Mind-Blowing Midweek Stream: That One Guy!

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All righty I am sorry for starting a little late today due to I just getting home late from work other than than that um I’ve got a lot of stuff that I want to take care of that’s still muted one second all right there everything’s working and my game is not full

Screen wow everything’s going great well that really got small on your end okay there now everything’s right and now I can get things things done just needed to be a little scuff at the start of things yeah I’m so happy I’m going to have to light up that as

Well because that’s going to be problematic if they all start dropping on me but it’s better than them being down here really at least that’s how I see it cuz I have to deal with it Less all right now I think I set up the strip mine over here yes and I forgot torches yep all right back up I go actually I’ll grab some of this while I’m down here yeah today should just be another relaxing time you know halfway through the week then we’ve got

Uh cyber Punk will probably be the main thing for this week uh oh oh it’s the bad um cyberp punk will probably be the main thing I stream this weekend but I might stream some other stuff I might do some Minecraft I might do some SP tarov uh there’s a lot of

Other I might do some uh probably not cuz it’s I don’t know and maybe uh I’ve got a couple other games I’ve got games like eu4 and hearts of iron and uh Victoria 2 is a fun one but that one’s really really old I don’t know I’ll say realistically

We have you know we’ve got cyber Punk uh SP tarov and Minecraft if all else fails so I’m not particularly worried my keyboard’s being weird it’s not space bar is not Responding please I don’t want to have to get a new keyboard I’m just going to do that there that should be more than enough I would like to like I previously said get a enchanting table up and doing so that I can get Fortune cuz even if we can’t get like

All diamond tools so what we need we need five diamonds three for a pick and two for the enchanting table don’t you go okay I’m getting a little sick on how my I’m blocking way too late or my block is simply not working okay I need you guys to leave me alone

But let’s see if I can’t be a little productive what level are we at 15 um if I take this couple more blocks down I know that’s when I’ll probably start running into uh what is it uh oh God what’s the block called Deep slate what whatever it

Is that’ll be harder to dig through with the iron pick but who knows just going to try and see if we can’t find just a crumb of diamonds just all we need is five five is all I want all I need please I please tell me that’s above me and not

In front of me although I feel as though I’m probably going to punch out into the we might punch out into the uh Cavern over here actually now that I think about it thinking of the direction I’m digging in and everything with using my relatively uh mediocre brain to try and

Figure out if I’m going to accidentally screw myself here maybe I should just go to zero why not what’s the Worst That Could Happen object hores beyond my comprehension no or that so there’s the Deep slate we’re at 7 so we need to still go down and now we’re getting

Somewhere not that this is an indicator of diamonds it’s just it’s another thing we need if we want to do enchantments we’re going to need a lot of that the other thing I should probably invest in just to make stone masonry a lot easier is a

Uh what do they call it the the stone I can’t make it in my inventory but it’s like the the stone cutting wheel or whatever now we get to dig a really long line not really do a whole lot well while we’re stuck down here um hopefully everybody has

Been their week up until now has been going all right I know uh normally we do this on Tuesday but was busy taking care of stuff or it’s not oh no need something else I’m just going to go there we go was just uh head other stuff I took care of on

Tuesday so hopefully pushing it back at day pushing the stream back a day isn’t too uh too much of an inconvenience or an annoyance more than likely an annoyance but other than that not a whole lot going on in the month of December for uh for

Me I mean other than the obvious of Christmas um not a whole lot that I actually am going to be doing this month other than working in the you know normal stuff you end up Doing now I am I’ll probably know more uh going for and actually probably just before the week of probably two weeks in advance I won’t know what the the stream schedule is going to look like going in to Christmas just cuz I don’t know where all like where all I’m going to be Going and like how many parties there’s going to be how long I’m going to be at parties all that kind of stuff most likely that’ll get figured out like the week before and so I’ll have I’ll have more than enough time to kind of like set up and get everything ready and

Um how would you say it like set up and PR pre-planned for that but other than that I don’t think there’s going to be a whole lot this month whole lot of difference this Month I know I could probably do like holiday streams and stuff but just like it’s a lot harder when a it’s uh you know I do I have parties and stuff and everything that’s going on with family and B it’s more of a difficulty to plan that kind of thing

When I normally take like holidays and that kind of a deal off mostly just for like convenience cuz I don’t I don’t want to have like my the biggest thing I try to avoid and it’s it’s not because I don’t it’s it’s definitely not cuz I’m

Trying not to let stream and that kind of a deal uh it’s mostly because I don’t want to feel like I have to rush the streams and everything CU I’d prefer if the streams can kind of go on and you know we I can have the stream

And hang out and do everything without a feeling of urgency cuz I feel like ah there we go I feel like the calmer I am and the less like super anxious I get during stream and that kind of a deal I feel like the stream is probably better for

It yeah cuz there’s there’s one of the warden summons but there’s diamonds I don’t know yeah it comes up way better but like right there there more diamonds ow but that is a ancient City well that’s a bit Problematic yeah that’s not great I can’t tell what half of that is and it’s probably a lot easier to make it out on your guys’s end funny enough if I look over at like OBS on my second monitor it I can actually it’s a lot brighter on that monitor so it’s easier

To make stuff out like things off in the distance that are dark I just I can peek over at my other monitor and be like oh yeah that’s what that is cuz it’s just easier to make out I’m going to get so lost down here this is a such a bad

Idea oh that’s water I saw blue my gamer reflex saw blue and I assumed precious gems that I can turn into tools I think the the diamonds we found down there and the ones by the ancient city look like that’s going to probably be what we find in this little section of Cave so the very least we can leave it all lit up just so that nothing spawns and kind of catches me off guard I’m going to mine all this stuff and hopefully we get enough for a pickaxe and then I can quickly run back up craft the diamond pickaxe and then we

Can um going from there we can quickly come back down and not have to worry about the durability of our pickaxe too much we might have okay we got lucky this was a bigger vein was actually really good for us that’s more than that’s more than we actually

Needed that’s actually huge that’s such a such a relief all right we’re going to quickly get out of here before I die down here and lose all of what I just gained yeah we didn’t even have to go that far it’s really nice although I think now that I’m kind

Of in my head putting together where we’re around I think that underground city is the same one that we saw going around the caves up here or it could be another one and I might just be super lucky and there’s just two right next to each other but

More than likely it’s the same one we just saw a different part of it cuz there is the one that we saw over here that’s down where did I see it can’t even remember where I saw it now excuse me gentlemen there’s a lot of you

Huh appear to have made a wrong turn somewhere now okay this is you guys got to stop biting me leave me alone trying to get my bearings guys hey where did I see the city it was somewhere around here was that just me seeing something else I could have sworn that hey what’s

Up have have you been how’s how’s the week been treating you hopefully well that’s good to hear yeah mine’s been so far I think mine has been all right I mean mostly just work and that’s pretty much been it but you know that’s kind of how it goes nothing you can do about

It right now I was lucky enough that we just found I just was able to get my hands on get out of this water got seven of these bad boys and I can’t recall where I saw if I saw the ancient city down there or if if or

If that was somewhere else but we did find down where I just got these there is the uh ancient city I think that’s what it’s called that not saying that wrong I’m calling it the wrong Monument I hope although I wouldn’t put it past myself

But all of this should be enough to get a enchantment table and a diamond pickaxe going so hopefully I can either get Unbreaking or fortune and if I’m really lucky Both both is the real goal either would be nice okay I it felt right but I also was kind of doubting it that all all right now I need we’ve got leather and sugar can I don’t want to use all of that though cuz I do want to grow some but at least

Get some books now the problem I’m going to run into hopefully now I think about it with those Villages down there I could maybe if they have a library or something go down and steal stealing doesn’t sound so bad right now and what do I need for the uh what is

