Merry Christmas Shenanigans – Solo Minecraft

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Good evening boys what are we saying yeah how’s he going chat to me chat to me what we all saying bro what we all saying yo yo yo listen we’re don’t going to be doing a little solo stream today yeah I wasn’t really going to do one but

Then I was like you know what I want to chat to people I want to see what people are saying so a little solo stream you know what I’m saying merry Christmas everybody Merry Christmas thank you all for pulling up yeah uh Tom isn’t here today he is

Working once again come on you already know that we’re all out here putting in a grind she kiss kiss we kiss kiss kiss we kiss kiss we I’m getting hospital today W’s just downloaded Skyrim any tips get straight into it bro you don’t even need no tips it’s a whole experience for

Yourself to experience bosi you don’t need no tips um what we saying there that’s a big ass paragraph hold up have a nice time have a nice time my family we have a 20 second to see the Buys in a few minutes to come see if they have any

Plans for us to come along our host and we will have a oh [ __ ] okay W’s W’s what are we all saying though how’s everybody’s day been hey everybody that’s just joining welcome welcome uh let’s move the desk a bit down yeah there we go that’s a bit

Better right so the plan is we just going to do a little solo stream I’m going to keep all the mods that we was playing yesterday um yeah so going to see how that goes get it launched get it launched tonight yeah God damn yeah uh what do me and Tom used to

Record views OBS um I ain’t picking my no bro I had a little bit of an itch yeah all right let me launch this [ __ ] let Mech n you going so early God damn have a good Christmas n know appreciate you yo please don’t uh spam the chat I I appreciate it

Please uh oh I was able to finish a song but I sadly after iction uh I posted it on my channel I had about six needles shov the god even in your ass yo um it’s it’s the setting that you have to use in OBS if you I’d definitely

Recommend looking at a video in fact if you’ve got um if you use like an Nvidia graphics card you can um go through there and optimize it through there so it’ll shouldn’t be laggy for you really that’s what I did anyway mine’s working perfectly fine now anyway let’s get this uh let’s get

This world going hold on hold on hold on and walk up to it fin it yeah man I just cannot take this mask off ever BOS let’s get straight into it wait why is it not showing up hold up hold up hold up there we go drop the Discord already it’s coming

It’s coming it just it’s going to take a minute we just need to set [ __ ] up bro we just need to set [ __ ] up yeah what why is this spawn I mean there’s a cave straight off the bat which is what we love when it’s part eight in the Minecraft

Series honestly I couldn’t even answer that question fire it’s just until we get W look at that tree um it’s just until we can get the free time if if we get the free time we will definitely record um but the minute we have zero free time

Now what sh shaders am I using um I think it’s a centures I’m not are you joking right we’ll ignore that yeah that didn’t just happen um I’m not 100% sure what I’m using oh how did I just die just then yeah uh the Discord it’s it’s just hard

To figure out like what Bots do what like we’ve never really made like a proper professional Discord server before like this is our first time so it’s kind of hard to especially to figure out what Bots we need um yes that’s it it’s called complimentary reimagine that’s the

One um but yeah it’s kind of uh it’s kind of hard we’re trying to Fig we’re trying to figure it out just get a couple of them B BL bash uh hiring a chat moderator um see if I had the money to be out here hiring people to be a chat moderator I

Definitely would but um it ain’t like that yet material John Bro did I say it right material John yeah is that right am I saying it right or is it pronounced a certain way is it like je how do I say it chat to me jeez $5 donation bro this

Stream just started fam take my money what I want for Christmas is J cover listen if I could if I could be out here doing a collab with Katy perryer just cuz why not then I’m doing it all right okay okay wait wait which one do you want me to say material John

Material je which one chat to me wish my mom a happy birthday it’s tomorrow Happy Birthday Pingo games mom ROV big up big up MSY okay material John say less I got you I got you I got you ah okay I see I don’t know why I’m putting this

Down oh wait now I’ve got enough Stone I’m a [ __ ] yeah BOS uh Bosch and then Bosch and then what else do we need a sword yeah there we go straight off the bat couple weapons bro do you know what Tom does that actually pisses me off and for

The people that don’t know who Tom is I mean stopy the way he makes an axe actually knocks me sick now as you see the picture is like this right so you think you have to curve it that way for the Axe n bro Tom does it that way bro who

Does that who does this who creates an axe like this knocks me sick to my stomach yeah I can’t stand it can’t stand it I lose HP when I see that bro that’s what I’m saying I’m glad I’m not the only one bro honestly when I see him do

It oh I get real angry I’m scared of stupid oh Cam of course you do bro you’re from the same area that’s why you do it bro 100% it makes me feel uncomfortable seeing him do it as well um am I left-handed no I’m right-handed is Tom left-handed cam is Tom

Left-handed or is he right-handed I think he’s right-handed or is he left-handed I don’t know anymore right the aim of today is I mean it’s just going to be a chilling stream obviously with the horror mods installed so it’s not going to be that chilling as it but um

I’m just going to get to building a little Gaff I’m going to try and switch it up I did uh I did build a gaff on a server with me or our friends at one point and I’m going to see if I can try and replicate the GFF because I don’t

Want you guys to keep seeing me build the same exact Gaff every single time even though it’s like my goto Gaff he’s right I’m pretty sure yeah I’m pretty sure he is right as well not right in the head for creating an axe like that never you can s it out

Yeah why’d you do that right I’m just going to get a [ __ ] ton of wood [ __ ] ton of wood and um find a nice place to build today’s goal is not to build a mansion uh this is modded this is modded um horror moded we don’t want no uh vanilla you

Know what I’m saying people all nice and modded yeah even though I would like at one point to just have a nice chill stream where I’m not screaming like a girl um you know what the other day I Wasing meds I was streaming someone that’s a fan fiction about you and no no

No no no no no I don’t want to know I don’t want to know I heard we hunting dwellers there today I know bro well I mean listen if he comes at me Swinging I’m going to swing back y’ if you think we’re not going up to the top of that you’re dead

Wrong when is the next video um I’m not too sure see I was going to record it tonight but I’ve been having a lot of fun uh live streaming and everybody being here and just chatting to everybody so I’ve literally just been streaming I’ve not uploaded a video for

Like 11 days and I’m sorry I’m sorry yeah I will upload I will record I’ve not even recorded a video to edit and upload um but when I do I will try and get it out ASAP yeah oh let’s go yeah I forgot I have the echo in

Thing is that it I could have swore sawo no okay there’s a bit there let’s get enough for a furnisher have you heard in the mod from another world uh I’ve not heard of that mod what is that mod see I think the thing is with me right

Is I obviously do want to do videos um but I I do enjoy a live streaming a lot more and I think it’s just because it’s so Raw it’s so it’s so uh it’s so raw and unedited I just kind of like it especially like

Like I said chatting to you a lot like I just like coming in here and just talk like I wasn’t going to live stream today I was going to record and I was like N I genuinely just like talking to you all so I thought I’m going to have to do

A live stream I’ve got to do a live stream I have to oh [ __ ] hey J just got here how’s it Go how’s your day been it’s been decent it’s been decent uh went out got a few bits and Buffs for Christmas um hectic it’s hectic out

There do not yeah do Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve not a good idea bro not a good idea um J my boyfriend keeps telling me I should start join streams you should start join streams what do you mean start drawing oh start drawing streams I’m a [ __ ] I thought you meant like

Drawing or streaming you should definitely do that people would watch bro people like that type of stuff I wish I had a laptop to run Java I’m I’m I’m pocket at a minute I understand mate I understand I think we’re all there right now especially with Christmas I think we’re all just

Running low on the funs ow right I’m going to smelt this iron first of all I’m going to get up here oh my God I’m actually going to die I’m got no food and I’m one HP I’m actually going to die Pro I’m I’m literally like not even

20 minutes into me playing this world and I’m almost dead you working read the M the Mar in is crazy people doing massive honestly it’s nuts bro people are crazy out here like I just went out because I mean I had something to do where with where I

Work and I had to go in there and honestly it was nuts I could barely move and I hate people that walk extremely slow for no reason I I get genuinely so vexed like bro if you’re going to walk slow at least walk slow to the side where people

Can walk past you instead of instead of walking bare slow in front of me wasting my time and other people’s time but I tell you are yeah now you keep walking slow in the middle of everything ever I’m going to go up here and I’m going to mind my business over there

Yeah because I’m On One HP I have no food this guy’s slowly making his way towards me and I don’t want to die right now I just kind of want to get up there all right bro it was it was good seeing you in the chat brosi hag your

Archives I’ll see you later K but yeah no the city center is crazy right now it’s probably still popping up actually now it’s Sunday in it so everything’s closed now but uh it’s probably still H together have I met sty IRL I have I’ve met him twice twice yeah one was I went down into his

Area stayed over for like three days with a couple more of my boys and they kept coming over to the apartment um and then the second time we like me and like all my online friends group we went on a well not a holiday

But it was like we got a big like Airbnb with a jacuzzi and everything and we all stayed in that for a week that was a good time it was a good time what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I hate this game bro I hate this

Game um why did I start YouTube some I’ve always wanted to do since I was a kid to be fair um the F like one of the first YouTubers I started religiously watching was PewDiePie back in the Amnesia days when he would play Amnesia and uh is it Happy

Wheels or something I can’t remember what his full name is but um that’s when I started watching like YouTube consistently and religiously and like I would just solely watching Play Amnesia and it was [ __ ] scary and cuz I was so young I’d like sit there with the

Covers all up to my nose and [ __ ] hiding in my bed bro I’d put the darkness all the way down volume like really low and I’d still sit there and watch it um but that was there was the best times bro back then bro they were sick

Times uh I just want to say thank you for entertaining Us and other good content and laughs I appreciate you bro you guys are the reason we do this the wild west era of YouTube 100% uh Jay what do you plan on doing for the future is YouTube going to be a

Full-time job for you if it gets to that point where I can consistently do it as a YouTuber like fulltime then yeah that’s 100% um like let’s say if I if I start making the same amount of money as I am now in my current job place cuz

I do fulltime so it’s kind of hard to record or do anything it’s like for example if I would have recorded tonight it would have been would have recorded for about three or 4 hours and it would spend and it would take me like a whole day to edit

And upload the video so it takes stupid long that’s why kind of at the minute I’m just loving doing streaming because like this it gives you guys some content to watch from us and I can chat to you guys it’s live in it so it’s like I can you get my live Reactions it’s just all it’s just raw footage um I’m aspiring to be a doctor so unfortunately I don’t have the time to do YouTube it sounds like good fun it’s it’s a lot of effort it is a lot of effort but it’s it’s it’s good fun it’s

Good amounts of effort is great um like I think see because I start like me and sty we basically started doing YouTube in 2018 we started uploading but it wasn’t like consistently um it was like just regularly uploading and it wasn’t it it was like we would spend so many hours

Editing and uploading and like nothing would come of it so it was quite draining but then all of a sudden like like I said like um I hit him up with an idea I said oh I keep seeing loads of like scary modded uh Minecraft stuff

Because me and him and a couple of my other boys was we would like playing horror games cuz we’re like hearing each other’s scream because it’s hilarious um so I was like oh let’s do modded Minecraft I feel like it would make a great video so we recorded it we uploaded it within

The first hour it hit a k and we was like holy [ __ ] couple hours went by It’s On 5K we like what is happening wake up the next day it’s on 10K and it just kept running up and running up and running it and running it and running it

It was crazy someone was like right we’ve got to get a part two up so we recorded we hopped on as soon as we could we recorded part two got that up and that one just roll up and roll up as well and then people started saying they

Wanted to see my point of view and stuff like that um and at the time my OBS wasn’t the best um so when it come to recording it just wasn’t doing very well so I just didn’t record anything and then eventually I just started recording um [ __ ] you guys see him

Right well we’re not going to look at him because I’m On One HP um there’s a question I was going to answer oh there it is I really hope you and stoi don’t ever become a brand I don’t think we ever will become a brand uh cuz that it

Just we’re not in it for that type of [ __ ] we’re in it because this is something we enjoy doing and this is not only entertaining for you guys but it’s entertaining for us too like I just love the interaction that we have with you guys

Um material John you got a goal ah sad one sad one appreciate you for joining while you could yeah hopefully you can join back you guys are so effort e effortlessly funny I appreciate it bro um are we going to play a Minecraft World with our viewers this is something

We have spoke about we have spoke about uh making a server um so that everybody can like join it’s just like a big survival server it would be cool uh but once again there’s a lot of planning behind that and me and Tom are dumbasses so it’s kind of

Hard um I wanted do YouTube and I actually got some video I had to abandon it but I saying keep it going bro never abandon it never abandon it you never know what’s going to happen Livy is in the chat bro yeah big up Livy fam what you saying bro

Um I am not zooming in on the Dell when I see think is in here yes FX think she didn’t join a bit late we’re only 20 minutes in 30 minutes in Um Jay what’s your current job see I kind of don’t want to uh say what my current job is reason being is because I mean people know where I’m from in the UK and with my specific job title you could easily track me down so I I’m not going to say

What I work as unfortunately um jeez big up midnight Dem with the one $149 big up you fam I appreciate you uh do I have any goals for the next year Minecraft I’m dropping my hours at work not Minecraft YouTube I’m dropping mys

At work so I can focus 90% of my time on YouTube this is a career I want to pursue this is a career I’ve always dreamt of and while it’s while it’s a thing where people are enjoying watching us I you it’s something you need to take

Advantage of when you’re in the moment otherwise um otherwise that moment won’t come along again yeah listen you guys didn’t see that BR yeah you guys didn’t see [ __ ] uh where did I come from I was I dropped down here did I go that

Way I mean at least I’m at least I’m not on one heart anymore no I know bro listen yeah you all know I’m [ __ ] at this game bro BR where did I come from where did I go where did I come from cuton I Jael yeah was it this

Way Skyrim stream when listen yeah we got to get that started you know we need to get that started do I have a pet I do have a pet uh I have where did I die was it this way um yeah I do have a pet I have a um

I have a leopard gecko a little leopard gecko he chills he’s nocturnal so he only comes out at night who’s going Lizzy’s going I appreciate you for joining Lizzy big up VI yeah big up you guys I don’t know where I was when I died where did I

Die fully just tempted yeah so just creative fly where I need to Go W gecko 100% dou GE you and you and sty should do a DU speed run but with the D with the Dwellers bro when you say Speed Run yeah it won’t be a speed run with me R it would straight up be uh slow run bro i’ keep you just saw

Me die to fall damage you understand how much that would actually happen F where did I die favorite food Wing Stop 100% Wing Stop hard guys help me out where did I die where did I die I don’t remember I’ve lost everything oh mate if I do you know what

I think I might have a picture of my gecko if I have a picture of my Gecko and somebody can do a picture of me like riding my gecko holy [ __ ] you’re on it already bro hold on hold on hold on I need to find where I died bro where’s all my

[ __ ] was it that way was it under here somewhere hold on where did I die because I kind of need that [ __ ] I had a DE had a bit of everything a nice little should have f3ed I should have f3ed I should have I should have I might just hold

F4 straight up all F4 Oh Brother Where did I die I’ve lost everything and I’m walking slow cuz I’ve gone over I’m um when am we going to do a face reveal I don’t know if I’ll do a face reveal reason being is um I said this I

Said this in my last stream but I mean I’m not bothered I’ll say I’ll say it again um there’s a UK rapper called M huncho here’s $2 more I promise to donate 100 bro no you don’t need to donate anything to me Bros ski holy [ __ ] thank you thank you so

Much listen it’s going to um anything I I say every time but anything that gets donated is being saved up to make the streams better for you guys and the videos it’s going to make everything better for you guys oh I died over here um but yeah the face reveal there’s

A there’s an artist UK artist called M hono um he also wears a masks all the time um when he’s out but then he also has that private life as well when he does go out with family and that’s kind of what I want um cuz I’d like the thought

Of when I do go out with family like nothing extra is going to happen fend my [ __ ] let’s go why did my [ __ ] burst right let’s not play no silly boogers yeah I should probably um you know what don’t need that wrong me though uh oh the buffering screen had me

Crying for real I legit couldn’t stop smiling listen bro I loved I love that picture so much I have it as my desktop like that is my desktop picture is honestly I love that picture it’s it goes It goes ridiculously hard I love it let’s get this guy out of here get

