Minecraft: A New World – Survival Let’s play | Ep 1

Video Information

Hey guys what’s up jwisp here and welcome to episode one of the new minecraft 1.16 survival let’s play just a few days ago mojing announced minecraft 1.17 the caves and cliffs update but until then we will be playing in this world to titus over now really fast i want to mention

That this new series will not interfere with my hardcore let’s play i just want to do this on the side ever since i moved youtube has been a little weird for me so i just kind of want a reset in all my survival worlds and i want a fresh start

But here we are in a brand new world i haven’t explored this world at all now i didn’t use a specific seed i used a random seed and i’ll leave it in the comments in case we find anything interesting but i did specifically make sure i at least had a good spawn

I spawned in one world before this but it was in the middle of a desert and i didn’t want to do that because i just played in the desert in my hardcore world but nevertheless let’s get started here let’s go back to the spawn point be careful start punching some trees

There’s a hole here what is this oh okay we have some coal and stone right there looks like we’re already off to a good start so basically with past survival let’s plays i’ve always given myself major plans at the beginning of the series and half of them i end up not

Finishing or going through with but with this survival let’s play the way i want to do it is i just want to see what other people want to see so let me know down in the comments below what you want to see me do and build in this

Survival let’s play i feel like the majority of episodes at least in the beginning are going to be more farms and tutorials for you guys to show you guys how to do stuff in minecraft how to make really cool efficient automatic farms and later on in the series after we have accomplished some

Stuff i’ll probably work on some bigger build projects every time we started a survival let’s play and have donut survival let’s play they’ve always gotten longer they’ve gotten bigger and we’ve gotten more accomplished so i know this will be our best survival let’s play yet i’m super excited to check it out though

And if you want to stay updated on all the information make sure you go to the description and check out my social media links below i’ve been a lot more active on twitter recently and i’m starting to be more active on instagram i haven’t used my instagram

Yet but i will soon all right let’s check this out we have cobblestone already look at that i’m just gonna make the stone pickaxe right off the bed because i don’t know it’s easy to have i like it let’s grab this coal after i grab a

Little bit of materials here what i want to do is i at least want to explore a little bit scat out the area i want to see if i can potentially find any animals like any mobs for food maybe some sheep for a bed and also see if potentially

There’s any villages nearby because if there is a village nearby that will give me a huge head start that’s usually what i try to find at the beginning of survival let’s plays because villages have pretty much everything i need they have food they have a bed and they have shelter oh let’s actually

See is this a cave will there be iron down here before we head down there let’s make some torches really fast i just want to see hopefully we’re getting pretty lucky with the spawn let’s see i’ll just make a few torches really fast and head down here i won’t head too far

I don’t want to do too much cave exploring i just kind of want to see what’s out here there i’m really excited to see though how the new caves will look in 1.17 i mean i already enjoy caving in minecraft as it is but i know that the new caves look

Absolutely amazing so let me know down in the comments below what you guys think of the new caves and if you guys are excited for minecraft 1.17 oh okay there’s some iron what about this little side area right here okay there’s some more iron so iron right off the bat right where

We’re starting i’ll grab the iron and then i’ll hide back up to the overworld i don’t want to explore too much of this cave i want to play it a little safe i want to be careful just in case there’s any mobs here i really don’t want to die on my first

Episode but the iron will help protect me i can make some armor and also make a weapon make some tools all that stuff to help me on my first night but like i was saying i’m super hyped for minecraft 1.17 i’m a little sad that people voted for

Glow squid and not the moo bloom or the ice solider because i thought the moo bloom was absolutely adorable but besides that i’m still really excited i’m excited to see all the new ores and i’m curious to find out all the cool and fun things we can

Make now all right so let’s grab a little bit more cobblestone to make ourselves a furnace just so we can smelt this iron and then we should be good to go let’s just build my way back up here i’ll just use a plank let’s make a furnace let’s smelt this iron and check

Out the area around here all right so i decided to make myself an iron sword and chest plate just to help keep myself defended i don’t really care too much about having a pickaxe right now so what i want to do is i just want to try to

Scout out the area i doubt okay in this direction there probably won’t be a village because this is just mountains over there are the big spruce trees and oh it’s just in this direction too i don’t know let’s just walk into the forest let’s walk around

See if we can find ourselves a village or if not at least some animals so i can have some source of food around here because i’ll definitely need food before my first night and when it becomes nighttime we can always just head underground and start mining

If we can’t find some way to sleep well i guess i have pretty good timing because i was heading up this little hill to try to get a good vantage point and over there i see a light source so i assume all right yes it’s a village there we go

Just in time it was becoming nighttime i was worried all i could find was some mushrooms i was gonna try to maybe make some mushroom stew if i had to let’s try to head down here though see if hopefully we can sleep that’s the first on the agenda and also

