Mind-Blowing Minecraft Disney Collab with Elia Stellaria! 🤯

Video Information

N N N N N N A N N N N N N N N Oh my God so loud so scared it’s so loud oh gosh what is this okay everyone um come to Minecraft um just just full disclosure um we had a many issues before starting so um chat uh basically uh Poco and Mia will not be streaming their povs because of some issues so

They are streaming through carrot and um Pia Y and they’re going to be they’re going to be a quadruple um now they’re babysitting me right Now speed things along a bit um let’s introduce ourselves um first off I’m going to be super fast I’m Aura okay next is uh speaka I’m speaker yay and then Emma I’m Emma I’m trying to grab Pia she’s so lone so L then P helloy okay and then po hi I’m

Po you can’t see Poco on my screen because she’s living through um Pia over here I’m P’s imag Friend by the way I’m just Lon this is two people you’re real next is M mle mle living through carrot hi I am hello hello oh God the

Vtube studio is so laggy to so many people in here no it’s okay it’s okay I’m just trying to grab Pia right now but just keep moving it’s okay I’m slimy I’m sorry this is opilia hi everybody I’m opilia but you can also call me Opie hello hi hi baby hi

Darling con con con hello hello wait wait wa can you introduce yourself hi I’m Connie look at this look at this hi Connie Hi and then last is ellia what the hello I’m Elia I’m ellia you miss me everyone line up here please to talk about your mission wait my game doesn’t

Cope with my my game doesn’t cope with fugie and that let me just imagine the voices guys UMES the voes the voices in our head everyone everyone I gave everyone missions to complete um I know it’s I’m on pause at moment I gave everyone missions to complete

Within mince raft um oh my God how many how many gifts did you post in this chat just a few oop oops oops oops oop I’m going to tell everyone their missions now okay okay okay okay so um Team poia carrot Mia um you have to get all 28

Signatures okay I’m I’m just going to give you um Team task you need to take screenshot with Mike and Sally um take screenshot with Beauty and the Beast okay and find a pickle a pickle pickle that’s the most important one that’s number priority okay and then we have Team Ellie speaker

Emma stop what you doing get down jumping on speaker she’s a frile CL team you need to get old 28 signatures take a screenshot with Cinderella find the enchanted Rose and take a screenshot and you also have to find Dory Dory what oh did you sound give us this Mission okay team

M yeah you need to get all 28 signatures take a screenshot with Woody take a screenshot with a pirate while some parts of the Caribbean and find the gray stuff oh gr gray stuff gray stuff Miss acquired that’s Susy attention acquired tonight you have to get all 28

Signatures take a screenshot with Ariel take a screenshot with the four male singers and find waffles four male singers wow you have to look for boys [Applause] and the last one me and Emma we have to get all 28 signatures take a screenshot with Gaston take a screenshot whilst on

A flying elephant and find Spaghetti W spaghetti yeah the elephant spetti pettiti spetti spetti let’s let everyone I have made you your own separate VCS so please feel free to join them and if you visit each others if you want to go on rides with each other you got to join each other [Applause] okay God oh God that is still like yeah you this one wow look at that pie peace peace speaker speaker hello it’s just us just the two of us yeah them okay we got to win we’re winning right yes yes I were you listening to the missions was Chad

Listening to the missions cuz anybody listen to have Cinderella and we have to find not Nemo but Dory Okay and we have to we have to get all the all the signatures got the book got your book uh yes yes I can’t throw it away oh yeah I can’t throw it

Away because I I accidentally throw things away a lot of the time okay shall we shall we get Adventure goal par map M mine upside down oh it’s not upside down oh wow wait how do we get signatures like are they on the ground we collect

Them no like you go up to a person like um one of the one of the characters dressed up and and and you give it to them and and then right what is it control is run take your this is like a there you oh my God you give it to take

Creepy she has a mou wait did I get it yours is she’s writing it she writes in it oh see oh nice oh my God okay okay okay what’s in here tinle Bell these are just fake Cinderella oh wait who’s over here who’s over here is this wait

Because this is Minecraft when we find Dory can we like collect the who’s this who are you you’re not a uh it’s just a worker I think oh we don’t care about this person right here this is a restaurant this looks like the the noodle dogs the spaghetti dogs what’s it

Called Ry I mean uh something at the Hound the Hound the hound and the Beast how did the wait what’s it called how did the the beauty of the H the Beast of the wait what’s it oh thank you CH thank you no I think there’s no doors we have

To go let’s go in the Emporium I think you can you can dress up if we go to the shop yeah yeah yeah here’s here’s the shop oh I cut the queue I the Ballo wait I’ll take the purple balloon wait wait wait how you getting

This get it from the get it from the shopkeeper grab a balloon it’s free yeah it’s free SL it’s not stealing I I don’t think um hopefully um wait they they reset their items right I’m not like stealing it forever right how do I um wait did you get a balloon

Yeah aack I have balloon how do I put on the backpack um where my balloon go oh see I can do things there you go I have they only have one so you got to you got to hold on to the balloon and and and I

Don’t know if you got the Hat you can equip it ah so new yeah I got the backpack on the B yay Shute let’s go okay let’s go let’s go accessories this way I don’t want to miss anybody I’ll be honest I’m not very good with maps or directions so how many

Oh no I was going to say you’re going to have to make the way wait where’d you go oh hell Little M I want to wave wave we go oh no no no no no wave this one no that’s she left wow speaker negative okay to the next place

It’s my fault Mo doesn’t have a partner anymore I didn’t realize your rist levels were in the negative um um where are we going what are we doing where’s the I don’t think it’s down here I don’t know where this is I don’t think this is the right place I

Don’t think it’s down this street these ones I think do something oh oh These are the the the the they’re the four men boy Signature Sign we no signatures from them ah no okay no signature oh two hours yeah we have two hours we should be with win we’re winning are you behind

Me oh gosh over here over here you’re so okay speed up speed up hold control zoom zoom good idea zomom oh it’s so pretty yeah there’s a big castle where are we going let’s see oh wait there’s characters here get your book we got we

Got a mouse to get a signature from yes sir yes sir take this give a Signature Sign give it a hand it over signat now yeah nice and then we’ll go down this way cuz I don’t know where you went oh there you are yeah good thing I got this

Balloon let’s go down here yeah there’s got to be something good down here maybe this is Tomorrowland so pretty I don’t know what Tomorrowland is what’s that from is that the one with the little little little seepy people strange dwarves uh dwarfs like it’s always tomorrow oh oh it’s Monsters Ink oh

Signature give me signature nice this is monsters is Monsters Ink tomorrow land what e e no I thought tooran was the the the the kids the kids the weird little dwarf people who who sing really creepily right I don’t no idea like but here’s a here’s a here’s a here’s a ride

Let’s go in here it’s a Buzz Buzz Light your Space Ranger Spin oh my gosh got to follow the Quee luckily there’s no queue yay there it is and then oh we can wait we can ride the ride yeah you’ve got to click on it and then come over here and

Then and then stand by this what did I click on oh I clicked on it standing by now we wait now we have this yeah it’s time to ride and we have a pew pew Blaster oh oh my God yeah and then and we pew pew at the targets and that is

The game and we have our scores in front of us so set your item to your pew pew you got your blaster I’m scared okay okay we we we shoot we shoot oh see and then you get points points get what are we peeling at is it the the target Z the

Z I see all the Z I think but I don’t think it has very even even like which ones are worth what some of them are worth like 100 but some of them are worth like a couple of thousand like that one I just hit was worth 10,000 so

I I don’t know understand the the the shoot the the maybe it’s random every time likea maybe he’s got some maybe you’d think the further ones would hopefully be did they make this so we like super enlarged Minecraft I’m not sure I’m assuming we’re still this still Minecraft just insanely built Minecraft PE

PE oh my God there’s so much it keeps going yeah I think this one this one’s like one of the more interactive rides uh the other ones you just go around oh my God interactive yeah cannot keep up maybe it’s calculated by distance or something oh so if I’m further away and

We hit it then it’s good I got no idea maybe if I hit that I don’t know if I’m hitting this is our FPS um practice for you know when we start playing those FPS I don’t even know how to FPS oh it keeps going where what your call it

Going to be we’re going to be uh vetta Esports team what yeah oh yeah yeah be ready guys what FPS game are we playing as V we’ll let chat decide like one FPS per second no like first person shoot it all FR well I’ll be playing one FPS per second get more

FPS You’ got the better you got the best PC in vetta I’m pretty certain you’ll be PE peing the the the the strongest it’s a matter of skill not PC it’s not skill issue it’s PC issue Apex Legends or valerant wait Apex I think you have

Teams of three so we can’t do we can’t do Apex o oh we got to shoot the ball now what there we got to shoot the boss shoot him shoot him I didn’t know my life would be in danger yeah we get attacked sometimes cuz he’s

Angry away from me I don’t know what it is I don’t remember this in Toy Story H where is it oh behind oh oh my god oh oh we’re still shooting there’s still more to shoot it’s still going it’s still going 10 minutes long keep shooting yeah I don’t think I’m hitting anything

You’ll see if it comes up with the plus then it means you hit it you know it’s pretty generous though it doesn’t seem to have any like what you call it distance wind oh well this even more wait no this is the end this is the end

Oh this is the end this is like good job on trying is the end Y I am only planetary pilot it says a score 221 score you so mive wait what just what were you shooting I was I trying my best one frame per second you know I can’t wait to start our e sports team yeah yeah yeah what after that game play

I did atrociously you hit it Stu that’s good enough for me here’s the stitch stitch here you go Stitch here you go wait it name is Stitch oh wait what did you think it was called like the blue creature what Lilo and the blue creature

I thought look the one stitch is like a it’s like a brand name oh Buzz is over here oh no Stitch is the Stitch is the thing here you go buzz buzz is right here to infinity and beyond oh yeah let’s see what’s the next where are

We what is this place what is this Astro orbitar do you want to go wait is that did we just do that yeah yeah yeah cuz it was like here so so life here’s away which way this way maybe we should look at our map is

This oh yeah I forgot about that oops oh wa there we go okay so we’re here 19 we’re kind of far with I should go to the town where there’s like so many signatures wait there’s 19 and 20 and should we go Space Mountain space Space Mountain it’s it’s

In front of us I think Space Mountain this way it doesn’t look like a mountain there I see it I see it I see the sign I see the sign I see the sign where’s Space Mountain from uh MH flashing lights and colors I can’t read

Signs nah wa oh is up here or down here is this the right way yeah down we go down we go down uhhuh we go down I hope I’m going the right way are you behind me no I know we’ll figure it out I’ll see you at the

The the start of the C meet you there I forgot to turn off the the normal BTM one sec um there we go there we go Space Mountain where are you I’m at Space Mountain F yeah you inside oh where are you are you inside

Yeah I’m by the by the characters oh I’m I’m not in Space Mountain okay if you get the line get in Space Mountain and I should be at the end of the queue um yeah uh I think uh Disneyland uh Tokyo Disneyland has this ride I only went to Tokyo Disney SE I

Didn’t get to go Disney Land so we got to go yeah yeah yeah and our you’re oh my God this is our practice okay you can choose alpha or Omega Alpha Al you’re Alpha okay let’s go Alpha and speakers choice this way how do we oh this

Way okay boom now we wait Mountain for our but I think I’m yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh we’re going roll Coter someone go we got pee oh my gosh oh nice oh oh oh we going up it’s roller coaster Ellie are you good with roller coasters no I’m awful with roller