Go tell you what uh let’s let’s let’s ask a couple questions for you guys bro yeah you guys are always asking me the questions let’s switch it up a bit Yeah I am like I am heavily music music uh orientated oh piss off no go away go away oh please please

Please um anyway while I’m being chased uh I’m heavily music orientated um what are you guys favorite uh artists bro chat to me favorite musicians bro chat to me chat to me chat to me I’m just going to do this because these a these guys ain’t going to leave me alone

Either uh g face got to go for thank you for joining um thank you for joining bro I appreciate it for being here appreciate I appreciate all of you guys for being here we got slipnot W Nana I’ll be honest I don’t really listen to Nana like that I don’t I only really

Know like the main songs from Nana and that’s about it punishment is my favorite I now I don’t know it funk music that’s hard Funk is hard SP beehive I don’t know it 21 PS okay Jake Hill don’t know him I don’t know him there’s a lot of ice I’ve never heard in

Here my favorite I is J dot he’s kind of underground though I don’t know if you know it yeah man shut up with Hollywood and dead I know Hollywood and dead okay I have good taste in UK rap Joel yeah I’m very I’m you know me I’m uh I I listen to a bit of everything like look I got a con hoodie on I listen to I listen to Everything I literally well

Apart from like Ed sharing I don’t like Ed sharing I despise Ed Sharon my bad if anybody likes him in the chat but I do not like Edge Sharon bro Adele goes so hard bro Adele is hard never mind I fine someone like you I wish nothing but the best for

You I was getting into that uh game rolls there we go Central C is up there Central SE so basically uh I you I liked the old Central sea and I sound like one of them guys that’s like I’ve been listening to Central SE for B long you know no but

I’ve been I genuinely have been listening to Central C for a minute now um but there’s a place near where I work and they literally played Nothing But Central C and it’s got to the point where I’m kind of sick of hearing the Donnie oh missed but yeah bro Adell hard what is

That right we’re going to get up here even though I’ve already been up here we’re going to go up here and we’re going to smell all my [ __ ] because yet again I’ve got to survive another night of [ __ ] yeah what I’m going do as well just to save myself in the future

If anything does get up here I’m going to make this a two blocks so nothing can get up wait what I kind of like to blast Chris Christmas music be I hate Christmas music bro I’m sorry to be that guy I’m sorry to sound like a grinch but

It’s the same [ __ ] every single year play something new this is why I’m going off Central C bro because it’s that people are playing the same [ __ ] like give it up please stop ruining the artist for me yeah like Sprinter when Sprinter come out Sprinter

Was so hard and now it’s just not that good anymore also I think you and St also thank you and sty for inspiring me to do my own spooky Minecraft content good bro listen if this if this if you get inspiration just from us to me and Muppets playing this game do it

Bro it’s worth it you’ve just got to keep grinding like I said me and St have been doing this since 2018 and it’s only like it’s only just it’s only just started happening you know what I’m saying um but it’s worth it in the end you just got to take your time you

Just got to be patient somebody I know said to me it’s not a race it’s a Marathon so take your time so we are we’re taking our time you know what I’m saying um you have a clingy cat and it’s the best thing ever brother I can’t with

Cats I can’t cuz you’re like oh look how cute you are go to touch it it’s going to scratch the [ __ ] out you or bite you or run away from you it only wants love you when it wants it have like a dog yeah a dog always wants love no matter

What day it is doesn’t even matter no matter what time it is it doesn’t even matter um bro don’t even yeah with that chippy chippy Chopper Chopper dooby dooby da da I hate it and live I’ve said it bro um I posted zombie man what where have

You posted it bro have you posted it in uh where have you posted it bro chat to me I wish I could do complimentary and playing at the same time well my voice is awful and two I can’t speak bro I don’t know what it

Is but my no’s bit itchy how it you right now I think it’s the mask I don’t know um listen I don’t like the sound of my voice either I hate the sound in my voice hate it it’s either low or it’s high it’s it’s never like an in between

It’s you just got to chat [ __ ] you just got to be good at chatting [ __ ] uh um people getting FL said on the mic is good content you can always find an angle 100% if you chat too much like if if you feel like whatever you

Recorded has you feel like it’s going to be a good video then edit it even if you chat too much you can I’m sick of him whistling on me his breath stinks bro um I can’t remember what I was saying but listen if you want to do YouTube do

It bro nothing nothing’s going to nothing stops you from doing it bro it’s worth it it’s worth it even if nothing happens you’re still going to get a couple hundred people watching it and picture that picture how picture do you don’t understand how many people 100

People put 100 people in a room bro that’s a ridiculous amount of people 100 people watching your video at once finding it funny that’s crazy bro and the fact that like me and stoopy have got the views that we’ve got that’s nuts I honestly hate this game I honestly hate

Him right we’ve got a bit of iron I am Iron Man let’s get the Necessities yeah sword I’m a [ __ ] sword keep that one as a backup uh I was also scared to start a channel but I just went for it God keep it up you always want to keep the keep

It up bro I am late you’re never late bro 45 minutes in ain’t late I’ve not even build a g yet I’d say you’re late yeah when it’s about 2 and a half hours in then you’re late can you not break iron doors J what am I going to eat for dinner Tonight that’s a hard one you know I don’t know what should you eat chop what should eat all day I don’t know bro I’m just out I just call everybody he and bro Bro I literally call everybody him bro I call my parents Bro um I’m here making you and Tom fan art W’s I can’t wait to see it bro remember if you’ve got any fan art yeah Instagram is in the bi all click on that send it me through bro Merry Christmas to anybody that’s in here that’s just joined Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everybody in this chat bab yeah and you know what just cuz of his [ __ ] hasn’t taking any sign yeah what do do it you ain’t going to do [ __ ] dumbass n listen in you want to know what’s happened in 45 minutes me falling

Off a cliff dying me coming back to my [ __ ] and then coming up smelting it that’s what’s happened all in 45 minutes bro it’s blade ninja yeah big up you blade ninja what are we saying I hope he’s going to leave me alone okay yeah yes thank go there go

Okay right oh that’s what I was doing I was getting up there oh wait I have iron you know what that means buet we’re going to make a bucket yeah Lial 2 two bucket get some water so I can break my fall if any dumb [ __ ] happens because as we saw like 10

Minutes ago me falling to my death you saw something what did you say let’s get some more SC come here oh give me that yeah I’m going to go up going to go up there yeah cuz I want to go up I want

To go up I want to just do I no I can’t be bothered now I can’t be bothered going up you want me to go up what you saying chat you want me to go up or no when I say go up I’m going up you want me to go up chat to

Me uh do you guys think Amazon deliver on Christmas Day I need some straws bro because I’ve got a drink and a can’t drink it I need some straws oh in fact my corner shop will be open oh big up Bossman yeah big up everybody that owns a corner shop and

Keeps it open on Christmas day bro big up you lot cuz I know for a fact there’s people still going in on Christmas day bro I know for a fact people always need last minute [ __ ] oh I forgot you know what I’m saying I forgot this I forgot

That oh we’ve run out of cat up or some boss man around the corner he’s open Boss big up every corner shop there is yeah because they are just stay open um I can’t remember what I asked what did I ask oh if Amazon would deliver uh I don’t celebrate Christmas

Much I live in the Netherlands oh no I know about this oh that’s crazy liia are you still in here so basically um as you know Livy that I’ve played with uh she is from the Netherlands and she’s told me about this um I’ve never heard about it before

So this this is like as if this is my second time hearing about it right I’m up here boys yeah are we are we all like kind of satisfied now I know I am I’m up here now um hello from Saudi Arabia crazy I can’t see there we

Go I want to do a I want to jump hey big up you from joining from s rough jump yeah BOS right let’s get bu let’s get finding someone to build a GFF I really need a drink I need a straw I need one the

[ __ ] look at this guy shooting at me in full auto oh my God please oh oh stop oh my light’s warm you know oh [ __ ] thank you for subscribing bro ski appreciate you um right okay let’s just get building a g bro yeah get a bit more

Coal I think I’ve got more than enough wood think I’m good on wood go on wood on on wood yeah what the [ __ ] come here I’m not looking forward so many rains if I could remove one Skyrim mod which one would it be in why skeletons

[ __ ] that’s why do I need do I need to say more skeletons and knobs bro you’ll you’ll literally be one tap because you’ve just been slaughtering bare things you are one tap right you think you’re safe while you scanning no skeleton will come over and shove an

Arrow in your ass last minute and you’re dead you am of time this happen to me is ridiculous and I hate skeletons with a passion uh where do I build I was thinking I might build up there and have like a little waterfall coming down little waterfall what we

Saying little little waterfall water water waterfall don’t know what that breathing was don’t want to know what that breathing was what the [ __ ] water water honestly every time I I think about water I could just think I just think of ski mask the slum God Water n n see I’ve got I’ve got an envisionment Kiss Kiss k kiss yeah got an envisionment and I’m going to build it it’s going to it’s got to happen I just block them with shields yeah but the thing is yeah when you use Shields you’re kind of defeating the

Purpose you know what I’m saying zesty listen you always got to sip on that water wear a helmet next stream instead of a mask I have a bike helmet I have a Mot bike helmet I’m not going to put it on because obviously you’ll you see my face even it’s got a

Tinted visor but you’ll still see my face cuz if I keep it close you’re not going to hear me I sh I I’ll grab it though I’ll grab the helmet if you just want to see it oh my god let’s go that’s a lot of

Iron that was not a lot of iron J come on you never wear a helmet while riding a bike are you crazy do you want to die no it’s not no it’s not blade ninja shh the rain ain’t coming the rain is not coming we don’t

Want the rain to come at all at I don’t like rain IRL I don’t like rain in this game um do I have a bike uh I long story short I do um however I was in a crash and it gave me like pretty bad like want

Say PTSD but it just it put me off riding riding especially in the UK is so dangerous it’s it’s [ __ ] that that that had to happen but yeah it put me off riding unfortunately shovel uh Jay would you consider getting a cat I’ve had a cat in the

Past um I’ve thought about it listen if I had a cat that would just gladly sit on my desk like right like right here then I would love it I would love it cat just sleeping on my desk as I’m gaming what else do you want that’s what I’d love I’d love

Either that or yeah wearing my hoodie on backwards so that my Hood’s here and just have the cat inside the hood as I’m just sat here gaming I’ve just got a cat in front of me that would be cool but cats don’t like doing that bro like they don’t want you to touch

Them they come over cuddling you and then just be like oh yeah this is nice right get off me why you touching me I don’t want you to touch me don’t ever touch me again so I just don’t really mess with cats right so the plan is wait where’s the rest

Of you will unsub why are you unsubbing oh if I get a cat you’ll Un okay right I’m going to build the house here I think yeah I’m going to build the house here where I’ve just been thinking it I’m going to put some water down um cat lets me pick her up whenever then complains when I’m walking around with her that’s what I’m

Saying yeah why did they do that why do they complain like I give you food you do as I say I give you food this is my house you live in my house you sleep on my bed you sleep on me you know what I’m Saying uh when I ride on from school I’m just doing what I want me and my friends like throwing in his like to throw his jacket back godamn ping games are you crazy get a Dremel Oh no way have you even remembered that I said it like once bro get a Dremel love your content I’m going to go soon anyways Merry Christmas bro Merry Christmas to you Pingu wow you’re a g for that bro don’t worry I will get a Dremel tool

And I will make this hole a bit bigger so you guys can hear me that’s the plan wow that’s crazy big up you Pingo W’s in the chat for Pingu bro right I need to get rid of this big ass tree Um okay I don’t actually know how much wood I need right BN these guys bro get off me go away get a life oh I just thought that the thing might spawn oh the game rolls the game rolls there we go it’s back I’m just going to

Get here in case he spawns please don’t spawn please don’t spawn please don’t spawn please don’t spawn yo everybody that’s joining W’s hello good evening how’s it going Merry Christmas to you all where are them eyes bro are they up there right I need to just build this gaffing ton in it

Oh my bad cuz I didn’t say thank you thank you to what Fam thank you for what the the subscription I did say thank you are you crazy I thank everybody right I’m not dealing with this zombie BR yeah we’re going to do this get off all right let’s build this gaffing

Ton right so we need oh [ __ ] I don’t remember I don’t remember what we need I don’t remember what we need Um boys I don’t remember what what what what they what yeah I don’t remember um what’s my gecko’s name my gecko’s name is blue um believe it or not he isn’t blue uh when I first bought him uh he so basically even though he’s called Blue he is yellow with lots of black

Dots um and like a dark extremely dark Navy tail and the reason he’s called Blue is because when I when I bought him um above his eyes he had like a really light blue like extremely light blue tin over his eyes so I called him blue um but he was only

Like how old was he when I got him like he was like two weeks 3 weeks old like brao was miniature he was Min school and when I bought him um he was so young and then he grew up and then that light tint above his eyes just left um

So everybody’s always confused as to why he’s called Blue then eyes are back again the [ __ ] are they where are they br ah D let’s get rid of him real quick why are there all the mobs just coming up here like what’s happening bro we’re not having guys okay so

Basically the host I’m trying to build listen I’ve told you all many times I am bad at building the host I’m trying to build is yes it’s a YouTube video right but I’ve built it many times I just always forget how to build it so forgive me please yeah forgive me

Um I don’t remember how to build this SC bro do you have Sun for the windows I don’t but I’m going to uh do I have finger taps I do my fingers are tattooed uh I plan on getting a lot more tattoos uh it’s just going to take time

Cuz that [ __ ] costs so much money um yeah bro I’m so dumb it’s not even shut up bro leave me alone course so everybody’s around here um yeah you asking how old I am and you’re asking if I’m 45 or 55 wow that is disrespectful no um I’m going to let you

All guess let’s see you can let’s see you can get the closest bro how old do you think I am okay one person’s got it right what I’ve seen one person getting right up to now 100 in dog years 27 going to leave it 22 come on keep it going keep for going

22 22 I’m seeing more 22s 24 I’m seeing 24 right okay another person’s got it so I’ll tell you I’m I’m 25 I’m 25 yeah 25 you got me um 7 by9 this GFF is I am 25 it’s crazy is it so early [Laughter] 50 how is it is what possible the fact

I’m 25 what do you mean bro how have you guys not guessed this it’s in my name 98 bro I was born in 98 I am old bro I’m old but listen even if you’re old don’t grow up bro always be always be childish because if you grow up you’re going to

Have a [ __ ] sense of youor brother um right so it needs to be 7 by 9 yeah which way do I have the Gaff I’m going to have it facing this way because the water’s going to be going here so I need it to yeah so let’s start here one 2 3 four

Five 6 7 oh my God that’s darwn Ain no way how you 25 I’ll about listen I’m 25 yeah um 1 two 3 4 5 6 7 8 oh my God bro no way I just guessed that you mad there must be a cave underneath me or something with these noises that are

Happening BOS BOS BOS BOS B BOS BOS yeah still on miner bro God damn listen you don’t want to grow up bro you get nothing but problems life turns serious all of a sudden it’s [ __ ] hey what’s good jayen just go hey Merry Christmas bro Merry Christmas bro

Ski I hope you all have a brilliant Christmas you guys have made my Christmas for me like I’m going to not only but just be chilling with family on Christmas day but you guys just be here just talking to me cuz I’m probably going to stream until

Midnight it depends it depends how this stream got well how this uh how the game play goes um cuz if it gets to the point where I’ll just keep dying or I’ve don’t know what I’m doing and then yeah got a new headset so I can finally

Listen to your T voice in Chris quality W’s W’s bro right so I’ve got the 7 by9 yeah what else do I need now how many blocks high is that [ __ ] so that’s four wait what what one two three four one two three four I’m just going to guess that’s right bro

Honestly being like high school days were the best days of my life yeah you do [ __ ] that would piss people off and [ __ ] would happen um that I don’t want to send like a bad influence over stream but um they were the good times they were good times bro they were like some

Of the best times uh you were streaming for run away 3 hours um well it’s 900 p.m. right now so yeah sorry mathematics not on point yeah I saw 3 hours maybe longer I don’t know it depends we’ll see I’m I’m I might end up ending it before

