Mind-Blowing Minecraft Storage Build!

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Well hello everybody and welcome back to another episode here from my minecraft hardcore survival series how is everybody doing i’m doing so good hopefully you guys are doing amazing me and bubbles here hanging out on the jawless hostage we just came back from an adventure out in the wilderness

Here on this boat totally move this boat don’t believe what they say about minecraft ships like this not moving we totally moved all the way around this world it was so good it was so fantastic i didn’t record it because it would have been too much

For your brains to handle it would have been too mind-boggling but you know what uh maybe next time but for right now we’re gonna have some fun i’m gonna go do a little bit of strip mining a little bit of branch mining what do you call it

Strip mining or branch mining i like it both either way it’s fantastic we’re gonna go down to the mines and we’re gonna do some mining i wanna see if i can get a little bit more diamond action also in between episodes i used the diamonds that we found in the nether

Last episode to make an awesome sword i went downstairs and did a little bit of a trade-in with our awesome villagers and i got myself a really good sword check this out finally right look at this mending looting three unbreak e3 knockback and a sharpness is all on this sword we

Still need a couple other things but for right now this is looking pretty awesome but you know what i need from you guys a name for the sword in the comment section put hashtag sword give me an awesome name i need it please help me out also in

Today’s episode we are gonna be building our storage finally and i did a little bit of outlining just to see exactly what we’re doing and we’re gonna go above ground this time i was thinking underground would have been the thing but you know what i really want to build

Some stuff up in this island on top of this area we’re also going to be building a big awesome amazing looking spanish-style fort and i’m going to show you what that is in a second but this is the outline that i’m coming with for this uh lovely old spot what do you think

This is how it’s going to be set up i want to put a little tower right here in the center just to make it look cool right but when we come in it’s going to go like this we’re going to have sections here four uh chests so a three section we’re

Probably gonna go up by maybe four or five and then another three section another three another three here another one here one more on this side and then one more over here i think that is plenty for what we need for right now but what do you guys think

I’m gonna also have a little furnace array on this side furnace right on that side and it’s going to look pretty cool for right now i just have it in stone we’re going to do a lot of texturing on this thing we’re going to make it look cool but

I want to make it look a little bit more spanish style so we’re going to bring a little bit of terracotta we’re going to bring in some granite some bricks to make it look cool uh the bottom level i think i’m gonna make it out of the stone so

Cobble and uh stone break stuff like that and then on the top level uh we’ll do a little bit of a separation and then the rest will be that awesome granite color also in case we ever need any more storage uh we could go into a basement area

Which i have right here i still haven’t expanded this way but what do you think is this’ll be awesome for a little lower ground storage i’m thinking this is level so this is kind of floor level i did dip it down we could even dip it even more

But i think this would be awesome we do a little archway we have a little door here and we can have extra space uh down on the basement area which is gonna be awesome too i can’t wait though we’re gonna build that up in a little bit

But up here last night uh this uh friendly and neighborhood villager decided to pay us a visit and say hello and uh yeah they are zombie uh fight they’re zombified yep which is really cool i was able to throw uh some armor on there i gave them a

Sword and everything so technically they can beat me up but yeah this is another pirate uh that came here avast mateys you’re after me booty argh but you’re not gonna get my booty uh stay in there we’ll take care of that guy later but for right now

Uh let’s get downstairs and let’s do a little bit of mining carlos watch out what are you even doing up there now huh sir carlos he wants to go upstairs that’s what that is come on carlos you know what i’ll get you downstairs just come on down please just get

How did you wait how did he even get right there that’s the question carlos please did i poof you up all right you can hang out there for a little bit i have no idea how carlos what he wants to go upstairs he’s trying to make a getaway

Um that’s his cousin or a child what’s up what’s going on here why does carlos want to leave so bad have you been nagging him okay he’s probably it stop nagging carlos she wants to leave i’ll see look at your car those were players though

I was having on this side but we’ll get to that eventually and we have another slime in here um that’s great oh new kitty oh i’ll be right back slime cat and uh whatever that cat’s name is hold on i got seven fish this is gonna be enough

Please come here kitty come here kitty don’t leave me don’t leave come here oh here you go oh you cute oh you cute little creamy cat oh this cat’s name is creamy that’s it nobody name it oh i took my particles off i wish i would’ve seen the hearts okay