Potentially get some loot let’s check oh okay diamonds and an what wait i actually didn’t know you could get diamonds from a village chest okay listen i i automatically know people are gonna think i’m cheating i’m serious use the seed in the description if you want a good spawn

Come here come to these coordinates here’s a good village i got some diamonds already what is happening okay maybe this is a good sign that this is gonna be a good series but my question is where are all the villagers i would assume they’re sleeping because it’s

Nighttime but i don’t really see okay here we go i don’t really see too many people in their beds why are we getting so much iron armor i don’t even need all of this oh my gosh okay we have some food i don’t really need it we have some cats iron golems

But where are the villagers do we even have any villagers in here here’s a house filled with water don’t know what’s going on there what is this this is such an odd village there’s cats everywhere let’s check out okay here’s here’s one place where there’s villagers chilling in here let’s see i’ll grab

Some of the food really fast i won’t steal his bed just yet let’s check this out though i’m curious because we have two diamonds already i mean this is the best start i’ve ever had to a series let’s keep checking out the chests before i sleep if mobs spawn

I think we’ll be okay because actually i don’t think too many mobs will spawn around here there’s a lot of light sources and if a mob does spawn we thankfully have lots of iron columns nearby uh okay more iron tons of sticks dang we’re pretty stacked already okay

We have that little upgrade gear station right there our smithing table so when we get nether right we’re all set let’s try to head up on oh there’s two mountains we can head up on let’s head up both of them let’s just use some wood because that’s all i have

I’ll take it down later i want to loot this place first and then i’ll sleep i would sleep and be safe but i’m just i don’t know i’m excited i want to see what’s around here there’s a campfire okay what’s up here anything just a bed

And where else okay so we can head over there let’s head to that little house on the cliff i like that one i think that’s kind of cute what i’ll probably do is build my own house in this village i don’t just want to use their houses

I think that’s kind of boring and then maybe in the future we can work on revamping this village or something like that all right we got some we got some leather armor we’re pretty stacked already what’s up here this is crazy i’ve i’m just stunned that i got diamonds already

From a chest because i’ve never gotten diamonds from a village chest i guess it’s possible obviously um and i think village loot is the same if you use the same seed so if you guys use this seed you should get the same loot let’s see let’s go in here

Anything good in here flint okay i’ll take that we can make some feathers we have the uh useless table here i didn’t mean to place that oops all right let’s check out the last house and then let’s head sleep let’s be careful hopefully there’s no mobs around here i

Think we’re pretty clear i don’t see any let’s check this out what is this okay i i swear i didn’t even know if this was possible please tell me is this possible to find four diamonds in a village chest i’m on minecraft 1.16.3 seriously right now i want everyone to use this seed

And play this world this isn’t i don’t know what’s happening okay i’m gonna sleep this is insane let’s just take a bed there’s no bed in there we’re gonna sleep is there a bed in here i’m gonna take this bed this is my new place that’s insane why why were there so many

Diamonds in that chest i i don’t know what to say i’m i’m i’m speechless i’m out of words i mean hey maybe that’s a maybe that’s a good omen maybe that means oh no let’s stay away from the creepers uh maybe that means this is going to be

A good series i need to head this way i want to head back towards the village let’s just run past them that’s crazy though how many do we have we have six what the heck we can make a diamond pickaxe a diamond sword that’s probably the best bet i

Don’t even need the iron sword although i do have two iron swords so maybe we should spend the diamonds on something else or just save them for armor i don’t know that’s crazy let’s let’s see let’s look around here let’s see which house i can claim as my

Own just for the time being so i can make some chests and store some loot could we use this chest i kind of want to use that house up there i think that one looks cool let’s try to make like a staircase just down here i’ll just do that i hope

That works for me okay so we have this staircase this is our house for now i’m also using this one because i don’t think too many villagers will come up here uh oh dang there’s no bed unfortunately but let’s do this we have our crafting table let’s make ourselves some chests and we

Should be pretty set we have six diamonds what what is happening i don’t know what’s going on i mean i’m not complaining i’m happy this is just insane i haven’t ever seen four diamonds in one village i mean i haven’t ever seen diamonds in a village chest

Let alone four what is that this is insane i think what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna leave the diamonds in here i’m gonna play it safe i don’t really need the diamonds right now i’m i’m pretty stacked already let’s just do this let’s make ourselves a stone axe

Let’s take the food with us and let’s explore the village a little bit what armor do we have we have full iron armor besides boots so we’re already off to a pretty good start let’s see if we can gather a little bit more food around the village

And then let’s see what else we can do all right there’s not too much wheat i was hoping there would be a lot of wheat blocks i was hoping for food but you know what i’ll take diamonds i mean i’m fine with that too let’s see what else we can find we can

