Mind-Blowing Minecraft Update! Epic Reveal, Mob Vote Winner & More- Live 2023

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Hello hello hello I think I was muted sorry where did my thing go one Second Here we go okay all right um so we’re going to be voting I haven’t voted yet I know I’m like the the last cool cool kid to not vote yeah I know it’s been a very busy week for me environmental science boring stuff so Mojang sent me a couple cple buttons you

Guys might have seen this on other like YouTubers Pages or whatever so they sent me a couple buttons I still haven’t voted yet chat I have not voted um so if you want you can try and convince me which mob to vote for I I really I’m down for all three okay I

Like all three in different ways I originally I was like team armadillo was like yo the Mill’s cute the dogs they’re cute you know but honestly I can see myself voting for any of them I can I can see myself voting for any of them so um if

You feel the same way let me know if you feel like one in particular is better than the others convince me okay um check check check hello hello yep we’re live okay always got to double check because I can never my audio never likes to cooperate cooperate penguin team

Penguin did did you just say cat armor what if yo what if the armadillos did work with cats Too we need wolf armor okay so let’s actually go in let’s hop in here real quick cuz I don’t even know what to expect vote in game I don’t want to vote I want to vote in Game what’s going on welcome welcome this is exciting uh you know it’s so weird though cuz my body is telling me it’s Sunday which is Sunday but I’m not used to having Minecraft live on a Sunday isn’t it weird Minecraft live on a Sunday I think we’ll go a little bit

Smaller do you guys like the smaller cam or the bigger cam I don’t think you want to see my big old face I don’t think you want to see my big old face on the screen uh Mob vote so if you haven’t voted as well um

This is funny this says the mob vote ends in one day that’s not right that’s wrong armadilla has your vote vote penguin has your vote let’s go let’s go check it Out like I said I have these cool buttons I can pit them right now I’ll maybe I’ll just pin all Three and I got my little pockets too so this works out there can you see them I got all three now ah oh a cap I heard about this I see you made it I’m tiny and i’ like to welcome you to the 2023 mob vote

Event you can vote for your favorite mob play mini games and explore the islands the show will be starting soon and I’m still trying to find I’ve heard nothing but good things about this I haven’t voted I haven’t voted yet that’s why y like I haven’t voted yet um this is this is

Exciting so um I’m guessing you guys can show me around if you know what’s going on but I’m guessing there’s like a you found a spot to spend your Emerald tickets different stores stock different Goods so remember toop around okay what is that what is that

Yeah this is the same team that made that Sonic DLC I thought that was pretty cool it’s a little slow a little laggy did you guys have the same issues it’s a little laggy right now what’s up here armadillo I’m seeing a lot of armadillos shoot yo let’s run a pole

Let’s run a pole yo that’s what we’re going to do one sec one Sec I’m going re I’m going rephrase it though which mob will win now which mob you voted for which mob is going to win armadillo hopefully I spelled that correctly armadillo we got the C AB um and then we got the Penguin actually no I lied I want to do which one you voted for I’ll leave it up I’ll leave it up for a while so for those people that just are like rolling in okay there it’s up all right it’s up it’s up it’s up all should

Win yeah that’s been said a lot the past two weeks I’ve made my thoughts pretty clear on Twitter for those of you who follow me on there I’ve made my like opinions pretty clear about how I feel about voting parkour I can’t parkour I can’t parkour what’s

This so this is where you can vote right here the crab is cute the penguin is very cute and the armadillo is cute that’s tough if we’re going base based off of looks the the penguin is the clear winner in my opinion functionality though it’s it’s garbage

Man no like and I don’t mean that doesn’t mean I’m I’m not going to vote for it you guys know I voted for the muum so clearly functionality doesn’t mean everything to me I voted for cute mobs you know but for me personally like the boat doesn’t mean anything to me it doesn’t

Do anything I I spend most of my time flying anyways you know I don’t even like regular boats why would I care about a speedy boat you know what I’m saying chat you get you get me Chat we need wolf armor hi Quest High Quest and we got the crab over here so I’m going to say three nice things about him I’m going to say three things I don’t like about him briefly whacka mob o they brought this back oh man I wish I could have made

Content for you guys with this like but man I’ve been so busy guys I spent like 10 hours on a lab the other day you want to H never in my life where’s the where’s the thing at is it here is this it whoa what do we do

What do I do what do I do how does this Work oh oh I don’t get it oh is this just to watch is that just to watch people I don’t want to do that this is different than last year that’s just to watch people college is crazy man oh my gosh 10 hours on a single assignment um but yeah Che out guys

Trust me after easy medium and the crab is a lovely Str through the mangroves oh I didn’t mean to leave oh um what was I about to say oh the armadillo oh armadillo yo they got the voiceovers too I didn’t fall they got the voice Over they forgot I’m a parkour Master not [Laughter] really a shoot this is a really easy parkour you guys remember how challenging they used to be back in the day like jumping on Gates and ladders and buttons just everything oh wait wait wait who’s winning the armadillo is winning ooh

Interesting thing the armadillo’s winning so let me ask you guys this for those of you who and this is just for those of you who voted armadillo do you believe Mojang will allow Enchanted dog armor and this is just between us don’t worry about you know everybody else that

Didn’t vote I’m I’m just curious cuz that’s something I’m debating if I’m going to vote for the armadillo will we be able to add like thorns onto it you know like Thorns ooh Hey you think you think so M that might be worth it if you get an enchant the dog armor that’s a pretty big big deal you know okay what about my crab people for those of you who voted crab do you feel like the crab will allow you to break

Blocks cuz so far that’s not been said or discussed like I said these are just hypothetical this is just between us right there is the mea M try not to get lost oh sorry wait what what is this know where you are good question anyway try not to get

Lost in there what is this whoa that’s trippy what the heck what did I just do man what’ I just do I’m I’m I’m so confused I’m sorry that’s so confusing what did what just happened I don’t play marketpl play content like I used to I’ve had a lot of bad experiences if

You know you Know sometimes you don’t know what you’re going to get with Marketplace stuff what am I how am I supposed to how am I am I supposed to go this way oh we’re supposed to go this way there we go ooh this is cool oh this is really cool I actually I have

Um this reminds me of a Marketplace funny enough this reminds me of a Marketplace map I got that’s called like Terraria it’s like a Terraria type of um I don’t know Terraria content on on Minecraft they need to add all that’s not going to happen it’s not gonna

Happen and and I I don’t know I think King be dogs made a valid point about like what that would mean if we got all three which would mean like less content for the update and do you want that do you want like less content just for another mob I

Don’t don’t get me wrong if maybe if they weren’t all like cute mobs maybe if they’re like mini bosses or something but you got to weigh in the pros and cons that was really trippy ooh balloons that was really trippy is that it did we do it I don’t feel like I did

Anything we can still add them by mods yeah like okay here’s how I think about it maybe I’d won all three if they weren’t all like cute type of mobs but they are they they are just like cute mobs they do have some functionality I

Will say that but I can live without I can live without having all three now for instance if it was a mini boss type of vote where like we had like the red dragon or uh the Wither storm or something you know something crazy like uh what

Else some like you know a mini boss then I’d be like yeah you need to add all three we need all three of these but it’s just they’re just mobs at the end of the day however there is a big however I don’t think they need to do any more mob votes

Like at least give it a break for a little while you know I don’t think we need another mob vote anytime soon I I strongly feel like this uh this year should have been a biome vote you know it should have been a should have been a biome vote

But o I didn’t mean to go there penguins are useless and I’m not I’m not lazy enough to walk one block extra to place a block unlike these mobs who want the crab I don’t think it has anything to do with laziness it’s like

Okay here’s how I look at it cuz I can sort of I’m trying to be open-minded here really trying to be open-minded with every single option CU I think there’s good things and bad things for every option um I think the penguin I think the Penguin’s it’s still

A good mob regardless of if you’re not going to use the boat or not um the same reason why like I wouldn’t have voted for the glow squid looking at the glow squid it was just a mob that swam and we didn’t know for a while if it was going to offer

Glow dye they didn’t really announce glow dye until well after the fact right if you guys remember that they didn’t tell us anything about glow die until like well into development so it could be another situation where they continue to add more functionality um to the penguin well after Minecraft

Live you just never know you don’t you don’t know everything that you’re getting out of the mob so it’s important to remember that you know it’s not always just like surface value sometimes there’s a little hidden gems in there hidden hidden Gems but yeah I still haven’t voted um so I will be voting soon I’m not going to milk this too much CU I because I do want to read a couple articles talking about the mob vote this year um I think there’s a couple on

IGN and I think there’s uh if you guys remember not that it was old or anything but there’s this cancel the mob vote petition let me see if I can find it there’s a petition going on right now to end the mob vote I haven’t talked about

This um but it has this is crazy man it has 49,000 votes so we’ll be taking a look at this petition and we’re going to break it down a little bit cuz I I think there’s a lot going on here like is it all hate is it all noise

And complaints or is there actually some legitimate concerns in this petition um so we’ll be looking at this and and and seeing what’s going on why is it why is it that we have so many signatures a lot to digest right there I don’t think anything will come of it but

It is important to look at this and then and then like you know next year if it’s double the amount if we got a million signatures would be like well we saw that last year so what’s going on there you know what’s going on there H wait have I done this one is this the penguin One woo where am I going I have no idea where I’m going y’all uhoh I messed up where am I going bro oh oh that’s cool what the heck what ooh I did It second let’s go oh no there we go there we go we got some momentum going on here don’t stop don’t stop I don’t I need to explains to you now there we go okay can’t stop oh I’m in the zone I’m in the zone I’m in the zone no I

Missed oh my gosh I got a little carried away right there no guys I was doing so good I need to slow down a little bit one two no okay use the force use the force stealth we got it this time third times a charm no I lied I don’t know why that

Jump It’s always it’s not the far ones that messed me up the far ones are easy it’s the ones that are like it’s the ones that are like in between that they’re in between close and far those are the ones I mess up I think I’m supposed to crouch when I do

It I think you’re supposed to like when you jump like Crouch like that Crouch we did it we did it yeah crouch crouch ha I remember let’s go emperor of pengu literally like a two-year-old parkour I’m celebrating over here um only one can win that’s right only one can win who is uh

Who oh wait time out I think Mojang sent me something else uh the M vote is coming which means it’s time to pick your favorite candidate feel free to show off the buttons your choice during streams and videos or on social media uh don’t forget to tune in October

15th I voted yeah it’s whatever I forget what they gave me last year they gave me a lot of cool stuff this is one of the cool things except my head’s too big to wear it here one sec see that it says it’s got the I can

Barely fit it though like my head’s too big bro one of you guys want it you can have it I can barely fit it my head’s too big bro my head’s too big um so I think we should check out oh wait we haven’t voted yet I’m so silly

So stupid um we got to vote I I’m really not trying to to milk it I I just forget clearly the mobs aren’t that important to me if I just haven’t voted right okay so all right let’s vote let’s vote it’s time it’s time the mini games are cool they’re

Fun but we got we got a decision to make here um oh I didn’t want to do this all right guys I’mma Be Real you guys are not going to like this but I need you to roll with me okay I need you to be like ride or die

Friends here okay I’m the first mob I’m not voting for and this is a big one there’s actually two reasons two very important reasons why I’m not voting for this mob and it’s going it’s going to surprise some of you uh small screen so there’s two mobs there’s two

Mob or two reasons why I’m not voting for this mob the first one that’s out for me is the crab I am not voting for The Crab there’s one big reason and I want you guys don’t ha okay don’t leave or hate on me I I want to explain CU I thought about

This I just I never encounter Mangrove like the mangrove swamps I never encounter the mangrove swamps and I don’t I don’t care about the swamp either I don’t like exploring it it’d be different if we had a mangrove Village but we don’t even have a mangrove Village do

We did they add a mangrove Village do we have a mangrove Village I know you can only find the crabs in the mangrove swamp and that when they said that I was like man I don’t I don’t see enough of them man that’s like a mega tiger or like a ice spiked biome to me it’s like how often do I see these biomes I don’t