You hang out there creamy uh so today a lot of people in the last episode not the last one the last last one was hate to go to number 11. so i believe number 11 is back here let’s do a little bit of a branch strip button and see what we could do

Right here oh so good okay let’s put some of that away i don’t really think i need that bed right now i think we’re good i’m just gonna go as much as three stacks of torches could take me okay and we’re gonna go back down we’re probably gonna get filled up with

Inventory stuff and have to come back anyways but i’m gonna go with three stacks of torches hopefully we find some diamonds let me know in the comments did you get blocked off right there you’re right behind the sign get out from behind the side let me know in the comment section this

Strip mine that we’re going to be going down right now how many diamonds will we get by the time we come out let me know in the comment section hopefully like a hundred but i doubt it maybe like ten i don’t know maybe nothing let’s see all

Right so far whoever picked number 11. you guys have been so wrong because there’s absolutely no diamonds at all and i’ve gone a long way now um i got all this stuff though which is kind of cool but also i found this a very dangerous hole um so you know

What let’s do a little bit of exploring over here and see what we see uh hopefully no bad guys hopefully no death okay i’ll be fine though let’s take a quick little look around here you guys uh don’t mind right a little bit of danger

Uh in our episode just a tad bit of danger this shouldn’t be that bad oh there’s a creeper right there hi creeper i am not dying right now so soon thank you so much let’s see is there anything else up here i’m going too high up there’s

Absolutely nothing here this was a dud of a cave but you know what at least uh we got a little a bit of iron a little bit of coal there’s another spot right here huh let’s take a look oh wherever there’s lava pockets like this there’s usually diamonds oh

I say we go down that way and check it out look at all this stuff too yeah let’s just go this way take a little peek over here diamonds please anything don’t see any yet let’s keep moving down this direction please little diamond action right here in this corner

Oh no it’s dark and it’s creeper hi creeper how you doing why don’t you come over here and die for a second thank you they’re dead and that’s it that’s a dead end okay i guess i’ll grab this stuff then you’re gonna get a little bit of this

Oh hidden coal i would like to find some hidden diamonds though oh diary get out of here all right onward this direction hopefully that way we’ll find a little bit of diamond action please please please absolutely nothing the myths are incorrect there’s no diamonds in these little lava pools come on let’s

Light this up though just in case we don’t want anything coming behind us uh-oh this is a real dangerous looking spot i heard a skeleton somewhere oh this is okay i thought it was a babies on me for a second just a regular ugly old zombie hi how you doing

Prepared to die i got a really good sword now that bat just spooked me a little bit too bats i hate them they’re the worst oh another zombie and a skeleton that’s fine what i had my finger get out stop what’s up we’re fine we’re fine get out of here

Do it again i dare you make sure there’s no creepers there oh that was a nice hit by the way that was a nice hit and you’re dead we’re doing all right how are you guys doing i’m doing pretty good you’re a little scared i’m a little scared right

Just a little bit just a tad bit the tiniest bit is going to light this up and come right back cave speed run baby let’s go and a little more coal oh i need some lapis too gold oh and iron thank you i like this cave

Now if i can only get some diamonds come on number eleven you steered me this direction please don’t fail me all right let’s take a peek down this way this looks a little ooh i see an enchanted uh fella over there let’s take him out real fast

Diamond yes got him okay number eleven thank you so much you led me to this path technically you know what you did leave me here but it wasn’t part of the path itself but that’s a ravine i’m not going there right now back to hang out there for a second let’s see

How many diamonds we have right here oh this looks cool uh let’s mine around it just in case oh look at that it’s a death trap this is a trap right here this is what i call a trap uh let’s do this all right that’s a trap okay so far we have

Oh god okay we’re fine i wasn’t expecting that please forgive me sorry for the jump scare i i do it all the time it’s my fault i’m very jumpy all right so we got another okay another trap okay so we got one two three four five oh right

Oh another little hidden gem down here let’s go ahead and check it out no nothing over here let’s light it up just in case i don’t see anything over there we could give it a shot though let’s just go down oh this curves out this way i wouldn’t

Have seen this okay there’s nothing here though let’s light it up all right let’s make a little step to get up there okay we’re good let’s check this out maybe there’s something around that curve right there nah it stops right here okay nothing in this area that’s fine

All right i’m just gonna take a little bit of a peek over here and see how this ravine is doing no peekaboo come on now i saw you skeleton what are you doing you know those peeper got him that’s another one it’s not the same one that’s not the same one there

