Minecraft: 200 Days – Horse Edition

Video Information

Hello friends I am so excited to present to you 200 days in Minecraft horse edition if you haven’t seen the first 100 days feel free to do so up in the corner or Linked In the description below I’d also like to say a massive thank you to everyone who joined

Pinecraft SMP I had loads of fun talking to you guys both old and new players I love seeing you all partake in races and events and of course seeing all your beautiful Barns and horses if you haven’t played on it yet everyone is very excited to meet you IP is pinecraft

Equestrian.com and you can play for free on Bedrock or Java without any further Ado let’s Jump Right In Here we are back on day 101 I left off at Rocky’s grave so it was time to say my goodbyes to him grab my stuff and go home as much as the last

100 days had a really sad ending after we lost him this was my chance to do things differently and to to do them right I decided I would leave no ends untied and today I would go get those blasted bees as soon as I got home I

Decided my backpack was long overdue for an upgrade not only did I improve it all the way to the gold level but I also dyed it pink to feel a bit more like my style the day had started to get away from me so I quickly went into the

Paddock where I found Jack in his usual spot right at the back since I had no he would have to accompany me to go and get the bees we set off but only made it to the V vage in the valley by Sundown so I decided to whip out my bed

Roll and sleep through the night day 102 we continued on but shortly after I spotted the most gorgeous horse he was a dark bab with socks and looks so much like my horse Jericho I mean I wasn’t planning on getting a horse so soon but

Since he was here I quickly tamed him to make sure he wouldn’t despawn and tied him up so he couldn’t wonderand too far despite the minor distraction I continued into what I had nicknamed The Cursed Forest it wasn’t really cursed but it did feel like it to me I didn’t want to hang

Around so I found the equally cursed bees and skedaddled out of there on my way back I wanted to kill two metaphorical birds with one stone by bringing Jericho back with me yes I’ve already decided that that is his name Jericho was slightly faster than Jack so

I decided to lead the bees and the donkey and jumped on my new Steed it was a bit of a struggle since the bees kept getting caught on things which was so annoying but we did eventually make it back I tried to coax them into the new

Hive like i’ done before but they just weren’t having it so I sort of gave up and decided if they wanted to stay then they would I led Jack and Jericho back to my Stables where I signed Jericho a stall next to Rocky’s old one honestly I

Could have waited to turn him into a swm horse but realistically I just didn’t see the point we could begin training and bonding from day two and I was sure that this would come in handy to have an animal which could move that fast I grabbed one of the two remaining cerite

Potions as well as well as some lapis to change his coat once he was transformed the potion worked and it turned him into a big beautiful horse I tamed him and switched out his coat for one that looked very similar to his original I then made sure to feed him and water him

Properly since I was now well versed in how to care for a swm horse I made sure to brush him and left him inside to get used to his new home I won’t lie I was both excited and nervous to have a swim horse again I did end up checking on the

Bees in the night and uh yeah they were a bit broken they had not gone into the hive like they should have and were just floating above my Orchard I did try to coax one in but it was having none of it I gave up and went into my house for the

First time to say hello to my beautiful bird bibo who I had missed day 103 I did my morning routine with Jericho making sure he was happy and fed before turning him out into the paddock he didn’t need an introduction to Jack who was also in

There so I left him to explore on his own time the the bees were still royally broken so I turned my attention to my first project which was to build an enchanting room I wanted to beat the Ender Dragon near day 300 and I would have no chance if my gear wasn’t

Enchanted plus it had the potential to really help me out in future projects I didn’t want to build a separate building so I started carving out a basement under my house it was pretty boring work and I ended up finding a granite vein which I felt like I had to mine since so

Many of my bills included the Block Plus I wanted all the walls in my basement to be Granite this rolled us on to day 104 when I started putting Oak planks down for the floors and replacing the walls with granite when I resurfaced it was raining and even though Jericho was

Smart enough to take shelter in his stall the bees lack survival instincts and were hovering in the sky still I made sure Jericho ate drank and was brushed before I did a sugar cane Harvest to make paper for the books I needed to make the enchanting room I

Didn’t have quite enough yet so I did some remodeling on the pond so that 100% of its banks were used in growing sugar cane I also finally got around to stomping down the remainder of the farm that I had removed in the last 100 days I slapped down some bookshelves to power

The enchanting table and then I smartly crafted myself a clock so I could keep track of time more easily as well as making an adorable purple Moonlight which I then placed in a Nook in the basement day 105 I needed to go and get some obsidian to actually craft the

Enchanting table luckily just across the river in the forest there was a lava lake which if you remember I battled with the fires It produced when I first landed here I threw down a bucket of water turning it into obsidian and began mining it with my diamond pick then the

Music began to haunt me Again this time though it was a much less scary experience because I knew what was causing it in my last 100 days commenter Ender S5 explained that the backpacks mod I was using had a jukebox upgrade and since mobs could also wear them sometimes they would spawn in

Playing music that was what I was hearing underground that day I am so glad we solved that mystery because by gosh was that a creepy experience I smacked up the skeleton wearing the backpack and actually dropped it so now I had a jukebox upgrade and a free disc

I continued chipping away the obsidian and thought while I was there I may as well construct a nether portal I hadn’t been there yet so it was long overdue for exploration and collection once I had a rough outline I headed back over to craft the enchanting table as well as

Treat myself to a diamond sword and full diamond armor then took the table for a spin by enchanting my pickaxe and I got Unbreaking three and efficiency 4 I placed down the backpack I got from the skeleton earlier to use as pretty storage in my enchanting room to end the

Night I crafted Jericho a red halter and just as I went to give it to him I found a zombie villager had spawn in his stall this was amazing because I could have a trading villager at my house and all I needed to do was to cure him to cure a

Zombie villager you need a golden apple and a splash potion of weakness luckily I had everything I needed for the Golden Apple but I only had red mushrooms when I needed Brown to brew the potion I decided I would need to go out and explore at some point to get my

Ingredients just before the day was up I checked on the bees and Yep they’re still broken day 106 I sort of got swept up in this idea I had for the Villager I wanted to put him in a little market store right outside my storage shed so I

Started building that I wanted to go for a red and white checked roof to give the place a pop of color and really make it look like a cute little market stall I tried to keep with the palette theme of my other bills but also give it a sort

Of makeshift popup feel I needed a lot of red and white wool for that so I headed over to the crowded sheep pen to share them I managed to finish the store bar a few red wool blocks on the roof but I soon realized my mistake when I

Entered Jericho’s stable to find him sleeping peacefully with no zombie villager yeah I had forgotten I needed to name tag him to stop him from despawning sad I tried to cheer myself up by putting a cool pink and white horseshoe banner on my shield but the banner looked great until I actually

Applied it to my shield where it lost the image of the Horseshoe damn that’s two Z to life today it was now day 107 one week into the challenge I thought it was time I went in into The Nether to see what all the fuss was about and

Maybe collect a few cool blocks it was about midday when I corrected my poorly built portal and lit it ever since the nether was updated it is such a cool place to explore it’s got such a unique atmosphere and it is pretty dangerous so I knew I had to be careful the last

Thing I wanted was for my newly made diamond armor to burn in lava as I was wondering around I did find some brown mushrooms which meant I could brew a potion of weakness for the zombie villager I didn’t have have I did also chop down some Crimson trees and

Harvested the shroom lights too not much happened apart from this really scary looking gas passing by but he didn’t bother me since I was being so careful I managed to explore a decent amount before heading back to the Overworld when I arrived it was the morning of day

108 I went home and unpacked my bounty and took care of Jericho by this point I wanted to do some mining to top up my resources before starting any projects I had a few in mind that I wanted to do such as a greenhous an arena and a

Racetrack but I didn’t want to half do a project before running out of iron for tools just as I was heading to my usual cave by the farm I heard the cutest music it reminded me of Animal Crossing or nintendog and I just really wanted the CD as you probably already guessed

There is a mob nearby with a backpack on the hard part is actually finding it since it must be underground I mind around doing my best to try and locate the sound I did end up uncovering a tiny crack where a few Mobs Had wedged themselves it was just my luck that the

Backpack was on a creeper who blew himself up before I had a chance to kill him meaning the backpack and disc did not drop soon I started mining straight down to look for a cave yeah I’m a Minecraft pro everyone knows digging straight down is ultra safe I ended up

Uncovering a zombie spawner now remember this bit it is relevant later I secured the spawner and started my cave exploration it was pretty darn successful I ended up with a decent collection of diamonds ores and a few name tags too I was down there for so long that when I resurfaced it was

Actually day 110 feeling pretty good about my haul I decided that the hole left in my Heart by that zombie villager was going to be forcibly filled by kidnapping someone from the village in the valley I wanted to take Jericho with me since he was quicker than I was on

