Minecraft 1.19 Survival 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Learn Minecraft Live! Ep 1

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All right we are live at least we’re hopefully live and yeah basically this is the live stream sorry it didn’t work the first time apparently it was live streaming to the wrong thing so maybe there was like a random live stream that started that was unlisted earlier but

This should be working now basically all that happened was I literally just created a new world a new world um and you can see it right here so yeah we’re just going to start by punching a tree and getting ourselves materials um but of course I’ll first change the

Scene to Minecraft so you can see that and um yeah we’ll continue on from there and basically see what’s happening so sorry about that weight there and now we should be able to start the stream so it’s going to be Survival live today at least I’m hoping to stream more in the future

And just to generally try and do more events like this because I think they’re not only interesting but also quite fun so let’s start by getting some Oakwood because why not and the seed is a pretty cool one I haven’t taken a good look at it but I

Have a general idea of what’s here and we should actually have alerts as well which is cool and chat on the screen and all that so hopefully that is well scaled and all that um if you guys I want me to change any settings I can try

And do that to improve it and hopefully you can hear the background music the the game audio and my voice correctly so we will start by crafting a crafting table of course and getting some food something interesting I’ve seen a lot of players do is they’ll start Minecraft by

Making a full set of wooden tools which um you can do but I found it’s pretty useless considering the fact that there’s Stone literally everywhere not literally everywhere but basically and so just getting the the stone tools to continue on with is probably easier than crafting all these wooden tools that’ll

Never be useful in the future and we will get the rest of this all right now let me remember here it’s I think you’re I might want a little bit more stone that I would normally be getting just because um when I get some more mining done

I’ll probably start with like 20 that should be fine um yeah I think so so we’ll do that and then we will craft some stone tools and how is everyone’s Saturday going so far my Saturday is going fairly well I’m excited for the stream and how it turns out and I hope

Everyone enjoys it so let’s make the stone tools um I mean even what I was saying earlier you could technically even not make stone tools and just go right on to the right onto the iron tools but I generally prefer to make the stone tools as sometimes iron is not

That easy to find also as you can see we do have those subscriber alerts if you guys don’t like the the sounds for it or whatever I can change that I just have like this funny clip from this um remix someone made of me so yeah and I don’t

Think we’ll be living next to spawn so it should be fine to to kill the cows as of course it doesn’t really matter and it looks like there’s actually a I did not know this was here I’ve never actually well it might have been on the scene

Once but I haven’t taken a good look around I did not realize we had this ruined portal that might be the giant variety actually which looks pretty awesome so we’re just going to do that and we have some horses as well now there probably is a

Villager and as I say that there is a village um yeah because we’re in the plains biome so I would assume that to be the case looks like there’s a pretty cool Mountain up there as well uh so in terms of treasure uh nothing really good just some iron

Ingots flint and steel Flint I mean technically we could make another foot and steal with this so if this had you know if this was a fully connected not fully connected but connected enough portal then those two materials would be good but it does not

So we will head our way to the Village and see if there’s any blacksmiths I don’t see any so far but of course it’s kind of hard to say at this stage so we will just craft a boat to go over this sort of river it’s so interesting how I

Mean obviously 1.18 was a while ago but I do find interesting how different things like Rivers do generate between the older and newer versions of Minecraft generation it’s funny because not only are rivers a lot wider a lot deeper sometimes but even I found occasionally just kind of with

Transitional parts of different biomes and things you won’t even get that vegetation in the bottom and so oftentimes it just looks like sort of like a flooded Ravine but the volume is technically a reverse so we have a lot of materials here it looks like um I do not see anything else

Of interest but we will take a look around here and see yeah I don’t see anything so we’ll just we’ll just grab the uh the wool not the wool the um hay bales then I was thinking whoa we’ve got the hey bills and we’ll make a stone hole for that because of course

That is the fastest and I really do like how Mojang added functionalities for the for the hoe is of course the hoe is sort of like a not a useless item but just an item that didn’t have a lot of uses before sort of like the the right

Click function on like an ax to strip wood or run like a shovel to make a path so take a look here just gonna read the chat for a second here so I’m just gonna minimize and the chat is going crazy which is cool um so yeah I’ll read the chat here and

There if you guys want to leave any any questions or something the title I think is includes learn Minecraft live in it so I don’t know if you guys wanna um I guess we’ll try and include a bunch of tips and tricks and stuff but yeah I mean here’s something interesting

Obviously the um the cleric building and the village always has the brewing stand but of course because you don’t have anything to brew with in there it’s not actually useful and so I’ve seen a lot of players grab this and it’s like oh I can Brew now and

It’s like well you can but obviously you know if you need the blaze rods and you know to get the uh the fuel then it’s not that useful so we’re gonna get the rest of those hay bales and I guess we can just grab a bed here as well

Um Villages definitely increase the chance of survival and I don’t think we’re gonna die at all in this world the last live stream I did was Hardcore um I just thought you know I don’t think it’s um hardcore is awesome of course um but I feel like with something like a

Stream I kind of want to be paying some attention to the chat and and just doing multiple things at once and so I wouldn’t want to risk sort of building a lot of cool things and just having them go to waste someone says hey I craft what gift

Should I give my friend my Minecraft world hmm uh maybe if like a if they aren’t super far along you give them like a nice Enchanted pickaxe or something it’d probably be something I would do uh depends I guess on what stage of the game you’re at

Um yeah maybe maybe like a good tool or like a I don’t know Golden Apple if you’re that far along or something depends on a lot of stuff um so we basically have everything this Village is going to give us I could look around for any other loot chest so we

Could grab the Bell but I want to keep this Village fairly functional as it’s very very close to spawn I might actually change the alert volume on that um the subscription thing um there is also an alert I have set up for Super Chat so hopefully that’ll work well if

Anyone wants to do a super chat it’s uh no obligation or anything but I do have an alert set up for that because I think that that’s something that people who donate deserve so anyway I will make my way to the mountain I saw earlier I think that the mountains are

Of course an interesting part of Minecraft because one of the newest kind of biome groups and and all that so I forget exactly where it was I think it was near that ruined portal Dex I can think of anything else we need at that Village someone’s asking how is another plan

Another song playing in the Overworld um none of these songs are actually playing from the game I have like a big playlist set up so I can change it to not another song there’s um I think that’s a title screen song actually but it has a big

Randomized playlist so we can enjoy the music of Minecraft um not just inconsistently of course um something I really wish actually was that there was a setting on Minecraft where you could like consistent music or something where the music would just keep playing song after song after song

I’m actually grab some of these magma blocks not too many but just a few while I’m thinking about it um but yeah I definitely enable that to work well and someone says is a set Cedar random seed this is a set seed um but I’m not going to really be

Utilizing the seed at all I just think obviously for spawning in the middle of a giant desert or something that’s not going to be that interesting um I said seed is going to give us the the level of entertainment more so so let’s see see here what’s the point of shoveling dirt

Blocks with a shovel not exactly sure what that question means I mean obviously um breaking dirt blocks with the shovels the fastest thing to do it’s a very beautiful biome actually I know Forester is this a flower Forest uh Forest yeah and obviously a forest is

Sort of a you know standard biome but sometimes with a lot of flowers in it and a nice background a lot of nice looks there so is becoming night and we will sleep right here within view of this Giant mountain and also a river here um it’s interesting I remember when

During the um 1.18 snapshots I did quite a bit of time playing in there I made a very old series on there um quite a while ago um I guess probably about a year ago it was pretty crazy to think and um and very first some of the experimental

Snapshots on there had uh incredibly odd terrain to say the least I mean things like I think little micro Mesa Biomes would be generating everywhere and it is fine I guess but I think the idea was maybe like oh there’d be you know Clay deposits here and there but they were

Kind of utilizing the biomes to give detail instead of just being full-on biomes which probably isn’t the best idea um but whatever the case is with that it they did eventually change it and um you know the first versions as well mountains were a lot more common I mean

Now I would say something I like is there’s a lot more variety in terrain overall and I know obviously this is kind of old news I mean 1.18 came out crazy to think like I think what 10 months ago uh little under 10 maybe nine months ago but

Still 1.18 1.19 changed a lot of things sort of a lot of players wouldn’t necessarily experience if you’re not next to some of these insane biomes and this is a crazy mountain range someone says when are you gonna make a public server um I don’t I have a

Whitelist server if you join my Discord server in fact here I have a little screen for this let’s see here hopefully that works I have a little social screen I won’t do anything interesting but um you can uh there is a server if you join the Discord um which should have a

Link in the description um but if it doesn’t then I can add that later I’m just going to make sure that that worked and it did okay but yeah um if you uh if you want to join my server you can go on there put your name down to be whitelisted

Um we may end up starting a new world on there somewhat soon like within the next couple months I’m not sure uh but still there’s a lot of time left to play on there and interesting things so back to our world um of course iron is the next big step

Um I’m gonna try and Speed Run the game but just get as much done as possible and yeah I mean of course these mountains are definitely a very very good thing to have not only because they’re massive and look nice of course they also have the iron and the cool

Deposits but having those deep dark biomes that are literally always underneath them I mean maybe 95 of the time but more or less always now this is going to give us a lot of really great materials as the deep dark is more or less the best biome to mine in which I

Have mentioned a lot across my videos but it’s because I really do think that it’s true how long will I stream today uh I’m gonna think at least two to three hours uh we’ll see how long I can go for um but I would say probably at least two

Hours unless I don’t know like I suddenly fall ill or something which shouldn’t happen so uh yeah let’s go up the mountain here um it’s interesting too because I you know powder snow does generate on these now this is a Grove but I don’t actually think powder snow

Generates in the uh Jagged Peaks like it of course you know the The Grove is a biome that you’d find on the edge of the Dragon Peak so it’s the snowy slopes like this could be snowy slopes and looks like we have a super chat uh

Last time I went to Super Chat uh you but I missed the Stream So doing it now love your content love from India well thank you so much and um it’s so amazing to me to think of all my viewers from all around the world of course I’m from Canada I’ve mentioned

That a lot but um the vast percentage of my viewers are from just all around the world really amazing and interesting um diverse amount of uh people that watch my videos which I really appreciate my entire audience that way so thank you very much for that

All right so we have all this iron up here and definitely we’re going to grab it it’s always so funny to me because they’re sort of like this this point in Minecraft when you first start where you’ll find all these good materials and it’s like oh well should I wait for

Fortune or not but then it’s funny because you know once you have Fortune once you have all these amazing tools and it’s like we probably also have an iron farm so you know almost by the time that you can mine iron with Fortune it’s still useful but it’s sort of like

Eventually it’ll probably switch on to uh switch on to just using iron firms and stuff although of course it does depend I don’t think everyone goes through all the progression stages that quickly anyway so foreign Actually just interestingly could so white rabbit and we got rabbit and draw rabbit hide it’s funny I know the chance of like a rabbit’s foot isn’t super uncommon um but I found like I tend to get it very consistently I know I didn’t get it now but it seems like almost every time

I kill a rabbit I get a rabbit’s foot So and I’ve always wondered like is the random number generator in Minecraft is it actually that good because it seems to me that like oftentimes um they’ll be just weird things that’ll happen like I don’t know if um everyone

Saw it but I had a video recently where I was breeding two axolotls and the first time and I did not set this up it was not even the point of the of the the fact I think it was it was a baby axle levels and buckets but first time I read

Them I got the the blue Axolotl which is just such an incredibly incredibly rare chance I think it’s one in one thousand two hundred um it’s pretty bizarre to think that um that’s possible because yeah I didn’t hadn’t read any other axles in that world so that is interesting see

Is it lazy if I just use a woodland Mansion as your base I’ve always found Woodland mansions to be a very cool base actually I really enjoy Woodland Mansions as bases especially since um there’s a lot of work you have to put into them to make them actually usable I

Mean they’re technically you know pre-set out Farms technically um you know mob spawners sometimes but at the end of the day you don’t really have a lot of stuff that that’s there so just sort of like a structure and of course defeating the pillagers is not always easy well the illagers

Anyway and we have a goat Looks interesting I could try getting the goat horn but it’s it’s not super easy especially if we’re not uh none of the big setup for it but still interesting to see that is that actually a drip Stone Spike over there I definitely want to check that out see what we can find

Um we have almost a stack of iron ones we have a stack of iron all set up a smelting and look at that there totally is that’s so interesting it’s like a little bit of surface drip Stone I’ve seen that happen before and I’ve also seen that happen with um

With Lush cave uh never with deep dark because I don’t think deep dark can generate that High I mean maybe very rarely you could have like a bizarre scenario where the world height is too low but yeah interesting to see that nonetheless as it is fairly Ripper fairly rare What’s the difference between pillagers and villagers well uh pillagers um are technically just one type of mob which is the the Pillager which is like the um the uh the crossbow um enemies that you get in the Pillager patrols or in raids illagers are older than pillagers they were added in 1.11

Instead of 1.14 and they used to generate only in the Woodland mansion and as well as that they are a lot more dangerous in pillagers like pillagers aren’t actually that difficult because they’re really slow with their crossbows and um and they’re just their AI is not really the best

Um but you have vindicators and evokers which are the villagers and there’s the ravager too I’ve heard people call the ravager a a um a illager before I don’t know if it is I mean it does kind of look like it um uh but that there’s also the ravager

And so that’s kind of the difference between that and I guess technically under that definition the ravager could be a Pillager because it is only in their raids so I’m not sure exactly how that’s technically classified though And also yes after this the live stream will be up on the channel I did uh I did a community post um just a little bit ago I was asking about live streaming and I was actually really happy to hear that 75 of people said that

Um they would either want to watch live stream live or they would at very least um potentially want to watch the the Vaude or basically the playback of the stream and so yeah we’ll definitely have a VOD or a playback which you can see that on my channel if you go

Um all videos there’s like this little button with like a drop down and if you click on that like the top um you can go like past live streams and it’ll show up there and or you can even just Google I craftmc live stream and it’ll probably show up after it’s done

And that should be up and posted just a little bit after the stream is over because um yeah I don’t think I’ll edit the stream or anything so we can keep that live chat so we now have um you know 60 Iron I’m just gonna get a drink of water here

Someone said you think they should rename the illusioner um well the illusioner is the the mob that wasn’t added in in uh Minecraft I think it was added in one point 12 actually which is bizarre um but I don’t know if you’re saying rename or re-add I think you said rename

Uh I gotta rename um I don’t know I don’t really care the name of a mob that’s not really in the game I mean it is kind of um in terms of uh re-adding it I think it’d be great if they added the the illusioner into the

Game it’s funny because I didn’t have a really good understanding of how it worked when I was showing it off in my um it was either my first or my second 20 mob facts video and so because of that I was trying to hit one of the um one of the non-invisible illusioners

Because kind of the way it works is there is the there’s the main illusioner and then uh it kind of like that’s the only real one and then it kind of makes like some illusions of itself and the real one is invisible so you have to

Kind of find like the the particles or whatever to hit the invisible one and you would never want to hit the the um the visible ones so we will now be able to sleep on the very top of this mountain uh y level 255s this is literally the possible like

Highest top I think let’s see uh 256 there we go this is actually the highest it could generate and beautiful view that’s actually that is a Stony Peaks and that is a frozen peak so I think we actually have every mountain biome up here that’s really rare I think

That was one of the reasons why I picked the seed was because of all the mountains it’s incredibly rare to have all three mountain biome types right next to each other so that is pretty cool and of course uh we can check that out it’d be kind of interesting to live

Down here but then you know I’m sure it’d look cool but at the end of the day you’d have to climb in and out every single time so probably won’t be doing that anyway we have enough stuff to smelt so I’ll have to find like an interesting place to sort of not wait

But just to set up the smelter so maybe if we get off the mountain here combine a little bit more uh iron and cool on our way back down not too much though and uh see someone says um have been re-watching some of your very first Let’s Plays how

Does it feel to strike some success um also I’m guessing you’re asking why am I not streaming on Twitch um I may stream on Twitch eventually I only have like 220 followers on there so you know um and people who’d actually be watching live I’m sure would be like well under

50. I haven’t actually checked how many people are watching this stream right now and I probably won’t but um regardless of how many people are watching the stream right now it’ll definitely be more than I’d have on Twitch um for now but yeah eventually I made leap livestream on Twitch if I have

Enough followers on there that’s why I keep having it in the descriptions um and we have a super chat and thank you very much for that but in terms of uh sort of uh looking back on things I mean it’s been over two years since I made my first video which

Um surprising for me to think about even don’t have enough leather for boots so we have to go around this powder snow but um that is very interesting to think about that uh it’s it’s good I mean I think it’s really um awesome to be able

To reach a lot of people with the videos I make um to me my goals always just been to get the most people interested in Minecraft as possible because I’m so interested in the game to you know kind of teach people about the game um teaching people both the game was not

My original goal um but it did become one of my goals because I’ve always loved to teach people about Minecraft it just kind of never rub two and two together to to figure out that um I do want to do that so yeah and I have been doing uh tutorials and things

And they’ve been really successful so we have a live stream I love your video so much thanks for everything well thank you very much for the Super Chat and I definitely appreciate it and I’m really glad I get to have that pop up on there because

Um yeah I think I just kind of cooled out those Integrations see someone says the movement is smooth I have sodium and not octaphine but uh um what is it called sodium and Iris that’s at Iris yeah I think one of them deals with entities one of them deals with

Like blocks and just general rendering but I wouldn’t actually know because I’ve done a lot of research into how shaders work I’m not a coder or anything although I wish I was and so I do not have a good knowledge of that but will I cut down the street it’d definitely be

Smart to get my iron smelting as there’s a lot of that and we also have a lot of coal to smelt it with so I will put down a crafting table I will make two chests we’ll put those two chests down and then we can put all of our kind of

Not necessarily useless but things like you know one drip stone block those sort of not super useful items in there so put that in there and I will keep the bread I’m so glad we have that Village I mean it’s crazy to think that just something as basic as

Let’s say half a stack of hay blocks can radically change the the course of sort of a world and how difficult things are so probably keep it like that if we need mobs later the bread isn’t of course the best food source it’s kind of wasteful compared to certain other food sources

To hear my scroll on the stream isn’t working so I’m just gonna here we go is it possible to grow drip Stone yeah it is it’s actually um pretty easy you just need to have water above it and it’ll like slowly grow down um I don’t have a video on drip Stone

It’s a subject I should probably cover so I do have a video on something cave related and I will not I’ll give kind of a hint to it but it’s it’s somewhat like drip Stone not exactly the same but it’s that type of item so uh yeah if that

Video does well then I could definitely do one on drip Stone and there’s a lot to cover with that and there is a forest fire of great proportions and maybe almost looks like a volcano um so too bad they didn’t add volcanoes and in 1.18 I think definitely a missed

Opportunity I know they directly uh responded to that and something like they only want disasters to be caused by the player which I guess I’d understand but you know of course it’s also the the part of the game where there’s always already Lava Lakes there’s already you know forest fires from lightning strikes

So you know that that rule isn’t necessarily um consistent throughout the game anyway and someone says will you make a survival series I’m not sure I mean I think this is uh some sort of a survival video so we’ll see what people think of these streams and the replays of these

Streams and that would be um good information on whether or not the majority of my audience would want to see a survival stream or not a survival stream but a survival series maybe a not sure like of course there’s a lot of ways to present that you know 100 days

Of Hardcore 100 days of survival um different challenges just a traditional let’s play lots of ways to do that so it’d take a lot of thought but I’m not against that at all it just depends on you know what my audience is most interested in at the moment and I

Know at this point basically everyone subscribed for tutorials and things but I definitely does not that does not mean that would not be happening in the future I have somewhat lost that I’m going on the wrong Mountain and we have a super chat just started playing Pocket Edition on phone with the

Controller you guys are helping a ton love from India well thank you so much um that controller must make Pocket Edition a lot nicer because I know that’s one of the downfalls of pocket edition of course is the the fact you’ve played on a touch screen you know so

It’s harder to have those those quick movements and of course the you know just sort of General things like that but yeah no having a controller would be probably really good we have this glistering melons which is or yeah glistering melons and it’s just not glistening melons but

Oh well uh the iron is not smelted almost at all we’ll got some but I think this is a stall that’s playing right now which is kind of my favorite music discs so I think it’s a lot of people’s favorite music discs let’s see here

It’s got our iron armor um of course you know I wouldn’t necessarily advise making armor very first uh tools but tools first um you know we have so much iron here it’s not going to matter which order we go foreign someone says that um I like listening to

Your voice much more on stream when you talk normal um I’m not really sure what would be classified as normal or not I mean um I don’t want to you know I don’t want to be kind of speaking like this on the stream right because that you know that’s not interesting that’s

Um hard to hear so you know a lot of people comment about my voice talk about my voice and I’m not really sure why like this is the way I speak it just is obviously uh I’m just enunciating a bit more right so people can understand me fully

Um because there’s nothing worse than a video where you watch it the content is good but you can barely understand um what the person is saying just because they’re too quiet right and obviously I think audio is a really important side of any content so yeah it’s kind of why I do that

Foreign why’d you craft a stone sword someone asked well earlier on I didn’t know if I would need it or not and I’d you know rather have that than nothing of course I don’t technically have to make a stone sword because the stone ax is pretty good

Um but I don’t know just tap it or something maybe let’s see here we’ll make the uh iron sword and I always like using the manual crafting tell me what do you guys like better the manual crafting or the automatic needle I know that like you know Pocket Edition things like that

It’s almost always going to be automatic of course um but just in general like what system do you prefer Now not I prefer the manual I mean um obviously certain recipes are harder to kind of lay out than others like maybe you know uh Pistons or something but I think at the end of the day um I just like sort of the the the added bit

Of the game to lay things out and make them just kind of makes a little bit added content there and yeah definitely join the Discord um thank you to the moderators for sending links in the chat to that and anything else and uh yeah we have a pretty cool community on there um

Definitely is not the most active um because a lot of people are pissy right now with getting back to school and stuff but yeah uh we’ll get ourselves an ax for that mushroom I don’t actually think about cutting that mushroom is going to help much but um

Well actually we do a bread I was gonna say for mushroom soup but it’s not gonna matter so uh I guess if caving is our goal we just need a little bit of wood for like sticks and things like that because I don’t think we’ll really make a base yet

Until we concave and get some materials and stuff I think that’s definitely step one because of course you know better quality toolers are gonna make caving a lot a lot nicer Foreign how do you know all the updates and what were added and all the updates I I know too much about Minecraft that’s my answer to that right I just uh even before I did YouTube at all um and even before I had the idea of ever doing

YouTube really I’ve just always been interested in Minecraft and kind of studying the game um yeah I mean um sometimes I’ll study the game more than I’ll even play it I mean obviously I played a lot um but I also studied it a lot and you

Know just try and try and know as much about it as possible because I I like it so much because there’s this this sort of necessary Simplicity to it that really makes things seem more valuable at least to me ah I did end up chopping down that Mushroom on uh autopilot or whatever

And we have a super chat that says love your videos you’ve got me back into Minecraft that’s exactly what I want to hear and I love to um let’s get people excited about the game I know I’m not necessarily the most uh exciting sounding person but I I do try and

Present Minecraft as as well as I can it sounds like it’s getting dark here not going to risk risk the death at night will sleep you can see all of her very uh very um impressive achievements like Stone Age and uh and sweet dreams you know these are these are the real

Difficult things to get Someone says what do you think about the chat reporting well you know controversial topics are always great to talk about not necessarily um but you know I I think that uh I haven’t seen um a lot of info on it still like you know I’ve heard a lot of people saying

Okay I got banned for this or for this um uh but at the end of the day um you know um I really haven’t experienced 1.19.1 or 1.19.2 multiplayer almost at all like I’m currently on 1.19 like the world we’re playing on um which only thing we

Don’t get there is the LA duplication the only reason why is just because that’s where my uh performance mods are currently installed too and I’m too lazy to change it over right now um but in general I would say you know um it definitely is a move that’s that’s

Changing the demographic of Minecraft you know I think it’s trying to aim for a for a younger audience and you know I don’t really know exactly the age demographic of who exactly plays Minecraft like I know that of my audience most people are are not kids um not even teenagers actually

Um but you know of course on average but I think that in general I wouldn’t I would be more interested in seeing that demographic data to see like where are they actually coming from with this decision I know I know some of it has to do with like different legal changes in

Europe and stuff but uh yeah I don’t really know a whole lot about it where are you getting so much wood I think it’s important and um when you go caving like if there’s no abandoned mine shaft it’s sort of like the only way to to not

Die so anyway I think we’re basically ready to go caving I don’t really see a caves I guess that’d be step one um but we will get ourselves these things but away and I will sort my inventory at you know inventory Management’s always uh kind of boring but important and I’m

Very bad at um you know management in general you can kind of see my uh you know this isn’t very sorted uh but I think that overall at least having you know your inventory sorted is important looks like our iron is almost finished smelting actually here’s a really interesting

Story The the song we have in the background right now and I’ll just turn it up a little bit here this song I think it’s I think it’s Axolotl I forget might be shuniji it’s one of the two uh I actually once had a dream about this song it was the

Weirdest dream and all I could remember in the dream was just the sound and it was sort of like this the starting part where you know it’s sort of like that um the sound we’re hearing right now and yeah I just heard it for like the entire song through the entire thing

Exactly like this just before I woke up and it was very surreal I’ve never had a dream with like that kind of thing in it ever again and ever before but um it was just the entire song I remember waking up and thinking that is very bizarre like it was just so weird

And I was you know I was like maybe I’m playing Minecraft too much but it’s like I hear this song a whole lot it’s just uh just a song you hear when you’re underwater so it’s interesting how certain things like that you know I feel like just the fact

That like my brain would remember the entire song to play it back to me as I’m sleeping is just weird I have no idea why that would be uh that would happen but it did see her so mining we need material we need wood we need anything else that’s overruled exclusive

We have some food who knows how long we’ll be mining for so get more uh I know there’s deep dark here so I really wish we could find some sheep make a sheep farm but I don’t actually think that that is right here I mean I’m sure there’s

Some you know these bombs can generate sheep but I think that will not generate sheep but uh spawn sheep but you know I think that um I think that uh there are none here so let’s see what else we need I know we need the hmm

We could use flint and steel but I don’t think we’re gonna need that uh so I guess we could just start like a kind of boring strip Miner we could go mining somewhere else I feel like because we have all these materials here we don’t

Want to lose it though so I’ll just Uh something’s really smart to do actually if you ever don’t want to lose something is press F3 and then F2 if if you’re on Java and then you can see uh coordinates and you can take a screenshot or of

Course you know you can take a screenshot on Bedrock as well with your coordinates up if you have those enabled and then you don’t have to write it down you can just go back to your screenshots folder and you’ll even have a picture of what you’re looking at so that works

Quite well and it looks like a prepared area to go mining actually Cuts very low very quickly in fact I can see oh my goodness I’m just going to change my fov this is insane I can see an ancient city I don’t know if you guys can see that I

Can see some bricks there that is insane I had no idea that was there like I said I just know that there are some mountains on the scene that was basically the extent of my knowledge and um that is crazy well that is perfect uh trying to think of anything else we’d

Need I mean we can we can try and raid the ancient city that sounds like fun to me um it’s very dark which should be uh interesting but um you know as long as the visibility isn’t too bad ever at least we can try going down around that level so yeah ancient city

Rating here we come this is going to be exciting I’ll just make sure to have my spawn point saved um it is funny because I mean obviously if you’re not playing in hardcore which I know most players don’t that’s gonna be hard to get down um if you’re not playing in hardcore

Uh dying is actually an amazing tool if you don’t have a lot of XP it’s it’s like oh well you know this is dangerous it’s like well as long as your spawn Point’s set anything really isn’t that dangerous and of course you know things like not being able to set your spawn

Point in the end I mean I think eventually they will they will add a a end Dimension spawn ability but you know uh for now you can’t and I think other than that though um setting your spawn point is just very important see here someone says you can’t see chunk borders

And feel a little Bedrock yeah it’s really unfortunate some of the sort of more technical sides of things that aren’t on Bedrock I feel like um Java feels like a very technical version you’re like that’s that’s kind of the way I would describe Java is there’s just sort of this this

Technicality to it where it almost still feels like it’s in sort of development just I think it’s in a good way but in the sense that you have all these tools that you know um like like chunk borders like the F3 menu that seem very developmental so okay this is not the

Best scenario um would have been really smart uh note to to myself and anyone watching is to make a water bucket and to use that so we’re gonna make ourselves a kind of more interesting way to get back down hopefully we won’t die because my spawn

Point is not yet set although we’re not too far from a spawn so it wouldn’t be the end of the world if we died right here now that is so cool though that the ancient city there especially the direct path to it I mean that’s not only rare but also incredibly um convenient

Let’s see if we can go back this way this seems like the the best sort of thing to go off it’s probably incredibly stupid to be using up all my planks going down here but we haven’t actually used that many planks I mean you know respect device anyway

Uh what are we doing now oh this is definitely where we got to the questions if I had like a gravity block that’d be easy see someone says this dying bother me uh dying doesn’t bother me at all as long as I don’t have XP or anything I found

You know I know a lot of players are bothered by by dying um which makes sense uh but I think at the end of the day it’s not that big of a deal I feel like okay okay there’s something there I can I can bridge over to that and I can drop

Um good thing that’s there I don’t see any shriekers um super near but actually there’s a Streaker there but uh I wouldn’t really be able to uh disable them effectively anyway because I don’t have any wool so potentially the best idea would be to go to this area

And start harvesting wool and that’d be the safest thing to do for sure uh just in terms of the lighting good thing I was crouching there it looks like it might have been a Shrieker set off because I got the advancement so let’s see someone says I could do a bed clutch I

