Mega Cloud City Build in Minecraft!

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just in chat type just type literally I know why you know why oh my hair’s a little cursed but it’s okay okay I’m opening Cloud City in like two minutes oh you’re first very cool and then maybe type again in like 10 seconds uh give a second there we go now you can type one more time one more time hi had is here wait had let’s go and then wait wait one more thing one more thing wait wait wait one more thing oh I get it you get it now your name is Jacob that’s so funny wait wait had Hello type again I want to see what happens um what shma okay okay okay I’m opening the server now I’m opening the server I totally forgot to open Spotify or just oh yeah we’re just sitting here it’s opening what the sigma oh hopes and dreams first I’m actually confused had just has to type one more time in chat CU I have to check something Cloud C good City dub Joker fan hello give me one second let me Mark him off yo I didn’t know if there was going to be the green or if there was going to be the oh when I was here last time this is so bad I never figured out how to do oh that is so bad why do I have I have five pickaxes in my inventory right now guys two of more wood and three more Stone that’s crazy wa um you got off and then Justin got off like 30 minutes later and then I played on my realm oh I see I was going to say I watched Javad and I watch I was just watching him like check around for a little bit longer and like progressively get more and more ti so funny I cannot sleep oh actually I can never mind I can just you should turn around hey yo jacob jacob Jacob am I in oh wait guys wa did I tell you guys this I found a trial chamber wait guys I found a trial chamber oh yeah that’s cool isn’t that crazy Tri chamber it’s the new thing that’s you know how I said we’re going to put on like the experimental uh things so like one like there’s going to be extra stuff that you like aren’t in the game yet okay never mind that’s one of them no yeah okay I forget you guys like aren’t in the Minecraft Community heyo back off cuz no no not like a mean way not in like a mean way it’s a good way I could be in the Minecraft Community if I wanted to you could that’s the thing yeah they’d welcome me hey there’s like there’s like a ton of iron up here here you guys are welcome to come grab any oh I do want some of that also found a spawner that D does not get get back hey yo I’m making the house and but you can you can use a bunch of that iron and make a bunch of axes yes dude I think ax or a IR axe will break 256 blocks I do you remember that so well how many times did you watch that a diamond ax will Blake 1,53 6 or something like that I don’t even remember yeah I know it’s in the 1, 500s that’s all I know yeah bro I’m just I’m doing a farming wait wait wait wait wait guys I found a zombie spawner theoretically we turn this to a farm I just realized oh actually yeah also I wonder if you could turn trial Chambers into a farm Mark that Mark that we are I am very far oh oh never mind never mind wait I might die oh I’m going to die I’m going to die I about 4,000 blocks away we just started I know I was trying to find drip Stone and I looked for like a year and a half and I couldn’t find it all I want is 64 dripstone I’m actually going to die if I bro just come search in the caves around here remember this and then I I do remember this conversation and I’ve checked I didn’t check those caves but I don’t think I don’t know maybe you’re probably rightor thing is like you uh like Grant finally starts coming to his senses is like last like the the very end of last stream he’s like you know I’m just going to come back and find the caves around there and then right after he says that he goes nope but then it’s a whole waste of time and starts like talking himself out of it and it’s like no I’m turning around and turns back around after almost getting home yes because it’s like the thing it’s a sunk cost fallacy it’s like if I turn around then I have accepted defeat if I had a penny every time you said some stupid crap like that Grant you’d be so rich if you be soad if you had a penny every single time I brought the butterfly effect you would have so much money it’s true I’d also have a big headache you would you would wait that didn’t make never mind no well it does a lot you do like the butter wait how do you get oh wait I got to spend the punish from Wheel now if I can jump in lava it’s over thank you sorry I someone like someone gifted a get someone a membership every time there’s a membership or uh a subscription not a subscription uh a membership or a super chat I always spend the punishment wheel and I have the nightmare challenges on there as well I still am not differentiated the nightmare challenges and the regular ones yet do you have one for like oiling up I do have oil up on there no way no I don’t how has that not already happened yet imagine that’s the nightmare nightmare challenge oil up ready even just saying that youve rolled it into existence a little bit I know I have to put it on on there now yeah what the call me mega mind with this hairline sorry dude my hairline is so funny actually sorry the the punishment was to show hairline the hairline is cursed it’s not that bad it’s not that bad but it’s really funny when I pull it back cuz you expect my hair ends you know at like the top of my nose but when I pull it all the way back it goes like a million miles back yeah it’s so funny diamonds wait I just found diamonds I don’t have any iron though oh I have iron sorry I just had a whiplash right there then we go craft I have so much trash in my inventory is not even funny so it goes and then not going to lie the title changes every live stream I see you do that’s crazy I wonder why that’s the craziest thing I’ve read in chat ever wait actually why does the title change [Laughter] sometimes I’ve got three Minecraft facts for you one of them isn’t true number one the title changes m [Laughter] I found another spawner oh I got a spider spawner I think dude get off me I hate spiders bro I just found like a mega vein it was probably like 25 blocks of like mixed iron and coal that’s kind of interesting SI actually dude bck I’m going to say it bck is harder than than Java it is everything just feels so like Java just feels smooth you know what I’m saying Bedrock just feels very ragged that makes sense you know what I’m saying raggedy it’s not a real but you know what I’m saying could the word rough be replaced there no rough doesn’t really Chambers sum it up yeah it doesn’t really like get the full effect I’m trying to go for it should I get oh also there you go Grant if you need um sticky pistons in the near future and you need a lot of them there’s a a slime spawning area somewhere in this cave like like like like right where I’m at so that’s literally I just found a slime chunk and I was just about to get excited about it cuz I’m 4,000 blocks away but I’m glad you found one okay what was my goal again oh drift Stone I literally forgot that’s so bad okay oh more diamonds nice dude when I get back we’re going to be eating good guys I’m going to have like 20 diamonds at least wait didn’t Justin already find Diamonds though is that right or no I actually haven’t oh I could remember if you put diamonds or iron in that one chest was it iron I want can anyone in your chat tell me exactly what um y level I have to be on yeah what’s the Y level is bck and different is bedrock different than Java also dude you heal Hearts so much slower in bck it’s actually way scary that’s the hardest part about it I I mean like to me to go from like up one heart up me going up one heart is probably about the same amount of time it would take me to go from like half a heart to full in Java it’s crazy I think I’m going to get out of this cave I’m not finding anything okay I’m going to run back home now that’s the goal I’ll come back home and if I bump into another cave on the way back I’ll jump you’re not going to go into it no no no I have to it’s some cost Bal it was worth nothing Derek wait oh my gosh oh my gosh is that the trial chamber is that oh okay for a second I thought that was the stronghold was it worth nothing have you not collected many things don’t have to say it like that so are you just broke now like you really did nothing in the last four hours of this no I’m saying you keep saying that you’re finding stuff I well I’m finding stuff that’s not useful it’s like oh I found like a really I found a spawner that I can’t use cuz we’re 4,000 blocks away you know okay that is that is my misunderstanding that’s so funny have you really done nothing I misspoke no that’s really funny I am wrong dude that’s for they said white lower that’s incorrect I think I think since deep slate it’s now like negative 20 or something will there be deep slate diamonds or not really yeah there’s there’s a lot of there’s up part I think you’ll find more deep Slade diamonds and regular diamonds okay okay interesting good to know didn’t I just come from here I have a really bad habit of running in circles in Minecraft I ran in circles in my stronghold last night and I speedrun for like 30 minutes straight it was really bad did you beat Minecraft twice in an hour I did well not in an hour but I beat it twice in one stream nice it was really good except the end of the speed run I ran I literally got gay kept by one string I don’t want to tell the story I’ll tell it really quick it was so so bad I I reached a stronghold at like an hour and 15 an hour and 20 right pretty fast I was I needed one string I needed one string right one string should not be that hard to get right there’s a there’s a library inside of the um the stronghold that if you break you can get a string you know like if you break a cobweb but I couldn’t find it for 30 minutes and I was like you know what is this going to be easier for me to I well here’s what happened there was a big Cave System connected to the so I was like fine I’m just going to run into that cave system and find one string I ran and found like 20 creepers 20 skeletons 30 zombies not one spider for like another 15 20 minutes and I’m like wow this is the worst so I said you know what I’m just going to go break up to the surface again break down the exact same hole I came down originally to go to the stronghold and then I’ll find the library faster it’s faster for me to go back to the surface and go back down I was so upset so I go to the surface it’s night time I’m like oh this is perfect let me just go find a spider bro not even trolling I found 40 skeletons 50 zombies 40 creepers not one spider what is that what like that was that I actually was really angry so I literally broke back the whole night I ran through the whole entire night cycle I’m like this sucks daylight comes I start to I break down to the stronghold and I find the library I lit was so mad it that might be the most mad I’ve ever been in my entire life it was it was really pissing me off yeah so and I finally joined I finally got into The Nether at like an hour and or sorry 2 hours and 5 minutes where if I had one more string I would have been in the end at like an hour and 25 Max crazy so I literally looked for one string for like an hour sorry yeah that sucks that really was bad okay I need to get out of this cave okay I’m here’s what I’m going to do here’s actually what I’m going to do guys this is the here’s my ultimatum I will go straight back home wait wait did I ever write down the coordinates oh what are the coordinates for home uh it’s 1988 8 135 110 I can’t remember which ones you need but Y no all of them are good thank you yeah did you write it down I kind of got a memory okay I don’t think I actually remembered one of them wa let me try to remember let me try to remember negative wait no it’s positive 1988 correct yeah okay 1988 the middle one doesn’t really matter I think it’s pretty up high though it’s like 60 or sorry sorry uh 70 four and then 20ga 208 no second one was one there zombie second one was 135 third one Wasa 110 negative 110 okay pretty close no you said -220 and it Wasa 110 right yeah yeah same redner distance I could see it from there oh whatever yeah okay where is Justin Jacob where is Jacob I was G to say I haven’t heard Jacob speak in about four hours yeah I’m just mining right now I’m just down here you know just like you know just down here uh did you just sleep yeah yeah hello oh wait I muted oh hello chat hello chat I can talk to you guys now hello had hello Joker fan how do you feel now that you got oh what that what that guy doing I might die okay we’re good um hi everyone if you’re new here say hi you’ll be back sounds good samoya who’s new here who’s new here who’s going to stay dude I’m going to say something every single time I go live and I play with friends I can’t really like talk to chat as much which I feel really bad for but I really do think the streams are way more fun and way funnier I also need to figure out this game a situation like now um I always have way more fun it’s way funnier but I guess the viewers don’t like it when the streams are funnier I said bye samoya what is up Jag what is up why plays G tag yeah had I wasn’t sure I mean you still have the wait wait wait oh you gifted the membership to Joker fan wait that’s sick wait this has three churches what is this the promis L what is this he’s got three churches back to back to back like a three Pat that’s awesome thank you head for gifting you’re you’re getting the name on the wall again don’t fret and you’re going on the third wall I have a third wall for people who gift subs and there’s you’re the second person to go on that wall [Music] okay we SLA we’re good dude I was really going to start collecting the beds like this was a speed run I do need food though please say this place says there they are Minecraft tip number one hi Mason yeah you did you’re you’re the only person why plays gtag to go on a separate wall well not anymore had will be on there is with you as well but it’ll be you two just chilling on that wall for now Mason hello you’re new Mason nice to meet you that’s awesome what’s up mbody why is The Brak sound effect not going through that’s really strange wait I think it’s directionally wait wait that’s crazy Minecraft tip number one uh baby cats look how cute watch this I’m going kill a big guy right now just cuz I’m better faster stronger better looking look at him one to well I forgot there’s no there’s no swing cool down I don’t need to wait that’s awesome okay I can’t read that brain rot do you mute a looks Max in Ohio with jumbo Josh skibby Grimace Shake no no one no one respond no one respond to that where’s my crafting table at also what block is this tough bricks those are new right oh I already had a craft i’m blit so dumb polish deep slate looks so good okay what was I crafting okay so I’m going the exact wrong direction that was not very helpful bra not so dumb you’re the one who said it don’t say that and be like oh man I hate brain rot bro don’t try and don’t try and like backtrack you said it zero oh that looks like a nice little hole big [Music] hole that’s a scary sound effect do I go down there I think so just for a second just for a second just for a second I’m not going to be down there for long okay I need to clear some of my inventory yeah my inventory is literally so dooo right now okay get rid of you I don’t really need six arrows Cobble deep slate n two wooden pickaxes get those out of there I will keep the stone just in case copper n Redstone uh this sign honestly I’m just going to leave that there okay MLG into the cave should I MLG on Bedrock is so much harder I’m not going to MLG I’m not going to MLG cuz like you’ll see why I just have to see the only thing I’m doing I’m just going to tip I’m just going to dip my toes into this cave and see if there’s [Music] any drip Stone okay I need to get out of this cave stat I need to get out of this cave stat why did I come down here this is this is deep slate right oh my gosh we went straight to deep slate that is so Co cool okay wait wait was that so hard to see I need this gamma thing up now stat um what the shma also we need everyone to be spamming the likes I need everyone SP oh wait actually I’m going to die I hate skeletons when I’m trying to get up waterfalls I’m just going to kill every Skeleton on the man nice one bucko how can they hit me every time okay is it this is it I’m getting out of here this they won’t hit me I have faith and if they do they’ll hit me back into the water I’m new to this specific streen that’s awesome we need everyone who spamming likes for the next until I hit 17775 followers and then after once once I hit 7,000 for the real ones these are the real homies for everyone who spams likes and then Waits until I hit 17771 followers or 75 followers after I hit that all of you got to say I’m trying to think of uh a new we’ll do the yha again we need everyone to say yha in the chat this is so sad I haven’t seen one like yet I’m just going to sit like this until I see one like oh there we go there we go there we go there we go literally I had seen a like com in for the last 45 minutes and I’ve only been live for 22 did not realize it was you yes I did ucn guy I’m not who are you who are you ucn guy I’ve never seen you in chat before that’s so dumb oh oh dude actually it’s dude two people’s mod applications were were just superb um who were they I know one of them I really liked Joker fans Not Joker fans sorry um sorry not to take that back my bad I really liked bread boys mod application actually let me go through them really quick there were what 17 applications maybe 18 I can’t remember I’m going scroll through the there’s two I really liked I liked hads cuz had was I think the most honest in hads cuz like I don’t know it just felt real cuz had was like bro to be for real for real they did not say it like this I’m paraphrasing very heavily they’re like to be for real for real I just I’ve honestly never had any experience in moderation but like I’d love to like try and get some and and like it was awesome like it was just very real and honest and I liked that cuz a lot of people are like no I swear all this and I’m like okay and a lot of them actually a lot of them I did believe like what they said but like I don’t know I hads just felt very genuine if that makes sense but my favorites were bread boy and there was one more who really blew me away and it was literally someone who I was like dang I wasn’t even going to mod you but I think I’m going to mod you now just because of how good the application was cuz a lot of your applications were very short it was like one sentence or two sentences for like a question which like on some questions that’s good but on like there was one application where they went like indeep like four par like not four paragraphs sorry it was like it was like seven sentences and I was like this is exactly what I was looking for let me let me see okay forms is up let me double check okay ready it was also we need everyone to be spamming likes every single person bottom right bottom right of the chat that’s how you click on them this song is so cool it feels like it’s half of it’s reversed okay I’m g go really quick I’m a speedrun uh responses I believe it was that wasn’t it I almost said their name but I’m not going to say their name until I absolutely know for certain who it is oh who is this nope that’s not it the bread boys was very good oh who is this Lily CRA Lily crab trees that’s who it was Lily’s was very good dude honestly the application is where you like like that’s how you have to when you explain yourself the best because um Lava pool um cuz like with Lily I was like I’m not sure if I’m going to do it and then I read it and I was like okay Lily is going to be mod at today’s stream if Lily joins today or tomorrow um I will give them moderation access I still haven’t seen any likes that’s so sad Canada what that’s awesome this way now no but I was saying like the mod applications some people that I didn’t wasn’t going to give mod to they did really good applications and people that I thought I was going to give mod to did fine applications and I was like I want to reward those who did really good applications let me just take land take a nap dude wait what the sorry we to back that up beep beep um you someone Lake her what is that you’re probably trying to get me to say something lakar lakeer yeah I got it you got me you got me like you’re going to say right now I know exactly what you’re going to say you’re Lake Hearn watch I’m reading chat wait actually no I’m timing you out I’m timing you out wait wait I’m timing you out so you can’t say it I’m timing out so you can’t say it let’s go I Ed him out you don’t get me you don’t get me oh that’s wait let me look that up oh my gosh it’s real it’s real maybe I untime him out maybe I untime him out that’s my bad how do I untime someone out I guess I can put you on to for 10 seconds maybe and that might override it or something okay so we can type again Jackson I feel like I’m getting this song mixed with uh um wow I got those on the dot I can’t believe remembered all three of those numbers stop spamming who oh king of Riz see I’m so glad Jer fan hi uh so off rip Joker fan so usually when people come in for their F if it’s their first offense just give them and had listen to this here’s some advice uh so if someone comes in start spamming if they’re new give them one minute um and then uh here’s something I haven’t seen any mods do which I want to see you guys do in the future time them out and say hey and then add their name um we don’t allow chat spammers if you want to talk to c/g Grant just maybe