Foot and it was about time I got a ride in this was Jericho’s first outing since his change and I cannot tell you how great great it felt to be riding a swim horse again admittedly he was a lot slower and more stubborn than rocky was

But we were still bonding and that’s all that mattered I thoroughly enjoyed the caner through the meadow at Sunset but of course that meant that I had to sleep before I could begin my abduction day 111 I enacted my plan what was that plan you may ask well it’s quite simple I

Didn’t really have one first I was wandering around trying to find one villager who would trade with me but I just kept getting rejected which really hurt my feelings I did find this rabbit guy who had a pretty good trade of one Emerald for 22 carats since villagers

Can’t be led I thought I’d just Chuck him in a boat and be on my Merry way I quickly found that shockingly boats aren’t good on land not only are they painfully slow but they cannot go up any incline whatsoever so you must have a

Flat plane to go over or the boat gets stuck it couldn’t even get over the two pixel difference between normal grass and the grass path I finally managed to get us onto a relatively flat piece of grass but now I had to basically build a super ugly dirt Highway all the way from

Here to my house one thing I really liked about where I lived was the natural topography and I really didn’t want to terraform it or leave ugly one block floating paths everywhere it pained me every block I placed down and eventually I just gave up because I was

Making practically no progress and it was getting pretty late looking back I definitely could have broken the boat to free the Villager but uh I just rode Jericho Home Instead day 112 was slightly less frustrating but equally mundane I unpacked everything from my last mining trip because I had just sort

Of shoved it all into my backpack I got round to making a red tack box for Jericho and place it outside of his stall I also threw up a canvas sign to represent a name plate at the end of the day I went down to my enchanting room

And Enchanted a diamond shovel why on Earth would someone enchant a diamond shovel you may think well the reason was I had a lot of land to flatten for my new arena Day 113 before I headed off to start working on said Arena I had a few

Things to craft I made every possible desensitization item because that was something I hadn’t done with Rocky basically once a day you wave top or bells or a plastic bag around your horse and they hate it for a bit but eventually they will become desensitized and just stop caring I headed out past

The back of the paddock saying hi to Jack as I went a little ways around the corner was a relatively flat bit of land I could transform into an arena now originally my plan was to go all out I’m talking big arena sand footing cute

Fencing but as I was carving away at the land and covering up nasty holes and whatnot I realized I may have gone a little too big way too big it took the entire day and night to even make a dent I think I’d bitten off a little more

Than I could chew but this was still salvageable while I didn’t want to spend the next 20 days making one Arena I could substitute a few things instead I would leave the floor as grass and for now we could ditch the fencing even with those amendments day 113 and 114 were

Consumed by this arena Day 115 consisted mostly of finishing everything off in the evening I headed home exhausted but excited to finally do some proper riding with Jericho I made sure to take care of him so that he would be in tiptop shape for our first flat workor and jumping

Session day 116 I wanted to take things nice and slowly I felt like i’ had been rushing around trying to get things done and today was just about me and in my horse first I brought him in from The Paddock fed him some grain and gave him

A thorough groom after checking him with a vet kit I determined he was in tiptop shape I gave him an apple as a treat and quickly set up a slow feeder which I’d yet to do I popped his halter on and led him out by the pasture gate from here I

Tacked him up and I was very surprised he didn’t try to walk away I then mounted and rode him through the tall grass by the paddock round to the new Arena I did a little bit of trotting and cantering before I got a bit bored so I placed down some jumps using the

Measuring stick they were very small raised poles and for the most part Jericho did so well he refused quite a bit but that was only because he was so new to it I rode around popping over little jumps until sundown I had had a lovely refreshing day of riding and

Enjoyed untack Jericho and putting him back in his stall day 117 I worked on a dirt Park up to the arena and lit up the area around it to try and help decrease the amount of mobs spawning nearby that took up the whole day and in the night I

Did a moonlit apple harvest I didn’t quite know what I wanted to do with all of the apples until I saw you could make apple cider in the stew part I made loads and in my head I sort of imagined myself being this medieval Maiden Who

Sold Apple Ciders at a market when I woke up on day 118 my Apple ciders were still Brewing so I want wanted to get on with a little side project I did my routine with Jericho and started clearing the land in between my house

And the shed so I could put in a little makeshift Garden the theme for this Garden was sort of mismatched a little overgrown and full of different fruit and veg see with Palm’s harvestcraft mod I had an abundance of random seeds that I could plant but I didn’t want to

Dedicate land to this way I could throw down whatever I had picked up without it going to waste at Sunset I went over the river into the forest to collect some leaves for the Garden I ended up killing two Enderman and almost died myself because I wasn’t watching my health but

I survived and went home to pop down the leaves and sleep day 119 I finished plowing the garden and threw down a few seeds I was getting a little sick of all the junk I was picking up over time and I just didn’t see a point in storing any

Of it so I wanted to make a lava disposal luckily I knew just the place to get some and went over to my portal to pick it up I was absolutely baffled when I found a parrot in the forest I’d been in and out of this Forest

Constantly since it was just over the river for my house and I had never seen this parrot I don’t know where he came from but I couldn’t just leave him here obviously I didn’t need another bird but he needed me so I tamed him and brought

Him into my house he ended up sitting on the sofa like a cutie and I nicknamed him Skipper in the night I constructed a crude Cobblestone disposal and started clearing my chest of random junk day 120 was pretty uneventful I was just doing lots of organizing throwing away and

Planting I did however discover the chopping board where I could cut some items into smaller items day 121 I found out that Jericho is arachnophobic when I found him jumping around his stall because of a spider I eliminated the threat and started prepping for my next

Goal of having a greenhouse I knew I wanted to put it around the back of the farm and then I wanted it to be a little overgrown and almost abandoned I had been throwing throwing in a few stacks of sand into the furnace over the last

Few weeks and now I certainly had enough glass to complete it the problem was I had put off this project for so long because I didn’t have a silk touch pickaxe I was really scared I would start building the greenhouse and become unhappy with it essentially wasting

Stacks of glass because I couldn’t pick them back up but it was about time I put on my big boy pants and committed I had done a really good job of building so far and I just needed to trust myself and make sure I had a rough outline I

Used my fancy scaffolding and placed down my first few blocks of glass soon I had my groove on and I only made a few accidental mistakes I was very concerned about the roof though as I had a track record of making it squiff so far so

Good and during the night I took down the wooden guides and filled it in with glass honestly pretty chuffed about my work I had definitely been overthinking it and I was right in trusting the process I did put up a few hanging lanterns before it turned to day 122 but

Unfortunately I had whoopsy Daisy and forgot to record luckily not too much happened I just decorated the greenhouse a little bit putting in flowers and leaves as well as installing the new hives also two out of the three bees had officially disappeared whether through despawning or straight up running away I

Would never know day 123 my last bee disappeared he was not in any of the hives and I knew that by listening to the and he was also not in the flower patch or the surrounding area honestly these bees has cost me so much already that I just didn’t really care anymore I

Had spent quite a few days cooped up at home so I wanted to go out adventurez that’s not a word why have I written that okay anyway I really wanted to get a dog because I had the doggy talents mod installed so they would be super useful I knew I had seen some

Walles when I first started near day three so I went to go out and find those it was going to be Jer ‘s first actual Adventure so I was excited to take him out now something to know about me is I have quite a bad memory I’d sort of

Assumed that I would remember the way to where I’d seen the dogs but I was quite incorrect in that assumption after wandering around and getting a little bit lost I realized it would be harder to find them than I thought so my next work around would be to find my very

First spawn point and work my way from there since I could sort of remember the way from the spawn since I died so many times without setting my bed in the first 100 days the problem was I had no idea where my spawn was anymore I mean I

Hadn’t been there since like day 20 and I certainly hadn’t set a way point after lots of running into trees and swimming it started getting dark and I just didn’t feel like fighting my way through the night just before I made Camp me and Jericho leveled up our bonding which was

One positive aspect of getting a little bit lost day 124 I headed back towards my house in hopes I could chance my my way to the spawn point at first I thought it might be around the back of the mountain by my house but I was wrong

However I saw the coolest thing I have ever seen in Minecraft that’s a whale I absolutely had to get a closer look so I left Jericho on the shore and went to swim up to it this was such a weirdly magical experience I mean I know it’s

Not a real whale but seeing something of this size in Minecraft was just astonishing I did almost drown because I was so fixated on it I actually had been to these EX exact waters before collecting kelp but he wasn’t there at that time I nicknamed him Atlas because

It was a cool name for a cool creature I had no intention of disturbing him further so after gawking for a while I just let him be what an awesome thing to see though I went back to exploring and at this point had sort of given up on

Finding the spawn and was just hoping to come across some wolves instead then I had the B Jesus scared out of me by these possum things he kept growling at me and it sudden more like a bear than a possum either way I never wanted to see