See them that often I know it’s not it’s it doesn’t mean hey it doesn’t mean I’m making the right decision I don’t want you guys to be like well stealth’s not voting for it so that’s not really what I’m trying to imply I just for me I don’t want

To I don’t like going too far out to find new content I don’t know how many of you guys feel that Way it’s why I’ve only encountered um two deep darks or two ancient cities cuz I don’t like going too far out to find a mountain right if I have to go too far out to find brand new content I don’t think it’s the best content I think new content should always be

Accessible that’s a big thing with me accessibility the tool itself it’s cool but right now I already have an issue with having too many tools I got a shovel I got two pickaxes one with silk touch one with not silk touch I got two Trident One with Rip Tide one with

Channeling um I got my axe I have uh I have so many tools you know what I’m saying I got my fishing rod with mending on It like do I have enough space to carry another tool and do I want another tool I have to think about that too or would it just sit like would this tool just sit in my Ender Chest there’s a good possibility it would just sit in my Ender Chest right

And you have to think about that too would it just be a tool you use all the time or is it something that would just sit in a chest what’s up man I I can’t say what the update is I know what it is though You guys see where I’m coming from I’m not saying honestly we have to we have to vote it’s a democracy unfortunately we can only have one winner so those two reasons alone are reasons enough for me not to vote for this thing it’s not a beach crab it’s a man mang grve Crap so that leaves us between these two right here The penguin already discussed the negative I don’t use boats the only time I use a boat is when I’m speed running I don’t even like the speedrun anymore it’s very rage inducing stressful if I’m in the water I use my Riptide uh I use Riptide Riptide is just fun to me I like

Like flying so Rip Tide rip tide for the wind you know what I’m saying but the Penguins though are really Cute that’s tough I don’t I don’t like this that’s really tough what if they could be your pet too a pet penguin that’s a tough one that’s a tough one y’all a pet penguin the armadillo on the other hand I don’t think it has a negative I can think

Of I saw this like I saw this meme on Twitter I wonder if I could pull it up someone was like don’t vote for the armadillo the meme was like don’t vote armadillo cuz the dog is just going to sit in the corner I’m like they sit in the corner

Cuz nobody wants their dog to die that defeats the purpose of voting for something because because of what it does currently makes no sense so um armad armadillo another here’s another good reason I like the armadillo it’s in the savannah and the Savanah is a lot more common than the

Mangrove I run into savanas everywhere so you’re going to see this thing a lot I don’t know how often you’re going to see a mangrove but I see I see savanas all the time Um ah yeah all right we’re we’re going we’re going with armadillo Y’all we’re going with armadillo I think the more I the more I talk about the armadillo it just seems like it seems it seems like the best one from and and I got to make this clear in my opinion I’m not saying that this is the best mob for everybody but I think

This offers the most benefits without losing without losing anything you you re you receive more without actually sacrificing anything I think the armadillo we’re going to see more often we get we get a new item which we don’t have to carry the item it just goes on our dog that’s that’s a good

Item if you don’t have to carry It but the penguin we’ll see what happens I don’t think me voting armadillo will determine anything I could I would be okay with any of these mobs winning and I want I want everybody to understand that you know what I’m saying if any of these

Mobs win I’m okay I’m fine I’m fine with it um is which means that they’re all they’re all good options for the most part I would take these mobs over like uh the tough Golem I would take it over a lot of the mobs we’ve seen recently in the past two or three

Years maybe even the Stray I feel like the Stray had potential but it was still like a it was still like a E I think if you prefer the crab over the armadillo I can definitely see your reasoning especially if you feel like maybe you feel like you’re um you see more mangroves than savanas which hasn’t been the reality for me but maybe you feel like you encounter more Mangrove than you do

Savannah it makes sense to vote the crab then but for me savanas are everywhere they’re everywhere so I’m going to see them you know and that’s important I don’t want to have to go out a mile like a million chunks just to find a new mob that’s that does that it makes

No sense to me all right let’s check out this petition we voted did you guys vote did you did you vote you right there did you vote you got time no pressure am I still paying for this oo I got to cancel this Realms y’all I haven’t been on Realms in like three

Months longer than that it’s been like four months yeah I got to cancel that Pro tip if you’re not going to use your Realms cancel it and then for like I think six don’t quote me but I think for 6 months you’re your save doesn’t go

Away so you can just renew it whenever you want to whenever you want to hop back on um yeah let’s check out we still have an hour and 17 minutes so I do want to check out this petition real quick um and we can talk about it I think we’re all like

Respectful I think we can all have a respectful conversation without having to tear down people Right um but I used to join your streams during the 1.19 snapshots hey good times that’s a lot of that’s that’s a lot of signatures regardless of how you feel about this whole petition thing which right it’s a petition doesn’t mean much but signatures do represent they represent something I

Can’t always tell you what that is but it represents something me me me me uh for years Minecraft’s year update has given players the mob vote the option to vote between three creatures to to be added to the early or yearly update this year three equally great options are

Presented which reveals a problem with the game’s content release cycle the mob vote generates engagement by tearing the community apart key word here so the author has already addressed one problem which is this first sentence um the M vote generates engagement by tearing the community

Apart so we’ll get back to that part but that that’s one of the uh that’s one of the points that they’re trying to make so let’s see if they can prove that if not prove it let’s see what they have to say about It um leaving fantastic ideas on The Cutting Room floor and teasing content that will never be seen in the game that mixed with the fact that Mojang somehow releases less content with Microsoft’s backing than they did without means players see minimal content to the game they

Love watch as the Poss and watch as possibly the one thing to get them to play again is ripped okay so they they started off really strong here and then they lost me they lost me halfway when they said Mojang somehow releases less content with Microsoft with Microsoft

Backing I don’t think that’s true if they got rid of that sentence they still would have had a very you know compelling argument I don’t I don’t think that’s true I think the nether update in uh caves and cliffs is the the biggest updates we’ve ever gotten period compared to anything else

Even 1.7 way back when caves and cliffs nether update biggest updates ever period so that’s just not true Village and pillage was massive so we’ve had some really big updates under Microsoft that’s just not True many have expressed their discontent with the mob vote in the past with fan favorites like the MU Bloom was that a fan favorite it was iser uh fan favorites like the MU Bloom not making it into the game well we know what she voted for

They he him whoever they are uh voted for uh into the game and with content creators mobilizing their fan bases to vote for the least popular option for the joke of screwing over the other voters so this person’s referring to um that time the glow squid one as a result

Of dream and the dream stands and I think Mr Beast was in on that too if you guys remember three two or three years ago when we had the glow squid and it beat the iser and mu Bloom that was crazy that was really was a crazy

Time uh but that was that was um a problem so they do make a valid point here that that that there are options that aren’t as good as other options so they they make a good point that we don’t always get options that are that are equal in terms of

Content and you’re going to have people that are like pranksters in the community that have a huge following you’re going to have people that don’t take this as seriously as others and they’re still going to have influence to um changed the outcome um which we’ve seen in the past

So that is a valid point this shows that the mvo is inherently flawed I can agree with this paragraph This paragraph here I can agree with that lastly Minecraft made its popularity due to its regular updates and large amounts of content this is back as early as 2011

Now Minecraft is not only the highest selling game ever released but has the financial backing of the massive Corporation Microsoft despite this players only receive a single very small content update each year the mob vote teases add some of that content only for a third of what

Was teased to make it in further wait one second uh despite this players only receive a single very small content update so they’re going back to that same point that they did in the second paragraph and I don’t I don’t think that’s a strong point they shouldn’t keep repeating That the M vote teases at some of that con the M vote teases okay I thought I was reading it wrong but it’s just written poorly teases some of that content only for a third of what was teased to make it in further decrease in the content of the update I don’t agree

With any of this parag I don’t this paragraph right here doesn’t make any sense to me um so we call upon Mojang stop the M vote give us three mobs each year honestly guys I wouldn’t I wouldn’t sign this if I were just looking I’m not

Saying that okay here I need to choose my words carefully if I’m just reading this and I have no idea what’s going on I would not sign this petition just based off of the arguments made here do I agree with okay what I agree with is the title

Stop the mob vote I do think they should stop the mob vote um for different reasons than Mojang gives us small updates that’s not true they don’t give us small updates they’re not small that’s not true um but I do agree with this first

Sentence and this is a big this is a big one I do think that the mob vote generates engagement um at the expense of tearing the community apart I do I do agree with that I do I do see a cause and effect which is that um um that it that the

Result of introducing something where we can vote for a feature in the game creates division it it isolates people um that are really on a certain idea or Feature it creates a lot of tension in the community so I do agree with that right um and if they had focused on just this part I would have I would have I would I would sign it for sure I would definitely sign it if they had focused more on

Like how it creates division why you know go into more more detail besides the fact that you know Mojang releases less content smaller updates which is not true it’s just not true if you don’t if you don’t believe me like all you have to do is like a simple a

Simple Google search type in any of the updates from The Last 5 Years every feature is listed every single feature and fix is listed for that update um so there that now if I were to rewrite this which I don’t know I don’t want to go into all

That this is not very exciting for me um considering Minecraft live is an hour away but here’s at least a couple things I would have focused on is definitely the um the impact that voting can have right and this is voting in general like not even just for mobs I

Think in general voting is a very divisive tool I think voting although very Democratic I think it always creates division um so this tool alone is not necessarily it’s not necessarily a positive thing being able to vote it’s cool but I don’t think it’s um I don’t think it coincides with a a

Positive Community I think it creates the opposite so yeah voting is a very I don’t know I don’t know how I feel about voting for anything but what I would do if I were to change anything they have to they have to go away from the mob vote thing the mobs I

Think they have to get get away from that go back to either bu them votes or go to something that’s going to have a little bit more impact where there’s a clear winner here’s an example um let’s say gosh I want to give you guys a good

Example let’s uh let’s do like a next year they they do a tool vote right so instead of it being mobs we go straight to tools so um we have three options one option can be like a scythe you can use it to

Farm or you can use it as as an like a weapon so that’s already a good idea you have a scythe can be a weapon or a farming tool whatever you want so you got that your next option is probably going to be like

A I don’t know give me give me a tool idea a spear you know what I’m saying something that’s going to be like okay there’s a clear winner and there’s a clear Loser Yeah IGN posted something too I was just curious if it’s the same Thing I feel like the biome Boat Works stop the mob vote um but if you decide if you decide you want to sign that petition I I’m not disagreeing with that you don’t have to sign it for what is said there you can sign it if you just disagree with how Mojang’s been

Handling the votes which is okay it doesn’t mean you disagree with Mojang you just think that there’s Alternatives and I believe there are alternatives than voting I like the idea of teasing we know that they work on updates early right they start working on these updates months ahead of time

Why not just start hinting and teasing those things that they’ve been working on to create Community excitement create hype without revealing what it is you know um uh I’m just I’m reading this really quickly guys now fans on Tik Tok ER creating and spreading War propaganda Inspire posters

To encourage other players to unionize and boycott the mob vote so all this started on all this started on Tik Tok is that why I has so many votes a hammer there you go you see you know you guys you thought of ideas in like 2 minutes that’s my point you don’t

Have to always stick with the same thing um yeah I don’t I don’t know what else to say that all started on Tik Tok oh yeah forgot the penguin has the the most adorable swimming animation it’s so cute it’s everywhere on Tik Tok got you now I know thank You okay one thing that uh for those of you who now joined I did vote armadillo you know it is what it is I don’t think it’s a clear winner I think it’s just it’s a good it’s a good mob um but one thing they’re going to have to

Do and this was pointed out by one of the YouTubers I forget who it’s probably either I don’t know some content creator probably a lot of people they’re going to have to fix armor in general like the the horse armor is useless the horse armor is absolutely useless okay so they got to

Fix that first for sure if they want this to make a difference which I think is the point if you vote if you voting for the armadillo uh oh I got a dead pixel no I don’t it’s IGN I thought this was a dead pixel bro