say it once and he’ll see if you can get around to it or something like that um and then if it’s a second time uh just time them out uh Joker fan just time them out for like 30 minutes or something don’t actually so hiding someone on the channel That means you’re actually Banning them to never speak again so never do that um but for people who want to get if they ever come and be like ban me ban me ban me just give them like a 10 15 minute 30 time minute timeout been doing one this whole time [Music] perfect wait am I going the right direction even oh my gosh I’ve been going the wrong direction for about 30 minutes I love M oh my hair looks no one saw that no one saw that oh it’s worse what did I do it’s fine it’s bad it looks like an octopus but it needs to dry like an octopus to oo okay that looks really gross uh but it needs to dry like an octopus to shine like an like an eagle and I’m not talking about Minecraft does someone want to time out king of RZ for one minutes you’re all good de and no worries Arnell hello okay time out time out for five minutes now because I brought up no spamming in chat and they’re still doing it and then Jeffrey for one minute hello Karen how are you what how are you dead dead meat where’ the mods go we just if they send not even 10 seconds if they just say the same thing like five times in a row just in like a minute to could you have done to improve the mod application let me look at up again let me pull it up and here’s the thing I said I was going to do it at the beginning of every month but I feel like that puts a timer on it and I don’t love that so I will do it every few thousand subscribers that’s what I’m doing and so I can just kind of pick and choose when I want to get some more mods you know if that makes sense okay cuz you were first to respond I do remember that uh yours is actually pretty good um wait let me open Google Keep dude Google all of Google’s applications are the most useful things to just help track and wait I’ve been going the wrong direction again what am I doing just find the direction and choose it and don’t move I don’t know why I keep straing from the direction like I’ll I’ll be going the right direction and I’ll like turn and I’ll be back and I’ll be going the exact opposite direction okay now do five minutes for for king of Riz this song is good um so there were a few things but um second answer what are some ways people could abuse the power and why was kind of short it was like half a sentence streams your first question was probably your best and actually this is what I wanted to go back to and read again I likeed your third answer as well honestly was this your second answer if you DM me a good second answer I will consider it the man the myth of Legend some meme guy how you been what’s up k also I I have to I have to let you guys know not know something but um you have W RZ oh thank you no would everyone to be spamming not even like not not just just I everyone in chat not just Spam we just I’ll just tell everyone in chat to do this one time because I think unique likes is better than spam well not spam if that makes sense one individual heart from a person it’s kind of like how if you print out more money it’s worth less you know what I’m saying I don’t know what that means but we need you better have be going the wrong way okay I’m not we need everyone to tap on the screen one time right at the bottom where it says watch live if you’re not in yet and if once you are in click on the bottom right there should be a little hard Emoji Yep this is what I like to see this is what I like to see I’ve seen all I this what I like to see I need at least three people spamming them everyone to press one and just Alex Charlie hi I should we got I we got speed in chat Sher hello Pikachu hi nice to meet you see look at that oh wait which direction am I going okay I was going the right direction actually though that’s the thing I wasn’t going in a wrong direction I just um I kind of got off on my x coordinate while going on the wide direction if that makes sense but Mark hi what’s up King how you doing but Arnell oh I got to spin the wheel of punishment this is over dude it’s over dude I’m I’m so surprised there’s a few nightmare ones on here that have not been spinned yet dude gritty I’m so bad at the gritty why did does the wheel always want me just to do the gritty it only wants me to do the gritty okay I got to do the gritty now oh my back o oh she is so sleepy hi she loves back scratches sometimes when I hear her back scratches she starts to Pur really bad okay dude my gritty is so bad though are you ready are you ready I said right foot creep Moon on 360 okay I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done my gritty is bad and I know it well well I never said that I never said that joker fan don’t don’t don’t put words in my mouth yeah Jer fan I already dm’d bread boy about his application cuz like I said there were a lot of good things I liked but there were some things I needed to address which I already let him know as well um but I’ve had zero time to DM today IEP blood cooked I thank you why did I say it like that why thank you goofy a response dude there is I need to figure out this gamma I need to figure out this gamma on stream because I am not liking how this is looking and 100% um wait I put down a bow I thought it was a bed my friends don’t want to sleep that’s okay oh wait they’re already sleeping and mods um I would not take any advice from people who are not mods in chat I’m just letting you know if you ever see something like oh you should do this just don’t do it even if you think it’s a good thing just wait for me to respond because if I haven’t brought it up to anyone’s attention it’s it’s fine you know and if you think it’s really that bad of a thing just bring it up with me and we can talk about it but like if someone’s like do this I’m like nope don’t listen to them there’s a reason why you’re mod and they’re not so so like I said just increase the timeout ban so like I think you’re talking about king of Riz so just uh T like I said time out for one minute the first time if he does it again like go to five minutes if they do it again 10 minutes again 30 minutes you know so like I said if they do it multiple times just that’s when you increase the punishment if that makes sense CU we don’t want to force anyone out of chat like one minute is just like hey maybe just like collect your things you can learn and then come back but like if you do auto 30 minutes every time it’s like who people will not want to stay around you know let’s see the house oo ooh ice oh I I’m going talk back to my friends really quick I’ll be right back to that don’t leave STI around cuz it’s going to be pretty funny when I join them wait hello wait wait wait n he has returned go back go back okay sorry no no no no look over here look over here oh oh he’s hammering away wait let me zoom in let me zoom in enhance enhance wait wait wait quick give me one second stay there stay there wait wrong one okay go okay dude that’s so I cannot believe they added emot to Minecraft that is so funny yes yeah glad you’re back thank you so I’m liking the shape of the house are we going to do like are we going to do like uh little things that like kind of Branch off a little bit I had a great idea so the this no so the walls um I want them just to look kind of Cloudy so just’s actually collecting snow for me right now but my my thought was that the entrance is actually going to be on the diagonal so instead of being just on one of the sides oh like this I like love that love that so it’s like so we kind of break from like so like here to like there or something like that is that what you’re trying to say that’s awesome and then I was thinking we could have a lower area and just like lace it with with gold because gold is Cloud City because cloud city is wealth and luxury y so what if we what if we theoretically so maybe what if the entrance to the house is I don’t know where you’d put it but what if theoretically we keep this side like this and then we have a like a like a path leading down here to maybe like a like a basement or something you kind see what I’m saying okay okay yeah I thought it’d be kind and I like the I kind of like the natural generation of I don’t want like stairs or anything I kind of like this like open aesthetic you know what I’m saying yeah if that makes sense so we’ll leave this I mean I’m going to close it up just a little bit more so that it’s but I like having a huge doorway is cool okay okay um I’ll probably just close this off then but yeah then we can just have a very close like basement I really I want like Spiral stairs that are gold yep and then we like go oh never mind I was like how there’s no never mind you’re talking about this like blocks yeah I actually have no clue no we can do it we can get it done you know I didn’t I wasn’t to play Minecraft to not fulfill my dreams you know exactly Minecraft is fulfill fulfilling my dreams dude cloud city is fulfilling your dreams yeah this is what you wanted since day one I think this is the first thing you talked to me about when we when we met J no it’s so true all the way back in all the way back in seventh grade in um Arizona Arizona I was G to say Albuquerque but yeah Albuquerque where he was born where I was where Derek was born yeah Arizona good old Jacob where were you born um the Netherlands Oh I thought you were going to say the nether I thought be like I was formed in the ne I was B in I was lit going to say you were like the most cringe person of all time um I’m making another chest up here cuz we are I’m one wood away whatever I have a wood no don’t give me your wood please what do you mean by that I have a wood what type of oh hold up hold up there an Enderman I want take care of them I like that oh I got to put that in the I feel like the chest on the left is the rich chest am I right guys yes do you know what I’m talking about yes I [Music] do come come at me block I have some building blocks up here if you need them Derek I have like dark oak a little bit of spruce some Cobble just thought I’d let you know um I don’t think you’ll ever use any of those on the build but I just thought I’d let you know yeah well I’m wonder what color of stairs I want to do to lead up to the house okay advices welcome I think you should make I think you should make the stairs look as if they are part of the clouds is that crazy my thought as well I just don’t know how to do that uh maybe quartz or use like quartz and ice or something you know what I’m kind of thinking of you know what I’m kind of thinking of I’m kind of thinking of the staircase at the end of Truman Show yeah that blending with the clouds exactly that’s kind of how I think that’s so sick okay that’s the vibe I’m kind of I just don’t know how to do it no you got it just trust yourself so so Derek if you ever so either of you if you’re ever doing any build like crazy builds that you need like ideas for first place to start go to a website called um mine let’s look up Minecraft um color palette generator go in there and then uh I think it’s this the first one go to block pallets and then there’s a button where you can like select colors indiv maybe it’s not on this one I think it’s called block colors block colors. app that’s what it’s called and there’s like a slider for different colors so like if you want like something close to clouds you go to White and it’s like oh there’s polish diorite I think there’s polish diorite stairs uh White concrete powder um quartz quartz stairs obviously like and it’s like oh if you want something blue that like Blends in the clouds oh there’s light blue wool light blue concrete you know just like it just gives you a bunch of different like nice color palet of blocks you would have never even thought of before you know interesting it’s really cool love that that is super interesting were you looking at it right there white concrete yeah I’m looking at it isn’t that really cool I saw I found that website a few weeks ago and I was like dang that is awesome cuz I was trying to add color to my Desert Oasis and I was like this is really bad it Still’s not great I need to texture it but it’s looking good now okay so Justin where are the caves you’re at okay so he’s not here um sorry sorry Sor he told me to come all the way back home to help him in the caves I get back home he’s muted I’m tilted I am angry okay where you at me currently yeah like where the cave system at oh the cave system is the one that’s like right below the oh the big hole the mountain I’m I’m not currently in there right now though but I can come over if you want me to no I supp to um the best thing to do when you go in the cave go in and go over to the grassy area and go down the waterfall that I genius is there and go down to that area and that’ll be the area that you’ll enjoy and can maybe find some stuff I just need drip Stone that’s all I need yeah go down to that area proba more likely to find it there is there drip Stone down there I haven’t seen it otherwi I would have gone some okay so what if there’s not have you explored most of the cave yes or no um there’s still a ton I haven’t explored okay good call Cuz if you had explored all of it I was going to get a little angry besides nether just the nether so I don’t know if I’m cut out for the nether okay so do I MLG I’m MLG no dude oh I think I know what you’re talking about this big waterfall that goes really deep Justin that’s a kind of in a crevice did you make the crevice tunnel again where are you I need you to respond okay I’m just going to go down there you done oh sorry Jacob Jacob yeah what are you talking about who’s I don’t know who the other guy is wait do you have a bed I do have a bed okay let me come back up my [Music] bed ex I don’t think Justin has a I don’t think Jacob has a bed yeah he me oh wait no do you mean like do you need a bed as then like do you want me to give you one or like do you just want to see if I can sleep do you have two beds down there yeah I do do I want to come bring back one up or no yeah be careful pull too hard okay I have three okay like about three of the screws are in pretty good and there’s one that’s not what are you talking about Buddy forgot to mute no three of them were secured one of them’s not yeah yeah just make sure you don’t pull too hard pull what are you talking about what do you mean by that said I know I know I know what do you mean by that Jacob I can’t I can’t keep this up I know it’s so funny if we forget every time guys we’ve been lying to you hash it’s actually oh I can make a bad clutch what’s that called in like oh it’s our apology hey guys I’m sorry we lied to you can we please sleep bro I’ve been in bed for an hour can we please sleep my bad dude remember last time we’re all like I’m in bed and D’s like oh my bad I forgot I didn’t even see yeah dude that was so funny I’m like everybody get in bed get in bed who’s not in bed you’re getting so angry you know was one of the funniest I’ll be right back oh remember the other day that was like one of the funniest things of all time that I thought about today it was when um Dustin asked a question and I answered it for him or no no or I asked a question I answered it for him and then I got mad about his answer that I made up yeah that was so funny was that I feel like that was uh was that last time we played yeah I was when on stream last time it was so funny I was like bro why did you say that and I literally made it up for him dude that was so funny okay I found more diamonds but I am in an an City oh I’m getting upset actually no I figured it out I think I cuz I’m not going to get Quartz that’s just the nether life is not one that I think I can live well well you tell me what I could go get that for you I mean I don’t know if you know but I am the top 15 speedrunner in North America oh wait really in what actually no not even close Okay I was like dude that if that was true that would be awesome but not I’m not even close dude my first speed when I looked and I was in the top like fourth I was the 4,887 person out of like 4,890 like I literally was like in the top 10 worst actually but since then I’ve I’ve improved my time so much it’s not even funny I’m probably within the top should I check I’m probably within the top 300 500 maybe a th actually I want to check okay guys let’s see where I am on the also Hitman is crazy world record like it’s that that game is sped ran I did not expect that to happen you know okay Hitman I’m back I actually saw something about that recently dude Hitman speed runs are really cool actually also welcome back Jacob hold it off that time okay so what was my last time oh I thought I was at sub hour wait I’m not in the top thousand for sure okay I’m still about 4,500 okay wait I I can actually I can narrow this down I got a 215 oh this is really bad guys I’m really not good at the game apparently I really thought I was doing something like last night if I found my if I didn’t have to gate be gate cep by a string a string oh my gosh I still would be 4,300 in the world SS like it’s a popular game or something okay yeah weird okay so I would probably be hovering around 4,483 out of 4, 536 I’m within like 500 of the worst world record and that’s for a hypothetical record that’s so bad that’s also just you know how much of the population is even it’s snowing oh my go this Cloud City snowing yeah cloud city is snowing that’s awesome sorry guys the next like 30 minutes I’m just going to be looking straight up at the sky that’s okay dude I that was probably one of my favorite Vibes of all time was when on the old server we were like Derek was building the house and he had that huge window next to a fireplace yeah bro that was so VI dude that was literally it I’ve never like had an experience like that ever again or will I ever have another experience like that well we could do a sensory deprivation tank okay guys guys the trees the biome I’m in it’s like it’s a snowy biome right they turn white yeah yeah they do I just saw that as well I don’t know they justtin the way you said that was so funny guys guys the trees and the biome I in mesmerized this is magical that was the nerd Emoji talking Sublime Sublime okay guys the tree I can see your hands moving right now Grant I can see the anime movement stop how’ you know can you do that little like Tik Tok thing you’re good at imitating on stream what the one I just did no no no like the hold on like the one with like cosers yeah yeah anime cosplayers yeah I can do it I can do like like that and like move their hand like like out and back I just did it oh no wait is it time right now no it’s just no stop I’m done no more No One Clip that no that wrecked by a creeper no you did it no oh de dude I did my best of my abilities as well put on Tik Tok that’s getting a million views wait Justin did you ever bring me the snow bro I’m still collecting out here oh you are wow yeah my hero I know you said you want 18 Stacks so I’m going for 18 Stacks dang he asked you’re locking him up Derek you are he is just your door Dash delivery service what is this PR hey what’s it to you what’s it to you bro he’s like um D do you need any help yeah get me 18 stacks of snow think of eight hours I’m currently at five I’ve actually doing a lot better than I thought hey that’s not bad that a bad you actually don’t I didn’t realize it was going to take this long you can bring back the amount that you have it’ll probably be enough I’m going I’m going for I’m going for seven okay sounds good okay looks like you’re quitting that’s the that’s the sun fallacy realistic Sun you didn’t get you know the real Sun cost FAS Grant you know the real sunk cost FAS what the one where you actually just end up wasting more time oh [ __ ] wait that was D he just kind of got you he did I can’t speak for the next five minutes I’m sorry guys dang well no it’s like yeah I just gave up I folded so fast I folded after one ey his entire like world view was just shattered with that one sentence that was crazy crazy how’d you do that also I have more diamonds guys we’re going to be so rich oh did you find this m shaft down here Justin I asked that IID or Jacob that’s so funny wait did you find this m shaft down here um no I did not is that a new thing yeah I just found a a m shaft ohang so pretty cool you know explore that you might find the first diamonds first bro it’s an hour and a half behind wait you already find who found diamonds dude I found diamonds like an hour and a half ago no you didn’t before I even came home yeah i’ I found almost 20 diamonds now I’m actually going to die oh it’s not that funny Justin guys that was so close that was so close nobody I found so many M shaft chests this is the best M shaft ever I’ve already found like seven hey I may I’m making a blast furnace for anybody who cares how how you that rich oh shoot that was a dumb idea how oh so oh oh I’m going to die I’m actually going to die also Bedrock fire is on your eyes for like Infinity you know what I’m talking about no that sentence meant nothing for me actually you know how like when you touch fire the like it liter it literally touches the top of your screen and you can’t see literally anything like you’re quite lit a little blind yeah like on Java it’s like half that high maybe like a third that high Bedrock is just so much more fun yeah it’s challenging more gam it’s more challenging and also less people play on it and like all the tutorials are Java based so it’s like it’s really hard to make Farms or you have to like innovatively like make your own or tweak things you know but like so it’s like that’s also more challenging as well you know yeah thank you D