One of those things again so I went off and collected some Lily of the Valley flowers there are also quite a few patches in this dense forest and I just really like them so I tried to grab as many as I could also have I mentioned

How much it’s sucks to ride swm horses through forests because they were so big they practically don’t fit through any of the gaps so I kept having to try and get up onto the trees it was rather frustrating I will admit that the sunset was absolutely beautiful though and I

Even came across a herd of wild horses they were all gorgeous and I wanted to take literally every single one home but I settled for sleeping amongst them instead day 125 with a quarter of the challenge down I enjoyed the gorgeous views and even briefly considered bringing this stunning Chestnut home

With me I decided to continue on but not long after I came across a strangely sad sight I found a black fo who was seeing seemingly all alone no mother in sight it may have been possible he was part of the herd I just slept amongst but they

Were pretty far away for his little legs I did genuinely search for his mother but there were zero adult horses nearby I could have taken him to the HUD but maybe they would reject him I thought I should probably just bring him home with me right plus he’s so small and so cute

I couldn’t just leave him there there but there was a major problem I was almost 1,900 blocks away from my house at this point I felt really bad having to lead him all that way so I did another sweep of the area just in case his mom really

Was nearby with no sign of her I practically had to take him with me I named him solo for obvious reasons I was very impressed that despite his tiny little legs he kept up with Jericho really well he was so smart and pretty much never got stuck he even crossed

This tiny puddle of water perfectly I just wrote in my notes for that day quote I love him and I think that expresses how much I’d become attached to him I imagined that this tiny cult would grow into the bravest horse and he would be best friends with Jericho I

Came across a village and found a horse that looks suspiciously like solo but at this point I was basically Golem and solo was my precious so I didn’t care if this was my one of his parents I was his mother now I looted the area and just as

I was scouting out the way back for tomorrow solo Broke Free of my lead and jump scared me by becoming an adult a they grew up so fast I was a bit gutted he didn’t stay a baby for that long but I imagine now he was just a yearing who

Was bigger but practically still a baby that night I slept in my bed roll with the best view day 126 was just about getting home in the morning I was distracted by yet another herd near the village but afterwards I started making some good progress solo was amazing he

Kept pace didn’t get stuck we basically Flew Over the terrain even when the forest got crazily dense if Jericho could get through it solo did not faf around I was not only impressed but very confident too confident as we went I spotted some rose bushes on the other

Side of a ditch now I knew I needed roses to make rose feed so that I could breed Jericho with someone later before I knew it was happening the ground under Jericho was gone we were stuck on a tiny ledge and one small push would send solo

Over thinking quickly I tied him to The Cliff face but I made them a terrible mistake of dismounting Jericho this means I pushed Jericho towards solo which knocked him off of the ledge Jericho then pushed me off but I landed not too far on a jut on the other side

And rapidly extended the platform which was under Jericho I then quickly tried to place a block under solo but I had made a huge mistake not realizing that even though the lead was preventing him from falling Minecraft calculated his height based on the bottom of the

Ravine he died from Fall damage on a block that was just below him oh man I’m tearing up just thinking about it it was a dumb mistake and I was rushing to get home so I wasn’t paying attention to what the ground was doing I rescued

Jericho and once he was safely on the other side I felt like I needed to leave some sort of sort of Mark here I chopped down the tree and made a sign and left a little message as you can tell I was really upset I made my way home and was

Just sad I un attacked Jericho put him in his stall and sat with my birds sadly then I cooked some sad chicken then I sat with Jericho being sad then I was mad so I wanted to take my anger out on some nasty mobs in The Paddock but I was

Distracted by a skeleton with a Jacko Lantern head and a creeper almost blew me up So Yesterday sucked on day 127 I took some time to decorate to make myself feel better I got around to putting some stuff on the Shelf next to my stairs as

Well as stringing up some lights on my balcony I started clearing the tiny plot of land between the bridge and my house because I kind of wanted to put a flower garden there I did a load of farm chores and made a crafting table backpack upgrade which meant I could Craft on the

Go so that was handy day 12 28 I almost got murdered on my porch and decided I would spend the day training with Jericho he was already pretty fast from our adventures but his jump skills were a little lackluster I had a wonderful session during the day and it was just

Really nice to have a relaxing time bonding with him in the evening I scoped out land for a potential track I wanted to put one in at some point but I wasn’t sure where or of the logistics I thought that the land connecting my house to the valley was perfect because it was

Decently level and long enough to fit a straight track it would be a pain to do so I did put it on the to-do list for later day 129 I had yet to give up on my goal of getting a dog I was still so sure that there was some wolves around

Here so I took Jericho out to look for them this time we wouldn’t go too far and I had no intention of bringing anything else home I fought my way through endless trees and eventually ran straight into a wolf I whipped out the Bones from my backpack and tamed my new

Companion when he was tamed he had a little red sweater on and immediately the name dog BT came into my head so that’s what I called him I won’t lie to you I was a bit mythed that I had gone on a big long unsuccessful Adventure

Only for there to be a wolf within 400 blocks of my house I still had lots of the day left so I thought it would be a lovely idea to take Jericho and our new family member dogbert out for a ride but just as we were leaving Jericho bucked

When I asked him to trot and he kicked dog BT right in the face luckily he was fine I just force-fed him some roast chicken to get his health up that was certainly something I would need to watch out for on our ride I wanted to

See what was straight on from my house but we only made it to the foot of the mountain before I came across a horse that looked exactly like sparkel sparkle is my channel mascot and I love her too bit so I absolutely had to seize this opportunity even in vanilla form she was

So pretty dog bird seemed to like her too and it was about time I gave Jericho a pasture buddy since Jack wasn’t particularly fond of him and preferred to be left alone at the back of the paddock I cut our ride short in favor of bringing sparkel home wow that’s two new

Animals in one day I ponied sparkl from the back of Jericho and dogbert followed suit look at the squad rolling out it was night time when we arrived home and after I attacked Jericho he fell asleep pretty quickly so he must have been tired I gave sparle the vacant stall on

The end and put up a name plate for her I decided did not to turn her into a swim horse just yet and instead make sure I was fully prepped for her transition I made her a pretty pink halter and rename the other halters to include the names of the horses they

Belong to that night I decided it was time to retire Rocky’s halter for good I left most of his stuff outside his stall because it made me sad to move them but instead of collecting dust I would put his halter in my bedroom where I could

See it when I wake up every morning small steps de 100 30 I woke up to find dogbert with his head in my bookshelf which did not come as a surprise considering he was such a distinguished gentleman I spent a lot of the day doing minor renovations to The Stables like

Equipping all of them with a faucet for the buckets and hanging hay nuts I then made a full set of brown English tack for sporle as well as a tack box while I was busy crafting dogbutt made himself useful by vibrating under the table day 131 I brought Jericho in for his

Breakfast and a drink of water before tying him up outside spal Stables so that he could watch her turn into a swim horse I was then promptly distracted by an Enderman who I chased around my farm until eventually stared him down and killed him where he dropped a single

Dandelion I was heartbroken at the thought of this Enderman just picking flowers before being murdered but that’s just how things go it was finally time to turn Sparkle into a swim horse and I promptly found a coach that was pretty similar to hers Jericho stared at her

Like he was in love but she was more interested Ed in the grass outside sorry buddy I wanted to give her some time alone to adjust so I took Jericho out to the arena for a jumping session after a little while it started raining but we continued anyway when it started to get

Really dark I took him back and made sure to bring both horses in away from the rain since they didn’t have blankets yet I then spontaneously decided to head off in the middle of the night to find a new spot for mining I was mostly looking for name tags but would welcome other

Bits and Bobs too day 132 I went down into the depths of the earth and robbed a skeleton of their backpack which contained a music disc I then repeatedly played the music disc while mining to give my sleep deprived brain something to listen To Day 133 I emerged from the ground and went home on my way back I came across another another donkey in the same place I had found Jack she was too small to ride and I didn’t have a lead on me so I left a waypoint so I could go and get

Her later I tell you water plus shaders plus Sunset equals the most gorgeous sights when I got home I took care of the horses who were both asleep and set about naming all the animals who had yet to be named dogbert Skipper Jericho and sporle all now officially had names day

134 was named dog butt day but before that could could begin I had to take care of the horses I had gotten into the bad habit of leaving stall doors open as I frantically grabbed food brushes and desensitization items so Jericho made a lazy attempt at escaping and just after

I had pushed him back in sparkel wandered out of her stall I then finally remembered that dog BS had so much hidden potential he was a vanilla dog so with the help of a training trait he became a doggy talents dog turned out I had wasted a name tag on him since I