Yeah my current high school days are brutal listen as long as you’re still having a lot of fun um the exams bro if you think High School is the hardest part or secondary school I don’t I mean for us over here it’s different in the UK but

High School College was way harder I mean obviously uni is going to be harder but College was so much harder than high like Secondary School bro it was so hard SEC just schol you should you could just like be a dick run around do funny [ __ ]

And like you’d get in a bit of [ __ ] but nothing bad would happen if if if you had parents that was chill like i’ come home I was getting bad grades bro like I didn’t pass [ __ ] and I’d come home and I’d be like I’ve

Got to tell my mom I got to tell my mom and I tell my mom like thinking I’m about to get my ass off to something she just be like I got bad grades too it is what it is [ __ ] it is what it is she chill bro she would chill love you

Moms uh any High School stories that you’d like to tell um I’ve got to think because I was hanging around with the wrong friends group in secondary school so I was doing a lot of [ __ ] that was bad [ __ ] um I remember this once there was uh where

My school was like where the doorway was that we’d all enter it was like a big ramp and this was like during Christmas time so it was snowing um and I was in like probably like year seven year eight at the time so I was like 13 and um obviously people were throwing

Snowballs right but the bell went so we all had to go inside and the ramp was icy the so that we had like a really long ramp to go towards the doors and the ramp was really icy and um people was like down this ramp everybody was like squished together

Trying to get down so me and my boys we would all chill with the order a lot because we was all friends with them so like we was in like year seven year eight we was chilling with like the year 11 so the people that was just about to

Leave so we were chilling with all them because we was close with them and we knew them all and uh so we just started picking up snowballs we was dashing them throwing them down we saw people slipping falling on their ass I me at one point I hit um I hit some

Teacher like there was just good times man I just missed them times they were the best times BR always saw all these telling his grandpa St hey watch your mouth F and you get out of here I when I threw a dodge ball at a girl with glasses on directly at her

Face and broke her glasses I didn’t feel bad you didn’t feel bad never did the rest of the class because she was okay fa fa I mean listen if you’re if you’re a [ __ ] yeah that’s your own fault that’s like your own fault if some dumb [ __ ] like that happens to you Peak

But deal with it yeah five oh okay so he’s they saying do this fill it oh oh what am I doing right tell you what do that cuz he’s not leaving me alone we’re going to create a little chest just to put all my [ __ ] in um whoa yo is a prison yo

Um yeah uh what what was I saying I don’t remember what I was saying first year at Primary School my younger brother let the girl everybody hated in the in my ear we’re in year six and and he was in prep pre is that preschool I’m assuming d Oh you did it to a girl but n you can’t be doing it to a girl bro that’s crazy that’s crazy you can’t be doing that to a girl when it’s to a guy it’s funny what to a girl that’s crazy bro but it’s going to take me like eight

Years to get this guy finished BOS BOS BOS BOS I’m BOS yeah so the door’s going to be here uh one second um let’s get this little water bucket go in in case I need to make a quick Escape Route yeah goofy looking out bro I’ve not finished it yet

Fam going to give me some time bro uh before I dropped out someone threw an orange across the lunchroom and hit the principal in the chest do I tell you I don’t know I don’t know n you know what now I’m going to tell you a second it bro I’m going to tell

You so I remember yeah so there was this one um there was this like one she wasn’t like a dinner lady or such she was like one of the cleaners um she was just a bit rude to everybody in it right anyway so we were

Supposed to be in class now we wasn’t in class we decided to not go in and we decided to just mess about instead hid from a couple teachers um anyway uh we had like where the PE Hall was oh is my camera Falls oh there we go

My camera Falls okay um yeah so anyway where the P it was like the Assembly Hall and the cafeteria was like joined together and there was a set of stairs going up onto the top floor now where the stairs was you could go underneath because that’s like all where the

Cleaning supplies and everything was now that door was was open now like I said there was about there was probably about eight of us and we all bunked class off like we didn’t go into class and we saw that door open and we saw that cleaner

Go in now we thought it would be funny to trap her in so we ran up slammed the door the lights were not on because the lights are outside to turn them lights on in there so the lights weren’t on so she just had the door open just to take

Whatever she needed out of the out of the closet area we’ve slammed the door and about eight of us are all pushing against this door all leaning bro she were banging and screaming calling us all kinds of names like it was crazy um and then one of the big

Principles heard the banging come around the corner and we all split up now there was about three of us that didn’t run um but a lot of us up and dipped like we were not sticking around for that um and big up the other boys because they didn’t snitch

Yeah it’s all funny game you know what I’m saying but yeah that wouldn’t that wouldn’t happen that wouldn’t have happened yet if she wen like if she wasn’t aded you know what I’m saying like if you’re acked you deserve it yeah and she was a [ __ ] so there we go right okay

So that’s kind of the roof done up to now let’s um get rid of this Z where is that oh missed bit mink mink mink mink mink mink ow mink mink me I think there’s a spawner or something oh my God I’m going to die oh my God I’m going to

Die oh my God I’m I’m going to die I’m going to die yeah but this spider needs to everything needs to leave me alone I think the doors going over here so I’m going to do that there we go uh janen did you see must sketch to

The dragon I did brosi I liked it because of M once pulled the fire L for 100 oh ended up in getting spend for 100 bucks God damn yo big up sliit fish for the subscription bro appreciate you fam um there was this other time where this one’s hard to

Explain um how can I explain this without confusing everybody I mean I I don’t need to necessarily describe the area that it happened in but there was this one time where um there was like where this hallway was there was a set of stairs that went up

Like this and another stairs that went up and then one more right and you could see the top of them stairs like you could genuinely jump off and land but you would break something but you could do that like let’s just say you could

See it all it was all open you could see everything right so there was this one lad nobody likes this kid because he was once again deckhead right and he um he was a large L he was a bigger L he wasn’t very skinny um but he was like he thought he

Was a bad man in it like he thought he was bad like he thought he was hard as [ __ ] like people are scared of him and [ __ ] like he was one of them type of people you know what I’m saying anyway he claimed to be doing parkour right he claimed he’s just

Started it right anyway um so he thought it would be funny and we obviously encouraged it because we didn’t like the guy because of the type of person he was to take one of the fire extinguishers and go to the top and just start spraying everything and

Um so he he he he went to the top and he like climbed over the barrier uh he climbed over the barrier he fell I think he broke his leg or something but as he broke his leg somebody grabbed I don’t know who it was to this day but this was bad somebody

Grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed him with the fire extinguisher as he’s just on the floor in pain we I could not believe my eyes on what I was experiencing bro I was like 12 at the time 12 13 like seeing that when you’ve just come into school is

Crazy but it was funny as [ __ ] I I felt bad for the guy but listen once again if you’re going to be a [ __ ] [ __ ] things are going to [ __ ] things are going to like happen to you you know what I’m saying um why has this guy done this all the way

Around I’m just going to do it all the way around exactly like he has yeah and we just make a little doorway right here average UK day honestly the worst part is when you have one day off and everything’s happened on that one day off like it could be

Anything but it’s the craziest [ __ ] that’s happened it’ be like two teachers fighting each other that’s um me and my friends once loed up in trash bin and with explosives one New Year’s the explosives were illegal ones from Poland loaded with 25 G of

Pet oh loaded with 25 GRS of pet of the trash bin exploded into pieces God damn I would have loved to have been there my bad my bad I’m just I’m just waiting I’m just reading other people’s uh reading other people [ __ ] bro got to go they’re going to let me go

From the hospital I’m going try and come back later let’s go bro hey glad you’re coming out of Hospital fam that’s W’s right there all right this Donnie put why is this spider doing he pissing me off this Donny put stairs all around the top bro this house is going to look so

Garbage right let’s get rid of this spider theyhe BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS right listen the house I’m building the donn’s doing it with bare different blocks but I don’t have bare different blocks I only have these blocks here yeah right get rid of this

Um Asko protested once for going to the toilet during lessons wearing Cults during lessons was in late November that’s understandable run into the field and Sprint out the school we all want T yeah we do that type of [ __ ] too but what we would do we would all

Like wear um hoodies or like jackets underneath our like Blazer jacket so I’d be like wearing this hoodie for example and then have my school jacket over the top bro teachers hated that [ __ ] I don’t know why we just called fun let’s stay warm you know what I’m

Saying does he do stairs all the way around Oh I see so he does it like this right so he goes around and then what hold on hold on brother hold on brother oh give me that back so it’s like this and then it’s an upside down one normal upside down normal upside down

Normal then what does he do when he gets to the top oh yeah mer x j greetings from the other side of the planet greetings brother Merry Christmas to you too F Merry Christmas to you too Merry Christmas to all of you f um bro I need more

Stone let’s just go get more Stone I’ve got I’ve got an iron pickaxe in it so I can get better Stone now uh sadly I don’t celebrate xmus because I’m Muslim uh but Merry Xmas anyway that’s fair bro I have a lot of Muslim friends so that’s all good every

Everybody’s welcome here everybody from every religion is all welcome here and if anybody hates on any religion bro you were getting banned I don’t care I don’t want no hate in this chat on anybody for anything I want nothing but positivity in this chat at all times yeah thank

You I feel like none of you said say some [ __ ] like that anyway why did my screen oh my God oh my God I genuinely jumped in my chat I genuinely jumped in my chat oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God my

God oh ch holy [ __ ] give me that like Spike holy [ __ ] bro I genuinely just jumped out of my chair come on no leg Spike oh that’s up sane man all right I’m going to do this again because yesterday it was glitching where he just kept spawning so I’m just going to

See um no one in any spawns is the most terrifying thing honestly bro I don’t know why this update removed that because that was horrifying I need to remember not to kill like zombies and [ __ ] because that might happen that monster just needs a friend he needs to get

Out um also crazy for me but my head teacher find out was gay is is that crazy let’s chill bro let’s chill unless unless he turned around and start doing some dumb crazy [ __ ] about it then I understand why it’d be crazy but I mean I ain’t crazy

Bro do I go to a Christian school or something no or are you asking somebody else I don’t know I’m not religious um I need more Stone tell you what we’re going to go back up here we’re going to go sleep real quick yeah a quick Kipper Magnum

Sipper we just need more Stone bro let’s get this right here um we’ll get the Stone from down here I think we need as much Stone as possible right now because I need to build a [ __ ] ton of stairs apparently bro why do all the mobs keep coming from the oh that’s

A spider bro oh by the way like I can’t see like for example if I’m remove this torch yeah on my main monitor I cannot see that spider but if I look on this monitor I can see the spider this monitor is so much darker it’s crazy new discovery thinks he’s gay

That’s a W’s bro what the [ __ ] uh just change the monitors nah because this is the good monitor in it like this is um this monitor is at 144 HZ that one’s at 60 so I just use it I literally that monitor is just used for Discord and

Streaming chat and editing when I edit right 38 should do 38 should be chill I didn’t know you was chill like that right let’s get back on the roofing ton um so now I need to do this side BOS oh [ __ ] oh go back inside uh oh my God you’ve got the same

Name as me Jaden hello I’m genuinely confused how I find you I’m confused how you find me too bro I’m confused how any of you found me but you’re here everybody’s in here 45 people are in here watching my dumbass chat some [ __ ] BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS and BOS yeah and

BOS okay let’s get this GFF built boys yeah no Lolly gaging bro there we go there’s that side done I’m not too sure if I just heard a reaping Angel but we’re going to act like I didn’t we’re going to act like I didn’t hear a single thing we’re just

Going to keep it going keep her going why is that off where did I get that from bro I don’t know if people will be all right with it what do you mean uh hey there’s another thing you don’t know about me but I don’t know if

I should save that for another day I don’t know if people will be all right with it listen it doesn’t matter what anybody in here thinks it’s whatever your com able with saying and whatever that your trans bro that’s it’s not that deep like people deep it and

People are so bothered about what other people do with the lives bro like people I don’t understand it like why do people get so mad at people being trans or they go like the non-binary and stuff bro I don’t understand why people get so mad about it one of my close friends they’re

Nonbinary however I’ve I’ve known them all my life so so they don’t mind me calling him he him he doesn’t he doesn’t really care about it um just because I’ve grown up with him my whole life uh but he’s a close friend of mine um love the guy to bits but if anybody

Was to say some dumb [ __ ] about him bro n I’m not letting that run I don’t understand why why is it people’s business what other people do with their lives I don’t I just genuinely don’t understand it bro listen whatever you’re comfortable with you know yourself better than anybody

Ever you don’t people like don’t let anybody question anything that you feel comfortable with doing let take these mud blocks down listen thans yeah we love you just the way you are bro we love you just the way you are let’s go these stairs here

BOS there we go we got the roof chilling now right okay I want everybody here to know judge Yan sometimes I wear my socks inside out right we don’t let them things run we’re not letting that run yeah everybody judge Yan bro y just said they wear the socks inside [Laughter] her right what else do I got to do there’s there’s the the dart thing done oh bro my neck hurts you know right godamn has anybody played that um the new avatar game is it any good because I remember playing the old one back in the day and that [ __ ] slapped

That [ __ ] was 10 out of 10 uh pineapple on some nice barbecue people what brother I’ve looked back and I see people saying something to do with pizza because think said that like pineapple on [Laughter] People bro just keep saying Pizza my pineapple on people oh we some pineapple on people I don’t know about you Bo yeah Um Jay are you and Tom uh going to get the Discord up and running soon hopefully soon bro we just need to find a couple more things we need to get some moderators and then we and we Gucci um pineapple on people and pizza both seem pretty yo pause sh pause shs

Yeah bro I need to make this mask hole bigger bro because it gets wet in here from condensation bro of my breath so I have to keep a tissue in my pocket now I’m just going to wipe it I don’t care yeah pause bon bon yo oh [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] chill

Out there we go maybe get half a m uh See n well what I’m going do here let me show you a picture right because I mean no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no can you climb [ __ ] boys I’m screwed I’m screwed what the

[ __ ] guys I’m screwed I’m screwed where’s the Red Bull sponsor in it bro I’m still waiting for this Red Bull sponsor bro I need it Red Bull anybody from Red Bull watching sponsor me bro come on I literally have so many Red Bulls I love Red Bull it’s my favorite drink do me

Nice oh oh I’ve been hit I’m de guys this is not good sh [ __ ] oh guys guys guys this is bad this is bad this is bad this guys this is bad guys this is bad this is bad guys this is bad leave me alone oh no I’m being spawn camped I’m

Being spawn camped where did I die where did I die oh let’s go I died up there so that means all my shit’s spreading around here right yep there’s that okay there’s some more of my [ __ ] right so I’m still missing everything bro why kill me there

Man do you know what I might have to see I might have to find like um an installation of like uh see if there’s a mod that um what the fck chill out chill out chill out chill out right I hate this game why do I play it I found my [ __ ] yeah

Let’s go oh my God Jesus Christ yeah how am I swimming this quick right now chill out is this how much it I’m sorry if that’s defening to you guys yeah cuz it’s definitely defening to me I got my [ __ ] all right plan is back to the GFF sit inside my go is

It Livy somebody else in here uh is also from the Netherlands bro because we were speaking about Santa how crazy is that that you told me a couple days ago and now there’s somebody in here from the Netherlands that has also just told me about this

Oh all right sh back to the G kep time um right my bad I couldn’t read the chat I was dying and I was also trying to not die is the Donnie still up here if he is I’m I’ll kill him oh I’m missing my shovel and my

Axe I think my shovel will be down here somewhere chill out you’re not even near me right I’ve got my iron I’ll just make another shovel Um what was I saying before I died Red Bull what was I saying you posted the fun art say bro I will check it out when I come I’ll check it out after the stream I promise you as long as I’m tagged I’ll see it oh straight back up here you know what

I’m saying I can’t believe I just died to that [ __ ] however I kind of want him to spawn back so I can kill him and get his sword J is the type of guy to get drunk off j2s I’ll be honest probably I don’t drink I’m not an alcohol man I don’t

Like drinking believe it or not um okay let’s make a shovel real quick shovel we got a shovel um I’m going just put my Necessities wait oh boys I’m missing my coal oh what a [ __ ] um I don’t like drinking either yeah bro drinking is just not good man it tastes [ __ ] as