Coasters I’m like the worst person with roller coasters in the universe like you scary yeah I get very very very very very very very very very very very scared yeah what about you you get scared uh I think I can put on a brave face you’ll have to be the brave

Face when we go to Disneyland thing oh God no I don’t like this did we die and I did is this is this the afterlife yeah it’s okay Minecraft unless this was VR oh gosh everything’s like wiggle wiggle what’s going yeah usually I just scream and cry

And and and close my eyes when I go umbrella coasters oh yeah I too I don’t think it’s the point of um the completely different when you close your eyes yeah I’m like I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m fine I’m fine I’m just sat at home it’s

Fine just got to dissociate out of that roller coaster you know manifest me back home oh gosh I can’t see what’s going on it’s all just like it’s so dark it’s so dark there’s so many stars zooming I guess it’s like red do we did we turn into a rocket ship I

Have no idea but oh oh wasn’t that wasn’t that the ride of Our Lives that was a ride of rides a ride we would call it all right we picked up we picked up picked up Somebody ah I need to charge my mouse oh I had that problem earlier yeah yeah yeah I forgot to plug it in it’s like half plugged in um oh we got we got move voice chat we going move voice chat I didn’t switch yet wait this one this one this One I’m sorry kind of I kind of got in between the two of you uh on your very cute uh Space Mountain it’s okay like a surprise adoption yeah love it it was awesome now you foret yeah welcome to the te we have to go me carrot now I

Abandoned my team but I just wanted to say hi where did you get the balloons from H the store you can get free store I think accidentally plush okay yeah I got the backpack and there’s a jumper and I accidentally stole something it’s not stealing it’s okay it’s all free your

Mouth plushy yeah I I I stole it from I don’t know where no it’s free it’s free there might be a Tracker in there Though only footsteps around the disy where where you where you free technology I’m still going out the exit here the exit this guy here here this guy will give you a balloon give me a ballon slap we have to meet up with carrots slap oh hi

Hi car you found us oh my God so lonely matching matching oh wait should we be taking pictures wait in the wait should we go out the front is there a photo booth I don’t think so we can just take screenshot SL it’ll be on the stream yeah

Outside where’s a nice that’s so cute where should we stand somewhere I think you can put the balloon in your left hand I think you can put the balloon in your hand yeah yeah I’ll do let’s go outside Space Mountain and then we’ll know where the heck we were

Oh my God is so much stuff oh wait there’s like the uh the the place in the Space Mountain with the little stars give be a cute picture spot there is wait I have no idea what what Space Mountain even wait we’re missing wait where isn’t that isn’t that the thing

You just was that the thing I did it did wait where we going stand in the line stand wait guys stand in the line oh the GU yeah yeah yeah oh cute almost we’re missing one oh like that is this the line or where we oh this way okay

Yeah this will F this is fine yeah okay okay this is so Cute someone took yeah I’m assuming someone yay awesome nice let’s see where the heck are We okay we got to we got to go get the rest of the the signatures was nice seeing you [Applause] guys we have our own map boom I have resumed to my own room speaker hello hello we got a wait what the heck

Oh this is the map in my hand um okay we need to go north north north okay up wait which one are we going to 7 this way this way okay I’ll follow you this way I trust me with directions yeah I believe I believe we

We’re going to win oh wait let me wait is it a ra or is it we just have to finish it I’m going the wrong way um okay I’ll go up here this way this way this way this this way let me check the map again this way yeah Straight Ahead Straight

Ahead there should be a ride around here with cars and things I think it’s in here what’s this star Traders the cars oh ears stff ears more ears oh no I like my ears my ears are my favorite yeah now we go opposite to the opposite side is the there it is

Speedway Speedway Speedway Speedway Speedway Speedway Speedway Speedway oh is this like a bum car yeah let’s go oh my god oh my god let’s go let’s go yeah bum car I get to choose which one or yeah you can just sit in it oh wait how do I oh I Going we’re going V how did you free yourself free myself what do you mean I went forward we’re zoom in we’re zooming Okay I don’t think there’s any NPCs and this is very different from Mario Kart cuz it’s much gentler but where’re zoom in you’re zoom in I am zooming figuring my way out what you me figuring your way out why are you wait what you me figuring your way out are you on this

Right how are you turning oh you turn like this he how are you turning I was turning with my keys was it not with the WD no I turn with my perspective turn oh wait it’s not WD oh then I’ve been doing it wrong I don’t know what I’m

Doing is it oh that’s not that’s not that way wait what wait oh I finished oh nice okay Where are speaker I’ll be there in a minute I’ll get good we get a good finishing view oh I can see you what are you doing there she is there’s our driver oh wait I’m not supposed to go there yeah you I did that wait wait where are you going oh yay I

Finished oh my gosh that was that was quite the ride wow you parked so nicely what I just left mine somewhere to the next one what’s on the map we continue North we got to get who ever this Punk is is in the top corner by the top Corner okay to the top

Corner I assume this way this way I don’t know who it would be ooh that looks so pretty whatever that blue thing is is that a restaurant this is teacups I don’t know if you want to go on teacups they’re dizzy oh no Teacups are for babies okay let’s go on

Baby where’s the person wait I’m on it that’s okay I interact there we go let me get in the teacup with you hello teacup time okay warning this is going to be dizzy okay we punch and then it’s spins punch the midle what are you punching the thing in the middle oh yeah

And then it makes it spin faster but actually makes me dizzy so I don’t actually look then why are you activating it for funsies yeah oh this is too much no too much spinning wait I can F5 oh that does not help they tried the other F5 still doesn’t

Help okay speed I’m dizzy I’m so dizzy look down look down it’s okay hey what oh wait I can free myself no freeing yourself but it keeps locking me back into the teacup what is this it’s a nightmare it’s a nightmare I’ve never been on a teacup ride IRL actually um I

Imagine it’s like this but worse um yeah yeah let’s get off here free which way were we going oh yeah um wow is that somebody believe it we’ve spent like the past 5 days in Disneyland 5 days it’s night time already oh good oh my God she want wonder why she

Running towards us we need a pool here you go one second please what thank you we need check the map oh we missed we need to go back called we need a poo no we need the honey because he eats honey it’s the pool pool has a hitch on

The end though so maybe it makes it different maybe it’s like it’s elegant which way this this way this way I think got to go ah yeah up here we don’t want to miss anybody up here up here where where where where who we looking for there’s somebody around here I don’t

Know who we’re looking for is that you dumbo is Dumbo a character the flying elephant seems like it this looks like a terrible ride I don’t want to play You’re so brutal to the rights around here where’s the where’s the character it says it should be right in

Front of me the character one it should it’s in the toilet goofy it’s goofy here you go goofy sign sign please we did it we got goofy okay now we continue North continue which way is North uh this this way yes I say with full confid

Dan to check you’re behind me I’m here here this way this way maybe maybe uh let me check the map yeah this way this way is this way keep an eye out for the character who who are we looking for oh g arei g Ariel no one slick G no

One as cool as gason no one lifts as great as g i how do we get to a guy yes on where’s Ariel over here oh found the way over Ariel don’t go to the where the people are they’re mean wait is he is he where the fishes I

Think I went to somewhere I wasn’t supposed to I want I’ll go this way parkour parkour where can’t go past the how you get yeah over here over here over here I think you have to I could do it you have to go arounds oh over there oh

My God yeah it bugs out if you try and go through the through the thing yeah they are wow I want to be where Ariel is I want to be want to get her signature please signature please autograph autograph autograph what’s the difference between an autograph and a

Sign oh I guess autograph is like the fcy yeah fan fcy okay we got gas oh I see you this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way who’s your favorite Disney princess I like um Princess Jasmine or Mulan

Yeah what about you I’m still thinking I don’t know know I I like I like Sleeping Beauty Aurora Rose or or maybe Rapunzel oh nicer nicer nicer choices we’re going in here I don’t know what’s in here but they they’re in here is this a church food food oh but no signatures

No no just food okay we need to find we need to find something or something or something or something something something something something we need to find Cinderella and cerella yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Cinderella okay let’s see what is next on our map straight is Cinderella Cinderella is

In the castle Yeah we should go to the whoever’s around here first in this Path we follow this round and we find who this it’s uh what’s her name B Belle yeah thank you thank you ya she doing in the forest she’s going to be in danger if she stays out this sleep let’s Okay Straight Ahead oh it’s a console is this inella

CL or no yeah the big wait oh no this is aora Aurora aora ah oh my God please thank you wow noise thank you then ohy give signature give thank you signature I don’t understand how they write when we only have cubes there’s so many so like signature be in in square

Square mode pixel mode maybe I don’t oh my God there’s so many princesses who’s that what princess is that I don’t know but I got the signature oh Kristoff Kristoff you’re not princess how do we get his signature is not a princess yeah oh Cinderella Cinderella we did wait wait wait wait

Wait what do we get a photo or what what from maybe was it was it photo okay oh the mice hi okay sign sign wait I don’t know if I got it oh she’s signing it wait are we at 18 yeah wait Cinderella stop looking at

Me we just want to have a picture is it a picture of Cinderella Cinderella is so cute wait your map’s in the way ah in okay take my balloon uh oh yeah plushy plusy okay here’s a picture Cinderella what are you looking at Why Stop Cinderella is Ping after you stop

Cinderella her prince Charing no I don’t want to be a prin give me back my last slip boo no it’s mine it fitted on my foot yeah it’s mine I take screenshot save nice oh it tapped me out oh ah I got kicked no let me

In oh you’re back I’m back I’m back you’re back did you get the screenshot yeah I did it cost me my life but I’m back and luckily I had okay we w’t have to do any more screenshots right I don’t think so we need I’m like a cat we oh we

Need Dory but I think it’s just find Dory Okay okay how do we prove that how do we find Dory um where would Dory be in the water in well that’s a lot of water oh wait there’s names which one of these which what was in what was in and

Finding Finding Nemo anything like finding finding finding I wanted to double check I just got my signature still got him still maybe in the Tom Sawyer island or the Pirates of the Caribbean cuz it’s around the water okay a jungle cruise so one of the early numbers number oh around here number nine

Like around this River I don’t know yeah yeah yeah probably let’s keep going round let’s keep going round is it Donald Duck Duck Donal duck oh okay so many signatures Donald du signature I can’t make the Donald Duck noise though I don’t know how but what’s that one called

Daisy Duck Daisy Daisy and Donald but like Daisy and Donald what’s the noise that Donald makes think’s a funny noise yeah yeah some kind oh Peter Pan he got oh he F oh my God he flies what the heck I want to fly what oh my God fing UN Small

World small world oh oh that’s what I was thinking of with the creepy children um should we go we on our way let’s run to small world where is Small World 11 oh it’s right by us it oh it’s over here which one is this one this one this one this one walk you with a massive map I just realized I was like there’s a map in my way it’s this One it it Where’d you go other wait where’d you go where are you oh oh oh oh my God no it is that way wait is it that way no no I saw some stairs into the water oh is it that way we’ll find that this way wait Can We join them do

They have too many people we’re going to try and join the VC let’s join their VC okay yes join their VC where is it which look Hello small world p is already on it oh just okay let’s let’s try again later let’s let’s try again later no more can ride small W I told you it’s a long run why do they call it long world that’s a good point it should be called long World

