Minecraft 1.2 Co-op: Part 2 — Magic Biomes!

Video Information

I think of us really appreciate probably like you explain all your emoji protesters I think to really like that yeah well make sure the towels if you do like them and let’s see so there’s another cape don’t roll well hello you guys you guys come down or we’re just

Buying you roughing I’m getting it cool right now might actually an attack I’m that’s my purse I can kind of Phillip oh yeah I can see you maybe two ways around the keep the caves hist motherly no I didn’t look my weirdest all right veo hello everybody so it was not only

Anything special here but if you do feel a zombie-type make sure to tell me cuz I’m we can go murder them and I don’t know but we’ll probably should find a an underground mine shaft tune with like what’s called abandoned mineshaft to think in a minecraft is all right I

Remember don’t know i made a video on it one day I’ll sure I don’t know any makeup videos on our channel belt ravines a minecraft de luis silly what the code ravines know wunderground shafts yeah the very rare and ravines what they’re very rare that’s all I know

About Oh Daniel oh ok ok tell you what let’s be honest we’ve said this before we suck at minecraft we’re confused no you’re being an idiot you’re saying but I’m a Minecraft and main shaft is a ravine ok yeah yeah like I said I’m getting confused man you know I have

Ravine is a massive hole in the floor ok shaft is a main shaft I don’t know what’s confusing about this thank you for your geography education slowest I’m really appreciate I don’t know what’s confusing what some fees upon will you go and death it’s too many words Lewis

You know k ravine is a big hole in the floor a chef’s it Louis I think you get them and get it yeah I get it I get it it’s ok I’m sorry ok so i quickly Ejim ate it Daniel what is the difference between a ravine mine shafts done is now

Going to tell us what ravine is what does a ravine Daniel ravine is a big hole in the floor and what’s a mineshaft I know a main shaft is a main shaft yeah see it’s a simple stuff it’s not the complex about it or being a hole in the

Floor and I might just be educated now so not only is this a fun experience they took Alex go to school there’s no yeah it is i’m survey go everyone knows that now that’s four that’s a stuff of the day and but do you guys actually try

Going down but all the way of this a mineshaft kind of thing no I’m not like mine is he following you like a sheep also I’m starving please give me foods I got a martyr I don’t running there’s some food I go oh thank you go other

White House I shouldn’t do that when you get my best and more and some cork some kids are finally it hey why am i dying this is poisonous when you eat eat the good one eats a good one he plays it to talk to us a new tree come on I’m

Alive okay feel better right so you’ve got some clean stuff come from that’s what the hell you doing this is stupid taking down Lois it’s other way of life every game we just dig down completely I mean I know I know I think it’s pretty

It don’t like you real bad my car right i remember why not dwarf I feel like to be honest if there is a game where you just dig down and like you so let’s get like gold shiny things I think that would probably be Alex’s favorite game in the world except she’s lovesick

Madison Troy of course as well Troy on minecraft like it’s a filled of chaff that Alex doesn’t like like that isn’t digging not it’s not digging down you know yeah so this is my favorite part of the game is taken down I love it I don’t do that’s why we love minecraft because

You can take down as much as you want and you probably not gonna hit anything because it’s free d is it crazies in a free dinner thing you’ve got dimensions are still here all on curves ask right in this game is it is it impossible for

An lie cause to spawn outside of cabins uh oh no no you can get like and get like kind of em places with just still on top of them Oh God where where returned home Louis you know what ok where’s else return home yeah much unknown string c’mon screw it I mean

Jojo much I and I don’t nothing we say much iron in the kids we’re honest nice home to fly it now and all my dismissed all yes I would smell mine at home so I spent there oh no it’s right outside oh let’s go look at the ritz go finish the

Wall it’s snowing and raining oh listen top.jpg wow well this is standard I don’t want to bug but let’s break leave a way I like it um yeah it’s sooo sweet actually fall yeah we know it’s because this is a snoop I’m and that’s a really bad moral separate oh yeah yeah seems

Awesome well it’s not awesome is pretty stupid that’s it almost really cooled over here we’ll my lity relatively not cooled over here to make a sense well let’s get back inside then listen to yeah nice anybody go to me I need to meet oxys are you dying yeah let’s go