Could have tried yes I didn’t think of that um Let’s see here okay we can try sleeping here I’m just trying to see if there’s a Shrieker nearby I don’t see any you see those sensors but yeah I don’t want to waste any warning levels especially since you know we don’t really have a super good way of

Doing it looks like a stir my amazingly uh well thought out staircases burning down slowly but surely okay looks like that’s not setting off any streakers so we could just put our bed anywhere here I’ll put it um I guess I should put it in easy to get

To place so I guess on top of here is fine let’s hope that going down here doesn’t set off any shriekers it might it doesn’t look like it no it does not perfect so now we have our spawn point set We have basically nothing to worry about

Someone said what do you think about Minecraft lore well I think that the US let’s think three hey that’s amazing and a name tag and a lead I mean that’s very good um yeah in terms of lore um yeah one thing I don’t like about Laura is that there’s a lot of content

Creators where they’ll sort of come up with a theory and then they’ll kind of say this is the only possible answer to this sort of um you know let’s say generation in the game or something like that and I think that at the end of the

Day half the point of Minecraft is that um there’s a lot of interpretations to it and there’s a lot of sort of mysterious Mysteries that are meant to be Mysteries and so to me I sort of like um I sort of like just uh you know making threes oh goodness make that was

Dangerous making theories about that kind of thing um is fun but it’s also um I don’t know it’s never gonna be conclusive and I think that um theorizing though is very interesting because you know there are definitely some theories that make a lot of sense like let’s say you know villagers having

Gone to the ancient cities um before you to sort of like try and either they made them or they’re trying to uh or they’re the ones that sort of um created them um but I think either one of those theories are very interesting because of course uh the ancient cities are quite

Ancient I’m kind of drowned here oh goodness okay that’s not good um okay this is really bizarre I’m actually trying to struggling to see if I’m underwater or not I’m right now but I don’t think this can be easy to get to water if I go up

Here it does not look like that no you’re in a little sub cave but I don’t think there’s any good water sources around here so probably a waste of time I don’t really need water I just thought um of course you know caving always want to bring water

Someone says definitely do this again well that is the plan and I’m very excited to to live stream more in the future um I’m really enjoying it and I think that it’s such a great way of connecting with my audience but also you know having a okay this is I’m not going up

Here this is insane it’s like the biggest death trap I ever decide to go up um but you know I really I really enjoy live streaming I think it’s a great way of connecting with my audience and sort of showing them how I play live and I

Don’t know if this is exactly how I would always be playing but in the scenario of course that could have been death you know I’m just stuck behind the lava cast let’s see here this is not super well thought through I bet just mining this way will get me back there

Uh maybe not someone said did you do a 1.18 live stream no actually the first live stream I did was uh after I gained 100 okay and I gained 100K uh after one point after 1.19 came out so yeah anyway uh let’s Harvest some wool like I

Was saying I don’t think well actually I know that breaking rule blocks doesn’t cause vibrations so we can do that and we can just Harvest this I mean you know there’s always a thought of sort of keeping these things intact but um there’s so many mountains up there I

Bet there’s honestly so many ancient cities It’s Not Really Gonna matter at the end of the day so we’ll just Harvest it I’ll put down a torch to risk it all um then we can see better but I will just silently be collecting the wall here

Someone says I think the only thing you need to get from the ancient city is the Swift sneak 3 enchantment and one to two skulk Catalyst um I mean there’s enchanted golden apples um there is diamond leggings there is uh there’s definitely some things that I would say

Um are good to get from the ancient city um it definitely does not have as much loot as let’s say you’d imagine um but I think at the end of the day I’m reading them is certainly worth it and I’m kind of glad that they don’t just

You know fill it full of diamonds and and netherrite and whatever else because although it’s cool there’s also the point where um let’s skip the song here there’s also a point where uh the uh you don’t want to kind of break every single stage of the progression

Chain instantly in fact that was very appropriate because this is just a shuffle playlist but this is the five music disc I believe so we’re gonna listen to that as we read the ancient city which should um be perfect someone says does anyone know a good way to get lapis uh

Well you can get it from there’s only really two ways you can get it you can get it from the uh what do you call them oh I can’t remember you can get them from the clerics and you can also mine it um in terms of mining it it’s pretty easy to mine

Um you just want to go around like y zero um but you can of course experiment around with um not having to worry about the Deep slate um so you can mine quicker and also once you have a bit of lapis it drops so much even you know regardless

Of what you have then it’s fairly easy to just um you know like mine lap this once or twice and then once you have a couple stacks just sort of stick with it someone said would you consider doing uh YouTube or something related to Minecraft as a living

Um I do do this as a living this is my full-time job um 100 making uh started being my full-time job actually uh quite a while ago so you know this is definitely something I’d consider because um I am doing it as my full-time job and I I

Really enjoy it and I I am really thankful to all of my subscribers and audiences for that because that’s 100 only because of you guys and your support and it’s really amazing to have um build a work I mean a sense I’m almost working for you guys but really

I’m just kind of providing the Minecraft Community with with content and um yeah really just you know my goal wasn’t to turn this into a job it was just to sort of help people play the game and help people to enjoy the game someone says what do you think about

Minecraft not keeping promises for the cave update um I don’t think that there were any things that were cave related they didn’t add okay this okay I’m getting done with five um let’s skip another track that’s the credits okay anyway um I think that the the cave update I liked uh I understand

How they kind of split it into that being annoying um one I mean there was like the biome updates there was the uh you know bundles uh um archeology um but you know I think that at the end of the day those things weren’t necessarily focused around caves and so

I don’t think that it ruined the update um I just hope they’ll add those things in the future that’s really my only my only hope I’m not you know devastated that they haven’t added them so far I just hope that they will consider adding them in the future

See what loot have you got so far I have got a swift sneak 3 book a name tag a lead and seven yes that’s right seven bones and that means that I can get a wolf if we find one which is pretty cool so we will break the rest of this wall

I’m not going to break too much more we almost have two stocks here it’s uh grinding on that a little bit we might we might try and get three stacks we’ll see because you know they kind of make rating this be actually doable that’s really cool though like the two layers

Of wool here there’s not just one and so even if there’s like the skulk veins on top um you can get a whole lot we’re getting so many subscriptions it’s awesome to get that um the notification thing I’m assuming a lot of those subscriptions are from the

From the stream and in fact if if anyone here wants to subscribe I mean up to you but it should show up on that which is cool because of course it would normally as I’m not normally streaming and yeah before I was streaming I think I was getting like a new public subscriber

Maybe every 10 minutes but it seems like it’s a lot more frequent than that now which is pretty cool so I appreciate the subscriptions someone says do a 2b2t stream someday um to be honest I’ve never played on 2b2t I’ve wanted to and I have played on

Other Anarchy servers um but just like the queue and the um the amount of you know hacks and things on it I’m not necessarily my favorite thing but I would I would be very interested in playing on it um I would not be out of

This world to see a and I craft mc2b2t probably not video but who knows maybe playing on it sometime at least commenting on it for sure because yeah there’s a lot of a lot of Minecraft history there that is something I do like about it is I feel like one of the

Most important things about the game is what the players do in the game that’s why I actually really like watching older Minecraft videos because there’s a lot of very unique things people did there even if they’re not you know super um new or super you know up to date I

Mean you know I mean you know beta videos 1.8 videos um whatever those kinds of older versions and stuff I think there’s still a lot to do in those okay we’re very close to three stocks here someone says do you have your own world by yourself

Um or with friends that you uh want to play with um yeah so I have I have a kind of a single player world I play on quite a bit I have a I put it on a server to play with a couple friends with um I kind of shift between different

Survival worlds um you know some long term some short term you know some of them I’ve played on for a very long time some of them I haven’t um yeah I try and get a really you know uh big picture view of sort of everything Minecraft has to offer

And this is very interesting this generation here actually with the with the wool I don’t think I’ve maybe I’ve seen this part before this is interesting though oh it’s because it’s oh that’s an archway that is so cool I love all these kind of more rare things you can get I

Mean maybe this isn’t necessarily rare of course because you know if I just didn’t get the random chance to see one but I don’t think I’ve seen one of these before this sort of Archer that’s really cool maybe I just haven’t seen it in this perspective Someone says are you interested in doing a Bedrock series um I mean I am interested in expanding out to bedrock in the future more that’s definitely a goal uh will that include a Bedrock series I I don’t know I guess we’ll see in the future you know but um

I’m not uninterested in that and I definitely have nothing against doing that so I mean it’s not impossible to that I would see myself doing that at some point oh okay oh that’s one Shrieker actually if I remember correctly I should break it there we go it’s like the perfect background music

As the Shrieker spawning and it’s now warning level one because that’s literally exactly what’s happened um oh my goodness that’s funny well I’m not too worried about dying here but we do have this wool so I guess we may as well just sort of loot it and then get out of here that’s

Probably the best idea if I don’t want to die and uh yeah so there’s a better way of lighting things I don’t really like the super low visibility that’s annoying but whatever see we can do here we’ll bridge over here and potentially and go down here ah see here

I’m trying to make a little pathway and we can go down here and then we’re basically safe and I don’t actually have to be coaching so I’m on top of wool but whatever okay I don’t see any shriekers here I’m gonna risk putting a torch okay

Where’s good and I think this is a loot structure yes but that’s the one I went up to okay so I think I guess I could technically go like this and be like super risky but like just failed right there so I’m gonna not do that um

Let’s see what’s up here I will I will try and go in more well-lit areas um I haven’t actually seen the giant portal yet but yeah there it is or not well you know it’s not necessarily a portal but everyone’s calling it a portal so may as well call it a portal too

Um that’s an interesting thing actually is that a portal right like that’s a big that’s a big bit of sort of lore um from that previous question definitely a definitely an important question um something that I remember hearing someone say I forget who it was but it

Was that um they think that it will be a portal but they’re not going to have it uh be turned into that like super soon like maybe within you know 1.21 1.22 something like that and that actually seems the most likely to me because it

Does look like a portal I just I don’t know if I can see them focusing on the deep dark something that’s sort of been like the you know the delayed part of the game already if them to focus on that more I don’t think that’d be probably the the best idea right now

Um and those are diamonds unless I’m clueless which I oh no I’m not I’ve never said like maybe maybe they’re not diamonds there are diamonds let’s hope there’s no shriekers there’s not and I just got one Diamond which was um fantastic but I mean hey there’s one

Time it’s there no diamonds I’m good with that I wish I’d soak touch I could grab some of the catalysts uh we are now in the loot part so we have all these nice loot things to read I really want to put down a torch but I can’t so I’m

Gonna just play it safe this is actually the easiest one because we’ll have to kind of block on the back of the chest here just for the sake of safety let’s see will you play Minecraft when high tail pixel releases I don’t know if you’re asking will I be playing hightail when it

Releases or will I be playing Minecraft uh still when I have tail releases well nothing’s going to make me stop playing Minecraft um maybe I’d play hightail releases I guess it depends on like how much of a percentage of the Minecraft Community cares about it because if you know it’s

Sort of uh if it that’s definitely actually if that didn’t set anything off it doesn’t matter here we go yeah you know if it’s uh if there’s a lot of traction there then yeah I could uh we got so sneak too we have a saddle we have a second name tag that’s very

Similar to the first time and we have 14 books I mean that’s actually pretty good I’m just gonna put down a torch because I realize that there’s now we’re now fairly safe here good thing I got three stacks of wool we’ve already used we’ve already used two stocks so we’re gonna

Find that and this is uh let’s see here oh see here when do you uh what do you do when Minecraft becomes repetitive and boring hmm I think that Minecraft becomes repetitive and boring um of course once you know you’ve run out of things to do um there’s not

Actually a point where you can run out of things to do but you know the point where there’s nothing super engaging super interesting that you’re interested in so I guess uh the first thing I would say is think of anything around Minecraft that would be interesting to you just anything that’s ever interested

You about Minecraft you know like maybe one time I watched a let’s play and I saw them building a castle and that was interesting to me like write those things down and kind of make a list of of all the things that interest you within Minecraft

And then sort of try some of them out um if you find them boring that’s okay but also something to often do is to kind of push through the board let’s push to the boredom a bit so as an example let’s think of a castle right let’s say that you realize that

Building castles was something that you enjoyed watching people do maybe we could try doing is you could try uh you could try let’s say building a castle and if you start off it’s like oh this is boring I’m not interested in this um keep going like for maybe let’s say

I mean I guess depends on how long you play for but I would say maybe five hours um like obviously not in one go but you know just in general work on that project for at least five hours and then after all of that if you’re not interested you can try something else

But I think that oftentimes you know once something gets started then it’s like oh here’s a purpose here’s a use here’s something I need to do all right so here we have a very good loot chest um two 13 discs which is whatever we have a cat disk

You have them with the shirts we have a bunch of Bones which we will find very useful later on for uh bone meal and stuff we have regeneration two which is great because of course I can’t get those normally we now have four discs of five which is pretty cool we’re gonna

Break the chest because why not uh opening it didn’t cause a signal so breaking it will not either and there is a Shrieker there because I could cover it up well it doesn’t really matter because I don’t think I’ll be staying in really any part of this but whatever Level one someone says what biome do you wish would be added to the game that is such an interesting question I mean there’s different biomes I want to be updated um but in terms of added hmm hmm I really like the Spurs jungle um I understand that’s not no that’s

Already been added but that is something I really enjoyed uh I wouldn’t mind like a volcano biome I was talking a little bit earlier um volcano biome would be awesome and I think that you know uh creating creating biomes sort of inspire people is really important like not just well

It’s a Plains bomb you can do whatever you want with it I mean that’s good and that has a purpose but I think that you know if too many more biomes uh were necessarily added that were just very blank canvas then it wouldn’t really inspire people to build and I found you

Know let’s say the new mountains to be really inspiring and so for example um that could be something really inspiring biomes okay this is definitely a dangerous setup and I can tell if I do get a sensor a scent uh signal sent out then oh my goodness that was really

Stupid anyway if I do get a signal sent out then we will definitely have warning level two which means that the warden will ah be one step closer to trying to kill us try and cover up all these um it is so amazing that you can use

Wool for this I love the fact that they gave a workaround because you know I think anything in Minecraft needs to have a work around it sort of part of almost the way the game works right as making a way to sort of uh you know get around different mechanics and stuff um

Because it makes it uh just more interesting let’s see here do you think Minecraft needs a new end update okay that did actually cause a Shrieker to to go off uh a new end update um yeah I think that they do uh I thought they do for a long time I mean

The old end update was fine um but I think that it was a long time ago and also on top of that the the end is very desolate and Barren and maybe that’s the point but if it’s not the point then it definitely needs

To be updated I mean if their goal is to have a really desolate biome then yeah they shouldn’t update it but I’m guessing that’s not necessarily their goal like you know of course for now that’s the idea but long term um something that Jeb said

Um quite a while ago actually I think it was I think maybe I’m wrong but I think it was during the development of 1.13 1.13 might have been a little bit earlier um but it was that um they would add a new um a new dimension or that they

Would think of it but only after let’s see if we can put down this torch yes we can uh but only after they’ve updated every other biome or every other dimension and he said that after the end update so to me that says that they do

Want to make an End update so that’s why I’m not I’m thinking that the uh sort of not necessarily an update but the combat update 1.9 that added the new end stuff that’s why I’m not necessarily thinking that that’s sort of the the be-all end-all and and something that’ll you

Know make Mojang everyone update the the end again I should really be getting the orders I’m seeing I don’t think I’ve seen any other ones that I’ve skipped out on I mean probably there’s probably comments like ah you missed diamonds at uh five minutes and two seconds or something but

Um I really should because I actually I’m not far along at all I’m just happened to have a lucky seed and get an ancient city so I mean we’ll get an ancient city isn’t lucky but having the easy path to it is let’s see do you think that they will actually

Make a new update like the end because uh in actuality the game is running worse and worse and harder for those console people to run on last generation I mean the performance of Minecraft is a big question that’s a really big question it’s one that Mojang oh my

Goodness look at this anyway it’s a question that um has definitely not okay but we’re just going to break that and we’re going to break the chest where’s my Ox uh okay just gonna break that Shrieker because why not oh my goodness okay we’re Liberty level

Three we’re gonna get out of here as soon as possible because that means literally one more warning level and we are doomed so I’m going to get out of here because I don’t want to die and uh we do have where’s my wall am I out of wool no no

That couldn’t be true oh I think I interrupted myself answering a different question but it’s a little bit more pressing um Beyond oh yeah the performance of Minecraft that’s what it was it’s like the most appropriate music too it’s like all spooky and scary and we

Have like the risk of dying here like very big risk of dying actually um which is exciting so that’s interesting um yeah the performance on Minecraft like definitely has been degrading a lot and I think that addressing that with a with a whole update could be good

Um 1.15 actually was in a sense mostly a performance update at least on Java it was I mean they added the bees but the the big Focus there was was a massive amount of bug fixes I think the idea was like you know the bees and also the bugs

Right so it’s like sort of both those things and so bizarre to see that lava and that water through each other like that and so if you’re so close but won’t actually mix in that area see someone says I could use the ho oh you’re right I could have I wasn’t

Thinking because I was freaking out I mean I obviously know these things but you know times you forget and let’s see here we have I don’t think there’s any streakers here so I’m just gonna run part of me like really wants to like have a warden spawn and then just like

Run out at the last minute but if I could do that if I made a staircase well actually no because I don’t have a good way of getting back up that’s true we can go here and read it later I mean of course we’ll be just up there so we

Can go down here whenever but of course we’re at the warning level where that would not be safe we have one diamond so I guess I’m trying to think would even do because if we start to strip mine down here we’ll just run into the city again I’m sure it’s an important question

I will start by just piling up here someone says do you prefer an update with one big theme uh or an update with many unrelated themes hmm that is an interesting question I would say I probably would tend to prefer smaller updates um but I don’t actually know I mean of

Course you know the definition of like a smaller update or a larger update or sort of you know a very uh variable um but at the end of the day I think updates like let’s say you know 1.19 I think some people considered 1.19 small

It was very big a lot of big changes of course like the new cave biome like that you know that I’m wearing right now the um the ancient city those are massive editions um but I think that like at the end of the day you know some some of the

Updates we’ve been getting actually good snake time oh my bed’s still there I should grab that yeah I think some of the updates we’ve been getting have been very very large which is good but it’s not necessarily like the like the the uh the complete normal like maybe it’s the

New normal for Mojang to do that but something really crazy to think is that uh 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 and 1.6 and I think maybe even 1.7 but a very least 1.6 all those things came out in under two years which is like six updates and

It’s like Well there must have been a big stuff but a lot of them weren’t like some of them were just you know some bug fixes or like maybe adding Iron Golems or adding horses but you know um I think at that point their idea was well the game’s finished we’re just

Gonna add some little minor things like oh this is the update where we add this little this little small feature but I think that starting maybe um in 1.7 uh is probably when they got to the point where they’re like okay we’re actually gonna start majorly changing

The game again now 1.7 was the update that added the uh the the old sort of Overworld update probably still kind of the biggest update to this takes it’s what like radically changed World Generation for the first time um but it also added you know so many

New biomes I mean things like the dark forest and the the uh the Savannah and all these things so definitely very interesting and I guess we’ll pile up on the side of the lava here because that’s definitely a safe choice see what’s my favorite update I think I’ve answered this before

Uh but my favorite update’s probably 1.13 just because I feel like it was one of the most just absolutely needed updates where I don’t think anyone could really say oh well the ocean’s refined before I’m sure there’s a couple people that think that um but to me I feel like the ocean just

Had so little in them and it was really just uh sort of um something that really kind of negatively affected Minecraft in the sense that you had this really full and vibrant world or at least somewhat full but then you had these oceans that had just nothing

In them because in real life I mean the oceans have a lot of what’s interesting in the world I mean we can’t really explode them very easily but you know a massive amount of life on Earth is in oceans a massive amount of you know

Um kind of the mystery is in oceans and stuff so I think that adding content for that was great um I wouldn’t even really be against an additional ocean update eventually um you know maybe in a couple years or something to add like maybe like a deep

Sea Ravine kind of things maybe uh you know uh some sort of interesting maybe like a giant whale or like I’m not sure exactly of course and I’m not a developers I not going to be suggesting too much but I think at the end of the day there’s so much more content they

Could even add as it is even though there is so much that’s already been added to to that so we’re back out someone said did not take the bed oh my God I didn’t I did not have another bed it’s not good um it’ll make this interesting to say

The least oh my goodness I am focusing too much on the chat so let me see here I’m going to I’m gonna grab that iron uh there probably is a sheep around here I was saying earlier there probably isn’t but there probably is so what I’m

Gonna do is I’m gonna find my stuff here it is so I passed it we’re gonna smelt that iron and we’re gonna put away all of our goodies so our final loot which is we’ll go back there eventually so we did not fully rate it but there’s two cat discs a 13 disc

There was another 13 disc guide I dropped for a diamond horse armor because I think that’s probably better three name tags seven disc fragments so just two more we could get that disc 20 books cool amethyst bones blueberry subtle regeneration and actually so much stuff we need to have a second thing

Two bottles of enchanting which I’m really excited by because bottles of enchanting are of course um not amazing items but getting them is very difficult before you have advanced villager trading setup and so having that is great speaking of ocean update here we got The Ocean song coming on it’s like it’s

Perfect we also got some soul torches some said grab water you are correct I will grab water right now um um are you kidding me so I go this way and it’s like oh there’s a massive cave drop down if this goes all the way down

To the deep dark I’m just gonna be I’m gonna be oh my goodness um all the way down that’s pretty funny though it’s like this crazy thing I wonder they might even be for the same generation like a massive Loop and part of it just goes through the error so you

Can’t see it ah yeah it doesn’t go that low but it costs low enough let’s go to the top of this I don’t always like breaking up these massive waterfalls but uh this one’s not that big so well it’s pretty big should be the source up here this is very tall uh

That’s a cool Ravine there’s like a cut through the mountain there we should explore the the jungle kind of part of this um I saw that so we should explore that um but for anyone I should actually check right here uh okay I don’t have any blocks

Um but yeah let me just put this up here for anyone who just joined those are my socials I’m sure you know most people know who I am um but if you want to follow me on Twitter uh join uh join my Discord server there’s a link in the

Description for that uh join the Reddit maybe um very very inactive Reddit but there was technically 100 members so if you want to put a lot of posts on there um who knows might might no promises but might make it make its way into a video someday so you know I shouldn’t be

Completely pointless to put something there and uh yeah but basically we have everything going fairly well now I think that basically oh my goodness oh my goodness okay um I’m just gonna put this back to uh to the Minecraft let me just make sure you can see that still because I am okay

You can sorry about that I’m very new at streaming uh but yeah I just checked the concurrent viewers and it is 730. um I did not expect that many I’ve not checked that at all and I remember this one YouTuber is saying that they suggest

To just never check that and I kind of know why I guess that’s really crazy to think that there’s um like three quarters of a thousand people watching me right now but hey I’m welcomed everyone and uh see there’s that there’s a real interesting factor of having this many people watch me once

Which is I could like you know say like oh you know follow my Twitter or something and I’ll probably gain 10 to 20 Twitter followers I mean who knows so it’s interesting to have that but I’m very glad that many people are watching probably because I was reading the deep

Dark it’s interesting but let’s keep this interesting let’s go up the mountains and let’s see what we can find because this is a pretty cool view I love taking screenshots of stuff like this it’s very nice all right so what do we do for Mountain exploration well we look for other

Villages we’re gonna look for loot structures sort of you know standard early game stuff um I don’t tend to want to just rush through the game I understand that I could go strip mining now get some diamonds whatever but let’s kind of enjoy what’s there um I don’t want to

Really ruin these entire mountains by putting these up here and there should be an easy way to walk up but I’ve even used the water bucket technically uh we’ll get some torches uh for marking out where are the Torches here are the Torches we already have them on us

And we’ll grab the uh crafting table now this is another one of the ocean songs we have in the background here and I forget the name of it because I don’t have the name up I could I could find it but it’s um reminds you have space a lot this one it

Sounds very sort of like I don’t know interesting um there’s this one space came out sometimes at play that had a music very similar to this so it’s sort of interesting to hear that that looks like a massive like mouth like teeth and Jaws I gotta I gotta check that out that just

Looks interesting it’s like a massive like yeah mouth trying to eat us or something I don’t know it’s like it’s like biting teeth or something like a monster or something that’s kind of cool uh let’s see what’s up here so we’ll make our way slowly and painfully

Across here next to the lava there’s that forest fire we were saying earlier and there’s the effect of that I love having the um Dark Forest under here I think Dark Forest is very complementary biome to the mountains because it just it contrasts well and stuff and I guess

Eventually I kind of got serious here and start progressing and things I’m trying to think of exactly what I’d want to do first I’m not sure I guess just getting diamonds really so you know and finding lava and stuff and all those things are really back in the

Deep dark gray left because I had set off the shriekers but you know once we wait for a bit that’ll be back so it doesn’t really look like a mouth now but kind of from that direction we had like this weird so it does kind of yeah like the teeth or whatever

I don’t know I like drip Stone quite a bit it’s kind of a fun material so it says I should stream more often definitely um and yeah for anyone new to the stream as well um I do have Super Chat and subscriber notifications up and the chat

As well which of course you can see and so if anyone wants to do a super chat it is a really great way of directly supporting the channel um no pressure but whatever you want if you want something to 100 be read by me I’ll definitely get the notification as

Everyone will get the notification for that and everyone on the stream can read that Super Chat as well so kind of a cool thing there and we now have 21 Cole and we have such an interesting cave kind of just keeps going it’s like this

Map hey it really does look like a mouth doesn’t it that’s pretty cool hmm just skeleton and some iron and sort of just general materials and some mobs I’m probably gonna make my way out of here because I don’t really see any use of being here we’re actually really good on iron and

Coal so you know I mean of course we are because we’re in the the jacket Peaks it’s like the most common biome for that but you know we’ll go back here so I guess we’ll go find a place to get diamonds which we were just in but you

Know I don’t really feel like strip mining underneath the deep dark and getting sonically killed by the um by the word in there so probably not just the immediate decision I’m gonna make uh we could try going down here but I don’t know if it’ll go low enough because so

Like what’s the height we’re at because we’re in like this kind of massive Valley but I found sometimes these valleys you’d assume they’d be you know near river level near Ocean level but oftentimes they’re actually like very very um high up still so like this yeah

In fact the area 104 104a that’s pretty crazy that’s like was that 30 30 or 40 blocks um above like sea level and we now have some pillagers I’m not gonna kill the last one because we’re not be smart but I do have iron armor so I’m not really

Gonna worry too much about these oh yeah I just remembered I do not have a pet um actually I’m not gonna kill you I am gonna make my way back into deep dark because very strangely it’s technically safer there right now because I will have a lot of hostile

Mobs around here so I’m just gonna quickly grab some supplies go back to the deep dark grab that bed and maybe we’ll even do some diamond mining there the the real trick here is gonna be grabbing the supplies in time so uh what did I not have before I didn’t have a

Water bucket I’ll go grab a couple gravity blocks sometimes those are good we have food we have torches we have coal iron we’ll grab some more iron that’s looking good I can’t see anything else I’d want in fact I want as little stuff as possible really so I can grab more loot

Uh that’s probably good we’ll make our way back down to the to the deep dark and look at this someone uh that someone says I can’t believe you pressured me into Super Chat that’s a pretty Channel I know why everyone has support my channel no I’m joking I appreciate the super chats though

Um a lot and I think that that’s uh it’s nice to have something like that and uh and also another Super Chat for one dollar thank you very much and one for five pounds greetings from France uh is there a hidden meaning behind your character’s skin love your content I’m

So glad you asked that question because there is a meaning behind my character’s skin it’s not a hidden meaning a meaning necessarily uh but there is a meaning behind it and so I will tell you that no um this character is a character I invented and I made the

Skin as well um quite a while ago and it is basically from like this sort of uh story I invented when I was very young like maybe seven or something like a very long time ago and um I did not uh I’d this was a long long time ago I made

This character like before I’d ever played Minecraft or anything but um yeah it’s uh it’s basically meant to be like an alien kinda kind of creature um right now I have a sword in the middle of him or a arrow in the middle of my head so you know but uh yeah it’s

Uh it is a pretty cool skin it’s like just kind of like a singular eyed uh Alien of some sort has like the lab code and you know it’s meant to be like a scientist so my original account that had that on is called ibertham like e-y-e-b-a-r-t-h-u-m and then I

Eventually changed it I wasn’t change it but actually bought a new account called icraftmc that’s why this account actually doesn’t have the the um the Legacy Cape is that what it’s called I forget but it’s that it’s the cape that like everyone got if they uh if they migrate or the migrator Escape

That’s it yeah that’s why I don’t have the migrator’s Cape is because the um this account was made after the migration so I think it was December 2020. I think so I think that’s when I got this account and someone says put armor on yes yes I did

Um okay so we’re down here for diamonds we’re down here for my bed which I’m not gonna forget this time which I literally almost did so I’m gonna break these stupid sensors where is the bed oh did I break the bed oh no I broke it in the d-spawn didn’t I

Tell me if anyone remembers what happened what happened to the bed that I break in a d spawned because something tells me that’s what happened oh my oh why am I so stupid I have it in my inventory okay sorry you can see my social kind of short-term memory loss on

Full display here not not really a short-term memory loss but you know we’ll go up here because we’ll be out of the way of the sensors um so I guess we’re not really here for the deep dark loot I guess we’re here to kind of find the edge of the deep dark

And then start mining from there so be like here probably so we could probably make like a safe path there fairly easily so I’m just lull in your hot boy yeah yes yes it is there um okay let’s uh make some pathways but a torture because I’m placing blocks

There’s nothing to worry about make a little badly constructed spiral staircase and uh put that there I’m really I’m happy actually that some people are watching the stream because um in general the channel my activity or the channel on my activity the activity on my channel has been down a bit lately

Just I’m a 99 guessing because of the new school year of course there’s a lot of people that are busy with that and I mean of course you should prioritize your uh school over Minecraft but I’m guessing that’s one of the reasons why that is but it’s really awesome to have all

These people joining me for a relaxing and hopefully entertaining uh playthrough of Minecraft so um basically the or the thing we’re gonna do now so we do have some goals somewhat is to find uh Diamond level which is of course very close to where we are and trying to find some diamonds

And I mean obviously diamonds are the big thing we’re going to use to upgrade and to also get obsidian I mean really it’s about the obsidian because I don’t really care about having diamond armor right now I mean um I have defeated the Ender Dragon in iron armor I wouldn’t suggest it

Necessarily but it’s definitely not impossible and of course once you know we get to the end we can have like infinite armor and stuff no idea if that’ll happen on this stream but there’s no point uh not trying to get as far as possible so now we’re negative 60.