I was so scared I was like no it’s IGN um if they want they got to they got to do something with the armor currently horse armor is pointless it does nothing I don’t think it does anything so wolf wolf armor they it has to be able to actually defend and protect the

Dogs will it do that I don’t know shoot while they’re at it while they’re at it why not give us different versions of dogs wolf variant dog variant am I right am I right chat give us like black dogs gray dogs orange dogs Snoop dogs they should more breeds of dogs and

Maybe adding stray dogs that spawn in villages I like that no we’re not logging in the dog update there we go we need a full-blown armor update I mean I guess we sort of got that though with the the trims I guess my point is like make armor good armor is not good

For Animals it’s not good at all give us more dogs I like that idea here’s another one it says dog breeds dogs should have more breeds like cats bam that’s all we need right there dogs should have more breeds what when did we get that you guys remember

That cat update we got how long ago was that cat update you guys remember that thing the cat update was at one point don’t tell me do not tell me don’t tell me chat seriously it was 1 Point 1.15 1.15 going once going twice or is it 1.14 no was it one shoot

What was It not the C cat bro what was the cat Update shoot I should have stuck in my first guess I was going to say 1.14 it was 1.14 wasn’t it yeah you guys remember and they allowed you to like you could uh submit your your own cat I thought that was cool you could submit your own

Cat and then the cat like the the best cat which I don’t know how that works the best cat cat was added into the game they should do that with dogs your cat could be a Minecraft here it is 2018 wow can you believe this was 2018 different times man different

Times back in my day um they need to do this with dogs for sure what I what I am curious about cuz we already know like Minecraft live which is coming very soon um wow time time flies guys uh what was I what was I going to say so we know we

Know we’re going to get the new update they’re going to reveal it you guys can speculate honestly I stopped guessing a long time ago there’s two reasons why I stopped guessing the first reason I’m always wrong I always think it’s these big updates like the end update or the sky

Update or something I’m always wrong so I stopped guessing the second reason is second reason they tell me anyways so all I got to do is wait um so those two reasons is why I stopped speculating so we know we’re going to get the next

Update what I want to know is if they’re working on a new game what type of game is it what type of what type of game is Mojang cooking right now what are they working on type of Minecraft game could we see that’s assuming we’re going to see a game but H I don’t Know I would man I would give my soul for a sky update but I I don’t know that’s the update I’ve been asking for for like six six straight years a sky update man uh gosh I’mma Be an old man by the time we get a sky

Update a card game that’d be cool I’d be down for a card game like like a Uno type of card game I don’t really I don’t care for like I like board games but I’m more into like card games like that’d be that’d be Fun yeah I’d be down I’d be down for that spilling drinks all over me man they have a card game no way you lying target has all the games let me let me check Target Target has all the games you lying I see no car Game board games they got a board game what is this wait what is this thing Minecraft Heroes of the village what is this it’s a board game what this actually looks a little a little cool what is This what is this thing what do you it’s a family board Game I’ll have to watch a video on this this looks pretty cool the older I get the more I’m into board games it just happens with old age Y’all uh never mind I don’t like how I don’t like how it looks I thought it was something I don’t know I thought it was something Else looks like you actually build too with the blocks they got Minecraft Uno Ooh I love Uno you know what if you guys like Uno I just got this um it’s called Uno Uno flip this is the one I just got except mine was $20 it’s $6 here it’s called Uno flip it’s really fun all wild what that’s crazy Uno all

Wild you know who else has a lot of games Barnes & Noble anyways um yeah so I would like to see if assuming the my voice crack assuming the armadillo wins assuming they need to update the dogs can we agree on that I think we can

Hopefully we need we need uh more dogs okay I’m going turn off chat because this chat is going crazy Crazy how do I turn off chat sorry chat I don’t want to see you not not my chat chat this chat I don’t care about this chat you guys remember when the pre-show started like an hour and a half before the actual event I missed those day ah I missed those

Days this Hat’s too small man I can’t fit this hat I missed those days when like Minecraft Live start was like 3 hours long Minecraft live used to be like 3 hours y’all let me see when did that stop happening 2019 bamn 3 hours right there that was all

Day that was a good time 2018 4 hours Minecraft live was 4 hours it started getting short during Co two hours man how you go from four how you go from 4 hours to 2 hours it’s ridiculous they’re barely Breaking 2 hours now 4 hours of content

And you already know the update is only going to be a minute and 30 seconds of this event they’re going to show a minute and 30 seconds of new content you didn’t tune into it back then yeah I used to be bro I’m telling you you got like snacks and you were

Chilling for a while cuz they had like the mini games lasted like an hour and a half and then they had like um what else did they have they had like the costume contest um they had like develop developer conferences where they showcased what they were working on the new tools that

They were adding into the game so that was its own segment and then they had uh the best part if you want to rewatch those is they had developer q&as so the very beginning they would would talk to developers and at the very end they would talk to developers so they had

Developer q&a’s and that’s when we get all the juicy information that’s when we got all that juicy information was during the Q&A now it’s like it’s not that long Minecraft live is not a long event it’s very short you know it’s very short yeah they were great times I will I will

Cherish those times man I it was great just talking with y’all chatting with you guys not knowing what was happening I love it I I I and even though our community has changed over the years I I would not give this community up for nothing okay ride or die Minecrafter

R how do I get rid of this Chat oh wait I figured it out hi chat um Minecraft card game was not on target really let me check it out is it fun if it’s fun I’ll buy it right now I see the Uno one it’s $11 but I don’t see guess 100 Minecraft items flash cards that doesn’t look like Fun H I do see the Uno one Though the Uno one looks I mean you can’t go wrong with Uno though honestly Uno is just a good time I how you perceive learning how to play which was fun if I’m going get a card game it has to be something everybody can play like

People like I’m really the only one in my household that plays Minecraft so it has to be something where like if they pick it up they know what’s going on you know what I’m saying Do a Minecraft tier list do a tier List sure let me Google one create new one no Minecraft mobs okay here I got one I got One I got a tier list for you chat I always listen to chat okay um which mob is super terrible I’m going to take care of those first what are some of these mobs bro what are they some of these don’t even Exist o this is a easy W that’s easy okay another easy one I’m just going to put I’m just going to categorize them they’re oh gas are terrible gas are super terrible s tier evoker is s tier terrible pandas are pandas are great um they’re good uh they’re good Enderman ooh supercharged they’re

Cool supercharged are really cool creepers are terrible though but supercharged are cool m magma are terrible I hate magma Alex is awesome Iron Golem are awesome ooh this is ooh foxes I don’t like Foxes I thought it was an update tier list no that’s a mob one I can do like an update one you want me to do an update one dogs are terrible right now they can be good but they’re terrible right now I heard I heard the wandering Trader

Got better though did it is the wandering Trader better we’ll say it’s bad until I actually play with it it’s bad ooh piglins are cool piglins are really good mobs they they are great mobs villagers are Cool the stream is starting o ooh no it Ain’t what you talking about bro what you talking about why you lying I’m might have to charge my headset I think it’s going to die audio description started oh I think my tier list is top tier uh mushroom cows are awesome you can’t disagree with that they’re just awesome um Axel are

Good horses are great llamas are sort of useless so what polar bears are like useless too pigs are good I think all the farm animals go into good if if it’s a farm animal ooh bees are great bees are really great dolphins are do we like dolphins Chad do we like them or No o guys we’re getting there we’re getting there we’re close Let me refresh Yo people are seriously posting stop the mo it’s too Late you can’t stop it you can’t stop the mob vote it’s happening you cannot stop it all right we’re going to keep doing this tier list until it actually starts okay cuz it’s getting juicy it’s getting juicy oh all right can you guys hear it chat can you

Hear I’m turning it all the way Up exciting exciting exciting okay back to my beautiful tier list donkeys and mules are not good do we like donkeys and mules it’s starting do we like donkeys and mules I don’t think we do we’re going to just put him in bad I think I think I think they’re Bad ooh the Wither boss though we like we like the Wither boss I think all the the bosses go there bats are super Terrible drowned are drowned are actually good they drop a lot of stuff if it drops a lot it’s good terrible um witches are witches are they’re okay blazes are Terrible you’re not hype this Year I can’t say nothing man I can’t say nothing Guys Ender Dragon is it’s it’s cool the reason it’s only cool it’s like you know I don’t get excited fighting the Ender Dragon I don’t know I don’t know it’s not Exciting that’s not the fault of the Ender Dragon or anything it’s just it’s old doesn’t feel new when you fight the Ender Dragon it just feels like uh Clockwork um what else I feel like everything else would go into like terrible oh Steve Steve’s up there Steve is like yeah Steve’s cool Enderman

Are I would say Enderman are great cuz they give you ender pearls and you you want Ender Pearls [Applause] okay skeletons huh I don’t know everything else is like not that good to me fish fish are good any farm animal is just automatically good right you can’t really hate a farm Animal is that the clown fish what is that it’s a fish Zombies they everything else can just go into ooh timeout Strider are great Strider are great ravagers are terrible the fact that you can’t tame them or purify the ravager can you imagine man the potential for the ravager was always there so unfortunate Wither Skeleton are actually pretty good I like the Wither

Skeleton they’re good they’re a challenge and they drop some you know they drop stuff cave spiders are super terrible skeleton horses if you know you know chat skeleton horses are great cool skeleton horses are cool everything else I think is uh Garbage illagers are boring they don’t do anything they don’t drop anything good or the what do they call that the the Pillager the Pillager it’s terrible in my opinion it’s just Like Um what else I think everything else is like really just super terrible not super terrible just terrible so I’m going to leave everything else down here I think everything else is like eh I don’t care for him Dolphins ocelots SP fighers llamas in what are these endermites bro who [Applause] even yeah um so I don’t want people tend to disagree with me on this I don’t like talking over I don’t like talking during the convention or during the event but sometimes you guys want me to talk so how do you feel about that I I

Personally don’t want to talk unless you want me to like to talk to commentate I’m down just chilling but some people want me to talk some people Don’t yeah everything else I think is just me it’s all destroyed in there terrible terrible sheep we don’t even have that sheep a rainbow sheep if it’s not in the game let’s just put it in there for the sake of putting it in There rabbits Suck rabbits are useless oh wait wait wait wait wait no uh shulkers shulkers are cool we like shulkers we love Shulkers the killer rabbit like come on man who put that in there there this is my list you guys can look at it real quick if you Want I think it’s pretty accurate the super Terribles are the ones that I just they can delete them I could care less delete them Mojang oh the Jeb sheep oh that’s right it is in the Game it’s cool sorry yeah yeah yeah the Jeb underscore gosh that tells you the last time I did that holy cow what a what an yeah that was a Easter egg right underscore jab yep thank you I fixed it wow that’s a really old school um Easter egg I remember I remember doing

That this what way before Microsoft purchased Mojang you know back when uh 4J Studios for those of you remember 4J was developing Minecraft and I thought that was the coolest Easter egg and then there was the din bone one you guys remember the dinner bone One wow getting old we had the dinner bone the Jeb wasn’t there a there was another one delete don’t delete gas why ghast are horrible they make the nether unbearable uncom completely bearable I cannot go to the nether I hate them so much I don’t know what the pink wither

Is I I have no Idea [Applause] dinner bone yeah gosh I I would bro I would kill for those times again just the Simplicity of Minecraft back then how simple it was you guys remember um I don’t know how long some of you have been playing Minecraft but do you remember a battle Mode wa how many of you guys remember you guys remember this battle [Applause] mode how many of you guys remember this 7 years ago chat wow some of my favorite memories ever and then people could spectate you right so you could like fly around and spectate people it was such a great feeling it was such a great feeling oh wow great Memories oh since 2019 here we go oh my gosh I can’t believe It hello everyone and welcome to the Minecraft live 2023 Community pre-show I’m Cameron senior community manager at Mojang and for the next 20 minutes we are going to be celebrating you the community now as you may already know we’ve set up a live event server where

