music] God yo Pink’s just got to get us one more point but no way pink was last place we were doing better than them and they just came back yeah it’s just the team gam really like owned us yeah this is the final showdown hey guess our score guess our [Music] score and it’s not of like our individual score was crazy that we just like fell short in certain games like that we just kind of did like like after the first few games we kind of just like fell off I don’t know what happened [Music] definitely a lot of a lot of information to to gain from this though this is [Music] my name oh really it says at the bottom no yeah the new like the new oh I only two but it’s so different it’s different bro it’s the prediction curse bubble we’re not allowed to watch predictions we’re not allowed to watch the predictions anymore dude actually mess with my mental so hard I don’t know no I’m kidding I was just like oh my God bro like what the hell no cuz in your cuz in your head you like you were like I don’t want to be last or whatever but like that that like that thing I can’t blame that that thing in your head where it was like last place you’re like oh damn oh can might have oh my God wait yeah we got last dude to be fair first second games we were like first and second or something and then we just fell off oh oh that turbo piggy was yo fber my my fber my clutch oh my God oh my God oh he was so close why is he Buzz Light Year I don’t know they’re like all like Toy Story characters I think yeah they are that’s a crazy team gimmick SK damn yo it’s uh final point game [Music] point they really put on a show they put on a show I don’t want to show anym any show you like that rap this midsection is crazy like complex I’m not this might just be it for pink like pink might just win [Music] hold on Canan kind of getting [Music] close oh oh Sayan stop maneuvering wait fber is one V2 I think’s in no fber gets this fber gets this no way holy that was mad [Music] close fber kind of going for it F’s taking a little risky route oh my God might have this oh my God which they have no idea H’s there oh my God oh my God wait he’s going for it oh my God no that’s crazy Woody oh uh-oh it’s a 2v4 situation oh my God y he’s going for it oh my God oh my God no it’s just they’re over it’s over just wins that’s crazy that’s crazy GG oh jez low key I’m happy to sign one no going to Li look at them up there proud look at us down here BBL look at us down here Boblo dude we’re Schmucks what did you play fans check uh 16th y ni booer 18th shees so I top fragged like I thought let’s go yo guys yo what’s up man everything fell apart after you left I don’t know what happened kind of like our place man yeah I mean hey still still for still 14th into for Bo yeah I just started doing really bad I I just I just started I started C like messing up things it’s it’s I’ll learn I learn for next time yeah it’s information yeah yeah yeah learn for next time I mean how long has it been since you played was it 25 I played in December whatever yeah 25 yeah 25 was last one then yeah damn I won the first one I played and I place last and the second one I played yeah that’s insane yeah yeah that that happens place I I got yeah even if you add my points to yours we still get last I still get last yeah we still get last even if you had my points this is so sad all I’m saying is I I only got to play my two worst games so good they’re good yo low Kei you should have stayed no it’s all good it’s fine though it’s fine you you you you you were on the team you deserve to be here thank you you deserve to be here I I wasn’t I wasn’t taking that from you no don’t worry and also I think I may or may I may or may not have gotten a DM from orbit saying that I’ll probably get to be in the next one so yeah oh my God I of you all of you are goat so thank you for yeah it super fun playing with you again Jam super fun actually just so good yeah this team was fun when I was here and it was also fun watching you guys even if you weren’t doing the it was still fun watching you guys from the sidelines yeah we tried to we tried our best to have fun booster trolled us like a bunch bro why what did booster do in Rapid Racers he put blocks above F’s head and we he just got like set back for like it probably it didn’t matter we were still going to place bad but like okay actually boo killed me two times there’s no way like well not directly but just like not directly but he he’s I went straight the second layer it’s fine it’s fine we had fun we fun it was really fun that was that was so funny damn this from my average is going to be [ __ ] up now yeah well I’m blaming that on you because I had a better Pace in the two games I played than you did in the five that you played so yeah actually do you have a better you actually might have a better Pace now after all five games for a while you were lower behind but I think Bingo helped you at Le I play top half top 50% MO is there anyone we want to we want to raid I don’t know um I know what we’re doing what’s Venom still alive he play end y yeah I I’d assume most people that are in the event are going to end their streams now I’m probably going to be ending mine here soon too I see I see you want to do a Min bobl I don’t know if I’m going to end just yet uh you can oh give me a minute I’m SEC damn chat we flopped oh I wanted this with such confidence those first two games really I felt really good about those and I I don’t know what I did wrong I I I’ll just have to watch the VOD back and I’ll and I’ll learn for next time and we’ll just pop off harder this is a super fun team to play with I had a ton of fun that that was so good definitely a lot of a lot of stuff like that I did wrong that I can immediately tell like my rapid Racers was was horrible like I I really have no excuse for that um my Electro race was pretty good I I didn’t think I would do well in that I thought that I was me my one of my worst games so I was shocked there Factory frenzy we we did really bad so we need come with a better strategy I guess my Strat was was horrible um I just did some water viewing and it was what um one of the winning teams did last time and it just kind of worked out for them so I figured it’ be fine but this just stuff that I need to need to work on for sure definitely what else did I do bad in it was like uh bingo I didn’t do the greatest [Music] in um what else I would say sky battle I could have done better definitely I kind of after the first round I I won the first round and then I just flopped and uh Guardians we did really well so I’m we I think we won every round except for one in Guardians so that’s that’s good what was the other game that was played there was um was that everything cuz I did Electra yeah set damn bro 13th it’s five worse than last time I we just got to improve next time we’re going for top five not quite there but uh one day one day we will let me see who’s live let me see what’s going on [Music] uh you can watch the VOD on this channel like on this twitch Channel it it’ll be public let me see I’m just going to end stream chat we’re not going to R anybody we’re just going to end we’re just going to end off on that uh thanks for watching boys next time we’ll do better and