It where are you yeah I know that one where is the it’s the stupid refined Stone more Cobble yeah I’m just going to quickly get another furnace cuz I need need to do that get the like Smooth stone for the sharpening stone the god I need one of those and then I need

I can probably turn one of the furnaces into the uh glass furnace just so I can get ore and stuff cooked quicker if we get a bunch of smooth Stone but I can quickly turn these into bookshelves but I do need to keep one leftover actually that would have worked out

Perfect it’s faster if I just do this there I got three bookshelves now I just need a lot more God that’s going to take forever so we need obsidian and then we can get that done and hopefully yeah hopefully that all works out chest oh yeah I’m surprised we found diamonds

So quick I mean it is easier now with all the space you can find them in in the new cave generation so honestly it’s not super crazy that I found it so quickly it’s just I didn’t expect it to happen within 26 minutes of starting the other thing I do want to

Work on and I don’t know probably by smoothing out this terrain and kind of like leveling this all out I kind of mess with the look of the house I don’t know I want to build a pen for like cows or sheep somewhere to kind

Of get food under wraps and then also do like start growing wheat and stuff yeah we’re we’re picking up from where we left off last time not really a whole lot’s been achieved but you know it’s better than nothing tell you what with it being December and everything this

Is this looks pretty good for being uh winter right now this is what I wish winter would be in reality it’s probably going to snow and then it’s going to melt and then it’s going to freeze and then it’s going to snow and then I’ll be lucky if I get like Brown

Slush that’s probably what Winter’s going to have in store for me we got a glass furnace okay so that’s regular SM Stone so I’ll just make more of that so I need one of those the stone cutter and then I need am I looking over

It or do I have to saw these in half I have to saw these in half don’t I yeah it’s I wish I could have just nice you know collected white snow I mean normally when it snows you have like this kind of vibe for

Maybe a day a day and a half or half a day before like the sun ruins everything and melts it all away or worse yet just turns everything into slush I don’t know what’s worse when it gets completely erased by the like just completely melting away or when it’s

Slush I know for driving I definitely I prefer when it just melts away cuz then I don’t have to deal with it and I’m not slipping and driving on a slip slide but what do I need what am I missing I [ __ ] something up here all

Right well I got this for right now which means I can turn all of this into like Cobblestone stairs just to make going up and down the M easier yeah slush really ruins winter it really kills the vibe of winter and I just I would prefer if it could all just

Stay but it never does it always just completely melts away and then you’re left with nothing but either a lot of mud or the um just a ton of slush um what well I got to go get obsidian and after we do that I’m going to probably go check those Villages down

There across the river and see if I can’t get my hands on more books all right probably I can just this there we go make it a little easier to travel through here good afternoon sir right oh wait no I didn’t even need to come all the way down

Here the lava pool that’s up there I could have just ignored this whole jump why is it that the good ideas hit me after I’ve made at least one or two bad like I’ve gone through with one or two bad ideas it’s like after I’ve screwed up

Once or twice then I have like my Eureka moment where it’s like oh I could just make this way easier on myself and not do all of the work I basically halfway just did oh one day I’ll figure it out one day I’ll know why I am this way it’s not important let’s

See don’t wipe out my torches please for the love of God don’t wipe out oh no oh no that’s going to go all the way that’s going to take out like all my torches oh man oh man that sucks so less than I thought it would but still annoying all right now

For sitting in this hole and digging blocks that take forever mark my words we will get enchantments it’s all worth it in the end we’ll have cool glowing stuff I just had like an instinctive reaction to seeing the lava of like oh I’m moving towards it I’m going to

Die am I not okay there picked up enough for now I’m just going to go craft it I want to go hopefully it’s not already night time and if it is I want to quickly sleep it away so that yeah so that we can quickly run down to the uh

Villages and see if they have the libraries for us to steal some books I don’t want to use up too much durability on that oh my God got the hiccups I didn’t even eat or drink anything I’m going off of course I am I swear I am like I self- sabotage so

Hard I could just figure out how to not be dumb I would be capable of so much more I could just figure it out what the recipe is to being smart God make it so much easier there that’s an axe it’s faster this Way why is it taking so so long for me to pick it up it’s not like I’m running this game on low FPS that I’m sure Of I have made sure that that’s not a problem I’ll have but now that I’ve got the final one and an extra there all right time to go down to the Village can also technically get a diamond sword which is probably not a terrible investment seeing as hardcore is treating

Me as the name States hardcore but hopefully I can alleviate some economic pressure upon myself by stealing from others that are more well off than myself I’m simply strategically reallocating supplies I forget it’s like a it’s like someone made an acronym for steel foret what it I forget what it all

Stands for it’s like strategically reallocating to a different point or something like that something really funny like That it’s just a longer and not as bad sounding way of stealing cuz you’re still stealing you just made it sound not as bad oh please have a village whatever you call them that has books I have a smart dude who collects books so I can take all his books over

Here also I like the look of that Glacier okay the other thing I should probably do while I’m down here is um game and some pigs still yeah it’s still a little early for me to be saying live stream wise it’s still a little early for me to be saying

Naughty words that YouTube doesn’t like YouTube will get very angry with me tell me that I can’t be naughty here you guys can make some trees doesn’t hurt I will take that that saves me time with uh going to actually not really cuz I still need blaze rods to make it work

But I need one less all right where’s the big brained guy so I can rob his house well we found a cop crop we can cultivate we have potatoes I could also do pumpkins for like pumpkin pie but that’s a far more resource intense this is going to have I truly

Am you know I’m not stealing I’m liberating I’m granting these uh these V These Fine villagers freedom from needing to work by taking their jobs literally stealing the means of them doing their job it appears they’re not going to have I don’t think they’re going to have a book dude

Here have sworn there was one house that looked like it was big enough what was that that house what’s going on down here this house looks promising nope this is a this is a Tannery this is a leather worker it was all worth it you guys are the best you

Guys man none of you sell Saddles which is honestly just sad it makes me you could have you could have been cool you could have been something that I you know you could have been noteworthy been marked down known as the guy who sells things I want instead of just

Sucking I’m also going to take all this cuz it’s a ton of wheat that I can turn into a lot of bread might just be the uh the Minecraft hoarder in me but anytime I go to a village and they have the uh hay bales I look at that and I go

It’s a lot of food it’s a lot of bread sitting out in the open for me to take for me to liberate I keep saying all the stuff I’m taking is I’m liberating it sounds better than Steel all right well off to to quote unquote Liberate the next Village man that mountain range just looks good from down here it’s also huge which is probably what helps there’s also a lot of beehives around here like there’s one over on that side and then there’s one like over

Here so that might be another thing I want to get into is get silk touch and get one of those hives wait until night when they all go in steal me a beehive put them in like a vacuum sealed chamber where I get to steal all their honey bottle it up

Or Diet health potions basically I don’t even think it actually heals you just a bottle of honey don’t even remember if it gives you that much food either you know while I’m over here I want to move around Faster come here it’s time to be it’s time to do

What Europeans figured out and get a better mode of transportation than my own Feet or as other people would say it’s time to make Peeta angry Man you just can you stop hating me we can be friends you know there we go all right now we’re oh you’re so painfully slow oh this is the worst I’m sorry but I need a better horse you’re going to be slow too aren’t you oh

Man you guys are really ruining the mood I need a fast horse I’m also wasting daylight with this don’t worry it’ll all be worth it I need a really fast horse and I need a really high Health horse so I can breed the two and make a super

Horse and I can take that horse and breed it with a really high jumping horse and I’ll have the real super horse okay can you please stop hating me so I can quickly get over that Village and there we go okay I guess you’re marginally better but not by much you’re an acceptable