59 and then this is 58 which is perfect so we’re going to mine this way I’ll put down some torches because at least here we don’t have to worry about it um I’m sure we’re still in deep dark but because the ancient city is that way and

Reminding this way we shouldn’t have to worry about running antenna shriekers any uh well any streakers anyway and of course if we do we can always just sort of uh try and run away but it doesn’t work that well so see what happens there someone says where are you from icraft

Um I answer this a lot of times but I’m from Canada um which is the uh the country to the north of America um that uh hopefully most people know about and uh yeah I’ve lived there for my entire life and I like it some says strip mining is not as good as

Caving um that is kind of true but we don’t really have any um non-dangerous caves around here so I think that considering the amount of time and caution we’d have to take to fully mine out those caves get rid of the shriekers um all that are probably not good at

This stage of the game and especially like deep dark mining really um very very overpowered um which I have talked about a lot and I think I’m actually talking about more in an upcoming video I think uh I don’t remember maybe it was already posted

Um but uh yeah the problem with that is you know you want night vision you want to have good visibility because even when you’re in that deep dark there I’m sure a lot of you uh probably need the easiest to see what’s going on there and

So uh yeah I just want to make sure that I can see things you can see things and uh yeah one side of night vision which wouldn’t be that far from now I guess if I get potions and stuff um then I will definitely be doing some deep dirt caving

Someone says oh we have a one dollar Super Chat from Nathan thank you very much I appreciate that a lot and ah look at that it was the lucky there’s the lucky Super Chat because we just found we found diamonds that’s awesome that’s the parallel one isn’t it so it means

There’s diamonds here or here usually Maybe not maybe it’s not like that but usually there’s this thing where you have two diamonds like that almost always to the side there’s two more oh well that doesn’t mean you technically have three because we have that one up with a surface so technically enough to

Get the uh to get um a pickaxe and we will do that soon I just want to get a little bit more diamonds for like maybe a sword maybe just a wall enchanting table more likely I guess but you know so one more one more vein of diamonds we should be able

To continue on with our playthrough um from the on from the strip mining see if someone says go back to the city after you finish the strip mining well I’ll definitely have to go back to the city because it’s right there and I can see if I can uh

Mature is very louder I can see if I can um get a couple more uh chests there as the Shrieker should have should have calmed down quite a bit there so yeah we should be fine um to set off a couple more shriekers by accident and not have to worry about

Losing all of our items to the warden and the funny thing about the warden is like if it kills you technically you don’t actually want to grab your items again until it’s despawn and so you have to sort of like play with the timings a

Lot but you know of course if the warden gets any um more signals then it’s not gonna despawn so it’s very risky to get your items back when the warden kills you um depending though of course on how aggravated it was as well depends on how long it’ll take it to despawn

See here are you going to the end or the nether of the stream um I think definitely the nether because we have two diamonds here and we have two two diamond or one Diamond at home or well not really home but you know you call oh that was a sensor

Uh but yeah two time we’ll mine this way uh but two diamonds uh or one Diamond at home if you counter uh two chests and a crafting table and furnace is a home and that’s why I brought two pickaxes we’ll go this way and uh yeah we’ll see what happens also

If anyone’s wondering I’m sure most of you already know but I have had comments about this before the background music is all from Minecraft the song we have right now is a creative mode song I for forget which one it is but yeah I just I found I always have Minecraft music in

The background of my videos I think um I had some Christmas videos a very long time ago that didn’t have Minecraft background music um but other than that it’s been all a lot it’s been all Minecraft so yes that was of course a long time ago as well

Christmas was uh nine months ago maybe not quite but something like that actually a little over a little over eight months ago I think Maybe I’m Wrong on that though probably um anyway someone says uh I craft do you like mods hmm um I like the idea of mods I like the fact

That people can change the game from what it is and add more interest to it personally um I don’t really like playing with mods um in fact I’m kind of like a vanilla um sort of just Enthusiast I really like you know to me um especially for my videos I want to

Try and make content that applies to the most people as possible and of course vanilla is going to apply to almost everyone um but there is definitely a place for mods in the community and I wouldn’t I’m not at all against mods I think mods are really cool I just um

Um I like to kind of improve my skills at the base game as I feel like that applies to the most parts of the game and I wouldn’t know if I’d actually enjoy the the absolutely large amount of time it would take to you know fully

Master let’s say a mod before I could maybe cover it correctly or even just play it in a way that’s not um very confusing but I don’t know that’s my personal theory on laws in terms of like vanilla mods I have one on right now this is uh um Iris and sodium so

Yeah I definitely use performance mods I use replay mod to make my cinematic shots in my videos you know so things like that of course I do like using um yeah not something like that say you know ah I don’t know like some game changing mod no

Someone says to you shaders I could use shaders right now uh Shader backs stream watches look horrible in the strip mine but you can enjoy that oh boy it’s lag time it’s lag time apply done wait didn’t work oh who knows maybe it’s not installed anyway I’ll deal with that more later

But uh yeah I don’t really use shaders um I have some like you saw right there but like just kind of default ones that I got a long time ago so yeah not really um I found just a visibility isn’t isn’t improved a lot like um I’d be interested to know like how

Many of you people use shaders um I guess you know even Bedrock there’s there’s Shader add-ons and things like that Shader um different shaders um yeah even even like texture packs in general I mean you know sort of like uh any modification to base game Minecraft would be interesting to know how many

People use those things or how many just sort of you know play just the base game it’s very interesting to me so it says my computer can’t handle shaders I mean that’s definitely the sort of biggest thing about shaders is that it is so uh so taxing on your computer I mean

Minecraft as it is is a very badly um optimized I mean I have some crazy number like 32 gigabytes of RAM allocated to Minecraft and if it’s not for the performance mods I’m getting like 40 frames a second which is I’m not actually bad but it’s really bad considering

Um what I have running Minecraft so and we have a I don’t actually know what currency that is but no K 100 and Super Chat it says so I have watched your villager videos and one question I wonder is when you zombified villager is there a chance a

Zombie can kill them or do they always turn well that is a very good question because I know the answer to it um hopefully I know the answer to most Minecraft questions I’m not sure but uh the answer to that question is it depends on your difficulty so if you are

In the difficulty of um hard every time if you’re on hard mode every single time if you’re on easy mode it’ll never happen so they’ll always die they’ll just disappear you know like let’s say killing a pig or a cow would do um if you have uh normal then it’s 50

50. so if you like playing on easy or normal then you’ll want to make sure to change to hard mode at least temporarily when you’re zombifying your villagers that you don’t have to worry about having them die and so that is basically how it works 100 on hard 50 on normal and zero

Percent on easy so it says NOK is Norwegian okay I got Crohn’s I think is there money oh that might be getting that wrong sorry if I did um yeah that’s interesting oh Redstone that’s better than nothing it’s funny because I have like a lot of mining videos Mining guides diamond

Mining guide 1.18 1.19 um definitely a cool subject to cover and one that a lot of people need to know about because it’s not necessarily uh um extremely intuitive um but it’s funny because there’s this massive diversity of comments on there where some comments will be like uh you

Know I don’t like the new update I’ll never find any diamonds and the one comment will be like the new update is too easy I’m always finding diamonds and it’s just interesting to me how people have had very big variances in their experiences with the you know this mining system it’s very interesting

Because personally I found uh diamonds to be slightly less common slightly um I don’t act that’s not actually the case like they are actually more common it just is obviously because you mine slower because you’re running into less things in general there’s sort of that illusion of okay there’s less here you

Know I’m not running into you know gold I mean I’m not running into iron I mean I could very rarely but I’m not gonna run into lapis I’m not going to run into coal you know I’m not gonna run into copper I feel like probably the most interesting strip mining experience was

1.17 because you had the mix of the stone and the Deep slate and you had the Deep slate ores and the normal ores and so probably the funnest place to strip mine was definitely 1.17 just because you had this really really interesting um just uh Buffet of things you could find

There’s more diamonds per area but less diamonds per time yeah I mean there’s definitely the fact that the chunks are taller well not yeah they’re taller yeah there’s a fact that chunks are taller and um you know so there’s more diamonds in general the amount of area where

Diamonds spawn is way more you know I mean from positive 16 all the way down to to negative 64. is is at 80 y levels right versus uh 1.17 where you have like 16 y levels so technically it’s it’s a massive amount more y levels but lava

But uh yeah in terms of like actually how many you get um I do still think it’s faster technically um but obviously the mining speed of deep slate is incredibly affecting of that speed someone says with a cool feature in my opinion be frogs being able to eat

Wardens I think I might have seen a video where someone did that um would that be a cool feature uh I I guess it depends on like how overpowered it would be obviously there is the fact that moving frogs isn’t easy you know you can’t put them in a bucket

You can put tadpoles in a bucket but you can’t put frogs in a bucket so it wouldn’t necessarily be completely overpowered um so you know because like let’s say getting your frog down into a deep dark wouldn’t be really easy but I think at

The end of the day it could also kind of really really easily defeat the point of the warden so maybe like really rarely it could like as like a Easter egg kind of thing um I guess the question would be though like what what does it give you you know

Because slimes it gives you slime balls the the magma gives you the Frog lights but uh it’ll be interesting to see what you would get with a um with it eating the warden would it give you like a skulk Shrieker would it give you um maybe the Catalyst or maybe like

An enchanted golden apple that could be very interesting foreign should wander around at midnight I mean um maybe if you want to have a very difficult experience uh in Minecraft um I would not necessarily be for that feature but it definitely would be an interesting way of uh enforcing people

To make sure to sleep as soon as it’s night time speaking of that might actually be night time no it is not it is not so we will keep going so funny I felt like the first time is almost instantly and now we have like almost our entire inventory full of random

Stuff and so it’s uh it’s definitely funny how just because I found the first time and quickly does not mean in any sense I would find more diamonds quickly at all but at least like when you run into let’s say a deep dark that would cause

That danger of the warden spawning I can see instantly whether or not I have because when I mine one of the blocks there’s that signal and so it’s kind of nice to have that See her someone says I think they’ve actually asked this before too could you tell us something about yourself you’re comfortable sharing I find it really cool that people are interested in me at that level at all trying to think of something you’d be interested in hmm

I have to think about that one for a minute because I found out how interesting of a person I am I guess uh well here maybe this is interesting um some of my uh the first games I ever played were on some of the uh older consoles um so like the

Nintendo uh Entertainment System um it was not the new console when I was playing on it at all but it was something I enjoyed um and so sort of my first experience with video games was on the entertainment system there and um you know maybe that voxel-based style of

Graphics carried on it’s gonna pause on this we have a super chat love your content I craft I’m having trouble stacking that Omen higher than one the game is on normal difficulty and I keep killing the leaders but no luck um so if you’re on Bedrock you can’t

Actually do that I don’t believe um I might be wrong on that but off the top of my head not verifying anything um I do believe you cannot do that in Bedrock so if you’re not in Bedrock um that’d be your issue um if you are on Bedrock or if if you’re

Not on Bedrock that would not be your issue if you’re on Bedrock that is your issue um if you’re not on Bedrock then uh potentially try doing it on uh her just like temporarily change it to hard see if it works um I don’t think it’s affected by difficulty though so

Yeah I would say if you’re on Bedrock that doesn’t work that’s the only thing I really know about that not usually working someone says is this really live or just a replay well there’s there’s your proof right now this is not a replay and uh it’d be pretty low quality replay of

Just strip mining for 20 minutes straight I’d be a pretty bad content grader if that’s all I could come up with for a uh for recording but um I mean I guess I’m probably not doing the best myself that just the uh Mining and a strip mine for this long but you

Know survival Minecraft so you gotta do and yeah I mean it’s a chill stream if nothing else hopefully everyone’s enjoying their their Saturdays I I guess it’s probably not Saturday for a couple people watching which is interesting but most people and yeah I’m enjoying my Saturday myself it’s it’s really cool to

To start doing these streams again I’m so excited that they’re they’re doing well that people are enjoying them um I have some kind of goals for these streams um I may as well tell you guys because you know why not you’re my audience you might be interested um

I’ve wanted to do streaming for a very long time um I did do the 100K stream this stream um is sort of like a test to see like do people like survival um more than hardcore obviously I understand a lot of people like hardcore core more than um survival and I totally

Get that because you know there’s more excitement there’s more well if you die you’re actually dead you know definitely raises the stakes but of course it also sort of makes it be a lot more difficult to like focus on the chat and the game at the

Same time because it’s just such a uh such a risk I mean late game not really on Hardcore um but just even getting to that late game level takes a very long time because there’s a lot of additional safety you have to take on hardcore mode

So I thought uh we’ll just do some traditional survival see what we can get and uh we can really like to see if I can get us some diamonds this has been ridiculous I’m just gonna mine all the way back there and if I don’t get diamonds by that time I’m just gonna

Just say well I’m not having an enchanting table right now and we’ll head off to the nether because I do have three diamonds between here and and my base sometimes I prefer survival overheard core because if you die than everything you did and all the time you spent was

For nothing that’s that’s kind of part of my uh my idea with it as well um I do think hardcore has a place and I think that it’s a really really a great way of making a fast-paced interesting type of content um but you know at the end of the day

Um I don’t think it’d be easy to enjoy let’s say big builds in hardcore I don’t think it’d be easy to enjoy let’s say you know maybe just massive projects where there’s a lot of risk involved I mean even like going to deep dark I understand a lot of people like that

Risk but to me if I’m putting hundreds of hours potentially into a massive build maybe massive you know series of builds I wouldn’t want to just you know make little mistake and oh so I made a mistake all the world’s gonna be deleted you know so I feel like it’s funny

Because a lot of players get mad when they die in hardcore but it’s sort of like well if you didn’t die in hardcore eventually what’s even the point of it right because if you’ve never died once you don’t technically know what’s even her hardcore so it’s it’s sort of a

Format that’s really meant to be temporary I mean there are content creators like like filza like some of these other people who have done a very great job making hardcore content that lasts and um that’s that’s really cool but I think you know um I don’t know I

Think we’ll start with survival for now so that goes be there someone says please do a one by one strip mine you only have iron um the problem with the one by one strip mine early game I actually show you that The problem with that early game it’s a great method eventually the problem with that early game the reason I’m not doing that is basically because if we go down here I’ll grab the water bucket Um the speed I’m mining at is basically like it’s it’s I guess I could I guess I can keep doing it the problem is is that oftentimes if you have faster tools because I guess I do have slow tools um you’ll kind of bump into the block so

Or like so you’re kind of slowing yourself down a lot like even I’m doing that now you know so I don’t know it’s a method missile to it I guess it doesn’t really matter if you guys prefer watching me um awkwardly crawl mine then you can I

Can do that for a little bit if that makes it more interesting uh someone says I like the idea that you can put so many hours into World in all one life life is more realistic in that way that’s true that’s true I mean there’s definitely um

I definitely do like hardcore I mean I did a hardcore um stream I’ve done some hardcore worlds before I’ve never gone super far with hardcore just because for that um kind of Reason um but uh yeah there’s there is definitely a realisticness to it it sort of feels like you’re actually there it’s

Like there’s this real life sort of uh risk you’ve added so that makes it cool and we are back well I guess we didn’t find any more diamonds so we’re gonna go the Nether with no enchantment table so it says the Pig needs an update they feel ignored well they’ve ever I don’t

Think I’ve ever heard someone ask for the pig to have an update but uh yeah I guess yeah sure I’m not sure um exactly what you’d update with the pig maybe like uh feeding different crops would have different abilities I think the exits this way um but yeah it’ll be interesting to see

That a big update uh where is the exit I find very maze like here I have to find it you have to bear with me for a minute someone says uh maybe frequently Asked question but you think Minecraft inventory update is needed yeah that’s really been talked about a lot um I’ve

Noticed that um I’ve seen susuma void Waddles make some videos on that I think the idea came from system of way but I may not be correct on that um I actually don’t think an inventory update is needed I don’t mind one I wouldn’t mind seeing that I don’t think

It’s a bad idea I just for me personally I feel like you know there needs to be parts of the game that are difficult and I feel like inventory management actually is difficult oh there’s the lava and so because of that um I think that if it was too updated you

Know made too easy then I could I could definitely see that sort of um taking away that aspect of like you know if I think about like right now when I’m building a base number one thing I’m doing making a sorting system you know number one thing I’m doing is

Sort of getting these things uh ready to prepare for my storage really right and so I think that I’m definitely working in circles um but basically I feel like you know if uh depending on the scope of the update if it was it was far too overreaching then it could definitely uh definitely

Not be good I think this is the way okay I could be going in circles here sorry for everyone for going in circles um this has got to be the way right right right uh we’ll find out it’s funny because like the torch’s way in the distance slightly look like the um

The uh Skokie this okay this is a different one because it didn’t have that thing yeah I probably should I probably shouldn’t mind a little bit more organized in this um it would have been smart I guess I can start blocking off the areas I’ve already been oh there’s the crawl mine

Right okay this is this is navigating a maze unsuccessfully with icraftmc that should change the stream title to this so we’ll be we’ll be back out in a second here let’s have to find it it’s only been like a minute but it’s funny

How easy it is to get lost um I I think I have a decent sense of direction um but I don’t know it’s interesting because I mean there’s certain 2D games like let’s say Terraria where you can’t really get lost like you can get lost but you can’t get lost in

That same sort of 3D sense right and I think that’s that’s kind of a cool thing in a sense and here’s the exit and here’s the exit I should make a little murk if I ever come down here again so I’ll put like a little piece of redstone

They’ll kind of point that way I don’t know if that really points that way but it’s good enough don’t says block the path yeah that was my thought but I don’t think I’ll get the Lost there again I’ll have to make a more organized setup okay so here we are

So we’ll try and get one more ancient city chest just one and then we’ll go because we should actually build a risk one trigger going off then we can just like exit normally so that should be fun I think this one’s already rated I’m gonna try and find one more

Someone says can I donate to get subwoofer a little by removed from the playlist I don’t know why you wouldn’t like that song um but that’s a funny thing to say let’s see here interestingly enough um a while ago some of the Minecraft songs were like falsely

Copyright claimed not on my videos but on a lot of people’s um by like these random companies and like C418 was all like no no these are available for everyone to use but it’s unfortunate how those systems can sometimes uh mess up but uh it’s good that’s not happening right now because

Yeah definitely something that’s allowed to be used when you’re talking about the game to uh that was dangerous to be uh you know playing the music for the game let’s see here someone says you have too many teeth slate I guess so I’m not really a big

One to just throw away items even if I do have a lot of them I know a lot of players do that where it’s like oh I have a lot of this I’m just gonna throw it away and I kind of get that but I think that for me personally um

I I kind of find every item feels useful to me every item feels sort of um necessary like I know a lot of people just throw away tons of stuff and that’s fine but I found personally just in my own play style I really do um like just keeping everything I find

And even just like throwing away that 13 disc I did earlier like I do not like doing stuff like that I just had to I wouldn’t be able to get the uh the horse armor which I do think is probably better and it’s hard to say okay I think there’s an unrated thing

There we’re gonna find out see here uh someone says I’ve noticed every single deep dark I’ve and other people have found has been under mountains well that is uh basically true yeah well the way that the deep dark spawns is it has to be in an area of low erosion right so

The kind of the way erosion works is like let’s say a mountain is you know slowly pushed up over you know whatever thousands of years um you know eventually that mountain is going to be worn down into sort of a flat or in flatter mountain and then something less interesting that’s the

Idea of low erosion would be you still have these big mountains there and so uh yeah and basically that doesn’t have to be like a mountain biome like that could be like a planes biome just a super up high well actually not a plain spawn but

Could be like a well I mean it could be like any biome that’s going to have like that really high up generation you kind of sometimes see in 1.18 um savannas have a lot of this you know I’m going to break the chest because we

Can risk one of these and we’ll see what we’ve got the problem is actually if I don’t actually I need to break this okay we’re good now I can just sort through these safely I think I got some leggings there I did and we will switch those out is

That protection three Unbreaking that’s like that that’s too bad it’s not a diamond that’s like really good that’s really good um I was just saying earlier I don’t like wasting items so it’s like ah what do I throw away um I guess I could put a chest down like

Some random stuff in there that’d be fine okay that’s I’ll never find that one uh we’ll put like some torches here so I don’t lose it and then we’ll just put in some deep slate Echo shards that’s nice didn’t think I would get those but that’s good

Uh we don’t need this orbs or this or I guess and yeah there we go so we’ll make our way back to the surface and that was actually fairly successful I mean we got some decent items there uh only one more Shard and then we can have that

Um recovery Compass pretty much almost like run back and not cure but I don’t think I’ll do that just because I don’t want to really risk uh you know their only real diamonds on this world so far someone says go to the city center eat the golden apple and open the secret

Place yeah I know that there is that trick there but um but not actually anything um interesting there like there’s the Redstone Room but it’s uh it’s not actually loot wise there’s not really anything so I’m gonna go there later but for now I want to get this

Loot back before I risk the war in the summoning because there’s almost always a bunch of shriekers around the main portal I mean there’s no triggers everywhere but I think there’s especially a lot you tend to get around that mean uh well City Center anyway foreign

Says how come you talk slowly in your videos so I find this so interesting people have so many different opinions about my voice some people say I talk too fast I’ve had a lot of comments like that where it’s like well you talk too fast I’ve had a lot of people say you

Talk too slow um I would say personally I think the way I’m talking right now is a good speed the normal speed um the funny thing is is that I’m always trying to speak slow ER you know not slowly but slower because the way I kind

Of normally speak is not this slow at all I could show you guys that in a second here um but I I try and be kind of at a speed I would tend to normally see other content creators speak at um you know just just something where

I’m not I’m not I’m not going through words too quickly I want to make sure that everyone can understand me I mean um I also want to you know be aware of of the people in my audience that aren’t necessarily um you know don’t want to be receiving information that quickly especially

Since you know fifty percent of my audience comes from countries where English isn’t the first language I want to be you know um respectful of those people just to make sure that you know I’m not making things in understandable because I’ve I’ve listened to a lot of content creators where they’re speaking so

Quickly that even me I can’t understand what they’re saying unless I you know really really slow it down and so I just try and have a nice even mix it’ll you know help out the most people as possible and and isn’t too slow I mean I could speak really really really slowly

And make my videos incredibly incredibly boring it’s funny too because people say oh you’re Brewing you know you speak um you your voice sounds boring I’ve had that comment a lot and it’s funny because the way I speak right now is is that speaking in a way

That’s meant not to be boring like if I if I switched to like how I would speak just in an everyday scenario where I’m not trying to you know try and you know um speak in a way that’s most understandable I’d probably be speaking something like this like this is this is

Kind of like how I’d speak normally like just something like this and it’s not horrible but it just it’s not it’s not um it doesn’t have that sense of of really uh really uh being engaged right it seems kind of you know um half awake which I might I’ve still

Had people say I sound half awake even when I’m speaking the way that I’m speaking right now which is like more excited voice so I don’t know just the way my voices anyway let’s put our lead away we have all the Steep sleet gravel Redstone iron cool Echo Shirts chess

Diamonds all kinds of great stuff we even have a skulk sensor which is good because we have no silk touch so if we place that down we could never pick it up again until we have silk touch so this is actually you sound very pleasant well I appreciate that there’s

A lot of people that say they like the sound of my voice so um I don’t know I uh I just try and uh do my best there let’s see here furnace large chest so we have one diamond three diamonds two we didn’t have all diamonds with us we could go back down

There and make that obsidian now there is definitely a chance for Lava Lakes here but I don’t actually know of any that are here so we could either explore for Lava Lakes or we can go back to the deep dark to find a lava pocket that’s very likely there because

It’s so deep I wouldn’t actually know if there is but there probably is um I mean we’ve been in the deep dark a lot we’ve been caving a lot let’s just kind of do a bit of change of scenery I’ll grab my food again here and let’s

Go explore around the mountains try and find some lava and then we can get our obsidian and I’ll bring leaf on steel with me I will um make sure we have everything here we need looks like we do though again I’m just going to Mark out the coordinates we’ll

Make this our base for now but eventually we might move it later so there’s a bit of lava but it’s all flowing so we’re going to try going up this mountain someone says what microphone do you have I don’t think I’ve answered this before it is the sure sm7b it’s like a very

Very um popular microphone for a lot of people and a lot of streamers also use like the the Blue Yeti some of these other ones yeah I use the um sure sm7b it’s connected up to a cloud lifter and then that’s connected up to a m audio uh

Jack and of course that’s not sponsored or anything it just what I happen to use because it’s um a setup that works well um I haven’t really fiddled around with like the exact um settings you can do on the suresm7b so maybe I’ll do that in the future one

Day so this is like the kind of just default sound of this this particular microphone um but yeah I do like it quite a bit I think that um the funny thing about this is like it’s like it’s very um it’s kind of meant for for close talk and that’s what

I do with it but like like you can talk very very close to it like this which is really funny and so you know you can get like that very much um that effect you can get with some microphones so just kind of Pop um so with this you can there’s a lot

You can do with it let’s see here up the mountain we go and I don’t usually find Lava Lakes at the top of mountains but I think once I’m up there I can probably see one someone says I found your channel a week ago and I’ve been lapping it well I’m

Really glad for that it seems like a lot of people um enjoy just learning the game through my channel and and yeah the way they present that and that’s awesome and I’m hoping that uh in the future I can just have my videos reach more and more people which I think is happening

Because although you know for the past couple weeks the you know people a lot of people have been busy haven’t been had a lot of time to watch videos which totally makes sense um I think that you know overall um of course I mean Ida my last stream was

100K and I’m 180k right that’s a pretty crazy growth there well not quite 180k but maybe we did reach 180. uh during the stream I wouldn’t know but last time I checked it was like 179 and 600 or something so yeah it’s really cool and I think that

Um you know I just want to you know not compromise on my quality I want to keep improving I want to just really do everything I can to make the the best content possible to reach most people and help the most people see someone says eat bread I will eat bread

I will consume the bread looks like I still have an arrow in my head or actually it’s an arrow recently from that skeleton all right well from our view here I cannot see any lava I guess I could go underground again which I’ve been there for a long time

I think this goes back to spawn I think spawn was south or actually spawn is north so I think that goes back to spawn so we could go to a different mountain or we could and there was a goat up there that’s crazy jump we could go to a

Different mountain or we could explore around more um we’ll definitely know if there is a lava pool in the lava and the uh roofed Forest because it’ll be a forest fire but I bet just going back to spawn maybe we could check up on that Village got

Some more materials there that could be a good idea someone says love these 1.18 mountains yes they’re I really love them I I think um this terrain is amazing it’s a great great seed and uh yeah it has all three Mountain types um I think all five

Mountain types if you’re actually six if you’re counting Meadow Grove and snowy slopes yeah with like every single Mountain type biome right in this big group of mountains which is awesome I haven’t really explored the I haven’t explored at all the the Stony Peaks the uh

The Frozen Peaks but we will do that at some point and funny enough we’re now getting a 1.18 song someone says you should be able to dye mud bricks dark brown black and white yeah that could be cool I mean I think that I think that generally

Um the reason why most materials like that aren’t dyeable is just because he kind of removes the ability to add more things like it in the future you know like obviously there’s already normal bricks in the game but let’s say they had mud bricks and they were dyeable gray or something then like

What’s really the difference between that and a stone brick in terms of the visuals so that’s probably why they don’t do it but I do agree that having like different variants of mud bricks would be cool especially since I mean mud looks very different depending on where you are in the world it’s

Definitely not a set thing I mean I know the mud that I’ve always seen looks nothing like the modern The Mangrove swamp so it’s um it’s definitely a more variable thing than Minecraft is showing but I’m not sure if Minecraft would want to go all the way down to you know

Having different areas in the world that could have different types of mud generating and stuff although it would be very interesting if that was the case someone says how many FPS do I normally get I think I’m on a vsync so I don’t think I can get more than my monitor no

Yeah I can’t um but I would say normally if I have like the performance mods on maybe like 120 it depends um without it it’s like horrible it’s like 50 but also I do have like um you know uh 30 render distance um 100 mob distance I do have the um uh

Simulation distance always set to five just because I found there’s not really much of a point to having it higher than that like of course yes there’s certain scenarios but I found that generally um I don’t really do things that would need it to be higher and oh my goodness

I forgot the bones no oh my goodness no it’s too bad it’s really annoying wolf I would I would be getting you I would I would I count maybe if I find some bones on my way on the way back I can get it although I don’t think that’ll happen