Kill some I can’t it’s due time so we’ll go kill something with a load come on I’m gonna go get some food Alexandra Savior it’s or a KFC Nia by any one of those no you can’t die from starvation no I don’t think it only makes you

Really large pieces long as you stay indoors stay safe you should be fine 16 sauce wrapped up in a blanket mean they were so go to the labor story us know for all the swag oh oh god oh oh gosh yeah maybe you shouldn’t do that oh god oh god oh god

Oh god it’s all good what’s mine early haha Lewis help me this visit visitors have died I’m new HP I felt them there’s a die is it as a guy a skeleton Archer skele not sure he’s trying to mid me oh my god i saw that i run away from it he

Took off my HBO Barbara I need to find some bloody pigs over hell the pigs the pigs I can say my interests hobbles I’m lost in the window yah yah yah yah yah I can’t see what your face is good just blew come over here right I cut right

There’s a cave on a leaf you ever so when I was a cave on dolsot side of awfully also this is what it on purpose ok yeah yeah let’s find a way do not say you should be in home yeah getting Michael I need to eat blood oh my god

It’s Riddler here where the hell’s we need some food why is it no pigs maybe they’ll be like desert pinks yeah let’s just look around the desert I don’t think there’s such thing as it does it big well those will find out how already find out anyway I’ve Holland’s an entire

Day on minecraft not foreigner feel like we were in it so just just just everyone get us inside the cell but it’s it’s raining here it’s no one here and it’s not raining here hell well what can I say minecraft is not real world it’s got

A very own special set of physics which don’t know which are my god I remembered the pee so sighs of biomes are quite a while ago but still some which I already saw too much mrs. there’s a sheet there where they’re the top of the tree where

In addition there’s still sheep it’s a black one and a white one well then we are doing for them real food yeah you need like I said free will and free woods make em the Sheep I mean what no not sheep of bed but it is what makes me

Yeah well swatch I when you go for you my diet I’ll kill hearts alkyl amadori it’s okay she don’t kill people so here the friendly don’t hit you I’ll see you on one hop banashi I’m on I 13 and a half parts and I was a big Lou it’s not

Cheap no it wasn’t I know about new killer always do when she p.s i’ve got some beds i’m making all these sheep by sheeps I don’t go get home don’t hit me so if you hit me I’m probably dead well you are you starving as well I’m not

Starving but I’m on too hot so okay so i know which peaks i got messed up I with creeper and I felt like a million feet waxed answer it was a bit awkward us a bit of a think next day lewis maybe you should just watch where your feet up bro yeah

But would like I said well PP on so that’s why the art so quiet here so it’s rinse is quiet Alex are you ladies hi it’s too quiet man oh god bucket Joaquim Alex Alex miss give all these [ __ ] orphans fast was hard part for second of

His glass sir I don’t know why I don’t think Harry Potter ways clown outfit because it’s a you got doing work he’s wearing clown outfits I was a chicken here chickens drop and chicken me yeah they do that’s cool talk dr. Lewis sometimes in the Western world some

Limbs chicken and so if your chicken meat is known as chicken and I might be in your concert king Louis trick alex / yeah so I’m I’m with Louis Norway I’m not North me oh my god you run off the city still Arctic right let’s see where

Cease name um smoking it this was the snows blocking it you can’t think of the snow I’ll see if you don’t hurry up I’m gonna eat chicken all day you are they well wait I found Daniel well I’m all right that’s all I so how did you end up

For a fair I proposed by following Louis well you know you weren’t formed ok follow me and then lose me I’ll make cement ah you saw you I saw you just run off in a run what you write it is you were for me and then I’m I went I’ll

Turn left but you just continue going forward for about 50 hours like come over here guys oh my god we can’t get home now where’s a home I don’t know the way I’m a snoop dogg else knows the same all right we’re careful we should be

Some some pigs on the way home as well oh it’s my meat I’m just a with you I’m behind you guys Ashley if I won’t be able to fight mix I’m hiding in the bushes like a dirty stalker but I’m come on so we’ve got lots of caves so a lot