Give the villagers some bread and maybe have them breed make ourselves a villager breeder that’ll be fun let’s ring the bell anything nope okay sometimes if you’re in a village and you ring the bell and there’s little particles around it that means that there’s actually a stronghold

Under the village it’s pretty rare but it can still happen so i was just curious to see there’s a stronghold oh no wait there’s a poor kitty in a box no actually i was gonna let him out let’s leave the cat in there i wonder maybe when it’s nighttime we

Can try to kill a spider get some string get a fishing rod fish oh wait i can’t fish in here because of the new 1.16 fishing rules but we can fish around here maybe you can find a lake or a pond get some fish and tame that cat and then

Creepers won’t be an issue oh we have a little dog too okay so we have a wolf here i’ll just let him chill and relax there hopefully we can get some bones too let’s see i looted that house i think i’m just curious to see what else is

Around here is there anything else that’s gonna give me a crazy unfair advantage to start off i feel like this is insane because sometimes i have such like a hard time starting minecraft worlds the first few nights are always hard always scary but i don’t know we have diamonds already

Okay so we have oh there’s ice wait hold on i want to check that out so we have this whole forest biome right here so we have access to spruce wood we have access to oakwood which is amazing because i love building with both of them

And then we have this little ice biome over here i just want to check it out there’s usually not anything too valuable in those biomes however they’re still pretty cool to check out because ice is always fun to mess around with and i really like the tiger villages if

There potentially is one near here oh here’s a cow you know what let’s let’s get rid of these cows it might be a smarter decision to breed them but i just want some food right now i have a little bit of bread but it’s not gonna last me too long let’s keep

Heading over here i’m curious to see what we have going on let’s gather some flowers so we can build ourselves a little starter house soon okay let’s grab the sugar cane too this is a great start though i mean this is crazy i mean thanks to the village besides the

Diamonds though i mean i guess we haven’t been too lucky but the diamonds that’s crazy all right let’s see we have this ice here tons of squids no glow squids yet fortunately and oh wait okay i think if i am correct i can still use

This fish to tame a cat am i am i right in that if i could actually kill him let’s just gather a little bit and we can use this as food oh i can’t hit them they’re too tiny all right that should be good let’s see if we can use that fish

To tame a cat hopefully because i really want the cat but yeah here we have one of the ice biomes it’s not the ice spikes which i think look really cool but we still have the ice we can get ourselves some compact ice which will be fun for builds and building

High-speed rail systems oh and here we have some sheep okay actually i won’t kill the sheep for now i know i want the food but i think maybe the mobs around here i should keep alive just so i can make farms in the future i think it’s probably in my best

Interest to just eat bread and grow my own wheat maybe make a little starter farm in a second oh no okay you know what the forest is burning i’ll let the forest burn i’m sorry i’m no lorax but let’s head back to the village hopefully we can tame this cat

That’ll be really cool okay so here we are back in cat paradise there’s so many cats around here but let’s try to tame this one now i don’t know if i actually need to sneak up on it but i think just because i’m close enough

Oh okay or first try that works too okay i’ll let you out now come on follow me oh look at it such a cute cat all right i’ve got to do it now that we finally have a cat if you guys have any name suggestions or want me to name the cat

Let me know down in the comments below comment which names you enjoy which names you would like and i’ll probably choose the one either i like the best or a name that has the most likes just depending i don’t have any name tags yet but hopefully we can get some soon let’s

See if we can get oh yes we got the cat to teleport all right come on come over here i want you to stand outside the house protect my house don’t let it blow up sorry you can just sit right there let’s actually let’s push the cat outside sorry you’re

Gonna protect my house from the creepers honestly what i should do is just get a ton of cats place them all throughout the village so that if there’s any creepers they don’t stand a chance but there we go we got our cat i love the blue eyes

The cat looks so pretty with those eyes but if you have any name suggestions let me know i’m curious to see what are some good cat names i have a cat in real life her name is lucy um i love her a lot but let’s see let’s place that let’s

Smell some of the stuff we got i have some raw beef i have some pork chops and i guess what i should do now let’s just chop down some trees around the village and make ourselves a starter house all right so i’ve cleared out a lot of the trees in the village

And i made myself a little space to build my house i think what i’m gonna do is start with a starter house just a small one here i’ll probably eventually take this house down maybe build some farms around here like an actual farm not this monstrosity

So i can actually get some food and eventually i’ll make this village look a lot prettier but for now i actually think this village doesn’t look too bad it has a lot of texture it has a lot of nice things it has some rocks on the path it has a nice

Path it has lots of plants so i like this area but i think we can definitely improve on it i think i’m mostly going to make my house out of spruce i was going to gather some oak wood as well but my axe is almost broken and uh

I feel too lazy to actually do anything about it so let’s see i don’t wanna make this too big i wanna make this pretty small i think i’m just gonna try to work on it in steps maybe have my door there and then how big should i have it like