Could just rename him in the menu but oh well I did reskin him to look like a German Shepherd but unfortunately he lost his gentleman sweater however I could now level up his skills with dog treats and give him different points in different skills I spent a lot of his

Points on making him a hering dog and a guarding dog so that if I needed to move mobs or have him protect me in a fight he could do so without endangering himself I also gave him the ability to growl when creepers were around so they

Couldn’t sneak up on me I then loaded dogbert into a boat so we could go and retrieve the donkey he was super cute sitting in the boat but the problem was when I tried loading the donkey into the boat dog B was so excited to go that he

Would also get in leaving no room for me this was a little bit frustrating as it did slow me down so much that I didn’t make it back before nightfall and we had to stop at Rocky’s Village to sleep de 100 35 I did successfully get the donkey

Home I led her into the paddock so she could go meet Jack before realizing sporle had somehow escaped and was on the other side of the fence I retrieved her and decided the new donkey’s name would be Jenny Jack seemed to like Jenny so I was happy he would have a companion

To stand with him all the way back here day 136 was pretty quiet as I did farmw work all day and did some cooking in the evening day 137 I decided to do a huge huge Harvest of my crops the reason for this was because I had two horses to

Feed and at some point I wanted to breed sparkl and Jericho so I wanted to be 100% sure I had the resources to support them and a fall harvesting was the easy bit and it only took until noon but it was the planting that was going to take

Forever I got a rhythm on but it got dark before I’m even made a dent in my workload for context it was also really late at night when I was filming so I put pooped my pants when this zombie came out of nowhere and it scared me so

Badly I had to take a moment in the pause screen I really wish I had lighting for the water sources on the farm so that the mobs wouldn’t spawn so frequently but I soldiered on as the sun rose behind my house on day 139 I finished up the last of the planting I

Made a couple of rugs for the horses and then took Jericho out on a ride there was really no purpose for this ride besides spending time with him and getting his stats up day 140 I made a bus load of shovels to make a start on the racetrack I literally spent the

Entire day flattening and filling in some of the land and dogbert also watched me as I went to sleep day 141 2 and three were dedicated to this track day 144 I went cave exploring mostly for coal to make lots of torches this was the best mining experience I have ever

Had because dogbert did an excellent job of killing most if not all mobs before they even got to me I could now mine in peace without being jump scared every 2 minutes day 145 I resurfaced took care of the horses and made a cerite Anvil which would allow me to rename things

Without an XP cost that night I continued the track by putting in the railings and filling in the last of the holes de 146 I finally finished the track it had been a pretty long process but it was going to make training the horses so much easier that day was also

Amazing because Jericho walked over to me on his own accord and gave me a hug day 147 I looked out my window and just admired my progress although on a surface level not that much had changed we were almost halfway through and I’d completed most of my goals which was a

Really good feeling but the greenhouse was still beeless and my market stall was still Trader I found Jericho and Sparkle grazing together like a couple of cuties my plan was to Gra grab both of them and take them to the track hoping I could ride both in one day

Sporle stood quietly tacked up while I raced Jericho up and down my new track unfortunately I ran out of time before it was dark and I did not want to risk a creeper blowing my horses up day 148 I showed Sparkles some love by taking her

To the track by herself I also threw up a few steeple chase jumps so I could train speed and jump at the same time the next day I trained Jericho on steeple chase 2 day 100 and and 50 halfway through I decided it was time to upgrade my gear from Diamond to

Netherite problem was I had no idea how to get it I popped into The Nether and attempted strip mining to absolutely no success de 151 I had a new Strat thanks to a Google search which told me I should mind using TNT as that was the

Best method luckily I had lots of sand gravel and gunpowder so I could get stuck right in I have to tell you this method of mining is so exhilarating it’s just explosion after explosion and down comes the rain of lava very cool this method proved to

Be ideal as I started finding more and more netherite my mining continued onto day 152 and after running out of TNT I came out of the portal at night I promptly smelted and crafted the netherite to upgrade all my gear including my pickaxe and sword which by

The way have been renamed to smack attack and Old Reliable day 153 I did my normal Farm chores and you may have noticed I have a new skin on this one was made by my best friend queasy and I really like it I also officially moved Rocky stuff from outside of his old

Stall so that one day I could maybe put a new horse in there day 154 I prepped for an adventure before I started packing I put Rocky’s blanket in an item frame next to his halter I also popped his tack box on the top shelf so now this previously Barren section of my

Bedroom was now filled with items that meant a lot to me then I got back to work on this adventure I was going to go as far as I could it would definitely be a multi-night adventure I ended up grabbing Rocky’s old saddle bags and put

Them on Jericho so I could pack them I made sure to put in water buckets and feed as well as various other tools and blocks and of course lots of lead ropes because you never know in the evening I cooked so much steaks so I could stay

Wellfed for the entire Journey day 155 I took care of both horses as quickly as I could and tacked Jericho up Jericho dogbert and myself took off as soon as possible in the same direction I had gone to find the Wolves instead of following the coast though we went

Deeper Inland into the forest and without realizing it we were also climbing an incline eventually I started noticing steep Cliff faces and was stopped in our tracks by a river slicing the mountain in half I definitely could have dirt bridged it but one I wanted to keep the Overworld as clean and pristine

As possible and two that would have been pretty dangerous instead I got comfortable with the idea of building a bridge out of wood and fences so that I could use it again on my way back I cleared the nearby trees for an easy path and to get wood for the bridge I’d

Pretty much finished the body when night fell so I slept in my bed roll to skip the darkness day 156 I finished the bridge off and continued my journey the bridge had taken a good chunk of the day so I didn’t get too far but the views

Were certainly incredible I could see a village on the horizon and wanted to aim for that tomorrow day 157 I made my way down towards the village and found a broken nether portal on the way I then ran into a herd of horses and Loki fell

In love with this black and white paint horse I would have taken it home if I was on my way back but I wanted to go so much further and there was no point dragging this horse all the way there and back I got to the village and

Switched Jericho’s Bridal for his halter so that he could graze and drink I went off to loot the village and made the grave mistake of picking on this lizard I wanted to see what he dropped but then I got my ass handed to me and almost

Died dog birt was no help at all soon we were back on the metaphorical Road cantering through Meadows and swimming Through Rivers before deciding to make camp dogbutt and I went to go beat up some cows for dinner before settling down for the night nothing much happened

On day 158 other than seeing a shark raiding a village and drooling over this horse that looked like a FJ day 159 on my way further into the unknown I came across this family of donkeys except they weren’t normal donkeys they were miniature they were all smaller than a

Meter and the baby was absolutely minuscule a part of me really really wanted to take them home I had been out for 4 days now and bringing animals back would probably also extend my time to get back I debated it for a while and decided to leave a way point just in

Case I changed my mind I continued on this time hitting the coast where I spotted a shipwreck I went over to loot it hoping the Sharks wouldn’t nibble my toes and ended up scoring a bunch of XP potions for the horses day 160 was wet and miserable until I found another

Stunning black and white paint horse this was actually my third one and I felt like the game was was trying to tell me something I kept debating with myself whether or not to bring it home so I went back and forth with the logistics in my head technically if I

Brought her home I would have three adult horses and potentially we could have two fos instead of one I decided to sleep on it and dog but made sure the horses didn’t stand on my head during the night day 161 I had made a decision

I would leave dog but here with Nova yes I’ve named her now go back and get all three mini donkeys then rendevu here and take off towards home tomorrow morning The Minis weren’t too far away but the terrain wasn’t great for their tiny legs it did take almost the whole day but we

Made it back to the meeting point and I got mentally prepped for the hell that was going to be the next few days day 162 was hell if I thought bringing one horse home was hard taking a horse and three tiny donkeys across over to 2,200 blocks was a special kind of torture

There was always someone who got caught on a block or a tree and sometimes they would push each other into situations that got them stuck I tried my best to stick to flatter terrain and chose not to scale any Mountains for fear of being blocked by a sudden drop off eventually

I had a Saving Grace which was a river where all the animals could float along with little to no problems I ended up having to leash dog because he was a really slow swimmer day 163 was slightly more nightmarish as I came across a lava

Fall if I tried to bring all of them past at once I was sure one of them would be pushed into it so I started the slow process of bringing them past one by one once they were all clear of it I looked up in horror to see my bridge

This was great because it meant I was closer to home but it also meant I had a cliff face to scale with six animals and then a super dense forest to get through I chose to take the scaling at a slightly less life-threatening angle but

It meant we were now on the other side of the bridge and further from home I tell you trying to get up this mountain with everyone on a leash was so painful I did eventually make it about 3/4 of the way up before retiring to my bed

Roll I spent all of day 164 clearing a path through the worst of the forest just to make my life a little bit easier dog Birds kept me company while I chopped down trees and filled in various holes that animals could fall into day 165 was much of the same just making