Speed I guess welcome back trying to see if I can’t leave bookshelves so far not a whole lot of luck mostly just been taking I’ve already stolen from this I already thieved this place else I need oh man oh you can’t even really jump this does not bode well

Oh why do you guys all why do your guys’ houses suck so much saw two stories and I thought that was going to be the one what about oh man why do your guys’ village suck so much I’m stealing this so I don’t have to make one I’ve just

Been been embracing my the American in me I’ve been liberating all these nice crafting all this nice crafting stuff from uh they still haven’t given this a purpose def I don’t even remember what they were going to make that do please jump what are you doing I didn’t even realize you guys had

One of an iron golem here tell me I’m getting chased by all this stuff and there’s an iron golem sitting around I’m sorry horse though to be completely honest I’m probably going to end up replacing you cuz you’re as much as I don’t want to say it you are painfully slow and

It’s honestly I could definitely deal with an upgrade right well I’m going to die if I keep mess around so I’m going to quickly just liberate your bed now that that’s been secured and I I die it’s not totally going to be a problem okay I take it back you guys I

Need I [ __ ] [ __ ] Okay so that’s problematic you done hanging out at my door what in the yeah that’s actually not a bad idea I like your idea oh [ __ ] me they’re going to let that thing in here and they’re going to get me blown up they’re going to get me killed

I also don’t want to suffocate in a wall so there we go no scoop you did that was a good idea it prevented me from getting turned into pink Mist by a creeper that’s why I want that back although it’s probably still up here how come it doesn’t hate you guys

As like it hates me also where’s my horse I need to steal that back we’re leaving a [ __ ] there’s so much hay here though so much free food you said I’m going to be a glutton and take care of my food problem for a while how much how many hay bells I got

Just sitting around here I mean really I’m doing them a service if you think about it I’m clean I’m cleaning up all these just random piles of hay they’ve got it’s not like they’re using it why they have just random piles of them I’m helping clean the town Up it’s a public service really okay this guy got his ass Kicked what happened to you last night yeah they don’t need food and really even if they do they’re growing it so it’ll be fine me on the other hand I live on a mountain so I don’t grow that that’s more sugar canane too and a god there’s so many beehives around

Here give me that should probably I could probably give that guy his bed back now that I think about it I already have one of these well if they needed if they needed all this hay for Their yeah they’re just they’re growing all that stuff so they can sell it to me at like a 700% markup up they’re doing that so they can charge me for like seven potatoes I’d need to pay them like six emeralds that’s the fair market rate as they

Say I mean it’s only fair they’re the ones growing the food they need they need the shiny green rock more than I need the shiny green rock even though they don’t really do anything with the shiny green rock yeah I that is a good question where do they get all their shiny green

Emeralds if they have infinite amounts of them what are they doing to get them just one dude hanging out in a corner painting regular rocks green polishing them and being like yeah guys it’s Emerald hav’t you ever seen one makes sense why no one could ever make

Emerald tools or anything for all these years just they’re just painted polished rocks they’re not real it’s not even Bank theft it’s just straight up what was that uh defrauding of currency or something like that just lying what it is it’s like when people used to say get

Like fool’s gold and sell that as like real gold they’re like yeah it’s the same thing has not it’s not even like the same element but it looks close enough right just as shiny my guys just as shiny all right want to grab his much stuff as I can while I’m still down

Here just so that when I go up there I can get the enchantment table yeah it’s forgery just so I can get the uh I want to get this enchantment table up as soon as possible so I need leather and I need sugar cane sugar can’s going to probably

Be the main thing hold hold me back cuz we’re not really struggling all that much on leather oh man I Missed oh is there any more cows let’s see I don’t see any the other thing I should probably do is get some Dogs basic what I’ve done on like other like on my other worlds and stuff is I normally just get a whole bunch of dogs and set up like a perimeter so I never have to deal with skeletons around my house works pretty good but then you feel bad cuz you’re

Leaving them out in the cold they’re not hanging out in your house they’re just left out in the elements think of all those poor Minecraft dogs who’ve been abandoned over so many years of the game simply forgotten saw like a uh someone made like an animation of that well yeah fence works

Too the other thing I like uh it’s I normally do it like way later when I actually don’t I have most of my stuff Enchanted and like blocks aren’t a problem is building like huge walled in cities and stuff like that yeah a fence in reality you could

Technically just build a two block high wall around everything thing and then just light it up I don’t know I I feel like sometimes I I’ve graduated from being like yeah functionality and I’ve kind of gotten to the point where it’s like I need I need it to look

Good I want it to be fancy rather than functional so I’ve kind of trans transitioned away from building huge like two block tall walls and everything to making it look really nice which is probably not it’s not the most economical Solution yeah the army of dogs just something about having dogs everywhere is just Nice right just got to make the Trek all the way back up to my house where is my house it’s still up did I built oh yeah it’s right here good Lord how high up am I never did check that oh the funny number let’s see all right so more

Paper take the leather get a couple more books and get that quickly turned into these still not really enough to get any major um any major enchantments unfortunately I do have another one of these now though what happened when you opened it in the other tab oh the audio just went oh

That’s that’s weird that broke um I think that’s all That that’s not what I wanted hold on there we go oh yeah I I know I know what you’re talking about like the It doesn’t sink up right yeah when that happens to me it drives me nuts God I’m going to have so much Bread oh yeah that’s what I’m thought I now have food for days all right so probably start growing sugar Cane um easiest way to do that is by cheesing the water but I do need dirt reality is I could probably use Sand That must be really annoying actually that would be enough to drive me mad cuz I can barely stand when my audio gets off by just like a little bit cuz to me it’s just annoying I think the the worst when that like the worst way that happens is when you have uh when

You’re I it might just be a thing for me but it’s like when you’re trying to watch someone talk in a video and then the audio gets all messed up and you’re sitting there and like their mouth is moving but nothing’s happening and then the audio kicks in but it’s like a

Second or two off so you can watch their mouth move but like they’re not talking yet and then they start talking but the audio is off it’s it drives me up the wall I need a shovel is it just is it just continuously looping into like a never ending Loop if that’s so

That’s really funny That’s really [Applause] funny there then what I like to do is get this that way it doesn’t freeze now that should grow now we have sugar cane oh that’s that you unpause like if you all you have to do now to make it even worse is

If you like pause one by one like you have a bunch of them and then you keep pausing each one and then you unpause them and they all have like a 1 second delay so it’s just the same thing over and over and over that would be

That I think to me that would be like the worst torture ever oh so they’re just like lagging out that must be really annoying yeah cuz like the worst torture to me would be like cuz I I think this is just like a normal thing that like I’m pretty sure

Nobody likes it but like listening to myself talk like when I have to when I do like audio Corrections and stuff with OBS and everything and I have to listen to myself to make sure I’m picking up everything and that I sound all right that is like the worst is

Listening to myself sit there and like continuously talk and then like change everything but I think that’s just kind of how like I think that’s like the normal reaction to that honestly the sitting there and like listening to your own voice is being like Oh I don’t like

This and I don’t know if that’s like an instinctive thing or if that’s just a uh what did I need to do I need just need more sugar cane really do I have bone meal I do now I can’t bone meal you right no I can’t

Great I don’t think that’s going to grow up here will it going to grow we to see whoa age one oh they are growing I guess I’m more used to like the tick speeds that my friends put I think they normally crank it up to like 10 or

12 that’s normally cuz they actually they like there’s everyone’s busy and CU we’re old dudes with jobs we can’t I’ll sit and play Minecraft all day so everybody just wants everything going faster all right so I’m kind of hesitant to go back down and get the other little batch of

Diamonds that are by the uh ancient city a because the a the ancient city scares me and B because we don’t have Fortune yet some kind kind of conflicted on whether I just like go looking for sugar cane and stuff and kind of just explore until we have enough bookshelves to have