Okay where’s the balloon Mom oh sorry them you see they’re here gosh okay back we go okay okay name name tags are really really far away oh why didn’t you say oh I’m getting Cherry wait sp’s clapping they come by I have to speak to the manager okay we’ll get in this ride we will make a second world make make now small you can do it you know what I’m going to eat my pickle oh my goodness guys guys guys seriously

Seriously Emma Emma Emma Emma I’m serious when I say this don’t jump in the water too much cuz people have gotten stuck and they’ had to reload the games before I was I was watching kiwa’s play through and she got stuck after jumping in the water

So damn it that’s how you make people stop to do things yeah no which continent are you in P how I can see their name getting closer like they’re definitely approaching how are you seeing them what Vision do you have little name tags oh I didn’t turn them off you

Thought it was mosty but it was an NPC I was it coming down wa which continent P nice that’s my favorite continent um hey okay wait they’re coming they’re a lot closer it should be like a minute y so um yeah which is which is perfect you know real Disney takes like two

Hours to ride this yeah exactly so like in in Disney like uh the last time I went to is a small world like in real life I was stuck at the end because of the line uh for about an hour so I was listening to the Small World

After All for about an hour and my my two friends that I was with they were like why’ you make us ride this and I was like because it’s tradition when you go to Disney World you ride small world how I didn’t know it was a tradition am

I the only one here who didn’t go to Disneyland no I’m not been Disneyland I’ve been Disney SE I’ve been Disney SE Disneyland and Paris we should all go Disneyland I’m up for an actual Disneyland Trav went to Disneyland Paris and I went with my at like a school trip

And they refused to go on it’s a small Ro cuz they thought it was for kids so I didn’t go on it the entire time so right before I left Europe my mom took me on a surprise trip to Disneyland Paris I went on it’s a small world and then I went

Home I really wait that’s it though went on as a small world and then I just left cuz I I I wasn’t feeling well but I managed to go on that matter that’s nice that you went on that’s so nice my goodness yeah okay web I might grab the fugie we make this

Collab we’ll make it like a proper real one this is just the test run I’m going to ask how did their name tag get further away oh I have no clue I I can see that I think it’s like they’re woring but I think are those flowers were they always there or did

They recently pop up there flowers never mind then right right right through the tunnel yeah yeah yeah those have always been there cuz it’s like cuz it’s it’s like a bunch of different flowers that will say different how to say like goodbye or what or like thank you or

Something okay never mind I can’t use I wanted to show you guys talking but I can’t my fugie be struggling with life if I turn it on like we drop them frames if I put fugie on um are they are they coming are they coming they put screenshot in Discord I think they’re

Coming I think I think they are I told you this ride is long perfect time to get a snack if you want to oh I will go get a snack I here I can see them okay I want to go get a snack I have gray stuff hold on a second

How do I eat oh yeah I got the gray stuff as well how do I eat it got to be hungry you yeah you got to be hungry just keep jumping until freedom freedom it’s a World I told you the the ride is probably about 15 minutes by the way 15 minutes I can go get a snack while we’re riding yeah you can get a snack yeah definitely all the snacks are right here let us on approaching I see their names are so close you can smell

Them I smell them I can smell I could smell them this so what’s your name they off [Applause] you he so slow I so [Laughter] slow yay yay what the heck oh God back they suffer welcome back oh wait wait six six six we can go on it we can go on it six oh no no don’t worry it’s coming back it’s going to come back it’s going to come back it’s come back yeah just wait just wait till it’s done are

Ready Emma don’t cry don’t cry let us don’t cry let us on us get in here here keep following youer hi hi Cher hello H so what’s oh everybody everybody let me take a screenshot everyone look up everybody look up look up up up up no that’s so that’s too up

Emma all right I’ll take one more I’ll take one more Here I get snack small after all it’s a small small world I don’t know I’m excited I’m so excited to see my my nut part that’s all I’m waiting for it’s going to be like 75 minutes through but I will get my my nut section Goodbye Oh my God are those British

People wait did you just say oh my God are those British people excuse me OT right would you hello what would you like beans on toast tea um I would like to have the tea please tea okay okay open I have a thank you I did I Did oh you want a popcor popc we look so cute by the way super cute come here give me a kiss they kissing going back there don’t make me turn this car Around going on back there oh my God no this is romantic ride stop so much you already have a baby by now Baby it’s been 9 Months a minute it’s been like a minute calm down guys guys seriously we have another like 10 minutes of this ride so yeah we’re bonding behind here and the music is having so much fun isn’t it Honey after oh no I ate my popcorn it’s already finished another one those are expensive D it it’s okay I can eat off come here world after all it’s a world it’s a small small world that is just one everyone the oan [Laughter] [Applause] it’s a after all small it’s small world

Tomor it’s a after all it’s a more world After World [Applause] worldish Spanish [Applause] Spanish everyone [Laughter] It’s a small after a small world it’s a small small world small after all small All God this doesn’t end guys this Is a Small I SW it’s small Emma all mad After where’s that way do you know that way it’s a small after all it’s a okay guys figure it Emma what guys what am I going to do about Emma I’m really worried about that I’ve lost a small after all it’s a small it’s a small small it’s a small after

All em we know it’s small world Emma we know okay we Know please small Small please please free please please free me please please Mee get me off this right get me I will turn this boat around please turn the we want to go back I think it’s a small world after all it’s a small world After it’s it’s a [Applause] [Applause] You want to try to this Bo you want to try we can Tryed we’re free [Applause] Almost I This could Stop oh my God know the words we’re just SC the lyrics over over goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye it’s going so [Applause] Slow world after All This is not the way oh my god let’s get out of here Byebye your own VCS Emma go Emma hi oh wow that was um that was the ride of a lifetime was quite the ride let’s let’s move on and never never talk about this again hi Okie doie this way let’s just let’s just go five five five got to

Catch up on so many signatures five five five five five five five five far in the land far far far away we can’t where are you oh you’re here where’s the map okay we got to oh we got to continue down there actually we were supposed to

Go past that okay we’re going to have to go past that scary place again okay close your eyes we’ll just close close the eyes and and and go I kind of need closed I’m same but I I kind of need to open them to see where I’m

Going no believe no I believe never did that um this way okay this way okay are you okay here we are this is a ha Haun Mansion Haun Mansion haunted house haunted house let’s go where are you you’re here I’m here you’re here the haunted house uh thigh haunted thigh

Haunted oh my gosh not it’s a nice this is small no uh only two people can go on this um I don’t know where the star is oh it’s down here I think we we’ve been allowed to go you enter here welcome foolish Mortals to the Haunted Mansion are we foolish oh my

Goost your ghost host I feel like I’ve seen this place before Oh kindly step all the way in please make room for everyone is there enough room for you and me no turning back now C oh here in this Gallery where you see paintings of some of our guests as they

Appear in their corruptable mortal State your cous P sound oh almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis is this room actually this gu stood on someone else or is your imagin see oh it’s stretching res this chamber oh this guy’s got no trousers and no doors is that the point

Of that one which offers you this chilling challenge oh to find a find a way out oh okay this but it’s a free house if we get to stay right like yeah free house yell oh oh my god oh it’s dark we’re going to die oh Well oh oh oh this way I didn’t mean to frighten you prematurely interact oh we wait here go here go let’s go let’s go this is cute right is a prop right oh yes no flash pictures please Dar it I should have brought my camera same bright

Oh what’s this oh why is there do not pull down on the safety bar please makes me want to pull down on the saf oh you the spirits will materialize only if you remain safely seated wow these ghosts are very specific about safy children I don’t have any children is

Our library is well stocked with Priceless first editions stories of course well time to rub this place and marble bu piano literary World piano oh that’s a ghost piano oh oh it’s cool how they the keys movie piano this one can hardly contain itself oh it’s so foggy it reminds me of

England Unfortunately they all seem to have trouble getting through a fancy like lights like like floating oh eyes is looking at us I think oh wow so scary quiet quiet I feel like nothing will really po the fear generated by the small world yeah no small world was definitely scary

That this is actually nice and peaceful oh yeah heck yeah yeah yeah yeah peace and quiet it’s so so soothing oh hey L hello oh good girl good girl we’re on a scary ride Oh it’s it’s a mommy wait am my face in the right way are we supposed to be going backwards yeah that’s what I was thinking I was like why are we going backwards maybe that’s part of the spookiness oh it is pretty spooky to turn around oh oh the there’s a harp

A they’re so musical now turn around they’re so so this chair has choreography spiders T rat call in the spirits wherever they’re at I just got warning about multiplayer hosting stopped but you’re still here right I’m still here you’re still here okay we continue message maybe that was the spooky message pretending it

Broke oh I see di yeah I should just throw blue screen at awaken the spirit Beary do we get a tambourine no that’s so sad that is sad to oh oh it’s a party it’s a ghost party oh that is quite scary cool to have like this whole Disney World they

Had to make everything right right and like yeah W they did good I don’t know how accurate it isible but it’s looks pretty accurate I assume like yeah yeah it looks pretty good small world was uh very accurate yeah have you been on the Small

World ride no the actual one no oh I’ve been on it I think maybe two times two times pretty much like that yeah it does go on forever and they but it’s really cool to look at because uh yeah it is kind of brainwashing because of song

Plays yeah it feels like it should be a longer song If it’s for that long there’s lot to look at ah okay I’ll still go on it if I get the chance Co look like it looks like the CL Bri I’ve not seen the corpse bread oh oh oh music Oh seesaw y these ghost look like they’re having a great time I want to go to seesaw yeah I love seesaws we find one have you ever been on a seesaw that also spins around as well no that sounds terrifying that’s so scary than this cool wait but it’s really

Cool why no no no but you every time you touch the ground basically you can like move it to this side died so I keep it still I keep it still yeah you keep CH it but it’s really cool cuz it’s just like it’s like you’re jumping around no

I get I get dizzy after one one revolution like then I’m dizzy I get di is super easy um oh I need to fix that I don’t like I I struggle with Dizzy rides like I got of enough throw up you are and not good especially on an empty

Stomach I feel like that’s the worst be yeah that’s bad for your stomach these are really great character fill our qu I didn’t realize this was a long ride you until you we got signatures to get now I the safety bar of will follow you home well we we need 10 more right

Yeah and we’ve only got I don’t know how long we’ve got um don’t think we I I think we’ve got 15 minutes okay okay okay no more rides we must get signatures go to the the water place as ASAP okay did we have any other missions did we just do we have any

Other missions Finding Dory and sign Oh The Rose oh oh we already went past Bell wait the enchanted Rose what yeah we supposed leave I can’t we’re Stuck do it where’s the enchanted race wait we didn’t we wait is it maybe that’s where it’s from right okay we’re free let’s go go go go go go go go go go okay all right we’re just speeding okay um map speed in the right direction okay we go straight down cuz

Cuz there’s nothing around here so should be around here water straight down straight down follow this round follow it down let me see oh I can’t see anything I’ve got the map in yeah it’s this way still this way it’s still this way okay okay so we’re looking for enchanted

Rose Dory where’s the enchanted Rose is it this Direction let me double check if it’s this direction is it listed on the map no I’m just looking for the signature people they should be around the woody woody woody it’s Woody goody goody yayy take signature please signature please and then and

Then and then and then there should be another one bit further down here um ah there’s one Jessie Jessie it’s Jessie Jessie Jesse oh F Toy Story to Jess okay and then there should be another one if we follow the path we should find another one who else is

Here who else is around here where where are they wait wait where the map they should be here oh there there is it Tiana oh my God Princess Tiana Tiana where’s the Frog version I like that one better I don’t think frogs can sign okay oh true but how are we going