Slow progress and watching the block counter tick down as we went day 166 was the last stretch yay and I finally after 11 days saw my home again I have never been so happy to see my beautiful house and Stables we painted mistakingly made our way down the hill and across the

River until we were finally there please remind me to never do that again I quickly sorted my super full backpack and inventory and then tended to Jericho’s needs by un attacking him and putting a blanket on he had a big drink of water when he got in and all of his

Feeders were full for him to enjoy I brought Nova into the paddock to meet Sparkle and they seem to get on sparle settled down to sleep near her so that was a good sign I let the donkeys into Rocky stall temporarily as I really needed to build somewhere separate for

Them I then had roast chicken for dinner and collapsed into my bed at home on day 167 I just wanted to stay home and chill so I went onto my balcony to scope out places to put the mini donkey Paddock I sort of figured I could put it in the

Plot of land next to my house since I never ended up doing anything with it whilst having a look around I also thought that with all my horses at home now I probably needed a tack and feed room to keep things organized maybe I could put that besides the stable after

Taking care of my swim horses I crafted some water troughs for their Paddock so they always had access to fresh water it did start raining so I grabbed Sparkle her rug and let her decide if she wanted to come inside or not then I made a paddock feeder so the horses could get

Their fill of hay even when they were Outdoors the mini donkeys were so cute but didn’t look so happy stuck inside I decided to make a start on their pasture actually finished it pretty quickly as all I had to do was put in some fencing and build them an open shelter during

The night I replaced the flooring in the shelter with leftover mats so they would be a little more comfortable day 168 I updated the paths to include both the bridge and the mini donkey Paddock I then put in a few more lamp posts to help with the mob spawning rates that

Night I moved the donkeys into their new home and Bak some leaves to make a bag of shavings I then placed the shavings in the shelter which made it look so cozy day 169 I made a a purple tack box for Nova who was not yet a swim horse I

Think I was nervous to have yet another horse I needed to take care of so I did put it off for a little bit I started working on a tack room and after IID finished the foundation walls and 90% of the roof I decided I wanted to flip the

L-shape to the other side I then spent all night correcting my design on day 170 I finished doing the exterior during the day and during the night I put in the Loft and the flooring then my worst nightmare happened and while I was preoccupied with killing two Creepers

Who had spawned in The Paddock a third creeper snuck up on me and blew a huge chunk out of Rocky’s stable luckily Nova’s tack box did drop but I was mortified at how much the creeper had damaged day 171 I crafted some stuff to decorate the tack room but I took so

Long that it was night time when I went in to start putting stuff down and when I looked out into into the paddock there were so many mobs I kned out of there and just went to bed I had lots of fun on day 172 decorating the TAC room I’m

Really fond of designs that are both practical and aesthetic so finding a nice balance was really enjoyable I used the tail end of the L design to put in a feed SL kitchen station and the rest of the building has spaces for saddle racks Bridal racks and Tack boxes I even put

In a table and chairs and used spare buckets as Decoration Day 173 I did a major stock up of the new feed room I basically made as much sweet feed as I could possibly make which ended up being a lot then I made so many quality Bales

Which was made up of all the alphaalpha and Timothy Hay I had harvested earlier on day 174 was dead boring as I just sorted chests and my backpack I wanted to go down mining again tomorrow so I needed as much space as possible day 175 was raining so I took Nova out instead

Of the swim horses just because she was easier I wanted to go out towards the village in the valley to look for a cave system that hadn’t been completely stripped like the ones close to my house I found a decent sized hole and tried to be really cool and do the water bucket

Trick but I failed quite miserably down Into the Depths I went with dog butt by my side I finally found a lush cave and was excited to harvest all the goodies it had I had seen one until now and frankly forgot they were even a thing then dogbert decided to dip

His toes in some lava and give me total panic since he burned for so long he ended up Surviving but oh my God that could have been disastrous really made me stop and remember that dog butt wasn’t Immortal and I needed to be way more careful I carried on Scavenging the

Caves before I came across a skeleton spawner the idea popped into my head to make a mob grinder to make XP farming a little bit easier for myself with the the idea brewing in my head I kept mining for about 2 days until day 177 when I actually started constructing my

Mob grinder I followed a tutorial from icraft MC and it was really helpful I needed some supplies to finish making the grinder so I made my way home in the night day 178 while I was back at the house I crafted a gray small gate to

Give me easy access to the padic next to the TAC room I then rode all the way back to my grinder to finish it hey anyone remember around date 108 when I found the zombie spawner that was maybe I don’t know 30 blocks from my house yeah apparently I did not remember that

So now I have to travel 600 blocks to get there I used some of my rope to create easy access up and down to the spawner I filled in all the extra bits I needed and then enabled the spawner again the grinder worked perfectly but I hadn’t realized that if the campfire was

Killing them it wouldn’t drop the XP I removed the campfire in favor of my manual swinging and it was pretty effective this way I spent the rest of the time grinding my way through XP levels on the night of day 179 I headed home because it was soon going to be

Time to turn Nova into a swim horse and not long after that I would get to breed day 180 was a gloomy rainy day after putting blankets on both sporl and Jericho I noticed their padic had become a little Barren because they were eating so much of the grass my solution was to

Just bone meal the entire Paddock to give them more grass to munch on but I sort of hated how it looked like an overgrown abandoned field shortly after it was sunny again so I returned to take the rugs off the horses I’m pretty sure that’s what 90% of horse ownership is

Just putting blankets on and taking them off 10 minutes later I spent the rest of the day organizing chests and when I went into the greenhouse to put in the new swo blossoms and flying aelas I was a little saddened by its beeless I put

It on the list yet again to go find some I swear if the next Lot leave I am never trying to get any again that night I wandered around in the dark hoping to find a zombie villager to no avail day 181 I brewed some new cerite potions for

Nova I made sure to have a name tag handy and as the sun set she was transformed I tried taming her and she came very close to killing me and also kicked Jericho at one point I then gave her a secret swim coat so that she could

Have her original look excited about the prospect of breeding I headed to bed day 182 my Paddock was filled with all the ponies My herd was bigger than I had originally planned and in a few days we would breed Nova and sparkel to Jericho and have even more but in the meantime I

Gave the mini donkey some love by naming them Mindy Marvin and Milo I took Nova out for a ride and she was pretty slow however she was really really well behaved and this might be crazy of me but I feel like she bucked much less than Jericho and Sparkle did honestly I

Was just glad to have her when we got back I gave her some apples from my Orchard and left all the horses turned out so they could try and mow down the grass a little bit day 183 I forgot to record however luckily I was just putting in a new Paddock after bringing

The horses in for food I figured with the herd size of five I would need way more padic space than I currently had so I made a second Paddock out the back close to the arena this field would be further away from the Stables so if I

Had horses that were out of work I could put them in there with haets and just let them hang out the 184 was a nice chill day I turned the horses out harvested some sugar cane and took Nova out on the track I won’t lie I was a little nervous about breeding but

Decided tomorrow I would commit and get sporal pregnant first first then Nova the day after then came day 185 which was breeding day I got a bit distracted when I heard a musical backpack and was preoccupied for a little bit trying to rescue this straw Golem who had been trapped underground

For God knows how long I was both excited and nervous but after procrastinating enough I grabbed my rose feeds and put Jericho and sporl into love mode they made some purple hearts and sparle was officially pregnant ye and now I have already decided that I

Will let you the viewer name both of the falls so brainstorm some names and tell me in the comments Jericho was now on cooldown so I had to wait until tomorrow to breed Nova day 186 I was back out in the paddock to breed Nova and Jericho it

Was a success so two babies were officially on the way I actually took Nova out on the track for a little bit of training that day too and in the evening I made fried eggs and a fried egg sandwich day 187 I took care of the horses made more egg sandwiches and fed

The donkeys I was tentative about going too far in case one of the horses gave birth while I was away that didn’t last long though as on day 188 I wanted to go for a ride unluckily for me it was raining so first I had to tend to the

Horses I was noticing that Nova preferred being in her stable with sparkle preferring being in the field which I thought was a cute little difference I decided to load dog butt into the boat to have a mini Adventure but it was kind of bust since we found

Nothing and saw nothing well that’s not true I did see Atlas again which was nice day 189 I jumped out my window and picked up poop in the field then I did my usual Farm chores and when I came back sparle had given birth she had a

Beautiful Ginger baby sorry a chestnut F and it was absolutely adorable I couldn’t see the gender until it was grown up which sucked but our first fall was fin finally here please give me name suggestions as I am completely out of ideas at this point the fall was such a

Cutie and I was really excited to see Nova’s fall tomorrow that night I checked in with them again and Sparkle and Jericho were snuggled and it just made my heart melt what a Dream Team these two made day 190 was raining but when I checked the field Nova had