Of potential to get to places look at that tree look at that tree a tree oh is that the worst tree or is that the worst free ice cream it’s a high tree I’m actually eat some raw chicken call me up at gives you one ha oh my god i poisoned

What’s this dude what’s point it reduces your hunger bar so yeah it’s kind of bad yeah semi um see if we can t be gender marker I got any region of Health wherever you guys gone and we run away from here papayas could actually have

Some pond oh you know you a home losi of settlers with you I think maybe you’ll be lost forever justjust Nagasaki Alex’s little flamboyant suit from a distance see that’s what I where it’s good it’s useful yeah it’s like a little a little pink beacon yeah look it was

Like a little a life jacket thing so then you can see with our stuff I’m here some more wood any because i have words what’s pretty damn good and i think there must have increased for the kind of distance which can get wood when you’re looking up at on a wide so large

Big mistake like get into a position where you can get anything when you look around action really okay i don’t know about words because normally you’d have to like put a block on an issue and stuff that’s really annoying so are you guys know home yeah well i don’t know

What oh ok well i hope it’s nothing inside this cave tell you what though me knocks actually gonna go hunt for some KFC because I mean I so pretty hungry boys we need a much younger how many furnaces to a half because we need have six know what 626 oh what the hell

Awesome this notice disappears are still happens real life right where the hell is its I real a key though in station attentions there’s a piggy up there lower no i don’t why I just always have six because we if you have a sick when you got it in ventura wall kind of thing

I’ll show how to do it right now so when used me knocks i go on a piggy massacre so i can have lots of her well if anything special happens what the hell oh god it is destroyed the first one of those things inside it so we’ve all got

To lead just kid with and get the lead for update a civil things full of us that’s how much we got that when i delete it Thank You Mojang’s i’m going to quickly make lots of furnaces so blah blah blah so i need six furnaces that’s

Quite a lot of cobblestone why is it so easy to get lost in Minecraft we need to walk around and hold each other’s hands or something this isn’t working out we’re just getting lost Alex where are you um oh my god I um you’re eight you’re in this place like the pigs with

Snow pack of us sorry Alex I think we have to be a little more specific than that because I see you by you I know in front of you hi buddy well you don’t have eyes my husband is in the fourth stupid riled sure [ __ ] I input uh no

Need not medical I did it for decoration do you not like her no I don’t like it’s horrible I ogre I’m got some aning it’s I’m actually gonna make a and I Knox quickly because well run Dino go go for what we’re not going to complain about

Me making an iron pickaxe uh no because you need one feather diamond yeah I for you are fully with a complaint for a second but i’ll tell you about tell you exactly why i say but need at least one where the hell’s all my food gone it’s

Probably a told you know i still have my inventory somehow yeah he’s a pretty big boy mark there’s another no I’ve got loads in fab pork now so it’s good it is a good poor course it bad pork is it roll call roll loose we don’t have a

Horrible bloody cooktop are you at home I I took me quite well I was cutting down trees doing important stuff you know no ego just now when I go huntin man with where the hell are you we are unit on nokia system no no no are you get KFC I’ve where incidentally I

Thought by KFC my diamonds what no what host it kentucky fried chicken is how could that be done conquer KFC in Minecraft so i just received this appeals it’s chicken or Louis doesn’t normally is it’s like do tonight like 10 minute well I think in the tardy cycle

Must be about 10 minutes or something but it’s so pretty sure where the hell are you guys will come back now I’m returning home if I know where it is ok well where which direction did you wander off on it wait where’s the moon Alex which which yeah the Sun is setting

Right in that direction I can’t ok we were ok are you running toward the Sun are you running towards a moon I’m running towards the Sun ok so I like to me come back come back and are you probably plastered I’m here and I saw you ahead come back I’ve ever hilario

Let’s just I get a little a little lamb oh god of the moon get up get a little four high points and I can see where we are there’s it oh he’ll be good it’s not like I saw you ahead of me mum how well

You know I don’t I think I must have passed it wait no I don’t know where it is you have I saw you ahead of me money was funny ah context you guys almost home I can’t see you yeah I can see who i’m working farlax he’s lost weight you