Was another one right here hello this is creeper dive bomb central though i got to be careful hi hi hi how you doing oh you came out too no get get up no stop i’m on fire i’m on fire stop i’m fine oh hello thanks for taking

Care of that guy for me oh god oh there’s so many bad guys here okay we’re fine careful get out of here already get out thank you i don’t need these ugly old pants uh let’s knock this out give us a nice little clear way around

Put maybe a torch right here oh look at him look at that that right there is the end of the season right okay stop oh no oh no stop i don’t know why i put that water down i’m scared is there anything over here no okay

That is a dead end let’s keep going this way make sure we look up don’t see any possible ways anything could drop on my head all right we’re good let’s check this little mini ravine out and that’s it there’s nothing else to it okay bad guy a couple bad guys oh

Stop leave me alone don’t bother me oh that’s a nice shot you got there how do you like this one you’re dead what is this look at this nice room oh this is cool check what’s down there i guess oh what’s up there oh it’s just water okay that’s just like

One of those water caves or something all right let’s light this part up just in case we’re good and uh let’s get rid of this lava pool maybe down that way we see a little bit of diamond action i don’t see anything but we could get lucky

Light this up first all right this just circles back around the other way that’s fine a little spooked i’m not gonna lie just a little bit there’s a little spooked in case you know this could be the end of the season that’s all no big deal maybe any water diamonds is

There any water diamonds order the creeper creep creep creep no no thank you not today sir this is a weird little spot all right no water diamonds water dive is one of the best diamonds that come all clean and nice let’s grab this iron though i probably

Shouldn’t even come up here and check but i want to see real fast real fast anything cool anything weird oh that could be something that comes up from there oh what is that a zambi hi zambi how you doing nice to meet you oh god we’re fine

Jump in the water sausage stop oh i know i got a brainy sword i can just hit you with that i’m hitting you with bread though that’s fine this is how i do it just tempting you with food looks like you were hungry only got a little bit of torch action left

Once these torches are done we’re out of here all right there was nothing here that’s fine all right last spot oh oh you’ll hit the bat good job that’s my favorite no no no this look at this no no stop that was cool i am one of the greatest shields men

Ever captain america steve rogers will look back at this day and be like sausage you’re good with that shield man i appreciate you welcome back to the mcu um we’re good you know i’m not scared at all i’m not scared at all this was like a water ride to death

It was great it’s good times i found a little branch mine here so i’m just gonna cover this up we don’t need to come back here pretty much everything else was a dead end so i’m just gonna cover this and we can keep on at least for the

Remaining 36 torches we have left so let’s just do that why not yes all right one more oh we got diamonds okay listen we are almost done with torch we got five left let’s see one two three four anything else ah just four okay man i’m glad i kept going because

Man so far just nine i think we can fortune those at least double right maybe a little more triple please all right we’re almost done and we are back let’s go ahead and see what we can get with our fortune and pick x oh man let’s go come here fortune pick

Put that back let’s go before we do anything else let’s go ahead and put some of this iron to cook we got a good amount of iron right there we could get a little bit more uh but you know what we’ll be fine let’s put that gold in there

And for right now since you don’t have a storage room you know i’m just gonna put all this in here break that cold later too oh wait i almost left my axe behind see this is how i lose things did i put it right here yes i did let’s

Go all right let’s break it one two three four five six seven eight nine that’s how many we got on number 11. hopefully you guys got it right if you got it right you get to keep one of these diamonds but let’s see what do you think we’re gonna

Get after nine is broken with a four to three pickaxe uh lexi let me cover this up so you don’t cheat let’s go oh i saw two in that one so a lot of ones though oh no all right here it is we get how many diamonds

20 okay okay just a little bit more than half that’s just like last time but you know what that’s awesome 20 dimes we came in with absolutely none so i’m a happy boy and just in case you guys were wondering how we’re doing in here hey what’s up my two

Kitty twin friends now i asked you guys in the last episode to name these two and you know what i haven’t gone over every single name but there was one that came up that i saw that i automatically uh loved not for uh any reason but

You know what i was hungry so um i’m not gonna eat these cats though i promise but we’re gonna call these cats pancake and waffle look they looked at me right when i said it they love it okay now let me know which one do you like better

Pancakes or waffles let me know in the comments well that’s an awesome name we need some more animals with food names in this place come on my name’s sausage after all such a cool name pancake waffle i gotta get name tags for you both it’s so cool but this thing has been