I need a yes man chat is usually my yes man but I have not been reading chat as much no lit every time I say something like dumb as rocks they’re like that’s so real Grant it’s the realest thing I’ve heard all day it’s so funny and I’m like thanks guys I know you don’t mean it but thanks cuz I’m here’s the thing I’m not like fully dulu I just need someone to agree with me so I can know I’m wrong you know what I’m saying did you just say dulu I did I got Tik Tok in my I’m brain rot if you didn’t know Justin okay fair enough what do you what what works as fuel in a blast furnace shut up don’t laugh stop but he just said nothing no no shame I was laughing at something when someone said in chat uhhuh yeah right okay so what works to a blast fice is [Music] um oh my I I heard him click to mute this guy no what was that the which one tapped me that no that was not me tapping to muting that was me slamming my my my uh I didn’t set my spawn point you de yeah I’m dead all right I am destroying this Blast Furnace nobody else can use it I’m going to Google the answer myself what wow it’s you got so mad let me know we can sleep again you’re taking away your my privileges cuz I no privileges I got move from green to Yellow yep I well I you were like at yellow the whole time and then I told you that there was an option to go to green and I just moved you to Red you were yellow like the whole time what’ I do to you whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa guys have you seen these new skeletons yes I actually have the the green ones in the swamp yeah they have like face paint on they’re so cool bro uh Justin you got to look at them they’re really cool I was I literally was getting shot cuz I was showing chat I wasn’t mad that time I L I walked like 20 steps and I was like it’s worth dying to see something cool who did this it looks like someone took one Oak block off a tree who did it fess up it was on Spruce or dark o it looks like dark oak maybe Spruce who did it I’m watching you die right now while I’m waiting for it to become daytime again it’s like it’s absolutely hey llama what’s up isuse pause quick little button click oh what happened there what happened there oh nothing we’ll we’ll celebrate in one minute okay this is the exact right direction I need to go in do not stray Grant do not stray be vigilant Hold the Line dude Ninjago is so good I just I haven’t even like seen here’s the thing if you watch it as an adult and you’re still saying it’s so good when you haven’t even seen the whole show that’s crazy is that what you do well I’m just talking about Ninjago oh okay because I’ve never seen Ninjago until my little brother started watching it and so I watched probably like 50 to 70% of the episodes maybe actually probably less it’s probably like 30 to 50 and I was like man this Show’s actually incredible you know when I’m just going to spoil that I don’t even care the whole Zane robot thing crazy wait what robot what oh you didn’t hear thaty I was going to watch I think I I think that was my next episode oh I’m so sorry D and then and then you know the the other thing happens when um Lord shamon shamon jumps into the fire of Doom or something oh I was goingon to say Harry turns into the Flash and Liam turns into Wonder Woman okay okay you’re done I was like where are you going with this that’s so funny I was like who’s Harry yeah pretty sure that’s what happens oh oh no that that I love Ninjago or the whole episode where they’re like in a video game and they’re like fighting a boss or something crazy oh like the community yeah just like Community actually that episode is so good I do love that episode dude I dude that episode’s so good man sorry I just thought about that episode I haven’t seen community in a while it feels like I feel just barely I did just barely watch it like two months ago yeah I’m like complaining that it’s been a while that’s crazy who let who let me speak Derek who let you speak yeah like why why can I why why am I allowed to say that it’s been so long but you’re allowed to say that like the perspective wise sounds like you’re feeling silenced what that’s I’ve never thought that in my entire life you’re just you’re not a therapist brother you ain’t licensed were you silent or were you silenced o That’s question that’s actually crazy yeah I know let that one sit I might have to wait I’m getting hurt and I’m not talking about Minecraft yeah I’m like Grant let’s talk more about that no I just got hurt by a zombie who’s hurting you no one’s hurting me oh I had a cursed dream the other day I got to tell you it’s so funny I’m sorry drink water first actually I want to tell to Justin as well I’m going to drink some more water yeah wait for that boy to come back hey so I never found out I never found out what you put in a blast furnace you put uh coal you put lava buckets wa coal wasn’t working um do you want to know something then that you’re not dumb sorry okay thank you for the trace no I know you’re very very smart and I did here’s the thing I did the same thing like a week ago no no no I no I crafted BL patronizing no I’m not patronizing by my house we’re done okay so what happened the other day was I did the exact same thing oh just explain what it is I’m going to explain it you just need the you need the um all the adjectives you make it work the context is that what you’re trying to say no no no I need like a little bit of like fluff beforehand you know what I’m saying this isn’t a paper this is not chat gbt okay so I so I did this the other day I crafted a blast F oh I’m going to die I crafted a blast furnace the other day and I put it down and I was like this isn’t working I actually was getting mad at the game for a second I’m just going to kill myself not in game do I I might go jump on the zombie no I ranan out of hunger and I can’t craft another boat I left my boat and crafting table behind Okay so I’m actually getting to this story now so I put it down and I Lally was like I looked up things on the internet and I’m like I honestly thought people were trying to like Gaslight me they’re like no coal works so I put sand in the blast furnace and you can only put like iron or gold or diamonds or something like that does that make sense in the no in the blast furnace so like I tried to put I I crafted like four blast furnaces and I tried to put sand in it and I got I was really dumb cuz you can’t put sand in a blast furnace or you can’t put food in a blast furnace you know what can you put in a blast furnace all the ores I think tools that you’re smelting into ore let me look up wait so why did you have to preface it you’re not dumb but no no I’m not I’m no I was Lally just saying like that feels that feels I don’t feel like I am dumb now exactly I feel like that’s pretty uh like you know it or you don’t know it yeah no no that’s what I’m trying to say I wasn’t like you don’t know this I was trying to be like dude I did this last week this is real you know oh oh so if I listen to your story I would have gotten that you didn’t listen at all oh oh maybe if I’m like the boy I’m like the boy who cried wolf some would say um cuz I just yaap so much cuz I Yap so much but sometimes when I drop the like the the good quotes no one listens because I’ve already yaps too much you know see were you silent or were you silenced oh D what I’m saying Derek why how are you not a therapist yet you are better than that one person that you know what I’m talking about right yeah it’s kind too lazy oh let’s talk about that were you lazy or lazy oh good question dang why AR you the therapist I’d be a really good therapist actually group I on the other day I looked through like one of my career plan slides from when I took career exploration in school yeah and therapist was on there it was really funny and I was like I know I’d be a terrible therapist but really good at the same time yeah you’d like laugh at your clients but you’d also know what to say ex that’s literally what it is that’s what it would be I’d laugh at them I was like I promise you I’m not make you feel bad I just can’t hold it in sometimes I’m a laughy guy yeah he’s so goofy so goofy don’t say that so goofy you kind of sound like the dinki twins so goofy so goofy dinky dinki that’s so where’s Jacob we’re not the island twins dude don’t kiss each other dang they should hire me I love those guys I see them all the time bro you you could literally write the scripts and voice it over yourself oh I should and you could like face swap with them with Snapchat and do both parts oh dang it I should you literally could run their whole channel for them all right everyone in chat the twins dinky twins who knows them I have a business proposition I could make them so much money for them to do no I know how to I actually had that thought I was this was oh I was poisoned oh oh did he get shot by the cool skeleton or the wizard which yeah the skeleton those are so cool cuz the sun isn’t coming out oh bro’s like fast is he angry too looks like it you say it like that looks like it I’m sick of everybody making fun of the way I talk no it’s awesome I love how you it’s like I ask cuz I’m like I love how you okay don’t say that I ask cuz I’m like no one else in the world would ever deliver it like that but since you did it that way I’m literally C like I’m dying inside you know what I’m saying I’m dying inside no like I’m laughing okay hey Jus are you still getting Stacks wait I’ll tell you a story when I get back I’ll be right back yeah pause photo shoot time out you’re getting out of the chat for one minute and if you do it again that’s five minutes okay who uh Mr fancy you got 1,840 views from posting a clip of you which clip that’s awesome which clip sorry made a Minecraft video what is it oh they got food oh my gosh I’m going to be eating good guys oh my gosh I’m going to be eating good I’ve been dying do you guys know that um I read someone say McDonald’s movie never heard of that actually I did actually I have isn’t with like an alien or something um but did you know that Burger King made a love romance movie is that so or not Burger King sorry KFC they have like a romance movie it’s so funny we were able to hear you while you were in the call yeah I want you to hear me and my friends I don’t want to go silent that’s okay no I want you guys to hear what me and my friends are talking about who’s liking who likes the streams when they’re just kind of like me and my friends hanging out and just laughing and having a good time and making fun of each other who I these are my favorite streams actually it’s just so sad that like the viewership always drops it’s like how do you guys not like this this is the most entertaining stream I’ve had in like three months you know I’ll look at my DMs when I have time did I ever decide on that one there was one there was like a few mod applications where I was like eh maybe I’ll go look back in a week and I’ll like here’s just one of those ucn Guy where it was like there’s a few like that where it’s like and maybe if I go back in a few weeks cuz I had so many applications I was like I can only accept like the ones that I think would do really be really good mods and had really good applications but once a few weeks go by maybe I have to remove some mods I’ll uh I’ll look again and be like actually this is pretty good you know teach you how to edit your videos oh Leo interesting sorry I would love to create a like a a YouTube channel where I do like uh editing tutorials on like how to fix things how to make things look good how to do like all the things who’d be interested in watching that what’s my favorite color thank you for asking who asked that oh you’re all good Danny no worries hi Danny how are you I’m breaking the crops I don’t care I’m taking these things and I’m getting out their hair um um get a girl across the club she give me that stair um take her back home back to my Lair she walks inside yeah she gets a scare um I can’t think of another one sorry no but I didn’t read the chats because I didn’t do it does who likes does anyone like these streams with my friends more than my ones where I’ve talked to myself for like six four hours straight the ones where I have like we’re actually doing banter back and forth I have those are my favorite streams I think they’re the funnest and most funny and most entertaining streams I’m not going to lie they’re not the most YouTube optimized but I love just it’s just a Vibe you guys know what I’m saying welcome back John K K I feel like we haven’t chatted in a a while and I said that last time like a few times ago when you were here too it’s just yeah how are you how’s Mario Kart which one are you playing eight eight Deluxe the Double Dash I love me some Double Dash I want lie they call me the Double Dash that game is the opposite of trash um move so fast that be looking like the flash um ball so hard yeah I got all this cash put it in the pocket yeah I keep that in my stash yummy yummy breakfast food yeah we call that the hash um so many fans that they call me Steve [Music] Nash um no I thought of another good one that would have gone with the layer one um scared from the lirer cuz I gave her that Lash like Whiplash like she kind of like o like she got scared and then ran away dang it that was such a good one so she’s like she was going to come back to my Lair then she got whiplash she got scared and got whiplashed while turning away you know crazy dog day is better than cat now wait my cat’s sleeping my cat look cute I’ll say it we want to see my cat real quick look at how cute she looks on the [Music] bed what does that even mean I don’t I haven’t thought about that song in 10 years look how beautiful she’s sleeping in my arms right now she’s been really sleepy recently I think it’s just cuz her like her nap cycle got on to when I’m streaming because I don’t really pay that much attention to her look look I love the syrup Emoji good it go you get my mind are you talking about my mind are you kind of talking about how I like my mind kind of goes all over the place she’s really sleepy look at that a her eyes are open she’s saying hi to chat she’s really sleepy hi baby hi Miss syrup she’s so cute look how cute have a good night baby you deserve it okay sorry just remember something funny also we need everyone to drop a subscriber ring if the chat if the subscriber rings are getting the chat High hi you got to subscriber rings then oh my hair ooh the hair see I’m telling you you got to trust the process it was just still drying I got out of the shower and it was still drying a bit now it looks like that cool kind of fluffy like o right the hair right the hair I need a lot of subscriber rings in the chat or else I’m going to the Ang ring is going to sorry I’m done what I missed the house I missed the house somehow wait which way do I go what the hey I missed the house I walked past the house wait I remember seeing it too and I was like I made it guys and I just kept you know I said I was going to stay on that path and never get off it I took that too literally that is so funny oh there’s the house wait I can find cake caves caves mean the dripstone dripstone means the thing I want right get out of my game oh my friend’s trying to sleep I have to do this okay what [Music] the what the what is up rly I Ry sorry nope nope nope Butch my pants when I dance put you in a trance I actually don’t like that song I don’t know how I have all those lyrics memorized you better subscribeing thank you Danny no one rided the hair no one raided the hair what [Applause] the well we trying to sleep up in here my friend ain’t getting in bed maybe I should just get angry and instead sorry no more dude I could drop such a fire like hyper poop aesthetic rap album I could go crazy on that did I go crazy on that actually bro singing the brain Rod okay Joker fan [Music] ooh wolf look at all the cute wolves I love the new variants of wolf I’m so glad it just they’re adding so much more to the game it’s just like that actually feels like unique like the new the new skeletons really cool the new like wolf like variants they’re feel very grindy you you know wait wait wait I feel it I can feel the drip I can feel the drip all in all in or all in you know what I’m saying I’m all in cuz I’m balling I don’t have any wood that’s okay my boy Nam call man stop stalling oh uhoh oh I found an ancient city oh oh oh wait what oh no way oh never mind three okay Leo 11 out of 10 who said that thank you Jane shout out Jane in the chat thank you three man shut your up dude that was the deepest cave of all time it took me from like y 200 to y40 y50 actually at the [Music] bottom [Music] o that sounds like a like a Lincoln Park end of Transformers type song did you guys hear that did you guys hear [Music] that you know like the the guitar behind it that was really obscure no one’s going to get that one no one’s going to get that Vibe I promise you that stop saying words like they’re wraps I think I’m just going to die I think it’s a lost cause guys I I think it’s a lost cause I got nothing I mean nothing to nobody who’s seen that clip before come on you can do it boom crafted it where the block at there we go wait what okay I’m going to join my friends again who’s going to stay for when I talk to my friends I’ll read out all your names if you say you’re going to stay when I when I go in deafen first not deafen but when I uh don’t talk to chat as much so I can talk to my friends it’s really funny they’re really funny ah I don’t know why I did that why I found more diamonds D you can’t see that at all okay I got to get out of this cave I’m going to have Justin go look for dripstone cuz I cannot do this you’ll stay calebs you’re new no joke okay Belinda you’re always here thank you llamas you’ll stay Thank You choker fan Roy you’ll be here thank you you guys are so cool had you’ll be here I love talking with them who enjoys when I just talk with them and stream I think it’s so much funnier and so much more entertaining and more of the real me some would say okay I’m leaving just let me know let me know John K you’re stay let me know if you like this this new Vibe it’s like it’s different vibe cuz I feel like if I just give you the same Vibe 24/7 it gets a little stale right like it got to give you a little like a little variety like once a week streams where I’m playing with these guys and we’re kind of you know making jokes and and uh like having a good time and blah blah blah you’re going to stay here too Leo thank you you know what I’m saying I’m still at y zero this is bad it’s so hard to see what game I’m even in right now oh my gosh this is so bad you love the raging one what do you mean about that what do you mean by that the raging one are you talking about one of my friends or the one where I was raging in the Stream cuz I was what are you talking about okay I’m how do you get mod uh did you apply for mod on my on my Discord server playing Minecraft I’m getting out of a Cave System right now I love s to rage cuz I can swear that’s funny dude don’t open that that’s a token log what the hell what are you sending him Leo you’re sending him some virus you’re sending him the exe hack you’re sending him free money. exe free ram. exe I don’t know why it’s always exe but it has to be did GC get made what the hell you talking about what GC what the he [Music] that from the soul that one you could feel that one you couldn’t feel that one you weren’t listening what day wa drift Zone my eyes are IR some drip Stone you’ll stay rly thank you I don’t know what you’re talking about okay why do I not left my friends yet oh cuz I was why have I not left my friend yes also trying to say why have I not gone to the surface oh I got baited I thought that was the surface turns out I was baited my boy you just oh I actually don’t want to be here me at like parties that I don’t want to go to um actually I don’t want to be here like super enthusiastically saying that actually I found out I don’t want to be here you felt that one oh I knew you would Danny I knew you would I knew you would feel it cuz like I said if you ain’t if you don’t feel it you ain’t listening and if you ain’t listening you ain’t you are tripping we ain’t clicking you be slipping oo no man I’m tripping I’ve already said that one that’s for you guys I haven’t called it out in so long but whoever is doing these Hearts you’re my favorite viewer I’ll say it you’re my favorite viewer right now the people who just constantly give me streams of Hearts throughout the stream in I’m listening okay Tiffany we rapping it’s so bad sometimes it just comes to my head no no more rhyming Grant um but whoever is going those hearts you are literally the best person of all time uh because oh Roy there’s such a delay on the on the comments that I just got your one time Trend mend append fend lend like easy come on you think I am I’m no amateur who’s watched my most recent shorts who’s like them I really went on the Lim to do them and I think you guys are are reciprocating very like I’m liking the Love on them you know what I’m saying so I very much appreciate it thank you cuz I have if you guys don’t know me I been working I’ve made the same short every other day like the same exact idea of short um obviously it’s still like really good content um coming back um it’s just like very similar ideas every you know video cuz I was doing k spot the fake Minecraft facts um which are very fun and oh don’t invite me to parties people don’t invite me to parties invite me me to your Realms though I’ll hop on some of your if you guys invite me to your Realms I’ll hop on and make a video about it I think that’d be so funny you love them thank you Tiffany but like my most recent two I did um Minecraft but I