Already given birth a lovely dark brown fo was here we had two two new little members of the family and I didn’t want them to catch a cold so I brought them inside with their mothers that day I also popped into The Nether to get some

Glowstone so I could light up my field and a couple of other water sources day 191 I turned the horses out and just sat and watched them for a while I even saw Nova hand off her baby to Jericho so that she could have some time to herself

I then saw Sparkle switch out her child for Nova’s for some reason and uh Nova just hid at the back of the field trying to get some alone time speaking of the back of the field you may be wondering where Jack and Jenny are you see they disappeared shortly after I updated my

Horse genetics mod and I’m not entirely sure what happened but I just like to imagine that they fell in love and escaped into the wild to grow old together or something like that I decided it was time to rip off the Band-Aid and go get some bees I waved

Goodbye to the horses knowing they were happy and set off in a boat with dog honestly dogbert was basically my best friend he accompanied me everywhere I went protected me and watched me while I slept I was really glad I got a dog they really are a man’s best friend no Bees

Today so I camped out and continued looking on day 192 I ended up right over by my bridge since IID actually heard bees when we came through here with Nova and the minis I managed to grab two fresh out of the hive just before it started raining

This kind of sucked because if the bees got loose they would fly straight back home and mobs would be spawning so I had to be careful as usual dogbook came in clutch and we made it home safely when I brought them into the greenhouse they

Refused to go into the hives so I was frustrated that I sucked a beekeeping so I named them Bessa and Barry to prevent them from despawning and locked them in the greenhouse so that they couldn’t escape I forgot to put myself on the other side of the barricade but that’s

Not the point day 193 I went to the nether for more glowstone and to have a bit of an explore day 194 was raining again so I brought the horses inside and instored lots of Glowstone to light up my farm in a relatively discreet and aesthetic way thankfully the bees had

Gone into their hive which meant I could now be assured that they weren’t going anywhere de 195 with only 5 days left I wanted to commit to one final project project I had built that darn Market stall and I was going to go get a

Villager even if it took me the next 5 days while my boat method didn’t work the first time I had adapted my strategy now that I had a racetrack all I needed to do was to get a villager to that point instead of using the village in

The valley I would instead pick someone from the village on the mountain create a temporary Bridge up in the sky and easily row over to drop onto the racetrack back and that is exactly what I did first I chose a villager who is a cleric and offered one Emerald for 32

Rotten flesh I trapped him in a boat and started working on a bridge that was only a single block wide of course I made sure to sit dog butt so he wouldn’t follow me along and fall I was making brilliant progress but ran out of blocks in the night I grabbed dogbert and

Returned back home briefly to stock up on materials before then returning to the village and starting back on the bridge only this this time I had forgotten to sit dog butt down so he daringly followed me along the narrow blocks in the sky he was a smart cookie

So I knew he wouldn’t fall on his own I just had to make sure not to push him when I reached the end right above the racetrack I threw down a bucket of water so I could get down I stupidly didn’t wait until the water had reached the

Bottom before I started climbing down and dogbot quite literally followed me to his death dog bird dog no no no dog Birds no J Birds I’m really upset I knew I knew as soon as I was up there that it was stupid it was stupid time I’m up there oh man I’m really

Upset it’s always on the last few days that I I get stupid and I I want to do more and I wanted to get the village first it was Rocky and now dog bird I didn’t cry when I I lost Rocky because I thought he was still

Alive because I thought maybe I would find him and I didn’t and know my Golems have jackets on why do my Golems have jackets on oh my God they’re festive jackets because it’s the first of December they’re really cute oh man if you are not in tears after watching that

You you’re probably made of stone but I bring good news because shortly after crying my eyes out I came to my senses is and check the wiki to see if the doggy talents dogs could be brought back and sure enough wait wait it says I can

It says I can bring the dog back it says I can please please please please dog bird dog bird dog bird oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m so happy oh my God Doug bir please never do that again oh

My God Doug bir oh my God you gave me a heart attack don’t do that don’t do that oh my God you made me ugly cry it was now date 196 and I have never been so thankful that I put down that dog bed what an absolute roller coaster that was

To experience after taking a brief moment I left dogbert at home to go get that stupid villager myself just like I had planned it was a piece of cake getting him home and I shoved him into the market stall never to bother me again that whole losing dog butt scare

Had me really thinking about Rocky as I said I hadn’t cried when I lost him because a part of me was so sure that I would find him again tonight I decided to accept that Rocky wasn’t coming back but now I had so many horses and a dog

That were amazing in their own way day 197 I happily deconstructed the ugly sky highway and on day 198 I made a baby bee which was exactly what I needed to see at the time day 199 I decided Jericho dogbert and I would go to visit Rocky’s grave I had

Yet to do so since leaving it on day 101 and I had wanted to at some point but the time just sort of got away from me I enjoyed the ride there as I hadn’t really been over this way anywhere near as often as I was in the first 100 days

Thanks to Jericho’s Swift speed and dog B’s teleportation we got to Rocky’s grave fairly early in the day I had nothing nothing planned no goals and no danger to face today it was about honoring Rocky’s memory by keeping him company with Jericho and dogbert exactly 100 days after his disappearance I

Brought a piece of honeycomb to honor the fact that the day he went missing we were out getting bees and now I had successfully farmed some honeycomb to give to Rocky as the sunet I knew tomorrow was going to be a beautiful day after almost 60 hours of playtime time I

Had successfully made it to day 200 unlike on day 100 where I started at home and ended on Rocky’s grave it was somewhat symbolic that I was starting here and moving on to go home Jericho dogbert and I packed up and made our way back to the house I savored every step

Of the way and when I arrived I said hello to the mini donkeys and Jeffrey the Villager what a ride these last 100 days had been I spent the rest of the day sitting in the paddock with Jericho sparkl Nova and their babies dogba of course kept himself entertained and as

The sun set on the final day I was ready to embrace the final 100 days to make it all the way to 300 you heard me right I’ll be back in this world one final time to finish the series at a whopping 300 days let me know in the comments your favorite part

Of the 200 days and leave your full name suggestions below too don’t forget to join pinecraft equestrian.com for a horsey Minecraft experience so I hope you guys enjoyed stay positive and I’ll see you in the next video bye-bye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in Minecraft – HORSE EDITION | Pinehaven’, was uploaded by Abigail Pinehaven on 2023-12-16 15:00:14. It has garnered 59181 views and 2079 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:38 or 4058 seconds.

In this 200 days horse challenge I focus on breeding horses, making a beautiful barn and catching wild horses! It’s Hardcore 😀

100 Days In Minecraft – Equestrian Edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4XbQr7ZWDc

Pinecraft Equestrian: https://discord.gg/s42r8XJgxc Game Version: Latest Platforms: Java (PC) and Bedrock (Phone/Ipad/Xbox)

This video is family friendly.

GET MY PC: https://tidd.ly/3tcPvkl

Modpack: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/one-hundred-days-horse-edition Shaders: Kappa / BSL Texturepack: Mizuno’s 16 CraftThis video is family friendly.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▼Info▼▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🌎Website: https://www.abigailpinehaven.com

💭Discord Server: https://discord.gg/pinehaven

💎Join the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfyR7T6ITzutVxM2TMGkzsg/join}

💸Ad VPN: https://nordvpn.com/special/?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_term&utm_content&utm_campaign=off288&utm_source=aff22971 🎵Ad Copyright Free Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ba3uaw


📱Social media: Instagram: abigailpinehaven Twitter: AbiPinehaven TikTok: abigailpinehavenofficial

🎶Intro Music: Something Right by Tobu (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJDrVaT8Dys&t)

🖥️Specs: STORMFORCE ICUE I9 13900K (https://tidd.ly/3tcPvkl)

Stay Positive ♥

#minecraft #100days #minecrafthorse #swem #horsegame #abigailpinehaven #stormforce

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    Crafty Carrot & Wool Farming Minecraft Adventures: Carrot and Wool Farming Setting Up the Carrot Farm In the bustling world of Minecraft 1.20, Emmysim embarks on a new project – a carrot farm. With a keen eye for design, she carefully plans out the layout of the field, leaving space for a charming coastal path. Planting the carrots with precision, she envisions the bountiful harvest that will aid in her villager trades. Automating the Sheep Farm While tending to the carrot farm, Emmysim also delves into automating her sheep farm. With a meticulous approach, she constructs segments for the sheep, ensuring a seamless process… Read More

  • Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft YouTubers Unite! Join the adventure with a group of talented Minecraft YouTubers as they explore the vast world of blocks and possibilities. From epic builds to thrilling survival challenges, these content creators bring the game to life in exciting ways. Let’s meet the members of this dynamic group: Coleman Follow Coleman’s channel for creative building projects and entertaining gameplay. Talley Join Talley on thrilling survival missions and engaging multiplayer sessions. Solo Experience Solo’s unique perspective on Minecraft with a mix of tutorials and let’s play videos. WindSword Embark on epic adventures with WindSword as he tackles dungeons and… Read More