You can vote on the next M that you want to see added to Minecraft and we’ve got a few awesome creators in to show you around wow look at the server oh this looks amazing oh oh right we’re going to fly through this okay this ISE so a bunch of content creative stuff

I’m not in it this year I think I can say that much I’ve been in it twice before ah easy peasy um which they’re still on YouTube so you can want to see me a minute 10 seconds I don’t think anybody’s going to be a be that time as

You guys know I haven’t been making content I’m definitely not in it this year but oh oh wow what is this where am I wait can I move back oh my gosh I’ve never seen mcraft this Amazing are you said I’m 50 seconds behind are you sure The Dropper mini game let’s go play mob drop no no no no no no no go again again yes drop all the way no we’re so close doing it doing it do it oh I’m so good yes yes

Woohoo there we go sorry I fixed it come here creeper balloon okay completely ignorant what language is that get the oh there’s a creeper away ah these creepers no did die no we won clear that’s Korean but what’s the other language oh my gosh look at this

We found another one it’s the Rascal and dancing zombies I don’t know which I want more in the game there’s a mooom over here where did you come from hi Buddy oh frog hat I’m buy I’m buying a frog Hat that was needed that was a very important purchase to be making all right lyia where are we going I said Portugese before you before I read it Portuguese I I definitely need to find the treasure inside oh no that’s not treasure this is really weird playing Minecraft like this

Not in the lava go go go go go and we’ve made It wow I’ve now found six out of the nine mobs here on the mob vote server but I think I’m going to need your help with finding the last three Minecraft live is here and I got to go get my snacks ready with that I’ll catch you on the FP

Side yeah they usually do right hey everyone tiny Vu I snuck on to average siiz vu’s desk for a quick reminder on this year’s mob vote we have the crab the armadillo or the penguin which one will you choose there are three ways to vote you can log on to our server on

Bedrock Edition or tiny Agnes tiny yens tiny Lydia and I will show you all around or you can vote directly in the Minecraft launcher less fun in my opinion but it’s fast lastly you can m.net and cast your vote there if you haven’t voted yet do it vote now okay I

Need to get back to my evil I mean fun plan for later go vote one second let me see how much time’s left I think I know who I’m going to be voting for this year now speaking personally I am terrible at building and that’s okay because I’m always happy to

See the creativity that is coming out of our community this next set of creators are going to be showing you how they all build in different ways hi there I’m Joel AKA smish beans and I’ve been making Minecraft content for over 10 years now which makes me

Feel old so let’s not talk about that I love many aspects of playing Minecraft whether it’s causing chaos I’m messing with my friends in snps or getting a little bit too competitive in PvP and everybody know but my main love is building this year I’ve built some

Things I’m really proud of like my completely floating area in Empire’s s SMP I’ve also been delving into Hardcore Minecraft and building some really fun stuff there and in my hardcore World we’re going to build something especially for Minecraft live now we don’t have long so let’s start by making

A cave entrance here and then of course the cave itself and let’s fill it with some of my favorite things from last year’s Minecraft live I know cherry trees weren’t but they were in the same update and they’re too pretty to leave out sniffers and sniffer eggs were

Though so I got an egg some torch flowers planted some picture pods and finally one of my favorite new additions the bamboo raft I’m very excited to find out what’s coming next in Minecraft I hope you are too goodbye yeah Minecraft Minecraft live yay the way you said it That’s For you guys see That there’s no way M what’s Up For oh that’s away you guys movie called Spirited Away that was the bath house we are going to be taking a look at some of the releases from the past year we’re always super excited to see your reactions when you see them for the first [Laughter]

Time wow wow hi oh my gosh you’re so so cute look at your floppy little ears you can’t leave I forbid it okay no le I I already have a main complaint they should have the Creator information on the screen the entire time time they show it for 2

Seconds okay that was cool buddy oh you can’t just kill villagers in front of my eyes like that I’m taking you down you down Oh my God we actually got it after 20.5 cities they should skip to the event go what’s he doing this has been in every Minecraft live since the very beginning since MC few more hit theyve always we win we’re the best you like Cactus more

Of it now though now I think about it why do you like Cactus nice nice nice nice what I like about this year though compared to last year if you guys remember they had like the creators they had were like screaming constantly they were constantly screaming you know those

People that when they react they just like are screaming into their mic oh my gosh that was terrible Minecraft can be played in a bunch of different ways take me for example I like playing survival with mods and our next group of creators are going to be showing you the ways that

They like to Play all right I’m refreshing which one are you watching where I’m 20 seconds behind they won’t let me skip up I’m it’s hi everyone my name is Michaela and I am a 20-year-old Minecraft SLV variety streamer I play on a few s smps like the Pirates s SMP and the area unknown SMP

And I spend a good chunk of my streams just hanging out with my friends anyways here’s some of my favorite clips from a few of my recent streams I hope you all enjoy and enjoy the rest of Minecraft live you you got to you got to jump you got to

Jump I should have explained I not like That hello hello hello hello helloo literally the same person I’m in the cloud here we Go uh if you said it two times speed it will catch up 3 4 five thank you all for watching now go enjoy the rest of Minecraft live hello everyone my name is B Mystics I’m a Minecraft S&P content creator from the life steel SMP thatp mcft creators the deest traps and

Stories in Minecraft history previously on the server I’ve been known for my storytelling mystery solving Adventure where I create images and videos with hden Clues to find the rarest item in m i members called the kid in the court with many chaotic Adventures ahead you can watch

Me a hug ment called MCC ring my te oh I think we’re caught up of games against other Rising creators in the Minecraft Community our team plays first overall in the event go but sadly lost in a bow duel against the runnerup in the final deciding battle I’m always

Doing something new from Dynamic S&P stories thrilling 100 days adventures and Innovative modded videos with my friends thanks for watching and enjoying watch a l mine crackers on Twitch probably close the poll 620 votes over 620 votes participated in the vote myc Ro actually I’ll leave I’ll leave it up until they actually reveal the vote winnery armad Minecraft Raz Fox they did wi bar it’s pretty close on History we are just minutes away from the start of

Minecraft life 2023 from all of us here at Mojang thank you so much for your endless creativity before I go give you a Showcase of some of our highlights from the past year thank you for watching and enjoy the Show it’s going to be close y’all it’s going to be close between the crab and the armadillo wait a minute I don’t think the penguin has the votes y’all unfortunately I don’t think it has the Numbers how how how get I don’t think the penguin has has the Momentum that’s cool ooh that’s my type of content right there imagine you just want your own business in the Minecraft world and you see this crossing the horizon oh that’s Cool the C biomes are too empty I agree but I think that that means they need an update right they need like an actual an actual update more content needs to be added but you’re right there isn’t much going on in the uh three 2 one you cheated

Hated take that I think you’re actually [Applause] F oh main Show starting in three seconds nice how long was that pre-show was that an hour wait wait wait wait no that was 30 minutes that was 30 here we go here we go chat here we go let’s go let’s Go finally this is Awesome you’re scared and excited at the same time [Applause] [Applause] This is cool man this is so cool [Applause] A hello and welcome to Minecraft live 2023 I’m your host and chief Storyteller for Mojang Studios Lydia Winters we know there’s a lot going on around the world and we want to take this time to have some fun together today we jump into the game and celebrate All of You our

Incredible Community our show is packed with all things My is this pre-recording woo well that resolved itself you’ll find out about the next update here directly from our development teams see some of your favorite creators and we’ll end with a special musical performance it’s going to be such a great time and I can’t wait to get started so let’s jump in Okay hello Minecrafters of the world I’m boo buoy and I’m here to guide you through this year’s mob vote but in case you’ve never heard of a mob vote and have no idea what mobs you would even be voting on well you’re in luck I’m basically a genius in mobs for the past

Years at each Minecraft live you at home have had the ability to cast a vote that chooses a new mob that will be added to Minecraft our developers have come up with some amazing early concepts for potential mob but you get to choose which one gets to move into development and go from

Concept to feature and be added to the game okay so now that you know the what let’s talk about the who who are these mobs that are vying for your precious vote let’s review your choices first up we have the crab crabs live in mangrove swamps and what is happening that’s cool

You seeing this The Claw is very handy for players who like building because they allow players to place blocks further away what is even going on here just keep going tiny Vu so next we have the armadillo armadillos live in warm places like the Savannah bio the armadillo drop

Skew which can be used to craft armor for your wolf these will give your favorite for legged friend some extra defense against hostile mobs and finally we have the penguin penguins live in the Stony Shore biome and they’re super friendly so don’t be scared if they come

Up to say hello penguins are a bit clumsy on land but they are elegant swimmers Penguins can also help your boat travel faster okay I can’t pay attention to this it’s not even Clos penguins are just really I really need to finish this segment I’m getting kind of

Distracted okay hopefully you can decide which mob is your favorite because the vote is almost closed it’s been open for the past 48 hours and will be closing in around 10 minutes oh wow if you haven’t voted yet don’t worry it’s so easy that even I managed to do it just before the

Show which means it’s pretty easy just head to minecraft.net slive log in with your Minecraft account and click the mob you want to win alternatively you can jump right into the Minecraft launcher and cast your vote there it’s that simple get your vote in and choose which one of these

Wonderful little mobs you voted for join you in the game for now I’m just going to enjoy this my Minecraft story my Minecraft story the Minecraft birthday what is This he’s like look ma here’s somebody that look like us well let’s dive into the chest that makes me me we’re going to know which mob wins very soon y’all and got teleported to there’s about 15 minutes left on the Boat all of these people are me I can’t help but feel like I’ve gone along with but I wore a Minecraft shirt on the first day of school actually changed my life that made me who I am today Minecraft has changed along with me Minecraft genuinely ended up pulling me out about

Spiral this game has guided me through long days Happy Trails and Tails Everyone Build a Better World Together hey Craig hi Lydia it’s amazing being here in Minecraft I’m usually in Minecraft Legends defending the Overworld those piglins are a huge problem I know right those evil little piggies it must be so cool to finally release this game you’ve been working on

For so long I know the team’s worked so hard and it’s finally out and we’re really thankful to the amazing Community playing Legends we’ve been so happy so many people have loved playing the game since it came out in April but we did get some really great feedback and so

We’ve been listening to the community of you know what they really want perfect so we took a step back we’ve made some amazing changes and we have some new things coming as well I’m so excited about the new things you playing Minecraft Legends if you haven’t already

The L mean it’s time for you to jump into the game well let’s go welcome to the beautiful and dangerous world of Minecraft Legends where despite the continuing efforts of the piglins to Devour the world your’ adding lots of fun new ways to play penguins are you can now pet all the

Animals it’s easier than ever to find your way to a tussle with those pesky piglins your friends are even better at fighting and following you on your adventures it’s so nice that the creepers are on my side in Legends discover a different way to play Legends with I love the game I just can’t upload it I like turn gravity down and launch those little piggies into the I’ve tried uploading It and uh aside from the update we’ve been releasing three challenges called Lost Legends created by the Minecraft Legends team in one you can even play as a llama spitting at piglins yes Please have I mentioned you can pet the animals so cute we also want to give you a first look at new things coming in our second update they aren’t quite finished yet but we couldn’t wait to show you hop around the Overworld with your new Mount and friend the Frog oh that’s

Cute the new very loud pigling clanger takes the stage alongside a structure that will blow you away the air Chopper I’m still going to play this game it’s just you’ll be able to take them on with the brand new furn friend very tight community that everybody want oftion you know this

Game build witches cauldrons to share bubbly power with your other allies come explore the overwhel of Minecraft Legends full of fun fights and Friends it’s really sad to hear about Minecraft dung Minecraft mobs and the wonderful little sniffers immediately captured all of our hearts Element Animation brings on the adorableness in a way that will surely make you say A I can’t believe it’s been a year since we voted for the uh sniffer it’s been a Year Hello uh they announced about a month ago that dungeons is no longer getting any updates they’re done updating it that’s It yeah I Voted see I got my buttons right Here Yeah I think dungeons is a great game ton of content by the way a lot of content on that Game uh-oh What gastra not that Friendly that poor Camel Uh-oh what that poor Camel [Applause] that was cute hello that was cute I like that I like those short stories oh sorry I’m just playing with my new little friend but I have some news the mob vote is now over I hope you got to cast your vote if you somehow