can’t touch a color blue and I was really scared to drop that because I want to see how you guys would uh would react to something like completely brand new um you guys you you all went and watched it and commented and we’re like this is awesome and then the next day I I get rid of that oh I’m going to ban you I’m going to block you um and then okay you seeing guy was I just not not even mentally mind wiped me what happened there sucks where you at somewhere Justin I don’t even know no more I want you to guess what I was doing give any guess Justin if you had to give one guess what was I trying to do what have I’ve been doing the last 10 hours on this channel in this world all right does F3 work F3 doesn’t work I want to see how many days we’re in and then I did a video that was um so I remembered now ucn guy mind wiped me and then I made a video called like how many blocks can an axe break a little bit more informational you guys seem to like that one and gave a bunch of support it was awesome it’s really cool sorry that was really funny no Grant you’re going the wrong direction why do you do this to yourself and I made a Minecraft video called with Minecraft with the facts and the something and then I did Minecraft but how many blocks can you break with a Minecraft axe that’s not a sentence how many blocks can an axe break in Minecraft got got a bunch of Love on that and I got on my phone to check that one thing um and then I love it when call sorry why did that come in my head I have not heard that song in 20 years actually I know why it’s cuz I just found a song an aesthetic rap song that us that as a sample it’s called senorita by I think it was contrast or maybe it was maybe it was one and only one and only oh it’s ax X zero that was that was my literal third guest third guess oh my gosh whoever is doing this is my favorite person of all time please keep those coming when I talk to my friends that’s what I need when I’m like talking to my friends just like because I can’t really read the chat all the time so I don’t know how you guys are feeling about it but if I look over and see those hearts I know you guys are enjoying it you know that makes me happy so please who was doing that you’re literally supporting me infinitely I think it’s Joker fan and someone else okay now I can talk to my friends again CU I came back home okay oh where’ the boat go wait do I got to boat oh I do I it you call me o [Music] I could go crazy I could go absolutely brazy on a pop album love you true every why am I doing this right now that is what for o that it was a little too um emo at the end there but that’s okay she was really emo at the end I don’t know why I said oo cuz it was bad it was really bad I was trying to hide that it was bad by reaction what was I so talking about oh the Minecraft I got a bunch of Love on the Minecraft but how many blocks going to Minecraft ax break and just you guys support me to the world it’s awesome so it’s making me a lot more like inclined to make long forms and deferring video ideas who likes the different video ideas [Music] ooh ooh ice I’m going go back to the Discord ice um the sigma this is looking good looks I said ice it’s clean so yeah I’m hoping uh you can’t really mine ice what happened sorry I’m done I’m done if you have just do you know I’m quoting say it again D ice no I don’t okay never mind it’s those like fake Ice reviews on like Tik Tok where it’s like is this ice or is this fake and like puts the buzzer do it and he goes ice okay never mind what I got to send it to you have you ever seen that yeah yeah send it s it he holds like the diamond tester to his like chain and he goes ice and he’s got like grills on okay that’s I got it’s so I got to find it it’s so funny nice M okay wait wait wait here is it wait wait can you hear this but it can also You Smarter Tools are already helping people right here ready dang itce okay wait I’ll it to you oh I talking about I know you’re talking know talking about now I’ll just said it oh my gosh I know you’re talking check the group chat take the group chat I and some of them are like very toned back and we’re like ice but some of them go like all in it’s so funny the first one I saw was kind of chill but like dude they’re so funny um okay welcome back also I kind of realized as I left Derek that me and Justin have just like playing ping pong with you for the last like hour like I would mute and then I get back on and Justin would mute and then J would get back on and then I would mute it was been like that I’m leaving I’m leaving in five minutes so no more yeah I it’s okay we started that’s my bad a little bit but um yeah so I’m wanting it maybe not lapis but I want to make like you said with The Truman Show I want the stairs to be white and blue going up with like some of this metal in the back uhhuh oops um yeah that’s kind of the goal there so is this like the outline of it or is this the actual like final shape of it this is so like are you going to surround this with blocks or is this like are you going to break each individual block and then replace it I’m not going to break each individual block because I like these blocks with it but I am going to try to just like disperse some blue okay and white in there this is like the blueprint I might like make it wider yeah well I mean I was asking if you were going to do this like if you were just going to like surround the whole thing with blue and white or you’re going to like break each block does that make sense yeah uh yeah no I’m mostly going to replace a lot of the blocks okay perfect perfect um okay I came back cuz I wanted to tell you the story Derek and Justin okay okay so this is a story that had I had a dream like two days ago and it was the worst dream of all time so the idea of it o sorry no no I’m I’m o it could be kind of cool no it won’t we won’t do it um we won’t it so um when I wait can I bring I’m going to put this idea really quick what if we build okay so do you kind of see wait d d d where are you I’m just getting some stone slabs I’ve been cooking okay top the is okay so I just had an idea for the house I don’t know I probably don’t like it but it kind of looks kind of cool no it’s not Cloud City I don’t think I’ll I’ll still pitch it but if you say it’s not Cloud City it’s not Cloud City you know okay okay so do you see how the shape of this area is kind of like slanted off and then slanted off right here yeah what if we build the house into that shape of the mountain and then we burrow inside the mountain Cloud City or not Cloud City well like how I understood the second part I didn’t understand the first part of what you said so so like we build so we build like one second he’s resetting no someone sorry someone keeps inviting me to play with them on Xbox I have to learn how to ban them we couldn’t find that person it’s over we got Anonymous in the chat okay um so you kind of see how the like the shape is kind of like a like if we were to build like if we were to mine straight through all of these blocks and kind of make a cave looking kind of thing the the roof like the blue on the top kind of looks like a roof yeah so what if we do that and we inter sparse parts of the spruce wood on the outside but then we burrow through here and then this is the actual house does that make sense not really I wish I show you in 3 no I okay okay actually Ms paint look look look look actually Ms paint and if you’re not in the Stream actually I’ll just look on Discord look on Discord actually I look on Discord yeah I can I can screens share so here’s Ms paint ready so actually no don’t do on spaint don’t uh do full screen do full screen so you guys can see so look here’s my reference okay ready so do you see how here’s the roof that I’m looking at right now right you see this like kind of Slants and then you come over and then it Slants right you see that yes okay so yeah so with the Slants wipe it back in okay there we go with the slant here’s what we do sorry give me one second um so trying to stretch it to fit the stream okay so here’s the blue right here’s the um thank you here’s the slant right here’s one slant on one corner right here’s one slant on the other right if we were to build that horiz Al the the mountain kind of looks like this here how do I do that the the mountain kind of looks like this right so here’s one slant oh yeah yeah here’s how I do it here’s how I do it 3D it’s not that deep Grant you’re not Mozart what are you doing okay and so the other slant goes like this right it goes inside as well right are you kind of seeing the the general shape of this now of how the Slants kind of look in the game oh uhhuh so what if and it’s kind of like this is all ice in front right what if we break all that out we inter sparse parts of the spruce on the outside but still trying and like blend so kind of looks like supporting beams maybe like we have a supporting beam right here or that’s way too distracting maybe we have like two supporting beams right here right and then like this one could be a supporting block or whatever I don’t know um and then this is the roof the house is inside then you know the the the mountain kind of goes like that do you kind of see that and you see how the mountain kind of what we’re saying and then we could have the second house like the one we were say going to say was the basement could go through the cave to the side we could walk through the caves to get in there but that that house get hit by a zombie Grant but that house okay good call no I’m good thanks for the shout out though okay but that house uh could be above ground does that make sense so the next house could be above ground so we have like in sparing parts of underground and overground like themes so if we need to build farms underground we could make it look like a instead of making it look weird like oh this is the only place that connects under the cave it could kind of be like a full tunnel system and there’s different Farms underneath does that make sense yeah does is this Cloud City if it’s not say it’s not Cloud City we’re not doing it it could be Cloud City we would have to open it up a lot more it would have to be less fully underground and more like underground but a lot of openings to view the outside world yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah o that could be Co for wait that like imagine we have like a little cave let’s all sleep next to each other it’s been a while oh wait I have an extra bed down to make that work actually you have a white one yeah yeah put down the white one I don’t want to look like I feed the bed that’s fair I can look like that I don’t care oh wait why did we put wait whoa whoa whoa yeah sorry that was my bad that my I a trying to be spelling feet all night brother hey okay there we go wait can we have five of this here wait can we have five of this huh oh you can’t I not a third person all three of us in bed chat can we F this okay don’t ever say that again okay I’m leaving now wait can I tell you the story really quick well that wasn’t the story please tell the story now that not the story that was the house okay here’s the story tell the story it’s it’ll be pretty quick um so this was a story where there was like five of my friends you were there Derek there was like five of my friends and a bunch of strangers and we were at a cabin um we were at the person you guys always make fun of me’s cabin for some reason you guys though the person 5 person we always wait we were at my cabin no we’re not in your cabin you at the cabin that that happened no no no no we were at her cabin oh her she has a cabin no she doesn’t this is a dream this is a dream guys oh and um I totally forgot wait wait this was last week Justin was so lost okay so I was at her cabin and there was like our friend um other Jacob you know it’s the other actual and then we had you were there Derek and like some other like like three other people that I like kind of knew that I was friends with were there and there was probably like 40 people who I didn’t know at all and you know I I like meeting new people but like it was the worst of all time cuz I’d walk into a room and they’d fall silent and they’d all just kind of stare at me me and I just was like uh uh and I got like stuned I literally got stunned and they didn’t say a word until I left and so literally I just like the whole dream was me walking from room to room feeling like feeling like they’re like who is this kid you know what I’m saying yeah it was like literally like a nightmare I was like wait how’d you do this oh never mind I know how um but I lit was I told this to Jacob the other day and he was like that’s so funny I was like and cuz it was I had a not not a real life experience like this did I tell you about the time I went to that one Lake I that that I was confused for a second because I thought that’s the story you were telling no no no no it was like a recreation in my head but much like here’s the thing in real life that’s not how it looked but in my head that’s how that uh vacation went you know what I’m saying yeah no that is funny so I just had like a recreation my head yeah the important details in that are funny and it was like every room was full of strangers sorry and even people I was friendss with like each like like you’d be in one group or job would be in another and it’s like it just is not the vibe I got to go no it’s just like if you’re part of this I can’t be here funny I’m so mad at you about that Derek yeah I know that’s super Fair that’s pretty real to life I think there’s reason for you to be dreaming about things like that no no no I just had a recreation of the one memory I had with that okay you can go now you know I get it I get it I was born in Ohio you weren’t it’s just a little bit different okay all right goodbye goodbye goodbye okay what if we burn the house I think we should honestly just make our own house what you trying to you trying to Branch away what is this the second we’re about to make factions this is how he leaves you’re trying to you’re number one op you talk right behind his back who are you I don’t even know you anymore where you at where you at where you at I’m literally right next to I’ve been running circles around you for like an hour where you at Jo the last 20 minutes I think I’ve just been running circles around you grant try to be productive challenge Lally impossible I I I have a task for you uh go look for dripstone in the cave and if you this the worst thing I’ve ever done my entire life what if you you have the IDE you have an idea for the house what what if you try and build some of the house no no no no he’s got it he’s got it he’s the he’s the AR he’s the arch Builder remember all right so I’m the miner you’re the Builder you were back in the day build what are you doing I’m the guy um I’m the I hold this together what oh Derek just texted and said don’t burn the house what uh-oh uh oh um wait how do he oh he’s watching uh oh he’s going to hear me bad talking him now what do you make other factions Derek Derek that was a joke we know you were still watching was totally trolling I didn’t just agree like to I hate the snow oh no this area has so much of it too this is where I died before actually dude all this literally all this dude this is literally the exact spot I can’t believe I recognize it look look look look take a step this way take a step this way I’m literally okay look oh right here all all this is dug out that’s why this is dug out cuz I was looking for my items when I froze to death bro here’s the crazy thing is I literally fell into this and I was like yo no way I naturally spawn like this I was like yo there’s iron here too this is sick like an hour ago it’s like a secret base that’s so funny actually actually can you put powdered snow on on top of like signs cuz that’s a really easy way to do like secret bases and like a mountain biome why have I never heard about that dude I’m making a short about that oh you just exposed it for all your fan base the true one is they’re going they’re going to steal that idea I’m just going to give Derek all the material so he has no excuse next time yeah what you he makes EXC huh what’ you do this time drip Stone oh my gosh big hole big hole please have the the drip Stone I think he got a bunch of logs and then I don’t know he was doing in between and then he built the staircase what did you do this whole time huh I died that’s all that happened it was so bad a big actually yeah so I guess he was more productive than me yeah when did I even die does any any remember back dur like 2016 okay bro that’s what I fell off off um no when when did I die when who did I die to the witch yep yep yep that was really angry I’m going to die again okay dude dripstone is plentiful in Java Edition is there I think they haven’t added the dripstone update to this this game yet cuz I haven’t found any and I’ve traveled thousands block they drip Stone I’ve traveled thousands of blocks they have dripstone I found it in our last World I know but we had an we had an accident like this is an accidental seed cuz we’re on 1.2.6 and so it’s experimental and they got rid of all the dripstone they did or you just gu no I actually looked this up that’s not real I made that up so bad you have any crazy dreams like that Justin I had a I had a crazy dream the other day but I can’t remember what it was about okay it was crazy though that is wild you would have left that was the most genuine wait wait pause pause pause I found I found a I found a spawner like 200 blocks away from our from our home oh for real write this down I’m getting chased you write it down 2011 two oh sorry two 21100 2100 oh I’m dead I’m dead 2100 no no no 2100 right in chat 2100 15 410 okay 410 wait what 410 oh my gosh I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead okay good thank you anyways I spent most of the time waiting for Justin to get my snow blocks I didn’t read that that’s so [Laughter] funny yeah how long do that take you just watch huh Jacob no bro was so bad at the game I’m sorry Bedrock is so hard this game sucks I all my Iron’s gone no wait never mind I checked the wrong chest where you in a cave for drip Stone D you have nothing to be ashamed about your H hus skills I think they’re phenomenal and your house last time was actually getting so good before Grant literally nerfed us and [Laughter] so this is all Grant’s fault realistically it is and I’m okay with cl City Cloud City V1 City driving and you would have been the driving factor of that dick yeah Cloud City V2 was being gay capped by me or V1 I guess it’s get kept yeah dude it was like I kidnapped that one you’ll never see it again bro I can’t believe I don’t know I tried every I watched 100 videos to do it and I did every single step but but honestly I’m guys here’s the thing though you know how sometimes things are like bad things happen so good things can come of it the butterfly effect some would say so if we had played on the first V1 we would have never found this goated spot and we would like the double Villages across the lake like they look like uh The Villages that are like V like they hate each other and like we had to figure out a story there and then we have like the big cave in the is in the mountain with the sky like we would never in the shrine this would have never been here you know what you know what that’s fair but at the same time our old world also had a village across the lake so oh it did yeah but that one was gross cuz it was like dark green yeah that’s true but you got to admit the setup we had with like the barn in the farm Immaculate and we’re not going to get that on this world I mean maybe we will once we build like Cloud City Cloud City but for like our our our main base we won’t have that dang that’s real which is fine that’s fine we’re just dive into Aesthetics right now it’s the best way to play Minecraft oh you’re not able to sleep right now are you no I am I [Music] am oh I’m stealing my bed back no but going back sorry I was drinking water going back when I was like when you were like dude you would have thought it was wild and I was like man that’s crazy that was the most like man that was that was like the most honest like answer I could have ever said cuz like I didn’t hear a single thing about any dream or anything you said but I was like man that’s crazy this is that’s crazy man like literally I was blown away I was blown away by you saying literally nothing you said nothing for 3 minutes just spaming the Y button that’s so funny okay I’m on my way what do I do I can’t can you look for dripstone please I can’t do it I can’t do it I’ve looking for 10 hours I bet you I could spend 20 minutes looking and find it please that would be the I would literally cry what are you doing right now just give me torches okay I’ll get you everything you need just give me torches and iron pickaxe yep food yep and some decent armor doesn’t even have to be goated yep that’s day I reacted your I reacted faster before you said it yep on it yep it’s there on your way sir it’s like I’m a waiter at like a Denny’s or something okay Derrick’s going to be a little angry but you’re going to be dripped out after this stream and I might be D out cuz drip Stone oh I might be too actually I’m going be dripped out he’s going to feel a little left out oh he’s still in the chat I think he just sent a photo Bob the Builder dud I didn’t see you say I love you Bob the Builder wait wa that’s what her text that that’s what her text that dude it’s so dude these are the best streams it’s so sad that they’re not the most YouTube optimized though oh I made three chest plates oh just cuz like you can’t really talk with stream that well yeah it’s okay though I’m having