To get Dory signature I don’t even know we we’ll get the signatures and then we’ll figure out Dory yeah I have no idea where Dory is I haven’t seen any Finding Nemo related things um let me check them out how we going to find that okay we go down here

We’re around the water now so we can grab these these two wait how many signatures do we need I don’t no maybe like five more or down here there should be there should be there should be Princess Jasmine yeah Jasmine hi is that another princess I can’t tell maybe it’s a shopkeeper I

Think that’s the shopkeeper okay um there should be another one around here though um around here around here around here I’m guessing Aladdin Aladdin oh Aladdin Ladd over there there we go okay and then there should be another one oh wait no you’re just a ride person who’s around

Here you who’s around here we need two more where is there supposed to be one round here we find where where the heck are we going to find Dory who’s who’s supposed to be here is that was that pointing at Aladdin oh maybe it was probably who who we

Missing Dory in the water I don’t know where Dory is I don’t know where Dory um um okay we’ll just we’ll just wander around we got this I just got two more to find look for anything Finding Nemo like like like what’s around here this is kind of wet border there’s an aquarium

Some indoors if I was a fish where would I be I was a fish if I was a fish did I get mini mouses you get min fish Shimmer in the sun didn’t have minis signature Mickey snure sorry we got one more to get and wait we got to find the real who

We missing real ones who did we miss how do we see who’s who we can’t we missed one we’ve missed a wait are there only 28 on the map yeah but I don’t know which one missed and we need to find we need to find find Dory wait wait okay let’s find

Dory first and then see who we see on the way okay we didn’t get Milan signature wait mulan’s not here I don’t think Mulan doesn’t exist well she exists she’s not here okay where would it be on the map Enchanted okay we got to go to back

Where we found water we found um what you call it um Gaston and and and stuff that’ll be where the rose is so maybe up here maybe this Castle North okay so let’s Zoom zo to the to the north castle Yeah zoom zoom and we keep an eye out

For to find the road well yeah the Roose the Roose would be by by by the by Bell we didn’t find is just wonder if the Beast has a signature I can’t remember his name is there a beast though I don’t know there’s gas yeah oh gosh oh oh here here here here

She is M oh my God got it okay okay not for the rest now we just got to find oh we’re so good okay okay we go north and we go find the enchanted race it’s got to be up here in the in the Enchanted Castle

That’s that’s the the only place I can think of okay we follow this round oh we have still one hour okay okay one out wait we’ll be rushing for no no no I think it’s good to still rush you know okay just in case we get stuck on another small world oh gosh

Okay I think it’s round here I think we go down here I don’t think we went down here or did we I think we did but we didn’t get the rose see look there’s a picture of a rose and it Be Our Guest Be Our Guest my gosh Be Our Guest

Maybe there’s a ride here as well yeah there’s a this Castle kind of looks lame like it looks like somebody went mining here and decided to slap name Castle on there oh you’ll always have no mercy it’s so brutal um there it is there it is I thought this was a turret it’s

Theose look like a did we see that’s literally my first thought we take a photo of it I guess we take a photo with it um we pose and turn around turn around oh turn around okay okay wait okay okay try Okay F5 F5 yes sir yeah oh there we go there we

Go okay do you want to take the screenshot or shall I um okay I screenshot okay yay I didn’t leave Minecraft I where do I put it um I’ll send it to you oh I think we put it in Discord wait should I be doing that oh

Let me let me upload the Oh okay that’s that’s us with the where wait I just put it in the this in the voice chat I don’t know oh in the voice chat yeah just pop it in there I guess okay now I need to find Dory Dory uh my screenshot is not

Cropped very well that’s okay we take it let’s go Dory Dory Dory maybe it might be actually really hard to find D it all right this isn’t the way this is the way out gosh this place is a maze I’m so lost yeah okay we’re

Free um free okay guys if you were fish where where would you be water aquarium like they would have an aquarium because they can’t like manage us going into the water so I don’t know is there an aquarium on here in the okay we have parts of the car Caribbean

Jungle cruise and Tom soyer Island those ones are the most water related where would you like to go you choose you choose uh I think they’re all around the same area right wait where are we oh but it’s on the other side of the map so this is the last thing we

Have to do yeah okay okay let’s go all the way to the bottom of the map okay lead the way okay try my best yeah okay I’m going to check the map oh okay well it’s good it’s good this is the right way yay sorry what I AC turn around that’s s you’ve

Got your map out so I thought I didn’t know oh gosh this place oh no not this place okay okay we’re going around around yeah yeah which way this way to the other side I don’t think there’s any other tasks unless you guys remember any other tasks

Like yeah then no we have a list don’t we yeah but I’m not looking at that yeah me neither it’s too far away in the T I’m not going to scroll like it’s really high up super high got to scroll through so much and and and yeah no that’s it that’s it

That’s just that I just don’t want to towards the bottom towards the bottom okay okay there’s a lot of over here oh Diamond what’s Diamond Horseshoe from that’s not I don’t know that’s not finding let’s go through this area okay okay this way okay I

Hope oh okay that’s kind of not where I wanted to go okay we can go through this area yeah yeah okay chat check for that there’s nothing else but finding Finding Dory Okay we’re at a fork in the road um let’s go to three let’s have a look at

Three jungle Cru we see any Dory it seems a bit jungly for Dory you know true jungly yeah quite hey we can go in the water oh we can okay darn it ah next time okay okay so next next one we’ll check out is the uh the fifth one five let’s back around

This way this way okay story Pirates of the Caribbean oh maybe I don’t know some water water connected okay let’s go let’s go uh this is a ride we can only have fun once we find Dory no fun before yeah got to get Dory

Oh h this one we going to Dory Dory Dory more more water uh Tom Sawyer Island Tomer Island this is a hard Quest yeah oh like H okay go up here up here Dory must be in a tank Maybe they yeah maybe they put Dory in a tank or

Something yeah in the aquarium Perhaps Perhaps there was a boat earlier maybe it was on that boat oh wait wait wait what about this oh you’re over there you’re so easy to spot cuz you’re a giant walking map yay this way okay six around here okay this is the water

So this is the Island I don’t know I don’t think this one’s it either maybe we go fishing here I don’t think she’s in the water I think she’s on the boat I think okay okay go to the boat lead the way okay it’s back the way we came so you

May recognize the path a little bit I think I’m using my trusty memory yeah oh yeah yeah what’s this one this one looks AIT toilet oh it’s a cafe very nice let’s see we go around gosh this does feel like real Disney we get to do

Lots of tons of walking and walking and walking walking zoom in zoom in zoom in oh yeah sorry zoom in zoom in zoom zoom we’re so fast oh yeah yeah I don’t even get tired where was that boat Aladdin where was that boat where was it I want to

Say I cannot remember I think it was down here the laddin the boat the boat the boat a boat boat SN that’s the that’s the fish sounded like they would this do you think it would be at the Cante what they at the canteen they wouldn’t do that toori right well they

Want to make it difficult for her to F where’s that boat is it over here is that the boat oh wait I think it was around here there’s a boat I’m sure I saw a boat maybe they saw Dory at the Emporium Crystal Palace buffet with C oh that looks good that looks

Good oh this we need the poo in here oh gosh this is so oh gosh maybe they are inside some random place cuz wiy the poo in here and this is nothing to do with witty or poo oh to the next we’ll just we’ll just we’ll just walk into the water cafes

Maybe maybe they did put Dory in in in in the canteen you know that would be horrible but hey hey but we’ll find ourselves Adventure Land no let’s see where was that other canteen where am I where is this we’ll get there don’t worry okay this is oh there’s The Boat

Boat here it is this is the boat where did youat here’s the boat where did you go here yeah yeah oh wall is massive this is the river boat landing is a boat so oh my gosh explosive boat ride he on the boat they they take Dory out

And then put her on the boat I don’t know if she’d be on a boat hey D D ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding you’re the winner doesn’t look like dor is it just looks like a boat it’s just a boat oh no a prison

Cell oh my god oh gosh wait is there is she in prison is that why uh no no no there’s nothing in prison yet oh yeah yet I’m out of the boat okay it’s not in the boat to the canteens yeah yeah yeah yeah canteen fish canteen

Fish we saw a fish looking one where did it go is it this one Cante M it’s blue hey this seems like it’d be good for Dory to be in it matches dor it’s not in here dory’s not here maybe down here I’m so lost where is she okay we check the

Map the map map doesn’t really say much no the map literally tells me nothing at this point um yeah okay we’ll just wander into everything then um okay yeah yeah yeah yeah eventually we’ll get there okay we’ll avoid the small world we’ll just go into any sort of restaurant cuz like maybe

It’s in Pinocchio’s village house okay yeah Pinocchio collect fish dory oh I see glass glass is like a good sign maybe she’s hiding behind no not maybe she’s at the start I don’t know that’s why it’s Finding Nemo and not finding Dory they Finding Dory is one though that’s a um Dory Dory

Dory yeah it’s probably just in a really random Place let’s go to the let’s go to the to the central the starting Village oh go from the start and then work the way upwards yeah it’s got to be here somewhere like how do I get to theore

Start where are we where am I this this a start souvenirs souvenirs souvenirs ior is a souvenir souvenir okay Dory Dory no no Dory no Dory Dory Dory where where where where days are going by in this world and I’m just so conf you think we spent longer

Looking for Dory or in the Small World ride I think it’s even at the moment but but at this point we’re going to go insane um I don’t even know why is this path got nothing on it what’s the point of this path this is a massive path what is

This okay maybe this is like the aquarium oh that would be great this is blue swimming pool this is Blue can we go inside like that’s such a big walkway oh no it’s not here we’ve been here this is tomorrow end oh but how do we go up like to that

Walk way oh up up um we follow around what if she’s in the house house she lives here she’s got to be somewhere oh I’m going to check the map again let’s go straight ahead let’s go straight ahead okay I follow you we’re going to go right

Back right back to where it all began yeah yeah all right this is the fastest way I think to travel jumping and running jum jump jum jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump maybe she’s in the castle she might be let’s go in the castle we haven’t been in there yet no

We haven’t can we go in it can we oh let’s find out maybe I I mean maybe it’s their prized fish you know so uh if we’re we could accidentally start the fireworks early no we can’t do that that’s IL careful careful wait how do we get in the castle Cinderella

Cinderella’s Royal table oh oh oh wait there are like a bunch of these sections oh there’s upstairs oh oh it goes up oh Oh do you serve any Dory here sir do you what kind of fish is Dory Dory is a blue fish a Fin fish fins thanks that’s exactly the answer I wanted it’s not up here it’s not in the fancy swi fish wait where are you there’s the upstairs hello oh hello look

We can have we can have dinner we can have dinner here looks like this place would be expensive yeah this place is expensive it’s yummy but no Dory man I really want to go to Disneyland yeah this makes me want to go so fun except for where the heck is

Dory oh yeah okay what’s on the other side Dory this side C there’s a person there there candles oh no don’t interact Dory oh what you mean you got a Dory how did you get a Dory Dory Dory wait I have a Dory Dory when did I get a Dory you have

A Dory how long have you had Dory for I’ve had two dories I have two of them why have we been searching it’s a item yeah cuz where my dories go yep oh I’ve got them how do I drop it oh I think cuz I dropped them because there

You go you can pick them up yeah it’s supposed to be an item cuz the other missions the other girls have include like pickles and gray stuff so it that’s an item so yeah it was Dory we had Dory the had Dory the whole time wait we should take a picture of our