Missed it don’t worry the fun isn’t over just yet the live vote experience on Bedrock will still be open for another day join tiny Agnes tiny yens tiny Lydia and that mischievous tiny Vu and play games earn in-game rewards and explore to find Little Secrets I heard

The right over dunk tank I can’t wait to pay him a visit myself right after the show for now just enjoy knowing that soon I’ll be able to announce the first mob that was voted out and after that the winner okay I really need to focus and these cuties are just too

Distracting I’m supposed to be chatting with an old friend right now where’s Y at I’m really sorry about this but hey R2 what it’s nice to see you too I was hoping you’d tell our viewers all about the Minecraft Star Wars PA of the Jedi release there’s no way they got R2

Man I mean yeah I guess I could expl the details I do know that players will get to play as a Padawan and train to be a Jedi Knight though right yeah that’s what I thought players will get to battle monsters duel with other Jedi use the force and

Even who okay hold on don’t spoil the ending let them find out what happens when they join Yoda for a journey all on their own I love R2 no it’s okay R2 you just got excited well that was a better introduction than I could have done myself R2 mace wind [Applause] Okay youo [Applause] Grievous yo this is Sick path of the Jedi that looks good what’s better than Minecraft even more Minecraft duh Panda and that’s what you’ll find on our YouTube channel what’s up Minecrafters we reveal Minecraft news so new we barely know about it yet do we have an Easter egg in the game and we’ve

Got chicken and milk yeah we go behind the blocks on all our Minecraft games we won you got burning Minecraft questions we give all the answers seriously and we make very serious shows about very serious topics like this one right here yeah Minecraft live 450,000 people watching that sounds about right though

For even more Minecraft subscribe to our YouTube channel Today hey lyia yes you’re finally here look at this place it’s so beautiful finally it’s really amazing I I I built a track to the underground base it’s a I’m I’m pretty sure it’s a shortcut okay well I actually I mean Agnes is supposed to be

There I need to meet her so if you’re you’re sure it’s a short yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely absolutely I’m pretty sure yeah oh yeah no I’m I’m sure I’m defin definitely yeah I’m sure I’m sure okay let’s try it we’ll be there in no time sorry jck they definitely stepped up

Production for this Event the Frogs ah I love this place wow that’s a waterfall that’s right oh no Don’t worry there’s some powered rail ahead oh my gosh you this could be a meme that’s going to be a meme who wants to meme That oh my gosh is this right I got the C gr oh my go that was funny spiders why did it have to be spiders it is a shortcut yes was right hi Liah welcome to the Lego Minecraft block and brick challenge two worlds two creators an infinite amount of possible

Builds I’m Hannah Rose I made a Minecraft content creator and streamer my name is Tristan Kane and I’m a master mot Builder here at the LEGO Group here’s how it works each Creator was challenged to build their ultimate Minecraft Hideaway they were both sent Lego Minecraft chests containing prompts

To guide their build but there’s a Twist neither were given all of the prompts so after each Creator finishes a prompt they’ll have to give the other clues about what they built and then at the end we’ll see how similar or incredibly different their builds turned out Hannah

Rose was given the first prompt in round one as you Hannah Rose began crafting you’ll start in the Cherry Blossom biome and build level one off the ground you must feature a Lookout Point to watch for mobs and of course no home is complete without a crafting table to

Start my building process you have to find the best biome in a cherry blossome biome I’ll use pinks and greens okay annna Rose it’s time for you to give Tristan a few clues about your build my Clues to you are elevated pink and water good luck oh elevated off the ground

Wonder how tall I’m going to have to make it oh okay Tristan time for you to open your test and get your prompt create the next level of your build by adding transportation to make it mobile enjoy the ride the process for this build started with laying out the

Overall idea which consisted of three layers it look like Minecraft I’m not as I used it’s time for you to give Hannah Rose a few clues about your bu that they have so many you’re going to have to build something different Lego out there for M with an animated

Expression and ride along good luck when you think of Minecraft you think of blocks so this is going to be kind of hard for me to build and when I think of seasonal I think of Halloween so I thought it would be really interesting to build a big

Skull we are back now with Hannah rose with this prompt Infuse life into your Abode I’m building a big bee that can travel from one biome to another okay Hannah Rose now you can give Tristan a few clues about your build my build includes an energy source and has

Elements that are Industrial futuris and multifunctional futuristic I know just the parts to use for that it’s finale time for the Epic reveal of our Minecraft creations hey welcome hi thanks for coming all this way to Lego HQ yeah it was an easy trip just jumping through

Another where is Lego HQ how did you do all this sound like California I took movement literally no way wow the eyes are literally moving that’s so cool this is great to use your hints as much as I could and it’s you a front door you can

Actually go inside yep now let me show you what I made that’s awesome is that a giant bee that is a giant bee and a giant skull with smoke coming out of it animated expression and seasonal oh wow and you even got a little cottage under here yeah the cottage and inside of

Course crafting table a Lookout Point wa I hope you like it it looks awesome now that we SE do we hope you’re inspired to think like a Minecrafter when you’re building your fav in real life with Lego Bricks okay oh you changed your could you please very gently bring this to Tiny boo maybe there’s a recovery email need to set them well that’s solved for now and we have the results for the mob with the least amount of votes so many of you

Voted this year and so many of you joined our live server event to cast those votes but the mob who received the least amount of those votes is the Penguin but don’t feel too bad for the penguin remember our little frog friends didn’t win the vote either but they

Still managed to hop their way into the game so we still have two amazing mobs left which one will win no seriously I’m asking cuz they haven’t told me yet anyone goodbye penguin I was inspired to become a Creator because at heart I’m an artist and the opportunity to share my art with

The world was a big deal to me I got started with Minecraft almost 15 years ago back when the game was in Alpha and I thought it’d be fun to put up a let’s play of Minecraft on YouTube I was inspired to start creating seeing things that other people were making for the

Marketplace I’d build anything that I could imagine whether it was dragons or palaces or cathedrals absolute favorite piece of content that I made was pendulum my favorite piece of content is called spell Rune it’s a spell crafting experience that uses the new scripting API to just do complete magic my

Favorite piece of content is my monster hoodie it was the first time that I’d done any animation so it was really nice to have something that I was quite pleased with at the end of it in your shoes skin pack it’s a bundle of color and silliness see in Minecraft my favorite

Piece of content is more of a grouping it’s about all of the projects we’ve done for crafty which is one of our YouTube channels my favorite piece of content was a skin I made myself of the Zulu the Zulu is a community from South Africa they are well know all over the

World for bring great warriors and great hunters it definitely has to be msol if one of our latest releases in the Minecraft Marketplace it allows you to morph into mobs and to evolve them that’s definitely really cool something truly magical about watching someone else enjoy something that you put tender

Loving care into I love that you could customize so much and how valuable the game itself is we can reimagine things to help you see the game in a way that you never thought you could I still get an absolute Buzz out of it and I don’t

Think it’s ever going to get old I don’t think that’ll ever change will be the Arad learn their tools and don’t give up try toate that is interesting to you learn from other people help other people where you can give yourself permission whatever it isting to make make content that you

Really want to play and that you can’t yet play if you keep pushing yourself in this space I promise you there’s nothing you can accomplish Minecraft is done so much for me and it can do the same for You yes I’m back at where we started love you man time for Plan B Perfect oh man you can tell they had a lot of fun with This for decades the BBC Studios Natural History unit has pushed creative and Technical boundaries to bring us incredible stories from the world we all Share in 2022 a creative collaboration between BBC Earth and Minecraft education redefined how these stories could be experienced the Frozen Planet 2 Worlds invited millions of players across the globe to step into our fragile Frozen ecosystems and experience the plight of their animal inhabitants firsthand infused with scientific research and unexpected gameplay they

Quickly became some of the most downloaded educational dlc’s in Minecraft history next year we’ll embark on a second remarkable Journey with BBC Earth exploring stunning new worlds and their extraordinary species I’ve actually never played uh Minecraft education Edition I’ve never played it planet Earth 3 coming to Market Place and Minecraft education in

2024 ooh if I get some codes I’ll definitely uh you know share some Agnes so what do you you did such an amazing job it’s beautiful it’s really cozy right I love it oh hello everyone so lovely to see you what inside Minecraft to see it

We’re all in the game quite cool so Agnes last year you and oh no that’s so cute well that’s what we get for being in a cave love it so last year you and the team really you decided to present things in a very different way yes so last year’s Minecraft live we

Decided to only show part of the trails and tales update and then throughout the development process we could announce more features like archaeology the armor dreams cherry blossoms yes and the very precious cherry blossoms and we actually really like that because it enabled us to be creative and we could collaborate

With the community and we also saw a lot of excitement in the community throughout the full development process which we thought was beautiful so we want to do the same approach this year as well I really love that so not going to reveal everything right now what’s

The Minecraft game team up to well we actually doing quite many things so for example we have some amazing developers working on tools for us to make our development process more efficient and more joyful oh that’s so good it is I’m I’m very very thankful for that and

Another thing I I would love to to mention is that this week uh we released to snapshots betas and preview a no a new really cute feature and that is that you can put items inside decorated pots I love that so you’ll revisit some older

Features yes so we want to like a good balance between adding new things and also going back and improving existing things such a goodidea great that’s honestly Andes we are also working on a new update coming next year I think we all want you to tell us about that well

Then give us long term we want to evolve Minecraft for everyone and in the recent years we focus a lot on creativity and exploration so before this year it’s time to focus more on like combat adventures and on tinkering my time has finally come I am an adventurer yes I

Know and next year Minecraft turns 15 years old you know I think it’s really precious and so we were thinking wouldn’t it be quite cool that after 15 years of Minecraft it’s time to test your skills in some new trials trials yes trials so we are adding a new

Big multiple room structure called trial Chambers oo and these trial Chambers consist of like multiple new features and they also have a unique visual style so like when you are inside those chambers it really feels like you’re in a place you never seen in Minecraft before they’re amazing and I think you

Need to show everyone yes come join me to my realm and we can meet some of the team members we can see part of the new features coming to the Update good luck hi M I’m I see you found something rather epic here yes I’ve been digging around our caves and I found a trial chamber lovely a big part of this update is that we really want to add new adventures for our more combat allowing players and the Chamber certainly

Includes some exciting challenges so what we’re looking at here in the center of everything this is cool is the Corridor look at all that copper the corridor leads to different room and it can lead to supply chests you can find things that’ll challenge you but also things that’ll help you the

Shame bears are new structures that are combined of lots of different rooms they are procedurally generated so there is a lot of variation and like it’s so fun because each time time we play tested it felt like finding a new chamber it was exciting each time so there’s a lot of

Replayability don’t follow me I really really like the like the unique visual style we made in these Chambers and that was also something we really wanted to achieve like when you as a player find those chambers you know so special I love copper Sarah oh hey there Agnes we are surround

Ed by so many beautiful new decorative blocks yeah I think the tough blocks it will be a lot of fun to build with because of its geometrical design and coer gets more uses too with the copper set we wanted to introduce a tinkered kind of feel at the LLS give

Players a fun way to light up their builds we actually just used some of them in our village and it created such a cozy feeling I’m honestly so excited to see what people build with these new blocks I’m just going to take a couple of these

Greates this is I think it’s so nice because we can use these new blocks to create exciting experiences but then also all of you amazing players can just be like super creative and Tinker with these blocks to build like anything you can Imagine oh here is one of the supplies CH SM we’re talking about hi Brandon hey Agnes so nice you’re making it brighter in here yeah these CPP of bulbs when they get oxidized they get quite dim but with this axe I can actually scrape off the oxidation and make it brighter again

King be dogs I love that mechanics so much that like the more oxidized the copper bulbs are the more dim the light will be I think it’s super interesting for storytelling definitely I I don’t even need to bring torches anymore to the trial Chambers I just bring an Axe