fun I’d rather have fun on stream one day a week then have one extra optimized stream you know what I’m saying no that makes sense well also also if we just need like half times where you play together and like me and Derek just talk while like you do your thing with stream then like that’s better than like not playing in my opinion so oh I guess that’s fair yeah no but no I love talking to you guys okay I think it’s it’s really fun I feel like I’m missing something a helmet okay Derek you won’t feel excluded I made sure you’re set this is for you next stream if you’re actually oh hold up hold up I think my dog needs to go hold up I think my dog needs to go pee I had I’m so glad that is so cool I feel like had is like the community Beacon that sounds really weird but it feels like had is always the one making friends with everyone and then they all come together in the big friend group you know what I’m saying hads hads the friend who’s like friends with everyone like if she doesn’t invite everyone there’s no friend group you know what I’m saying that’s how it feels in my eyes and that’s like a weird analogy but like that’s like cuz had made friends with like Joker fan and I was dating Mr fancy and before stream obviously and uh like other people and so now they’re all friends like sleep deprived I think we have no food we are poor we are poor found the issue oh never mind I I was going to say I found the issue I thought he was putting uh chicken in the blast furnace wait if you add someone in the YouTube chat do you get a notification if you’re offline oh hey red hunda how are you able to talk I Ed you out for 24 hours and that was like 12 hours ago the world may never know that’s wild okay we are out of food big time genius genius genius genius genius genius genius wait wait Derek are you we got to call Derek really quick Derek Derek I gotta call Derek I gotta call Derek come on please quick faster faster okay please answer Derek Derek I had a genius idea maybe okay I had to have your thoughts cuz you you are literally the Builder of cloud city you see the vision I don’t you were literally you you’re getting the vision and you’re just I’m trying to foresee it I see I’m the prophet yeah it’s a prophecy and so let’s say I so we’re kind of low on food so I kind of want to make a really big like Farm Farm what if we hide the farm either not behind Cloud City but you know the village that’s closest to us or maybe we can do farthest from us um what if we have like a huge like crop Farm behind it and so they’re trying to protect their crops from the village across the sea you know what I’m saying yeah good idea or bad idea Cloud City or not Cloud City okay I appreciate the ability the desire to put a farm not in Cloud City cu Cloud City doesn’t have a farm I don’t think they don’t need to eat they’re perfect yeah exactly yeah it’s kind of like those it’s like kind of like those people in like Guardians of the Galaxy 3 you know yeah or like or like even like the gold people in Guardians of the Galaxy they’re just like perfect true like us yeah um yeah so what if we have like really big far like would you rather have it be on the close City or the Far City which one would you prefer the close City for convenience okay I like that plus I think it also kind of looks like we’re siding with the good guys versus being against them you know yeah plus also it’s it’s better for Aesthetics as well because like sight lines for me like will it’ll make it look better plus cuz like when you’re using like if we have if we ever build like attacking things like maybe like a ship or something this is like a million years down the line like it’s easier like it’s hard to see from across the lake but it’s easy to see up close you know what I’m saying and so all attacking is going to be on their like front on their beaches whereas the defending is going to be right in front of us does that make sense yeah that does make sense also I have a lot of bread wait where so in my inventory oh so you’re a freak uhhuh sorry um okay I’ll just start on the big farm right now okay it’s going to look like a what farm do you want it to be do you want it to like be out in the open kind of like a rural Farm that’s kind of like like very not like hillbilly but like very like optimized but also like kind of like how it is at the end of uh um the space movies uh Han Zimmerman uh Interstellar you know at the end of interstellar there’s like Interstellar it’s like really optimized crop yield with like circles and stuff like that but it’s still kind of rural or would you want it to be like industrial like in know like a factory or like what would you want let me tell you my vision I think the vision is please yes D please tell us your vision it’s all we want because obviously in Cloud City the best high above everybody else which means anything below city is like working class clearly dystopian type thing yep they’re like poor and their purpose is to basically make product for us genius so just take that information and translate it to the farm yeah yep okay don’t say it like that don’t say like you’re at the end of a sermon or something so just take that information and Implement that into the farm yeah it’s like you’re not my boss who are you what do you mean oh you can leave it so funny that’s so funny okay thank you thank you revolutionary thank you revolutionary I will Implement that so okay talk to you later okay bye did he hear that Justin or Jacob wait wait wait tell me tell me in like three seconds one oh dude that was so funny dude isn’t that so funny guys guys who loves these streams that’s the funniest thing so implant in the farm yeah not my boss don’t talk to me like that adjusting chest just in case no one speak to me everyone say bad joke everyone say bad joke everyone say bad joke the games you play only Minecraft on stream I love playing other games at IRL but IRL who am I an IRL actually that’s so cursed no I like to play um bedwars in real life no I’m just kidding I play OverWatch rocket League fortnite um all the things okay so my goal now is to get a bunch of dirt for industrial land we can make it like a Hy like a hyperpop like not a post-apocalyptic what am I trying to think not uh Advanced like neoc City what am I thinking of there’s a very Niche specific Vibe I’m trying to hit on that City but it’s not hitting in my mind right now it’s like oh it’s like a not like an old western but it’s not like a it’s lost in time in my head okay sorry update me on what the plans are what was the plan we actually one plan even plans just whatever you and Derrick were talking about I don’t know oh that’s right okay so behind the first city can you sleep right now what can you sleep right now um I’m I’m heading back like right now so there like two seconds not a yes or no I’ll be back I’ll be back to the beds in like no no no no no the beginning of the answer the last half was good oh sorry what nothing we were like oh um yeah well I’m yeah I’m on my way back it’s like you were unsure about it yeah yeah I yeah yeah yeah oh I see you you were on your way back wait what huh I did you have to lie about that also no I’m really like I am really bad at turning the wrong directions in Minecraft I am really directionless in real life too I’m not going to lie neverone knows this as in like north south all the other areas well you don’t know where North is nope I don’t know which direction is north bro you got like landmarks here it’s not that hard to I know people say that but I don’t know that’s crazy people are like oh no if you look this way and you match the Sun up with this irrelevant Mountain you actually get the you got actually get the time it’s like shut up it’s really bad makes me really angry no Justin watch out just no you should have slipped faster Justin bro I couldn’t see there was a zombie what did you do what’ you do okay that’s okay one bed two that was that’s I’m going to die I’m at two hearts okay bro there’s so many monsters Justin stop going AFK come to bed Justin just I’m going to die I’m going to die Justin bed okay stop sleeping get out of bed dude do anything oh it’s over okay I have a bed dude dude oh my good no I have a heart Justin oh we got we we went through the night we went through the night okay oh my goodness that the funniest thing of all time dude oh my goodness I L was getting sabotaged by my own flesh and blood some would say oh snowballs only stack up to 16 I forgot okay that’s not bad I thought they stacked up to 64 okay you only got five okay I’m on I’m on Derek’s side now oh was like you got 15 Stacks or whatever I’m like that’s that’s nothing no no dere I’m on your side what’s up brother we got sketch in chat what’s up brother Tuesday Tuesday [Music] that’s kind of like a evil villain uh Motif to it like that’s when like your heroes are feeling very confident and then that’s like like that second is when the villain shows up and it’s like sorry I had a rle play that for you guys thatd be I think I’d be great at everything I tried I think I could literally be incredible at everything I tried actor musician YouTuber graphic designer video editor um why’ I hit him I’m sorry brother I did not mean to hit you dude we are literally 19 subscribers away from hitting 17,900 we got to hit at least 18 or 18K by the end of stream we got to if we don’t I’m never streaming ever again no I’m just kidding that’s that’s way too far but we got to think of something the city across the lake if we wanted to go really cartoony Roblox effects we could make them like red and blue that’s definitely not Cloud City but I like in maybe a future build I do that I make like a like a Roblox red versus blue looking map what’s up Brothers what’s up Eli do oh wait Justin where Justin been AFK since he went to bed what’s the brother doing he L hit a sabotage and then left he get dude that’s like when the villain tries to like kill a character but they don’t notice and so they have to like play it off you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying you know like how in like TV shows oh oh my gosh I finally got my mic to work it wasn’t working for that long also I’m on I’m on Derek’s side now you only got five stacks of snowballs in like 4 hours no five stacks of snow blocks oh I’m on I’m on your side again dud I keep flip flopping the more information I learn yeah bro my bad I thought it was snow balls like the 16 thing makes it even harder because if they stacked up to 64 I could have literally gotten quadruple but every single time my inventory would get full like that and then I have to go and like craft more and I kept on falling in powder and like it was just a nightmare so real that’s the that’s like I that would have been nothing I would have ever thought about before you know what I’m saying yeah like I would not have thought that would have hindered your cuz you have to craft so much more which is a Time loss wow also you tried to kill me dude what was that that crazy you craft iron armor what did you craft I put it in here for you it’s it’s in wait for me oh oh you want me to go down no did you craft iron armor he no I didn’t craft it why you answering like that you crafted it what you craft don’t play DB with me don’t play D with me boy you crafted that you crafted that iron armor didn’t you listen here listen here bub bro I made the whole set for you I got you dripped out and you didn’t say thank you one time wa is it is that mine I’m so confused that was yours bro I I made this iron armor probably like 12 years ago no you I don’t know what you’re talking about you literally said Grant if I go have to M drip stone for you go get me dripped out I don’t have to have good iron just give me bad Iron oh yeah yeah yeah I did say that I know what you’re talking about so who remembers that the truth I need a second iron set cuz I’m literally about to just suicide like this whole like Cave Run I’m about just like run through so I need to have like another set of iron so that so that if I lose this it’s okay well you this break the old on cuz they probably less durable you you got to throw that on me what I know Iron set no no I I was confused like you crafted an iron set and I was like I already crafted this one I was like I was confused on what you’re saying man you Lally lied to me you lied straight to my face also no l when I heard you hurt no dude when I heard you only got five stacks of snowballs I was like Justin we’ve been on for 2 hours bro I can get that in literally 2 minutes no no I only spent like 40 minutes doing that too probably so that was so funny I was like Justin how I was like how did you liter that’s so funny dude I could not take that much damage I could not wait which direction was I facing um um it was this way hey I’m back oh hello wait where were you going um I was going to go terraform a bunch of dirt but I want to run really far away so I don’t hurt the Aesthetics yeah good no I was like dude five stacks of snowballs it’s like that would have been so bad I literally was like dude I L at first I was like man I’m on Justin side like five stacks of like snow is crazy and then he I think he I think he Tex he said I’ve been waiting on Justin for the Snowballs and I was like wait what that’s what he texted in chat I think unless I read it wrong it is I probably read it wrong yeah no I I literally it wasn’t even like five Stacks either it was like six and a half so dang man you iced him out and then he’s backstabbed you how do you feel bad friend or worst friend um basically next time he wakes up I’m burning him a lava oh do you have a trap for him set what’ you say do you have a trap for him set like where like last logged off yeah yeah yeah I do it’s a big deep it’s a big one where it just never ends that’s deadly how do you feel why I ask like a radio D today how do you feel you just won $10,000 how do you feel tell the world I’m so excited you just won this this uh Edge sheering branded toaster how do you feel they always give they always give away like the weirdest prizes on the radio is they’re literally so weird it’s like why you who made this no one you had to custom ask for that custom ask for that is hilarious it’s like oh you actually won this panini press that has that has uh um that has um who’s like someone famous but also like kind of funny that has Danny DeVito’s ass on it it’s like how you don’t how that no one makes that online no you had to get someone on Fiverr to do that five bucks it’s so Random it’s like why do they do that even okay I’m about to lose 20 levels wish me luck oh oh my gosh wait Justin Justin Justin what bro we have to get Derrik on board no I think he likes it the other way bro you know we been talking about The Truman Show a little bit recently yeah yeah yeah what if we wait wait wait wait wait wait what if we use those um you know how they have those in like the game in Minecraft they have those like TN TNT duper things like that fly through the sky the flying machines that are TNT dupers bro what if we make a huge ring all the way down to bedrock on the like really kind of far away from the um kind of far away from like our like like enough away so it’s in my render distance but like it’s on the outside so you can’t see it cuz it’s like hidden behind mountains or something and then we build like little popups in front of it so it kind of looks like a TV set you know how like in video games like in valerant like to give you aesthetic like they’ll like put a freight ship in the background but then you go like you zoom like really far but then you zoom in on it like you go closer and you realize it’s like a flat image yeah yeah yeah I think that would be so cool okay I’m down for it it’s kind of a later game thing that’s way late game that’s way late game but I don’t want to forget it you got to remind me next stream to tell that to dere okay okay I mind you also uh speaking of Derek and talking about things what did you guys discuss I don’t remember bro um oh oh oh oh that call I thought you meant like when you went mute on Discord no um oh no the call I was like bro the you went mute like four hours ago where have you been um no the call so I was telling Dereck about my idea where uh behind so we’re low on food so I want to make like a really big Farm but I kind of wanted to build it into the Sky City aesthetic right uh so I said what if we put the farm down in the closest city to us kind of behind it so maybe like the story or the idea is like they’re really rich and plentiful on one side of the The Villages and on the other side of the lake they’re like starving and so like they’re going to war over it oh okay I see what you’re saying and so like it’ll look really cool and like industrial cuz that’s how Derrick said he wants to us um us F it’ll be really effective because it’ll make us eat and it will also um help with um like the story so it’s like a win-win win so um so the city right below us is the one you said you want to make Rich yeah yeah yeah um that sounds sick are we trying to make it like not just like a small village but more of like a a city so so we’re going to make it look kind of like Villages still um but I think we’re going to change the aesthetic cuz he said he wanted something more like um like the people below us are kind of industrialized to make things for us you know okay yeah yeah and so I think this going to be the general Vibe and so it’s not going to be rich it’s still going to be steampunk steampunk was the word I was looking for like an hour ago on the phone it’s going to kind of steam punk kind of old timey like think like Star Wars movie when you’re like they’re down in alley way maybe okay that’s sick okay and so but they’re going to be protecting their land from and the other side might be like the resilience or something but like they’re also just like starving cuz like the the resilience I don’t know I’m just making stuff up the resilience you’re so confused um I don’t know I’m just I’m going just like spitballing random story lines that we could build into this Cloud City most of the time no that sounds sick most the time like oh I don’t have a bed I’m sorry I forgot to bring a bed with me it’s cuz you literally you almost killed me when you went AFK we never talked about that you like sneaky got past that you almost killed me when when you were like trying to go to bed there was there a spider on the the top of Cloud City with me I was fighting for my life on two hearts no hunger with a pickaxe and you were just laying in bed while I was running all over you like screaming for help like just Justin and you L just like SLE [Music] bad I the funny thing is like I couldn’t hear you and I couldn’t communicate cuz my dog literally like ripped like my my cord away that’s so funny okay that sounds sick oh oh um wait so so is the other side like okay so the one below us a steam Puck let’s see the one on the other side I don’t know yet I we didn’t really talk about and it’s not like steampunk isn’t the actual Vibe that’s just kind of like the vibe I was getting in my head yeah like old Star Wars down a dark alleyway is dope yeah um CU I kind of like the colors of like they have a lot of warms in the alleys of all Star Wars movies but also like the like the high it’s like the it’s really high tech but low um like effort you know what I’m saying okay yeah cuz like in Star Wars they have like flying ships but also everything looks kind of gross and like like you know what I’m saying like rustic rustic that’s also another thing yeah yeah yeah um yeah yeah so basically it’s like New Jersey exactly New Jersey that’s where Dereck lives so yeah I know um but yeah that’s the vibe I think we’re going to go for but like I said Derek sees it dereck’s the the allseeing Eye he tells us what he sees for cloud city and we just have to do it we just had to be little I can’t say that yes mhm I know I think I know what you’re saying maybe not okay let’s go through all of our Purity tests guys and say all of our answers that’s so funny dude oh my gosh I’m dead how oh wait food oh my gosh does in the movies when the when the protagonist is like starved and like their their vision gets like cloudy and then all of a sudden they see like really bright you know what I’m saying when they see something really good baby zombie baby zombie I have to fight I have to stand and fight I cannot just run away this time he’s much faster than me I have to use my new ability sorry sorry I’m dead I’m dead no I think that stuff is gone forever bro how do you die so easily I have no food I’m starving it’s like the beginning of fire I’m fighting like 80 zombies 40 creeper skeleton spiders all the things sorry oh bring a bed oh bro I didn’t even think about that one or literally just dig a hole underground and then cover it up it’s Turtle to do what turtle to do what hide not die oh I ain’t got to hide who you think I am I Ain gonna hide they call me Bonnie and Clyde I hide who do you think I am oh whoa whoa whoa we got Mr we got Mr Warrior over here he never dies I always stand up for my friends I Will Never back down from a fight dude I love sometimes when I talk like an anime protagonist I need to go to sleep there’s so many mobs Justin please go to bed oh I don’t I don’t got to bed no more you said said I didn’t bring a bed so I went down in the mines I down in the mines you are the I’m in the mines now I use my other bed the spider almost kills you so yo you are the worst bro you you you flamed me for not having a bed you got so angry turns out you were the real bed was theed made along the way the real friend was the beds we made along the way bro we need we I need to get off this island sky City cannot have any mobs on it does anyone have any coordinates for where what level of