Like meaningful enchantments and everything we also have to get more levels That’s goes without saying but that’ll kind of naturally accumulate as we look for everything I I would assume so if you’re s if you had to sit there and listen to me so many times s over and

Over if I just had two tabs of myself open it would drive me nuts I don’t know how you dealt with more than that oh I have that to cook too um I’ll take that I’ll take the saddle with me and quickly go and explore all righty back down the mountain I should

Probably I’m going to save the two other diamonds but I do want to get another axe just so that if I’m going down there cuz I might take a quick little pit stop into the dark oak forest and quickly get a bunch more wood from there we’re also going to take the

Torches just in case we find something cool that I want to go down into AKA a cave SL Cavern so the big thing that I would be super I’m not killing that cow I thought about it but I think I want to keep him and then if we can get

Our hand on the other thing I I’ve got two things I want to find I want to see if we can’t find a village with a uh um library or the Cartographer or whatever the guy that he’s got booked and on top of that if I can’t find uh a swamp slash

Slimes just so that I can get leads where’s the boat is the rain super loud I can probably fix that hold on weather we’re going to turn weather down 50 does that sound better it looks like it’s maintaining the audio Yeah I can see that it was pretty loud faster

Please yeah OBS is my I don’t know if it’s just like how I have all my audio settings and everything set up but like if you go for like cuz audio has been bit like I think who regardless of who you ask audio is normally like the bane of everybody’s existence

But like every audio tutorial that I was able to find is like yeah you want to keep your audio under like the yellow bar or like just getting to touching the yellow bar on OBS cuz you have a big green bar and then you have a smaller

Yellow and then a really small red and anything that hits red is like complete Nutter ear rape and you just it it makes you want to tear your eard drums out because it’s just ridiculously loud so I set everything up to hit like just hitting the yellow bar that’s what every that’s like

Everybody’s like yeah that’s where you want your audio settings but on mine if you have it go past the halfway point of the green bar that’s basically like getting to the red bar and it’s different and I don’t know why it’s different but it seems like it’s different for my microphone compared to

The game cuz my microphone I can have like right now I don’t it yeah cuz my microphone right now says that it is hitting the Red Zone every time I talk which according to OBS means that you’re basically getting my voice at like triple the decb that it should

Be I don’t audio balancing is the like recording you know setting up like getting all the screen software to work and everything that’s easy compared to making my audio not sound terrible audio is where you run into problems cuz audio is like yeah um basically you’re learning witchcraft

Uh good luck it’s an Arcane art lost to time no one knows how to do it anymore I need all your guys’ leather I’m sorry that’s what I thought it was at first but it’s like I have everything set up to like specifically capture my um audio for my microphone and

Everything what I assume it is and if it is this it would make it it it wouldn’t really surprise me at all is I have for basically like just so that it’s nice for everybody that listens and you know Tunes in and everything I have to

Have a a lot of filters on the microphone just so that it cancels out background noise you’re not hearing my keyboard all the time like if I removed all of the filters it would sound really it’d probably be a lot louder it would be a lot cuz this the

Specific microphone I have is a hyper quadcast X I think that’s what it’s called i’ have to look in my settings but it’s one of the like it’s something like that and this microphone has really high peaks I think the last time I took it off I sounded like an actual

Child which at first I was like there’s no way I sound like a kid and thank God I don’t for a moment I was like there’s no way I’ve gone my entire adult life sounding like a seven-year-old you can’t do this to me I sounded so

Young but the the major one that I have and I’m assuming that’s probably what’s making my micro phone audio so weird is noise cancelling cuz that it basically just makes sure that like you’re not hearing like the squeak of my chair and all that kind of stuff you know just makes it not

As annoying to listen to and I’m assuming that’s probably what’s dumbing down the the audio or like making it so it has to be louder for my voice to come across clearer just cuz it’s canceling out everything cuz how you said all of that like how you set up the noise cancelling

Stuff on like the filter I have is you set off like a certain like my voice has to exceed a certain decel count and once it does that it allows the audio to actually go through where anything under that amount is not allowed to be broadcast basically cut it it like keeps

It from going out and I tell you what that is probably the most annoying setting to ever F fiddle with well no they like they take into account noise cancelling and everything the big difference is uh I think like the one thing I’ve kind of realized is everybody’s audio

Settings are going to be different based on how your microphone a how your microphone is like how it captures the audio if it has really high peaks or if it has really low lows when it captures your voice like if your base is really good but your Peaks are terrible you

Have to like balance it out and there’s a whole bunch of settings for that like like I was saying earlier this microphone has really high peak but it doesn’t capture Lowe’s very well so you have to artificially do that through settings and on top of that you have to

Take into account like how your voice is captured like for me if I if I took off all the other filters I have I sound like a seven-year-old and do I actually sound like a 7-year-old no thank God I for a moment I thought I did when I was

Listening to myself through through my microphone on this computer but it’s really weird there’s a lot of balancing stuff like that’s probably the hardest part of getting into okay hold on I’m can pause this let’s see oh this is going to sound terrible uh filters let’s hide the gain noise suppression Three band

And yeah how does that sound probably not great or is it still filtering everything hold on yeah how does that sound it probably doesn’t sound so great and then the best part is is you can hear everything like me tapping on my desk my keyboard clicking it’s the worst it’s a

Nightmare and then if you put all these back on now when I tap on my desk you can only hear it when I’m talking and like the keyboard and everything it’s not it doesn’t pick it up and that’s why balancing audio is so important and why I spent like 5 and a

Half hours one day figuring it all out I watched like seven different you videos to figure that out which I can I can only imagine how difficult it was like looking back on everybody who had to do it originally I can only imagine how much of a headache it must have been

Figuring all of that out with no one previously had figured it out like you’re basically pioneering it like I have such a high level of respect for everybody that did all that back in the day like old school YouTube and stuff I I did not realize how much of a nightmare that

Was to do all that audio stuff you of course I’m you know I only figured it out cuz I’m lucky enough to we’re lucky enough to live in a time where you can basically Google anything and you can figure it out within five minutes come on there we go you’re my buddy

Now good boy we’re going to fight all sorts of bad guys together please don’t run into my sword yeah there’s a whole bunch of stuff there’s a whole bunch of stuff that like you wouldn’t think is a big deal when it comes to like figuring out

How to stream and do all this kind of stuff cuz like the last thing a lot of I like when I first started making videos and uh oh there we go uh the thing that I did not realize I’d be spending the most time on to like

Figure out and actually like make it work I was not expecting okay I was not expecting audio to be the biggest hurdle go get him uhoh I got to be careful okay I feel really bad now yeah audio is probably the number one thing that I would recommend if you ever

Wanted to start like making videos or anything audio is number one okay can you come here there I don’t I don’t want to keep hitting you that noise makes me upset okay you’re probably a faster horse it’s not like it’s not his fault he’s bad it’s my fault for continuously

Stabbing him with a sword more of from attacking from a like swinging from a terrible angle it’s not H his fault he’s a he’s a dog it’s my fault that I’m hitting him that’s how you got to look at it all right what don’t you did not just do that there’s no

Way I’m not going to blame the block dog for getting stabbed I’m the one who has the ability to not stab him come on dude there you go you’re out of the pit there’s another beehive oh my God yeah you can’t you can’t tell me that

Like having all these filters on like I deactivated what was that four or five filters to get it back to sounding like normal fair enough he should he could he could try and Dodge the stab wounds it’s not entirely false where’ the other dogs go I have one

Bone 50/50 coin flip whether I get two dogs or I keep the one where did the other dogs go huh this is awkward yeah the there we go love me well we tried I wish I could tame them with meat I have a lot of that bones don’t got a lot of