But we’ll see if I can find any uh the forest definitely can have lava leaks at Summoner or spawn at it so it’s a spawn summon and generate always mix up these words often in the videos too it’s like the uh the biome will summon in it’s like that’s not really what’s happening

But anyway it’s kind of all the same thing let’s see we’ll get some flowers over at it why not never too late for decoration and uh uh something I was talking about uh yesterday in my video was the old version of Minecraft and I’ve also been covering Bedrock Edition a little bit

Just a little bit here and there and something I will be covering an upcoming video uh indirectly and I won’t spoil what the video is but is the fact that they’re the Fallen trees um in Bedrock Edition that’s something I really like and I was thinking about

That because I was in the forest and I was thinking well what what am I going to find here that’s actually interesting outside of just the Lava Lakes and yeah it’s basically nothing in Java but in Bedrock you can have these interesting Fallen Fallen trees you can have these

I’m really really cool like mushrooms and vines that generate on it adds a lot of um like kind of the sense that this world’s actually been lived in not just you know it’s been the exact same forever and this is a very good alternative view of the mountains you

Can really see how big they are so I think we were on the other side of those then we have this I’ll just zoom in my fov here we’ll put on cinematic camera you can see here we have the mountains here and then in between the two

Mountain groups uh there is this jungle and I think that’s Stoney peaks with some Jagged Peaks on the side so there’s like kind of Stony Peaks behind it and that’s of course because of the Jungle right then we have the this part of the Peaks and it’s it’s awesome to see like

You know we look kind of down here it’s like oh yeah it’s the hill but then it’s actually part of a much larger Mountain that goes basically all the way up to World Heights so that’s pretty cool and we also we do someone says today is my girlfriend’s birthday

Well happy birthday to your girlfriend and I’m technically statistically there’s probably like two or three people watching this birthday is today and maybe not anyone but statistically there could be that many or even more it’s funny to think that but yeah so statistically to anyone whose birthday

Is right now or near to now I guess happy birthday I don’t know oh boy it’s funny to think that though it definitely is that mountain spawn is beautiful yeah it’s amazing really I’m really happy with it I something I haven’t been able to do yet but I’ve wanted to do ever

Since 1.18 came out is to make a massive rail line Network across mountains and I’ve seen some of these really cool pictures of sort of some of the uh some of the mountain rail networks had been made all across the world you know I’m in places with high up mountains

Um you know some here in Canada some in India some in all over the world really and it’s called like these massive kind of arched Bridges and stuff and and just really cool ways that they did that and I think it’d be really really awesome to

Build that in a in a jagged Peaks or those really any of those kind of snowy biomes anyway we’ve had zero luck getting this you can tell the elevation in general is higher we’ll try going over there and we’ll kind of be like a massive loop

Around and go back to the mountain group just because um yeah I hope they’ll find it on our way there because I mean if we don’t I guess we can go down to the cave but exploring this world should be uh should be interesting anyway because it is a

Really good seed and we can hopefully maybe find a village I mean who knows maybe even a woodland mansion in here I I doubt it but you never know Let’s see so it says I could find a woodland Mansion this Dark Forest don’t leave it yes and I will definitely be looking for one so this cat I think it’s one of my favorites because I’m stupid no I think it is awesome so this it’s like oh it’s this

Song it’s like no it’s not um I think it’s scato uh yeah I think we’re I don’t think it’s a woodland Mansion I’m it does go for a long time though I can see all the way back there so I will explore that more in a bit there’s more um Dark Forest

Over here I think too you can see that’s I think the ocean’s there so technically there’s probably like this really interesting River path that goes from the massive Mountain all the way to the ocean that would be really cool honestly like eventually if I do do this for a long time which

You know I’m not sure if it’ll be long term or not uh it would be very interesting to do a uh to do a massive um doc let’s say how they have some boats there have a you know just a massive network of Ocean Travel because I’ve always liked building sort of

Travel methods and stuff within the game Some says my GUI looks too big my GUI is pretty big the reason why I have it like that is because um believe it or not most people who watch my videos watch on mobile the thing about mobile is that most mobile screens aren’t very big and so um

Because of all those people I want to make sure to have a UI that they can really see well like if I in fact I’ll just show it right now if I go to my video settings and put my GUI down um like let’s just put like one down

Okay that’s actually very small it’s very small um not that small like maybe like this small even like this I think this is the second smallest right so which is bizarre I don’t know why Minecraft chooses this but it’s incredibly small like I I couldn’t do this it’s ridiculous you know so

Um to me I just go with uh just go with um four times there and then actually maybe it’s not four times maybe it’s Auto oh there we go it’s zero I see well either way whatever it is it’s uh there’s not a lot of ones that are

Similar to this size and um you know especially when I’m looking at my inventory there’s like people can see things better and stuff and it really prioritizes at this it’s beautiful oh my goodness that’s like the screenshot of the century now that I think about it actually I

Think one of these mountains I used in a video before like um like for like a screenshot one time because I I had the seat a while ago I actually found the seed when I was recording um some like secondary footage for a video like from

Some mountains I think so that’s how I found the seed and I was like this is crazy and then I just kind of saved the seed and used it today again so yeah it’s definitely because of these insane insane mountains I don’t think I’ve seen this group of mountains yet see

This is 30 of my screen is chat uh it shouldn’t be showing up like that um but I think it’s just in the corner here right anyway um let’s take a look here we’re gonna go over the long way I’m not gonna go back to the mountain just yet because I’m

Hoping I could find a planes bomb or something I mean there’s you know um a little bit of lava I guess I could get one piece of obsidian because not gonna matter really but having a Mazel well there’s a savannah I bet I could find oh there’s a village about finding

Everything today this amazing seed um but I will I will take a look at those things I I bet there is uh I mean there could even be obsidian in the blacksmith so you know do that and now that I think about it I could just go to that um that ruined portal

That’s right next to the spawn point that would be smart I don’t know how close I am to that though am I well spawn uh not too far but it’d probably be easier just to go explore around some more although you know first comes to worse I can definitely get this just

From that ruined portal there and let’s grab our obsidian here we’re cool someone says I once got a seed with a pillar Outpost in the middle of a village yeah I’ve had some very bizarre seeds like that too um I love Minecraft seeds it’s something that um I wish more people were interested

And I think that you know there are a lot of people who like them but I found just generally when I make a seed video it doesn’t do that well and so um but I will make them occasionally and I found that uh seeds are a very very

Cool part of the game I mean it it’s funny because one of my favorite things about the game is sort of it really is about seeds it’s kind of the world generation the you know the base mechanics of that I find that really cool and so it’s always amazing to me to

Find out um different seeds that can have you know really unique things at them it’s like any seed is going to have a unique characteristic to it um other than like a couple things um you know like for instance you wouldn’t necessarily find a seed we

Wouldn’t at all find a seed we’re like you know this seed has more diamonds than every other seed but you could find a seed where where you’re mining there’s more diamonds than you know any other seeds you’ve tried right so I think that even just cert like like um

The circumstance of different things you can find there you can still find let’s say well this Village you know this C doesn’t have more Villages than every other seed but it does near spawn right so it’s sort of like what characteristics of the seed you see and it’s interesting so remember

Um I think it was a while ago someone commented and I might have actually replied to it in a video um uh as every seed the same you just spawn in a different location because it would sort of seem to look like that but the interesting thing is that it’s not

And so there’s actually no place in any Minecraft world that’s the same there are mirrored seeds which is like the exact same seed but just like a different number and there’s like a couple things different but outside of those um every single seed is completely unique at every single point in that

Seed and I mean even even if that world generation was uh extended out a lot that would happen so there is a blacksmith here which is perfect ah that is really perfect honestly might even be two who knows but hey that’s that’s awesome I was hoping there was and there

Is and we’ll grab this lava as well so we have one here three there so if there’s seven in the chest then we can get that but I’m guessing there’s none there is none uh but there is that’s better than nothing we will get those two obsidian oh excuse

Me here maybe we’ll get those two obsidian there and there is a Super Chat and I appreciate that very much and uh yeah thank you Super Chat see here to all the people in the chat to know about this what country has the money z-a-r I don’t know that one

But whatever it is at seven zier and I appreciate that a lot someone says I have a really soothing voice well thank you I’m glad that a lot of people enjoy it I think that um it does lend itself both live streaming so I’m hoping that these things will be

Successful that people will um enjoy that because I feel like you know um I’m assuming and you know maybe people aren’t doing this but I’m assuming a lot of people watching this just have it on in the background maybe on a second tab maybe you’re one of those people you’re

Playing Minecraft right now you’re just listening to me speak about the game in general um I think the live streams are great for that you know you can have a live stream that is you know incredibly exciting incredibly fast paced but um every live stream is not ever going to

Be as exciting as let’s say a video usually right and so I think because of that um as long as you enjoy sort of the general thing that’s happening in the video you enjoy the streamers um sort of presentation or whatever then it can be

Really fun to uh watch one of those when playing the game which I do myself sometimes and there is a another Super Chat which I appreciate quite a bit so it says they’re playing Minecraft with you I think in the sense of like you’re playing the game as I play and oh my

Goodness people look at this look at this can can I get any more lucky than this right I mean this isn’t really lucky but it is it’s good it’s good and I think that we will uh do that I’m so excited because I there was no Lava Lakes here

Oh my goodness these mountains are insane anyway I think that that is a mountain group I think we’ll have to check on that it is though yeah cause we went this way anyway look at this hey look at this this is amazing it looks like the lava or the water updated the

Other water but this is awesome all right so I will just mine this and I guess if that’s on mine it’ll be a you know that whatever it takes to mine with these I’ll I’ll read some comments that’s exactly what we’re doing playing Minecraft and watching you yeah I feel

Like one of my favorite things to do is on let’s say a Saturday or a Sunday or something to just sort of watch a live stream play the game I’m hoping that a lot of you are enjoying that as well that’s why I decided on Saturday but also because then it doesn’t interrupt

My normal content creation schedule because I’m usually I’m making videos most of the week so it it kind of works well that way so it says they’ve never seen that kind of lava generation before yeah I’ve never seen that um I’ve never actually seen that happen before either

To be honest I have seen lava generate underneath a villager’s house but I’ve never actually seen it generate underneath a crop Farm although of course the idea behind those two things is more or less the same uh we have four now probably mine a lot just because like we saw before there’s

Not really a lot of lava around where we are so if we get a whole bunch of this um it’s going to give us those resources in the future since there’s any plans to build a villager uh trading slash breeders soon well um if anyone new on the stream um I started

This world today so I don’t really have any plans to do anything that big right now because I would you know first like to get my base materials for me personally I don’t usually like embarking on super large projects until I have tons of materials tons of you

Know just just to make things not take too much time because as an example let’s say let’s say I’m going to build a gold Farm that’s something that you know takes a lot of materials right if I was going to build that at this stage like

The second I get into The Nether I technically could there’s nothing stopping me from doing that but the amount of time it would take would probably be almost as much time as it would take to defeat the Ender Dragon go to the end get later get better tools

And then build the gold Farm all in the same amount of time right so I feel like you know with that in mind I do tend to want to get it as decent of materials as possible and there is another donation the same person which I appreciate it as well

Someone says the oceans need more life yeah I was talking a little bit earlier I think you know update aquatic was amazing but even another ocean update eventually could be good so it says going above the nether ceiling terrifies me heard too many stories of people not being able to get

Down well that’s why I always go with the method of the actually breaking the Bedrock like I never go with just the portal up method I know there is a way of doing that like when you’re just like kind of glitching through and then you make a portal between them yeah I never

Do that because I always like having this um this direct link I know you know obviously people can do whatever method they want but for me personally I don’t like the the idea of that because I think actually just on the Minecraft reddit a couple days ago there was

Someone who was talking about how they got stuck above the nether roof and I think that that kind of thing is really avoidable and uh breaking Bedrock isn’t actually that difficult um it’s not easy but it’s a lot easier than you know let’s say the scenario

You’d be in if you lost all your items at the top of the nether roof and couldn’t get back to them in time A bunch of people are asking what is the seed I’m not going to reveal the seed just yet I may reveal the seed at a later video or at the end of the stream um but I think that going in blind on these kinds of things makes it more

Interesting and it is a very beautiful seed though if you if you people are wanting some Minecraft seeds that are like this lots of mountains lots of good structures um I have a Minecraft 1.8 1.19 seeds video I don’t know if one of the um uh chat moderators wants to link

That it’s my 1.825 Minecraft 1.19 seeds I think it’s called something like that but yeah that’s a really great resource for for seeds very very similar to this and there’s ones where you like a woodland mansion inside of some big mountains like that so probably technically some of them are more rare

And more interesting than even this seed but I’ve actually seen the wrong pickaxe I was incredibly smart in the store mining obsidian with iron Foreign says just found another right on my friend’s realm well that’s cool yeah it’s interesting I feel like uh in 1.16 and 1.17 it was really a toss-up between his netherite or his Diamond either easier to get but I honestly feel like netherrates easier to get and I don’t

Think netherite ingots are easier to get but I found that I feel like there’s more of a guarantee of getting just like an ancient debris you know and obviously you have to get four ancient debris to get one and get to upgrade one piece of

Armor but I found that um there’s been I found like usually when I’m doing like let’s say the bed method um it’s it’s not more than maybe five minutes before I found a piece of ancient debris whereas with diamond mining like we were just saying earlier

In the Stream there because I was I was diamond mining earlier it can take a very long time to get uh to get all that we now have 20 obsidian that’s probably enough um maybe we’ll score with 24 and it’s one enchantment table and two portals

Someone says how are you able to focus on the chat and play Minecraft at the same time I don’t know I guess the same way I’ve recorded my videos um I may make a video eventually on my second Channel about how I make my videos because I don’t think it’s the

Normal process but um it’s actually very similar to what I’m doing right now I basically have like an outline with my main points because I don’t script my videos um the only thing I script is the intro a lot of people think I script them but now everything is completely

Kind of off the top of my head or whatever I mean I have an outline with the actual information on it that I’ve compiled you know I don’t want to be saying the wrong information I mean I could make something up like you know minding obsidian with a diamond pickaxe

Takes one second which is one second less than it takes with another right pickaxe obviously that’s not true but I could say it as if it is true um and so I always want to make sure that my my information is correct but yeah kind of like that and I’ll kind of

Just uh as I talk about something I’ll try and remember more things about it so let’s say the thing I’ve written down is um red is an easy food source to get that I could expand on that by saying you know it’s easy to get because you find it at Villages

Um you know but it’s also important not to waste but pay bills you find on um too much bread because that they’re they work really well with the breeding of animals so like I could say something like that you know I think that’s kind

Of how I do that and so same with the chat here I’ll just play the game I’ll glance over I’ll see someone said uh I craft them so you should put the food in your offhand helps a lot and so yeah I’ll do that right now I know I don’t

Really care but sure but I will not forget what I’m looking at right now which is a massive ruined portal this is a there must be the seat of giant Rune portals I think Moon portals are about five percent of the uh giant Rune portals or about five percent

Of the portals so I’ll look at this we got more obsidian perfect and a curse of Vanishing gold shovel I couldn’t ask for more I could but that’s what we got um but uh yeah they’re not very common so it’s interesting we got uh multiple ones there and it got just just saved

There we also grab the gold too I wouldn’t want to forget that I would grab the crying obsidian but I don’t think it’s super important at this stage uh we can always come back here later it’s actually fairly close to where our base is it just bases over the mountains

So we’re gonna go back into the mountains because we are good we’re gonna go back into these amazing mountain ranges and I think this River might actually lead us fairly close to where we are I’m gonna see if all by memory I can navigate back to the base

But we’ll see if that happens I do have the coordinates saved in case I can’t someone says uh what performance mods I have optif or not OptiFine I have Iris and sodium I sometimes use OptiFine um but for now I just have Iris and sodium someone says what’s the ideal y level

For mining ancient debris well a 15 and 14 are your best ones um so people kind of mine around there um obviously you know uh you know levels that are nearby like let’s say 12 or 13 or 15 or 16 or whatever those are all fine

Um yeah like generally if you try and mine around 14 or 15 you’re going to get the most there and uh I do have a video on Ancient debris mining although it’s a little bit older so I might make a new one on that one eventually maybe in a

Couple months or something but yeah it is accurate though if you want to look that up and yeah it is around 14 15. so I once found cursor binding on an ax while trying to speed run and it was funny I almost died it is funny it’s uh

Wait Chris are burning on an ax I don’t think you can find that you might have had a mod on or something in fact I definitely can’t find that um but it is interesting the um the things that you can get uh cursive Vanishing is definitely funny On Tools let’s see here

Also for anyone is because I want to try and throw things like my Twitter and stuff because there’s not actually a lot of people who follow my Twitter um I’m just gonna throw up here my socials page so if anyone wants to uh follow me on Twitter I do tweet on there

Um it’s not frequently but I might I’ll tweet more frequently the more followers I have that’s that’s my guarantee there if you if you follow me then then I’ll search to tweet I’m gonna tweet a little bit but you know you always have something to say I also have the Discord

There there’s a link in the description I have a Minecraft server on the Discord server for Java you want to play Minecraft um rarely with me because I’m not usually on there but sometimes I am and I have the Reddit and the twitch and I don’t really stream on Twitch but if I

Ever start to do that then you can be up to date on that as well we will go back to Minecraft and here we are and so I got some bamboo because we have made our way into the jungle and this jungle is at the base of

The Stony Peaks and so I’m very very interested to see what we find not only at the top of the Stony Peaks but also if maybe there’s a um well the Jungle Pyramid is actually their technical name but the jungle temple and those kinds of features that’s actually an interesting fact is

The fact that the the desert temple or that desert pyramid a lot of people call it that is referred to as desert pyramid in the code but the jungle temple which does not resemble a pyramid in any sense is also called uh does Jungle Pyramid in the code so it’s very interesting that

They sort of just use the word pyramid as like a placeholder for that sort of thing it’s quite cool so some says do you know that in Bedrock you can sleep underwater they don’t sleep underwater in Java too actually it’s a really good tip is to sleep

Underwater if you’re um if you’re being followed by like mobs that would float in the water so let’s say like well actually I don’t think many mobs float in the water but um whatever you’re being chased by ideally uh you know you could you could

Do that and also like even if a zombie is chasing you’re gonna be slower they’re gonna be not doing as well see what is down this cave looks like it just stops that’s pretty cool though it’s like a massive uh Gorge it’s like you can imagine the

History of this maybe it was like a meteor or something no you know of course actually it’s just from the from the cave generation but it is interesting to think of what could be there and speaking of interesting generation we have the glitched Vine which I will not break that’s really

Funny I’ve been seeing a lot of glitched Vines lately honestly I don’t know if it’s uh yeah super big bug or something or if I’ve just been lucky to find them but that’s interesting I had a pig here which I would I would lead back to my

Base but we were very far away and my base is not necessarily in a established location let’s see so they just joined my Discord well that is awesome I’m so glad that you you uh yeah did that and then you can interact with all my community members

There and I’m looking forward to seeing you in there and I am pretty active on my Discord I mean I would say active maybe not incredibly active but you know I turn my best on there and even still we’re still getting to see some beautiful train I’m very glad I picked

The seat I mean even just here we can sort of there is that um Gorge actually I think we were saying earlier uh so either we’re going the right way or we’re near going the right way so if we keep going this way we’ll either get to

Our base or we’re going to get to the other side of the mountain and so we should be able to easily uh get to that so we’re just gonna travel there and go through the Birch Forest um a video I’ve been wanting to make for a

Long time I don’t know if I’ll make it or not but is uh is basically a video talking about Minecraft’s World Generation Um kind of a 1.18 generation I mean I’ve wanted to make it since 1.18 came out it’s just that of course there’s the uh you know there’s the um that update

Doesn’t really know anymore so I don’t want to be you know look at this um old update so interesting you know so I don’t want to be doing something like that but the idea would be that um you can basically predict exactly what biome you’re going to run into uh

Just based on the way that the biomes generate so for instance because I’m next to the Birch Forest I know that there’s going to be a forest and a dark Forest bordering this in almost every single case and so because of that as you can see we have a dark Forest here

And there is very likely a forest around here as well and so it’s it’s kind of interesting that you can do that in a little cures did not even notice it was here but there we are that’s perfect let’s get our items put away that was

Pretty successful we can now go to the nether which I’m very excited to do because that’s going to be awesome until we’re lucky and have a nether portal near spawn see here and we still have almost 700 concurrent viewers which is awesome so we had a Max

Of 850 just looking at this right now if it’s not checking that’s awesome I’m so glad that everyone is enjoying the stream because I know my last stream at Max was uh 540 I think and so it’s it’s amazing to see that actually the the amount of subscribers I have is very proportional

To the amount of viewers on here because I know that views aren’t really working that way like the more it’s funny because a lot of people think the more subscribers you have the more views you’ll get but it’s not really doesn’t really work that way because a lot of

People subscribe but you know without notifications you don’t actually see the videos and so um especially with a lot of subscriptions uh and I seriously just tried crafting another portal twice I don’t even know what’s wrong with me today oh my goodness I’m not that bad at Minecraft

Why did I try crafting another portal okay um we’re gonna make another portal not craft it because you definitely do not craft another portals and I also give myself 12 obsidian because I’m not thinking through this at all let’s put this back in the uh chest for that 10.

And we’ll get the Deep slate we’ll make it nice looking we’ll make some uh something there we’ll smelt up some Cobblestone actually because there’s a couple uh things like a stone cutter I want to make with that smelted uh Stone do that let’s see here let’s see what we can

Make with the uh got polished and then we have uh we’ll go with Polish I think polish is good someone says uh how long has this been going on I have been streaming for I don’t know how long it looks like about two and a half hours

I think that’s right well this the start was a little bit dumb and a little bit uh rust not Rusty but um bumpy as I actually started streaming to the wrong things I have no idea what I was actually streaming to if you might actually be able to go to my channel and

See like this random failed stream on there I have no idea but what I do know is that we’re streaming now and it’s all working really well actually so yeah I’ll probably just keep streaming for as long as I I can basically um might need

To take a break here at some point but um I’m I think this world’s going great and we haven’t even died once so I mean it could have been hardcore so it would have been to this point so maybe maybe I should have done hardcore I don’t know

But anyway important things to do when we’re going to the nether is number one set a spawn point and don’t set it in the nether which I’m sure everyone knows but you definitely do not want to sleep in the nether unless you’re mining ancient debris we’ll make that

Um we’ll make that stone cutter like I want it to do that let’s see here and we will get ourselves some things with that later but yeah let’s light up all right we already did like another portal let’s get ready for that I’m just gonna wear my uh

Not the best armor but we’ll save this if we need it for later we’ll we’ll not bring our diamond pickaxe in any scenario we’re only going to bring half our food because we’re not gonna go exploring much we’re just gonna take a little 10 second look um it is so interesting and hardcore

Although we’re not playing on that but the fact that in hardcore you never have to worry about you know oh I shouldn’t take this because if I die because it’s like well if you die the world’s done so it doesn’t matter at all you know so

It’s it’s kind of funny because in a sense with certain things you don’t have to necessarily care because you’re kind of always caring at that level of you know I just cannot die in any scenario um let’s see here the boat and I I could make a gold helmet but I

Don’t actually know if we’re at a biome like that and we shouldn’t be instantly dead if it’s uh it’s piglet biomes anyway here we are from the amazing very 1.18 1.19-ish terrain and we’re going into another let’s see what’s here and maybe there’s even a Bastion or another Fortress that spawn I literally

Have a zero idea Valley again not the worst um I don’t see any structures it’s not surprising I wouldn’t doubt if there’s one nearby Soul Sand Valley is actually really great because the the bone blocks here are super overpowered how many you get ah yeah I don’t see any structures for now

So that’s that’s okay it’s barely uh unsurprising but we can try killing a couple skeletons why not see if I can I don’t have a shield with me that’d be somewhere I’ll make a shield and then I’ll try my Pro skeleton strats because uh yeah Tilton’s actually really

Easy with a um with a bow or not with a bow with that with a shield and there’s our portal and I need to really make a base at some point I don’t know if I’ll put off making a base all the way till we defeat the Ender Dragon

But definitely for a little minute longer here and let’s take a look here so we just had a perfect warped fungus on a stick also known as a super chat and someone says best Minecraft guide ever well thank you very much for that Super Chat and I definitely try my best and

Hopefully this video is somewhat useful a little bit useful I don’t know if it’s at all useful in terms of actually learning the game but um definitely try my best on that so let’s see we basically now we know that it’s there we need to make a shield and we also

I mean projectile is always good I think that um some items to get down lower to that lava lake would probably be the best way of exploring more in the future so we’ll see what it does with that but I think overall we’re looking pretty good um

We don’t have enough diamonds for the uh for the um enchanting table that we could technically find those if we find a um a another Fortress so what we’ll do is I will bring the rest of the food definitely uh and I will bring a foot and steel of

Course always good to bring that and I think I think that’s about good and we’re gonna now travel into The Nether and we’re gonna actually explore it this time uh yeah we should be good I always often do this I’ll kind of go the Nether it’s

Like oh but I forgot this and this and this and this and this and stuff but you know at the end of the day it shouldn’t matter too much all right we’ll get rid of those skeletons the Pearl way another Super Chat that says nice well the Super Chat was very nice

Um hopefully the gameplay is okay so trick was skeletons I think I’ve shown this before but maybe I haven’t is the second after they’ve hit you then they’re useless for like a second and so you can like instantly instantly but you can damage free hit them if you’re

Really careful like that so it’s uh works really well and we’ll do that with a couple more we have a ghost so the pig no that’s a skeleton it looks like a pig land a little bit uh we’ll see if we can deal with that

Gas in a minute here let’s do the um skeleton first it’s interesting how the um both the gas and the skeleton oh my goodness we gotta take the skeleton maybe maybe oh we did have it said the skeleton but it also hit us um but anyway it’s funny

How both the gas and the skeleton are sort of like these pasty white mobs and they also both are um do with projectiles it’s funny I wonder if there’s like a Trend there maybe not like like do because pillagers are gray so probably not no that’s interesting

Let’s go this way we shouldn’t have to put down torches yet but uh we will move a little baby magma Cuba didn’t happen let’s see here um there’s not really any piglens so we could mine that’s gold because why not we don’t really need gold but it will

Eventually we’ll need gold but you know for now someone says someone says I’m a Minecraft veteran because I’ve been playing for six years yeah I mean there’s a lot of people have been playing for a lot of different amounts of time and I think that um really amazing actually I had

Um some comments on my video recently that was about playing Minecraft uh playing Minecraft with 1.0 and I had a question in there which is when did you first start playing Minecraft and there were some responses where people were like oh I played it since Alpha

Um you know someone said that they went to a convention that had Notch at it and they actually decided from that point on to play Minecraft they didn’t know nothing about the game yes they saw this convention with with Notch that was at some sort of uh some sort of a

Convention I forget exactly but uh pretty crazy to think of the amazing large amount of experiences people have had and and ways that people have discovered the game I mean I know a lot of people’s first experiences with the gamer on Xbox 360. we’re on Pocket Edition and maybe now they’re playing on

On Java or Bedrock but it’s interesting that um just to kind of see the game evolve and how most people have been have been aware of this game at very least if not playing it for for many many years see here someone says please don’t die I don’t

Think I’ll die I’m actually nervous at all because um uh we’re not in a dangerous scenario here as long as I’m careful which I’m trying to be like that was something everywhere I could get hurt right um we should be fine let’s see if we can yes let’s go over here

Um Okay so there is a piglet we could try trading with it but I don’t have any wood so I can craft these uh nuggets into bars we’ll keep going around here and is that a fortress oh that’s a fortress yes and it’s also really close there’s also both Forest types that’s

Good okay let’s see if I can here we’ll try a little something here so block now hit problem with sword blocking is that there’s not actually much of a cooldown and so it doesn’t work that well like it can work but some of these mobs can’t do so quickly that

Shields aren’t necessarily that useful if someone says some says I just started playing Minecraft and been learning a lot from your channel that’s really amazing too some of the the people that have just started playing the game and yet um are already really involved and I think that’s it’s awesome because

Minecraft’s now been around for for so long that the community is really spanning across Generations like I was watching this clip I forget where it was it was about this one streamer and he was saying oh this um I think it was like a dream SMP person

That he was talking about and he was saying oh it’s cool this new generation of streamers is doing this and this and it made me think you know there are literal generations of Minecraft content creators now like that’s pretty crazy to think I mean it makes sense but in a

Sense like literal Generations is like you know people let’s say in their 20s or 30s versus people like in their teen years or versus you know 40s like whatever ages it’s interesting that the game has been around for about 13 years a little under that but actually no over

That over that because it was May of 2019 or uh 2009 um but it’s crazy to think that’s been around for so long that we literally have generations of people that have played it it’s um it’s awesome because like games basically never last that long in Minecraft has

Someone says I cannot wait till they reveal what Minecraft 1.20 will be about I can’t wait for that either actually I’m really excited um I may be excited in both ways because you know new updates are always a little something I’m not nervous about it but

Where it’s like you know what’s going to change am I gonna like the changes but I found that basically I always do and it’s um I don’t know let me just need to see what happens the uh my guess is at this point are either PVP

Update or end update I think those are the most possible but I think there’s also some really common uh ones that could happen like for instance let’s say a um a uh update without all the biomes they haven’t yet anyway let’s let’s take in these chests okay nothing really amazing there

I’ll keep these torches here for now I probably should have brought more torches but I don’t really need torches it’s just to kind of Mark it out any diamonds no but two Diamond horse armor here I am earlier I threw away a diamond horse armor and now I found so many but