dripstone we usually spawn at anywhere it could be on like right on the top literally it could be on like top of surface or it’s usually much lower but like it’s just it’s always in a cave it always has to be like overhung but you know there’s like overhangs in the Overworld sometimes yeah you can get dripstone in there but just like just in caves in overhung caves pretty much and all I need is just one stack of those oh you actually finding that for me thank you that that means a lot I find diamonds ooh overhangs so you kind overhangs and you can tell cuz like it’s really like there’s a lot of brown you know oh you know what I got one place for you to explore if you want but I know you I know you may not want to do that what the the poor the poor City a poor City there’s one house that is like generated in like inside a cave and it’s one of those caves that I feel like you’re talking about right now oh okay it’s not drip Stone I didn’t see dripstone when I went in but it’s really big and could be overhanging okay also I’m out again I did bring a bed this time bro even if I dude so you’re telling me even if I did have a bed you would not have been able to sleep no no I was waiting in a village for you and then when you weren’t coming by I just like went I almost just killed myself again dude I’m so bad at this game the difference between Java and Bedrock is CRA actually I’m really bad in in Java too there’s a little pirate ship over here oh wait no what is it amethyst geode Justin do you want to give us a fake fact about Minecraft um if you name I almost did hold on stop laughing it makes me laugh I can’t hold it back dude I didn’t make a shield I didn’t make a shield I so bad at Minecrafts guys it’s not even funny I’m just getting dirt that’s all I’m getting bro is not a speedrunner dude they call me dream they also call me who’s another good speedrunner who’s the one guy that got like one minute okay I guess no one knows Minecraft is beautiful look at that Sunrise look how blue the sky is getting wa I think I’m looking the wrong way I hav not seen a sunrise in Minecraft in a while and that’s look it’s like next to Cloud City was behind Cloud City incredible what do you have to do to survive the uh like Warden spawning stuff what do you mean by that sorry I was drinking water the the blue stuff that is like the ward don’t be loud yeah how do you how do you not anger it don’t be loud if you hear those things go if they go like this if they sound like this and like they kind of start like twisting wait is this a yeah uh that means it’s calling the warden if you activate that like three to five times they will come you say if you say his name five times in a mirror it’ll actually spawn right behind you oh okay okay yeah candyman candyman candy how do you know what that is you’re not allowed to watch horror movies oh oh you’re too young those are PG-13 sir ha get it cuz job’s young oh what you are you fighting yet but it’s uh no no no no it’s like it’s looking promising hold up just if you look for like little stag ties just look for little stag ties I I found some did you actually wait no no no no no don’t lie I’m sorry I actually was holding off until I until I actually did see it but that was very deceiving the anodite was like actually M anite yeah it does does that it does that I do that all the time I do that literally all the time i l him like in a cave I’m like oh drip yeah no I get you I’m not angry because I’ve done that probably a billion times it’s bad lighting forunate I need to figure out how to turn the game up on this before our next stream uhoh I’m going to need coal there’s some coal at home why I say it like that oh I found some thank goodness why do I say it like that there’s some coal at home what do you mean by that what do you mean by that dude I need to watch more I need to watch horror movies again I haven’t seen them in a while the last one I saw dude what’s your what’s your favorite one what’s my favorite I really like to talk to me really I really did um herit about I haven’t heard of that one what it was like big it came out theaters like a year ago maybe um oh really yeah it’s one where like this mystical hand if you grab onto it it uh like demons will possess your body and if you let them in for too long they stay it’s much like it’s that sounds really like dark but I think it’s I think the mood of the overall movie is actually uplifting which is interesting really does that make sense where it’s like that seems crazy like demons enter your body and they’ll stay in no but it’s like it’s not like they’re actually demons it’s like it’s really crazy actually dude one of my favorite takes on demons I’ve ever seen was uh maybe not one of my favorites one of the most unique was the one my friend uh Reuben he showed me have you seen Black Mirror Justin and how much if you have yeah yeah um um I’ve just seen like a few episodes here and there like just some of like the good episodes were you there when when we were at Landon’s house we watched the Shut Up and Dance one uh what’s that one about that’s the one where the guy gets blackmailed into like doing uh people like Anonymous people keep texting him buying the phone he’s like if you don’t do what we say We’ll leak all this all these videos of you online and so he’s forced to to like rob a bank and do all this stuff um have you seen that one or no I don’t think I have seen that one that one’s sounds I know I saw that one with I watched that one with Derrick and Landon at Landon’s house oh Ruben’s in the chat right now okay so this is what I was just saying okay so my friend Reuben was showing me uh demon 79 so that’s one of the episodes in like the newest season I think very interesting he’s like a happy demon he’s like bro sorry you got to kill people but like it’s just how it is it’s kind of crazy he’s not like a scary demon he doesn’t take he’s like he’s like a normal dude it’s kind of crazy huh watching it it’s really cool that’s where we timing for Reuben to join oh what is that look how cute that wolf is okay just m grass Grant you’re good sorry I was not really there during the last little bit I mean like I was but like I feel like I had like bought replies because I was like trying really hard not to die my bad oh okay no you’re good you’re good I feel like you apped enough you you said enough you said enough no more no less please um say I can’t remember how many um black miror episodes have you seen and what like one of your favorites if you remember um oh there was one that was my favorite but now I can’t remember what it was about um so was it really my favorite I don’t know hold on I watched a few during high school and I I remember watching like three and they’re really good um the only one that I’ve really watched like even in like the last few years really is the one with what’s her name she’s like Jurassic world and stuff okay yeah that one based off like your star yeah yeah I actually haven’t seen that one yeah that one kind of crazy that one’s is it ends up just being like pretty sad to be honest like it’s good sounds kind of good though oh I mean I think that’s like every black mirr episode every black mirr episode is like interesting but also just like depressing you know yeah for sure yeah actually I don’t think any Black Mirror episode ends happy you actually might be right no no h the DJ is pretty happy sanjun Niro is pretty happy I think if I’m remembering correctly yeah all of them end like really sad or depressing do I know dream actually yeah so um I’m related to dream isn’t that right Jacob yeah so I’m like his well well you’re like a little farther related you’re like his like second cousin I’m like adopted related yeah adopted that’s what it is he’s adopted related where I’m like his like I mean I can’t remember if I’m his first cousin or his brother he’s actually like his mother oh I’m actually dream’s mother do I look older than him actually do I he looks kind of young D that dream face reveals so funny it’s so funny dude everyone clowned on him for like weeks I need some water okay Justin give us a topic what would you like to talk about um hold on what’s like the mo what’s like the most mundane thing I can oh hold on um Excel Excel oh the program bro I love Excel the way you can maneuver all the charts in there impeccable impeccable who designed this who designed this I’ve never seen charts move so flow freeing free flowing Lively you can make a calculator in there it’s like nothing else it’s like nothing else never seen another application like this never SE okay you give us one Grant well you okay fine fine fine we I’ve given all the topics last 45 hours okay let’s see um let’s talk about wait what was the what was the Drake beef that happened today like what was the new one that you were texting about um so I had so basically you know who responses was whose like what was today’s you know Kendrick Lamar um wait how much of it how much have you kept up how much of it have you remember when you gave me like a like the other day on stream you or before stream you gave me like an update on what that was even R oh did I I forgot oh yeah yeah yeah yeah did what I feel like someone dropped one today right W give me second welcome back yeah Kendrick Kendrick dropped one today and Arnell oh that’s awesome I’m giving that so many likes wait kendri drop one today yeah and he basically just called Drake and a bunch of his like people a bunch of something I can’t say on stream that do yeah wait hold on I’ll text it to you no tell personing story that’s all this water gone ready this is a big water bottle too it’s not like a tiny one dude I just set up so much cave maybe drip stone is impossible okay almost died okay I’m fine now wait um I’m telling you drift Stone’s impossible to find but wait I’m that close to Cloud City since when sorry since when okay I was talking like Luke Skywalker in the first movie dad I was going to go to tshi station and pick up power converters like a power converters um dude my mom used to qu that all the time sorry uh Justin what’s what’s an embarrassing story you know of me that I should tell uh you’re going to have a few like of mine or of yours no of mine of mine of mine like an embarrassing story that happened to me that you got that I got to tell probably the time you got ousted from boom gangang I’m GNA kind of I told him that for like a second wait do you have another one do you have another one um yeah I’ll take get better ones that’s that’s a good one I’ve just told it on stream before I did also the 533 repap as well on stream wait what yeah kind of clean I think stream might know more about that than some of our friends do think stream might know that more about that than you do wait what I’m just kidding probably not maybe there actually is a lot that I I still don’t know about that it’s not that much it’s it’s honestly D about that d wasn’t like tell me anything but I was just like that’s like one thing about grant that I still probably don’t fully get I don’t like fully get the situation not like I don’t get you but yeah no I know what you’re talking about did I tell you that Derek talked to you about how that person is doing about certain things does that make sense no what oh that person okay uh I don’t want to talk on stream no we can talk talk I’ll talk very vaguely certain people have I wish it was the other thing actually that I’m thinking about but it’s not that um certain people have not found a person or just lost a person sorry that sounds really bad maybe broke up with someone very recently and I don’t want to do anything about it that’s all I’ll say that’s what you uh I got to ask you about this another time I got to ask you about this no no no I actually don’t want to do anything about it that’s the that’s like the first thing I said cuz I talked about it with Jacob as well and I was like I hate that person baby yeah I’ve talked through it yeah maybe another time maybe another time no I I have a lot to hear about this I’m going to it’s not that much it’s really not that much team it’s really not that much your stream freaking out no oh that’s a creeper I found a new promising area for drip Stone but I can’t I need to find coal first cuz I ran out of torches yeah dude Bedrock is so much harder can we sleep do you have a bed or no are you still out without a bed I’m still out without a bed my bad dude what what the he um no sorry embarrassing story embarrassing story give me one oh oh oh yeah not PR embarrassing already even just talking in ciphers first talking in poems H I’m trying to think I told a lot of Stories on stream you had any like New Year’s embarrassing stories is just me yeah I have had one and this one actually relates to you oh no um go for it go for it okay so um one New Year’s um so somehow at so I know how I’m going to say I’m not going to say somehow so my friends made up a lie about me being into this girl and I was like you guys are the most cringe people of all time they made it up in like October or November right and uh or maybe September one of those months and they played that that was like their inside joke for months like oh this guy’s got to crush on this guy it’s like no no no no no no I do not but no one believed me cuz they were like oh no I believe Jacob more than Grant and it’s like bro it’s my thing um what so uh so New Year’s comes around and everyone is like Grant you’re going to kiss her tonight and I’m like no no no and then they went up to the girl and they were like dude I I think gr could accus you tonight and it’s like what is that it’s it was the most cursed the most cursed of my entire life and so she was like avoiding me all night and I was like that sucks cuz I was like you’re my friend cuz we were friends it was a whole thing we’re friends again don’t worry who’s who’s this person’s name start with well you know them I’m I’m pull you into the story soon and then a few months later Justin started dating them and then he hit it from me what no way I was yeah that was so funny actually but I respect it I get it I mean I didn’t I didn’t tell you about that other person so it’s okay wait wait was that um New Year’s uh Kylie’s house yep yep everyone’s like oh she’s got home for a trip he’s going to do it and like they were like putting into her head and trying to put it in my head I’m like no I’m not doing it and they go up to her like do you have a New Year’s kiss yet and it’s like bro you got to chill everyone was being so weird bro everyone was so weird actually I think Derek was actually the spear like the the spearhead of that Dereck and Aaron were the spearhead of m i yeah yeah yeah yeah that was the same night that was the same night wasn’t it mhm that was the same night no no no that was literally they were doing the same thing with me and the other person they were obsessed with it they are they love being the little Matchmaker they do yeah know literally the same thing that happened to you same thing happened to me but everyone was like oh but they were like feeding it into her ear that was the worst part they were like no gr said’s going to do this like Why didn’t that was the worst cuz it’s just like sometimes I was like like sometimes it was like kind of funny or if you like actually liked them you’re like ah like don’t do that but like low you were like okay like I do that but that there some of those ones where it’s like no I don’t do that it’s funny if you’re actually like into them a little bit cuz that it’s like kind of awkward tension I mean it’s still pretty bad but I feel like if you’re not into them it makes it more Awkward yeah they did the same thing with they did the same thing later with someone else and I hated that one too you know I think you might not have a guess but you know the what does his name start with uh the letter e later that year oh wait what you know everyone’s like everyone’s like whispering in that person’s ear and I was like no no no I no I didn’t say nothing like that it’s bad man I hate zombies or spiders I was begging for one last night but I can’t I hate them right now I’m almost out of food I have to return home that was like dude sometimes I realize I talk like an not like an NPC but like a like a character in a video game you know like how like when your character gets hungry oh no can zombies spawn the warden I don’t know maybe no but you know how like those uh characters talk in those video games where it’s like it’s like I’m hungry I should eat soon yeah you know like like the main character is like talking to them sometimes I talk like that it’s really funny actually is really funny I’m sorry I’m about to die there was NPC response okay yeah that’s I guess that’s an embarrassing story as well okay oh that was the embarrassing story never mind I’ve been going the wrong way the whole time oh oh Justin you have to tell us an embarrassing story now um uh I think you a good one I don’t know like give me give me something to yeah fire truck red robin BR what uh Walmart Cathedral Walmart I’m the Walmart cathal oh here’s an embarrassing one here’s an embarrassing one so the girl you dated during junior year okay you know how I’m talking about yeah I know you’re talking about she my my junior so you’re senior year um uh set me up with her cousin and that turned into like this whole whole Saga oo I think I remember that kind mess but I don’t think I ever heard anything about wait that drip it was not it wasy not ideal it wasn’t like it wasn’t like bad it was just like it was weird yeah I don’t know wait oh my gosh oh my gosh gamer eyes wait enhance no I swear I just thought drip stone or are you minus two no I’m just um I’m really up and I see a really like cave that goes really far down so I was just looking bro I’m really out here right now I don’t know I’m in this like massive Cave System right now so I’m hoping like the fact that it’s really spacious means I can find drip Stone okay there’s like 10 zombies outside my door right now and I don’t have a axe good luck um yeah wait so so the cousin so the cousin okay let’s see how much detail I can go into okay buy being comfortable on stream we’s see go let me these pretzels one okay dude I might get some chips actually it sounds mad good actually I’m get chips right now I’ll be right back all right tell me when you get back oh the pret sounds so good right now bro I’m I’m smell them hi Mrs baby okay wait I’m putting my headphones on in one second I’m putting my headphones on one second take your time okay tell the story now brother um okay so I’m at a baseball game up in our downtown okay and good good watching the game enjoying it and um like out of nowhere I I got a call from her and she was like um hey what are you doing right now and I was just like oh like I’m I’m at a baseball game so what’s up she’s like oh oh never mind never and then she like sent me a text a little bit later and she’s like my cousin wants to kiss you I like oh well like who’s your cousin and she like sent a picture of her bro her cousin’s actually like so pretty I still give it to her to this day wow um she’s actually like way pretty um so I was like oh okay um are you guys talking me around later tonight she’s like maybe didn’t end up hanging out later that night but later on we ended up hanging out more she’s actually really cool we hung out quite a bit but I don’t know like she was weird about it too like we like like like she would like do things that it seemed like like she was into me and but then she’ like invite her friends to hang out oh with us so like okay that’s anyways I like took her I took her to prom what okay not prom sorry Homecoming this is like fall okay and then whatever then she like said something one night that made me think like she was actually into me so then I sent a text saying I was into her and then she like rejected me and that’s my embarrassing story that was very embarrassing getting rejected dang I thought you were unrejected bro you’re un rejectable you can’t say that I found Cloud City I did it I’m back home this is so good dude those tips were so good how are your pretzels phenomenal those are really good actually oh we’re almost H in the three- hour mark on stream that’s when I get really quiet actually yeah usually but I guess it’s an earlier stream so probably not oh wait there’s a huge Cave System right here well well there’s got to be a lost city or something this biome is so big actually spanning everywhere you should come check this out later I don’t know how to maneuver in them me neither I usually just run until the warden spawns and I die what’s the one thing that like only spawns in like Lost Cities but it’s like really good um I thought there’s something maybe there isn’t I think you’re right oh it’s called the sneaky enchantment I think oh really mhm wait where am I going I lost the village dude I watched the Tik Tok video today you know how like when they try to remake um dire kid everyone hated on rodri yeah bro I watched a video of his today on Tik Tok he like he popped up my Instagram reals feed and he was like here’s how much money I made from being on the Diary of M kid movie and he’s like it was I was signed on for a for you know three movies but obviously that was cancelled and so he starts explaining and he’s like yeah um so for the first movie I got 100 or $70,000 or something like that I was like okay that’s pretty good he’s like if we had done a second movie I would have made $250,000 and I was like dang and he’s like and if we did a third I would have made $500,000 I’m like dude like total or from that from that movie alone from that movie alone bro what and I I everyone in the comments was like man I feel I feel so sorry we deserve we we took this guy’s all his bag dude think about that