Working lovely check this out we got sugar cane we got more on this side this one’s producing a little bit better than this one i don’t know why whatever maybe because i had a little bit more at the start that’s probably it this one started first back at the project board now

We’re going to get rid of that right there and we’re going to be working on storage today and 20 diamonds here we go oh you know what we’re going to do something with that beehive very very oh no be nice it literally said it so what’s wrong with you what happened to

The door here what happened to the door here yeah whatever hey bob also after the store is built we’re going to pass by the western town i did something really really cool over there that you guys got to see it’s looking pretty nice all right let’s get

It started so i’m going to go ahead and grab a little bit of this cobble a little bit of this and site and let me get some walls some stairs this should be cool i’m going to texture the bottom end of this spot right here

So we’re going to be adding a little bit of cobble a little bit of stone a little bit of andesite we’re going to pop it up a little bit towards this end i’m going to put more of the cobble towards the bottom and more of the stones and the stone

Break towards the top so let’s see if we can make this look cool so down here a little bit of a cobble action going up a little bit here on the top over here on this bottom and it goes all the way down to the water line and then

Above it we’re gonna go ahead and put a stair and let’s put another stair kind of like that on the edges this little pop-out area is going to look pretty cool because this is actually where we’re going to be putting our smelters so that gives us a little bit

More space here on the top and on this little part what do you guys think of that texturing that is looking pretty cool we got more of the cobble towards the bottom and then the stone break and the end of site kind of peppered in around and that’s looking awesome nice little

Rocky formation here i still want to add a little bit more down to the bottom also i think we should pay a visit to the mega tiger because i’m gonna need a little bit more of that mossy cobblestone because we actually have no more left

Uh so we’re gonna have to make a trip there eventually hopefully we find ourselves a jungle and then that way we can have infinite amount of of the mossy but this is looking pretty cool i still gotta add a little bit more detail here to this side but

You know what it’s looking all right get out of here and to say up here on the top i actually want to make this part uh pop out a little more so this is gonna be the mix that i love to do here with the granite the terracotta and the

Brick uh so we’re gonna make a nice three white door here it’s gonna look cool and if you notice i put stairs wrapped around the top end right here and i think this is gonna add a little bit more detail because now what i want to do is on top

Of these stairs i want to add the same mixture that we did right here so we’re gonna go one more level up like this and this is gonna look just like so a mix of uh the granite a mix of the terracotta and it’s looking pretty cool like this the only thing now

Is that once we do this uh we’re gonna figure out how tall we want it i don’t know if i want to have a second floor to this it might be cool though but i don’t know if we want to make it that tall so let’s

See what we can do for right now let’s do this little outline this looks like a nice little texture job totally randomized and it’s looking good let’s jump down and see all right yeah that that is looking pretty cool now we just need to make a little bit of an archway here

It’s gonna make it with some regular granite stairs upside down just like that we could match it over here as well so let’s take this up and then arch that up as well so that’ll be a cool little entrance we’ll put a big old door here with trapdoors and the

Regular door this part i think we’ll leave open and then let’s get rid of these two bits right in here there we go cool now to figure out how tall we want this let’s make a little bit of a of an outline i think this is a pretty good height right here so

From the stair that we have right here this is a one two three four five six and seven and then it goes up in a simple uh one block pattern going up and down right here and then this one pops out a little bit uh and this one just goes up from this

Line there’s a one two three four and five and you still get a little bit of the trim on the outer end from the inside part and then we got this little pop-out area um here we can put our furnace array but then we can maybe put like a little

Window there on the top which would be pretty cool we can even put windows up there once we get that all set up i don’t know if we’re gonna do a second floor though i want to bring a little bit of wood in here though

Um because there’s a lot a lot of stone uh but maybe we can put the wood on the edges like right here on the last bits because we’re gonna put double chest sideways so this right here this part and this part here could be wood

Uh i don’t know what we’re doing on this side yet but that’s fine for now the only thing we have to do now is come back up here uh and fill in all of these walls then figure out uh how to set it up from the outside

Uh because i want to make it look really cool though i don’t want to be just a plain old wall um let’s see what we could do though i think we can make it look pretty nice let’s just cover up this wall that wall that one and that

Wall now this is what i have so far so all the walls are up with the mix of the terracotta of the granite of the brick and it’s looking pretty cool i like this style this is definitely my spanish style the way i do it