Dories yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you okay to take a screenshot yeah this I can take a screenshot thank you okay okay this will be the spot this is it that’s Dory when did you swap to a stitch hat oh I can’t believe we had Dory the

Whole time we’ve been running around the map yeah mission complete wow change back white backpack this cute I really love the the ear hat the pink one it’s super cute oh we need to go Disneyland and get these actual hats yes please please next year yes

Okay do be got plan one yeah yeah be trip be trip trip okay now that we have completed our missions we are allowed to have all the fun in the world but we’re also hungry I think cuz I have I need to eat four Mickey Mouse heart things so we

Should go to oh I didn’t know we could get hungry oh let’s go to restaurant yeah you CH wait I choose it good okay she good okay where are we going to eat oh M there’s a mouse my God A okay okay where do we go oh should we go in this right in the middle Carousel Carousel it’s it’s the The Sword and the stone oh I didn’t even notice pick it out pick it out I can’t I’m not strong enough I’m not the chosen

One no your turn well I don’t I don’t know if they be earlier I could like uh you can repair but I don’t think that’s the feature a we’re not worthy oh well we’re not worthy okay moving on you want to go on the carousel I love car that’s

The only spinny ride that’s okay is the carousel oh yeah yeah okay I’m on this one yeah I go on I’ll go on this one wait this ride’s like I’m So Far Away wee does it go up and down yeah wow cute nice and nice this is good this looks like we

Could all go on it though it has lots of room yeah we could unlike it’s a small one maybe this is like the biggest biggest ride maybe maybe although a lot of it’s blocked by the ceiling like The View looking at from like a a below

Point of view yeah there’s the floor the ceiling and then a slight Gap in between yay I don’t know how long it spins for though um yeah it’s been on for quite a while oh we’re free we’re free it’s not we’re free it’s not like the other one oh my

Goodness I was worried for a second I was like wait what if it’s long another small world no okay you lead the way you choose where you go next yeah okay okay let’s go o Princess Aurora what you doing Rapunzel where hello oh she’s bowing oh she

Bowed how very sweet of her so fancy so fancy they on the pew pew red PE PE Seven Dwarves o mind train oh this is going to be roller coaster right I want to go on this one okay okay let’s do it free Shel free

Shovel oh I can’t go no oh okay let’s go okay ready ready ready ready ready ready ready 5 4 three two one go go go oh oh where are you you behind me I’m behind you okay yeah I can’t turn around wait I can just press F5 there we go yeah yay

Adventure mining time kind of clunky but this is like default Minecraft oh wait yeah wait yeah cuz you mine in Minecraft makes sense W we’re just it’s pretty yeah PR pretty chilled pretty chilled well I hope I see Snow White wait if this is the actual oh my goding you’re [Laughter]

Like are you okay you’re like swinging you’re swinging hard yeah like oh my God I really am I was in a different perspectives I couldn’t see oh we’re back to slow oh I think I’ve been on this ride in in Disneyland really I remember this was like the

Scariest ride I’d ever been on wait it’s scary I’m so scared why what’s this scary because because of the the evil stepmother H evil evil lady oh the witch witch mother yeah not the it’s so scary I was like terrified I was like I thought this was a kid Fri kid

Are where’s the witch I don’t know if she’ll appear in this one a we should try and do like um what is it you know you’ve got the Seven Dwarfs um which vaa person is which dwarf cuz you know you’ve got like happy and sleepy and

Grumpy and oh my go I can’t actually remember the rest um yeah I’m going to search it up a bashful no bash wait what bashful seven names okay okay let me search it up okay let me search it up so we have um doc grumpy happy sleepy bashful it is

Bashful Sneezy and Dopey Sneezy and dop wait Sneezy I don’t remember Sneezy yeah I guess Sneezy bashful what’s bashful really mean like like like shy oh oh okay okay bashful they’re playing and then H maybe I’m sleepy I kind of missed half an hour of my stream

This morning cuz I was sleeping which it’s not good what one would you be bashful you’re bashful okay you’re bashful um I guess MO is Ganky so happy happy happy happy and then and then or or Sneezy I don’t know wait how how did this m

Sneeze I don’t know I just feel like she would shoot the weird one we need to figure out her sneeze capacity to to see if she can become Sneezy uh which one would idy be um oh that one’s tough cuz doc which one dock wait doc cuz there’s

Doc grumpy happy sleepy bashful of Sneezy Dopey oh dog that’s not a mood I know it doesn’t make sense is that just like the leader I don’t get it I don’t know like okay wait I’m going to search up personality lore oh my God I bet there’s a quiz to figure out which

Which which DWF you want okay so basically Doc is the leader name oh okay and then uh we have grumpy is the angry one happy is the always laughing one sleepy is the always sleepy one Sneezy is the one that’s always sneezing also very friendly oh um okay bash is the

Very shy kind-hearted one uh and the Romantic okay Dopey is the mute dwarf that is prone to accidents a oh no apparently Dopey is the most popular dwarf really I didn’t know they hit a popularity contest wait yeah when did when did did where did that get decided

So it’s basically like the clumsy silent one like the the D oh so which one would which one would IDI Match I don’t know if she’s clumsy I know she she gets does she sneeze I know she gets ill lot like ill easy but I don’t know if that’s clumsy that’s just like frail yeah um new dwarf type fail maybe Sneezy yeah Sneezy is probably best I’m

Sure ID sneezed in her life at some point if not she might have a Prof oh let’s see let’s go to um somewhere with food I’m hungry some food I didn’t know we could order food yeah here’s somewhere that looks like it would give me something to

Eat yeah let’s see there’s somebody feed me feed me oh yeah please there’s the food I’m going to have oh Mickey Mouse ice cream I think oh my God there’s so much yeah I want n n n n n n n why just a pickle how are

You supposed to eat just a pickle I think you can just eat just a pickle oh there’s the gra stuff cheeseburger Popcorn popcorn pop cheeseburger will be my snack where are the drinks where’s the drink SE n n n oh I already ate I ate it Oh I thought we were going to sit down oh no wait I was so hungry oh no I don’t have any food I’m

Throwing this away run run run wait I got picked up away run it’s blocking our exit get out here it’s got to be okay let’s go to kind is so creepy what the heck he scary let’s go this way let’s find wait which ride do we want to go on now we’re free

To go on anything oh man I I don’t know what’s Number maybe P flight yeah get to fly let’s fly would that be around here I think it’s the one that’s opposite this here wait that’s Fantasy Fair it’s the one opposite small world it’s this one small world talk about that one Peter Pan’s flight yeah this is it yay I think I’ve

Done this one in in Disneyland yeah I have it’s pretty cool I’m guessing it flies up quite high oh it’s a little sh you get to fly after this we can go on the water ride cuz we spent so much time in the water didn’t do anything let’s go ride okay this is

Slow yeah well at least it’s not small worlds slow oh god oh a oh it’s just like the story it’s so pretty it can fly the dog go what you have to say is like I believe I believe FL yeah I believe oh is this I believe ingland

England England my beloved hello oh my God my God and ell is over there let me up I’m home I’m home guys let me off free wait the Moon is so detailed wow oh yeah Co the fancy block so fancy it’s like it’s more fancy than the ACT Moon we

Have let’s replace our petition to replace our moon with that one please thank you um oh this is Neverland Neverland oh and then there’s the building is incredible who’s Mr SME Mr SM is the assistant oh and then the Lost place I am a last boy a FES oh the mermaids mermaids

Oh they look funny they look a bit different from the other characters a bit fishy I was going to say their heads look really small but yeah let’s get for fishy where’s the was it a crocodile or alligator or something right like oh oh no wait oh no it’s crazy how detailed everything

Is Wendy no oh it’s hook C no don’t fight oh there’s there’s the crocodile alligator thingy r w plank r r there are so many Peter pant yeah wait Wendy’s not on the plank anymore oh there’s Tinker Bell normal sized it’s me crocodile C help help me Mr me m me like down me

You C I’m not going to H waa it’s so detailed W nice we did it we have successfully rided the ride ah okay here choose the next one Jungle Cruise Jungle Cruise Jungle Cruise Jungle Cruise how do we get to Jungle Cruise we go this way this way maybe also ellia I forgot

To ask you but what you think of my skin your Skin’s so cute honestly of course it’s cute honestly I I gave it an upgrade since the last time I played Minecraft wait we have a prop eyes are different I changed the eyes and I changed all the colors

Actually oh it look more stuff yeah before it was like faded it was like pastel super pastel yeah this one this one’s stronger and yeah yeah yeah yeah nice and bright to match your personality yeah let’s see it down here Jungle Cruise time jle J Cru J Cruise Jungle Cruise

I’m surprised we’ve not run into more people this place must be big Jungle Cruise does normal Minecraft have stars that is a good question there’s also a moon over there like I don’t even know I don’t I don’t play enough Minecraft to answer these questions oh you guys will been playing Minecraft

I feel so bad but not bad enough to schedule a Minecraft stream just yet come on but here you are playing Minecraft but not in the v server I’m the one that set up and owns that server um where am I going Jungle Cruise jungle cruise jle I will maybe play

Minecraft not yet where is it is it number six I wait the day when you finally start uh expanding your my hair is perfect my cave is exactly how I want it to look like no I feel so behind I was looking on ID’s stream but it was like her and

Mo okay ID is really Advanced okay I was watching and I was like damn these two very Advanced with their with their Diamond everything and I’m just there like yo I have stick like I have no diamond wait where did you go wait I want to go oh oh hello we traveled to

The we teleported e what are we supposed to do here oh welcome teleported if you like dark caves mystery man or B Bottomless Pits shaky Bridge something something something something don’t read don’t catch pretty cool I guess this is a manual ride I don’t know what this is do not worry

Okay what is this what am I supposed to do here what’s what’s am I supposed to do do go up I’m so lost Up and Away what do I do what do we do do what is the point of this place what is the point wait where’s the ride you wanted

To go on I don’t know I was trying to get to Jungle Cruise but I don’t know where I am or oh we should just go back we should teleport back right what this you teleport it where’s the teleport oh wait there’s a cave

Oh you’re in a cave I’m in a cave just right feel right at home now I think there’s a ride down is there a ride down here what’s this place what is this I’m going to go to Island I’m s I’m so lost come back where am I where are you

I don’t care are you in a cave I’m not in the cave anymore oh okay okay you see me no no I’m by the windmill no water mill I’m in the Watermill oh oh you see me Hickory switch Hill Hickory switch Hill are you at the bottom of the

Windmill um no wait I’m going to try and find my way oh thought you are behind you ah ni okay okay let’s go to teleport place oh there is actually a windmill here as well that’s nice and confusing I was at the water you in a different one

I was at the water mill um but I got it mixed up let’s go let’s go oh okay where’s Jungle Cruise jungle cruise I know uh let me check the map is it ahead further yeah it’s I I didn’t go far down enough it’s further down this way I think it’s down

Here I think like I think it’s down here maybe it’s this one yeah no these just boxes these are just boxes so just for fun oh wa jungle Cruis is down there I’m so blind wait so wait it’s back the other way oh forward it’s South so like like this

Way okay 10 minutes yeah all right next 10 minutes until firew okay we’ll do jungle cruise and then go back to the the thing wait I think it’s yeah Straight Ahead Straight Ahead jungle cruise is over here I’m not very good with maps and I was looking at the wrong