goodness we literally denied him like almost like $750,000 no we did deny him $750,000 that actually sucks there’s some people who just like have life like that that’s crazy and all cuz we flamed them on the Internet oh my goodness should I feel bad I think it’s kind of funny still hey man okay kind of like this plot of land bro how in the world am I ever going to find this I’ve searched so many caves that was literally me last time we were here dude I am I’m making good progress though cuz at least this is like connected to our main cave mhm so I can come back through all this later and mine all the ores wa is that keep on running out of like coal and like torches basically that makes sense did anyone ever say this there’s a specific W level that trip still spawn at I don’t think I saw it let me look up where can drip Stone spawn wait what where to find dripstone dripstone mainly spawns in dripstone caves oh good to this guy genius genius uh underground in the Overworld it’s known to spawn in other caves but is extremely rare okay that was enlightening yeah I think it’s any y level the glow squid in caves is so sick true okay you’re joining me for the biggest dripstone search through all of our caves okay wait but I need to work on the farm oh are you working on right now yeah I’m so hungry if you if you want to stop you can stop you’ve looked for long enough you’ve done your duty it’s kind of fun actually just like lighting everything up and running around in the caves especially since like I actually know it pretty well and I understand how the caves laid out pretty well like it’s not hard to get back to where yeah I need to come up that’s kind of stressful part about like some of the other caves especially before like cave update and everything was just like I’m lit going to have the mine out of here when I’m done that was the worst for this game is so peaceful third hour is always so quiet I know you can’t sleep but I just want to lay down oh I’m actually like almost up right now oh really uh-huh welcome back thank you you very much where you at I’m in the village yeah I’m working on the farm right now so where are you building it behind the first city like back oh back behind it yeah okay that is that looks like an obstacle illusion that was kind of cool wait do you mean like okay so right if you’re in the village okay if North is the glacier and South is the opposite way of like Cloud City Glacier then is it South as you’re saying uh-uh East nope East okay nope no West wait North is the glacier North is the glacier East then you’re L on it right now yeah okay I was just confused to how you’re doing that there’s not like a ton of room here terraforming weird okay I forgot a water bucket and I forgot to craft my hoe I got to go back up to the top anything you want me to do other than look for drip stone that again anything you want me to do other than look for drip sty not really if you want to stop you can stop I mind I just wish there was like some area to be looking at rather than just like oh literally every single cave ever but I’m sure I’ll find it are you going up to the top right now yeah or you down here can you if you grab me a bed then I’ll bring it down the cave with me got it we’ve lost so many beds we’re down to like four total I know I know I think I still have one that’s even down in the cave I think you only have three total what we only have three PS oh H we lost all of them we used to have like a 100 I’m so confused about how that happened keep dying with them in my inventory okay okay where you at at the base sorry what I’m just I’m just in the I’m in the I’m in the village right now okay okay I made like one of these houses like my like milky like mini base not like actually but yeah so funny 10 seconds go by what you say I know earlier when I have to kept on have them like mute and unmute and stuff for everything is a whole nightmare let’s drop the bed on you thank you I guess any sheep you see that like aren’t in like pens or anything probably just kill so we can start making more bits oh yeah genius guys we got a genius over here you’re the brains that was so funny last time that was so funny that was like one of the best inside jokes in a minute are dripstone things more or less likely to spawn in a ravine like environment um I don’t know probably about the same okay so like now I just making a joke since they like never spawn oh yeah I just heard that why’ I do that for dude I’m so good at Minecraft now it’s like I know all I’m actually not that good so much more but I feel like I know a lot of tricks and tips and tricks that I can just always remember you know no that makes sense I don’t know any of them so oh the only thing I hate about bringing a bed down here is I’m so scared about losing my spawn point yeah dude your your breath in sounded like a like before an impact of like a song chorus like a you know what I’m talking about yeah yeah yeah you know I don’t even care about losing my stuff down here I just like don’t want to have to walk and boat all the way back from Spawn yeah oh my gosh I’m going to die at one heart bro I’ll be fine my spawn point is set here I remember and just getting night time I might be dead I love talking like uh like a corny I might be dead if I survive this one I’ll be very impressed if I survive middle school that’s so funny actually that’s real it’s always Middle School it is always if I could survive middle school I could survive anything I can survive myo I found I found the other bed that I left behind like forever ago like randomly I was going to go set down my bed and then it was like a dog like returning to like where he’s like always gone just like I like like oh it’s there for for for how you doing good I’m vibing well it did get quiet you’re right like when you said it’s a three hour mark it gets quiet I was like no it’s not going to get that quiet I Lally go silent dude let’s get really tired dud I got an idea for these uh um these little um Farms yeah actually might be pretty cool the glow squid actually illuminate the water like more than you’d think that’s so sick oh coal won’t even really spawn in deep slate will it no it’s really rare I think that’s the second rarest ore that will that will spawn in what’s the first uh deep slate Emerald I think that makes sense [Music] for for I just planted my first bit of food that was awesome that’s aome dud well not first bit like I I harvested my first bit I have a bunch of if you need like I don’t know if you’re able to fill out all the cops you wanted to but if you need extra cops to fill things out then I have um the furthest house towards the glacier there’s a bunch of stuff in a barrel okay thank you so you’ve been hiding these diamonds from you oh yeah I just barely got those I’m just kidding I know I know I know those are like my first diamonds I’ve my all game though really that’s awesome yeah congratulations I’ve not really got any and I’ve like searched out so many caves but I don’t know it’s not as common as other times for yeah thank you for letting me know there’s a bunch of stuff yeah totally welcome have you ever just like smelt sulfur like just been like the hot spring that just like it’s just like pure sulfur or like Yello bro these puppies that I have keep on farting and it’s just like that smell it’s just pure Su that’s so gross how do they get that huh how’ they get that I don’t know I really don’t know well I fill these in perfect dude I have so many crops now let’s go we’re going to be eating good after after this oh finally yeah I’ve been starving for so long it’s felt like really yeah my I I have also died like all the times I was going to say I think that’s the biggest problem okay can you sleep um yeah give me two seconds for for for for that’s me profits finally I can eat again I’m not even trolling well there’s so much redstone uhoh that was almost really bad for for for for is there any signs I should be looking for [Applause] should bro he just barely took off his head that’s crazy came back is there any signs I should be looking for any what signs I should be looking for for dripstone yeah just color brown and statites coming out that’s it yeah I know if there’s anything else to spawn by it commonly no it’s kind of unfor I told you I think they removed it well look it up they didn’t that’s the thing I know they didn’t maybe they did I know for I’m dead half a heart dude that’s sick oh bro I got shot by a skeleton or no I got blown up by a creeper it took me down way more Hearts than I thought it was going to even with my shield M and it blew me back into lava and then I was like burning and luckily I like Reen to heart as I was burning but I like had no clue if it was going to stop in time and just like luckily it did That’s crazy cuz I don’t have a bucket of water on me for for for how’s stream doing good I think I’m just chilling here bro another like two stacks of torches dang also can you sleep right now is that allow um yeah I’ll be able to in like 30 seconds okay actually 20 I’m closer than I thought I just got clim this playful I’m dead oh my God how close you dying dude I did it holy I was at one heart bro oh Roo it’s actually fair I forgot you can grow dripstone what yeah so if you have one drip Stone you can like grow it into 100 half a heart what only we can find one well we might be able to we might be able to um buy one from a Wandering Trader if he has a trade that’s a real thing yeah it’s really rare though oh DB creeper for where’ I get a baked potato from I don’t I don’t know where I got that for for can grass not grow under like what are these called berry bushes uh no I thought it could well we’ll see okay well it wasn’t completely time I got a ton of iron I even found a bunch of diamonds but I couldn’t actually mine all of them cuz there’s like ton of creepers gate keeping it and with a bunch of lava around it so it’s like impossible to get for now what am I even doing I’m just going to play some more dirt I guess for oh my back dude you come check it out what the Farms yeah nice dude this is sick thank you I’m going to cover this in like a big Factory I’m just trying to do this as like kind of primitive as for right now and then fix it later CU we just need food can survive without food that totally makes sense yeah exactly are you going I mean not right now obviously you’re going from food right now but eventually do you think you’ll try to make it like a more aesthetic Farm or just like more like industrial like just completely industrial probably just uh industrial cuz that’s kind of the vibe y also if you get soak touch let me or Derek know okay especially Derek can you sleep yeah this whenever have time oh my back for for for are you kidding me what’s up oh my gosh my spawn you serious why’ you breake your bed cuz I was sleeping next to my farm why’ I break it though you’re so right I was like I’d put it down and then replace it every time for for for for for for for for okay I’m almost back I think okay bet I’m going to take my puppies out to go potty really quick and I’ll be right back okay for okay welcome back what are you doing right now are you still finding drip Stone no I’m um up smelting all the ores I got and uh yeah what else that doing oh I think my next thing is going to be I know Derek might be using a lot more of this like Stone stuff so I’m just going to go mine some and smelt some so he doesn’t have to do that next time nice also I’m I’m going talk to CH for one second go ahead Mr fancy thank you so much for the $2 Dono I’m just talking with a friend I mean 2012 it’s already past 4 hours oh my goodness thank you no I’m just playing with a friend right now so I’m just talking with him and it’s every time I pass three hours on stream I us get really tired but thank you for wondering I do not have a bed I’m sorry no you’re all good for for [Music] I can sleep again what give me one second [Music] [Music] sorry about my dog no you’re good give one second I’m talk to sorry delusion hello thank you so much for the $10 sleep I am okay I’m going to sleep very soon oh wait I have to spin the wheel twice you for five minutes [Applause] here’s my fortnite emote make sure some rest we’ll do party hips party hips again no I’m I’m not turning around I’m not doing party while turning around we have not connected any of this to grass that makes sense go white boy go white boy R why do you always join at the most cursed times that’s so funny every time I’m doing something lame I always uh people always join in that I know in real life oh time all lows for like 20 minutes I should do 15 nice look at this guys dude how’s my party H you been here okay my bad I looked over I guess every third hour of stream I get really quiet and tired for look how sick that is I’m oh I’m liking this I can fix it later though oh wait no why did I do that oh wait no ja I can do it I got one grass right there I think it’s time wait yeah wait what wait what wait what wait wait what did I do wrong oh I did this wait did I count this wrong oh no it’s right here what’s Burber okay there you go okay let’s spin the punishment wheel dude you’re going go on three signs as well you clip the emotes oh it’s over for me tell embarrassing story okay wait what is happening am I dumb okay no I’m smart I could do this actually I’m really liking the vibe oh oopsies nice I didn’t spin the oh I got to tell embarrassing story let me talk to Justin Justin yeah what’s an embarrassing story like what’s a of mine of yours yeah that you might remember I’m trying to think and I’m putting you on the spot I feel like you didn’t I feel like embarrassing stories I feel like you have a ton of like really big embarrassing moments it’s more just like small embarrassing moments okay I don’t know if that’s good or bad but no it’s not you have a lot of um let’s see there’s one I had thought of for like a split [Music] second bro my dog is being so loud you got some yappers over there can you sleep yeah it’s actually so yeah yeah CU it’s like making it hard to think [Music] oh ready I forgot what I was asking you embarrassing stories oh yeah I totally forgot about that yeah um I’m trying to think of times you fumbled o a lot you mean dude if that creeper was not standing super serious one yeah that creeper was standing on like a path block and his left toe was touching the water and when he exploded he didn’t explode anything that was crazy path block is like one pixel shorter that’s crazy that’s crazy wait Grant I got a story for you to tell CU I haven’t I haven’t even heard it um how did you break up with junior year girl that’s really not that’s not embarrassing but I’ll say it’s a story no no no that’s good it’s good we didn’t really break up I just kind of just we just never talked after a while wait are you serious yeah we were never like official or anything we were just like hanging out and then I think one day she I I don’t know what happened but we just stopped talking Oh weird yeah kind of crazy I guess that’s it I don’t know I guess okay I’m going go talk to chat again I’ll be back all right I have so much food I’m going to be I’m going to be in good guys I’m so happy I’m going go to bed good night good night delusion one more spin on the wheel one more spin on the wheel another story I need another story just I lit can’t think oh okay you can’t think of one what you can’t think of one is that you said I just I’m like I’m like trying to think over how I like I oh my gosh K you you need like an embarrassing story or just like a story uh embarrassing probably cuz that’s what it says on the the wheel or whatever oh you got the wheel yeah makes a lot more sense now bro why can’t I literally think of anything uh about when your mom found your like Clash Royale account I have a half told that story but I’ll tell it again I didn’t really full go into detail that’s a good one okay I’ll be back okay so um this was I mean Ruben was part of this lore if he’s still here um back in the day it was my first attempt at you not first attempt at YouTube I was just wanted to make funny videos so cuz I thought it was mad funny but turns out I was just mad annoying who would have thought this was back in 200 20 15 maybe I made a channel where I like I played Clash Royale and screamed into a camera for like a long time it was like I literally just screamed in there for like an hour and I made a bunch of jokes and I was like my mom hates me and blah blah stuff like that and I put it online and all my friends saw it and it was matad funny then someone told someone who told someone who told my sister and my sister snitched on me I was very angry at her for that for um and so someone told someone who told someone who told my sister who told my mom and uh so my mom found it and she came up to me and she’s like what is this and I was like it’s like um this like a two videos that me and my friends made I don’t know you need to delete this so my mom pulled me aside made me delete all the videos and I was grounded for like 4 months the videos weren’t even that bad it’s cuz it’s SEL slandered her name didn’t even slander it lit like the so I had like a fake one of my friends like type their phone number in my phone oh wait what wait what did I do nice for where my bed at are you kidding me have to go craft another one nice how much does a smoker cost nice what is up everyone o no spamming for for for for there’s a Vibe do you have a donation link uh there’s no link but if you click the little sign next to the chat it’s uh you can super chat or you can join the membership if you click on my channel and click join right in the middle why does he need some much Stone I have food that’s awesome that farm looks really cool actually what if you put all the Farms down here in this industrial city this kind of cool I like this Vibe okay what do I do now I just been kind of been waiting for things to to grow cuz I have been starving in this world for so long oh dude we are we got so much food now it’s not even funny it’s almost too much am I right is that just me for for who’s makes I don’t to see that Barber what does that even mean what does that even mean okay I got to spend the punishment wheel again don’t say another embarrassing story oh no woo I’m getting random word gener so I can find a embarrassing story for I can’t find any I’m kind of find an embarrassing story why can I find any good uh for I got think of a story for embarrassing story what if I don’t do embarrassing I’m I’m I’m going do just tell story okay is for think I got to end the Stream now I’m I’m really tired I’ve just been walking in circles I still have a ton of dirt which is good and food okay we’re doing we’re doing good for ourselves team for look how beautiful look how beautiful oh whoa dude I know exactly what you’re talking about now with what the snow on the trees looks awesome bro isn’t that crazy that might be 1.2.6 like the experimental stuff that’s crazy how’s it going good I might get off soon I’m very tired yeah that’s fair I should probably get off soon you want to do like five more minutes and get off or something yeah that’s good that’s good also I’ve just running in circles for the last like 30 waiting for grass to grow yeah I low key just been like chopping down a few trees here and there grabbing some coal cuz the coal SL charcoal shortage has been real that is real that’s why I wanted to get the lava and the drip Stone how many things does level ask for how many what like blocks does lava last for how many blocks oh 60 60 jeez for for for did my helmet break that sucks my hel my helmet broke first too okay are you ready actually let’s do a few more minutes let’s do three more minutes I was going to say just like give me like two seconds to wrap some three minutes because then it’s five hours on the stream oh bet that’s sick if you ever need to make more beds I have like six white wool down in this little like house that I keep stuff in big just I’ll put more I she go kill a few more sheep really quick while wait for this last thing to cook I’ll kill this one over here perfect I wait for this last bit of stone cook up run it up to the house and then okay it’s only like five more Stone to cook so for okay whenever you want I was lit just about to say that we just passed 5 hours I was going to say whenever you’re done just let me know nice you know I’m done now perfect timing okay well I’m going leave the Discord and say my goodbyes to chat goodbye goodbye hey thanks for playing man I appr no problem let me know when you want to play on it again and I can get on yeah yeah 100% we’ll do it soon all right sounds good peace out peace out okay okay here’s what I’m gonna say goodbye chat goodbye everyone thank you for being here thank you for watching Lone Wolf hi Game Boy hi catnap hello audiobooks hi Dave con hi carried hi bogon hello Mike hello Untold kite [Music] hi thank you for uh thank you for being here um drop a sub if you enjoyed any of it if you’re new here um drop some likes if you want to drop actually I don’t need likes actually don’t no drop no likes actually actually I’m seeing a lot of likes thank you you sub to me thank You Ren belal hello um but yeah I’m going to bed it’s really late I’m kind of tired um I will see you bye llama you’ve been here that’s awesome have a good night llamas go watch um go watch my most recent shorts go watch all my shorts but at least my last go watch my last two at least last one I did hob blocks can an a break U minecraft you can’t touch a color blue and then Minecraft I can you sp the fake Minecraft effect 39 of those or 38 but yeah go watch those go comment and after I’m going to read after if you comment I’m going to go through all of them and read all the comments and like them bye boo bear