And we’re going to lift this tower up in a second now a little trim that i’m doing around here on the side is just some polish granite around here and then we’ve got some ups and down stairs every three and it’s also going to be wrapped around

This tower just to give a little bit more detail so it’s not just a straight wall going up now here we got fake windows i wanted to add windows but they’re not going to be functional because this whole wall is going to be uh just a bunch of chests going up

Uh so we got fake windows there with the trapdoors and it looks pretty cool i also lifted this up one more right on top of every single one going up and down like this just so we can have a little bit more space right here to play with now another

Thing that i want to do uh is just put the roof down for the roof though i’m thinking just spruce would look really really nice we might come back in here and add windows maybe i’m not sure but we’re just going to take this all the way up we just have to

Remember that this tower is here so we can take it up more than that spot right there so it’s going to be three here there’s gonna be three here i’m gonna take this up again and we’re going to put it on the lower level underneath this one so this part here

We can place some walls on the side here we could put some maybe some iron bars would look pretty cool if we had an iron farm though i would definitely put anvils but we can’t flex like we did in my last season in the hardcore world but

This is definitely inspired by the one uh build that i did uh the big blacksmith uh it’s definitely inspired by that one for this build here uh but it’s gonna look so cool so let’s wrap this around let’s keep adding these stairs and let’s go from the top to the bottom

Once we get to the top for now i’m just going to put slabs on that last level we might do something else to dress up that top layer make it look a little fancier but for right now i think it’s all right so i went with this simple design look over here just

Some walls of granite and break some spruce fences and then on top of that just to give it a little bit of a different mix in here i got some chains and i got some of the iron bars and that looks pretty cool that looks nice i got it on both sides

I’m working on the tower right now let me show you from this side uh it’s pretty plain but it’s looking good uh for windows here we can actually put rear windows so i didn’t want to go with glass so i went with some spruce fences and then some trapdoors and then i love

This trick just a fence gate with a on the campfire on top gives you a nice little awning effect which looks really really cool i’m still debating whether or not to change up here uh maybe we could put like trapdoors every other one or something like that just to break it up

I don’t know if i want any windows yet but another thing that i did is up here uh we got this row going down like this so we got slabs every other one and then the trapdoors in between and this gives us a nice little trim and

A nice transition from the flat wall over here to the roof which looks awesome and i also mirrored it over here on this side the trim goes also all the way around here which looks good now we gotta just figure out how to cap

Off uh this roof so let me uh parkour i don’t know how i’m gonna get a ladder up here but for right now uh it might be just aesthetic but as far as this trim let me do something let’s see what can we do i’m thinking upside down stairs in these

Corner bits would be a thing and then from here we could do a mix of the regular granite and the polished going around like so and this kind of swings around here on the top from well connecting all of these stairs together something like this and then really

Super simple we might just go just with slabs uh every other one up here and it’ll be pretty similar to what we did over there but with the the granite look you can also texture some of these so they’re not all the same there we go that looks good

And then trapdoors right on the top end just to give a little bit of wood just like we’ve been doing pretty much on the whole entire build and we’re probably not gonna see this but you know what i’m gonna know it’s here let’s just put a couple slabs every other one and

Then trapdoors in these gaps too we have this nice look and then if anything we could just jump down there we’ll figure out a way to get up here if anything definitely a hanging light but i think this is a winner i’ve done nothing on the inside but let’s take a look

We can still add a lot more details but let’s see one two and a three oh that is looking good okay i kind of like that at the beginning but now and that looks a little bit too broken i’m gonna fix that those walls right there are great and

They’re just a little bit too much but wow okay this looks like a little church too right looks like a little spanish-style church now i just got to cover this part up uh and yeah definitely just a hanging light i think would just be perfect we have done nothing on the inside yet

But this looks awesome this looks like a definitely reminds me of a spanish-style church though that church of storage let’s go that’s awesome i’ve been doing some designing come with me let me know what you guys think of this so we got really tall ceilings right here it’s gonna go all

The way to the top cross beams at this level so one two three four five six seven on the eighth one we’re getting those cross beams in there uh we’re not gonna have chests all the way up here i don’t think it’s gonna be hard to access them

Um but it’s gonna look cool anyways and then we can do our lovely upside down stair trick that we love to do to give you that nice little archway feel here on the top i have no idea what i want to put all the way on the ceiling as well