Well only cocktails taste nice that me the only times I’ll ever drink if it’s a cocktail and it tastes nice see me getting about with a fruity cocktail bro right I need coal I’m not killing you because of what just happened oh my God llama are you going to die yet or

What all right there we go why is this llama just chilling what no he’s the Llama dead what happened to the Llama I only see him with one no the LL is dead no oh that’s upsetting bro do you want to know why that makes it so upsetting are you ready hold

On this is why it makes it so upsetting yeah I got a little LL right here you will always be remembered he’s going to be right up here on top of my computer yeah I love llamas too get the giant my chat right now um BR I need uh more

Wood right we got loads of wood we need to make wooden stairs now so the the video I am watching to get this done um he they are mean can’t speak they are using all different colored blocks I’m not doing that big man I’m not ask me if I care bro yeah

Ask me cuz guess what I don’t care man yeah I don’t care cuz guess what I’m living in it yeah there’s a bot in the chat who it’s not the swan person they’ve uh they’ve been they’ve been chatting I don’t know why they put lots of dots

I really want about the Thomas Donny Thomas Donny just coming here busting out fun facts right I need to do stairs all over the roof so BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS yeah BOS I bet I need more um wood 100% oh

[ __ ] what am I doing what am I doing there we go oh my bad I didn’t I did not see you fun fights where is it uh fun fights you always see the sun about 8 minutes after its current state since the time light takes to travel from the Sun to our eyes

Crazy Light population has been getting worse every year so we can’t see the stars yep that’s true it’s night time right now wait what oh my God Jesus Christ Almighty I hate this game bro I hate this game I hate this game bro I hate this game BL ninja I’m uninstalling your mod

Bro why do I play this game I’m just trying to build a house is he still outside what does he even look like okay I think he died on my roof whatever that was blade ninja I’m uninstalling your [ __ ] I’m un installing it bro I is it here

Anymore why do you have to make it so scary yeah I’m going to lie I kind of forgot about why is there so much xp I kind of forgot that bro I knew he was going to spawn you know because Sky started going gray that’s why I tried

Sleeping the average bunny has the same amount of blood in it as an average bom okay what are your thoughts and views of the hisory of the harble col harble col balls what hold on hold on Haro Cola bottles that’s cap har Cola botles Oh you mean the sweets bro my

Dumb ass was my dumb ass was taking genuine Cola bottles maybe with some horrible branding on it or something wait would you mean what have they stopped doing them just like in a full bag my God I think they have I don’t think I’ve seen them in years have they

Actually have they actually stopped making col bottles have um Harry ball Cola bottles stopped in when did they stop have they stopped am I done or do I just not see him anymore anyway Jayden would you call the horror mod creatures after the word dweller or

The word fog probably dweller Jay can we also hear your controversial views on the making of gingerbread man um what do you mean it’s gingerbread man I don’t know it any different um Minecraft range system where if it’s starts theia commands it will rain around 5 minutes later it repeats until

The rain event naturally ends okay Um guys who is speaking English like second language I bought a gingerbread house yeah what did you make it right I need to finish this GFF bro but I need more wood and I’ve got no wood so I need to go get wood wood you wood me tell you what outside fall fall

Again swim Buck hope get this here bash BOS BOS and it’s not enough let’s go kill this Donny chill out wa all right get this XP good oh don’t please leave me the [ __ ] alone please leave me the [ __ ] alone please leave me the [ __ ] alone please leave me

The [ __ ] alone please please please straight up Bish bash BOS yeah I need your B pause give me up yeah b b b right here we go I’m making this Trina yeah oh I see him yeah I’m not looking at him R not right now not until I start getting me

Gaff going once my gaff’s like done then um then I’m going start looking at him you know what I’m saying spice it up a bit was that my last okay let’s get in here we’re going to make an a yeah in fact no K time sleep time catch some

Zeds need some windows I do need some windows it’s not done yet it’s not done yet man it’s not done oh Liz you’re back B go get these yeah BOS BOS make some stairs cave noise didn’t get me bro what does he think I’m some does he think I’m some s of [ __ ]

Yeah I ain’t scared of noal noise oh my God the thing’s going to happen again the thing’s going to happen the thing’s going to happen the thing’s going to happen it’s going to scare me up it’s going to scare me it’s going to scare me you ready it’s going to scare me

You think I’m falling through it now blade ninja you think I’m going to fall for now yeah it’s not happening what it’s not happening bro yeah I ain’t falling for nothing he doesn’t spawn if you’re underground so you’re safe good uh Jen I think you should at some

Point collab with another horror mod YouTuber that uses the man from the fog and the cave door with other horror mods uh maybe depends who it is NOP it’s definitely not just Thunder it’s that Donnie that screamed in my face and killed me uh Jay what your thoughts on the

Minecraft mob the Stray never played it bro I don’t know it I don’t know it I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know blade ninja am I am I am I safe to go up yet am I safe blade ninja chat to me am I safe

I’m not safe I’m not safe he’s still about’s still about’s still about still about still about I’m not safe I saw the spider I’m not safe I’m not safe right real quick I’m going go pee real quick I’mma go pee I’m going try that again real quick

I’mma go pee and then I’ll be back yeah I’m going to leave my game like this I’m going to put a cover on my camera because I do need to have a drink yeah and there not one you cheeky little boys know what I’m looking like yeah give me a

Minute I’ll be back I promise yeah oh da our kid I’m going to go pee I’m going to be nice and safe let me have a swig of the let me have a swig of these numbers here yeah all right I’m g go pee hold up I’m back

Yeah and we doing are we still alive oh you boys almost got me not going to lie I forgot to put my mask on for a minute yeah got it I did wash my hands come on now let’s not play Silly buggers yeah godamn all right let’s see if we

Good oh I put stairs by accident have I good yet I feel like I’m not good blade ninja am I good I’m not good I’m not good I’m not good I’m not good I’m not I’m not good I’m not good I’m not good where’s my

Axxe oh my God my axe broke blade ninja am I God BL ninja oh my God I’m scared that mod really scares me I don’t like it you good me thinks oh I swear to God if you’re pranking me R I’m going to be real pissed wa you know what’s crazy it’s Christmas

Tomorrow it’s literally Christmas tomorrow know what crazy that is I’m not good the spiders are still about I’m not good I’m not good the spiders are still about I’m going get inside my house in case because if I die I don’t want my [ __ ] to be lost forever let’s just make these stairs

Um yeah my favorite meme of all time that’s a hard question bro I don’t have like a favorite meme I have a favorite meme at the minute and I mean it’s not really a meme it’s just Tik Tok being Tik Tok um but it’s uh it’s the Jamaican core

Videos so it’s the it’s the videos of um I mean I don’t know if you guys will have seen it or not but it’s just different videos of uh it’s just the different videos of um J people saying bumba clot I love that video so much much there’s different

Versions of the video and they’re my favorite videos accent is like my favorite accent ever I need to kill another skeleton I need more bone meal did do I have bone meal in my chest I have nothing in my chest J check chat where jche chat YouTube just sent

Something your live stream must be ended in the next 30 minutes oh yeah sure got AC is it real do you think I’m like 46 Bro think think we going to fall for something like that bro yeah I ain’t done bro um I need more wood right I’m just

Going to put all my [ __ ] in this chest it bro suck it almost in this chest yeah when it’s take that that mod in case something happens and we’re going to go get some more um yeah um I’m going just kill what was that did I just see something no I’m

Tripping there’s so much xp down here oh ow yo ch oh yo ow my God I’m actually going to die hold on did I put food in the base I’m put goofy R you wait did I just see cam in the chat cam did I just see cam I did MLG

Water off the top off the top of where bro two where I ain’t got water in my bck yet um bro I’ve got nothing bro I tell you what this is what we’re going to do shut up this is what we’re going to do yeah the timing on that noise it not

Funny why you laughing out there H what’s your problem let’s get my XP back we’re going to go down there scrap absolutely everything oh oh oh what the what’s that noise that means I’m being chase that means I’m being chase what’s chasing me what’s chasing

Me oh brao I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh my God I’m literally one up I’m literally one up I’m literally one up I’m Literally how did he get me oh [ __ ] well I’m dead again Anna like can I just have like a minute from this game’s [ __ ] please see he’s coming again what’s your problem you dirty man I ain’t going to be able to get my [ __ ] I’m not going to be able to get my

[ __ ] he’s literally spawn coming me what you he on the country okay um bro I can’t grab my [ __ ] because this guy’s got a problem with me yeah oh well I’m dead I know I don’t even know where I am what the why am I down

Here if I can lead him like off the mountain and that would make my life 10 times easier I need to get my [ __ ] back this guy’s killed me twice now like this ain’t running no more F did another one just spawn wait I think another one just spawned is he

Drowning oh my God he’s drowning leg Spike leg Spike oh [ __ ] Oh my days bro chill out it’s not that deep yeah now what I got my [ __ ] back do something yeah me like okay so the midnight lurer is chasing me from somewhere and I don’t know where he is

But he ain’t getting me cuz he’s breath stinks right I need let’s just do this okay now it’s chill though sticks let’s get this ax back yeah let’s go we got some more wood everybody’s asking me to sing some what Godzilla I can’t do that part well the

Suar I can’t do that bro I don’t know lyrics um okay so now we should have enough woodini to finish the roof one two three 4 five six 7even eight bsh oh right so that part I need slabs what bro I could not do I couldn’t do the fast ver in Rap God

Not Rap God in uh in Godzilla that that [ __ ] is way too quick I’m more on to the chill [ __ ] nowadays anyway like Eminem was back in the good old days you know what I mean I’m more on to the chill music um this game bro this game is

Just pissing me off pisses me off oh my days thank you you joking me let’s just get a torch where’s my torches oh my De Blood when I died yeah man lost all these torches from I don’t know cuz probably down there but I ain’t going down there you mud

Uh the misclick what M oh the misclick of the thing right looks like we’re going to have to go back down to where we actually came from and get more coal onun it yeah there’s XP everywhere I almost loed him Bros literally spit what do you mean

I’m spitting Flames bro what do you mean what did I do let’s get this um let’s get this coal cuz I need coal oh my God there we go oh now that you’ve said uh what’s it called my Godzilla BR I’ve got the the beginning stuck in my head I can

Swallow alcohol feel like God look but like the my whole squad’s in here walking around the party across between a zombie apocalypse and big body that’s all I know why did I build my base on the biggest mountain ever because why not bro have you seen the mountain I saw the

Basically I saw the mountain ADHD was like get up there like go up there now so I went up and I was like I’m a builder bear oh my God yes keep giving me the coal a yeah don’t want anything to do you listen to the deckhead screaming and

[ __ ] as if I give a [ __ ] okay maybe I do give a [ __ ] cuz now my shit’s just broke where is he I think he’s above me was that him where’d he go where did he go whoa oh I hear him I’ve got a sword now big

Man oh my God these lambers didn’t die boys there’s one and there’s the other let’s go oh there he is little [ __ ] there come here come here and get clapped up then yeah come here blood what the is he stuck let’s go boys give me that leg Spike oh

No wait is that Enderman coming for Me oh my God I’m actually so low on health right now why is this ain’t good oh my God he dropped the leg Spike let’s go W’s in the chat W’s in the chat W’s in the chat W’s in the chat you dropped the leg Spike we got it we got

It we got it we got it we got it oh [ __ ] another one’s just spawned but we got to get back to base we got to get back to base we got to get back to the base we got to get back to the base

We need to drop some [ __ ] off bro the we in the chat right now bro we got the leg Spike let’s go holy [ __ ] oh there’s some iron right here too I haven’t got a pickaxe though I need to make a pickaxe let’s go boys let’s go yeah right let’s

Make a pickaxe get that iron smelt it yeah cuz I need it but another one is spawn down there so what I’m going to do is I’m going to get this iron in fact what I’m going to do is I’mma take a uh quick easy way out because I’ve got no food or

Anything do what I did last time I drop it all on the ground might as well I’m coming back on yeah do that get off just do this yeah that back up go get my XP yeah and we’re going to get the leg Spike and we’re going to go kill the one

That’s down that’s just spawned um and get another leg Spike boys because that’s how we do it that’s how we move oh wait I’m messing up I’m messing up I’m messing up oh we had iron didn’t even know mud we need the mud we need the mud cuz you never know

Yeah straight back down here what was that okay wait where did the Donnie spawn oh my god oh oh it was a bad decision coming back it was a bad decision coming back yeah back down here should a bit yeah ow straight back up yeah straight back up

Back all the way to the tippy top and straight into the Guff yeah that’s time Mission failed we’ll get him next time we will oh R neck could be hurting you know like what what’s what’s my next problem R [ __ ] I always be hurting right let’s BOS BOS BOS right we

Need to take that we’re going to take that I’m going to keep these put that in there it’s that nice let’s make armor no we need to make a pickaxe pickaxe first pickaxe first yeah pickaxe first yeah wait what’ you mean what’ you mean about the Skyrim Peak what the about the

The the little sneak peek yes brother I want it I want it now bro I want to see it I want to yeah I want to see it bro right we got some some nice going on right we got a pickaxe Now goal is coal more

Iron and food and then finish the Gaff yeah that’s the goals that’s the goals so right now we need food and iron ow we definitely need food you man I’m On One HP sh you some of this real quick I’m a cannibal I’m sorry you put a full sketch up

On what where have you put it should have bit Vin yeah love you got to kill those blood monsters and cook their flesh whenever you see them I mean I was just scanning it straight like should I not do that should I cook it lean doy is back what you saying I

Kid I am good I am good F what are you saying they cook fleshy four hearts for per what I’m going hunting them [ __ ] down any man what like like some smuck bro get out where’s that right more wood that’s what I said I needed food and wood insta stories

Sayess I’m going check that out once I I’m on more than three and a half hearts yeah remind me what is this [ __ ] blade ninja is this in your mod is this your mod what is this whisper WS okay what even is it cuz it Doesn’t attack you it just stays

There doesn’t make it any sense what time is it going half1 it’s almost Christmas it’s almost Christmas and don’t want a laugh for Christmas there is just there one thing I need And we need scw bro where all the food at I’m trying to B where the frer Oh my Jesus Christ [ __ ] honestly bro there is just one thing I need And my own Leave me alone you [ __ ] with your mod block what is going on there’s so many what is happening one two there was a third one over there somewhere four what is happening the [ __ ] was that oh it’s my man my with L my God he does glow stone for emeralds

Give me that hold on or jass’s brother saw some Emerald back over here what we saying bro I don’t know how many he wants oh he wants two not interested then there is just one thing I need I’ve got a song stalk in my head get it out

I don’t not like Christmas songs cuz they repeat the same songs every year I’m not trying to hear that in my ear get some new damn chunes all I want for Christmas is new chunes yeah we just need need new music for Christmas bro like sick of them are

Bro when you bringing out merch when you’re bringing out merch we need a hoodie with an a up our kid imagine listen if I could get like some form of if if merch was affordable like that 100% I would but merch is so expensive uh one of my

I’ve said I said this on a uh previous stream but one of my boys is currently uh in the process of making his own clo Brandon Business um his hoodies go hard so when they come out bro I’m wearing that [ __ ] I’m wearing that [ __ ] the thing is with much yeah it’s

Ridiculously expensive like my guys paid about I think it was like it was either 5 or 7 and a half grand for like 500 hoodies made made or something ridiculous sign him a deal he’s Bing a guys shut up there no just wait until one day you hear me

Start busing out the rod wave yeah the Mr rodri werson be hitting Rod wave is like up there with one of my favorite eyes CU godamn can that man sing yeah 5K is a five it’s like it’s either five or 7 and a2k that is a lot

Of do for 500 hoodies or something it’s crazy but they come out looking so good it’s insane I’m swimming BL blah blah blah I’m swimming BL I’m swimming B SL because I need food and there’s no animals near me next Super Chat is five care boys yeah imagine uh

Um okay okay oh I have rotten flesh I’ll just scrun all this just sit here joying the view think so did you come up with your username think about it shut up Jaden yeah I’m just sit here scatting rotten flesh to get my health back up and then I can go

Hunting not the dad chks yeah that’s something my dad would say BR sounds like a top Geer sounds like a prop Gea bro how does that song Start what it how dides he start that that gazer song that’s on Tik Tok What does it go