This video, titled ‘Building A Massive Cloud City in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-05-05 07:34:26. It has garnered 12821 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 05:02:33 or 18153 seconds.

Today I will be playing Minecraft and Making The Biggest Build EVER!

#minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock

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    Minecraft Mods in 2024: Curse Forge Tutorial Installing Mods in Minecraft Using Curse Forge Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience by adding mods and modpacks to your game? Look no further! In this tutorial, you will learn how to easily and quickly install your favorite mods using Curse Forge, a program that makes the process seamless. Whether you are playing the latest version of Minecraft or an older one, this guide will work for you. Let’s dive in! What is Curse Forge? Curse Forge is a popular tool among Minecraft players that simplifies the process of installing mods and modpacks. It provides a user-friendly… Read More

  • Uncover Minecraft’s Sky Height Limit!

    Uncover Minecraft's Sky Height Limit! The Limit of Height in Minecraft: Reaching New Heights When it comes to exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the game. One such boundary that has captured the attention of many is the height limit in Minecraft. Let’s delve into this fascinating aspect of the game and see just how high players can go! Exploring the Heights In the world of Minecraft, the height limit has always been a topic of interest for players looking to expand their horizons. Originally, the height limit was set at 128 blocks… Read More

  • Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations!

    Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations! Minecraft Marketplace Map Review: MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP Introduction MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP is a Minecraft Marketplace map that offers over 50,000 armor combinations for players to explore. Priced at 830 mine coins, this map promises an exciting adventure filled with unique and powerful armors. Exploring the Map Upon entering the map, players are greeted with a captivating environment, setting the stage for the epic quest ahead. The map features a variety of armor sets, each with its own special abilities and designs. From the menacing Spider Armor to the fiery Blaze Armor, players have the opportunity… Read More

  • DIY Wind Fan: Minecraft Edition

    DIY Wind Fan: Minecraft Edition The World of Minecraft: Crafting a Wind Fan Embark on a new adventure in the virtual world of Minecraft with the creation of a Wind Fan. This innovative addition to your Minecraft world will bring a touch of creativity and functionality to your gameplay. Let’s delve into the exciting realm of Minecraft crafting! Exploring the Possibilities of Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and create in a virtual world made up of blocks. With endless possibilities for creativity and adventure, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introducing the… Read More

  • Wheat Speedrun Shenanigans

    Wheat Speedrun Shenanigans Minecraft Speedrunning: The Quest for Wheat Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as players race against the clock to obtain wheat in record time. The challenge is set, the clock is ticking, and the excitement is palpable as gamers strive to outdo each other in this high-speed pursuit. The Speedrunning Experience In a recent attempt, a player managed to secure wheat in a mere 19 seconds, showcasing their agility and quick thinking. The key to their success? A fortunate spawn near a village and swift action in breaking a hay bale to obtain the precious wheat. The thrill… Read More

  • Discover Peace and Serenity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Peace and Serenity on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to a peaceful and serene Minecraft experience! If you enjoyed the tranquility of the pink house, moonlight, and natural scenery in the video, then you’ll love Minewind Minecraft Server. Immerse yourself in a world where you can build your own unique creations and explore a vast landscape filled with endless possibilities. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and embark on your own adventure. Connect with players from around the world, engage in exciting challenges, and unleash your creativity in a safe and welcoming environment. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. Experience the magic… Read More


    EPIC ONE BLOCK WORLD DECORATING | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY The Exciting World of Minecraft One Block Gameplay Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new challenges and adventures within the game. One such popular trend is the Minecraft One Block gameplay, where players are tasked with surviving and thriving on a single block that continuously evolves and changes. Exploring the One Block Challenge The One Block Challenge in Minecraft presents a unique twist to the traditional gameplay. Players start on a single block and must strategically mine and craft their way to expand their world. With each block broken, new resources and challenges emerge, keeping players engaged… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Gameplay with Kiki Ch.!

    EPIC Minecraft Gameplay with Kiki Ch.!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft and being humble!! [ Collab MAYBE! ]’, was uploaded by Kiki Ch. on 2024-06-15 11:36:07. It has garnered 1812 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 08:53:56 or 32036 seconds. Thank you my champyons for tuning in to today’s stream! Welcome to Rabbitville ₍ ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ ₎ Support me! Donate: Merch: Twitter: Send me feedback: Buy your very own Kiki Bodypillow! ~ Credits: Model artist – Model Rigging – Model touchups – Model update art – Character sheet –… Read More

  • Building a House with a Dumb Dog

    Building a House with a Dumb DogVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】Dumb Dog Tries To Build House【UTAHIME MOCHIZUKI | SPECIALITE】’, was uploaded by Utahime Mochizuki | Specialite EN on 2024-04-19 03:12:27. It has garnered 394 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:38 or 7598 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: TREAT UTA?: This game is being streamed and monetized following the guidelines of Mojang. My Socials – X(Twitter) : — Stream Rules: ~RULES~ COME ON, DON’T ACT UP – English only – Be kind and respectful of others – Please stay on topic – no… Read More

  • 🔥 Diablo EXPLODES on Minecraft Redwins! 🔥

    🔥 Diablo EXPLODES on Minecraft Redwins! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥🔥LIVE ON🔥JOGANDO MINECRAFT NO REDWINS’, was uploaded by Diablo on 2024-03-29 17:44:56. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:45 or 4545 seconds. Discord: Ip: Mcpe Ip: ignore tags: Rankup server 1.8, Skywars server 1.8, Server with machines 1.8, Minecraft server, Serv, rankup server op pirate 1.8, op, god items , vip, ke, disclosing pirated servers 1.8, 1.8, how to get op on any minecraft server 1.5.2 up to 1.11 force op minecraft all versions how to hack minecraft servers 1.8 Minecraft server 1.7 Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER!

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-02-04 14:00:04. It has garnered 681201 views and 5986 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:56 or 2816 seconds. HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER in Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing Minecraft manhunt but Dash can SHAPESHIFT into any mob! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Minecraft SMP Season 5 Recap 🐺 Week #2 Highlights 🔥

    Minecraft SMP Season 5 Recap 🐺 Week #2 Highlights 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🐺 JXT SMP Season 5 💨 | Week #2 RECAP #minecraft #gaming #jxtsmp #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by jxt gaming on 2024-05-20 13:32:04. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:58 or 1318 seconds. Checkout my other media: YouTube Short Channel:… Facebook: Discord: Patreon: Instagram: TikTok:… Twitter: Twitch: #minecraft #builds #Minecraftbuilds #bedrockedition #javaedition #jxtgaming #gamingcommunity #gamerslife #consolegamer #gamermemes #gamers #gamer #gamingislife #videogamer #videogames #gamingmemes Read More

  • Join Ennard for Epic Minecraft Live Adventures!

    Join Ennard for Epic Minecraft Live Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘Liveing haray more time to spend with Ennard maybe minecraft live’, was uploaded by Ennard Vlogs Vi on 2024-03-27 11:23:21. It has garnered 133 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:55 or 8515 seconds. yay Read More

  • “Insane Free Fire vs Minecraft Live Stream!” ❤️

    "Insane Free Fire vs Minecraft Live Stream!" ❤️Video Information This video, titled ‘Free Fire – Minecraft Live Stream❤️’, was uploaded by Gaming Shafayat on 2024-05-15 22:13:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our gaming channel! Dive into a world of epic adventures, intense battles, and endless excitement! Join us as we … Read More

  • VR Monke EzGameplay: EPIC Minecraft Panzee SMP Live!

    VR Monke EzGameplay: EPIC Minecraft Panzee SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Panzee SMP (Live)’, was uploaded by Ezra The Monke VR on 2024-06-06 01:42:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:26 or 8066 seconds. #minecraft #smp #minecraftsmp #funny Read More


    INSANE LEGO STORE ENCOUNTERS!! 😂😂 #memeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The types of people in the store🤣🤣🤣 #meme #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by LEGO FUN TIME studio on 2024-02-28 09:52:02. It has garnered 4571 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #roblox #party #music #dance #dancevideo #debut #firstvideo #firsrshortvideo #vtuber #vtube #visual #visualyoutuber #sweet #cute #girl #waifu #anime #visualeffects #montage #fun #animation #letsplay #tutorial #popular #2023 #shorts #video #videogames #roblox #robloxshorts#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #animation #allay #minecraftallay #minecraftallmoments #3d #3danimation #3deffects #film #minecraftfilm #fun #funnyshorts #meme #joke #skibiditoilet #montagevideo #film #minecraftallmoments #minecraftfilm #minecraftshorts#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #animation #allay #minecraftallay #minecraftallmoments… Read More

  • BorrowBox

    BorrowBoxBorrowBox – The Ultimate Box Mining Adventure 1. Welcome to BorrowBox, where box mining reigns supreme 2. Dive into compact resetting mines filled with treasures 3. Engage in intense PvP battles in confined arenas 4. Claim victory, earn respect, and become a legend 5. Keep your loot safe with our keep inventory feature 6. Experience a truly one-of-a-kind Minecraft adventure 7. Our dedicated team ensures fresh updates and events 8. Join our vibrant community for endless fun 9. IP: BorrowBox.minehut.GG – Join the adventure 10. Explore compact worlds and uncover hidden riches 11. Challenge fellow miners in epic showdowns 12…. Read More

  • feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. Players can sethome and tpa, and use Lapis as a currency. Play your way on feather64. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or unauthorized mods. Do not use duplication exploits Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule details available on our website: Community Players from all over are welcome on feather64. Enjoy a community with active players and supportive members. Join our Discord server for updates and interaction. Information No Staff Nonsense Environment IP:… Read More


    MESSAGE GAMESThis is a server created by ozi games! To join, You must enter the ip: . Note: you have to be on version 1.20.6.This server will get more games the more players it gets! This is a free to play server and nothing pay to win and players like me the owner dont like ptw servers. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nerds Will Get It

    Minecraft Memes - Nerds Will Get ItWhy did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Minecraft Showdown: Barcode vs Natop.mp4

    Minecraft Showdown: Barcode vs Natop.mp4 In the 1v1 Minecraft showdown, Natop and I clashed, At the barcode scanner, our skills were unmatched. With Amazon Prime links, and Discord invites, We battled it out, under the bright lights. Editing and subtitles, all done by me, Bringing the action, for all to see. Join the channel, for exclusive content, Minecraft news, with a rhyming intent. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth take wing. Crafting Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In the world of gaming, let the rhymes begin. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Blocky Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Blocky Laughs! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Silver Fox Gaming: TikTok Live!

    Silver Fox Gaming: TikTok Live! Minecraft Morning Madness! Exploring the Bean Mart Join the excitement as our favorite gamer delves into the world of Minecraft in a recent TikTok Live stream. The focus of the session? The Bean Mart! Watch as the player orders, stocks, and plans, all while witnessing the growth of this virtual marketplace. The captivating gameplay and thrilling experiences have TikTok viewers glued to their screens, eagerly anticipating each move. Engaging Content The stream is not just about playing the game; it’s about creating an immersive experience for the audience. From ordering supplies to strategically stocking shelves, every moment is filled… Read More


    EPIC HEROBRINE BUILD BATTLE - NOOB vs PRO SHOWDOWNVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE Build Battle In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-05-31 09:04:42. It has garnered 7815 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:02 or 1262 seconds. Join JJ and Mikey in an epic Minecraft building competition as they face off in a challenge to create the most detailed and impressive Herobrine statue. Watch as they use their creativity and skills to bring the mysterious Herobrine to life block by block. Who will emerge victorious in this intense showdown of construction?… Read More

  • Cursed Revenge in Minecraft

    Cursed Revenge in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge is cursed 🥶 #shorts #minecraft #viral #trending #toxic #revenge’, was uploaded by DOGARPRO on 2024-03-12 14:08:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Zombie Golem vs Mutants!

    Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Zombie Golem vs Mutants!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOMBIE GOLEM vs MUTANTS | Zombie vs Golem in Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by Agi Frost on 2024-03-15 01:00:10. It has garnered 926 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:24 or 84 seconds. minecraft, Minecraft Mob Battle, Mob Battle, High Quality Mob Battle, best mob battle, jujutsu kaisen mob battle, solo leveling add-on, jujutsu kaisen addon, gojo satoru hollow purple, one punch man, survival, gameplay, adventure, tutorial, building, redstone, command blocks, PvP, exploration, mining, crafting, enchanting, potions, multiplayer, singleplayer, mods showcase, let’s play, funny moments, best moments, top 10, tips… Read More

  • MIND-BLOWING twists in Casual Minecraft Ep. 45

    MIND-BLOWING twists in Casual Minecraft Ep. 45Video Information This video, titled ‘Casual Minecraft | 1.21 | Episode 45’, was uploaded by Phazer on 2024-05-20 17:00:18. It has garnered 449 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:30 or 3810 seconds. Hey guys! I really hope you all enjoyed the video, and thank you all so much for watching! I can’t wait to see you in the next one, and have a Very Blessed Day! God Bless You All!! DISCORD: #minecraft #minecraftsurvival Read More

  • Insane Roblox THE HUNT P2! Unlock Forest Story EARLY |LIVE|

    Insane Roblox THE HUNT P2! Unlock Forest Story EARLY |LIVE|Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox THE HUNT P2 | 60 Badges = Forest Story EARLY |LIVE|’, was uploaded by The Sour Gamer on 2024-03-25 05:01:35. It has garnered 21 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:19 or 1879 seconds. I make Let’s plays videos about Minecraft survival , Human fall flat, Roblox, Pico Park, FNAF, Hello Neighbour and Gaming because I believe that crazy challenges are the best for this channel! I will upload DAILY if I hit 5K in 2025 Read More

  • EPIC SHOCK: DaddyDitto Plays StalCraft with Nasty & Ditto!😱

    EPIC SHOCK: DaddyDitto Plays StalCraft with Nasty & Ditto!😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Thought This Was Minecraft |StalCraft with Nasty and Ditto’, was uploaded by DaddyDitto on 2024-04-12 15:37:02. It has garnered 222 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:21 or 8241 seconds. Make sure to slap that like button until it calls you Daddy! I Stream on Youtube, Twitch, Discord, Twitter, and Facebook all at the same time! So wherever you like to watch live content! Ill be there! Join this channel to get access to perks: JOIN THE COMMUNITY DISCORD: Tiktok: Instagram: Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft Challenge: NETHERITE BEACON in Viiki

    Unreal Minecraft Challenge: NETHERITE BEACON in ViikiVideo Information This video, titled ‘HARD Minecraft Challenge – NETHERITE BEACON #shorts’, was uploaded by Viiki on 2024-02-17 19:58:20. It has garnered 924 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 05:39:08 or 20348 seconds. Make sure to sub and say hello! Our Incredible Playlist is made by the artist GameChops! Check them out on Spotify! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cheat You Won’t Believe! 😲

    Insane Minecraft Cheat You Won't Believe! 😲Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 01:58:45. It has garnered 109 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • Insane twist in Minecraft build! #rinkusulive

    Insane twist in Minecraft build! #rinkusuliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】it’s FINALLY time to finish my house! #rinkusulive’, was uploaded by Rinku Susumu Ch.【Indie ENVtuber】 on 2024-02-17 09:17:34. It has garnered 14 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:57 or 6897 seconds. yaho! welcome to my stream! please enjoy 🙂 #rinkusulive #envtuber #vtuber /////////////////////////// MY SOCIAL MEDIA: twitter: @rinku_susumu instagram: also @rinku_susumu vtubie page: /////////////////////////// RULES: 1. be respectful to me and to everyone in chat 2. no backseatting unless I ask for advice 3. no spoilers 4. no spamming 5. hate speech and any kind of hate, towards… Read More

  • Icefyre Lands

    Icefyre LandsIcefyre Lands is a community driven server, with a friendly staff team, and several interesting plugins. Read More

  • GoldenAge SMP: PVE PVP Modded SMP

    GoldenAge SMP Server Information: Server Software: Better Than Adventure! 7.1 Babric w/ mods Whitelist Status: Over forty whitelisted players, looking for more Type of Server: Mostly Vanilla SMP with outlined guidelines Rules: No tolerance for griefing, PvP allowed with diplomacy and dueling Mods: Bonus Blocks, More Features, Custom Music Discs Joining Information: Join the Discord server here IP can be found in the #the-code channel on Discord For whitelist requests, fill out a form on Discord Q&A Event: Watch the event here Read More