Oh well honestly this kind of generation here is very like this kind of cut off thing here that almost looks like it’d be two fortresses in one I don’t think that really happens but it does look like it it’s like the generation sort of looped in on itself

Okay we have another word I mean I’ll grab this if it’s funny because for a second there I wasn’t realizing this is a new world I should probably be getting these materials and I was like oh yeah whatever another word that’s cool then it’s like um I should probably get that I don’t

Have any prey materials we have a super chat it says what do you think about the trillion views video oh that’s interesting I really like that it’s interesting because at that point my channel was very small when that came out um I think I only had oh my goodness watch this

Look at that zombified pigland versus skeleton let’s see if let’s see who wins look at the essay amazing yeah in terms of that video I really liked it I think it’s um I love that YouTube has really fully embraced the the Minecraft YouTube Community I Know That Minecraft is fully

Embraced the Minecraft YouTube Community because um unlike a lot of games I feel like Minecraft honestly is dependent on Minecraft YouTube to survive like I feel like that’s what’s actually made it survive is that because Minecraft has so much you can do in it it really almost

Is as interesting to watch Minecraft as it is to play it not always but often times and so because of that you know as long as there’s still content to be made on this the game with infinite content in it of course it’s still interesting and here is a wither skeleton

That we can do here walk the height and we’re good I also want to get all those Endermen there because um going to the end is that goal so I don’t want to forget about that come on there we go and of course nothing but moons

Image if I was that lucky got the uh thing in the first try Okay play spawner get out of here this is a good area though I’m gonna block this off just for safety like not fully but a bit uh this is a definitely a very deadly

Area I’m gonna make a little Enderman killing area so if you don’t know how to kill Enderman it’s very easy all you have to do is start well actually don’t start by anger them but anger them then go into a two block tall space and they can’t get two so

Like this totally safe no danger here at all um which is awesome because number one you know Enderman are very dangerous I mean I I sometimes I’m fighting the Ender Dragon I’ve died from Enderman I haven’t died from the Ender Dragon I’ve died from Enderman right and so you know

Just being able to stop them like this is awesome they also cannot pick up the the nether rack they can only pick up like the nylon and so because of that um you’re totally good I guess you should be killing this with my ax there’s still

One more I should kill that and they’ll get the third one he got the silk touch block though it’s so funny how it like Enderman have silk touch only problem with this sometimes you’ll get stuck and it’s like oh is anderman Gonna Come here is it not I don’t know

Uh we’ll see okay we’re gonna hit that Enderman we’re gonna run for our lives and there we go there’s 200 I think the second one’s done this weird thing where they’ll teleport like to a weird location and they’re like not teleport away so it’s like they’re sort of oh goodness okay um

Yeah we have uh interesting scenario here not really dangerous but that’s interesting how the Blazers shots tended to the the One Direction so they didn’t hit me I’ll have to look more into that that’s actually could be very useful someone said name of the song please I

Can look that up for you not look it up but I can uh right now is left to bloom which is a Lena rain C418 Minecraft 1.8 not C418 Lena rain Minecraft 1.18 soundtrack left to bloom that’s what’s going on right now okay well I need to get the other

Enderman before I die I think it’s just like underneath here yeah I bet it is in fact I’m 99 sure it is so if you just like mine like this yes there it is so we basically just have to get like a easy way down a little bit risky let’s keep a little

Keep a little safe uh safe spot and then we should be able to hit it from here should maybe not uh that’s what we can do yeah it’s funny though if you ever lose an Enderman but you still hear them almost always gonna be below you or they’re gonna be in a

Position like that like they can kind of get to you can’t get to them I’m so not in a really safe position right now be careful uh well not too not too dangerous but it’s got this come on Enderman around the corner and yes an ender pearl since

We now have two under pearls and two uh Enderman silk touched Works nyliams which I guess is awesome if I want to grow Warp nyliam and if there is a piglet is a really really good nether fortress though I mean in terms of actually being good neither first I’m not sure but just

In terms of like the biomes around it very very nice and I like the um I always love having a very large um sort of like diversity of biomes around because I feel like especially like in the nether you know um the bottoms aren’t really big you’re always

Going to find all the biomes someone in your spawn but not being able but like not having to you know go for like hundreds of blocks or whatever to get it is always good and that was a failure of a blaze kill also unless I’m just saying double I actually believe

That these are two Blaze Spawners next to each other oh my goodness it is that’s amazing so that means that later on if we wanted to we could make a blaze spawner Farm there that is a really really cool I will definitely I’ll definitely look into that I was

Talking earlier in the Stream about how mobs with crossbows are really easy and that was an example of it you just block the shot or Dodge the shot when they’re uh charging or when they’re shooting now when they’re charging it takes so long you have like this massive amount of

Time to get them Okay that might be our first place Rod actually uh no it’s not okay I didn’t I didn’t notice the achievement earlier let me tell like the the um Blaze do have that melee damage they give you it’s like though you touch them you can get hurt it’s really bizarre

All right well we can keep going this is amazing Forester I love the the blue and the red mix there it’s really rare for that well it’s not rare but it’s it’s uh it’s nice anyway enough where it is I’m gonna block this up to protect ourselves from these wither skeletons

Um I was I died a little while ago um in one of my worlds um uh to a wither skeleton and the reason why was that um they blend in so well with the Netherrack or not the Netherrack but the um the nether brick they look so similar

That I was sort of like oh you know um there’s not one there like I killed one but I didn’t notice it was kind of to the edge and uh yeah it got me so it’s always always important to be aware of the the sort of camouflage of the with

Their skeletons and I’m still so happy that we have a double spawner that is so amazing um and we’re getting a lot of good supplies this is doing great I mean hey we already haven’t died once we 21 levels um didn’t get a lot of diamonds but we’re underneath an ancient city great

Spawn this world’s going awesome uh see here someone says I’m going to start from beginning of the stream and watch it all I keep watching now but it’s survival time for me if you want to watch the entire stream and it’s replayed you absolutely can it’ll definitely be available for or watching

Once it’s done and I’m hoping that people will enjoy watching it back as much as they enjoy watching it originally because of course um if I do this more frequently it won’t be as much of a sort of like you know one stream I have there it could be it

Could be weekly it could be even more than that and um yeah I’ve definitely been considering lately you know having having streams being integrated into my content so I think that you know this stream has done awesome my last stream did really well this has been even

Better and and I think that streaming is it a really great way of presenting Minecraft and so we’ll see what happens with this but so far um I’m really looking forward to doing more streams on my channel and you’ll definitely be seeing more streams on my Channel that I can guarantee

Okay this this is this very likely could be a double nether fortress now maybe maybe I’m incorrect maybe this can’t happen if you look at the way this is generating right over the other part of it that seems really bugged oh my goodness a hog one that could have

Been death only as we get from behind oh that’s amazing from underneath that’s like okay don’t jump up that’s stupid I don’t know I jumped up my little jump up no that wasn’t smart but uh that’s awesome actually that’s interesting the um say something I love about playing

The game is that because I always try and kind of analyze it as I’m playing it is I’ll see things like that like earlier was like okay the blaze was shooting into the wall because it’s shots all tended to One Direction things like hitting that that that

Um hogland I can look more into those things later let’s say maybe a creative world or just a general testing world and maybe there’s nothing to it but maybe it’s actually a really interesting thing and uh interesting little fact for everyone watching um this room right here the lava well

Room is the bridge between the exterior and interior parts of the Fortress so everything from this point onward is interior everything from that point is exterior so whenever you find one of these note that that’s basically like your center point it’s not necessarily the center because sometimes they’ll cut

Off and you’ll only have like an exterior or only have an interior although that’s really rare um but basically that’s like the point where you have that um that cut off so it’s really interesting to see that you can tell now we’re in the inside part

We’re going to stay in the inside part and to wait you’ll go past there again someone says hi just beat the Ender Dragon and hardcore using the seed I craft mcu’s from the last stream that’s cool it’s um I love seeds so much because you have like the shared experience on it I

Know you know I say that as I don’t get the seed for this world but I may eventually give up a seat I’m not I’ve no nothing against that I just want to experience it blind for a little bit looks like we have a super chat

That is for five dollars from Sam Martin and I appreciate that a lot and uh yeah if anyone wants to leave a message with their Super Chat as well um I will be uh always happy to answer any questions I would answer all the questions in the in the chat but

Um chat’s actually been pretty active this stream which is awesome so hopefully hopefully um I can answer most questions that are um I haven’t answered before anyway okay here I’m getting lost again let’s see if we can have a trend here I keep getting lost but we’ll um

We’ll see if we can get back here at this Fortress for anyone just joining in is very very close to my base or not to my base but it’s close to my another portal diamonds that’s awesome in fact that is literally the right amount of diamonds to make are uh

What’s the word for it uh enchanting table we also have a singular Brown mushroom which I will plant down we cannot throw away our bread so I’m gonna throw away the I don’t throw it away it’s like I was saying earlier I don’t like throwing away items but I will put those down

We have almost two more chests three more chests no two more chests what’s in here gold and obsidian okay I’ll take it I’ll take it no efficiency so obsidian is of course worth a lot more and then we have gold and iron with a gold sword

Which I will not be taking the gold sword but I will break the chest um because I will not remember the seven and I hate to what those items go to waste but it is what it is we’ll go back up here and always a good thing when

Doing these fortresses is you know eventually you don’t want to have these things here but when you’re first like exploring it you really do want to put blockers up so you can see okay I’ve been here I’ve been here I haven’t been here um it’s also like you’re always gonna

Have some random blocks on you when you’re in the nether like basically almost always so it’s a really good kind of guaranteed thing of like this this is an easy method a guaranteed method of Walking Up The Nether Fortress someone said which mob do you dislike the most

With which moblo dislike the most well don’t know I know a lot of people kind of dislike let’s say the I don’t know like the polar bear or the panda or the husk you know sort of mobs where they’re a little unique but there’s not a lot to them they’re kind

Of like a somewhat useless mob um but for me personally I I kind of like any content that’s in the game um in terms of like fighting them uh Withers are definitely annoying um they’re not really annoying if you’re fighting them you know just the standard method right

Um like like in a mine or in a in a whatever else but um but just like if you’re actually fighting like the kind of the way mooching intended they’re they’re fairly difficult and I found that to be somewhat frustrating let’s see what stone here someone says do you have a second

Channel I do if you go to my skull if you go to my channel page and this is for everyone on here actually I should have had the second Channel link on my socials page all throughout the socials page later here but um yeah there is a link on my channel if

You go to the um the channel tab of my channel like you know there’s a videos tab in the Home tab and all that go to the um the the channels tab it is right there and I do not post on there almost at all I think there’s like three videos on there

Um but technically there is going to be very rarely a video or two on there so if you want to get every last ounce you can on my craftmc content then you can subscribe to my to my second Channel which is called ibertham and I I’m actually my notification alert

For the Super Chat which is the work fungus on a stick that’s part of this dumb little remix thing I made that’s that’s on the second Channel if you wanted to to see the original that that comes from someone says you do the same as python empty the chest and break it

Um the reason why I empty the chest before I break it is because um when I’m exploring a big let’s say another Fortress like this I’m breaking a lot of chest I’m seeing what’s inside of them I don’t actually have a good way of knowing

Um what I have on me like right now I couldn’t tell you let’s say how many gold I have on I don’t know let’s check it’s nine okay I didn’t know that right so it’s like if I’m looking at the items I’m getting before I get them then I can

See okay I did get this many rakes like let’s say I broke a chest and it had three more gold in it and then I have 12 gold I wouldn’t actually know if I picked up that gold or not and especially if you’re breaking chests in a structure where it’s really important

To be safe like let’s say the ancient city you want to make sure that you actually have the items although obviously in the ancient city I would not be opening up the chest first unless I have a really good um sort of like thing to block the signals because then

It’s dangerous and that is a enchanted helmet pigment this is just doesn’t actually go anywhere test it it’s like a little window piglet window that hit you it’s like it’s like I’m in the zoo and you’re looking at me maybe it’s the opposite I’m not sure it’s always interesting to think oh

Goodness I always do that it’s like I’ll go over an edge and it’s like oh that’s probably not the best idea um but let’s go down here and we’ll keep exploring this uh something I’ve often seen people forget um and I’m sure you know most people

Ever know this but it’s a good thing to remember is that at those um nether worked rooms there’s always going to be three entrances right so there’s the one behind the stairs going up the stairs and then the one that kind of leech into the room itself

And so I’ve actually seen people I’ve done this myself as well if I’m not thinking about it they’ll go into The Nether work room and they’ll actually forget to go behind the stairs and so they won’t see that part of it now I hear a with her skeletons I’m going to

Be safe here like right here you can see like you go up here you might not necessarily remember to go this way you know you might but sometimes it’s it’s good to remember to go every direction one says go to the ancient city um I was actually at the ancient city a lot

Earlier on in the Stream I may go back to it later I just want to make sure to get the um everything this this nether fortress has to offer so I don’t have to come back here later because you know I could just sort of like take a little

Sampling from every single structure but that’s just going to make me have to go back there again like really soon and I want to make sure that it’s not like well I just went to the nether fortress but I have to go there again I mean as

It is I didn’t fully raid the ancient city so there’s a lot there just I had got to warning level three so I didn’t want to have the warden spawn as the word and spawn at warning level four so or double Summit in but kind of Spawn

Okay we’re back there to that other area so we’re kind of going in a loop here this is an exterior part of the Fortress which is interesting so we’ll go this way see where that goes it’s very long these tunnels it’s interesting how um these can go for a very long time

These tunnels and you can get to a point where it’s like you know um like even there it’s like the nether fog distance is so so close it can be um hard to actually see where things um end of course uh something funny that I was mentioning in my 1.0 video

Is that technically this is a new place technically the render distance of the nether in 1.0 is is higher than the render distance of the Nether and in in in modern Minecraft oh goodness okay this is uh I’m just gonna pause that that point of conversation there so I don’t die

Um but yeah it’s um just because there’s no fog well there kind of was another fog but not really and so because of that um could see a lot further at piglet you’re gonna get my way aren’t you well the zombified piglet see we can get here very small chance to

Get a skull someone says just subscribed well thank you so much to everyone who’s subscribing enjoying the stream and and watching the stream for that matter too I mean the viewer counts are still very very good and um yeah I’m just gonna try and stream for as long as I can

Uh no oh no oh my goodness look at this look at this are you is everyone seeing this okay yeah pig when you’re in the way look at this look at this we got this cool that’s insane this is the second one I’ve killed second one I’ve killed

So I have this I have the look right now apparently I don’t know that’s pretty crazy um what am I throwing away I’m throwing away I’ll throw away this and uh we’ll get actually I don’t need the coal I just need to put this on that’s insane though what is the chance

Of that look I know the chances of that is it’s 2.5 percent so that would be that’s pretty low it’s not that’s like amazingly low but you know one in 20 chance is pretty good uh do I need the bricks morning this sword more I guess maybe this Netherrack it’s a lot another

Rack I’ll keep that the golden swords like technically always gonna be worth more but you know I can’t really use a golden sword here is such almost diamonds right more Diamond horse armor of course um too cool we don’t need that iron hoe I want to keep the iron hole but you know

Throw away the ender pearls we don’t know if we definitely need those ender pearls um we do have two foot and still technically so I guess I guess I could put one away although it seems a little bit wasteful because you know Diamond Force number isn’t actually that useful

At all but it’s just technically rare so is interesting thing to have and there is another is that the same chest it is isn’t it it’s like a loop oh that’s cool you have to remember that I could break the chest but I I don’t want

To make those items do spawn I guess if I’m being really like not wasteful I could put Whatever item I have on my inventory right here so I think all I really have left to do is just uh basically just kill some more Blaze and then that should be good and I

Should be done reading this Fortress for now I’m sure there are you know a couple more things but I’ve gotten a fairly fairly good share of everything here I mean I technically do have enough blaze rods but um but not for the for the Brewing but not for the um not for the

Uh end Dimension so we need to find the double bleed spawner route before I’m sure there are people here that remember where it is better than I do um but it might be this way and there’s another Enderman there which is funny because that’s where they were

That’s weird there’s two more there and that’s where they were before let’s hope we don’t die good that piglet might actually be the death of me okay this is a dangerous scenario I’m gonna say like 30 chance nope okay if I don’t Place those blocks those Enderman could teleport in

Okay this is dangerous but at least hey I found where the um the Blaze Spawners are which is good I guess so there’s still another Enderman mad at me I think there is sounds like there is yes there definitely is okay there definitely is I

Think it’s down here again so as long as I have two blocks above me not three like this like this like that then we’re good so I just need to find where he’s teleporting to okay there’s everybody we’ll use the ax because it’s technically better actually a lot more than technically

Better but I need to oh my goodness that’s close that able to get me from there let’s be careful with this uh let’s hit it with the ax I could use a boat if I want to be really safe I should probably actually get down my Hopper because that’s a

Very good thing to do and there is our Pearl look at that now referrals which is a quarter of the way to the end which I’m happy with there are a lot more Enderman so we could fight more Enderman I wish I will do but before we do that I’m just going to

Start with the The Blaze because I know those are there and they’re not they’re kind of more dangerous but not really more dangerous let’s see here someone says Bastion um I don’t have any bastions around here um but if I see one I’ll definitely try and read it I don’t

Know if it’s a good idea to really good idea to rate it the stage but you know we’ll see what we can do this uh this uh skeleton has a decent bow it’s funny really rarely of a skeleton with a flame bow drop this bow let’s see

Exactly what had on it oh power one it wasn’t that decent it just looked like it but um yeah really all the skeleton with a flame bow and those are like super super uh super rare but also very difficult to defeat that and we we’re almost out of food I didn’t

Realize that oh that’s not good uh we’ll be more careful then we’re not gonna get more into Redmond than at that rate we have a super chat that says love the stream you should do more live streams also what’s your favorite Farm it’s my favorite Farm maybe hmm

Maybe a witch Farm I found witch Farms are really underrated but like they’re probably one of the best because if you have a witch Farm you don’t need a creeper farm and if you have a witch firm you get like infinite bottles right so it’s like infinite dragon’s breath you get infinite

You know Redstone so you don’t have to mine for Redstone if you’re doing a lot of redstone projects that’s like incredibly good and um yeah probably which Farm I don’t know though I mean obviously you know there’s certain things like a gold farmer like you just you need to have one you know

Um things like an iron farm you know obviously just just cannot have a successful long long term world without it but and we’re basically out of food uh I need to probably do these rough pork chops which I do not want to do um I could kill zombified piglets or

Rotten flesh but that is a horrible idea um this is getting a little dangerous goodness okay that’s amazing uh okay let’s see if I can keep dodging this firearm okay or die from it which is not unlikely let’s see if we can eat this in time

Okay we’re not gonna get any more blazes today that would not be smart um let me just have to find our way out before we starve to death I’m just gonna think here so if I do the wrong exit we’re gonna die also for anyone new to the stream I’m

Just going to keep popping this up because I want to see how successful it is those are my socials and so um another thing I didn’t list on there is my uh second Channel and so if you want to go to my channels page you can also join

My not join but subscribe to my second Channel you can subscribe to my main Channel if you haven’t already I’m guessing anyone watching this stream would probably have notifications on already but if you don’t that’s always a great thing to do as well and think what else here we could also have

The the twitch of course the Discord and yeah just hopefully there’s also links for that in the uh chat by the moderators so we’ll go back here to to Minecraft so basically the idea is we need to find a way out of the Fortress and before we starve to death which is a

Decently good challenge because um although there’s a lot of things that are technically fairly easy to do in Minecraft they uh they require a little bit of luck like for instance finding the right exit so I’m not gonna run and jump I might I might run but I’m not gonna jump

Um just to save on Hunger I remember where the entrance was there was both warped and crimson trees so we’re not near the right area we have to go to the area with Crimson or with with warped trees as well as Crimson because we have Crimson but it

Warped as well and of course we’re in a soul sound Valley so we have to find the area it has a Soul Sand Valley audit someone says try to sleep yes I’ll definitely try to sleep I don’t actually have a bet on me so you know but of

Course I’m not gonna try to sleep um actually I’m definitely one which trimmer you cannot drink into doing things I’ve seen some of these uh which streamer I’m not a twitch stream why I could be a twitch streamer but I’m not a streamer that uh you can easily switch

Twitch sorry my words are very messed up right now I’m not and I just want a circle I’m not a streamer you can easily trick into doing things um because I’ve seen these streams where people are like oh you know press Q when looking at lava with your time in

Pickaxe they’ll actually do it and you’re like what are you doing oh my goodness okay this could be death what we’re going to do okay that was freaky I’m scared the life out of me um that was that was incredibly amazing I didn’t get hurt by that but I’ve seen

People do like these crazy things and they’ll actually do it and they’re like why did my pickaxing school in lava It’s like because you threw in lava but I thought we have a super chat by Ryan White it says loving the stream and looking forward to more uh long time sub

And can’t find the join button to become a member am I missing out I don’t have a members button um I don’t yeah I don’t have membership set up um AF people would want that I can set it up I just obviously don’t want to set up something that like one person’s

Gonna join but um you know if you want to actually tell me in the chat right now everyone who’s watching um doesn’t mean you’re going to but would you consider joining my channel if I had a members button uh basically what it means is it means you’re gonna pay a

Small fee a month sort of like a patreon um but what you get out of it is you get these chat badges you’re gonna get comment badges um potentially I can have some exclusive content for that not a lot I don’t think you can do with that but there’s some

Yeah if anyone’s interesting with that I can I could set that up like tomorrow or something like I don’t mind and of course I understand that now that I’m live streaming that’s actually going to be something that uh the memberships are gonna be useful for and there’s a lot of

Yeses so some knows some knows I’ll forget the nose but a lot of okay a lot of guesses and we’re going to use this piglens piglens we’re going to use this uh hoglands oh my goodness why did I think that would work this is a life or death okay okay okay

Look at that yeah we’re gonna use this pigments uh hide not hide but we’re gonna use it we’re gonna use this food so we’re gonna go through one block space I doubt it no be careful okay pork chops and that’s gonna make us survive I mean I guess technically if I

Kind of am risky and I fight a whole lot of the uh a little hogland fighting thing I’m risking fight a lot of hoglands I could probably be fine food wise I just don’t know if they’re actually going to spawn in um I could try mining up a bunch of the

Netherwood but I don’t think that’s useful right now because it’s right next to spawn we’re not going to really need it and um yeah oh I guess as we explore around we’re gonna have to find the exit we have so much good stuff on us we don’t

Want to lose any of it this is this is all um this is all uh purely Crimson so we’re gonna go to the Warped area I don’t actually remember where that was but we’re gonna look for that someone says I’m an illustrator okay we’re dead 99 chance we’re dead we’re gonna do

Coordinates on right coordinates okay if I survive this that’s gonna be insane but someone was saying in fact I’m gonna respond that later just good Micro World oh okay my heart okay all right we’re probably dead anyway what the world what are these close calls what are these close calls oh my

Goodness okay okay I’m alive I’m alive um barely oh okay so there are several things we can do to try and survive it’s gonna be like this for now so don’t die instantly um but the first thing we can do is we could go for um mushroom stew or mushroom soup

Uh we could try and fight more hoglands which at this point is not a good idea problem with that is the the soup method is those things are most common in like the nether wastes and the nether waste isn’t really near us uh responding to the thing I was saying previously

Someone was saying they’re an illustrator they’d be interested in making badges 100 join the Discord if actually if anyone’s an artist uh join the Discord and and DM me directly on there I’ve been actually looking for an artist for a long time so if anyone’s interested in that um

Very very likely that that someone in the chat right now could be the one designing designing those badges so yeah if anyone’s interested in that 100 give me a DM and there’s a skeleton and I’m not we get killed by a skeleton um good thing to do because I could die

In fact it’s not even though end of the world if I die really but you know I don’t really want to um I haven’t marked down the coordinates again because then we’ll be good so okay there’s a skeleton that is instant death we’re so close to death and which ways

To the Warped Forest actually doesn’t work for us that way maybe okay there’s there’s two skeletons I’m not gonna go to where the skeletons are that would just be stupid um I want to really keep screenshotting until I if there’s a there’s a hawkland there’s a hogland okay let’s try and live

This should hopefully make us live this one hogland could either kill us or make us survive it’s an interesting paradox see if we can kill it if there’s a skeleton behind us we are instantly dead no matter what I hear fighting actually I think I think it’s the uh the piglens

And either the pig ones and the wither skeletons fighting or the piglens and the hoglens fighting let’s understand let’s see someone says teach us early game enchants well if I can get back home in time I do with enough diamonds for an enchanting table so I can I can teach you that um

All right so the idea would be if I can get another hog one hello Hawkins okay there’s a hot one that’s so risky but it’s like the only only thing I can really do have our little hogland trap here yeah it’s really awesome that people would be interested in a membership

Thing I had no idea that would be interesting to people I kind of thought no one would like that but yeah I mean if people are interested 100 that could that probably will happen um and uh yeah all right let’s grab that we have a few more I’ll say four more but

Two more rough pork chops uh if we can find Blackstone actually we we could technically make a furnace but I don’t think there’s any black stone around here so there’s not much of a point of trying to do that we at least have enough food that we’re not really in

Immediate danger if we can get like one or two more hoglands then we’re really really doing good I don’t know if they’ll be any more here because they’re not super super common um just because it seems like we’ll be here a bit longer than I thought though

Because I’m kind of still lost I’m gonna mine some of these uh three blocks and uh tree blocks what am I saying the crimson stem and then we can use that there’s the official title Crimson stem and we can use that to like craft bowls or something if we need to do so

I sure love how big the the Crimson uh Crimson warped trees can get I love these kind of plush shaped tree trunks they’re one of my favorite trees in the game and I hear a piglet so we’re gonna do so we don’t die as I’m gonna head back

To The Fortress because it’s kind of safer than where we are right now not really safer kind of safer ah but yeah so I will do that let’s see Jova little says I’ve always loved your channel and I showed it would be great well there’s your shout out Jova little um

Let’s go over here wait wait hold on this is the right way this is that bridge thing I’m talking about that earlier um okay so this is the place we do have a we have a we have a shield we have iron armor so we’re actually not doing too bad

But there’s a skeleton I can’t remember this I 100 remember this is near the entrance I remember this being near the entrance I remember I ran into it very somewhat soon so it might be this way maybe not remember I also put down torches at first so we’re getting

Actually to the right area which is great yeah it might have been this direction this might be this might be our entrance honestly this is our entrance look at that beautiful let’s see if we can actually make it out in time because I hear a piglet but that would be amazing

Those are some insane close calls I don’t know if anyone wants to clip that or something I know you can’t necessarily put things on YouTube but I run my last stream some people put some crazy moments up on the Reddit which is interesting to see those

Because I just want to eat something I have literally nothing to eat so let’s hope I can make my way back and here I was before Oh I don’t need torches well yeah I kind of do need torches I don’t need torches but you know getting back easily is always a benefit

Um if I see mushrooms I will definitely pick those but I’m 95 sure just around the corner here is my base and at very least we’ll be able to easily get back to the portal as long as the maybe we are going the wrong way we are

Aren’t we because we we really simply went back to the um okay now I’m out of food that’s amazing we really easily went back to the um Soul Sand Valley I don’t we did not explore much so I remember um we just didn’t go back for that entrances there’s no like dangerous

Hostiles around here so we’re not doing too badly and we’re gonna be so close to the portal anyway it’s not going to matter too much but yeah let’s go back there yeah this is definitely the note to self duties torches I mean I even say in my

Nether guide to use torches I just was like oh it’s close enough but another is so similar um in the way it generates to itself and uh just it’s always good to Mark things down especially if you’re going any any real distance all right here’s some mushrooms we’re

Gonna pick these I think that’s 100 a good idea um I will pick those and if we find some red ones which I think are slightly rarer there’s some more Brown they’re slightly uh slightly rarer but if we can find some red ones then we are 100 good on

The food front I mean um it’s actually pretty good someone says go up higher yeah it is up higher I remember thinking that um I just need to find exactly where I went to because if I went downwards really quickly I would have made somewhat of a staircase so there’s that

All right so I made this no I didn’t I made I made that yeah so maybe it’s up here maybe it’s up here I don’t know I’m sure some some people on this stream probably know which way it is um I’m gonna go up here and do you remember it being higher

Because remember I was looking down to the Lava Lake and thankfully netherwist is not actually that dangerous so potentially we’re fine and I mean like because it’s probably North right like I’m looking no that’s East hmm this one really helped I remember noting what the coordinates were but hey here’s some red mushrooms

At least it means we’re not gonna starve to death and I’m sure I’ll get back fairly quickly here I just always want to be safe I’m just gonna get some mushrooms here there’s four I can craft for soup um I guess we’ll make the bowl first and

The crafting table first so oh that would that was the right crafting recipe no it was not um we’ll do uh we’ll do that and then we need bolts which yes Netherwood bowls be cool if they made like um variants of this that was colored to the wood type that’s funny

Because like certain things are you know they still have like their wood type variants but like things like bowls or wooden tools or whatever just don’t and like I kind of get why because there wouldn’t be like in any difference but it is funny how some of those things

Still don’t have any differences I also realized I was incredibly stupid to craft all those mushroom stews um let’s hopefully I can drink most of them at once because if not then they will be going to waste let’s see here Sam says why don’t you play at uh

110 fov while I play interesting I’d be actually I’d be very interested here if anyone wants to comment this down in the chat um what fov do you play at but I always played fov80 fov70 is of course the normal um fov60 is a normal on bedrock and I think the