And light my way through a trial spawner time for a combat challenge yay okay I see ice blocks around the trial spawner so it’s definitely spawning Strays what’s our plan well I will go ahead and scrap up some oxidation so we can see I’ll just head in straight for the fight you

Ready yes this is cool let’s go oh oh no so many Strays I’ll take this One nice one Agnes yes ah he got Me Agnes we’re covered in arrows yay Victory random so this is a trial spawner it’s actually a new variant of spawners which adapts based on the amount of players that join the fight it actually spawns a limited amount of mobs compared to a normal spawner yeah we really wanted

This to be fun challenge both in single player and in multiplayer and this is also why we both got some nice loot so you can see the smoke coming out of the trial spawner that actually means that it’s on cool down so we can come back

Later and play this all again yes so don’t break it we want everyone on our realm to play the combat challenge o you can just keep firing I’m up for more challenges want to go to another room soon but first I’m going to go to the Village but you go Ahead oh hi wow good Luck oh an AEL of course I want it thank you what did you miss uh the trial Chambers a that’s so pink and so cute the world could always use more color that’s Lovely Cory Oscar hey AGN Hi it seems like you placed a craftter here yes with a crafter you can automate crafting with redstone it’s pretty similar to a crafting table except instead of pulling the item out yourself you can use the Redstone pools to get it out I going to have this crafter make

Hanging signs everyone can decorate the village with them and let’s place a button here And I’ll press the button and again yay lots of hanging signs that’s that’s cool so that’s pretty much just for multiplayer right that’s like a that’s cool oh Hi I hope so Too wow you’ve been busy yes I’ve been building an automated sword crafter but instead of pressing a button it just keeps on Crafting infinitely we used the new toggleable slots to make sure that the Hoppers Place items where we want them the crafter is is so precious

Because you can both do these like really Advanced Contraptions and it’s also very welcoming so we hope that it will be delightful to use both for like Redstone beginners and Redstone experts before you head out make sure to grab some armor oh thank you yeah that’s

Perfect we’re about to head down to the trial Chambers shabam oh yeah now this will be a breeze so I wonder where where do they typically generate where where do we find these things ready to fight the breeze oh Yes I’ll let them take care of that there’s the new hostile mob that jumps around and uses wind to provide a combat encounter unlike any other in Minecraft I just got hit by the wind charge a burst of energy from the bre the wind charge doesn’t deal any damage when it

Bursts and blows things away but it does deal damage when it collides directly with something it damag me he’ll be fine Cory the wind burst doesn’t only knock things back it also interacts with certain blocks yeah like buttons and trap Doors the room becomes part of the fight that’s cool we we hope you enjoy these playful combat encounters with the breeze when you stumble across them in the new trial Chambers it’s grumpy and cute but also real rude I’m heading out now I wonder what is going to drop

Wo that looked like a really tough fight it was I just loved seeing all of you play together on the realm and like letting everyone get to meet more of the development team was so fun and I Think Like A really lovely thing with this update is that of course it’s funning

Single player but we have also put a lot of effort in ensuring it’s very fun in multiplayer too I can’t wait to play with all of my friends and the trial Chambers the first time I saw them my mind was blown yes like I love the unique visual style we created with like

The new decorative blogs and also we just showed like a few of the rooms so I’m really looking forward to like when and all of you get to explore the trial Chambers and find all the things we didn’t show there’s a room that I love

So much and I can’t wait for everyone to like finally get to see it when I saw the trial spawner I don’t it took me back like the Nostalgia of the first time I found a spawner it it’s so cool to see that in a completely new

Way well that’s so lovely to here cuz it’s it’s actually really intentional because you know with the 15 year anniversary year it felt so good that like main thing with I’m really curious if it’s they actually n to very classic feature the monster room as of right now

We don’t know is going to do with the crafter I can’t even imagine no like I just very very much looking forward to seeing it like everything from like the more basic Contraptions to the super complex one and everything in between and I also think it’s really nice with

The crafter because it ties so well to the more like tinkery side of this up it really gives you a chance to like mess around with the features that you all added in a new way yes and we cannot forget a very grumpy New Mob the breeze

Yes this little Whirlwind with the most like epic eyebrows ever however don’t let it fall you cuz it’s actually quite challenging to fight it and what I like really really love with fighting the breeze is that since it um activates Contraptions in the room like a dispensing dispenser shooting arrows for

Example it means that it’s not only fighting debris because the environment becomes part of the fight as well which is like it’s a complete new kind of combat Challenge and I like it’s very playful and I really like that it is playful it’s playful combat which I

Really love and precious I know I’m not the only one but like when can we play it well actually quite soon so the features we’ve shown today will come to beta’s previews and snapshots in the coming weeks and then just like last year we will announce some more features throughout the development process

Amazing we need to head to the Cherry growth yes I think we should go through nether for some fast traveling perfect IDE this is good I like this this is this is really good the moment is finally here they giv me this fancy envelope with the name of

The winning mom of this year’s mob vote I have to say this year we’ve been Amazed by the massive participation in the mob vote we’ve never had so many votes your passion and energy Inspire us to keep building okay so I can’t wait to see who it is let’s get right to it

Because no one wants to wait for these kinds of things which reminds me of a story it all started back when I was just a young boy oh here we go so unprofessional tiny G hey I’m in the middle of Minecraft live no I I know I’m just telling this super relevant story

It sets the scene no I understand okay I don’t want to keep okay got it sorry um wrong number so the winning mob yes soon to join Minecraft the winning mob for the 2023 Minecraft live mob V is the armad dillow [Applause] Wow I’m so excited to see that little cutie in the game it’s hard to believe but next year is the 15th anniversary of Minecraft it’s going to be a year full of fun and surprises we’ll celebrate All of You Journey Through the past present and look to the she didn’t say which mob

She just said to look forward to in 2024 for years we’ve loved seeing the Minecraft Community their favorite music it’s always been a wish of ours to see an artist take their own song and turn it into a Minecraft parody today that wish comes true I’m excited to welcome a

Minecraft player who also happens to be an incredible musician Alec benjam this night is cold got my pickax in my hand as I walk away got my compass in my flint and steel it in the dark the creepers pray don’t pull me up throw me

Out me here a waste I once was a man with dignity and Grace now I’m walking through this cave it’s a cold dark place so please please could you find a way to let me down slowly a little sympathy hope you can show me if you to not

Lonely are you guys surprised about the vot slow diing down down diing down down diing down diing down down diing down down diing down if you want to that’s what I would like to know Reuben let me see if I can pull up some details for

You and I can’t stop myself from falling in lava could you find a way to down slowly little sympathy out you can show me if you want to go not be so lonely if you even baby let me down slowly down down digging down down digging down digging

Down down digging down down digging down if you want to go not it’s so lonely if you leing baby let me down slowly so they’re procedurally generated that was amazing that’s it thank you Minecraft wouldn’t be what it is today without all from all of us in

Mojang Studios thank you and bye what byebye that wasn’t even an hour guys that was 50 minutes that was 50 minutes no no what is going On all right I got some details I think I can share with you oh my Gosh no what are you doing no it’s too guys that was 50 minutes oh my gosh I can’t believe it was that [Applause] Short can’t believe this all right we’re going to talk about some things for a little bit um tiny wow we’ll talk about what we saw what I know cuz I think now that the event’s over the NDA is over as well so I can talk about some Things all right one second guys Wow all right first and foremost um what what do you guys I can’t talk right now what are your impression how do you guys feel about what you saw talk about some some things let’s talk about some things we liked about it what are what are some things we liked about what we

Saw I I can start I I’ll Start um we’re getting a new hostile mob it’s something I’ve Wanted definitely something I wanted I don’t know about you guys guys but um we got a new hostile Mob and that’s been on my list for a very long time I’m looking at some of the details some of the things I can talk about um you know some of the things I can share with you Guys Uh also some of my some of my favorite blocks are getting updated too the copper block that was really Cool right th those those are things I’m actually genuinely excited for I’m not just saying that just to like you know just because really cool features the copper is getting updated the tough Golem the tough not tough Golem the tough blocks ooh copper Golems I could see copper Golems down here I could

Definitely see copper Golems down here um Tri trial Chambers You guys are ex delete Minecraft for what look I we I I sort of prepared you guys for a short Minecraft live I told you that they were getting shorter every year from four hours to from four hours to shoot 30 minutes at this point a

Little bit longer than that it was an hour different time different times man my job is to my job is to talk about the positive things there’s a lot of there’s a lot of things I wasn’t fond of but um I’ll let you guys share those things

I what the things we saw I I enjoyed okay and I it’s important to to remember that this is not a finished update if we look back at last year which I wasn’t the most active but we can we only saw like four features last year with the chiseled bookshelf we saw

The camel um bamboo uh we didn’t see a lot right so we can’t we can’t say this is a bad thing because we didn’t see the entire update I will say I will say this a short Minecraft live is not helping mojing out it is not helping

Them and it’s not it’s not a good thing it’s not a good look there’s a lot of questions that I feel like this is the opportunity for them to answer it’s a very rare opportunity for a lot of people to be tuned in um a lot of people that tune in during Minecraft

Maybe haven’t played in a year maybe haven’t played in two years so this is a very rare opportunity for mojan to answer and not just showcase but unfortunately they don’t see it that way and you know you get some angry people can’t prevent that this is cool too I like

This I I the entire trial thing was is is where I’m at right now I like that now I’ve never been into Redstone I don’t know if that will ever change um but for me the entire trial part was was what I want in this update

It’s what I want and I want to see more of it so that’s a good thing Um yeah they could have they they had a CH they had an opportunity like like here here real quick let me let me show you what I’m talking about um let’s just let’s go back to one of the Minecraft lives I was talking about right like this

Year um pause this music real quick right so 2019 it was it was a good event wasn’t their longest they had a 4-Hour one but like after Minecraft live right after this event what did they do it didn’t end here they had an after show so after the after show they interviewed the

Developers and as a result of them doing this we got more we got more answers um and and it felt like a more complete show because if we had any questions if we had any like if we’re a little confused about what we saw we got a little more

Um like explanation of what we saw and what we can expect to see as a result of the it was essentially like an hour Q&A afterwards so um I think that’s something that would have benefited this year for sure and uh sadly we just you know that didn’t happen so that’s that’s

Unfortunate um yeah with the trial though I am curious like okay where can we find this thing how deep is it as deep as the ancient city I hope not I don’t want to go that deep I don’t like digging that deep um which lady Agnes did say we will be able

To play with it very soon similar to last year they did the same thing last year where um we didn’t have to wait long before we could have our hands on bamboo and you know chiseled bookshelves so that’s a good thing right we we don’t have to wait long to play around with

These features so what are some of the things that we saw um the first thing that we saw it’s called the crafter and these are these are things I’m reading directly from Mojang but it’s called the crafter so it was that um that book The crafting table

That you guys saw the Redstone crafting table this thing right that’s called the crafter so it’s an automated crafting table for Redstone Engineers um this intuitive UI introduces toggle slots to to the crafting grid meaning if an empty slot is clicked with an empty hand the slot becomes

Disabled okay the next thing my voice keeps cracking bro it’s ridiculous the next thing we saw is the biggest thing probably right without a doubt uh the tri the trial Chambers is what they call it so this is a procedurally generated structure underground so this is not above ground this is 100% underground

Um so it presents a unique challenge including a new hostile mob for players to overcome the trial chamber is generated using new copper blocks as well as new tough blocks and copper bulbs so that is that’s basically the big the big stuff right there um we also got to see the trial spawner

Which I don’t know I doubt you can silk touch this thing man they’re not going to let you silk touch that it would be broken you cannot pick this up there’s no way they will let you pick this up that would be super broken so this is called the trial

Spawner so the trial spawner is a new type of spawner that will not spawn additional mobs for extended period after it has spawned a specific Target count of mobs it’s different than the standard mob spawner it rewards players by ejecting its loot so I think we saw it earlier