Like when I chat about FL tell fell come see me why you Magic on my ping up oh so cheesy loving up the Marana don’t worry about him Chana that one bro watch in yeah you want know that one want a chat about flood come see me but you know magical no

More right we got bear coal so let’s put it all in here um n do you know what we’re going to put it all back in the furnace and we’re going to go get some scrum so we need food almost killed myself yeah I’m sday waiting to play Santa what do

You mean you’re waiting to play Santa what you dressed up S what do you mean you’re waiting to play s bro Pi up yeah wait what nickname in chat is going to be F storm oh I See bro I still can’t get over that Christmas is tomorrow oh I’ve still not WRA my presents bro oh sh should we do shall I show you what I’ve got my family bro yeah shall I show you what I’ve got everybody sh yeah let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it

Let’s do it let’s do it so as you saw right so basically I didn’t want to spend too much this year because last year I went broke yeah I went stupidly broke last year and I had to survive around about 3 weeks with no money going to work on

Fulltime it’s not good big man yeah so um I spent like a minimum of like between 20 and 40 for each person apart from my uncle my uncles is the most expensive um now if you don’t know I’m going to I’m about to put you all on here yeah I’m

About to put you all on brother I don’t know what’s going on with my throat but you’re pissing me off yeah right so basically um what was I saying what was I saying what was I saying presents presents um yeah last year I went broke not good

So put like a little a little thing on of how much to spend oh that’s what I was going to say I’m putting you all on right there’s an app on you that you can get on your phone it’s called giftster so giftster right gift giftster

Yeah you create a little group all you and your friends and your family and you basically put on there everything you want for birthdays Christmas everything anything you want you put on that app right so what people can do is when it comes up on your birthday you go on the

App you click on you click on whoever you’re buying for and it’ll show everything they want you can click on that and if you say you want to get it you can press either purchased or reserved now it will not let that person know that somebody is bought the item for them

However uh they they won’t know if it’s been reserved if it’s been bought or anything however other people that are in that group if they click on their name it will see that it’s been purchased by this person or it’ll see if it’s been reserved I promise you you

Need to get that app it is it is brilliant brilliant app anyway so back into the presents yeah so Auntie wanted something like perfume she wanted this perfume I don’t know what it is I’ve never heard of it h got BS red so much she wanted got it hug got B red

Little cousin yeah oh material John’s back uh basically material John we are doing a um showing people what I got everybody while I got my f for Christmas so that’s my auntie’s present little cousin little Lego Moana kit yeah some for her to play and keep quiet pretty much during the day um

And then this is what we got this is what we got um my nan yeah big up nanzi big up Nan right so basically I’m going to whisper this because she’s in like the other room in it yeah so basically we used to have a cat and she

Had like loads of like glass roses in the house and my cat knocked a lot of them over and broke all and she was very upset about it right anyway that was years ago and she’s never really replaced them so your boys come in clutch yeah so as you can

See move that out the way as you can see yeah let’s let’s get this [ __ ] open bro yeah let’s open this [ __ ] up yeah then you on you want do it I hope it works I’m not even check check see if it works I can’t take that off basically it’s like

A basically it’s like a big glass rose oh there we go colors just come back it’s a big glass rose little butterfly at the bottom bare lights in there now as a grandma they love shiny things diamonds everything like that she going to love this [ __ ] fam bro just get

Some of that shiny she’s going to love that [ __ ] Bro Look at that [ __ ] oh shiny and [ __ ] sh yeah she going to love that [ __ ] so yeah that was all the Christmas presents side bro oh and oh and then my uncle uh I got his got his watch fixed

Up for him bro he got his watch fixed up for him bro so we had like he had this watch that uh had sentimental value to him I just told him oh yeah I know somebody I’ll get the I’ll get the class bit it fixed so it closes for you better little

Does he know I’ve got the glass changed I’ve got it polished and I’ve got the glass fixed yeah got a nice little watch box for it as well you’ll pull up be like yeah yeah baah blah baah dab him up give it to him you’ll open it up and be like

Oh is this new I’ll be like no this [ __ ] ain’t new this is yours F and he’s going to love it yeah but uh yeah I don’t have many people to buy For um but yeah man so there’s a lot uh I mean there’s other stuff I would have liked to get got for Christmas but you know Christmas we on a budget [ __ ] be expensive nowadays so we got to yeah you know what I’m saying got to make this [ __ ] back into a

Ball gr because I’m not doing no half ass in thing bro got to make it look good for her it’s nany in it you know what I’m saying yeah what do we rate the ball W’s in the chat for the bow or L’s which one let’s put right

There I’ll wrap them up later yeah why is my camera going blue as if I have a Blue Room R what do I look like my room’s blue now apparently I I just struggled to say blue then my room is not blue it’s purple it’s always purple never blue my voice is

Going let’s not do that and move back to the game yeah there you go there’s a oh what’s my camera doing bro hold on let me just try and fix that real quick um if I do this is it going to turn off no okay we run into an issue that how

Did somebody clock that we just seeing the top it is a con hoodie come on now yeah bro my voice is going fam uh may ask what is wrapped around on your mic uh elastic bands I don’t know why they’re on there I don’t know why I put them on there

Colors normal colored one a purple colored one and a blue colored one I don’t know why I put them on there I just put them on there you know what I’m saying um right why is my camera doing that okay so when I put my when I put my n’s

Present up close to it it kind of fixed it so let’s see if I can no way does that fix it y oh I’ve gone back blue again what is it fixed now what the [ __ ] what are you guys hold on are you guys seeing this okay now it’s normal

Again what am I tripping am I tripping hold on I think I’m tripping am I tripping I’m tripping I’m tripping I’m tripping I’m tripping I’m tripping I’m tripping I’m tripping I just put this back to the side oh and some other news yeah um basically uh my auntie is going to be

Giving me a acoustic guitar so you know what that means your boys going to start learning some acoustic guitar songs yeah couple songs I want to learn on there the first song is going to be what are you so afraid of by XXX I need to learn

That wait thinks did you mess up did you mess up again oh you put with the color therapy my God to my instinct is saying kill one but um I’m not going to do it because you all show me uh are you going to play for us 100% you already know this the

Second I learn a new song like I show you guys every single time oh I didn’t want to do that to you but big man it’s like a scene out of Batman bro I’m sorry bro I’m sorry I needed it it’s not my fault yeah 100% when I learn when I

Learn songs on that guitar bro I’m just going to boss out the guitar every night all the time bro bro listen it don’t it wasn’t personal game’s game yeah it’s either eat or beaten it’s either what’s the saying what’s the saying what’s the saying at Top by bro

Anybody seen top bu oh let’s talk about top bu bro well only if people have seen it anybody seen top bu come on chat to me Rob please chat to me I need opinions on the latest season of Top bu anybody seeing it anybody seeing it

No nobody seen Top by don’t do me don’t do this to me oh my God Nobody seen top boy please everybody go watch top why no way so Top by Top by is basically just a a series on Netflix um watch Top by summer house and then Top by

Um soam to thank you for joining the stream have a good sleep have a great Christmas I appreciate you for being here spending the night with me on Christmas Eve I appreciate you I appreciate you all for being here uh have a good Christmas f um but yeah now top buy it’s on

Netflix it’s great um but yeah uh so basically Top by is just like about a London well these two guys in London that are basically like trying to start a bit of a gang it’s It’s a UK drama but it’s like one of the biggest things on Netflix that was made

Like people everybody in like loads of people in America were watching it and [ __ ] like it’s a big drama show and it’s amazing like one of my favorite series I’ve ever watched um I need more food and coal cuz I want to go down into the

Caves I I you need to finish the house jayen you [ __ ] finish the house man you waffle too much these enman need to chill out they’ve got a problem I saw a sheep I want it dead I’m getting my presents today Lads that’s cheating where’s mine that’s not fair on me wow W

Though W you little cheater let’s go more food do you know what’s crazy here the fact I’m sat here chatting [ __ ] playing this game and I’ve got 40 people watching me talking to me and if I was to be in a room I was in a room and this was was

Like projected onto the wall and all 40 of yours was behind me I would not be able to speak I wouldn’t be able to speak bro like I’d be I’d be so nervous 40 people is so many people bro you understand that’s nuts um Jay how long do you think the

Drawing’s going to take the drawing which one the the the one with me killing the dragon I don’t know bro you’re a talented person you could already I could make a guess right now and then you could hit me with a well it’s done check Instagram or something I don’t know I don’t

Know I can’t wait to see it bro me killing aldwin holy [ __ ] I can’t wait I don’t know I I I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know you know I don’t know you know but yeah I I just keep bro I wish here wait wait I’ll

Post what up what does that mean what does that mean what does that mean what does that mean what does that mean what does that mean chill out chill out chill out okay I need to realize I’m playing horror Minecraft and stop taking my eyes off the screen unless I know I’m

Safe let’s get up here let’s cook some food and we’ll venture out a bit yeah um I wish here wait I’ll post it and tag you yeah what do you mean what is it done is it done is it done there’s no way it’s done there’s no way you’ve done it don’t

C you’re cing bro don’t gas me up like this is he done think chat to me oh send me to no no don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t send me the sketch don’t send me the sketch don’t upload anything and quotee me and and tag me no

Don’t I want to wait I want to wait I want to wait I want to wait I want to wait it will be a nice if if it’s done by tomorrow it will be a great um Christmas present yeah uh Jay by the way my bud moose was

Wondering what kind of English accent you have I’m from Manny bro I’m from money Manchester I don’t live I don’t live like in a center of money so I don’t sound like um Angry Ginge but um I have a mixure between a couple accents because I’m very I’m very easily influenced off

Other YouTubers and stuff so my accent’s been a mixture since about 2014 um jayen do you know the official disc server is going to go online it bit for The Vibes if release on Christmas morning I wish bro I wish I could get it done by tomorrow man just on the first

Mission scamming Mission the dragon burnt me get your get by Yo Lads I’m have off stream I got some working on stuff I’ve done uh see you later next stream love you Boman thank you for joining the stream appreciate you um didn’t missed last stream consider creating highlight recap for your

Audience they’ll love it bro you think I’m going to fall for it again Fam I’m I’m not going to fall for it bro um she M like anzo is in a chat fam what you saying I say yeah because you stupid do you want to know how the word yeah

Originated right right so the reason we got it right so basically I said yeah a lot anyway like I said it less than what I do now but I still said it a lot right and we stumbled well I stumbled uh it was the night before the holiday that I

Had a week uh where I had a week with stopy and a couple of friends um I discovered this YouTube channel and it’s called scr time highly recommend checking it out let them know I sent you keep spam it in the comments with uh with my app let them know I sent

You they’re called scran time I’mma put you on yeah let me show you the let me show you the uh what the channel looks like uh I’m a big fan of these guys right because they’re just hilarious so this is the channel hold on let me let me go to a

Bigger screen for you so this is the channel scr time right so basically he reviews takeaways like he reviews fast food places they are only on 9,000 subscribers right but their production value is so high and I discovered them on the week I was going on holiday with

Tom and a couple of friends and they are so fun he is so funny bro I love him now he says yeah a lot that’s where I got it from I already said it a lot but it enhanced once I started watching him and that got that

Ended up getting sty saying it and now it’s just yeah now you lot saying it yeah that’s where the yeah originated from uh what’s up where stop ski stoop ski is working stop ski is working I think he’s I think he finishes at midnight but he’s going to be going straight to um

Straight to bedis um are you streaming tomorrow night or having a break since Christmas um I want to stream tomorrow night um bro my mask is making my face really itchy right now I need to shave my [ __ ] ah um yeah I want to stream tomorrow

Night um I were talking to Tom about it if he’s back in time if if like if our family’s go early because obviously I got a little cousin and that so she’ll want to be going to sleep quite early if my game just fro as hell about then

Um yeah if if my family are all gone and everybody’s getting in bed all that [ __ ] I’ll probably hop on for a little crimbo stream you know what I’m saying it’ be nice to chat to you all for Christmas nice little Christmas chat and that the mask is not coming

Off the mask is being on oh wait did I miss Pingu leaving oh I’m sorry Pingu Pingu if you’re still here oh there we go still here let’s go love you Pingu thank you for the donation brosi I appreciate you so much thank you for

Joining no I do not want to be compared to freaking what’s his name dream bro dream is doing some crazy [ __ ] if you don’t know get to know you researching what he’s doing bro are you playing with mods or too scary to play alone I’m playing with

Mods and playing with mods I’m just uh struggling to find food right now so the food I have found I’m just cooking that up and then we’re going to go uh we’re going to go look about dream weird for real that’s what I mean this

Is why I don’t want to be compared to him you know what I’m saying he’s he’s on some crazy [ __ ] gosh all right and there we go the roof is done right roof storm I need to finish this house just looking bare empty Rob let’s have a look see what they do

Oh okay so how many blocks is that so it’s not this one it’s this one one two three BOS BOS BOS stairs and stairs dumb tell me in the next stream if you finish the house the house will 100% be finished maybe not promising anything uh how was the Christmas Eve it’s

Chilling bro it’s chilling we got we got people in here we’re all chatting we all vibing you hear me there we go nice little window yeah and we’ll do one on the other side too yeah we’ll do one on the other side too God damn it I’ve not got

Enough can I reach it if I break this one right okay I’ve got all more torches oh man I’ve not got enough we go and we’re going to go like that yeah wait yeah I am doing it right like that like that and then BOS BOS BOS yeah

Um W Architects yes I love chill streams with a couple Chatters it’s so cozy it’s great I love it honestly I’m on a I am on a mountain um I’m on a huge mountain dinner time BRB let me know what you getting let me know what you

Having for scr bro it’s SC time bro that’s not what you’re eating I want to know oh that just does look [ __ ] though don’t it hold on hold on let them cook let me cook um trap doors I need trap doors how do you make trap doors there we go

Okay so let need to go back up oh [ __ ] 10 hours what where are you man what do you mean huh just remove the slabs no I can’t because for this one I can’t I could I could remove this one and this one but I can’t remove that one because

That’s a part on the window are you get me you’ll see what right it’s been a nice chill Vibe without your dumb ass coming interrupting me bro shut up dhead waste man polex yeah what are we saying I’m who’s 10 hours ahead of who me I’m 10 hours ahead of you wait

What I’m confused Christmas is in an hour for me oh wait FX where you from think are you a UK Donnie as well yeah you can’t in a house or not you can in a o yeah W’s in the chat fam right I’ve just seen him do the roof a [ __ ] my eye

Um hold on boys yeah hold on a minute I’m cooking well I’m not cooking I’m watching somebody cook and I’m cooking it the off you from Lancaster yeah yeah where is that am I done that that isn’t far from me is it hold on that is not far from

Me that is not far from me so outside he does how many blocks is that get off one two three four so he does four blocks give me this Cobell Cobell this cobal one two three four right oh lanare oh okay do you keep every find Spider you

Find is a pet hell no oh no you asking somebody else my bad my bad just butting in the conversation um and then they did that that that and then that yeah oh [ __ ] I got two we’re going to do that then I’m going to do that as well yeah sh

Yeah cool Co water sign than that straight off and out what I’m saying wait have I done that right oh it’s cuz I’ve put a door here so I’m putting a second door yeah so two doors and then Windows window K it’s the window

Man why is that cuz I’m a top man got nice GS but it’s not top man this is going to be the ciest room you’ve ever seen in your life what what am I my like n Fe yeah thank you for the subscription brosi appreciate youe appreciate you oh it’s good that

One got me BOS BOS right that two little window panels F then inic crazy your proper Sven souen water water you like said water water don’t know we said water we said water um material John got a go got a go noj I’ll watch the V catch you later is

It a bit brosi appreciate you thank you for joining love you nice M dude thank you bosi um okay I need sand yeah sand is what I need give me give me give what does that mean in Australia there’s a dolphin somewhere word what does word

Mean out in the streets we call it water give us some VAB words VAB words what what does he mean I don’t want to say it in Cas oh what oh you’re run away water water you’re you’re that’s how you say it you see water BOS we got some food let’s get this

Glass cooking yeah get this glass cooking get some wind doors down yeah got to get me a drink of water [Laughter] yeah R don’t pronounce our te no we don’t well it depends what the word is isn’t it like it all depends on the word depends yeah it all depends on the