Number here it is Jungle Cruise oh goody goody okay okay let’s go this is a dead end I’m so L wait what’s the point of that entire SE if it just goes into a dead end where’s the star there it is there it is hello hello

Hello sir we’ve made it you like to go in the water no not in the water no no ready I thought we swim want to swim oh the amount of people we take out not the number we bring back oh okay what okay we’re we’re in so

Ominous yeah wait was that supposed to be scary is so funny oh hi oh hi look after us please oh that’s a tree you’re right it’s a tree it’s some a lot of tree wow it’s so green lot of tree here here lot of tree from water though I think I’ve been

On this ride or maybe maybe it just looks very similar to every other water ride I don’t really go I feel like I’ve been on like one of these tour little tour rides yeah maybe is this oh is it Tarzan is that what it’s supposed to

Be maybe I don’t know I I avoid Water by cuz normally they have a big whoosh whoo where you get wet and then I’m like nah I’m not I’m not going to get all wet when I’m at the like yeah oh what’s that over there Bo boats and bats and baits baits Bats I thought it said bats as well wa we have to rent to canoe oh I I’d love to go canoeing I can’t swim but canoeing is fun what incident did this guy get into oh wow what the heck why is it in a tree like that python oh my

God ice peeled get [Laughter] it wait it’s got a first a kit I know smart gorilla I can’t elephant like an elepant it’s a elephant you can tell because it’s an elephant oh I had no idea it was an elephant and and yeah you’re in Africa

So it’s probably an African elephant I I never would have known I thought I thought it was a pig to be honest like a desaturated pig desaturated with a egg nose extension yes yes yeah pig that just became very obsessed with the plastic surgery it just wanted to look

Beautiful couldn’t accept it was beautiful all along zebra zebra you want me zebra wait where is the zebra over there next to the giraffe oh my God I thought they were saying the non non zebrafi one was like the Ze no we got oh it’s the watering hole Uh nice and then we have wait what are these doing what is this wait are there people What’s happen right over here you’ll see absolutely nothing you will not see a being chaso okay I wish them the best oh okay okay okay I see nothing see nothing nothing I see nothing Clayton

Yep we believe in Clayton’s our guy he he’ll tell us what we see and we don’t see yeah I feel so safe here we trust we trust trus in the oh wait why is there wait what’s the other one called maybe they should pull one Ginger and one snap that would have been

Better Scherer is that treasure behind this waterfall oh okay later how long is this later are you coming back to this yeah is round two I don’t want to get twice Clayton mate you can’t you can’t keep us on here like oh there’s hippos hippos are terrifying don’t want to mess with

Hippos no no no oh gosh there’s so many of them um Fireworks will start in 5 minutes okay Clayton Clayton wait my work is so soon wait but what about I I hope nobody’s on the Small World ride right now I don’t think anyone’s going to go back there anytime

Soon maybe there might just be one pair that just uh oh gosh maybe maybe they just really wanted that you know broken mind experience again um looks like one of the CH the M let’s listen in okay that’s great is clayon okay is having the time

Of his life is he okay like oh my God is everything okay so dizzy small world in his brain oh gosh good thing this bit doesn’t have music’ we’ve been waiting for something theal the wonder of the world the oh thank you there’s no treasure what was the point absolute betrayal

What he didn’t say anything after he he he said it was it was so Ser serious and what red is this T J jungle Cris okay jungle CR jungle Cris yeah I wonder how many people I think we’re almost done right right right Clayton clayon please Clayton son um um okay

Clon there a tiger a tiger I no what’s here is a snake snake snake okay oh you know Clayton even points at it it’s pretty cool he said his eyes were closed how does he know what he’s pointing at what’s over here more snakes lots of snakes

Oh what’s happened oh they’re frozen oh my God that’s scary face Clayton can we get off this right Clayton sir please please sir please please let us off sir sir what are you pointing at sir Freedom so what are you pointing at there’s nothing over that at

The start he did say that they get paid for how many people go on the ride now how many people come back oh no hey look what we found elepant the Indian elephant oh y it’s okay to stare they have their trunks on Quon sir we’re done with your puns we’d like to

[Laughter] leave that’s mean clayon you’re being mean don’t be mean Clon this how they look come on I knew I shouldn’t have gone on a water ride now I’m wet no all all the things we bought with no money look there’s the end get wet is

That the end no is it oh my go we’re nearly there is it it’s getting dark we need to we need to get back is that the end that must be the end my gosh must how far away from the the castle I don’t know I can’t look at

My map qu won me I was trying to look at it as well we run jle let me off if this loops around why is he still talking oh that’s his gift shop I thought that was the start same uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh um oh no there’s there

There’s the end right that’s the end that’s the end the end should be the end don’t you dare Loop Clayton you better pull this boat over please Clayton please please it’s it’s thank you sir yeah we know you’re Clayton we know oh okay okay D okay we got to go

Wait wait his name isix go go no he said you his name is Felix if it’s bad towards the castle towards the castle you that okay I I Pi in the in the wait wait wait po Mia did you have fun po Mia sorry what yeah I had a lot

Of fun I got to say pickles and I got to see I got to say Beauty and the Beast and the princesses and Stitch and and everyone else I hope us got to go around Together I hope that maybe next time if we ever do use Bedrock Edition again which we probably won’t um have better luck next Time okay wait wait wait wait wait OT how was your Miss how did you do we did it sucess what did you have to what did you have to find well we were looking for Dory for ages and it turned out Spa had Dory all along soory got

Dory Dory Okay everyone so what we going to do we’re going to was the fireworks then after we’re going to take a photo okay okay okay it’s going to be so romantic ran change my point of view how do I change my point of view which way we facing wait I’m facing

The castle the castle where wait I thought we’re fac oh we’re facing this way to look Castle happy new everyone oh [Applause] [Applause] Yeah oh my God congratulations happy new merry Christmas happy [Applause] Hul oh I’m going eat my spaghetti now oh I [Applause] [Applause] are we going to stand and have a picture with the should we take a picture while the fireworks are still let’s go let’s go let’s stand here have to be here go next to me next yeah yeah yeah where you fin oh wait actually here here here here here here

Here here okay yeah oh wait oh no wait the old the old man will get in the old man get in fine okay this to the side noed okay honor wait actually Crouch actually yeah Crouch how do you crouch shift shift shift wait not be here okay come over here

Come over here come over here okay okay okay oops how do you go okay okay how do we should we have like should we have like a crowd around and then should webe semle maybe we can stand on that thing like if we stand on that platform over

There and then Ora maybe stand on the bottom and then we can take a group picture that way and then we have everyone in it cuz then you can see like the the platform finale fireworks so just is it over okay okay well you know what we all

Kind of on top of each other so can everyone space out a bit semicircle semicircle yeah yeah yeah space out a bit space everyone space out nobody’s moving it’sing oh my God yipp how’s that yipp did anyone take a photo we take screenshot on my V it’s

On my V I’m good on the it’s in the it’s on the it’s on the V oh shift wait if I go here I H my head all right everyone look up look up look up look up don’t worry about the fireworks just look up okay okay okay look up look

Up look up I can’t get the fireworks in but yay a small a small [Applause] Come here everyone come here come here come here look up from this angle okay we can get the firew in the photo no balloons no balloons though no balloons okay which way this way yeah look up oh that’s cute oh that’s cute so adorable y it’s oh my

God wait you didn’t have to [Laughter] [Applause] pay oh my God oh my God my dogs Are [Applause] Stupid y Okay everyone it’s time for us to go home we need to go over to the entrance to the entrance no no the on everyone My ears my ears [Applause] Hurt get that everyone sing No sing I okay okay I just want to say I am sorry for the scuff with this game but I’m glad we all got to go together even SC is part of the YouTuber yeah even though some of us couldn’t stream

On PVS I’m glad we still got to find a way to to join everyone to join together You and let’s do something like this again maybe in [Applause] J no was over here guys guys it’s locked I can’t I can’t oh my God oh my God this a celebration let’s go shall we go screaming anybody else just watch did anybody else just see Ora get abducted by how did she fly where’s she’s here I don’t see I see goodbye Everyone bye bye don’t come back what okay everyone I think I we I think it’s time for us to like finish up so yeah if you guys want talk to your chats and stuff whatever you got to do I’ll go back Rooms what I swapped to to the to the to the to the to the more peaceful one um oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh that was a busy busy busy busy I wonder if if oh I send a heart hello hello hello we’re free from all the noise it was very

Loud that was that was super loud oh gosh wa we’ll never be free we’ll never be free oh no we live here now we live here we live yeah okay I claim I claim the Aurora Castle as my home I’ll take somewhere that has food I don’t

Know um yeah yeah yeah I think team Ellie speaker did well right yeah we won we won we won we definitely came first for sure for sure yeah but that was a fun collab it was a lot of people but it worked so was so much happening

It was certainly a very small world indeed indeed oh gosh okay I’m going go read any suas and donuts and finish up um but okay thank you for being on on my team with me no thank you for joining my team okay see you byebye byee what

The oh and then and then I think I do this um Let Me Hide us for a second hello chat Hello let me see if I do this and then I do this and then I do this and then I do this hi hello hello hello did I did I do okay oh gosh that was a little chaotic when it got loud so I hope it was okay

Um I hope it was okie dokie I’m tired um Disneyland is tiring just like just like um real if you’re wondering why my name is missing an L um is because it’s because there’s the character limmit so so when I put in the two L’s it said

That was El Eagle so yeah yeah yeah um so so I don’t know who took the L but but I give you a w I know I’m going to read the donuts and Su missed um I know I know I know I know where does it start where does it start oh

It’s a bunch of you punk saying it’s it’s free it’s not that’s when I went to go get my Luc yeah got that Luc to energize me my pink Lu it as I did you hear the noise when I when I opened it up and did you know it’s a small one

After all I’m not going crazy you are yeah um that will help me for for five ever yay Anonymous where’s the enchanted R she’s on the screen right there after all she always puts me under her spell that magical smile of hers her name’s

Ellia M M M but but if I’m a rose that would mean to be spiky I don’t want to be spiky no no no no no no spikes no it’s okay I not as pretty as a rose oh go go and the tank comat 120 m m gun

Challenger Mark I keep wanting to say milliliter but it’s millimeter well thory is not inside me you check inside okay open up open up I can’t believe we found Dory I can’t believe I can’t believe I can’t believe Dory was with us the whole time like

And it’s a small world after all it’s a small world after all it’s a small world after all a small world after all it’s a small world after all it’s It’s a small world after all it’s a small world after all it’s a small world after all

Yay yes it is it is it is it is it is it is oh gosh who I’d leave this collab with with haunting haunting sounds in my head um It’s a small world after all it’s a small world after all it’s a small world after all it’s a small world

After all oh gosh how many of these are there no no no yay you did great in the collab hope you get a chance to go to Disney in person too it’s a lot of fun have a good night yeah I’ve been to Disney see I’ve

Been to Disney SE when I was in Japan but I didn’t get to go to Disneyland um and there was still a lot I missed um so maybe one day V can go to can go to um Disney yeah yeah or Disney Paris Disney Paris isn’t too far but but I don’t know

What that one’s like but but yeah yeah yeah yeah one day one day Disney I remember always seeing like like aers for Disney but I my family would never ever ever ever ever go Disney um mostly cuz Papa ell is um aor phobic like much much much much much

More than I am I’m like a little but but papa is like ABS he lutely nope if there are people we will not go um which is why we didn’t do a lot um yeah yeah yeah nice thank you for the Stream it was a little chaotic when everyone was