That big maybe a little bigger i don’t know i’ll see i’ll probably do either spruce logs or stripped logs maybe i’ll also look if i can find some inspiration online or anything like that from other people see what other people are doing maybe i’ll make this area a little

Bigger to eventually cut down this tree just to give myself some more room but i’m gonna keep you guys updated as i work on it and i’ll see what i can do all right so here’s what i’ve been working on so far and i’m pretty proud of it i

Think it looks good the only thing i don’t like about this house because i was working on it and now that i’m looking at it from afar is everything looks to be like almost the same color maybe i’ll use a different type of wood for the roof

Or maybe i’ll mess around with something i don’t know i decided to go for the strip logs though i went over there to the pond got some sand made myself some glass i also put these little decorations on the side i’m thinking i’m just gonna put flowers over here i don’t

Really know entirely what i’m gonna do but just like something like that you know on either side of the windows same thing over here i also do have oh there it is one flower pot from one of the houses around here so there at least we have that i had a button

Uh here’s what the sides look like i like this little pattern above the window you place a stair like that and then stairs on either side here i have this little front window too where i’ll probably have the same thing where oh no i don’t have another flowered

Place i need a yellow one i need a yellow flower or somebody please okay well i don’t see any so we’ll do that another time but i think it looks pretty good though i think it’s a nice starter house i might adjust it more before the next video i’ll have to see

I’m not really sure what i want to do i’m not really sure what my plans are let’s see what should i put in there the spruce sampling now looks fine i could just put the spruce nah i don’t want it to accidentally grow but i don’t really decorate there we go

The inside of the house too much i just have my bed i just put a chest here a crafting table and a furnace but overall i think it looks pretty good i think it’s a nice start to this i also do want to add a chimney like a

Smoke stack at the top i just haven’t done it yet because i want to do a bit of mining for that i want to get some maybe smooth stone or something and put it up there i think it’ll look nice but overall i think it looks pretty good the only

Downside like i said was that everything’s like sort of the same color maybe i’ll experiment with different types of logs maybe i’ll try to get some oak wood so if it looks different than the thumbnail that’s probably why but overall i still think it looks pretty good

I also kind of made it this rectangular shape because everyone yells at me that every single starter house i make is always an l shape now l-shaped houses are fine i like them because they’re unique and it’s an easy way to make your house look just a bit better

Let’s see if this looks better with the windows if i put these on the side oops and not like that let’s see okay i like that a bit better but overall i still think it looks pretty good i wanted to sort of blend in more with the houses around here

Um but since it doesn’t really blend in too much what i’ll eventually do is sort of revamp a lot of these houses to sort of fit my needs it’s still similar in style because we have this kind of like log cabin type thing with the overhang roof and i think it looks pretty

Good all right now that we have the cat the house is officially complete i also added some torches on the outside however i think it’ll look a lot nicer if i add some lanterns i couldn’t add them right here because with a fence it would look kind of weird

Unless i just removed these slabs all together put some fences and principal lanterns there maybe i could put them on the sides or something like that i don’t know i’ll have to see but overall this may be one of the greatest starts to a survival let’s play i’ve ever had i mean

Besides the diamonds we got tons of armor we actually have a decent amount of food now we have some coal we have ores we have tons of caves nearby which i’m super excited about because i found uh i did a little mining thing here i didn’t find a cave there but

There was the cave we started at and there’s actually a cave on the other side of that hill so there’s tons of caves we have tons of villagers who are already breeding so that’s great we can hopefully pretty soon make ourselves a mending villager so we can get mending

I mean we already have diamond all we have to do is get some more diamonds get ourselves a full set of armor and full set of weapons i think i’m going to leave the diamonds in the chest until i get some more because right now i don’t have the best armor i don’t

Really have a shield and so i don’t really want to die with my diamonds just in case i mean if i die i can always find my loot but i still want to be careful just in case i fall in lava or something probably once i get a little bit better

Armor and get myself some golden apples i’ll probably actually start carrying the diamonds around we also have some obsidian so maybe we can make ourselves a portal soon i mean this is 1.16 the nether update so we definitely want to check out the nether i know in my last survival let’s

Play we found tons of ruined portals but that’s because i made it during the snapshot where ruined portals were spawning like crazy but maybe just maybe that we can find one around here i mean i don’t see any immediately however it would be pretty nice if we

Found some because we would get some of that gold to make the golden apples i was talking about there’s always usually at least a gold block or two and then there’s usually some gold armor and tools in the chest which aren’t that useful but they’re still fun to have and we can

Disenchant them for some levels but anyways guys that is all for episode one of the new survival let’s play let me know if you guys enjoyed please leave a like and subscribe i really do appreciate it i know a lot of people often get a little weary when i start a new survival