This video, titled ‘Baablu Minecraft Mayhem 29 Mustard Mangos’, was uploaded by Matt Griffin on 2024-04-21 16:39:16. It has garnered 199 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:01 or 9121 seconds.

@Baablu’s POV of MHM29 on the Mustard Mangos

Teamed with @Boosfer, @Fantst, @Disatron, and JammiL

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    Unbelievable! Sapnap's Survival in Minecraft Community by itsJankeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Sapnap Survived The Minecraft Community’, was uploaded by itsJanke on 2024-06-15 07:51:03. It has garnered 5416 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:44 or 584 seconds. Sapnap is one of the most popular Minecraft YouTubers in the world. One of the creators of the Dream Team, and one of the first members to join the Dream SMP. Today, I am going to be looking into the controversies that surround around people close to Sapnap, including GeorgeNotFound and Dream. Also, the one major controversy that he caused which sparked noise within… Read More

  • GameBotPocket – I Stole EVERYTHING on my MC Server (JOIN NOW!)

    GameBotPocket - I Stole EVERYTHING on my MC Server (JOIN NOW!)Video Information This video, titled ‘Hoarding all the wealth on my Minecraft Server (YOU CAN ACTUALLY JOIN THIS TIME)’, was uploaded by GameBotPocket on 2024-02-28 00:27:04. It has garnered 80 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:35 or 10655 seconds. I made a public Minecraft server yahoo IP: I do read YouTube chat but cannot display it on stream. If you want your messages to be visible on stream use the Twitch chat. Please don’t spoil Minecraft 1.21 or any Minecraft snapshots. Thanks 🙂 Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Samsung S24 Ultra Build Challenge! NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD – Who Wins? Animation!🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Samsung S24 Ultra Build Challenge! NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD - Who Wins? Animation!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WORKING SAMSUNG S24 ULTRA BUILD CHALLENGE – NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD | Animation’, was uploaded by Scorpy on 2024-02-26 12:00:09. It has garnered 2098 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:24 or 1824 seconds. NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD made a WORKING SAMSUNG S24 ULTRA House build in Minecraft! Easy Minecraft Builds with Noob, Pro, Hacker and Scorpy server! 👇 Subscribe for more 👇 👇 Check much more cool videos 👇 ► Instagram: Hello, my name is Scorpy and today Noob build… Read More