Bones try not to run off too far cuz I’m going to completely forget where I came from I need like land marks all right so I think that’s the tulip trees over there God there’s a lot of caverns ow that hurt oh my God it’s a big cavern

All right so if that’s the Tulips I can probably go this way not get totally lost just going to have to get through all these trees all right sorry White Horse but it’s getting harder to Traverse and the rain’s gone so I need to find a swamp or another Village that’s all I

Need and my boots aren’t doing great now there’s my Helmet oh my God I swear when I play this game when I play this game and cyber Punk it’s like I look at the time I started it’s like oh yeah you started like 24 minutes ago and then I take another clance a little bit later and it’s like yeah it’s been an

Hour th those these two games are like the only two that do that to me cuz every other game I play is like adrenaline nerve-wracking I’m actually like really focused and every second feels like a minute But I think Minecraft’s like one of the worst offenders cuz I end up I start playing it and I’m like man you know I’ve gotten a lot done like I build a house or something and I look at it and I’m like why did that take me 3 hours I

Didn’t even really get that much done considering that it’s been that amount of Time I have to check that out I’ve Super Auto pets I’ll have to look at that I’ve not heard of that one but I will definitely look into that actually as of more recent like the game I’ve been playing in my off time recently because I’m a mega nerd

And I have nothing better to do although I I have been looking for like more chill games to play but recently I’ve been playing uh Europa universalis 4 cuz one of my buddies was like like hey look at this game and then he made me download a mod

That goes from like year one BC to like year yeah I’ll definitely have to look into that One it’s it does sound like the kind of game I would I’ve you know I’ve been trying to play more often just with like having limited time and everything it’s a lot easier to have more relaxing games like Minecraft and stuff like that than play

Uh as much as it pains me it’s not I don’t have a bunch of time to SN into games like uh Parov or like firsters shooters or anything anymore I got old ran out of time kind of need all of This and grab all of This there’s more tulip trees I do want to maybe kind of my idea with the whole building up on the mountain thing was having like a uh a grotto in the mountains that might be a little harder to pull off I do like the New River gener uh the

Rivers how they generate now where they’re way wider and they go further or it just feels like they are yeah I I went over I was over at my buddy’s house and he had found a grotto on a mountain and the entire area around it he had spent keep in mind he had

Actually I’m going need to put that back down but he had spent actual days of like like off time um looking for this like the one build spot that he wanted to get in and he found a grotto with mountains completely surrounding it and it like went into he

Ended up sculpting it cuz it was just kind of perfect for it and he has it so it’s like a waterfall coming down into The Grotto into like a pond and everything around it is all like tulip trees and everything it is probably one of the most beautiful bases I have ever seen

Seen any of my friends or myself make well there’s one of those yeah he he was able to put a lot more like he’s way he has a lot more time on Minecraft than like any of my other Buddies like playing with him is it makes me feel like I’m out of it’s

Taken me out of my comfort zone makes me feel like I am bad at the game cuz he’s like yeah we’re going to do all this stuff we’re going to automate this and that we’re going to build this huge like Factory and I’m like I know how to build like a pretty

Cool looking Wheat Farm you know he’s the kind of guy who like you leave for like a couple days and you come back and you start playing again and he’s like yeah I built like an automated mob farm where if you stand here you get like 40 levels every

Minute he’s he’s that kind of guy like he is really good at building stuff cuz like I’m more the guy who I can watch a YouTube tutorial and maybe get it right possibility still stands that I mess it up somehow and I still get it wrong even

After watching someone tell me how to build like a mob farm block by block and it’ll still probably not work by the time I’m done with it like seven hours after I started and I’m like okay it’s finally going to work and I get like a zombie to fall out of

It it’s taking me like seven hours to build that’s my capabilities I like to think I’ve gotten better but probably not especially after taking like a Hiatus and everything from playing like any games yeah when you’re like seven hours in and you’re like ah I did everything

Wrong I have to undo all of it one game that I played that made me feel more useless than any any other game yeah the one game that made me feel like I was utterly useless was uh factorio I played that with a bunch of friends and I built a factory

Out and by the time I finished one of my friends like walks over to it and he starts at everything and he’s like yeah we’ve got like seven bottlenecks and this H like half of everything here won’t run and I I just felt utterly defeated it was like two days of

Building this Factory and he was like yeah like half of this Factory isn’t going to work because it’s just completely Bottlenecked cuz of course he’s the guy who’s like he understands how to he’s played the game before so he kind of gets like all the stuff we’d have to do to make it all work and he just comes over he’s like yeah none of this will

Work we got to start all over tear it all down and I’m like seriously we’ve spent like two actual days doing this we got to we got to get rid of all of It I had never felt more defeated in my life than being told that my two days of work in this video game meant nothing other than the fact that we were going to be able to reuse all of it to build a better Factory that would actually function holy hell I did not

Realize I was going to be in like Switzerland walking through the Alps where I’m going into valleys and then back over mountains oh my God uhoh it’s like it’s like I’m climbing through the helps right now oh my Lord when will I get to like flat land Again don’t punch me off the mountain I will cry I just got back up here oh there it is a Village oh yeah I’m not complaining like look how like if I come over here I just pop that look at that scene don’t mind that I’m going to we’re going to use that one later that one might come up as a thumbnail some other time don’t be surprised it’s just too good to

Not yeah Minecraft is one of the few games where like Minecraft and I feel that’s the other one I want to I might stream is valheim both of those games are like there are moments where you’re just like sitting there and you’re like wow this game just looks

Good it might be like a block game and it might have like RuneScape Graphics but oh my Lord does it look good what there’s no way dog I’m going to need you to fight the skeleton and stop getting come on figured I was going to try to leave

It to you so I don’t stab you again but W really getting her Done yeah valheim is another game which I’ve seen more recently I think a lot Of well if it’s hard that means you earned your your win even more that’s the trick it’s even more rewarding if it was hard as uh as I have often been told by my dad nothing worth doing is easy except for when sometimes it might be sometimes things are easy and they

Are also worth doing but the most rewarding stuff is when it’s difficult that’s what makes you feel the best I think oh no no you didn’t kill either but I’m still not happy about it Wow you guys got like not great going to try not to make you guys okay well I try well we have a puppy now hey you’re not going to try not to jump off the mountain I’d prefer if you stayed alive I do like my dogs and I’d rather

My dogs don’t kmit flew or Slide YouTube don’t get mad at me please I’m trying to watch what I say but it’s it’s hard you guys don’t make it Easy yeah basically you can’t say the other one or YouTube will get really mad and you’re they’re not going to like if you say it too much uh they’ll send you a really cool email that says hey don’t do that cuz they assume that you’re talking

About it in the manner of like you’re referring to like yourself and so they’ll be like hey maybe don’t hurt yourself and you’ll get a really cool email where the Google bot tells you that you know everybody at Google really loves you and they you know you shouldn’t do it

But if you just by saying it which I think unless I think it doesn’t apply if your content is quote unquote educational which you can trust me you can get a lot away with a lot of [ __ ] if you just say your your content is quote unquote

Educational I don’t want to get in a whole bunch of trouble but oh here’s the thing I wanted the grindstone um yeah if you want to know how bad like educational YouTube is there’s this thing called nude yoga it’s educational content therefore it’s allowed on YouTube don’t ask me how that

Works yeah there’s a there’s a lot lot of stuff you can get YouTube will be very they get very weird I would say the thing that really like the the nude yoga educational content stuff that blew me away okay that kind of scared me but that stuff blew me away that it’s

Allowed on YouTube because it’s quote unot quote educational Content and trust me when I say like they’re not they’re not how did I learn about that I was watching a uh podcast with uh who was it I think one of the people on it was J schlatt and he was talking about how like screwed the algorithm is