Let’s play because they think i’m gonna end the series i was working on previously or that i’m going to change content styles or anything like that but nothing’s going to change and like i said earlier in the video uh i just feel like i want a little bit

Of a soft reset with youtube not just with youtube but with minecraft and my survival worlds i still love all my past survival worlds and all we’ve accomplished it’s just since everything else has changed in my life i feel like minecraft has two as well i moved into an apartment by myself

College has been crazy but i love it and so everything’s just sort of new for me but anyways like i said if you enjoyed i really do appreciate the support check out the links in the description as well as the seed if you want to play

On this world with me i know a lot of people like to use the seed to play in the same world as me find the cool things i find or build the builds i build but anyways that’s going to be all for this one episode 2 will be out soon

Thank you guys so much for watching this is jwisp and i will see you guys all in the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: A New World – Survival Let’s play | Ep 1’, was uploaded by JWhisp on 2020-10-08 20:40:00. It has garnered 901598 views and 22982 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:21 or 1341 seconds.

Hey guys JWhisp here and welcome to episode 1 of the new 1.16 survival lets play. In this episode we get started in our new world. Find a village with tons of diamonds in the chest and build a starter house!

Seed: 876937612057148683

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    OwenP's Minecraft Mayhem Chaos Unleashed in Minecraft SMP Suit Join OwenP on a wild adventure in the world of Minecraft SMP Suit where chaos reigns supreme. From accidental mishaps to hilarious misunderstandings, this stream is a rollercoaster of laughter and fun. Unexpected Encounters As OwenP navigates the server, he encounters a friendly creeper, a landlord dispute, and even tries his hand at starting a bread-selling business. The interactions with other players lead to comedic moments that keep viewers entertained throughout the stream. Landlord Troubles One of the standout moments involves OwenP declaring himself the landlord of a fellow player’s house, leading to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic One-Shot Moments!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic One-Shot Moments! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Imagine facing off against mutant mobs in Minecraft with powerful weapons that can one-shot them. The thrill of the challenge, the excitement of the battle – all of this and more awaits you on Minewind. Join us today and embark on an epic adventure like no other. Don’t miss out on the fun – connect to Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks Minecraft: Unleashing Creativity with Awesome Build Hacks 🔥🤯 Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and players can unleash their imagination with awesome build hacks. From stunning structures to intricate designs, Minecraft offers a playground for builders of all skill levels to showcase their talents. Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks Delve into the world of Minecraft build hacks, where players can discover a plethora of tips and tricks to elevate their creations. Whether you’re looking to construct a majestic castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for… Read More

  • “🔧 The Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide!” #shorts #shortsfeed

    "🔧 The Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide!" #shorts #shortsfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (101)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-09 10:32:27. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Redstone Mastery: Double Block Swapper Tutorial

    Redstone Mastery: Double Block Swapper TutorialVideo Information [Music] [Music] by [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a oh This video, titled ‘Mastering the Art of Redstone: Double Block Swapper Tutorial’, was uploaded by Ninja Nexus on 2024-04-07 04:30:14. It has garnered 22 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. Join me in this step-by-step tutorial where I dive into the mechanics of Minecraft to build an efficient and sleek double block swapper. Whether you’re looking to add some flair to your base or just love tinkering with Redstone, this video is for you! Don’t forget to hit that like button,… Read More

  • “Bunny Craft: INSANE half Nether portal tutorial!” #Minecraft

    "Bunny Craft: INSANE half Nether portal tutorial!" #MinecraftVideo Information द जाइन जॉम्बी तो आप में से बहुत सारे लोगों ने आई फील टावर स्टू च ऑफ लेटी और बहुत सारी ऐसी बड़ी-बड़ी चीज देखी होंगी लेन आज मैं आपको दिखा रहा हूं [संगीत] mc5 डेज सब्सक्राइबर चैनल जी0 टू 100 के सब्सक्राइबर आपको बस इतना करना है कि मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना है और मैं डेली डेली कंटेंट पोस्ट करता रहूंगा से रिलेटेड फैक्ट से रिलेटेड और बहुत सब कुछ तो सब्सक्राइब के लिए थैंक यू तो इसको समन करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको लिखना है स्लश शमन और उसके बाद स्पेस दे के लिखना… Read More

  • Kashan Mc: INSANE Near Miss in Minecraft! 🎻🔥 #shorts

    Kashan Mc: INSANE Near Miss in Minecraft! 🎻🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:That was so close …🤯(World’s Smallest violin)#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Kashan Mc on 2024-02-01 13:50:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Showdown: Who Nailed It Best? | Epic Build Competition Unveiled!” Description: Get ready for the ultimate … Read More

  • Insane Survival Mods in Minecraft – MakiTuna’s 600 Subscribers Celebration!