Can see whom you actually see it yeah see the glow of it we avoid you were right we are you running towards are you going towards the moon right now or you run into waterfall and son I’m running towards the moon now I think that’s home

I say it I think oh there it is how come you were running towards her sword and then all of a sudden you’ve run at autumn moon unless you went past four bloody beers I know there’s Alex hi Alex adicto pasture-based I went right back

To spawn than a new era was so hi guys this is here as well oh god what’s on top yes I don’t know / house no is inside the house what’s he about asking to leave at least leave Cleon don’t expel him ok come oh you know I know

What’s gonna happen I try to kill him it didn’t work try bedroom this is where hopefully hard got um I’m almost dead as well man like okay let’s put some some chicken oh my god i’m putting the pot I’m quite a hardcore get some I’m cold and alone and I’m in

Some unknown area and I won’t be able to find home and I’m gonna be killed oh you can stuck their pork chops I don’t know that’s pretty dumb useful Daniel you find whom I just go in towards the moon like that’s literally just all you do

Right but I’m in a random I’m where we spawn Daleks ya know your words the moon and that’s our house wait what’s a moon yeah yeah you’re right yeah I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure what came from this kind of area so I found home from Wales

But I’m sure you’ll find home venture down a sauce it’s fine I need some Oh God as a whole as well fix it but uh oh looks very nice looks different get made rice by saamba Kiev entire time now fix us up but also stop eating all our food

I need some food as well and continue like photography you got I got seven pieces up off lowest so I’m you know so what I need him I know you got them but ask me I was getting double in 27 he probably stole my dog I don’t need my

Pot I’m hungry as well and we got some cooked pork it’s not fair for you to take oh my god we’ve got a KFC family but i wanna go down down in real cave system we do any regen health is you’ve got a full bar more or less full ba like

Clothes for football in lobster I’m gonna make sure are you calling closed down or do not know I don’t know man it’s just like snow yeah it does not like land box or anything i’m getting lost man wait i forgot to search

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.2 Co-op: Part 2 — Magic Biomes!’, was uploaded by PsiSyn on 2012-03-03 02:26:52. It has garnered 11080 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:34 or 874 seconds.

DESCRIPTION This time, Lewis, Daniel and Alex play through Minecraft version 1.2 in a co-operative fashion! Since they’re all awful at Minecraft, and literally haven’t played the game at all in months, they aren’t exactly amazing at the game.

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PEOPLE IN THIS VIDEO Lewis “PsiSyn” Alex “Flake” Daniel “Calasmeer”

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    Unbelievable: Chara Virus 19 Causes ChaosVideo Information [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh how what This video, titled ‘Chara Virus 19 (Full Screen)’, was uploaded by Бирс Neo on 2024-02-28 07:15:02. It has garnered 54 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. ТЕГИ, НЕ ЧИТАТЬ #funny #chara #charavirus #minecraftshorts #minecraft #mcpe #animation #mod #monsterschool #minecraftshorts #undertale #shorts #villager #addon #pokemon #tutorial #world #mods #edition #pocket #minecraftanimation #luckyblock #creeper #meme #app #ios #free #dinosaur #car #guns #download #editor #fnaf #herobrine #hack #dantdm #addons #minecraftpe #planet #tutorail #pixelmon #plane #tank #alieninvasion #maker #creator #furniture #pack #decoration #blocks #furnicraft #crazycraft #map #bedrock… Read More

  • SpongeCraft – Semi-Vanilla, Community, Towny, Slimefun, Jobs, Teralith, SMP 1.20.4

    SERVER IP: PLAY.SPONGECRAFT.NET What is SpongeCraft? Towny & Resource World – Two worlds, one with Towny claims and another with custom generated terrain and villages Toggleable keep inventory with a small death tax if enabled Slimefun plugin with various addons for machines, magical items, space exploration, and more Custom enchantments and relics to upgrade items Various ways to acquire goods – player shops, auction houses, server shop Events, parkour, and minigames for entertainment Unique ranking system with personalized perks Jobs with custom level-up perks Survival and vote crates that can be acquired without payment Friendly community and staff to assist… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Greg, not Villager no. 4? Blasphemy!