And how like YouTube there are certain things that you can do when you’re on YouTube that if you say the right things and you play it the right way like if you say it’s educational content and you tag it as educational to content you can get away with some really hanous

[ __ ] like by me if I say two cuss words within the same 30 second period I would get flagged for uh I like if I had monetization that would flag me but you can take everything off and do some stretching positions and tag it as educational and you’re totally cool good

To go on YouTube’s book don’t ask me how that’s fair don’t ask me how it works don’t ask me why they have it set up that way I couldn’t tell you they just do it’s like another another huge issue that Um that YouTube’s running into now is on shorts and I found this out cuz I’ve just whenever I’m sitting at work I just pop headphones in and I listen to podcast and stuff um with uh with like people like mudahar some ordinary gamer and uh those kind of

People and apparently right now there’s a huge issue of animal Cruelty yeah they I the standards are weird they’re not great sometimes they’re a little questionable but like right now apparently there’s a huge problem with like faked animal rescue videos where basically people will do like make put animals in terrible terrible terrible POS like situations and from what everything I’ve seen and

Read it’s mostly like Chinese content farms and they basically like yeah there was a donkey back there but they basically like like if you’re scrolling through YouTube shorts and you see a video of say like some someone rescuing an animal and it’s like in I don’t want to I don’t want to sound

I don’t want to [ __ ] cuz it sounds bad if you say it but it’s just kind of the demographic so basically what they do is say if you watch a video of like a sea turtle being rescued right now on YouTube there’s like a percent chance

That the reality is is those people went into the water grabbed that sea turtle dragged it up on shore put it in the position you’re watching them rescue it from and then started filming and rescued it and then they get you know everybody goes woohoo they save the animal and everything and everybody

Praises them and they look super good the problem is is in reality that’s the person that you’re praising is the same person who did the bad thing to the animal like in reality they’re the one that put the animal in that position and It’s just kind of how it goes are you kid there better be books in Here but yeah there’s a whole lot of stuff like I said there’s a lot of stuff that technically you can get away with with it’s just although it seems like right now YouTube’s kind of figured it out and they’re they’re pulling back on it and they’re going like wait a minute what’s

Going on here because I know years back there was like a huge Gasco with uh people were doing like all that monkey content that came out like the oranga tangs and stuff driving golf carts and stuff and from what I know most of those were actually pretty like

Genuine stuff but there was a lot of it that was not great but they figured that out pretty quick and they were like H maybe we don’t we’re going to hold the algorithm from pushing that as much as it was but I mean that’s kind of the the how it

Goes they can only react so fast and that the the information can trickle to YouTube only so quickly and once it gets to YouTube it’s been like a month or two but then they they normally take action and get it handled when it comes to the like the more like actual very problematic

Stuff YouTube’s fairly good about it how depending on how old that podcast I I was listening to was I think it was only a week or two old but uh YouTube may have already acted on everything cuz I haven’t really seen a whole lot of that content as of

Recent but that’s the that’s the other problem with like stuff like YouTube shorts as as good of an idea as YouTube shorts is it’s a very very very fickle uh system cuz the whole idea behind it is very quick content which means there’s a lot of it all the

Time like your channel can get huge through shorts because you can just crank out 20 second clips 20 second 30 second Clips am I going the right Way all right well I got some books we got a couple bookshelves worth of it 18 then a bunch of sugar cane so we should be fine just got to remember where my house is I think if I follow the tulip trees I’ll be fine we can get

Enchantments by the end of this stream I think that’ll be that’ll be the Goal ow I mean it’s just it’s giving you a break after all the hard time it gave you is that that’s either either one of the villages I’ve been to or that’s a different village may have gone too far you guys don’t need to keep going in the water you can just

Teleport there dog is yeah the game’s just taking it easy on you right now gave you that hard fight so now it’s going to take it it’s got to pull the scale back a little bit I have not been to this Village yet which means I’m probably going the wrong

Way but no reason not to check out this Village let’s see Will I be lucky enough to find more books I see the uh Church like building I don’t think that spawns books anymore there we go there’s books cool I think this just is another Brewing stand

Yeah yeah the uh these used to be like the building for books they had so many in them I need to figure out how to get home I am somewhat lost which I kind of figured would happen but if I follow the Tulip Tree mountains which is kind of what I

Followed to get out here I should technically come out all right let’s see does this go as far as I need it to go or yeah it’s going to right here you guys need to stop getting in the water oh my God these dogs all righty kind don’t want to be out here

Tonight don’t really need to be dealing with Darkness all that that much I just need those big ice capped mountains and then I’ll kind of know where I need to Go Yikes okay there’s the Pillager Outpost so yeah it’s this way okay we’re going the right way we’re doing this right I’m on the right track I know what I’m doing I knew what I was doing the whole time I was simply playing it up like I didn’t I knew where I was Going just needed you to think I didn’t know where I was going that way I would be told which way to go and I it’ just be easier for me I just less thinking yeah I don’t want to die to that so preferably don’t shoot at Me these Woods are getting significantly more dangerous yeah I mean how what else would I be doing you know I this I I know where I’m going I’m the one playing the game of course I know what I’m doing see there’s the mount I knew see there’s where we’re supposed to

Be that’s where we we were going this way the whole time never once did I doubt my Abilities well we had a pretty uh quite the prosperous Adventure we got all the books we probably need or most of the books that I wanted as well as we got the dogs I was talking about we now can start the great dog wall keep the skeletons Out hi pig man I don’t know what’s going on with the seed of mine but like this whole area around here is very very Scenic like that just looks nice except for that guy that guy is not so cool I would have stopped to look a bit longer

But he’s going to that guy’s going to ruin it for Me all right time to scale the mountains once we’re up here we’ll really get a bearing for where we are either that or I’ll probably be more Lost you know with the addition of like the the snow up here what is it like the slush snow or whatever the one you sink into that you have to wear the leather boots for yeah we were never lost see that’s not going to say anything

Yet I don’t need to be proven wrong later you know I just I know what I’m doing I just want to make sure that I we’re not I know what I’m doing I will not be doubted okay yeah that this is see right over there that’s where our house is 100% no

Doubt well aren’t you on a nice little winning streak is that uh-oh yeah see here’s the snow I the powdered snow Bucket please don’t break on me see I wish mobs fell into this powdered snow I I the only one that has to deal with it everyone else should sink in the snow

Too all right yeah yeah this is our cave this is our Mountain eventually I’ll be able to build like a cool Dwarven City in the mountain I don’t know I haven’t seen any mob that I’ve encountered ever sink into the snow so it’s more of based on what

I’ve seen it doesn’t happen it just no if I haven’t seen it it’s not true or that’s just how it is therefore because I’ve never seen a mob sink in the snow the powdered snow mobs don’t sink in powdered snow I could be totally wrong um let’s see everybody get

In I was so confused I’m not going to lie I was sitting here and this whole time I’ve kind of been hearing like launch control talk of like spaceships and stuff I just now realize that the uh the background music has been has like Apollo 13 a chatter that solves that that

Mystery yeah the only downside to Big trecks when you get back to your house is organizing your chests after said long Journeys you are getting retired going to get a new pair of you you’re beaten and battered now I can finally get these bows up and

Running well yeah you get to watch your chests fill up with all the stuff you’ve acquired but it’s also a pain to have to organize at All get some more books okay I think we got more than enough books now look at that there we go that’s what I’m talking About yeah once I once I get like normally how I organize it is by like ores and then random like mob items and then I do and then I break that down into like Monsters and then like regular mobs so like leather that kind of a deal and