Word to be honest like sometimes it it depends in the scenario as well like if I’ve got a if I’m if I’m trying to be professional like if I’m at work and I’m being professional I do pronounce my tease sometimes not all the time it all uh all depends on the situation I

Think how do you make glass panes am I D help me how you make glass ples oh I don’t need more glass in BOS yeah BOS yeah what saying oh Germans pronounce every single letter as hard and as aggressive as we can yeah right we got the glass there where

Else does he want these windows bro bro saying Spruce doors I’ll Spruce door your dad what does that even mean what does that even mean bro oh shut up oh [ __ ] yeah oh man what a day what a day um okay what else is he doing to the

Front oh bro is doing bar extra [ __ ] you know I’ve not got enough vicinities for that big man yeah no’s out here asking me to make stone [ __ ] [ __ ] right and then fences how do I make fences so you can tell how [ __ ] I am at

This game when I don’t know how to make simple things all uh can I just say qpd and B are all the same letters in different orientations and nobody cares nobody talks about it someone put in my Russian accent when I nicknamed my mate Travi Travi that was that was not even German

That I just did I just did a Russian accent was it Russian that I just did toosi that was definitely Russian what I just did I need to shut up why don’t you guys just shut me off every now and then just wa stop chatting [ __ ] lad yeah

I need to make another fence there we go now how many did he go up did he go up two he did go up to I’ll turn the street they call it murder big Dey because it’s funny you CH [ __ ] for one I need slabs BOS oh it’s getting dark it’s getting a

Bit dark all that was terrible keep time cuz I’m not trying to have anybody kill me or Scare damn it when I’m trying to build my house bro uh Jen do you think the man from the Frog should get a remodel like the cave dler Uh maybe I reckon if someone did it it’d be pretty sweet uh fence not fence gates I need a gate uh Bosch BOS right oh I’m an idiot I’ve done it the wrong way around hold on and then I need to do it again there we go boys look at me I’m

Gaffing I’m gaffing boys I’m gaff gaffing I’m gaffing it yeah okay now what let’s do the sides no do the insides I don’t need to do the sides right now yeah mind your business tell let me to do a chimney in that bro chimney cheru chimy cheru chimney

Just get to the insides bro I’m trying to make the inside of my G no thanx no than you’ve donated enough bro pack it in yeah is that the real hit you YouTuber and stream the Jaden the vinky oh mate oh I beg you yeah next

Next time yeah that Tom goes live just keep putting dink in his chat because he hates them guys and I love them I love them because it pisses him off so just Spam dinky in his chat bro yeah the iny uh yeah Tom is at work bro sk’s grinding the grind don’t

Stop bro can this ye yeah just there we go right oh so he’s saying use Cobblestone for the floor not wood okay looks like we’re doing Cobell actually you know what no we’re not we’ll do what we want you know what I’m saying we’ll do what we want bro

Yeah uh he’s keeping up the hustle for real he really is bro brosi really do be keeping up the hustle we’ve got to man we got to in these tough times it’s tough times for everyone right now everybody’s trying to survive right especially thinkx with her 90 with the

97 p in the bank bro wait I’ve got no more Cobblestone I need more Cobble Cobble oh [ __ ] am I’m going to get back up water water free water said 27k in that farm that’s got to be cat out a cat that a cat that a cat right now is that a

Cat uh bro you literally live on a mountain how can you run out of stone I don’t know bro I just punched my mic I’m sorry oh oh you’re all about to see what I’m going to do yeah when you see me do it I want you to just all hit me with

The in the chat like I’m hitting like I’m spitting some bars you ready you ready you ready ready hold on hold on there you go bro you can do it hit me with the m oh [ __ ] Yeah said microwave trust me bro do you see what I been doing you know when I pointed at them shelves before and I said e they look Dusty what could them know yeah it’s looking nice in here it’s getting it’s getting yeah oh I need to create lanterns how do I do

That think I’m cating lanters youly B yeah I wonder if what are them oh my God oh my God where’s my iron where’s my IR where’s my yo a wait why is it taking so long to break what do I break it with what do I break it

With no I don’t want to break it I’m scared look at that [ __ ] hard I wish it was like I wish it lit everything up green that would be cool I think it does I don’t know it probably doesn’t Dog game Trash game um

Okay oh sck Ball s wait what is it what is it to create a Ln cursed head okay well we don’t want to make that uh we need Stakes I can’t grab anything okay BOS yeah and they said to put one in wait what hold on yeah what we saying what you telling

Me yeah got to go guys looking forward to the next upload thank you for joining Sam love you and appreciate you thank you for spending Christmas evening me thank you trying to think of a question started a bit is the more doors or Wheels is there more doors or wheels on this Earth I’m going to say doors think about it there’s at least two do into the entrance of each house then there’s minimum five four or five doors inside of the house right see where I’m going with this see where I’m going with this how many people let’s just go let’s go with

The UK real quick how many people live in the UK how many houses is there how many do let’s say $5 do per house that’s a lot of houses think about how many cars and tractors and stuff like that exactly cabinet doors count to come on now come on

Now there’s not a lot of Wheels but a house has a kitchen so there’s a lot more Wheels to move the cabinets I don’t have any Wheels in my C in my kitchen it’s all built in it’s all built in come on now yeah thinking with got the brain moves in there bro

Yeah um right okay so we’ve got that done fire place to keep us warm what oh that’s cuz they did a fireplace outside and I’m not trying to do all that I’ll do the fireplace on the inside though make it look all nice and neat and and neat and nice

Yeah oh I’ve got 30 minutes left yeah because I’m I’m I’m tired bro this mask ain’t helping it’s warming there I’m all I’m all I’m all cozy in my hoodie in my mask I could I could Ki right now I might just go to sleep sleep stream sleep

Stream wait so there’s 6733 million of people here six doors most likely per house come on FX cook think is cooking f is cooking right now 6733 million people six stores per house there’s an average of about five or six stores per house turn the mask off good idea no yeah yeah

Imagine where’s this monster bro and what’s its issue come on than I’m waiting for you to cook fam oh [ __ ] get inside real quick okay the thingy spawns I knew we’d spawn yeah but you’ve got to think there’s definitely more houses than cars in the the UK 100%

Bro bro who’s messaging my phone do one I’m busy yeah piss me off right let’s let’s let’s do some Googling BR let’s do some Googling right how many cars are in the UK that’s 33.4 m million right that’s 33.4 million cars are in the UK yeah according to google

Right in each car there are four four wheels right shut up shut up yeah so now I’m about to hit you with some robots right Alexa sir what is 33.4 million times y 4 3348 million * 4 is 13392 million 133.25 N2 million right right so you’re looking at about 13392 million

Wheels on Just Cars alone now let’s say let’s no let no let’s Google how many buildings are in the UK yeah how many buildings are in the UK there’s approximately 28 million homes in the UK but this includes every type of residents property there are approximately 500,000 listed buildings um

Yeah I don’t know about that ow um okay hold on I’m still cooking I’m still cooking I’m still cooking right um how many houses are in the UK 26.4 million right uh Alexa what is oh no Alexa stop listening bro stop listening I forgot what I was going to

Ask you big man um there’s about five doors in every house right Alexa what’s 26.4 million times by five sorry I didn’t catch that Alexa what Alexa H Alexa what is 26.4 million time by 5 26.4 million 5 is 132 million 132 million right that’s already close to

How many Wheels in cars 132 million and that isn’t even adding the car doors yeah so Point proven there’s more doors than Wheels yeah case calls I don’t okay let’s close do win doors win 100% now let’s make um now that I just absolutely like destroyed this

Debate um I’m going to put this chest here it turn into a big present I’m going to put all this [ __ ] in here and I’m going to go outside and H that guy to his mom yeah give me this let’s go ruin his life yeah go this side oh [ __ ] chill

Oh he’s right there oh I’m coming for you think you’re getting away it’s not happening bro oh my God I’m On One HP I’m On One HP boys come on I have a feeling he’s going to hit me we got him boys we got him boys W’s in

The chat we got another leg [ __ ] let’s go another leg Spike come on W’s in the chat why can’t I see you know what that means right some people have two cars to one house oh true but I Googled how many cars are in the UK and it said 133

Million approximately so that means it still beats still beats the question still won the debate leam I still won the debate oh [ __ ] no I didn’t sleep in the bed fam I didn’t sleep in the bed oh boys Bo this is rough out oh no B I don’t remember where where my go

Was I’m fully about to go into creative and just fly over there wait no it was over there it was over there I remember I remember oh pingy you back bro why going you going you going to sleep but the question the question was is there more doors than Wheels didn’t

Say car wheels about the other what no I did I I I added uh it was more no no no the question was is there more do and wheels and I added up how many wheels there was and there was nowhere near enough wheels and I give up but I’m saying does yeah

Definitely does Prem Wheels true I died up here didn’t I game’s glitched there we go give me my [ __ ] back yeah C where’s my other leg Spike bro that’s my other leg Spike bro am I blind did I not see it oh there it is got it where’s this dumb ass

Is he still a boat I did he despawn after I killed him or after he killed me I mean yeah I think he despawned kid scoter Wheels yeah but so lean what you’re telling me yeah is you think there’s more Wheels than doors what is my favorite Capital

City you want me to keep it a book I don’t even know what that even means what is a capital city room what even is a capital city room where’s my bed but if I put it in there and didn’t even [ __ ] we go who who’s

That okay J if it’s a wheel but functions like a door wheel or door well I mean you just answered your own question if it’s a wheel that’s a wheel Jake show me the host please Pingo I don’t I want know bro I don’t want know it’s not really progressed since

You left I’ll be honest Jay’s the Discord ready it’s not ready yet bro it’s not ready yet fam oh boys look oh look it’s almost time 11:41 it’s almost Time uh K you want to be me Fam what well go on I didn’t I didn’t see your question fam we was on we was having a debate when you asked well go on um if it’s doors but looks like a wheel can act like a wheel as well if thrown hard enough

I don’t know anymore wait I’m actually 11 wait so is it already Christmas for you Angelic you guys should add more horror monster mods bro if we could find some good ones to add 100% there’s a couple that we don’t want to add for reasons that we don’t want to talk about

Um but if there are some other ones then 100% uh Gman is one of the ones that we don’t want to add uh nightmare jar I’m pretty sure we have done that downloaded I don’t know uh the Wither star mod what’s the Wither star mod oh [ __ ] I’m jel it’s already been

Christmas for you happy Christmas bro Merry Christmas and all that good stuff yeah uh we should text slower so we can read the messages without skipping some no cuz I do I do look it’s just I get distracted because of my ADHD fan so it’s just you might have to put it again

At some point a brother hey brother and now I wonder Hey sister I remember something going like this right when I first built this GFF I just heard a footstep did anybody else say that foot set you guys hear that full step I heard a full step on top of my

Roof I swear to God what bro I know I ain’t tripping bro I had to do a SL T to check in case Herobrine there I don’t want to be jump scared you going to sleep now Pingu you said this so many times bro go to

Sleep you wake up at it’s Christmas bro sleepy time yeah saying this again so Jay can see saying what good night Pingu I posted link to the Wither Stone Mod in the chat oh [ __ ] okay sweet I love a Gandy oh that’s going to be a thing in the uh in the Discord

We’re going to have like a mod recommendation thing for you guys so like you can put mod recommendations in there um we need this does he go there or does he go there I think he goes there no it’s trap doors that go there trap doors trap doors trap doors

Do I have any no wait and then a thingy goes here too I’m remembering without even looking at the video otherwise because then a thingy goes here or does it go there huh Mariah K about to be defrosted bro she’s been defrosted you should try the Escape

Krampus Christmas MC harm up with STS maybe maybe I’ll I’ll have a look J I beg rlcraft rlcraft what is rlcraft bro what is that they just put logs it’s going to look so dope yeah what do you mean I think they get lost playing what

Is L rlcraft bro I think Tom knows it but I’ve never I don’t know what that is with us I’m sh they won’t become a massive issue what is it what is it yeah um um um rlcraft is a crazy complicated mod bro Minecraft is extremely complicated for me anyway

Bro I just struggle with this [ __ ] uh it’s realistic M fantasy MMO type okay Ro dropping items IRL what would you mean I’m dropping items IRL what did I drop me uh I actually got dragons in there Oh you mean the nice I didn’t even realize I did

It you guys heard that you guys heard that I did not move I just heard somebody move bro did you guys hear that it was in it was on the right side I heard somebody Walk on Wood like like that it was that noise but he ain’t shoting up her’s a

[ __ ] herob doing some [ __ ] bro yeah right let’s carry on making this uh car on making this GFF bro longest GFF of a man in history man taking a light as yeah I’m literally shiter in it bro I’m literally like just not even yeah man’s getting bare tired as well

But I want to I want to be on this stream until it’s literally 25th of December I’m determined to stay here till the 25th of December Oo thans I’m material John you I am so excited for these drawings that you’re whipping me up bro you don’t understand you don’t understand I’m looking so forward to seeing them Yo anzo pause bro I’m going to finish it today for real for real Brother oh I can’t wait to see it bro I cannot wait to see it is this an amplified world or did this generation just happen what do you mean 10 minutes is it 10 minutes it is 10 minutes you heard that step you heard that step there’s a step that keeps happening on

Wood what you getting for PR J not a clue I have no idea what I’m getting oh bro I still need to rap I still need to my [ __ ] guys I need to WRA my my presents bro I haven’t wrapped them yet rapping stream ah [ __ ]

Well I guess it’s a rapping stream then is it really what you you you want you want me to do a roughing stream yeah got to clear my desk bro I don’t want a lot for Christmas there is just one thing I need and yeah let’s wrap this up with a roing Stream right okay okay okay okay fine fine Ry stream it is yeah I just tried itching my nose like this yeah oh God damn what right wrapping stream wrapping stream yeah I need to get the wrapping paper bro I want to put music on for it but I

Don’t want to get you know copyright sh CU that’s how YouTube works right what do I need paper uh C tap scissors I’ll be back I’ll be back yeah wait here bro yeah you wait here bro yeah wait here F talk to each other be back yeah we got Goods boys

Yeah all kind of paper what you want some you want some paper girl besides these skizzers right before we start I bought these today and I want to show you y yeah see that defin not yeah can you guess what it is what what is happening what is

Happening what am I going to do what do you want me to do what do you want me to do hit you with some water yeah guys look I got some death note cards yeah how would you want me to give you some water bro I don’t know what you want from

Me well look look so they’re death note cards right yeah death note cards the reason I got them excuse me is because every single time I got family round when there’s a lot of us we’re always like um we need playing cards why have we not got playing cards so I bought

These let me just uh show you some of them yeah so we got that one we got that one we got that one we got that one yeah got some W cards right there each ones they’re all they’re all pretty much like like let’s let’s be honest

Is that what you wanted me to do you wanted me to put some water emojis what is happening right now yeah I’ll fan you down a bit how’s that how’s that yeah uh I’m gonna go to sleep now see you tomorrow have uh if not have a

Brilliant Christmas you too Le doy thank you I appreciate you for joining much love hope you have a great Christmas and a great New Year if I don’t speak to you guys before that anyway rapping stream you’re all waffling look at you all waffle bro what is happening do you want this rapping

Stream or not yeah right I need to aim the camera down listen before before we before I put the camera down I spilled Coke Coca-Cola on my white mmat yeah so I’ve got a few dots on there and I’m really upset about it so you’re about to see them

Yeah we go rapping stream yeah oh what the [ __ ] what the f what is happening right now oh bro what is happening is it the wire bro what’s going on it is the wire come here right that will do yeah springtrap thank you for joining yeah appreciate you okay rapping stream

Yeah so we’re going to start with Moana Lego yeah that’s what we’re going to start with we’re going to start with the Moana Lego bit of ASMR [Laughter] yeah all right oh you want me to turn the mic gain up oh yeah true I could turn the mic gain up for that Asa Yeah wait is that the wrong way or is this the wrong way I think that’s the wrong yeah that’s the wrong way this is the right way there we go yeah you want me to whisper in the mic hey guys welcome to my ASMR Channel today we’re going to be um wrapping up

Some presents as you can see here we’ve got the Lego um Moana kit and we’re going to do some proper good stuff and that yeah you like [Laughter] that all right I’m going to stop wait is that the right way is that the wrong way