Reason for that is because of phone screens um but basically the the fovi like is 80 just because I have a fairly large screen and also I think that 80 is a good mix where you don’t get that really bad like Distortion like there’s a lot of

Distortion here right so it’s kind of it makes things you know harder to see I I wouldn’t mind playing at that fov I just think that it’s good to keep the visibility high and it’s good to make it so that yeah you just don’t have any issues uh

With that so I’m going to not grab any of these things here they’re not that important um yeah I guess we’ll just keep going I’m glad I just have food I have one mushroom soup should definitely be enough to get back and there’s some Enderman there and I’m very tempted to kill them

I mean at this rate we don’t really have to lose actually I have a lot to lose so maybe I won’t like what do I have to lose well I have a wither skeleton skull I have Diamond art four diamond armor I have Diamond horse armor three diamonds

Another word please rounds I have a lot to lose I think I’m gonna probably not do that but I will to build Inventory management here so if I made the pathway there and I that was my entrance it must it must be this way that’s the way I went already

So it’d be stupid to do it twice get this there we go there’s another one too bad I would say too bad piglands don’t drop food and then I realized it’s a very good thing big ones don’t drop food because that would be uh yeah not the best we’ll just leave it at

That um okay so I’ll turn the line higher up like someone had said like this corner that could be good remember when I ran into the Fortress was like I just ran into it like it wasn’t like you know I’d seen it like I

Was not at a right angle so I think it’s just up here if I just throw the bowl actually I can just pick up that bowl there at least the Crimson flanks are going to look too bad I something I’ve seen a lot on a lot of servers is people sort of

Use blocks to like walk around like this or whatever which is fine but also they can get to a certain level where people are doing it so much that um sorry the entire thing looks looks ruins so I just thought of something I I did take a

Screenshot of the coordinates of my base so all I actually have to do is hide myself I don’t have to hide myself really but I will do it and then just look at that screenshot and then just divide it by eight and that should be my coordinate so that’s

Actually a great tip right there is if um if you are ever like lost and you don’t know where your um you’re like your portal is um if you have those screenshots you know you can just divide that by and you can know exactly so let’s take a look my base is at

520 and then 800 so that means we want to be at a boat seven six I’m just gonna like quick math but like uh 100 Z and about 60 or 70 x let’s just say 65x 100 Z and that should get us close enough so 65x 100z how close are we oh

That’s that’s the wrong button okay we’re not close to that at all um let’s see 100 Z that means this direction so that means we want to go ah excuse me for my F3 screen here I’m going to go this way which makes sense yeah I want to go

Distraction okay we’ll go that direction well no wonder I’m going the wrong area then I’m on the wrong side that must be it actually because I was thinking oh I followed the um I followed the edge but I actually don’t think I did follow the edge I kind of

Went around a lot more so we’ll go over here and actually try and try and find it so yeah we’re actually getting pretty close already it’s actually not that that difficult um it’s too bad because there’s like this kind of reduced F3 menu thing um and it’s it’s useful the thing that’s

Too bad about it is that when it reduces it it reduces off the coordinates so it’s like well that’s not useful at all right so you know obviously the nice thing about the redo step three is you don’t have to deal with all the kind of useless information like you

Know Enderman can pick up gross blocks or that was a failure but you know things like that where it’s like well that’s not useful at all um am I actually gonna die from that oh that’d be ridiculous that was close though um but anyway there’s these things that

You know like Enderman can pick up grass blocks or like whatever you know those kind of tags and stuff which is fine but they’re not really useful be cool if they had like uh coordinates only F3 menu or something there’s a skeleton I’m not gonna die from a skeleton after I survived from

That and if I’m not gonna die from it I have to okay no there’s no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not happening not happening not happening I’m not gonna let that happen half a heart next to the portal

I’m not gonna let this stupid skeleton take me out I’m gonna be as careful as possible you’re not taking me out not today skeleton not today okay there we go there we go it’s like the third insane glow skull who are half a Hearts returns to the portal 22

Because I brought 20 bread but I didn’t realize you’d be running into a fortress and that’s the hard thing about the nether is half of it’s like well I don’t want to bring anything you know too good or I’ll lose it there’s also the point where if you

Don’t bring good supplies like I didn’t bring any wood I didn’t bring any um I brought some food but I didn’t bring a lot of food you know you’re not gonna have the uh the ability to super easily get those supplies back in the nether maybe I may

Delete something as you know literally anything would kill me right now um which is not good so let’s start by making let’s start well not making let’s start by putting down a double chest I’ll put all my other items in there for now and we will

Definitely make a base here in a minute I’m just going to put all this in here ‘s that amazing Wither Skeleton school and for anyone um who has not been here for the entire stream which I’m assuming is the vast majority of people um basically I have a set seed which is

This amazing mountains area I went to the center of these mountains and I went to an ancient city there’s an ancient city just down there I went caving I went strip mining then I just went to the Nether and I just came back right now and I’m putting those items away and

Getting all the necessarilies necessarily getting all the necessary supplies for food and um yeah so basically I’m gonna get some food so I don’t die because I’m on half heart and yeah literally anything would kill me right now which is not good let’s take a look at what we have and

What we could do now um we could make a uh enchanting table we don’t have any paper actually we don’t but we have books from the ancient city that’s actually funny it’s like you know books from the ancient city doesn’t really seem like a uh an amazing thing

But in a situation like this that’s really awesome and of course I could technically turn them into bookshelves as well which I I guess I will do someone says get an Electra and fly around the mountains please I mean I’ll try my best but you know I’m not gonna

Summon one in from cheats or anything and I have cheats off anyway on this world for um obvious reasons but yeah but yeah once we get that legitimately and get the good source of fireworks then these mountains will be very nice to look around so we could make a shovel and we could

Make or make a jukebox so that’s a waste not really a waste because we have a lot of music discs but kind of the waste and I just realized the music turned off there so there’s another song um you know when the music was off for but anyway

Here is our obsidian and we’re going to make a enchantment table which is of course made with or obsidian two diamonds and a book and we’re going to take that enchantment table and our current books and we’re going to craft the staircases so yeah it’s so amazing honestly that we

Survived from that nether trip that was incredibly High action and I’m really surprised at the end there I didn’t die from the skeletons I didn’t die from the Enderman it’s it’s that’s insane because like this could technically be a hardcore role in the sense that we we haven’t died so you

Know uh we would have survived to this point if not incredibly incredibly uh sort of uh rarely that we did but so I don’t actually know if I should make this because I don’t know if my piece is going to be here yet I guess I

Could put down the table as is and see what there is um I don’t usually tend to recommend enchanting until you have all the bookshelves but I could so yeah because my place is done I’m kind of dedicating to it I don’t know if I’d want to live down here and I could

But you can’t really see much you know so what I might do there’s nothing to enchant anyway so what I’ll probably do is I’ll uh put the enchanting supplies in here save for later eat some bread so we don’t die and basically we just have to do whatever is

Gonna get us to sort of get to the next stage of the game that kind of thing so that’s going to be important and um I hate this um We’re not gonna end the stream at all but I’m gonna have to take a quick break so I’m just gonna go

On the uh break page and yeah and I’ll be back in like four or five minutes been streaming for a very long time and so hopefully the yeah um hope the history doesn’t go insane while I’m gone and I’ll be right back in about five minutes foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign foreign foreign Foreign Foreign thank you all right I am back I’m just gonna switch back to the Minecraft which is a blank right now because we’re not on it but here we go so back from the uh break hopefully everyone is hydrated and ready to go back into playing Minecraft Survival on this amazing seed

And uh yeah so basically our goal is going to be to find a place to build a base I’ve decided because we have these things like let’s say you know the brewing supplies the enchanting area that they need a place to be put you know I guess we could make a little

Temporary Brewing area but at that point it’s seeming a bit silly so I think I think personally the best choice is going to be to get some supplies together and then to do a small exploration around this mountain area see actually number one how big is it

Because I don’t have a good idea of that but also to find out what the most ideal location for a base would be then we can grab our items and then we can go back there so I’m just going to grab some default supplies and

I just see we can get I guess water buckets good want as much food as possible I was saying earlier I didn’t want to use up all the uh hay bales but I’ve already made a lot of bread so there we have that and let’s take a look here um so

Is there anything what else I would need I guess it could be a little bit of uh plank some logs um that’s probably good I’m sure I’ll forget something like oh I forgot this uh but overall that’s that’s gonna be fine uh yeah I think so the ax is actually

Almost broken we may as well make a make a new ax as of course if we’re exploring for a bit we won’t be able to super super easily uh get another ax we’ll put that back there we’ll bring our diamond pickaxe because I’m not expecting to die though

The uh I’m not gonna be going on for too long I just bring my bed that would be smart I was about to leave without that but that’s uh definitely important to bring although of course now our spawn point is not set so if this is South I this is North I

Think South is the way I haven’t gone because if I remember correctly from when I first responded to the world the spawn point um this is south of that so if this is south of that if we go north we’ll be going back to spawn which is only like

One mountain peak away and if I remember correctly which I don’t know a lot about the seed but if I remember correctly the uh the spawn point um yeah there’s not a lot of mountains actually near the spawn point they’re just kind of where we are so we’re going

To want to go south so we’re gonna do that and head up the mountain it’s funny because a lot of these mountains are very very Steep and yet there’s almost almost always a good way of just sort of jumping off them at the end of the day

Because just they’re not quite at the right amount of steepness like let’s say certain things in the nether would be we just cannot get up them no matter what you try a lot of things here I’m kind of at a level where it’s it’s not too difficult and there’s some powder snow

Funny because I feel like mojing was kind of trying to make the powder snow be something dangerous something you should be really worried about but at the end of the day I mean if I fall in powder snow like we’ll do that right here you know it’s like okay that was a

Dumb fall because I didn’t even get the the uh the MLG MLG effect of the um powder snow but like you know if I go in the powder snow it’s like oh no help I’m freezing oh no I’m not freezing anymore you know so it’s like even if you fall into a lot

Of it it’s um it’s sort of nerve-wracking a bit but as long as you have like a shovel even if you don’t have a shovel it’s uh pretty simple to get out of it so cool thing to have but I don’t know I’m not sure if I’d want it to be more dangerous

Um although it is it is quite interesting part of the game see here someone says I hope you build a base on the side of the mountain well I am thinking about building a base um on the mountains I don’t think I’ll build it in the valley between them just

Because although it would actually be a lot more convenient to build um in the valley thing about that is that then I’m always gonna have to be going up these mountains you know like I know I’m not to be going up them anyway to like go back down the other side but

I think that especially once I have a lighter which at this point might not even be that far away as basically all I’d have to do is just you know go to the uh go to the um end or Nether Again go to that warped forest and kill some

Enderman get a couple more Blaze that’s not gonna be that hard um once I have those are lighter one side like a small creeper firm or a witch Farm depending on how close the the swamp is there um navigating around these mountains will not be difficult at all so

We are it’s so funny how there’s like this sort of artificial cut off we’re like they’re like oh no this is at um this is at 255 we’ll just stop it and it’s interesting how you can see that with the the mountains there it’s like if it was at that same level of

Steepness it’d be going like all the way up I could be going like so high like a two or three thousand blocks or something right just because it’s just barely reducing the size of the mountain and there’s the um there’s the jungle part I was talking about earlier that I remember seeing

Um so yeah this is this is the sort of like a midpoint because over here we have the jagged Peaks and over here is sort of the um Stony Peaks and this is the frozen peak so it’s really are all those three options there’s a Grove

There and this is still South so I guess we’ll just keep going that way take a look around and of course if we find like some kind of insane insane insane generation that would just be 100 we need to build something there that we can always do that I think at very least

Knowing what’s around us is good before we build a base anywhere because you know we might find a place that that makes our base location not be very good and building a base is such a permanent thing really if it’s a high quality long-term base I wouldn’t want to try

Moving that again especially not at this stage in the game also the notification did not appear but um someone did leave a Super Chat and I think it was like uh yeah it was a little while ago but thank you to anyone else who left super chats if I I did

Forget you I’m sorry about that I think I’ve got most of them though here we are that weird cut off thing again it’s like you can really see it I it only really happens when you have this highest of highest um low erosion I guess highest defies the lowest of lowest erosion so

Lowest erosion to the highest mountains and you have this uh just amazing turn here he takes it goes It goes back to Jagged and then I remember correctly it just basically just keeps going with mountains and mountains and mountains and interesting different biomes between them for like I

Think up to 2 000 blocks out I think so we’re only about halfway there I don’t think it’ll go the entire way just because it’ll take us way too long to get back but amazing amazing terrain here like this is this is a rare seed

And as I said earlier I will not be releasing the seed yet however if you do want Minecraft seeds that are basically this good just amazing mountain ranges interesting features I do have a video on that that um yeah it has 1.19 seeds um includes things like mangrove swamps

As well not just 1.18 mountains I also actually have a playlist that’s of 1.18 seeds and a video about like the best 1.18 seed I think I’d ever found and so if any of those are interesting to you you can just look up icraftmc 1.18 or 1.19 seed and those should show up

Yeah it’s so interesting that this massive Ravine here and we have this this uh Dark Forest on the sides so it’s like all red mushrooms here no brown ones and all the brown ones are there it’s um it’s like maybe the way it generates I’m not sure so I think I’ll

Go up to this mountain take a little look around here and go around this way and that should be enough exploration I’m thinking at this point I might want to be on this mountain although it doesn’t look the nicest the thing about it is that it’s kind of in the middle of

All the other mountains so it gives us like a good way of accessing all that um I don’t actually know exactly but just assuming on the way that deep dark and ancient city generates there is very likely many many many ancient cities underneath all these mountains I mean

There could be 10 to 20 to 30 ancient cities underneath here I know there are obviously are ancient cities we already found one but um basically any ancient city any mountain are on there’s gonna be an ancient city underneath which is pretty cool well of course it does make a

Mountaineering or not mountaineering but mining a little bit more difficult and look at this we have some more wolves it’s kind of rare to see them in this biome actually so that’s interesting I can tell we’re a new chunks because my frames are dropping somewhat but

Not too bad and uh again we have the perfect music here it’s a 1.18 1.18 Mountain song so we’ll go up here and uh something I find is too bad is that there’s no blue ice on the um on the Frozen Peaks I mean I understand it

But I think that it would be kind of a cool feature if there was like a very rare thing where at the very very top of the Frozen Peaks there’d just be a massive massive cluster of blue ice a sort of like well if you got to the top of the mountain

You reached the treasure for that so that’d be pretty cool look at this is amazing so you can see that more of the mountain range here this is just such an amazing place um there’s a massive cave there is this Valley full of jungle and and um bamboo jungle and I mean

Something I’ve always look for in a Minecraft seed and so the reason why I picked the seed actually I’m to seed I found a while ago is is I look for a train that I don’t have to try and use my imagination to build something here I can just look at

It I can see instantly you know just the insane things that could be done here it’s not that I necessarily have a perfect idea but the fact that it’s such an inspiring landscape so I will just get to the very edge of this bit of Stony Peaks here and then I’ll

Turn around and we’ll take a little bit more look on the other side there I guess there is technically a small chance for a for a uh Woodland mansion um in that in that uh Dark Forest although I kind of doubt it but we can take a look and

I see something interesting up there let’s see what that is let’s see here go through the mountain Stony Peaks is actually one of my favorite um new Mountain biomes not because of how it looks but just because of how easy it is to get the uh emerald stone and iron

Hey look at that it’s like the um we found one of these earlier actually near the beginning of the stream it was um just like this but it was with the with the drip Stone caves here we have it with the Lush caves that is so interesting we have the the above ground

Lash cave I really really like that in fact speaking of kind of Kate surface caves if I that’s not the right thing if I zoom in here you can kind of see there I don’t know if I’m seeing it correctly but I’m pretty sure there’s some drip Stone over there and um

Yeah that’s kind of interesting look there’s some more uh some more Lush cave here that’s so cool that like this kind of surface terrain um uh what’s the word cave terrain on the over on the on the Overworld messing up my Overworld because the caves aren’t really the underworld but look at that

Mountain peak that’s amazing it’s like let’s zoom in again that’s like so um such a sharp mountain peak and speaking of zooming in something I just realized that would be perfect in biomes like this is the fact that we got some amethyst shards from the ancient city and and

Um copper is not rare at all and so when we get back to our base if we just try and mine a little bit of copper we could have an amazing spy glass to look around here that looks like the ocean down there I don’t know if it is I’m not

Gonna go down there too much but yeah looks like there’s some more of the um exposed Lush cave here this is just such a unique area it’s interesting because I feel like um 1.18 not only changed the generation it also changed sort of the the diversity of what could generate

Like you know obviously this is a new biome but you know let’s say there was as an example a hundred different main types of you know kind of visual looks a world could have like you know either it’s a flat or it’s kind of curved or like whatever

Um I feel like you know 1.18 kind of changed it too you could have one of those kind of Base standard looks that still looks like 1.17 I mean I found seeds that everything Your Spawn looks exactly like 1.17 or before right but also you can get things like this where

You know maybe instead of 100 different variants of terrain you could get maybe there’s like a thousand or a million right and so you can find just crazy crazy generation that um wasn’t just you know let’s say rare in 1.17 but was completely impossible regardless of the biome that you had so

That’s pretty cool and something kind of funny is I don’t actually think that um powder snow generates in the Frozen uh Peaks it generates in the snowy slopes but I don’t think it generates in the Frozen Peaks I think that’s because of how cold it is I think the idea would

Be you know if something gets really cold it’s not going to really be powder snow it’s going to be like kind of condensed but I’m not sure if that’s true I just I don’t think I’ve ever found powder snow in the in the Frozen Peaks so our house is past that mountain well

Not our house better pile of things the whole point of this journey is to find a place to put our house and I really am loving that jungle area I really feel like maybe maybe kind of being near the border of that would be good but just to

Make sure we explore the entire area fairly we’re going to go around here and go back this way and then we should be back to our pile and I think that um I think I have a pretty good idea of where we should be I mean part of me

Wants to kind of go where we just were with all those um Jungle generation but I think kind of being in the middle of everything is good and of course once we have a lighter then we can then we can travel a lot more we don’t have to worry too much about

You know how do I get from here to here I mean do I have to you know walk for 50 minutes or whatever it’ll just be all I can just fly for 10 or 20 seconds so again I can definitely tell we’re going to new terrain here because the

Frameworks are going and as I was saying earlier here we go powder snow very dangerous but at the end of the day it’s not actually dangerous at all as long as you have a shovel on you so a little bit annoying though I don’t really like kind of ruining the terrain

Or whatever but it is what it is um just break that and wrote and well not quite out a little bit more there we go oh okay actually if we have a empty bucket I would pick up that this looks really similar to where we were

Just as sort of wider there’s a surface creeper how interesting let’s see if we can get it gunpowder would be really useful later on once we get elytra especially if we’re raiding the end I highly doubt that’d be happening on this stream but you know um in the future see if we can

Sure I actually have an entire video if anyone’s interested on how to kill creepers and how to not get killed by the creepers um it didn’t do that well but I think it’s one of my best videos in terms of how you really get down to

The sort of not really the facts of the game but just how you play the game you know how you you know avoid different things and movements and stuff so if anyone’s interested in that you can always look up icraftmc um creeper I think could probably show up if you searched up that

And that’s definitely a really good video that is great if anyone’s struggling with fighting from creepers remember seeing on the Minecraft reddit a while ago a post it was talking about these people that had played I don’t remember how many games it was but a lot of games

Have hardcore all with their friends and the thing they died from the most I think actually the majority of the time like 55 of the time was creepers and so I feel like you know with that in mind creepers are very likely the most dangerous part of the game in terms of

What’s actually going to kill you and so it’s cool to to sort of um yeah find out ways that you cannot get killed by them and that’s a technique I actually didn’t show in that video but I should have oh there’s a lot of good techniques in there is that

Um if you have a block between you and the creeper then the blast explosion damage basically doesn’t hit you at all so there’s a lot of good ways of blocking from that creeper but of course if it has the element of surprise then it can definitely still be very deadly

Let’s go up this mountain this should be very close and it’s insane I think like there’s more Mountains there it’s like this like the infinite mountains it’s it’s not I remember seeing um roughly on the seed that there was like this big group of mountains it wasn’t an infinite

Um amount but it’s so much it’s like I think a two or three thousand by two or three thousand block kind of circle like everything in there is mountains and of course here I am powders will not dying but getting stuck in powder snow again and uh yeah we’ll go this way

Um I definitely could see leather boots as being useful in this scenario but we don’t have any so I’m not gonna bother making some I guess if I did have a bunch of leather I wasn’t using I could make some of those uh doing some pickling trading we could probably get

Some easy leather just crazy like we’ve only been exploring for a little bit hearing it there’s already so many things that um we’ve seen them even just this view right here like we’re seeing Frozen Peaks we’re seeing Jagged Peaks we’re seeing Stony Peaks we’re seeing jungle um Birch Forest I think there’s some

Normal Forest over there there’s uh Dark Forest there’s um just so much stuff there’s actually another Lava Lake there if I ever need to get one and early in the Stream I was uh failing to find a lava lake for like 20 minutes but I did

Find one in fact yeah here’s the thing I was referencing too um earlier I found some surface Lush caves and then here’s the surface drip Stone caves I found very early on as well I would be collecting all the iron and the uh the coal like us but I don’t

Really think I needed the stage and of course if I’m living in the mountain we’ll just be like right next to where I am so not really a uh a big issue or whatever but yeah I’m over here though and let us do that you see here I’m trying to think of like

What kind of house would be best I guess the type of house that I kind of have the materials for already of course I need to you know chop down some trees and stuff already but I think that um sort of making sure I’m not you know

Like let’s make a house out of I don’t know like um uh Acacia would or something where it’s like there is a savannah kind of nearby but it’s not nearby enough that it would be super easy so I don’t know and of course I think a good idea too would be

To make a house I can build more onto I mean a video I might want to make eventually is how to build a starter base and I guess I might get into some of the things that could technically be in that video right now and one of the

Big things is you want it to be expandable right because if you make like a very small little base as a starter base we have a lot of stuff in it um it’s kind of annoying to have to get all the stuff out of there then put it

Into a larger base but if it’s something that you can sort of just build more onto like a design that kind of would look good with that then that can always be a uh a good thing to try so we need to go north now I think

And I 99 sure that mountain right there is the one that our um that our home is in or kind of on the side of it but there’s so many mountains here is insane light would be so amazing with this and definitely when we get it that’ll be the

First thing we try once we have enough fireworks someone says what GUI scale do you play on I I play on GUI or um fov fov’s 80. the GUI is just I mean GUI is different depending on what um screen you have so like I have a 4K

Screen the stream should be in 2K but my videos are in 4k and so because of that um if I go to like a small scale they’ll try and give me some kind of really ridiculous scaling where it’s like you can’t see anything this is an interesting area here actually just looking

See other than the jungle you do have everything the edge of the mountains is there it looks like so I don’t think there’s planes bombing between them so this would almost look like a good place to have the base but I feel like this mountain here does kind of provide that

Um you know really in the middle of everything but down here could be an area to build something eventually because it is wide enough that’s sort of surrounded by the mountains but it’s not just a little Ravine and there’s a dog up here

I wish I had a um some bones but I don’t unimportant MLG please put that down and struggling to waste all this and ruin all the snow down there but whatever it’s fine it’s fine I’ll make it easier to go back down here we’ll have to do a bunch of

Individual MLG jumps we’ll just go all the way down here looks like there’s another forest fire too I guess we could try and save the forest fires I always find forest fire is so interesting in Minecraft because I think I might even mention this earlier in the Stream but

They’re one of the only things in the in this in the Minecraft world that it’s a disaster that starts naturally and you have to fix it you know and so like if let’s say this scenario right here fire spread is pretty limited so it’s not actually going to break down you know

The entire forest or anything but it is bad enough that if we let it go it’d probably destroy some of the trees right enough of the trees it’s not very good and so in the scenario right here we’re instantly faced with this dilemma okay

The force is on fire what do we do to save it you know and then we can decide not to save it and have a lot of the forest burn or we can decide to save it and it’s like the sort of time sensitive like here you are in the scenario and

Maybe a little bit like a like a Pillager raid but of course those are like more intentionally caused so a little bit different and of course all this is because of a singular walk of lava or yeah someone says there’s got to be at least four ancient cities here as far as I

Know it’s just really the ancient cities generate um there’s probably 10 to 20 to 30 anywhere in there I don’t actually know exactly um but it’s a very large number because I mean in these kinds of biomes with these kinds of massive you know elevations I mean more or less the

Higher the mountain the more ancient cities more or less not always but usually um it could be a scenario where there’s actually multiple ancient cities connected to each other and we’re just seeing you know just a like a massive ancient city where there’s like three or

Four connected I’ve seen that on a seed before actually it’s I think it was three ancient cities it might have been four where they’re all kind of connected at the edge so you could actually see four of the uh Central sort of spots there it’s hard to do this now at the

Leave water logging I have to go like that but yeah and I’ll definitely uh do some more ancient city rating too and now that I do have the brewing supplies um what we could do is we could make some night vision potions which would make the ancient city rating uh much

Better and much nicer also for the the viewing experience this is a cool place here um but yeah that’s just the golden apples I guess we do need the firm or fermented would be to make it invisible so we do need the golden carrots um but we could do that pretty easy we

Just have to go back to that Village at spa and get some carrots maybe we’ll do that at some point you can see the uh very interesting now this is I believe this is the mountain that our kind of pile of stuff is on the side of

So once we go there then we can kind of start to take it to the Frozen Mountain that’s really near to it like it fits pretty close so it shouldn’t be that difficult actually someone said 596 watching yeah it’s amazing how many people are still watching a lot of the stream

Um of course you know a lot of people left when I did the break but that says to be expected and uh yeah I’m really glad you people are still enjoying this Survival series and of course to anyone who can only pop in for a minute or I’m sure that’s most people

Um this entire stream will be up on a replay exactly as you’re seeing it now I’ll hopefully maybe a little bit uh you know more uh well encoded so it probably is a bit easier to watch um depending on your uh internet speed and all that but yeah it should be um

Should be very easily watchable by anyone and I’ll have that up as soon as the stream is done and you can watch through the entire I don’t know how many hours it’s been I guess ah we’re getting on about what four hours something like that so that’s pretty cool and we’ll see

How long we go for but you’ll have a lot of that to enjoy this um survival world so far and hopefully we can continue on this world because it seems to be a lot of a lot of Promise a lot of things we can do I mean literally

Every single view here is amazing it’s like it’s like oh that looks cool but then it’s like no that looks cool and that’s even better and then yeah but I definitely think this Frozen Mountain’s gonna be where I live and you can even see that that cave area there

Maybe I could live there and I think right on top of that mountain there actually I believe that’s where you can see the jungle from I just want to make sure I have all three Mountain biomes within render distance so they can have that you know most amount of things to do

Someone says uh someone says I never like those dark oak forests they’re dark and kind of scary for little FPS Gamers yeah dark dark Forest is interesting um it’s definitely sort of a not an overlooked biome but it’s a biome that has a lot of um uniqueness to it because there is

That part of it where you have those you know mobs that generate in there spawn in there um all the time but of course there’s also the thing as well where uh you know once it’s spawn proofed it’s kind of a mystical place this is actually very

Uncommon to have this sort of Frozen little area here I have not seen one of these I don’t think ever well maybe a couple times but very rare to have this sort of very small little frozen frozen lake here because the exact frozen lake generation is actually removed a while

Ago so this would be technically I think a very small aquifer cave I think so it’s kind of interesting to see that lots of warning someone says what render distance I’m on 32 chunk which is the maximum for unmodded Java I know in Bedrock I was playing Bedrock

On a video a little while ago and uh with bedrock there is the um here’s like the 96 or maybe 92 chunk render I know it’s like an experimental setting or whatever but it’s so crazy very very crazy stuff so I think I just have to get to the edge of this big

Mountain and then that should be more or less where my stuff is and then I can go on top of that sort of cave-like Frozen uh area and kind of start planning out the base and things so I think I would actually want to go this way because

That seems to go back to spawn someone says can I go make another portal um I actually did make another portal um and I did go to another and I did get a bunch of cool stuff that is back at the place where I’m going right now and

So yeah if um I may go into the nether again I’m not sure if it’ll be on this stream because I just went there for like an hour or something uh yeah there’s a lot of interesting stuff I was able to get there I I was about one half heart away from dying

Three times so it’s very exciting if you want to check that out after the stream is done and yes so are getting there we’re getting close for sure um this is a massive Mountain it’s funny because they sort of have like this Edge to them it’s like this sort of it’s like

A circle and then the center is like the filling that’s kind of filled in or whatever with either like a meadow biome or this one’s like just pure Jagged Peaks which is very interesting so in fact yes I remember seeing this earlier so I’m definitely there I remember

Um there’s the meadow in fact I was just mentioning that is you know that Meadow generate um so there’s there’s a jungle it’s funny enough I just realized this um remember I was saying earlier I wanted to live at the Frozen Peaks that had the that had the um cave entrance

There that’s right there it’s actually very close to my base I did not realize that at all which is interesting so that is um super interesting and uh to get rid of a shield if I want to do an MLG jump but yeah it’s kind of interesting there

Um so it can actually really really easily go back not go back but we can easily go to the um area where I want to build the base and that’s so annoying how the um the water is ruining the mountain oh well oh well there’s no Powder snow

There anymore which is that kind of a good thing so let’s see some says how do you find the end portal um it’s pretty easy you just need to get a whole bunch of eyes a vendor which are made from blaze rods blaze of course generate and the