Like it just sort of poops it out so you can see the the loot after you defeat the you know set mobs so that was really cool and then we have my favorite feature uh my favorite feature which is the breeze it’s a new mini boss I’m going to

Call it a mini boss because I think it is a mini boss where where can I find it though can I find it um I should just let this whole thing play out actually yeah uh gosh when did we see the breeze y’all oh here it

Is yes there it is okay the breeze really really cool um so it’s a new hostile mob that can be found in the trial Chambers I want a better look at it though oh you guys see how it jumped it jumped like 10 blocks you see that watch this

You see that it jumped like 10 blocks that thing’s really cool it’s got like a little tornado swirling around it and it’s really fast too you see how like jumps it like it like Springs off the ground so that’s going to be really fun looks like a lot of fun uh the the

Breeze moves by jumping and shoots projectiles of wind energy that explode on impact like how blazes shoot Fireballs if it collides with the player or entity it explodes immediately these explosions cover a blast radius of a few cubic blocks deal a small amount of damage and knock back all entities in the

Area um they have a new particle indicating what’s happening uh okay so that is trying to see if I missed anything else we talked about the crafter the trial Chambers the copper bulbs uh which is the lights that they were talking about earlier King be dogs

And Lady Agnes I’m pretty sure you guys remember yeah they’re just the lights the copper bulbs you see them everywhere so that’s great for Builders people that don’t care about combat um is it a combat update no no I mean it could be depending on how they develop it in the

Future I’m going be real with you guys um cuz there’s really not a lot to talk about but I think that’s a good sign cuz what I what I and here’s why I’m saying this right I I think it’s a good sign we didn’t see a lot cuz what they can do is

They can pull ideas for Minecraft feedback which I believe our ideas are better than their ideas okay I think we just have better ideas and hopefully they can pull those ideas from feedback and add them to the game throughout the development process is what I’m hoping for okay that’s really what I’m hoping

For I’m optimistic about it and I will um you know maybe maybe next week when I have a little bit more time cuz I don’t have much time today I will discuss some of the best combat combat update ideas that are on feedback you know and make a video on

That okay so I’ll do that next week but I think and I and I always say this but I mean it more so now within the next two or three weeks if you have your if you have ideas go on feedback right now okay and and type that idea IDE out they

Will be looking and you have a small window for them to to look at your ideas and have time to work on it this is your this is the time to share your idea this is a very small window okay so that’s my hopes I’ll discuss it more in a in a future

Video we’ll talk about you know some cool ideas for combat all that stuff um but yeah that’s everything I don’t know if I’m going to make a video talking about what we saw today I think it’s really pretty straightforward but um I will say I will

Say that I enjoyed it it was good it was fun it took me out of the real world for a few hours which is the the entire point in my opinion of Minecraft live is to feel like you’re part of a community which you know it did did that

For a little bit you know um so yeah guys uh thank you you know thank you for hanging out with me um you know I don’t know what else I can say much else I can say but besides that it was a good time so guys I’m going to end it

There end it there um you know you can reach me on Twitter Discord as well I got all those things I’ll see you sometime next week I don’t know if I’m going to have a video up tomorrow or the day after but we’ll be talking about this for a little while

Okay all right guys I will see you soon peace take care

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 2023! Next Major Update Reveal, Mob Vote Winner & More!’, was uploaded by Stealth on 2023-10-16 07:19:16. It has garnered 4880 views and 224 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:35 or 10415 seconds.

Become A Channel Member For Exclusive Perks! https://tinyurl.com/3wu8yz35 Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/stealth1 Road To 200k! Subscribe 📺 https://bit.ly/3kp2tmc ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ My Twitter🐦- http://bit.ly/w5vI5X Discord- https://discord.gg/b3juTx96FF My Instagram 📷 – https://instagram.com/blackstealth1 My Twitch🎮- http://www.twitch.tv/Darkstealth 2nd Channel – https://goo.gl/h9AFML Business Email- [email protected] ———————————————————————————–

Tune into Minecraft Live on October 15, streaming on YouTube and Minecraft.net If you’ve never watched our epic, once-a-year livestream before, then you are in for a treat. Not only do we spend an hour talking about Minecraft (our favorite topic), but we dive into news from Minecraft and Minecraft: Legends; share snippets of what you can expect in the future, and reveal the winner of the hotly anticipated mob vote!

MOB VOTE 2023 That’s right, the mob vote is making a triumphant return this year, with three new mobs for you, our wonderful community, to choose between!

When you cast your vote for a new mob, you help us decide what we’ll spend time developing. Then the mob gets added into the game as part of the next major update! Last year’s winner was the sniffer: an ancient mob that was once extinct. Now it has been sniff-sniffing around our Overworlds since the summer, digging up ancient seeds, and looking adorable.

MOB VOTE TIMINGS Voting will be open for longer this year, and you will have just over 48 hours** prior to Minecraft Live to cast your vote! Voting opens at 1pm EDT on Friday, October 13, and closes at 1:15pm EDT on Sunday, October 15. What does that mean in your time zone? Find out what time the mob vote starts for you, and what time the mob vote ends for you (because too much math makes my head hurt).

#StealthArmy #Minecraft #MinecraftLive

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    Ultimate Chicken Egg Farming Guide Revamp Your Egg Supply with this Easy Chicken Egg Farm in Minecraft (1.20) 🐔🥚 Are you tired of constantly running out of eggs in Minecraft? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll explore an easy and efficient chicken egg farm setup that has stood the test of time. Let’s dive in and revamp your egg supply! Why Choose This Egg Farm? Efficiency: This chicken egg farm is simple and efficient, making it perfect for small-scale bases where space is limited. Sustainability: Whether you’re a survivalist looking to ensure a steady food supply or simply a poultry enthusiast, this farm… Read More

  • Rare Spawn: Minecraft’s Mob Mystery

    Rare Spawn: Minecraft's Mob Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, There’s one that’s rare, a sight to see. The Ender Dragon, fierce and strong, In the End, where it belongs. Players quest to find this beast, To challenge it, to say the least. With swords and armor, they prepare, For a battle that’s beyond compare. So if you seek a challenge grand, Go find the Ender Dragon in its land. But be warned, it’s no easy feat, Defeating it will be quite a treat. So gather your friends, gear up with care, And face the Ender Dragon if you dare…. Read More

  • Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan

    Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No need to worry, it’s all child-friendly, Just sit back, relax, and let your mind be free. With funny animations and songs to adapt, Every video brings smiles, that’s a fact. So practice more if you’re new to this game, And let Fangkuaixuan guide you, it’s never the same. Subscribe to his channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft adventures that are oh so sweet. Join the fun, join the laughter and fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Read More

  • Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters

    Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters The Chosen One Faces Off Against the Hunters in a Fierce Battle! In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “CHOSEN ONE VS HUNTERS! – Bandit Adventure Life (PRO LIFE) – Episode 32,” viewers are treated to an intense showdown between the Chosen One and the Hunters in the world of Minecraft Animation. This episode, part of Pro Life Season 3, promises to keep fans on the edge of their seats with thrilling action and suspense. A Thrilling Confrontation The Hunters find themselves in a fierce battle as they come face to face with the legendary Chosen One…. Read More

  • 10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries

    10 Hilarious Ways to Push Boundaries The World of Minecraft: Exploring lag3 on the Jamcraft Server Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft as we delve into a snippet of gameplay captured in lag3.mp4 on the Jamcraft modded server. Despite facing a ping of 283, the player showcases their mining skills in a challenging environment. Unveiling the Gameplay In this short clip, the player navigates through the server with a ping of 283, highlighting the challenges of playing with high latency. Despite the obstacles, the player engages in mining activities, showcasing their determination and skills in the game. Exploring the Jamcraft Server… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation Welcome to the Minecraft Community Server! Join the Bedrock Community Are you a Bedrocker looking for a new adventure? Join the new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, offering a fresh experience for all players. How to Join Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start your journey. Have fun exploring and building in this new Minecraft community! Music and Support All the music… Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Episode 11

    Sneaky Survival: Episode 11 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Building Fortresses and Exploring the Unknown Challenge of Construction 🛠️ Izazov Gradnje: In this episode, our Minecraft adventurers tackle the monumental task of constructing a massive fortress. Through skilled building techniques and strategic planning, they strive to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Forest Expedition 🌲 Šumska Ekspedicija: Venturing deep into the forest in search of rare resources, our team explores the most efficient techniques for gathering wood and other essential materials to enhance their survival skills. Perils of the Dark Caves 🌌 Napast u Tamnim Pećinama: Delving into the dangers and rewards of… Read More

  • Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft YouTubers Unite! Join the adventure with a group of talented Minecraft YouTubers as they explore the vast world of blocks and possibilities. From epic builds to thrilling survival challenges, these content creators bring the game to life in exciting ways. Let’s meet the members of this dynamic group: Coleman Follow Coleman’s channel for creative building projects and entertaining gameplay. Talley Join Talley on thrilling survival missions and engaging multiplayer sessions. Solo Experience Solo’s unique perspective on Minecraft with a mix of tutorials and let’s play videos. WindSword Embark on epic adventures with WindSword as he tackles dungeons and… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Skyblock Shenanigans

    Sneaky Minecraft Skyblock ShenanigansVideo Information This video, titled ‘MİNECRAFT TEK BLOK SKYBLOCK (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) bölüm 2 #shorts’, was uploaded by Eyüpcan Emanet on 2024-02-27 09:00:06. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hello everyone, I am Eyüpcan and today I am here with the video called MINECRAFT SINGLE BLOCK SKYBLOCK (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) part 2. After watching the video, one block skyblock (Minecraft One Block Skyblock) If you liked the video, don’t forget to like it. Thank you for watching. discord link: https://discord.gg/FhUPcxsRJ5 Etiketler; minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft City Build LIVE! Epic Florida Theme

    Minecraft City Build LIVE! Epic Florida ThemeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Minecraft City Live: Building in Florida’, was uploaded by AlphaHippoGamer on 2024-03-03 07:12:49. It has garnered 311 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:55:51 or 17751 seconds. Description will be updated at later date https://discord.gg/N36KnntBjp minecraft,minecraft city,minecraft live,live stream,minecraft live stream Read More

  • SECRET Herobrine Pixel Art in Minecraft! 🎨

    SECRET Herobrine Pixel Art in Minecraft! 🎨Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art(‎@taha_iscool5617  ) 🎨 || #pixelart #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Herobrine Unknown on 2024-01-17 06:10:31. It has garnered 2980 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art(‎@taha_iscool5617  ) 🎨 || #pixelart #minecraft #shorts Profile from @taha_iscool5617 Ignore Tags: satisfying minecraft profile pixel art 🎨 || #minecraft, minecraft satisfying pixel art, pixel art minecraft java, pixel art minecraft pc, pixel art minecraft simple, pixel art minecraft generator, how to make realistic pixel art in minecraft, pixel art minecraft realistic, pixel art… Read More

  • Uncover the Shocking Mob Head Secret!

    Uncover the Shocking Mob Head Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mob Head Secret Only Few Know!’, was uploaded by RealJayden on 2024-01-05 14:00:20. It has garnered 4265 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Mob Head Secret Only Few Know! Use Apex Hosting to host your Minecraft Server with Friends! ➜ https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=9190 ★Social Media★ Instagram ➜ http://instagram.com/RealJaydenLive Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/fnQ5PbT Sub-Reddit ➜ https://www.reddit.com/r/RealJayden/ #minecrafttricks #minecrafthacks #minecraftprotip #shorts Read More

  • EPIC MINTOON CRAFT: Skibidi Toilet vs Mecha Boss!