    Well, I guess Greg is just trying to break away from his typecasting as Villager No. 4 and make a name for himself in the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Minecraft Mess: Friend’s First Time Stress

    Minecraft Mess: Friend's First Time Stress Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, Redactted, the news reporter in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft tales that truly chimes. Icing every update with a grin and a spin, Bringing joy to all, let the games begin. From mods to features, you guessed them right, Earning points with all your might. Defeating the Ender Dragon, a true delight, Claiming victory with all your might. In the end, you… Read More

  • Battle of the Sculk: Boss Mob Showdown!

    Battle of the Sculk: Boss Mob Showdown! “Plot twist: the real boss mob is the sculk itself, just silently judging all the chaos happening around it in Minecraft.” Read More

  • Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about the mysterious gift of inspiration that can be found in the world of Minecraft. While watching videos like “PRESENTE MISTERIOSO #minecraft #motivation #music #art #minecraftshorts” may spark your creativity and motivation, there is a place where you can truly unleash your imagination and connect with like-minded players. That place is Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creation, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Minecraft Capes Ranked!

    Minecraft Capes Ranked! Minecraft’s Latest Capes: A Tier List Review As Minecraft continues to evolve, so do the cosmetic options available to players. In a recent update, three new capes were introduced: the Twitch Cape, the TikTok Cape, and the 15th Anniversary Cape. Let’s dive into a tier list review of these exciting additions! The Twitch Cape: C Tier The Twitch Cape, while not groundbreaking, offers a decent design that some players may appreciate. It’s a solid choice for those looking to add a subtle flair to their character. Overall, it lands in the C tier for its middle-of-the-road appeal. The TikTok… Read More

  • Defeat Wither Storm with Magic in Minecraft!

    Defeat Wither Storm with Magic in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I killed Wither Storm with Mahou Tsukai Magic in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Minecraft Wonders on 2024-03-09 12:00:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Discovery: Uncovering Horror in Minecraft

    Shocking Discovery: Uncovering Horror in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found horror alex 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Dyno on 2024-04-04 12:33:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found horror villager #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu … Read More

  • “INSANE trapdoor parkour in minecraft!” #shorts

    "INSANE trapdoor parkour in minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘trapdoor parkour #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by future_boos on 2024-05-09 01:36:42. It has garnered 9 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. trapdoor parkour #shorts #minecraft My keyword: minecraft minecraft parkour parkour minecraft but minecraft mod minecraft challenge minecraft speedrunner minecraft but challenge minecraft speedrun minecraft funny minecraft short dream minecraft minecraft manhunt beating minecraft camman18 minecraft cursed minecraft minecraft funny moments real minecraft minecraft meme minecraft in hd fvdge parkour dream parkour minecraft but i cant touch grass parkour minecraft minecraft minecraft parkour parkour minecraft minecraft short parkour… Read More

  • UNREAL! TOP 5 SHADERS for MCPE 1.20+ 😱🔥

    UNREAL! TOP 5 SHADERS for MCPE 1.20+ 😱🔥Video Information हेलो बॉयस एंड गर्ल्स क्या क्या आपको भी मेरे जैसे शेडर पैक चाहिए ऐसे जो बिल्कुल एफपीएस बूस्ट हो अरे हां भाई हां ऐसे शेडर स्पैक जो लो एंड डिवाइस में भी चल सके तो मैं लेके आ चुका हूं टॉप फाइव डर्स जो लो एंड डिवाइस में बिल्कुल मक्खन की तरह चलेंगे और इस वाली वीडियो में जितने भी सीडर्स पैक है वो मेरे डिस्ड सर्वर में मिल जाएंगे तो उसको जवाइन करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और चलो चलते हैं वीडियो की तरफ [संगीत] [संगीत] कि [संगीत] तो सबसे पहला वाला जो अपना सेडर है उसका नाम… Read More

  • TOXIC Transformation in Minecraft ft. Aphmau!