    Insane Survival Mods in Minecraft - MakiTuna's 600 Subscribers Celebration!Video Information hello humans nonhumans and the undead my name is makuna and welcome to the 600 subscriber special now if you’ve seen my community post and asking you what I should do for 600 subscribers you might be confused why I’m in the mods and buildings world I just wanted to do the intro here so I can create the world with you guys and we can start the survival world together and like from the start so I also be surprised if I create the world and I see it a bit then I’m not as surprised now… Read More

  • ibxtoycat – Ultimate Disaster Add-On – OMG Moments

    ibxtoycat - Ultimate Disaster Add-On - OMG MomentsVideo Information hat and I just got back from a lot of accidental flights and weird chaos that led me being in Sweden uh with Mojang and I want to talk about all of that however first let’s check out the insane disasters add-on this just came out this week and it is the highest rated add-on on the marketplace right now although not with many reviews it’s also the tide most expensive at $8 is it worth spending $8 for tornadoes and meteor showers earthquakes and blizzards well today I figured so you don’t have to I will find… Read More


    EXPLORE THE NEW NANA SHINKU HOUSE IN MINECRAFT!Video Information H こんばんはどう もそや [音楽] で [音楽] ちゃよこらせん とみんな何もよく気づい たよく気づきましたねツイートしようあれ それツイートしてないよ ねよく気づきました ねゲリラでやろうと思っていたのだ が よ よいしょはいということで皆様チモンで ございますそやはえ入れてくれてん の ありがとう配信誓そうかなって思ったら YouTubeも更新してる えーそうな の ありがとうえ 優しい通知も入れてんの すごいじゃーんそやんち そしてなんも ない何も ない今日ちょっとあの喉がなんかあんまり あれなんですけどえ何もねえのよ平らない よな全ての木を貼りつくしあのでも木が なさすぎて困ったのでとりあえずあの桜を ひたすら植えて全てこいつを借り取 るっていうあの作業をねしているのだが いや何もないんだよ ねそうていうかねごめんあのね喉ねが ガラガラしてるのはみんなのそやがね風が 治ってないとかそういうことではなくて そうやってあのコーヒーとかはミルク ティーが好きなんだけど乳製品飲むと喉が こうなっちゃうんだよ ねで今絶賛ミルクティー飲んでるんであの 喉がもう本当こうなってるんだよねすい ませんあの全然気にしなくて大丈夫なので よしさが順調に原木が集まってきており ますいいですね入品向いてないのでは自分 でも思うんだけど入品大好きなん だ大好きなのよだってココアとかも飲め なくなっちゃうんだ よこれ全部カ取って 木をねゲしたいわけなんだけどみな見て ほしいそういえばここの偽物のそやが作っ た木を桜に買えまし たどうです かなんか桜これがいいよねこの花びら四角 が2個ってくるの がそう偽物の木がそして次郎 ですそがね回この次郎はシャルちゃん ところで不機嫌になって攻撃性の高い顔を 合わせるだけで怒り顔になるワンちゃん だったんだけど1回骨上げ たら違うわ3個骨上げたら仲間になんなく て逃がしたくないから壁にこう包もうと 思ったんだけど間違えて殴っちゃってそっ から舟でしたうんそしてもう1回 チャレンジで骨をあげたら仲間になって くれたっていう可愛いやつですそそうい あわごめんごめんごめんちゃ餌食べたいの よ餌をそやが うんそうでそやねこの次郎のために生きて いくと決めたのでそれがこのブランコに 乗ってそのそばにいつも次郎がい るっていうでこうやってみた時 に寂しいなってねやっぱ 今桜の木がね集めてたからね植えてある からなんかあれだけどここもなかったんだ よ木がも広大な大地なったんですよもう ただただ とりあえずみんなでみんなでじゃなくても いいんだ けど何を作ろうかなっていうのを決め たくって さまとりあえず港みたいな船場みたいなの 作りたいんだよねえ今日は船場やりたい けど よしねえ港みたいな船つき場みたい 噴水あちょ寝る助けて寝る寝る寝る寝る 寝る寝る 寝る村にしたいの えそやとしずみさんあのの老後をこう 見据え [笑い] た老後を見据えた街にしないとえまずえ港 でしょまず 港老人ホ老人 ホーム老人ホームを作らないとえあと誰か が酔ってくれたえ噴水 でしょ ゲートボール 上だめゲートボール上はあじゃあ分かった… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft 1.8.9 Secrets Revealed!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft 1.8.9 Secrets Revealed!Video Information al [Música] e [Música] sient di te quiero chingar te voy aar Déjate llevar el celular si está conigo no te va pasar [Música] nada tu est Mándame tu mu arrim de tik conmigo en su que conmigo cabrón Pon avón lo bón sup para m yo por ti [Música] me quiero chingar voy aar para asegur si está con no te va a pasar nada lo [Música] dejar Yo quiero contigo y tú quieres conmigo [Música] pon tu conigo es gata se acabó el que la rompe soy yo me la robó de menor otra noche dándote… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!