Nether fortress and you also need um ender pearls which are dropped by Enderman and if you want to actually know how to do both those things you could either watch my video about reading the nether or you could even just watch Back In The Stream here where I did both those

Things fairly successfully here so you could see that and then once you have that then you throw them and you just kind of follow where they go and eventually they’ll kind of Point downwards and then you mine down there and you will find that there are some very Advanced methods of using like

All these crazy mathematical formulas to find where the or the nether fortress or the end portal is from not a lot of pearl use but at the end of the day um you don’t really have to do that to successfully find it see here I need to find hmm

I feel like I’ve kind of gone past where I wanted to go because I’m I’m 99 sure remember there’s that there’s that big cut in the um in the mountain I remember noticing that like a lot of times yeah I feel like this is this is

Definitely near my base I think my base is actually back this way I think I must have passed it someone says make a house please yeah I’ll be making a house here very soon I just have to um we’re just going up there to find the location of it I’ve decided on the

Location and we will now just be grabbing our items and taking them over there and a couple Journeys which won’t take very long so it’s actually really close I just want to live just up there you can kind of see how that’ll look cool with the with the generation they’re sort of

Supporting what I’m doing visually so um so it might be this way I need to find this out it’s definitely in this Ravine I know that for a fact and so if we keep going here we should be able to fairly easily just run into where I was living and

Hopefully once I actually have that base I won’t be losing my base every half hour or whatever yeah this is that one entrance remember there’s the 2K this is the one that does not go into the ancient city and that means we’re right between where my base was and we just

Have to go just up the mountain to put my base there so it’s funny I traveled a couple thousand blocks away go all the way in the circle and end up finding from far away I wanted to live basically where I already am so that’s kind of cool um but I am

There’s that uh mouth uh kind of cave looking thing to go this way a little bit in fact yeah there’s that this cave is the ghost of the ancient city which is interesting yeah there there it is here’s my portal and here is the kind of Base

It’s gonna say bass but it’s not really a base and we can only a source of shelter from the rain is hiding underneath like a mushroom or something this mushroom even has kind of holes in the roof or whatever so let’s put away all the things we have on us

And then we can kind of organize we want to take first if we want to take everything and the vital supplies to bring things like saplings and stuff of course on top of the mountain unless I want to just cut down a lot of the

Forest it’ll be a lot easier just to um just to to bring the saplings with us and bone meal them because we also do have that full Sand Valley the portal is is going to be really near where other portal was when we move that another portal so ideally the spawn point should

Be in the exact same area which is good Foreign it’ll definitely pop up on my stream if you donate like a dollar it’ll pop up on the stream yes whatever you want I’m super chat wise but I don’t actually have direct donations set up yet but maybe I could do that if I was doing streams for a lot and

Someone asked do you edit your YouTube videos yourself I’ve never answered this question but I do the entire process myself so there’s there’s no stage of my process that um like I hire anyone for or something sometimes really like a friend of mine will help me like come up with some

Different things to put into a video if I don’t have enough stuff but at the end of the day 99 of what I do is uh is that no I do edit my own videos so generally because I may as well break this down it might be interesting for people but I

Don’t think it’s actually night time it’s just raining uh but anyway generally what I tend to do is uh I’ll kind of go by a week so on Monday I will research different video ideas on on Tuesday I will uh make an outline for the video kind of like what

I want to make the video off of and then I’ll make thumbnails and then on Wednesday I’ll usually record and then kind of do like the first edit and then I’ll like make b-roll on like Thursday and then on Friday I’ll do like that the final edit although usually the the schedule

Actually ends up being about a month another month yes it takes me a month no you should usually the schedule ends up being about a week and so only recently I’ve been able to get down to five days which is why I’m able to stream because

I wasn’t able to before as I was just doing YouTube stuff every day so yeah but I think um streaming is a really really great thing to do and I’m gonna 100 be streaming every single uh every single week now because I think it’s incredibly worthwhile so I think the

First things we’re gonna need are base materials and our building materials things like let’s say these music discs or something are not important from the get-go someone says wait your voice is way different than in your videos um I guess it depends on which one of my videos you’re watching I wouldn’t say

I’m speaking right now do differently from how I speak in my videos um I can I can try and sort of speak more like I speak within my videos but I think that generally right now I am speaking about the same as I do

Um but also I I do have a lot of different audio sounds throughout the eras of my videos like if you’re watching let’s say my old another right mining guide if you’re watching some of those um they’re gonna sound a lot different than let’s say some of the First videos

That I ever made so that’s probably why I sound a bit different let’s see someone says uh someone says how can you make a house that far away I couldn’t stand it the house is actually really going to be very very close it’s hard to show it

Um but it’s basically on the mountain we’re already on so just gonna be right up here it’s actually going to not be that difficult at all um just have to grab some basic building materials more or less to kind of make like a rough outline we can always

Change what we’re actually doing later I’ve been just a sort of Mark out like here’s generally where the bass is going to be so we will do that we don’t really need this diamond or Emerald right now but we will need um we’ll grab that that’s basically a full inventory so

We’ll head back up the mountain I’m going to try to make an actual pathway up and of course eventually we can do something with that I guess I guess I should probably put away some of these items uh not too many just a couple because then I can

They can have the ability to to break blocks and still pick them up because you know there’s certain things early game where it’s like well dirt is important or is not important you know it’s like well there isn’t necessarily important if you have a thought of it

That when you’re first starting out and you have nothing basically everything is important and so um I try and kind of save as many items as possible let’s go up here to the top and yeah it’s basically at the top of this hill it’s not quite you can just

See this insane Mountain it’s like it’s so big and almost like it’s hard to see the angle of it like if I was to kind of like the put the fov up so it’s kind of more dramatic it’s just like it’s such a um towering Mountain that it’s

It’s like it just you can look straight up and you can still see it or whatever so we’ll go up here and then hopefully let me go back down it’ll be a bit easier because we’ll kind of made a path not really not really making a path

But making enough of one that’s easier and we can see the green turn into uh more Scenic snow some says do I play a client or forage fabric I play the um the standard client but I do have Iris and sodium on although I have nothing against op

Define it just is what happened to have installed so there should be this bit of cave oh goodness here we go in the outer snow again but there should be a bit of a cave here I say as I jump right back into the powder snow oh my goodness

Um but yeah there should be a cave here and that’s where I plan to make the base as you saw I was very very close to where I am already so I’m just gonna that’s a weird way to go um yeah I’m just gonna basically find my way back so

I think it’s over here because I see that bit of stone there and in that case it means yeah it’s very very easy to get back up here and eventually maybe I can make a mine cart that goes down maybe a minecart that goes across um hmm

Yeah it’s funny because it’s kind of hard to like without like let’s say you know creative mode I mean obviously I don’t play survival mode with creative um but with things like that you know it’d be so easy just to fly up and be like oh that’s where the cave is but you

Know something as simple as thinking like where was that cave again on the side of the mountain it’s interesting how that becomes a challenge or at least somewhat of a difficulty and here you can see it there’s the place I want to go so right on top of there yeah but it

Is still very close to my base I just have to kind of go the right direction so it’s going to go right up here and this is I guess this is drip Stone cave so it’s technically like an exterior cave biome which is always interesting Someone says can I ask you a question yeah ask any questions you want in the channel try and respond to any IC um but of course I wouldn’t be able to respond to every question as there are a bunch of people viewing let’s see here somebody says

Do you actually get loot while fishing or is it a myth hey totally get loot when you’re fishing I have actually a video on fishing there’s a video on most things that uh pulley talks about what you get with that you can get enchanted books you can get

Um name tags you can get saddles you can get all kinds of amazing stuff like that um this is the perfect place to live really because look we have the jungle down there it’s nice and flat like I was saying earlier I really wanted a sort of um

I I wanted to have that jungle nearby so we have that and we have another Dragon Peaks it’s the perfect place to build our base once I actually get up this mountain um so I guess right around here it’s also fairly flat like just get rid of that and it’s like perfect

Because right beneath us should be that cave yeah it basically is yeah so if we can put a versatile bit up here I know for making a castle or just a house or sort of an interesting Alpine thing we’ll have to think about that but uh for starters we definitely have to

Put down our chests and things so there’s there’s what actually just kind of dips off right into the cave um this is a very beautiful area up here it’s just amazing the seeds like every time I look at it just it’s like wow this is amazing but yeah it’s really cool Someone says is that an amplified world no that’s the Creasy thing it’s not Amplified at all it just if you happen to find an area that it was on the very highest amount of of low erosion possible or the very lowest amount of low erosion possible then you can get

Insane generation like this where um even though the world height is now uh 300 and well it’s over 300 I I can I know this number this is so stupid so it’s a 300 and I can’t remember this I don’t know I’m tired either way it’s like 316 or

Something like this and uh anyway the top of the mountains can only go to 255 or 256. because that was the old world height and even when they had the update they didn’t want them to able to go literally to the top of the world because I think the idea is when

Someone’s doing let’s say what I’m doing right here which is wanting to build on top of the mountains then you um then you can actually do that without it being like well a bunch of the mountains are going so high up that it’s literally impossible to get to the top of them and

Even if you do it’s like well you know two blocks of space to build with until it’s the the limit so yeah but yeah they’re definitely like the tallest possible mountains you can see that you can kind of see that very visual cut off that’s sort of fake

Looking like not fake looking but very you can tell it’s not necessarily how it would naturally go something more like that someone says what’s my favorite Minecraft update I’ve said this before but it is the update aquatic although I really do love a lot of the new updates

That have been added and really almost every Minecraft update is added a lot of good stuff to it and um yeah probably update aquatic so that’s the first group of items just for the sake of uh not getting lost again I will mark down the coordinates of this like that I

Don’t think we’ll get lost get rid of everything in my inventory I don’t need so basically just food and a couple tools I don’t really need the timing pickaxe I guess I’ll put the iron one away because I’m not really gonna die we have a word playing which is one of

My favorite uh I don’t know if it’s my favorite music disc but it’s a music disc I like a lot so it’s it’s nice to have that and yeah basically where we are for anyone wondering is the items we’re trying to get up here are just

Down here so here’s where we are I’m just gonna go as straight as a line as possible so basically like just straight down here and we’re to where items are and so it’s a fairly easy path all the way up and we shouldn’t have to take too

Many uh too many Journeys to get from the bottom to the top there someone says why not find a horse to travel faster horses would not be a very good idea with the uh the powder snow and with the um just how steep this is

But in terms of generally I just uh I didn’t have a saddle until a while I think I do have a saddle because I was rating the um the ancient city but I do not have there’s no horses that spawn in these kinds of biomes so yeah eventually I’m

Sure I’ll find horses and once I have some actual you know easy ways of getting up and down here so I think it’s actually over here a little bit but it’s more or less right down here and yeah because it’s not in the Birch Forest it’s in the um

It’s in the dark Forest there it is there’s a poorly yeah so it’s basically just a straight shot up it’s actually really awesome that it’s that close it’s too bad I didn’t just put my base there in the first place but I had uh I had no

Idea it was around so we’re back up here we may not bring all the items up immediately because of course A lot of these it’s like you know it’s so important that we have you know five gold nuggets with us you know of course it’s not so

Um we’ll see we can do here let’s see here we will grab any other building type blocks as anything of kind of value any kind of larger stocks and stuff anything we could use basically and I’ll get some saplings too some says what’s the donation song well the subscription song which is the

One you’re probably hearing a lot of is the subscription song is the um is this this remix someone did in one of my videos and it’s um it’s like about the deep dark and the ancient city is the remix it’s like a video I made about that they remixed that I think it’s

Called a heartbeat sound if you look up mine icraftmc remix or icraft Embassy heartbeat sound you’ll find it um the donation song is a silly little thing I threw together a while ago when I was bored um originally came from my Enchantment guide or not Enchantment guide my best

Items on every or best enchantments on every item guide and uh yeah that’s just like a silly little thing and it’s on my second Channel if you want to see that um just ibertham is my second Channel you can see it by going to the channels page and

Speaking of because I want to keep doing this as much as I can to just really make the most out of all these viewers that keep coming in and out so I’m just gonna throw on the social screen and what you see right there if you want to follow me on

Twitter which I would love because I have very very few Twitter followers um very very few compared to how many subscribers on YouTube I have and I do tweet here and there that is at icraft underscoremc there is an amazing Discord server we have which includes a

Minecraft server which you can play on basically as soon as the stream ends once I whitelist everyone or uh someone else’s waitlists everyone and that is Link in description and if the mods could link that in the chat as well there’s also my adcraft MC twitch I’ve

Never live streamed on there just to be um fully honest however I do plan in the future to potentially do so I just need to have enough people on there that it’s actually worthwhile and I’m not just streaming to two or three people and then finally there’s a Reddit if you

Want to join that it’s not very active but I’d love to see it become more active and that is our slash icraftmc and there’s a second Channel mine I just referencing and that is ibertham it’s linked under the channels page so we’ll go back to Minecraft

And basically all I have to do is get the rest of these items I’m going to bring up I’m just going to have to sort these a little bit I know this is not the most exciting part of the part of the game but Inventory management is definitely important I will bring those

Leads I can craft down the iron nuggets and things more so they’re more so condensed uh I’ll bring these leggings actually I’ll probably put them on because I just had the I changed the leggings quite a while ago actually because I’d gone to the nether then

But we will uh we’ll do this and just update everyone who is uh somewhat new to this stream basically we started this world set seed not giving up the seed yet I went to this mountain area we explored around we went to the nether after we went to the Nether

Um we came back here looked around for a place to build a base we found it I’m now just grabbing the items and it’s just up here so like I’m not in the mushroom but just over here and uh yeah and then we can build our base there so I think

So I’ll have that song We’ll go to I’ll put that there this is our next journey and we’ll just keep going up and I guess if I craft these into on ingots it’ll save room so we’ll do that and then we’ll grab the disc fragments

And let’s go up here back up here so it’s really quick um just over here and I should definitely have made sort of more of a better staircase but it is it’s pretty easy to get up here and there’s so much amazing terrain on the seat it’s definitely a very exciting

There’s also a lot of ancient cities um probably one of the best seeds that I’ve ever played on um but I also have a lot of other good seeds I’ve showcased before so we’re going to go up here as I said again I forgot to leave a space for some of the

Dirt I’m breaking so I’m just gonna throw those gunpowder in there we can go back up foreign make a chess boat to transport your items easier um well I definitely would if I was transporting my items um over water but because I’m getting my items from down here to up here at chess

But wouldn’t help me at all so that is why I’ve not made a chess boat but they’re definitely interesting item and I’d love to actually hear so it’s great to ask these questions and there’s all these people here watching may not uh you don’t have to answer them but

It’d be interesting to hear everyone’s opinion what do you think of chest boats I feel like there are kind of an underrated feature of 1.19 one that I’ll even sometimes not forget about but just not have it on top of my mind and yeah what do you guys think of them

Do you use them all the time do you not do you think that um it’s interesting that they added that after they promised too many many years ago it was part of the um the old swamp update uh the uh not the update but the um biome vote for

The swamp so it’d be interesting to hear what people think of the chess boats so I said pretty good they love them they’ll be pretty cool I think they’re good I’m not sure exactly how useful they are like super long term um but in terms of the early game if

You’re on an area where boats are useful they’re really awesome and um I have a video I think it’s my one point uh 1.19 yeah 1.18 Redstone I have a small section where I talk about chest boats and I don’t think I remember I don’t think I had enough time to show

The examples that I was referencing in there but there’s a lot of interesting things you can do with chest boats like for example you can um you can make like sort of like an automatic uh item transportation thing you can use it to save on Hoppers I

Think you can replace like about 50 of your Hoppers with just boats and that’d go just around to me how rude but anyway um yeah so it’s kind of a cool item there I just put my food away yes now all I have to do to get a goat horn

Actually is just make it Ram me and then have it go in a different block instead you should try setting something like that up later it would be funny all right so I’m gonna go back down here I broke that piece of ice for a reason actually you might be wondering why I

Did and it was for a reason so I’m gonna go back down this horrible waterfall that I’ve created because um basically at the very bottom of it is our area and this will make it a lot easier to go back up and down and save a

Lot of time so I’m gonna go all the way down here and this should be running right into my current chest and it is so look at that it’s insane how one block of water flooded this entire area this is completely dry when I went back up there

But now all flooded and in fact my entire kind of Base I had before is completely flooded so that’s very interesting at least have this little bit of dry land here and someone said man turn off the creepy music I don’t know this is this I don’t

Think of this song as uh creepy it’s the Minecraft music um if you don’t like the Minecraft music then uh I don’t know I I personally like the Minecraft music um I I don’t know why you wouldn’t like the Minecraft music but um yeah anyway let’s see here

Go right here all right so I’m just gonna start taking items randomly I’m gonna stop trying to do this specifically because now that I have this water here it’s actually gonna make it super easy I can just uh swim up the mountain which is kind of a very very

Realistic thing to do is to swim up the mountain um and I’ll probably get rid of this water later but for now it definitely has a cool effect to it and something I should do later once I have like a sugar cane Farm uh more materials is to have a

Big map so I can see this entire area all these mountains of course the map’s not really going to give it justice as of course you know you won’t really be able to see the um the height of it all those differences but I think that at the end of the day a

Map is going to be a really really useful thing to kind of see just how much of an area we have and eventually when I see a new Mountain instead of thinking it looks like all the others because it does I can know approximately where that mountain actually is and what

It has on it Let’s see someone says how can we join your server that is super easy all you have to do is join the Discord server then once you’ve done that you want to go to the hashtag rules page react to the rules with a puffer fish there is a

Little prompt that says that you don’t you just have to randomly figure that out and then once you’ve done that that’ll be this sort of new part of the Discord that unlocks to has all these different channels for the the server for the SMP it’s for Java edition only

Unfortunately and also it doesn’t work for cracked unfortunately because um if it did work for cracked then it would basically make the server not be safe for everyone else just because you have to actually remove certain safety settings to make cracked work so definitely not a good idea to do that

And uh anyway and yeah and then once you’ve met you can put your uh in-game name for Java Edition and the hashtag IGN or not hashtag IGN the poster username I think it’s called now once you’ve done that then eventually you’ll be whitelisted and you can join the survival SMP foreign

So we have 15 snowballs here I’m just gonna keep doing this it was super super quick now I got that water down there it’s funny because kind of a random thing to break that bit of water but definitely was the the quickest way to get all these items back up there and uh

Last but not least we’ll get that um that nether uh nether portal so we’ll take a little bit of room here should be maybe two more Journeys shouldn’t be too much though and again very very quick up this water looks like we have certain people in the

Chat not behaving themselves which is uh not unexpected but uh thank you to everyone by the way for uh for uh joining the stream the stream is not over I’m not ending it but I’m just saying in general thank you for joining it I really appreciate that um yeah and I think that’s

Awesome that basically no one’s also been acting up but first there’s been a couple people but at the end of the day um it’s been awesome that the chat’s been doing really well he said someone says do you have any plans to start a hardcore series on the channel

Um maybe I mean I know that hardcore is more popular than a lot more popular but it’s more uh popular on YouTube than just survival um I don’t know it’s an interesting thought I I’ve definitely thought of it before because I know that hardcore is something that really is a great way of

Showing kind of Minecraft that it’s almost extreme or you have to be the most careful um so that’s definitely something I’ve considered I don’t know if you’d actually see that on my channel but um I would I would not be shocked if it was eventually on there at some point

Um because that could definitely be a cool cool series idea whether it’s like 100 days or it’s a you know some other way of presenting hardcore I’m not sure but yeah that’s definitely interesting a genre that I would not mind eventually making videos in at some point foreign do you like to stream

Well this is the second time I’ve ever streamed so you’re getting the uh unrefined stream I’m not sure I think it’s pretty good um but yeah um if you uh if you do like it then you know that um I don’t know hopefully Everyone likes it

In terms of me liking the stream I would say that I do generally like to stream did I block up the water like an idiot no did I maybe I did we’re on the wrong Edge oh I’m on the wrong Edge probably that’s weird anyway

Um yeah in terms of like in terms of liking the stream um I’ve really been enjoying this yes it’s really awesome I think it’s a great way of not only connecting with my audience um but also just having a live interactive way of of showing people the

Game and yeah I did block up that water that’s weird I remember doing that oh well so we’ll go back up here and uh go all the way down here to the base of the mountain and the items are there oh and maybe I didn’t I’m not sure I’ll find out if I

See the water draining here this is definitely a very complicated area free I bought to it I did not bring my water bucket with me that wasn’t the smartest at least I have my food so I won’t die of for all damage jumping down the mountain and breaking my leg five times See here someone says this generation is crazy this generation is very crazy I definitely agree with that yeah the water is draining I must have blocked it how weird I don’t remember doing that we’ll have to place a water bucket down when I get to the top again because that

Just saved so much time Someone says do do streams more often please well uh your wish is probably going to be granted because my goal we’ll see if this happens I’m not promising it my absolute goal is to um to stream once at least once a week um probably every Saturday around this

Time just because it works well with my schedule I know it doesn’t necessarily work the best with everyone probably I think technically Monday would work the best for everyone just based on my average view or whatever but uh yeah in terms of most things I think that

I think that I would I would probably live stream like this uh yeah but hopefully every week we’ll see maybe hopefully next Saturday we’ll have another stream um I don’t think I’m gonna bring these uh kind of random junk items with me just because then I can just take one

More one more Journey up and off to come back down for like you know the oh so important wooden pickaxe or whatever so let’s get rid of some of these little useless things make sure to grab that nether portal and overall we’ll just keep that there

For now we have this um it’s funny how the the uh the dirt has art or the grass is already turned to dirt it’s like you can look up and just see it’s all dirt so interesting how quickly that happens and how uh different it kind of makes

That area look you can kind of see in the corner there as I slowly and painfully break this nether portal someone says what is your favorite music genre my favorite music genre is probably kind of more on the electronic side of music you know um

Yeah just sort of that kind of thing you know maybe like uh no copyright sounds I like a lot some of their songs you know um dubstep EDM um uh you know electro swing like just kind of that kind of more modern type of music I also do like some pop music

Depends of course on a lot of things but yeah that’s probably my favorite genre See someone says the water froze you didn’t drain oh you’re right it did freeze I didn’t think of that so I guess I’d have to put like uh something in there to waterlog it so I could put a um like a slab or something that would stop it from from draining that’s interesting

I mean of course I didn’t think of that I’m not sure I didn’t I guess just I’m not usually playing actually in the um in the cold biomes I tend to go with the uh temperate biome so I wasn’t thinking of the fact that it would have frozen but that’s that’s quite interesting

Let’s see here um some says how long will this stream go on well it’s been going on for a long time about four and a half hours so I’m not sure how much longer um but hopefully for a bit more I don’t want to stop like right now I’m really enjoying

It it seems like everyone else is enjoying it and we may as well have a uh big old stream that everyone could enjoy because uh I don’t have anything else planned for the day so I mean hopefully do this for a bit longer see here we can do finish breaking this

And get up to the mountain it’s so funny to kind of see all these parts of the world looking straight up it’s like the angle is so weird it’s some of my uh most interesting things I’ll see are those things where they’ll switch to gravity it’s like you know imagine

You’re looking like this it’s like you can’t really tell this isn’t actually like you can’t tell that we’re I’m looking upwards like you can there’s nothing technically telling you that right so it’s like if you kind of like think about things differently imagine that I’m standing up straight right now

You know like you can’t really tell that’s like I’m just gonna walk forward it’s like wait no I can’t it’s like a weird perspective thing it’s funny because there’s not a lot in Minecraft that really tells you like perspective you know and so because of that you know

Um when like those like gravity mods and stuff um it’s really difficult to um actually tell which way is up and down if you don’t have the freight context for it it’s funny so it says how often do I stream uh this is the second time ever so uh not often

However um my plan is to start streaming very regularly and probably right here on YouTube potentially also on Twitch I could do like a restream thing or something uh but yeah and basically the idea would be once a week potentially more than that in the future but at very least it’s

Interesting because I don’t actually know of almost any other sort of Minecraft tutorial YouTubers that do live streaming um so it’s kind of an uh piece of content that a lot of people have tried so of course you know Minecraft live streaming in general is uh very very popular in common but uh

Hopefully with the added Twist of how to actually play the game which I haven’t been covering too much because we haven’t been doing anything uh too interesting but you know at the end of the day I think it’d be interesting to incorporate some of that as well so you

Know I’m sure basically everyone here is subscribed to me for to learn more about Minecraft and so if I can teach uh teach more people about Minecraft as I’m streaming that would be a really good thing and let’s see what’s up here someone says they’re so relieved you

Caught this well because of the chat on the screen as well as the uh chat replay then everyone whoever watches this will know that you caught the Stream Some says they have not played Minecraft in yours have been a huge help we’re really glad you could catch the stream yeah that’s so awesome that my videos will be able to get people back into the game I know there’s been a lot of people

Since uh 2019 2020 and they’re a bit of jump back into Minecraft and you know Minecraft wasn’t necessarily dying but it was definitely sort of had the player base of a video game that had been around for you know 10 years and now it’s kind of as the player base of a

Video game that’s new you know in the sense that you know the entire Community isn’t necessarily as excited as that of a new game but there’s a lot of people a lot of people that are interested in this of course it is the most popular game it’s not only the most popular game

Um technically but also in terms of people who are now playing it it’s very very popular anyway I want to make a nice little nether portal area may as well I can’t really place any ice that I break so and be careful here but

If I go like uh if I go like this and make a nice little thing where there’s sort of like the blue ice behind there because eventually I can kind of incorporate this all into like a base of some sort um eventually I guess I better get some

Better tools on me but yeah we’ll remake that nether portal hopefully that’ll link to it because if not it’ll be a little annoying but it shouldn’t matter too much and then we can finish up the portal here um tell me what you think everyone of the music I’ve been having in the

Background is just the Minecraft music but I’m really loving it this one right here is uh one of the 1.19 songs I’ve really really enjoyed the new music Minecraft has added and Minecraft music in general I think is not only one of my favorite things about the game it’s also

Sort of a core part of my channel I mean every video I’ve ever made um in the past I don’t know nine months or something I said the Minecraft music in it and I think it’s there’s so many different songs there and so many different um things to it it’s really

Cool to have the uh the Minecraft music as kind of part of that and it also brings in that Nostalgia of you know you can this song of course is new but a lot of the songs have been there for literally over 10 years it’s just crazy to think

And most people think they really do love the Minecraft music I don’t always play with the music on necessarily there’s also that cool thing about the music where you know right now I have it on a playlist but if it’s just the actual you know game settings music and

Sounds music turned on there’s this awesome effect where basically the um the music will uh play kind of randomly and so there can be a certain point where maybe doing something interesting and the music will suddenly play that’s really cool for kind of connecting up random parts of

Your plays to that’s like you know you might get to amazing view in the sun setting and then suddenly a Minecraft song plays and it’s it’s really cool I don’t think there’s actually a lot of um math regarding when the when the songs play I just believe it has to do with

The time of day and also when the last song played in what biom you’re in but yeah it’s um it’s interesting though how they do often play it like the best times Foreign they love watching all my videos well I really appreciate that I try my best to make as many videos as possible that are the best quality as possible I’m so excited that recently as I have been making a couple more entertainment focused videos like let’s say this video

It’s not really a video but the stream that’ll eventually be a video technically funny enough most people who are watching what I’m doing right now I’ll actually be watching it on the replay so how many of our live viewers we have my other live stream got 60 000

Views after it was posted and so it’s like maybe one in ten people who are gonna see this or seeing it right now it’s interesting and so anything you do you’ll be like maybe 60 000 people that see your chat messages it’s hard to say

But anyway so we have our things back up here and basically it’s time to I guess plan the base at least somewhat um enough that we kind of know what’s going on um we know where the base is going to be and so we just need to get like the

Exact dimensions of it um I haven’t fully decided what I want to do but I do think that more of a castle-like theme could be good I do also want to make some parts that kind of hang out over the mountain Edge um because you know I mean I think I

Want to really take advantage of the fact that I’m on top of a mountain we have this amazing view something I might actually do and this this usually helps with me with me with planning um of course you know everyone plans in Minecraft differently everyone has different techniques they like to use but

Something that I found really helps me a lot is to pile up a bit with wood potentially get to the maybe not the world height but just as high up as possible and then once I’m up there to sort of just look around and I have a

Really good kind of top down view of what’s going on if I had a map I would do that instead but I don’t have a map right now so I’ll go up here take a look and we can kind of see exactly what’s around us and maybe what shape would be

Best for a base and once we have a shape then we can go on to the go on to the exact build style and all that so oh pile up a bit here we can have a great View and it’ll be amazing view really because we can also see all the

Mountains on 32 chunk as well frames are looking great and we can have a awesome view of that someone said are you a good Builder um I’m not sure really I guess that you know thing about building and this is something I always try and tell people

Is that I don’t actually believe that there is a specific way of saying a build is good or bad you know I think there is the fact where um of course certain Bills take more Talent certain builds have more detail but I think that at the end of the day

The Minecraft’s about building what you want to build yeah 319 that was the height limit but um you know I’d say that in terms of the traditional thing of you know a good Builder I’m not sure it’s hard to say actually because I haven’t really build

It’ll build it I haven’t built a lot on my channel but look at this amazing view this is so cool I’m gonna do like the panoramic screenshots I love doing this and I’ll look back later and like draw on them and like paint and be like oh I

Could put something here and here and that’s always a great thing to do but amazing music is very complimenting to this as well actually you can kind of see we were in like one of the thinnest parts of the mountains and we were down there so definitely not the best place