    TOXIC Transformation in Minecraft ft. Aphmau!Video Information nice look at this vein of diamonds there’s another one back there perfect one of these here that up there we go what the you’re going to blow us up I’m speed mining you slowpokes oh Jee let’s see what we got guys there’s gold oh hey I guess your method worked nice oh gold okay spal now go get it wait oh my gosh we could haveed over guys help fine I guess s’s abandoning us I’m not you oh my gosh why is it pushing me back the Cur well I guess we can’t let this… Read More

  • Escape the Inevitable Doom | Minecraft 1.0 Episode 11

    Escape the Inevitable Doom | Minecraft 1.0 Episode 11Video Information hey guys welcome back to another episode of achiever die this is episode 11 we’re kind of getting up there and episode numbers that looks like um so the sun’s going down behind me which means we are going to look for Enderman again tonight now I did go do a few things in between episodes I did get more Nether wart CU I still don’t know what happened to that and I got another saddle so I’m going to try the pig again I also have um accidentally killed another pig without riding it which is great… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Castle Build – Insane Completion!

    EPIC Minecraft Castle Build - Insane Completion!Video Information halo halo halo halo halo halo halo halo halo halo [Musik] hal i tadi P ng [Musik] cuy [Musik] [Musik] Feel So [Musik] Good Apakah belum belum k ganti [Musik] [Musik] rupaamam kok gak bisa diganti nih Ngembak Apakah ini live [Musik] streaming [Musik] ah entarah apa ya [Musik] Ini udah buat nglag lah n sih lagi hujan Halo Halo Halo apakah ada yang sudah [Musik] [Musik] menonton [Musik] dem apa [Musik] ituer [Musik] [Musik] gimana ya agaragu ma mulai ak cuy gimana ya gimana [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] ya [Musik] H pikir kan aku pengen ganti betul ini… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving Frozen Wasteland in Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: Surviving Frozen Wasteland in MinecraftVideo Information this is a frozen super flat Wasteland there are no animals no Villages no structures that I can get loot from to help me survive making food extremely scarce I installed a temperature mod which kills me if I get too cold or too hot I also installed a progressive difficulty mod so things get a lot harder the longer I manage to survive enjoy the video all right here we are I have 4 minutes to find a source of heat before I freeze to death I know that lava pools spawn in this biome just a… Read More

  • Get ready to be amazed by INSANE Keyboard Gamers 🎮🔥 | Minecraft Live | 24/7

    Get ready to be amazed by INSANE Keyboard Gamers 🎮🔥 | Minecraft Live | 24/7Video Information [संगीत] सट ना तू बाली साडे सीने उते ला बैठी तार ले तू मंग तारे झोली विच पा बैठी कोठे तो दिस दी दुपहर लगड़ ना थले तेरे पैर फुल तू गुलाब द फुल तू गुलाब [संगीत] दी परी तू पंजाब दी फुल तू गुलाब जी फुल तू गुलाब जी फुल तू गुलाब द परी तू पजाब द फुल तू गुलाब द [संगीत] मुख तेरा तकी जावा कद भी नाका मैं नाल तेरे रया जावा कद भी ना थका मैं लोका दा तू फिक्र तू छ दे दिल सारे व तू क दे ले लेनी तू पिपल द… Read More

  • eZomb

    eZombHola todos supervivientes, en esta 2ª Temporada le traemos el sistema de votos para que tengan más recompensas Recompensas: 1 Vote Crate Key Gracias por votar! Nuestro discord: https://discord.gg/aqZ7QzthqF Read More

  • 💎💎NORTHLIGHT SMP💎💎 – vanilla

    Welcome Gamers! Interested in a chill, whitelisted Minecraft SMP server? Look no further! We are offering a fresh reset with the upcoming 1.21 update! What we offer: Homes, warps, and playtime ranks Bluemap for live map viewing Treecapitor for efficient tree cutting Custom heads from wandering traders Discord chat integration Bedrock Port available No pay to win system Whitelist to prevent hackers In-game communities to join Join our server today! Java IP: mc.northlightsmp.com Bedrock IP: mc.northlightsmp.com Bedrock Port: 25565 Bluemap: http://mc.northlightsmp.com:3305/#world:-253:0:3:1500:0:0:0:0:perspective Read More

Minecraft 1.2 Co-op: Part 2 — Magic Biomes!