    Shocking Minecraft Lies Revealed by PrestonPlayz!Video Information oh that sounded good no I freaking hate this huh huh well this one definitely busted and doesn’t work now I need to go cool down in the bathtub or something piece of garbage garbage doesn’t even work huh like everything else in this game it’s all busted hey and my Minecraft crashed perfect in these videos we’ve covered everything from ghosts to living entities inside of mountains but our next myth is probably the scariest yet players have found a new entity that is more terrifying than anything we’ve ever seen blood Steve you have to start… Read More

  • Craftiland

    CraftilandEs un server completamente survival para la version 1.15.2 (y otras pero es recomendable la 1.15.2 por la compatibilidad de items y plugins) Read More

  • Wisteria SMP Modded SMP

    Wisteria SMP Fabric 1.20.1 Join us on Discord: https://discord.com/invite/4Qp9AHtEEd This is a new cobblemon + create server with a focus on building and creativity. Join us if you enjoy building with create and cobblemon mods! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Enchanted Cave: Minecraft’s Amethyst Wonderland”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Enchanted Cave: Minecraft's Amethyst Wonderland"“Wow, talk about a gem of a find! I bet the creepers are just dying to get their hands on all that bling underground.” Read More

  • Unveiling Technoblade’s Minecraft Grave: The Ultimate Quest!

    Unveiling Technoblade's Minecraft Grave: The Ultimate Quest! In the world of Minecraft, we roam and explore, Finding Technoblade’s grave, a tale to adore. The Piglin speaks, a message from beyond, Technoblade’s legacy, forever fond. With new weapons in hand, we face the Frozen Night, Defending our city, with all our might. Bel joins our quest, a partner in crime, Together we conquer, every challenge in time. The city awaits, with rewards in store, As we complete tasks, we yearn for more. Adventure and battles, we face with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where we’re wild and free. Read More

  • SUBSCRIBE for HOT Minecraft Memes! 🔥

    SUBSCRIBE for HOT Minecraft Memes! 🔥 When you’re trying to get more subscribers but all you’re getting is creepers blowing up your channel. #minecraftstruggles 😂👾 Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft shorts and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part of something special. Don’t miss out on the fun – see you in the game! Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: LuisVr explores magical Minecraft world!

    UNBELIEVABLE: LuisVr explores magical Minecraft world!Video Information so ich bin live ganz kurz auf ich bin live was geht was geht warte ich jetzt guck ich gehen wir schell auf youtube gucken ob da auch alles läuft B Moderation wenn man live geht was geht geht okay sieht schon mal bis jetzt gut aus und jetzt sieht sogar noch besser aus let’s go also Jungs ladet ihr mich ein also und die haben schon ein bisschen hier gespielt ich noch nicht ich habe ze Abos gemacht ich nicht mal gemerkt egal so also wir haben schon insgesamt ganze 7 Stunden gespielt ja ich leider leider… Read More

  • Is Minecraft Really This Terrifying?

    Is Minecraft Really This Terrifying?Video Information [Musik] [Musik] Hm Entar dulu mana [Musik] youtube-nya ada .30 .0 tadi mau jalan nyari takjil dulu silakan [Musik] oke [Musik] [Musik] Tir [Musik] oke ya Halo semua selamat datang dan selamat sore semuanya para Vi Saya di sini bersama saya dan lauka di sini yo iya oke halo cuy ka berbagi semuanya yo oke ya jadi kali ini ya kita bakalan lanjutin live streaming pada sor kita sambil ngabuburit ya teman-teman dan y kali ini saya bakalan mainin Minecraft lagi ya Sesuai dengan janji tadi sahur lebih tepatnya dan Y ini saya banyakal mainin Minecraft tapi ini… Read More

  • Dolanan Gayeng – EPIC SPORTS COMPETITION! 🏆 #minecraft

    Dolanan Gayeng - EPIC SPORTS COMPETITION! 🏆 #minecraftVideo Information Oke sekarang kita adu olahraga yang pertama aku yeay Misa garang [Musik] aku Yes mantap giliranmu aduh bisa enggak ya aku [Musik] i bantu like dan subscribe ak aku bisa teman-teman dan tulis di kolom komentar bisa bisa bisa Iya what This video, titled ‘LOMBA OLAHRAGA #minecraft #gameplay #shorts’, was uploaded by Dolanan Gayeng on 2024-01-16 11:00:20. It has garnered 7918 views and 726 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. #minecraft #skibiditoilet #gameplay #shorts instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dolanan_gayeng/ Minecraft Minecraft Indonesia Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Survival Minecraft Creativ plants vs zombies 2 Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Havoc Games: Crafting Dead Adventure!” #minecraft #gaming