Then spiders and that kind of stuff it’s going to quickly for the sake of not building anything I’m just going to quickly come to this little corner Over Yonder you down like right there Oh it’s better than nothing I’ll take it for now we got it done we got enchantments we also got a bucket of powdered snow so that’s something that’s got to count for Something Um how I need a nether portal to go mine quartz that’s what I need to do new Mission we’re going to the nether this is how I’ll die this little this little adventure to the nether is going to be my undoing yeah I’m keeping the the

Powdered snow in the bucket just as like a trophy cuz I don’t want to have to go back over the mountain to get it to get another one now where where can I get my hands on water that’s not very convenient actually you know what we’ll just take my little water

Staircase real quick and we’ll just bring it on over here just got to get more of this two on top four on the side two on top bottom is that 12 can never recall how much you need of obsidian for another portal for like the basic

One if it’s three on each side so six and then four yeah 12 and that’s a lot of digging 10 is the minimal one I thought it’s two on the bottom two on the top and then three on each side cuz then that’s six and then four so that’d be 12

Right is it two can you do it two on each side maybe you can maybe I’m an idiot wouldn’t put it past me okay so yeah I don’t know I guess I’ve always done it with uh three on each side and then two and two that’s how child me always did it so

It’s kind of just how I ended up doing it since forever yeah I need to put you back now I need a flint and steel which I think we have flint and I know for a fact we got the iron I think I’m just going to set up

All this stuff for like down here you’re going to go in this corner there we go it is 10 what the heck one two three what oh I’m just bad at math that makes sense okay I’m just terrible at math I need a new Shield oh my

God this poor guy has been beaten and Battered still need one more all right let’s go see if we can’t get some levels by mining hords We’re going on a little Adventure To Hell let’s hope I don’t immediately die and lose everything now for it to generate the nether which there’s a lot more yeah well is probably like the worst possible spot cuz I’m going to find like no quartz that’s pretty awesome where am

I why is a Geer counter going off yeah actually that’s a good point I should probably I’ll be right back I need I do need blast resilient blocks that’s a great point also I’m just kind of putting two and two together realizing that uh I am because I’m in a mountain like

We’re so high up this portal probably just got spawned in the middle of like the Netherrack roof no you stay away I’m leaving you’re allowed to come with me see I don’t mind the bass Sal planes and stuff it’s just the weird winding of it scares me yeah I’m in the Netherrack

Roof that’s awesome which wouldn’t be a problem if it’s not like when I try to dig down to get like a staircase down to like normal levels I’m going to run in into this problem yeah that’s that’s less than ideal oh yeah also lava’s going to be a significant issue isn’t it great

You can there’s no way you can do that that’s effectively putting water in the nether if you can do that I don’t I don’t think you should be able to do that God I hate it here oh you might you might maybe oh God no I’m not you’re not going to knock me

Down we’re not doing this could I have gotten like regular nether space beses for like quartz mining all I wanted was to mine quartz yeah I know about The Cauldron thing don’t fail me now shift I’ve never been more reliant on shift in my life than I am in this place I don’t

Oh great that’s woohoo I know that noise rutro you’re not supposed to be able to do that how did you even get over here I’m going to ignore you I want a different biome if we could I want out of this nightmare this lava pit nightmare rut R

Raggy so I guess there’s some quartz yeah I don’t like this biome there’s too much lava too much of a chance for me to die and lose things really that’s my concern I just got to remember my way back keep in mind the only reason I came

Here was to mine this stuff so I got experience like I didn’t care about anything else I’m here to mine quartz everything else is just kind of I mean we have more diamonds we have an enchantment table you know we’re we’re we’re okay and we know where more diamonds are

Push comes to shove I can go mine those ones if we do end up losing stuff here my famous Last Words will be and they’ll put it on my Tombstone when I die here is you got to take risks to get bigger rewards that’s what they’re going to in

Engrave on my tomb when I die here with all my stuff and fall in lava I’m going to be like a philosopher oh God God all right I’m just letting you guys know do not negotiate I take it back I’m fully willing to negotiate as long as I don’t get

Killed I’m willing to work it out we can come to it we can come to an agreement really oh yeah this is what we need okay I just need experience it’s all I ask just leave me alone leave me to my experience I just got to hope that none of the regular ones spawn cuz then they’re going to get real Angry cuz I don’t have any gold on I don’t even think I have enough for anything made of gold let’s see I just need to hit Level 30 and then once we hit Level

30 we should be able to just not be here anymore right as Well all gold it’s all cor as well and build my way over there as much as I would re hey there you are buddy about you stay down there your little Podium just leave the the quartz mining to me there buddy this guy’s going to jump down and try to get me is

He there excuse me sir I don’t want to be anywhere near the pit what are you what are you going on about look back over and that’s what you’re Saying what in the world CH of Christ I am worried about It well I think I’m going to take take my winnings and retire it doesn’t matter if it’s true it’s it’s not Good just cuz it happens doesn’t make it right I don’t know if that is I think it’s equal equal at best is someone who doesn’t do anything I think they’re equal at best God this place is a nightmare can you get down off of my thing so I can not

Worry about you killing me I want to think about it oh oh God okay I’m G to just get out of here all right so this way all right I’m taking our winnings and retiring I’m getting out of here oh you’re back why do you have Enchanted armor what is the weirdest

Sentence you better be talking about what you’re talking about not what I’m saying okay good you were talking about you not what I’m saying night this isn’t near this doesn’t work yeah it don’t work can do this though There all righty that’s done no I I can cook that all Right taking inventory of everything Can I’m going to get an upgrade I do need my food and then I think I’m going to try to roll This going see if we can’t get Fortune it’s been over it’s been like over two whole hours since we started Technically what’s a super efficient way of getting XP really quick I could just go fight stuff I Guess I’m going to go mining it’s our best Bet that and killing whatever’s down here those are our Best Bets for getting just nudging over that cap to 30 cuz then we can get Unbreaking three uh this is Java Java is my preferred version just cuz it’s always what I’ve played on there’s nothing wrong with bedrock it’s

Just there’s the slight differences between Java and bedrock and when I say slight they’re they’re there and they’re noticeable but they’re also like not game I don’t think they significantly change it so that like one version is absolutely Superior over another Just trying to get enough XP all I know about Bedrock yeah I know you can uh on this on Java you can put a uh trap door down and then if you stand in the Trap like if you open the trap door door and you get under it and swim you can mine one block Holes yeah you can’t go as fast as like it doesn’t give you the speed boost the other thing I’ve heard about bedrock and kind of makes me happy I play on Java is the Wither is Ridiculous I’ve heard that Bedrock wither is not at all very Easy I think you can do the swimming glitch cuz the it the thing with the swimming glitches is and like the the one block mining is it’s kind of a universal thing isn’t it just cuz That’s although I wouldn’t know because I don’t I think it’s just how they implemented it so it might be like a universal thing just because of how it’s been implemented I just need to mine enough coal that I level up yeah I know it’s really nice for

Mining cuz you can it’s you know it’s it’s easier on your tools than mining like the two block tall areas for you to walk through cuz you can basically just worm your way through the Earth yeah cuz it’s Faster come on I just need a little more just a smidgen I’m going to get this done no matter how much it takes I’m going to get to level 30 the nice thing is once you hit Level 30 it’s kind of easier to stay there as long as I don’t die knock on

Wood there shouldn’t be too screwed now I say that I’m going to be in here digging into the side of the wall to get the final like piece of coal I need to level up and gravel’s going to drop on me and that’ll be it it’s over from there

Oh my God you kidding me you are not about to do this to me you can’t do this to me well yeah but the nice thing cuz once you hit 30 it takes three levels to get the level three enchantment so it’ll only drop you back down to

27 which is the level we were at when we started this like it’s it’s not hard to go from 27 back up to 30 to get another level 30 enchantment the trick is getting the 30 in the first place that’s the difficult part there we go I’m still mining this