Uh also here trap doors can i even reach that wow okay which is the highest i can put it so right there we got these little arches right that looks so good then on the bottom here i’m gonna get rid of all the little bottom pieces

And we’re gonna change these up uh into barrels just to look a little bit cooler and give you a nice little texture change i think i look cool so barrel barrel barrel barrel hello barrel there you go barrel one more barrel one more and one more uh how about one more

There we go okay so we got that look let’s finish up with these stairs that’s looking really nice now i want to do another bit of a cross beam here but i don’t think i want to put it the same level as these here i might do something right at the tippy

Top and then we can put beams down and then maybe hang some lights in the middle to kind of go all the way down we could also put maybe even some fences around here uh and then add uh some lights hanging from those too or another thing we can even put glowstone maybe

Hide it somewhere uh maybe in this little middle section and then we can even put like another trapdoor like right there kind of like wrapping around if i could reach it going around like that i think that might be a thing can i reach this no um got it

So maybe inside there we can put a little bit of glowstone and we get a little wrap around we also need to cover up this top bit and maybe add some some maybe some bushes up there a little hanging bush just to give a little bit of a nice

Life to it now i’m so very proud of this story it’s turning out so nice it’s actually done but you know what we still need to do a lot of exterior work i don’t have enough chests in there so we got to go back over there to our wood island over there

Our tree farm you see right in the back and knock down some of those big spruce trees to add more chests but for right now this is looking awesome let me know what you think and rate it okay compared to all the other outside above ground builds for storage

That i’ve done so far in my whole entire youtube rating which one is your favorite so far is it this one or is it the other ones we’ve done in the past let me know but here we go bam there it is oh it looks so good in this island

I love it so much now this is all done on the exterior i even did a little bit of a walkway down here and we could get into the basement right there this is so cool i want to extend this dock and make this more like an official like stone

Type dock maybe add some wood extensions to it but i like it right here let’s look at cool right here we can dock big ships uh you know what could that another ship right here on this side that’ll be cool but check that out doesn’t that look cool

I love it now in the basement i have done nothing but i did a little bit of a ceiling here so i could cover up the glowstone that i have now upstairs i’m going to show you in a second but i can always expand this direction

What should we do down here let me know we can expand and more chest and stuff but uh we can make something special down there too up in the top as well we have this little areas like a little garden there hi i hate you but you’re so pretty uh but

We have a little bit of a gardeny uh little flower patch right there which looks pretty cool uh i just have a little bit of coarse dirt and a little bit of overgrown here but i might add some more stuff right here on this side maybe another garden or something to

Make it look nice but right here we also got some bushes hanging from the top and the entrance i got this little overhang bit with the campfire blocks oh this looks so cool let me show you the inside though here we go you ready one two three so right here

The tower is set i have a ladder so you can get up to the top but i got these lovely arches in place all lit up here in the bottom with glowstone but then the top we got the nice curves the ceiling details up there hanging lights the bushes though the

Bushes hanging from the top really sell it and give you a little bit more pop of color there on the top which is awesome we got the furnace already on this side furnace array on this side i match this one to that side even though we could go a little taller here

Back there we really couldn’t put a window because there’s a little bit of a hillside there we couldn’t but over here just so we can see the window still i kept it off right there on the top i still need more chests that’s fine but what do you guys think

I can’t go any taller than this technically well i could but i don’t want to have to jump to get any more chests so i got a couple slabs up there so we can still open up all these things up here and it still should be pretty good oh see we don’t

Need to jump for this if i i could technically get another one there huh maybe i can add more chests i think i can maybe go one more but that’s kind of tall i’m gonna hurt my neck or something but also i got pumpkins or jack-o’-lanterns

In here so we got even more lighting so i don’t think anything can spawn in this side on the second floor though of the tower i just have an extra bed in case we do need to sleep it off and we can’t go too far away

Uh i need to put something in this can i put a salmon inside this no i can’t but we got our bed over here and then on the top really nothing to it we just have the top of the tower that we can overlook this area here which is

Awesome i can’t wait though to keep expanding over here and add more uh details the fort i’m thinking big time up top right here maybe curving down maybe a nice little diagonal coming around and curving i think a step up to get up here would be like right here and maybe you could

Do a little bit of a gate to get in so it kind of like fortifies itself and maybe wall it off up here we can have a big fort on the top which is gonna really look cool it’s gonna be a mix of these blocks and