To be living um awesome to see this mountain range and it’s doesn’t look flat it’s actually very flat up here if you kind of look at the height variation between this bit of the Frozen Peaks so I would not see it being an impossible or even really

Difficult task at all to let’s say transform the top of this mountain to something that’s really flat like kind of from this point around here kind of like that turn all that flat at least from up here you can see there’s a very flat area there so could be cool I think

If you look right here we have a nice access to the jagged Peaks the Stony Peaks um the Frozen Peaks and all the biomes that go along with that so definitely right here is where we want to build in terms of the Border it looks like we kind of go around here so

We could break or use these bits of ice we could also technically do something where we build with those bits of ice there for now and then eventually we could break them down later to replace with a build so I’m thinking maybe if we go like a cross here like this

And maybe like that and then across to that then we can kind of with just a little bit of wool make like a base out of those walls and eventually we can maybe expand into here and make something more interesting I think I’ll do that but one last amazing panoramic

View we’ll do with the axle at the very top here just because why not and we will go to cinematic camera which is this button and you can see the amazing amazing place we are right now and the awesome seed and for people who’ve watched a lot of the stream more

Or less the entire let’s say 2 000 blocks and a radius from where we are right now looks exactly like this kind of terrain endless mountains biomes there’s even an ocean this connects to eventually villages on the edges of this very very nice area and so we’re gonna

Do is we’re going to take this amazing area and we’re going to make it be the location of her base some of mine back down here and we’re going to start outlining that around those areas that I was talking about there’s actually a very high chance of there being say

Ocean not ocean a uh jungle temple and this jungle here in the jungle is pretty big this will be interesting to go around that jungle and kind of see what’s there eventually foreign their favorite Minecraft Youtuber well I’m really happy for that I I really do

Try my best to make videos that not only um have information on them but also are really accessible to everyone and that you know everyone can watch without necessarily having to be in a really specific audience but really try and just provide information to as many people as possible

Some said isn’t it better to pile up with dirt it definitely is better to pile up with dirt I just didn’t have enough dirt on me to pile up all the way so that’s why I use the planks foreign we just have to make some walls we can

Use these little bits here for now eventually we can transform them ah the style of the build I guess that’s the big question um I feel like there’s not a lot of things I can really go with right now because on a lot of materials though

Probably deep slate is the only thing I can think of um it is going to contrast to both the snow I know it’s kind of kind of stereotypical to use a deep slate um in the uh in the mountains here a lot of people have done that but I think at

The end of the day it could be a good thing to build with so I will grab all that um I did have a stone cutter and I did bring it with me so we will grab the stone cutter we will place it down and we will make ourselves a whole bunch of

Bricks now I always like deep plate because there’s a lot of variants to it but I’m not sure which one of these I want to use there’s the Deep slate bricks there’s the polished deep slate maybe I’ll get a stack of polished deep slate as sort of like an outlining thing

And then most of the build will be in the Deep slate bricks because I have a lot of deep slate bricks that I can kind of have that be the base part I know there’s also things like deep slate tiles look good um but I think that I prefer the look of

The brick for what I want to do so we’ll start with that we don’t want to make too many because we don’t actually have a lot of building blocks on us and I guess we’ll start by making some different walls something that a lot of

People say and it’s very true is that a great way of building is to have to not just build in squares you know I mean the game is all squares and so if you build something that’s not necessarily in a very you know pre-set out square

Shapes then it’s going to look a lot more unique and so in that sort of um way of building I’m going to kind of put some diagonal walls in between here so we’re going to start by just laying this out one block wide this isn’t necessarily what this is going to look

Like at all when it’s done just about planning this out and of course I’m not going to rush this process at all as I think it’s really really important to get something like this right the first time as in you’ll have to break this and remake it it’s kind of nice little like

Um I think they fall down here it’s like a it’s like one block deeper than everything else so if I like that I can go in and out of it and it’s interesting but anyway we will go over here and we can basically go here and I guess just go across to

That that’s probably fine the space doesn’t have to be too big for now just big enough that uh I’m gonna really run out of things to do and I think just actually three little walls and we have a start of a base and of course we can

You know add some actual stuff onto it maybe a roof and all that would be a useful thing to add but um at the end of the day we already have some of those fundamentals down so I’m probably gonna actually move the position of this a bit I guess I could

Do diagonal again like I was saying the goat here uh maybe three they go like this I found the best thing about building is to kind of experiment around you know like Place some blocks down pick them up again place them down pick them up again you know don’t just

Build something and be um content with it unless you really think it’s good because um that’s what I found often I’ll do is I’ll just rush through something place it down it’s like oh it’s good enough and then you know a couple days later weeks later it’s like that really was

Not good enough and now I have this not very good looking build I have to deal with so I’m Gonna Keep experimenting around with those walls that we have to sleep first and amazing amazing to see the sunset here out this mountain very very nice especially here with just

Like the colors and stuff I think the sun sets on Bedrock are a little bit better and they also have like this interesting thing where the arrow the arrow the um the way that you’re facing sort of changes the look of the sunset but yeah we’ll go to sleep here

And it’s also cool too because as long as we can break the blocks on the other side of here so mobs can’t Traverse these walls and we don’t actually have to spawn proof too much up here to still make this area be uh safe someone says hey I craft EMC do you plan

On putting captions in your videos yeah I’ve had some people talk to me about putting captions in the videos um I want to thank my videos accessible to as many people as possible um there is a program YouTube has where you can set captions authors so if

Anyone wants to become a captions author on my channel um you can DM me on Discord um or you can even just leave a comment saying that somewhere and I could 100 look into settings captions author and then you can put captions on and then anyone who’s listening to that

Um like let’s say the person who just left that comment can can have that be more accessible to them I have found that the auto kind of captioned ones are usually pretty good like they’re not amazing but they’re decent um so of course you can always turn on

Captions for the automatic ones but in terms of like an actually manually written down caption um there’s none on there currently but I would be I’m very happy to have someone help put those on all right let’s see here so I think um we should work on the walls a bit I

Guess we should probably see like exactly what height we’re going with and you know it’s very tempting to make a flat wall not have to worry about let’s say adding some detail to it but I think if I put a little bit more effort a little bit more thought into those

Walls they’re going to look a lot better so what I’m gonna do I’m gonna bring that stone cutter with me and bring it over here and then I’m going to basically I’m going to kind of make this these walls a little bit more maybe not 3D but

Not just a flat block we can add some detail to that so I think the first step is um some stairs I don’t know what type of stair but I would be happy to use the polished deep slate stairs I think that would look good so I’m going to use maybe get

10 just in case I don’t like it and if I do like it you know we can make more if not I haven’t wasted too many I’ll put these down here put this here and we’ll put that here and here all right um we can go every other we go like kind of

More rare wall supports so I feel like I guess what we’ll do is we’ll start with like kind of a base wall shape and then that will go off of that and I can kind of experiment around with ways to make it look more interesting than that

Um and then maybe I can modify it from there I guess um something that is a really good building tip is to sort of refine what you’re doing you know so let’s say you build something you refine it down or find it more refine it more and eventually you can take something like

This which some people would just leave as is and you definitely can but I think by the time we’re done with this it’s going to look a lot better at least I hope so so we’re going to start by making some support columns if we had like a base

All that look uh or a salt I think look very good but I think this will look decent as well we can always change it out later as is a very small build for now so I’ll go like that and over here we can do something

Similar just to sort of make this look more you know established not just a random wall but something that would be more realistic you know some supports we have the the two polished deep slight corresponding there so literally literally just that added so much to this you know it’s amazing to think that

Just this doesn’t look that good but if you just add that little bit of support to the edge just that really does bring it together to a point now I think once we’ve done that maybe something to sort of establish it a bit more make it look a bit more like um

There’s some detail to it I could mix around the block variants in there I can make a palette out of that but I think what I’ll probably do is I’ll probably make some different blocks on the bottom as for a lot of different Castles in real life they need sort of some

Different supports on the bottom to like connect you know the actual castle to the ground so it’s going to look a little bit different so I put some of these in here we could try out some of these to kind of experiment with let’s see uh someone says they’re gonna go but

They’re gonna miss the stream well you can always watch the rest of the stream after it’s up on a VOD which is going to be after this is done so let’s try walls I always tend to forget to put using well not necessarily forget but you know just don’t not consider it

Enough and I think that walls could be very good here so we have one two three four one two three four okay so we could kind of go like that hmm well that would be even we put it there and then we can kind of try going off of

This even just those little things down there look okay uh but what if we make like a whole bunch more and I can’t make too many actually because I don’t have a lot to to work with or what if we here what if we make some of these

We just have that be the bottom one you can kind of see it like makes it look a little bit different kind of go up here like this that looks decent I definitely looks more fortified I think the problem is it kind of makes these look a little bit

Less um less relevant you kind of blend it into this so I’m not sure if I want to use that or not something I could try is I could try just putting blocks on the bottom someone says how good at bridging an ml G jumping are you

Uh I don’t really play Hypixel very much I was thinking eventually I might do a Hypixel stream just for the hilarity of I have YouTube Rank and I’m horrible at what I’m doing like you know just failing every Bed Wars match or whatever so yeah bridging uh no I’m definitely

Not good at that um I understand that’s not just Hypixel of course you can do that in survival as well but uh I’m not very good at that um I’m decently good at Emoji jumping I don’t like to risk it just because I I never like putting on

Sort of uh unwise confidence in my own skills because it usually ends uh doesn’t usually end badly but when it does end badly it’s always a waste um but yeah I I can do those things okay so this kind of changes with that so I’m trying to think here we went like hmm

Put this here put that there no I’m kind of liking it without these here but I do feel like there should be something that looks different just because having that sort of uh plain wall is not going to look the best and someone says they’re from Turkey

Well welcome to the stream we have a lot of people from all around the world here um I believe that the vast majority of my audience is from all around the world and not just just from the countries that you’d think so um let’s start actually with adding some texture

To the wall itself and I think I’m honestly gonna do that with chisel deep slate so if I break these blocks here and replace them with the Chisel deep slate although it’s not actually going to change the shape of the build I think what it is going to do is it’s going to

Add that bit of a bit of texturing yeah that’s really good I think actually I don’t necessarily like the fact that the um it doesn’t look a lot like a foundation but I do think that it’s going to add that amount of detail that’s going to really bring this together a bit more

Because once we have our pattern yeah that’s pretty good I do think that maybe we should add something to sort of connect this to the rest of the build like maybe if we you know kind of had a reference here that’s like this is this

Is part of the build it’s not just a texture chain something like that and then we could sort of maybe use these walls that looks like a furnace so not really um there’s a lot like a furnace actually have to remember that as a for a different building thing but maybe

Um because I can’t I can’t do chisel deep slate uh uh fences of or walls of course but just something to kind of bring it together I could use some of these deep slate tiles they have a similar color similar texture so maybe something like that

Yeah that’s okay I think if I break this and break this that’s going to add that little bit more detail I think that’s pretty like the major supports the minor supports um pretty good for now what do you what does everyone else here think you have

Any ideas or do you think that’s a fairly good design we can go with for the rest of the build Ted someone said they just came here 10 minutes ago what am I building I am building my first base so I have like these little walls I’ve laid out I’m

Gonna build them around here um just have a nice little deep State walls um potentially make a castle out of it eventually but for now I want to start with just a small modular base that I can eventually build something more onto someone says use tiles looks good it

Worked I think it’s pretty good um I don’t know we’ll keep it for now I can always change it later at such a small area the only thing I don’t like is this I feel like there should be some more stabilization to it but it’s good enough for now so I will

Add that to the rest of the sides and then we can do this so I guess I’ll just that was about four blocks tall looks like that I’ll probably go taller than that eventually because that’s not a very effective wall only four blocks tall but

Um we’ll go with that and I think that uh maybe five blocks something like that or I forgot there’s this little space here I have to put some things in little micro section of the wall it’s kind of cool um I think I’ll keep the ice there because even though it’s somewhat

Unrealistic it it’s cool to make it look like that’s actually a really solid structure that we could realistically have be part of our wall sort of like an ice castle kind of idea not sure if that’s actually what we’ll end up making this look like I mean technically we could make this thing

Look nothing like ice in the end but for now I think it looks good see here goodness I really dropped my water but anyway uh someone said when are you going to the nether I just got here so I’ve already been to the Nether um I did start this world today um

Almost five hours ago which is pretty crazy but I went to the nether maybe an hour and a half ago or something like that they got some uh some nether Goods some brewing supplies some with their skeleton skull very rarely a lot of very rare occurrences and close calls actually

Um once the stream is done I would definitely encourage everyone to check out um the rest of it when they have time of course uh maybe not all five hours but there’s definitely parts of it that are uh that are very very interesting so we’ll put this here

And let’s take a look or else we can add on to this so we’re going to just keep going on with that old pattern I think that’s looking fairly good and this is going to give us a solid wall to really um give us that protection I know it

Doesn’t really matter what you what materials you build your base out of at a certain level it’s also kind of fun to think that like technically it’s gonna be more creeper proof If we use harder materials and you know we can kind of create a good reason why we’re using

These materials and that goat just up here there maybe it didn’t but at least climbed out of there that was really bizarre looking very strange someone says have I found in ancient cities Yes actually um near the beginning of the stream uh maybe through first hour or two hours I was reading an

Ancient city and that’s where I got the Echo Shirts here and I’ll definitely be reading them more at some point um because there are a lot of them here and that one was very very visibly exposed um but as far as I know there should be

Many like maybe 20 to 30 ancient cities in this area which is awesome so we will use uh this and then we’ll go to this we’ll make like 20 maybe I kind of hate being all like um sort of reluctant to make a lot of these

Materials at the end of the day I have so few deep slate right now um unless I want to go into a massive amount of strip mining right on stream which I could do but you know technically it’s not the most interesting thing um I actually did have a big section of

The stream already that was well not a big section but I had a section of the stream already that was strip mining um I’ll need to do that later to get more materials for this so now we’ll break these and we will continue on this castle wall

So it says try using tiles as the bottom block I can try um I think the color scheme is very very similar to the um to the uh chiseled deep slates I don’t think it’ll actually look that different but I can try it I could also like um mix and match maybe

If it looks good try that uh we’ll try it here because it’s like the flat wall so it’ll look more uh kind of default or whatever be a good example I’ll try out both ways we have pig step on which is perfect um I do like it looking every other I

Don’t think I would like it if it was just that I’m not sure these kind of add some character to it so I’m probably gonna go with every other but that was a good suggestion to use them I’m gonna go the other side so I don’t Um don’t lose that so I’m gonna put this here I feel like that every other looks cool kind of like this almost looks like a cracked brick or something so it sort of it adds this look and there’s like a knight’s helmet some somewhat of a look

To that so people have said they think this is meant to look like the warden but I’m not sure how it looks like the warden you have to tell me uh in the chat there if you think that looks like a warden and if so how because I’ve

Never been able to see the word in there it’s uh there’s uh two eyes and a mouth maybe but I don’t really see it like that sort of like a I’m not sure some sort of strange uh strange piece of armor or something it kind of looks like

We’re sliding on that ice there we’ll go every other with this so it says play C418 strad next I can try to do that just have to give me a minute to find it after I’m done building this um it’s something I was doing yesterday was uh getting all the music ready for

This and it was interesting because um like um all these music uh new songs I’m playing first are more quiet than they would be playing in game or you couldn’t hear my voice over it but it’s funny how much difference there is between some of them like in terms of volume like some

Of the creative mode songs that play are so loud I have to turn them down like a massive amount for it not to be overpowering um and yet some songs too like the music discs um aren’t actually that loud and so I’ll I’ll have them be a lot less uh

Less turned down so it’s kind of interesting how there’s a lot of a variety there because of course um the Minecraft soundtrack wasn’t made to be uh background music I mean it kind of is but not background music in the sense of uh for a video so

Um but I should have them all somewhat Audio Level to sound um basically all the same Audio Level if I did it right which I hope I did so we’ll put this in here look at these tiles made to 16 or 20 or something that’s fine and we will kind

Of uh go like this because I like that see someone said their favorite video of mine is the Enchantment guide well the Enchantment guide is definitely a lot of people’s favorites I think because it’s one of my most popular videos but I’m really glad you liked that video I definitely um

Tried my best in that video I think that’s the video where I was recording it in a uh hold on I was asked for a song Let me just do that real quick but I believe that was the video where I uh did it in the Woodland mansion I believe and so

Let’s take a look here strad is what I was asked for there we go anyway um yeah I was thinking I was filming that in the Woodland mansion and so it was kind of interesting scenery choice and of course I uh showed the Anvil things and all that and yeah I

Mean of course I’m assuming basically everyone watching this is either a subscriber at least a returning viewer um but if you’re not if you know nothing about me or my channel which is probably not a lot of people here but whoever it is um I am a Minecraft guides YouTuber and

I have a lot of Minecraft guides basically for every single part of the entire game and so if you want to learn anything about Minecraft that there is watch on my videos if there’s something you want to learn about Minecraft I do not have a video on absolutely suggest

It because I want to cover every single part of the game yeah this is definitely not tall enough I can tell that but I do think that the pattern itself is looking decent um maybe not the best but I don’t want to you know bother perfecting it over

Hours and hours but I think it is looking good and it will go up here like this I’ll make those sort of outer pillars I think that’s a really important part of the build this basically Bridges to the top of these so as long as I can just break some of the

Blocks on the side there that would enable the mobs to climb up we basically already have like a good set of walls and then I can either make it into a house or this can be like a courtyard thing and then I can have like a house

More segmented off into here so either of those would probably look really good um really cool area though someone says they’ve been subscribed for a long time well thank you to all my long-term and short-term subscribers all right so I’m gonna get these pillars in here I’m gonna put a pillar in Uh here so I’m gonna get rid of some of these blocks probably should not be using my diamond pickaxe but I’m sure I can just mine again and gotta get another one if I break it although I don’t have enough diamonds to make another one right now

Put down those and we’ll put down the stairs that’s decent doesn’t sound as much as I’d like but it’s okay I will put one over here this one can stand out more because I’ll make it to stand out more so I’ll put it here it’s kind of interesting to sort of

Build to what the um generation kind of makes you have to build to of course I can always change the blocks that are there but it’s interesting to have to to sort of build according to that so that’s interesting I will put like that for now but eventually I might change it doesn’t

Matter too much I think sort of uh you know not roughly made but just like a you know molded to the terrain castle walls can look the most realistic so I will put in a pillar here this should look like a good pillar Foreign Let’s see someone says I love how you play your music it doesn’t overpower your voice I don’t like watching videos that have turned down because the music is too loud I can hear what you’re saying um well yeah I always try and get my audio to be um very audio audible else

Audio is probably one of the things I uh put the most effort into maybe not the most effort but I always try and my editing to make sure everything is at the as best as it can be so all right we need to make some more of this uh let’s see

Um I guess I had pillars I guess I’ll make some of those or actually I’ll try that later I ran into the stairs that’s what it was so make some more of those and I’ll bring the uh stone cutter with me because there’s not much of a point of just leaving it here

We’ll see what’s around so go up here we can take a good look at this area around here and the things we have um let’s see here so we have the pillar here this doesn’t go up high enough so we’ll make all these go all the way to

The top actually putting a block here instead of making the fence scope that actually looks really good I like that it kind of like caps It Off that’s nice I like that and we’ll do that on the other ones of those when I use them

Um we need a pillar here so are we gonna put it I’m gonna put it like right here I think that’ll look the best um so it’ll kind of have that stabilizing look something like that’s gonna look good someone says I watched one video I instantly subscribed first time well I’m

Very glad you like my videos that much um okay so now for these like sub support things I’m thinking like I’ll put one here maybe and one like here like that can be or maybe yeah I think I’ll put there because I kind of really have it over

The ice so that’s not gonna look good I had these little pieces at the bottom which I do like that there ‘s a question for everyone how has your summer been I know the Summer’s not technically over it’s still like all of September is technically the summer although I’ve always thought of

Summer as being like June July August although it’s not really yeah how’s everyone’s summer been and is everyone looking forward to the full or do you wish summer was still here let’s see so we need what did I go back for I needed uh to go

To the top here to play some different blocks I believe once I did a pretty chill summer someone said it’s spring for them oh yeah I guess the better question would be how is your uh June July August but there we go yeah I thought I forgot about that of course the southern

Hemisphere has the uh has the Reversed weather it’s very interesting it makes sense though um we’ll put those there we’ll break this um all right so I guess we’ll go right back over there looks like we’re out of food though so I’ll first do that

Um a food farm would be a smart thing to build soon um of course once we have like a cover over the water you have to worry here’s something you may not know um water cannot freeze if it if it’s not under uh like the sky so like if you

Have like let’s say I broke this and I put this over it that wouldn’t actually freeze it’s really interesting and so because of that um you you can’t always just you know waterlog something like a water log block won’t freeze but you can also have something where you just have

A block over it and that’ll prevent it from freezing as well someone says I’m gonna kill the goat I will prove to you my uh what’s the word my Goodwill towards goats I’m not sure let’s see here um I just need a hay bale

And I can get some wheat and I can leave that goat out of here I could make it like a home or something but I’m sure this basically it’s home already so Come here give it some wheat because it’s a nice coat and then we’ll go over here if there is another goat here we could get a baby goat that might be cool I’ll lead you out here that’s probably far enough I think uh that’s probably good and I’ll

Actually try and find two other goats to breed because I just gave that one the wheat so look over here it’s funny to see there’s like um this last little bit of uh generation there like the mountain sort of goes up to nearly the top then

Ends off there and then there’s a second sort of uh bit of generation there to make it not look completely like a cut off like here it sort of stops any of this little ice wall and then we have the very top so lots of packed ice here

Though if I don’t do anything with that it’s like this is definitely the place for uh packed ice Gathering although of course the icebergs are probably the better idea there’s a lot of goats up here that’s perfect this was the area I was pointing out earlier actually um

Is basically the area where we have a massive mountain and very very flat here so we could be fairly easy to to kind of flatten this up make it more more of an area to build and all right we’re gonna get a baby goat see what happens

And there’s a baby goat there’s also our first animal breeding it’s so cute the um the baby goats having no no horns on them or whatever they’re just so small it’s funny um I know in Bedrock Edition most the mobs have a bigger head when they’re a

Baby than when they’re an adult I’m not sure if the baby bed raw coat has a bigger head I think it does I couldn’t tell you looks like all these goats also have two horns so none of them generated with only one horn in interesting though

To um try and get a goat horn later it could make a goat horn Farm like the one I showed off in my goat guide at some point could be cool I like though too how like because I’d kind of use that um bit of Ice Mountain that’s already there

Like I can sort of use that to uh make through like an invisible wall I could sort of uh be hard to see that my base is there which is not necessarily A Plus considering the fact that I’ve been lost like where I am multiple times during

This stream but I think at the end of the day it’s kind of nice to have something that blends in and especially eventually we could use um build something even on top of that so here we are and I’m like can I look that small

Actually it does stand out a lot but I think that it’s a good contrast with the blue and with the uh with there I think I guess red would probably be the best color just because we have blue here kind of contrast so red or green probably be the color we’d

Want to have as like as like a Saba color and a build so we could maybe maybe do that at some point might be interesting like Redstone or really anything so we’ll finish off those wall supports and also for anyone who’s just doing the stream and the last time I will do this

Um here’s my socials so if you want to join I’ll join if you want to follow me on Twitter I’d love to get more Twitter followers I have very very few uh I at icraft underscore MC if you want to join my Discord server there’s a link in the

Description there should be links that the chat moderators are sending out right now for that and there is a icraftmc twitch I’ve never streamed to it just to be honest but I’d really really love to gain more followers on there as then in the future I could

Stream to that it would be worthwhile and finally there is a Reddit or slash icraftmc I’d love to see that become more active and finally ads not on that list but there is a second channel that you can also check out for very rare but additional icraftmc content

And back we are to the uh regularly scheduled program we’re going to use these hay bales to create some more food and that’s actually a lot of food I guess that’s fine um looks like the goat jumped back up onto the mountain here or up to the bit

Of ice here so I might walk back in but we’re going to grab the walls here so we need to we just need to craft the walls for these uh walls here craft the walls for the walls yes that’s actually it’s correct I thought I’d set it wrong

But no yeah we have to craft the wall blocks to make the castle walls so there it is we just have to make it something like this and then have that block on top so I guess I would break this and I would put that there I don’t want

To waste that because I’m a lot of deep slate but I think that this really does add a lot to it especially once that’s more of like an actual wall it’s going to kind of make it from the very top so I don’t have to differentiate between

These large and these small pillars so that’s look really cool put that there and we’ll go around this way and we’ll put some over here so we will make those Let’s see we have we have a whole bunch of items we could do so I

Guess we just need a couple of the deep slate tiles maybe like we’ll make like eight I guess and then we need a whole lot of the and we’re actually what do we use because we used we used deep slate tile on the bottom

And we had the uh the Deep slate um the polished deep slate so we’ll use the polished deep slate for that all right now we should be able to finish that up uh pretty easily so we’ll put that in there uh polish deep slight walls

Um there it is make like maybe 20 of those should be good enough and of course then we can build more on that later so we’ll go like that and we’ll go like this and then we’ll just put in like two or three of these so maybe two so like that’s two

Away and that’s two away it looks pretty good and then we can kind of put them here it’s gonna look different of course because it’s on the corner but I think overall it’s still gonna have that same effect of you know reinforcing and adding detail to that wall that I think

It’s gonna look good so go over here we’ll just break these blocks up here and we’ll place that block there and we’ll place that block there and they’re kind of close to each other but I think because this sort of bends in it’s gonna look better from the the

Bottom there than it does at the top and we’ll grab that roll and we’ll go through here and then yeah it’s looking pretty good so we have to put this here and or actually broke the block there so we have to replace that as it goes so we’re gonna place the

Oh that’s funny why did I do that how did I do that I think I put the over here I put the wall in the wrong area I wonder how in the world I did that by accident that’s so funny it’s very strange I guess I’ll put the wall in the

Right area now let’s strange I’ve messed it up and then we’ll put this like that and we will block the socks we have no doors for now but you can see we have this basically fully walled off and uh yeah I know I hate to do this but I’ve

Been streaming for literally over five hours which is a very long time to stream and I’m so thankful to everyone for watching the video um without a video with the Stream and so we are going to end off there uh but we’ll next stream we could play more

On here or we could plan on something else we could do uh maybe Hypixel or something like that there’s a lot of things to do and I really hope that all of you enjoy the rest of the stream and I will see you all later and don’t

Forget to check out my newest video um it is uh playing Minecraft 1.0 a lot of interesting stuff in there so hopefully you all enjoy that and I will see you later foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.19 Survival 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Learn Minecraft Live! Ep 1’, was uploaded by Eyecraftmc on 2022-09-03 23:06:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Minecraft 1.19 Survival LIVESTREAM Learn Minecraft Live! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eyecraftmc Twitter: …

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    Epic Showdown: Raju vs. Vlogs in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft live’, was uploaded by Raju challenges Vlogs on 2024-05-29 03:49:47. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:28 or 4588 seconds. Minecraft server live with proximity voice chat open forever that exist for 7 years now. JAVA + BEDROCK + PREMIUM + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.20.6 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at least 2045. 🇪🇺 play.airforce 👾crack.play.airforce 🎮bedrock.play.airforce 🔥 **SPECIAL IP** 🔥 🔊Proximity voice chat: Voicechat.play.airforce 💎For premium user that: premium.play.airforce Port: Java: 25565 Bedrock: 19132 DISCORD: discord.gg/7H9MGNrS9W… Read More


    ULTIMATE SURPRISE IN MINECRAFT MOD LIVE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MODs LIVE PART 4’, was uploaded by codkillman 935 on 2024-01-15 19:02:32. It has garnered 23 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:31 or 1771 seconds. I Mostly Play (GTA V Online) (Minecraft) (CALL OF DUTY) And SomeTimes Other Games. Enjoy And Stay Tuned :-} You Can Follow Me On Twitter ( @codkillman_935 ) I Post Random Things Here https://twitter.com/codkillman_935 You Can Follow Me On Instagram ( codkillman_935_yt ) ShitPost Here https://www.instagram.com/codkillman_935/ You Can Get Early Access On My Shity Music On BandLad ( @codkillman_935 ) https://www.bandlab.com/codkillman_935 #codkillman_935 Read More


    INSANE!! DRAVEN BUILDING A ZOO LIVE NOW 🚨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-05-05 15:04:21. It has garnered 5107 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿 #shortsfeed #shortslive #minecraft This Live Stream is Sponsored By Microcenter And ServerDeploy.pro =================== Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture ================= Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture All things tech under one roof, at Kolkata heaven for Gamers and Creators alike…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek – TINY vs GIANT!!!

    Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek - TINY vs GIANT!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-04-11 22:32:54. It has garnered 765046 views and 23036 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:56 or 7976 seconds. Today, Johnny, Gooby, Daisy and Marty play TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft! Will Johnny win against his friends? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shorts

    Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘op clutch minecraft #shorts #bms #minecraft #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by delicate gamer on 2024-05-09 15:16:51. It has garnered 460 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. I upload Minecraft content, so please subscribe and also like my videos and comment on your thoughts about my videos so that I can progress on YouTube. Thank you…. #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMP

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMPVideo Information [Music] no [Music] n n [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] all right hello everybody Welcome welcome welcome to the stream we are about to have a little bit of uh fun in Minecraft today uh playing a little bit of uh mini games in Minecraft as you guys know there are so many mini games in the server that uh we can enjoy So today we’re just about to have some fun playing some mini games uh… Read More

Minecraft 1.19 Survival 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Learn Minecraft Live! Ep 1