Is this the right way help me wait which way is the right way is the gain all the way off or are we good is the game all the way up are we good it’s too high is the game too high or is it too low chat to

Me I’m good okay we’re good right let’s get wrapping this up bro M needs you to pick me up right listen I am good at rapping presents bro yeah I’m good at wrapping present yeah so let’s get the let’s move my keyboard out the way because you’re

Going to piss me off [ __ ] yeah right let’s move this yeah get these presents wrapped now this is my little cousins obviously so we’re going to use little unicorn things here move that out the way bro this desk is too small why did I listen to you all oh my God oh my

God merry Christmas everybody Merry Christmas Merry Christmas yeah oh hold on Merry Christmas mer Christmas in that yeah let’s go boys I’m going to catch Santa lacking tonight and I’m spinning his jaw and I’m robbing all the presents yeah now let let’s this present bro I apologize if it’s going to be

Really loud down the mic but this is what you guys wanted yeah you guys wanted this don’t forget that um okay Shi we’re just going to go from here with my big ass scissors you guys hear me okay let me know shout to me yeah oh oh it messed up o

Yeah oh I’ve cut it short right but that’s not an issue I know a little hack yeah gosh that wasn’t the hack but it doesn’t matter you can you can use too much paper it’s all good as long as it looks nice and square and neat

Yeah you’re all good I might take the mask off while I do this I’m going to take the mask off yeah the mask is off how does that sound no the mask is off how do I sound sound proper nice and good as well yeah let’s move them headphones either the way

Yeah no don’t be calling me dream R you already know this you already know the situation going on with him don’t be comparing me to no dirty man roof yeah that’ll go there okay the one pixel face [Laughter] reveal right this needs to be trimmed a bit

Yeah hold on my headphones are covering my camera so I can’t see if you accidentally see me or not so let’s move out the way yeah let’s move the headphones over there oh uh OMG no way your face is a white piece of wood [Laughter] desk right trim this yeah

The mask is off boys the mask is off I needed a minute yeah considering you can’t see me anyway there’s there’s there’s no point you know what I’m saying yeah so now we need do I have do you have KFC and chips for real what what

Yes what do you mean well I mean I had I had them yesterday I didn’t have them today oh nice fresh nice and fresh my God I can drink in peace holy [ __ ] thans Bro W yeah lovely stuff brother I can’t get this oh my God I

Don’t even need the scissors for the cell tape come on now who who is not like scaning the cell tape to break it in half you know what I’m saying guys I’m struggling how do I take the C tape off I save that taste we can see your face is invisible

You want a face reveal right now right now yeah ready J said bro right I’m pulling out the shank yeah there we go we got it we got it boys we got it yeah he is [Laughter] wood God damn better start streaming more without my camera on bro more people have joined what

Happened yeah right there we go first piece of T SAE BOS right yeah and now I like them to be perfectly square and all that good stuff right who wants wrapping tips you want it to be a S as possible yeah as Square as possibly right behind the mask uh behind the

Camera he is using the wrapping paper to make a new mask and the gift is just a distraction imagine Um right hold on what you guys want to face for real bro yeah you guys want to face real let me know you want to face a real right now say yes say Yeah in the chat you want to face reveal right right now yeah as you can

See the mask is right here bro I’ve just got to lift the camera up you know how crazy that is [Applause] I got your dumb ass got your [Laughter] dumb right back to the ring yeah the B bro if I had to pull out the g59 b real quick I know for a fact you lot saw the neck and chin and was like to empty compartment what face reveals are scary why your

Face I mean I mean it would be scary for me yeah it would be scary for you guys everybody seems to think like when people I don’t know I mean people like dream everybody thought he was just going to be like oh yeah man’s

Going to be lay in it like he’s going to be very goodl looking in that but I mean to be fair the thing is with dream he revealed his face in such a weird way like why did he do it like that rosi was weird for that he could have done it any

Other way he decided to put his face on a tilt and do it as if he was like a 13year old girl back back in 2012 like why did he do it like that yeah I don’t want a lot for Christmas there is just one thing I need and

I oh do you know one thing I did I like that I did ask for for Christmas um so as a kid my uncle had um a friend that lived a couple doors up from us and he had a tarantula and this tantula shed its skin and my uncle took

It and then glued it the glued the skin to like the corner of his room so it was like a real tarantula skin like the real tarantula shed but it was in the corner of his room and I used to [ __ ] bricks as a child thinking it was real every time

Even though it was there for like 13 years and for the reason I’m telling you that is because for Christmas I asked one of my family members to get me a tarantula Shed from like Etsy or something where they like properly preserved where people put like all the

Needles in the shed and stuff and put it in a frame B for one of them so I could put it in the corner of my room camera FRS camera’s back don’t know if I get it on up if I do you’ll find out I’ll be sure to put it on my insta

So you guys can all see and the people that have Arachnophobia can freak out you know right so there’s that part done yeah cut this part thank cut this part yeah now I’ve either done a big old whiffer I’ve ever done a stinker here or okay I’ve not done a

Stinker but as you can see this side chilling look at that fam look how boxy that is and now we’re going to do the same thing to this side still going a still going brosi it’s Christmas but I’ve not wrapped my presents I forgot to wrap my presents so I’m doing it on

Stream everybody ask me to do it on stream so I’m doing it on stream we’re wrapping my presentence on the stream anzo I appreciate you being here rosi thank you for tuning in watching me do [ __ ] I appreciate you appreciate you all for just watching me do

[ __ ] you’re all just watching me rap presents bro I could not picture 30 people just sat in a room with meing presents [ __ ] is funny I have a record player Royal Blood vinyl wait what we she going to more vinyls hella chocolates wait where are you from Liv are you ahead of

Us okay right see and I’m one of them see this yeah see that now BOS yeah right but the thing is I’m that type of person that puts a [ __ ] ton of cell tape on the presents I’m that person I’m sorry it makes it look neater it makes it look

Better it’s going to be hard to get into but honestly that’s not my problem that’s your problem um makes it look nicer and I’m that type of person however it is my little cousin she is only five so I’ve got to think about that she’s got to be able to get into it

So I’m G leave this little leave this little thing here have I got a pen uh no I don’t that is an issue that can be dealt with after yeah put my mic over here you still hear me okay yeah you can it’s still on the volume here okay first present done

Yeah let’s put that down there time for the second present yeah the the bit yeah yeah um everybody’s present is going to be like in the same rapping paper bro oh you guys might see my face hold on no you Won’t oh [ __ ] it won’t slot on oh oh wait I’m just I could just do this bro yeah yeah boy yeah you ain’t catching me lcking today bro you ain’t catching me lcking today bab all right we got this one yeah big old boy all right we’re going to use this

Little candy cane one brother here got to go J see you later all right brosi thank I appreciate you for being in here thank you for watching me chat some more [ __ ] I want to keep the mask like hitting F okay well that isn’t working so I’m stressing okay we’ll put kind of

Want my mask to be on display you know what I’m saying I’m struggling with everything in live right now you know what you stay there s Sans just arrived at your crib o suck him bro what’s he doing in your Gaff man just broke into your Gaff bro you going to allow

That couldn’t be me personally so I just change the title of my live stream to face reveal I do in fact have like a or at least did I don’t know where it’s gone though but it was like um like a big large black like skull

Thing and I’d put my hearts on there and I don’t know why that’s gone there um okay right do you know what mask has got to move the mask has got to move wait it can go here I don’t care don’t care Oh but I can’t see the chat now I’m getting stressed

Yeah right this will do keyboard move out of the way bro this will do je mask is getting a sniffer at mik question for you hit me with it what’s your opinion on crumpets dead I’m the most unri British person person ever bro I don’t like tea I don’t like

Crumpets I’m a really fussy eater too there’s not a lot of stuff I like eating love chicken chicken’s great chicken is 10 out of 10 I eat chicken I’d love to eat chicken every single day if I could especially from WingStop bro coffee coffee is also dead hate

Coffee coffee just doesn’t taste nice it smells nice it doesn’t taste nice though yeah I’m more of um like I said I’m more of a Red Bull Donnie I just go for red the bull yeah in fact oh do you know what I did try that was coffee that was actually

Pretty nice let me know if you can hear me or not because I’ve realize I’m rustling quite loud while I’m talking let me know if you can hear me or not um one thing I did really like was from Starbucks um one of my friends got a caramel

Latte um did it have ice in it I don’t remember it was cold it wasn’t warm caramel latte loads of whipped cream and [ __ ] and it had like a CH one of them chocolate crunchy straw things in that [ __ ] was slapping bro that’s the only time I think I’ve ever drank a coffee

And like actually liked it that was hard they know what they were doing with that [ __ ] yeah any anything with caramel their beans are burnt on purpose what does that even mean what does that even mean John I’m going need you to chat to me about that because I don’t I’m not a

Coffee drinker so I don’t I don’t understand you’re more of a Coke Donnie Oh no you’re one of them are you one of them that own drinks Coke I have a friend that’s like that he’s only literally only drinks Coke he doesn’t drink any water at all that oh that should have been

Tighter that should have been tighter but it will do it’s going to piss me off but it’ll do that can be trimmed out a tiny bit the beans are roasted yeah the express is nasty I don’t know it oh thinks you are one of them no thinks no stop drinking it don’t

Drink it religiously at least it’s not good not as in like not good to drink but it’s not like it’s not that good Coke is not that good it’s overrated bro I say it’s overrated but then I’m literally I’ve got a can of it right here bro nah

Fam K is so overrated bro I’ll be honest I’m more of a Pepsi Max Donnie than a Coke Donnie I’ll be honest when you go to like a pub restaurant and they pull out Pepsi Max bro I will literally shower in that I I will willingly shout take a shower in

Whatever type of Pepsi Max they have at Pub restaurants straight up them shits be slapping you can’t taste you’re capping that is the biggest bit of cap I’ve ever heard in my life you can’t taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi roll maybe it tastes different in Australia

It doesn’t taste different in Australia I don’t know but BR they taste bare different and let’s be honest they’re both like I don’t even think they’re up there in the te list I’ll be honest like it’s not even they’re not even good enough drinks to be in the te list

I think Pepsi’s got more flavor than coke coke just tastes more like like it just hits you with like it’s like hitting you it’s like somebody stamping on your tongue or something it just hits you with the flavor straight away but then Pepsi’s got more of a sweet you know what I’m

Saying or am I chatting Was I need to cut my nails as well I’ll do that tomorrow you know what’s really good go on those are some long ass sces you’re telling me bro water be hitting only at certain times so lat like I always drink water just before I go to

Bed and it’s from my bathroom bathroom water my bathroom water my bathroom tap water if I could give you all a sample of it you would all be so jealous of my bathroom tap water right now I’m telling you now yeah bro my liver my liver’s conking out when I’m

27 I barely well I say I barely drink well no I do barely drink water I drink it every night before I go to bed but like oh I just ripped the paper a bit I’m sorry there we go yeah what we saying don’t chat to me bro don’t chat to

Me you can’t say I’m not good at rapping bro yeah I’m a w rapper blood clut yeah there’s that one now my question is yeah so I was thinking right I spoke to my parents about this well my parents I mean my mother because who has a dad in 2023 you know

I’m saying going on 2024 you know what I mean dless gang and that yeah but anyway uh I was speaking to my mother about this right do I even wrap this because it’s look at it why would I wrap this you know what I’m saying it’s

Already like it’s got a bow on it what do you think chat what do you think chat to me chat to me chat do I wrap this or do I not it’s got the bow on it I think it’s some I think I don’t need to wrap

It what are we saying look at it it’s got the ball it’s already in the Box it’s already in the display like yeah you think I don’t you think I shouldn’t how do I do a poll I don’t know if I can do a poll on YouTube why on do they work

True never mind if it’s just for you if it’s just for you in the room and then that yeah exactly it’s just from me that’s what I’m saying I’m thinking just the box with the ribbon Bosch I say not to RP but if you ever do I recommend I can’t remove the ball

That’s the only thing it’s in the um it’s built in the Box ah wait can I do a poll how do I do a poll I don’t know how to do a pole right I’m getting more no don’t wrap it then wrap it so we’re not going to wrap

It I’m going to tie it a bit tighter though because it’s not yeah it’s not it’s a bit loose on the sides you know what I’m saying so we’ll wrap it we’ll uh we’ll tie that ball a bit tighter yeah let’s tie it a bit tighter right you know what I’m

Say we want it tight yeah not too tight cuz we want to we wanted to be able to get into you know what I mean yeah yes I do tie my balls weird leave me alone yeah and we’ll go around suck this under I’ve Let It Go a bit but we can tighten

It yeah brother bow is a bow a bow be Bing then we’ll tighten even more yeah then we’ll pull this in and then we’ll pull this side in too make sure it’s tight okay that’s a bit better yeah it’s a bit better right yeah man what would you reckon what you

Say about the ball W ball or not yeah there we go and now I’ve just got like one more present to wrap I’ve just got the one more present to W which is this one this absolute beauty that I want to keep for ourselves I I don’t want to give this away but

It’s a present you know what I’m saying beautiful present indeed absolutely bro look at it I don’t want to give way I don’t want to give it away yeah well what do you mean by G yeah that was my leg bro that was pure fire

Yeah uh do I have an ETA for the Discord I don’t have an ETA for the Discord um I’m not too sure uh hopefully soon hopefully I can get exited soon I really want to keep this but you know true if I get Christmas money I’ll buy

It I mean if not I’ll just buy it next month on payday you know what I’m saying wait for wait for work to be paying and you jealous whoever’s getting this gift this is going to be my uncle’s gift he reads books um I know he likes his

Fantasy like hot like World of Warcraft and uh DND especially DND D and like The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and all that so I thought why not if he likes reading books Skyrim is a great game he’s going to get this book true uh oh hello Nino welcome uh we are

Is a present rapping stream I forgot that I’ve uh that I need to wrap my presents I forgot about it and it’s literally 12:30 to and it’s the 25th of December so I need to wrap the presents right now I’ve wrapped two of them this is is this one

I need to wrap and then I mean that’s that’s it really that’s it why is Jay streaming so late um I’ve been streaming for four and a half hours this has been my longest stream yet um yeah anyway let’s wrap this I’m not going to wrap it with this one I’m I’m

Going to switch it up switch it up a bit you know what I’m saying oh I feel like you might saw my face then if I did that I’m not sorry I’m not bothered if you saw the back of my face or whatever not

Back of my back of my face yeah you tell me how somebody can see the back of your face anyway um okay so thinks you have actually been here since I started streaming what are you doing why have you been watching and listening to my dumb ass for four and a half

Hours godam why is right he’s getting my uncle yeah he’s getting the eles yeah let’s see the back of my wait what right by not clipping into here bro I got so confused reading that then bro whoever’s been in here cuz I know there’s a couple of you that have

Been in here since I literally started the stream so the people that have been in here what is attached right now what was that oh it was cell tape oops I left cell tape on my desk um yeah can’t remember what I was saying but yeah

Yeah bro this is big as [ __ ] cuz what the fck what the fu What the fu what F what fo yeah okay that seems about right you want it half you want it just above halfway all right boy what the hell boy ain’t no [ __ ] way boy boy ain’t

No way boy ain’t no [ __ ] way boy right yeah anyway you want you want it up here yeah you want it like just above halfway and with whatever you’ve got on that side you need to cut that same length this side yeah so what’s that side saying I’m just going to

Guess going to give it a guess of this much right yeah BOS now let’s see what it’s saying see that’s that’s perfect yeah it doesn’t matter if you go too far CU guess what it’s still going to yeah you know what I’m saying so and then you want to pull it

As tight as possible because you want it to be neat yeah so we’re going to soor I don’t lose it phone phone come in handy phone not just for call or text phone for a present phone in present phone on present phone presently present in yeah the phone be phone in

Yeah got to call Merry Christmas and good night everyone Merry Christmas MV YX have a good night have a good Christmas have a good New Year if I don’t speak to you in yeah in between thank you for joining brosi appreciate you oh we’ve got some paper

Movement wait who’s going why why have we just said oh no Nina the door from my all right I thought you were leaving not going to lie I was a bit I got a bit upset for a minute here we go yeah look at that look