    EPIC MINTOON CRAFT: Skibidi Toilet vs Mecha Boss!Video Information This video, titled ‘Get Ready For Action – Skibidi Toilet Titan x Mecha Boss Cameraman Bottle Flip Challenge #Shorts’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-06-06 23:06:00. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #MONSTERSCHOOL #MINECRAFT #MINTOONCRAFT Don’t forget Subcribe, like, comment and subcribe guys…!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hc7SaWZvnY-1FHUTWdf2Q?sub_confirmation=1 Welcome to the official “MINTOON CRAFT” channel! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft animations and Monster School adventures with us. Join us as we embark on epic journeys, explore new realms, and face thrilling challenges in the vibrant universe of… Read More

  • Government secrets revealed! #gamerfleet #minecraft

    Government secrets revealed! #gamerfleet #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘@AnshuBisht Ki Goverment #gamerfleet #minecraft #fleetsmp #jackbhaiya #herobrine #anshubisht’, was uploaded by Mythes on 2024-04-13 02:30:10. It has garnered 496740 views and 26857 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #payalzoneroast #gamerfleet #payalzoneroasted FleetSMP new Member🤣😂😂 Ballu Beta😄 @Gamerfleet hardest mlg 😍😯😳#jackbhaiya #anshubisht #gamerfleet Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss a video from us. CREATIVE INDIAN GAMERS in Minecraft 🔴 techno gamerz, bbs, mythpat, live Insaan, fleet, yessmartypie Gamer fleet vs Me MLG clutch @GamerFleet @TechnoGamerzOfficial #mlg #minecraft @YesSmartyPie is All in… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD – Sphere House Build Challenge

    Unbelievable Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD - Sphere House Build ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD: SPHERE HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE / Animation’, was uploaded by TEN – Minecraft Animations on 2024-03-24 19:00:00. It has garnered 4138 views and 79 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:40 or 1180 seconds. Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD: SPHERE HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE / Animation Welcome to TEN – Minecraft Animations! I am doing Minecraft Battle Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God challenge like monster school =) Subscribe and leave a like for more animation! #minecraft #noob #pro #noobvspro #noobandpro #hacker… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024

    ULTIMATE Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days Survival 2024 / new,minecraft,100,days,survival,2024’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / minecraft on 2024-01-12 10:00:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS】New Minecraft 100 Days 2024 / Minecraft / 100 Days / 2024 #minecraft #minecraft100days … Read More

  • TrillEmpire

    TrillEmpireWelcome To TrillEmpire. We are a new server that has it’s own custom system where you can play normal survival and/or create your own adventure with a certain role you can choose to start your adventure with. Every role has different features that will reward you in different ways. You can also create your own kingdom with a few friends or members by using a special plugin and conquer other kingdoms. You can also build and defend your kingdom’s towns against other kingdoms or raid their towns. For more information on the server, join our discord https://discord.gg/N5B9bmSz4b play.trillempiresmp.net:25576 Read More

  • TheCrib SMP – Java & Bedrock 1.20 – All Versions – Survival – Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server Details: Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft server shenanigans!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft server shenanigans!“Starting a Minecraft server with friends is like herding cats, except the cats can suddenly start building elaborate structures out of blocks.” Read More

  • Minecraft’s Rake Mod: Fear Unleashed!

    Minecraft's Rake Mod: Fear Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a horror mod we explore, Facing The Rake, a monster to abhor. With Sh460wYt by my side, we take on the fright, Will we survive the terror of the night? Subscribe to Swayle, for the inspiration we found, In this spooky adventure, where fear does abound. Like, subscribe, and hit the bell, don’t miss a beat, As we delve into horror, with humor so sweet. Minecraft mods, a world of endless possibility, But beware of The Rake, a creature of monstrosity. Join us on this journey, filled with scares and fun, In the realm… Read More

  • Blow up your problems with TNT in Minecraft!

    Blow up your problems with TNT in Minecraft! When you accidentally set off TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your house becomes a modern art installation called “The Crater Collection.” #oops #minecraftfail #artisticexplosions Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Celebrations!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Celebrations! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the recent special event celebrating 15 years of Minecraft with popular YouTubers like Aypierre, Siphano, Bichard, Fuze, and Mathox. While watching their livestream on Twitch, you may have been inspired to dive back into the world of Minecraft yourself. But why play alone when you can join a thriving community of players on Minewind Minecraft Server? With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. From intense PvP battles to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Gamemode Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Gamemode Hack Changing Gamemode in Minecraft Java – No Command Changing the gamemode in Minecraft Java without using commands can be a handy trick for players looking to quickly switch between creative and survival modes. In this guide, we’ll explore how you can easily change your gamemode using a simple key combination. How to Change Gamemode Without Commands To change your gamemode without using commands in Minecraft Java, follow these steps: Ensure cheats are enabled in your world settings. Hold down the F3 key on your keyboard. While holding down F3, tap the F4 key to cycle through the different gamemodes…. Read More

  • KYRSP33DY Betrays Friend in Epic Minecraft Mod Battle!

    KYRSP33DY Betrays Friend in Epic Minecraft Mod Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Our Friendship is Over! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 E10 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-04 18:17:33. It has garnered 40674 views and 1830 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:43 or 3583 seconds. My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Thumbnail Logo and Artwork by: Isaias IG: @shaboyturtleboy YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/Isaias2150 Edited by Appreciator. Read More


    FLOPPY MINECRAFT SCARY BUILD HACKSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft scary 😨 build Hacks #ytshorts #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by FLOPPY__420 on 2024-06-03 06:21:17. It has garnered 9330 views and 270 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft scary 😨 build Hacks #ytshorts #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #viralvideo #minecraft Read More


    EPIC FLOATING ENDERMAN EGG HACK!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build Hack In Minecraft Pocket Edition 🤯🔥 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by PRINCE JOSHI VINES on 2024-04-19 11:10:00. It has garnered 65 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build Hack In Minecraft Pocket Edition 🤯🔥 #minecraft #shorts #pocketedition #princejoshivines #spooky Ram Ram Bhai🙏 About the Video:- In This Video I Show Tips And Tricks Of Minecraft. Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build hacks In Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 New Update. I Not Only Play Games But Also Used The Instagram… Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth About Minecraft’s Identity!

    The SHOCKING Truth About Minecraft's Identity!Video Information This video, titled ‘Is Minecraft Losing Its Identity?’, was uploaded by Techbot Gaming on 2024-03-12 18:00:28. It has garnered 5660 views and 351 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:36 or 696 seconds. Today I go in depth on whether or not Minecraft has lost its identity/personality!!!! ENJOY 🙂 If you enjoy this video, I would appreciate a like and subscribe to help me reach my goal of 1k subs! Wanna see more? Look Below! Daiazal’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ @Daiazal Is Minecraft Getting Too Easy?:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5jYcr3H1lI Why Minecraft Updates Aren’t The Same Anymore:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5GnEB2bNCk&feature=youtu.be Lethal Company Success: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sNLUKnemcE&feature=youtu.be Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Server Hack in 2024! Shocking 1.20+ Java Method

    Unbelievable Minecraft Server Hack in 2024! Shocking 1.20+ Java MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make a Free Minecraft Server in 2024! | 1.20+ Java’, was uploaded by RealJayden on 2024-01-06 14:00:42. It has garnered 15845 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:40 or 340 seconds. How to Make a Free Minecraft Server in 2024! | 1.20+ Use Apex Hosting to host your Minecraft Server! ➜ https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=9190 Here is a quick tutorial on how to start up your first FREE Minecraft server in 2024 for 1.20+! Please consider leaving a like and subscribing as well! Thanks! ★Social Media★ Instagram ➜ http://instagram.com/RealJaydenLive Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/fnQ5PbT… Read More

  • Unbelievable Hack: Dominate with Breeze Mob in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Hack: Dominate with Breeze Mob in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Breeze Mob in #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Apex Hosting on 2024-04-23 19:00:10. It has garnered 106 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:18 or 198 seconds. Learn About the Breeze Mob in #Minecraft With #Apex Hosting Get a Minecraft Server from Apex Hosting: https://apexminecrafthosting.com/ 24/7 Uptime, DDoS Protection, Live Support, Easy to Use Panel USEFUL LINKS Breeze Mob in Minecraft – https://apexminecrafthosting.com/breeze-mob-in-minecraft/ ——————————————————– CONNECT WITH US: TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@apexhosting Snapchat – https://www.snapchat.com/add/apexhosting Twitter – https://twitter.com/apexhosting Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Apex-Minecraft/174919656042175 Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/apexhosting/ Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/apexminecrafthosting YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamApexMinecraft Discord – https://discord.gg/s4G9g79 ——————————————————-… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Dimension Explorations! Watch Now!

    EPIC Minecraft Dimension Explorations! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Uncharted expeditions (New Dimension)’, was uploaded by 4x4sunny on 2024-05-28 17:36:54. It has garnered 8495 views and 765 likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:06 or 11706 seconds. If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love gaming, you won’t want to miss a single episode. So grab your pickaxe and let’s dive into the world of Minecraft together. Watch now and join the fun! DISCORD CONNECT- https://discord.gg/4x4gaming ———————————————————————————– 4x4gaming SHORTS-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1s1… Sunny’sVlog- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWJD… INSTAGRAM face revel- https://www.instagram.com/4x4gaming/ NOW MAKE YOUR OWN MINECRAFT SERVER ON BISECT HOSTING Use my code and Get 25% off limited… Read More

  • Steve Dweller Haunts Calvin in Minecraft!

    Steve Dweller Haunts Calvin in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘STEVE DWELLER IS TERRIFYING.. Minecraft: From The Fog S2: E15’, was uploaded by Calvin on 2024-04-15 21:00:30. It has garnered 810103 views and 35444 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:20 or 4220 seconds. LEAVE A LIKE IF YOU ENJOYED!!!! GAMER CHANNEL: @calvinsucks IN GAME CAPES & HAT LINK: https://store.lunarclient.com/category/calvin tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@igncalvin INSTAGRAM: CXLVXNS Read More

  • Insane Hide and Seek Battle with DJ and Monkey in Minecraft

    Insane Hide and Seek Battle with DJ and Monkey in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Found Portal Mikey in Hide and Seek Battle – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-03-04 10:00:35. It has garnered 37199 views and 225 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:14 or 854 seconds. JJ Found Portal Mikey in Hide and Seek Battle – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo Read More

  • Pixel Hut

    Pixel HutPixel Hut is a growing community focused on Prison and PvP, as a matter of fact, we combined these two gamemodes to create a unique experience. We build the server focused on players. We care about YOU play.pixel-hut.com Read More

  • TechCraftSMP – semi-vanilla whitelist

    TechCraftSMP TechCraftSMP is a vibrant, community-driven Survival SMP server inspired by the Hermitcraft series. Featuring a robust diamond economy, detailed world map, free build policy, and Discord integration, it offers players a true vanilla Minecraft experience. Key Features: Robust diamond economy Bustling shopping district Detailed world map Free build policy Discord integration Join TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 today! DISCORD: Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lit tunes for real

    Did someone say they were dropping a mixtape in the Nether? Looks like they’re bringing the heat – literally! 🔥 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Momazo XD

    Hot Minecraft Momazo XD Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #xd Read More

  • Becoming the Grim Reaper in Minecraft

    Becoming the Grim Reaper in Minecraft Minecraft: Becoming the Angel of Death Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where the player transforms into the Angel of Death. In this exciting gameplay, viewers are in for a treat as they witness the protagonist navigate through challenges and conquer obstacles in the virtual world. Unleashing the Angel of Death As the player delves deeper into the game, they take on the persona of the Angel of Death, wielding immense power and authority. With this newfound identity, they embark on a mission to conquer enemies and emerge victorious in the Minecraft universe. Mastering Survival Skills Survival is key… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE NEW Mods & Packs for Minecraft! 😱

    UNBELIEVABLE NEW Mods & Packs for Minecraft! 😱Video Information the 1.20.1 update of Timeless and Classics now rebranded as Timeless and Classics 0 represents a significant advancement in the world of Minecraft firearm mods this version has been meticulously crafted by a reassembled team of the original Timeless and Classics developers they have not only Rewritten all existing code but also remodeled and animated the Firearms enhancing both functionality and visual appeal furthermore they have expanded the mod’s features creating a more immersive and detailed experience in this latest update the mod boasts an expanded Arsenal offering players a selection of 14 distinct guns spread across seven… Read More