Together but a very fun stream nonetheless I hope it didn’t drain your social battery too much have lots of rest after we’ll be looking forward to seeing you later yeah I’m going to rest I’m I’m I feel like I’m ready for bed and it’s not even it’s it’s it’s

It’s like 4 minutes to 8 so I’m like do I go I can’t go sleep now but [Laughter] But oh gosh yeah yeah I did danger nap just before stream can confirm I had a nap like literally up until the minute I had to join the Discord C to organize um organize it I do apologize for the delay we did actually um we all actually met

In Discord an hour before so so it was a whole hour before and despite the whole hour we still didn’t have everything sorted like some people still had issues with with sorting out the um the the everyone getting on to Disney so we did try um we did try um

And I hope you I don’t know what number you guys got to on the banana thing but I just left that running for for like 20 minutes but I put the pinned oh the pinned message is still there H that’s not supposed to that’s not supposed to still be

There okay the Pinn message has been dismissed um yeah it was a big collab but all the girls are really really really wonderful they’re all so lovely and so nice I was nervous cuz like I was obviously like a few minutes later in the cool and I had to join and I was

Like oh gosh there’s so many people already in the cool oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh and I joined and everyone so nice and I’m like I love them so much m m m m so for the number of people we did pretty good for golf amounts

Um thing is definitely forgivable with that many people um yeah yeah yeah it’s a big cool after all oh gosh oh gosh and then and then is it tomorrow tomorrow we have let me check my schedule what is my schedule schedule schedule schedule tomorrow is Thursday Thursday Thursday what do we do

Tomorrow let me check I should know this it’s a spooky V collab oh gosh collab to collab oh collab to collab it’s the spooky vetta collab I don’t know if it’s going to be spooky um it’s spooky spooky C up it’s not Ro it’s not Roblox because because there’s

Too many too many technical issues so it was a idea that was um that was passed through and gave me scare but it’s all good I think it’s going to be something else but that’ll be on ID’s Channel and then and then I’m back with you guys

Friday morning um with puzzles and chill maybe H I want to chat with you guys I B I’ll be sneaky sneaky in ID’s chat there maybe um but yeah I’ll make sure I get lots of rest as you can tell I’ve been a mess but I’m your

Mess but I hope I hope you had fun um watching the collab I hope it was fun to go around Disney together Um and I hope you have fun this morning as well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was fun it was fun chilling with you like it was really nice so yeah yeah yeah yeah um okay I am going to go lie down oh wait should I eat dinner I’ve

Only had lunch I think I don’t think I’ve had dinner oh I should have dinner I had I had lunch not dinner so so yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s dinner time it’s dinner time I don’t know what shall I have I don’t know but yeah okay

Um for now for now for now for now for now for now for now for now for now it’s a it’s a it’s A see sometimes I get hungry and sleepy confused because I’m like am I hungry or am I just sleepy but that’s probably from my student days where it was like hm do I have dinner or do I sleep you can have sleep for dinner and then and then I save the

Money good not a very good student trick don’t recommend um yeah well I’m not going to speak of Something I Don’t Know But at the very least I know you’re so pretty so much prettier than a rose on the inside and the takea away from this stream taking

On a date would be such a fun time really M I thought i’ be annoying I worry I’m annoying a lot so thank you I shall plan and in advance wait what yeah I just hope I’m not annoying that’s my main worry um I do my best is to like yeah oh gosh

Yeah I hope everyone had a fun time I hope you guys had a fun time I hope with the girls in the collab had a fun time and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um it’s um I like a my ears it’s it’s not it’s not

A bye-bye it’s not a bye-bye it’s a it’s a it’s a to see you Later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Disney! Team EliSpica!【BEEG COLLAB】’, was uploaded by Elia Stellaria【V-Dere】 on 2023-10-18 23:34:28. It has garnered 3689 views and 452 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:40 or 10960 seconds.

Thumbnail by Aura!

Please check out all the amazing people in this collab! spica! kirispica 💭💗 –https://www.youtube.com/@kirispica Mozumi Pichi 🍹 – https://www.youtube.com/@MozumiPichi GX Aura 🎮🪫 – https://www.youtube.com/@GXAuraOfficial Oumiya Emma ⛓💀 – https://www.youtube.com/@oumiyaemma PiaPI UFO 👽🥒 – https://twitch.tv/PiaPiUFO Poko Rakun 🔑 – https://www.youtube.com/@rakunpoko Mino Mieko 👑✨ – https://www.youtube.com/@MinoMieko Carrot Keromi 🐸🍭 – https://www.youtube.com/@KarrotKeromi Cheri Lupina 💰🗡️ – https://www.youtube.com/@CheriLupina Ophelia Midnight 💋🔪 – https://www.youtube.com/@OpheliaMidnight Confetti Cones 🎉 – https://www.youtube.com/@ConfettiConi

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【V-Dere VTuber Group】 https://www.v-dere.moe/

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~~♡~~ 【Opening BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jjZwbZ192Q

【Background BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7Zu2IruAq4

【Ending BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLJluy-WQN0


Rule 0: Be Kind Rule 1: Take care of yourself Other rules below – No spam or self-promotion (If you see spam or trolling, don’t engage with it. Please block, report, and ignore it) – Bringing up other vtubers is fine if relevant to the discussion, but please don’t bring up other vtubers unless I mention them – No bullying / disrespectful behavior or language towards others – Please chat in English – No spoilers / back seating. If help/backseating is needed I will explicitly ask time to time ^^ – Please understand that I try to respond to every comment, but it’s not possible for me to ​engage with every comment. Don’t take it personally if I miss yours – Please keep the conversation relevant to the stream content. Although I will do my best to welcome any questions as long as they are appropriate – Please don’t cross the line with overly inappropriate/sensitive/sexual comments – Please avoid bringing up viewership numbers


【Mozumi Pichi】🍹 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MozumiPichi Twitter: https://twitter.com/MozumiPichi 【Airi Viridis】🩰🦇 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3AYtmMNdJczCvQNoPy-gjw Twitter: https://twitter.com/AiriViridis 【Kirispica】💭💗 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/kirispica Twitter: https://twitter.com/kirispicaa


Credits listed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jbXy_K80QrEQZjJggeX6osTjtFT5Ulm9mawAd5a2gX0/edit?usp=sharing

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    Experiment Gone Wrong: Minecraft Mobs Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, experiments run wild, Mutant mobs roam, fierce and untamed, not mild. Zombie mutants, red and scary, immune to the sun, Skeleton mutants, armored and fierce, ready to stun. Wolf mutants with two tails, a sight to behold, Spider mutants with big fangs, fierce and bold. Chicken mutants turned into T-Rex, a fright at night, In the world of Minecraft, mutants take flight. So subscribe and like, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, mutants bring the heat. Stay tuned for more adventures, more experiments to see, In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Crafty Carrot & Wool Farming

    Crafty Carrot & Wool Farming Minecraft Adventures: Carrot and Wool Farming Setting Up the Carrot Farm In the bustling world of Minecraft 1.20, Emmysim embarks on a new project – a carrot farm. With a keen eye for design, she carefully plans out the layout of the field, leaving space for a charming coastal path. Planting the carrots with precision, she envisions the bountiful harvest that will aid in her villager trades. Automating the Sheep Farm While tending to the carrot farm, Emmysim also delves into automating her sheep farm. With a meticulous approach, she constructs segments for the sheep, ensuring a seamless process… Read More

  • Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft YouTubers Unite! Join the adventure with a group of talented Minecraft YouTubers as they explore the vast world of blocks and possibilities. From epic builds to thrilling survival challenges, these content creators bring the game to life in exciting ways. Let’s meet the members of this dynamic group: Coleman Follow Coleman’s channel for creative building projects and entertaining gameplay. Talley Join Talley on thrilling survival missions and engaging multiplayer sessions. Solo Experience Solo’s unique perspective on Minecraft with a mix of tutorials and let’s play videos. WindSword Embark on epic adventures with WindSword as he tackles dungeons and… Read More

  • Mining Mishaps: Duo SMP Adventure

    Mining Mishaps: Duo SMP Adventure Minecraft Adventures: Getting Lost in the Mines Duo SMP Exploring the Depths In the world of Minecraft, two players, Dave and the narrator, embark on a journey filled with surprises and discoveries. From exploring caves to finding hidden diamond spots, their adventures are nothing short of exciting. The narrator meticulously marks each diamond spot with torches, showcasing their dedication to mining. Challenges and Triumphs As they delve deeper into the mines, they encounter challenges like spider spawners and witches. Despite setbacks, such as losing half an amethyst block to a spider spawner, they remain determined to overcome obstacles. The… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 21 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 21 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, day 21 is here, Chopping wood, no need for fear. Thought I found a desert, but it was just sand, Plenty of trees, safe on land. Shout out to Tomasito Play, L3 334, And all the others, feeling great. Stay tuned for surprises, giveaways to come, Become a member, join the fun. Keep collecting wood, one more each day, In this challenge, we’ll find our way. Stay tuned for more, the adventure’s just begun, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll always have fun. Read More

  • Minecraft Head Base Race: A Blocky Challenge!

    Minecraft Head Base Race: A Blocky Challenge! In Minecraft news, we take flight, Reporting updates with all our might. From head base challenges to new mobs, We cover it all, no need for sobs. Join us on Discord, YouTube, and more, For gaming fun that’s never a bore. AquaVerse is the name to know, For Minecraft facts that steal the show. So come along and join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve just begun. Stay tuned for more, don’t be late, AquaVerse Channel, your gaming mate. Read More

  • Blaze it up in Minecraft Lab!

    Blaze it up in Minecraft Lab! “Experiment 1: Trying to play Minecraft without accidentally punching a tree for 10 minutes straight.” Read More

  • Desert Shenanigans: Minecraft Zelda Adventure

    Desert Shenanigans: Minecraft Zelda Adventure Angekommen in der Wüste: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure as our protagonist explores a captivating map in this thrilling episode. Join the journey through a unique AdventureCraft Launcher experience that promises endless fun and surprises! Exploring the AdventureCraft Launcher Discover a whole new world of possibilities with the AdventureCraft Launcher, offering exclusive gameplay that is not available elsewhere. Dive into the action by downloading the launcher from AdventureCraft.dev and immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind Minecraft experience. Join the Community Connect with fellow gamers and enthusiasts by engaging with the vibrant community surrounding this Minecraft adventure…. Read More

  • EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs PRO Barbie House Build!

    EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs PRO Barbie House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BARBIE GIRL HOUSE Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Cobey on 2024-05-20 12:36:24. It has garnered 8531 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:11 or 1391 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: BARBIE GIRL HOUSE Build Challenge! This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft build battle and Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker! This has lots of Minecraft Mods installed! Today we built Barbie girl house! We are inspired by MongoTV, Wudo, Omziscool, and Kory! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun…. Read More

  • JJ’s Diamond Ore & Mikey Escape Minecraft Saw Hands

    JJ's Diamond Ore & Mikey Escape Minecraft Saw HandsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Became Diamond ORE and ESCAPE From Mikey With SAW HANDS in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-14 20:00:11. It has garnered 94124 views and 401 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:49 or 3649 seconds. How JJ Became Diamond ORE and ESCAPE From Mikey With SAW HANDS in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain with Apalatu Craft – EPIC!

    HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain with Apalatu Craft - EPIC!Video Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain (Imagine Dragon – Bones) #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #fyp’, was uploaded by Apalatu Craft on 2024-01-15 08:28:21. It has garnered 180417 views and 11387 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #minecraftshorts #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #fyp #helpherobrine #herobrine #like #youtube #gaming #game #fyp #imaginedragon #animation #herobrine #shorts #tiktok #viral #trending #minecraft #saitama #like #gaming #tiktokgaming #gameplay #fyp #fypシ゚viral #hero #meme #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #challenge #aphmau #mrbeastgaming #tiktok #like Subscribe For more Video! HELP Herobrine Climbing With Heavy Weight (Imagine Dragon – Bones) HELP Herobrine Climb Mountain… Read More

  • Avoid This Stalker, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

    Avoid This Stalker, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘If You See Something Following You, RUN AWAY FAST…’, was uploaded by AA12 on 2024-05-24 01:00:15. It has garnered 2002 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:47 or 1907 seconds. Today, we play Minecraft but we play the scariest addon… This mod adds a lot of scary jumpscares in Minecraft PE! Watch till the end to see if we survive this scary Minecraft mod. If You See Something Following You, RUN AWAY FAST… The Haunted Herobrine Addon: https://modbay.org/mods/499-the-haunted-by-herobrine.html Fearcraft Addon: https://modbay.org/mods/1244-fearcraft-addon.html Addon Creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD3ZM3ovonRY7hXqji7YPfA Thanks for watching! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Raw Gameplay with INSANE surprises!

    EPIC Minecraft Raw Gameplay with INSANE surprises!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Raw Gameplay Part 1’, was uploaded by CtrlAltFun on 2024-03-27 21:45:01. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. Welcome to ctrlaltfun, where adventure, creativity, and exploration merge in the pixelated world of Minecraft! Join us on this exciting journey as we delve into the endless possibilities of this sandbox universe. Introduction: Welcome to the infinite world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, embark on a… Read More

  • Baby Monster School: Heaven or Hell Fate?

    Baby Monster School: Heaven or Hell Fate?Video Information This video, titled ‘Baby Cameraman Deserve Go To Heaven Or Go Down Hell?’, was uploaded by Baby Monster School on 2024-01-03 09:30:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Music: Sound Effects: http://freesound.org #SkibidiToilet #minecraft #Cameraman. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Reaction! Play Minecraft on My Server

    Mind-Blowing Reaction! Play Minecraft on My ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Honkai Star Rail 2.2 Special Program Reaction + Minecraft on My Own Server’, was uploaded by Shadow on 2024-04-26 20:08:58. It has garnered 24 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:15 or 12075 seconds. This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: 2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE WITH VIEWERS! | 10k Sub Hype!Video Information This video, titled ‘2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE AND GAMES WITH VIEWERS | 10k Subscribers?’, was uploaded by iitzDanger on 2024-04-05 16:54:21. It has garnered 1884 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:29 or 12989 seconds. 2024 FORTNITE CREATIVE AND GAMES WITH VIEWERS Other Socials: Minecraft Channel: youtube.com/@UC6os3sY8wueBczW3Keyg5-Q Twitter: https://twitter.com/YoItzDanger Sponsors/Partners: Use code ‘Danger’ for 15% off at: https://www.kinetichosting.net/ Use Code ”Danger” for 20% off at: https://glytchenergy.com/ Use Code ‘Adxpt’ for 10% off at: https://soardogg.com/ Use Code ‘ADXPT10’ for 10% off at https://byebluelight.com/pages/adxpt fortnite,fortnite challenge,fortnite chapter 4,fortnite shorts,fortnite tiktoks,fortnite news,fortnite tips,fortnite memes,fortnite trickshot,fortnite battle royale,fortnite montage,fortnite… Read More

  • Deadly Showdown: Sonic.EXE vs Sonic Baby vs Amy Rose!

    Deadly Showdown: Sonic.EXE vs Sonic Baby vs Amy Rose!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sonic.EXE VS Sonic Baby VS Amy Rose | Minecraft & Sonic @Mtime4 – Piano Tutorial’, was uploaded by OCTOBER SHORTS on 2024-06-03 07:08:21. It has garnered 6268 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Original Video Creator’s Channel: @Mtime4 Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FXLN0Y-kTpc This video was created for educational purposes, with the intention of offering a distinctive combination of music and humor. If the original creator has any concerns about the video. I completely understand. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at ([email protected]) . I will promptly… Read More

  • Friendly Pickaxe

    Friendly PickaxeA brand-new semi-vanilla survival server This server runs Fabric with the goal of maintaining true vanilla game behavior. 3 /home’s /tpa commands to teleport to your friends /randomtp so you can get started quick! 16 view distance Perfect vanilla behavior 20+GB of RAM Cross Minecraft/Discord chat & music bot We don’t take donations or reward players in exchange for votes Discord: https://discord.gg/Jtxw8C2WJY Dynmap: Read More

  • BudderCraft Network – Bedrock Support – Anti-cheat – No toxicity – Survival – Skyblock – Prison – Parkour – KitPvP – Factions – Tower Defense – Mini Games

    BudderCraft Server BudderCraft Server We are an in-development/beta server dedicated to providing a variety of feature-rich modes, strict prevention of cheating, and fostering a friendly community with no toxic behavior. Development and Updates Our small development team is constantly working on re-imagining game modes. Updates may take time, but we encourage players to join, playtest, and provide feedback. Cheating Policy We have a zero-tolerance policy for cheating. Any form of cheating will result in an unpardonable ban. Mods are not allowed except for specific ones. Piracy is also strictly prohibited. Community Guidelines We strive to create a fun and friendly… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed itLooks like this meme has a perfect score of 365, must be doing some serious mining for those upvotes! Read More

  • Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft’s Anime Masterpiece

    Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft's Anime Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, a new mod has arrived, Jujutsu Kaisen fans, get ready to be revived. With sorceries and spells, your gameplay will ignite, Crafting and building, in a whole new light. Daosao Gamers, bringing you the best, In the realm of mods, they pass the test. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fun, In this anime world, where battles are won. Subscribe for more, turn on the bell, For updates and gameplay, they do it well. Like, share, and comment, show your support, For Daosao Gamers, the Minecraft cohort. Read More

  • Bro’s Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Bro's Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes Bro thought he was about to drop some sick rhymes in the Minecraft XXL 2016 Freshman Cypher, but all he could come up with was “Creeper, oh man” on repeat. #minecraftfail #notsofreshman Read More


    EPIC BATTLE: RayeMC GOD vs SUPER CAMERAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by RayeMC on 2024-03-12 04:00:26. It has garnered 432 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. I Cheated in a GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle There are a lot of popular characters you may recognize in this video! Skibidi TV Woman and Camera Woman for example! Keep watching to see who else shows up 🙂 Very cool people who’ve I’ve taken inspiration from – Jamesy, Nico, Cash, Aphmau, GEVidsTV, Omz, and Cobey! #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?

    Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?Video Information This video, titled ‘¿Por que razón me cayo un rayo? 🤣🤣 #minecraft #humor #minecraftseries #shorts #funny’, was uploaded by Burguir on 2024-02-13 09:01:42. It has garnered 2441 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!

    Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-02 16:31:55. It has garnered 629 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:32:59 or 23579 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me:50937 😎BEDROCK/PE – PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Manbear: Escaping the Deep Dweller In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by idk someguy on 2024-03-12 15:39:35. It has garnered 164226 views and 10692 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:33 or 1113 seconds. Welcome to a new era of Minecraft! Introducing a new mod called the Manbear. I’ve been working hard with my developer to get this entity perfected. A side project that is less finished but already really cool-looking is the Deep Dweller. The Deep Dweller is an advanced, aggressive Minecraft mob. It always attacks you on sight and has the capability to… Read More

  • Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!

    Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘Computers Minecraft Addon Gives You Java Debug Screen Powers?’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-03-16 17:15:00. It has garnered 38966 views and 1097 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. This addon brings light level, biome location and more to your survival worlds. This can be done with the NEW Computers addon. ✅Become Official Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjxZqW8zRi4rexA3TMvmrA/join HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: http://bit.ly/2qptXQy ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eckoxsoldier ► Discord: https://discord.gg/eckodiles ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eckoxsoldier ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealecko ► Book Me! https://www.cameo.com/eckosoldier Download: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=fd6e3c20-5a7e-4f95-ad16-cd2486d13ae5 Giveaway – https://twitter.com/eckoxsoldier/status/1768939195035193556 Discover… Read More

  • Insane Collab: Peppa Pig & Minecraft Cartoons!

    Insane Collab: Peppa Pig & Minecraft Cartoons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2024-05-11 17:58:56. It has garnered 5169 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:06 or 6486 seconds. Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing COMPILATION. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • NEW 24/7 Minecraft server! Join NOW! #friskygaming

    NEW 24/7 Minecraft server! Join NOW! #friskygamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE || 24/7 SERVER JAVA + PE || JOIN FAST #livegaming #friskyGaming’, was uploaded by Frisky Gaming on 2024-02-18 05:00:37. It has garnered 59 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:51 or 9291 seconds. Hi there Thank you for connectiong , hope you are enjoying our video/live, please subscribe and keep me motivated.. #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftlive #livegaming #friskyGaming for Ip and port join our discord TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7… Read More

  • INSANE Glitch in Minecraft SMP! You won’t believe what happened!

    INSANE Glitch in Minecraft SMP! You won't believe what happened!Video Information This video, titled ‘「MINECRAFT: PALLID SMP」| ’Nothing Happened! Right?’ | Episode 11’, was uploaded by Glitch Entertainment on 2024-06-03 22:53:34. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:50 or 12230 seconds. The Pallid SMP is a Collaborative YouTube Project within a Minecraft Realm! #PallidSMP (Arc 4) | Access To Power | With The Factions established all of the various civilisations in Pallid continue to grow, competing to become the most powerful clan on the server! Looking for a shorter version ⬇️ Pallid SMP (FMC’s Cut): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqhqAwPyX5VcCbg-p4ScbgYgWhqDvhuLP&si=jwhODjCwH814RA2n Other Creators |🎞️🎥| FAiTZ 0VERK1LL:… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Warrior Edit ft. Imagine Dragons!

    Epic Minecraft Warrior Edit ft. Imagine Dragons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Story Mode Edit | Warriors – Imagine Dragons’, was uploaded by Moments Replayed on 2024-05-23 14:30:57. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:24 or 204 seconds. Welcome to my fan-made edit of “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons, featuring scenes from Minecraft Story Mode. I created this video to celebrate and share my love for this incredible song and the amazing story of Minecraft Story Mode. I hope you enjoy the visuals and the effort put into this edit. // Credits: Music: “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons Video Editing:… Read More

  • Wavey SMP

    Wavey SMPA new Minecraft SMP with plugins such as a shop and better world generation which includes new mobs and dungeons. There is a PvP and Parkour world coming soon! Our TikTok and Discord links are below TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJVrfo8J/ waveysmp.ddns.net Read More

  • Horizon SMP – Semi-vanilla SMP – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Horizon SMP! Hello! My name is Cookie and I want to welcome you to the Horizon SMP! We are a friendly, open community of players looking to have a good time playing minecraft together. Invite your friends! We are on JAVA 1.20.6, professionally hosted and have long time support for our worlds! (we are on our newest season, after nearly 4 years of operation. We have lots of history and are looking for new players! Join our discord via the code below. Discord Code: F6maNHMK Read More

  • Deep Survival

    Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More