Coal just cuz I need It oh right now I can finally get this level three enchantment let’s see probably should keep this lit not have to deal with Mobs I didn’t bring it down here with me great all right let just quickly go back up here because I don’t have any more room uh grab

That back down we go it’s nice that I have the stairs now it makes going up and down a little bit easier well that’s about my luck you know what just for just for the sake of it I’m going to put these last two bookshelves down and hopefully that’ll make the difference

But yeah that’s about my luck that I don’t get anything Special those aren’t great enchantments could be better all right well think this is where I am going to leave it all just because I have other stuff I do actually really need to do we’re going to um we’ll leave the dog wall till next time we’ll we’ll do we’ll

Probably take care of dog wall on Friday and then we’ll go to like cyberpunk and stuff or do cyber Punk and everything and then we’ll come back to Minecraft we’ll just see how it goes but uh yeah our next yeah the next stream is Friday same time uh 5:00 P PM

EST uh until then I hope everyone has a wonderful week and I will see you guys then take care

This video, titled ‘(Stream) Midweek Checkpoint’, was uploaded by That One Guy on 2023-12-07 00:45:51. It has garnered 34 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:11 or 9131 seconds.

Hanging out on Minecraft before picking Cyberpunk backup and boy do we have alot to do from digging and mining like no tomorrow to needing to update/upgrade the house and the living space we have on the top of our mountain ———————

【RULES】 ✧ Please be kind and respectful towards others. No discrimination of any form is tolerated. ✧ No spoilers or backseating unless I ask for it ✧ Stay on topic please. ✧ Don’t bring up any other individuals unless they are brought up first on stream. ✧ Spamming and sharing of private information is not allowed.

  • Bottle Greenhouse Build | Minecraft Fun

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  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fun!

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  • Modded Minecraft Mayhem: The Replay’s Wild Ride!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Pickaxe Hunt for Diamonds!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Extreme gamer builds EPIC house in Minecraft

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  • Save Earth by Planting Trees in Minecraft! 🌍🌵| #shorts #aphmau

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  • ROYAL HATES Doordash?! 💥 MINECRAFT EP. 4

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  • HEROBRINE vs MONSTER in Wild Minecraft Battle🔥🤯🔫 #shizo #epic

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  • 💧 INSANE Aqua Thoughts?? Hololive Minecraft Event AFTERMATH! 💧

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  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Cracked SMP – Join Now! #live

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  • Dream collab gone wrong? See what happens

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  • TheModderOne

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  • ExeosCraft SMP McMMO Friendly Economy Pets 1.20.4

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Sky-high perspective: killer views”

    Well, at least this meme is getting better views than my Minecraft house ever did! Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts

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  • Hot Potato Minecraft Meme – MaizenMinecraft Animation #minecraft #memes #minecraftanimation #funny

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft

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  • Become a Minecraft master: Build the ultimate floating house 🏠🚀

    Become a Minecraft master: Build the ultimate floating house 🏠🚀Video Information tes tes tes tes tes tes y semuanya Selamat pagi pagi-pagi tadi tadi gua live streaming e subuh-subuh ng-lag ya akhirnya gua live Jam 10 lagi enggak ketiduran 2 hari kemarin gua sempat live jaga tapi ketiduran jadi jam 12 gak live pagi pagi lagi sekarang gua pagi karena gua ggak tidur habis tarawih habis apa habis tarawih habis salat subuh ya habis e sahur tadi langsung tidur masih hidup masih hidup Mih lah Mih gak tidur Pokoknya gulah kita ak main server lihat guys PIN gua Beh lancar be lah Halo entar gua tadi gua sebelum pas… Read More

  • Exploring the Voidian Minecraft Server – EPIC Adventure!

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  • Unbelievable trick to find hidden CASH in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable trick to find hidden CASH in Minecraft!Video Information hi it’s TV and YouTubers are lost among themselves oh no there’s a bunch of cashes inside the marketplace oh no which one is the real cash I don’t know how many YouTubers are there uh I think that’s like six or seven to save uh wait which YouTubers I’m a huge fan of apmau I wouldn’t be AAU H uh I’m not sure which ones I guess we have to find out which YouTubers to save but first let’s save cash okay so it’s Prop Hunt so one of these is the real cash and we need… Read More

  • Wildly Insane Daku Builds – Epic Minecraft Gameplay!

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  • “UNBELIEVABLE: Top 3 Bedwars Texture Packs 1.8.9 – RuHypixel.net” #minecraft #hypixel

    "UNBELIEVABLE: Top 3 Bedwars Texture Packs 1.8.9 - RuHypixel.net" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘The 3 NEW Best Texture Packs for Bedwars 1.8.9 | RuHypixel.net #minecraft #майнкрафт #hypixel’, was uploaded by zlokwiq (eng) on 2024-04-30 12:26:16. It has garnered 59 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:31 or 751 seconds. i show you the top 3 best textures of the pack for bedwars, i hope you like it 😀 ➤ like & subscribe to the channel! ➤ my discord: https://discord.gg/WphBaNFYMN ★ my goal is to gain 1000 subscribers ———————————————————- ➤ sens: 400dpi ➤ fov: 85 ➤ server ip: RuHypixel.net ➤ my setup – keyboard: I… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Zombie Texture Pack!!

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  • Yura’s Shocking Reaction to Suisei’s Demise in Minecraft!

    Yura's Shocking Reaction to Suisei's Demise in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mourning Suisei’s Death In Minecraft (Towa, Aqua, Miko, Azki, Iroha, Watame / Hololive) [Eng Subs]’, was uploaded by Yura on 2024-05-18 03:30:21. It has garnered 38021 views and 2330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:49 or 289 seconds. Hoshimachi Suisei goes full kissy-kissy mode on Minato Aqua, to reward Aqua for helping Suisei with installing Minecraft voice mods… ● For more: 【Minecraft】Death…Trial…And…【Minato Aqua/Hololive】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3SEzeR9GUA [Minecraft]Day 3! Let’s do the mission![Kadokawa Watame/HoloLive 4th Generation] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBXJfY4F31E [Minecraft]Starting from scratch, Holo server hardcore life! Day 3 Holo server hardcore Minecraft[Hololive / AZKi] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JPd_V23sm4 [Minecraft]I’m going to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRift

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRiftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creating the Best House in Minecraft (Day3)’, was uploaded by JoyRift on 2024-04-21 13:48:02. It has garnered 96 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:54 or 714 seconds. Step into my Minecraft world and explore the ultimate dream house inspired by the rich architectural heritage of Pakistan and India! 🏡 From intricate details to functional design, every corner of this house reflects the beauty of our shared cultural traditions. Join me on this adventure as we celebrate diversity and creativity in Minecraft. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share with fellow… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!” #minecraft #horrorstories #funny

    "Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!" #minecraft #horrorstories #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lol 😂 #minecraft #horrorstories #funny #horrorstory’, was uploaded by Endigse on 2024-01-12 02:48:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft,minecraft horror,minecraft horror mods,cash minecraft,minecraft mods,scary minecraft,horror,minecraft shorts,minecraft … Read More

  • Ametist

    AmetistSunucudaki bulunan bazı sistemler: – Seviye sistemi – Görev sistemi – Gelişmiş huni ve fırın sistemi – ihale sistemi – Lanetli güneş tutulması – Tılsım sistemi – Özelleştirilmiş eşyalar – Yetenek sistemi Wiki: https://ametist.gitbook.io/ametist-survival/ play.ametistmc.fun Read More

  • SummitSurvival SMP no-whitelist no-grief 1.20.4

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  • Crafting Stokes Twins’ Minecraft Mansion: A Block-Building Blast!

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