How yeah you see do you see these Corners I don’t think you’re seeing these Corners good look at the corners yeah how long you say stream I’m probably going to wrap these presents um and then I don’t know I don’t know I mean this is the last this is uh

The excuse me pardon me God damn Pig R yeah um anyway so because the because the because it’s this deep in right you want like a a decent yeah so we’re going to cut off you probably can’t see it because the present’s massive right but we’re going to cut that amount off right

Yeah God damn bro big ass presents bro whose idea was this who decided to get this they yeah oh no what have you done what’s she done you know what have you done H it was supposed to be running what was supposed to be running cookies

Uhoh uh oh I wonder whose idea Jay I don’t know wasn’t me do I have Tito on on my hands I do yeah plan on getting more I just don’t know what I want it I know what I want on my arms but I can’t decide on my

Hand because it’s always in your face you would think that having tattoos on your fingers you would be like oh because they’re always visible you’re always going to see and mo you need to be careful what you get I’ll be honest I barely look at my hands like I barely

Look at my fingers so it’s like I barely see them believe it or not like think about it when was the last time you looked at your fingers part from right now can’t even tell me you can’t even tell me when the last time you looked at your

Fingers what maybe when you went to the toilet washed your hands when was the last time you looked at the top of your fingers you can’t you can’t even you can’t even tell me bro you can’t even tell me yeah but um yeah I mean when you do get I mean when you

Do get tattoos on your fingers sometimes you look at them and you’re like look sick then I’m not going to lie moose says hi good afternoon moose welcome big up views yeah look Christmas streaming that Merry Christmas moose yeah right we’re going to get that little

Piece of cell tape on like that there right BOS right so now now we’ve got a little issue but it’s not but it’s not an issue because I’m going to show you how to resolve it so if you look on this side there’s a lot of slack you see that slack we’re

Going to fix that all you need to do is on the side that you haven’t sealed off yet P push the present all the way down yeah cuz now you good yeah right I’ve got Sal tape on my tooth right so now Thomas that is rough you rough

Guy you should be out there chewing skin on your hands in that are you a hamster Bro right so now that yeah right so now we’re just going to go with this snip that part there I can’t believe there’s still like 20 other you’s watching me chat [ __ ] I would have been going skits hearing some guy Russell P at the time wait are you all just scanning your skin

Bro stop it bro stop scanning skin yeah right trim that down imagine if I forgot and accidentally leaks my face right after skin [Laughter] nibblers you’re all skin nibblers brother bro I got my hands tattooed the day after X pass away I respect it bro what do your hang tattoos say was a

[Laughter] Realo oh Palm chewers that one’s rough one said bom bro I can just pict you all just scanning your arms bro it’s wrong with you all stop it broken heart’s the word alone and sad face on my right hand okay rosi I see you this part needs to

Hey there’s nothing wrong with being Nemo you not seen the have you not seen the hoodie I’m wearing bro yo Angelic what do you mean you like to eat other people’s hands over people’s hands bro what awful what awful oh no boys I’ve messed the cot tap up no no no oh

No [ __ ] right I can fix it it’s fixable it’s it’s fixable it’s fixable it’s fixable uh I had this I had this emo looking fit it’s a gol one though one time I show you through insta hell yeah bro slay bro yeah okay S I am still live bro it’s

Been almost 5 hours of me being live these lot are on about scanning their own skin on the r and that it’s crazy in it I’m doing a Christmas rapping stream I canot take this place all right sack it bro my uncle is like me where he doesn’t let me get in

It get in the presents pause so I’m going to do it to him I’m getting my get back don’t forget to get you a get back this year yeah bro I did I did just sing Con Bro the hoodie look at my hoodie bro and’s got

The on you know what I’m saying there we go bro present done yeah uh do I have any other presents to wrap I don’t I don’t I genuinely don’t have any more presents to WRA so there it is Gang yeah hold on hold on hold on hold

On I mean if people are going listen it’s pushing 1:00 a.m. right I me just s my hair out yeah I boy bro I’m like a girl bro like you can tell I was raised in a house of literally only women me being the only guy you can tell because I

Have I like collecting shoes and [ __ ] I like my hair to be my hair to be perfect yeah anyway listen it’s been a great stream um it’s been a great stream yeah so I appreciate you all for being here you’ve all why is my ring light

Doing my ring light’s just all up in your [ __ ] bro let’s move that back back off yeah chill out center of attention looking ass yeah um yeah come on we already know what song I’m going to play I’ll play every time every single time I play it and I’m going to Play It

Again I want to thank you all for joining yeah stayed here for all the [ __ ] me dying plenty times um like I said thank you for joining the stream yeah I want you to all have a good uh have a good Christmas missed on a note there but we’ll ignore that have a good Christmas any new year and I want to just hit with a couple more notes Thank you all for being here guys I love you all have a good Christmas have a good New Year I appreciate you all yeah love you all I know you see the screen thinks I know you see that screen

This video, titled ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE YEAH?!?! – lil solo minecraft stream’, was uploaded by JaDeN on 2023-12-25 01:06:54. It has garnered 1014 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 04:53:14 or 17594 seconds.

ROAD TOO 5K YEAH?!?!?! thankyou for tuning in too your boy go follow my socials:

go follow my socials:

music used in the stream: massobeats – taro swirl:

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    New Vanilla SMP with Crazy Twists!Video Information This video, titled ‘The First Vanilla SMP Since Lifesteal’, was uploaded by Jack Squared on 2024-03-07 02:03:25. It has garnered 1293 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #smp Discord: Tags: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this… Read More

  • EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs HACKER in DOGDAY Build Challenge!

    EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs HACKER in DOGDAY Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a DOGDAY Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Benny and Meggy on 2024-03-16 18:44:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a DOGDAY Build Challenge! (Poppy Playtime) Benny and Meggy compete in a Minecraft Build … Read More

  • Ultimate scandal at hololive EN afterparty! 🐾

    Ultimate scandal at hololive EN afterparty! 🐾Video Information This video, titled ‘【#ホロドロケイ2024】fuzzy HERO THIEF afterparty 🐾【MOCOCO POV】’, was uploaded by FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-05-02 12:16:34. It has garnered 46632 views and 5398 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:27 or 3567 seconds. let’s play one more time together!! ✨ Minecraft skins by @aozane 💕 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions ( (∪・ω・∪ ♡:::::::::::::::::♡ ∪・ω・∪) #FUWAMOCO (Streams) #FWMCpix (Fanart) #helpFWMC (Requests, Assets, Q&A) #lilFWMC (Clips) #FWMCbeats (Music) #FWMCwww (Memes) #FWMCMORNING (Variety Show) ≪TWITTER≫ @FUWAMOCOch ≪(∪・ω・∪三∪・ω・∪)≫ ≪CREDITS≫ BGM: solfa Opening: pre_sktch Stinger: コールスローイ… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS in Minecraft

    Ultimate Showdown: PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS ARMY in Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-05-10 08:00:33. It has garnered 970 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS ARMY in Minecraft Mob Battle #minecraft #memes #meme #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod,… Read More

  • INSANE Render Test Reveal from UnknownBG!!

    INSANE Render Test Reveal from UnknownBG!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Render Test. Tell me if these are good :D’, was uploaded by UnknownBG on 2024-03-13 05:49:35. It has garnered 179 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #bridge #montage #bedwars #montage #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #mmc #minemen #4k #4kvideo #swrz #DualEast #iusehuzuni #ricefarmer11 #FADIC #minemanner #straight #texturepack #hypixel #fidy #averalls #kza #abstractperson #minecraftpvp #minecraftmontage Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft… Read More

  • SkyGens PVE 1.20-1.20.4 Brand New SkyBlock

    Welcome to Skygens! Custom Enchants! Acquire unique enchants through quests or enchantment tables! Minions! Customize and upgrade minions with more skins coming soon! New Server! Enjoy frequent updates, ensuring fresh content! Free Ranks! Ascend through the ranks simply by playing! Staff Needed! Join our team as a builder, developer, or moderator! Pet System! Collect and train pets to assist you on your island adventures! 1.20+ Port: 25565 Read More

  • MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.20) // take your HELICOPTER 」

    MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.20) // take your HELICOPTER 」 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mind-blowing find in Minecraft!!!

    Looks like this meme just hit the jackpot! Looks like mining for diamonds isn’t the only valuable discovery in Minecraft! Read More

  • Villager Iron Man: Machine Repair Fiasco | Ep229

    Villager Iron Man: Machine Repair Fiasco | Ep229 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Our favorite news reporter, with rhymes that astound. Villager Iron Man Machine, is it in need of repair? Join the adventure, with Bucket’s flair. Subscribe to the channel, for updates galore, In InstantSMP, there’s always more. The latest episode, with a twist in the tale, Watch as Bucket’s rhymes never fail. From the opening scene to the final shot, Every moment captured, every detail sought. With editing finesse and music to match, Bucket’s storytelling skills never detach. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that sing, In the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • “Blaze or Dog: The Fiery Furry Hero” 🔥🐶 #MinecraftLaughs

    "Blaze or Dog: The Fiery Furry Hero" 🔥🐶 #MinecraftLaughs When you can’t decide between having a loyal companion or a fiery protector in Minecraft, so you end up with a dog riding a blaze into battle. Talk about a dynamic duo! #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft!

    Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft! Minecraft: Class 61 Performance Schedule【My World Block Pavilion】 Welcome to the world of Minecraft where creativity knows no bounds! In this channel, dedicated to providing child-friendly content, viewers can immerse themselves in a world free from any elements that may impact their health and safety. About the Channel Greetings, everyone! I am Block Pavilion, a creator in the realm of Minecraft. I specialize in crafting hilarious and entertaining Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter. This channel is the one and only official channel of Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are unauthorized… Read More

  • Stretching My Limits in Minecraft AMA

    Stretching My Limits in Minecraft AMA Minecraft: A Game That Keeps Growing 🏌️‍♂️ Are you a fan of Minecraft? If so, you’re not alone! This popular game continues to captivate players around the world with its endless possibilities and engaging gameplay. From building intricate structures to surviving in a harsh virtual world, Minecraft offers something for everyone. Exploring the World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are dropped into a vast, blocky world where they can mine resources, craft tools, and build anything their imagination can conjure. The game’s open-ended nature allows for endless creativity, making it a favorite among gamers of all ages. Key Features… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Quest: Get 500M RF!

    Insane Minecraft Quest: Get 500M RF!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Revolutions | 500,000,000 RF FOR AN INGOT! #14 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-05-25 22:00:01. It has garnered 19714 views and 700 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:19 or 2479 seconds. Minecraft Sky Revolutions | 500,000,000 RF FOR AN INGOT! #14 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Bees 2 | A DIFFERENT KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1: ★Watch Live On Twitch: ★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: ★Join the GOC Discord: Sky Revolutions Mod… Read More

  • Fexxon Shorts: Hilarious Minecraft Moments

    Fexxon Shorts: Hilarious Minecraft MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘@fexxongaming #minecraft #gaming #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #fexxongaming #funny #games #mcpe(3)’, was uploaded by Fexxon Shorts on 2024-05-11 05:15:01. It has garnered 430 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. @fexxongaming #minecraft #gaming #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #fexxongaming #funny #games #mcpe #fexxongaming #gamer #minecraft HI, Welcome to our Youtube Channel. 🛑 FEXXON GAMING 🛑 FEXXON GAMING 💢 ABOUT THIS VIDEO :- Friends, you must watch the video and if you like it, please like it, share it and subscribe to the channel. If you have any question, you can also comment on… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Explorer Gets Superpowers in VR Minecraft World

    Unbelievable: Explorer Gets Superpowers in VR Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Explorer Teleported To a VR Minecraft Universe & Gains Extraordinary Power’, was uploaded by Manga Reborn on 2024-05-26 16:00:04. It has garnered 2812 views and 162 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:18 or 3858 seconds. Explorer Teleported To a VR Minecraft World & Becomes Op MangaReborn doesn’t own any of the following images! This is made just for the entertainment purposed and nothing more. If you still have any issue regarding contact us at – [email protected] #anime#manga#manhwa#manhwarecap#mangarecap#waifu Read More

  • Aditya Slayer’s Mind-Blowing Realistic Shader for Minecraft PE! 🔥

    Aditya Slayer's Mind-Blowing Realistic Shader for Minecraft PE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20.70/72+ | Android Shader Mcpe 1.20’, was uploaded by Aditya Slayer on 2024-03-30 11:55:33. It has garnered 3148 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:40 or 160 seconds. Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20.70/72+ | Android Shader Mcpe 1.20 ✨ 𝙇𝙞𝙣𝙠: 👇 🔴 Please Open This Link In Chrome Only 🔴 Shader Link ➽ Config Link ➽ 👆👆☝️ ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ ————————————–❤️————————————– ❗ How to open my links ? Credit Gone To Respective creators, If you are a creator and if you have a problem… Read More

  • “Ultimate Cactus Craft Challenge feat. James Marriott” #crafts #dreamsmp #mcyt

    "Ultimate Cactus Craft Challenge feat. James Marriott" #crafts #dreamsmp #mcytVideo Information This video, titled ‘James Marriot ‘Romanticise This’ badge #jamesmarriott #crafts #fyp #minecraft #mcyt #dreamsmp’, was uploaded by Cactusful on 2024-04-07 21:24:37. It has garnered 59 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. James Marriott Romanticise this badge !! This isn’t my normal kind of content but hope you enjoy 🙂 If you did enjoy , do you have any other badge suggestions?? Please consider liking or even subscribing it really means a lot !! thanks 🙂 REMEMBER to turn on the bell to never miss out on an upload Read More

  • Escape the Scary Luca in Maizen with JJ & Mikey!

    Escape the Scary Luca in Maizen with JJ & Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family HIDE From SCARY LUCA – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-15 23:00:15. It has garnered 40920 views and 227 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family HIDE From SCARY LUCA – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Celica vs ItzEspeonUWU #2!

    Ultimate Showdown: Celica vs ItzEspeonUWU #2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vs ItzEspeonUWU #2’, was uploaded by Celica on 2024-01-07 09:45:03. It has garnered 52 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Hi there, I’m Celica I’m a guy who is a Splatoon 3 competitive player. I also love to play Smash Ultimate, Minecraft, Tetris Effect connected and more. I randomly upload stuff that occurred in Smash Ultimate, Splatoon 3, Tetris Effect Connected from time to time if anything happens! I upload stuff inconsistently but better than not 😂 Enjoy your stay if you like what I upload! :)… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Anvil vs Piston Showdown! #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Anvil vs Piston Showdown! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Anvil Vs Piston ll Minecraft Amazing Video ll #shorts #ytshorts #youtube #viral’, was uploaded by Classic_Gamer_Yt on 2024-05-20 07:05:44. It has garnered 10967 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Anvil Vs Piston ll Minecraft Amazing Video ll #shorts #ytshorts #youtube #viral #minecraft . ( @TechnoGamerzOfficial @AnshuBisht @Classic_gamer_yt_01 ) Queries:- _____________ Subscribe and like my channel and give me support guys☺. Keyword:- ______________ 1. Minecraft Let’s Play 2. Minecraft Survival Series 3. Minecraft Redstone Creations 4. Minecraft Building Tips 5. Minecraft Mod Showcase 6. Minecraft PvP Gameplay 7. Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Avengers Fan Challenge – Write All 3 Names! #minecraft

    Ultimate Avengers Fan Challenge - Write All 3 Names! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘IF YOU ARE TRUE AVENGERS FAN WRITE ALL THREE NAME #minecraft #viral #shorts #youtubeshorts #trending’, was uploaded by God gaming 27 on 2024-01-27 11:35:19. It has garnered 2470 views and 137 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftbuilds #minecraftonly #mcpe #minecraftmeme #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecrafters #minecraftbuild #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftart #minecraftersonly #minecraftskin #minecraftforever #minecraftps3 #minecrafthouse #minecraftedit #minecraftdiaries#minecraft #meme #explorepage #bhfyp #tiktok #dankmemes #youtube #funnymemes #memesdaily #comedy #dank #lmao #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game #edgymemes #offensivememes #games #dankmeme #edgy#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftbuilds #minecraftonly #minecraftmeme #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecrafters #minecraftbuild #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver… Read More