  • 🍕 PizzaBuff DESTROYS Minecraft Tournament – INSANE VOD Edit 🎮

    🍕 PizzaBuff DESTROYS Minecraft Tournament - INSANE VOD Edit 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘The Most Average Minecraft Tournament Player Experience (VOD Edit)’, was uploaded by PizzaBuff on 2024-05-12 14:00:18. It has garnered 122 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:14 or 4514 seconds. Woop woop, MCT, woop woop, gonna P-V-P, woop woop, gonna be on stream, woop woop, please sub please! Check out/support my teammates RGBWolf, Blinci, and JamesGames! -TIMESTAMPS- 00:00 Start 2:51 Clockwork 11:24 Spleef 23:50 Footrace 32:02 BREAK 37:48 Capture the Flag 44:20 MECHA 57:41 Parkour 1:10:37 Colossal Combat #minecraft #tournament #pvp #gaming #videogame #live #livestream #vod Read More

  • KingBoozle’s Insane Minecraft Transformation: Useless to OP!

    KingBoozle's Insane Minecraft Transformation: Useless to OP!Video Information This video, titled ‘From The Most Useless Minecraft Item To The Most OP…’, was uploaded by KingBoozle on 2024-04-08 16:23:03. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:47 or 1187 seconds. Today, I tried the April fools potato update. This included a new place, biomes, items, new structures and a boss. Will I defeat him watch till the end. Tags: Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18… Read More

  • LukeCraft

    LukeCraftLukeCraft är en svensk Minecraft-server som ägs och drivs av lucastheb0i. Servern är en survival server och har funnits uppe sedan 3 september 2023, och vårat community växer mer och mer med tiden. Det är ett trevligt och hjälpsamt community av spelare som finns på servern. Om du har någon fråga eller fundering så kan du alltid kontakta mig här: [email protected] Read More

  • Purgatory SMP – SMP Modded – Whitelist

    Welcome to Purgatory! Purgatory is an ever-growing Vanilla++ server where you can join or create a town/village to live in. We use fabric for mods like Origins and other fun mods on our 1.20.2 server. Join our Discord server to apply and become part of our community of happy sinners! Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting be like 🥵

    Because even Minecraft blocks move faster than your WiFi connection! Read More

  • Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter

    Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan creates, like a masterful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor and glee, Bringing joy to all, for the world to see. No pirated copies, only originals here, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel, is crystal clear. With daily videos, filled with fun and delight, Subscribe now, and join in the light. From funny MC moments, to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s content, is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And explore Minecraft, in a whole new light. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition

    Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition Minecraft Redstone Build Idea: Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial! Are you looking for a unique and creative way to enhance your Minecraft builds? Look no further than the Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial! This innovative build idea utilizes a lectern and a book to open a door, adding a touch of magic to your creations. Subscribe to @Retro-Revival for more inspiring Minecraft tutorials! Door Opened with Lectern! With the Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial, you can impress your friends and fellow Minecraft players by showcasing a door that opens with the simple interaction of a book on a lectern. This interactive feature… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Quest: Hunt Stronghold & Chill

    Insane Minecraft Quest: Hunt Stronghold & ChillVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lofi & ChitChat Let’s Play Minecraft | SMP Quest Day: Stronghold Hunt & Secure | Cozy Chaos Crew’, was uploaded by Lofi Explorer’s Channel on 2024-05-26 06:08:38. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:15 or 14115 seconds. Come join me as I follow a few of the Minecraft Chill and Build SMP Crew to Find, Clear and Secure a Stronghold. Cozy Chaos Warning is at hand. Read More

  • Explosive Villager Pranks Gone Wild!