  • Steve’s Diversity: The Great Transformation

    Steve's Diversity: The Great Transformation In the world of Minecraft, we’ve been turned into Steves, Playing Diversity 1, with tricks up our sleeves. The original map by qmagnet, a classic delight, With friends by my side, streaming in the night. Akiera and Antari, joining the fun, In a world where we’re all Steve, a race just begun. Version 1.7.4, the game we embrace, With glitches and laughs, all over the place. Check out the map, in the description below, And visit my friends’ streams, where the fun will flow. Stay tuned for more rhymes, in the Minecraft domain, As we explore Diversity, with joy… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons

    Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons Minecraft Adventures: Building Bases, Zombie Traps, and Pistons Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with our fearless protagonist as they make significant progress in this episode. From constructing bases to setting up zombie traps and utilizing pistons, there’s never a dull moment in this virtual realm. Exploring New Horizons Our intrepid explorer delves into uncharted territories, seeking resources and crafting materials to enhance their survival skills. With each block they mine and every tree they chop down, the foundation of their base grows stronger. Building a Secure Base Using their creativity and ingenuity, our protagonist… Read More

  • KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness

    KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, KosmiKrime is the name of the game, a true gamer’s dream. With an animated intro, two years in the making, This Hardcore adventure is sure to be breathtaking. Join us on June 1st, for the grand debut, Witness the epic journey, with a crew that’s true. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, As we dive into Minecraft, with skills that can’t be beat. Join our Discord community, where mischief is abound, We’re up to no good, causing chaos all around. Follow us on Twidder, for updates and more,… Read More

  • VanillaEvolved SMP 1.20.4 Semi-anarchy Java & bedrock crossplay No hacks Seasonal & permanent maps

    VanillaEvolved – Vanilla Minecraft Server IP: us.vanillaevolved.net Discord: Join our Discord community PlanetMinecraft Page: Check us out on PlanetMinecraft About Us: VanillaEvolved has been offering vanilla Minecraft gameplay since 2013. Join us on our seasonal or no-reset maps! Seasonal maps reset every 6 months while the no-reset maps never reset. You can switch between servers using commands. Why Choose Us? True vanilla Minecraft experience Java/Bedrock cross-play support View in-game stats on our website Semi-anarchy gameplay Active and friendly community Unique in-game rank for completing all advancements Freedom to play how you want as long as rules are followed For more… Read More

  • 1.20.6 Nuke factions Quests SMP Survival

    NukeFactions is not your typical Minecraft survival server. It combines the classic survival gameplay with a host of additional features designed to enhance and diversify the player experience. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, NukeFactions offers something for everyone.Key FeaturesSurvival ModeAt its core, NukeFactions offers a robust survival experience. Players can gather resources, build structures, and survive against the elements and mobs. The world is expansive and filled with opportunities for exploration and adventure.FactionsPlayers can create or join factions, fostering a sense of community and cooperation. Factions allow players to band together, build bases,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Vote for your LEAST favourite Minecraft characters! Week 3 Poll.

    Looks like the meme is climbing up the leaderboards faster than a creeper in a mine shaft! Read More

  • Everyone’s guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥

    Everyone's guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥 Remember spending hours meticulously building your dream house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch? Good times. #minecraftfails #oops #memories Read More

  • Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft The Creation of the Monster Monkey Portal in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing embarks on a journey to create a portal like no other. This time, it’s the Monster Monkey portal from the Zoonomaly game. Join UzeMing as he delves into the realm of monsters and anomalies in Minecraft. The Monster Monkey Anomaly The Monster Monkey is a peculiar creature with the face of an ape, long tusks, and remarkably long arms that it uses to move around. In the Zoonomaly game, these creatures are dangerous and will hunt down anything… Read More

  • Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server

    Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft gameplay and stand out from the crowd? Look no further! We have the perfect recommendation for you. While watching the latest YouTube video on the best Minecraft sound effect to make your videos go viral, it became clear that to truly elevate your Minecraft experience, you need to join a server that offers a unique and exciting environment. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community, thrilling gameplay, and endless possibilities, Minewind Minecraft Server is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned player… Read More

  • Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins!

    Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins! The Perfect 5-min Enderman Farm! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than this perfect 5-minute Enderman Farm tutorial! In this exciting video, you’ll learn how to build an extremely easy and highly efficient Enderman XP farm. With step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, you’ll be able to create your own Enderman farm in no time. Don’t miss this opportunity to dominate the world of Minecraft and obtain valuable resources in a simple and effective way! Building the Enderman Farm Follow along as the tutorial guides you through the process of building… Read More

  • TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!

    TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!Video Information hey guys Mikey and I are walking around the village and doing our usual things we just go out and have fun nothing out of the ordinary we should head for home now we’ve seen all we can see it’s true there’s nothing interesting here we should find something to do it’s getting boring follow me I don’t think we’re going to find anything interesting today then what are we going to do with you just go home what else do you have to offer I don’t know I thought you had something to offer look at the… Read More

  • RTGame’s Epic Minecraft Finale

    RTGame's Epic Minecraft FinaleVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you threw my sandwich away my sandwich my sandwich [Music] [Music] Dre you see behavioral extres the roller Coter [Music] hey folks you hear me hello how y all doing hope everyone is having a lovely [Music] day hi howdy he’s stopping the Minecraft series cuz he’s dying of old age it’s true you know that’s that’s what gets us all old man now he’s been playing Minecraft for years Ley coffee thank you for the 10 gift Subs it’s very kind to you haven’t even started the stream yet thanks everyone subbing it’s… Read More

  • Insane Vertical Stream on 2b2t! 5k Subs Goal!

    Insane Vertical Stream on 2b2t! 5k Subs Goal!Video Information yo what is up guys welcome we’re back back from the dead resurrected good to see everyone here Hank Mr felra 2v yata havlin stormi undefeated quick Vibes DS Switzer what is up guys happy weekend good morning Alpha I hope everyone is doing really good so what are we doing today well we’re doing the normal stuff the stuff we like to do but to begin with uh we are heading towards a specific location um Banner hunting once again see I’ve got a very interesting location to check out so we’re going to go there first… Read More

  • Shocking EPIC Rainforest Cafe Tour! | Lotus SMP S2 LIVE!

    Shocking EPIC Rainforest Cafe Tour! | Lotus SMP S2 LIVE!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and we are live how’s it going everyone welcome welcome welcome to the stream how’s everyone doing welcome spaer welcome Rose welcome Edam welcome reneer welcome bot rcks even though that’s just a bot nerie welcome and wait is this two different Sparger accounts or cuz one has a Garfield profile picture and the other one has the like default Panda profile picture from Xbox 360 um St an account welcome yes welcome me welcome myself how are you guys all doing today yes welcome I am welcome to the stream I… Read More

  • Minecraft Villagers Gone Wild! | Eternals Smp Ep.30

    Minecraft Villagers Gone Wild! | Eternals Smp Ep.30Video Information This video, titled ‘Moving Villagers in Minecraft | Eternals Smp Ep.30’, was uploaded by StumpsMC on 2024-05-28 23:35:17. It has garnered 530 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:35 or 1415 seconds. Transporting Villagers in Minecraft to their new Trading Hall Home using Boats and Minecarts, today we knock out the boring and repetitive stuff! Welcome to the most annoying part of the progress we are making here on the Eternals Smp Season 2 Episode 30! #minecraft #gaming #minecraftgameplay Check Out The Eternals Smp Members! @Gag3r @mikeymacmc @BiglyShronk @redgabs @armorbluegaming @sarnose @ProKitman @Skraby @OddManMC… Read More

  • Uncovering Ryder and Pomni’s Secret Bunker in Minecraft Maizen!