Stones and also wood which is gonna be pretty nice but before we do anything else you know what let me cure this friend of ours up here he’s been waiting long enough hey fran can i cure you here bomb got him eat this lovely i just wait it

Out for a little bit you’ll be fine oh finally hey you dropped your armor and your sword my friend you know what why don’t you be one of these guys for me oh thank you that’s who i needed right there unlimited pricks come on out chicken we give it all for

All right listen this guy’s gonna be one of my best friends all right uh thank you so much oh i need all this so now i’m gonna take this down all right come with me you can work down here and put them right here come on down

Come on down you see it do you sense it and come on in right here hang out let’s see if i can bring him inside though i’ll see if i can bring him in i’ll put it here for now i’ll make a better spot for him later but you know

What come on in come on in there you go hang on here you wanna go upstairs come on in hi how you doing you’re gonna give me so many breaks i can’t wait okay just chill out here um in the meantime i’ll find another spot for it

Thank you so much what a lovely fella but you know what this has been an awesome episode thank you all so much for hanging out with me today what do you guys think of our stories though i love this this came out so cool and i can’t wait

To keep expanding the island now there was one thing that i didn’t get to today i’m going to get to it first thing in the next episode i started adding a couple cool things over in the western town so the first thing we’re doing that next episode i’m gonna head over there

I’m gonna show you something really really nice a little campsite if you will but i really want to add more bills over there maybe we do that saloon i don’t know let me know what you guys think but i’m out of here for now thank you so much for watching catch you

Guys on the next one goodbye [Applause] you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Let’s Play – EPIC STORAGE BUILDING!!! – Episode 12’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2021-01-23 16:15:00. It has garnered 175298 views and 8632 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:59 or 1919 seconds.

Minecraft Hardcore Let’s Play – EPIC STORAGE BUILDING!!! – Episode 12

In Today’s Minecraft Hardcore Survival Let’s Play we’re going to be mining for diamonds, and building up our brand new Spanish Style Storage Building!!!


► World Seed: 8663566223340505744

► Base Coords: 167 / 70 / 124

► Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-on – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/better-leaves-add-on-2-0

► Fresh Animations Resource Pack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fresh-animations-v1-0/

==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW:

►My Merch Store ➜ https://teespring.com/stores/the-mythical-marketplace ►Youtube Sponsor ➜ https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage/join ►Patreon. ➜ https://www.patreon.com/mythicalsausage ►Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/MJNuBzF ►Twitter ➜ http://www.twitter.com/MythicalSausage ►Twitch ➜ http://twitch.tv/MythicalSausage ►Instagram ➜ http://www.instagram.com/mythicals_minecraft


Music Provided by Epidemic Sound


🕹️ Want to start your own Minecraft Server? Do it with Cubedhost!!! Check them out below! 25% discount off of your first 3 months! http://cubedhost.com/mythicalsausage

#Minecraft #Hardcore #Survival

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  • Greenhall

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  • 💎ChillZone SMP 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired WhiteList Claims Dynmap Player Shops

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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Epic Fail – Click if You Dare

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  • PlayerX: The ARG Mystery Unraveled

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  • Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥

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  • Creating a Beacon Portal in Minecraft 2024

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  • Avengers vs Thanos in Minecraft School

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  • DANGEROUS SURPRISES! Minecraft 15th Anniversary Map with Epic Challenges!

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Nightmare Seeds Revealed!

    Sneaky Minecraft Nightmare Seeds Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring the Darkest Depths: Unveiling Minecraft’s Top 3 Nightmare Seeds’, was uploaded by Crafty on 2024-05-27 21:30:06. It has garnered 14 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:06 or 426 seconds. Dive into the chilling realms of Minecraft’s most bone-chilling seeds as we embark on a journey through terror and thrill. Brace yourself for spine-tingling encounters and heart-pounding moments as we unveil the top 3 scariest seeds ever encountered. Join us as we navigate through haunted landscapes, eerie structures, and unearth the darkest secrets lurking within Minecraft’s vast world. Are you… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Brain Challenges! 😂🧠 #MinecraftShorts

    Insane Minecraft Brain Challenges! 😂🧠 #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft challenges be like 😶😂#minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by S.S Brainy on 2024-05-03 15:22:22. It has garnered 859 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. 1 subscribe makes me happy 🙂 Read More