    Explosive Villager Pranks Gone Wild!Video Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGER TNT MEME 🤣😂#short #youtube #herobrinesmp #minecraft’, was uploaded by ANKIT GAMING on 2024-03-01 09:30:00. It has garnered 533 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. VILLAGER TNT MEME minecraft godzilla minecraft house minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft videos minecraft jj and mikey minecraft godzilla dlc minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft armor trims minecraft animation movie minecraft arg minecraft ancient city a minecraft song a minecraft house a minecraft movie a minecraft parody a minecraft horror story a minecraft project a minecraft mod… Read More

  • Insane Anime Pixel Art Build in Minecraft #short

    Insane Anime Pixel Art Build in Minecraft #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art #short #minecraft #minecraftpixelart #pixelart #anime #short #shortvideo #sasuke’, was uploaded by Sukardi Yanto on 2024-04-29 06:36:56. It has garnered 2754 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Tag: minecraft pixel art, minecraft pixelart, pixel art minecraft, minecraft pixel, minecraft stitch pixel art, minecraft pixel art pikachu, minecraft pixel art tutorial, pixel art minecraft tutorial, how to make minecraft pixel art, minecraft pixel battle, heart minecraft, how to make pixel art in minecraft, minecraft mapart, minecraft pixel art tutorial heart, minecraft pixel art tutorial luigi, minecraft,… Read More

  • Dominate Minecraft with Switch’s Ultimate Mod!

    Dominate Minecraft with Switch's Ultimate Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft’s Oldest Mod…’, was uploaded by Switch on 2024-06-11 21:00:28. It has garnered 1416 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:26 or 506 seconds. Me and my friends (tried) to beat The Aether Dimension twitter: Switchery_ ign: Switchery People in the video @nezoshoki @reuwick @T2K_Smirky This video was heavily inspired by Kunai’s The Story Of Minecraft’s ERROR 422 / Rekrap2’s Minecraft Aether Speedrun (former) World Record / WelcominTV’s I Spent 100 Days in the SCARIEST MOD in Minecraft. Unlike ParrotX2 and his Lifesteal SMP Series or School SMP Series, MumboJumbo… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP with Friends! Build Bungalow Now!”🏠🔥 #Gaming

    "Insane Minecraft SMP with Friends! Build Bungalow Now!"🏠🔥 #GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Bungalow in Our Universal SMP!🔥Minecraft Live with Friends! #Minecraft #LiveGaming’, was uploaded by ExArrowsV Gaming on 2024-01-16 20:17:53. It has garnered 27 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:35:19 or 16519 seconds. 🌍 Welcome to our epic journey in the Universal SMP! Join me and my friends as we explore, build, and conquer in the vast Minecraft universe. 🚀 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a Minecraft enthusiast, this live stream promises action-packed gameplay, laughter, and unforgettable moments. 🎉 GIVEAWAY ALERT! 🎉 Help us reach 250 subscribers, and we’re celebrating… Read More


    EPIC GAMER DESTROYS BloxFruit with GUNS LIVE! ?Video Information This video, titled ‘Live Beating BloxFruit with only guns #12 2200 – 2350 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-28 18:58:43. It has garnered 258 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:56:55 or 17815 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Ohio Challenge: Circus vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob!🔥” #shorts

    "Insane Minecraft Ohio Challenge: Circus vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob!🔥" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Challenge OHIO😂 – Circus Pomni🎪 vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob🧽 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by TEXTIDER SHORTS on 2024-01-04 14:30:00. It has garnered 1139697 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. In this video I have to choose: Circus Pomni vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob x Grimace Shake vs Titan SpeakerMan, who will you choose? I make minecraft videos every day and the best support for me is like and subscribe))) #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #skibiditoilet #pomni #mrbeast #challenge Read More

  • Uncover the Shocking Truth: Who Am I?

    Uncover the Shocking Truth: Who Am I?Video Information This video, titled ‘who am i’, was uploaded by standard on 2024-03-31 18:25:48. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. sedatives this mode was easy to improve in ngl IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster… Read More