    "EPIC Minecraft Havoc Games: Crafting Dead Adventure!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information if you like The Walking Dead just as much as we do then this server is for you welcome to the mining dead the first ever Minecraft Recreation of The Walking Dead where you need to survive a zombie apocalypse explore the map full of the same spots from the real Walking Dead show like the power plant the sanctuary and more and we’re available for free on Java and Bedrock come play This video, titled ‘The Walking Dead in Minecraft! #minecraft #craftingdead #minecraftip #gaming #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by Havoc Games on 2024-04-25 22:15:00. It has garnered 10729… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown LIVE with Sukuna! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown LIVE with Sukuna! 🔥Video Information [हंसी] हे गाइस गा वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम स्ट्रीम गाइस कैसे हो आप माल पानी बढ़िया अरे यार ए नहीं नहीं नहीं नहीं मैंने क्या क्या है नहीं यार अबे अभी तो मैंने इसको सही कर दिया था क्या भाई अलग ही चीज है [संगीत] [संगीत] इस हम चल सही हो गया पीवीपी नल [संगीत] इधर बैटल होता है क्या हम [संगीत] हम [संगीत] क्या भी नहीं बन रहा एक एक की मां बहन मर ही गया ब प्रैक्टिस प्रैक्टिस प्रैक्टिस जिंबा [संगीत] हम यार कोई तो बैटल बैटल बैटल बैटल बैटल अे यार य कालू का लड़ा… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Stream Survival w/ Subs!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Stream Survival w/ Subs!Video Information тутуту а мощную придумал фантастику я придумал прямо мега супер пупер придумал й люди больше не услышат юны тундун са тутутутутутуту Ты что тут сидишь А что нельзя на хз Ты просто один ту сидишь и что Великая причина сидеть постоять я сейчас зайду в ма заходи О ты что уже пришёл Да я вообще жёстко заспидранил на 15 минут вышел А блин я вообще я думал ты уже ушёл я забыл я думал ты уже всё с концами я не пойду уже но очень грустно вообще жесть Я рад давай ты скажешь Не давай ты скажешь что… Read More

  • Insane Vertical Minecraft Stream! Join Now on RandomKitz Server!

    Insane Vertical Minecraft Stream! Join Now on RandomKitz Server!Video Information boo hello everybody I’m live for the first time in a [Music] while hold up grab this let me this quick and then [Music] chat uh hold up grab this open this open this that that hello hi smug donut and Hi H I’m doing good how about you guys just playing some hopl do how’s everyone doing this morning morning or afternoon or whatever time it is for you what’s going on up might as well loot this Min shaft and grab our cobwebs I never really do and I probably always should [Music] got to do… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS FIGHT! 🔥 #103Video Information he This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS #103 #minecraft #mush #bedwars #hylex #pvp #hypixel.mp4’, was uploaded by LuisKly on 2024-01-08 14:00:05. It has garnered 2355 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT BED WARS SIGMA # HYPIXEL HYLEX MUSH #bedwars #hypixel #minecraft Read More

  • ⚡️UNSTOPPABLE Banana Meme – HILARIOUS Animation #shorts

    ⚡️UNSTOPPABLE Banana Meme - HILARIOUS Animation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unstoppable – Funny Version (Animation Meme) #shorts #funny #meme #banana #youtubeshorts #respect’, was uploaded by Fyp to video on 2024-01-22 04:35:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts youtube shorts reels respect shorts youtube short respect videos video shorts videos short video instgaram minecraft … Read More

  • Darkhelmet Minecraft

    Darkhelmet MinecraftSurvival, Towny/GriefDefender, mcMMO, Jobs, Auctions, Orders, Stocks, Lottery, Crates, Mini-Games, Contests, and more! Custom plugins, expert hosting. Ranks are playtime-based. Since 2011 DHMC has been the first and last server for thousands. Donations cover operating costs and get cosmetic perks only! Zero Pay-to-Win! play.darkhelmet.network:25588 Read More

  • UneasyVanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Hacks No Reset

    UneasyVanilla UneasyVanilla – Vanilla Anarchy with NO Hacking. UneasyVanilla is a vanilla anarchy Minecraft server running since 10th of March 2020, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended. There are no gameplay-altering plugins, no teleportation, no sethome, no grief prevention, and no pre-determined economy. Griefing and raiding are permitted but using hacks/cheats is not. IP: uneasyvanilla.com Version: 1.20.4 Website: https://www.uneasyvanilla.com/ Discord: https://www.uneasyvanilla.com/discord Join our community today. Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Whether you’re seeking alliances, testing your skills, or taking on massive… Read More

Minecraft: A New World – Survival Let’s play | Ep 1