    Uncovering Ryder and Pomni's Secret Bunker in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SUPER Secret BUNKER of RYDER and POMNI in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Myzen TV on 2024-02-28 13:30:16. It has garnered 32966 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found SUPER Secret BUNKER of RYDER and POMNI in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best… Read More

  • Shocking Heart-to-Heart With Gizoku and Onri! 💔 #Minecraft

    Shocking Heart-to-Heart With Gizoku and Onri! 💔 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【アツクラ】ぎぞくさん&おんりーちゃんのほのぼのトーク♡ #ぎぞく #おんりー #アツクラ #shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by ぎぞくの切り抜き【ますメロン畑】 on 2024-06-05 22:00:12. It has garnered 3033 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. This is the clipping channel of GzK Gizoku, a game commentator and distributor (..◜ᴗ◝..) *Permission has been obtained from the person in question. So cute♡ ▷Clip source[Live broadcast]Continued: I will magically modify the 5 super rare weapons I have completed into the strongest weapons.[Minecraft]#Atsukura https://www.youtube.com/live/DifIR7xFwfg?si=biaEJRbJ_tZGKVGs ▷GzK Gizokusan https://youtube.com/@GzKgizok ▷Onlychan https://youtube.com/@QnlyQ ▷Please subscribe here too🙇‍♀️ https://youtube.com/@masumelon.garden [2023. Atsukura Clippings Playlist] https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3LA99o4hnuQ7tn8aTtS4xPzLSQ7_v4Q&si=1Xk2QbSNR6kuSRSP [2024. Atsukura Clippings Playlist] https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3LA99o4hnuOUqsUKTww5osL6dcYxTmI&si=kxN3CsUb7bYYDgC7… Read More

  • ¡Asombrosos Mods de Supervivencia para Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.81!

    ¡Asombrosos Mods de Supervivencia para Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.81!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 12 MEJORES ADDONS SURVIVAL Para MINECRAFT 1.20+ (Bedrock/PE) MODS PARA MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.20.81’, was uploaded by Santiago Gamer289 on 2024-05-20 23:23:28. It has garnered 43587 views and 1594 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:02 or 602 seconds. ======================================== – Business/Contact: [email protected] – PayPal – Donations: https://www.paypal.me/SantiagoG2899 – Become a Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzby-W-oH8kM2yhvIixXgcQ/join ======================================== Many make the mistake of adding too many addons that do not They integrate well with the game, filling it with low quality content. These addons only take up space and make it difficult to find the best ones. Therefore,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Building Real Shiv Temple in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Building Real Shiv Temple in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘om namah shivaya shiv temple in minecraft#gaming#minecraft#trending #omnamahshivaya#temple#bholenath’, was uploaded by Gaming Omshankar on 2024-03-21 14:26:18. It has garnered 5286 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. om namah shivaya shiv temple in minecraft#gaming#minecraft#trending #omnamahshivaya#temple#bholenath Jaishreeram minecraft minecraft techno gamerz minecraft in hindi minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft 100 days minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft video minecraft house tutorial minecraft game minecraft videos car for sale car for sale simulator car for sale simulator 2023 download android car for sale simulator 2023 iphone car for sale game car for sale… Read More

  • SuperiorCraft

    SuperiorCraftSuperiorCraft is a Minecraft server dedicated to fun, engagement, and playing with your friends. We love to see our players engage and have fun on our server. mc.superiorcraft.net Read More

  • Enclave Kingdoms Bedrock: Factions, Semi-vanilla, PvP, Whitelist

    Enclave Kingdoms! A bedrock server that is faction based with various add-ons like new armor and weapons to keep things interesting. Message me or comment if you are interested! Factions: Legion of the Sea Kamereon Kazoku Warriors Guild Mercenaries Each faction gets their own special abilities and perks in certain environments. What can you do? Start a war Win a war (don’t lose) Become a faction leader Overthrow your faction leader Become a spy Get hunted down by a bounty hunter if you are found out And so much more! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “This ain’t Minecraft, suckers!”

    Minecraft Memes - "This ain't Minecraft, suckers!"Well, I guess this meme must be playing a different game on its own score board! Read More

  • Crafty Modern Minecraft House Build: Easy Tutorial

    Crafty Modern Minecraft House Build: Easy Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We build modern houses, no need for chains. With walls and windows, and farms to tend, Every detail crafted, every moment we spend. From building walls to training our skills, We’ll make mistakes, but we pay the bills. Subscribe to our channel, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we’re wild and free. Join us on Instagram, and on YouTube too, For more Minecraft fun, just for you. We build, we train, we make mistakes, But in the end, our creations are great. So leap into the verse,… Read More

  • “Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!” 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme

    "Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!" 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme When you accidentally walk through the wrong nether portal and end up in a world made entirely of diamond ore… talk about a first world problem! #minecraft #shorts #meme Read More

  • 7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base

    7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base The Adventures of Minecraft – 7 Days of Survival: Building, Modifying, and Protecting My Base Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft with Fabulas do Luar as they dive into the challenges of survival, building, modifying, and protecting their base. Join them as they explore the vast landscapes, encounter dangerous creatures, and unleash their creativity in this exciting gameplay series. Building a Strong Foundation From crafting tools to constructing shelters, Fabulas do Luar demonstrates the importance of building a strong foundation in Minecraft. Watch as they gather resources, mine for valuable materials, and create intricate structures… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax – Minecraft Circus Ep.2

    SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax - Minecraft Circus Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-05-02 20:00:11. It has garnered 6832 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:56 or 3716 seconds. RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure to watch… Read More

  • Terrifying Cloud Minecraft

    Terrifying Cloud MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But It’s Terrifying’, was uploaded by cloud on 2024-04-24 20:00:12. It has garnered 929 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:19 or 2539 seconds. 3 Players survive the Minecraft Mod Fear Nightfall for the first time and regret it. Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/u4uptwqgPy Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjQ6Ao2dJO5wPGnRGbk0oKg/join In the video titled “Minecraft’s Scariest Mod: Fear Nightfall,” players explore one of Minecraft’s most intense and terrifying mods. This 42-minute episode captures their journey through dark, suspense-filled environments amplified by the mod’s enhancements to the game’s horror… Read More

  • “Escape from Tsinghua: Teacher’s Love Story in Minecraft” #clickbait #myworld

    "Escape from Tsinghua: Teacher's Love Story in Minecraft" #clickbait #myworldVideo Information This video, titled ‘【逃离清华】87:老师为了爱情把车和房子都买了#minecraft #mc #我的世界’, was uploaded by 我的世界细狗 on 2024-06-04 10:30:30. It has garnered 11508 views and 419 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Hello everyone, I am a dog. I like my world. Hobbies: playing on the computer, pit teacher. Passive: automatically generate traps around. Update Minecraft game videos every day! Thank you for watching! Subscription link:https://goo.su/2QSMxoX Welcome everyone to subscribe to my channel! #MyWorld#Game#MC Read More

  • Shocking! People still play JoJo?!

    Shocking! People still play JoJo?!Video Information This video, titled ‘People still play this game?’, was uploaded by JoJo on 2024-04-28 14:00:42. It has garnered 2157 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:55 or 235 seconds. This video will review Minecraft and see how good it is. You already know… Please like, comment and subscribe. I love you :* #minecraft #games #gamereview #review #memes #funny #videogames 0:00 Intro 0:18 Review 3:37 Score Read More

  • Insane Logic Revealed in 10 Seconds! 😱 #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Logic Revealed in 10 Seconds! 😱 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Logic in a few seconds 😂 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Deiiic Shorts on 2024-04-25 14:30:04. It has garnered 11326 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. ⭐️! Everything you want is here! ⭐️ 👉 My Graphic Designer and his networks: 👉Twitter: https://twitter.com/digmantbt 👉Discord: Digman#2622 👉Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnph… 👉Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/aratzx55/ 👉Twich : https://www.twitch.tv/deiiicmc 👉Twiiter : https://twitter.com/DeiiicHD 👉I find: https://trovo.live/Deiiic 👉YouNow : https://www.younow.com/Deiiic ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🚀 SERVERS WHERE I PLAY🚀 ►🔥 Play.Zonecraft.es ►🔥 mc.latinplay.es ► 🌝DI SCORD🌝 🔥 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/evJTnMnK ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PREGUNTAS QUE PROGRAMAS UTILIZO ETC ► 💥 🔥 OBS ►⚡️… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Roleplay: The Vampire’s Bride

    Intense Minecraft Roleplay: The Vampire's BrideVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Challenger – The Vampire’s Bride (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Queen Kat Productions on 2024-04-23 22:00:02. It has garnered 4017 views and 433 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:26 or 986 seconds. Never get too comfortable… ❀⊱┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄⊰❀ Subscribe! Please. I’m lonely. Join the Discord Server! – Discord: https://discord.gg/csE3sZbQcx Check out Merch! – https://queen-kat-productions.creator-spring.com/ Viceroy_ (Machinima God) – https://twitter.com/Viiceroy_ Demon (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/DemonUnderBeds Sleak (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/SleakRL Inga (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/IngaPotejto Cora (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/coraliacries Kiwi (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/kiwi_artz Eden (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/edenfinity Damien (Thumbnail Artist)… Read More

  • Blind Minecraft Streamer Overcomes Obstacles LIVE

    Blind Minecraft Streamer Overcomes Obstacles LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m a bit blind for a Minecraft streamer’, was uploaded by PixlplutoLIVE on 2024-03-17 00:08:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I can’t believe it takes me so long to actually see something right in front of me go watch the full vod up on my channel now! Read More